iljje lutlanb Jcrallj
t& 4 OV DC1MPT101I.
Village subscribers, served by carrier KT?
Office and Mail subscribers, in olubs,, J'fx
Single Mail subscribers, 'J
07-lf payment Is not made strictly in vance, 36
nu wifi In all caee. be added to tb" . Um and
in'erwt charged alter one year; bat no paper ail De
aentto subscribers oat of 'be 8 uUl paid tor,
and when the subscription expires th" PPr wm
.nulowais to those who advertise
lately eoiJtraot. made with yearly adv.r-
T .
Also, Confeetionery, Fruit and Ice Cream Salem,
No. 1 Merchants' Row, Hutland, Vt.
In connection with the above establishment, there
sr. fitted up a suite of Supper Booms, for t he acooin
modstinn of I'.ivate Parties. Also, a good Uanoine
Hull with Dressing Rooms.
Oysters iu every style, and delicacies in their season
Photographic Artift, Union Building Main St.,
and Darks' liloc. Merchants' Row, Rutland,, Vt.
Ambrotvpes, Melainotvpes.se, made in the best
tvlef the rf. Fhototfraph lu miniature or lite
lie, neatly colored In oil, making a superior pto
ure. "
. -i j tiaUnln rni tr- frledicitiea
t..t Medicine. Chem ca.H, ArtiU Matt-rU., I er-
fljmerv, Toiler at.d Fancy Article Hmp,VdTe7i- i
. .. tr...;a I' .it MmtnnrtM ana ever
thing pettaining to the Drumn-t trae.
Piesoriptions carefully dispensed.
Merchant- Exchange, Rutland, vt.
.1 A KT S. UAWiKR.
Tr AVISO removed our blnets to the laree new
. f 'rnl:;"! . M7ble Yard, we are pre-
W AN rLEl-IE' ri, TABLE-TOPS. &c
Aiso Marbleized Slate Work of all descriptions,
Fairhaveu, Vtaept iSoO.
Wholesale and Keta.l Urua..t, Ma.n Street, Rut
lBLO, Vt. ,
lliiNliV F. SMI HI, M. D .,
Physician and ur.eon.Castleton, Vt. ythceNo.
Union Blocs.
, . -de i..d I li--' " L':'1'Bf', lu Klour.Pork.Uutter
rLl j , Beau", iS Apples, I Dry an.
lYas" trade, .
, u..i,.Mhi1 Llotbiua. UBts. Caps.
W.,o"U JeverOuCNoiiou., 4c
'. .t , V,
. 4.C.
No. i
siuei, uai. - Kul..lld. V t.
vlirror. c, '
1M60. WiatelairDrBt. I.60.
ON and after Monday, Dee. 3, Trains will run
as follows :
Leave Rutland for Burlington at II 00 A.M. 3.00
and 9.20 P. M.
Leave Rutland tor Bellows Falls at 6. 26 A.M., and
12.6 jP.M.
Leave Burlington for Rutland at 8.S5A.M.2.46
and 9 00 P. M.
Leave Bellows Falls for Rutland at 12 26 and
6.35 P. M.
Hntland.Nov. 2S. 1W0. 61y
M . V. B . BULL,
Hollow Ware, Fanners' Boilers, Caldron Kettles,
Iron Road-Scrapers, Straw-Cutters, fto,
Iron Fronts for Buildings, Columns, Door-Sills,
Window-Sills, Window-Caps. Front Plees, Cor
nices, Iron Daors, Blinds and Shutters.Chim-nev-Tnps,
Iron, Fence Iron Stairs, Railing,
Balcouies, fee, made from new Pat
terns of the latest and most
approved Styles,
Rolling Mill castings. Nail Machines, Boiler Rivet
Machines, Drills, Shafting, Pulleys, Coupllng,and all
VU-nrk HeaVtrt.11' Machine?, l-r.a;
Pattern worofa'lTcrip.ion. Drafting, Designing,
The sale of which will be given exclusively to one
d-aler in each town throughout the Lnited States.
2 7-AU orders promptly tilled, and Wares shipped
by Lake, Canal or Rail Road. 38 lv
foundry: & MACHINE
would respectfully inform then
friends, patrons, and the publir
i: -oil, tw lhairuM FnumdrA
11C , v." " - - "
ami Machine Shop, located on Lntoii
Street, near we is. d u tt-i f-
i, . la anmr.lli'1. and th
arenreuarert tor making all kinds of castings. Par-
"r.ePre". ,,irl trVRAILaoAO CASTi08,MlLL
d MaoaiSKBT Wokk of every 'e'cr1P' jir ate
Thev also take this occasion to express their grate
,u obi'ations to allthose who have 'patroneJ-then
o .iberalH heretofore, and earnestly solicit a con
iiinunce of their favors
mice over the -tore of Messrs. Barrett ft Son
Rutland, Oct. 18. 1869.
LV CHINE SHOP CO.. Near Rutland ft Burling
ton Ra.lroad Depot JlAt.
When do I mean to marry ? Well
'Tis idle to dispute with fate :
But if you choose to hear me tell,
Pray listen while I fix the date :
When daughters haste with eager feet,
A mother's daily toil to share:
Cn make the puddings which they eat,
And mend the stockings which they wear;
When maidens look upon a man
As in himself what they would marry
And not as army-soldlTS scan '
A sutler or a commissary ;
When gentle ladies who have got
Th offer of a lover's hand.
Consent to share his earthly lot,"
And do not mean his lot of land;
When young meohnnicsare allowed
To find and wed the farmer's girls
Who don't expect to be endowed
With rubies, diamonds and pearls;
When wives, in short, shall freely give
Their hearts and hands to aid their spouses.
And live as they were wont to live
Within their sires' one story bouses;
T hen, madam if I am not too old
hejoiced to quit this lonely life,
I'll brush my beaver . oease to scold ;
And look about me lor a wite!
road day in the middle of night.
t in a It M 1riVft- " .t., ,na.l
afnTiv aTcSuaue, whose eve wa..
As to make it
17 GLE
i sh or.
Not the a-lame of her eye, but swate pity's tear
Sot her mu.c. but kiudues made her so dear;
Not 1 er but), but modesty made berso turi
j For she tlusned form her neck to that psof her hair
tg ceean rous
u ,.:,7s.n, ai d ou, but 1 falethat oursouis
Swate Molly McSbane! the b'(
But, said lie, if we are possessed of
" 1UUDI V.llll.1111 Air ail IUK
gas ior street. iamis m unies iuai iubuuhh- i nurr. uur, 81
sAn Kumov la nfhiriferi tn Mai nna nltsn it m i trim im(.!:..n
nwu "uj ... . ..y - :t , -- , ciiitiiiuii, uudi t:uiiui?nirti3 all I
equally notorious that this and the Walsh .ors of the intellect to an available focus.
burner are the same in principle, ana line an j u speak last, not least, of the singm, un-
such patent burners, only cheek, the lorce ot di-r the direction of J. Q. Caswell, which
the gas before it reaches the point of combus- j elicited much praise for him, and those who
tion that if other burners had been used, asstted him. At the conclusion of the exer-
-1!1T- i. I.. 1.1 L .. nt.;n.i.4 I . .1 1 . rt . .
ci&es, tub aumeuee seemingly lett with the
impression, that an impetus had been given
to the cause -if common school education in
Middle-town ; and we may hope that each re
turning year will show an advance of that in
terest which is of eut h vital importance to
our land. Spectator.
A (Ti tjntr natiiilra wnti t navo Kn rtTitinii)
&c.t &c, are not worthy of serious notice,
except as before to show the shifts to which
tha immmitfop am rlrivrn in their efTortS tO
excite prejudice against the (as Comjiany.
'in , i. . . , . m :
i ne simple tact is mat iur. aiernaiu ton-m
with him the Johnson burner, and Mr. Haw
ley obtained from Mr. Burnett's house some
V Ua WuluK Kurno.a kirA MHll. TheHA
VI IUO T f , I . . 1 , ..... i. ...... . . -
same burners were tested at both places, and
t t . .. ll .i o.. .i.i
oeing ourners actuauy usen mi jauuiiu, uiui
nary men would infer that they were the very
burners which (if others had been used) tl e
of the Rutland Comnanv would
clamor tor, though perhaps " curious" men
I . l- 1 iT' . '
may ue 01 a iiiiiereui opinion.
Lastly. Compare the report of the com
mittee with that of Mr. Hawley the latter a
plain statement of all the facts, made so simple
and direct that any one can judge of its char
acter: the former an ingenious piece r f special
pleading, the -- which is to
attention to useless though perhaps ,f..l
(From oca Ow CotamroiDtrr. '
Manhattan, Kan., Feb. 23d, 1861.
Since my last, Kansas has become a sov
ereign, ree State, "the great principle" of
the degenerate son of V'-rmont to .the con
trary notwithstanding. O lr territorial exis
tence ceased daring the session of the Terri
torial Legislature ; and fifty two Councilmen
and Representatives became fundi fficio at
almost one stroke of the pen of the Old Pub
lic Functionary.
1 tie atate Legislature will meet on the
n twixi ramcjr - ; - ,!
Thrill toaether asu ine urn icicK.....
Wiut unuer the sa, tromyour heart.Uaight to mine.
. . ... i ..I, inl solicitors iu Chancer
W. T
ilerciiauis- ttow, tiutland, vt
a inntir piaaP'UNT.
51 ly
mi hoi
C. E. (iKAVKS,
, uthce No. 6 Uerol.auts' Row, ovei
Jt..r.. il ',eo , raves a Co.
i ,. .....
