Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME IV. Santa Je Ukcklg alette TERMS. ; WEEKLY- $2 5 " yr payable invariably in advance! sinde copies 12 1-2 cents. Advertise ment" Jl 0 V" í of ten lines for the first insertion, and SOcts. for every subsequent insertion. SOUTHERN MAIL. : WINTER ARRANGEMENT. mHEsoulliem mail via El Paso to San Anfomo I Texas, leaves Santa Fe on the 19th o each ntli arrives at El l'aso in from six to eiR it days, Tnd eac" San Antonio on th. 1411; of t e ,t nth Returninc leaves San Antonio on the loth "VTi . ..m ? ives at El Faro in from 14 to 18 d y' 'a dmr 'achata Fe on ... 14U, of the next month, making the trip tliroiifth in from 25 to ii Zs, winter and smmnc-r. The Contractor lias 3d no expense in placing upon this route spring carriages the best adapten lor i ." well as comfort of passengers Pel sons goin( to, ommg fron the States IM this a yrry ra.timlailv during the wiiiImt - Khs as it is entirely free from the intense co and heavv enows that so tremicniiy uuii. Hie eastern mail route to Indepemtencc. RATES 01 1 AKb. $15 00 through from Santu Fe to San Antonio, 30 00 from Santa Fe to El P-so. Passengers allowed 401bshae.sKijLHAN N.B Passengers not required to stand guard. Santa Fe, Oct. 7, lBM-tf LEGAL NOTICE. W. W. II. DAVIS, '(DISTRICT ATTORNEY OF TUS USITKD STATES FOR NEW MEXICO,) ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, SANTA FE, NEW SIMK'O. yiniX practice in all the courts ,if 'lit Tern VV tory. ' Offire in the some room occupied by lh Secre tary of The Territory. ' REFERENCES. Hon. C. dishing. Alt. Gen. V. 8. Hon. Geo. M. Dalla. Philada. Hun. R. Brodhead, U. 8. S.wV, Hon. Simon Cunernn. Pc-iuia. Gen. R. Patterson, l'liilaila. Col. Thomas J. Whipple. Nhy V-r.:-' Haddock, Reed & Co., Piulada. James, Kent & Santce, " Wood, Bacon & Co., " JOHNS. WATTS, ATTORNEY ANB C0TTK SE1L0K, AT I. A tf- SANTA FE, NEW MF.XICO, Off.ce in the house formerly i.-ccut.ieil ;iy K m Smith & Howrhton. Santa Fe, March '25, Territory of New Mexico, County of Socorro. Gerhard Freles petiton Cor divorce. Gcsho Margret Nauman The said Margret Naiiman will pleose lake notice that the said Gerhard Freles h filed Ins petition in the U. S. District Court for Socorro county in said Territory, at the May term 18Ó4 praying for a divorce, and that unless the said defendanl appear on the first day of the next term of said court to be held at Socorro on the first Monday in November, 1854, and plead, answer or demur lo said petition, the same will be taken as confessed, and a decree rendered accordingly. By order of tha court, ,,, y VINCENT St VRAIN, Clerk. JOHN S. WATTS, Solicitor for complaint. 4w. NoTICE. IS hereby given that I, John W Gmiby of the State of Mo. and the County Montgomery will apply for a duplicate of bounty Land warnuit No. 69 793 for one hundred and sixty acres in lieu of the original which was issued in my name which has been lost cr miscarried so that 1 have not re ceived it, said varrant issued under the art ot Fe bruary 11 Al, and directed to me at Santa Fe New Mexico. NOTICE. THe public are respectfully informed that Mcsrs Abrahams and Rosenthal! have again asso mt d themselves in business, and the firm will resume its original style of Abrahams & Rosenthal!. IWDOLPH I.OEB, Agent Dissolution of Partnership. THe flVm of Messervy and Webb is this day dis solved by mutual consent. The name ot the rm ii only to be used In liquidating its debts. (signed). .WILLIAM S. MESSEItVY. " Santa Fe June 23 1854. JAMES J. WEBB. COPARTNERSHIP. James J. Webb has associated with him in busi ness, John M. Kingsbury. The firm hereafter will be conducted under the style and form of Webb ,.nd Kingsbury. JAMES J. WEBB. JOHN M. KINGSBURY. Santa F June 23 1854. PUBLI6HED M AUTHORITY. ' ' - Chap. CX11I- An