Newspaper Page Text
THE RUTLAND WEEKLY HERALD: THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1861. , Mad.- in il"-- articles ol confederation .in. that the Union should be pel petusil, ;.,.(.,.. 1 1 it i 1 1 never been Mutes cittier ,,i ii i.niiic outside ul the L uioii, whence lull, inn. nee ol btate iigius nermijr a ;..i'aci hiwtully aestroytne Liinou iiseur - i i a: "U! the sovereignty of the States, but il ru is lot in t lmtiotial Coii-titntion, . in In-1. i iii tiii oi' the Mute Const. tuions. - a -linn int in tin- political sense of the W . -uhi ! he liir s r-nc in ile tii e it u political v niil.-itt i. politic-ill superior .' Ic-teithy it' mil Mans i cept ex as whs rlV- . hi u ev: ..; ii i' a palf )il the c-lllii"V- , ... I., -. !., she aekliowl- I I :!U--;..;i rue ill pur i toe i num. ;n ii ! imy .. '. : this re ii -;Mon. . procu red mi f ri ll l I- i 1 .Mail . ; fin u ;;u'il la ' II - ' : lie lily .,. n ul ti- . a 1 1 ' i 1. . M' f l" ,.ii JiU-ltv U emujua-l or em.ii ol I 'it'in hniever of i ' ' 1 1 . iii - '!"!'- U1.1..1. i- oliier 1 1,. . aii'i in tact it Cilieit them as ; ...v-t!! . om i!t j." i.iieiit I'o'iT.ii mane tne a iu 11 Unom tlireu 1 iier li" th. ai. nun iiiaiie them ?t;.te- such a-ihe ;ire not i i in in ter liil a stale cnr-tinilioiuiiiicpeii't-the I i li' eiini'-f it i-not lwru'i'ltoi:. that i.ites loru-ed thcircoiistiliilmiis liel'ore , ,.u n il lite I lilon, lii-Mlllil'ltr-.- tit'lit i mint : in preps nil oi y to, coming into the I'l.nin. !. ! -iionahi) the Mate luive I lie poueis and , ;- u -ci i ill :o It. t: em in si i'il I y the na lit mill on , -t '.ii I'.ut linn nig t iiiin .-in i !.v lire not ii.c lined , . a i iuil'ie power, however mischievous, or iles ,, ''in hi niu-t nieii iii.iy a.- were known in r i ;, i i hi- nine i .m i'1'i, mental power, and it ,.r,i.i' n. tli-irny the l.oveui- i ' i,. -eli' hail lien i- it" n known, ii- a . i iniiiial or, a nn'tely atimmisl i Mi r 1 itlatrt matter oi nalionu4 i - L. : .- t i i, i- . - .l iiieii'ii i i - 1 1 1 1 other I ! i '.. n wtii.-ple ' aii . umi Imul!). Whatever , .'i-n. me hole otllii he Cl.ii tt to the whole . . ; i,.a. n' . I lie w ituiever e'-iieerue ontv the ,'. in. nh. la- : t . . In-11 eiv to the Mute. Till i t.'i. re i- i.t ti' iuii..ii 'i ii.i.'ip e alni..t it. Wlielher III'' Illil'OIH'l l tninl 1! Iltluli, 111 UeillllU I'.i i - het ttii-ii i tie I wr tuts it i ill in ii thi' n, i el' i ote iiiiixat't ce mac.. I.- not to he ijee: tiom ti. .We e l.-iiilM hy II :;: tittinitij witi'tnit iUertio. . ! i- , tiv. e tiilialti'.t is the o itimi unit sn'i'--a,, i- euiiSiatelil wiili the con-lituium. i- lawiu! ai ; ; c' Tiil . 1 1 i- nut eonteniieil t hat ' here i- any ex !au lor it. ami nothing i-j t i i I i ever l.t iinplinl i w moll leads to unju-t or th-uril eon-etiueueeb. Iin natiiiii iiurciiaserl wit n ttioi.e; the o. nil trie a! oi which s. Vera: oi these .States m- lo.'ineit. Is ! ii -T thf elial. no i I! without Icaiennil whout l iiidiiiBT I U- naii'i'i miii! very iuiye sums iu the .'Hrepate, 1 heiieve nearly a tiumlreu millions to re- flonilH oi tne ,iiii:i. iiiin mi ii- is ii ju-i jut she frlwll he let i tl' without consent or without return .' 1 he nutit u is now in tlebl lor tuouey up il to the t'eiielit ol' these so railed sif.-.Jin; States i coiiimo'i with the ret I- it just either that cied . . t i... ' 1 i, i.l i : tl... rMiiiniiiiiiir Stii'i.4 11'IV 1hl "la .e ' a an ol t he resenr nulioliul debt u COU-rj-tf.i 'e i : "hi debts oi l'exil'1. is it just that bile 'lei'i.i Ana ,e - .1 and p i y no nartol tins hei-eli. i: t ne -rate inn) set ei!e,-o lunv another, ami i .(l;L.i have seneded no e is hlt to pKy r.l'e !- i'.ii- i;mte j i-t in creditors .' Lid we U'Jtif ltd- se.e view o! o'irs a heu we borro w- d i, , ' i iie now leioiize this doctrine by l' t he -t 'I't'dei't to t'o in jitac. It i- il ll cuit to ae can do il ouiers ciioose to no or to ex-m- uri'ii whicu they proiui-e to re- iii .ii-iii,;-' iiiui constitution admit of , ..-i.e. I hey have ii-su.i,etl to make a national ii!i,t:i.i, oi their own lit which oi necessity tuey , . i"K i lii-cui lied or ttte riht ot -e ..mi a- I lie)' iusi.