Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME II. SANTA F, NEW MEXICO, MARCH 12 1853. 6 NUMBER 3S.' Santa fc UJccklij alette. TKRMS. ' WEEKLY- $5 a year, pava'jle Invariably in advance t single ropies 12 Í-2 cenia. Advertise ments, f 1 60 per square of ten lines for the first insertion, anil $1 for every subsequent insertion. J. VV. REED.-' ATTORNEY AT LAW, CITY Of SANTA FS, NEW MEXICO, WILL practice in the Courts of Santa Fe, and adjoining counties j and will attend to criminal business in ny part of the Territory. Santa fe, Sept 25, 1852. timo INDEPENDENCE, MISSOURI. BY B. W. TODD. I have removed from the "Nolnnd House," to the "Nebraska House," in Independence, Missouri. The Nebraska House is large new build injr, and has recently been much improved by alterations and additions. Having taken this house for a term of years, I intend to make every eflurt t" promote the convenience and comfort of travellers. The patronage of my friends and the travelling public is respectfully solicited. . B. W. TODD. January Isl l53 ly. OUTFITS l'On BASTA FE. The subscriber respectfully infu'rini the public of New Mexic ', that at Ins establishment at WE-TPOltT, MISSOURI, and by his agent at COUNCIL-GROVE, Nebraka Territory, he is prepared to outfit and suniilv with cverv'lhing requisite loi the journey to "aula Fe. companies or individuals, upon the inn' nwonable turum. jJHIe believta that an acquaintance of many vimik with the Santa Ké Irado, will enable him to rive general sati. faction in the business, AI.ISKRT G UOONE. &nta F, Dec. 21, lo2.-2-3m. rpHE V. Mail from canta Fe to the States J. leaves rcgul.nly on the first day of each tnnnfh. Passage during the summer months $125 00 winter monihs $150 0" 401bs of bagsagc allowed toe.icb passenger. WALDO, HALL, &. CO. Proprietors, Santa Ft, Sept. IS, 1852 tf OF DEEDS, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Niw Hampshire. Santa Fe, J.m. 1, ISoÜ-lf. KXECl'TOK'S NOTICE. IETTERS tt'Mamc: buy were gi anted tlie mi, A tleniL'iiel. "noli the estate i.f U.imnul Lupe.- dece.srd, djtoil November ;M;ii IS.'tí. hv III' hm.o- ralile Judje of Pioliat", f'ir tlie county of Ninla Fei all nersoiu indebted to saw eil.itc are re- quested to m ke immedi.itc pajment. and those having Horn nils gnin't the Mime must prespnt them within Hie time prescribed by law, or they will be debarred. . M.1NU.1L LV.ÍRF.Z, Exirutor. &nita Ft, Feb. 19, 1853,-rltno 35. BY AUTHORITY. Public AoU of the Thirty-Second Congress OF THE i mti:d siails. 1851-52. Chap. LXXXMI An Act lu c.iiifinn In tin' Suit; ni' .Michigan certain Lands fur saline Punióse-.. i Be it enacted ' tlie Semite and House of Ret resenlatnes l the United tt nf America in Conurcss assembled. '1 liat the selection and location by the Slate ofMicliigm ol the lands lying m said Ule, described as sicliutis numbered two, three, futir, fue, eight, nine, ten, licn. fourteen, fifteen, twenlv-one and twenty-two, in township seven nurlli, of range fourteen east, lieretoinre made imHor and bv v hi tie of tlie fourth prop- ositioii contained in the first section of an act entitled "An act supplementary to the act entinta 'An act to esiauiisu the northern boundary line of the state nfOliin. and to nrovide fur the admis- lion of the state of Michigan into the Union, on certain conditions, " appro Juno twenty-third, eicrhteen linn dred and thirty-six, be and the same are li-rphv recocmsed as valid and cnnlirm ed to said State, in lieu of twelve other sections which were incorrectly noted as confirmations under shid act, by lea . ,,f nn erroneous interpretation civ en, at the General Land-Office, to tlie original list ol selections. Aniiroved. Ancusl 25, 1852. , Ciiap. XCI An Act to protide for ex- eml im l ie Public Fruit me, and es tublishiug the Prices thereof, and fpr olhor Purposes. r ' Hp ! tnnnieA bv the Senate and House r li-nrnMitativei of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That .. ... i...: iM.j ni.:.., D,. Hie joint reioiunuu snuueu -smai cIquod directing ths manner oí procur ing the printing for e.u'h lioiise of Con gress," approved August lliiid, eigh teen hundred and forty-six, be, and the same is hereby repealed, r Sec. 2. -..And be it further enacted, That there shall be a suppitntcndent nf tlie public printing, who shall hold his office fur the term of two yeais, who shall receive fur his services a salary of twenty-live hundred