Newspaper Page Text
tócckls.'éajcttc. 1ifi lüin ,'..!'( TERMS. i 1 vea:, parable invariably in ', i ...;.. ,m, ..í ! i.o : Wj a,h-- Ni., i hWV $1 ül ncr square of tro lines for the first contra del d'.cho,. son nottlicailaa o pre insertion, and tl for eveirsi'lieiqaent insertion. . lleatirlM pW permisión dentro de nn una do I J. W. KEED, 'l run, 1 ATTOKXE1T AT LAW, cIty.OI SANTA TZ, NKW MEXICO, ' TtTltX'p: in the Celt t of Santa Fe, 'VV ' d Mtni:i!c'ci'iinlii' in I will attend to frimuia! smito'i w fur pari i f tbe Temt..ry. . Sjula fe, Sept.. ti, Ihii'.'.-ümo U,i .' .... Hi i ,''... ,' INI'lirKNIlIiiiCli, .MIéSOÍ'Hl. ;.i .( , . by i '' I?. YV TODD. ! 'Miara rrmovfl from ttm ''Nolnnd Iftuse." lo I (he "Nebraska Itonne," in Indepndi-nee. jV!so-tn. The N',ra.kd House i o lrtí new nmldm?. liH!í rtj'í'iilly lineo tnurli Í!iiii'ovod by alterations ; tnil 'iMilin.' Há lakeii thií ho-ise tor .i term of -yr; I i' nialte ev.eiy riTurt " promote j the i..-ve,nencc mi cotntorl of Irarrllcrci. 'I'lie i patroimec of ioy fnonds und t'ic liavtll.n'' nudiic i 'TC!par.!tul'v oliíílcd. -Í-.V ... ' B. V. TODD. January lit IK'-ly. : '.. OfTFITS t'Oll 8 ATI' A FR. TUe mlisciiiier ri'.pectl'.illy ii.Cm un lile putüc ot Now AlrXitf , tliít nl liis c.slalihs'jm.'.n! kt ' ; ' WF-TPOBT, MISSOURI, ai.d br Ins goiil t ' Cül'SCIt-CUOVft,' fíebraka Tcrritorvi lie a pri'D'tred It onlílt and upply 'jlli every lliiir rM!siti" foi tlie joiirnrr 1o aitu F'i opmpajiies or iiid.tiú.uN, uoii tl)4 uioi ictt'ioiialile terms. g"lle beliove tlial an acijiisintanno of many yoaií with tlm .Sunta Vi trud.', will enable h'.m to live ireneril aalistactioii i, III.; business , Af.Uiíirr g " Santa Ti, Dm. H, 1M!W. i'H.üm. új .1 1 '.: ' - rpHG U; f. Mail from canta Fe lo Ibe Sl.itw -J. ;loove3 rojjulurly on the first day et eath monlh. . , i ' . ' Passage during the li'immor nmnllia $125 01 i winter mam In $irill , 40lbs of bazfRe ailowed. to e.i.!i puMcnRer. III WALDU, 11ALI,, & UU. rropriciuri, Santa V, Sept. 18, 1S52-H .. .lOOAL'.US'íiüN'r.Il OF DEEDS, i. . . .l'oiinsyívayía, . , I'lianKhciU. :' ' :., , N..iv llamtit'iire. anta 1, Jan.:). liii-tt. . - ' rfcCCl'TOU'S NOTICE. I' Kn'liRS teslammitary weiu i'aiitcil llio tin, i d''tíi7i.e,l, il'.ur. tíie catate oi' !.urH-o Lnpr... úc'Je sd, d 'twt Novina'itr ijiii 1.N.V?, by Ik Ii.u.o-rabie- .ludí of P.obiCo, for the eouuty of fc.mla Fa j 11 pern'in indrhletl t said otdo are re (joined, fa in ko iniiii-'.iUe paym.;i'i, and llicse havjr.r I..U .'piii't the sfir.a p.csciit them ivilhin the time p'Müriowl by law, or Ihey Wtll be debarred, ; , , ; JtJNCtt .W.V.ÍREZ, ' rmter. & F., Feb. Id, mX lino 33. Terri'.oty of New Mexico, ( J'ntirei Court, to.iiiiv of tUt.ta Ye. . i J iUurcb, Ó, 141. WM. i. Mejscivy , ,, ) . , '-.$ ' Atlacliinrnt,, , ' .Ttttiies Poiror. '' ) . Ttis ilny earie tU jhtuiilr and his nltorney and; to !.e ati; j.-tiun of tiie Court li. at llio .'id d'.Ti-ii.i.m! is not a eitiíen of l;iis Conr.ty cr Teft'orv, bul rejide beyond liie htnli llieroof, so (bat ihn ordmury pro.:uo.s of tins .'onrt taniict he tsi-niU'.l upon h'.ni. Hi' Ihcrtl'ora . ordered Hi t Üie al.Mcícn.hut entei' hi ap;' ran.'e li.'rctn on ( More t.'iu fonrili ihv oí A;)"HiM. ul 1 lii. orfiee ip thei .City-df .Vanla i; and plead, aowror de mur lo Piai'i.irV' p.', or jiniinnent will be ren dere.l aa:.