Act to establish certain Post-roads, and for other purpo ses. From Graves to Leaksville, in Rock ,'nrtlinm cnuntv. ' From Brinkleyville to Arcola,in War- ton county. From Alloraance Post-Office, via Sum user's Mill) to Monticcllo, Guilford coun ty. : ' From Favotteville, on east side of Ca do Fear River, viaBlockus, to Elizabeth- ' ni i ... town, lsiaoen couui; From West Brooks, Bladen county, to Caintuck, in New Hanover county. From Beaufort to Jarett's Bay, in Car teret uounty-. In South, Carolina. iromuranam villo to Blufton. ' From Robertsvillo to Gnyton Central Railroad, Georgia. From Gillisonvillo, via A. M. Ruth's and B. L. Williaiuliam's, to Beech Branch. From West Union to Pendleton, intlic district of Anderson. From Graham's Cross Roads ta Indi antown, Williamsburg district. From Camden via James Unites, Clay born's Store, Trvon and Blackman's Store, Blackmail's Gold Mino, and Wolf Pond, to Monroe, iti Union county, Is orth Carolina. From Neulmnr Court -IIouso va Sa luda, Mount Willing, Oakland, and Per ry's Cross Roads, to JLotts, in Edgefield district. From Iiidiantovvn via John Singlóla ry's, to Graham's Cross Roads, iu Wil liamsburg district. From Orangeburg Court IIouso to Vance's Fi rry, in Orangeburg district. From Spartanburg Court-IIouso via Boiling Spring, White's Store, Fingers ville Cross Roads at John Wilkins and Poorsford on Broad River, to Rutherford, North Carolina. From Unionville via Bradley's Old Place, John Mctissick's Skull Shoal, Govl;, ville, and Oak Grove, to W ilk ilisvibe. Prom l'iiikneyville to Gowdeysville. From Anderson via Townville and ButchulorV Betreat, to Clarkesville Ge orgia. From Anderson via Clayton and Kay bun's Gup. to Cliattcnoga. From IVndl.toii to Clayton. Georgia. From -Andorv.n via Rabun's Gap, to Kiioxvilh', 'F'lim-ssee. From the Head oftho Greenville and Columbia Railroad to Greenville. Nuwlmrn Conrt-Ilouso via J. A. Pi -ulwaiv's. P.ankwrlte's retry on .Siibidu Rivvr. Perry's Oros.s ttonds.Oak- iaiii'!. Mount Williugs, Smith's to Lott's, Enfield di:4ró't. In irniiyiii.'v im Clayton to Wh t-ti.ii.-, in the district of Pickens, South Carolina. From Swayne'e Store to Waresboro', in tho county Of Waro. From Sparta to Tcnnillo 'iu'Washing- ton count',' From É lonton, -via 'James "Denmark's, William D'Lonch's, and Benjamin Bre wton's. to Riddsville, in the county of of Tatimll. From Tennille, on the Central Rail road, via Rick's Mills, in Emanuel conn- . ..: From ukapilko, 'via Sinclair s Aims, to Piscouln in Lowndes comity. From Waresboro , to Jacksonville, in Telfair county. From Edonton, via James Shuman's, to JEd ward's Bridge, iu the county of Brvan. From Cedar Town, Paulding county, to Pumpkin Pile, .in said county, being au extension of ronto number three thou sand thrco hundred and sevoriy-six, now in operation. From Pcndarvi'8 Store, in Wayno county, via Linder's Blufl, Ruddishvillo and Easonvillo, to liomesrillo, in ap ding county. From Mount Vernon, to Sugar Crock, in Telfair county. From Swainsboro', to Eeidsville, in Tatnall county. From Blairsvillo, to Clarksville, in Habersham county. From Campbolltown, to Fairburn, in Fayette county. Fiom Gainesville Hall county, to Carnesvillo, in Franklin county. From Gum Swamp, Pulaski county, to Irwinville, Irwin county. From Centre Village, -Camden coun ty, via Trader's Hill And Raulerson's i am. to Suwanee Shoals, Florida. In Alabama. Fvom West Point, via Frcdonia, Milltown, and Goldville, to ialladeca. in Talladega county From Jacksonville, via New Bethel, Bon. H. Pago's A. H. Colvin's Samuel B. Hodge's, and Turkeytown, to Peter Wagnon's. From Port Gibson, along the south bank of the Tnnessee River, to Chatta noogo, State of Tennessee. :' From Weedowoo, via Lamar. East- ville, Laurel Hill, andiLodi, in