Newspaper Page Text
J ivi i. .... .. 1 r- , ir" St! ill -V-y-..TT II I ' W co!s.w i. . ! wwy-r : . ! . . I 1 i ! 1 ! I s A, .1 t 1 i THURSDAY, MARC U 14, 1861. Itl A I L Si Boston and Eattero Way Mall close at 11.00 A. M. Kstlr 1 time, arrives at a 50 P. M. Burliaiftoo. fc UnrfUern Wav, closes at 4 80 P.M. Railroad time, arrives at 11 4o A M. Haw TorkThrouati alilolOseiiBt . IliiOA.M. lime, arriv.a at 9 20 P. M Albany aud K. k V. Wv Mntl olo-w at 11 on A. M Ksilrosd time, arrives at n.aO P. M Troy k Wettaru Vt., Wav Mail oh. m at 6 iw P. M' Kail mad time arrive at 11 00 A. M Tro and Saratoga Way Mail close at 2.30 I", M- 7 ttillroudttuie, arrive at i0 M. Mautreal and St. J.itroa Mail cl.we. at 10 a M. K ulroa l cliua. arrives at 12 16 A. M V Vv H d nose luesiiay-s, l'hurada; and Saturdays t 1 8i P. M. ,v iihm frii Mondays, Wednes day, and Friday at 2 00 P. M. Olioeuoir- fro'ui l A. M , till 7.00 P. M. Sun days, open from 12 V M. to 1 (" P M. ' ' V 8PKCIAL NOTICE- letter for Mails by Kailroad or Stage must be In eruuuuU attuu.dvertWi otcl. p H ttnrland.Deo 4.1860.. "'osrOS SCHO )L DI8TKICr N0TICB The, inhabitant oi Union School District No. 1, It Kutlaud. wlio are !eal voters in said Uintrict, are taereb uutifl-l that the Annual Meeting otsaid Di tnot -eiil be bel l at the (Juton riohool House, on Wrdnr-dtv, theS'th day of Mareh, inst. at ball ps-t 7 o'clock K. A., for the followiu purposes, viz l.t loel"Ot a moderator, clerk, ooli etor, and committee for the year ensuing, agreeable to the Stn'ute in uoh one provided. 21 To hr au I act upon the reports of the pru deutisl oimmittee, Collector, and treasurer, lor the patyear. vote a tax sufficient to pi, th. debt, and o..rr.ut.xp-nj:ol th. Di-.r.-t thought proper when met. JOHS B Butlaud, March 12,lul. BOWMAN, Clerk. Apolooy. In consequence of a breakape in the Herald preis, about to thirdn of our ed.tion this week has been delayed considerably b yond the usual time of fjublication. It is not often that ativ portion of our subscribers are thus dis appointed, and we presume no one will be dis posed to find fault in this instance. In view of the present position of national af fairs, and with the means at present within our reach for the lormatton of a prudent judgment in the case, we hardly feel competent to give even an opinion as to the policy or impolicy of the present proposed action of the new adminis tration in regard to Its course with reference to the surrender ol the southern forts still held by the government. We therefore, under the circumstance1!, choose to give the opinions of others rather than our own in referenee to ihis quesiion. The New York bun, a heretofore Democratic paper, says : It appear to be generally conceded that Fort Sumter is 1 1 be abandoned by the United Slates We gave the news twenty-four h')urs ago with out comment. Twtn'j-four hcurs' reflection li;tve i ot shown us any better coue open to the Government under existing circams anceg. It is part of an ignominious but stern necessity, in to which the mingled treasons and imbecilities of the late Administration, rouuled with the ab sence of any p. li'ical will and force in the peo ple whom it peihaps too fairly represented, have plunged the nation. 1 he Tribune says that if Fort Sumter is to be evaluated, the humiliation will be great, and the order for such a "lowruoni will be given by th-; Government with a regret quite tquai to that w th whi' h th? people will receive the tidings. But it must be borne in mind ihut the humilia tion comes, if it raust c me at all, not from the present Adnr nisiration, hut from its predecessor and that the or'er for the evacuation, if given, will ' Ol be any evidence of timidity or feebleness on the pari, of the present Administration th t is, one of the last bitter drop in the cup left in our haad-i by tin G ivernrnent which has now hifdly pa-isol o tt of our sight, Tioevil which adinmistr ttions, a-i wall as men, do, lives after them, and we must expect to feel the curse. The Kvening I'ost says : Every mn who respects bis country and its gi rumen! feels that ihe evieua-ion of the fort, at it. is time, would be the dei pe-t humiliation and disgrace. Our government is the wreich edest apoli gy for a government if it cannot pro ti'.'t its own propctiy and enforce the laws. Bat if it should he lound impracticable, in the dt norali7ed coni'iuoti of the m litary departments and the iinciiees, to assert the f deal supremacy. the ti'iarif or tne ii honor must t.ill upon Mr Buchanan. He hm! it in his power, a lew months since, when the treachery of the southern politicians was yet in its shell, to crush the viper b u si'iyle decisive step. He could have rein forci (I evi rv son'hi in lort within the space of a month Hundreds of mep stood ready in this city to accomplish the work at a week's notice u' his i-nmpliciy ith the tniitors and his iru bc ili y di feaied al I a tion. Whether, adds ihe Tost, it be vet possible to reinforce Fort Sumter, and save the honor ot the nation, is a matter which the military advis ers of Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet will decide, hut let it he once understood that the Union can only be saved by vacating the general government of all its functions, and the quesiion will arise whether i is worto saving at all. The Conrmerctil Advertiser alo takes the ground that the necessity which may compel the evacuation of Fort Sumter, is the work of the last Administration, but it holds that such a step wou'd virtually bean acknowledgment that the Boutl.crn revolution is complete, and the Sonth erd Confederacy is a rival sovereign republic on this continent. The siiriender is made on the presumption that no blood must he shed to retain it Fort Pick ens mu-t be surrender d nlso on the same prin cip'e, mid on the same principle a gun can never he iiied or a sword drawn for the recovery of th''tn, or either of them, by the federal govern ment. Say we not rightly then if Fort Sum ter is to be given up. the whole question is vir tually sett ed Hnd the American Union irrecov erably destroyed for lack of power to maintain it 1 The Washington National Intelligencer, re plying to the warlike tone of the southern jour roils, which demand that Foils Sumter and Pickens las tektn, says : It is apparent that, in the present aspect of the case, the retention of Forts Sumter and I'ick ciis hv our Government, on the one hand, and al their ofSnion by the Government of tp se ceding Stat- s i the other, me both questions rather of so ail ltd honor thun of mb'ic S'tfttif Hut. when regard is had H ihe spirit of apprehension which prevails at the South, we are free to 8( y that in tun judgment the new Ai'ministration niigbr .bv tokint) priority in the way of ronciliatwn, ij u finiieiy more to consolidate i s power than b passively awaiting the progress of events wi.h a heart lor any fate. Important News from Texas. Dispatch es nceived at Washington, direct from San An tonio, state ihut Col. Waiie, United Slates mil itary commandant, endeavored to reorganize and concentrate the troops, hut found it impos sible to do so, and is compelled to carry out the otdurs issued by Gen. Twiggs. The conduct of Gen. Twiggs completely demoralized the en ire force. Capt Chandler represents atfiiri to be in a most deplorable condition throughout Tex as. No'wiilist inding a vast amount of govern ment property was seized by the State authori ties, it would not prove to be of mach value, as larje quantities ol the stores, supplies and mules had a'.ready been stolen and carried off by vari ouj parlies. Col. Waite is at Sin Antonio, waiting for instructions frou the war depart ment. The troops will shortly be in a destitute condition, scarcely having supplies to last them until they could reach the Atlantic coast. The war department have just received intelligence from Capt. Mill, commanding the forces on the Brazos. Ha is at Fort Brown, and at the time of writing it was anti"ipated there would be col-li-ion between the United ptate troops under his command and those of the state authorities. He hii been restrainei from making an attack by the interposition of friends. It is believed that, nearly every pot in Texns i by thi time in possession of the State authorities. Col Ben McCul ocb has seut a de'achment to guard the upper torts . The Texas State convention on the 4th paw ed a secession orlm ice, declaring Tex-is out of the Union, and Gov. Houston immediately issued a proclamation to that effect. Incom pU-te returns make the maj mcy for secession 23, 000 out of 31,000 votes cast. Ordinances were pacsed authorising delegates to represent Texas in the provisional government of the southern confederacy. The vessels of the federal govern ment sent to Texas will uot be seized. Gov. Houston it is laid will pot resign nor take an oath of exel usive allegiance to the State. The convention i diicuwing a treason ordinance 1)E ATB OF CH A BLt L. W 1 1 1 , . - rWlea Lan'on Williams, a rrr,min. ,i.i,n nf Kutland, and a son of the late Gov . Williams, lied in th.a villajje of consumption on the 10th inst. Mr. Williams had long occupied a high posi uon as a lawjer.and was for ar-l rBr H. ,.,rier of the decisions of the Supreme Court of ..... UB wu compelled from failing health to relmquah the practice of hi profession some three years ago, and has since traveled quite ex lensiielj, Tainly hoping that his healtb miKU thereby be restored, lit arrived home from his ast southern tour in te early part of last sum mer, since which time he has gradually declined n health, and expired on the morning of Sun .lay last, at the age of 40 years. Theftneralwas attended yesterday afternoon, Bishop Hopkins officiating; the Rutland Coun ty Court, now in session in this village, adjourn ed, and the members of tha Bar atten !e l in a body.each wearing the usual bade of mourning. The members of the Bar held a meeting yes terday, at which appropriate resolutions of re spect tJ the memory of the deceased were adopt ed. Panoeamaof the BiBLB.