Newspaper Page Text
7 y v , .; ' mm u ii ra 9 YOLUME II. SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO, FEBRUARY 12, 1853. NUMBER 34; .Santa 'fe tocckln cr?cttc. FUBLISIIED EVERY STURDAY, BV WILLIAM DREW. TERMS. WEEKLY- $5 a year, payable invariably in advance; tingle copies 12 1-2 cents. Advertise ments, $1 50 per square of ten lines for the first insertion, and $1 for every subsequent insertion. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby elven, that the undersigned has been granted letters of administr tion nn the estate of Hermann Grolmun, decerned, by the Probate Judge of the county of Can Miguel, Ter ritory of New Mexico, bearing date the day of August, 1852, and all persons having; claims against laid estate are notified to present them for allow ance within one year from the date of said letters, or tliev may bt precluded from said estate, and if not within 'three years, shall be for ever barred) and all persons indebted to the said estate are re quested to come forward and make settlement .. . HENRY CONNELLY, . : Almmittrator. Lai Vegas, Oct. 2, 18S2.-tf. J. W. 'REED, , ATTORNEY AT LAw, CITY or SANTA Ft, NEW MEXICO, "ITT'ILL practice in the Courts of Santa Fe, . and dioininB counties and will attend to criminal business in any part of the Territory. Santa Ke, Sept 25, l852.-omo : OFFICE OF COMY. OF MJB, Fnat Vxion, N. M., Dec. 22. 1852. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office, till 12 o'clock. M., on Tnesiliy the 2Xlli ilnv of February, 1853. for furnishing Flour tu the U. State's Troops, at Hie points and in the quantities mentioned, as follows : At Taos. N. M I2S.IX10 pounds. i. ; ' At Foit Union, N. M. 15U.IHHI ' ". . ,. At Sania Fe, " SWKHI " At Albuquerque, " 20.(100 " : ' At Fort (,' nrad, " 125.000 ' At Foil Fillmnre," 230.000 ' i The flnur nwl he of 'supi'i fine'' quality, and dr'rrit in .tioi.r rnllun "d'ill ng'' sa.'ks. of loolli... e.'ili Pthti.wiI-' a i-i'ivili'd foi the w!n'e amomil. thai " ! pninln. oi io. llnl ie.'iiel at I. in' ,,.il i' J ii'iilil. Tu oi' r 't i'Oiiir fl l be ui'de for one ya-, ml í'iliilli h. i"f '"' guar- juitied by ItVii ri'-p'His'lile ceo i: i'is wlui-e imiiies Iti'ist M' entere I :u Ule prop's.i'i. - One fumín of lite aiiinitnl, iPiii.eil at micli i'inl. mu he itelive.'i'd it ."V ly, (iniiiiHii iiii; on the ll da' A,'-,' " . . . , 9r... Coniiiasaries, oi prun'ipm 6iniiinari' ( tlieniitisi-len'-ein Nw -;exicu. will reserve the ri.'lrt nf in'- Mii'inr or .t'r'iit if--t"f the amount to he delivered al each and every point, fcVcme fAirJ, by giving six moiilhs nolicetolht ef fect. , ' ' ISAAC BOWEN, ' Cf4. k C S . ' ' COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, - i i i Pii'iiisylvanu, Connecticut. New Hampshire. . Santa Fi.Jm. 1, l8;.2-tf. lNDKl'ENUENCK, MIS90UUI, BY ' ' ' B.W.TODD. 1 have removed from the '"Noland Home," to the '-Nebraska House," in Independence, Missouri. The Nebraska House is a large new building, and has rei eutly been much improved by alterations and additions. Having taken this house fur term of years, I intend to make every effort tu promote the onvenience and comfort óf travellers. The patronage of my friends and the travelling public 11 i respectfully solicited. B. W. TODD. January 1st 1853 ly. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the undersigned has been granted lellers of administration on I lie estate of James W. Graves, deceased, by the Pro bate Judge of the County of Dulta Ana, Territory of New Mexe o, bearing date the 3rd December, 1852. All persons having claims against said es tate are notified to present them for allowance with in one year from the dale of said letters, or they may be precluded fr. m said estate, and if not with in two years, li II be forever barred ; i.d all per. ion) indebted lo said estate, are requested to come forward and make immediate selllement. LUIS WM GECK, i JwiiiM(rnor. Don i Ana, Dec. 17, 1852. ' PUBLI SALE. TlTILL he sold to the li idlest bidder br the on. .VV. dersigned, on Monday the 21st day of Feb ruary 1853, the place well known as Barclay's Fort, at the Junta de los Rios N. M., including all the right, title and interest in the surrounding (rant of five leagues, with outhouses, corrals, fee. An ice-house filled a highly cultivated garden, (with hot bed frames tnd young fruit-trees.) and 200 acres of land under cultivation, impaled by two large acequias, which also run a mill capable pt grinning ininy ranegaa ot grain per diem. Al io a number of wagons, cattle, cows and calves, horses and hogs) with farming utensils of all kinds) a complete sett of blacksmith and carpen ter's tools. Together with a general assortment of dry goods and groceries, and a number of