the coun ty ol uoweta. ueoi'gia, and RutUenord, Georgia to Nowman, Georgia. From Oakifusky, via powder Mills. Flat Rock, and Mad Indian, to Lower ci&u Head, in lalladega county. From Oxford, via Gorngrove, Arb coocha, Eastville, and Laurel Hill, to Newman Georgia. ' From Tnscumbia, via Frankfort, Blue Lick, Bherebusco, Burleson, ChastineV Store, and Cross Roads, to Smithvillo, I Munroe county Mississippi. From Houston, in Hancock county, to Moulton, in Lawrance county. From Talladega, via Goldville, Dade ville, and Rome, to Loachapoka Depot, on ithe West Poiut Railroad, Macon c&flifty. From JonesTioro', via Camstoro, and Luth's store, to York, Walker county. From Abbeville, via Round Hill, and Skippersvillo, .to Barnes's Cross Roads, Dale conrrfcy. From Fnyetlo Court-Honse, TÍa New tonvillo and Ilaclomen's Cross Roads, to reform, Pickens county. From Tuscaloosa, via William Bln ckus, on Ecar 'Creek Road, -to -Centre- ville, in Bibb county. From Fnyetto Cuui't-Hiutse, via Dub lin ami Holly Grove, to Jasper, Walker county, From Fayctto Court-House, via Big Pond, Mud Creek, and Olinda, in Fa yette county, to Columbus Mississippi. i'rom luscaloosa, via JNortli 1'oiiit, and John McConncl's, on Moore's Rid ge road, to Ni-wtoiiville, Fayette county- From Centrcville, to Carrulton, in Tishemin'o county, Mississippi. From Rit-rsville, in Landerdalo co untv, to Gillertsboi'o', in Limestone eo- nntv. Fro-i, via Valley Head, to Al'iiu, (Jeir:jia. From Long Island, to Chattnnooga. Tennessee. From Somcrvillo, Alabama, via Gan dycove, Wolf Creek, Stout's-and Warri or River, to Elitou. In fintihpi. From Jackson, to Pascngoula, in Jackson comity. From Montccillo, via Benjamin Bus ter's and G. II. Sasuur's to Smith lale, in Amito county.' From WesUille, to Montecillo, in LawreiK'i' coniil v. From Gallatin, via White Oak. Utica, ani'i Kali':-. Ferry, to Warren into War í'i'ii county. From Vii'ksbtirg, via Ilodrrson's Roll ing Fork, Colonel Vick's, 1L R. West's, MeNutt's, Paxton's and Yerger's, to Greenville, in Washington couuty. i rom tantun, via Carthago, and Phi ladelphia to Do Kalb, in Kemper coun- y- r rom INew alhany, via Poplar Spnn- cs, to llamsDurff. fontotoc county. From Springhill, via Salom, Swan's Mills, and Harrison's, to Hickory Flat, in the county of Tippah. i'rom Siilum, via Spuinghill, to Ber lin, in the Stato of Tonnessee. From Ripley, via Cartor's Mills, Dry Run, and Black Land, to Rienzi, in the county of Tishomingo. irom liiilsboro , via Decatur, lulla parchio, Sookalina, Marrion, Allainnt cha, Gaston Black BluffFeiTv, and Jef ferson, to Linden, Marengo county .Ala bama. From Louisville, via Hayné's Mills, Dai'ley's Cross Roads, Lowndes couuty. From Eastport, via Telegraphic route to Waynesboro', Wayne couuty, Tennes see From Canton, via Carthago, EJinburg, Jacinto and Philadelphia, Summervillo, and Brooklyn, to Gainesville. From Gainesvillo to New Orleans, Louisiana. From Montccillo to Westville. From Augusta to Enon High School. From Holmesville. .via Fordsvillo, to Mobilo. From Carroltou to Aberdeen. Erom Kosciusko, via Huston to Pon totoc. In Louisiana. From Columbia, via Salmagundi, Ion, and Jones' Ferry, to Point Jefferson, in Morehouse parish. From Greenwood, via Cook's Store, Mooring's Ferry, and Monterey, ito Bos ton, in the State of Texas. From month of Red River, via Lewis port, Cheneyville, Alexandria, Nachito- ches, and Mansueiu, 10 wcenwooci, in in Caddo parish. From Shreeveport to Washington, in Ar kansas. - From Cheneyville, via Hincstono and Anococo Prairie, to Burr's Ferry, i 11 the parih of Sabine. From Manny, via Pendleton, to Mi lan, in Sabine county, Texas. x? Prtint via f nnll(flllo nnrl Paiut Jefi'orson, to Monroe, in Ouachita From jCharenton ;to Bayou Chone. From Grand Coteau, via A-rnanville, Breaux Bridge, m the parish ot bt. Mar tin. ' . ! " From month of Kcd ftiver, via Burr's Forrv, to Hmitsvilltí, in lexas. ' From Sparta, via Salt Springs, ker sod, and Compto, to Grand Ecoro. From Washington, in Saint Landry parish, via Carnestfrn, -and Isle's and Cole's, Calcasieu parish, to Unddlestone, in the parish of Rapides From Thibodeaux to Lookport. From mouth of Bed River to Bun's Ferrv.