Newspaper Page Text
o .'nil lí0 loi '.-'''( 0) niitfi'triiiT ;'ak! .i 'lo . in i:; Kim , in--,;-, ; . ,vt -v-.-;. Sf- lo ín.! ' v ,mr'fT .i; .!t "0 ;tr i., i ''iir' b.lkluu.lj !h, tlillr,..!t '1 It W I it-rí'i.i I ,ÍM1 :lJlTfi't :Al T:,!-' t'!n oi'o : . '.. ,s;f t si if " ii i,i iv.ur' in s loina .wU.'Xoli 7. )Y, . artiMi-M V it'.-ifthjffl". 1'!' " , rVi .rt,, ,f, ,,f't t.i w't U'.'tl Y0UMI5;,IÍV , . - ' 1. s : ,- Mi: i i.r ,rt'' lí tí- í. Santa jfe Máh a5acttc. um.fij.rpj-niim i" -.- IIIBUIHID tVERY STUBDAY, T t I WILLIAM DREW. TERMS. WEEKLY- $5 year, payable invariably in advance) 'ingle cppiea 12 1-2 centi. Advertise meats, $1 SO per square of ten linea for the Aral insertion, and f 1 for every subsequent insertion. . J. W. REED, ATTORNEY AT LAw, CITV or SANTA ST., NEW MEXICO, , WILL practice in the Courts of Santa Fe, and adjoining counties and will attend to criminal business in nny part of the Territory. Santa Fe, Sept 25, l852.-fimo OFFICE OF COiUY. OF --UB., Fort Union, N. M., Dec. 22. 1852. HEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office, till 12 o'clock, M., on Tuesday the 28th itav of February, 1853, for furnishing Flour to the V. State's Troops, at the points and in the quantities mentioned, as follows : u ", At Taos, N. M. 125.000 pounds. At Fort Union, N. M. 150,1100 " ' "AtSsnla Fe, " 50.()0 " VnitvJVtAlbuqiiBique, " .0,000 " '"1 At Fort Fillmore, f 230.IHI0 " 'The ItourtiMUt ke oí"wiplie''rnfllily.aiid de- Urml 'roi patton "driJIiiiK') s"1". ldolbs, i. ' . . "'Proposals 'ate invited far fnc'whole amouiil, for IkK requreu ao several poms) w iut uiw require r at ny particular point. , , : , . The lonlx.ctor, contnets to be nude for one: year1, and'.ihifolllifill fdltilme .l thereof lobe guar anllwl by two lespens'ble seowhei ho namec Biwt b entered, "i ihe proposals. , I One fourth of the amount, reiiulred at each neurit. if ul be ilelivered 'iuin'ifrfyi l onnneiicmi; on the lf av n' August, 1853. . . .. , JyTlie Coniiiiissaries, or priiicpnl AÍ!tanl GAnliiisrieii oi theubisletie in New ; léxico, will reaeree tie rht of iM'cmiiw, or i.iiitiii; the amount to be delivered at each and every point. 6 mti third, by giving six months notice to that ef- feet, ISAAC BOWJf, 4- ,fiij!;l BÍ'W T'OÜD.,:'t 1; 1 ; J ht've'Teinnveirfíoitl Ini :Nbriml Jlruse,'1 Ib thí1'tNebr4Hiiuae)''niln(lpenilencie,Mi'iourÍ4l The Nebraska House la a large new tniildini;, and has rei ently been much' improVed by' alteralions and ajdil ionsi Htvlnr; ti ken this house for a term atiari, intend inake evw y w proirl the convenience and comfort 'of travelleis. The patroiiaRe of my friends and the travelling "public la respecifully srilifited.' : t . "' , , , B. W. TODD. . January 1st 1853-ly. ' PUBLIC BUILDING.. .,, , ... 1000 uic TRoa er stoni... u , rpHE Commissioners of Public, Buildings for the J. Territory of New Mexico, will receive, at their office in the city of Santa Fe, until the lOih of March at 12 'o'clock, M.) sealed proposals fur ? lurrying 10ÜU cubic yards of alone The proposer , urthe enntrncl to be (overned by the following teroii and spttiAcutione : ' " 1 '' 11 1 . 1st. Tueetfiie to be of hliit oi grey lime. , 2d. To be quarried within a mile and a half r ef the pla.a of rjanfi Fi. 3d., Te be f iouitd, stout, tree of -cracks or flaws, and no stone to be of less dirseniiona 4rit two feet jind a half ,m length, 'one. font .ind a half in WMllh, and six fn'chce llnckl '' ' "' , 4th, TI tn to be laid Hp lr compact reel-, angular piles, for measurement i) the auierinteti dent. , j- ; .Mh. Ne proposition will be consiierti for a let amount bim MM cubic yards. 