arti cle too numerous to mention, amongst them 250 fanegas of corn and 500 fanegas of wheat, Those desirous of purchasing can examine for themselves Ihe property and titles at this place. TERMS. . . ., For the buildings and surrounding lands, one-fifth cash, on the bal . nee a credit of 6, 12, and 18 months will be given, one third ot the remaining dues to be paid at each ot the above mentioned period. Jlic oilier property will be sold on a redil of 4 and 8 months for all sums over fifty dollars, under that amount, carh. The purchasers )n both cases giving fond wtn two approved se curities. ' 1 ' " e r ' The- plate being so well known; we deem a further description muieceaiary. The proprietors wiahirig to close their business in New Mexico, ii theioleobjéttfor offering their property for aale to ton tunnn. Poimmíod vea immediately iíUraal., , l- r , BA&CLAY k OOYtS. Vsreltrl Veif, K. MiJni ÚIMR. " ' é THE U. X. Mail from anta Fe to the States leaves regularly on the first day of each month. Passage during the summer months $125 00 " " winter months . $150 00 401bs of bagzaee allowed to eirh passenger. WALDO, HALL, & CO. Proprietors. . Santa Fé, Sept. 18, 1852-tf NOTICC DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP THE firm heretofore known as SPENCER & GRANDJEAN was this day dissolved by rmflinl consent The business will hereafter be carried on in the name of CHARLES L. SPEN CER In the liquidation of all debts the name of the old firm will be used. CHARLES I, SPENCER, HENRY GRANDJEAN, Las Cruces, Jan. ID, 1853. 3J4t OUTFITS FOR SANTA FE. The subscriber respectfully informs the public of New Mexico, that at his establishment at WEsTPORT, MISSOURI, and by his agent at COUNCIL-GROVE, Nebraska Territory, he Is prepared to outfit and supply with every thing requisite foi the journey to Santa Fe, companies or individuals, upon the inns reasonable terms. (pjTHe believes that an acquaintance of many years with the Santa i'i trade, will enable him to give general satisfaction in the business, ALBERT Ü BOONE. Santa F, Dec. 24, l852.-28.3in. PUBLIC BUILDING. 1000 runic yauds or stone. 'TIME Commissioners of Public Buildings for tile J. Trni'orv of New Mexico, will receive, at llieirollii e in Ihe city of Sania Ke, in. hi Ihe lOlh of March al 12 o'clock, M., sealed proposals for quai lying 10(111 cubic yards of slone The proposer l irllie enntr cl lo tw governed by tne toitoimig terms and pe ideal Inns 1st. rue Mime lo oe or nine or grev nine. 2d. Tu be uuaiiiril vvilliin a mile and a half of the nlazi ot haul i re. 3d. Tu he of sound stone, free of cracks or flaw', and i.n slone to he ot less dimension! Hum tun IVi-t and a half in lemji It, one fool . nd a half in wi'Ot.. and s x inches thick. 4lh. The sinne lo he laid nn in compact rect nirular piles, fur uii-asiiieini'iil by the Mipci iulcii- dent. Silt. No proposition will be considered for a l-s mm ui 'inn oiai cume yaiu. tl'h. Ci'iilrn-l to be conilett'd by Ihe lOlh dav nf Mav next, PRI'.STCN BF.CK. MANUEL ALVAREZ. FRANCISCO ORTIZ Y DELGADO, ' ininÍMviiiti J. HOUGHTON. "uperinteiidert. "nula Fo, Jan. 28, 1N53. 'piIR undersigned hrving been appointed Agent 1 for "La Crúiiic ." a Spanish paper publihed weekly in Ihe eilv of New York, is prepared to receive subscriptions for the same. Price $10, ner annum in advance. D. V. WHITING. Santa Fe. Jan. 20. 1803.-31 n32 l)Y AUTHORITY. Public Acta of the Thirty-Second Congress OF THE UNiTKD STATES. 1851-52. Chap. XXXV An Act to authorize the l.errislnture nf the Stale of Mis sissippi In sell the Lands heretofore appropriated fur the Use of Schools in that State, and to lalil'y and approve th'i Sales alii'iidy made. Be it enacted by ihe Senate and House of Iti'preseitlalii'es of the United Slates of Ameiica in Congress assembled, That the Lerrishiliirr of the statu of Missis sippi shall be, and is hereby authorized to sell and convey in fen-simple, órlense, for a term nf years, as the said legisla Itire may deem besl, all or any part ol the lands heretofore reserved and up prnprialed by Congress the use of schools in said stnte, and to invest the money arising from said sales, as (aid legislature may direct, for Ihe use and support of schools within the several townships and distiicls of country fur which they were originally reserved and let apart, and for no other use, or pur pose whalsoeer: Provided, Said lands or any part thereof, shall, in no case be sold or leased without the consent of (lie inhabitants of such township or district to be obtained in audi manner as the legislature of said state may by law di rect: And provided further, That in all cases, the money arising from sales of lands within a particular township and district, shall bis appropriated to the use of schools within that township and district. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That sah s heretofore made by the anlli. oiily cf the legislaltue of the state of Mississippi nf lands reserved and appro priated as aforesaid, are hereby ratified and approved in the same manner and lo the same extent, as if this act had been in force at the time of said sales. Approved, May 19, 1852. ' . Cuap. XXXVI. An Act to regúlate the Mileage of the Delegate from the Territory of Oregon. ' Beitenactedby tne Senate and House of Representative! of the United Slates of America in Congrtu iicmbled, Tliit so much of the act entitled "An act to establish the Tertitoiinl Government pf Oregon," approved August, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, as limits the mileage compensation of the delegate Irom said lerntory be repealed. Approved, May 19, 1853, Chap. XXXVII. An Act to legalize certain Entries oi Public Land made in tho State of Florida. Be it enacted by the Senate tind House of representatives of the United Stales of America, in Congress assembled, That the several entries of land (embracing tracts once reserved to satisfy claims under the armed occupation act, but which claims were forfeited prior to the allowance ol said cuines,) permitted at (lie Lanri-Ufhce at Newnansville, in the state of Florida, be, and the same are hereby confirmed, and patent shall issue thereon as in other cases: Provided. That the land so entered shall have been, ,, ii, f;n, r ii... ,n,iur. ,.,nr,. cate, improved by the party in interest under said certifícale, and that the land is not claimed by adverse parlies. Approved, May 26, 1852. Chap. X LII. An Act to relinquish to Ihe State of Iowa t tie Lands reserved for Salt Springs therein. Beilenactedky the Senate and House ol Hepresentiitivt'S of the United Stales of America in Congress assembled, That the twelve Salt Springs, anil six seclions of land adjoining or contiguous theielo, the use of. which was granted tj ihe state of Iowa, by the act entitled "An act supplemental to the net for the ad mission of the states of Iowa and Flori da inlo the Union," approved March third, eighteen hundred and foity-five, shall be, and the same are heieby grant' ed in fee-simple, to lite sai.l state of In. w a, to be disposed of, and the proceeds to be applied as the legislaloie nf that stale shall direct: Provided, That noth ing: in this act contained sliall be so con strued as to inteifere with the riplits nf tlilrd partlesi And provided further, That if any of the lauds which have been selected by the authorities of the stale of Iowa, tinder the act aforesaid, shall have been legally claimed by pre. emp lion or otherwise, the state shall be au thorized to select other lands in lieu thereof. Approved, May 27, 1852. Chai. X LIII. An Act lo grant to cer tain Settlers on the Menouiouee Pur chase, north of Fox River, in the Slate of Wisconsin, the Bight of Pre-emption. Be ilcnacledby the Senate and House of representatives of the United Stales of America in Congress assembled, That every person, being ihe head of a family, widow, or single man over llie age of twmly-oiie years, who, tin the first day of June, eighteen hundred and fil'iy-lvvn, shall have been an actual settler and housekeeper, and have made oilier im provements, on any tract within the body of lands ceded to the United Stales by ihe treaty of eighteenth October, eigh teen hundred and forty-eight, with the Meuotnonue tribe of Indians, is hereby entitled to the same right of pre-emption, and upon the same terms and conditions as is prescribed by Ihe act entitled "An act to appropriate the proceeds of the sales of the public lands and to grant pre-emption rights," approved fonrih September, eighleeu hundred amlslbrly one: Provided, That where there shall be more than one such settler on any quarter-section, fractional quarter-section, or fi action of a section less than one hundred and sixty acres, 'the rights of such settlers, as to the land settled on, shall be the same as those prescrib ed by the eighth Section of the act enti tled "An act to authorize the investiga tion of certain alleged frauds under the pre-emption laws, and for other puipo ses," approved third March, eighteen hundred and foity-three, for settlers therein provided lor: And providad further, That the pre-emption rights prodded for in this act shall attach only to such land as sliall become subject to sale at the minimum price of one dollar and twenty-five cents an' acre.'' Approved, May 27, 1852. Chap. XL1V." An Act io provide for . the holding of ihe District Court of the District of Columbia, in cases of Sick ness or other Disability of the District