át bio'. ) is tur.ner oiae.ed t'.iat a copy ot ht pabUobed hi .,oo,u neu.pap.'r i'j'lihJitU.iii lb" Tc'iuibi v of .Nnw Mioifo. onoo li weak, for l!uee wieks, l'"' íí - :t I'ti-.-riion'to be a' leartf fiwn t.p l.efmv hr forrth rlny of April ett ::.l ! ' . ' . . A V" f,0' p ''''i "rl''r w.dfli'i Iheeb.'ve cause in this coiirl'M íth .', A. Ü ' -JAMS W. RF.F.F.D, :;.! . . JtistJcu 'of the Peace, t,,!: ! '.?!?3 .,,, : : ,, . . .. Territory of New Mexico, f ..JusIíím (Vint, County of íanla Fe, , ' ) iVIaitli Sth, Jf53. Charles Bluiuner, ,:1 ' Í.-..W. .; :; Attachment ! " ... . James Power.. ' ' . This day came the plaintiff by h4 attorney, an rt ijipoiiriof to the Satisfaction i.f -(he court r h 1 1 the sin! defo'idant ls;not ncitwen of (his Co mly pr Territory,, hut 're-ides beyon J, the limits ti.. eoi. $olhatllu; ordinary priú-.naif uf this 'court cannot it eveciited ifp'Oi íiiiii, R is tKerel'oru. nnle'wl ihat tlio.svid dcl'ilidaiit Riijjsr hlf fippep. ince herein on or before the f(. :rth d.y of A ril next at Una uflico if the cilyE ''anta Fe, ajid plead, answer or de-' (niir to; plamtiffi 'petttloii, or! jniyment wiO be Widerrd, agaiM . him.. It is Further ordered thai a copy qf liis order be published in some newpane putihsheir in the Territory of New ' ,1exico, sue rek Cor three weeks, the first insti tion to beat itiiít fifteen dayj bífora the fourth day of April next. .. i . . . . A trie copy of the order made in the above cautein Ulia court. March 5lh. A.D. I85J.- i . !.. jS''"'i,:-''-; ' 'v ,1 .It ' ..... ' ' ' 1 I ' ' ni I it: i !fi.: NOTICE..' I U IiHAtE thit day purchased th entire ttock in trade, of, Mr. Cii.ilks L. SpK,ictR and ! will continue the Va'ch repairiiiK and Jewelry businest the old itind lately occupied by Spki c k ..OiAKWiAN, I invite ell my friend to 1 "'"'''jüce&'jáWeréí..1"'' SANTA FE ''NEWME AVISO DEL ABWmXISTADOR' ' '!KO t dado,' por' esto. pie oí íuscfilor lia -J.. filio diiJo, cartas de, BúniÍT,i-,traclon aohrc (as ! tóene del liunu'i h -ntnii (rema, Ivor e Juez do PrueXas M fonando de. san JTipinl, lemiono Nuevo hípico, rio la icrm uc ..- oc Aposio, ue 'flt. - v. loii.i aspersouu ICC lid lit' U1C1! ' curing, M: H IHUllU JJUVUIIH OH prr.viidilas do líim bencfi.-io de dicho estado, y ai no se exhibían dentro da ires at., seriln obstadas para siempre; y todas la.) rtersoriis deboidas al diclio cslndo ton rapado para venir da pronto, y hacer na ajustiiiiicn'o , , t , ,. ,, ,,, , )!Y AL'lllUUnV. Public Acts ef tlis Thirty-Second Congress lit ; ' '; t: OK TltK ' ' ' ' 't.':- .'.''.' ' UNITED STATKS.7 .,. ,". '' , 185152.' !,'".' , Cmai. XCII. An Act giiinling lo llie SIhIb of Micliirnti tin . is;lil nf Vny( uml h D.inaiinii t.f Fulilitt Ltiiiil fur 1 I;; (íiiiirtninlíiin of a Slii t'anál or- otiiiJ tlio Fail tif St. Mttiy's, in said State...' . : ; A'd t enacial s the Semite nml Ilunse of Uf iTcsi'iilhtivi's of Hit) United tiiti-i of Ainitrioa in CuugrK nssembli'd, '1'liut tiiric lie, ami lit kci-L-by, fiiittili'il In fcaid Slnti'j tlm of locating a canul iliro' tint public lands, known us the military rsiTi-alinii at tiie Falls of St. Marys liiver i Baitl stale; utirl that fotin Iniii dri'il fii'l of larnl in width extendi tig a Imig tlio lini-ofsncl: daual be, ami the same is lirrrby Kmuteil, In be nsi'd by Said state, or under (tie authority there of for the construction anil convenience of such canil!, mid the Rjrhnrtenancvs thereto, and the use thereof in hereby vested in said slate forever, fur the