OCR Interpretation

The Rutland herald. [volume] (Rutland, Vt.) 1850-1852, July 25, 1850, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84022363/1850-07-25/ed-1/seq-2/

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WtgbitO, Jul; H
fit a rr- -Mr F aul?4 Sir Han
r:f wiler, far Jiamn wb)ertt
i-nnrct-! kli tbe Ull nttAtt
r.Ax,fu. H imWtri tttn-a lc joint
al -filrr, lxca9 fee htwuclf hal rr
ffcitl ff rjr5iir the Fujtjrr
S3 k ISJI Tie aw)Kht that M
iUrArr wvll bit Nwtini f;ni'!e
ttven ba 1 lMn rtnl.'F to alio Soul!
ru RMitWintTi to f-reri)t jat cit
till a uvuld vjitllicw, l.-it tht the)
dfcHiKil t thrairle tf the
jlUtiit Utot oflcrcd.
V.ie i'fwlcol riled Uut if thf
jmt & ianttl upon, the tfenaut
(tv ,t irrini inut cirSiit hici!)
ts tJt li)if nixltr rooiideratia;), and
t dH.t: liie eiief al tnljcct ita
tir:ttl vi Oif rep-ort '-f the cmndt-t-f,
hx I Ix.n done diily d jrmjr
hr prvrt f the dilute.
Mr Hntlei ittiuutkd loteu' oo
apjtl fr-m the dicisUm of the
tt,Air 4ml proceeded to rne t!f
Ir. Ftttc inter.xiiig exiled Mr.
lla'ler to order, Ur tpeaLinK vh-n
there t urtion Ixforc the Sin
tie. 1h I'reMentThe Senator fioin
Miwtwii.pi hUI take Li real.
ytr rwte retained his vent, but
nlrfcque-ntly renewed the call to or
drr. And inusted tioti hit objection'
r.nul Uieapi-cal from the decuiun nar
Mcmt. Clay, Dickiuvm and oth
er anjiealcd to Mr. Foote ta with
draw lit objection to the cotiroe of de
Into purxued hy Mr llnnter.
Mr. Ko)te toitively dectiped and
wakitneli exlletl toonler for Ktatitie.
the rcaTn why he so declined.
After further conversation on the
yVnt of order, Mr Hunter waived
fwrthed dieiMiion of the objectiona
Ide totiic, and proceeded ith h'n ar-
susneut nint the treueral bill, ex-
aiuininif the various pwnti nmdo in
iufror, and defending the oppei- A It HI VA I. OK THK STHAM
tOvn, which he felt bound to make to SHU' ATLANTIC.
. . . , i Wrr I'i'r l.atrr From Europv.
air ricte follow etl in replv to Mr f . 1
)!nntfr, remarks upon ncn interveii' Ihe Atneiiean Mail elenuvdiij
twn. The Senator had declared ncn .Atlantic anived at Nev Yuik last
intervention to Imi a ximple leaving of Monday, ith -IS pa.i.neii', having
th.j tjuextii.ti of nlavery to oil and eli-1 -ceini li-died the pasiae in the u-
Kitj tlie I.iw of nature. Mr Foote '?rkable short time of 10 days and
contended that ncn intenention vm 'l'01', li'tun dock tf deck.
i j'rinciple operating in oil canos and, Atlantic L"!t I.ierpod on the
.t all time', and ahnr rpsd!ni minii ' N)tli int. at 12 o'clock M.. made
etr:ict frtm .Vr Calhi.mi' M-eeeh .
UnWtbflruc meaninif of n'm-in-
tcneuiion, he ent into an argumort ,
to show that Southern men who op-1
rosed the bill u-r demaudhig and.
reiueiKiing itr inierveutioii to pro- j
teet laere: u ui iiil' to ih si.int ef:
i ,
,1r. Javw of Mis. intcrpesing,
asked him if he knew of any dUuniun
1st. .Vr. Foote in reply referred to the
ineetiag held in South Carolina on
the -Ith of July, whpe j roceedings
hftte been published in tlie Charlet
ton .'i-rcnry. characterizing thuse
meetings as disunion meetings.
Mr llawi, in rejoining raid he
kneir not a single disunionlit in the
Mr Foote said he diA know f uch
and referred tD U. Uarnwcll Khctt,
fertnctl r. Picpre'cTi'.utive iu Con-
grcs. vi't.o waj now tasking disunion
itccchesinthc Southtcnciitintry. Mi
l osto irocceded with much warmth
tint in moit iviintctt language, to re-1
buke and denounce everything, eve-j
body and every act, which has in hit
opinion anv tendency towards dUun-,
jq. He did not design to pxj any .
thing against the Noihwllc Co'nvct'i
tioa iuclf, but to vindicate it from ,
Ihe odium Th':ch he feared would '
rest ujion that body, in consequence '
of the nets ol wimi.luali, who attend-
d it in a spirit of disunion, and are '"'- half ma.-t high, and the a'.iop
now breatlmgdiiutiionand ruin over ke ere closed their windows with the
theconr.tr". -a:r.e fceiing. K;bwt Peel, t'nc
Mr. lltttler briefly replied, tntima ' f r.-cnt Uaronet, arrived in town on
lini (b-it ML.'ur.l,i Wniilil hi-, tut. !-IHldjV aftCI Iio5Il. l'lL.m (ii'Iii.iii
tain Mr. Foote in the tion which he )
I.m! ij'uir.cd, unless lliev were rcadt
... . . ..!'
to aisutne tho aljcct station tn which reaci.evi mm.
they would submit to any and evert- j I'B.wcr. i'.irij, .SWry Mar
roti2. He taaintained that South , m'y, July 1th. Oi, Friday after-
, xroitiia was as lovii ts itny otnei
Slxte in the Union, nut, hating mark
ed her courte stas prepared to follow
it to the end.
