THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1861.
Gen. Pillow, whose name is rather un
pleasantly associated with a certain " ditch,"
in his call for Tenneessee troops for Jeff.
Davis army, holds out the following very
flattering inducement to Kentucky to join the
Southern Confederacy.
" They, the troops will not be required
for the defense of the Southern coast ; Ken
tucky and Virginia will be the fields of con
flict for the future."
The rebels cannot push the war farther
Berth than Kentucky, as she is a border
State, but Virginia has the slave State of
Maryland lying between her and the free
line, and she insists that the field of conflict
shall be located there. Virginia holds rela
tively the same position to Maryland that
Tennessee does to Kentucky, and she wants
Maryland for a battle-field, precisely as Gen.
Pillow wants Kentucky. Thus discourses
tbe Richmond Dispatch :
The great strategic movement for the South
in the present juncture, is the securing of
Maryland to the Confederacy. The securing
efSIaryland throws the border (the border
as to military operations) beyond the confines
ef Virginia. It opposes Maryland, as a
breastwork and a shield for Virginia, against
Vie assaults of the foe. The value of Mary
land to Virginia, in military strategy, is illus
trated by what is now transpiring at Balti
more and Annapolis. But the fact of Mary
land constituting sCfth a shield and bulwark,
imposes upon Virginia and the South the
cuty of supjwrting her with adequate forces.
So the main object of the South, and espe
cially of Virginia, " in securing Maryland to
the Confederacy," is, that she may receive
the bruises and the shock of the terrible con
flict i.ow waging, rather than Virginia. V
would be a great strategic movement for the
South to throw the military operations " be
yond the confines of Virginia." So says the
Dispatch. But by the same reasoning, would
it not be a very poor strategic movement for
Maryland to invite the conflict to her own
tordeis to make ot herself " a breast-work i
and a shield (or Virginia against the assaults I
c i
ef the foe'" Is that the blood v feast to which I
valient Virginia invites her sister State of
Maryland Virginia, the mother of Presi
dents whose every man is more than a
Grecian or Roman hero proud, ancient,
haughty, imperial, chivalrie, Virginia ; is she,
now that the hour of the conflict approaches,
so base and cowardly as to implore gallant
little Maryland, to throw herself as " a shield
and a breast-work" between her and the
foe Is that what the world has been led to
expect from Virginia ? Why, pray, should
Maryland be a shield and a breast-work for
Virginia, rather than Virginia for Maryland?
And thus it is that this insolent and arro
gant State already begins to quail before
the uplifted arm of the federal power, the
shivering and crushing effect of whose blow
will Vie felt through a!l the Southern borders.
It is but a few weeks .120 that the seces
sion papers of Virginia pompously assured
tLeir readers that the rebel army would be
safely encamped on the banks of the Hudson,
and that the terms cf peace would be dicta
ted in Faneuil Hall ! Now, like a frightened
and arrant coward, the Dispatch calls for " a
breast-work and a shield " to protect her from
the assaults of the Government she has so in
solently defied, and Maryland is politely in
vited to immolate herself for the purpose of
saving Virginia.
The Virginia rebels will soon find that no
breast-work or shield will save them from the
awful retribution which is in store for them.
The majesty, and the power of the Govern
ment will be vindicated upon her soil, and we
feel quitn sure that something more than
the spectre of the gallows of John Brown will
greet theii vision before the work taken in
band by the federal power shall be completed.
Virginia set the example of hanging traitors,
an example not unlikely to be imitated
by the Government, an i within her own
Id the meantime, we trust Maryland and
Kentucky wi!! reflect calmly before accepting
the disinterefterl proposals of the Richmond
Dispatch and (ien. Piliow.
Aspiritcd Union meet eig was held fit Middle-
town, on Satnrdnv'fcfttrnoor.. May 1Mb. 'I lie !
military ccmpany from Troy Conference Acjd
my. West Poultney, marched into the villa .rc
marched into the village about '! o'clock, and
were welcomed by a short speech fioui II Fris
bie when the meeting organized by appointing
E. Ross, Esq., Chair man.
Mr. Ross, on taking the chair, said that he
ppposed the object of the meeting was well j
vnderstood that Union men hve but one and
the same object now, and that is to sustain the
Government in vigorous and timely nviasu res
to secure obedience to the Constitution and
Lws. The time had been when men honestly
differed, and upon the subjects which have divi
ded the political parties, differed still but in
the matter of the Southern insurrection there is
but oce opinion, and that is to put it down He
believed ii to be the duty of every patriot to up
bold the Administration in speedily doing this
work, as no way is now open, except to crush
cat the rebellion by force of arms.
ileBry Clark, Esq., of foultoey, being present
wa3 then called oa, nnd addressed the meeting
cr an hour in his usual happy -tylu, though he
waa more than oidiuariiy enthusiastic, lie ep-
proved of the policy ot tne Administration in en - j
forcing a s-nbrnis-ton oti t!:e part of those who j
have taken up rro against the (lovcruo-ent- j
His appeals to the audience to susttin the Ad
ministration in this crisis were truly effective
for said he however much we may differ upon
matters proper to be discussed at a proper time,
every loyal citizen mast concede, that unless
those at the head of affairs can accomplish what
they have undertaken to do, we as a nation are
lost ruined.