-Frenticc.of the Louisville Journal, says of this ereat work now on exhibition at our Town Hall: "Mr. Will iams' rare endowments of mind, have led him to jrasp one ot the grandest subjects in the world, and of more value to the human race, in a moral point of view, than all others beside. Animated by the great moral bearing of his chosen suhj.-ct, nd inspired by his innate love for the true and beautiful, he has succeeded in producing to the wroriu oeeto-e lly the b. st and most delicious painting that ever pleased an audience. The cenes are beautifully dra vn, and co loud with truthlulnefs to nature that leads ihe judgment captive. One can scarcely believe tl at iis skies. mountains, trees, fiuits and flowers, its sunshine and shade, are merely fixed upon the canvas, but feels that they are bright realities spread out bs 'ttre.., J-fectJ bave been rodiw,l o,t.i..K SnverYignt, while the rich sunlight of evening spreads its golden beams upon v.lley and mun B.u.(,g nte and beauty. It must ne seen to Dereahzed. We heartily recommen, ,v lu our own citize .s, but to the favor or tne press wherever it is exhibited, and to a! wnerever tne tJtrjJe is read and preached." thd Gospel We can conscientiously and cord ial I v endorse all that is said in the above article.aud we would -dvtse all who would look ii, on one of the fines 1 a.... miosv magnincent paintings ever exhibited n this or any other place, to avail themselves ot he opportunity now offered them. This nima, we oelleve, will remain on exhibition m his place until Saturday evening ermont Nominations Among the nomi nations eut to the U S Senate on Monday we-f hose of Geo. A Merrill as postmaster of St Johnsbury. and Mr. Benedict, editor of the Free I'ress, as postmaster at Burlington. The Rutland County Court commenced its sesiion on Tuesday. We learn that there i quite a large amount of business oa hand ; bui little has been done as yet. New IIamcshirk Election The annnal State election of New Hampshire occurred on Tuesday last, and resulted in a clean swei p h the Republicans. Governor, both branches ot the Legislature, three Congressmen, and nearl y all the county officers are theirs, by about the same majorities as in former years. Countt Commissioner James Rice of P.iwiet, it seems, is again elected. The returns, as published in another column, are probabK very near cornet. Concert Mr. Sabin announces his conrer in the Town Hall for Tuesday eveuing, Marth 26ih. 'The Rutland people will be pleased to learn that he has secured the services oi Mrs. Minnie Little, of Boston, for that occasion. Other a sistants and further particulars will bj atinounc ed next week . Mr. Sabin will alo give a concert in Bran don the 27, h: and Mr. T homas in Middklmiv the 2Sth ; tin each of which occasions Mis. Lit tle will assist. $300 Reward We are gratified to perceive, from a hand bill recently issued, that the author ities ot our village have offered the above liberal reward for the detection of any persor or per s ins guilty of having committed the crime of arson within the village limits during the past lew moths, or who may in the future be guilty of so committing, or attempting to commit, that high crime. Incendiarism has been rife in Rutl ind as ev ery one among us knows for the past several months, and this step on the part of th-; authori ties will meet the hearty approval of all good citizens. The commissioners of the s uthern confeder Hey have arrived in Washington to treat w tli the new administration for the forts and public property of the seceded States. According to the latest accounts, all that they have done so far is informal and in the direction of peace. American Enterprise not to be Check ED. The Dry Goods Trade will perceive, by the advertisement ot Lithrop, Ludingtou c Co . of New York, that American enterprise in rot likely to be crippled by seoional strife. Ibis extensive House, wiih their ample means, have taken advantage of the late dull markets in this country and Europe, and, by their long experi ence. "being perfectly conversant with the tastes and wants of the county, have selected, and are now cpening, one of the largest and choicest stocks of Dry Goods ever offer, d to the Am-ii-can trade. It will b seen that the prices, too arc suited to the times. The high commercial standing of the House, thier honorabk method of business, have, in years past, given them an extensive trade thronghout the Nonh in Males ; and we doubt not, their present announcement ... ii a vast number of buyers for the Will 1L I I ... . Spring of 1861 . In another column will he found the adver .: . f n- S O Richardson's Sherry Wine Bitters, which have been fully tested during hi-. It a centurv, and their merits are at all times re cognized by those who are in ill h-al.h. to whom they give generous support. For all dieases arising from a disordered stomach, liver or bowels, they are unsurpassed. They are highly recomn.ended and freely prescribed by the Medical fraternity, and a simple trial will prove that these celebrated bitiers still maintain the high reputation which they have held for so Pmany years. iney ure ioi "j u.-6b.o generally. North Carolina Positively for Union. A dispatch from Kaleigh, 8th, says the State has voted down the convention project by about 1000 majority; the members elect nearly two io oue for Un'on. Several New Yorkers at Washington have given Mrs. Lincoln a span of elegant black horses for her carriage, which was also a gif from New Yo kers. The election, by the Pennsylvania legislature, of a U. S Senator in place of Mr. Cameron , takes place Thursday, 14th inst. The principal can didatei are Daniel Wilraot, Ttaddeus Stevens, Morton McMichuel, Richard Vaux. Earlt Plowing. Mr. B A. Carter, of Ben son, broke up an acre of preen a ward on the 4 h inst. Something ratber uncommon for this part of tie cinntry. Aid for Kansas. Piitsford raisrd last week, on subscription in aid ot Kansas, $110 50, which has been forwarded. Secession ani Lotteries Killed in Del awake. The legislature of Delaware adj mined Fridav. Ineffectual efforts were made tocall an extra session in April to consider the state of the Union. The legislature refused by a large ma jority to renew the present lottery grants, which expire in a few months, and aNo refused to char ter any more lotteries in the Satt. Well done, Delaware ESI The election cf Flon. Solomon Foot, of this State, as president pro tempore, of the Sencte, is received with great favor and satisfaction on dll hands, and affords occasion for much com pliu er.tarv remark by the press. The N. Y. Trbune sreakirg of the action of the caucus of Republican Senators, says: " The republican senators in caucus unanimously voted to elect Senator Foot of Vermont the president pro tempce of thar body a place for which he 'semiiientlv qudilied and in which he ha had arge experience Nearly all the laborious du ties of the chair were performed by him during Mr. Breckinridge's lerm of vice president." The following is from the Washington Nation al Renub'icon. of Thursday : StNAioK Foot The unanimoui selection of for the office of President pro tempore of the Senate, by the caucus of Repub Mean Senators, was not more au o.i.U".- the divnitv of his manners and great skill as a oresiditm olhcer, than of the purity or his character and of ihe solidity and sounoness of his judgement. It is a position which places him at the second remove trom tne nesiutu. j, hv rhe eonstitntional provision for the conlin fih death or removal ol the President j.t... j . and Vice President. r The nublication of the XJ ISvU.'l.-' ' Rrn.lon Visitor has been discontinued. In hi sr ,S4ne that of March 7ib-Mr. Ford, the leditor and propiietor, takes leave of bis readers in a somewhat lengthy, and well written vaieair- tory, se ting fc rth some of the difficulties and discouragements ho has had to encounter, and giving his reasons f r the step he has now taken We regret that Mr. Ford has found it advisable io abandon the publicatt n of the Visitor, while we wish him abuudnut success in all his future undertakings. A Tenkmknt Horse Bdrnkd at New York StvtN Lives Lost A two story tei -ement house in West Fortieth street, New York ii my j. voCa,his wile, two sons and three daughters, occupying the upper paitof the house, were unable to escape, so rap d was the progress of the lire Their bodies were so much charred as to be uniecognizable when taken from the ruins. Mr. Li ncol.n's Fikst KtctirioN Mr, Lincoln's tit i reception on Friday night was the nrgest attendance i ver seen at the White HoUsl in the tvenit g, and remit ded one of the throng on the 1st ot Januaay. 