6th. Contract to be completed by the 10th day of May next, PRESTCN BECK. MANUEL ALVAREZ, FRANCISCO ORTIZ Y DELGADO, t ominissioners. J, HOUGHTON, superintendent. Santa F, Jan. 28, 1853. NOT1CC DISSOLUTION or PARTNERS lite T HE firm herelofote known as SPENCER It GRANDJEAN waa this day dissolved by mutual consent The business will hereafter be carried on in the name of CHARLES L. SPEN CER In the liquidation of all debts the name of the old firm will be used. i- CHARLES L. SPENCER, HENRY GRANDJEAN, Laa Cruees, Jan. 15, 1853.-334t 1 OUTFITS FOR SANTA FE, The subscriber respectfully informs the public ot New Mexic, that at his establishment at WEsTPORT, MIS90URI, nifcjrhnjaRrtitet . ; i U t' i . COPNCIL'-OROVE," " 'rn," Nebrnkt ferritdrf, hé 1l prepared to ódtnt tni eupply wfh every thing requisite foi the journey to, aanta F. companies or individuals, upon the not) reasonable terms. jyHe beleeves that an icquaintance of many Tears with the Santa Fe trade, will enable hifli to lire general satisfaction in the business ".nPi! .i' ALBERT G B0 BOONE. ifcnta f e, Dec. 24, tS!i-28-3m THE U. . Mail' freí nl Fe to the 8tatea ' leaves reguliriy on the first day ot each month,! I ii"i 1 1 'i 1 11 ' ' ' Pasaage during (bet summer months., ,, $12$ 00 '" 1 ' i winter raoolhi , $150 tW lOlbt'df baggage allowed to eh passenger:1 " i.., , IVALDQi HALL, CO, i'wprietori.S, Banta Fe, Sept. 18, 852-tf , ,; i , -.'' xEtüToit'S0f;cÉj LETTERS testsmentafj1 wére' granted (he tth,' designed, utea the. estate of Dámaso Lopea deee sed, dated November 30th 1852,. by tho rabl Judge of Prohatej for the county ot Santa Fes, 'ill persone' Indebted t laid estate are re quested; t in ike immediate payment, and those having demands against the same must preeent them within the time prescribed by law, or they wiÜJéehewd.l' 'i i.In.l it i '' i COMMISSIONER OF DIJEDS, . Pennsylvania, ' ' Connecticut. , New Hampshire. Santa Ft, Jan. 1, 1852- BY AUTHORITY. Public Act! of the Thirty-Second Congre OF THK UNITED STATES. 1851-62. Uuap. LXVI. An Act to supply Defi cieticics in the Appropiiations for the Seii'icc in the fiscal Yetr ending the thirtieth of June, one tlioiisund eight hundred and fifty-two. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Keprestiitutives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 'I hat the follow ing sums be, and the same are hei i by appropriated to supply deficien cies in the uppiupriattqns Iut the sertice nf the fiscal ear ending the thiitielh, of June,' eighteen liUndreU. anJ filly-two, out of any itiuney in the treasury not otlierwisu approjinaied, namely: for the amount required in pay ret ened peree.ntige under the coiiiiacl fur the tl.iaiiug duck: at I'lijlade.lphin, five ihoiisaiid nine liiiudred and thirty three dulliiii aiid diiily.eiglli cents. " i t'or tl aiiimlut leíjuired Id pay for diü'dgiiig tit river in li'utit of the dock'' basin ut the I'lul.idelphia iiai'j-yar'l, twelve thousand dolluts For the amount reijuiied .to pay out standing liabilities fni labiir ami maleii als expended1 itn dry dflckL,;iiini: glitej,' iiimpb, engiiie-liiiuse, eie.i at Uroi.thrr, elghly-eit , tliuusaid tillte: liii(jre(i and six dollars, and uitiefy .live; qilils.. , Fof the ajiioinl . required ,1" , pay for rese'rtatiiius lindel1 1 fie contract, for en giiii, etc fof the dry dock' at 'Brooklyn',' seven thousand dollars. ' " ' ' ' tor compiling the floating diy doi k San FrencifCis Californin iiiiWiortge'd by act of tlni'4 .ViHrvtiiivva.liiiiKlri'd and fifty-one, himdrtd and. six,) thousand dollars; tnd said duck iniij be uesd for the purpose of repairing mer chaut ships, when not in use by the j;ov. eminent, in such manner, for such com pensation, and upon such terms and con ditions as shall br . prescribed by. the iieeretary of the Navy. Foi compensation to temporary cleiks in the office of the third auditor of (he treasury employed in nuking out cer tificates of íervice I rom the muster rolls of one thousand eiht, hundred and twelve, and the several Indian wars, el even thousand inU htiiiflied dollars; which;suin shull be tliilributed.ainoug the clerks