OCR Interpretation

The Dallas weekly herald. [volume] (Dallas, Tex.) 1873-1885, June 12, 1884, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84022279/1884-06-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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DALLAM, IIX. TllUliSIO.s, .l.'JNK V2, 188-I.-V0I.. XXXV. M.
it -, I I ' ii Mill' T tit '
I I. 1 ! i 1 i ' '"" HI'l ' ' I
(8 ; iNV&tWS. TftiQipte
Muslin Underwear.
Every L; cff.reci is composed of well made and well trimmed
lannents in new and prttty styles.
iSTbcso are not lots of cfoap underwear
male up for i special sale, tut ate part nf our
regular stcclr, wliicli is too large, aiscl rau-tte
Lo; 1--Oli.L-ini.-k!.
Kalu, to; 4 quill'y MiuUu Cherul o at iicun.
Lot i!"Ch-mi.so.
This lot lia-il1r. srvoiilnjl.s, too 1 milk
lln, trinr uiid In inb.ol.ci i 4) cut -. worth
Lot 3- OheiiiUu.
Is a well trim mi it mi t t :1 ,'ial ty cl'.i ra ie.
aitS owl, tuiiuo U ir ui .6c.ui.
Lot 4- Oi'M-nilsc.
! a rery prottv Mylo. w.'H Hm-icl cJurml'.e.
t "Ictuti, n.dnc. il Inri 1(0.
Let G-0h iniie.
Ia compotn J ..f lhr.-o t scjII lit rylc if rtm.
tro. ir;md with fl'U oldu-y at llu, rc-
luc;d lium 1 3b . (1 1 !X
Lit O-Oht-mltjo. 1
Tnoitylesof flo inmllu t b. iul, very nnvi-i1
and lin ifuiou vrlm.-.i g, at 1 Si. icUiccd
from 1 ki.
Lo' 7 '--OtuiaUe.
A fl:io i)ii illtr at' !i rtinn!', 'r'mirci! I. azel
lOvUK I lauo a'. 1 6j. r : 'uc.O (:um 20.'. j
A niimtr i'f WI .i;al aty'ixorrhoe.Uein!
meitluni and flnv rikkU Ii ,vh h "i nar:.d
rtow . Tluy a'c ull in ourc oiiu'i rs b -t t.-Uiiot
bu ctuiuet' d l'i o ir knlk'.i . irt..
L')t !S--G'.)SVi!B.
Full lriiplli. g (i I iit., i:nii, triinnio.l rl:l'
embrulJuiy au'l null , &: .lni n w fhT'iit.'ii'-'.j
L I: 9-Oow..". j
Hx;m quM Iii ik'I;i. 'lium -.t Itic iisN rm?i
ani rulllj. tiiu n's, u.iuo.i l.om &) tout".
Lot 10-- -ovnt.
Gno l lil'islln. tilmmxt,
aud nix c.ustc:ii ui t -elm.
t iir o t'oibroldcry,
i.l 7.. ivuif, Kcrtli 100
Lot 11 (10W118
Ex ra ial'y u.iiiKn. c'k
at 1 Ui, worth 1 M
i idtj'y tilmuicd,
l ot l-'--GcTvi;e.
Superior qimlj'y of ni'i.'i!in and t l ntiln?, at
1 'tb, wuith 1 ii
Lot 13- Gowiit3.
Two tyle, cm lua trlnimi-d ynkH front nnd
back and the other Iich vtry rlati irotc front
trlmmlur, at 1 35, tor:ii I Ki.
Lot 1 4 -Gowna.
A very gent, i l, well made and will titmTod
gowu, wor.b 2(0.
Lot 15 -Gowns.
An entirely new nyl.; of t'lrrm'nir-nu eicel
leat gowa at 1 tij, wo.-h 2 iv")
A number of oilier tylpii lu roi:iii will b'iii be
ouenju. every ouo vi wniou win dj priced at
rauun oeiow io'ii er nrr-irta, pnil icmi tin
ban ihc
will do lul l lor ai;il" mi' m in
ECS A Full lino
at reduced xuleo-.
We are showing a full line of new styles at pleas
ing prices.
Children's short dresses are also marked down and
cau be iound on our counters with the new prices
marked on them.
A Cut in Silks.
Tiiese Four lots are Counter Lots. Tou cau se ?
them as you pass through th - store.
One lot of changeable brocade silks in various combinations
of color, our very latest novelty, at $i 25 per yard, reduced
from 2. Changeable stripes to match at same price.
One lot of changeable half-inch stripe summer dress silks,
at 65 cents per yard, reduced from $1.
One lot of fancy silks, including brocades in two colors,
printed foulards, fancy satin stripes and verious other styles,
all at 75 cents a yard. Some of these are worth $1 50, and
none less than $1 25.
Our entire line ot 65 cent summer silks in entirely new and
handsome colorings will be placed on one counter at 50 cents
a yard.
Two lines of solid color English four-threat lisle hose at
cents, reduced from 65 cents. t
One lot of Ladies fancy lisle
and elegant styles, at 55 cents,
One line of fine black lisle
worth $1 25.
A large line of misses' fancy
to 8 1-2, all at 50 cents per paf-A
per pair, A number of other styles equa
Our Garnet and
are kept busy attending tof 'their
This stock will have to be cj
pets to its new Quarters?
T TV f !. ' r '
Antique ai d Notting
50 per cent. more.
kali: of
Lot 1G--S&irts.
' Oom iiu'llly rouilln, i!cup cmblnation mfllii
aiU lu kn, 10 cent
Lot ir-Sklrta.
I Sum q lalny
t.ra ikep c.imb.lj ruil'.oi and
lucsa. Jicnn.
i Lot -Skirts.
I Tri nyc. trimmed wl'b Inmvy c'utcTt ol
tllekll'.J linbrol'o .'.atr-jn .i.Uwi.rUaic.'Iits.
j Lot 19--SktrtH.
! Two lylon. I'lntirJl.lofcl f mill mill linorlhf;
Willi tiicim, r.t ulctiit', roluuuit Ir 'in 1 -j.
i Lot'O-SkirtH.
,nH,"n'h'rtr.!V " 'll ?f.-nuIn
lrtn l tmbrj 1 10 tl0sa 1 "'
Lot 21--'-kilts.
Trlm:ro ! In diop d.in'ulii er.r.ir iMcro I ru:ilo
4i il rioubio iuii'"i triinm.d wUU turcbrn luce,
t 1 75, rviltieiil fr in i M.
Lot 2-2 -Ski -to.
Tw 'ywot fk Irtn Mm red In Alio deep cm
hr.ddury, it 2 iv, reduced ItumS'Ji.
Jinny ut'iTut r ioilvu li.tn In klr' th) trlccn
f ivblih nill balo'.ilW Icfsihili 'liuuial'jrIMcau
b3 buu'it fur.
Lot 23 Di'AW'irs.
Tilmmcl v.itli .rxct idj ui tuc'.F, r.t
.'5 cents.
. O.i
i Til.'.ttcel with cmbrr.l loir, rullb rnd tncl:?,
10 c.ntr, H'urlli C) ivif.n.
Lot 12 5 --Drawers.
lii'erilnu of f mbroliKiy and lucki cdt:d with
ecUroIOeiy, north auo.n;i
I Lot ilJ--Lrav':r3.
This lot couflita or odd palriofa number
of dlUViuut lots at 7j itii'.-, iuot of tiicai
ro w. ith 15'.
Lot Z T. Drawers.
Very fiu quality lnuln. twj ruilljaofauo
oiubrollorr, nt l o i, wor.h m
j Lot rrawt-rB.
Flno onillty In'Prtln and rudlo ol cmb'oido
:ry, at 1 oU, worm 2 a.
j Lot ii9 Corset Cover.
I Cambric nor etcovor. likh nock, edpod with
Iflnu embroidery, 40 CLii r, worth 75 ceiiu.
Lot :50, 0 rser. Covers.
i Thn o atlyoj of Ono cumbrl.t OTtCt covers
trliuie t with line o nbroidury, a-. 50 ceu s,
.worth 100.
