Newspaper Page Text
. "s VOLUME III. SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO,FEIiRUARY 11, 1851. NU31BEH 35 Santa fc lUcckln 6cr?cttc TERMS. WEEKLY- $2 50 a year, payable invariably in advance i singlo copies 12 1-2 cents. Advei'lise inents, $1 DO per square of ten lines for the first insertion, and 50cls. lor every subsequent insertion. P EOS PECTUS SlT.i FE WEEKLY GAZETTE. The Santa Fe Weekly Gazette, an English and Spanish newspaper, is published cvcrySaturday, n the city of Santa Fe, Territory of New Mexico. In politics it will aim to be a sound democratic Journal but in addition, it will be devoted to General Literature, anil Hie current news of the day, and no pains will be spared to fill its columns with interesting rna'lcr. Particular attention will be paid to such information as will be useful and important to the pcoplo of the Terrilory, to a development of Hie agricultural, mineral and other resources of the country. The latest news from the United States will always be found in its columns, together with the most interesting items from other narts of the world. To tlio native population of the Territory, such a paper will be invaluable, as it will be, in a great measure, the only channel through which they will be able to obtain information from other parts of the Ln'on To the people of the Stales, this paper cannot fail to be of deep interest, and will give them the only correct account of this far olf and growing Territory, they can possibly obtain and we shall bo careful always to have the latest news for our distant readers. New Mexico, heretofore, has been almost an unknown land, but if our friends in the States will subscribe for the ''Gazetti:," they will soon become as well acquainted with it, as any other portion of our country. This is the opening of a New Year, and there could not be a better time to subscribe. Terms only $1 50 per annum ; and advertising and job work done at Hie lowest possible price. Vi. V. II. DAVIS, .Editor. Santa Fe, N. M., Jan. 2, 1834. IXUAI, NOTICE. W. W. II. DAVIS, (DISTRICT ATTORNEY OF TIlE UNITED STATES TOR NEW MEXICO,) ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO, ILL practice in all the courts of the Terri tory. Office in the same room occupied by the Secre tary of the Terrilory. REFERENCES. Hon. C. dishing, Att. Gen. U. S. Hon. Geo. M. Dallas, Philada. II. ii. It. Hrodhead, U. S. Senate " Hon. Simon Cameron, Pelma. Gen. H. Patterson, Philada. Col. Thomas J. Whipple, New York. Haddock, Heed & Co., I'liila'da. James, Kent & Sautee, " Wood, Bacon & Co., " MOCTEZUMA II.UX. THE undersigned desires to inform her friend and the public, that she has now! moved her establishment 10 the building on the plaza known as the Montezuma Hall, where she will always kepp nn hand the best kind of liquors and beer. Attached to the Hall is a fine stable always well supplied with to.age. fj.TtOLINE STEIN. Santa Fe, Jan. 7, 1834. 3m NOTICE. WE WOULD most respectfully inform our friends and the public, that we have taken the house of the late Juo Paiten in Albuquerque, and completely fitted the same as a Hotel. Our friends will always I'm. I us on hand No pains shall be spared to render all who may give us a call comfortable and well provided for, Attached to the house are corrals and stables. At all times we shall have an abundance of forage. Our lables and bar will be well filled with the best the country affords. Terms cash. BRXNFORD & JEANNERET. ftnta Fe, Oct. 15, 1853,-tf SOlTIIIilt.V RIA IE. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. THE southern mail via F.I Paso to San Antonio, Texas, leaves Santa Fo on the loth of each month, arrives at El Paso in from six to eight days, and reaches San Antonio on the 14th of the next month. Returning, leaves San Antonio on the loth of the same, arrives at El Paso in from 14 to 18 days, and reaches Santa Fe on the 1 Itli of the next month, making the trip through in from 25 to ii days, winter and summer. The Contractor has spared no expense in placing upon this route spring carriages the best adapted for the convenience as well as comfort of passengers Persons going to, or coming from the States will find this a very pleasant route, particularly during the winter months, is it is entirely free from the intense cold and heavy snows that so frequently obstruct the eastern mail route to Independence. RATES OF FARE. $125 00 through from Santa Fe to San Antonio. 