according to the discretion of the Secretary of i tile I reasury: 7Vorí (MThul no Biliary fiont this fund shall exceed one thousand dollars per annum, except two, who shall receive twelve hundred dollars per annum. ,j For the contingent expenses of he office of the third auditor, to pay for'pre paring books of transfers from the Quar-tcritinsttr-General's ollice,two hundred dollars. For eoinpensation to extra clerks em ployed temporarily in the office of the Auditor of the Cost-Office Department, four thousand dollars. For pasting in books, prepared for the purpose, cancelled certificates of the registry and enrolments of vessels re turned by the several collectors ot the customs, five hundred dollars. For annuities and grants, seven hun dred and fifty dollars. , '' For tlie regular Supplies of the Quar tetmaster's Department,'' consisting ( of forage in kind for the horses, mules, aiul oxen of the Quartermaster's department, at tbe several military posts alio stations, end"wftli tli ahniei in' tlie 'field; for the horses of the first and second regiments of dragoons, the companies 'of light ar tillely, tile regiirieht óf inounteú; 'rifle men, and siicil coinjianies of infantry as may be mounted, and also for the aiiij) orised number of officers' horscS when serving in the field and at the outposts,' serén hundred and ninety-five thousand for iranspdrtatron' hrthe flfmyiiiclu Am$ th' bág'giig of lie''troóps),'Vheri moi inrr Jther bv land 'or water;' of Clo- thiricairiti.'ailtf gitrYlsoii equipage, and llUiao CUIIIllllirill. IIUIII llic uchuw a tTiltadein tiladelnriia," Rf. Louis, ,rid New pf leant, (o the Several hosts' an i nntst: nf iifisiitencÉ.' frrirri the blaoes of purcháie, frotó 'fli 'placeif of delivffj' urirfecontrait,' id .dc j)lhdfi '. is' ; fte fit to be int; of ordnance, ordninci stores, and small arms, from the found eries and armories .to (he arsenals, forti ficalrons, frontier posts, and armydepotsj ireiglits, tolls, and lerrtage; lor the pur chase and hire of horses, mules, oxen, wagons, carts, drays, ships, and other sea-going vessels and boats, Tor the transportation of supplies, and for' garri son purposes1, for drayage and' cartage at the several posts; hire of teamsters, transportation of funds, for the pay and other disbursing departments; the, ex pense of sailing public transports on the various rivers, the üiilf of Mexico, and the Atlantic and the Pacific; and for procuring water at such posts' as, from their situation, require that it be brought from a distance, . eight hundred ' and ninety thousand dollars. , ' ., . , ,. For the purchase of horses required foi the' first and secrtnd regiments" of dragoons; fhei regiment of mounted rifle men, and such companies of infantry' as may be mounted, (or I y thousand dolldrs. For constructing, repairing, and en larging , barrarle,, quarters, hospitals, storehouses', stables,' what ves, and ways atf the several posts and army' depots; for temporary cantonments, and the au-: thurised I'uiniliire for barrack-rooms of non- commissioned oll.ceis and soldiers, yuu-hp'' si s for the rote ciion of vanuon$ iucltuling the iiecessaiy tools, hud male,' fur the objects enumerated, and fur rent nj' qijiirier.s mid oth'ce lor olficers,' itnd haiinclts and. hospitiils fur troops, where there are no public., build tigs. for ihelr 'iic'couimodalloii; for .storehouses for the' siifi keeping of mililaiy stores, and of gnu, iids f if summer cantonments and tiieampHiiiilfl, two hniidrrd uiid nineteen thousand dollars. ..- . t or rlothing, camp and garrison equi p;ie,' and, lió IS equipments, for engineer (loops, ordriHiice ileprtlrienl, diagoons, iilleinen, light artillery, artillery, and infiiiilry, se tnty-five tlioiisund dollars ' jjfc'or si.tbsistence in kind, two hundred and sr euty-uine thousand five hundred and seventeen dollars. r , . 