Mr Foot denied that he had said
ought against South Carolina, or itn
jwgned herhonorin the least degree.
Mr Hale said that Mr Foote had
presented a new phase of the qucs
tion to-day. In all the speeches made
heretofore, all the agitation and troub
Is was attributed to the raiicrable, fa
uatical abolitionuU of the North ; to
day the Senator supposing these ab
olitionatt lo be dead, had acertained
the agiution in the South. lie was
glad the acalea were litginning to fal"
from the eyes of Senators, and that
8tUern men bad at last discovered
where the real aeat of the ditoxte is.
Iteally the speeches made by Uu
(jeuUeasaa to-day had led him to hot
fur what be had never exjiected Ix-fcrt
that sou good wm lo grow out of this
seven months' ditcuuton.
HoriK. The House was engaged
all day in dlacoaabg Hugh N. SmrJi't
right to a teat a delegate from Nc
atr. Stevesa of P., offered an a
Cieadjnewt lo the Coaatmttce' revowi
tioo, "to de:bu it iuextliett to ad
m't Mr. Sta'ith. Teaa Lai able ttsd
itilot s a lrtes co the tlxr ; New
. .1 f.... i . . r. i
urn Co who is ouall inttrrstrJ, ht
bo'-xmI; en the Axr cy-cialij to ad
vacate Iter her right Arc we to try
th question ptrtfl Wo allow
OMmKl to the noon malefactor
The only tjacttiott Is, thill tbe dcle-
jjate bs beant here, n uw trui oi a
irc.it fiueitien 7 Mull the
it IPnidamattthus. i!jc Judge of Hill
foi.nmed, u'ti cnd'-iuli-all without
i i.canng. Ji jetted N )s tu
5'J im.
iff ?4n.f. t.t Ttitiii. i.tTertMl
jt ametidinent, derlming that r !
.'lOIHl UV 'IUTUll MI 5V.il, 1IC UriUJ-
elfftcJ by tlit House of IMoga'e.
from New iirsito, tbev tiM -1 av'ing
declcd one for themselves. leut,
lleale, bo raid, c lll together
ninclrru !r. r a a cimuntin., ana,
fifteen of tt.eui c!vCU;il Mr. .Snub, l;
tomr here, U urgff tlic createm ol a
urritoi.a! gowrtiiiient. lie waj u '
elected by tho 'i1.
Mr. Jtniiiu amendment was re
jected rivm 67, 7l. j
Aii amendment ai oilercd by Mr i
Hurt, "provided that -ail Smith
ihi!l, if admitted, take no t art in the.
ticbat-t ci the lleutc, ami shall nut
he entitled to iUi pay or mileage .l
lo.u-d by law to :t delegate tij-.i
tenilory. This was duagued to, iV
t-j 7'J.
The qutidion rccnneil cn tiio fol-
loftiiifT, mbhtituteti lor the oiiinri!
i evolution "That Hugh N. Hinilli be
mlinitWtl to a e:it in the llousi is'.
IteprcivtitativiM. a a delegate frmn
New Mexico, for the .'lint Coiijiieis.
pnided that hy ticli adiiiis-iun thi
lloure ii nut to he understood rn e
pren'iiij; any opinion rdative to tin
cuiitliutin,; boundary between New
Mexico and Tc.t!i." It was n j -t t -d
ii to SO iiinl the niij;inal ietolti
tion "that it i inexpedient to admit
Hugh N. Smith, to a -eat, n a dele
ate fiom Ne- Mexico," waj agreed
"i?ld:md I.i-ht at 10 ti.inu'.'i p.iitimv" B. .
fl Mt - ?d. came to at Quarantine, T" Convcntlon
'l -- M. an-.ved at her duel:. and the Nominations,
',c Iri"?-1 lWtt! frm L'ner'iil t-j Ve are glad to h-aru that the late
t',c 'li. London to the flth, l'aiis to j gathering of the Vhi at Montpt-lier.
. ... ... 1
",v I
1 11....... . 1 . 1 , r. . . .
v.o;iun attvai
voiuiii anvanceii j-n on receipt ut !
-anaila's news. All kinds of Amen- i
, ,
can iiriivi,ion hnei. ill.. I, ilr.n.l,.n. .....) I
Foreign securities dail .tate of
is gool-
nioiiev ease freight
The Duke of Cambridge died
the Hth inst.