pur pose aTorosaid, end no other' Prnvvlt'i!, That in locating the line of said citlial through said military reservation, the same shall be located on the line of the urvry heretofore made for that purpose, or such Other route between the waters above and below said falla, as under the iijiproval of the Secretary nf War may be selected. Aiul pvui'idal further, That saidcnnalshall be at least jiiehuii drtd feet wide, with a depth of water Iwclveafei't, and the locks sha!! be at least two hundred and fifty feet long, and sixty feet wide. Sec. 2. And be it further cneicleij, I lint there he, and hereby is granted to the said slate of Michigan, for the pur pose of aiding said slate in constructing and completing said canal, seven hun dred and fitly thousand acres of public lauds, to be selected in subdivisions, agreeably to the 1 nitrd States suney, by mi agent or agents to be appointed by tlio Governor of said stMe, subject tu the approval of the Secretary of the Intel ior, from any hinds within said slate, subject to pi vale entry, Seo. 3. And le It further enaetrd, Thutthu said lauds hereby gi anted, shall bo subject to the disposal of tiie legisla ture, of suitl state for the purposes afore said and no other; and that the said ra nal shall he, and remain a public high way lot the ue of tlio- Government of the United Stales, free from toll or oili er charge upon the vessel of Said gov ernment engaged in the public sen ice, or upon vessels employed by said gov. ernment in the transportation of tuij pro perty or troops of tin; United Mate. See. 4, And ha it furttar enaeted, That if Ho said canal Shall tint ho com menced within three, ami completed with in ten J ears, the said still o uf Michigan shall hv bound to pay to the United Stales. th amount which maybe paid upon the sale of any part nf said lands hv said slate not less than one dollar and I wen yiiic cents per acre, the title -to the purchasers under said state remain ing valid. - ,nJ - ' .v ' Sec. 5. Ami 1 it further enacted, That the legislature of said state shall cause to be kept, an accurate account of the sales, and net proceed of the lands hereby granted and of all expenditures in the construction, repairs, and opera ting of said canal, and of. the earnings thereof, and shall return a statement of the. same annually to the Secretary of the Interior; and whenever Saul stflte, shall be fully reimbursed for all advan ces icade for tho construction,, repairs, and iiperatiiiK of said emml. with legal interest on oil advances, until the reim bursement of the saiiie.or upon payment by the United; Stutes, of any balance of inch advances over such receipts Iron said lauds and canal, with suoh interest, the said eil ate shall be allowed to tax for iho use of said canal, only such tolls as shall be sufficient to pay all necessary expenses for the .care charge, end re? ptiri of the iainc iwlí" - it ri "See; 6. And ( it further enacted, That before it shall be competent for said state to disprio of any of tho lands lo be selected as iforesaid, the route of said canal shall bij established as afdre' suM.aud a plat oi plats thereof shall be filed in the i of, tho War Depart ment, and a duplicate thereof, in the of fice of the Commiisioner ol'.lho Genera! Latid-Oliico: ' i i: . ..: . . Approved, Augist 26,' Chap. XCV. An' Act" to reduce and define the Boundaries of the Military liesi'i've at S'liiot Pcler's Hirer, in the Territory of Minnesota. lie it enacted bj the Señale and House of Hepi'eseiilatives'of tiie United States of America in Congress assembled, 'That the Secretary of VVar be, and lie is here by required, to cnlise the lines of the present tiiilitary reserve' ti't Fort Snel ling, in the IVrrllory of 'Minnesota' to be n Contracted J to embrace tho fol lowing boiiiidai'its,ito witi-r 1 b nl.