Lot Jil, Corset Covers.
i An olcirnit iunllyof camhrlo ooisst 'over
nignneiic, w .uir.muijii, at i tiu, worm 150.
Lot Corset Covers.
Three liamUnme alvlea of hlirh nenlt eoriot
,C07era tnmed lu loco and emb oldery, at 150,
Iwonh 2 5
of Misses' and Infants' underwear
hose, silk enfbroidered,
worth $1 per pair.
hose, Kicheheu
French 11
worth frc
PS ac 75 cf Ml
-1 . m i
: hi
1 "JJan
-V V
t tl
nvmxu iSUMMAitv.
AuMlil New i.f Invrl 'ii ih I III
t'ut i.f flic H'fl'e,
Mt. I.i.iiKi Kirlkn aikI IU ltlpn Krd
Ki-il Fruit.
Uauliulli U'it ii it unt a Lanjir to
Attfitil t'invfutluw.
Sail Ajionldi Siililile or Murder X
A liiark Urutt
Vnjt In I'art
For lilt Hinloui Crlma-.l L iton to
llio Lawlnn.
O'.hiT Special from Sundry Source.
A mix, Juno Id. 3 .ICU1.J T.iu con:
iuie!(n id tmtt-l looi.it.d th f.j:!.itvliiir
CiIum 10 lb np-, mo court in bi alllriiiv'i::
8.'drf!ck vt CtrUw, f,-vu .Vel.iLiia.i,
oplulnn by WMkir, . j : (.11;, Coloriito it
8'titn i'e ral!W V?. D.ii.i-i i t al , .totii
T'r.:.t, cpiiiion by Whtta, J : WIIj i i vj.
Mi' pti'ti t al., from ftcplierr, opu.i '.1 by
Wnii i, I Hil v y.. Kornl L.-.d wife. (ro:ii
Mi il'r 'i. 01 ki'o 1 by tVnltp. I.: Gletui i '. i.l.
v.. Ailicrifl. (rum t' o:'. opinion by
VV.'.t t', J ; Cat!;.' Ilr 1 v.-. YuriiiRiT 1'rca.,
fimii MoiitrKUt. 0 liifiii by 1) l.ui'V, J
i'o bo r:virtd "d r mi.Vdn!: WH'n vj.
I)..vi.', fior.i 'Vl iHMij,: , op'i I'.'T by De
Ii' ry, J : r-toi vj. H. r lctul.. I'o.u Ta--niit,
I'pl'ii'iii by IMan.-y, J.j Ci iivtltcii),
lUrtl-'miu it B.i'i Anluhio ra-.Iviy v.
Wiireflh'. from Kii' -y, opii.ion lu' Ui
'nney, J.; Mrrlon y !'..: 1 Wi tfi (.'umpr. 111
!'.,lr ,iii Tiirr..nt, cpt. on hy Wnt ', J J
II. err" ol, vi l)i or, Iroui Fai I.t, op'ni j.i
hy W.U'. j.; ilinhitr .v, II.-fiMn F.-c
I trtu . on vs. Mi .'' !, Iru.u Liuipssn.
cpli ;,.!! by i'ir(f, j,
Chi' red: Mberl.7 -orra il anil Btislr,cii
ft lime; lie I'jles'ii.o iijpil-t chiirok; Hi?
l' x M u'linB c imp my, o' I) .l!aj, cap.lul
JIW.OOO; il-.n Ironli'K Mao:i!. 0 conipiipy, ol
l'nri?. Cbpl .1! ( ;VJ w.
The c unp. roller tri-ilay ctnsclli'd il l.CdO
ol Bniiti ccuiity subsidy b-jtidj. i'ney
prc iiiiuj'-.i, by tbe o'imuil :o!;f'ii c.uri
ot 107
'1 1. j c!i' n'or 1 ' Uurr.elciur.ty 8Ct:'tii tr.
dy. i f 5 (' liii A'i,,; i-.iiiii'y e.tnn rjpnrls ww
r.'i-i iy . txtj1,: Kin 'ill.' -377; l;st vonr,
L"fiS, V.' i hi: 1;: ; iH7; .r, -1,1711;
K'.' X - IS. lii. t v-i r. 11; lii-.l'.fii 21;
fitr. l'i; Oi-"t. 'V 7; 1... n , 10: U.iyl.ir
L'l'J. !iity,';,rl,71
'i'uo t."i.r.l i.n - 'rd ly tbe cslro .':ica
ol llio l. ;:i l.itU'u c ..j::tn id liie c. IU
m as:"i.or, c iiiipt."c!Ii:r nnd ti.uriii'y-p u r
ui ti ieauj t'n: 'yl'i I'a-n 0! i-cliu.il .aura
bcluiiiiii' t.) uti--.rf- .:,4-..i ' cuuiiiUs will
rutti:i w c -.. v 1 r jjiir- tiry tu the per
luriintcs ri it.' duli'.i:
Tlie siinrjuii: court uClrme.l: (Jarmr
Bi bs. v. Yi ui-vvr I' os., Irum Mnntaitur;
Siii a ii t V-i Our.ew. i.-om J! I-nm-ii; (Jul:,
Cj o.u it ri 111 n 'o rvdcjy vo. D.-ran ,iV
Ai.ii.'rvin, Ir.iu i'.-irr.ici; U niiic: vs. Vi'oiil
wind, iinru SVi-e; U:.-io 1 va. OriUl'O, from
Furi;r: Texui Ai I'lo llj riiiltrny v.i. Il iy j.
Ironi Oriiv-011; (jituii ct al. v. Aiii
crnti, from Uoolc.
KcVErseil anil rinnnded: Morrio it Cu'n
otioKa t ui. vn. O h: i it. 11 . , ircm Xiiecff;
Mcntmi vj. Fort Vorth UinipreiC"Uipany.
from THrrant; itaniburir-HrtniHU Kirn In
Miritice co:i.p tav vs. M i er, from lniu
pi't; IJuretnl. vs. DjiT, i.'om lfiiriiii ;
Wtiss va. UdVir, liniii Widia.'iiwKi; Gulf,
OolctMdoifc Sam 1'j Kiilwav company vs.
Vre e:. al., from Klnrjev.
K.-htotrinB ntuwi: H -.rnavd. G.littlo,
!r;u Kobennoti; 'Ol-Ttstluij vs. 8i!li(?PD,
Irom Gulvi'stor.; Ftauklin va. Lrmao, I roar
Motioos for rthoarluirs oabmltled: Uru-
nerllros vs. Htronij, from Hdy; Nex &
S:or'e vs. Oiirdwell, Irom Ca!uell.
llio mandjiuus ca'.e utJinst Jude
Blackburn wjs eubmiiiid on oral eu
meat for both parties, Bon. Mr. Mmhtwa
oppenrlng fur t 0 nrir, lion. Wa ter Acker
In thi case of Storria & CiimminKi et at.
vi . X. Gurtetl tt al., from Nhuc j" unt'ity,
Inch is an information in Hip iiAlr.ro ot
i l l x;;rrjn'0, rtquirirg bi)i el!ant:i to nhow
v; wl'.ot authority Ihey 9SuaiPil nh ri;;ht
: cd!;coi. toll or freiLLt pussinL- through
ihf cimtiue! o'liliipc.liri; Ar;','.iab bi"y with
t'10 iiiiy ol Corpus Obrisli. tiin cuprene
c.urt rendered a diclii ui io-dji' reVi'rir.i;
ind r.-:n'andinK Uil ju l'iKCL: of thy InAtr
court nnd hcl tins im.t tbo ucl of tht lenis
1 iture raptali: R tic c'mriiir of Corpu
Ofcrrftl catrnct bocn.itrufd ti itittroio
with urrliants rl,:!:t3 to c-'ln'O1". tell rs
clcirnca v.'itli(iii'. viols!ins "oth lliu couEtl
tu iou ft the Uniud Kf, ile md of this
stnio. UoriC.i the court erri-d i:i nueti'lning
U10 tietnurrcr to thra' af-r.