The fuueial of Fir Hubert Peel,
although prL..tc, was atteiule i by .-.
great body v the :u i3t eminent men
in Kit rope.
Hetliu j.apcrs aru filled with com
i minus on tue Wanisii treaty ; no ar-
l.v 111 fi,''"iany seems satisfied with it.
. J'ostilities between rhe Duchies and
tnuiark are consul -red probable.
J A" llC" village!- from Ilo:5cn to Kd-,
ding are full ot tr.. p..
! . Lnxland. fl.e effect which tho j
1. 1.... I. , r ti ii t ii. !
" u icei win nave iiou
ln.c 'utuie I f"'; eels of j olitloal af
ncri' l"-'1'" the all engrosii.ig
J0''10 h'"co ,nc sa'1"1-; tLe Amciic.i.'
'-'llc. -''gi't Honorable Haroiiet was
buriej at Drayton Manor. There
"othiug yet detit.itely known a? to
or disjosal of his property,
A3 a '"irk of recoct to his funeral.
J" "'c tesseis in -ort lui-tc't their
where he was staying when the mel-'
-mi-iioiy news oi ins lather s
- .! II
noon, a young man, named (li.orge
Alfred Walker, compositor, was ar
rested near the Elysee, under su.pic
ions circumstance.'. A loaded istol
was found in his oseioti, and he
confessed that he had been for a long
tune watching nr opfsirtunitv fj?
assassinating the President of the
t-,ec oia; lists lor
I JlfllS. 11flll- f fl A lwil. 1..... . I
!. 111. I. .- 'II,. .1 ... ii-. , ,.
i:7t "Ti VAT .". I'uo-
hshed. The iiumhcr of
Pans u 7-1,000. Under the old law
they amounted to i24,000. M.
ledro Iloll'ttrs new paper. I Fro
icrit, was yciterdav seised bv the
He-uK. VVo have letters of the
variety of ah.urb mmors were iu ctr-
C ilatioa. The attention .f ii,- ,11.
I- " "
. . . . ...
V u" Tiniiu- mat me
Holy See, S IS eiUt '
yvuirn wui ue auarnloncd iu fu
m7 . l'r&,,t "t Parma
arid Pucnta sn i.ti,! !-. tU 1
ucnu a. laiulo iu the usual ,
I1:., (Wll( . . - , ..LT, I ' 'aM-'-
Jf.l c 2d stste th 7om ,,r, , .il7S!hrr;r mcr ,,,e '
.d? ,u,c that the QWM ,he drsm" of ,M, f null , ,tu,a cf ,he I
f.nctr.rnt i Hail rstccted. ..rd that
Iter Majesty va iu a sutitfsc'.ory
late. An atKtnpt ui the i art ct ,
the Carlist to iwie a proclau.atioii,
" . I
rrofemg to emanate front the kiug,
and directed against tho legitimacy
of the forthcoming prineo or princess
been discovered, betcral i-cr-
om Lave been arrested.
Tllt'U.SUAY. .M'LY .V, l.-.'.O.
Whig- Nomination.
ni TL.si rtU'XTf.
i on uoi,,
l.I.ISHA l.Al'HAM. Mifiy.
rim t'oi'Nrv Jtiw.i.
r.t.lSHA -M.I.KN. r.ncht.
SAM I.. 11 K Ll.I.UlUi lUlttfaJ.
i t -nn:ti r
I K UK. II 11.1
l.KVi IlIMCCS, lintn!i.n.
s aii oi!.M:r.
i ua ji:ni:,
ion jtMir.i i or i-iionA u:.
t. rl.'if Ihrtrrtul ItuiUtut .
ii a it v i:y itr rroN.v.i,v;,rc.
V'l tl.r Di.lr.cti.f Piuli.urti
AI.-MON WA1SNKU, dutltton.
I vill tirSAT'.lll!.
J. W. (.'t)LHUUN. SpriwMt.
DANllII. 1 F.YMAN. to'alton,
U'AUUKN li; UK IK It, ll'i'itrfsor.
lOl: COl'STT JflHlES.
II AMl'DKN ( Uri S. Ihrtluml.
ion tti:N a rroiiNi v.
ion Mir.mr.i-.
I.OI.KN,0 UIC II M 0 N H, Wnmsfoeit
ton iiKiii iiAit.it r.
ron Jirtinrn or i'i:oitAi i;.
Tur ll- Dmlritt of W iiidaor
SALMON 1-. Dl'T ION. CuvrmtU.
tVr Hi" )itrtf-.t r.f llirtr.ini:
JOHN l'Ol.TF.t;, Ilmlfoul.
,.,.. ii... 1.:.. 1 .1 ..
mm in tie- hi
m-aieu respcciauiu
::,.. , , ,
" " ,,H i,c,,'r' "ml w,'n ilU,!n,leiL I,ml
'telilmratioiis of tin-
were in cvt ry respect
harmouifiii and
A detiiihd account of the proceedings
will bj fount! in our papir of to-dav.
and we take especial pleiKure in an
nouncing the names of the nnminee.
tur.v bioiighl before the people, for their
M'ppoit for State Ollleers. A hett.-r
tiiket. or one ealeiilated more generallt
to ph.i-e the party, we believe cnulil
not Iwive been fclcctcd. Ciiaiii.i:s
K. Wii.i.'Ati-. and Ji i.a'.i Convkusi:
men well deserving of any honors
whieh the people of Vermont .-ce lit to
!-ePiu- iqion them. Of Judge Williams,
or of lii.-. character if it were not ab
solutely unbecoming it ii tendered,
nt lea-l, unnecessary for in to apeak.