Orders solicited lor Car Wheels and Railroad Cast
ing, ot every de-cripliou, M.ll aud oilier casings o,
ak.uds.ci.l lrol. Pipe, Water W ueels la-iiaj;
tor Agricultural ImplemeuU, Iron lence, ""
Uailiifgs. &c, of th uios. approved patterns A o,
Amua-sortuieutot Oear and Pu.ley Palter ns.
flie uual is of Oear and V""'
u.utlv on baud Aise, the celebrated UUklblki
taows and the Ne England Moer. Circu.ai,
.etpectiug the stame seat toauy address desired.
ot 8. I
si x it r i n (i. k v k ivrs,
A.r.. aud CouUHellorat
ij'-UGv vuc v -
t i
J limicery .
" n i.m t u v V K IMIUALL.
vitoruev ind Counsellor at Law, Solicitor il
Attorney hi i.enllKiOUers, Bounty Lands, &C
..nL'i iiuvjvi xi SI.ASON.
Sheldon. 11. A.SheldiiuChasJI slasou. i.iy
- 1 . . . -xy ill
DK,. E. V. N. I1AU uui'
Oental Surgeon, Washington St., Ru-
I and Vt. All operations pertormeu
careful,skillfal St thorough miunn
, .T ItM 11 I'
tfM? V- vv . rftiJiiv,
-iksurgeou Dentist, Brandon, t
Li'iit I he residence of J. Rosseter,
the Brandon tlouse
. ,r tock is all of Latk purchase. No old out oi
stv ie, shop-worn goods. W e chai.enge the state
produce se large aa assortment of hue
Aswecanshow. W are bound to sell the people
of Kutlaud Fla Gool8, believing it is tor our inter
est and iaeuing it for theirs.
o"saTetuusfar hsr been bey ond our ex pec a
tion and our stock will be increase . in amount and
Variety as we ascertain the wants aud tastes ot the
oo-nniuiitty niirVs i.ow PRICED SI LVEK
WATt'tifcS. selling lor a very small advance.
HA I R J li VV E L Hi made to order with hue Gold
mountmgs. Same hair used as left.
.iT-Dou't forget the place.
ramtoni Nioho. Block Rutland, t.
Oealers in Watches and Jewelry, Clocks, Silve.
Ware Fa cv Ooods, fco. Repairing neatly done a
hort nonce: Agents for the sale of Colts and md
!0rltevolvers. Cla.ks' Hock, Rutland, t
tl 1 i . i'LASS A. W- IJLAKK. A. CLARK.
K. I K it IC I A tl
niL'NER iml.levler iu Si.eet Music, Musical Instru
1 meiiti. Music Books. Chickering's and Boardmai
liniv Co.-s Pianotortes. Ro-s K Morse's Melodeons
i, rover Kaker-s Sewing Machines, &c , 4c.
tfarctifit-- Row, Rutlaud, v
'ZZrZ liiiTr is. pii'Eii,
Muratcnl anil tlrchiinicnl "
"-iXLTUtlicecor. Merchant's Row and West
L.. Vt ltl
atreeis, uu.wiw, ,
W IllBBAUD, M. !.,
Surgical an:l Mechanical Dentist,
ntllce lirft door soutn 01 me otiu.-,
Puultuey. Vt. l
DR . M .
Poullnev, Vt
T E F F T ,
ai.d Mecical Dentist.
titlice, one door Wesi
' . , i 1..i;..o' ti,rli .
iTTeved and Teeth tilled with Gold witljou-
hurting the patient.
af.l Foundry and .tlnchine Shop,
V:rfM. Sanhinen
VVork furnished promptly and at low prices.
Orders respectiullyBs;.l.cedN & jf ANSFIELD.
Rut hind. Oct. 18, 1859.
Just received at
tt'PK-.'cr'F.li & WYATT'S.
A very large assortment of DRESS OOODS.
ImoM our Dress Goods may be found all the nov
e"t.ef of the season. Plain and Printed Merinos,
Pa'amettas. Piain aud Printed W ool DeLaius
iJoairt: Poplins, Valencia. Kloraumies,
Brocaded Uoats Hair . Colon la.ds.
Aiuslin ueLAins, i
fcmbroideri s. I renc-h. English
Scotch and American
Shawls, Printed and
. . . b'lonlill
Moreens, Balmoral and Skeleton Skirts, Carpeting-,
UUuVcLOfUIAG is made in Vermont. We keep
"ritlfcERlES of the choicest kind at lowest prices.
w huv all our goods with Cabs, and will sell tor
ready o"y as cheap as any Store in Vermont. Don
be humbugged by credit Stores, but g.ve us a call
before you buy. .tf
casuetou. wwwi ,
Result of tests of illuminating gas, made by
the. two villages of Whitehall and Glens
Kails wiih test-meter, patent burners, and
photometric scle, by Committee appointed
ov as consumers of Whitehall. AUo by
comparison of gas bills tor .November and
December by sundry parties in each Mage,
to ascertain the relative cost of the gas light,
as nearly as possible by each mode.
Test at (il-ns FallM.
a ,.,o.,n of con-umed in each burner per hour.
Wabh burner. 57 tenths of a foot, gave the light
of r -l-loo C-iuuiew , ,.
Wa'sb burner, 66 tenths ot a foot, gave the light of
7.25 candles. . ...... ii,,
Wal-b huruer, 73 tenuis oi a 1001, K c
b caudles. ... ,. ,,, nt
Uh burner, Ci tenths OI a 1001 gae it
wTil'l Tlmrner, 68 tenths of a foot, gave the l.kht ot
' oi" -on burner. 56 tenths of a foot, gave the light
0143candles. ..r.,p
AiKregate numoer ci icei. oioy-.w, "- " ,,;
amount of liht in caudles 42 u9; average streugth
ot light to the foot, 1 13-100 candies.
Teit at WltUrhallSame Mtter, Burm rs, and Scale
Walsh burner, 28 tenths of a loot gave light in
it (. tt lnii
C w." buTner, 34 tenths of a foot gave liht in can
dl Watahburner.29 tenths of a foot gave light in cau
dle-, In 42 , . .... (..
Walsh buruer, M tentus ui a 1001 B"-
1 WiMi burner, m tenths of a toot gave light incau
d' Wa'sh'buruer, 33 tenths of a foot gave light in can-
d Agitate number of feet. 1S.05-VG ; aggregate
am uutSt light iu candle-, 70.47-M1; averages rengtii
oi light to the toot. a.'JOl'JO cau iles.
Hence we hud by the above test that the a at
White: all bums a trifle less than half th ipiautity
burned at Gleijs f alls, and (rives for that halt, light
m proo ti-u as -eventy is to forty-two. Or, to re
ituce the i om mrisou to doll.rs and cent . we Dud
mat the hiieiiali ga at s i en dollars per thousand
ivesa light ascheao as the eas at Oleus rails would
be at two uonare auu );uij vcum
Foa Tax BxaALO.
i( rnirno Aa vnu anlicit coinmuntca
. . .i,r parlfra. I tllOUL'tlt 1 III I Lilt
oive vou an account of an affair, which came
oil at alKltiletown on toe fi a ;
.,1, m of wneral interest. The sev
eral Schools in town assembled at the Bap
tist Church at a little past ntneocioc iu i.
forenoon, when the Supenniendetit, asaisteil
bv Kev. Slewsrs. Crranger aim ui"',
nr i i ami utiiHrs. nroceeded to
II uuonaiu, 1 -, '- J - " ' r .
examine the School in the various branches
: ih.v liil been uistructea. A3 tuts
ill u iv r - , .
.....t. , if o nnvn nrm-eeilinff. instil U
W ell KlUJCuai wi ' f . - tr '
a i l. .t... siMr.i.piriri'nilent with a view
leu i T in,. .-..
tt,u Ki hrwils and awakening an
interest among the people in their behalf, it
...li. .,4 rfth nrtxtMinux ui cuiuiut: nuti
from some, and ridicule from others, while a
very large portion ot the inhabitants oi me
. ,h.,llv indifferent in regard toil.
There were, however, a goodly number
present ; and as the examination proceeded,
the interest of the audience increased, until
an expression of satisfaction and delight com
i . i : ,Ku -,iiinti-n;tf.res ot all in the
ue rcmi ' i" -
1. ,..., 'fl... v ai'pnit-d
both as to the pro-res of the bchooi ana the
them together for an exam-
" o r, . . ,,
ination. It was very evi.iem to an piwu.,
from the ready and prompt manner in which
.1 onaiwnr-ri the ouestiens put to
llic j ' U j ' 1 1 J - 1 ill
tl,-.it tnni'
lilt Ulf MtV 7 .
made, and that it had been effected mo-tly
during the past j ear by the t nited exertions
K,,rvinntoni1iit. teachers, and a lew
friends of the cause of common school educa
1 1117 UrOlC UrjriSllktUIC Will UJCet UQ 1UC
26th of March at Topeka, the temporary cap
ital. The Senatorial contest is waxins warm
Pomepy, are the piVncipal candidates'. Af
the present time, Messrs. Parrott and Lane
appear to be ahead, although Stanton and
Pomeroy are very confident of success. Th'
... ; .... . o.. i.
political ctneis oi tne otate "eing so mucn
divided, h'B raised the expectations of aev-
f .i n r t. C 1.
eral OI trie smaller iry, who nre cuuuueuin
hoping that sometinng win turn up, ov
means ot which tbey will Una tbemseive:
Senators and hive the incumbents oi an of
fice, "of which th stipendiary emoluments
:il l un,notiua n
Will IHS 1 I 111 U II, 1 'li I ' ...
Kansas is badly cursed with scheming pol-
; ..mm anil I am afraid that our VOuniJ
State will suffer yet severely from the effects
oi tneir niacnuiauoiis.
TfiB '"inrlni-ndent I'overnment scheme
-.....ni.i.i.iiili'il liv rmr nci'ide.iital Governor.
G"0. M. Beebee, in his proclamation, found
. . i . i.
nr. surifinrters amonff Our people. li w
ridiculed by all parties. The people of Kan
sas being mostly from the Northern States.
will go heart and hind witn tnem in case oi
a disruption of the Union.