Pt. Lcct.', Judo 10 dptciul. Tr.eiieck
haijda 11 1 d rouitabon.'b on the nle.imer Gu.
Paul struck for higher w.ige? to-day, and
Pi the dispute that followed between one of
them rained R. D. LilUrJ, nud the aecond
mn'e. Jonn Ryan, both white, Uryan shot
Lillurd. Tba wound ia pronou:.ctd final.
Uyau n as j tiled.
Mabshali, Jane 10. f Special. In the
ciso ct ihe sinto ol Texas vs neirro
clurged with tin-It ot ho,r, unit who had
employed L. P. Wilson to deleud him, the
court ordered a Gnu of $100 against Mr.
Wilson for contempt. Mr. Wilson lfc!t this
morning for Fort Worth couveutiou aap
pears to thn court without luak'ng any
provision for the caaa of his client. Donbt.
liii'S tbo pcctJrm m will rise nnd ixplain
when he cames.
8am Aktohio, Jane 10 Special. Lsst
Saturdiiy Henry Struvo, a brotuer of one
of the laiptat saloon men la town, got
drank and wss very roughly handled by
the police. Hs went horn- intoxicated,
told bis wife tbe police bad put out one ol
his eyes, and left, saying lie intended to
commit sulcido. He was not seen again
until to-day. when his body was fished
from the river, much battered and dis
figured. He had a large sum of money on
bis person when, last seen, and It is enr
mlted that he was murdered, though tbe
s iiclde theory is most acceptable. None
of the money was on hia body when recov
ered. He was 45 years old, leaves a family
and was very well fixed.
Sbkbman, Jane 10. rSpeoIsl.l Howell
His. under an isdictmeut by the last
grand jury for assault to mnrder npon the
person of his brother-in-law, Mr. Burns,
of Gordonavillo, srave himself np
to tho authorities yesterday. His bond
as fixed at$7t0, which be expects to be
able to give.
The lira company bud its regular quar
terly drill yesterday evening. A very
Quantity of water was thrown to a
iBidrrable distance. Taking so much
from tn c s'erus bas been very fuBt-
derau'd by oumbersot onr citizens,
tbe pm. have reen great losses D
tbu so.ircity of water.
uublio tchools of Sherman will
ext Frldav. Public examination ot
oils will take place from day to day
nebout the week.
ev. J. 8. Moore, the worthy pastor of
Presbyterian on arch of this city, left
stir Jay for Enropeto at'end tho Pan
eebyteiiatf connoil at Belfast, Ireland.
best wisnes 01 nis noes go witn mm.
McKikhiy, June 10 Speolal J Our
popular nnd accommodating county seses
sor. V. G. Burns, tarn this yonr c rres-
fepondent with tbe rumber of chil.lrtn fn
the sonoiaatio age 01 ton o iuniy. iy tuis
tepor it appears that rx)nv of the cty
o.iI:Etia'.y1 tLuis aii. 5.0. G eU!tl:ca ui
Cull noi'litr l flm ami -tci m P. 3ili
tr'i oii r ouloitu.
V !'. ll'iy, III 4 fllllK' llllll.H
ChIiiiii, in tiiu t ri.l, , m U n teil-hii i
I r. k re - in r niKi w in i , lb hr-f r i ,
Tin- wi t at ai.it o it er. i ii r r t - i ly W.
11 Ifnrri.ot. li . k l.i i.-atttl. t lli.inlv
luau'llllotlll. In Ml eV mir lll'el
W II ba nllva will' !.! r in IPs iiMikxl n'ol
o.ir nietdiauia e ii.tn dir tu i.imiv
J'rii:' rourt i-oiiv rd ihi lumi I p,
Iritd tviraitx a d ao urj, .1 ur. 1.1 to
niorrriir. ('.'luii.l J. O. 6. 1 tub an ami Colon. I T.
HMuiry, III'- I ' t' 1 Woil.i ibi muni.
IHfc', loailnit llie.ut in-.iri i.li'jrt ail:
Kairi frilil Co!lln -.juiilj-.
U'l.trllBlB) Juiifi 10 -rf;'elal I I.illt
feumlav luoriiH K at 3 'clock, Jm llr ill, a
iiftr.i Jj yotri 01 a. aiinmpiird to nutrKH
l.uu WhiiHliiirtt. 11 1.' y.srclj kin-
da'ii!h'.r of M . JituM rl'e-d, a prc.iui'
m-iit dru)ti;lst of tula plain.
Theories of ilia cliu OroUKUt Mis. b:-il
her nt'ithtr, lo '! room to sre ths
bljrk iii-iiio i .'rave l'iroui;li I be
etiru wl'.dow. 'St- butd ws abie-it
from bnme at ihn t mo Whn b
n iuiiiid. rri i wna pl.'ctd in tlm
binilic! ilr. W. r. A'iUoi , nit a apKin!
dopuiy, abij Mrr::itnl tlm neisro ilirci
oulia in the cum. y, bronchi him
to town nnl cber.td liliu down
l:i Iho riljl'O i.c y v. 'or 'liv fr.iuii) about
Ink. Your ri'.i'ji ! t -iid the nriio.i r
unniftl tie.; who li'kni irmly pro
li stloii hta i:iroo 1: . ilioiifli r.dmH ed
tlut Ii.. tr at :b . 'm'i v.I..i!- w at ll.e
ll.uo t mind. Iin i'i'i::e'l nrnii'it llio
r oiu. SI'i'i v olniiC' ".v. 1 1't'd u! lre.-iy
r.y iliu 11 let. i "1 1 nUlivii
in iln tii'l. llepil ' ho: I' Mafinx t-n I
SpfO'iil D.ptl'y V, illiiini , Oi lii vi:';- iliu
tlirrim w::uld b" : .-r: vI i.t.i HVo:
had 11 il" urraniti 'uc Is i n inoro iin
.r!si:er t) ILe Ci iily jil nt (. iKiiiah.
liny hail M.irtid 11 1:01 c uh.'m; for
that Mirp i-i-. n ' :i wl.cn l'i i.bout 11".
ynrJshmr. uosvy itr. k-s upon thu ilm'r
if tbo ivli.ii ,.i.d il.iCfJ lu a
run lo pn vci t :n vl. l 'nci'. O.i :i;. rlt k
tiio prison thren unott wirn llret
At tlitm and oid n given lo ' fop."
"go buck, till fhict you."
T110 mob ol two'.ve 1 llit. ;u too strong
b rtbelwoclll.erf, who : ."0'dai.il t.tw
the P4'nl)0o oi.''l ap. 11 r.a sxo,
and tLe n:-gro tl Ifl'.'nn and J'tat
ubr.vi llio i''s. 't'ti' . I:appeiit.l a". tlfVeii
o'clock. Dr. IViry w is culled but could
i iidir i.n iis'iLtino-1 n ili brnin wis pr:n
'ruti'd. The. nairro sli d at 1 t'c!oc'K t-vs
in ri.i;if,
(11 tlm .nqui'tt hold 'iv: r Ihe li i?" 'i Joe
Brtil. who ht hy a to-, 1 ..-.-.. l-i-t
l iiihf, f-o n iroorr'n jury r. 'n.cied n vi r
lilll. tlltlt drCSHSt'll tM rn !o nil 'ieVlj l-y
li Irjr t'.r t by ui.ki'.n.v! ..-.r 1 ii-.-. Th body
Wi.s lil.-iuil 1 Vfr In it 1.1 trofs f. r bttrlni.
'"i.i-1"'. 'i i" p t.' o'.iv n'l'i'i. i.ow mid so 'liu
will rit,'. uiiul ike utthii: 0. t':c
pro'id jit y.
Wl'Utl.lT fi'l OS
.int 1! biu.'.i"fi ilul!.
Vaco, Jii. o 10. fj-.i: n .J I'.-. :U
1 ..:r
:n 1,
C. . A in-a Mir.ii a . 11
"! 0 1 . .ir-t. O. e "'' I.