-f. it exi-t-in ours, ltlhey have .hi. "lit !iie 'heiehy admit tiiat one I'liucple : r i"ii.lil noi io i" is'iuouis. 1 1 liiey hnv e ret:im- t) t i.i li fV Ii ct'O.-ti uctiuii otouis. they show that ,,. eoii-i-tent. ihey must ,-eceoe Irom one uuot her i.i .el' the) h .ia.l iind it f tie ru-ie-t va ay oi' ?t: til ii ti. . ( or ot ' Hi. i t in l' Riiv other -eMj-di or ui jsi ,il, i.e nuiiOinle it.-ell 1- one of de-integration umi ,,tu alaiii v. hicii no i . to et nim-n can iior-ihl v endure l! tat-Ma.-s .ave one shouid asei i tin. power to iiri.e ihat one nut ot the Union, it i- presumed the i. .il- chos nl secetim poiiticiau vvouhl at once du i;v : ia' j.ovMT and ileiiutinoe liie aci as the greatest wa'r.''-' upon titan' ril.ts. lint -hi piise that pieciseiy the same act. iu-tead of La-! i.i,' caii' d tin ,iuk Ih " i-ue "Ut should he called the .eci'tiii'i-' tne otin-i s iruin that one. U would be ex actly w lul tttn siceiiers c.aiiu to Uo. unie-s iutleed lie make the point the one, heouseMt is a mi uoti'v "iiiv rifiiuiuh) do what the others, because he) lire -a "majority may not rihtuiliy do. these I'o itiCHiiiHie nubile and prolound. Iu the rights ol if no r it lea they are not partial Io that power which iniiite tiie constitution aud speaks liuintuc preambie c.iiiu ttt-eli " We the people." It may well he ipjestiutied w het her there is today a ntajoiity ot the leal qualified voters oi any .Mate, ixcept. jierhaps couth l uroliua. in lavor of dis union .tiiii'i'1 luuili lea.-ou to Leueve lhat the tnion nun aie Uie niiijonty in niau). il not in every other oneol the so cuiicd sreetiled -..tutes. 1 he cou traty has not been ilemoiisti ated many one ol them. It i-ventuieit lo alhim tin-, even ol Virginia a tl leinii-ee; lor the result of uu election belt iu luili- tarv vamps where the aaj oneia are all on one Mile ot the ijue-tiou voteu upon. Can scarcely be Considered as iltuioiislratinx popular sentiment At sucu au lection ail the lare case who areat once lor the Union aud against coercion, would be coerced to vote uaiust the Uuiou. It may bt athriued without ex iruvajjauee. that the tree institutions we enjoy, have developed the puweiH and improved the condition ul' our whole people beyond auy example in the world. Ol this we now have a striking ami impress ive illustration. m large u army as; the Government ban now on loot, was never beloie known, u ltuout a soldier in it but who lias taken his place there of his own tree choice. lint more than this, there are many single Kegi-Uii-uts whose ui-mbers one and another possess lull practical knowledge of all the arts, science, proies--:ous, and whatever else, whether useiul or elegant. i) known iu the whole wo Id, and there is scarcely oue Irom which tneie could not be selected a I'resi ileut, a Cabinet, a Congress, perhaps a Couit, abund. sutly competent to administer the uoverumeut iiself- Ntir do i say this is not true also iu the army ot our late friends, now adversaries, in this contest, but it so much the better reason why the (..overment which has coulerred such benefits on both ihetu and Us, should not be broken up. Whoever iu any sec tion proposes to abandon such a Government, would do well to consider iu deleieuce to what principle it that he does it : what better he is likeiy to gt iu that he does it; what better he is nkely lo get jn us -had; whether the substitute willgive or be interest ed io jriveso ot good to the people. There are some loieshadowinxs on this subject. Uur adversaries have adopted some dtciaralious ol independence, iu which, unlike the good old one penned hy Jctlerson. they omit the words "all men are created equal,'' w li- they have adopted a tem porary national constitution, in the preamble of which, unlike our good old one, signed by Washing ton, ihey omit ' We, the ptople," and substitute "We, the deputies ot ihe sovereigu and independent State. " H'h) ' Why this deliuerate prtsung out ol Tiew the rights ot men aud the authority ol the peo ple '. 1 ids h essentially a people s contest. Uu tha side .! 'he L'uiou .t is a snuggle lor maintaining that Lim and substance oi uoveriiiueut wbo.-e leading object is to elevate ihe condition of men. and to lilt at uncial weights irom all shouhtera. lo dear the pa:!'.