A. ll... r.-...:.i:.... T...1-. r. '
" ' " S-u..seoi ouroupieme
v. otirt, nir so many years, lie ii, per-h.iii,.-u
well know ii llucughout the Stale
- any man within n borders j and to
delincl fmin hi, rharacter a lo lii u-
bil'iy. his uprightness and his integiiiv,
would be to iiii,itin t!..- iu !
u.i M and
honesty t.r d,,.- pen, c. 0f Venuont, w ho
j o Joi. held him iu ihe position of
"hief Justice t,e highest office, ns vte
cwcinv their gift.
C ..I . -ll
we uount not, bo said;
i - ' ' '" ' nml ,cr,,ill"
few caviler
our own patty, ul tl.e .
mr of nominating :, man who
l-hentofiire l,,n p,0ed i ,,.po-i.
lion to the Mint ui.I..I, .i- , ...
I- ,,,. In' re,u,d , ,,. f,,., :
di-po.ed. f..i-our, elf. lo make an houcM '
ci.nfes.iim of our own "belief" in ihi, '
matter, h-at in, ,l,e rame .0 pa for t '
whatitiswoitli. I,iru,Jud W ,! !
nam, some tears since, sutTercd hi
name iu go upon the
upon the abolition ticket,
' oppos.non to tbe. regularly nomina-'
ted whig t.cUt j but it is equallt true-
and this truth Mtould be taken i,o eon j
.deration m judging of ihe mailer-
time to
...a ass- IKilir 1LCPII. ttnt -ll tLt
UtsO ft 1i.t!.tfi ,...
' C" l,,e ",?er '-uc'- i
""" a 11 a' ,,J,'U "died by many-
. . -
' man, oppo.ing exH!tise or risk of a slnelo irnnsfer
-'7 iUcMio,w,!, conduct the marble f ,
', blinJ ,0 - 7- the imme-
or tai jv.1,1 r...l .1.. . :
. .v.., .ut (.-r.i imjKirtance
of this qtsetwii, aad lLat the tru, a.iti-
,ta'-y or fut WiJ principle, of rishl.
whig jaitr, awl tie hate i l. i.tati.m 1 he fwr tht lr ii tfrcn to supply them,t
in yii; t(ut a hrnltMu t-r a tii.nejand how far ll may be the part of ilmt
w.c.t (-,.. .nit , J-. t,ot new ci
- - - " ' - ft j - -
itt In the Union, than that cotnpoied of
the whig of Vermont If tbe erer
stateui arlioftai it wa then termed
of our whig friend nd hrelhren ho in
ny ii(cnure conspired to bring about
so gratifying a molt, tee eeilnlnly arc
not ilipive.l to ipiarrcl nidi them now.
We would f;ir rather Aor thoe, who
pretenhig their whig fidth inviolahrv
rendered to the whig catiM! tho actual
upport they theti tendered. That tho
iliikct tioimomiiiaied hy the w-hif. will
wi-ivc the conliat support of the regit jing to the estimate made hy others, and
hir purty and many of thi-e' heretofore; in I hate before remarked, with the
i'im J, not, in our belief, a nintkr
of tiieiiiin.
rjl The funeral remoiuV for tho
r death uf l'lT'i.letit Taylor weiu per
t lorine.i at ti.e .-sonn tiiiiieii, pursuant
to nonce beforo gnen.
Tim iitienihinee win liii-ire and
frtices n'eimil to giiu gi-m-.al
i-fiK-tloii: The
Sermon, delivered on
the ticearion iva bv
.nimiini l-e.i nigmy epoKtii 01 in a
, V11.1MC ami appropr.aie u ircwurse.
CiV" Tliu (loiin of hi-t week Kcems
lo In. ve been gct:eral throughout the
i-utii ii section of eountry fro-n Maine
to Ohio. With lii, nothing was bestow
ed upon the. good people but 11 little
more rain tliiin was thouglit absolutely
' neet i"nry for the ciojis, and doing some '.
' considerable damage by ovei How, the
derti'iietiou of hrldges, S.c, &e.
On ihe K;ist nidu of thu mountain,1
however, the diimage is far more 'eri
011?. Uailroad, and other bridge with
out number being swept away. Itolh
tin; Uutland and Central roads have
' rfutl'erod vt-n-ly, though we think the
latter has expel ieueed the greatest
hs. The. blidge at Jewell's hi 00k oil
J the I! itt land and the one at llethel.
' mi thu Central, are both down. These
' are, perhaps, thu moit seiiuus losne.s '
' sustained by either load.