It is currently retorted auout r ort iuev
that several of the officers of the army sta
tioned then are strong secessionists, and that
they have their resignations wri'ten, hut are
waiting to hear from the Southern Confed
a, .A aii-i-i-tam what their chances win
rial i c i . - ..-..
lie there tor commissions and f ay tietore
th"V send them to the Secretary of War. I
-. , . . . . ., i ,.i
th t.k it is time that tnearmy was purge. u.
nch traitors, and hope that it will b done.
Our government has already sullered sutli
cientlv from conspirators like Floyd and
others, without retaining longer the services
of anv more ol them.
We take the following naracrranh from
o I o i
Life Illustrated :
fc Bors out at Night. -The practice of
allowing boys to spend their evenings on the
streets is one of the most ruinous, dangerous,
uiigtuKTVUO IlllllS pMJSSHJie. XOlUlIlg SO
speedily and surely makes their course down-
I Ti . . .
w.iu. tuej acquire unuer cover of tue
night, an unhealthy state of mind, vulgar and
rtrrk ana lin, nKu..,.
Dal eeDtimKliUi. nnrl a mu mi Csitn.xm
bearing. Indeed, it is in the street, after
nightfall, that the boys generally acquire the
education of the bad, and the caacity for
Ika-. 'ft tTi I n ct rntv1 v l vl A I .
w"jf UlO-iVIUtC, tl lUIIUai AAJt-TII."
Pi&reiitM. tn vnn KiIivM ItV W' L UUn
-w j iv i a a j sva sa . v v
rour children at home at nights, aud sae thai
ineir nome is made pleasant and profitable to
them ?
It is Seldom that more truth is cnmnrewil
inM u.i.ttll . Tl... .1 i . . 1
.u.uuiiiii fpotc. a ue uiuuaauua oi ioy ue
lonoiug to worthy, respectitlile families, who
.c in: i uii.icu, iiigui aiier nigtit, to select their
own company aud own Iilai-es of resort, are
. , 1
on a certain road to ruin. Confiding parents,
who believe their soi.s are safe that they
i;il ... .., :.i .i mi
win iiwi a.-vjo iaic wnu lue VICIOUS win one
of these days have their hearts crushed, as
tre-AO .!, k.aua Kul'i.ru kt. t..,r,.',n.r . l..r
he road to rum.
A HID 19 If VI t IW II UI.. W I V ............ - -
through the streets of any of our cities, after
iiara, out mat u win encounter crou o
Ik g. from ten t ears of arre. uowards. the tna-
. ' . - ( i
jority ot them with cigars or quids ot tobacco
-i i. i i . l. .. ,.c
lit ineir mouius ; wouni mil iiuiiui'si v
worse nature was ejected from their mouths
than the juice of tobacco. But alas! it ou
.......... . i . . r f v.ua. (ttuif r . ru. r 1 1 -1 vnil Will tie
shocked at the profusion ot ribaldry, coarse,
i ; . .i . i. . : ... t: .
ouacene leers anu oroiauiiv; mr c inc i-i
wno tue man may oe, uo p-rsoii in uuc
breast fieats one throb of" humauitj can but
be shocked on being aware that the youth ot
our country are growing up in such a school
of depravity.
And where are wf to lay tl e blame of this?
"Let him that is without gilt cast the stone";
and again, "just as the twig is bent the tree's
inclined." Such is tl e natural desire of the
young mind tor scenes of excitement and
pleasure, that, not finding them where they
-houid be at home they resort to the street.
There can be a course of conduct pursued
that will keep a family rf children within
.litniM ami tfmt not x sirii f. lfinalaiive course
either. We have examples in our mind's eye.
even now, of families in whicn tue ooys are
very seldom out ol doors after dark ; well
those I ovs hae not the "feir of the rod be
fjie their eyes."
KnrcttK the children educate them
properly. If they are disponed to frolic, to
niorf. f almost at! i hildren are.l uive theiu the
opportunity. There is no family so poor tuat
they can't afford to have a gymnasium why,
, . . i - I J.l 111 U
a stogie twenty-loot iai'ier win wuu wwu.jr:,,.
Hut a little lower A..
Iimrn taithnl in AU J , . .
, , " yarosot dry-goo-is,
layer upon layer, to catih the windat
n. Look at ber
letter anil ennnn. .hum. !. . a.
. - - - j uiijuon. ipon t ex
claim that itiiextray4(.ant! stop aud count
lin.i I fiavi. a.M.n - if . ,
r - . maui a iiiv Miin seventr
M'v-.iua v. V1VUJ UAQgiri
few times I have counted
around ber. A
" - -uutea it up into nigher
bL'ures. And with all .u. .r..:i .u-
r- '. ,ut wrilUI Ul lt BUD
must acud before Ufe. fiercist gale-, and bear
her own share of iu burdei.
1 ot a man mt trail,OII skirts, and ask him
to be a merchant, bank frector, railroad
conductor, erm a cook in A hnri .
or porter, or errand-boy, rl waifer-Iet bim
try it a day, aud my wor.f for it, be would
piuum mi any -ioung A.in
.i c . -
on tile
ho dared
l.iilav it FBin. . .. I .1 J . . A
.. ....... ku., m ioui wiu com
one th usaod (.uy hp tA) wtlite akins
the wnsb-tub iu Chi, A. iff I
: .
corner tor the nrst insult ofiered to the lady
uur uress, t0 ber own busi-
ill compel
t . . ...
x j .-. nunc hi ii i ra
Hie "sll-lllft IU Lhi.-airi.
How many .a this glorSou in leoemnt
country of ours, that hanJa p .......
ou r ranee tor
Jon iu oiotbi r, no
The winter has b en uncommon ly severe . u
in Kansas. vve ua-i eie.g.ioiK '"' ..,i.i.J.l .Wk iUm. in n n ihr r re-
we. ks which very uduiuJ : tb" Lretion.-blarn tbem ne- mo.Jes of enjoy
tu.le. Hogs and cattle have died by the r,r,rec.te it.
.1 , IV.r th want of teed : andThe peo-
II. I LIIUU I1IIUJ i' -- ,
' . 1 . 1 . I . r 1 i ' . t ..-
The improvement in reading was peruana i )t. ;n 80m actions ot tt e .-vaie nave suun
,i r,vr.t annarnt. thesutjcrinteudent having . t,.llv for the want of food and clothing
directed his efforts particularly-to that branch Th(. roji(is baVe lieen so blocked up with
t. i ... TV... i.,-l..1j all annmff(fi I .t I . I ... l.nA.t imrwkiiblt ((if
qow, inai n wru "-r
t .1 C .1 ...ttlumunfl
fiills for th Month
at fi Fails.
2 3m
ftJT ! I wish to rent my dwellmo
bouse on Main Streetimmediate : potwesBiu.
e.mn..e ot me at tne nouse . r-,-
Rutland, Feb. iO, 181.
a. iroRTll STREET. New ork.
.(.!. uj at j i ' v ' - - -- '
. . .tn. fnr 1 for CBf h Of ItOOO
cred irg W. rwUl not re.C eThe tatter, but these ..me,
pro'v'ithaTnothing is so good as the former, and to
such buye:. we vv. give V.hWorv of the trade
has never eecu i.mc --
whenweavemanuurej (,HEApLYf
snd this advantage we wi.l with our cus torn
veuVtheCASuV'and jou shall have the goods at
your ."JJj; C0M1UI CHUBCH ST.,
Near Claflm, Mellin & Co s. new Store. -8w
f-'il'R C JONlvS.
P r.l t W A 11 K HOUSE,
.... r... .,1 I l,.vinliire st . HoStot
i0 " Winer, v oi . - -
has cou-tanth on hand aud for sale a large assort
ment olall "' Ap K R
Hook. News, Manilla and Pre.s Paper, "'uc"rKe
"o oriier at short notice, Agent tor smith Sl I KTtRf
Enameled Card- and tird heets. !
Wholesale and ll-tail Oi-alers iu Hooks and Station
ery, and Purci-ers ot all kinds of Paper Stock
Clare.nont, A". 11 91y
iTl VOS. SI 50 '. Rich Ruse woo. -
I c,w-iVarrautec Having auain rebuilt Oi l
Kaoturv we ure ngain lurniiliin" our
S U P E R I : li PI A X O S !
Send tor Dencriiitive Price List un.l circulars to
Manufacturers, Albany, N. Y.
JL i
iill VP What others :tv ot it. "It 1" l.i-
., ., i.... Ia. lamilv iivim..
deed a wouuei iui (jui-mLiiuii. ..,. .... - - . -
pecially, no othtr mar hi w willDfar any i-ornparisnn itil'i
XI I" Ilia. r.vcu.uK w "ui ii"-
" A m-chiuical wonder. ' Scientitio American.
Kor alel.) J. R. BARNES.
i...!'i.iiL'i l'i moilu hu the 1. ili Maiiufautur-
i'n fur .ale in iots to suit purchasers. This i-
tlie chkavkst FKKTIL.ZKi: in market. 3 worth will
manure an sere Ol corn, will increase the crop from
. .i ;.i 1...I. ,A piiu.1. lli. iri,n tWil UVf?ek.
uiie uiirii iu uiic-iLM. " .'i'. ... -r ..."
earlier, aud unlike guano. neither injure the seed nor
laud. A iiaiiiihl-t. with satnl'.ictory evidence and
full particulars, will be sent gratis to auy one send
ing address to
tiO foiirtlai.d St., New Yrk.
Genera! Ait'ts for the United S ates 6-10w
Ttiil! A t V. Vulualiln Real Katate
1 M.. luiMiit.aH locBtlon In
town n".irop auMy for an tuie, t For par
- fare inquire of J . R. IS ARN E-J.