The' meeting wa3 also ably addressed by
Messrs Edgerton, Ilitt and Mansfield of Poult
ney, the latter gentleman being a student of
the Academy and a member of the Military
Company and also by Rev. A. Haynes from
Boston. Mr. Ilaynes is a native of Middletown.
but for many years a resident of Massachusetts.
He spoke in high terms of the patriotism of his
adopted State, and related several interesting
incidents which had come under his observation
in raising and fitting out the troops in his State,
for the coming struggle. The meeting was
closed by an address from II. J. Ballard, Esq ,
of Poultney. Mr. Ballard made a short speech,
owing to the lateness of the hour, tut made
some of his best hits, which left tbe audience to
separate in good humor.
After the meeting was closed the fine Military
Company from the Academy occupied an hour
or more in their exercises wuich won the praise
and admiration of all. Three rousing cheers by
the multitude as they took their departure
evinced the well wishes of the people of Middle
town in their behalf, and three more by the Com
pany gave evidence that they were reciprocated.
The people of Menrlon village had a flag-raising
on Saturday afternoon. The Aug, whichjwe
learn was some fKteen feet in length, was given
to the breeze amid cheeriogs and other appro
priate and patriotic demonstrations by tne laige
gathering of people present. After which some
stirring speeches were delivered by eitizetts of
the place eliciting the hearty and loud applause
of the assemblage.
Ic the evening, among other things, a pro
cession was formed and matched through
the streets, with music, cheering at different
dwelling houses, and receiving cheers therefrom,
in return, ell conspiring to make a lively and
a good time. The gathering broke up at about
10 o'clock.
Brokk Jail. Two women, Catherine
l,-. ,..., n:. . .(..) i :i i'.i ,.,i
of Mt" Tabor' owaPe1 from t5je -ail ia ihk
ti j... i,.. : e .J,., :
l'iac i '. -
bars from the window ot the room in w
they were confined, and letting themselves to
the ground by means of a large bed-tick
which they had lengthened out and arranged
for the purpose.
The first named prisoner was confined for
assault and battery, (severely pounding a
man, about one month since,) and the other
for the crime of infanticide, committed some
two montns ago.
The window ha which they removed
previously been sawed in two, by some male
transgressor who had gone before them, and
had been fixed up in its place again by a sort
of iron withe, or band. The women man
aged to pry otf this fastening, which being
done, the bar was wrenched from its place in
the stone work, leaving sufficient space for
these "fair sex " (minus their hoops, prob
ably.) to press themselves through and escape
unperceived and unmolested.
Measures have been taken for their re
capture, but we have not learned of their be
int; caught as vet.
Patriotic. The officers and employees
of the Rutland & Burlington Rail Road have
raised a beautiful liberty pole, sixty feet in
length, over the roof of the Passenger Depot
in this village, from which the Stars and
Stripes will soon be floating. These emblems
of our country's glory have multiplied so rap
idly, of late, that one might travel all over
the North, we may almost literally say, with
out going out of sight of the 'Ted, white, and
.The venerable Dr. Beman. of Troy, on
Sunday preached a powerful sermon on the
crisia, taking strong ground in favor of'the
government in its present attitude as against
Southern rebellion and treason. Gen. Wool,
on invitation of the preacher, occupied a seat
by the side of the latter during the exercises.
Thechutch wasciowded to its utmost capaci
ty with people of all denominations, and the
exercises throughout were of the most impres
sive character. As the congregation left the
I house, the organist played the ' Star Span-
jl,d Banner " and other patriotic airs.
Pokhiy. Wc cannot publish one-tenth
part of what we ate receiving in those 'lines.
Almost every mail brings us one, two, three
or more articles of this kind, but we are com
pelled to decline the greater portion, and se
lect only the shortest and best. So we trust
none of our friends will be olTendel ir their
poetical contributions should fail to appear
in our columns.
For Fort Mosroe. We published on
Monday a dispatch from New York, stating
that letters for the Vermont Regiment can
be directed to Fortress Monroe, care of Fair
banks & Co., 18! Broadway, New YorkL
We would suggest however, that the bet
ter way would bo to send all letters and pack
ages intended for the Regiment, to the oflice
of Gen. Baxter, at Rutland, and they will be
by him forwarded to the Regiment without
delay, and without danger of their bein,
or mi.-carried.
fdiijor Anderson not Le nble to take coui
matid o! the Kentucky brigade. It has bee 1 dis
covered that the law will not allow it unless he
tcsM his commissio:; in the Uni ted States
aiiny, which the President is r-ot wiping t'tat lie
should do.
There are now two full companies enrolled
in Mnntrwdier. one under Maior F. V. Ran
dall, the recruiting officer for that 8tation,ar.d
another, a fine looking body of wa, who
style themselves the "Green Mountain Boys,?
under Mhjor W. T Burnham.