- of lauduuie pursuit lor ail. to all' rd all au un lettered aiart und lair chance in the race ot hie, jn l ini.' to partial and tempoiary departures from Lit e. -.-it v- I his l-the leading object oi the govern meiil ioi w inse exi-teiice we contend. 1 am most happy to believe that the plain people uiit'.cr-'and and appreciate tin- ltiswoi-lh, hi note ihat tii'ile. in tin- the Government s h"itr of trial, lariic in inl'i is ol tlio-e in Ih' ai any ninl navy, who iiaT la i n I;:, en .1 wi h the otlici-- have resigned and prim .1 la.'-; '" '.' ' iiaii-i w n.vii 'i'.:ii leu i 'jeui, not ..lie i -nn ui'.ii -' nier ' r ..''.iiiin...j -ioler : kiiown to -aw .ie-t ri. 'i Ui- l! iin.-iii iioiior i.h tiue to those OMti'i- who r i.i lined i'"e 'ie-pi'e th" example ol I'a ii t . i .I'. hei mis ii"-oci it.-s, Inn tin- greatest honor and ihe most imaoi tlin'. fact ot all, is the Unanimous anion -sol i he common -oilier- i'.ud sailors, jo the in an. -o tar as kmnv n. they Inn e eliccei--fully re--i id ihe iiaitorou- tfort-ol those whose commands. 'j'i' an hour leloie. they obeyed tsabsolute law . I In-is the patiiotio instinct ol plain people. J'hey ..uderrtaud without an argument, that uie ue-tro ing ol ihe Government w hich was uinde by Washington, tii mis uogi'od tothelil. thir popular Government has often been called an .xpci nuetit. I wo poiuis our people havesettled : the rucc --i'il establishing, aud the successiui admi..ister iugot it. tine still remains: its successful lnainten anve against a lonnidable internal attempt to over throw it It is now lor thcui to demonstrate to the world that those who can fairly carr) an election, can al.-i suppress a rebellion ; that ballots are the rightful antlpt 'uci -lui successors ol biillels, and that when bal lot' '.mve luii ly and const it iitioaully decided,! hei e can hi n -ui:cesiuj appeal back to bul eta; that there tan h- no suceit-siui appeal except to ballots theni-sunii- ut sue etftnig elections, bucb Will be a great lesson ol peace, ti Hciiing men that what they emmet take hy au e ennni. neiiher cau they take hy a tar; teaching all in.- tolly ol being the beginners 01 a war J.t-.-t there In- -oine e.iii-aine ;u the miuds ol can did wen M to what i- t., i. the course of the Govern ment towards ihe .-out hei n mui, ., nliet the reheliion -huh have beeu snppie- . .t, the hxecutiie deem i proper to say lhat n mil '., h;. ji-ip,,. then, a-ever-to be guided by the foii-iit'ition ai'.'i law, and tint ht j l'.ibabi) will havi no dil'e'eni '.I'.'ieistandiug oi the power- aid duties of the 1 e ieral Gtucicmeit l ilutiieto the rights of the .Mat'..- :u.. tin. j,t j,,u , a. del tile l oiisiiiaiion than that t. i e --t o m the . :mniiu) Aihiie-C. lie tle-ites to pie-i-i ,e Ihe Govim-ui- tit that it may be iitliuinisteted lor mi. it- it wa- . ..-T.i.'ii.-tertd bv the im n ho inudt -it. l-")al ni.zens uu y-, heie hw. c the ui.t to claim thi" ol "their : . i::i'!)!, i'l.d tin- t."M i -i i tiu-n t h;e no rghl to wuh '' ' I r r nog ft i 1' i-upt , t-t-ceived that in " r,. j. unv iLt-rciii','. any eoti'iu "t. any s'.'i.tugs : .ii . .i'i-t - n- o! that tt r:a ' ' '":! t '" i ti" i ,1 S-.:, .. ., .t, ii'i'..i,ti..l tlie uroviBion, that me united States shall truurantce to every State in the Uni :n a republican form of frovernment; but if a State iiiav lawfully fro out of the Union, havinr done so. it may also discard the republican form of roVerniiient, so that to prevent its froinp: out it is an iiulispensible means to the end of maintaining the guarantee mentioned, and when an end is lawful and ob'.iiratory, the indispensable means to it are also lawful and obligatory. It was with the deepest regret that the execu tive found the duty of employing the war power in defence of the irovcrnment. Forced upon him he could but perform this duty, or surreuder the existence of the government. No compromise by, public servants could i.i this case be a cure; not that compromises are not often proper, but that no people or government can long survive a marked precedent that those who curry an elec tion can only only save the Government from immediate destruction by giving up the main point upon which the people gained the election. The