dollars per annum, aii'l who shall give bond with two sure ties to be approved by the Secretary of the Interior, in the penalty of twenty thousand dolíais for the faithful discharge oí his duty under this law. The said superintendent shall be a practical prin ter, versed in the vanons brandies of the arts of liriiitnic mid bouk-bindinu. and he shall not be interested directly or indirectly in any contract for printing lor L oiigress or lor any department oi bureau of the government of the United Slates. J'he hist supeiintendent under this law shall hold hi ollice until the commencement of the thirty-third Con gress, and the superintendents thereaf ter appointed shall hold their offices for two years, commencing with the first dny of the session of each Congress. Sec 3. And be it further enacted. That it shall be the duly of said super intendent to receive Iroin tlie aecrelui v of the Senate and Clerk nf the House of Itepie.sentiiliies all mailer onleied by Congress lu be printed, nnd Troin the several chiefs of departments and heads uf bureaus nil matter ordered by them respectively, to he ininled at the iiublic expense, and to keep a faithful account of the same, in the order in which the same shall bu received, in a book or bonks to be bv him kepi for that pur pose, lie shall deliver said matter to the public printer or printers in the ot- er in winch it shall be received, unless otherwise ordered by the joint committee on printing. He iluill inspect the work, when executed by the public printer or printers, and shall record in n book or books, to be by him kept for that pur pose, the dates at which the returns of said work aie made Bud whether the same is executed in a neat and work manlike manner, upon the paper furn ished Id the public piinlers bysuid sup erintendent, and the amount allowed by said supeiinleuilerl for the said print ing It s it is 1 1 be his lint) to lev he the execution of the public printing, to in inee.t I he work vhen executed, and to see 1 1 1 m t the sume is done with neatness and despatch; to repoit every fuiliire or delinquency on the pait of the public printer, from time lo time In report the said delinquencies to the joint com mittee of Congress on printing. He shall issue his certificate for the amount due to (he public p! inter for such work as ihull have been faithfully executed, which certifícale shall he n ade pnwible lo the public printer nt the treasury of the I'uiti'd Slates, and shall not Ileus sanable ol transferable, by indorsement or delivery lo any thiid pail). Said certifícale, of the superintendent shall he a sufficient voucher for the complin! ler to pass, ami for the treasurer, upon (he order of the second cotnptrollei, to pay the same. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duly of the said su perintendent nf the public piintino In advertise annually in one or more news papers of general circulation in the cities nf Boston, New Yutk, I hiladel phia, Baltimore, Washington, New Or leans; Louisville, and Cincinnati, for the space of sixty days piior to the first of December, fur sealed proposals to fur nish the government of the United States all paper which may be necessary for (he execution of the public printing, ol quality and in quantity to be specified in the said advertisements from year to year. He shall open such proposals as may be made, in the presence of the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday'bf December annually, provided a Speaker shall have been elected, or as soon there after as a speaker shall have been elec ted, and shall award the conduct for furnishing all of said paper, or such class thereof as may be bid for to the lowest bidder, whose Sample, accompanying his bid, sh'll most nearly approximate to the quality of paper (size, weight; and texture all ' considered) advertised fui bv th said superintendent.'1'. The sam ple offered with the bid accepted shall be preserved by the said superintendent, and it shall be his dot; to compsre these with ths paper furnished by the public contractor; and he shall not accept any paper from the contractor which does not conform to the lample preserved as aforesaid. It shall be the duty of the superintendent of the public printing to deliver the paper for the printing of the United Stales upon the requisitions of the public printer or printers, and to chaige him or them therewith; and as the printing