'The rush was so grat thai hundreds c uld not Hnd almit ance, and Hum hers had to escape through the windows on the ! run l and tear porticoes. Retlkn Home or tub Ex President Mr Buc tman was escorted to the depot at Washin. . n il, i n Tuesday ot last wet k. by lour military c mpaiiies. the coii rniitee from Wheatland and many proniiiitiit cil Zi lis oi Was-.ington. He exchanged many I m well handshakings and apptared deeply affected hv the tnauifesiations ol friend hip. He w is vigort u-ly cheered by the ciowd as ti e trin was about to stall. Patriotism is Arkan-as At Kayetteville, Aik . on ihe ieee tion of President Lincoln's nu.ugural. Saturday, the secessionist! called met ling, to instruct the dtlcgaics to the StaU convention; but tin-Union men prevailed at the meeting, which was adjourned amid a grand display of enthusiasm lor the stars and snipes. Another Imi ldent Koibkhy. I he Charles Kin Courier siy that (iov. Brown of Georgia has at tai bed a I the stock owned by northeri , men in the Mac on ar.d Western railroad, amount ing to about one million of dollars. VOTE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER R'ce. lloiu'htnn Rutland, 2IG 375 W-aMingford, 91 40 rv.nhv, 77 6S Putsfi Id, G8 7 S eibnrne, 32 31 Pawlet, 66 106 Wells, 43 74 Brat don, l'.'O 107 Sudbury, 24 63 Benson, 36 3 I- a, 16 16 II- trcndon, 43 6 Pou'tcey, 52 29 Shrewsbury, 13 57 Tinmou'h, 27 22 West Haven, 27 3 Hubhardton, 19 8 Casiieton, 34 maj. Chittenden, 3i l a rbaven, 69 22 Mcndon, 43 MidiHef wn, 41 34 Mt. Holly, 20 maj. Mt. Tabor, 23 12 Pittslord, 72 39 TOWN OFFICERS Elected March 5A, 1861. Ira. Moderator, It. C Hunter ; Town Clerk John Masou ; Selectmen, J. I hurnton, C. Old dings, Cli lies iVrry; lreasurtr, W. Ross Ovi-rser ot the Poor, ii Fish; F'rst Constable E C. Fish, Jr. ; Ll-ter, Henry Uillinore, Jusiu I ollilis, James G. AnUeison; Auilliois, A Tower, E. C. Fish. E. Collins; Ag. nt, H. Fiji lown Grind Juror, U. Fish; ."superiiileudeni, A l-.llis ; trustee John Aiasou. Bkasdon Moderator, Hl ii . E June , Towi CleiK, Ii Davenport ; Seleciinen, G.-o W l'ar ii enter, Win M. Field Hiratii Biai kmer ; l rea-- ur- r, E. J, l5h; ; Uveisttr 1 the Pour, Geo. t'ai iiienlei ; ' onstaole, Hiram Kohcris : leisters. S. ti June, Z K. llutK. E. J. B.iss; Auditors .A, A. Nicholson, John Jackson, L. Bixhy ; Felic. V'.ewers. Hnmii Aldeii. Frank Sainlersun, Jv b June; Grand Jurors, o. D. V mg, E June; eal r ot iVeigms ana Pleasures, J iloicou.l Inspector ot Leather, 11. Ctunphcll ; tjt-xioiis Mephen Pai khurst Kobert t uliee ; Uoeriutei,. dent, ot I'oiuinoii Schools, . B June. Clarendon. Modeia'or, Alexander New ton; t leik, Lewis M alker, iseiei till n, Noe. P Ji (lluu, Daniel 1 Edc'y, iiliam biniiti ; I ieits urcr, J A C ; Fnsi Cou.iable, Edwn Congdoii; 21 dj , H mien Grein ; Listers Enoci .-siniili, Heinj Hay w aid , L F ; Auditors Wulur Ko-s, Kivstus Kc iey. Win b Weeks upt rti tt ndent ot chouln, Jotm tiarey ; I ow . Giiiinl Juiois, J A C Lw iiiv. . Joseph t,oii;duu Benson Moderator. M U Itiee; Chrk, L ( K'. lb g , Selectmen, Simeon Aiki.ii, It r Ha Al i King ; L.iML-rs, umtj 11 ggi is, jJS jj Goodrich, Li !y Uav n ; Gon-lubie. Jo. in Oi,. n.son 2 I ; Overseer ot the Poor, J J lluw.ird town Aeiit, Daniel Crotooi ; Jup i mien,',.,, , ol M- loois 11 i) King. 1 rcasuier, L CloiOot. . ountiiollV. Ajoderaior, A. C. Kend ill Clerk ami 1 rmiUrer, A. t ole ; Selectmen stim'l Heineuway, Jr., TliuiriuS Dodge, (;,. Bailtlt; UVersotr, Phillip Lord; lt t'oM-ta ble, J iiialuail tijker ; Listers, DaviU v Uarius 11 noil, K. Ciiad'je ; Auditors Jesse Sawyer, Chaueey . ook, Charli lleiniiiway ; "euce V iecr, Frederick Parmen ter, W. W. Foster, J.icoo F Ear ; l owt Grai d Jurors, Fred Pnnenur, Jesse Saw yer ; Suptriiitcii.ieni, Chr.rits Paunemer; Trus lee, Samuel lleiucn way , J c. Pawlkt. Mo lerator. Dr. A.S. Houghton; C'eik. II Wickbaci ; Selectmen, M. Sbw, N Wim hesicr, -S Johnson ; Sup- rintemlent. L. M Carpenter; Auditors. L 1 Carpenter, A he don, S Hit' ; Agent. J Bubee ; Constable and Collector , F lilakeiy. Castlkion. Town Clerk. John Howe; Se lecttnen, Hiram Ainsworth, Seneca Field. Fav ette Barnev ; 1st Constable, Satn'l Woodward ; 21 Constable, C VV Wood; Oerse-rof Poor Fayette Barney; Town Agent, B. F Adams ; Grand Jurors, H Westorer, S D Williams, C M Judkins. Menoon. Town Cle k. N Squires ; Select men. G VV Sawyer, A C Egglesron, H Clark Jr; Constable. John Cleveland Listers. .1 C Thorn ton. J E Johnson, G A Wilkins; Trustee and 1 own Agent, L Wilkins ; Oveiseer of Poor, G W wyer. PiTTf eori). Moderafor.R F Wins'nw; Tcwr Clrrk. S W Kellogg; Selectmen, Charles Hich cock, T) A Richardson, Ransom Hurdur ; Tr"n nre, .' S H Kello: g ; Overseer of Poor, Jeremi-h 1'oners; Listers, 11 F Lathron, J Sargents. Jr.. Wm. E Ha'l ; Constable, l.'arlos A Hitehco-k , Fence Viewers, I. C. Wheaton, Lewis White, J H Pe !?odv ; Auditors. I. C. Wheaton, J. A. Randall, R R llrake : Town Grand Jurors, Cbas. T. Colhutn. T.J. Keicham ; Town Agent, Charles Hitch cock; Supei intemfent of Schools, Rev. I. H. Wood ; Trustee, Asa Paine. St'DBl'BT. Moderator, Fivet'o Holme-i Clerk and Trees .Jas. K Hyde; Selectmen E L HH, C. C. Selleck, N F Bucklin ; Listers, Wm! A Williams, C C Selleck E W Sylvester, Town Grttnd Juryman, R VV Pitts; Constable E. Potv; Overse- r of Poor,SoIon Breesee; lown Agent," Jsmes K. Hyde ; Superintendent of Schools. H. D VV Doty ; Auditors, R VV Pitts, VV P J Hyde, SV E Peek, IS TUB DECLAKATIOM OFIMDEPKND- ESCE A "SHEEK ABSUrum t A iEfTKB TO THE KT BV. BTSFinP OF THE r.- sim Th fanaticism of KT. tttT.ASU""" - the slave oligarchy has nwiunui" ... .1,. .,., of destruction. Kehmoon .treason .r ..,,,n stalk unscathed thro...rh rhe land. A set of proud, rebellions men nav-.u r.., ,; rule or rain, -na Ca.nnS inio p.nj the worst passion ' m uia r ckle-s ,,, 'hrow this which was band of traitors are -"r noble fabric of coiist.iinr.mmi cemented by the ' .and which - and whu i,...,r.rMil ovi-r " over and mine, the glorious nh.drt of it- otection. It is one of tbose historical crises which tries the patrioiism of every man. of what sort it is. an 1 as the Revolution ..aa its loru... io does this epoch have men who take counsel - their c rw-o,.lir- and avarice ratucr lUau of lni' patriotism and conscience, men who are wiinn-j to see the nint of free loin c. u tied out. the constitution i.u,ru,l th ronstitutionally expressed will of the people thwarted, and the will of an oppres sive oligarchy ruling in its steai Sich men ar nu-v.-rquae till they have called in the Word of God to cover up their ser vile and treasonable sp rit. For this purpose they have found in you a ready and willing strument. For the tune a weak and struggling lioeese is forgotten no matur how rti people may beoutrasd in their sentiments and priuci- plejno matter how the cause of Christ may -ere be j-'opardiz-id-iu matter how rainy bloi-k of s'uni-bling may be p.aced bef.jre the sheep wardering there, no no matter only let 6-presi-ion be sanciifitd. slavery glonhed, and the cause of southern trade and po.rtical subserviency encouraged Were I addressing this to you as a member of the Ep scopal Church 1 might griev ouslv complain ot these things. Hut lor the pur nose of the pre-erit discussion it is no concern of mine It concer ns not me that you have been neiong wouiu consider your line ot duty I matters not to me that, fo he sake of gratifying the partiz tn zeal ot strangers, you have alienated from jour those committed to your charge, and whom otherwise you mibt have salely brought w iihin tile told of Christ. It mat ters not to rue, that for the sake ot upholding a corrupt party, you may have paralyzed the nil vaticiment ol your Church. I ad Ir ss you Sim ply as an American 1; iz n in support of A men can principles. V'our 1 tier published in tu. rtutland Ci. liner, he ded with the significant in terrogatory, "Are all men Iree and equal," 1 con lidt-r one of the holiest all cks upon American mstitu iot.s ever yet adj by an American cm z-n It is an atu-iupl lo disprove the existeuc. of h iroan right ., ami to ju-ufy ttie Worst form- f tyranny. Jl rriukea li'.erty a delusi' u, it c(its coin, in pt Oil the Fathers ot the Heptibin1, n s.u ers at tle de,.'arjt on nt our I elepeodeme, i strikes ai the frame wotk ot the American Gov eriitn lit, II Under. nines ihe foumlailons of civii nber y hui in all itns you are logical and con -i-tent. You are agi.u.OllS enouti to see Ilia ' he monsirous claims and assumption of the t,ive power imii be established only i. n the po.ii .,f II tint Americana should liold tn .