. 15 rU i.'il ol ':i t' ' r
GiMitfiic'.'ir II.il. I I- t
le 1 r i.'.vC'" ' for tl.o p. : ".
fie cocvicis V1 Ism l)i
to t LC.p ' vfl-:t''rilov, Ir 1 1:
.ii t
- rn.riilrir with
'. liiry. O.ui fl
, .i in i.t'L-tuu'i r;
1: .iiiiiMied on (ill
; a lis ol ll'iu v:iru
,i,.n. 1 to pick
Ui -it :-e iror.sd
ili rti toe wirn .'-'H3
pers n li 'Ml t'iVM or i'.V
?, v. !',:'.!li be i vi.'i n'l
f ., I :c .i to'ry t . sc.:-
ill till' ''I P'lt It r !! fun
i.'lli i.
C in' 'nn, Cikfii it f;t ry liHva iiih-i out
viiiln!.'. 11 F. Af'-.hu.-i. 01 Hit ri' nti H: vtoa
a ri' of ut .-.oliriuM ;.o niicbt of i7.i!J
lu tho ili-i'.ifct cur-, li'Oiiitll Hum
r'Ci'Ivid it j'ldnifnt fur tiill orjnins' U'rtiin
K'tlisoi', ;i n trl' r f itjtbi "f pr.;erty
trowmi: out of a lev.-
om th" Block of
il' i'iid.n s i!ii 'oa,i'i.
The exncihi'S o! W.
cluriu.l tn-d iy. Mi'.'
coivd tho tifat t r Z'..
' - n "i 1 ) twn
I ii .ll-.lo 0 'lli-p.fl c
iii-e 0. 'Vltir rt-
Galvsitik, Juno 10 . P-es Tbo sh-r-
i II o' ilaim" co'iaty ur.-ivwt t i-iupnt, ana
will return in tho nir ri.'i ,: vritii Mis. K N.
P.Tkt'r. t he wnmi;i wu 1 vn arretted hero
veiierJar on tho f va (if her dip.iriurc for
tho north.
Wbilo tl.e Eoliooter Rachel tt'id Maud
Wis diifibiirglf g h.T cirjto of ins this n!tr
noon, h wrkui'iti rained John JJalomy
lo't hii iootiiiR anil wsh pncipit'jti d dovn
ili tu W, 9(istatihiK a? 'ui if not fa'nl in.
jurip'i. He wus remov.d 10 Ihe b'-spil-i1.
The double fnimo buildinc 1 lit tie fmtof
Trventii th urei't m d Wa-e' front, owned
and occupied by A M6t.-. II-1 ao I A idrsw
Jolly i 14 le-iidi'iice aid r'B'nnrant.
nai thironiihlv wrarki-d i-day by
the piling support scid -t.lv pivinir way
b"" aili ii, preoip:ttii,ir ii ir'o tit- vr.'vra
( tho sl'p. 3inguliily," f'l otia ms hurt,
nl-cough ai verul peoplp v.vm in tli liou.'.o
wtimt i:. topiiieil -v-:r. The ii;uin:.'-.i is .?yer
Denton, Jane 10. 3 vcitl..l-"on. O. P
Poo, mayor of the citi , K 0, timi'Ii, II. J.
U'Ch nn l o'heiv, will leciv. tiliii t Tuiiin for
Fort Worlh in nel-satn to tho cia'o c v.
vcifior, and ihero will 00 u r'.-.:u!ir hcvi.-o
to-r.io'r.i'v rnornh';; n.f! trr- :: ;; of pi-d
sound ilemccra s irm i.tii cittfiti as dt'.o
K'Us OJd pi o uters. Tnf cry here, is
Tilden iind Hendricks tfl tac tickat to bent
tbe uiBii from Maine.
Hon. W. J. Aa-trlewM act ai sr.fiynr of
the city during the absin ouf Mr. I'oe.
While the tele, hi na service between
Denton and oonnfeting pointB is not by any
menus what it should he, 110 hlatno is at
tecunl to Captain P. Mounts, tho eQiclisnt
manni r of the office Iwre. Hia brat i n
deavoia to mnkn the lio? nviilibla ore ap
prpclatnd by onr cttiz.s.
Tbe wentber s'.'ll 0 ni fiUtS fsvorable 'Or
HOT Sl'i.iNUS.
Hoi BruiKos, Juno 10 Special.l Tbo
two prominent candu1ste tor the demo
cratic nomination for ."ive.-nr,r of Arkan
sas. General 8. P. U ughm and Hon. Jihn
G. Fleio!ier,reached hers to-ilay trom an c x
teudi'd tour of the et ite. The iustruntiona
as niven by a majority of tho oouniy CJ'i
venlious thus far ind'C ta a Bpinted cti
teBt. and both candidate! will go Into 'he
state convention at l.ii'lo Rick, on the 25ih
iiut., with about equal itronitb. Hui'oes
has tecured one-third of the adequate vote
to nominate 107 anil Fletcher i.i closo
unon his heela. Hnrbea is an tff;ctive
stamp speaker, bat Fletch-r id at borne on
a itill hunt.
Tyleb, June 10. r8 eoial. The 00m
mlssioners court, which has been sittiog as
board of equalisation, adjourned ta-day,
haviug made veiy low caanges in assess
ments tendered.
Tbe mi'rrisge of Mr. C. W. Koucz, oi tbe
Southern Paoiflo railway, and Miis O. B.
Cain, ot this city, onon rd at tha residenoo
of the bride's father, W. G. Cain, at 8:30
this evenine.
Tbe Kansas & Golf Boor! line, which bas
been maklne trans'ers six miles north ol
Jacksonville for wk. is now ranning
AniLERE. June It. -fSitecial.l John Le-
. . . . t,A.li . . .1 . li I .tr
KtOe, UCJUIi OllCIIU. RllU Jim. m.'J .
daughter ot R T. Black, of Colorado 'ity,
were married this evening at tbe residence
of the bride's parentr, and came to Abilene
on the evening train.
Tbe evaneeltats, wilmHn ami uawzins,
are homing very inn tst ng meetings.
Severol bave Joined. I.i me audiences at
tend and desp interest lj manifested.
dr. Uivle, postmaster, lett tor Dallas to
Eaqlk Pass, Jane 10. fBpeo'ftl.J The
special agent ot thn Mexican government
entrusted with establishing the Zona Libra
of Mexico, bas returned without visiting
Pieo r as Negraf, and the Zina Libra ends in
EL, PAtrO.
El Paso, Jane 10 tvecial.J Tha R o
Grande rivn ia very h'pu, and tho valley
fnrthlny milts i. ove fl vod in ?rcut pf.rv,
Wehave Phi imrrgul"? ma'l from tinea-
1 uir twtlv" d'v.ii. 10 icr 'v-tivs !Ue
tiu ?cx-t & Pio'Co 4.1 QiIvc;:oj, H-
1 r loir ( it h in A 1 'rtilo r t .1 T "m on l
Iw.tir. Ilirrai. a hp ak all 1 o Hi Alrlil'
' to' . I ' lM ki ,1 K hoi II' in hi , a .'I
I ir i I li ovr IN" ' i'or lo a' Vi:mi, A'-
l 11 I.1 i-.d i.'y Vim Mejir.n
I V' i' il 1 1, 1 on 1 i'o "l til ' ri' I rmlro.1
blldi. r.i si' ,1 mi' i ki lia'i' ttvii lui'li
I htll W .tf ll
i am r'jt ml r on
I all din c I m-, i.ii 1 i
t ipp y ni rr .Cffl. t
and alil.l.i 1 1 ri nmti
' i.on; intv,
1.om,vi, Ju'.a 10 fSpcUI J I halrial
ol me 'laic va. Anion Bran, I. r the mnnlrr
ol Cbatlta Ueaii, liejitn 10 dsv, all dila'rry
iinilioi.i neliiir nvrrrti.id, Minh trouble
t jperleiii-rd in gating Jury, only two
.r,'ooi oaw.g i-tu.ii.il lo-dar, though
t.i.inr (l'-iiien arrra i 1111I1 c I Ibis is tbe
lima munler fur bkh KI B ar, aco.ui-(.Iir.-,
at oonv o'td lttt Sj'linliiy. j
I udiiiiirlahod Inl rjtt u solln Id In
tbe jfvlvaW.