30 00 from Santa Fc to El Paso. Passengers allowed 401bs baggage. HENRY SKILLMAN. N.B. Passengers not required to stand guard. Santa Fe, Oct. 7, 1853 tf THE undersigned begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that he is prepared to do all kinds of cabinet and carpenter's work on the most reasonable terras, Shop, two doors above the store of Jesus Loya. Santa Fc, May 7, 1833. y JAMES H. CLIFT, C0.MMISSI0XKU OF DEEDS, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New Hampshire. Santa Fi. Jan. 1, 18M-IC. OFFICE OF COM. OF SUB. ALBUqUEKQt'E, N. II. Jan. 14, 1854. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received at this olllce till 12 o'c,oc(, M., on Wednesday, the 13th day of March, lKftl, for furnishing flour and salt to the United States Troops at the points and in the quantities mentioned as follows: Near El Paso 100,0110 pounds of flour lio bushels ot salt. At Fort Fillmore 100,000 pounds of fl .ur 175 bushels of salt. Fort Thorn,Santa Barbara 80,000 pounds of flnnr 1UU bushels of salt. " Peralla 120,000 pounds of flour " Albuquerque 230,000 pounds of flour tiuu ousliels ot salt. '' Fort Union 00,000 pounds of flour The flour and salt must he of superfine duality, and delivered in strong cotton "drilling" double sacks oi loo pouuus eacn. Proposals are invited for the whole amount, for that required at several points, or for that required at nny particular point. The coutiact or contracts to be made for one year, and the faithful fulfilment thereof to be guarantied by two rcsp nsinle securities, whose nemes must be entered in Die proposals. One t'ouilti of the amount required at each point must bo delivered quarterly, commencing on the 1st day of August, 1X51, The piincipal commissary stationed in New Mexico, will reserve tlio right of "increasing'' or "diminishing" the amount to be delivered at eacn and every point, Wiy ond third," by giving six mouths' notice to that died. The undersigned reserves the riirlit of rejecting all bids that he considers unreasonable. ISAAC UOWE.V, L'íijit. A. C. S. Jan. 2S, United Sl.des District Court for the Firs! Judicial District of t lie Territory of New Mexico, and county of Sania Fe. September term A. 11. koJ. Charles II. Merritt Stephen Oldham and lieiijainin J. Thompson, surviving partners of tlio late Assumpsit in attach. linn of Flouinoy, Oldham k Co. I This day came the said plaintill by his attorney, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that neither of t lie said defendants arc residents of Ihn Territory of New Mexico, but reside beyond the limits thereof, so that the ordinary process of law cairn .t he e.xucntcd uiu llirin, it i tlleri'tore ordered that lliey the sai I defendants enter their ap pearance hereto on or before the first day of Hie next lerm of this court to he begun and held at the eouit house in the c.ty of Sania Fe, on the lliiid Monday id' March A. D. IN.) I, and plead, answer or demur to plait, till's petition, or pelgicont will be rendered against them. It is fuilher ordered that publication be made of this order according to IV. I, Lewis D. Sheets, clerk of the district court for the first judicial district of the Territory of iNew Mexico, certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the order in. de in this cause. In te-timony wlieient I hereto set my hand and the seal of said court, this 2dd day of January, l.'il. L. Ü. SHEETS, Clfc. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that I, John W. Gum, of the county of olotilgwiiciy and Slate of .Missouri, will apply for a duplicate of bounty land warrant No. 5'J,?U3, for 100 acres in lieu of origi nal in my name, which lias been lost or miscarried, so that 1 have not received it, oanl warrant is sue'1 under the act of February lltli, IN17, and directed to meat Santa ic, ivtw itlexiro. JOHN W. Gljlííí. Jan. 23 1851. 6133 ritOI'OS.lLS FOR CAItUYIXG THE MAILS. 1 PROPOSALS for carrying the Mails of the . United Stales, from the 1st day of July, 1854, to the 1st day of July, 1858, in the Stale of Cali fornia, and in the Territories of Oregon, Utah, and New Mexico, will he received at the Contract Ollice of flip Post Ollice Department, in the Cit) of Washington, until 1) A. M. of the 3d April. 