Rutland. Feb 6,18'J1. 6 "
nITvv g o o d si
mUK subscriber would respectfully announce to the
1 citizeun of Brandon and vicinity that he is open
ing a new and oompiete
smi'k' OK GROCERIES. &c
At the old stand of Amos Holt, Jr., where maybe
found a lata aud well selected assortment of
AlVr fill 1 lil IU JVl,
Which will 1 sold as low as the lowest for cash.
Every article bought at my establishment will be
...... I .. ....... I u . i.unp&a,it.ll
nirmmcu . . , . . . .
Call, examlns and judrt for voureelves.
ti BEEN ti ROC ER1E3, FRUITS, 4.0. , in all vari
eties in tn.ir season. w CQApB
Brandon. May 24. 1H60. 21 tf
' tUN IVB ,.orn o
CLAllrv 6. lilitii nr.tv,
t l,o.l.l,.r. ml for sale TWO CASES
iMiii'k'ii ih.imn without frirtion and eiuire no
oil, and warranted to keep accurate time for 25 years
Wlt- OUl npin ur wirauiiiji.
Atso this day reoeived another large invoice oi
Rich Jewelry and Silver Plated Ware.
. ...... r nil vrnr Tfll.P
ClMki' Block, Sntlsnd, Jan. 7, 1C61.
- . x .i. i.ia iimiac and lot. in
I lie suoscriDer nneri. 101 .-- ,,,,
... .... j Tin. I...K.I street. ODDOS.te Bsrrett
iv.llianu iiiiwic, uu - - A V. 1
Son's Store, near the Central H.use. A N '
two story House. 24 by 30 with back part 18 by 3
contai i,,g Uf rooms and two Pr: JtthT.
s wel. finished throughout, and fumi-hed with g-s
hard nd soft water, a good deep cellar under th
whoU house, outside hatchway, and i.tcS bt'ctt asii
house inside. A well finished Barn, 18 bv J4 Sla
roof with carriage room and stable. Sue ot lot 69
ov 130 feet, maple shade tree, in front. Terms easy .
'ttud' poUion given the ofnUf ds.red
Rutland, Feb 19,1861. &"4w.
HAS just received a good supply of new
and desirable styles of Ladies"
Pmhracing Figured and Plain Merinos, ua i-in",
Paramettai Delains, Spots, Checks. Stripes
and Silks. Also, Tl.ibets, Brocha,
Stella and Wool Shawls.
Tape, BiuuiHg, --.
u.,rivn1. Sent. 10, lHbU.
T.ir Comparison of fomtiniTi
of Xorember and IKitmhft
store ol W. S. Jones. 4 burners, 4 hours Nov.,
jfS 40; average per buruer. '
Store of W.S Jones, 4 burner, 4 hours, Dec,
7 Oo; average per burner.
y a. Eoud4.:i, burners 4 hours. Nov.. 4 l;
average per burutr. j
W. A. touda,3, burners4 hours, 2 full head,
rest turned down, Dec, J or, averaije pci
OanieTp'eck, 2, burners 3 to 3'. hours, Nov.,
T 2i; average per burner,
N. l'eck A Co., it burners 4 hours, Nov., S3 W;
average ur huraer,
Coles St Co.,5, to 6 burners, 4 , hours, Nov..
Sli 4"; average per uuiuci,
Coles t Co.,5), to 6 burners, 4', hours, Dec,
S12 40; average ptr burner.
Loveless, 10 burners, 3 ad 4 ft , 4 hours, Nov.,
14 28; average per ouruer,
Loveless, 10 burmrs, 3 aud 4 It., 4 hours, Dec.
S13 00; average per burner,
Hubbard, 2'i burners 3 hours, Nov., t w; av
erage pur burner,
Aggreate cost of eleven burners per month,
Average cos-t per buruer per month, 1 SO
Amount of Bill at Whitehall, same time.
Dr. Ha"f, Post Oilice, 4,' burners, Dec, 6 05;
average per buruer, . .
I. P. Hlakei-lee. i burners, Nov.. n w: aver
sce p-r bnruer.
j I. p. lilakeslee, 4 burners, Dec, o 'j0; average
ri.r tinnier.
Wait & B'a. ohard, 6 burners. Nov., 6 20; av
erage pr burn-r,
Wait a rilanchard. 6 burners, Dec, So 9o; av
esage uer burner,
T. T.Vaughan, 4 burners, Nov., SO 'jfl: average
per burner, ,
M J Myers k Co , 6 burners, N or.. So 0; av
erage per burner,
M. J. Myers k. Co , 6 burners, Dec, Sj i4; av
erage per burner,
E. W. Hall, 10 burners, Dec, $23 io , average
per buruer, .
I. R. Brought n, 5 burners. Dec, 9b to; aver
age per burner,
I R. Brouglitou, o burners, Nov., b 43; average
p J. Keuois,'3)i burners. Dec, 4 20; avera.e
lo'hu Cuu',31), burners, Dec , S3 15; average per
Geo barney, 3X burners, Dec, 6 ba; average
per Ouruer,
I. C Gnswold, 3 burners, Dec, S2 80; average
er burner,
Geo. 'ule, 4 burners, Dec, $2 80; average per
H A.Griwold,4 burners, 90 0j; average per
n I A N O S ! PIANOS!!
' ihnt-
a t i iianhonin R.HU .
The subscriber, a practical """."p7.no the
ouhly acquainted with.every part o h. . I ano is t ,
sole aeut lor this vicinity, for the sale oi
brated instruments of
IIAZLETON & BUOl limits,
. i..m ntlhn lata N. J. State
"rrirsmode-'atraudver, ZTW
ranted. Kor further partienlar. e'l're OI M tRtfe
A. E. HOPK1K8, Main St.. Rutland, Vt., orottne
subscriber. A w POWERS
m R f r Powers will continue to tune Pianos in
Hopkins, will be atteBded to.
Burluiaion, V., Jan. 2. lHol.
Aggregate cost of 17 burners per month
,.r..r iir liiimer uer moiitli. 1 24
... .-. i .i 1... m,,ori.,m ni hil a. I hat the 2S
IV e liuo llirii, il. vuiui'" ' ,,
liiht a vv nueuaii in lincici
tne coal gas at Glens rails would be at three doila s
per tuouhauu.
K. E. Datih, Committee
1. T. Vauohah,
Tl.n m.r ?finn fif tViA above was stated by
A lie aui Diau'.v v . -
m if ot tin. mpetin.r at Rutland when
ilir. uamcj oi . , .
.U.. ...... ..a..., i.iittoi. triMI le their report, anil n'
UiC Vllliun.v - i
olfereii to go with them the next day to Ulens
Falls and repeat the experiment, oui me our-.
,i..i;..,l Th.. renorted. therefore,
VKMUCi-iiu' ii. " r ' ,
are evidence at Rutland not only of the tru.h
i .1 1 sC.- tl. Aiihin trsLH. VIZ .
lat at the prices charged, and antler similar
. ,r u rneni er iijdii j..
circuiiiB.aiiv.cu, r- ,,
but that the comparison made between Hur
i ..... Ki.tl.iol was not an exception,
i'iim.uii ,i '- , .
but a fair test. Dos the report of the gas
ommittee disprove this cet us sie.
In the first place it selects les than half of
the bills taken at Burlington, and contrasts
,1, with bills also selected at Rutland, and
even then the result is in 'avor ot Rutland.
To o-et rid of fhts conclusive proof, it teter
to one consumer a' Burlington , ( .Allen, Pond
& Co.,) and one at Rutland, (Paine & Co.,)
and aiatea that the Utter uses only 3 foot burn
ers aud the former 6 loot burners, and there
fore the Rutland bill is tne uigu.-ai.
doubtless the Rutland burners use 3 keet
ok Rutland gas, and would a or 6 feet of
Burlington gas, this illustration amounts to
DS except to show that the case must
of one consumer to prove that aU the rent are
wrong. , .... na Q.
Seeondlv. The tests maue 01 w r .,
" iNPw iuiini- i aeconuiy. ac . -
. . I Rurlinirtou and Rutland are given by tne
Thl.WW celebrated Plow was Hrst Intro .uv-. . in .Mr. tlawiey s siaie-
' . . 'a r :'isr.a ...rtianow commanding mem" I ouiuiin -. . urn,.k
exteBsive sale of any implement in the country, will
till dnep or shallow as desired.
ru T S A GOOD u ti tiJ
draught, is well adapted to the soil of
. .. : . ,n n m.nnu VHt ID
Vermont ana IS uie easiest " t-rm
troduced. We give one dealer, ( Mei chant or arm
er) t he exclusivesale of them for the town where he
res'des, wnan toe lemiory u. u. v
For prices and plates of Plow, apply to the sole
manufacturer. M. V. B. BULL.
Whitehall, N.Y., M861. l-w
,l Ihnn rlnsmisseu wiiu
tJoa ' the committee had no time to compare
tuat tno com eUnsed s nee
results, as ncvcioi ,
these tests were taken, this amounts to an ad
mission that they were in favor of
, .t Vifan .iin man ends this con
troversy; but here again the question , ue
is shirked by what the committee ell a "cu
rious" discussion. It is curious indeed, though
i . -.-i.i,. m..n micrht desiunate it by an-
uncnantauio " B ,. 0 . .l
m Titoif. HIT T XT .
f ' UlOA isxiijij. xoa can gen yi
VJ and Feed ground la the be.t manner at the
Steam Mill In the rear of Bowman & Mausneld a
Machine Shop, near Barrett fc Son's Store.
Cr. a. i.aiVr is.