Oil" The. applieatiou for the commit-
, lalion of the senteiidi of Prutf Web-
stei lias been rejected by the Council
an.d his execution leenmmeudi.-d to take
place on Friday, tho ilOth uf August.
T th Editor of the llutlmut Ifrridd.
Snt: In an article published in nim
paper of June 27th. the Miuble. uuur-
.nw-.i .....I ..Miiu.aeiuie.l Iu Itut-
land,!,, 1M0, wa, eMima.ed at SJ07,-
'V", aim me numoer ol men employed
iu tin- bu-uies at iipwartU of 10D. The
amount piodueed, ami tho nuiubii- of
men employed. :u - both incieii-ed dur
ing tin; present tear. A .-team mill
ha been put in operation by the M.-.-t-rs'
Morgan, Sheldon V: Co., upon the
lite of their otnii-rv. nf citnieiniit ..in..,.;.
ty to prodiiee one htiiidred and fifty
thousand feel of sawed nimble per nn
iiuni ; of the j early nine, at present
puces, ol more than setenty thousand
iiouars, mueii oi men- mnrblu being pro
lioiiueed by competent judges as fullv
equnl to the Cut rant. Ai rniigeinei.is
and prepaiations are now making and
mainly matured, bv .Mr. x.Vil!im !.
Haiws to eteet two mills, one d.ivcn bv
water, and one by steam-power, each
of at least equal cap-ieitv
' MIS'".
pel haps, to apologize fur uaiiiin'' these
individuals and speaking so freelv of
their husii.es; but, in liuth and in fact,
individuals thus tininT.t for enterprise
become public men ; I may add, public
bemactors. Out mud minks and signs
would also indicate that the. other pin
neers iu this busiiies. Mr. Uiiiln- .m,l
Porter, of Uutland. Messrs A. W.
Hyde it Co., and Mr. Sherman. of Ci---
ileton, imd .MCir, Adanw
Sr. A II. .m .f
Fairhaven, were ,!,!- the h
wilh tll, llllt n2
.. .. '. ' -
: ' ' J " Z'Tl I"
. :,,., .11, , , , ""
.1 . "." '-..i
- !!" P"- aW '"f"'2, "'0 a'iv:"" I
"J I
... r..n mm L-iiiiiereii. nun 11 r'liw-i.n.
,.t .t in ...... 1 .1 . .
.ration of eat.in.l 1 1 ... 1,...
land, sufflcie.it to make it the hdi
nmrble market ia the United Slates3
This surely u a prent object. Nutur,
has done her part. The entcrpri-and
liLrkAruMt.,.. Af
individual liave
I 1 . .
wnl-heap trsnijwrtatiou-bv sup-
ilyins a ma-nific-ni ,'.r n.ti
.rrw a J --. vi nan
. vr lilr It u.il.n..a :.. .1..
y -....um nn-UdlllL: intr
.." . .
uutte communily to inve.ligito closely
bow far their intm., ... .
ted with tbe further tunt-.i n,l
Tl of this business; how far cKhcr
iodi.pea.'ble improve
m'.nu msr he nceied . how- far m.y
wisdom and enlightened fefCast tluxt
Mainns cliaraeter. and sives direction to 1
the. pursuits of a people or jortions of
a people, t give such a direction to
the surplus of capital, of mental pow
or of trained and educated and there
fore powerful and effective industry,
which rven- year, and from month to
month, and from day to day, Is acrumu !
lated in our midst. Ten jear ago Ihe
value of the marble manufactured in
Uutland !id not exctrd tin thousand
dolla-s. For the present year, accord.
very best means of information, it will
excied three hundred thousand dollars.
Assuming I In &u eMitnaU' to be correct,
and that the same rate of Increase
should continue for ton year, the an
nuahaliie of the marble thou i.ioilue
i ri) . .,.,,., iiees) in Uutland. would
h. nine, millions of dollar. To Slim
tr.ite il? romparaliii! iiiiiioriaiU'Ciii
i.mn ,i, ...u.i r, c. ,1.,., ,., c...
the whnlo State, nt .V eoilt.i u noinid.
1 mil(mnU.,l to !iutlllr, j nll, tw,.llt.
, nino .,,, ., ll!llr ,., ; v .,,. C ,,.
;blu prodiieed in Uuthiud, whilu nt the
iame pi ie.- it amounted to only four and
one ll.iidlimes the value of the mar-
ble crop of Hiitl'tiid for 18.V) ; and in
.(...k.tll.l ....
loou, hiuiiiii iiie i-aiiie rate oi increase
continue, the. marble of Uuthiud would convention, viz :
exceed by i-cvnii time, the entire value Messrs. Walton, Clarke, Harris.Ilnr
of the wool rais.d in Vermont in IBI0.1 W" ,Hak'' W''Icll, Daxis,
It would he unwise to anticipate this
increase ; il would he folly to calculate
upon it ; hut yet it would he, neither In
contemplate its po.-.ibility, and it would
he f' lly not to carefully iuvi-tligutc. the
ica-ims thet justly indicate its increase,
to endeavor to reinove all obstacles
though slight, that may hinder, and to
supply all aids that may stimulate its
healthy growth.
