Newspaper Page Text
if VOLUME IV. SANTA Fi, NEW MEXICO, JULY 8 1851. NUMBER 7 0anta'fe iUccklw acttc . TERMS.J ('WEEKLY- $2 5" 11 yar pivallc invarialily in kivance) single copies 12 1-2 cent. Advoitise merits, $1 0U per piare of ten lines for the first insertion, and büci. for every subseiicnt insertion. . SOUTHERN mail. - WINTER ARRANGEMENT. fnJIE southern mail via F.I Paso to Ban Antonio, JL Texas, leaves Santa Fo on the loth of each month, arrives at El Paso in from X to eight dy, and reaches San Antonio on the Mill of the next month. Rttnrmni;, leaves . San Amonio on l. lath of the same, arrives at V.I Paso in from I lo IS dav, and reaches Santa ie on the Mill of lie next month, makinf; the trip tluoiijih in from in to 1M days, winter and summer, ilio Contractor has snared no expense in placing upon this route sprue,' carria"os the best adapted for the convenience well a"s comfort of pasiRtrs. Persons Cnin; lo, or commit from the St.tes will find I ns a ye.-y rlo:i8ant 'route, particularly duraiR the winter months, as it is entirely free from he inleiisn ., and heavy snows that to frenumtly obslre 'l , eastern mail route lo InoVncndeiire. i;ATl OF VAIiL. $125 CO thrn'wh ,'ron ftist V" I "in Astan'w. . . 8U Wl from bant.i IV lo El I'-". Tser, allow! -"VfiK!MMAN.. N.Ii Faf'-nfers net required lo rlaml i;"-fl-r . Santa Fe, Oct. í- t K-tf LEGAL koth:e. VV. 'W. II. - DAVIS, (WtTtttCT ATMRSKY Of THE BXtTBD STATUS FOB t,SW MliXlCO,) ATTORNEY AND COUSSIXLOR AT L-UV, sa:;ta n, sew m. VT7IIX practice in all Ihe.ourtiul in. V--o.-. VV tory. Office in the same room occupied by Hie ene . tary of the Territory. KF.FEHENCDS. ' ' lion. C. Cwhh.1. AH- O"- 0.' S. 1 . Hon. Gen. M llalla. Piolad. 1 1 11. ii. 11. B.nillieaJ, U. S. Senate.; -Hr-n. Simon Cunero". Prima. , , Urn. It. Patterson. Piulada. Cl. Ih iM-i J. Whipple. New ,.k. "H'ddoclf, Heed & Co., Piulada. ; Times, Kent & Saiiten, " Wood. Bacon & Co., " JOHNS. WATTS, ATXOBUEY AU3 COTJIIEELLOH AT LAV, SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO, Office m the house formerly occupied by Me.-srs. Smith & llouchlon. ..... ' Santa Fe, March 25, 1854. Territory of New Mexico, County of Socorro. . Gerhard Frelcs yS Petition for divorce. Geslie Margrct Nauman Tie said Marrjret Nauman will please lakenotiee that the said Gerhanl Fieles h filed Ins petition in the U. 8. District Court for Socorro mint v in said Territory, at the May term 1854. praying for a divorce, and that unless the s.iid defendant appear on the first day of the next term of said court to he held at Socorro on the first Monday in Novemher, 1854, and plead, answer or demur to said petition, the same will he lakcn'as confessed, md a decree 'rendered accordingly. By order of tin ennrt. . VINCENT SI VRA1N, 1 Clerk. JOHN S. WATTS, , ' . Solicitor for coniph inl. dw. Notice.' IS hereby c'ven that I. John W fi .nhy of I' fílale of Mo. and the County Moutcmnery will apply for a dupli nle of bounty Luid wan nt fin. 69,1!3 for one hundred flint sisly acres in lie i i.f the orijrinal which was i.tucd in my name who h lias been lost cr miscairiiHl so that I have not it ceived it, said vnrranl issued inidevthe at of t'e bruaiy il and directed to me t S..'