- I'eggiiining al the middle of the elian li'e! of tiie Mississippi rlvei tiebw.Pike's Island; thence ascerdiug along 'the channel of said river in such adireetion as tu include, all the is!auds of tho river, to the mouth of Brow -i 'g Creek; thence op said creek to liico Lnke; thetico through the iiiiddie iii' liice Lake , to the outlet of Lske Ameliji; thence through said outlet and the níi!d!e of Lake Am elia, to the outlet of Mother Lake; lltence through the middle if Mother -Lake to the outlet of Duck Luke; thence thro said outlet end tiie rmildleof Duck LakeJ lo the southern extremity of Duck Lnke; thence in a line due sotilh to the middle of the channel of the Saint Peter's Hir er; thence down said River so as to in clude alh the islrtnils to the middle of the channel of the .Missisjipi river; reserv ing further, for military pni poses, a quar ter section oh the right bank of the St, Peter's Hirer, at the present ferry; and also r quarter section on Ihe left bát'k of the Mississippi ri.vWjl 'the present ferry ncioss that stream.1 '' ' Sec. 2. And he it farther énacled,, That lile 'Commissioner1 of the General Laiid-ÜIlice be, and he is hereby requi ted to caiisr, to bo surveyed as Soon as piaclicable, so much of the lands hete' tofore included in Ihe military reserve aforesaid, but without the 'limits of the said military reset vo aforesaid, as defi ed by this act, as have not already lieen surveyed; and to cause the same, toge ther with such of said lands as have been so surveyed, with the exceptions hereinafter set forth, to be sold at pub lic sale, under the direction of the Pre sident of the United Stales. ' 11 See. 3. And he it fail her enacted. That the land on which the establish ment of the Fur Company is situated, known tjs Mendotn, with the settlements immediately around tho same, not ex eeeding throe hundred nd twenty acres, be, and the. same is hereby reserved from sale during Ihe term of one year niter tho lands . aimumiding the same shall be clFeted for sale; and the propel authorities are hereby authorised nt any time during said year, lo enter the Same for a town site, agreeably to and in ac cordance with the tetms and conditions of "An net for the relief o.. the citizens of towns upon the lands of the United States Under certain circumstances," approved .May twenty-third, eighteen hundred and loily-four. ; ' . 8ve,-4.".Anl be il further enacted, Thai the lands compiisi tl within the li-. iiiits vf suid r.serv e,. be, and the teame are, hereby á and inade'a part of Ihe t'hipiewa Land District, In laid Territory of Minnesota. .i n! . 