Ill enilpHVnrinrv lhfn in iiinLe nn -in.
proximntion to a estimate of the
.... , . .
probnb.e increase in the pi eduction mid
iiiiiniifiictiiie of mai hie for ten year to
come, J wilUomi-tvlmt reduce both the
price and the imuntiiy from the estimate
' . , , , ,
before cited as a Marling point, ami I
w ill alo a-sunie a lower rate of annual
uiciense. 1 In; iiuniiiiiy as estimated by
Mr. Hyde for IS It) was, thirteen thou-'
-and live hundred tons, to which 1 af-!
fixed an aveia-'-j iiiien of twei.lv-two'
dollars per tun. I w ill submit the fol-
(Jwir,L- table, nol as brim- in n.v in.Pr.
mtmt the amount, but below Ihe amount J
, hat will probably be nianufacluied in!
If,,,!.,,,,! fr
.. ut 11.11 IVMU
) Soil.
1 a vi
10,000 tons at 620
S200 000
1 8,001)
ali.O' 0
1 7
1 7
1 7
1 7
1 7
1 7
1 7
108.000 I. .
1 ".
-l'I,!ll i
i io,wJM
1 s.r.;i.
1 l nn.000
I will
few- fx-planatory re-
marks upon this statement
It is in-
tended to embrace all the marble which
t .. . ........
ii.altue.juair.eil m Jutland for the,,,,,,, ., ,.,,.,. ,," , "
supply of mills now supplied from the
Uutland quarries. It is intended, alto,'
to embrace such supplies of marble as
mat- be quar.ir.d elsewhere, in th- vi-
. : 1 , . , ' ,
em.iy, embracing, pcrln.p,, a circle of
thirty miles radius, and brought to Hut
land as the central point of sale to
.,!.,.. . . .t-l . I
..viiijuvii; iiiu usru. lllieill. XI1U price
aunied is the price at Hull
and with -
nation "t-
out the expen-es of transport
mg aiidi.ti, and is intended lo be an nv-j
erage ot tlio inoes it would bear in its
vaiinus- stages of niiiiitirnctnrr, as
well its of the various kinds of mar
ble. It h supposed that much of it
would be fold in the block for nrehltee
some 0, w.uc would
J1' r ? T .'
"'its ti ton, wiiiic mucu 01 11 m a.
fM tat fift'
10 ,w" "1,,"'l "d hfiy dollars a ion.
j tie orilmary Jmliau miuble, in the !
'' heen sold at prices ,
-c"'. Vom twenty-fimr ,0 fony do.-'
lais tier ton 11 iln. V....- tv.l ,....1...
n . ...
Die cot of bringing it into sawed ph.uk
in which state the Uutland mnrblu is
Ufiuilly sold, would range from six tn
' " " - - ii.ii.ei.
eight dollars per ton. The nhovu e-ti-
mates are predicated upon the hypoth Daniel WriisTKn, Mass. Sec. of State pr CU,-, . U)7l ,ocsion."
esis that the question whether the town ,' obww, Ohio, " Treasury. "ZlZtl FTH'
r n .1 1 . . . JsJJts H. Peancc. 3!d. " Interior . "pressed a hotic that tho good feel
of Uutland can produce a staple equal El,WABp '.Mo . " War 1 S orwliich that meeting -A. a grati
to the entire value of the prctent wool ( Wat. A. Graiiax, N. C. "Nary. . lying evidence, might never ccaie to
crop of tho State, is one of sufficient ,J. J. CmrrtSDEH, Ky.,Att'y General, 'exist. Boston Atlas,
importance to awake a general interest 1 - Hall, N. Y., P. M. General.
in her merchants, her mechanics, her!
late, nil of whom it is believed, will find
their account in a careful examination
of the matter.
Thirteen prisoners mado their
escajj from the Cleveland, Ohiojail,
a few evenings since. Some out
sider stole into tho jailer's room, stole
the keys and 1ft out the priioneri.
The two men arrested for robbtns: the
fe of the Cleveland Insurance Couj'
pany, were among the turnber
Whig State CoBvcutitn.
Pursuant to nrcvlou notice 'he
H'higs of Venuont, lit krc number,
aemh!rd in Mate tonteiition, nt the
' Kri-n rlmrc-li ill Mnlll twlipr. oil llu 1?th
day of July, at ten o'eloek in the fore
noon, and wore called to order by A.
P. Lyman Kq. chairman of the state
Ull motion. Cnlrin Tiiwnnler.of Ural.
n n. iiarri, uf I)rftt,lcl,0ro Secretary,
pro tern
A committee of oitu from each county
was then raised to nominate officers for
the permanent organisation of the con
The following committee, curre pond
ing to thu number of Senators each
county is entitled to, was then appoint-
id to present to the Convention numb
nations I r tiovernor, Lieutenant Uor
crnur and 1 leasurer :
HrnnitifHoti County Miessrs. Park,
Wiiulhtim -Kirkland, Kellogg, Ar
nold. Uutland Foot, Itriggs, Colburn.
Windsor--Currier, Powers, Whit
comb, Adams.
Addium Grundy, Unrrett.
Chittenden -D.ny, Mayuaril.
