Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME II. SANTA P, NEW 3IEXIC0, MARCH 5, 1853. NUMBER 37. Santa fe lücckln cr,cttc. tpiims. : WEEKLY- $5 a yer, 'payable Invariably in tdvtoiM i 'illicit copies 12 1-2 cents. Ailvcrtiso mmtS) $1 '60 ptr square of ten lines (or the first insertion, lor every subsequent insertion. ..Il) J. W. REED, .!'' ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' ' CITY Or SANTA Ft, NEW MEXICO, WILL practice in the Courts of Tanta Fe, ami adjoining counties; and will attend to nrlinlnal business in imy part of tho Territory. Sania Fe, Sept '5, 1852. Orno ' ' ': INDEPENDENCE, MISSOURI. ",'! .""',! - ' , fr'!, B . W. TODD. I have removed from the "Noland House," to the "N'ebriska House," in Independence, Missouri. Tht Nebraska House la alarbe new bnild:np, and has rei-ently been mucli improveii by alterations and additions. Having taken this house for a term of yeurs, 1 intend to make every effort t" promote the convenience and romfort of travellers. The patronage of my friends and the travelling public IS respectfully solicited. ' B. W. TODD. January 1st 1853 ly. fUBllSIIKD EVERY 8TCBDAY, BY WILLIAM DREW. i OFFICE OF CO.WY. OF t-UB., Fot Union, N. M., Dec. il. lXrl. NEALEU PROPOSALS will be received at this office till 12 o'clock. M., on Tucsilay the iiSih day of February, 1NÓJ, for ftiriiisliinj; Flour to the V. Stale's Troops, at the points ami in the qiisnlities mentioned, as follows : At Taos, N. M. 125.0(10 Bounds. " At Fort Union, N. M. WM)' " . . At Sania Fe, , " W.tlllll ' At Albuquerque, ' 22II.IKIÜ " ' ; At Fort Cniirad, " 125.(1(10 " At Fort Fillmore, " 2311.11(10 " ' The flour must he of "supei fine" quality, and de livered in strong cotton 'drilling" sacks, of lUt'lbs, erh ' Proposals are invited for the whole amount, for that required at several points, or fur that required at ny particular point. The lontrictor contacts to be made for one year, a I the faithful fullilme ,t thereof to be guar antied by two responsible securities whose names must be entered in the proposals. OiK'fourlh of the uniiiiiiit. required at carli point, limit he deliver!!' wrtVJit;, ' oinuieiiciii oil ilie hi day of Ami-t,J.W Sytim CVuiiu.tssiirie". or principal Asitiuil Ctn,iuiistrí- of the siijHi(ni.'e in New Wxiru. will reserve the right oí i '-.v-.i.r ií or .H.iihivñt the amount lo he iH'V'toI at each and every point, bytme MM, by giving six months notice to lint ef fect, '"' i'. . ,. il .. 'i., .' ISAAC HOW EN, . , ' . ' ' Cd. .es ." ' :; 1 ' PUBLIC BUILDING. ' ' ' ' " : ' l'flOr) rente yards of stone. riMIE Commissioners of Public Buildings for the J. Territory of New Mexico, will receive, at tlieirollice in tin city of Santa Fe, until the 10th of March at 12 o'clock, M., sealed proposals fur quarrying 1000 cubic yards of stone. The proposer for the contr.ict 'to be governed by the following terms and. specifications i . . , 1st. 'í'ne stone to be of blue or grey lime. 1 2d. To be quarried within a mile ami a half of the plaza of Santa Fe. 3d. To be of sound stone, free of cracks or flaws, and no stone to be of less dimensions than two feet and a half in length, one foot and a half in width, and six i'nchcs thick. ' 4lh. The stone to-ba laid up in compact rect angular piles, for measurement by the superinten dent. 5th. No proposition will be considered for a less amount than 500 Cubic yards. 1 6th. Contract to be completed by tho 10th day o May next, i ' . ','' PRT.STCN BECK, ill MANUEL ALVAREZ, -! V 'I FRANCISCO OU'i'lZ Y DELGADO, i Commissioners. ' 'J. HOUGHTON, superintendent, anta F4, Jan. 28, 1853. .. , ,,).)( , i i . -. !;.; :'; hi-i ' ;',NOTJCC, , DISSOLUTION OF PAnTNEnSllIf THE firm heretofore known as SPENCER it GRANOJEAN was this day dissolved by miitu l consent The business will hereafter be carried on in the Maine of CHARLES L. SPEN CER In the liquidation of all debts the name of thi old linn will be used. V , CHAllLESL. SPENCER, 1 ': ' HENRY GRANOJEAN, La Crucu, Jan. )6, 1853.T-3J41 :, J Ml,. '.',.1,7 ,. I j I,,', jJ 1 ti'i'ii outfits ron saxta fe,. : the liiliMiiber rospee.tfully informs the public of New Mexico, that at bis establishment at I,.',.. '.. WE .TPORT, MISSOURI, ..' ' and fcy bi agent at M , I COUNCIL-GROVE, ' ,;' Nebraska Territory, he Is prepared to outfit and aiitplf with every "thing requisite fol the journey to santa fi. rornpcnies or individuals, upon the ihost Teaionabl terms. , i : , , JJflIé beljevcs that an acquaintance of many jrui with the Santa Fa trade, will enable him to tira aenernl natisf action in I he business, .., : i. ALBERT G BOONE. .'Santa Fij Dec. 24, IS&2. 