-i dear. I) her prjfclaviry men Jiave been sagacious i-t'oug ' to see this, bill few bol I ei.ou.h lo leud in the ousb Ut;ht. To Ihat proud listiu-:iti ,ou can lay claim. None are worthy to stand" In your side, unless l he that distmu rdird S -iiat o who makes u northern laborers noihiiig Lui the iim.isills ot Society ' Y.u. in the tirst place, attempt to controvert hat doctri'ie coi lained in ihe iiiiiuortai Deci ira Hon ot Ii,iK'ieudiiee which says ' All men an created q ial and endowed i y itieir t reatoi win. certain inalienable rights, among whlih are lile hbtrty and the pursuit ot hap, tuess." We have always had a sort f geiiTal imiires-iou that tin Fathers of ihe Revolution knew what ih.y weie iboui, and ibat they were m.r 'o Is. ami it la comet us totxamine with toieiubij cart ihe attempt to pro. itiein such. 'I o make out what they call " self-r rideni ruths" lo be only sed evi leui lies, you say.incr. is a gnM difference amng men, tj.h in raj.iy ird mind, one man la-iug weak , anoi her r,ei.. strong, one niatl being A'.'i'y another oulv mod t-rutfty e--dieJ ; me en io the sco.iui . mil number being hea'thv and vigor 'u; ai d you i X patiale on ttie-e d-ff reitces wnti much fu' ue-s, as if they were reailv a re'ui.itiou ot the irinci ide upon which our tuela hers naed tlierr I ide oendetne. Now, by suh statements as tt;cs" ou mean, it you mean any III ng, to convey ihe dea tjal the Declaration m.ik- s all men equal hi litis resp.-ct, lhat is. tuttr y ,j!tf.t in boi ami mnid. 1 lieiefoie. when you -t the j mi-, to how the ditf. relic, s m tne ininds ol l lin.i nen. you would have It appear ih it ihe I J. c ra ion holds the rjvi-rss, iii niug a 1 minds exaiin a ike. having the same poAer ot p-.-rccplioii an. I rvM.., l.-.u, Hiv C...HC aomi i, , ic poirii,. io cotiipo e mu-n . or to m ke invention.. And Alien you at the pains to ileiiiotisiiate the diversity ot phy-ical piiwjrj, jou w.n u 't appear thai the signers ot th-; Deei ai a' ion tiehl all men to be qual in this res, ee i , v u : ; u l v - rong. equally tall, equ.liy stoui, tqiin, iieallbv, that all men have au q ial ahl.ii v in i uniting fast, or in eating- and dt i, knig . an i so on through everv physical action. N a ', sir, j ou Know very well, every school boy in the l..n i knows, ibat ihe authors and signers ol that sol um instrument meant iioliiiug of thai kl .d Y.iU ku .w Very w.-ll that sm h a meaning was icver given to it or claimed lor it; au-i, sir, 1 im surprised, no to say shocked, that any ma., vmi any reputation to preserve, in aldie,sing he pu'dic On th. se serious subject, and in these -erious times, should be found gu It v of .-ucl. ,.eitiog:ng as tis. You sianrl guili) ol an at '-mpt to c. n'roi ert that sai led Declaratiui. by ittachitig to It a meaning which i verv -ane mail knows never belonged to it. You -tai.d convict d of an etl'jrt to mislead and betog ihe (,L ,, mind hy a miscoi sir nctiou bo gro, tts to ii-dve vou defenceless against the charge ol culp-ab e gnorance or w .l'ul perversion. Let us now turn to the tnn nvaning- of thi glorious c'larterot Amenca'i lib-rry m, .-e how oolish and t'ntr e are such afaeks iii on it. Our a-hers were ahou to declare ih-rneives inde-l-ndent ot tf,a overnrnent to whi h hit'n rto ii,ev (ad pu-.i :r!cgnii''-. 'T jiKtitV t'-ts o'i-mi i hey found it n, c ss ,rv to .: (,.., I,.,, ,,, jrr.-at principles nt' n which ail governments are fiuided. '1 hey therefore . i,u ,-iate tin- great ru'h lhat II in. n ate created tipil and en -lowed Jiy tl.ejr icator with certain in .lieir-dde 'ight." Tha' is. to e7ery hiinun l.eni ; t out God bath give,, reison , , j,.,, ivm - riniti right, n c. ssatdv i.ert.,P mg to tnat lite, ind thai in their clai-n to the.- righls ev. rv t.u cr. u ure is igi;.i.. I h.-y then no nti m as moti;: il.ese rights, life, lib.-ny, and the pursuit t happiness. They claim tl at in these fund nental rights tf hint aniiy one mm is the equal ( matter though one m i v he born n a hovel in America and rhe O'her may be b rn in a palm e on the s,,i i,t Engla.d. ye. that the ife God ! as given the former i as KHcred to hoii is tl e life ot ihe bitt-r is to him iba' the b .dv i d limbs of the former i re jiven for hi. me as vere those ol the latter for his. and th.i tneriean. poor though he mav he, has an luht with the lordly Englishman to use t' osi the 'tut lac il'iis. wiih which he isendowed. to work out bis lapoiness for time as wed a eiermtv. And this l .ctrine is 'rue. It is a doctrine which owes in ..-cognition to the precepts ot that Divine leach ,-r who taught us the Fatherhood f Q rt, ,fot. 'initherhood of in-ui. It is a doctrine that, pre ions to the Declaration, h -d been acknowledged y christian jurists and phi'(.soph,-r, Hm j H .liKe rhe prne and gloi v of America 'hat she irs: publicly ai knowl. dged the great truth anil made it a part of her s , stern. Christiati'ty h id work upon Government (,,r 1800 yars la-fo-e iny natif.n could bu Id upon this christian foil- -lation. And, sir, vou Miould never cease to think vour Creator lhat your lot h is been cast in a .'Ind vhere this tiu'h is acknowledged. This Gove nrnenr, actitg upon this principle. ook you, a foreign bom child, into its embrace, recognized you as a member of the hum in fami' 'y, and therefore entitle 1 to its rights, s iff -n d 10 despn'ie restraint to h exercistd ovi r von but by tinal privileges nml tqunl laws cleared Ui e way belore vou, hat you 111 gbt move in .his woHd with 'lie and limbs and use the ficul ICS given yon, as should deem most conducive to your well ben g and happiness. Tf rou.;h ti e operation of those principles you have he-'ti able ro rea'h a position of honor and influence, and now with parricidal ingrntitu Ie yon a -i Mrikin" at the very existence of hoe principles. I But, sir.jn this ungrateful onslaught on Anycr ican institutions, you exhibit one quality which Iravvs torth my admiration, if not approbation thai is, your dogged d.-teriT iuation, after bav nif nce taken hold ot the plough, not tn look hack. You concede in ihe course of vour argument lhat perhaps the etpiality spoken of in the Dei- aration may mean equa ity in certain iualiena- le right?. Now some men, indeed most men, wou'd hesitate a moment before denying that proposition, but not not so you, tun thus easilv will you suffer despoti-m to be cheati d of its viciims. Y'ou meet tha proposition straight in 'he face nnd make the startling announcement that mankind hive no rights, no rights to life, limb, property or conscience Oh ! when shall we fiave an end to the great discoveries of the nine teenth century ! Such men as B.ican, and IJIarkstone. and Franklin. and J tTerson we have long considered is nowhere. But oh, Rogr B Taney, we thought y-)u were not to he e itp-ed, hut alas, you too are goie, you too are nowhere. you are undone, aud that too by ihe 'little dio cese of Vermont. You only discovered that( ti e 'nigger" has no rights which anybody is hound to respect, but we have a man who finds that no body has any rights which anybody in particular is bound to respect. And as I think of it, what tui nnnr it acasionu. irMTO"r., wniewha, .Pe nppv-. v hj,.., aj and nature . .i.,rt i ;.nnineniar cs un '" he talked or - iJ -nd have eta ishetl. sueii a ' - ' Jl ... a .hi.l of human la to be more . (factually invested in every man than they are. 1 . . : .v.... ..i ih framer ot Vndwnatapoor cm. fi, ,h. Consiiiut:on,whocnce said li unbeam 111 fe Wtloie volume oi u.-.v ever be eraeU or ooscureu oy y" thai m ,al power that lay in .he pen of the Bishop of ,e .l.ocese of Vermo t. what would he have .aid? And that H "aUstrotig lailatir, vico. .-.....;.... ,.. what ruu d he navs meani v "'""s ""i - . .. j r.i.; ,e talked about '-ereeting Mils siupe-uous ,....v .. lrM..t.,iii and assisting in protecting me riKi.vo .... to., MUlQir ! JUKI II a. 1 1 . C fc. .. m ..n. mil itr nad any righis. m. Hi Rev Sir. it is a pity and a provioen ial mystery that vmr l.te coul.l not t ave neCn J . . .1... uA....l..,;hn Vi har vouehsaleii to tne era oi me lyc.uiu .o... . ,, a-o.iM have been to our poor'ileluded o""" " . . . . . - l: ..rf .thers to have th en taught ttiat rouiiaiuu ii.ii' mi i l'Iih l: woupi nave mwi uitm n,h nuff. ring and bloodshed. Mnd the colonies mid have submitted so peacclully to wiuuever ...,hniiies thd British Crown might have oeen ii... .H to inflict. And could tieorge inc in iwvc hd such a .couuellor hv his sid:, how ,t would have sircrigiheried bis hands. If he r t.M.l iiv misgivings as to ihe propriety ot ns cours'1, what encouragement and support ne jrmihl have found in vour counels. Methinks .vpn now. through the lapse of more than eighty vears, I can hear such consolatory worusasinese ...Hndiny in his ear "Ml graenns soverngi., lave no hesitation io these acts of oppression,,o ,1., ver received anv political ngnts rroiu heir Creator. It it per, ct y ubnnmt" (I quote Un.Mia ,ie nf vour lettei I that Mince IM oruin ,ntj of Aum'iii government mm lutoe been crented in .n .., .. mraaiiiitu. unter sbiwrv. under de 4,tism, w.der tv-.-y iinuijinub e loan of political jr. It ,md oi,i,ritun Ui not tnereiore, mj gra . ,,vereign. do not I beeecli you, hesitate ihPHe colonies in slavery an I despoi im nd inflict on them every imaginable form of ., mrite and oppressoin. lor so it nas oeen ver since government begun." Oh, unfortunate , :..,.r,. ihe Ml . coul ist thou had ever by nut us I icQ:ci upon it there is another raon- ir.