Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME II. V ,l,f ' m X.'.v ... : ' . Santa ;fé fcüccklg ajctte. ' rOBLIIHSD rt STOSBAY, IT 1 ' ' ' WILLIAM DREW. TERMS. WEEKLY- $5 ft year, payable invariably in advance t single copies 12 1-2 cents. Advertise ments, $1 AO per square of ten lines for the first iniertion. and $1 for every subsequent insertion. J. W. REED, . ATTOH.E AT LAW, 'l C1TT Of SANTA ri, NtW HEXICO, WILL practice in the Courts of Santa Fe, and adjoining counties) and will attend to criminal business in uny part of the Territory. Santa Fe, Sept 125, 185. 6mo OFFICE OF COAfV. OF MJB., " ' Fout Union, N. M., Dr.c. 22. 1852. ' SEALED PROPOSALS will bereceived at this office, t il 12 o'clock, M., on Tuesday the 28th ilav of February, 1853, for f urnishin Flour to the l) State's Troops, at I lie points and in the quantities aeutioned, as follows : . .; At Taos, N. M liVflflO pounds. At Fort Union, N. M. 16ll,0(W " ' ' At Santa Fe, " M,m " ' At Albuquerque, " 22U,IKK) ' , .At Fori Curad, " lift.OOO " ' At Fort Fillmore," 23),IKKI " The flour must be of '"superfine" quality, and de livered in stroiis; cotton '(!rill:iq;" sucks, of lUtiltis. errh ... ' Proposals are invited for the whole amount, for that 'required at Several points, or for that required at any particular point. The i ontr.ct or contracts to be made for one your, ami Ihe failhi'til tlwreof lohi. piar aritUd hy two riisiionsilile seeuntirs whose name nu.-L lie entered in the pioncáis. One fourth of the amount, required at each point, nuul be delivered it uteri'), 'omoicnciii(( on the 1st rlavof August. 13. (jyTIm Commissaries, or principal Assistant Gmimissiiries ot (lio HuUsiülencd in New emro. will reserve the ni;M of iiiíyívi.ih;' or i.'uiímiv'.ik? j Tno amount io ne iiniivriru u. imcm mil tvrry ptiim hyone third, by Kinr six month notice to lliatef fed. ISAAC BOW KN, i , . ('.I., ft c s " ! ' IKmSPKNIMSNOK, MWSOItHI.' , : i ';.:. . ' , . ; B, -XT. TODD. I have removed from the "NoUnd House," to tin: -SiAiatili House," in liulfpíudeiive. Missouii. Tiú: $ehmka House is a large new building, and Hi re. cutty been muí h improved by alteraiinns mil aodilions Having taken this house for trrm of yeaik, I intend to make eve y effort t" pioiimté the' I'onveniMice and comfort of traveller), Tbe pul'nuage of my friends and the travelling pub'ic u respectfully solicited. .' .' 11 W. TODD. ' Jjousry 1st 1853 ly. ' .': : ( 'pi'HM 8 A I.E. . WILL nt 'jld lo the tiil't-r by ll.e in. d.-rsíjned. i.,, M."-I..v 'lie i lsl. day ( Km. row li'3, i lie place well known as Bi clay's Fori', at Ihe Junta dt hi ll" N. M., including ill the right, litle and interest in tile aurioiiiiding grant ot five lelignes, with outhouses, corrals, kr.. An ice-house filled j a highly cultivated garden, 1 (will) hot bed frames and young fruit-trees,) and 2(10 acres of lnd under cultiv lion, irngited hv two large acequiss, which also run mill capable of grinding thirty fanegas of grain per diem Al so a number of wagons, cattle, cows and calves, horses and hogs; with farming utensils of all kinds) a complete sett of blacksmith and carpen ter's tools. Together with a general assortment ot dry goods and groceries, and a number of art i cles too numer -us to mention, amongst them 250 fanegas of corn and VKI fanegas of wheat. Those desirous of purchasing can examine tor themselves the property and titles at this place. TERMS. For the buildings ami surrounding lands, one-fifth oath, on the bal .nee a credit of 6, 12, and 18 mouths will be given, one third ot the remaining dues to be paid at each of the above mentioned periods. The other property will he sold on a credit of 4 and 8 months for all sums over fifty dollars, under that amount, cash. The purchasers in both cases giving bond with two approved se curities, 'ni'. . The pis e being so well known, we deem a further description unnecessary. The proprietors wishing to close their business in New Mexico, is the sole objeit for offering their property for sale is this manner. Possession given immediately after sale. BARCLAY k DOYLE. ' Barclay's Fort, N. M. Jan. lb, 1853. ti , : . , PUBLIC BUILDING, t.i :, 1000 cubic taxdi or stoni. CP HE Commissioners of Public Buildings for the X Territory ot New Mexico, will receive, at their office in the city of Santa Fe, until the 10th of March at 12 o'clock, M aealed proposals for quarrying 1000 cubic yards of stone The proposer (or the contract to oe governed by the following terms and specifications : i. .lit Tha itnn tn h nf Mil nr vrv lime. . 