Rutland, Jaa 15, 8"
Iuncuanuaoio o - -
other adjective not so comphmen aty to t
... r.".!.-m.;ttoo The alienations
J ..k- I teit-iove oi iuc j,
anner at the I . . .. ,t.iu k.nUM aro not adaoted to
thai mo v isu
coal gas, (when everybody knows thev were
made for coal gas and are preferred for that
of education. 1 he School all acqumeu
themselves in a manner ere litable to tnem
aelves and their instructors while the verdict
r.... .,.i;.,,.- auioneil to f t hit the village
Ol iuc auniiivv ... - - . .
and tlie "Lillie d strict" excelled in readin,' ;
districts Nos. 2, 5 and C, in arithmetic. 1 he
examination continued until hall-past 2 v. M , j
without anv recess except to listen in i-o
short addresses whi.h oo-upied alxiut htteeii
uiinules each, one from Mr. .J. H. Matisti-ld.
the teacher of the select school in this p'
tt. r..V.ir.r...n tb C.K '"r"
Aficr the examination was lus.-l, th
scholars and the audience repaired to tlij
basement and partook ot r. f . -ii.r -n -. whn h
liad leen amplv provided for the ta-ca-ioj.
.1. .. .....i .-.ildre.s was then given
.V. SitOI I Oil'J iii. p. - .
by Rev. Mr. Grant, when the company .lis-j
p'ersed to meet again in the evening. I he
evening exercises consisted in an address I
from the S-iperiutendent, and on-inal ora
tions, essays and colo.juies by the teachers,
all upon subjects connected with schools and
education. And it may be said, ami u.ose
who were present through the day and even
inir will bear nie out in it, that it the audi-aor.-.-vl.lv
disappointed during the .
i I IV. V " v a f II .
day, they were lull as much so in the even-
, , , -i I
i'he pieces all bore unmistakable evidence
-c lit. pre well d-livered. and, tak-i
Ol Ul lmaio; i v - - ,
en fgeth'T, eomuineu an amount ui u.s,. -tion
seldom given on any o ca-ion. Tne
.l.l.,.t nf .(. snnenntcnilent, tliougu exiein- j
a" " .. i r, lie
porat.cous, was tiuieiy anu pei u.. m.
reviewea his labors among tue scnoois i...
past vcar, and then co npar. u tm i. ';s...
.' -i - .m He i' .iiine l
OIHlltton Willi one ,"ii. -
that there had been some improvement a-
all who heard the exam nation wou.n t un
cede) ; but he said we have but just begun
much, very much more improvement cou.o
and should be made in our schools, tie then.
iu a very concise manner, sta.e.i ...-.:..
reading he said was still imperfectly taught,
ahhough some of the teachers during the
past year had be. n making rapin . a
in the right direction. Reading had beet.
regarded only as a riietoru-ai er.o..-c,
r- . ' . ,1.. lit it mav
in his jU'lgmeni, ti proFe,v .
be made the most efficient branch it. t ur
schools tor the development of the ii.tel . c
tu-4.1 facu't.es, and for acquiring the habit ol
tixiii" the attention; anu aunoe..
.1 n P.rn.rin the aiiernoon as
forcibly illustrating his views on that sui
JeL5' , u. l..,l lippn too much
Ueograpny ue
ni..,.f..,l r:ilimetic must be m re thor-
ou .hly taught, or your sons anu a,i.Vi..,
r" .l.,.:..lves lbrthe business o!
must MaV ......Ws. After
lite alter inev ito-v j --- .
some further remarks showing l ie . u,o
i .., nr si-hools. the teacti
tions an. i tne mi .-- . . ,, .
wi,.u,l if mav be said without tl i -
iria i.yii,",.., . ,i
. .i... .,,.,lu, M,iri was ifiveii to Hit
teriiig iua' no .u..- r- . . .
.. . i . ,: l...t iiiw m :l III." I
I'.. I! ...ii. mi tier OClMSIOIl !-
1L111 IHJU.,1. v... ... - . .
... Tl... r.t nation Oil lilt
ileg' ee meritorious. - " ,
; . i . t l.v .r. Alvroti hi'uu
sumcci oi ia..v- . - - - , i
unl wa well wiitten, well committed, an-I
..: I ".I.,..,, t mini il torso vouul: a ".
Tl,., oration bv Mr. Mansfield, as well as ins
address in the'afteri.oon, elicited a good dea
. . .. .1.
'I'l. i.r .ni.n IV .Vir. ODuuiwui.i
... ..
.i. ' o K., Mr r emons. Miss OUSllll vii ecu
and Miss Augi.sta f.afon, were we.. ..
i. ... v Ii! been the teacher ot thi
ol. .lis i iw. - .
village school the past year, and well deserves
h;.,r i.m,4i ie.n.111 ..I.
tO railK auiuii .. . ..
.....:.. f her essav was, 1 he true 1 tnloso
?u"l i i V
..I,.', nt' TuaehillS "
1 ii. ,... me ri.rht. it ran some-
ii ineiiio. v .-vi wi. t- '
thino like this: she. spoke ot enthusiasm as
re.piis te to success; tnat me si-..
. .... ...ost are not the. best governed
. . .. .. .1... ...... h.-r. niio relies on ser-
schools ; mat n
vile ounish tient as lus main ... t
' 'i.. .,;i - that kindness is the strongest
mt ' world - kindness constant,
c , . ...,.i evnressioTi. wirrd and act
But time and space, will not permit me to
mention Its more piounue:... 1 ,
Tl, pxercisesof the evening were conclu-
,i,i Lv an oration from I. . a. i
... J A 1;U ailatita
II s experience in leacmng mm 1
..'.u... i ....i l.nt make him suc
tion to iuai uu'.uoan, vnu The
cessful in that avocation or calling- fe
subject of his oration he entitled, "Ambition,
J .. ..... ...... .iiiietltlVe Ul
l ow directed. it was more .
its character than the productions ot young
men usually are. In the application ot his
subject to the matter .of education, he
to be fortunate. Then.again, he said if their
ambition is aroused, it is too often improptm
.1 ...i..at;nn aeconlni'T to an
uirecteu. iv.gui cimv.i-i ,i;n
.rood authors on that subject, and according
to reason, consists in the harmonious devel
opment of all the faculties, physical, intURc
tual and moral. The . development of he
. - i th.. neolect of the lntel-
puysicai poweia, n- -----
Let.ial and moral, may make Heen.ins or
. f ..k. . .ui, .4 ira.iiii.i vii
r u w , mui . ' ......
.i... it. the frontier settlements
to go to Atchison for supplies. To meet the
exigency, the Iteiui wninin uttr r..-
lished depots tor provisions at sever, u.
mte-ior to vns. That Kansas will be one
'va-t cl.arnel house," is a gross exagera
tii.ii ot. th- part o Mr. Hyatt. That the
p,. m,1- of K .nsas are very destitutute there
is 'no doubt ; but 1 do not see the necessity
of mi-representing their condition tor th-
,.ke oi . .. .he ,...l; nl ., kui-rn
p-ople. who have resp n led so nobly to the
appeal of the destitute of Kansas for aid.
Perhap twenty or thirty iho-isvid o' the
. I . ..( A...f..'r.i Kansas will need aid. in
i'U ll1- Ol .... ,
'ome shape,!., fore another harvest. W hat the
people ot Kansas need, more than anything
else, is grain for seed ; and unh this is fur
nished tiietii, from Mime source, the next crop
I will be small: tor the great majority ff the
I l..r..U- .ntiiK.rt th. illse ves and
lar.neis . .. -t ,
families, but have ik, money with win h to
Imv seed grain. . .
I expect to be m R-itland in a tew days,
and hop- to be able rh-i. to co-.v you.
Mr. Editor, that 1 hae ' stirt.-r.-. badh
from the cil'ectb of the lamine Till then,
adieu .
Lav otTthe nation!
gave all the sav-
We can t adopt Lr
at least resolve
When Marv and I were married, we were
you.... and fo'iiish, tor w. I ad nothing to be
ma ru d with ; but Mary was delicate, and
thou d.t 1 could take care ot her best. 1
knew I had a strong arm and a brave heart
. - l- .. 1 t Inll.l.l-r AIl'I
1 ....... I ilium tl M ri III v 11 r '"" "
Ths orand dilfirull v is. orents do not un
dersiand the disoositions of their children
U,,(T1. I a 1 1 t!r I .t fn, h one refer to the time
wl.en fhev felt like young Napoleon Oi Julius
mi r it rncir iiffiin iiiifj ittwz wuiij j'
codts and Teafs, with booin nhirtt. Dil thev
r. . . . I l,.r rVtaav -rii
father or mother spoke kindly to them when
they encouraged them by word and precept'
1- . . . . .1 .1. .. . I... .. V. . 1. 1 .u n L ni-i inure of
vv e must n ei mil iiiirtiniintu -ac'ual
life than we are aware of.
Let there be a time for everything, and
everything in its time. Educate the boys and
the girt phvsi. all-, aud educate tneui iuo.ii
lv. and commence the work early. e can
not too win begin to learn a child to love its
home. As soon as the chil i is old enough to
-ee that there is such a thing, or such a teel
. 9. r.leasure. iust so soon do they com
mence to seek it. and if they do not find that
pleasure at home, they wi I seek it elsewhere.
Can we blame them t The:r natures, their
susceptibilities are the same as ours, alt-eit
they are not as furry developed. Nature de
mands recreation Nature insists upon pleas
ure, and if she cannot find it where she first
looks tor it, she will "seek until she finds it."
No father or mother of New England, or
.1 i ,nr ufln.le eivi i7e.l world, is so deaf
IIIUI i n vi v.
tithe interests of their children that they will
nnf arrive to render them happy. It is a mis-
l.i j.-nse of our duties that leads us to in
.uric i j. --
sist upon a too rigid discipline lor their cude
..i-,.l liip . uses iii after years, iu tbe
Ol Vi 1 1 . ... . . . . . j
vears when we look back Uion our youth as
th hain.iest time of our lives, anociate hum''
-- -. ., .. , , -
th fi.r.s recti ettions. "Home is nuii.tr.