Jirrtaaoir, June 1). 9pcla'. This
v:oloi( Bunk WUl.iton, a 0 ilorad em
ploye at Ciark & U yoa'i stw-mlll, got bit
left arm badly iii.ikI' i by tha saw,
Tune of tha blurb Slnrki l.
Nw York, Jima 10. (J Vfrnm-i I a
fractio'i higher f-r 4'r, rKis'ertil
KtlUnyi irresular
Kuia aecur.tiei qn 0
a,ic;ila'ioicperrd:!;htI i' ron tl.
sppoiii'ni..t ol arfc.virt.t t io Wt-elMiore
ro.l. U.'l iri the llrt rail, li.-. vr, there
m u ral r, but 'ibi'q'iu'l-, u- d." urea
Hire 10 it ori loll ill' 1 H 1 1 li 18 per
ci lit. A -1 p. in. a ll'tue." to:.u pie'ti 'oit,
na inn ir . ui cein. n' 11. a' Wra rf.i Umon
d'M C'i't'. c till -lie i:lf .1 ;l:a il. c 11:!:':; ol li e
usual qi --1 ly dvli.-ii. 1". i nlto
t'a'id to lhi coiiiii:ii7'f, r-iT lor t':s
enrreid 0 'ter 111 -i-V ;r .-.blc, so 1 li g 4
snrplir tlWM .l'nr p iy merii ol Hi . uiv
Id' ivl a: .11 churccs, a id p-'C1 lain, d 1 S
ti 5-H per ciit iiir:tig t:ui afp'-n in t':o
invk ' 'iJi wr is, with '.ro.nn.il ruiil:'?.
A':erliu d.I'Vivy iiotr, 1 stroog r ir. lio,'
pr.u'jili'.l, end a rally o. I 4 1 1 1 H per c-ni
flik plan'. Neir lh loe, hos'Vtr, tiiia
w.j par'liilv lis. I th ll.i-l ' ilUg,
UUs.iiirl Pjciflc rnso t iSSS (, an I tii'j ni.ir
krt li 't nil ahot:t firm Compared a illi lint
iilght'a clo..iiii', prirw i arelt per cent, lower
for I)-1 .' A. iliut on. 'J 1-!S f ir rit Paul
pr. Iff, !, 2 1 H 1 ir i:atiA. dnii'ii-rii. for
New J-rf v I'ei'ril. I 5 S for Unlnn P'C Ho
ri' 1. K. 1'a.ir, US 'fr .n ri.iv, 1 ir.r
C t.'.r! 1't.oillr: aud IHii7-H f ..- 0: ' r l.-nd-
aiia'M. IV 'in in .M, isl.OiHj i !..
The Mtlatiiirg Kilt-fa.
PlTTttCEU. Jim 1 10 1'ir-l 1! r' ol t' n
fpring c-.PBling nf '.k- Tit'S'iuri; rt.rr"-o.
cln im: A In it; ."d'n (1 II (': 1'ilf ti'i hour
b:fi-ni v t.r.1 r but ih'i ir'iri; w: a in
CC.'-it OJ.MH.IO ' Till r ' I.'
I'l.iiin'.tial Rit 1 Tor.
m It : W.v; 1 y i. i.t-ml I
. '.r
. ..f a
H'(.u;; ...
t o, to- . U it ..o' i! ',
1:17 3 I.
l-.m St.'ku-F'-.1-y
! : "; if.fffX .J .r !: , !.'
tu-r. l.o: .ir: took 1.1P d
rail-n h" n --' 'Lbt''. of n
1 llTllI
? -c ti.il: tUJcr K., :-..-'t. . :o .'in i-
T'oir i II ... -y-lni'i; .!."!! ce .'.u.-.r tie!.';
Won in straight "j" K .?!. 1. Ti:m
1:17 J l, 1:1(1 1 '-': !! n-rj i. i.t 1: 1 -. r.c ee.
pi . I .1 tr.;"l i': tl.:' r-tpi ci:'.'.' i.i
llni.nlc iy llii-iiie I. ic . Ai.n
ilu'i v. ii-.; ,Mj iril-li :'
J.tUrd. i'i.i:o-2:.
, h'c
Mirni'iiliina Ksrnnv.
.Y C"..,J'i-. If). !'he. Gr-.t l'.iw-
I.r cntipi-y' 1 iu n; tt'oo. cjir.-inio:' 10
'Xil P nnd-i of gi io' iiOv:il.:r. Ire itc.l :!in e
aioi ii i!r intleieji'. ot in'.rny, (xpion-u
v.ili 'iiriblo fi rji t'i'u '.iio-r.lng. A largo
r.iuu .i r of pi .' Iron -t i 1 nn niHiuesi por
lion 01 ilia citv were wrecked. A n -w Piriii
ho'ij", oUl j r.- t-i t! i -to-i -. win conipleti ly
liiT.i'li 'i'-d. Tlie nc.iitnintj ri'tHrulnusly
tt.e;t ed i.-jnr. So duo 1.) Hi'. ou'OB of
the ixjilutio':.
Knllioslii.l le I to! illunt Ion Muol lo';.
St. Louti, Juno 10 Tha roubllcinii
held n ra'lli iu'lon ineetin nt Murcantlle
hull to-oi;:ht. Th hall w.is packed wilh
i.eople and a grtf. fle .l of i?nnine cnlhttti
aim wai ii'.mlfi.-titi. Ex Coore?'iiii:n
Finkolburg proiiiei, mid ept-enhen warn
mnln bv 0.tr.rr.tl form B. Hnnd"rton,
On iiincrV Fiiley, Colonel 1). P. Dyer, J.
Milto 1 Turner, and ncvirol others, all of
wliioli were r-c-iv)il rith great nttplan.ie.
Hot h f. ctions of tbe party worn well r?prc
s :.l'd nnd iho ntnnat birmmy n-id unity
cfi'Urp'.i" prevailod.
Nxt U.M.E.iNs, Juno 10. Cleuroil: 8enn.
s'lips Ilndeoti, Now Ycri; Clnpcyron, Liv
tr I'll
GalvesTi n, J.tre 10. Art'.v. J : K'e.mf
hip St. Mtjrv, New Clcno. C'l.vin.il:
fieini'-lop (!.'.! 'ia'!", Ni York iiniled :
Rtenmlili lit Mury, (iiinion; I'l'.r.noniir L.
F. Sjhmidt. I'h-I '..Mp'.iia.
AVill so Into l.liiiidntioii.
Nr?; ObleaN9, June 10 Oitiorr I.i iho
iloath of An'nine durrierc, senior nun:-b-r
of ton noil'", i.nd r'-anlting in Interrtip
firm to u-uni fnnUtii orfililB, the firm ol A.
0. C'ttriem it S-n s, pnve.tB bankers I'.ui!
merchantfl here, 1I0 irmluca to suspena enu
S 1:10 l'q'.i'dnM'it',
Tlio Vermont Flood.
SrniNOFiELD, Vt , Jane 10. The (bo 1 rt-
currnd thit niorninr, bnt tho pith w.sy lor
t'10 water had beon cleared, conscq win v
lur'.her damage wi avoided. Min strtet
was waihed out twenty 'ent in width arol
fi'teen fi t t deep. Wagn travel ia impopsi
ole. L"S-, $30,000.
glieupalieuil lttteoa.
NbvYork, Juno 10. I'lit' t'.heep-'htid
First Ran; Purs? $.509. Hva fuilonu', ml
age.''. Won hy Jini Jioiwioc; mom .un.co,
ticjiiil; lt.:ti-i id, tliiid. Tiot 1:0 J.
AAVind I'nll.