-h who would have had a greater claim on our services. What a glorious pi im- minister or King Heroi! then indeed lie Coull have mt llrrtsltd Herod. Tou could have encouraged no wiih ihe sweet assurance" These weeping It ii hels bave no ny'if lo their c uld.eri, their rrv- ng nanus nave no rj to their lives Ihe or yinal r yltll of mankind (again I quote your t. gu igi ; are furtuea anayoae. i nave inougui he in vn r over an I in no ret, -eel can I d tcuuer hot ihr Alilii't't'y hut trnt our rote tnto the world thrse im "jimiry rtyhtl and tint uiciu iqual fy- And; could you have lived on to a lew . ears later with wf at indignation could yon have rotestcd rt -ainstthe doctrine ot ihoie poor prt umptuous ti-hermen and renin akers who taught tfiere is neither Jew nor Gri ek, tlieie is l enher oud nor free, there is neither male nor female r ye are all one in Christ, not im ply i qnal do u se r. volu'ionarv characl- r sav. but an ululely ue And when ihey pui lorth -he doctrine that 'od is o respecter of persons," ou ouid have 'exonerated the utieqa tlines that ex st among ii-n, how much more some are favored than furs, ii sho t could have shown the doctrine J hi a 'sheer absurdity." It doe not tn to occur to vou that notwit - 'andicg the d tf Tctitses that exist among men. et in ibese moral attrihur s whi.h make u n.-motr r ttie tiuman lamily, we are all equal "1 coiivunslaniial It does not seem to occur ) you ibat not n it h-tand mg a diversity ol gilts et alter ail that G l Is no respeciei Of persona h .1 every soul ist q ially precious in his sight ml thai G ivernm m, which is ordaineJ of Hi in hIk the executor of Ills will, i;e protection ike to th- humblest, as well as the greatest tat com,- under its au'hontv. But somehow, because m ink ind arenoteqnal v aiiKe.:neau-e some are more nighly endowed h in others, you cannot getovir the idea Hint oveint ent ohoul t regard only the claims ol ie lavoied lew. lo make more sure ol thr versity, you range in imagination through ihe vb de created universe. Mod troru the varietirs p-re existing eck lo establish the divine rigfil I i) rants. But that tht wayfaring man, though a fool. nay not b misled by your argument, we pro osc io reuuee ii io icgun -i lorm ; ana in so ioiug we wnl sti'e the premises, for the most art, tn your own word and then attach to tiese premises ihe conclusions hi b it is the l n your rrgiiment lo establish, viz.: th ight, ju-nce. b ii,-:it and propriety oi Slavery. i rn- eariti. ou s. v. "is clothed with great dl ersry ; there are sm .ll pehblt , andgrent r.x-kn; ne lot y p ilm the hu "tile mo ; there is gold, liver, copper, iron." t,rrtort the p'opcsilion tiat 'all men arc ere ttc.t . riml n, endowed with . e. tain i -i r-tt. SU- nhi.r' i a elf i vidrrt lie. iigain y. ii sav : I ,ke me an.-mal creation. rp-re a r ,1,,. ,.r,t y l,n M1,, , ,w ,,.,.i n.nlp u r- Is iU is 111 itiar. f agip an I t,e humrnng ford ; there in the bee tribe, and aristocrat V in Ik ant hin." "-i-ted in the IVell dun. th.rtorf man should not la- pro tteeiiom of will, which God Las 1 T.t , ... .. ' 11 me c lestuu icpions there art- I' rones, ,1 ptnini fins, orir.cpalities and nowers " 11 you are more favored in fortune t .an I am. you may prostitute my wife and sell my ct.i dn 11 . I'l en ugain : ' In tlie human race there is ev rv variety of p'Mir mnl weakness, ' therefore tie weak man has no rights which the strong man is bound to respect Kem -tuber this loic is yours, no? mine. Another inc ns'roiis argument put forth by you to ju-tily oppiessioti is, mat what men surf ,-r 111 1 he wo st lorms ot slavery. Is after all no mor h m mankind sutler n t ckssitt , or what vou stv Ie stuvrrt 0 citrtmt inrt thai is to sav, viiatever in. 11 sometime ale bilged to endure Iron miavoidahlc eire'iiusianees.thal man Is j is mi-d in i,. I iy n fl iting on his lellow. 1 c strength ot an argument is sometimes ted r-y its pr.i tic., applicatiou. Let . US apply iha: tesi to this argUitierit. Suppose, then, that I, pos-sessinrr the power to do it. t ike you. your wife and 1 hildren, into mv keeping : U posel aetid you put in the early nornin and compel you to dg all day, and ihis I cunp-l you lo do d ty after day; suppose 1 lake aw jy vour wife and devote her to base pur I os s; suppose 1 sell 1 If yourchil Iren, and then w en yi u earnestly en'ieat and pro' est against this treatment, I answer wiih your argument V hy. my de r st, you have no r;a-on to com plain of this treatment; I do not inflict any wo'Se bondage- on you ihin what" have to siirl'er l orn the mere slavery otrircuoi st'i-tcts tluiHiiv t'loismds t'leie are who have 10 dig fro'ii nte,sily ; how many poor wo men become lost to sve iheniselves from starva Hon, and how often do f ither have to separate from their children by the m-re force f circum stances, as for instance, sodnrs and sailor? .No. sir. you have no reason lo complain " Hjw . . .. ... .... ... reas. uauie wouu aruuieut seem to the-' J you lint as I write ana eh irge you with views go siiocKing to 'he moral sense ol the community my heart s-rd lens 1 would that my sc. un 110ns were false I would, at least, that for the s keof your gray hairs, if not for the sake of vour church. waU nj; btckwardl might cover thv nakedness with a mantle. I would that I might restore among us the influence of your cotnmardmg abpi y hy unwr ting what you have written. But.a'as! it can not be. 1 recur again to your lette , 10 iee if I have not ex iggeratt -d the teinlwncy of vour doctrines. o ; 1 have but depicted them too Iruthfidv There is not a cruel despotism that ever ex isted hut wou'd find support ami j ist tieati n jn the vievs you a Ivance. 1) tnocra'ic editors who are a si n ot nionoriia'iiacs 011 the subjet of .Nigger, wou'd apiiiy your princtnles to him lone But your irinciples:f true at a'l.are "nirer sal in their application. arid would reduce all gntr. erntiients to a direful 'lespot ism. and enslave ev ery t'drd or fourth in 111 in the land who chanced to be I ss lavored by nature or fortune. Rut time would fail me in pointing out the of your letter, for it abounds with ,hem trom beginning 10 end. In conclusion. I will only notice one charge, which no tru A'uer ican should sutl'.r to go unrebuked. You say that the priucio'es cri'iiiu-d i" the Declaration form no part of our present tystem. Let us see how this charge stands Our Fathers, :n a solemn ami rffieial declara ri'tt. announced the principles upon which they claim to establish a national existence. They appeal to he Supreme Judge to witness the in teg. ity of their intentions For the carrying oat if these prtnc'ples, they pledge their lives, their fortunes, i?nd thjir sacred honor. Upon t'ee principles thev enter into a long warfare. The lo.ding men of tint era repeat and reiterate ihose principles on all public occasions ; and when, at last, the war was ended, arid a consti tntion was funned, as the confederated congress was about to close its labors, in a solemn ad di ess to the people of the United Stales they say : ' Let i. be remembered that it has ever been the pride and boast of America, lhat the Riehts for which she contended were the righls of Ila man Nature.'' But in all this, you would mnke it appear that ihey were orlv lying hypocrites ; and that when they came 10 form a system of government, they formed it alto -ether on another setol prinetples. Thpy appealed to the Supreme Ruler for the reditu Ie of their intentions ; and I supposed all menalbwad their claim to sinceritv. But vou deny them even this poor boon. With ruthless hand you would tear awayhe immortal wreaths which a grateful posterity has placed upon their veni rated brows. But such attacks harm only tbo assailant They stand evermore in their serene majesty' unscathed by such attempted profanation These are they whose glory calumny caang . . M.k..iilnn Connctinsrtbeni X. witb advancement, -.heir example selves whu i. their foot .. inaes it lustre. nu rv..- never iotw; iv" ... ;,h tvmra- steps is heard tnrouguou -i- t7B enougn for the present. Hereafter I mav take occasion to address you and those.who Z IX iew., in .eg-rd to the fUotx d.nrtrine of the Declar-t.oo. You decUre fmit to be evil 1 win n. - rrr , " ill Show that all (Oferanini.. 1..'. --a- thov have not hUlit On this roonnaiM.u. v" . . - , ,Men will show you, wncvrr u,.c... -r-"-over other nations, whatever of rnagnincent pro- u-rs we have mane, wnmcv -r o i- ...,l ranilenr we nave i'"!""'