.' !' Kew'Alexn.: , ivotsci:. THe public are respectfully informed 1 1 mt Mesr Abrahams and Kosenlhall have nfain asm iat ed themselves in business, and llie fu in will resume its original style of Abrahams Si Rosenthal!. , '. Kl'DOLPH LOEB, Airent ' Dissolution ol Pailuei'sliip THe flfVro of Messcrvy and Webb is this day dis. solved by mutual consent. The name of the firm is only to be used In liquiitiitin its debts." (slKned) WILLIAM S. MESEI!VV.' Santa Fe June 53 1804. JAME5 J. WEBll. COPARTNERSHIP. James J Webb has associated wilh liiiri in busi ness, John M. Kingsbury The firm hereafter will be conducted under the slyle and form of Webb and Kingsbury. . . ; JAMES J.WEBB. JOHN M. KLNGSBUHY. Santa F June 23 1854. ' Chap. CX1II An Act to establish certain Post-roads, and for other purpo ses, i ' .. ', Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the U. S. of America in Congress assembled, That tlio following be established as poBt roads : : j ),:... ' ; .... Li Maine. From Ellsworth to Wal thara. .-',:.... , From Xorth Lincoln, in the county of ' Penobscot, via Chester, to Ñiokorton, in said couDty. ; .:'.'.'. , From Alexander, through the town of Crawford, to Wesley. . From Rockland to Islo an ILiut. From Aurora to township number tlirrty-thret', Iliincock county. From Aampdun, via (Sotttli Ilampdiin, South Nuwlitfj', East Uixmont, Morton's Conn'f, in Jackson, to Jnckeou Centro. From tlio city of Bangor, via Edding-J ton, Alanuville, Wesley, CrawtorJ, Ale: xan.ler, Baring, over the Blaek Itoae',80 callod, to Calais. From Sontli l'aris to Harrison, North Brii'.u'ton, Briilgton, West Bridgton to Frvebiirg. Li, iVcw Hampshire. Itom North Chitrle.-'ton to Unity. From Lisbon, via Sugar Hill, toFran eoiiia From Lower Bartlet, via Jackson and Pinkliam's Ciratit, to Gorhani. From Keene, via Swansey Center, to Richmond t'i nler. Kx.Ur, via Ei'ti'tit; "Umi :i.n N - nw .i, 1. E ' . -..ri.' 1'0 Pítt'ifi'a i i'!,.: :'i!i-li"l I in F.Hininu'l'in l'l'X-k. ,- )lh:l-. in'iioil.Fma. Waitiin tell Vi!.. i iiitt ('itv. a V - )' '.' i' 1 in 'a!-ni i Swiii- ,r. , , . ... rv. ,,. 1 r.iii, "i: . ii A i -f i'unl'iy, to . i: . i mi ,H foltllty. Fnmi itóttHif.iwvülf to Jasper, in 3ta iilien oiitinty. , ' " From Fishkill V;!':-.-;..,'' Hum.; ,'t Brin- kcii I' ,iihti-".'ilhv Of. o'onviile. Gay- hc-.-i : i Oi.'tliiii IviHi!. 1 lirón ill iStiirm vni -, i' i (iis; m Uuuiió i'i'Uiity. l' . :i U i'..l):t, Vilt O.luSül. C.tyiitavíl T'. i'ii . i i .' an I Apjilegatu's Cor liar, t-i'ltliat-4 iii roinpkins county. From 'Frtiicli Muniiaii, via' Qctsens tmrv. l'arten Mills, Griswolii's Mills, an.l WVst F.irt Aun. to Fort Ann, in Y,!cliii;t'Mi county. from Finí Aurora, in Ericcouiily, via Willis's Mills, to South Alden. ' From Stockton, on the' lino of the Chtiiitauque, Central Railroad, to the smith lite- ofthu town (it Gerry. From Eiicnvillo, via Wooilbourne, to Liln i'ty. in Sullivan county. Fr uit lion rii nnd Ready, via the head of lii'tiuci's Civfk Joshua Slater's, nnd Brookrichl. m the State of Fennsylvania, to Deerlkld, iu'Tioga county, Bennsyl vanin. From B.ttl) via John S. Peprw's and Nob!.' 11. IImii-'s. to We,t Aldison, in Siriilvn eoiuily. From . A uiii.n toEkllau.l, Tioga co unty, LVnusvlvHiiia. From Biiili via Michellville, to L'latts burg, Sti aben county. From Savona via Bradford, to Tyrone, in Men ben county. Front llorín rsvillo via Stevens' Milla, ll.lkenvi!k Looiilnk.', i'atchin'-i Mills, ;.o Way lan-1 !). .or w rijití4o) i.'uru inr;. at.'. N.