is returned and passed by the said superintendent, he shall credit the public printer with the qttanti'y us ed in tlie public service. It shall bo the duty i( said superintendent to have the requisitions of the printer and the returns of paper by the piintei balanced at least once in each year, and in default thereof to report the same to Congress for such proceedings ns Congress may direct. Ir. default of any contractor under this law to comply with his con tract in furnishing the paper in proper time and ol proper quality, the superin tendent is authorised to advertise for piopnsnls, as hereinbefore provided, and award the cnulruct to the lowest bidder; and for any incresse of cost to the gov eminent in procuring a proper supply of paper for the nseWf the government, the contractor in default and his securities shall be charged Villi and held respon sible for the snmi' and shall be prose cuted upon their bund, by the superin tendent, in the liaiW of the U. States, in the Circuit Couit of the U. Slates for the District of Colilmbia. Sec. 5. And ye t further enacted, That the pubiic primer shull he requir ed to execute each job nf printing in trusted to him within thirty days from date of its delivery by the superintend ent, except bills, reports, and joint res olutions, which shall v returned as the Clerk uf the House, ot Secretary of the Senate shall requireunless, for good reasons shown, the superintendent of printing shall extend Uie time, And should the printer detain any matter, longer than thirty days, a deduction of live per centum shall be made by the supei intendent, fron) the account of the piintei', Tor such job, and additional de duction of five percentnni for an nddi tionai ueienuon ol twenty uays. ji tlie public printer shall detain such matter for sixty days, the superintendent shall withdraw it entirely, and .shall employ another printer to execute '.he same with piomplness, upon t ie terms provided by law; and in such case the public prin ter shall not he allowed therelor. Sen. 6. . And bt it further enacted, I'hal the superintendent of the public n ulling shall not be directly or indirect y interested in the business of the pub lic printing, or in any material to be us ed by the public punier, or in any con tract to liirnisli paper to Longress or lo any departmetitor bureau ol the govern tnent ol the I in leu Mates for any viol lion ol this provision the silperin tendenl of the public printing shall fot fi it his office, and may be indicted be fore the District Court for the District ol Columbia, mid if found guilty, shall he imprisoned in the penitentiary of the District of Columbia for any term not less than one nor more than five years, and in addition thereto, may be fined in any sum from one thousand to ten thou sand dolíais. Sec. 7. And bt it further enacted, I hat when any document shall bo or dered to be printed bv both houses of Congress, the entire printing of sucli document shall be done by the printer of that house w hich first ordered the .ame. 'And whenever the same person or the same linn shall be printer for both houses uf Congress, and both lion ses shall order the same document to be printed within three weeks of the same time, composition shall be charged but once for said document; and no sum shall be paid to said printer for altering the. headings from the lorm in which lie printed them first to the form or form in which siichdocnment shall afterwards be printed. , , Sec. 8. And be it furlhar enacted, I hat there shall be elected a public pilu le r for each house of Congress, lodo the public printing for the Congress for yvhich lie or they may be chosen, and such printing for the executive departments and bureaus of the government 'or i the United States as may be delivered to him or them to be printed, by the sup. erintendent of the public printing.:; The following rates of compensation shall he paid from time to time for such printing as may be ordered by Congress: 1 1 Fiist. For bills and joint resolutions lor composition per page, nit y cents, For pressworlr, folding, and stitching, for five hundred and eight; copies, tlur ty-tvro and a hair cents per page: and at the sins rate per page tor any grea ler number not exceeding one thousand copies.