Newspaper Page Text
THE RUTLAND WEEKLY HERALD THURSDAY MAY 1G 1861. ii n it Faine, Ailen, Pond & Co. O0TS AND SHOES. PAINE & CO. have now returned from market, and hav a band a large atcea of roods in their line. Con futing of 8,(,00 worth of BOOTS AND SHOES, Of a!) kinds, and Spring Styles, which will bo mW nr CASH at prices that the people will fay one to nether: Paine & Co'a. is the plftoe to boy yoar Boots and shoes. P. S. Call and satisfy yourselves. Cramton fc Nichols' Blook. April 1861. pLO THING CLOTHING! A large Stock of iien's and Bovs' Clothing, just rteeired, waich war, bought lor Cash at PANIC PRICES! and will be eoloi -at prices that will sell them, by PALNE fc CO. H AT AND CAPS! PAINE it CO.. have now on hand all the new nd deair ble Spring Styles of -SOF ft FRENCH HATS, MEN'S AND BOYS' CAPS, INFANT8' CAPS, CHILDRENS' CAPS, &c. 8' Mb a variety of Styles that they cannot help bat mil who call en PAINE & CO. ' C ILK HATS ! SILK HATS! ! ".'Styles of Silk ilats, which lor beauty, quality and .'"prweeanKOt be beat. P.S. Call and see. c APS! CAPS!! CAPS!! All kinds made to order by PAINE fc CO. LADIES' TRUNKS of all kinds, the largest stock this side ol New York or Boston, G ENTS FURNISHING GOODS . large stock on hand, and selling at prices to suit the times. PAINE & CO. Rutland, April 10th. 1861. 15-tl Miscellaneous. JTWOOD, RUGGLES & CO. NO 1, CKAMToN & NICHOLS' BLOCK, . Dealers in HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, How offer a large and more complete assortmen Hum ever before ana at prioes as low as can be had in the cities. Consisting of Rich and common Fur niture, suitable for the DRAWING ROOM AND PARLOR, KITCHEN, CHAMBER AND OFFICE, Sofa. Divans, Tete-a-tetes, Lounges, Secretaries, Kxtentinu, Centre and Toilet Tables, Com mon and Side What Nots. Bureaus, Chamber Sets, common to the best Mahogany or Black Walnut. MAHOGANY. BLACK WALNUT, CANE AND WOOD CHAIRS, All "rides and kinds oi C A K P E T S ! Floor Oil Cloth. Felt and Drugget Cloth. Straw andCoooa Matting, Velvet, Lambs Wool Mats. MATTRESSES AND SPRING BEDS Oi our own manufacture CROCKERY. GLASS AND STONE WAKE. COFFINS oonstantlv in readiness, from the more oetly to a common article. Orders solicited for UPHOLSTERY AND MATTRESS WORK, And for repairs of Furniture at our Store. OVAL AND SQUARE FRAMES For lietures furnished on call at our Repair Rooms adjoining the Store. MOSK8 Curtis, IimroAtwood. Damclmihw. G. C Kugolks. Rutland, Dec. 4, 1860. 49-tf B read: b IS THE READ!! L IFE ! S T A F F O F Who ean pass through life without a good staff, and bow can vou expect a good staff without good amaterialto manufacture irom ' You will hud the utter ial at H.O. PERKIN'S COMMISSION STORE, MERCHANTS' RO'.V. RUTLAND, VT. Flour, Corn Meal, Rye Meal, Oats, Rye and Corn, ground together in proper proportions tor feed. (Brabant Flour, Buckwheat Flour, &c, all warranted f the Best quality in the market, and at the Lowkht Pbicis, wi.l be sold in large oi small quantities, to ait the purchaser. CASH paid for Corn, Rye. Oats, Buckwheat, and Pop Corn, and it you want your HoUSKIOVERED Willi SLATE, at will Is- done to order, and iu good sty! Rutland, Ftb. 20, lSttl. b-tl MASON & CHENEY, HAVE just received a largo assortment ofNEU Gt)ODS consisting of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, ('ROCKERY, HARDWARE, BOOTS SHOES, &c. Our stock of Goods is now much larger than we ave ever kept lietore, and we are determined to ell as LOW AS TUK LOWEST ! (CTl'letse call and examine. OORkTTlOUK AND LARD, at 1 MASON k CUENEY'8. IN J ICE PICKLES, all readv for use at MASON k CUENEY'S. VO. 1 MACKEREL, by pound or iu Kitts, SAL- A ' MON (k CODFISH, at MASON' k CHENEY S. M EAL FOR FEED, Et MASON k CHENEY S g-OOD QUALITY OK" LADIES' SLIPS, for 50 v eeuis per pair, .i:t Main Street, Rutland MASON Feb. 11 & CHENEYS. 