-v Vork Railr ut-.l. feom liiilli via il liman Marsh's and I Mw - iiv'tlllottV, t" ToH'lrsville. Finin City 'i'oH-Ollhii to lite Ilarhii'in -lí .,. i u. , ' it ,i, U Diitclie: i:otlil- ! " -! i Li. on the Kingston and 'l"j!mviue pi. ml; rti I. via Olive Bridge i i'ost Ollieu, an. I üampsúnville, to Fino ! Cash. i From Franklin Falls to Tlrniilton. '.n F'oa1'. ii'in ,vii vía I la-roisioivii, Sr. Armnod K. i''r:d;H!i l allí i'.ii':-Ü-fi"-, in 'Franklin nmnry. 1 Fi'oin Mow-Climb- to Long Lake, in Hamilton county. . 1 .. From till' city of Albany via Guiltier l;ui I I .' Mutlaville, Monaville, air. iJ'i ilniif r. to Tribe's Hill. ' ' From . iílioi'.J. " k via Milani ' Fine!.., rt. (Uv! . Ariayiii .Railroad ill. the town of North East, Dutehess comity. From Fottersville to L'anneriyille, in Essex county.' , From Sprinvillo' via grifliit's Mills and East Aurora,' to Lancaster, in Erie COUtrty." i ''.;: ':.; .; r;!': .' !, ; From Wales Center to Alden, in Erie county. . .I... f . ,. ; " From Cohisvdle to' Wales Center in Ei io count. : " ';''' ' ' From Concord Center via Glen wood nnd Holland, to Java, in Wyoming co unty. : . :.: . :,.!; i..-, .-i ; , From Buffalo to thy. Village of Ebeno zer, in Erie count. : , "'', ' .'-'' Erom Bnfliilo tlivortgli the late Indian reservation to Colesville in Wyomin bo unty. ; ... ; ,. i;.,,.; i la New Jersey. From Trenton ,yia Lawrcnceville, to Princeton. From Haekettstown to Hope, in the county of Warren: ' ' ! ' ' ' From Newton to Deckertown. 'In Pennsylvania,. From Smith's Mills, in Crawford county, via Cochra tori, to John Wrightinan's. . ' From Pittsbmh,;over the lino of tho plank road, via the city of Alleghany, rerrysville, Wexford, Zelienoplo, . Har mony, Whitestown, Prospect, Centorvil Ie, and Wesley, to Franklin, in theconn-1 ty of Venando. j From Agnew's Milla, in tlio countv of j Venango, via Lamartine and Five Po ints, to Cas, in said county. From Ulysses, in Porter count v, to Genesee Falls, in said county. From Smieksbnrg and Flainvillc, to intersect the mail line betwoen Kittann ing and Curwinsvillo, thence,, via .Cla rion to Indiana Court House. " From Scottsville, via Littlo Mehoopa ny Centre, Lovelton, Sciota Valley, an 1 Wolf Creek Valley, to Cherry, in' Sulli van county. , From Smithfield, via Geneva, Grecti'i boroitgh, Mapletown, Willowtree, and Davistowri; "to 'Mount Moj'i'is, in the county of Green. '' From Clara,, viíi Oawego', toKlli4mf.r, in t':,)t.... . Fr.'M ,í U"1. '..'. vi S"l.. , ,0.,. r.a Line. zWm . to ( M.. ct. In t'ne ".r.iii 1 1 : From Slripoír-k,' v- j IT r' 'v'': Francon'a. r ",'t I rii . t , 1 'h tovu.. ,. . ,,i, ly,:,',. ;!.: vi'. ':'.-.l . f, t ; .o'.-i ' T.l.i; .I:, ii,,'. :y i ,.o - .I i ,!. ill III ' -I ',i.' , ..! Ill ll onl. Fiom Lawr ivevillo, via Set in Jaru.ou town. hiii, to Sol! 1's illil, v ''.'":- ri'ii-uitioe. From W'ylii?inv to Seioir Uin''o'''! r..:,!v. Fr. -.i,' '.!' v. via "uir'y Lake No v "L i.jii!H'ii, to Deer Creek rt ... . ... Wiillani' town, Mortoiiv aiej .Car- shalton. to West Cliestcr ' From' Biookville to Marrioh, in For est county. ''. ' . Front Lanesboro1, via Starncca, Thorn Arralat. and Herriek, to Gibson, in Su? queh anna county. ' , Froiii Koitztown. v;a'B. E. I'ay's store. Frederickivilie. nnd Landis's slore, to Beelitilsville. : . From Cowdtrnport, tip the -Alleluwy River, via Raymond's Settlement, to Ik lyases. " From 'Lancaster,', via Swarrz Mills, Sporting Hill, Mastersonville, Colebrook Furnace, anil Canipbellstown, to Ann vilte, in the count of Lebanon. From Greensburo' to West Newton, in Westnioru'itnJ county. From Milleri-town, via Richfield, Mo unt Pleasant Mills, Middl'.'burfr, Centre ville, and Newlt rbn, to Mitlinsburg, in the county of Union, , Front via Purtersville, Eltans burg. Zeliv niiji'..