'i' 1 ApproveditAugtist 6, 1852.1 . ! CltAt'i Xl VI. i An Act authorising im-: 'ported Goods, Wares, and' Merchan-' dise,''.eht'eied'l(iid : bonded fof ware-1 housing in pursuance 'of Lhw, tri b exported by certain Bootes lo Ports or Places in Mexico. ' Ite it enacteeibyiht Senafeand House of liepresentntives of the United States of America in Congress asseinbled.iTlmt' any imported goods in the original pack-! ages 'which shall have been duly enter ed and bonded, in piirsu'anee of tlie:ware boirsinn act, of sixth 'August, eighteen hundred and foity.six, may be withdrawn fiom warehouse at any time wilhin twó years from the 'original importation for immediate exportation, 'without payment of duties, tinder the provisions of the act aforesaid, to Chihuahua, iri Mexico, by the routes designated in the" first Section of the act of third March.tighteeii hun dred and forty-five, ot by sucli rilher routes ns may be designated by the Befii retary of the1 Tresgtiry) and 'likewise.,1 that uny 'imported merchindise duly En tered and bonded at, Isabel, in the col lection district nf Brazos le Santiario; or imported and bonded at aqy other pot-t of the United States, and transpor ted thence in bond, and duly rev arf- housed at I'oint Isabel in jiursuaneé 'f tho provisions of Hie warehousing law of August sixth, eighteen hundred and fof- ty-stXj may t)e withdrawn trom wanw lmus at nuy titno within two years front the date nf original ItnpoiiAiiou uto the United' States for immediate ; expolia lioii, withoul payment of duties' "under tho provisions of the warehousing- dot aforesaid, to ports end placesin Mexico,' by latid or wi ter, oi partly!bv hind atid partly by water,"or by such rplites as may be 'designated' bj ihe Secretary of tlie.Treas'tiry.'" ' ',,' '. - '; See. 2.' And he it farther enacted. That any imported tnerclmndlo' duly entered mid bonded at' iinV pint 'ol th' Lniteu Mates iiny bu witlidtinyi), fijohl wurelmitse at anv time within Iftrt yiitus from the daic ,tjf litiportation, without payment of dtilit'S, in pursuance of' Hie provision' 'of; the warehousing law óf sixth 'August, eighteen hundred and fol-ty-six, ir immediate exportalion for San remando, ruso del Norte, ami Chihua hua, ill Mexico, through the port of La Vaca, in Ihe collection district of Sau rin, in the state of Texas, and' bu lrái shipped inland, thence to San .Antpiiiu in said state, and fiom, the hitter placó lo tho destinations in Mexico aforesaid, either by way of Fagle Pass, the Presi dio dol'Ñorte, mid ban Elizaiio, all on the Kip Grande; mid tlic Secretary of Ihe Tie.isiiiy shall he and is heteby h ii thorised lo prescribe such regulations, nut inconsistent with law, as he may deem proper and .necessary, respecting, the packing,, marking, inspection,, proof of due, delivery al their, foreign destina tions of the imports authorised, by (his and the foregoing section of tliis.avl, lo be exported from warehouse Iq ports and places in Mexico, and for Iho. duo protection in other respects of Ihe pub-, lie revenue.! . I ,,; ,:,, , , ; : , , t Sec. 3. ,'lndbe itfurtuf tiutehti, That the Secretary of (lie -Treasury shall appoint inspectors of the customs to resido at , San, Antonio, Eagle Pass, the Presidio del Norte, and Sn F.üzn.i rio, nr at such other points on the routes as hu may designate, not exceeding four in numhi-i, who shall each receive an annual salary of two hundred and fill' dollars, and who shall make 'i report seini-niintially to the Secretary of the1 Treasuiy, of all (ho trade that passes tinder inspection, slating tho number of packages, description of goods, t licit value, and the names of the exporters.