2S-3in. ,' ( THE U. . Malí Irom 'anta Fe to the States léate regularly on the first day of each nonth.: , Paliara during the iiimmer months $125 00 '. ", " , winter months ' $150 00 - 40101 6f baggage allowed to each passenger. -!''l WALDO, HALL, & CO. Pruprietori. V, 8anU Fe, Sept. 18, 1852 tf TlMl'l ' COMMISSIONER OP DEEDS, Ji."i (Cíl.'Pomrsylvania,.!,; , , , .(.,;-' ., I :,,, Connecticut. á ító Fi Jan. 1,-1862 tf. ' , 1 ' EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS testamentary were tranted the un, derfigned, upon the cslate of Dámaso Loneit- dece ised, dated November 30th 1852, by the hono- rauie Judge or I'ronaie, tor me county of Santa Fes all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those liaving nommls rgainst the same must present them within the time prescribed by law, or they will be debarred. , M.ÍNU.ÍL jJLVIREZ, ' Exentar. Santa Fe, Feb. 19, 1853. 4tno 35. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, thift the undersigned has been granted letters of administration on I he estate of James W. Graves, deceased, by the Pro bato Judge of the County of Doña Ana, Territory of New Mexico, bearing date the 3rd December, 1852. All persons having claims against said cs tale ore notified to present them Tor allowance with in one year from the dale of said letters, or they may be precluded fr- m said estate, and if not with in two years, sir II be forever barred and all per snin indebted tó said estate, are requested to come forward and mako immedi do settlement. LUIS WM GEC'K, .HimnLtlralor. Don Ana, Dec. 17. 1852. ' by AUTHORITY. Public Act3 of the Tliirty-Second Congress OF THE UNITED STATES. 1851-52. CtiAr. LXVII. An Act to tho Mayor mid Common Council of Chi eno, Illinois, to excávalo a portion of tlie Public Reservation at that place, with a view to tin; itnprovi'ineiit of the Nas irjntion of Chicago River. tie il enackdhy thp Senate and House of Heprescnttitives of the Unijfd States of America in Congress assembled, That the corporate authorities of the city of Chicago, Illinois, be, and they are here by authorised to excavate such portion of the reservation nt Chicago, not ex ceeding the limits described in their memorial of Janmry live, eighteen hun dred and fifty-lwii, as may be necessary, according to the plan set forth in said jit-in , t'l ii í , foi' the improvement of the ii.ivigHliun oí the Chicago River. Sec. 2. And he it further euackd, I hut the Secretary of War be, and lie is hereby directed to cause the limits above disigt nted to be marked out, and lo make such disposition of the buildings now standing within said limits as may hé best for the publicl interest. Approved, July 1, 1852.! , ,. () , Chap. LXVIII. An Act to authorise the President of the United States to designate the places for the Ports of Entry and Delievcry for the Collec tion Disttict of Puget's Sound and Uinpqua, in the Territory of Oregon, and to fix the Compensation of the Collector at Astoria, in said Territo ry. Be t'teiuic'.edhy the Senate and House of Representatives of tho United States of Ameiicain Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and he hereby authorised todesignate the places for the ports of entry for the collection districts of Puget's Sound and Umpqua, in the Territory of Oiegon, upon receiving satisfactory information as to the best location for said ports, instead of the places now established by law in said districts respectively. . Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That tha annual compensation of tho col lector at Astoria, in the collection dis trict of Oregon, in said Territory, be, and the same is hereby fixed at the sum of three thousand dollars, including the fees of his olftce, commencing on the first day of July, in the year one thous and eight hundred and fifty ; and in no event shall he be allowed a greater am ount than said sum of three thousand dolíais, so including the present fees of his olnco as uforesanl. Approved, July 21, 1852. Chap. LXXIV. An Act supplementary to ''Art Act providing for the taking of the seventh ami subsequent' cens- ' rises of tho United States, and to fix tho number of tho Members of tho II01180 of Repiescuttitives, and provide for thuir future Apportionment among the several States," approved twenty third May, eighteen hundred and fifty. Be itenaeted by the Senate and House of Representatives of tho United States of America in Congress assembled, That the becretary ot the Intcnorproceed forth with to apportion two hundred and thirty threo representatives among the several States, in accordance with tho provisions contained in the twenty-fifth section of the net of twenty-third May, eigh tcert hundred and fifty nil(l according