Robert) Jose.Ivn of Mississsppi, is reported
to be Jeff. Davis' private Secretary. He is
a son of Josiah Josselyn, formerly of Wood
stock, in jthis State. I
Mr. FJ P. Fletcher of Bridpoi t, who is well
posted on Milit ry matters, ami a graduate
of Norwich University, offers to 'frill any
volunteer companies in that vicinity, free of
charge. lie furthermore pledges the pay
ment of '$1000 a year to assist the families of
the company forming in his town.
Cornelius Braey, the last of the Revolu
tionary pensioners in the vicinity of Benning
ton, died in that town last Friday, at the age
of 97 years. He was a participant in the
battle of Bennington.
Co!. B. N. Hyde was al St. Johnsbury !
last we( I(, engaged in drilling recruits for the !
A fne flag, procured and railed by . the j
pupils, now floats frorrh the Vermont Kpisco i
pal Institute building at Burlington. i !
The dwelling house, sheds, &('., of A. N. I
Bryanli, in Sutton, were destroyed by fire (
May Odh. There was an insurance on the t
property of $10').
A "little daughter of G. W. Hurlbut of j
Danville, was so severely scalded, on the 4th j
inst., by jailing inlo a "kettle of hot water,
that he (lied the next day but on.- following, j
The! editor of the Lamoille Newskaler
was shown a bar of gold, in Siowe, which was
dug in that town by A. Slay ton. in 1859, awl
which weighs 21 pennyweights. It is valued
at 821, ajnd is to be worked up info jewelry
for Mr. Slayton.
Tbe Newsdealer has what it calls a big
snake story. If says two boy, passing thio
a swamp near Hyde Park village, a few days
since, discovered a large snake about 3 1-2
feet in length, and twie I around the body
of his snakeship were five smaller ones, aver
aging f'ro(n 18 to 24 inches in length; the
whole sej-med quite cro-s.
A splendid liberty pole,l20 feet high.was
raised ndarthe Old Church and Town Hou-e
in Montp'd:er Centre on Saturday.
Martin Sullivan wis a-s-Vilted ari l had
three of' his ribs broken, I y a bind O! rowdies
in Burlington on Sunday night.
The BiiKington I 'hues mention-, the ar
rival ar tjbat place lrom New Y-iik. e 11 Mon
day, of tjie Yi. 'o ine, being tie- first boat of
the season fioui that point.
We le u n from the Springfield Republi
can that G -orge Kh'ibarl. cierk in the "tost
ofliee at Bellow- 1- all-, aw! i the lortt er
route ag'Jnt ii -nv.-eii Split -I -!, M .-., an 1
Barton, Vt., was arre-'cd S.tMrday night fit
robbing the in tiis. He on!---ed taking
from a hitter, and has been field l.ir trial, bib
father be ng hi boti d man in tii-sumo' .'0o.
Charbjs G niopi. who-.- parent- formerly
of this town, now live in D-rty, has lived tor
the la-t three tears in Richmond and IVfer
burgh, Virginia. Un'o'tnu ately lor bim, in
that latitude, be was a Union man. and. with
other.-, a' si-ted Union men in avo'uing tin
secession n.ohs. This Iwcauie known to the
secessionists. One night some twentv-five
or njpre of thee reb.-l broke into bis room,
bringing with tl.em a mu-kcr and a secession
uniform, and tol I him to cnlit awl don the
uniform .of the rebels, or sutler the conse
quences, the consequences of a refusal he
knew was to hang up to the nearest tree, or
be shot.
Gay lord put them o'.l by telling them if
they would leave the mu.-ket and uniform,
in the morning it should appear all right.
In the morning the uniform and musket !
did appear all right in the bai k yird under
his window, but Gavlord didn't appear, i
He in company wi:h one or two other made ,
their way bv the shortes route to Norfj'k,
thence to Baltimore where he was arfested
as a spy. his baggage examined and he sent
back to Norfolk, there examined again and
released. He came to Baltimore and after
endeavoring for two days to leave the citv
to come North, he went to Marshal Kane to
get a pass; Kane told him he was in the
hands of the mob, and dated not grant him
a pass. This was a day or two after tl e
Massachusetts troops, were assaulted in that
Finally be succeeded in getting bv the
guards, and by walking to Havre de Grace
a distance ot' thirty-six miles, was enabled to
pursue his journey home.
On arriving at Derby, being anxious to
join the Vermont trcop--. he was advised by
Hen. Portus Baxter to join the Green Moun
tain Boys, at Montpelier. which advice he
was not: ing loth to follow, as it was the verv
town in whi. h he was born. Mr. Gavlotd
ha" united with this company, and though of
a cjuict atid gentlemanly bearing, looks a if
he was bo'h wiliing and able to man-h back
to Richmond or Norfolk and introduce the
Bovs." Vt. Wntchmnu.
1Umai:kai:i.k Puoriu cv mi Jmiv C.
Cai.HOI'N. Com. Ste.vart, "Old Iiun-idc."
publishes an account ot a comer ltion he
held Washington, in l-spj. w.th John C.