- : Sec. 4. And be it farther enacted, That no' goods, wares, or merchandise exported out óf the limits nf tin! United' Stales, according W the provisions' of tins act, shall be volunlaiily landed or brought into the United Stales; and nil being so landed or brought into Ihe Ü. States, they shall be forfeited,; and the same proceedings shall be had for their condemnation and thedistr'ihiillon of the" proceeds of their sides ns iii other cases' of fot fritare' of 'goods illegally imported; and every 'person 'concerned in the vol-, niilary landing or brihghig' such goods' into the United Stales shall he liable to a penalty of four hundred dollars ' ' ''" ' . Sec. 5. And he, it further enacted, That all acts and pin ts of acts inconsis tent w-jth the proyisions, of the foregoing net, ba and the sa,we are hereby repeal ed. ... 1 , .3 VI.' ..-.' I ' Approved,. August 30, 1852, " i oj.'. . Cir.P. XCVII -'"-A,, .Act to pfovido' for a tri-hiontbly Mail from' New Orleans, to Vera Cruz,ViaTauipico,and back, iii Steam-Vessels, ' " ... . ' . lie it enacted by the Senate and I f otise of Hepreseiitutivcs of the United Slates of America in Congress assembled, That the Postmaster-General be. and ho is hereby authorised and directed to enter into a contract for: a tci in of five years, and for a sum not' exceeding one hun dred '.thousand dollars a yeili, ' with such person or persons as may Offer sttfr ficient and satisfacioryseciirilj, after due public notice, for the transpoilation o thu malls of .the, .United Slates, upon the best terms for the United Slates, three times a month from ,New Oi leans, vis Tamplco to Vera Cruz, and back,1 in steam vessels of not less thanei"ht hun dred tons burden, of the best form' of construction, adapted to the navigation' of the southern waters, the same to be ready' In the shortest possible tjnié. ' 'Approved, August 30,,852.:(' Chap. XCVTII An Act to amend, tú! . Act entitled "An Act to reduce and modify the Rales ol Postage in tho , íl 1 .l'fe ) : li'i"A-!l -r - -r'-iirhT-r .ir ! United States, and for other PhipoJ ' scs," passed Maích' tliild, i iglitet n )M hundred and fifty-one. , '', j Ji.e it pqhd bj tlie'Si'iiiate and tl'miso of Keprejeutalives (if t) é nited Slate's of A merica in Congress assembled, Tlu Iroin and alter tliu tliirtivtli (jl'J' 'l pep teniber, eighteen bundled and fifty-two, the pnütnge upon all printed matter pair sing through the mail of ihe IL Slates-, insteud oí the rates now charged, ihall be as follows, to wit-j Eeach newspopeiti jieriodienViinsdnfeil circular, or ether artille óf printed matter,' hot exceeding threc'yiilices lii' weiglil, sllíill be sén't td any pat I of the tjiiited Slates' for 'oh cent, wnd fur every additional o tí rice or fi aclion of an ounce, one cent addlü'dhbl shall be charged; and; when the poslap upon any newspaper or periodical S patJ qifnrtcrly or yearly in .advance, ,at; lit? ulliee where Ihe said periodical or sews jinper is delivered,' or . iti pid' yeaily ot quarterly in advance at the office when the snttie is inallt'd; and evidence 'of such payment is fncnislied io the affico of delivery in such manner at the l'bstJ Office Department shall by general re)'' ulali'ons prescribe one Half of said fyterf only shall he charged. Newspapers an'cl pei iodical.s, nut weighing cmr one punce and a half, when circulated in the ilute, where published, shall be charged, que half of the rales before mentioned:, ."Vct rfY That suflall newspapers ,and peri odicals, published monthly r , pftf ner, and pamphlets not containing nipic lha sixteen ooUvo png,,,cai)i,Avna scflt in single packages,;Weigliing;; at, lvas( eight ounees, to oue .a.ddres'i, and, pr,e paid by affixing poslagef (aipis thereto shall be charged only ludí of a cent for, each ouiiov,o' fniclion of iiiotince, not. withstanding the, ppst, age. calqilated on, cncli separate, alíjele of ; such, package V, oiild, exceed, that auioiint,i The pptitu ago on all .transient matter shall, be prri paid by stamps or otherwise,, or. ha!