-, nnd Hii'di Slore, to New Brighton, ,, ,í,; co.iiit- of B. aver. From Ickosbiirg, via' Bos seriuan's Willi, and Juniata, to N-'wport. From Cal'i&h, in Co. ton eoimiy. via i-,ii.iid Stands, to (kiiii.nsi'U'g. in said eoiinly. .. .. From Iok.ti!nii o," v ,t I-ii.n,;!y' Mill, to Millcivfown. From Fn: h 'svole, ' via Jaeksmi Val le a. n.l Warn a Ct:n'fr, lo Simlii War ren. . From Eroiioiiiy, via SheflLld, Seventy sis, an.l Savicc, to iJouksto'.vn, in said county. ,.'.. From' Tiiiikhai'.t'o.k. vi'i a!, 'ho ij.;,nv, Bellatinier. 'i-ii UWu'ti Lv wte. cfninty of Krliivaii.' " i rota W;'sl)'itt; on tint w.-U imuioh ol the Xuiquohaii.ia River, up Kottlo Crock, to Kaúo- Ci uok Po-5.t-( )lioo. . on th ; Jer sey shore, and Co'.v lursporfc Turnp'ike. Front Beaver, via Mechnniciville, to Zelinople, in Bitih-r county. , From Sus.i'i"l.ianna D.;K)t,' itlmj the Tttnklmnnock Creek, through the town ship of Harmony, Jackjon, and Gibson, to Lenox. ; -: ,, ; ,' , Front Wyanesburg, via head of , Ten Mile Creek,, to Mi.iillobourne, in tlio co tfnty. of Tyler, State o ('Virginia. Froto LoganWille to White Deer Milln, lin Union county." ' ! .- : . i '. Front Titu.-íVÜHj, via Enterprise, Da y is' Settlement, Vouugsville, an 1 Chan dler's Yalley, to Sugar Grove, in War ren county. From West Franklin, via Granville, to Alba. .' ' ."V. , , From. Pnndaff,, through the township of Ilorrick and Thompson, to Lanerboro', on the New York and Erie' Railroad. ' From Milford, via' Daiiingsville. Lor d's Yalleyy Bloomin Grovervillo, Tttf ton, and ínnuer .. UoÍlowv to (5alcui,,:n Waynq county. , .. , ' t , Jroin Equiniink to'l'rcston, ioWajfrie county. "' ' ' ' : ' ; J ! From ReA-btírp;, via Cherry Valley,' to Strondsbttrri, In Monroe connty. , . -. , From Morris, down .Babb-'s ,0k to Fine Creek, and; down. Fine Crock to Watcrville. V,' " ' ,;',') ' ' " ' From Alleutowti, ' vM Millcrstowti, Sehimersvillo; Upper Milford, Clayton villo, Schultzville, Bucksot's Store, New Berlin, and Oystcrtown, to Pottstown, ' From McConnellsbut'g, via Mereers burg, Grecncastle, and Vun neiboro', to Einnieitshurg, Maryland. From Fairmount Springs to Cherry, Sullivan county. From Maivarotta Furnace, via New Bridguvilh) and York Fumad', to Mo Gull's Furry, in York county. From Pennington, in Chester county, to Rock, in Lancaster county, From Nazareth, iNoiihainpton county, via Mooresbnrgh, to Wales. . Til Maryland. From Washington, via New Cut Road, to T. B., B -aiitown, Bryantowtt, Charlotte lla:l, Ohaptico, and Saint Clement's Bay, at Leottarji town, From pharioííe lit'', '.la 15n-mtrwn.' Statifown, '(! ' ;' ..:.!.' i'li'mors, i:t'! 0 I n ':: W,:, a.iiim Cf-- - ' ! ' .ív : r.'oilri-ie, via the l'!"!'pkr. ' M ill. ij-l 'Wll, llildi Saillt J.:ryV 0 ó ge in E.iliilldjurii. i V, I'-'.f il i ' . on the lialtimori Ml ll'i B ile'K-' i 1 1 '. -a if '.I l'i.i'ti Üen'.on. 3.;vn Fowling (!ni;d;, :': ,'. ..i'iiitii.g Cre k. New ib'p.i, Fedu-iiii-'nirg, Oatnon'H Ferry, ui i. Scui'nd, to Concord, in 1 'o'awar . From Pi: ;'at::wav, via B-.'tititown, Bry iiíowii and 'liariotto H.:. to Leoiuir ns"'vo Pi out ii '.'