7-tf H A I R O R N A M E N T S Alter an acouaintance nf six vears. during which time we have had manv thousand articles braided by the party tlat NOW braids our Hair oriiiuneut-, we aro eatislied thnt in ev-ry iiititaiue we get the IDENTICAL HA IK THA T IS FUUN1MIED. And in addi:ion to our fo-mer samples, we are now able to t how some ol the finest designs in ORNAMENTAL HAIR WORK, which, besides being valuable keepsakes, are much prised lor their Artistic merit. Uy this mode we can arrange the shortest Infant Hair. Call and see the 4H0 different ratterns at the Watch, Jkwkluy and Silvku-wahe Store ol b;n k. chase Rutland, April 4, lStil 14 tf choice LATE STYLES' GOODS ! LOW PRICES! voa. " r tx Miss Pkjjrield has just returned from New York With a full assortment of MILLINERY. BONNETS, MISSES AND IN A N TS' HA TS, D US TEH S, MA A' Tl L LA S, CLOAKS, a-c, $rr, 4f. Kept constantly on band and made to order. Clarks' Itlock, Corner of Merchant' Row and West St.. Rutland, Vt April 18. 1S61 16 tf "VTEW GOODS. Now readj, full J. d complete stock ot SPRING MILLINERY GOODS, .Embracing all the novelties of the season, and offer ed at prieeB 1f suit the tinns. Also, the Willcox Gibbs' Skwiiw Wachik, the cIieiH st, nioet reliable, und bett machine? fur lamily ue; nrvt gt m! cf oniet An tiir.'y call fs so'lfited J. Ii. BA RNFS. Billings & Chaplin. N EW FIRM ! NEW GOODS ! ! ThA anWi-ihxm havinar Durohased the ,v r Goods, formerly belonging to Union -tore Dlr, if$, take pleasure in announcingtotbfl(tlzellB f Rutland and vicinity, that they have Jvut received a large and weu seieoiea sioca i FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Embracing an assortment ot Spring and Summer styles of TJeLaines, Challies, Alpacas, Magenta, Mixtures and Worsted Uoods ol all descriptions; Mer riinac, Wamsutta, Chiuopeeand Manches ter Prints, Bleached and Brown Cott ons, Tickings and Denims, and a good assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, Also a large supply of TEAS SUGARS, FLOUR, BUTTER, CHEESE, l'ork, Lard, Foreign Fruits, Old Java and Rio Col fees, Codfish, Herring Mackerel, Nob 1 ana 2, in kilts or barrels. American Hardware, Table Cutl ry, Boston Nails, Shovels, Hoes, Manure Forks, Crockery, Glass, Stone and Wooden Ware, Paints, Linseed, Kerosene and Whale Oils, Varnuih, Japan, Turpentine, Cani phene and Burning Fluid. Also, nice lot of Herds' Grabs and Clover Seed, and in lact everything which comprises a COMPLETE STOCK OF GOODS. Our Kerosene Oil we will warrant to be as good as any in market, We would say to purchasers, tliat our Goods blve been bought lor cash, and at suoh a reduced rate as to enable us to sell them as low as can be bought in Rutland. Please give us a call. B. riu,iM). Jr. G. W. Chatlik, Jr. l-tf Head of Washington St., Kutiand, Vt NOVA SCOTIA PLASTER at 89 00 per ton, at H tf BILLINGS k CHAPLIN S Chester Kingsley. O L D II E D S TO R E ! ! itOO BAKU ELS FLOUR. aOO BARRELS POTATOES. SO BAKKF.LS ONIONS. iO BARBELS SUGAR BAKU ELS VERMONT PORK. SO BARRELS APPLES. HO BARRELS DRIED APPLES. IO BARRELS CIDER VINEGAR. 3U BARRELS HERRING IOOO I'OUNDS CODHSH IOO K ITS MAKEREL. V8.5 CI' EST TEAS. J3 TUBS SHAKER APPLE SAUCE. For MY at CHESTER KINGSLEY'S. H m. U. Mussey. fUE 1st VT. REGT HAS LEFT JL AMI W . Ii . M U S S K V lias returned Ironi market with a well selected a tortment oi GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Which he has bought lor each, and is prepared to sell as low as the iowe-t lios'T fail to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. He has nice Prunes in boxes and cartoons, new Figs in drums and cjrtoous, Dates by the Irail or pound, Khtan Broom for Stables, Layer Raisins, box or pound. Babbitt's Potash in cans, Silver Gloss Starch, pound papers, Billy Bowlegs' Tobacco, for smoking. Corn Starch, Broma, Maizena, Cocoa, Chocolate, and a full assortment of PICKLES, SPICES. EXTRACTS, FRUITS. CON FECTIONERY, &c, 4c. (lark & llrothers. W ATCHES AND JEWELRY ! CLARK Ht BROTHERS, With pleasure now inform you that they have just moved into their New and large Store in Clark's New Block, Corner of West Street and Merchants' Row. Rutland. Vt., where they have a large assort ment of AMERICAN WATCHES, madt to their own order, and perfect timekeepers. ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES of every grade, from 3.00 to SluO.00. HUNTING FULL JEWELLED LEVERS. Irom feii.00 to 850.00. FINE .GOLD WATCHES FOR LADIES. JEWELRY of rich and beautiful patterns, em bracing every style and quality. SILVER SPOONS. FORKS, PIK, BUTTER and FRUIT KNIVES. CHILDREN'S MUGS and CUPS, SALT CELLARS, fcc. SILVER PLATED WARE, A lare assortment ol Castors. Cake and Card Ba kets, Goblets. Pitohers, Full Tea Setts of the latest and most beautiful designs. Knives and Forks, Ladles of all sizes, Pie and Fruit Knives, with many articles not mentioned. CLOCKS of every description. Thirty hour. Eight day and Thirty day Clocks from 60 cents to 25,00 TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, A large assortment Ivory Handled Breakfast, Din ner and lea Knives; also common Sets Knives and Forks. Rifles. Revolvers, and Single Pistols, Powder Flasks, Shot Touches, Caps, &c. FISHING TACKLE OF ALL KISDS. With an endltfs variety of Ladies and Gents F A N V Y G O O D S And Childruns Toys and presents for the Hoilidays. And last, but not least, 2000 PAIRS SPECTACLES, Of Gold, Silver, Meel and Plated bovrs with the best Scotch Pi ble or the cheapest glass. We shall keep constantly on hand lor resetting iu old bows Periscopic Concave and Convex eyes. All the abovegoods wire bought for Cash and will be soi l lower tliiin the same can be bought in New York or Boston. REPAIRING. -Watches of all kinds, Clocks alid Jewelry repaired in thf best manner ami at our usual low prices. I H.G.Clakk, A. W. Clakc, N.Clai:k. fce-. 12, 110. 50 EAUOM KTKRS AND THKRMOM Iv I ERS. Clakk k BuoTHKRP) have just received another lot of ANEROID BAROMETERS. Sure indicators ol the approaching weather, and very convenient Icr laimers and others who H ih to know in advance what the weather will Le. ANo. SIX DOZEN THi:RMOMETEI,S. t'tAKKS' lil.ot K. Rutland. Mnrck 4, lsi;l M-jf II A I I! .1 i: W E L CLARK & BROTiilCfiS are prepared to braid and Goid mount Ladies' and Gents Neck, or Vest Chains, l'in. Bracelets, Rings. Sleeve Buttons. Studs, Charms, Ear Rings or any other articles required. All toue in t he neate.-t manner on short notice, and at very low prices, at New Store, in I'lakkb' Block, Rutland. Vt. March 4, 14GI. 10 tf E V O L U T I O N AMONG THE CLOCKS ! CLARK & BROTHERS, Have on exhibition and for sale TWO CASES CLOCKS, that run without friction and i equire no oil, and warranted to keep accurate time for 25 years without repairs or cleaning. Also, this day received another large invoice of Rich Jewelry and Silver Plated Ware. AT iniEIR NEW STORE, Clarks' Block. Rutland, Jan. 7, 1S01 2tf GJ fVRDEN TOOLS, fort-ale by BARRETT k SON. "iMiMwvErr'FLmvs BAKkKTT k. SOV BRISTOL for sale by Rutland, April 10, ISO ' lj tt Vt'HlTE AND TROUT, for sale ly ' MAE REIT i & J; ON. aSHTON SALT for sale by BARRETT & SON . IKKSIi GROUND N. PLASTER, for I.ARRl- 1 1 h Rr b Si IN ; i u l: M'OAlf M'c 1 ' ! t-ned J. MAtflU aUitailonE POLISH! Read what t- garniture Pealera say of it We nave nsrd E. N. Merriam'a Furniture Polish in our ar, Booms for more than two year, and And it excellent for rleaoinganri restoring the lustre to ail kinds of varnished or polished Furniture. We Cheerfully recommend it. CCUT1K, K 00GLKB, ATWOOD fc CO, Furniture Manufacturers and Dealers, Rutland, Vt E. N. Merbiam, Dear Sir: We have used your Magio Farniture Polish in our Furniture Rooms for two years, and believe it to be the best in use. It is all you claim it to be. Yours respectfully. Fbkkch Sl Ki noble. Furniture Dealers, Rutland, Vt, - -nvTn rrmT SHIRT FRONTS. The Shirt Fronts manufactured bv the subscriber, are prefered by all who see them. Why ? Because they are made in good style and itaiKifutiy Uitthta Dealers, send is your orders E. N. MERRIAM. Merchants Row, Rutland, Vt. mNGS OK THE WOODBIRDS, by D. B. Wor--3 ley, are the songs ot the season. For sale ly E. N MKRR1AM. 1JIANOS, MKLODEOXS, HARMONIUMS, and I Muf ical Instruments of all kinds. The plfce to get f jem is at E.N MERRIAM S. I. M. Southwick. ALTHOUGH it is said that l'aiis is France it is not to he claimed that Rutland is Vermont, or cen Kutiand County : and yet it can with truth be said that Rutland is last becoming the central point of trade for a large section of country around It. Gratified with an extent of patronage, since bis opening, beyound his expectations, the undersigned would express his grateful acknoledement8 for the same, and announce that, in order to retain and deserve a continuation of tnis patronage, be has just replenished his stock, and is prepared to give lull satislaction to rns customers. To all such then, as would make their purcha where thev can itet the best articles, at the lowest tililt prieet, he would say that bis stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, TEAS, SUGARS, r LOUR, BUTTER, CHEESE, PORK, LARD. 1IAM3, FOREIGN FRUIT, BURNING FLUIDS. OILS, tc, to.. Has just been replenished at the reduced City prices for the SPRING TRADE, and that it will be kept full und perfect throughout the season. Farmers, Mechanics. Hotel keepers and House keepers treusrallv throughout the County, are re spectfully solicited to examine bis stock f CROCKERY, GLASS, STONE AND WOODEN WAKE, His choice assortment of Domestic and foreign Fruits, Coffee, Spice-, Confectionery, Kxtraots, Sauces, Drugs, Fish, I obacco and Segars, Garden. I- lower and Bird Seed. Caudles, Shot, Vegetables, and the thousand and one articles that go to make A FIRST CLASS GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE HERDS GRASS AND CLOVER SiCED Citi '.ens and strangers visiting Rutlzud. are invited to give him a call, examine bis stock, and be pledges him-ell to make his prices satisfactory to all. ,1 M.SOU1HWICK. No. 6 Merchants' Row, Rutland, Vt . April 16.19(11. I'M! I Ii. II. Kurt, M. HURT, will open on Wednes- daj', April 17. a beautiful stock of B. RAW. FOULARD, INDIA AND FRENCH D R E S S SILKS! Prices, from 6'icents to 2 00. Also a new stock of the celebrated Double Extension I II O OP SKIRT! A uewlstock ot FARWELL'S SHOES AND MOURNING DRESS GOODS. Black Silks (no lustre.) Black Figured Silk. Black Checked silk. Biack and Lavender Silks, lil t Rippled silk.Bl k Foulard Silks Klack Raw Silk. Also. IOOO Yds. Black Silk with heavy lustre. B. II. BURT. TILACK POPLIN. Black Moha r. 17c, value 25, J Black Prints, a large variety in 2 Reed lot lis B. ii. BURT. and last colors, 1LACK GINGHAM, lilack Brilliante. Bl'k Lawn and MmsIid. Black Borages and Crape Merett Black Kmhroiderv. Uiack Veils. Black Eng. Crape Vails, Bl -ck Bordered Handkerchiefs, &c, ftc , fcc Zy On' Pnc On.'y. US. P tf a. H KURT. B. IIf BURT, will open on WeJnes- dav, April 17th, SjoO yds Bleached Cton.7S cents, value 1 j B. H. BLRf. '(Ml YDS. liro. yd. wide Cotton, 7,', cents. 4(M YDS. Print, in Pink, Blue, Buff. Bro. Purple, Slc . kc trc., at H cents, former price 11. 4O0O YDS Merrimack r-rints. cts. rt(MM YDS. Eng. Style Shallies, H cts., value 2S. .'IOOO YDS. Traveling Ire-s Goods . 8 cfs., value 12f I (tOO YDS. Mobair 1 yds. wide, 37,' cts , value 7i cents. IO") YDS. Eng. Berage. figured. 21 cents, former price 37 1 2 l'"Xl YDS. Boys Pant Cloth, handsome and fast colors, 25 cts., former price 37," . PKXl YDS. Lad Cloth, all wool and new colors, 112,4 500 YDS Pl'd Mohair, 12j rts.. value 20 &KJ YDS Embroidered Poplin, 20 cts. 00O YDS. yd. wide Sheeting Prints. 15 cts.. value 2-5 cents. II 11. BURT. LACK KliLM'll VEILS. witb real border. IS. H. BURT. l.'MBROIDKRF.D Muslin and Camtnc Sets, at 1 j SI 25 and alu value 81,75 and 2.60. Ii. It. BL lit. IADIES' GAUM LET GLoVKS, 12J cer ts j B. 11 BURT. 4 LEX ANDER'S KID GLOVES. 0 worth just received Thin is the only glove we keep iu B 11. BURT. Kid- Price 81 ID 10() British.' Threaded Gents lli'f B Hose, R--al Ii liURl. 100 DtiZ HEAVY SOCKS, for Workmen or Military men. 12'-, cts.. value 25. I It. II. BURT IXiZ No 12 lilue. Brown and White Half Hose. B. il BURT. 10 F( l' DOZ. I ad w't Slate, Blue and Brown llo-e. JV I 12 cents, value 2n. ii. II liUKf. I AD AND GENTS Si k Under Vests m il Diaw- I j trs A!-o. the-e good in Meiino Ii II BURT. 1J tf Riitlaiiilj Ap'il Pi. Lewis Fox. rpo ril J- and vie FllYSICIANS of Rutland County iriiutv : Weare prepared to Ml your or ders lor DRUGS, ."1 E1MC1.N ES ami CHEM ICALS, on the most favorable teimsthe market all'ords. i LrWIS &. FOX. DruL-gisi. j Merchants' Extiiange, Rutland, Vt. riO ALL 1 (LES. IN WANT OF DRNGGISTS' ARTI Call 011 LEWIS & FOX, Druggists, Merchants' Exchange, Rutland, Vt. LEWIS ic FOX, Keep all kinds of ap proved Patent Medicines, whirh they sell at prices corresponding with bard times. rSRemeuiber the place: MERCHANTS' ROW. Rutland Vt A full assortment ol Shoulderbracee, trusses and Supporters ol the most approved 1 atterns, suitable lor all ages and both sexes. E'or sa'e by li. Wis & fox. Rutland, April 10, 18til. 4 RUSTS' TUBE PAINTS. FANCY and Brushes, lor sale cheap, bv COLORS. LEWIS k FOX. No. 1, Merchants' Kxchange. I!EFN S PATrNT FLUID GAS lor r lnid Lmniw. tor sale bv BURNER I LEWIS k FOX. No. 1. Merchant'' xehange. I' EI.'OSI.NK AND 111 I I I ID LAMPS. CHEAPER ' than ever. Call and iee I I HT s f, K)X. No. 1, .Merclitiiits," Exchange. i n:: i.Ai.'ui sr ami pi'.s.t assuim j: i n i IVrloi.