Ornmje Martin, Stehbins, Fostrr.
ViitfiiiiijtoH lluek, (.'ulhimer.
Cit'cdoida Delano, Slude..
Franklin Ifciyee, Noithrup, Ferris.
Oilcans Mr llaxlcr.
.anionic Mr Perkins.
AW j- Mr Dew ey.
(irantl hk - -Mr Adams.
On motion, the chair appointed the
L'eiitli-nieii 11 eiinini!lli.i In
I ,f?
prepare ami report refolulioiis to the
iii-iii;ii .11111 u.llJieMlll.
Netted, that when this convention ad
joiirus it adjourn to meet at this place
ut ,ml l,,,sl ol,u 0 -,0-'14 "Iternoon
Mr Milier. fiuiu thi! eomtuitteo to
iioiiiiu.ito permanent ollicers fur the
eonventiim, made the folloiviiif- report
which usiH accepted and illiailimouiJy
uiloptt 11, vi :
(Vm l T I 111 i t'i
" For W Presidents. Obadiah No
h 111 1's's-i.i tin nt 1 i i'i 1 Antiia ui
Mile nf HiiiImiwI ...mnlv l.il.n I'.iri.r ..f
. k. ' . t t
t iinivi limn iji an v- iiuiuiiiiiii.
im j0, i)(.w'.y of Kssex county.
I For Sccietaiies. Jl. 1). llatris of
! Windhiiiii county, J, II. ltarreit of Ad-
Mm, C. H. Ileyden of Fnmhli.i. and
Jolm A. Jiimeson of Orleans eouiilt-.
Mr Dewey of Ee.x county, from tho
committee on nominations, made the
loiiowing icport:
l or tioi f rnnr.
or Kuri.Asi).
Per t..cut. Uarrnitr,
Tor 'Prou'irtr,
or MONTi'i.i.n:t:.
M'hieh retiort tvn aeeepted nid un-
.nniinoiisly adopted bv the convention.
1.' 1, vu, ' ..i,.,:.,,,.,,, ,i,
enmmiileo on resolutions, submitted the
lite Uesolutious aru mule en !! he.
1 and a io omitted this u-cik for want of
room ; they will npprnr in ouriiext.l
T,n P0I1 ,,,l(lo!)
and olo
Solomon nuenllv addres-eil bv Hon
root ol Uuthiud and Hon James Uell
' "' " !,l,1,'n; ,
1411- Cj !;iri.f fiT ISlll linrrlnn onnniin.
eeil io il... enne. i.iir.n .. n.t...,
despatch had been received rum Nor-
uian Williams, K-q. who declineb the
'""'"nation for Lieut. Oovurnor.
, 0", mo,il,n. fM' L?'iin f en"'"
'on, the nomiuatioii ot Lieut. Governor
was referred back to the i.ominatin.-
poricl the name or
'i II V. I ti VI
10'"01''"0'' o-1 " candidate for Lieut,
! f'ov'r"01-'" placn of Norman Williams,
,i,..L-liiifd; which report was Unanimous-
ly adopted
V......I ... rue., .--..i.i... .1
I mt'l, Ull IIIUIHM. III llir iIIHtailll,
that this conveutiun do now adjourn, id
meet at thy poll, on tin-first Tuesday of
SAMUEL ADAMS, Prcsidciif.
ii. 1). IlAilltlS,
J. II. 1Jai!i:i:it, ) c , .
C. H. Ilr.vnr.v' "S';0r"tan
J. A. Ja Mi-soN', '
Tin; Cauinkt AiTOi.vri-n ami
CoNniair.u i.v Kxi;u,nvi: Sr.niio.v.
- The Evening Oazett; r,ivsi Wo
hsve received a despatch from Wash-
ington, dsted SaturiL evening, which
'- i"..v"...H vuoiiili, itiuini.
. . .... 1 ... r.. Il. f.v.:. . 4 ... 1 .
n.eni, madu by President Fillmoic.
which hy it subequent despatch wo
learn wtic all confirmed to-day by the
Seuate in executive
mtivc session.
. , , ... . .
paid a short v last to Portsmouth the
present week. Ho hsfc Washington
previous the ueatn ol 1'rcsident laylor.
We oro pleaded to ltarn that he
A. . ...nnl..t. ..!-f-.. ...
scat in oongresa, and going ti CWifor.
n ha. b.en published In the pariers.
Such men are needed in Ntsr Ihunii. 1
'" j-.iiiiiii; ni
sb.re, and we hope this Iruo cleA of her
granite bilU may never be nermanentlr
dissevered until it tliall crumble under
the pressure of "throe score mnd ifti."
jPorumoutn H. H.) Journtl.