.'i'oüf-viljo, via Lagrange Iron Works, i'lirsvilio,, an Slaterville, to Bench Bottom, ÍViuwn Ivani.t." From Bryansville, via Cattle Fin, to Mel .'ail's Fi-ri'y, Penniylvnnlit. In V-rijinia.l'nm Boon wt louse to Wyoming Courl I funic. From Glrar lstouii to (ilingary: Frotrj Aíhlon's Mills to Latitk'i Cross Roa Is. Krlm Winc..?tor to White Hall. From Front Ibyiil to Conrad's Store. From North Mountain Post-OHice, via Cedgosville and Tomahawk Spring, to Jones' Spring Front Buekuiansville" Highland coun ty, via Wade's Store, to Iluntervillo. From Pickway Plainc, Monroe coun ty, via Rocky Point, Wolf Creek, and' Snopesville, to Cedar Grove, on the Red and Blue Sulphur Turnpike. Front Fairfax Court-IIotiso, via Falls Church, Bailey's Cros3 Roads, and Brix ton, to Washington, District of Colum bia. From Leosbufg, to Point of Rooks, Maryland. From Ilopkin's Store to Salt Sulphur Springs, in Monrou county. From Charleston to Rabbletown, in Jcfi' r.-on count y. From Miilord, via Port Royal and Port C. nv.'.'.y, t(i King George Cuitrt Ilottse. . From New Market, via Brock's Gap, Dovcjvill ', Brake's Run, and Eyinnn's Ran, ta Lunev's Creek, in Hardv conn ty.- ' br an Zackv.lle, v.a Elizabeth, Forks ofRoady Cferk, and M. 1). W. Boggs', to Tanner's Cioss Roads, in Jackson county. . From New Canle to Sa'cm, in Ra iioko. From Salem via Cave .'spring, to Ja ck -on villo. Floyd county. From Wet Warren to Cotton's Store in Wetzi I county. ' From Cotton's Store, via Knob Fork, Willow, and Randojph, to Ne w Martins villo, in Wel.'.e.l county. Fr uit the I-Vks. of Fi ll Cree!; to Worolhin Is. . ' : 1 From lliHsoil Mills, via Sylvan Millf, to St. Mary's Pleasants c-niuly.' From Mattoax Depot, via Eikhal. Lo do w, Paiuesville, and Rj,Iopliil, to Dea tones'dllt!,' Amelia county. Front Gletiville, viaTowmed Mills',t.t Stout Mills, in Gihnore'county.'' " From Be.'ttty's .Mills, down the South Fork of Fishing Creek, and down Indi an Greek, to Ripley's, in the county of Tyler. ."'". , ' From Few Martinsville, via Fan Light, Pgeksvidlo, Carney's, Gorbv's Mills, and Forks of Fish River, to Fish Creek, Post-Office, in Marshall county. ,-j . . From Jacksonville,, via Buffalo Moun tain, to intersect tho Taney-Gap, Real from Ilillsvillc to Monntaid Eddy'. " From Peterstowu, via Gap Mill,, to the Sweet Spring?. . ....... ,,, . Froiu West Colunibial via Cedar Flats, tipper Flats, nnd Lela;;t' Falls, to Jack-, s'an Court-HotiS3. " From Mowlield, via Tlownrd's Lick, John Mathins and Orkney Spring, to Mount Jackson, in Shenandoah county. From' NewCanton. via Virginia Mill's, D ana Mills, and Gleumore,. to Mount View.'m Btiekinghairi c-'innty.' i'; ' From Faruivillo, viaCnrusvillo to Bu ckingham Court-llouso. ; .,e-, .., ,:, From 'Mount Vinco, via Gluntnoro, to W.'artvn, in Albemarlo county. From Washington, via Piseataway, Beantown, and Pryantown, to Leonarik town, Maryland. Fiom Rose's Mills to Temperance, in Amliercst county. From Ilowardsville via Turnpiko road to Middlebrook, Augusta county. From Ilowardsville via GoojVirtV Chtireh and Mount Vinco, to Bucking ham Court-House. From Buckingham Covft-House via Mount Vinco, Gleumore, Diana Mills, and Virginia Mills, to Canton jn Buck ingham, county, From the Louisa Fork' of Sandy, via Grapevine, John's Creek, up Big Creek, and Tug, nnd the Forks of Sandy, to Wariield, in Lawrence county, Kenlne Icy. Front Wirt Court