-,.i v :! rii,-its t tr OF itrr Stephen French. THE SUBSCRIBER would announce to the Ladies of Rutland and vicinity, that he has just received NEW LOT OF CLOAKS, To which he would invite especial attention. Also, that ba baa large assortment of COLLARS AND SETTS, now on their way, ami will shortly be opened. A large assortment of WHITE GOODS, NEW RIBBONS, 8PKIN STYLES, NEW LOT ZEPHYR WORSTED. J net opened. 'Also, a new lot ol HOOP SKIRTS, oi the most approved manufacturers. Also new Style of DRESS T 1UMMI SOS, And every thing else in his Bne of business. STEPUEV FRENCH Rutland, April 10, lStil. li tf French V Kingsie.v. l W- -1? V R N I T U R E. ALL jpgaKaJ 1 THE TUK BEST PATTERNS OF SOFAS. DIVANS, TKTE-A-TEIfcS. LOt NGES. MATTRAS8EK. SPRING BEDS. Oak Cbarater HttU. Eafy Chairs, loin CbMis. Wood CENTRE TABLES. WHAT Mils. BUREAUS. SE RK1 AKIEt, BF.OhTEADS. M1KKOKS, Flowered Chamber Setts, Seat hairs. Cane S-et Seat Chairs. Sick Chairs, &c, Ac, at FRENCH k KINGSLKY'b. HOWE'S CELEBRA TED SCALES. rhese Scales have taken the Medsl at the Yer mont State Fair For a Ykam ih PcccvasioH.and the medal at every plarethey bave exhibited this year. All kinds for tale at ncinulacturers prices, at FRENCH k KINGSLEY'S. iL. COFFINS. FRENCH Sc KINGS LEY bave a new and comrJete assortment of Coffins, Caskets and Burial Casts, of every size, style and price, with or without box. frorn Rosewood and Mahogany to the common Pine ( otlin. all trimmed ready foruse Particular ato-i tion paid t j all orders Irom out ot town. HARDWARK. Builders' Hardware , Bells. Door Bells. &c., c. at Lock". Hand F. k K S. IJAINTS. All kiuds of Painte and Oils at F. k KS. rpOoLS F:)K THE CARPENTER AND Mi 1 CHANIC We have a tall stock of fools ol the most approved patterns. at & K 'S rpooLS KIR I HP. BLACKSMITH We have J ail the necessary tools, and a large assortment of the best of Iron and Steel. F k K. Nut ha; T 11 A N ritrcc I' I E R N A C E UNION P.U'LDING. MAIN. KI'TI.AMI Vt.. Ofltr- lor sale for Ci lowe't Market prices, a -Ii or Ready Pay , at the LARGE AND SEC ECT ED MOCK Or FANCY i: STAPLE DRY GOODS, FOR SPRING 1RADE DRESS GOODS. LIN ENS. . , Will IE bisibs. CLOIH- AND CASSIMERES. MUSLIN DELAINES. UGLOVEs. HOSIERY, MIAWLS ?? YANKEE NoriONS, Ate , &c QfWW YARDS A M VM IC A N I'RI N TSuV re uWu"' reived and felling cheap bv Nathan pierce 100 by PAIRS SERGE CONGRESS GAITERS, manulactured bv M. D Haaes. just received NAi HAN PIERCE 100 PAIRS KID CONGRESS VoolS. manu D Hawes. and warranted NATHAN PIfcRCE. factured bv 51 For sale bv !".( SACKS OF ASHION SALT, for sale bv j NATHAN P ERCE I 'PKNTuVH FRESH GROUND 'NOVA SCOTIA PLAS1KR. lor sale by I NA1HAN PIERCE. tiporsre H. Harren. Stoves: stoves: stoves": K-The undersijr ed having leased the Store 'ormerlv occupied by Mr. S. G. STALKY, would mo-t re Fpectfuliy inform thecitieLs of Rutland and icin in the ' " lr'l'"'!l to t,xecut- ail kinds of work PLUMBING. I IN. COPPER & SHEET IRON LI N F COOKING. PARLOR, HALL k BOX SKjVES ANI HOME COMFORT h'lOVE. cou-taiitly on band. US, ( til PER AND SHEET IRON WARE of every description constantly on hand, or made to order at the loet rat-s Johbing eieeuted with iifatnes and despaich Or ders prou.puy attended t'.. UVAtlUiE W. WARREN. Masonic Hall. Corner ol West st J4 n and Park Row, Rutland, Vt. Poml Si Morse, "jy EW STORK ! NEW COODS ! '. We are happy to inform our frienu that we are , again at our j OLD PLACK (iPPOSITK THE DEPOI. h a new and we invite the in a new Store neatly lilted up. wl which I larirt? a .ortment ni Uools, to I attention ot purcha er In DKl'OS. MEDICINES AND PA TENS MEDI- CINES. ' Ve aT aiwav- prepared to furni-b every thing em , braced iu that hue Our ftock of ; EAN( V GOODS. TOYS. PERFUMER V. lOlLKT ARIIOLES. CUTLERY, kc. i Sho'.v i,ir themselves. We aie pr, pared topiit up Pbv-ic au pr-ci iption ; un 1 !umi-ii med'i ines at ail hour-, oav or nit lit Our store v ill be ot-en rtr tne f.urj,ue r.f J,nusing i Muluin... Sun U) Horn 8 to lo A M . 