to the returns of population which liavo been completed and toturned , to , the Ccnsus-Offico in the Department of the Interior. And, it being inado to appear that the returns of tho population of Cal ifornia aro incomplete, it is further en acted, that said Stato shall retain the number of representatives prescribed by the act of ndimssion thereof into the Union until a new apportionment, and for this purpose the whole number of representatives is hereby increased to two bunded and thirty-four until such apportionment. . .. , Sec. 2. And le it further cnac'ad, That if, at any future deccnial enumera tion of tho inhabitants of tho United States, tho census of any district or sub division in the United States shall have been improperly taken, or if the returns of any district or subdivision shall be ac cidentally lost or destroyed, the Secreta ry of tho Interior shall have power to order a new enumeration of 6uch district or subdivision. Sec. C. And be it further enacted, That tho twentieth Section of tho said act be amended by striking out tho words "has been" from the hist line, and insert ing the words "may necessarily bo'' in lieu thereof. ' Approved, July 30, 1952. CitAP. LXXV.An Act to establish ad ditional Land Districts in tho Stato of Wisconsin. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of tho United States of America in Congress assembled. That so much of the public lands of the United States, in the State of Wisconsin, as lies within the following boundaries, to wit : commencing at tho southwest corner of township fifteen, north of rango two, east of tho fourth principal meridian, thenco running duo east to the southeast corner of township fifteen north of range eleven, east of tho fourth principal meridian, thence north along said rango line to the north lino of the Stato of Wisconsin, thence westerly along said north lino to tho lino between ranges ono and two, cast of tho fourth principal meridian, thenco south to the placo of beginning, shall bo formed info a new land district, to bo called the Stevens Point Land Dis trict, and for tho sale of the public lands within the district hereby constituted, n land-oillcc shall be established rit Stevens Point, on the Wisconsin River, as soon as tho public convenience may require it. ' ' J ' 1 Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That so much of the public lands of tho United States, in the State of Wisconsin, as lies within tho following boundaries, to wit: commencing at a point where the line between townships ten aud elev en, north, touches the Mississippi River, thenco duo cast to tho fourth principal meridian, thence north to tho lino be tween townsips fourteen and fifteen, north, thenco cast to tho southeast corner of township fifteen, north of range otto, east of tho fourth principal meridian thenco north on tho range line to tho south lino of township number thirty-one, north, thenco west on tho lino between town ships number thirty und thirty-one, to the Chippewa River, thence down said river to its junction with the Mississippi River, thence down tho Mississippi Rivet to tho placo of beginning, shall be formed into a new land district, to bo called the La Cross Land District, and for the sale of tho public lands within tho district hereby constituted, a land-office shall bo established at La Crosse, on tho Missis sippi River, ns soon as the public conven ience may require it. Sec. S. And be it further enacted, That the President is hereby authorized to cause tho removal of either of the of fices created by this act, to any other tilaco within said districts, whenever, in his opinion, such removal may bo deem ed cxpedicut. Sec. 4, And le it further enacted, That tho President bo, nud lie s hereby authorized to appoint, by and with tho advice und consent of tno Senate, a reg ister and a receiver of public moneys for eaclt ot tlio said districts, who slmll res pectively bo required to reside nt tho site of said office, and who shall havo the same powora, perform tho samo duties, and bo entitled to tho samo compensa tion as aro or may bo prescrilied by law in relation to other lund-ofllcers of tho United States. And in caso it shall be found necessary or expedient to establish said districts, or either of them, during tho recess of Congress, tho President shall bo, and he is hereby authorized to ap point tho necessary officers during such recess, and until the end of tho next ses sion of Congress: Provided, however, That this act shall not go into effect until at least six months after its passage. , Sec. 5. And be it further enacted. That tho Commissioner of the General Laud-Oflico shall causo to bo transferred to the land-offices h'erebv Created, all such ! books, maps, records, Held notes, and plats, or transcripts thcrcot,' relating to tho surveys and entries of the public hinds in tho districts hereby created, ns may uo necessary lor trio salo ot tno pub lic lands, in compliance with the provis ions ol this net. Approved, July 80, JS52. - Chap. LXXVII.