1, Fiir piiy of t( con piinies of Texas iilounfed volunléeis,' eighty ' thousand set'iit'liiindred and forty-one dolhuJ' ' ! For running and marking the bound ary line between the United Males and Mexico, according to the treaty of Gua dalupe llnliilgii, eighty thousand dollars: I'hivhfrd, That nothing herein contain ed shall be so construed as to sanction a departure from the point on the Rio (fraude ninth of the town called Faso, designated in the said treaty. l-'or simeyingeighl bundled and seventy-five miles of meridian base and standard lines, meandering and survey of irrtgulur or river lots, etc., in Cali fornia!, at a rate not exceeding fifteen dollars per mile, thirteen ihousand one hundred and twenty-five dulUis. For subdividing land in. California into townships, equal to nine hundred miles of survey, at a rate not exceeding fourteen dollars per mile, twelve thous and dollars. ,i , p .: For, subdividing fifty townships in California into sections, at a rate not exceeding twelve dollars per mile, thirty-six1 thousand dollars. '.' ' For surveying private claims in Cali fornia, seren ihousand five hundred dol lars ., ' , ... .:, , i '.(,-'; '' ! ::m . For .compensation of the surveyor; general of Arkansas, per , act of August eighth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, two thousand dollars. For clerks in the office of the surveyor-general of Arkansas, per aot of Au gust eighth, eighteen bundled and foily six, six thousand three hundred dollars- For survey s in the mineral region of Michigan; at a rate not exceeding six dollars per mile, twenty-four thousand seven hundred and eighty dollar's. ' ' For completing the survey of the arde able lands in the Menomotiee cession, and the survey of the Lake Superior region, Wisconsin, at a rate got excee ding five dollars per mile, twenty thou sand tiplars. , i ., ,., Tor the completion of the township lines, and the' subdivisions of such of the townships - as bear Valuable pine timbe west of the fourth principal me ridian, and between the third and fourth connection parallels, at a rate not ex ceeding five dollars per mile, thirty-three thousand dollars. , , . . For annual repairs of the President's hoiiseYsiif. hundred dollars. '' ' -: For filling up end grading, etc, Frank lis square, four hundred and six dollars and iiipetj-nin onts. ,. . . , , ' To make the roads and walks, and to plant, Lafayette square, two thousand dollíT.w"f ' ' ."í"" '';" I To complete the improvements H ib square soutli of the .President's douse, twelve tliousaiid'1 dollars :' 'Provided, That the grounds can be filled' lip' ind the surface completed for the sum here-" in appropriated, and, , contrapt for the completion of .the work, with good se curity, be tendered .and accepted,' at a sum not exceeding this amount. . . '"'Td supply 'the deficiency in the' api propriation for the casual repairs of the Capitol, one thousand five hundred dol lars. For completing the improvements of New Jersey avenue, north of the pa pitol,'riine thousand dollars. For plant, ing and finishing the roads hud walks through that portion of '.the public mall surrounding the Smithsonian Institution, seven thousand dollars, ,:-, ' .1 ;;,,'i . For payment to Augustus Humbert of balance of his salary as United Stales assayer of gold in California, under the art of thirtieth of September, eighteen hundred and fifty, twelve hundred 'and fifty dollars. l i, ".;..., mi ,'t'i i m. For compensation pf extra olerks einv ployed In the olhce of the Commissioner of Pensions, twenty thousand dollars; ,.,'.;. ti,...'.... i' .i. , l '...:.. i tuututfif xii.ii in ).irlK aimu icueive more than at the rate of one thousand dollars per annuiii, exoeit, two, whose snlary shull not exoeek twelve hundred dolíais, under this act. ( , , , 'i : ,,' For expenses of establishing the sup erliiteiiileiicy or Indian Affairs i Culi furnia', aofboriscd by 'the" act (if third .March, eighteen huhdred and fifty-two,' xn:-:-i r-.. :i-i:.