( be charged double the fules fust above, mentioned.-tjijA ., ,t, - , , , ,,.,, :Sec. 2: further. mactud, That', books, bound, or unbound, not weighing over ioiir, pt'imds, shall ,bf deemed inailuble, matter, ant slmll, ,io chargeable w.ifh postgfl,aqne censan ounce for all distances under three (hou sand miles, and two cents an ounce for all distances over Uifei thousand h.ltes; to whiql)! filly per.ccnt. thajl, be added in nil eesi's w.ljer.e the same nie.y be sdi without being jirepitl; and all printed matter,' cliargeable by' weight, shall bV weiglied when illy. :"'Flie publishers, of newspnpeis and periodicals; each other I ruin their respective ofliqeg) of puhlii'ation( free of postage, one. aopy oi eaeli pihlicuiion; ami tuny also send, lo each actual si u 1 1 t c r i !)' r, i n c (05' f ' ' Tu', 'then publications,' hills' and receipt for the sme,five of postage. '; The publish-' era of weekly ncwttpupers mn send (0 each actual tsubscrihei w. itliiu tlitr county ' where their p 'jieis are printed and puh-. hshed, one copy iheieof free of postage.' Sec' 3. ' 'Ándle 'it fuMer ' ttiactcd,' That, no ' t'cwspivrer, )t-dicft' 'lit H zine, 01' other printed paper nn tnalter,! shall be enlilled )(.)) .(-.eiil at'thí .fa.t. of posVnge in his. ii'lspepified,, nlest, the follow ing rmnliliops. be observyd: Flfah ! It' shall 'be sent ivihotit any cpv-( er '6r'wrápiéfj onrt a boverb wrajlper' open at Ihe ends .or-sidesj gó-'-tllai' Hiél cliarscter of the mntler contained theren in may be determined tyitlioiil remptingi such, w nipper., .'(jfJI'hefe shI be on word or (enuiiniiiiiration , prinled , on the gjjii'e 'atler its piibiiraiinn, br iiprii" thp eíit'er 'iir:'riippéf ' thereof, tier "eiij'' writing' or murks' iipfmSvnni upon' the" or ,wiaijier ,iheii!of, xcVpt nthei name nml address of, the peison to whomi it i. In be isriil.rt Thh :, ,'J bene shall be no paper ri (illier.-thing inclineii in on with Furh'tirlnteiii pap, ijimd ,ifi thiSe' conditioiis arc ;Koi.t'tiiiiplied v illi, such' piiiited . matter shall lie !Siihji pt tn lttler; p6stage; 'aud mH't matter 'Unit ' 1)V niaii from one part tif the Uinited: Slulet tti! another, the postage of which is iiol fix-í' ed by the provisionb of 'tl.ts'iiieti shall, unless the same )e entitled' tii' be sent' free of postage, bt'ehaiged with tetter1 postrige,' 'tl- .Hii-iii"! oi"i-f."iti! ,1 Sec; 4. 1 'AndieUTfiiHtrf fniMMJ Thai if tht' -iiib,ltsher of any jreritidieal,' afler'bring Hire hiiinths pri-HbsHlV lified that his publication js not Ipki ni otit nf-llm 'téti lóywhicír'tf V sent r delil'ery; 'rbiitüítle lo forvi nrd yiiéh'i'jil)'' liealiou iii' the, mail, flit1' 'pws'iii.ns.Wr ' 'b1 whoíiblTice'''ucll''ii:blieatiti,l,i' is' ÍM' may dispose of jhr saitiP onliJ' 'iH? itiiless' tlie iii'bll'lier'sb'airpíiy il end ;wlieneveí aiiv iiriiílíil 'liUtWr'iii'.y1 dí s-'', . i-...,.j '.-.u-t' i.'i.itii v,i" oj :; WiM ; '.'Coutin'M onfaktlt Jf'jOv noit \n\n ) I. ' Vil.'