12 to 1 and i Irom 4 to 7 I' M ' POND fc MORSE, ( pposite the Iiepot, Rutland, Vt ILoWER SEEDa A For sale by FLOVV Fli SEEDS ! FOND & MORSE. WATER lorsalsby l'OND k MORSE Oppos'te the Depot. OARATOOA 17 tf I. I). (o!c. Ti L i) j We w i THING! CLOTHING! our larjie sti ck of MEN S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Adapted to Spring ai;d Summer wear. It contains many new S;j les. -Goods th-t cannot lull to tuit I urclnikorK. IURNTS11ING GOODS: 'e loive the tine-t display of Genth l,o;- eVer offered iu this vicinity. Just ri-cecived THE UNION CHAVAT Showing lbs " Stuis and S'ripes ' HATS AND CATS '. g' variety. All the new style. Silk Hats. Silk Hats made to otder. ripring style THINKS. VALISES, TRAVELING BAGS, to. We receive thete eooils dirrrt from the manu'actory and sell tlietn at a sma I advance. ' CUSTOM DM A R I 51 EN I A choice s!ectl"n ol Dromhlinh, an4 f.Oni. itb all 'he i.ov.ltie. ot tl,e sessoii. Allot v (ir h v. i l tniad- intj . tirmeut- . to vid :. in a su-IH-m.r tiiiti ncr. I i o.i y 'I' ' '' i M'-e!:-.:. Mx.'t. ... R.,t;- I Vt Real Estate for Sale. -flARM FOR SALE. The huIt rf- -L oOerJ for sale his dairy Farm, lying c J"r nail mile Mouth-east ot Kutiand vlllag' t and upwards oi one nnnarea acres. For farther particular inquire r , containing Rutland. Vt., March 8, 1MS GC L. MUSSEV. l'Mf TTOUSE FOR ALE T!i i.rM, JL JL Hoase two doors north of the Kii-:oial Ciiurco iuiuif ,n. .tlll(l.. I. III'.UI Yt . March 6. lo 1 1 rpO RB INT. The Centre KutLii! Hum.- -a. pWFM.' on given April 1 Inquire of Wm. Y RIPLFY t eutre I atlaiid, March 14. 1S('I. li t! J70R SAUL Valuable Real EMate near the Deput. No better businex location in town. l:reop( ortiinity for an i live-to.ent For par ticular inquire of J. K. IIARNEt. Rutland, r eb. 6. l;l . 6 tf 1 To whijia it may I'orircru. "V"OTICE is licrc-t.y givii to 31I 1 tr- A. 1 fons intending toteacll iu the t ouiinon Schools of the town of Shrewsbury, that the pjb ic rximio ation of tmcbers r-uirei bv law. will be held at the School House, (near the ( enter of the tow uiod the 4tb of May. commencing at I o clock P. M All persons intending to teach are desired to be present promptly at Hut time All citizens at to-sj-cttully invited to attend lT-aw I. IflSSEL Supt. I) ISfOLCTIOV I he copartner-hip heretofore exi'tini und, r the lirm and naint- ot l:i iks t. Meat HAM. is tin- dav dissolved bv uintual consent. The businet will lrclo-.d up bv E J. Ilil-s E. J. KLlMS. ROLLEN S. MEACHAM brandon. April 16, 1W! ii tl X-'OIICE r'liereas my h ite vntbia E.. ba soine- XI time si; siiice I f lelt mv bed and board, und if,, m parts unknown to me. Mt J-i'r wif one Ix-rov Jtowe. ana rurnor she is married to him. but wherever she is. all persons are forbidden to narbor or trust her on my account, as 1 shall pay no debts of her contracting after this date. ,.,J, SEril PERKY MiddletoWu. April 12 WJ1 rpo A. Al W1IOM IT MAV CONCERN: A 11 thoU indebted to ui are rest 4ct 1 u 1 1 v . n 1 . ed to settle the same without delay. BARK Err & SOV Rutiand. April 10, 11 15-tf B ANK OF RUTLAND STOCK I The s ulxieribfr offers for -aie at his oflic- in Cram- ton k Nichoil" B ock. Rutlaiii. Vt . -ittft SHARKS STOCK O- 1 11 K BANK Ol- RUl'LAND. Iu lots to 'JBt purcuasers. I it HENRY BAXIKR Ru'.iand. Apri lo. HjI .-,-t 1 pAVMIIVT REQUES "ED Iiumc-ii J ae paMilcnt of all debt, the late I, no of ( URflS. KllGGLl-h. AIHtKlD ( 11 . mi,.) l.e made and eo.i saved AI'WojD RUGG LES kill Kutlau.:. I"lb. l-'.l 1 1 tt N wTotick: Tii'.' Sflecttn n will ini-t t at it, ttie ioin Hull. 011 M , the last to trans- lliuraoay ol each Month at 1 o clori I act business S J I, ! lids -I l:i ' ! .Selectmen IV HA.N.NLJI I Kutiiud. March l-)ol. U-tl a a y 1 1." 1 i 1 1 ' f 1 1 . 1 1- ate pajnj.-nt of a l debts du the late firm of CUKIIS saved k HUGGLES. ict-t b: trade and Ost KUGGLES. 1 ; ti Rutland. Feb 2S. lbdl OTICKL. Heaeaftt-r a tlincount of 10 all monthly bi;ls. t-er cent twill he made on Under WoMK Jrd V, tr cent on I ills ol .. lai H ejT-r, it paid within tiiedavs afier presentation, j W'ALTia T LiViHi.t j. utipuinteif superintendent f our Gat W'drka. and hereaiusr will attend to the ol!rction and 'pa-, ment o ail bills, and the laving of Service pipe, setting- ot Mi-ters. A.e., kc. vimce at tbeHent'sl Hou-e WM A BURNETT. Pres t Rutland I.j I int.t I t. Rutland, MJrch I.11. 