- " 1 . ( I...., t yrl.lll,-r h V l . I .ll.tnal or Bt.infllal. that ' .rinr,fti Declaration. And tnr imaui " ""s ., ,. . . .noln.ioii. Derm it me if rl will be uratiVvinK concettion 10 yon, to tail myself your I u. i tknu moral aiirmuica wn. .1,- ---- . ,. ... f,. whose image we are all ma Ie. and in the eye or m nr.Uinorl for the Drofectiotl or h'l u0,c...i.vM-- -- - - , , uT man riifhu, I aubscribe mysen ynoamun mvuj4.. maybe) T OUK rVWAl AW" " s, fine friend "M." Of LuJlOW, Sends OS AO .nni nf m. darinif attempt at highway robbery in that town, on the eening or neanwray 01 1 " , i r 1 last week. Mr. J O VVe,ton, of riymouin. w rmm 1 aid low to tlla DO lie. rei wiic.i about one and one half north of Ludlow on the Tywo Furnace rod, dm tmne v" ..a K. . .jnnn ttteltDlng IU iroai 01 iv, another came up behind and de-It him a blow across the head with a green birch -fnlaUli.. The blow caused him to tail senseless to me bottom of his sleigh, and the bore, beit young and spirited, became frightened, causing n iu k.i . from the footpads, doubtless thus h.. l,f The animal an some distance Mr Weston regained his consc.ousness and then his first impressions were simply that hi. hore was running away, but ne soon com-nr-hended the whole thiog.and spread the alarm in all directions. A large number of p-opl turned out. and about 2 o'clnck in the luorumu the scoundrels wera apprehended, in the imme diate vicinitT of If on rurnace 1 nur-uaj ..Alni, thee were, taken before Justice Joi ...v. . -j . Ivn. of Plvmooth. anf belore ingiit.wi--a to tve 'from the west side of the mountain, one. named Hulct, belonging rn Rutland, aod the other. nam ed Rowe, hailing fiotn Meudon. A borie knife and a double barreled pistol were fotnd upon their persons, ard another pistol was lound in the mow where they were takeu . LUUvvi t'uiit Argsa. WASHINGTON ITEMS. Frederick W. Seward, ann cf Gov. Seward, was confirmed Vs assistant Secretary of S ate on the 6th. ii has long been the assistant editor of the Albany Evening Journal. Mr Preston, minister to Spain, has resigned A large number of citizens from Ktnturky rnd Indiana have been in Washington, urging ihe promotion if .Major Kobert Auder-on ro brigadier general in place of Twiggs stricken frorn the roll for tieason. The patent bill, as pased by Congress, pro rides that all patents hencefor'h granted all remain in force 1 7 years, and all extensions be yol d tnat time are prohibited. Drafts hy ex r-ecretary Dix on the avsintA-t ire. uter at New Orleans, sent to pay tor work on th; cusnnii house there ; also a draft by rx-p)stina-ter general King, in compensation for postal "ivice, amouming to between f 2'J,OOo and 131)0 (XK). have been reiurned unpnid. The appointment of Senator Crittenden t the Supr-iue Court 'enc i has been p'opo-ci It is understood that "senator Sumner suggested the appoiiitnieni, urging it on the ground that r would be acceptable to ihe southern circuir, a well as from the fact that Mr. Crittenden enter tains correct views on the territorial q ic tion. General Dix returns to N Yo' Thursday Judge Black will probably cooliuue the prac tice of law at Washington. The commissions of ihe new Cabinet wore signed y the- 1're ident on the 6th, ard the met with him. Mr. Seward was the fii ' to enter on his duties. On Wednesday the Vermont delegation ce'l ed on Gen. S.siit, Mexrs. Seward. Dix and Bates. Gen. Scott made a speech, in which be thanked Vermont for ber presidential vote for faun in lbS2. John B. Floyd has returned to Washington Irom Virginia, f.,r rhe purp. se of appearing '.e fore the criminal court to answer the indicimt-n' found against him in the matter of the stolen bonds. The Senate has ronfirme I N B Jidd as minim- ter to Berlin, H K iessman a bis secretory ot legation, J A Kasson as hrst assistant pjatma ter general. Judge Camphell, of rhe U S supreme court, it is said, has not resigned. There is little doubt but the administration will order the evacuation 1 t Fort Sumter. Very Joubtiui itid.ed, well u.irb. impossible J Advices jrorn Arkansas states that the Con vention elected Union officer by six majority. All the department will be thorough lv swept of secession sympathizers. FORT SUMTER TO BE EVACUATED. Official dispatches from Major Aod-.-rson re ceived at Washington on Saturday ay he had only fifteen days provisions. I'robably he ad mir isu alien, by advie of Gen. Scott, will order the evacuation of Frt Sura er- The repjhli cans are divided in opinion as to this course No decision has yet been made by c tb net couucil. The reasons assigned for evtcuiting Fort Sumter are that while Major A-i leron's sup plies of provisions are nearly exhausted, it certain that the fortifications which he ben thrown up to command the fort, are sofjrmi fa ble that ten thousand men woul 1 be required to invest them with a certainty of l eing successful; but thf; president has not even one thoasand men at hi command, unless he wiih lraw rlns troop, from Wahington an 1 the f.rt in Virginia, and on the Florida coat. Major Anderson having defied an attack until his provision give out. can evacuate the fort with the honors of wr, ami then the government may commence any systematic plan that may be' determined toit for collecting the revenue without the embtr rassing in flu-nee of this useless lort Beside, it will defeat the d esire of the secessionists to precipitate hostilities, and the step will be re garded as conciliatory by the border stae. The Washington corresj oud.-nt of the New York veiling Post say : The new lr.m Fort Sumter is alarming. A t-legraphic re port fro.n there states that y-Mrerday Mjrr An derson burnt the last srirk'of fuel, and that all tne wood work or the rort ha been thus con a in ed Salt pork for fifteen d tys, biscuit for twen iv and nee for thirty d tys, cons'ituted h'S wio'e sunplv of provisions, and the men were worn out with constant watching What are the mean of rein'orciug the fort ? One thousand aoblier at Washiti ton, every man of Ihe-n needed for the defense of the capital; seven rotnpan e hi Fort Monroe, wh'ch. without them, would be snatched from the governmem; one regimeni at Utah, and the two thousand aoldi-rs in Texas dismissed by Twiggs, who, in the . resect sta-i of the counrry, could riot reach here before An gust. But the fort must be reinforced, if rein lorced. during tha coming two weeks, and. ae cording to authoritative esti naes, an arrav of not less linn ten or iwety thousand men is" re quired, wih corresponding military prepar rions Tha hostile activity of the South Caro linians in erecting batteries on their harb r, to reisi th approach of reinforcement, makes that a d ffi rult and almost an impossible eo-er-prie which the late secretary of war thought quite practicable thirty days ago. A tempor ary suspension of force is n t an ahan lo-menr of the rKhi to ex"rcie it when the government shall have recovered from the parafvsis in which ir was left by the traitora who filled the cabinet of Mr. Buchanan." Re oris prevail of the contemplated evacua tion of Fort Sumter. Inlt op to 8 o'clock Mon day night. President Lincoln had given no or ter for that rurpose. Gentlemen of prominence however, say they have information which satis fies them that such a course will from necessity be pursued. FOREIGN NEWS. The Bremen, which arrive on the 8'h, bringi intelligence that Francis id and his Queen would leave Rome in a few days for Bavaria. General Cialdini is to be made Duke of Gaeta. An attack was made on the Palace of the Arch Bishop at Naples, during tbe fetes onjtbe occa sion of the fa'l of Gaeta. The windows of the Spanish Consul's residence were smashed. The daily News says ihe Great Eastern i to leave England the first week in March, for Nor folk, Va . where she has f-een guarantied a car gi. chiefly of cotton, for England, tbe freight ot which will amount to $75 000. It appears that the bombardment of tbe 1 1th and 12th nit., at Gaeta, was of extreme vio'eno-, rendering the rifled cannon ueless. The K'ng passed the Neapot tan troops in review before leaving, who wept on presenting arms to him. Royal honors were paid to Francis 2d as he embarked. As the vessel left, a salute of 21 guns was fired, and Bag were lowered, while the garrison shouted " Long live the King, though in the presence of tha Pledmouue, al ready m possession. The number of troops made prisoners at Gaeta was 12000. Tbe Sardinians captured between 700 and 800 cannons, and ftO.000 muskets Three Generals accompanied Fraucia 2d to Rome SS are prisoner!. Gen. Chaobrera has been ordered to summon tha commander of tha fortrest of Mttiiaa to iairtcUr. W 1ELKGHAPII. (t-sl Dupuck K ol RsvUmiT H.rl L. BCBJ, Ofi. FBOil WASHINGTON. The PreUIent ind the Southern Commistion- ertXo Orders yet in Reference to Fort Sumter TiA Southern " Ultimatum" Ex pected Soon I WAfHrrrow, Mtrah 15. TV.a WnrlH'a Waahinrtnn crre-KOl.d-ut Vl tliat late Aljri'aut Kirtt-rm' oop-r n i uuiki- rv nv tn ieoiie-i or Jfn rxm !-. Th i'pOtiimet ol Clay xi Mli.i-terti Spain in- I t, sucosx w Mr. Burlingume an Minltter to nurl.n 1 8o,nn ommiUoDer 1 1 e PrVdent tt tssiinea mu intrrnew wnu . uc tor the pi---nt. .. vmt ot raifitii be- apiKnt-J.aid rxpr-M fixed d'teimtn4 Ion in deciioauou of th .Imidu to silJOIl ' u M iiiO. i'wli m . ciati de-irs to ro lo Kuia i.ow in xs5utiv el'. The 8ente are 'n oroeo ttAveJ yet twD given io relereoo to Kort Sumte' he ii'itnt'atfl of the Ponthera Com il0Drs Ii xpected to (?o M tbe 1're-ident to-morrow. A CARD. Moes flswUes feels very grateful to hii neigh- . . hon for Iherr leXTa exertions used to save hi honsi frorn fire Although the work seemed al trout de-perate at one time, the bone and nucle of Nickwai ket EngineCo.No I eoon dipered an fears of the h rise from the devoorine eletnent, as the quantity o water oed cn ihia occasion was .,,n;,.;,nii ,Jhmerie tha lima ia a very -' ' - - - s n nnnte. j Feb. 7lii, 1861. NTICE. The HemirUitno Land O.Tlce hat re- moved from B bfrum'a H'rH-k 10 Husstl oain- ing. over N S Stearns Store. Centre street, op - pc.its the Depbt RUTLAND COITNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIKTT ,. H r. rr.