1854, (to be decided by the 23d of April, 1851,) on the routes and in the times herein specified, viii , IN NEW MEXICO. 12000 From Santa Fe, by Albuquerque, Socorro, Doth Ana, Fort Fillmore, Frontero (Tex as), El Paso, San Klrtano, Magoliiinsville, and Leona, to San Antonio, U1U miles and back, once a month. Leave Santa Fe on the 1st of each month Arrive in San Antonio in 25 days. Leave San Antonio on the 1st of each month ; Arrive at Santa Fe in 25 days. Diils to carry twice a mouth are Invited ; also bids to make the trip in 20 days. 12901 From Santa Fc, by La Canada, to Fernando de Taos, 70 miles and back, twice a month. Loave Santa Fe on the 1st and 15th of each month, at 8 A. M Arrive at Fernando de Taos by the 3d and 17th at 12 M. Leave Fernando de Taos on the 12th and 28th of each month at 8 A. M Arrive at Santa Fe by the 14th and 30th at 12 M. . Bids for weekly trips are invited. 12902 From Donand, by Fort Belknap, to Gaines ville in Texas, and back, once In two weeks. Bidders to state distance and schedule of arrivals and departures. Bids for weekly trips are invited. FORM FOR A BID. Where no change from nlmHtment is contemplated by the bidder. '. "I (or we, as the rase may be) hero write the name or names in full of here tale the residence or residences hereby propose to carry the mail on route Nu. , from to , as often as the Postmaster General's advertisement for pro posals for the same, dated October 13, 1853, re quires, in the time stated in the schedules con tained in said advertisment, and by the following mode of conveyance, to wit hercstalc bow it is to be conveyed, for the annual sum of hete write out the sum in words at full leiiith. Dated. Signed. .Form of a Guaran!, The undersigned undertake that, if the forego, ing bill for carrying the mail on ro ite No. be accepteil by the Postmaster Genera., the bidder shall, prior to the 1st day of July nit, enter into the required obligation to perform th" service pro posed, with good and sufficient surcti.s. Dated Signed by two guarantors. Form of Califícale. Í The undersigned (postmaster, jurlf p, or n clerk of a court of record, as the case may'be) certifies that he is well acquainted with the rjove guaran tors and their property, and that th are muii of property and able to make good their guaranty. uaicu Wicd. INSTRUCTIONS. Embracing condition to be incorporate I in the con tnictt to the extent the Dyuiliiicnt may deem roier. 1. Seven minutes re allowed to each inter mediate office, when not otherwise specified, for assorting the mails. 2. On routes where the mode of conveyance admits of it, the special agents of the Department, also post ollice blanks, mail hags, locks and keys, are to be conveyed without extra charge. 3. No pay will be made for trips not performed ind for each of such omissions not i.'tisf'aciorily explained three times the pay of the trip may be deducted. 1'or arrivals so far behind lime as to break connexion wilh depending mails, and nit sufficiently excused, one-fourth of the compensa, tion for tiie trip is sulijmt to forfeiltire. Deduc tion may also be ordered for agrnde of perform ance interior to that spcailied in the conlucl. For repeated dellniteiicies of the kind herein specified enlarged penalties, proportioned to the lialure thereof unit the iiupoitaiice of the mail, may be made, 4. Fur leaving behind or tnrowinir off the mails or any portion of them for the admission of pus siiiineis, or for being concerned in selling up or running an express conveying commercial intelli gence ahead of the mail, a quarter's pay may bo deducted. 5. Fines will be imposed unless the delinquency he promplly ami satisfactorily explained by cer tMicales of pi.stiuasleis or the albdavlls ut other creditable persons, for failil g to arrive in eonllaet lime for neglecting to take the mail from, or de liver it into a post ollice: for sutl'ciing it (either owing to the iiusuitahleness of the place or manner of rurrvinii it) lo be injured, destroyed, robbed or lost ; ami fur refusing, alter demand, to con ey the mail as freciueiilly as the contractor runs or is con cerned in running a coach or steamboat on a route. ti. The Postmaster general may annul Hie con tract for repealed failures to rim ngieeibly to contract; for disobeying the post olhee laws, or I lie lilsiMiiMiuns ut' the Jepail nl lor reí ..sing lo ilisdiaiire a earner wiuu icqiiircii ny toe Llenan- inculto do so: for asstriiiii!r the conlintt without Ihc assent of the Poslui.ister Geneiul; for miming an express as aforesaid; or for lian.