2d. to be quarried within a mile and a halt of the plaza of Santa Fe. 3d. To be of sound stone, free of cracks or flaws, and no stone to be of less dimensions than two feet and a half in length, one font and a halt in Wiutu, ano six incoes iiiick. " 4th. The stone to be laid nb in compact reel angular piles, for measurement fcj the superinten deuL. . .. ' 5th. No proposition will be considered for I less amount than 500 cubic yards. 1 ' i; i 6th. - Contract to be completed by the 10th day ot May next, ' ' PRESTCN BECK, ..' -i .i lh 'm MANUEL ALVAREZ,-" u V . FRANCISCO ORTIZ Y DELGADO, t ommissioners. ' J. HOUG HTON. superintendent. iaiiUFa, Jan.28, 1853. " .v,l.,.. 'v.,',. NQTICC, , .,... DISSOLUTION Or fAINESHl THE firm heretofore known as SPENCER k GRANDJEAN was this day dissolved by JnUlUai CWlrssBH' A " a"" in""" " .-.... - - carried on ia th name of CHARLES L. 8PEN CtR .In the liquidation of all debts the name ot ew id Arm will be used. ' ' ' " 1 1 ! ''' " t. - Dli t' emtARLISL'tWENCER, !.. ! SSNRÍ HUNDJEifi. n llCruc,jlM. 16, 185 M SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO , FEBRUARY 19, 1853. OUTFITS FOR SANTA FE. The subscriber respectfully Informs the publid ot New Mexic, that at his establishment it WESTPORT, MISSOURI, and by bis agent at , COUNCIL-GROVE, Nebraska Territory, he is prepared to outfit and supply with every thin( requisite foi the journey to Santa Fe. companies or individuals, upon the most reasonable terms. ' ty He believes that an acquaintance of many years with the Santa F trade, will enable him to jrive reneral satisfaction in the business, ALBERT G BOONE. Santa F, Dec. 24, 1852.-28-3m. THE U. . Mail from anta Fe to the States leaves regularly on the first day of each month. Passage during the summer months $125 IX) " " winter months $150 On 40lbs of baggnge allowed tocch passenger. WALDO, HALL, CO. Proprietor Santa F, Sept. 18, 1852 tf jrMTatm) COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, Poiiusylvania, Connecticut. New Hampshire, tfan'a F, Jsn. I, 1852-lf. - l'.V AUTHORITY. Public AcU of the Thirty-Second CongreM OF T1IK iMri:n states. 1851-52. Chap. LI V. A Act lo esublísli a Hianch (if tl.e .Mini of the 1). SlateJ in ('alif.irni.i. Bi: U tiuutffl bv th Señalo and House (if Ht'iret.itaim s of ilic I niifd Suin (if Anu-rioa in Ciinyi esH Misemblt'O, That u branch of tin- uiin' nl'lhv Untied States bf cstalilislu'J in Ciilil'iirniH, to be iuca ti'tl by the Si'Ciettti v of the Treasury, lor I be ooinaiie of onld and silver. Sec 2. Ami h 1 il further enacted. That suitable building hall be prouir nd or erected, for ciuring on the biwt iis.'St of a nd blanch mint, and the follow i n LJ I'llii'i.'rs hall he iiiiiinit d no ooon as 'lie public inlereiN way lerjuite llieii er'ieen. opon (lie nomination of the IVtwideiit, b mid with the edvice and .'lino-lit of Hie Senate, to nil: one sop erintt'iident. one tie sniei, one aSJer, one miller and n finer, and one coiner. riil the giipi-rintendeiil shall engage oíd .'iiinliivm many clerks, and as main tuboulniHie workmen and aervauls, as Mall he proiiled lor bv law; and until he ihir'ielh of thousand eight linndrt'd and fill v-live, the s.ilaiies of said olTiCi'is and eh tkl shall be as fob own: to the snprr tili'iident and to the treasurer, the anm of Iwo tlioiistind five hundred dollars eaeli; to the ihe meller and lefinei. and to Ihe coin er, the sum of three tbotiand dolíais each; to the clerk. 1'ie sum of two thou sand dol art each; to the subordina' workmen, such wasjei and allowances a are cnstoinnrrand reas jiiable. accor ding to their respective stations and oc cupations. Sec. 3. And be it further enac erf, Tin t the officers and clerks to be ap pointed under this act. before, entering upon the duties theieof, shall take an oath or allinnution before some judge of Ihe Untied States, or the supieme Court of the state ol California, faith fully and diligently to perform the duties thereof, and hall each become bound to the United States of A merica, with one or m ire sureties, to the satisfaction of the Director of the Mint and the Sec retary of the Treiurv, or the District Attorney of the United States for the state of California, with condition for the faithful and diligent performance of their ornees. Sec. 4. And bs it further enacted, That the general direction of the busi ness of said branch of the mint of the United States shall be under the control and regulation of the Director of the Mint at I'hiladolphia, subject to the ap probation of the Secretary of the Trea