Houso via Lee's Mills, Reedy Ripple, and Three Forks of li.icdy, to Reedsville. ' 'From Lexington via Colliertown to Buchanan, in Botetourt county, From Willianisport, in Wood county, to intersect tho Parkersburg and Balti more mail route, at tho junction of Wil lianisport and North-western turnpike, sixteen miles east of Parkersburg. From Duvis' Mills via Faucy and Alexander Lcftwick's in liedtbr I 'county, to Berger's Store, in PUtjylva nia county. From Davis' Storo to Berger's Store, in Pittsylvania county. From Swynsard's to Waddcll's Store, in Charles City county. From Dragon Ordinary via Scuffle town and G, W, Simond's Store, to Mat thews Court JIouso, ' ..From Milford, Caroline . county, to Port Royal, in the saino.courjty. In Nmii O'fi-vlina.Tiom Middle town to Cape Hattoras. ' . Front Greenville via, Ward's Store, to Hamilton, in Martin caunly. From Salem via. Germantown, Wal nut Cove, Madison, and.Lcaksville, to Danville, in PitUyJvauia county, Virgi-'. nia, From Franklin to Chilhowef, ih Blo unt county, Tennessee From Bnrn8villo, via Jack's Creek, Copes Creek, and Rainsaytown, to Longntiro, Washington county, Teimet sec, From Cypress Grove Post-OihVe, on the Wilmington and Raloigh, via, Jjong Crock, Beatty's Bridge, and Black River, Chapel, to II urrol'a Store, in New Hanover countv. . From Columbia to Port Landing, in Tyrrell county. From Columbia to Cum Neck, in Tvr red county. ' .... From Hookertown, via Johnson's Mills and Coxville, to Greenville. , l'rom Wilson to Greenville. ' AMY "WILSON. . , , . .1 traditionary Takoftln'.farly'tH th.m en Is, written erprrsJy for the Atn Ut Fi Gazette. nv uirv i. tmm,t:. A few hours afterwards, morelhanor dinary cxcilemont was passing in the ' nian-iion. A Masquerade was given to tlte ofliee'r, and the eccno was gay arid picturesque, Amy had yielded' to the wish of her hostess, and quietly eubtnilt e;l to be attired in a robo of India iiuh lin, so transparent in its texture as to look like gauzo. Her golden hair rccei vtd a new grace from the singlo white .camilla, 'With its drooping nuti, wiucii oléame nice a star anna tnoso tresses so purely, so fioslily beautiful, that-itseem-oil a tit emblem of her it adorne 1. (Jara appeared a heroin of queenly beauty; t'ia (hainhnds sparkling among her shining braids, and tho folds of her now lace robo tailing rrnind her liko a Grecian statue. Alb nie'.Timeut ceased as they entered, and murmurs of undisguised admiration went 'round... Amy was sealel by her friend iti á recess, and she thn proceeded to mix with tho' company."- In a moment a gentleman of elegant liguve pressed for ward, and saluted her with masked 'Vw-' prmm'iit" ,- , , , ''My dear Miss. Caitine, to-night car ries' mo back to Paris refinement and f;ihiii--dressj oenery; company, beau, ly, fascination. -This evening .will fa impressed on our Fronch hearts iudolli bly' to the titter forgol fulness' of our rus ticated state in these American forest." : 'Do bo -gwátfúl, then,1'- the lady an swered ,'"to me for giving you bouic taste , td,' Paris and its fashion. . Papa ia much too. solemn for any thing but those great, pVumons dinner which I detest." "'lW'MI niii "Thiiiinsrl lisf Cfuntinni- bn, 4 h w did yon In Ince that lovely flo wer (and ho HnrnoJ bis nutskid .visago -towards Amy) to shed its perfume oh our secntless hearts ij'. , v ,' , , v . ,1 bui tinned en f'ariJi p ijK, ".f