Tub Stoum at Tttn SntTii. i.
kte tturtn prevailed wiili g.vj,l WTtfv
iv ai tue coum. At U.iltimore ss n
Philadelphia, and other fsoiats ftm
which intelligence has reached n,
tttucli daiMfio ha rcauUcd. MUty
nnflnUbed houses were prostrated
ami the impression is that ierijui
damage h.u been done to vowel ea
tho coast. Tlie Iom of life to? i(
very considerable. No lew than 'fif
teen have been, heard of at Miilsdtl.
phia. Among others, are four who
wore drowned in the SchrtTlL ill raoal
hy tho upsetting of boat Mlf ,
their berths. They all belonged ia
At New York, the storm was very
violent. The Commercial Ad vrrliwr
calls it "ono of tho most severe storms
felt in this viciuity for yearn," stK
says, "tho rain poured down in tor
rents during tho night, and the niml
blow with a violence that seemed to
sweep everything beforo it." Tho
parks and yqtiarcs, throughout the
city of New York, havo all suffered
severely ; the cellars in the 'Jth vurtl
were reported to he full of wr.tcr.-.
All the vessel lying at (iiianmino,
and all the vessel's in tho North Riv
er, outward bound, dragged tlieir
Considerable damage is rcporteilto
have been done to the trees and crops
in New Jersey ; and in Williatcilmrg
it is reported that several houses u-ro
On Sutcn Island many large tree j
arc said to have been blown down.
Most of the com is prostrated. The
fruit ti cos havo also suflfurcd severely.
In tho Western port of New Yori
State the storm was equally severe.
Atlantic ani Pacific Ship Ca
nal. Our fellow citizen F. F. Carry,
fiirnudy City Surveyor and for sott'u
time employed na 'Kngineer on tlio
State Canals, leaves Utiea this (Sat
urday) afternoon, for New York,
fioni whence ho will suit for San Juan,
' firi fnndnif tiivt t r Ka ix nA !n
j the-survey or the Ship Canal from
ho Atnx1 lUho Pacific, by the
' . - . " P .
uftv ot i1KC iNlCrtntgllll. 110 gOCJ
'm cIn, anv with OrvTllo W. CI.Hils.
"I Syracuse, formerly Chief
Kngineer of the State, and now Chief
Kngineer of the Atlantic am! I'acifio
, Canal Company.
i .,.
! t ! itr.tT O.sri.AUUA riON...Udi0n,
. N. Y. Julv 13.. 9 o'eloek. A. M....A
fire broke out about three o'cluck this
morning iu Hiisbeo's cabinet ware
rooms, and notwithstanding all the in
sertions of the firemen and citizen, tho
, brick dry-goods store, Macy & Son's
' liimbei yard, Charlott's cabinet and To
j by's paint shop, Hoffman & Van Du
sen's More, nod eight or nine dwelling
iniiJ other buildings, were destroyed.
. The loss .i about S.'jO.OOO mid the k
inoiiiit insured about 530,000.
Tin: Siamksi: Twi.vb Dkaii.TIkj
Paris Joiiniiil de5 Debates announces
the death, in England of tho famous
Siamese Twins. Tho D&bats states,
that according to the London Modi
cal Times, the two brothers died of
nftrj,mw3-, ') V exam.na
tion proved what lias been constantly
supposed ny the faculty, viz: that
the two cavities of the abdomen com
municated by means of tho hollow
ligament which united them, and that
I the livers of the twins were connect-
cd hv
en n.v a men.ur.ine bnulo about hall
'' ''"' thick.
JSW'-Tho funeral of tho Hon. Far-
W J'rontiss took place nt Natcht-r
011 the 2d inst and wis nlleiwln1 be
" , " ' '"'r ""C".!..T.
respect to ins memorv.
He wai buried in tho burying cround
of the Sargent family, near Natchez,
wliero i
on ,
rest the remains ot Gov bar-
md other ancestors of Mrs.
Prentiss. The burial ncrvices were
'Jiwtniiir.cn v 111. Iiov. u . .u. urcen,
- . I '. 1 !... II. 11 1 1 1 iv
I,- I ,r .1 TS . , , ,
J'i-'fI'.orlllo IiHM0 al Church of
it5" J'ho Fourth of July was cele
brated in Pictou, Nova Scotia, with
a remarkable unanimity of friendly
feeling, nil elates participating.
The American Consul invited a num
ber of gentleman of Pictou and vicinity
to meet him and the American citi
zensinpoit. Eighty persons, clergy,
tnagutratcs, and other, waited upon
h"n at? fJcnc- W Smith,
'n-l..,H.j T !.. . I... .r .U..
n . ' . "'v"ll
j --"jivi, . tui-nill vi iuv7
United States. This was responded
to hy Mr. Norton in a neat, encrgct-
'c "pi'ceh, who tharikM tho company
'or. "10 compliments paid him by
, , . .
The Montreal Herald thus aimounce
"It is with ilirn e.f-r.l u-. .ni.inr
to our readers, the rfeaib ot rs.n.rl
Taylor, President of the United State.
The circumstance ti-rwlin. nnt,l
nejold warrior and statesman's demise,
miii II. r....J ..J ... IT
heading. hi.LTJ. SZ
however unavailing! tHi. f.mlly wd
r- .1. .1 ... i. a'?. . ' .
f 0f yrs and honors and that Lis
Urwlii i i-7'i. .l!
memory will long eurvive in the grat.
tut uesri 01 uis country, to whoso his
tory b has added uo on? of itt JetK
flcriou cbaplrf

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