-wn Sabino River. " From Harrisonburg to Nachitoehes. From Harrisonburg to Winnsburg; From Donaldson ville to Opelottsas. From Alexandria to Sabino Town, Texas. In Kendichi.Ytom Glasgow to Co lumbia, via Sampion Jones' South Fork of Little Barren River. From Eminence to Drcnnon's Liok, via New Casflo. From Hazel Green, via SwifUvillo jiud Estell's Steam Furnace, to Irvine, ! in Steil county. From Boonville, via Rodk Sprink, Grey Hawk,, and Pond Creek, to Lon don, in the county of Lawrel. From Hopkinsville, via Trenton, to Springfield, Robertson county, Tennes see. From Madisonville, via Daniel Sisk, and Day's Store, to Princeton. . From Hazel -Green, via Swil'tsvillo, to Proctor, in Owesly county. From Elizabethtown to Stimncl WÜ yard's, in Hardin county. From Elizabethtown to Buena Vista, in Hardin county, -on the Rolling Ftrk. Vivm Warsaw, via Sparta, to -New 'Li berty; in Owen county. From Owenton, via Stnmpcrstown, Basset's Storo, Lee'-s Mills, Bcaty,s Mil ls, and Gritley s Onice, to Georgetown, iu Scott county. From Versailles to Clifton, on the Kentucky River. I' rom Somerset, via Georjre W . htone s, Brawner, and Kellev's Store, and Joseph Dibber's Storo, to Williamsburg in Whi- tely county. i rom Mount Welcome rost.UUice, via Flat 'Lick, &c., to Boston, in Wkitoly County. I'rom Boonville to ilazel Green, in Morgan county. rrom Louisville, via Jenersontown, Fisherville, Reed's Storo, and Bloomfi eld, to Cbapline, inNelson county. J) rom somerset to Urau Urcliard. From Mavsvillo to Springdalo, at the mouth of Cabin Creek. . From Elizabeth town, via Big Spring, to Hardinsburg, Breckcnridge county. From Brandenburcr. via -Constantino. Flint Island, Cedar Grove, Union Star, and Stovensport, to -Clovers port, Brock onridge county. riom Uwentown, via nicoornncks Store, Livermoro, and Worthington,and South Carrolton, to Greenville, Mublen- burg county. I'rom Hawcsvillo, -via Lowiepoit, to Yellvillo, Daviess county. From Garnettsvillo, via Meadvillo, to Big Spring. From Brandenburg, via Aleadville and Hutsonville, to Litchfield. From .Somerset, -via Smith's Ferry, on the Cumberland River, by the new cut -wagon road to Craig's Ferry, thonce to Rockhold's, in Whitley county. Li Tennessen.Ytom Nowport, via Georgo McNabb's, up Corley's Creek, to ShotilUs' and Jones' 'Cove, toSoviorvillc, in Sevier county. From Taylorsvillo, via Laurel Fork of the Holston and Sharp's Cross Roads, to Abingdon Virginia. From Marshall's Ferry, on tho Hols ton, to Hays's Ferry, on the French Broad. ,,, Fiom Sycamore, via Ellsha Clark's and Brewer's to Sucedvillo, iu Hancock couuty, . . From Woodhourne, -via Acadomia, to Strawberry Plains, Jefi'orson county. From Ormes' Storo to Washington, in the county of Rhea. From Baker's Gap to Dugger's Ferry, in Carter county. From Cleveland, via Cohuttah Sprin gs, to Elijah, Stats of Georgia. From Sylco to Fancy Hill, Murray county, Goorgia. - , . From DouXle Spriugs, via Equality, Nethorland, Bnd Mount. Granger, io Crosevillo, in the county of Bledsoe. From Smithvillo, crossing Mountain Crook, to McMinnville, in the county of Warren. From Gallatin, via Lebanon, to Mur iVeesborough, in Rutherford county. From layettevMo to Tullahoma, in tho coiinty of Coffee. " From Shelbyvillo. via Fnlaski and Lawrenceburg, to Wajimsburgh, in the aouniv ot Wayne. From wood's via Brodie's Ferry, Palo Alto, and Pleasant Exchange., -to