. -
i . . i ii .
uer siv iea aa a uaoe han s
one can estimate, liow idany ruined
es. Uow many bad col.i.J Imn ...r.
ji iu iuhhiiCi iuiuxv 1 ..Vr ULm
propriate clo'Liug, his thick boots and
bera unseat bee. tVhy ujij not women, af
I ast those who have to lalx)r for their brea .?
Now, sisters of Illinois, iiall these things
always b? ( see that tlie feet have made
iheir plea Ibr better Usae, &, chat llilca
aoles, high heels, and substantial upp rs,
stamp along the afreets Uijd.-r fie patronage
et fi mil ri.. 1 lr anil aaf ul lu..t a m .t
a long pull, a strong pud.jaud a pull altoge-
.i... .. ...i i . .i. .
tuci, am nit uui sa.li is mi.r lucuea out 01 me
.. . i o i I
muu r
Such a measure wr uld
l.-bt in tiiae, provided w
m is to that work. It'
Austin's costume, can't wi
ll ot to wear at any oiven lime over thirtu-tix
. . r . .i .
if urns rj iry ytji'is .
in H . i . ! i.i
Will it pay to friuan'ier the w.-anu, ueann
happiness, energy, uetult.ess, aa 1 talent ot
woman i x Say llUnw can t afford it :
Discoveries or iue Mickoscope
Le 'wenhoeck tells us of animated insects
seen with the microscope, of whi- b twenty-
11 i .i i-
-even minions wouki ociv be eiiuai to a mite.
Immi't. iif w.r'u us kin-. a re nl.vrv bte in t he
cavities of a common gram of sand. Mou'd
is a forest ot beautiful trees,itti ,he bratichep.
leaves, flowers and fruit tullv discernablw
Butterdies are ful v feathered. Hairs are
I,. .!:... .,.1 u T l.u .nrii... ,.f 1.1
covered with scales like a fish : a simile Brain
i .ii . i i . e. .
Of sano wouio cover a nuiiuren ana nity oi
these scales ; and a Bingle scale -over 500
pores, Jet through these narrow openings the
sweat exudes like water through a seive :
bow minute then must be its particles ! The
mite makes 600 steps in a se. ond. Each
drop of water contains a world of animated
beings, swimming with as much liberty aa
whales in sea. Each leaf has a canopy of
insects grizingou it like oxen in a meadow.
White Gcxpowdi r. -The ship Albino
appropriate name hasju-t arrived at this
port with a cargo of white gunpowder. It is
described in the invoii-es as Sa't for the Cure
of Sedition. VVe hope; the Federal bacon
may be saved without it.-j- Vanity fair.
A real lady never dossips. She is too
thou 'fitful, too amiable, koo moles, too wie
lO liOsslil.
lv la-li'j.
(iossiping women are not women
I From th rabaeriber, ea Thursday, tbe totb
147 of OecMbsr last, n f iadeotsxt eolorad boy,
Pauurro. Said boy to aboal atrrraty years
old, sprigbUy mm4 iompsjairt lu bis maaawf. aad
ratber ioclined to bs inaolMt ia bis talk ; sVx-s
j aot lore ptantation work, except as orsrx.i. for
j j which statioa b thinks , himself paruoaOsaiy
!qna!ificd. lie hu at various times taaainsaied a
sp rit of salkiMss and sSMbnrdiaatioa to tb
roles of say beasabold, sad ao4etrored t& is cits
joatiajr sod diaobedfeaee among tar other aer
ants, iadociajr tba so ahswond, slaiasBS
1.. - Jl.
UtSJ BM a mw. -
lm this wickod effort, I am orrj to say that
De tA aaet with consider this laooest. lis has
Drei'sili oa my boy Georjry to raa away with
Kin ,ad fba two bar sedaced foar of sty maid
ery'aa " awCT'-rom noma, who, I bars rsaaoa to
believe, fcara'aopad to join thasa twa acal.
Tha Bsta of taa ranawsy girls a: Flora
Dsy. Ally Bam my. Hr- Seapia, and Loasey
-tona I dear that all of lliaas absooodaata roa
teoiplata a roasocuuios getbar aa aea family,
omewhera oa tnf Soatbera jaauo-; Aad I
hereby vara ail riftaoaa aai respectabls peopl,
sraiBM any aaaoeUttoa or iniereoarsa wvM these
abaaocW. diarepatab'a' Indiridaals. I deau-a
all others to oid the dwgraee watch tbess
sbatneless rsrants bars broarht apoa any fam
ily aad (rood aaate.'
The runaways may attempt to pass taens
selres off as white folks, bat I bare aerer g-irea
them tbeir free ftmpmr, aad haoca all aach at
I em pis will be prrpoierwaa.
1 do not, boaerer, desire tbrir arrest aad re
tare ; for I doubt aot tbe ia tbility which they
will exiteriesMse ia eueaaptiag to provide for
iheoseie, will sooa hare the effect of forciiax
theio to ret am airaia to tbe hoaebe-d wbera
.. i. k... inr u Inn tima eamfanablr
l.irj uav wcvm wm .""m, - -
fed. clothed and proride I for. Bat 1 wra the
punlie Sssrauist irusu ng ut n j
count, as I shall par no debts of their eoatrat-
ir altar their eiwpetaeat.
Cacta Sam.
Washingwa City, Jan. 81. lalt.
c- wr, .msim-n sitrs fin Tbar-sdsr
gl.t eit.,ftena or Wil-oo .poke oa Mr. t "riuen-
len Plan moa comprom.ae :
After alluding in pointed terms to taa seees
i .n moeemeni. wbicb he charwetanxod as trea
.-ri, Mr Vils..n denied that tbe Nona hates tbe
iitti. Tbe cititvai of Maac-huetts aad ths
llTbterod Adams, bhe reads ia aU his
piry ibat alarery bs baateaed tbe decay and
li. wt.f .11 ot naiions. idii oou "' -
r,u. 17... UKM U...I..
PlaU. tsorraies. ounr, ".
ngton J.-fler-OO and otners. ics-irs wiy o.
leepens ber convict ons inv s.a.-rv -n
. I A . .. . n-i.r .n SM.Ilir ivtt .ID B.
loiriii.au b -.p--"' v
undVt the presure of ararring argamenu by the
. . . . .j i i ... a... .
nator from uregon io.ar. . nm un -""i
a vni-s assaults OO linaiDtta.
Governor Andrew oeref aaid the iirasioa of
Vi ginia was right, nerer bad any sy rap amy
with it, as tbe senator from Louisiana charged.
There i no troth in toe accusauon inai
ehusetts sends urntj)" here to itvaolt the Soaih.
i ... i . . . k.-. n. i. a .. 1 1. m f Mtil.-uft the North
, u i rmit 1 1 - -.
changes her anti Uery ri-t'toenu. the Union
rannot contmu. ne semimenia i ure .-nu
te ttioe of the I)e-laranon ot independence
and the founders of the republic. Tbe venera-
le senator from Kentucky comes forward as a
pacificator, with a compromise. Ilia ponty of
motives and patriotic inicnmni -nio i.-...,
i ... . 1. . ...... f..m rimni nt l.ni. lin X S XO IS DOt
I IU . li I C piKU ' " .
compromise bat unqualified concession, a cheat
md delosion 1 ue icaaersoi slavery irupaan
dl.m had fixed their hungry eveg on Cufta.Mex-h-o
and tVntrai America. In a crntitutional
trnggle on the question of slavery extension, its
advocate were ignominiooslr baien. and ihea
rebelled. 1 tie aenap-r from K-i tack? also pro-
i-osrs to make a rale aiplicai e to ail territory
hereafter to be acquired Ti e freemen of the
North, who fought tbe bsftle of last November,
will nerer accept this. Ue alo propoae to in
sert in the conetitotioa a prorisioa that Oou
gress shall not a'-olib slavery ia tbe District of
Columbia while Maryland and Virginia keep
the inatitntion. Why would the tiatvoa bind it
elf to await tbe pleasore of Virginia ? Soch a
propoeitioti is an indignity and an ioa1t to the
eople of tbe United .States. The aet.aur flora
.'..b mnnnAri Hw thm tMHUsr frotB. Illinois
l II ' i. V , WIUHV J -
( Douglas), propose that the electire franchise
.hall not be exercised by any person of tbe Al
i ican rtce W by are aoch proposition made
now This class of men bare exercised tne
ighu of eictens of Msvsaachasetts fororer eighty
years. 1 be ancestors ol tnoe men toog-nt wiin
her. ic courage iu ihe revolution, to gain our
i l . ... T l . .f .1.
tpierty ana lo'irpi urnx. uc uih m,
v...l. ll wrnni the nrorxvaitions of the a.-n-
ator tnrn Kentocky ia the constno'ion. The
nonbiusn wno sustain tneui win auuer perps
tual reproaches from insulted reason and viola
ted conscience, and bis name be enrolled aroon
Ihoae m no Dire neu-mjru k.bd u pyvp.o,
nd he consigned to the moral indignation of
I find in t
ruarv a letter
if-er a f-w '
the att -Titioi
Hs.i -he
rio'lMI-iafl. On
w -
.-all the aM
it a an a' le I'f r'
kin. ) it would pro. .
ra.Me deg-e of a", n
f ..iiioo 1 4 veiv
fe. mV d-l .poMlt'Ileflt u
per-trd f. fi-d -"'T' real
,...nt ,.t e,.t 1 ll- ' I-
the ffer! .r,ti"U I I
oients are he.e .- I -e
wi'h "ne r-ipect N; - . 1
co'np'Penl tHal 'i'V
then sk fi" .)u " on
n cre-ed e.j i,l 1,
... .r mmil tt fie l
.L M r V H'lflS Kit EE .NU
EtjL'At f
ie Hut'an l ''OH'.. -.e 2 Feb
trie! Bi. '..-. H ir... ti.. to which
ti tri,. ..i.. I -.'o- n i.-s'IO", I cai
of I-r fii-- t ll 'tiy-i-H
vtter"' e-ti'Jtt 1 f' . Ti a '"f
fro-u i. e b4r . th- 'o-irier h.
riti .H i.f l ja'".!!'!'.!. Sl.OU'e'.''
li? frolO Blsh.ll. H il-
it .."rart a-.v ooni
l,U' i ' ing frooi tie
irne I u -n I 'iiu-o e..u-
..ir. reeling It. a I ex
n.-rit in H .1- an a-eu
i in .ui-., af r mil g
n ci . " th e a
. viit ic srijili-" - Bui
tve never te- n a'Ce to
e irutiis at all " And
" In what re- .c! are
- ttn.ver is -it i-.-ar
r nt f at !' Ura'.on
meant to v t : a!! .te . ere crest- I and
I 11. .writ ... It'll IT ..