Lopisvili.f, .TutiiUO J.ilin iinrl CuirleS
fCnoeil v. 1 wo lib irrr.i of th'a city, have, re
ceived w'ord hey Ii wo ''alien heira M ubont
$2,000 0)0 from e.:i uncle who lately diud in
Juilginelit Entered.
PnfT.ADELFHTA, June 10. Judgment for
tfU.5,0 "tu es'erday entered agaii.st
Howard D. Thorns 1S1 Co., niauiitacturra
of woolen goods, ami execution repor'ed.
The obligations reach $1(10,000.
Tho Fire llceortl.
Rr.M. Mm. June 10 Pinder Win
chester's steam tannery and carrying shop,
Grove stree', Peabody. burned tins
morning, Lois $100,000 ti $125,000.
Picron. Me.. June 10 Joseph Tompselt
and George Lawder were banged here to
day for tho murder of Paler Lsier. Both
maintained their innocence to the last.
The Western Union Dividend.
Nw York. June 10 Western Union has
deolaredaqmtterlvdlvHeail of 13-4 per
oent. A surplus of $200 000 will ba loll after
lb? payment 01 tne dividend.
tat -
A Delimiter.
WiLMisoToif. Dei, . Jane 10. Cashier
Hall, ot tne (litizsns bank is a defaulter.
The amonnt ia unknowu. The bank is
alleged to be sound.
. Got oft light.
Boitok. Jane 10. Tilden G. Abbott, de
faulting oashier ol a Watertown bang, ar
rested in Missouri, has been asnteuoed 10
eleht years.
The Mltldlotown Hank
WilMiNQTOff, Del , Junn 10 The Mid
dleton bank aetalcatton u $38,000. Raol
eitme transferred bv the oishier ia valued
at $20,000.
Tho Kevmla Democrats.
Adstiw, N.T., Juntj 10 The democratic
tats convention w.ts called to order tc-day
at noon.
Set Yjek. Ju::e 10. KrUJi;
& Co.
j ffJl Ullkll''tjt h? Ikiiuti.
1 V I.'il' I V IV I." . f Its! and th.uniliililn!l.onsofifi .'plaof
J . I II". tl .1 I I I ItljUO, ! Hour hollow, mi tin iii nil. 1l i-tiifl la
I Ilia biiiiilng window-frame era erai kd aoil
j in la lo old-faihioiiad el.ininev hut tba
. .. ,, ,,, ., , , ., ,. ,.. i, ...i,, plot of nrnuiid around Ilia bou.e looks Iraslt
A 1 1 -J. In ill. H-1 i.lil..lii.i,l llilMIinil B,,,phr..ssof growing v.lablea
li,iefili i', t nd fl'-aan. Hiifrounilii g lliacmMva tha
;raul!c and (.'li.it
.lilvl Iji) S nrtr
tl'r J
('rliiiluatliiii .mil 7 rriptluuiioa He
Ion I'rrvi,
MfdiiHlillo l.un S I.iiiirulahr
Kharloum'' i f (iiartrri.
ll 'ili-rl'alh Iii'uH .Wnhdi' l.p-The
StVPnl Iti'il.
DNciivilii." SoclulM
OHirr Cviii' In
en liitniif.
Sll t -!! iiit-niM l'ttrelt;u Nt,Ha,
A rSHrilY l ll' T AT.
l.oi.ii'. J l i.- 10. I- nreprtr.nl that a
Ci-n'r -a' Wiin!.r I'asMa mi Il nl at Bu
ll rdi. v tilt ' bv l i ni-r, who escaped lu
cre iti'd virfdai'i'.t no v ri.jw.i ny lue guards.
THE Atl' it err
I.ONPOM, Jtl: ID. At AfC lit tllllNVtlS
in" ( r in d Him wirn by Hani-
mooilr' t in r I , r'. (Ja'roii 1 jntoa, oy
mure, Ctrr.. ; il ty , I 0 )i.d; I."!evre'j cueat
nut Ir ra iu m, tn'ri!. Kur siartem.
fct. (iatn-n v 'v a langih; tbrie lei'gib.
bi went t'rt i i.-. .'toy a'il I'rut "ii.
'T. OlTlfM .ihUUVEn T JaMCi' t. ALL
I.osp'N, June 10. Objection lo Si.
'."'ren fcr Ihe .lerhy has beeo ihdrawu.
I.i. toe c u s lo-day Fi'ionurica,
iniiiir lo'i ko rt 'nry. tled that rrpra-i-f
I the duty ol Hendly
,..ti,a r.-jr.t be liynatnltP'a have
I'.-n sd'lrejir : i.i Ihe i'ov. tinn-iit at
Wi-slilngt in. No tnly haa been receiv.d.
IjOHO'lv, June li. (loriloia k'a er has
rein. 'ed ni"tiev fi r 111 relii f n' her o-oloer.
Foo siys tl iriio;i ii a Brhlsii r Hirer mi ) it
levnlvcs lipoji the giVirument to Macue
won r. r tin nr.rimn.
I.om) '', Ju:;t 10 I'hB l'.inno of Walt-i
I H't- wm won by Mschi U'a co t. Sir lieu
Il I.; Iirv c'j cjlt Ufrmi'Mg", ee.oinl;
II it!i c.'.iht'.i e.jlf, Tn lfi.lao. tniid. lA.ur
starlera. riir Kjiioeuwoii by t:ren let.glh".
I it- r" w ii only a lie-d bet nun Hermitage
';'i i Tnti i i i! l!i-t;ii:g naa livu to one
n: mi '., Ili-uhi'i..
A tU-l'f IT ' FIHP.
lU'lo.. J .:. 1 . A i iiiti-A'-eriiiail
r ,:oi u : n: , v b 1 bee :i arr'tt-d et (.'"s
tl. ; v,r, II. I. ! .".ven. Tb p lio cen.et
I.i , pn- in io' vi'n tne niniipg v l ol u:e
t. i. dr ti to lUr.irv ll iy
t( i::. ui- or th hi
::i. . ! , J nne 10 - l.c -clivo i r
i ' I " i I et Cue i Hi. The
c-.;ii. i" r.'.-l : '.
i'.'.e r, i. i.ci '.!,) '
ty liv i t ti..-
U men ue ilrrwind.
v.-- i-'i'DiH riscii. lor
i!in ctrV ot tl.o ica-
p'.ratH'.'il o' . Li-
: K'l r .
t' i
I: I--
H'l" em'd i."t
ive I oe r ir...'".-
11 : I' 1. "u liCe-'I
t r i ci.r.i wi i.ii
le.1'. r.:le. Tn r
I ire'-d i"
t...c Hp-
II. o LJtl-
In ! o-i ho r 1 of I: nri . i1'
wt t '
illir r n; t. r.-iul.y.
LVlNU AM' Hfll 1.1 -O TO
Ln.xuox, Ju in 1U. i'ii.- I'll Ui C i
zetie ril'cra't" i' ;jelii I tort tlm aocnui i
pvibl'-l-i d yest rd y ol .i o )-.ni.!i' ptov t
io'i? i ihe mi' e..o r .1 'j,ion f. n'eli t i-
K vroi.i'.- r"":f.rj;r -o-,- hs-?''. -r,
-y made v C: ..i.' I i' 'Vaddiit o-, in
substantially ncrii...'.- It ii: Winn
(urtliir ooi.Ct nliii.r.i. i.;''. b.'i.i fi-tl lo tl,.'
exut-ncoct the tmi ! i' ' ' f'!' co:i; -itllei!