Calheti'ii, in w hi'-h that far-seeing politician
utteredla prophecy now ma le le.'i.ir',-tbi,.
bv its fulfillment. Con:. Sic wart had r
iirckcd to Mr. Calhoun that he considered
it singular that the people of the South, who
were aristocratic in their lmtion- and in thef
institutions, should adhere so closely to the
Democratic party. Mr. Calhoun replied :
"I see y ou speak through the head of a
young statesman, and from the heart of a
patriot i but you lose sight of the politician
and the! sectional policy of the people. I ad
mit your conclusions in respect to us South
rons. Th.'t we are essentially aristocratic, I
cannot deny ; but we can and do yield much
to democracy. This is our sectional poliev ;
we arc from necessity thrown upon and sol
emnly wedded to that parly, however it may
occasionally clash with our feelings, or the
conservation of our interests. It is through
alliliation with that party in the middle and
western States that vve hold power ; but
when we cease thus to control this nation
through a disjointed democraoy, or any ma
terial obst.icle in that party whi- h shall tend
to throw us out ol that rule and control, vt
shal.' then resort lo a dissolution of the I'niint.
The compromises in the Constitution, under
the circumstances, were sulli icnt for our fa
thers; but under the altered condition of our
country 'iron, that period, they leave to the
South no resource but dissolution ; tor no
amendments to tic Constitution could re
reached through
tiiid-r tin-;.-
a convention
'-OUl III 1 -ll'e.
of the people
From tht Vrovidence Journal.
Try tre murterinjr tbey r marching !
How tbeir onward trmmpiDf rolls !
They arc coming, comlDR. eomlDg !
A hundred thousand toalt!
From the (ranit hilln the seuide,
In olid rank! like wall
A nundrel ra-n to take tne place
Of ercry man that lalli.
Rk'ht on aro the mMuight
Right onward, Mern and proud
Their red na gaining aa they eome,
Like miming on a cloud.
U.ttil'lnn on battallion.
The Vet it bravery ponrn.
For the colors God own hand bat et,
In tbe buhe at tbeir doors '
In tli" woods ajd in the clearings.
The lover. bfotbem. on.
The you 11 mwi and tbe old men
A re shouldering tbeir gum.
Tbey have heard tbe buftt blowing
Heard the thunder cl tbe drum,
And tart tier than the eye can see
They come, and come, and come!
Alice Caukt.
From Fori .Ifoaror.
Commandant Dimmiek is strengthing the
landside of- Fort Monroe, Ly mounting 10
inch Columbiads, lnrtttr, which are to be
protected by sand-bag entrenchments. They
were fifing the bags in large numbers on
Tuesday. About one hundred men were at
work in the forge thop, preparing for mount
ing guns. It requires three hundred men to
do guard duty at once, the fort being abou.
one mile in circumference. A very large
garrison is therefore nece: sary to nroperly
mount guard and relieve. The ditch around
the larel hide is neventy-fi ve feet wide, and at
high tide contains ten leet of water. The
biggnn 'Bomain,' formerly called the 'Floyd
is mounted to sweep the bay. It weighs 2-
tons, takes forty pounds of powder to charge,
and throws a shot or shell five miles.
The narrow neck of lar d which connects
the fort with the village of Hampton is to be
cut through, so as to allow the tide to have a
natural channel way. This will add materi
ally to the natural defences of the place.
The secession tlag waves oer Hampton, in
plain si.ht of the United Stat s garrison, and
strong cavalry guard of Virginians con
fronts the United Mates pickets at the draw
bridge. They are laterally face to face with
each other.
The 'taker City is doing good service in
bl kading, is very lively: overtaking every
thing she se--s. -So ne thirty Mirili rait have
been se-zed and are l ng urder the guns of
the fo-t. Captain Miles of the rebel s- hoon
er, lately cao'ured with the -fun carriages
aboatd. is a pri-oiier on the Cumberland.
The steam-tug Y u kee, of two gun-:, war
s-;i to reconnoitre near tic mouth of the
. I lines' river, arid was fired at trotil dimming'-
Point, where the e-.cmi -ts have a
heavy Lattery planted. The shell j assed
over the steamer, a'-d she imirediately
soug:it shelter under the gun - of the Cutu
i erl irel. This ("iri mings Point bat'erv is
on tie-.James nver si'ie, south west from the
fort, and a' a d stance 01 only five miles.
The tent-of the forces now line tie; whole
Oj tik : the river, and can be di-tin-lv seen
from the ramparts of Fo. t Monro-. Thev
have iji-.o!in ler gutis in their battery, and
appear to be constantly strengthing t'.eir po
sition. A letter from one of th- Ma-sa diusetn
men in Jrort Monroe, sav- thev t-e! secure
against any attack, but are suffering from
want ot fresh provisions and vegetables.
Living utKjn salt meat is already producing
a bad il. ct, and several are in the ho-pital
with sore mouths and lever, though ione are
very sick.