-- ' '"- J '""'as'-,. wi. iael t n e o'clock 1'. M.. Alph II. Post. 1st Vice rrfunrnt, in ine ctiair. 1 he Secret air v pre ente-l tbe following srm- -nunn ation f. din the Uon.C. S. Itamsev of Hub bard too : HCBRatDTOO. Jn. 21. Henru Cl'trk f.q . .Secretary 0 IluVatul Courihy Agricultural !ritty DeaB Sia to hand Your note of the 2' int csme n or-h delav. Y"t r.ffi'-tally in o' tu d me -hm I Was leCted I'r, H lent Of t'.K Ktitlatid I ounfv Agriculloral .Sootetv at Its an nual meetii.g ii Rutland. I can onlv say lhat I called U meeting, and ir liv gentlemen, previous lo yotjr said to all that 1 rs.jl.l not ton- isieri'iy afei ct the ofnee and do jtse t i.yseif and ih a.-if I desired meeting, lhat I noticed in le who were u'irdinte Itniffie the fact to be made l.rown to ih. could not accept the ,ffiee. he published pro-erdirg- of 'ha' tlieelirig tbfct ii a voted to n -truct he Krr ' mal e arrar Lemerit" l.r tnlning the lair lavs U'-n ah arrangereent ra m t in m&iifS- rue with mv Ijreierit views -nher mv ne m..ii. rr mv heal h wou d u-titv ine r ait met ng 10 I therefore re rli--hrge the rcpr red rtu"e. an.' .ectiiilu dec 1. e the fhc tender's" me. I ! 1 ilialiks 'or kUi tot.t.dt tee. urn to the Socieiy y warnie-' 1 a fl illering eXLTeksion ol then k-ry respectfu.'y your. tc.t C m. Ktsur. On mo'ion if II. W. Ie ter, Eq . it was vot f 1 - vs ti. reas the Hon. t '. Ruilisev hi d- Hr ed ihe .tl e of re dei.r. it it h rebv .' ( l a H. P si. E-q . i f RaHand '.-, I bar , he 1-r V ice 1 resident, be declared I'resident o ihi- So let v I', ted. lhat rhe annnal Fair of this Society 1 -.e!d tor two d y-. on We.luesJay aud Thursday Oct 2 and 3. Itoil. On motion li.f S. T. Spragoe. Jr.. ir vt He Milled I hat tt B iard H prove of th COntrac naade by the tut, aid County l'rk AoeitM hi permuting the V ermont Ma'e Agri, ul'ur a s.M-teiy to criuov aid grounds for one week ii ach year, toi It' ree Tears. Ilnry W. Le-ter. Hepry Hay ward and A'ph II. I' st were tippoiuied a comnntte ot airange ill' li's. I'ottJ. That) the committee of arrangements h r, cjue.ied to appoint auperrutendctiis lor the ev ,-ral aleparllllelfOt lleiirv Cia k. S M D -rr. B. F. Winsloir fohn Cain. 1. W. Hy ie, Ge-jrge A. luttlearu 1 tamcl K triitia-i were appointed lo inake arrange iik nts for all A grn ul'urai Oi-( u-.-iou oil Wc ine day even ng. Oc als-r 2. 1861. W Y VV. Riol.-v wa a; pointed Marsha!. After amen ing the retuiati tt of the Fait and appoiimiig the award. ng committees, ih. U jard adj turned. Hi-nut Clark, 5ectetary. Ruiland, March 7, 1-61. UXI1LD STATES sLNAIE lllli fcfIO. The S-ns'e convened. TatHy. in obedience tc. rhe eA.cuiii- r'Cirua?iiii. I Lr't aiicr-ivdis: -tt nda, c- til .jmlnii-rs. 't.ere rii,- irreat aiiaitt 10 ;.mru rue ua.u - ol the m m'eni .f Mr La. co u - U11 ujo'l jii 01 lr lla e. the I'rrsioeut a iuiuiuiel 01 Hie r auiiir of Ihe eaate tu rtcei an eotuoiui icatiou u-Uil'. have u in ike. u 0-e-cjueuilj a w-emjr a a neut tu. and roe rseoat -. n executive -.. p. cui.&riued tbe l ibinct lufuioa t on- t u ir or a e ott mere ct ( aiu-t v r, inc fosiiiu-ier t.etierai. ai d Mr. bmu. Ariori e U-beral, rolDe of rB Svoulherar ttl.mftrm brine 111.' ruiLa 'Pal an) One fr'-m lite isiaue -he Vol b turiuher ui U r. IjucuIu Cat luet. IhevtPri ia-rii'ttrr ol lite t abiuet were ataniuiO-aiy cua a mrd Ou Wedreay. Mr. Koot.'of Verra-.ft. u-aeleeei pie 'cent pre im A vo e m a t-rt ,rdrriu4 '.' c.,lr- ul tne me tar'lT tll' It tn- .na'rl Mr Uix'-U ul Ct . .tl red a le-olut . u that Ihe u-ua i.u.ui.rr ll.e l'm-Kieut a uao tal ad l.esa tf in.iel Mr. t nifijau ..I X C. lu firing bj-a-sM. did 11 eii.iu-ejt i.e e .tuneiitaul tne ad-ire, mhi.ti. 11 camtd nut. utu-l lead 10 war. Mr !' r k-k. urlu l ouir tulu.r c ttciuiuu that it a a S'ai man a a 4r Uueuin-ut. H itn .ut currit-K lu a t-tie. me oruaiir e..i lulo exrcuUve tnriuii. au alt rard- a-i.iri,nl. Ii.edeoate bira C.'inemsn and Doug wa 4Uite l-utit,v. , Jlr. Il.nci. all he li,J i.ur Bipa luiiesnuiiiir, u-a aiiinn.i-rrstiou. or uppoM, mat lu auv c(t'mn,c! be aud the I're-ident autild or k--uc.aiel. I-r he exptct-sd tu oppo- bl adminl- imuou uu itiose great prlnc p e- a Inch eeparat c La a .allien in oiui-r tiuim. Out "n nie-tlou look a.g o I'.e tjieT.atl'iu of tbe Lue.u t ta-.cetu Uirau anl rhe -tt'inu-tjl ol Ihe suverr trotihea b UJiratlDlrliU IO tlie CUU.II'UtVU, It fl UudVfUM1 tbe r aw-itebt true oteaaina;. be i ita bitt A letter waa rnti.rd in tr si,,ia 1 a.mlai fro a Mr. hmur, re Uui hi- Mm aa rsenatur trom OUia I h' rrtolutl.tu tu print tb aaual buaabrrol c piea ol Hm rteei Jeut'a iuauura1 waa lakes up, bd Jar. s M a i ii.K Je a apuiilou apeecb. Mr Houalae repiie'i iu auua-aii'la.iv tne ame tero-a Weouea ) Ma-pu. ol Va , -puk aam- tlte iuaufar- a. a a proc auiai luu 01 air, anU eald V iratibta a tl 0uiiie a pa-1) lu Hm war, b uuliinioa Cou eiit o uer pup e. when tne Oiat cua I. nr.d a.aiu.t th. t-ecrtiD 'aura. lr. UouaT a apt aeinit er. to tne rtfect l.-ui it the rUiuu.i iraiiou abiicipelea the u-e 1 "-r et-c a t-iu-ianiau. n lor au eatr e-i -ii ui lougiesa. lu oi.lrr tu increase th,. rrga m, lurue au'i c.11 iuiui,u-rr luto tl e Held. AitUn.H Uu til-ay. Mr O.xub'a reaolutioo to u ii.t tis- uual bum r ui e.t.. it,, ot th ir.aucunl idansi a up eu. m. i-oiunot. 'or the eki.uUion 01 Mr vV .,a:l "H r-u 0. Mr. K-J-lerttl Ct. Mr Kr (lit t "---l'eu a .,i Blaaiba; (.uuitnilteea 1.1:11 aUui'ied. a- l.tllua : r urei-u tie all tna suoit.ei-. Col lamer. Duollttle , 1 u a. t r-c-inriua-e. rluauoe i-.udcu, biuiuj,h. Hade.iJowe Una ter, l eant, til iL lit. L'uiuiuerea -handler, Kin, Morrill, Wilivti, Mi itarA flaira- Wi-auu, I1117J. Biker, Lane, Latnaiu, ret a, ib nie. " Aflair.-t-Ua r, tiiimM, Foct. Cowan, T horn p apt.. Nicllulauu. Krni.ed . . Ju.uc ary-ltumhai , Koater, Ten EjCk.Comau tlsvanJ. I'ovyvi',1 lloKiuan. V at othce Cldia.brr, liixon, Wale, Trumbull, v v a"', a-ai'.aiu. full ic Um -a-jHarlao. Bjnham, Clark, Wilkib au'i. .loll n. VJi cnel . Hrmti 1'n.aie L.iids-Uarrh.. leu t vek, gumcer. Polk. B-yar.l. ludiau Arir l..o!ltile, Baker.Cowan.Ten Ejck. Sen-i tiau. nice, Xrfiuiib. 1'rui toua - K.sster, Kiur bam, Lane.Slmmona, ftau a bur, , I'o veil, llitcheil. Kevu'utiouar)' C !. Kiuf . Chandler, Wilkin on, Mchulaou. e mnh. Ciaiiua ciark, eiuirnoni, llowe, Cowan, limr l'ulk. j liistrict ol Columb'a rimes. Antboov, Morrill Waue. Kebbe.ivf. C i.ugtnaD, fiiel. aleuta aruiuiuua, auoiur, Uoolittle, Tbomaon. fjehastlatt. I'.ihl c Building. foot, Dixon, Chandler, Bright, Kf uuJy. Irrirtorie iWade, Wilkinson, Coats, Ilalr, Uouxiaa, S tia-tltu, U'asg Audniuitol Lkpeu-ea Dixon. Clark, Johnson, t'riutitta: Aitjuouy. IJar an. Sicl.olaoo. Kua-'O aeu U it l-aue, Morrill, Mncbeil. t .rolled Hi 4 Binvhiiii, Baker, tsau ahary. Library I eafee. Coli nier. r eseeudeu. Ad keouiiveeap b was lat'd, alter tvbico I I.' 01 extra copita wer ordered to be printed of tbe act araendiuf the paleut laws. kller waiiiug a eouaiderabl time for exerotlve cuiuinunicatiou-, tbe f-enate adjourned till Moi.uav. iu Mut.aay rhe reeoluti'-n lor rbe expult-ioa 01 S-snator H'la-tall waa debated at roitaiderable length, Mr. 1 outer eupportlue. aud Meaara. Cliuymaa aid ilwrn o p taiuj ir. The cveitBia then went iulaal rcuttva lou, aud alter a abort Una spent Utereiu, ai J -uroed. CAMBE1UGE CATTLE MAEK KT-iltr 13. (Iteported by Telearapb.) At market 60:attl. about tin bervea. ard KO sit orea. consist ie ol tvorkiug oxen. ooma.anuOu two and three veara old. frir-ea Market Beet-fcxtra 6 Tfi 7T6; flr tonal Ity H 00 8 tl; second .ualirj fc 75 (1,00; IbliO. luallty P3.T5. ordinary o,ttalrly 'i i6 W-rkmc OreK) 15 a I) per pair. fowl aa Caltie , 40, tl. Yirttntc$ Vatr. Ott 'S 17. rr y.arl Orf 17 a 19. SKe.pu4 LamSt IS Kj at rark'. aPrica-t tn Iota al.tV). 20t. ttra aod ne'ection. 92 26 2,C2 c 6 64 or 2 6 per b .live aelfht. .--, t) a 50 per lb. Tattotr, "c. Pt lit, 91,00 a I 26 each. Cat Skint, 10a lie. Kemarka There waa an Improvement in mark if to-dv both In cattle and aheep. Cattle .old quick at an advaaoa ''f lull 26 e per l'S) Iba. and aheep 26 a 6'c per he.d better. Tbe riaar abeepaold oulrk et 6 8 4 per lb. .one a hirb a a o. 11 t.rev. K-q.. of Lancaater, N. .. bad 22 weioh averaxhtl ! Ibt. lira weight, which ho told to J). U. Brown, of ilediord, j fur12ivrik. 