-poiling pei- ons or packages conveying mailable uialtcr out of Hie m ail. 7. The Postmaster general may order an in cicase of seivice on a ionic by allowing therefor a pro r.ila increase on me contract pay. tie may ilso order an increase of pay for the additional iock or carneis u any, inc. couliactor may however, in the case of increase ot speed, lehn- luish the contract by giving piouipt notice to the Uepaitineiil lllat tie preleis Uoinir sotocanviin the order into eli'ect. The Posiinaster Geneuu may also curtail ur dis ontinue the service at pro rala decrease or pay, if he allow one month': exlra coinpeiisalion on the amount dispensed with whenever in Ins opinion the public interests do md leqinrc Hie same, or mease tie desires to super, ede li by a ilillerenl grade ot Ir.iiispoi tallón. He may alsu change Ihe times of arrival and departure (provided he does not curtail the running time) kiiiioiii iiicreasiin: tlio pay. 8. Payments will be made for the service Ihroiiirh drafts on poslmasteis, or otherwise afler the expiration of each quarter say in February, may, itiiriist and iNoveinner. 9. The distances arc given according to the best information; but no increased pay will be alluwed should they lie greater than adveitiscd, if Hie poinls to be supplied be coireclly staled. 10. The Postmaster General is prohibited by law from knowingly making a conduct lor the transportation of the mails with any person who shall have entered into, or proposed to enter into any coinniuaiiou to prevent me niakinir of anv bid for a mail contract by anv oilier person or persons, or who shall nave ni&ue any agreement, or shall have given or performed, or promised to give or perforin any consideration whalever, or to do or not to do any thing whatever, in order to in ,duce any other person or persons not to hid for a mall contract. Particular attention is called to Ihe 28ih section of Ihe act of 1831), pmhibiling combi nations lo prevent bidding, 11. A bid received afler lime, viz. 0 a. m. of Ihe 3d April 1854, or without the guaranty re quired by law, or Hut combines several routes in one sum of compensation, cannot be considered in competition with a regular proposal reasonable in amount. 12. A bidder may offer, where the transporta tion called for by the advertisement is difficult or impracticable at certain seasons, to substitute an inferior mode of conveyance, or lo intermit ser vice a specified number of days, weeks or months. He may propose to omit an inaccessible office, or one not on Ihe stage or railroad, or at a steamboat landing, as the case may be ; or he may oiler to substitute an inferior mode of supply in such case9. He may propose different times of arrival and departure, provided no more running time is asked, and no mail connexion prejudiced. He may ask additional running time for tae trip during a specified number of days in seasons of very bad roads ; but beyond these chancres a proposal for service differing from that called for by the ad vertisement will not bo considered III competition with a regular bid reasonable in amount. Where a bid contains sny such alterations, their disadvan tages will be estimated in comparing it with other proposals. 13. There should be but one route bid for in a proposal li. The route, the service, the yearly pay, the name and residence ot the bidder ; and those of each member of a firm, where a company oilers, should be distinctly staled, also the mode of con veyance if a higher mode man norseoacK tie in tended. 15. The hid should be sent under seal, address ed lo the second assistant Pastmaster General, su- ferscrined "Mall proposals in the Slate or- " t should be eruarantied and the ulliciency of the gnarantars certified (see formsj and should be dis patched in time to be received Dy or before A. M. of the 3d April 1851. it), lue contracts are to o execweu ana re turned to the Department by or before the 1st of July 1834. 