Red Mound, From MorrÍ8town to Dandridge, iu the countv of Jeilerson. From Tobacco Port, via Hope and Spotswoods, Wilkinson's to Pino Bluff, in Calloway county, Kentucky. From Waverly to Linden, in Perry counly. From Sparta, viaZacariah Anderson's John Blearsdale's, Nino Mile Post-Office, intersecting tho Route from Pikevillo, to Crossville, ' From Sparta, via Spencer, to Chatta noofrar . : 'THE COSSACES OF TEE DOS. Iu an interesting letter from Sir Char- t cs Sliavr, which appeared lately r in the M"rn"9 tsrpBioti, mo writer states ir m . t , . while on tho Continent in the win- tor of 1813 and 1824, he was raucli di sappointed at the appearance of the Cos sacks he there saw, bo unlike tlie descrip tion of them which ho kad road. They were armed with tho lance, sabre, ami pistols, and mounted on animals itwach Tcscmblingstarved Highland poniea; and, instead of being as soldiors, they .moro resembled bands of robbers. On inqui ry, he found those were not real X'lvssac ks, but peasants, -whose houses had laeii burned down by tho French army; awl had followed iu the rear of the Unssiaiw, in the uniform of Cossacks, for the pur pose of legalising their plundering pr pnsities. Immediately .after the abdi cation of Napoleon, in the spring ufil.SU, ho had au opportunity, at Paris, of toe ing tho armies of Russia, Austria, and Prussia! and certaiulv no troops causal more wonder and admiration there, were in better fighting order, than tho Cossacks, especially those -of the Iht. They were in general very diandsomo men, their mothers having boon laíon from the Circassians. Thoy hod a. man ly, independent look, and with a manner in speaking as if they felt so; while res poctful to thoir hetmán and officers, they showed they had a respect for thoniaul vcs. Their horses, though small, were active and in the 'best condition, and al together they were a superior class f -men. Though serving as privates with the army, they wero in some measuro a sort of yeomanry, being equipped on3 horsed at their own expense; .their cva-. tern, both civil and military, being .es: scntially democraticelecting their own oflicoi'8, and being entitled to many pri vileges. At home their districts weró governed by corporations, they elected their own municipal officers, they wero subject to no government taxes, and wore not liable to tho conscription; but tltey were bound to defend tho frontior vhero they wero locatod, and able to servo wiiih the Russian army in the field against a national enemy. There they received pay ami rations, and full liberty to live at free quarters on their frionds,' and ta plunder their foca when on tho moveu These were tho men who had 'djcon 'fhe rear guard of tho Russians on their 're treat to Moscow before Napoleon, anfl their advanced guard in following the Frerich from Moscow to Paris. Tha Cossacks in Paris were armed in marry different ways; the wore of various hues, languages, uniforms, and personal ap pearance, having come from all the 'dis tricts of the extensive frontier of Hus6ia; but the finest body was decidedly tho Cossacks oftho Don. Although all 'the 'Cossacks wore plunderers, they Wore strictly honest with their own class; pro ving in practice that thcro was liouor -V-uiong thieves. This was strangely icx--cmplified when they were quartered Ii Paris, 1814. They established 'regular parties, at ad.iy's march fronuaclrother, to forward thoir plunder from tho banks on the tieino to those of the Don and the Wolga, and the boros of tho Caspian and Azoff seas. - iBut the riches of Italy, Germany, and France first paved the way for the 'Coscada losing their warliko character. , On their return hom. after the war; with their pockets fall of cash, they maturally wished to enjoy it, jVanehM vii .fuv.rih j'.J ''''i