A correspondeM of the N. V. Tribune, in
a letter dated "Oif Old Point Ccmlort, May
Tth," wrius a- follows concerning Fort ret
.Monroe :
Ai this is likely to b;come the scene of ac
tive operations, not less than from the fact
that it is the key to Virginia. Fortress Mod
roe looms up in importance. Ut its condition
and strength. I -hall take an early occasion
to speak at length. For the present, I wiil
corit-nt myself by remarking that the rebels
need not flatter themselves that they will
ever be the possessors of it, only as it "is vol
untarily surrendered into t acir" hand-, which
will never be except by the Government.
The Fortresi is ready, and is commanded by
the right man. Let the country be entirely
at rest on that j oint. Col. Dimmit k is the
man for the place, and the Fortrt-s is the
place for the man
; Ax Ixcidkxt of Like at thk Fort.
A company enlisted for permanent service
arsived at one of the forts in the harbor, a
; day or two since. The captain had till his
: men that they would probaby find many
! broadcloth soldiers, and of course need not
i look for any especial favors; but i.everthc
less they should, in any event, treat every
one respectfully, make the best ot circam
' stances, and strive to have everything kept
j in as quiet and comfortable state'as possible.
! The new company were met by the 'firw.i
; i In'!' soldiers at the landing iu regular miii
: tary array escorted to the fort with all o'ne
ceremony, and stacked their arm-s. There
upon the 'broadcloth disappeared, and some
what to the wonderment of the new arrivals.
I iie mystery wa.s scou explained by the ap
pearancij of their baggage in its multiform
variety of trunk, boxes, barrels tf flour.
, beds, iV-., a once the "woo l of Dan inane,')
bestowed upon the head. s!irulders and
b,i-ks of tie 'broodcloth' into their quarters
.Judge V. mar. bed in among be !or--
: most, "arm rever-ed," he being omhr a
; nice large bed. Thus-the baggage and f
fectsof the new comers were, to the smallest
; ittms, deposited in their quarters, a-'most be
fore they had fullv ceased inquiry for the ab-
..r .1. . .!... ll.i, r-i
snee oi me orovicioin. i ne captain, a
vetern of the Mexican war, burst into tears.
Huston Jimrnql.
Aiiit;on to thk "81 ak Si ax,l:d
Banxkk!" lr. Holmes has writte i the lu
lowing addditional verse for our National
Union Song :
Wh-ii our lard i illumine! with liberty smile.
If a toe from itlmi strike a blow at her plort.
Down, ilim ii with the traiU-r that dares to defile
1 li Uim of her utars and the pji of her lory !
by the millions unchained who our birthright I' live
We will keep her bright blazon forever unstained'
And Hi Mar rjanpled Hacner ill triumph t-hali
iijic iu inuti ui me tree is tue uouie or me lrava
Maisvland. Gov. Hicks has issued a
proclamation lor a special election to beheld
on the l.f;h of June, for the election of Rep
resentatives to the extra session of Congress.
The New York t'otiiiiierji.tl is a-uieJ
011 c(ii pe' nt imthori'v that (e'i . St-jtt knows
every i:.iv. :: i : of ':is iicu y. an ! tin j t itic.n
mi m r.e r . 1 tb:iri'-t r n' h troci.-
The Plan or the Tkaitok. Th
scheme cf oligarchy was to have attacked this
city sometime between daybreak of the lth
and daybreak of the 21st of April ultimo
peen leu to believe th?t the ir-
ginia ordinance of secession would have been
pushed through, the Convention a few davs
was accomplished, (on the 18th.)
e troops of that State would f.av,
been ab e to take asbington hv furprisc I
tween the
laies we nameci aiove. 1 ne se- . .eri n .- ; 01 1 ; ;... . re ; j!rt:ers asi'l jt
Conventifin that was assembled I pe.- wbielt :i . tj-e imp:j!ct' in r-.
cret outsidi
by the lisuriion Convention in Richmond on qu-t tdeir vi 'imv t, charge to tMf bank
the 1 7th uljiino, was called to ail the st heme. ; rupt cctf-rn, the e.tLei 1 on'f ht .) , nl
and the rai 1 on Harper's Fcrrv was the tnd j pertormed Hianv t'e-r r. r-; ) at-.
of aiding H also, That was contrived and
carried out wholly by di-uuion revolutioinry
means; tin (iovernor (Ietiher) having d;-
dined to or h;r it, or the raid oti tbe Govern-
merit property ("the Navy Yard, U:) in and
near onoiif.
The residnation of a large num!er of armv
and Navy
Officers between the 18th and 21st
of April, in
tfxly was doubtless also planned
to embarra
s the Government just previous
to the con if
mpiate attack on tbe l ederal j then wound up :he j l-y g !u xe.-ti-Tiie
constiiiators had no idea I tiv s io t. at'.-r the t:. :!e- Senate,
that the
tovertimerit would prove, uvre
prompt ate
t'lucient in tiieir measures 01 le
feuse than
ie- m tneiisof attack. l -
..... I l- I
tmj'oii Star
Miy tit It.