HVIII HI IIU.Pi in ii'V , ill
!iie fun.ltu.e- tai.le.bedstead.dlst.es-
bnt our uionev tailed us before we oi.gii. -
i i fl . l... ...,,.t ti rri (ill a tub:
chairs. 1 tolH .viary sue in..-. . -
tor I could not ru.. m dCt. so. no. ' -
not long before our ru n neighbor, Mr,.
e. I . out. and kmdiv ei.ougu sues'.pp."-"
' , 1.1. ..I nor
us; halt a cozeti chairs were a-. .. -
St.H k. They were old Ol.eS, to Ue s ire, uu
answered just as well lor us. I Mian i.ee.
forg. t the new face those Hairs put upon . ...
snu -quarters they it. ver loose.. ,us. ......
1 .... . ii . .. t..ri,..il Kith .Mrs
before. 1 ne iao.es n. --
and me io -she has turn...
.: . .. . . I.,., she .hall never want while 1
have anything, never!' cried the o.d mar
with a beaming face, "i nouiio. -
old chairs.' T ,
Ah. now the secret was out. it was .....
interest i f the oid chairs maintained the p or
widow She was living on 'ne ...o -
tle friendly act done years oetore a.m..
sufficed for herself and daughter.
n. ...... ,i,i,il it is to see now
I1U" ii, .i..
blesses the operation of his great am imorai
law, love thy neighbor,' ami we suou.u "
e it could we look into the lihineu p.i..
..... H ut nor
li'e, and find that it is not sen .......
riches, nor fame, that l imls heart to heart.
ri.e simole poerof a tnemliy act can ....
lar mote than they. I. is these, the lr lernny
a ts, the neighborly kindness, me y.
sympathy of one towards another, which robs
wealth ot its power to cur-e. , .-
nesslro.n so' row. and oj.ens "
I less in desolate homes. .
the olden litis s sinning m tue c....... o,
Immat. events; but they are there, ami hap
. i... ..,i. 4-....U th. ir oentle but irresistible
iMtluencc Merchant's Ledger.
(Ani-ropos to the Flag dilemma.)
" Buy Baby bunting."
Thb South kbs Crobb -An octoroon.
AN.THBB 0..0l?BKKRr.
,, n come! bla'tvour Horn!"
The Bears Pn the cotton, th- Bulls in the corn;
W hat ? " s th"'- w vou Mi" "VS
Asleep iu the Whi e House-under the Kye!
.irsT SO
" A characteristic of the Black Republicans
e's money, but
is to tie iav.su ." . i ,. .
particularly cbary.of their own.-X 0. Week
ly Delta. . .
o . .i. ,.-nr, thp ease and the Delta ot
iiat r,n nlus ultra niggers
course jiiio" "... i .
Vs. . ,.. i.i i r must lie. Ax us some
l- loyu, iuuu
more dem hard quesh'uns.
Why is South Carolina like a
ti I :. f.,11 nt woollv hair that must
i ecause, .i., . concern u
be kept oown, .i
supported on ti . k.
. .! State of Alum
. '1 .y- &ain: l."nr cork ? Gubs um
' ... nno more. Why
' Well, Sam, 1 ipve a - -
am a cross baby "J'.e w:,i 8UL.h
i....v..r hinne v . is true to-Jav, as true it.
..I, 1 l-uaal a- in age. and the more earu. s lv
'he parent s'rives to make it a desirable
l i I... mure ev ident lloeS the tact llCCOIlie
Jllrl. ...... -
to the cull, and the more wnl it long to pur-
su. its enjoy incuts there.
Hi.vv I.ifk is Lost. A man d ed tlic
other day rl the tieilevue H i'iiiial, alter Oe-
in.' s,l:k ovei two years. Oil opening file
..i.1!..! there was scarcely a riilgte ilicU ol
sound lungs on one side; the organ ha I bio
ten dou in one ma-s o corruption, au-i iu
vellow matter Ot consumption dij J ed ou
i.ili n skull, the uiu.,1 convenient run al
baud. He bad beeu working in the girden
one summer's .lav, an I fee. ing a little tiled at
...w... went round to the shadv side ot the
v.., ,1 ..t .town tu rest A little Winn
was blowing, which was o veiv grateful I
i,;..i ihat he. indulged liiu.'selt In it lor som.
minutes, when Ue was taken wi h a chill, and
never knew a well moiueut ati.-rafls.
Oulv iwodavs ago, one ot the sweeli
.......1.1.. ....ir ot black eves came to en.iuiie
willi all the shriuking and dilli leiice i..s pai-
iViini ihe lu i-asinii. what we Ihouglil oi
(i , . . . . . . u . . . - -
.he case ot a VOUng gentleman who had
ti.r ...Ui,-e w.ihlll a Week. S atillg a-
..... !. .t i li.-v- were en a -ed to Oe ill trrie l
, r i .... i , ...... .... j -- r-
I Iii vonn ' man 111 uuc.-iiou inn morn ...ir
.nor ing in early May, and dre-sed in very
C v - .
i, ...,t .. ,.t hu ... but he was so uiucu iuimmch
C1 V.av.a- pf
. . . a.. a til ill I IU I l! It Tr of the weath T. that he
to i in . . -
.1. o.... chilled, without the means ol chaug
l.u eii.iil.ii.il. tor some time; iuai is, uc
lelt cnilly for several consecutive hours, and
l.;.s been an invalid ever since. i uc
had ma le such feailul progress, t.. at two
.. I,w Imi,r4 were useless to him, a:.d
.;..n ni .nt sweats, harassing cough
. ... i ...... II... i feet made it useless lO auoiu
dun swoii" -' " ' , - .
n.i,.iii,.iii of even prescn ing ioi
.U13 .IU ,., -
the case.
These two cases involve the same pnuc -
oettiii ' hil.ed ; one alter exercise, tu.
rf, - IV-a-or
the p"r'ii
1'- e-t hv
Ht.er'r. a"
not the R'Jl'T
out t ever t
.frii.-f 'lean
q.ial. e.Oier "l-
c 1 r.osii'nr..
Tk I!,. I,,. I, Itn 'l i
I.f,. Ii.ertv. ami 'he fl
t'l tiuil rwdt "o lite
f h .ii .me : and
i in. ci-.n'iiei timet
1 1 : iriti n co 11
a I leu ere i-r-.ce,t
iit li ta.illv. of in o-
t ..f
I f
re (III.
. . . . t,.i.i..r mvseu
n-.viiih- I (ion i ." j ... :
r Vr,..r children. A training oi -v naBLn; 'lieeause it
a o the neglect of the mora,, ,
may make a Benedict Arnom, oi u
,U to siv 'hi-t the rig' t
r.ui' of h' .:..' -s are
.IVnaMe I.e 's "t le to ici-n... ......
;t :s ,..;... .e 1 I ' -erietn-c i- -
... I t-i.nti merit re..lo,Tsol
.,H-isih ri.iair . n r. ; .
L . . : rel-kh'" l HI P IP ' .
. . -r- v.rr II f' '"
. . I .1. ... .t il t'.f
. ... lt .T n i l' '"I " "'"
W r 8 I at' Z 'I "r-..
Wt-r m.". V' 'm' .-r
,M 11 . A t r.aan .wiilit -
,re.i,.r,. -ree .mf ' ,
I, ,, in making I'.L l - a a .,,
k the negro r.ce mi" . , . t , .
.. . . 111 I ( I ' 111 I M H '
.VI.jcH,. tne i-rei.es. .,.....,,.
. r.i. I i.... ..ration. "" - .. .
Lrtie' "I i"e
t,e i.h.li ... .
. . r I . k - B. r lll ici
Will th- tv-n T : , . . .,,.,
..... ,n.,.r r.i -l.e Coun r o oe , .
' " .! U there a-.vni ig I"
l. t,,lr.iMir (". - ;. , r-vent
.f ilie 1 UM-'' -
O'lS "it hecolllini:
n.tive nj irn
. . i ...... r,.-sT
rtt rne I ' in o
If there i- ii t V
,f.,.r,ir ls In.' - 'on. of
i !... .1... -. Te.
Il,r " " ' ., 1 . : .he .....tllUtl tl
Prcsif. nt. t f ...
. I.im if. .'.tin- i '
!- . , .. ..
lerne f man
,...e sho-il I do and
negro wife a son nar.
r. i o.sOl t us It pa'.li.
a..arv to elect lion
ie -
C. V. liHi. iKlVr.ns
1 I. r- - '
Rockbridge, il. Le.c 'er
s, h in th- '.-""' '
' t I h" -Ill.-l.U "e
I t- ..I Virgin' . 'ii'- '
. . ,i
ie i. "
... .......ii it
I for hours. Oureiv
ouie. io.; . - . -
!, .-. i -'iiitiM(tr nit: ic?nun. a.
ll 13 IIUl nca a v- a
iti-asM it in the luuitl ot ea.lJ
MX&. IialVs Journal of 11 milt h.