-An Act to create three additional Lund Districts in tho State of Iowa. Be il enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ol' tho United States of America in Congress assembled. That all that portion of the public lands in the Stato of Iowa, lying west of the range line dividing ranges seventeen and eigh teen, anil east of the range lino dividing ranges thirty-one and thirty -two.Jind now included in tho district of lands subject to sale at Fairfield, shall comprise a new hind district, to be called the Chariton District ; that so much of the public lands in said State, now included in the Iowa and Dubtiqno land districts, lie be tween the rango line dividing, vangcu sixteen and seventeen, and the range line dividing ranges thirty-throe and thirty four, shall form a new hind district, to be called the Northern District: that all that portion of the public lands in said State, now included in tho district sub ject to salo at Fairfield, and lying west of the rango line dividing ranges thirty ono and thirty-two, and all that portion of tho public lands now included in the- districts subject to sale at Iowa City ami Dubuque, and lying west of tho rango line dividing ranges thirty-tbreo and thirty -four, shall form a new hind district, to be called tho Missouri River District ; and that tho district of lands subject to salo at Dubuque shall hereafter be bound ed on tho north by the northern bounda ry line of tho Stato of Iowa. Si:c. 2. And be il further enacted, That tho President be, and ho is hereby authorized to appoint, by and' with tho advice and consent of tha Senate, a reg ister and receiver of tha public moneys for each of the said districts, respectively who shall each bo required to reside nt the site of the respective office to which they may be appointed, and who shall havo tho same powers, perform tho same duties, and bo entitled to the same 'com pensation as arc, or may be prescribed by law in relation to other land-btlices of tho I nited States. Sue. 3. ' And be it farther enacted, That tho President is authorized to cause tho public lands in said districts, respec tively, (with tho exception of sections numbered sixteen in each township, re served for tho use of schools, or such other lands as may bo selected by law in lieu tlKTcot, and ot such other tracts as bo may select for military purposes,) to be exposed to sale in tho same manner and upon the same terms and conditions as tho other lands of the United States. Si:c. 4. And be il further enacted, That tho President is hereby authorized todesignate tho sites at which each of tho several offices shall bo established, and to remove the samo to any other places within said districts respectively, whenever, in his opinion, it, may be deemed expedient. Sec. 5. Jlnd be it further enacted, That any location or sales of land lying in either of tho districts hereby created, made by tho land-officers at ' Dubuque, Iowa City, or Fairfield, after the passago of this act, and prior to the receipt by them of instructions from the Commis sioner of tho General-Land Office under this act, shall be as good and valid in law as if this act had not been passed, ', ,' ; Approved, August 2, lSyá. Ciup. LXXVI1I. An .Act ta protect actual Settlers upon the Land on tho Lino of tho : Central Railroad and Brunches, by granting Preemption Rights thereto. Be it enacted by tho Senate and II. of Representatives of tlw United . States of Amcrriea in Congress assembled, That each and every person now an uctual set tler and occupant, anil who, on tho 20th day of September, in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred an fifty, had made such an actual settlement and improvement as would havo entitled him to aright of preemption under the act of September fourth, eighteen hundred and forty-one, but for his failure to givo tho requisito notico under that law, or to filo proof within duo time, on any tract of land now owned by tho United States, and situated within tho limits reserved from salo by order of tho Government, becauso of tho grant of alternate sections to the States of Illinois, Mississippi, and Alabama, in aid of the construction of tho Chicago and Mobile railroad and branches, by virtue of an net of Congress approved September twentieth, onditeen hundred and