. . -
KK THK Tl'.AIInRH Fkki Uh.v.
pciiu'ii ol wiioiesale luanufac-
Thk St
'1 he last
ture of fa Is.
h Xd-- for the con-iimntion of
dupes of th
traitor lead-r-. we fi: d in the
lUourier :
T'assengl-rs ilire t from N- w York repp
sent the coidjtio.'i of tilings in that citv as
one of gre
confusion and tending to anar-
chv. Mob
jaw is tri.imphati'. and Southern
men, or fLoJ-e known 10 M'tnpathiise with the
South, are
In constant danger of their lives.
igiiditee c
rnmitfees visit the houses of' the
wealthy, aii
' everv jnao is Jjeau'lv ase'sed
bribe sup'jort of families of' those, who have
tiieir services to the a-lmimstra-
siients of S-.i.ooo. :i.t) atid
tion. Ass
2.0o0 on J
krge bouses are s.n f to ! verv
TI e mer
lightest he
cleani' g oi
ready have
Three rn
hints who refuse, or luake the
itation are threatened with the
of their -tore., and several al -
leen emt.tied f-Vlbe Il.ob.
.. ere -t up:i in Flo
:t 11
tel, New Yi)rk, and two killed ir..
ith the South.
s are packing off then clerk-,
1 that several laige manufa- 'o-
am! it i- s
ries have b
the oerati
!i -'Oppe'l wi'li a v;i-w ot tof log
es into the r. it, t ot the volunteer
sol'I:erv. tut
profit iet'-r- promising j,av
-ai I! e. t-i tljeif tlLJiiie- U t. ' i '.
1 iiO-e Wi.o io Iiol rii-peli f
their I- g o I
their r.-i uri
Stars and
visite 1 by
a iiioo it t!.
We b ar
tibia, that 'j
rioe- :;oi:i their windows are
comiiie , and ibn-a'cr-cd njtu
omplv w-jtii th- ir ;v-
from a passenger from 1'hila !;-
ne 'lav 1,.; -a-,-.- ,,r Havri: iJ"
Grace. tLrrfe of ti.e Northern volunteer wLj
were marcied from the North refu-,--! to go
any furtbef, a igning a- a rea-ou thaf they
did not voibiifecr to go ii.to a war oi' inva
sion upon the South. An -!.- t-r who was
standing by instantly u' aiid hacked two ot
them to let es. A third, why t-Xjk the tame
ground, gave vent to similar expression for
the Union, cut hi- own thro 'it from ear to
ear. ratb.-rjthan a.l jw biius. lt' to be. Li cked
to pieces.
lINMsl-ll. AM
tiap-rs ot the th insj..
StAtf -. Nashviiir
contaiii the military lea.-ue. l-tween Com-nii-ionerst-.pjoitited
bv iov. Hat ris of" It nn..
and the Confederate States. Tiie Iea"ue
wa entered inio as ; rer.ar atorv to admission
.i .. i , ,
into the Confederacy, and stitiulafes that the
whole military fbn e ol Term . in the imiK-nd
ing conllief with the U. S. shall be under the
chief COIl trill atid direction l A' the Prr.Mil.-rit
I of the Coiiederacv, and Term., upon b"ccm-
mg a icemiMT of" the Cotife ler.v y, shall turn
over all pji'li- property. Naval store, and
munitions of war ao-uired to the Confedera
cy. Also that all exjense inc jried shall be
assumed by fi e Confederacy.
Ibe 1-gislatnre ra'ified. and the Governor
signed the league, thus committing leti-
nessee to armed rebellion.
Circumstances Lave male Washington the
cniei locus oi ire military jiower e.I the t jov-
eminent thus far, and it i probable the tir-t
operations in the tiej.f will emanate from that
centre. t A e are intonm-d that the Rhod
Island artillery atid Col. Ellsworth's Zounes
will proceed to Alexandria in Virgini i to
day, iind take possession of" the custom Lou-e.
Harper's Ferry Armory (of which a valua
ble portion still remain-.) may be occupied
next. The Norfolk Navy Yard will be de
nianded, and, if refused, retak- ti. The James
River ami Chesapeake Bay will be thorough
ly hloekadj-d tiiat J.ro -e-.s ir, lie extended
down the. 1 oa-f as rapidly as po-sibl.-. Or;
the We-tl, Cairo i- to be made the ba-e of
operatiui. to give fieri. Pillow a recepti, :i
:jcs there, or perhaps te anticipate t
i.y taking po--e--iou of Memphis. ;.
lonriiii '.
Me::. phi,
r fill- es (
'I he i i i
I teii ;
y,u yi u
the tin . r-
ti ".Its o t :
X i l a 1 1: s
- tre.-. ' 1
Ml-MIlii- ACI
I! cr'i , . t'.-.' t . .IT'
i-i .,': 1 w
u t-
, I..
ct :r;
em v
w ii.v.,- ti.-. r.
c u "l h .ve !
nag - hi. h r. w
i I
tie r
: p .'.'i-re. a .d -ti :h; Ls i.c- i,n
r .ni.dwerc'.i-f . f-.ru a I p..r s
uld have t'o d fih uity in
se.ite l in the Ml cue n- ot !!.
i ei.r'1 w ivin- t:
Ot l!e- I in', hi i
iievirg bon d i
Aiiiericitii i-t-o -it- tht
riojs old flag is."