sury; and, for that purpose, it shall be the duty of the said director to prescribe such regulations, and require such re turns periodically and occasionally, as shall appeur to him to be necessary for the purpose of carrying into effect the intention of this act in establishing the said branch; also, for the purpose of dis criminating the coin which shall be stamped at said branch and at the mint itself; and also for the purpose of pre serving uniformity of weight, form, and fineness in the coins stamped it laid branch; Ind for that purpose to require the transtnission and delivery to him it the mint, Irom time to time, ol inch jiaroels of the coinage of laid branch as he shall think proper, to be inbjected to such Mfiyi ind tests is hd shall di; wet. it Sec. 5. ' And be it further enacted. That all the laws and parts of laws now in force for the regulation of the mint of the United Slates, and for the gov- ernment of the officers and persons em- ployed therein, and for the punishment of all offences connected with the mint or coinage of the United States, shall be, and they are hereby declared to be in full foice in relation to (he branch of the mint hy this act established, so Tar as Ihe same maybe applicable thereto Sec. 6. And be it further enacted. That no permanent location of said mint shall be made, or buildings erected there for, until the state of California shall, ! by some law or other public act, pledge the failh of the state that no tax shall at any time be laid, assessed or collec ted by the said state, or Under the an thority of the said state, on the said btach mint, or on the buildings which may be erected therefor, or on the fix tures anil machinery which may be used therein, or on the lands on which the same may be placed; but nothing in Ihis section contained, shall be under stood as implying an admission that any such power of taxation rightfully exists. oec. 7. And btujuriher enac.eri, That the said branch mint shall be the place of deposil for the public moneys collected in the custom-houses In the state of California, and for such other public moneys as the Secretary of Ihe Treasury may direct; nd the treasurer, of said branch mint shall have the cus tody of the same, and shall perform the duties of an assistant tieasurer, and for that purpose shall be subject to all the provisions contained in au net entitled "An act to provide for the better orga nization of the Treasury, and for the collection, safekef.pii'g,;trainfer, j and disbursement uf the public revenue," approved August ihe sixth, one thousand eight hundred, and foity-six. which re lates tj the treasurer ol the branch mint at New Orleans. Sec. 8. And be il further enacted, That, if required by the holder, gold in grain or lumps shall be refined, assayed, cast into bars or ingots, and stamped in said branch mint, or in the mint of the United Slates, or any of its branches, in such manner as may indicate the val ue and fineness of the bar or ingot, which shall be paid for by the owner or holder of said bullion, at such ratis and charges, and under such regulations, as the Director of llie Mint, under the con trol of the Secretary of the Treasmy, may from tune In t me establish. Sec. 9. And U it fvih(r enae'ed. That so soon as the said bastiiiitrimtit is established in ihe state of California, and public nonce shall be given thereof in the mode to be designated by the Secretary ol'lhe Treasm y, then so much of the act making appropriations for 1 he civil and diplomatic expenses of the government lor the year ending thirtieth Jur e, eighteen hundred and filiy-one, and for other putposes, as provides for the appointment of an United Males Assayer, and Ihe contacting for die as saying and fixing the value of gold in grain and lumps, and for fotming Ihe same into bars, be, and the wlnde of the clause containing said pro.isiens .shall be hereby repea'ed. Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That befóte Ihe Serretaty of the Trea sury shall procure nr erect the build ings provided for in ihe second section of this act, or commence any operations tinder any of the provisions of the same, at San rrancisco, state ot lalilorma, it shall first be his duly to make aconltact or contracts, for the erection of said buildings, and procuring the machineiy necessary for the operations of said mint, at a sum or sums which shall not, in the whole, exceed the sum of three hundred thousand dolíais, which said contract or contracts shall be secured by good and sufficient securities, to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Tieasury and the President of the United States. Approved, July 3, 1852. Chap. LV. An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act for the Punishment of Crimes in the District of Colum bia" Whereas, it has been represented that so much of the third section of the act to which this act is an amendment, as provides i punishment for the malicious ly, wilful, or fraudulent burning of stores, barns, or out-bouses not adjoining a dwelling-house, has been construed to apply to the cases of burning such houses only when they contain merchandise, tobacco, grain, or hay, whereby offend ers hive escaped punishment for bum- ing buildings in which none of said ar ticles were kept, Be it e.Mcm by the Senate and Hone 'of Representatives of the United Stales of America in Congress assembled, That ' from and after the passage of this act, ' if any person or persons shall mali- cionslv, wilfully, or liudulently,. and with intent to iniute or defraud any olb er person or persons, or body politic or corporate, burn, or set on fire with in tent lo bum, or attempt to set on fire or hum. any house or out-house, in the District of Columbia, whether the same be finished or in process of erection, though the said house or outhouse shall not, at the time of such burninrr or set tine on fire, or attempting to set on fire. or bum. have any goods, tobacco, hay, or gtain therein. nor be adjoining to any dwelling-house, nor be occupied for any use whatever; he, she, or they, on con viclion thereof, shall be sentenced to suffer the same punishment and labor, as is provided in the said thud section of the-said act to which this is an amend ment for the offences therein enumer ated. Approved, July 3, 1852. Chap. LVII. An Act making Appro priations for the Payment of Invalid and other Pensions, of the U. States, for the Year ending the thiitiith of June. one thousand eight hundred and hlty-three. Beit enacedby the Senate and House of Representatives of ihe United Stales of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby appropriated, out of any money in Ihe treasury not oiheiie appropri ated, for the payment of penions, for lite year ending the thinieih of June, one thousand eight hundred and filly three: , For invalid pensions, under various ac'. four bundled thousand dollars. For pensions for wiuows and orphans under the acts of July the fourth, one thousand eight hundied Ind thirty-six, and July the twenty-fust, eighteen hun dred and forly-et;ht. thiee hundred and seventy-seven thousand two hundred and forty dollars. For pensions to widows, under the act of seventh July, eighteen bundled and thirty-eight, ninety thousand dollars For pensions to widows, under the act of third March, eighteen hundred and forty-three, thirty thousand dollars: For pensions lo widows, under the acts of the seventeenth of June, eighteen hundied and forty four, second of Feb ruary, eighteen bundled and I'mtv-eight, and I wei.ty-ninth of July, eighteen hun died and foity-eight. lour bundled and sixty four thousand dolíais. For ball-pay pensions to widows and oiphan". piovided for by the eleventh section ol an act approved Janiiaiy the twenty. niulh.eiiliieenhundied and tbii teen, and the first section of an act ap proved the sixteenth of April, eiojileen hundred and sixteen, payable through I lie office of the third auditor of the trea sury, in addition to an unexpended bal ance, five thousand dollars, Approved, July 12, 1852. Chap. LVIIf An Act lo supply a De ficiency to the Male of Indiana in a Township of Land granted to said Stale for the use of a State Univer siiy, by an Act of Congress approved nineteenth of April, eighteen hundred and sixteen. Be itenacledhyie Senate and House of Representatives of the United Slates of America in Congress assembled, That there be supplied lo the state of Indiana, for the sole and exclusive use of the State University, an equal number of acres ol land found to be deficient in the original grant, and which has been otherwise appropriated by Congress, amounting to four thousand one hundred and sixty-six acres, and that said lands be selected, under the direction of the governor of the state, from any lands now in maiket in said state belnneinc to the United States, the proceeds of winch shall be appropriated solely to the use of said State University, and shall never be diverted to any other purpose whatever. Approved, July IS, 1852, Chap. LIX An Act to release from Reservation, and restore to the Mass of Public Lands, certain Lands in