Judge: 1 . ' ' Be it enacted by Ihe Senate and House of Representatives of the I tilled Slates of America m Congress assembled, That, in case of the siokneis or othei disabil ity of the Judge of the District Court of the United States oí lúe District ot to. lumbia, which shall prtvent him from holding any stated or appointed term of only as the work progresses, and tliB the District Court of his district; and same shall be applied to no other pur upon the fact of such sickness or other ' pose whatsoever: And provided farther disability bein;,' notified b) the cleik of j That any and ail lands heretofore reser said District Court to the assistant judges of the Circuit Court of said dis trict, it shall be the duty ol the senior Assistant Jmk'enf said court to ho'd the i Dislrict Court afuresnid, mid discharge all the judicial duties of the District Judge, who shall be siek or otherwise disabled as aforesaid, so lone as iuoli sickness ordisability shall continue; and in case of the sickness or other disabil ity of said senior Assistant Judje, the same doty shall devolve on the junior Assistant Judj;e of said Circuit Court; and the said judges, and each of thrin, are hereby authorized to exer;isenrp; n u I jurisdiction in admiialty cases for the purposes of this act and all the acts and nruceedines it. said District Court. by or before either of said assistant inJces, so renuired to hold snid District n i .1.11 i. ..!... r. rp... ivUllll, Mltlll iiui c i ni; anuir iui it, rurui, and validity, as if done and transacted by and before the Dislrict Judge of said Dislrict Court. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the associate judge holding the Dislrict Court as a fores ad shall, and is hereby empowered to sit in the said Cir cuit Court in any case of appeal or of etror from his own decision in said Dis lrict Court, in the sumo manner as if said District Court had not been held by him. Approved, May 27, 1S52. Chap. XLV'. An A cl granting the Right of Way to the State of Missouri, and a Foi lion of ihe Public Lands, to aid in the Construction of certain Kail loads in said State Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Kepreseutaliees of the United Stales of America in Congress assembled, Thai the right of way through the public lands be, and the fame is hereby granted to the state nf Missouri, for the constinc tion ol railroads from the town of Han nibal lo the town of St. Joseph, in said stale, and fiom the city of St. Louis to such point on the western boundary of said state as may be designated by the authority of said slate, with the right alsoto lake necessary materials of earth, stone, and limber, for Ihe construction thereof, from the public lauds of the United Stales adjacent to said railroads: Provided, That in locating the railroads aforesaid, and assigning the limits to (he easement, no more land shall be taken from the United States llian is necessa ry for a convenient construction and use of said roads as public ways for trans portation, including stations, wilh the usual buildings of all kinds, turnouts and such other appurtenances as are usually enjoyed by ruili ünd companies, and a copy of the location of suid roads, made under the direction of the legisla loie, sliall be forwarded to (he proper local liind-ollices respectively, and to Ihe General Liid-(lhce at Washington I ity, within ninety days after ihe com plelion of Ihe same, to be recorded. Sec 2. And be it further enacted, That lliere be, nod is hereby granted to Ihe Slale of Missotui, for Ihe purpose of aiding in making Ihe railroads a lore said, every alternate section nf laud de signated by even numbers,' for six sec lions in width nn each side of the road; but in cose il shall appear that the Ui i ted States have, when the line or route of said roads, or either of them, shall be definitely fixed by the authority afore Said, sold any section or any part lliere- said, or that the right of pre-emption has attached to the same, then it shall be lawful for any agent or agents to be appointed by the Governor ol said state, to select, subject to the approval of the Secretary of ihe Interim, from the lands of the United States most contiguous to the tier of seclions above specified, so much land in alternate seclions or parts of sections as shull he equal to such lands as the United States have sold, or to which the right of pre-emption lias attached as aforesaid; which hinds, thus selected in lieu of those sold, and lo w'hicli pre einption rights have attached hs aforesaid, together with the sections and parts of sections designated by even numbers as aforesaid, and appropriated as aforesaid, shall be held by the state Misaonri for the use and