The statJ ot iifTair in Memphis i descnVd
us horrihie In the tx'reiae. Tne whole city i
u tiie liar, cl.s of a mob. many of whom art- t orn
l.oscd i f the lowest mat-rials in the se ttle of
humanity .'j tne slavtholJ-r wi ordered to
leave in twdnlv four hours becao-e he refuse'! to
tuke the ira
torous oath.
Thk Pi'KATKS Fn hi.. The Southern
piraies mride great calculations upon cap
turing the Isthmus tcamers with trea-ure
from California. They presumed upoa tak
ing fome of them btftore they were fitted
out properly for their lefene. The North
ern Ugbt, with S"'.it,jo', has arrived sate at
New York, Hereafter the steamers wiil be
able to t ike care of th'-m-elves against
tronger ai med vese! that; th" jiiratcs will
be likely I 1 secure in their service.
Ml:. V1, of this place, was -urcd ot an
annoj ing !icharge from the ear, of long
standing, t y Lisiov, of the "Albany
General I.firniiry." On the Doctor's las'
visit fo H i land, Mr. o 1 called t ep- e-s
his great .i'i-l'a aioi. ' "'! .-r, . a- 'u.- I, v
bcel; treat. 1 lit !-! r i.l.v- -
Thk kw Yokk Zocavkh at thk Cap
ua I.. The Philadelphia Press li:,s racy
a'-couot of ti e doing of the NVw York Zo'J
avesit Washircg'oii :
" The New York Zouave, under command
of Col. K'U wf.r'h of I'ino's. have treated
gO'jil deai oil on-teri!at on in tni vi'v ot Mag-
liifieei;t li-T,tliee T'li- y j -I' d tOlln
of tel. ev:,ei v... HU 1 V-in- flglit, fun
-iti'1 lio i . ' i . : .ve brK-n lu'u tavct ns.
) I hey now o-it.y t'.- te,t ball tl
j of R p,e iiM'iti-.. tio.t' w.' i- h )- 1
j ci ati- pre.te. .--. t N-"iv Y('
I regimen-, te-ire i eic-. L-i.ter the
i storm f Fij ia i, f Scur'l.iv ; !
l rain
in or-
o-r nor 1., I.- t i.iu.i tie- r
tr-erita:!veii cf
ilje ,.-,;, t.'j.-v ie.erd.n
4 imo-i'vi-ed a
! e--. - -akT,
t il'O !": -e-MOB,
j House ,? R. pr . f.t.,-ies. ,.
, ch-rk an ot er ollie. r
j dissolved tl,e I"rii.e nei N-.-on-'r- t- d it. and
J ami. in otedl-nee to the xaicpie if S trtf T
1 la-'m ti' irgir.i... o:i!. re.i t:i- g-l'-i , s t- be
t c!ea:-l. v-hcli it..
I ! l
l.otlj-. 'ha j :'t i,'. tie- '.u-ldirg tta- then
j . up e-i i -ou.e -f I ..-ir lire.i ,ii:i ej.iiig
! ' oinpai.ioii. , -.-rkii.g a few ! oi-r-' r '. "After
j wtlKi'-g tie- patap.-'- ;..- - ai-"ol. rill- on
; '''Ould-T. Jeajiing tn e . kn- - km dowi; s. n-
j ' '"el- tin mug as;-i - ir.d -i-t.- oi..-s. Lai.g-
ih ' ii- nwH'-i- t'otu ! .- -! ;..-. rl,usr. two
i I ;n:dr.-d f- t .- ti - r',- fir: . . ;:i-tb. to
evei j ho-iy - horror tbey l-i.- i.e.-i, brought
: "! with a route! tarr l-v un !d gei.tietnat" at
"l-r end ! t-,e v.-inu--. named Winfn 1 1
j S of. -peaking iir..ugli a q Vi v.-uii-mxu ti
I fnr.- ot ft,; eqc at. .Mafor Mellow-J. ( . S.
A. 'I he 'Vvtw-uf-r. ' ' 'our 'ime. t,e-- i,r--
i turned fir-men f-
fire- a- r-.
rlferefi' !-a
j sh'ited pvrl:,'-. , j
' ne." a s-
peat-, nave -at n-- r, ci. mi
: dy or-fer reigns in War.- a-.
t. ,. at. f ij
Vhat n.ig.'.ty
uiagi t, - j r.lu -eJ th.- tiai.g
w -an
f k(!OW. t Uf I SUsti. I t 'I.e., Jiave bee
I a st'-ani'--.t ti ; .oilie p!e-4-int
.V e
I ncr to Jiount
i e'f:on. wnti
any -'ci.
:r l.tia-t.t -.
a -.i": t
A', xai.-:
!" i- a- f -
A., : .m -h
G- , S
i. Was: j-
! tion-.that ti ;
: tbe KJl i. .- !
l ow t;.i. ! .