fifty, entitled, "An net gran- ' ting the right of way and making a grant of hind to tho State of Illinois, Mississip -.') pi, and Alabama, in aid of the construc tion of a railroad from Chicago to Mo bile," shall have the right to purchase, at tho price established bv lnw in roimla.. ting tho sales of lands, a quantity of the tract so settled on and improved, not less than forty nor inoro than ono hundred : and sixty ncres, in legal subdivisions, 'on which said improvements may bo sitiia- ted : Provided, That any person claim- ' ing the right to purchase under this act shall, before tho nctual offering of K : tract at public sale, filo with tho register oi me proper juiui-oince, a notice Uescri. -bilí!; tho land bv its numbers, nnd nml-a ' tho necessary proof, affidavit, and pay. intuí i, mu mini, w iiniu iweive months from the date of this act : And provi- ded further. That tho riubt of Wftv tin- Oil nnd across any tract of land claimed under tho provisions ot this act, not ex- coding two hundred feet in width, shall be reserved and retained for the said rail road and branches, as tho same mar be located and constructed. Approved, August 2. 1832. ' Chap. LXXX. An Act to grant the Right of Way to all Rail and Plank Roads nnd Macadamized Turnpikes passing through the public Land be longing to the United States. Be it enacted by tho Senate and Honso ' of Representatives of tho United States of America in Congress assembled, That tho right of way shall bo, nnd is hereby granted to all rail and plank road, or Macadamized turnpike companies that aro now or may bo chartered within ten years hereafter, ever and through any of the public lands of tho United States, ; over which any rail or plank road or Macadamized turnpikes are or mar be ' authorized by an act of the legislature of ' tho respectivo States in which public lands may bo situated ; and the said company or companies are hereby auth orized to survey and mark through the said public lands, to bo held by them for ' the track of said road, ono hundred feet 1 in width : Provided, That in caso where deep excavation or heavy embankment is required for tho grade of such road, then ' nt such places a gretor width may bo ta-' ken by such company, if necessary, not ' exceeding in tho wholo two hundred feet. ' ' t u ' i ,' Sec. 2. And h it further enacted, ' That tho said company or' companies ' shall havo the right to tako from the pub-' lie lands, in tho vicinity of said road or ' roads, all such materials of earth, stone, or wood, as mav bo necessarv or con. venientfrom timo to time for the. first construction of said road or roads, or any. ('ill L bUl'ICUl, UUUII"II OttlU 1UUU. Kirn. il. AnJliA ii fuvvha Mnt.iJ t That thero shall be, ana is hereby gran- ion to Baiu company or companies, all necessarv sites for waterinrr nlnwa Aa. pots, and workshops along the line of, said road or roads, so far as the places convenient for tho samo may fall upon tho public lands : Provided, that tía mm diipot or watering place shall contain iM.i.H tnn onnn.n nH nn.l (1. n ...1.1 uní uuu oijiitiiv; nv.ii;, tlliu lliub Bum B11C9 snail not oo nearer to eacn otnor than tou miles along tho line or linos of said road or vmAk Provided further, That the said grants herein contained, as well of the use of the public lands, as of the materials for tho construction of said road or roads shall censo and determine, unless the road or roads bo begun within ten years from . and after tho passago of this act, and. completed within fifteen years thereafter!' And provided moreover, That if any, road, at any timo after its completion, bo discontinued or abandoned by said company or companies, tho grunts bore by made shall ceaso and determine, nnd siiid lands hereby granted, revert back to tho general government : Provided fur ther, That when a location for either of said railroads or plunk roads, Macada ltiized turnpikes, or 6tes for depots on tho line of such road or roads shall be so lected, tho proper officers of such road or roads shall transmit to1 the eommisi oner of the General Land-Offico a correct plat of the survey of said road or roads,, together with the survey of sites for do-' pots before such selection shall become operative : Provided further, That nono of the foregoing provisions of this act shall apply to, or authorize any rights in any lauds of tho United States other than such as aro held for private entry and salo, and such as are unsnrvoyed and not hold for publicusoby erection or improvements thereon. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the right of wny through the pub lie land of the United Statu lying in Black Rock, in the county of Erie and