the State of Arkansas, Be il enactedbj the Senate and House of Representatives of the Unitrd States of America in Congress assembled, That the several tracts of land in the state of Arkansas, heretofore reserved for the satisfaction of military bounties under the war of eighteen hundred end twelve, NUMBER 35. and which now remain undisposed of, be, Ind they are hereby released from such reservation, and restored to the' Mass of public lands, to be disposed of in the same manner as any other unof-i fered public land: Provided, That the person who may, at the, date of tliii act, be an actual settler on any one of said tracts', and who, but Tor the reservation' thereof, might have claimed the right of pre-emption thereto, under act of fourth September, eighteen hundred and forty-, one, be, ind is hereby authorized to en ter the same, or any subdivision thereof, upon making proof of said right, and paying the minimum price per acre, : within a year after the passage of this act, or prior to the day fixed for the public sale of the tract. . . .......... Sec. 2. And be it f urther enacted, That all sales of said land, or location thereof by military warrants, (other than ; those of the war of eighteen hundred and twelve,) which have been inadver tently permitted to be made, and which are in all other respects fair and regu lar, except as embracing reserved land not offered at public sale, be, and the same are hereby confirmed, and patents thereon which have been issued ' shall ' be as legal and valid as if laid lands had been released from reservation, and offered at public sale prior to such sales ur IUUUUUI19 Sec. 3. And be it further enacted. That all of said warrants which have not been satisfied, may be located on any of the public lands subject to priv ate entry at the time of the location of the same. ' ' ' Approved, July 12, 1852. Chap. LX. An Act to amend an Act entitled "An act providing for the Sale of certain Lands in the States of Ohio and Michigan, ceded by the VVym , doit Tribe of Indians, and for other, purposes," approved on the third day of March, eighteen hundred and forty-three. . .. , .. -, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amerioa in Congress assembled, That , so muck of the fifth seotion of the act of which this is amendatory, as declares., that if, in offering at public sale any tract of land ceded by the Wysndotts under the treaty concluded with that tribe on the seventeenth March, eigb teen hundred and forty-two, on which improvements exist, the real value of the same, according to the estimates of the superintendents, shall not be bidden, it shall be their duty, to withdraw , the tract from sale, and the tracts tlius.wilh drawn from sale shall again be offer ed at public sale, due public notice first being given, be, and the same is hereby repealed; and all such lands shall be exposed at public sale to the highest bidder, at suoh time and place as the Commissioner ol the general Land-Office may direct, subject to the minimum , price per acre of two dollars and fifty , cents. Approved, July 12, 1852. Chap. LXl, An Act to enable the Le gislature of the State of Indiana to . dispose of the unsold Saline Lands in said State. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of A merica in Congress i ssembled, That so much ol the act of Congress entitled "An act to authorize the legislature of the state ol Indiana to sell and convey certain lands granted to said state for the use uf the people theieof," approv. ed July third, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, as provides that said lands shall not be sold for a less price than that at which the public lands are sold, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Approved, July 12, 1852. . , . Chap. LXl I. An Act in relation to a certain Lot of Land in the Town of Gnadenhutten, in the State of Ohio. Beit enactedby the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 1 hat the lot of land in the town of Gnaden hutten, In the county of Tuscarawas, in the state of Ohio, heretofore reserved under the act entitled "An let providing for the disposition of thre seven) trscti of land in Tuscarawas county, in the stat . of Ohio, and for other purposes," approved May twenty-sixth, one thou sand eight hundied and twenty-four, for the purpose of market square, may be used for any other public purpose, upon suoh terms as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, in older to secure the rights of all parties interest-, ed therein. . Approved, Julj 18, 1852. " ' ,u