lo publish ihe to'. i :" ;:: which tlie wlode
naliiiii row a . i tl." ui;hn.f. Tue
lame, I.ib.ied liit.iu) r.: -lio NVws
arneiinl't t v.r nil k 'ii I'-ioii of fie truth
of lh revel. '.ti n Ilcv.v r i.-ircurate it
lion- ho ij de'itil, i vtrv mrn.b.r o.' ihe c'-bi-ret
kiioiis it ii a' le.-it ia rep.nrrt to tbe
EopliMi ltia:i nf iSJUO.'.OJ to ilii kheOive
sbiuluii'ly c.vr.-o'. A I tugginy and a. II
iieeepii.ini. nnd th governments m-uti'iita
will r.i. SItt t' e Mi::-.'.tf fnt th B igiund
is lo hs in a pcrni:i'iut miorrity o.i the
basrt Ci audit. O.ir French cvlieignea
DiaKc MMCie'nl 'w.r ij?;rrn!luiii'"i to
einvi rt 'l-e iranl nt emlit into tie ir t fleet
unl co.itrcl. Tho ii.ii.ist ra ku-iw thn ia
true. Toe only vriy .'or iho KOVi-rumt.t to
priilo"1; i:s t-xt .-.-. la (o Dt-cr lio 1 tbif
MO'T KH'. IK t'r
1'erso i well iiv.-)n;t"l a- o vh -X i't.iu;
on in parli.'.n;'. . n'1.' v. re.t- prru.'l e
Cham;.-, ir. Li.-c giy. r-ir-it'ti:. witnin three .
weeks i: th tn'onitMt . - rtoi t .ill man
GiZ-iteproveali-.il'. I. v.ili Hie i rutn
aod tho cocat-rvatt" i: i:i cnuui'id lae
ovi'r:i-oei;t ll.'.'-ii tll'O -UI ; 1-t ueunrtl e!eC
tion. PAKNULI,
is in consultation wait fiiond.i prepir'.i.j '
lorelecli ins In I-iati ie unl ei n'ti'ilie .-
'loiuiii'ti ci parlianirii',
1.4 111. L.-MMuMs.
Likp-jj, Jun.. ll). lo the com "iocs to
iiav Gi .ca'.r't.c stale 1 ill it tne rueo-a that
t'tirk' y Iind ak"(l to ninlytoo Soman
were u" foa ded, bin tint n' go.iiitii i s (tit'i
Torlioy were pronrnjiug, lurlci: i; to I'ur
key'u cciapiiiiitu of esruiti RmI HPii
porl. Filzunwrics, nrri. :-' f .r inn securiiy,
Btfttea thu: arivlc-o fr ioi Admiral Hnvritt. io
dica ed he had n aatttftct' ry intcrviewwith
Kina John, of JAbysonii, duy 27th. He
will endeavor .o star' home June Ut.
CAint), Jur.o lu. ileporti have renchul
here tlm'. 'lio rb"is nlno d iyanao nusjs
ncd Hu.'Sin P.Mh ilalii i, o mimaudc- at
Barter, and sll his fsirily; also t'm gr
rison, which was M'tli'ttl tube kbi-de,
and Ett'Cen:) trmiars who r. nittineJ tuete.
A Cincailo Ciitnsli'opho.
Hflkna, Mont., June 10. Sunday alter
noci Wiiio the hr'ybuat at Thomnjon's
Fulls w.i'i crosiing the 'iver thn cable broke
aud i' e bout went over tlm full?, 3C0 yardt
below The boat had on eleven Mien bound
f..r 0 iller il' Aleue mine-, and thirteen
puck hrnei. each carrying 300 pottnda of
sriiuilies for Eiele Oi'y. The curreut was
vi ry twift and powerlul. As soon as the
cabin breke all pai-senr.rrs except, iwo
jumped overboard nnd struggled vainly lo
reacu 'no encre, o;n were hwfu. over ine
falls. Tbe boat righted after going over
ibe brink and lodged Rguinst Belknap
bridge, a short distance below, where tbe
two passer gars who still clung to it, were
roicued. Two rron on shore took a skin
and tried to e fleet tbe rescue ot lb ce wno
jumprd into tbe water, but were also swept
over tne lane, ui tnirieen men concernea
eleven were lost. All were straggler going
to the mines, and their nimes are not
known. All of the pack anima's were
Cnllfornin Democrats.
8t:cktoh Cal., June 10. the demo
cratic state convention met this morning.
John tl. wise in tne chair.
Mr. Wise, in an eloquent speech, said:
"Let us democrats of California send a
delegation to Chioago lor the old ticket,
Til. Ian and Hendricks. If Tilden is nom
inated we can pledge California against
tbe plumed knight ol Maine." The
mention of Tilden'a name was
greeted with tremendous applause. All
present jumped to thulr feet, waving hair,
handkerchiefs and caneti. For several ruin
n'es the speaker was unable to proceed.
When order wrn restored, the nomination
ot temporary chairman wascalled. Stephen
M. White, of Los Ane'ei", an an'.i monop
olist, was elided by acr,5ma"c.r: Oi
taking the chair. While, in th ouffla ol
his speech, srdd it was ihe duty cf the dem
ocrats throuahout toe enir cia.-itry to
poininate Tilden for "v- preaidAticy,
A ilormll'a Klntuty.
On a bluff that rlst s a bu-irired fct-t ab ivc
t'.e Wiasabickon, nesillng timong recks and
trees end r-hrnbbery, If th Jirmoof Miobael
Oar'iat, lbs Cenediin rrclti'e. It ia oa old
cabin, aud Its uioiiic woi i cf baara-ai.u
iin and thalcli dis inci: ibf.ea it alike irom
j tut quiev collages ol Biue hill, on tbe south
aenivry is nnr. a way to ma n irin.au,
I uliatujflna-ll.r inth the trees. Is Mom Itmk.
or. with I h rolmwal aialua'f paua
1 rapping lis loimiri point. Beyond ia (iar-
in a ii u wn. In li- valliy la straggling Wis
aahlPSon, a'U a mils or mora if in rut
I no It'ibcrtigh aid gnmy ilsnayunk.
Itilleiihoi Mlown, with US nil ei.iimu auU
olderbiu.es, plays lilda and-s-t k among
Ilia trees betni.il iha pr 'ticllna li low (if
lliuahl l. lu lbs eaal lbs ouy I- l.lldan
behind tb trees, but unil.r tne r ear sky
ha monuments of Laurtl Hill t..l Moon;
Vsruon glis en In ilia di.ianca.
A visitor yeaietoay rattled lb nnor of
tlis d.laildaied cotUire, and a n
ter it was cautiously nprti'.t .r '
wlnt d old man howtd nis 'r
"Is Ibis Michel Carrlat'. h hi. '.'
Tba old mar.'a b.ad-ita
ot la-
I't la,
ran lea. I y as ha strove t uiv.i.e t
Of tb intruder's vl.ll.
" er," he answered, fi: ally.
"Ann von ara "
"Michel Carr'a'.."
"Tha hermT.'"
A gleam of tetbDiiitoui tU i .
"lVnni people rill t'. I iron ,'
The old tiia'i toroad ard put liu .
nu if-e door.
"Havf you any biiilr-eij with
t lus
a d.
i up-
1 l.'j
", .l e.rp'V
' Yt; may I come In?"
j "Nu nt-a evrr c ini'i hire," ho iai ', i:i--!
p'Couj'y. Tneo, .imckliiig to him-.,' t'l.l
i riiiitupK his ttotiy tltitre'S thrnugli hij I - ..:
hair, ha c'li.ilnned: "I'.oi-Ieara alia) i i f
Me afraid of an eld man brcsuse I s mo
per a i-t like hia own ronipany be't'T IPan
that ot anyone elae. You'. not. H'rjld? ''
lurntiii' lUdd'iiiy to the via'ior.
Wrhout waning for an auwe r im led the
way Irtn ti.a ahaniy. A dilai i.l.itert tove
In me coreer 't pnllln.' a volume of pine
wood en i ij k a in'o too rooiii, and over tin
dime tun keit.e vn l.u limn i;. A tab.e
a-nl a pair ol ch" ut ule Irom h trrels and
b uitid With htri- i I colli were t'm only
lurni: nre In i .. mom, but the tl tor wa
linen d wli'i i n -i in oitdt nud mis. and on
tin- wall a tl i.'-!. ck tun k-', with powder
ben. a aiiu a fw cutlitu with a pa'r o'
'tiaitt r cpur , kv the plsee an hir of war.