I !-
Hi m:v
ii t.i -i
Sena-. 3
1 1 a i I .
(.1 'V I I v Civ
-t 'i i;V.- !!
t :.. :-'.-.. H-
tl,e (,
! . -v ( .
."I - 'V.
.'. "I I
i w ;, r
.i a i . .
tins 'a.-
-J ,
there, wha a -. i
t!.e H-' Tl. !!! f:t .:" i; :'-
i.ot to propaga'e i it'i:' -. .'.
tlio-;g'i I !:;- lit.
said vi'ht.o h -ig- "i ex.-:'e
- i ILU'I -.1
r-.'xi to
a a -
to ptO'ag'te '--'.'.- r.i tie terri'O" -e tLut
a-. qui rel from Mexi. o. 1: would be a -
in w hi- h we should hare r.o m n .patLh .-. :.c
goo-! wi-hes in v.!,;. h al! mankind weu! 3
a.ainst u in hicb cur on hieforj r-eii
would 1- against u- : for. 1'rot-i the ccmoieti. e.
ue-fit ot the Revo3ii:ioti down to the j r m r.
ti ' . We have i;.'at.liv repriii. Led ' -r
-. - i - .- .
ij: it i-ri at. -stor-Vi-rv
itito 'hi- -,
'llll Mll.II.VllV ilK-lll !: j . ,, -J..;
Nrih. Alreadv tiiirtv thou-and ice's -
.one torwr 1 Ir
Uuls' to
-cj- of
war. and y.-t they
we only hear of
. not r:i'--. d.
'heir individual
through tte-ir friend makin-j
mention r:, tin ta :. -u..h a
OtJ.e i . u-a
I red' go:...
with the
..-V.-I.-I.." Of
15 re-ad w.f.
Ot.- :
""(lav. ar-r.'i-.
undiminished pjeamt elating row l- of m-I.
a w.JI a- women. 1 Le same i- true ot th.-I-ading
thoroughfare- o;'Bo:o-. Aibxriv i
Piiiiadeiphi , : anl .-ii
in'jre. or twice ti.,
iiU:n!M-r. w.
- to
no t..
from the North, t
til de diminution c
y WlCi, e.s
our poptlsTior. al
a:.. tc-e wemi j . ae no
ord-n.irv bu.-irie--.ot .
ltii-iiuction ot ihe
-ry dv' ; This
leinotirate- i;
I)i-J!J- i!lt sleai
in ; on a g: .
Ill-hes inid.-ni :
quire the wo;,
"ion. a-vi in a--"
.1 JrflWett'Jl
-Ojrces We
f-gree 4.,,
have i.ji ,
:-so.I, an-! :
"!; : u:.i .
I to
i, -;.)
: - t i i
h-ar .,
M'd it
S. :;,:
sa.-.d :
-n cau
for a
lev. :
on. v
r C
A"-A t
M- JINX! "
ts 1 b
pa- d Ui-
to j .
'J!., r-Leg!-
p.- ti !hat
ti- T.
i n:
epl l.'l tl ' I 1 '.
I r : , . ..
i V. e
n 1
.? ":i-.e. T! r I.. . - .
hfg lor ';.) ."e. to-j-. -. '
.'.unit (nil' : 'J,'.!.' ' .
f.l-V 1 , I ii
appreipj iatit
aii'i :. ti'.V 1 0!i.:it;Onally . ii: 1 . fai . ' ; -
se,u-h. in e-on'ed-ra y . The I'f.ie-'i : i i:
not pive ut. the on'est, I ut triet in. ::.
lion at Na-hvile gnd. and ti'iminafed for . -ernor
the ptest i.t Lu-ut . (iov. ruor, U ri 1!
Catupbt-U. Iiiii. ron I-tluridge and ii "'a
Mavnard t.arti. inated in tbe- i-cn i.-nu ..1;.
1'V refiaired from p..ittir? forth ai .
p-eion 01 II- jirii.-!pl(-. .V l. UlO'i
Known as S-piire Nichols was bung f t
cession mo:-, at on.- of the railroad t-tal;
the Loui-ville toi l, one dav la-t wli.
1 1
The Burlington Fife Press ty that K-i
Win. A. Miliar, fjiiiicriv o: t'-iat place, av!
afterward oi Clili h-ston. S. C. b-i ; 1 ; 1
ii-riiii c-1 regi.jn. IR- Jet-tii! t-J in Sviai." ;
l lt week, ate! i tiiat tt.e con !;tioti I '
er.tire St.i' t t N-oth Caro!,ii -.t, a " r '
anarchy an-1 t tei.u-ion wid t.u: -,.v aw , - . -der.
iind that "ioi.. own pvrio'i- t . '
burned tor uit.-nM-,., j.e w .ts ..uip. , .-i .
-c;.; t - .-.er v w.jid. JJe ,-. ';., : i
01 April. :i.e t.igi." H'.ur the iejrn nl ,' !
W. -! .-.t
i. pi...