- i wi ! ai. n , For . salary,, of superintendent, -one thoiiSHiul three .hundred and eighteen dii!lrs and sixty-eight cents, ., i , . For presents and provisions for Indi an usiting superintendent on' official business, one thousand dollars. " - For iravelliug expenses of lhe super inieiident, and t tie necessary attendants, two ihousand Gve hundred dollars. ') I For payment to the American' party of St. Kegis Indians, (less the i sum of one lüpiiMind dollars appropriated, by the act of twenty-seventh of June, eigh teen hundred and forty-six, in pursuance of h stipulation contained in the sup plemental article,) as a remuneration for moneys laid out by said tribe, and for services rendered by their chiefs and agents, in securing the title to tho Green Bay lands, and in removal to the same, agreeably to the provisions of the ninth article of the treaty with the Six Nations of New York, of fifteenth of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, four thousand dollars. :' i ' . . For payment to the Senaea Indians 6f New York, for moneys wrongfully with holden from them by an agent appointed by the government for the management of their affairs, as per report of Thomas li. Stoddard, commissioner selected by tho Secretary of War to mnke the re quisite investigation pursuant to the di rection contained in the fotirtl) 'section of the act of twenty-seventh June eigh teen hundred and forty-six, making ap propriations lor the Indian Department, twenty. eight thousand five hundred and five dollars and fifty cents: '.Provided, That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby required, upon payment of, the money herein specified, to take ' such further stop, if any may be necessary, as shall enable the United Stntes lo re cover the amount due from .saidagent' For the appropriation of the follow;-, ing Minis carried to the surplus fund per; warrants numbered twelve and thirteen, and dated respectively thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and forty-six, and thir tieth of June, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, under the fullqwing heads, viz; "Jr'or carrying into, effect , Choctaw treaty," kct eleventh of June, eighteen hundred and forty-two, ninety-five dol lars and eightv-Orree cents. , j, For carrying into .effect Choctaw treafyon account of lands relinquished,", act second of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, eight liijnpi ec anil .t wenty-six dollars and twenty-six cents. ,..,' "For payment to Poftawatoniies for corn .crop abandoned,'' .act,, March, eighteen hundred and thirty- nine, seven hundred and lurty-twe dol lars and fifty cents, i :. a. ,í' , "For payment to Pottawalomies for twelve log houses destroyed," act third March, eighteen hundred and tirty-nine, six hundred dolíais 'wa.-.-i ': v .oiv For interest on the amounts awarded Chootaw claimants, under the fourteenth article of the treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek, of twenty-seventh of September, eighteen hundred and thirty, for - lands mi i.', .i ',". lili i i,,, ... Qui ,' 1,1' There' i no such act. 1 1 l'-i,ipj-'tlit edthatth act of Juné 4, 1833' is the one Intended. ."i :.". v'' :- 1 on which they resided, but which it is. impossible to give them, and in lieu of the sorip tjiat his.beeq awarded ynder tlje act .o( i,w-eity.iii-d of August, figlij teen liupdied and forty-two, not delW ..-l.l.. 