purpose afore said: Provided, That the lands to be to located sliall in no case bo further than fifteen miles from the line !of the road in each case Provided further. That the lands hereby granted shall be exclusively appled in the const) uctioii of that road for which it was Granted ind selected, and hall be disposed of' ved to tne unueu aimea oy any aci oi Cunareis, or in any other manner: by competent authority, for tho pin pose of aiding in any object of internal improve- ment, or for any other purpose whatso ever, be and the same are hereby reser. ved to the United States from the opcr alion of this act, except so fur as it may be found necessary to locate the route of the said railroads through such reser ved lands; in which case the light of way only shall be granted. ' ; ; 1 "", Sec. 3. And be it further tfiacted', That the suctions and parts of vectiooi of land which, by such Riant shall re main to the United States, within si miles on each side of said. rods, sliall not be sold for less than double the min- imnm price of the public lands when oltl; which lands shall fiom time ta timt be offered at public sale to the highest bidder, under the direction ot the oc rciary of the Interior, and shall not be subject to entry until they shall have been so offered at public sale. '" "' ' Sec. 4. And be it further tnaéicd. That the said lands hereby granted to the said state shall be subject to the di posal of the legislature thereof, for the purposes aforesaid, and no oilier, and the said railroads shall be and remain public highways for the use of the got eminent of the United States, free from toll or other charge upon the tiBiispor-. lation of any properly or troops of tho United States. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted. That the lands hereby granted to : snid state shall be disposed of by said state only in manner following, that is to seyi that t quantity ot land not exceeding one hundred and twenty seclions on each i i . j .i - : ''..'j roan, and inciiiueu wunin a cwiiiuiiuiis length of twenty miles of said roi.d, may be sold; and so fiom time to time, until said road Is completed; and if laid road be not completed within ten, years,, pi further sales shall be made, and tjiejaud unsold shall revert to the United Sla'es Sec. 6. And be it further énáctea,' I hat the United States mail shall at all' times be transported on Said railroads' under the direction ot tita rost-UUic, Department, at such price aa Congress may by law direct. -, ' Ánnrnved, June 10, 1852. ' ' , Chai. XLVL An Act giving the'Ai- sent ol congress to tne siaie oi Mis souri lo impose a Tax or Taxes upon' all Lands hereafter sold by the United States therein, from and after the Day of such Sale, . t ' . . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States' ol America in l ongress i ssembled, I hat the assent of Congress is hereby given, to the Slate of Missouri, to impose a. tax or taxes upon all lands hereafter sold, by the United States, in said state, from and after the day of such sale! Provi-' di d, That the assent hereby given shall' in no wise impair that provision of tha compact wilh ihe said state which de clares that all lands belonging to citi zens of the United Stales residing with nut the said slate shall never, be taxed higher than lands belonging to persons' residing therein. 1 1 Approved, June 10, 1852,' i ' ; )"- ;a Ciiai. XL1X. An Act relating to- that . Salaries of Officers of the Territories of the United States. , f Be it enactedby the Senate and House, of Representatives of the United StafeS of America in Congress iitst;ilibled,Tlit' whenever any ofiicer of either of' ths Territories of Ihe United Stales shall; absent himself therefrom, and from the. duties of his office, no salary shall be paid him during the year iii which such absence shall occur, unless good1 catite' therefor hall be shown to the President nf the United States, who shall official ly certify his opinion of such cause, to the proper accounting officer of the treasury, to be filed in his office. ' r Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the proviso contained in the act entitled "An act making appropriations for the payment of the civil and diplo matic expenses of the government, for the year ending the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, relating tú the olli ceri nf the Tenitories of the United States," be, and the same' is hereby so modified as to authorize tha payment of the. salary of any ofiicer therein pained, notwithstanding i such officer may have been abseut from such territory and his official duties for moré Iban sixty tlayv' Provided, The Pres ident of i he United Slates sholl certify y Continuum itft.yi'i .