Mntrr M. Sherman and
Perry Smith, ot Connecticut, were opposed lo
each other aa advocates in an n..i
.. ....... ...... rt ,.r iimtiee Smith opened the
UCIUl Ci C. wu.w v. j ..... .
case with ajvioleut and foolish tirade against
...... . . w
. ...n,,,,'. .in Hi,.i i-liarai'llT. O. el IUAI.
nur.1 uiiiii a .....
rose in a composed manner, and remarked :
.... 1 .. . ...:.u i.
" 1 shall not discuss pontics w.i.i m.. c.u.n
before this court, but I am perfectly willing
to argue questions of law, to chop ioic, or
even to split nairs wun u""-
.... . 1. n 1, a a mil
" Split that, then, 9alu 0111,1 . .
n:.... - .i.rt roil oh IfHiking hair
Hint; iiu.ii.ig um a do." , - r. r
Irom his head, aud handing it over towards
. " May it please the honorable court, re
torted Sherman, " 1 didn't say bristles !
Some Pcn-kins If during the late cam
pai-n Douglas at times lost hise3ui'tini.m, he
always knew where to find his equal Abra
ham. A PrinterTntedling with Ae" verdict of a
corone's jury, struck out a comm. after the
word aioply" makm ll 1r4-,aJthu8.
"DeceJd cameto his death by excessive
dri, king, producing apoplexy in the mind
of jury."
...1 r,r til Hlll'l.
rue souuiei 1. - .-!,,-
.. .. .Kin, reo. l'i
iIUsic -- .
... mhle.l near the r.x -
...itherii st eech " culled for.
, r.i UI"I.M,,J-
I III 1 r in 1.. . .
I .. .....
A,, xtr iini : "urn
-topped hv the "rfV,r
ri. who e uecioi"
-as entt. l. U ' P"" T
-ml selling interests
Hi -
- MI'tt..
Man. Mr M '"f
1: n,u fe :i stron
l.so ' 1 - - ,, .
......;..., on tin- 2.ith
K11-, ....
(. flie
nil, ill. ni ."
I w"- . .
,! South. and the peo-
Tum Vw Ti Birr. The nresident s-sroed
the new uritTbill on Saturday, sod it t there
fore the law. It goes 010 operation on the 1st
of April It passed ie Moose at the last ses
sion, but ntd not c. ie op in me .senate ontu
the 231 ot January last, li has since espeneuc-
ed numerous amendments n tth bos-es, and
t.anr of tr.ese b n.:es were o carelessly made
t'.at various portions of tbe bill conflicted with
. . . . . . . .
h other, ana a soppie i eniary . o torrrs.
pons a .a-ed on S .turoay. 1 oe ary gooos
un porters made s rung oppoaitiou to the bill and
11 ws opposed lor a time that Mr. Buchanan
would veto It- Importers con pia.n mucn 01
the provision ahich itnior 'be new rates on
: m.Is now dep. wi ted in the pn'.lic r archouses
unless tl.-v shall be nterrd before the fSrt of
April, which compel it tn tx pay the duties on
ail ts.nded goods within ihe preent niot.tb or
tiecotue liable to ihe new rate. In case where
the rat.s are reduced tl e importer ;et an ad
van-age br ihi revelation. The tariff .n o
ear s red iced to three quarter of a cent r r
pound . n all fades uot refine I. and t'-e doty
0.1 mola-se. is re.lacid to two cents -cr g Ion.
Whet. I oUii" hall make jjo-d ber ee-e.Ki. ,
It.e saeeienii.g will of course tro into tbe free
I1.1. ( he bill a filially amend.-d and passed
ia not et t"en poh i'he.1 ; and it .rie
c .ati.es from the ..'d It c..m theret.-re be
Ktell gently staled . ', a ti-fia'Knnta .
Itit raKASoJ or Twicos I'he st-cretarv
- .-a frid , eit-i.it.ir the otilrr of
i';rB. Twiggs sar eudermn the tor's and po'-bc
i.r .pert ot his ilepartnien , :n io
Mtne..tic ti.lorraa.ion receirrd ay hef..r.n
... nt of h.aireaihery and .her. upon the . rdrr
I., o -sun: hi.n a j.ouie lialel. made li .
,h --r. thai .ci. I wiicg- ordered he tro... . ot
,,,e harraek- .I Anlo-.l... which were im
,.e Lately vaprdl. Mie mil f.a ot leaa, f.e
United Mate- Ifoo,.. HI Ihe meaUUlUe euCtUf
,g uie.ti ground ..O'side of the ton.
I-.ter. from San A .tonio auooance tha' U-n
Vie ..u.l.ll. wi h 8K) arxed men ... the i...er. t
,t,e ..-. .io-.i'. entered ihe iot. the I6P.
,.l Fehruarv, and took p -a-e-on '
. i .thrr put.hc pronr f aiep . pre-
,.i,.atr.l bv new, re.c..- - , r ; - -
. igg ha I tjeeu .OH-.....-. ---
. . ..ri.va'iir intercepted
....... ai d traitor pariv si.o mc - y .
, .,,-ter hast ... d m .mqnc..c. Mrt alio. I. a
move wa u e- r or.ler. ... ".:
n, a.-, ."erie I. -d . l oss es-K.n and
w.ue 1 ""....::.:;-.-..ir
I wiees rv.-eir.-1 i.i.l.t. .u,-r-r.....g
' Wig L s 1 f-.j .1 . , 1 at
He d "paiched a ii.e-s. ng. r .o - -
K.,n tirey and refe.red ni.to r. t . h.
I" ,. re no ...aliriuainiM ' " "
c 1. .1 t-en .h it in an a.tcrca-
t'. t len 1 i;
no... It i h ped he 1 re, rre i ,or a .oF-.
.. . t irillKl.- A late let-
;,f ,ha, c.,v.h.c. is. .ill oeeided
-ion represent, a large pon.o.. .... , -
:it lor UrllMtc iw
hills, calling every
L,i i.iil'irnai".'. o.rri.,.t.
Ur.iuur 1 K"l r v.
n .- . .... IL.
.....n, . felt at .V3IIH,
.,,(., ... . ... . ,
he ...avor ot in- ru.
hundre,! per)..-
v . ..rt.l Lin,n,r
l.,...e ll. nr. n'i'( .
I' 1
e hv del" gate, lo tne
M. ore in cifigy was
in tbe
negro buying
. Vmii.vu Soiii"
V , in ctjnsequet.ee of
n-reirinir imelligence
the mayor o. . - ; - outbreak
I ineoln. The volunteers were oraereu to r
iinioi... i ..i-n t in. tire
.n.l .he citv. an1 other measures ...
itevsits owing to the dis-
ihe pr?serr:.ti' ii ol the i"
. r". Zl a I ihe m rk UeO .n the ti J-port n.ry
charge l an me ' T . . -., ..,
vard known to tavor aero -
ynr .1. fin tl.o mmlll'lrl.
mentol northern men T "" " , A
A resoiuuo". " - f't : . ,, , ,i
. . ., inn.tn Mr.buisle,
? th hon in erest and racrioti-.n
ia.ifa a. i:,M.aa sat Sart-
sion shall I adopted and submitted to the peo-
ole for ratification.
y , .;. ...eit.l.er of the c nvention vis-
l,UIIM-Blo -
. . - ...,r,lair oi r.i.orl the conn I
tion of affairs, which they regard as rather dis
... !.... n a railroad track in Alahama
I. Illlil, f
was taken up by the cow it cher, and lbr wn
six fiat np an embaokment wiihout harming
him. He took a drink from a bottle immediate
Ir. and looked at his watch J to see what time it
wli or rr I ", ..r .K True D. lta
,hr. .r co ne me w-.ry ,
r a . ... An. i f ii recent art trie- .
" -VrC T-e. Kentacky and Vi.g.r,
a- a - arts atMfftV II
, ..ir resolre "'f " utho.it.
M .sour, in a --f ,.h .,..1Ve..on
tive here in L-.o smn, w . h, vote
ofil.riPereBar . - )(.d
-f V ,e IT". :.h ri,ht time con.es.
,hem '""'.J, '......he demand for co op-
, spite of all rovt. , ate, w,u I irre.....ble
era.M.n w.tb all the slave a
ri.is tie tno..ieniari.j
T Le S h'.rd, aud our fr.mt.er brothers may
c .Intl. rXaiwa our united cordial ymi a
ct.ntidently rtlr ap.." ..roceadings
,qual rhjhtsof all tl e slare btatrs-
, that the Dasa?e of aa
Bat wneo wc . r -
. .. . . r - M.. i en tntitdd nd at emtx
KnaMing nr n.i - : 7-
Our whole urtional JU,mU aia Worerj, . the lev
raw. we cannot hesitate to urge iu imrned.ate
iloption. I he Aiuany oiao..- H "
' , . . . I... ...... 1 rriti .1 v MI ,irea-
in saying that ini . y-j .
ent Ijelonging to tbe uuiiea .-.wvc. . -
dispute on this point. Bat it 1. not correct in
.a,inK thttvwa propose, - leg. sa
there, we prupw "'"
pass a Law del-ring that at a certain date ay
on the 1st of January. 1862-tbe people of New
. . a 1 . - a. f'vnstairltlfldfl ta
Mexico may elect oeiegaw w
form a State Conrention, that this I invention
ball meet Feb I, 6Z. ana wai iu
after iw adjoornra t tbe Corstiiation tt sosy
form shall be submitted to the people for their
. 1 . .s nii.s
PprOVasM Ul hjivmvm - -v " ww---,
Ne Mexico shall be admitted as a State into
the Union. Ibis dot-snot -.ejcAHie" a arery
It -imply leaves the question a here ii Is left in
erery other State, to the peopla thereof. X. Y.