'ij-fc it. J ', LliJ cruuie casi, oy me unru lecnon oi iam l&w, per' act of third- Match, eighteen1 hundred and forty-five, for the hau year ending thirtieth of June,' eighteen bun drcd and fifty-two, twenty-one thousand eight hundred .dollars:' Provided, That after the thirtieth day' of Juneeighteen' htlndred ánd fifty-two, nil jy DiMits" of intere-sl on said awards shall cease, and' that the Secretary of the : Interior be and he is hereby directed to pay said, claimants the ainouht of principal awar ded iti each case I'esp'eclively, and tliat : lb amount necessary for this 'purpose be, and the sam.0 is hereby appropriated, ? not exceeding eight hundred and aeren) ty-two thousand, dollars; Provided 'jw thcr, That the. final payment and satis faction of sard awards shall be first rat, ificd and' approved ' k filial release of ; all claims of such parties under the four teenth article of said treaty, by the pro') per national authority of the t)hoctawsr. in suijh form as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior,'.' j ' ' " ,.r For the purchase bf presents, and to ' negotiate tinder instructions' from the Scretary of the Interior, with the In-! diaus in Texas who have intruded them selves into that state front the territories of the United States, for their removal from that state, twenty-five thousand dollars."1 "'' " V "''' i.-i; For continuing the collection and for : publishing the statistics and Other infor mation authorised by tho act of third of., March, eighteen hundred and forty -lev- en, and subsequent acts, seventeen thou sand dollarsi Provided, That the work shall be completed fh five Volumes, and ,; that at least one volume shall', be pub. lished in each year, until the whole ser ies of five volumes shall be finished. '." " For arrearages in the bost of the pre paration of the volunte, for the ar eighteen hundred and fifty-one, vf. stat- isticsjnd other, information authorised , by The set, of, .(bird of March, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, and subsequent . acts, five thousand three hundred do!1 lars. " .'' '.i 1 f,V? -i'-' ' - (Continued on Zdpage) ,-. O3 Gbaiiau's .,Auebican MoüTÍILT Philadelphia. We take pleasure in an nouncing to our readers that this ably . and wel-cpnducted; Magazine -is still progressing; notwithstanding the. vest amount of competition it, has to encoun-, ter, it has. entered upon snotlier . year. lo those of -our citizens who desire to have., a good,; literary, apd instructive , magazine, combining a large quantity ,,' ofainusing and useful matter with cheap ' ....o.. .., ..ini.l.l Lnn.liln ..annimatifl it. am to take this rnagazine.i Here is their,,. notice toeditors, .together with the pros , pectus, it will be seen that for the small . eiiiñ' of 14,00 per annum, a subscriber will get each month a number ot the magazine containing Vi pages ana one ofGodey's'j-as'B ook:T- , , . To Nineteen Hundred Édltor. This number; .closes the volume for.lti6í of Graham's 'Magazine,'1 arid we éonfi di ntlv rely upon a much target list of subscribers fu J853. v ,..!! ; Our fiicnUs of the Press, who' have, watchid; pur. cpurse for, the Jast twelve inonjhsiriust have seep tjiat our policy of giving 112 pages in 'every number, was dictated by a desire to establish firmly a tngai:ine of a Very high brder of litera)'! merit.' We could have pub lished a thinner magazine, filled with indifferent pictures fur severa! thousand dollars less; but we have felt tint we have met' the wants' and wishes of the public 'better' by (lie course We have pursued, v.'1 '''""" v.ti-.i fia : It is now to bf. 'fai hj tht rwmcal of old club.nA the addition of new ones, whether we have misapprehended the taste of the people.' Will our editoHalfriend$ club with v at iitualf and, if not too much trou ble, ask those who took an interest in , Graham for 1852 to go with us for 1853. 0 We will send Graham's Magazine . and Gndey's Lady's Book,' one year, for $4.' Please mention this. '' '''"' Wé have now the liberal number of ' 1,900 exchangea-m Will our friends send ,, ns.flnfy the pir. co'tl.iin the pclice, 'BWv'rtl.':iÍr1.Mrñ''Ííi:: '4;"'ii .' ;';''t '("fO-.v-'uit .to ex- , changes, e find 7,600 per month á task" .int.e.H.-"'-1'-- "4 '::.:'-'' -.