1 SPECIAL 0T1CE8. lSfl CENZA AiiU BUUtUiTIi. ThcnL(i a bo uSer Irum tl - cuvulalnU an lltuoraut vl tne tmm thai Or. HaU't KLmS mi isreuliarly a aptea u tuvir cute, a di)S ' t tt ukiuh acucian uMiciei.t tu mhim4 $ a. aud muv-acvary auintmautaynifUA ll-w - giseci-AA tAsaiovs. TL Li-cuimaax creaas tlaluiB' ta iia-liiuav llii ) ; I tal.iau.s Uavill UacDtarlvca li ai.u aasu pa bl; iw Avvilh fcca ravaa il tiaiu wu, 11 Ailaaiilv t.l Oaia., torn- tu MawaiMf fu k urn jauui. iut iwf gvwi Vultie, Iw.cuic a w (u. lwttaMw,ii i tittuai tu. um tr a . ' auwuio Maiai, Ui whu a u.a. t utid Mwaaa at-li It. JOr fcxiarie cteeli us ttimr delicacy p-tii. Uau leiuaic Uiia J p' ' t '"f tl smM t aiwvt- w utl rixn aui Mtv it r. 1 wlv J-tiiui, kutviil I tucuue ul -Bir JauC tuke a tmrnm I i a, p.a panUaoei Ihe ietrpuai 41 eir 4mtun ta.. a niclau 10 into uku ui r-nc-u, -" tu Oe ti ul asra raa f . net arttuuc a.tb wHKa at.J srt)rl-iiUui.a lutt lu " 1iy Cau te 'CMl k a t.iK o.ulkU.u.M lJ friut, et tat, t,j aclsui.a ' yomUtu alaavt u CKOCP CCKfcl. Lanuaiore, Oct. ti, l Mt. Baxter; Ltearbir: My tea baa bsru .uLjact M aloieut alUu-aA Wl V.IWU. " auat W tu a - k.'ULir 0 a a a a masi auua an . a would bol b ulUiout tt 111 tL laawity ib kb cvb alueiaUun ttuaUtter. ,. . juiliiia a ..--, Arlibus, Tt.. Oct. i 1M0 I bav oe4 Dr. 5 o uu a t.uir u. ati! lurUiro year.. .U ba..ja.a)a l.i H a as. la lm- ea turtbucruutt. .,,.,,, MabCuoter, Vt., Oct. SVj, 19. Mv eOB.ofeiahl lutasi, waa -- aubt!y wiibUas trvait. .au Halted ls.i "r .... ... i,uuatiiJ o. Ul. ft. O- v i b.m- uary kvuAur- k.. M Cwa UTariraiA lira b. pi v bally fc ctaeaaa wtitfc expetacartiu iatw ia'l pr..u lu be raiaa. Oi-t bf lLfrt.abU&aikl.r M taprfU 1 tern aa.l luaclaiul lot ma ti leu etuwaae ia buab txav ' T cures! by tbui ausMUbe,aa BJupaa turllinoa y vl avau O. out antlcl Ikm bv.. tJUtmxt J m Utter rm Or. fUumU Kinmrf, f-"- tul, a. r mim 'rra yae la aeatl y-a . GDt:eu.en, H iiu icjatU it. turn fetavuui bfisp a. a itlacslal arbt 1- Oaulaaai luruva ai UH.ta, i baabbiluuaiibayib e-..m. u. . aw esiuau U a, us. alur, to Uua T uaiM.u- tbavt baa ever tuax ..01 u Olmi 1 aum I La a waltlulutiwlieurtni iataaty cav-a v Cbluiw Uaaeaaea. lu oat Caiae alert t iw us tm pa, ce nt. r. It baa IlltlUtpced be-jva.41 a.l aliatlaih vt bupe! I .- ( aav a"a-atea)te- ; iofa mt.m ... .a U tlrJ. Ili tl t aua II. taUy, UU I -V (u urlbin e. a.Setesl teysaS lu'a'iic, uiJ lao, liuui ocritiku vb.y u at a leutputary bar reuuar lea, ,ita afail unac.aau aelliett Uvtaui A rtsla- ui y,u.l . -aatt-uurU Ut u-sr lue frru.ltu ftrv.j,. A ,eaa ai.atc i aa ltcal tttmu. rnunu abar tuist me af awcuftU. t-.-Jer 'aatfLA, al ebers !j ft aa., av lb... t,rai t at.e-i tm lut ta-. . icut Uta aatttj .a, a LUAU' m aiatta t-a i- A . j.ta aaalt(au U ta. ttta.1 t4.a.U. Ka- -ay u. i"ia or aaty uibt t .c. urii g Ca.a.r lui, ittrvualf ttvluc-'- vlbiytala,bi v li -!' Iteai, el.. .. aa11 -u u-ty a.,., ui " " ii.a uaa .vl.. . y .uuaxO Cl.- bul J .ao .Jra.uj lbr,.a,cu., ttttalurf le 'tucr.y m.c j iVla,l aid 1 u- j uu oa auute (,,-ului t aatvu --u. lu u , lul urebac asu.i.a. al au. ate UC 1. 'UU a ..ti II alluau-uaea e.tly at-a.-.. Uat ,.,, lMla lu tuct.a e auil.. al yiaac. t J j.Hnnv.aKl. " b 'bb-saea.1 lu-j,.t .lease aud 11 .ui.vav.- c.tii laa.wa ca'-' " ..lut la. Im lUk l.ul tt w.cL.Oa ul taaai,i.y ' u atatU b.u C wu CJt.tsvuuaa.ltj aua - e u atu.c aaa at. . - .m ... .tctua;. II e ..l uu.abt Kit aul (M lalaUtt .ta.lltfi a.uuati ut lL... iriacl) a ut-aa e.. . but j-uitae aau t,i , ... , , r. e e ul OW. t it clal la b by lb. a.-a.jau ,,,uiu ru.u al tt yert atuiue. It at-a, pt se ttuiue. It aua Pt ilUutt. I s.i.,.lll, I llataai.M, I e tut ,, i u.s u av uci MLobuca au.a.1 nuoiUir il i-puu.u , 111K. U ccala, laat aa at.) atu.s ua. -- - 1 tlOW TO P0 IT! II ) OI lb a 6b ttad o. 1.11 u e b.u.t VV 1AbV J ' " cuaa: 11 .- 1 ' ' Ut VatU.U A. C-titW ' C 4a. k.4il C 1 tai tJ tCilaV' v. 1 Uirr-t: t:-.w ... mm Ct. aVa itiwrc la.t iajt p(,iiilai-A Avi4 UtU. m.i tiLUf i j titw r cwutt ACbi. mi t-. t t . CVVUlea LJ A Ct. Vstvi AaVCs4 U g V4ei .VWsat AavCaaU t4v . 1 1 M y-ftiC tUC'iW X- C.k-.- a4vllvf( UM UmM to-tVta. la- I " aC Aa aalW- lAa Cai . , C k t.m.t 1-AWaC 4a-Waa4al Bl u.a.e-1 AviC LU t. tkUtuCl Lf-V Cray V . . atK.vtal.1 UV C tAC. IUtiUlV tVeV, k-aCaC4At VaaUil WM IC rv AvATeV-C. O ' alCut -U HUVrbaACt i,UAiaUaA K U Ur C- ii s-i .A--.-. tcxacTt; i iBiClA. St k-Maal At f llcuU- K -wm-at Uui f 'iauaitU pet, is a -trfc. W ttvituvcrt. C ---t Mt it. tAW taU tkAi- t C VIbAAMAA - i-w-i At WsrUU frCllalaWa. 1JIC bm IL Ir a&r& MValt.V ttMClCi VHKt Um tVaaauvC . Jk.4U tk' v SIM IMIC i Cr t-its4tl4il 3trt. i, lixyj. -Wi i iMai iW trm Ul. rLtiLS t k. ic t- C-tUal .lAVaviWAV .aavJUiy I . tUt (.(ajur, Cwttlai Ja-Wkt KrSk! AaWAWA., aauAatat i AtVllMi J i.WM.LI.tMl. AC Va Ab I AV A.afa Hit at LiJAA . -A,il UMM UaVaWaV bAVAAuCu tUf t fl a taA . av4a tW tVt.4V4 t) JV'tf f'US P. JaA,Vt A ItCvltttt Cat,'). 41lL) W. LAJC isu A.. A AA fJf. tC4A- tt 4 t ' .uC J , Ul -' -ViVaaM Hit Javtt . 40 mmm A . - 1 Ua , aU-tc k - Lf - aLt j MViiCt I Lt t i i wl- AarC tUaUaA V ayur . atlv Auiu tl i utu.vria. i-.- . ; i A.. A " 1 iKHmtU a IV.MiCl Ot-t.CW J 0s. . a. a- 1 .- jktv Jiii . 4 E- J . AtCt. 1 tu ACk . au 1 , mu 4aa; -CswCA . t- I aauC i lt, tfaAASuv w til 'taW -f VAeU 4 . C-atiCf lU UifI afttUU aaVACUiCAaVsTM iakt lnurfC C IViaCut LMii at, IIUUI .ttUf rtlra IrvEU i'L)f.C-.. t 1 -. Ir wbliut i.le i iV'tA.Aabt. Ibtw U rt aCa kj - - 1 uftlifTI V'- mLmKftt iOf iUt irVtt Cau-t .aVU.wt. i . 4 CaivA tti J 4.4 CV1 ) iaU aVtbC AA.iaV.iC 4l" . - at U kftC vi ivr iaAAa CiUta4.AlA t .U A . . - 34eU4.ak.-'' i ji-U M 1 41. k 4t iu aa.ULAar li i 1 M rlt CAA 4Wiu I , 4tVabeat CU.iask.Ca-.tAi- Us ha" blU ' 1 V tv-atU tCUr, L faave itCtti UiM, , hi . CA jwrVX Lata. i.le a titttaC V i t- ' - t. 1 cwMwaitaMj 4 cv:.sU-mc iwt tm a. u . n a. 1 lilt Wi luvrU&l, m CtT,u...u Atvt mtnst , v JJeKt U4Cativ-iAa: akAAiii Uj v ia V W L J . 1 -a.- luigfAi Icuk-uc urea Svrr cwwt u . 1 Ut vn i , v iIt tlie ivt . uu Aiv Uau U Crari mt k. v. 4U t tiiCIl) Uex a. m'i I C . C. i U v , -' air Mai, aiaa itftiuiitttM ti. ittMcva I r mt.UHU 4fciV it.M,r . ' tti lo tl Ur, MCtcu it ltA-lJ t-i, .etiA. Ill i,A.aW (ylU lvihiu aAMi miMl t tu. tt :t ; Mi. jtCUCi-Ui . CoL'Atlfl 1 l.r HiOOt Cttlt Vt 4lll CJ O- fc www; i ' tiv)., rABf .. aivO Ai m: a Uaii iLaA ca kcawr UaAtft LlVttu riM navi 4Mm vlUtit t( rMiiii) i.y Miiauii) laatais rlta Vl 4dLt UithCaC I vyruMJ fhtr eJ-i t a4e iw iaau it " ihtpmm'm tmc.mA 11 " vi Li fW rt -- CtVMgkk lif UtiaM fl lift I Uiuat iiuX. tm uy tlj iitvUa. a 4vv C -riioap aiiaca umy um mrmuij aie- ill L.1C a F aat a aatuB aa.i &u4-rw mut Au urtm t flm . -vr cva 44.4 aXatfcftUtrhifcg ti tMty. c a vcruHrturtti. n lilt I EU la Waiu-field, Keb. 21 be'te Eav. Mr. X'bori.tuC. ttu.raiaciKtiiiJ .rl tlae tae. tu-o, , Or at H 11 ictft, bf I acuut ei..f a, h X , bu Maa Abba fc ta: tuna, u V al ttut abd. lu Maiubaiu.a. Hu.ctt 7, by Kev. E M Uaji.. UaCat t- VkCtbltO UeulMMte Ai. Alt! bduli Lxx.aUa 1 -e.aesl ul.UUU laea'ti. lua ul lite aj a'alli tlwu .t4 but a . u m txtu.- e 1 u.-K- O-i atir. m At idl!e Grartville, N V., Marrh . KhZ-be'b Map ea a i;e ul W,l a.u o api.a, ui im yaatcf ue atie l.timeriy ol Uaaby tt la Uutju,u,titi v, Jtta fuebe Woodward, a-d tyvyeaia J SEW A D V i lSEM ESTS. I LIBEUATIO-f NOTICli-Tfii uuj tertliy that I bave U.ta dav (l.ti, By tal ...ttea Hale tit time 1 .n.-a litt reruuibder tti b uiuuritt . aud al.ail riajau au .a at bta exutb. at. J pay it o Ucttia ul uactuxacMii alter (Lia out - citA:i.k-ai 1. bfAtbPl.NO. sjhiea-aburjr, March isol. Il-ou A VOICE FUUil THE WESl CuriAD FJOM TBI (lirtuio rLAIhPXALBa UM VEIUJ A L. UNIVERSAL, I tbe dea and for nil. S. O. ltlCllAKDO.V S SIJEUUY WINE BUTE IIS, Tlie celebrated New i ue at d Kt Btedv for HAB1I CAL oNs-f V4I TlOA.A'At D (BftVlH UlaUlLLk.HLU HI . MAC U, LI V Tu UU HuWtXt. Tbey are aaed abd rrcommebdrd be u.i. - ... . ciBbealtbe C"Ul try. ai.d ail who lr 11. . .'. uouuce lh-(n luva ual Ie Ur.JlHU L KKE wrihsa froaa X. Stark Co.. tl: - I b- tiiitrte are 1 taaaro bv rhaa r letittc trom iudigeaUoa, dyat p-la and ilver uaa- plaint. ' fc. tJ. DAVIM. I'oitma-ter at Willlnj,.port. Ohio, aa): " Ibei icfve yreat aaiulactioa. 1 ue tl em tar elf, havinf taken eo.d b-Conue provttate abd J. my appeliie. Ii relieved u. and I ran rtrcmmrLd it "itu reat aaaeauee or it. urri t '' Ur. Wm. M Kk.ttfat.ot Kjat.lla, lad , rri"a na that tbey- are tou auo-l VBiaab' auediuice off. r d Ha baa reeosaiaeuoeal t'teaa atlb great au-cesa. ei 4 w.tb Ibeua made art eral carea ol paJpltauon ol tbe liea't mum aenera' debiirty lUuMAs tIAM-UKM, Eq . Bloantv file. H'tiry Co , Ibd . ari'w a loba I Iter, utiarr oare Mar I lst Be ni'icb ieduce. Itatit been affl" led tr tbree yeara wm. arreat bereoua ablut. , pa p ion ul tbe heart ot rbe moat utere abd pra-ttat-bf character, "af'e. unua a few It ttlea I aa xai pieteiy reaoied, and am la ruhuat bealih " klKOb W. iUlHA., ai.a be a a. .Cl'ted lib rbeumati-m l"t a"1 yeara iu a! Ita ratiuu turrua, abd at lh oate ol I 1- letter be bad been ia tea aell;tb Birrrra fleciit.(t tbe rare, aben aeterai pb eaciaua ariei.diuf t iui caid do turn no gotd H ava, " t or tttruica i-ni ay.-p-ia. ver cua lab t. kidbey aflection ur drupay, it ia a apaciae certain leruedv." J. W UL'Sr wepra front De'pb-sa. A I ten Co., OblO. (a aectioa abare t'evei and Ay we preaaita ) that ha mo t cheertully recniwebda lb. tu of eiecMed merit in all ra-e t oi lever and Afitc, lyyape aa aid oeneral Uebi.i'y- U. K. OALIEUEUH. M D , Wrte from T.s W art. it., I uauet reaped fuliv recoBCtnebd tee Sherry WlotHluera to tte uot cat t dvaisrpte pel u 1.1 Abd all a bo requtra a t-tuataiBitiif tbeO vclv-B " Suck flirt ir mrt rttttvtmg Umtlf. fcll piiiixnoxi AccvMfAsr each &l li.iv. loli tj dvaitrt ts lahsLeaM gUKUj. U la