Uuder I Mm ett.ve an enn.c'e'.id ca' blinked
in woilller at t ill lilt rilil' r.
'rit tJoan h't doatp," t t'ti il ' Id mar,
waving Ii i t band t iwnrt t-n- oi if. barrel
rhairt. Hiai dini: at tie 'sh ' an 1 I ii k'ng
rioM. at ti.e v!tor w'th n ingii-.l rnriiity
ami itnpatirnc-', the i..-ii-p r'e ited
ti-ru tt'g aiipaarniiv . H ;- l.ti-t: h i:r uava to
tbe a retiv pitt. fuc- t .irarn:el c .il'iveroun
look. W'i h I.n b u v li'itfera lie Incssant-'y
tui.sliel 1 1; r h..r Iri ni lilt lir-btii it till ua
cjr.atunny li.ii in i t. bac't f.v-r it prow
ami It to til- t-i ei ea:". Hir (onu Pent
Bf'l hi ' 1 1 nhli ir -!'-. i i "Atei!
"You nuve li.el a I io' ? ' w n wW
"Ye-: w ty .., ,t I.' ' ( to
Btvaeely) "Kor a Inn tini. ?"
"Ye-j tm'. wnv tl" yo i w'.s,'! t -'t..1
Yon citi i.av- no mti tet in knotiii I i
"it it-lhieiicel n? a iitddi-n r-i. , '
"It yu'i ree.ll- wai t to know, I'll i.. '
I lie day Iha fr t te.) t ol tnia a'ir'.
imo in rro'.i'nl or 'athertii" el y tl.i-pn-c-i'ed
it, lor toe old nlaca hes b-eo t-loiv:
,t, vn n. ei 'i'. 1 1 n- no i. ol i.tiei xf I -x't-t.l -
I one vettr. op'i. l'v si-l-u bee Vrr K.nce!"
j ..j u Wltli llm...
"V.t. Ii.ir tut. tio lone In a r. i wi n
iu,tfri ih.-i nwirol uril it t.. .i-Ih ltd Id,"
"Haiea then.?'1
i "Yea. Iuit'9 iiii in. V. - il l i on ): vo ir?
i ,,,, nvnr i.ti, it . I a r..r. . irul , t . 1 1 ik u . 1. 1 ,: A
tit".'V youtli and a h-lghter iiian."ii:
e-1 li, pro p-titv, lovr bliah'e.l v tr-e
pirlid', if a 'oiuau tt'.d the counivi-.i.t:: ofa
e.l'io Kitrlil?"
t i I'. el i :' nt t':e reclusf r.eciniii woitn
wi n ) l m, and fie words were h e.ier
tetr !:: 'ie n. Hall rising he clinched
htalU'iiii'l brought It down or. fi e .able
with a eriisp.
"ria) I ' he altnoet shrieked, ' i ;
hucli n man would yea fiori : i
f. r twt-niy years aay from : i-tt-isettnl
who despise t.i b.-citi '
ctn not. nnderstaud win t o i.-ni . il I
i wore
a rte
thev .'.. u"'
"O yee," eaid the reclti.e. i:r lwiinr ci'mer
and chuckling and l)ttbh':..g cw ' wi n d'a
bolical delight, "ti-ey cil! u.o 'Old Nick'
and tho 'Old Mari c: tbe Wood.',' ..i.d iy I
am a hermit and n re In-r, and whiEper
dark thingi nil ml nii' .'.tii Krjen ti n chil
't". in Hit-hoiise I '-nine in nirht.
But wh' do I ca t'.' I'm hrrr, and bcre I
efek. I liv uloni ft ' r nt K'. 'iie, and 1 11
di-' itlnno. But tni : r.i i
an I these are llu he i V
lieah ui r and the ri'v
loiii! to tl: n hermit i-i-'
permit's homo
l.'t'lv, nnd the
'he 'un.-hitie he
ir .' 11 ai to any
fr in my mD,
i:rie e's' . lie ti-lt i '. . :
i.xeent t i 1'? I-.-H u : i .'
"li e..; Iij-i. .:r li.iriut.'
"Y .ii i n goionV
"You nrtdu't coiao arn
plii.i Ti n i o
-L ?ii!ads!-
C'nro foe 1'ilc.
Piles ara ir uuciitly pr. ceded by u 6i-uo
of wciutit in the bac,':, loins a.'ni lower ,tn
oi the iio lotnen, c.-tir-itig the paiiei t : -i a'jp.
pa.ie he lies snmu utrLCtion oi tiickiduiya
uf Ltlgub ni;i. . r.ioy. At Huns hvnii ji u
of iiiv:,ie,"ii--n an: pie-em, us llaiuleiicy.ua
nislt t i'O ct thu btnuinrh, eic. A m. mute,
I'te pri-e piration, producing a very ilisa
grieatij Hcli'i'i;, iittir K'i t'mg waim, la S
Very co'niu on attiudii'.t. liiit.d, b telling
and itching piles yield ti' ouce to tin; upnh
Cation ofl'r. lioeaL'ku'a Pile Remedy .wulca
acta dirtcily upon tbo (arts atfictid, ab
sorbing the tumors, alaymg the l.itiLse
itcliinir, and atl'e-.ting n permmii'in cure.
Price SO cents. Addman, The Dr. iioi-p.r co
Meilicme Ci)., Pi(U i O:uo. bold bv W. H.
Patterson it Co.. Dalla.
No t'l'vo (Irnsa for Ca.
Ho'V, in iho n.ii'io nt lusticci to tne chil
dren nt rxa, ci'i any one siiind up and
demand Ine gr e '.' Those who ak lor nnd
want free urats. we- t tbe use tf the public
lands nf Tomi" lice ct charge. I'll wasrot
public domain and '.hey t?ero to asl; lor itB
free UbP. they would b i prnnounctd fools at
once. Have cipit iliets any right to i.sk t ha
children of this ftaie to luy eti-le thtir
claims to the school lands of Ttxa?, und
tbe revenue they can be made oyiela?
Can Ibey, with tny semblance ot justice to
the children of Ihe etale, or the cause of
public education, uk the children's guar
dian, tbo state, to throw open to their liee
u-e. the broad acreB ol the public duuiain?
We say that they cinnot, und that ibe ad
vocates of such a measure are extravagant
and unreasonable, aud are prompted by
self-interest and sr If-proHt, and not b a de
sire for the publio good, or justice and
eouaiity in tbe distribution of ihe benefits
of public property.
Cau not Texas lease ber ecbool lands for
the benefit of the school fund? In our opin
ion, this is the wisest disposition tbat can
be made of these lands at this lime, lor, by
this means, they yield a handsome reve
nue, and in a few years, whrn the agricul
tural interest demamU ii, tbeso lamia caa
be sold at pricer, tor tivo times as much,
perhaps, as they would bring now, were
ihey put on tbe marks', for sale.
When this is tbe case, when agricultural
ists demand more land lor tillage, then the
slate oan sell its tchool lands to m-n who
will become a part ot tbe state, and will feel
an Interest in the state's welfare in veneral.
It would be an irjnstire to tbe farm
er end mechanic, an I he mer
chant to make them py a tix
on their bard-earned values tor the main
tainance o: public tchoo'e, when a cattle
king of Chicago uses thousands of acres of
pnblio school lands on ihe wenern prtiries,
on whicb bis large herds graza and fatten
on "free grass." Every man in tho atate
of Texts, who hta a child to educate, is
part owoer of this land, and tbey have a
nirht to demand, ih-onuh their elee'ed of
ficia'r, that the cutle kirgof Chicai o sball
py lor tbe pasturoge oi his cv:l Ko
male official woo violates a sacred trnst.end
g vn away the property nt the CJiidreu of
'f xae, can retain m c nfi1ence and good
opinion ol the people. Pittiburg Ga
zette. Ladies should t ike advantage ( f ":f re?t
bvitalp m Jersey M rure"'. 'rsttain
cost at Baamsa'i, 709 Elm street.

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