1 1 tt S100 A M O N T II : Mide witti stencil Tools CHEAPEST AND BEST tvnd for latest amul Alllrw D. L MILLfK EN. Brandon, Vt.. or No 70 Third St . St. Louis, Mo i 14-rf Hauls. TANTE1I A lot of lati'l iu ora!Kut Brandoji not valued above lVl Also tor sale a new BkTL'K COTTAGE IKM sE and iot line- ilocati. A rtire chauee is oflered lor a short time llrice under 1 ' Apply to J EJ WKtKS. orS IJ l'AIIIUI'HST i,rt . -"Ie lew Drug Stori). Branloo. Vt U-tl Railroad RUTZjANJD tk. BC2LINGTCN I'luairr Artaanemral. ( VN and after iionaay, April j. iraiuswilltuo ,f a-fo dlows Leae Kutiand for r-.ui.ingtoc at hVi A M 3 41 mid K Isl I M I Leave Rutland lor Bellows E tils at 5 iA.U.,and Leave Horlittton for iio kDdat b Ot'A . M II 06 and boo P. kl; Leave Kellovfs 1-aii- for Rutland at 12 25 and 6 3" P M fc A CU APIN .Sup't Rutland. At riil 22, 1"K as ly iiblir ISouxs. rP II E M . C A L D E L II O U S E. -L LADIES OR 1 INAKY. GETLMLN'S oTDINAKY. ' AND REnl AURA N'T. No Ui 1 at,d r,Jl BroKiway Entrance Rear j, 35 and 37 James Street. ALBA N V I be patronage of Citizens, stranger, and isi,.,r. at Albany 1- 'e-pecttuliy soliciXJ Jie i)OI1M, h'ted up in a maimer superior to any in the country, vnrf every delicacy of the season ean be obtii,l at tlnse-tabiisl nient 0.1 the mo-t reasonable term I o traveler- on 8teambot and Railroads t i buu-ealford-advantages ever nuy otl.-r No del.v Mll wcuriojve,, order il U served as, Private partis Inrnirhe-J on the shorte-t notice with event-.ini; ol toe season. , I'"j;J ''is - wi-Ulii a few steps of th. Kail road Depot, being 01, the blo k below the Del.vau House on the oppos;:e side ol liioadway V, . i s,ticu!lural Inifilimnun. JjSE Tl 1 1 j A I l'll'l! ESS i; UK ClIlJ lS XAKCrAlTL'RkD BV TIIK N- E. Allj rHKSSUUi: CHURN CO. L. D. MlUlKIIATGeneral Agent, os. 01 tj North Market Street, Bo-ton. TO WHOM ALL OICI1KK8 SlKJltD BX A PIIKLIWKD. Tbe Air-Pressure Churns are wtthi,4 to make irom cm to two iHtncfS more butm per f,oun I than any othir ikurn, with a given quantity ot oak am ok MILK. Ihev wii; save w-M to ome-hai n ttme, strength and Ui,nr. Persons v. is hi 1 to test the merit of tbe Ant I KSSwtRB ChdkH and tte correctness ot "be above statements, will te turnisbed the tree ue ot any sized churn lor ope mouth, ly calling on R A R R E T T k SO N, ilLTLAND. VT. w here a complete jawurtmeut ot sijres ma) at all tiroes be found I P.S. I he pubTu are particularly reine-ied not to conl. uui the Air l'resure( burn with otbsr nlmrun bearing a siiiiiiar liame. liliiunf ryo KUTLANIr VOLUNTEER -i All Gool iu M our line neuetsur) loran outnt, wll be tuinisiH-d at COST. I D COLE Merchant-' Exobanee. Ru'land. Vt. iti :i I 'OR THE l.lf L oflelkdAgei. lH-lv AltSI' l.VDUt EMfc.M ft EEi! , a. Oif-s m i'h s'a'nii, lr W W Hll'.liARD. Poyitu v . Vt Arfj Business Director)' CHAS. C. DEWEY. Attorney. Contiwlior and Solicitor. Prian. it T7-Otboe. (orierlir occaHtt l.y s. H. Ho-'r'. Ksq . a few door North bf liit Cvrt liowx-. '.u one - feirt. 1741 '0 l i: ' V F T F. o -II R E S T A U ! (V.W,A,. I'rtrtt mptJ Ift trimm So.. tOU LADIES i GENTLJ MIJS,. Xu I Mercbanto' How. Rutland. Vt In ni ififiinii ith the abo e't )i f metit. tlrrr are titled up a mie f Si .r Riib. Ut the r om mndatfon . Piiatr I'srtu Also, a i'.d I' Hall, w it h Dres'iKf l.'ms 4 1 ter iu every )!-, and ie:icacie- iu tbrir -on DPS li! H & i;k.D M.l,rii il m.,1 surjricl Dei, 1 1-1. t ifi cr f Mark, No I. Ca-Ceton Vt IJE.. K HAE Practical Wttc-iUtri and .IrviUi Sell Cia- of ,I1 and Si ur ,n.t.' lin- . Kutl-1.1l. 't l'tiC II tm - u t ut It it CLARK & RKOTJJKU.s. Ueaier- in Watche. ai d Jsir, . Cjockr. t:n Ware. Fane Gooo. fcc Lepurii , i,et! dt.n at ihort ui tice Agents for be sale ol d olt- and it,a or Revolvers Clinks' Block. Cutiiii' . t ' A W.tLAKK N i LAHK . 1KKKI ATI. : I tsilt .rid dealer io Sl,e,t Music. tii .1 lin : , "'Vl'- M"leli""l". ( Iiickering sand Bo.ritj, t.rv (u' l,iii.trii. IK,., tr Morse s el.-l,,,,, : Grover Baker rseminp Marl ine-, tc . ftc J .VIerchaut- Row. Rutland. Vt. ITtf F. V(Wiu;vr P tiotorraphic Artief. L'n'on Bui'iCing Main h' nd ( larks' Block. VsrcUrt. Ro. Rot at,l Vt ' ' A mbrotype. Me amotipes . ,c . n.ade 11, ib bwt tyle ui the Art Photographs in mn.iatuie ir lite if, neatly colored in cil. making a mi eii r tt- e-lf LEWIS & F(IX. W bolesale and Retail dealer in Drugs !er!n n... Patent Medicines. ( bt nura.'s. Artists Materisj rt turnery. Toilet and Fancv AfirWr. Lamps kniit !. i.umiiir rmio. irii-t. Mjj.jKirt. r- and every - tning 4-itaiiiitig to the Diutgi-t trUe PtewriptK.ii carrlully ai.terfi MercIhLt' Kxil.ange, Rutland, vt FRANCIS I FN? Wholesale muJ Retail Dru; . V; an o, Vt. ftt Sf. j W. B. Ml SsKV. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Floor Pork .Butter ; (.Lee-e. Lard. Fi-h. Beans. Fgsr. Apple'. ;Lrr uLa : Greeu.) r-n, ftnars. 'offee. Molae-. Fni'.i" w a i all kiniis ot Ijoods usual. y kept ir the trade i. ieaier in lieto i;.oe t(f.l:nf. I! t-Wrtebe-. Jevelrv. ('lock'. Noiloc-. 4 tc 1 Perkins' Biock. Kutlai.d. Vt HCF.-V. II A KIMlsl f t. 1 Dealers 11 Hard ware. Furniture, trrsio. .our . 1 Steel. '!. Naii. bins.. Pair ait 1 m, r pe's. vlirror. Ate. near the drt ot. Pi.t arc! ; I'JKRj'OfN'i ' K NICHOLS. At!.rr.e, . t Law and Solicitors hi .?.,:. Merchant' Row. Rutland. V f,J bohi-ht ncsroinT w t mcho c. e. ;ravks. Attornev at La . fl:ce No. 3 Merchant ' l'.j the store of Gee. Graves h. Co I: MARTIN (i. EVERTS. Attorney and Coun-etlor at Law, 'd Solicitor ' Jbancerv Office in the Coart Hoee. Rut'snd Vt RE UK EN It. THRALL. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Solicitor it jhaneery. A?eut for Penn-iot:ers. Bounty Land- 4e lhce. 2d atrrv TbralPs Block. Rut 'asd, Vt SHELDONS & SLASON, (Surcewor to S be 1 dons, Morgan k. Slason, Ma-tie Dealers, t Kntiaaid.. Venauxit. h bbeldoi t Lu Sheldon, H. A Sheldon. Cha. II feimaosi 10 ly DR. E. V.N. UARWOOD. Dental Surgeon, Wasliington st . Rj land. 1 1 All operations rfoted ia a careful skil.'fal Ik thorough nutr I j 1- W . TRIM I Surgeon IH-nti't Bratidr.r, Vt 1 1 Bt the residence of J Ro-eter.oy ;o-t' the Brandon House K1 PIP KM A HflHimi, fmrgirnl aaa Tt r bad.ral l... Streets. Rutland, Vt "uu "r" J- K.MOWAkV. W. W II I J JiARD. j). Surjri'-alatj i Metljar-icJ Den:!-, . t-l' . . j . . ITjrfTr Pouitner. Vt - ..t uiri nwr suaia 01 lb- SMninrv 1 1 DR 31 :ur:ic:i T E V ' 1 kij-1 lb-t ic! Ikfiti !, Vt. Olbce. onedoot West ultne v. J hurtiug the pat int Near the R. k IS R It freight Detot Castings oi every description. Mill anl ork. lurnislird promptly and at low priors Orders res ped !ull a.ilirited ., ., ,r lWMAN k MANSHELD .Jutland. Oct. I. ln i'jfrEirc .TONES I 1 A Ph R W A R E II O LS E. j o k Wiifr. (.r. of l. rnv,ire st . F;.,s!.,t 1 ias cou-tantlv ,;i hand and tor sale a iat re ..o- j men! o a.l kind- of j 1 A p 1; r . Book News. Manila and Pres Pater. mauuf.ct ii"2 j 'O ordr at short notice. Agent for S tTH & I n tu ! KiiaiTit led (Nri!- r.(J 'ard Sheet-. it CLAlEMONTiA I nifmnt Dip. I'AI'KU AM) UOOKH. PUBLISHI.RS. PRIMERS AND ITMH1; Wholes ne and Retail l-alers i:i Boifl.s sua ttu-i try. and Purcha-er- o! io :e I spei f 1 1 ( 'laremort. N H o II A II Ii 1 i A I . CAL'D ENGR W FR A N I l''U NTi E. I H R) A DW A V . A LP AN . N V!ocrk-t! ani o V.t.r-uiir-.: i a-hi'-i . ' ."StatK-netv . Drn i -r- 01 :i 1 kit 1. TUK it 4 TUMI tl fH.M III IC.ll.D fniisni nmv 11:1 umiv moi:mm. iv GL. a iui i l:: k co t.r-.'l-ri.i 'A 1- cr?ier . Village sub- n'. ers. n r OHioe and Mti! fubtct!' 2.( 1 Ml T7"l panerJt is ncl rre-'e frtrrctl in advance, 26 oenlswiiiiu all esses I e add'd tc these teimsand in'erwt charred pr . ne year: but no paper will be sent to subcribre rnt cf tbe State until (aid for. and when Hie tcbscrlr'.on eapires (be paper i!l be discontinued tiiis j ipvimsmt. For 10 lines or U 1 for fhre week ,1 roreacn wea c I 'innuiioe. thiee cents r line A liberal aMo trude fo those who advertise re? . !i,B(?e v. ttb tarly edver- g'arely. Sjie- ii l coi tasers Tllf It ITI AM UAII.V IIKICAI.U It pubiisbed every morring i ,s-oji or the mom ug trams, leavii g l.u'in c. tt so f trtnt BY GF.O. A. H'TII.K CO n Pverjing I'oitioii o! ,vo le iib'ib i i.' rent per r umber P'O'.h edn ni'l icu'ia iu!! Teg'sp!ue I.t p(irt- from the Ac;it d Press, up to txie jt t l-ooi lo.elb-r v.i1b ioa! nes. C;iorils. c I I I s. IH A I.Rf InING firm I w or 1 -. ) T o eel s . ., ja .fc" & 1 liw v el. -1 T I -J ', Oi 1.: 'llOMJIi. F' o- 's '. . r .s I i- I t t n e 11, " Ci '." I 1 h' 1 e p 01, I i n.nn'pi '.! I N 1 ' e Ii ti I (".'. WI. Ml,' in Rnlinnf. lor 1 in t v I ! 'M-. f. 1 1 -X. Nr. I !, re'isi.t- ' ' i-.m-t!- .,.t ( Uiii!)-'- olt: , ' ! ( ' I 'Il . 11' . I ' :l,i: 1