- ' ; 1 ' ,! ' ;' ! :"" ' Second. For reports of committees and the journals of both houses, with indexes, and thé I executive documei.ts of ei eh house, embracing messages from the President, reports from the execu tive departments, bttieans, and offices, and documents and statements commu nicated therewith, with indexes; reso lutions and other documents from State legislatures; memorials,' petitions, trea ties, and confidential documents for the Senate; for composition per page, oc tavo ' '.. i.;, v For small pica plain, one dollar. " For small pica rule, one dollar and fifty cents. ' i,.. i, r'or brevier plain, one dollar and fifty cents. 1 .. i i. ' i yr Fur brevier rule, two dollars. : vil For nonpareil rule, three dollars aiid seventy-five cents. I" or the composition of tables Inrcer than octavo size, per one thousand ems, seventy cents; but the page cf octavo xe shall contain not less than one thou ond six hundred ems when printed In small pica; and the body of all plain matter shall be so printed, except ex- racts, yens and nays, and uldenda, which shall be painted with brevier type. All rule and ligure work shall be prin ted in royal octave form, with small pi ca, each page containing not less than one thousand six hundred ems, if the matter lo be printed can be brought in to pages of that size with that kind of type, so as to be read Willi facility and convenience. If it cannot, it shall be pruned with Brevier type, each page containing not less than two thousand eight hundred ems; ind if it cannot be brought into a royal octavo page with breviertype,so as lo be understood with facility, it shall be printed with honua- riel type, each page containing not less than four thousand two hundred cms; and when it cannot be brought into royal octavo page with nonpariel so ns to be read with facility, it shall be. prin ted with brevier type in a broadside, showing he whole table at one view, and be so filled that it can be bound in a royal octavo volume. vlien matter is leaded, the composi tion shall be counted as if the matter were printed solid, and not leaded, t'or prcsswork, lo'ding, and stitclijiiu of royal oc'uvo size ,. ; For twelve hundred and fifty copies, thirty-two and half cents per page, and at the same rate for any greater number nut exceeding fifteen hundred copies. tor prcsswork, folding, and stitching of each table larger than royal octavo size.'; . . , , '., For twelve hundred nnd fifty copies, one dollar and twenty-five cents per page, and at the same rale for any num ber uol exceeding lilleen hundred copies. 1 lie luilowmg deductions on account of foldiii!' and stitchinz copies reserved for binding, shall be made: lor royal uclavo size, per parre, for each hundred copies, one quarter of a cent; for each table larger than octavo, one quarter ufa cent; and the following additional charge shall be allowed lor trimming, folding, and stitching, nd in serting each map, chart, diagram,' or plat in the copies not reserved for bind ing; forevery bundled copies, ten cents. I here shall he allowed fur the pi ess- work on treaties, reports, and otlierdoc umenls, whew ordered to be printed In cos fidence, for the use of the Senate, at the billowing inles: ' í or Ihe prcsswork, foldinc, and stitch ing of sixty-five copies, six cents! pet page, when of the royal belavo size, and one dollar perpage, for sixty-five copies, when the matter cannot be contained in the royal octavo page in any type here inbefore specified; and allowunce jluil be made at the same rates for any gica tcr number of copies than sixty-five, and not exceeding one bundled. ., . i Ilurd. l or tabular statements of the orders of the day, lists of yeas and nays', circular letters, and miscellaneous pun ling ordered by Congress, not herein before specified - ,: ,; , , i : For composition for plain work, per thousand ems, fitly cents, . For rule and , figure work, fifty cants per thousand ems. ;.., , .. For presswork, folding, and, stitching one hundred copies, per page ! m ! For royal octavo, or an; smaller size, ten cents, vi .i, .!! . n.' Mu,!:,;; For quarto post, twenty cent, vi ,ii For foolscap and an; larger Size, twn If cents.; r - I lr : I ,;.( r But tbs following deductions Shall be made from ths presswork, folding, and stitching additional numbers tb the num ber usually ordered by Congress of mw ter included b the foregoing specifica tions, to wit; : !" !,. 