17. Under the act of March 3. It 13, the routes are to be let lo the lowest bids tendel ing sufficient guaranties, without other reference to the mode of transportation than may be necessary for tlio due celerity, certainty and security of such trans portation. When the lowest hid proposes a mode or conveyance inadequate to the due celerity, cer tainly and secuiity of the mails, it will not'bo ao cepted. 18. When the bid does not specify a mode of conveyance, also when it proposes to carry 'ac cording to the advertisement,' but without such specification, it will be considered as a proposal for horseback service. 19. Since the passage of the act of March 3, 1815, a new description of bid has been received. It does not specify a mode of conveyance, but en gages to to take the entire mail each trip with celerity, certainty and security, usimr the terms of the law. These bids are styled, from the manner in which they aro designated on the books of the Department, 'slar u,.,.' The experience of the Department enables it to lay down the following rules, viz. Wheii the mnil on tlio route, is not so largo ns to re(iiiro two-horses ooach conveyance, n star hid, if tho lowest, will iilwuys he preferred to the specific, bid. When tho mails an of such size nml weight ns to render it necessary, in rcferenco lo them nlono, to provide two-homo coach convcynnco, tlio specific bid, though (he highest, for coacli service, if adjudged to bo entirely sufficient for mo iouiu, win uo pri'icrreu to tlio star bid, in cuso tho difl'erenee is not such ns to interfere with the policy of the law of lslj, which looks to a reduction in tho cost of transportation. Exceptions, however, muy bo allowed' where tho star bid s mndo by the owner of tlio stook now usod on tho routo iu tlio porfurmuiico if coach service. Ou routes of tho highest class, where four horse conch or stcamhout truuopoi'tiitioii is re quired by tlio si.cnnd iiiiporfaiioo of tho mails, and the specific bid is iidjudged sufficient for tlio route, the preference for tho specific bid will lo if necessary, carried to u greutes extent of dillereuco than on the inferior coucli routed. 2il. A lnodilieution of a bid, in any of its es sential terms, is tantamount to a new bid, and cannot bo received, so us to intorfero with ro gnlar competition, uftcr tho last hour set for receiving bids. 2J. Postmasters aro to bo careful not to cer tify the sufficiency of guarantors or sureties without knowing that they are persons of suffi cient responsibility; ur.tlnll bidders, guarantors and sureties nro distinctly notified that on nfai lure to enter into or to perforin tho contracts for tho service proposed for in tho accepted bids, their legal Jiubilitics will bo onforced u gainst them. 22. Tho contractors will be substantially in the lorms heretofore used in this Dennrtment. except in iliu respects particularly mentioned in theso instructions; ami On stenmlinilt ronfea tlio contractors will bo required to deliver tho moils into the post offices nt tho ends of tho routes and into till tho inmediato post ofiicos. 23. Present contractors nnd persons known at the Department must, equally without others, procure gunroiitors and certificates of their su fficiency ubstuntiullv in tlio forms above prss erihed. Tho certificates of sufficiency must bo signed hy a post muster, or a judge, or clerk of i oourt cf record. JAMF.S CAMPBELL, i'os Master (Jcncral. Post Ornen Dep.vrthíxt, Octodeb 13, 1853. octlj wt2ir lSDEPKNUUNCE, MISSOURI. BV II . W. TODD. I bnvc removed from the "Noland House," lo the "Nebraska House," in Independence, Missouri. The Nebraska House is a large new building, and has recently been much improved by alterations and additions. Having taken this house for n term of years, 1 intend to make every efl'ort to promolo the convenience nnd comfort of travellers. The patronage of my friends and the travelling public is rcspoctfully solicited. B. W. TODD. January 1st 1853 ly. lurom Hie Aew York Herald. The Vera Cruz and Mexico Railroad. Ilia Exculluney tlio President of the Republic Las issued tho following de cree: Antonio Lopez do Stinta Anna, bene- mérito, general of division, grand cross of the royal nnd distinguished order of Carlos III. oí Spain, nud president of tho Mexican republic, to all to whom theso presents como, know all men that, according to tho powers conferred upon him by tho nation, ho decrees as fol lows : Article 1. To Don Juan Laurie Rich ards is conceded tho exclusivo right to construct and carry out a railroad from Vera Cruz to Mexico, passing by Pu ebla. Art. 2. Tho routo from Vera Cruz to Puebla shall bo tlirottirh lands recoc nized as most convenient, and tho routo from Puebla to Mexico will bo by tho plains of Apan. Art. 3. Tho grounds needed fur tho construction of tho road, for tho officers' dwellings, or workshops wanted for the building and conduct of the said road, shall be furnished the directors freo of all cost, and in perpetual possession, see ing the great advantages which must re sult to the present owners of such lands becauso of their neighboi hooj to the rail way. Art. 4. The materials for tho road, whether natural or foreign productions, all goods, etc., which may bo necessary for the use and service of the agents, em ployees, ajid laborers, as well asallkimls of carriages, cars and other vehicles for transport, all machines, tools, houses, offices, dwellings, stations, coal, animals and their harness necessary, shall bo freo of all duty, taxation, contribution or im post now existing, or hereafter to exist, of whatever class or denomination. Art. 5. The government will assure to tlio company its propcities and its foreign employees tho protection which existing treaties guarantee to such for eigners, as well for their persons as for their property atnl interests. Art. C. All Mexican employees, op eratives, and laborers, shall bo exempt from military service during tho time of their engagement with tho suid compa ny. Art, 1. Tlio Señor Juan Richards cn. gages to form and couxtitttto tho said company within eight months from tho granting of this privilege, and will ofli cialy advise tho Mexican pk-niputuntiury in London of the formation and installa tion of said company, its statutes and its regulations, for publication in tho Mex ican republic. Art. 8. The company's headquarters will bo in London, and 'uio-fourth of tho shares shall be reserved, during one year for tho inhabitants of tho Mexican re public who may desire to purchase, and a subscription book for this purpose shall bo opened in Mexico. Art. 9. So soon as the company shall bo formed, numerous t nuriueers shull proceed to survey tho lands which shall bo found most favorable to tho course which tho railway shall pursue, and when tho survey elmll havo been mado wholly or in part, tho plans shall bo sub mitted to tho supremo government, and permission obtained, the work shall bo begun. In caso of any unforseen obsta do which shall render tho construction of a railway impossible, at ona or more points, thecompany shall construct a car riage road to communicate with tho sop crated points of tho railway, and this cir cumstance shall bo considered as of ab solute necessity, and shall in noway fur nish a motive for the withdrawal of this grant. Art. 10. As soon as tho official notice of tho formation of this compuny is re ceived in Mexico, skillful persons shall bo chosen, ono by tho government nnd ono by the company, to valuo that part of the road which is now built, its, houses, ofiices, utensils, and whatever elso belongs to it. Should th so persons disagree, they shall chose a third, whoso decision shall bo definitivo and obligato ry upon all contracting parties. At tho conclusion of this valuation, tho road, its carriages, offices, and appurtenances shall bo given to the company in perpetual pos session, at a rent of six per cent, upon tho valuation of the property. Art. 11. Peforo the railway is finished and opened to tho public, tho company shall advise with tho supremo govern ment as to the rate of charges for passen gers, freight and baggage. Art. 12. It is further agreed and cov enanted that this grant shall extend itself, on tho samo conditions, to any branch or branches which thecompany may secOtto ostablish, subject to tho approbation of tho supreme government. Art. 13. Once finished, tho road from Vera Cruz to Mexico, and tho branches named in tho last article, together with all their appurtenances, shall be consid ered a3 tho company's property in per pciuun. Art. 14. Tho transport of tho mails by tho railway, or its branchos, shall bo the subject of a separate contract or contracts when the proper time arrives. Art, 15. In return for these concesa-