'i-ii' ,;i When the number ordered ''exceeds'' five thousand and does not exceed ten thousand, two per centum. ' Wlien the number exceeds ten tíiou" and and does not exceed twenty thotis nnd, five per centum. (ii i, (,,,,., p , When the number exceeds twentf thousand, forty per cíiitunú ' "." 1 j f I be presswork, luidme, and titcmr.' of all printing not herein -'provided- for. '' shall be done by the icamüie lates shall be. tyo dollars per ream when prini teu on one side, am) rour collars pert ream when printed on both sides when , tiny'ainount less than one ream is order, ed, it shall be counted and settled for as one team.' ' K' '-' "J Sec 9. ; A tí I it furihtr tnneted t That (he regular number of document; ordered by Congress shall b Printed a, octavo form, on paper weighing not les than fifty-six pounds for every foiii huh dred and eighty sheets,1 and measuring1 iwciiij-iinir iijt iiiiny-eigni IllClies) 1)0 the extra numbers shall be' printed, oh paper weighing not less than forly-lv, pounds for every four hundred and eigli ty sheets, and measuring twenty-four by , thirty-eight inches,; , The paper for sny Í otherspeoiesof printing ordered by Cont gress, may be of such sisé and quality as the superintendent of the public prin ting may deem suitable and proper. ; j . IQ.Ldndbiitfurthnemetei, That the public printer or printers may; be required by the superintendent to work at night as well as through the tie, upon, thei public printing, during tins session of Congress; when the exigen' cies of Hie public service require it. ' Sec.. 11, And be it further tnaeitd That the same prices shall be paid fop' printing for the executive deparlrrentS that are paid for printing for Congress, except for printing post-bills, which shall . be printed on paper not Jess than six ' teen by twenty-six Inches, snd for prin1 ling on paichu.ent.. i There shall bepeid for printing the post-bills at the rats of ' one dollar per (hoinand sheets, and at i the rate of ten dollars per thousand for ' printing parchments; but nothing shall) be allowed far altering post-bills when ' the alteration consists in the mere change of a postmaster's , name? and nothing i herein contained siall prevent the heads Í of executive .deportments from' emiilovv ing punters out oi tne city ol Washing- ton, to execute such jirinting for any of i said departments as may be required for ; use out of Washingtbn, when tlie ssms t can be executed elsewhere as cheap s at the ratej herein specified, increased by .the cost of transporting tlie printed " . .... ' matter to the Male or Mates Where such I matter may bd required tar use in the public Service, iwl.i'.i'i m.i f.iv.'.i lo rjtM Seek 12. iAnd le it further enaeted,' That a committee, Consisting of tlirée members ot the Senate and three memi ! hers of the House 'bf Representatives, i shall be-appointed by the Piesideht of ) tho Seriate slid Speaker of the tyouée,1 to be called the Joint Committee en ths I'ublio Printing; which committee shall have t right to decid between the iuin périntmideM of the public printing and I mu puuno' primer in any uispuie wiucH I may arise as to the propriety of be dss cisiona of Hit) superintendent making de duotioiis on account uf wnik which ths i superintendent may refuse to receive, or) winch, in his opinion, may not be dune j with proper Uispatnhy ar reqi.iwil by I law; nnd the said emhniittee shell pass upuiiiMliH accounts 'óf the g'tiperimwitW entuflho public-printing.;! Said coins i mittee shall, have power tnwdtpl stuctsfj moasures tis 'muy be' deemed ; necessary' lo lemedy anjl neglect !or d-lay in the', exi-enlinn t,f the pnblio priming;) im'k.t ded that no casiracl, sgris-iiiijit, or arnj rangemeiit entered into U tJiii commit tee' shull lake effect until ths same shaUu hane.bfiw.iápprowd iby tbatihouie bf . Congress to which the printing belongs, and when the. printing delayed relates I lei the business of nbolh liiiuiet,, until . both houses: ahill have '.approved .such I contriot or arraiigenietitu i All motions, to print extra copies of any bill, repoit, or other: public docuuientj shall be ,.rt i ferred to the members of the CommiU i tee on Printing' from the house iu which v the same may be made;? ni r, Mii-ti.ui o) i-Seelia.)Í7(ÍB'í it it further tn acted, Thftt iiU acts or joint rusoliltiona . conflict -j ting with tho pruvisiuns 'of this, act am - j hereby rcpcalud;, but nothing herein coneli tairid shalJ be constnwd toutUborisBíhe cancolment of tuiy; contraot now n here..! tofore cntned into wjti my prioter nodor j