people themselves, anil not their servants, can safely reverse their own deliberate decision. As a private citizen, the executive could not have consented that these institutions shall perish, much less could he have consented to the betray- i nl of so vast and so sacred a trust as that which ! these free people had confided to him. He felt ' ihat lie had no moral right to shrink, or even to I count the chances of his own life, in what might ' lul low . In lull view of his great responsibility, lie lias so ' lar done vi hat he has deemed his duty. You will ' now i;CCf.r.;ing to your own judgrnei.t perform ; ours. j ile sinceielv hups your vi ws and your I action mav so aecord with hi- as to assure all I tail hful itizens who have been distuibed in their 1 rights, of a certain und speedy restoration oi them under 1 lie lon-t.tutii.n and the laws: and having : thus cho-eii our cnu-e without guile and wiHi pure purpose, let us rjn-w our trust iu God and go for ward without iear aud with inaulv heatts A15I." AH Ail LINCOLN- )u!v 4, i;i. Attack or Flkkis i pon Land IJattk i:iks. An attack by wat.-r upon aland bat ter v bits rart'Iy suiveoiJi'il never, iiide-t'il. when the land batteries have been properly manned and ellectually used. The lbllow iiisr are instances : in 1792, a larjie French squadron attack ed the small an '. dilapidated fortification at Caliari, and were defeated. Jn 1794, two English shifts, with one hun dred and six jiuns, were repelled by .one 2un in barbette, and a "arrison of thirty men, at a little village in the bay of Martello, in the si and of Corsica. In 1 7!7, Nelson whole ileet vvas repelled by the lew "litis in the battery of Santa Cruz, in 'I'enerill'e. Inl7:8, the French flotilla ol lifry-two brip aihl un floats and 7000 men was re pelled by an English redoubt on the island ol'Marcoa, with 250 men and 14 ouns. In 180:1, the English ";:trii?on of Liamond Rock. i. ear Pott Royal Hay, with one hun dred men and fifteen guns, repelled a French squadron of two sevent -ionr un ships, a fri.ate and a britj. In 1S08. A French land battery of three puns, near Fort Ttinidad. drove off an Eng lish seventy-lbur gun .-hip, aud a bomb ves sel. In 1814, Ft. Frederick, upon the Scheldt, with one howitzer, successfully resisted the attack .f a French eighty gun ship. In 177t, Fort Moultrie, with only twenty six guns, repelled a tim British fleet of two hundred and seven .y uns. In 114, a barbette batre'y of one four pounder and two eights-en-pounder guns, at Stonington, repelled a Bikish fleet of one hundred and thirty-four guns. Urv (iooiis. VUK IRREPRESSlIsLE CONFLICT. PA NH' IN THE MARKET I) H Y (J. O O D 8. AR HALF FRICE, AT UBSDELL PIERSON & C O'S. 5.43 North Pearl Street, Masonic Hall. . ALBANY. In consequence of the state Of the Money Markets and almost entire cecesration ot business with the South, enables us to till up our Stock at greatly re duced prices; and in order to avail ourselves ol the present state ot the market, we have thieday marked down oar entire stock of DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, From 25 to 50 cts. below their former prices. Merrimac Goods 10 cts. Case of Kngliih Chintz. 1 yd. wide, Is., worth 2s. All Wool Plaids, 2s, 6d. worth 4s. Valencia's from Is 8d., to 10 6d. full 30 per eent less Ottoman Cloth, 6s. worth &. SILKS A large assortment at 4s, worth 6s. And all other silks equally low. EMBROIDERIES At astonishing low prices. Worked Collars 2s, worth t. And so on up to Fine goodB 10s and 12s , worth 20 and 80s- Set equally low. A large assortment of MOURNING GOODS, At correspondingly low prices SUA Wis AND CLOAKS, IN GREAT VARIETY OF STYLE And at prices that cannot fail to ple 8Wy AGUERREOTYPE PICTURES FOR HEAD STONE8. Fery person who bas lost a beloved cb'ld,father,or mother, phnuld send for one to adorn the Head Stone with the image of the departed one, 10' there is noth ing more appropriate or lusty than this. J am the onlv manufacturer of Daguerreotype Cases for at taching the Likeness oi the deceased to Head Stones and Monuments, in this country. 'I bese cases are trade of Paiian Marble, an indestructible materia) of a texture corresponding well with Marble generally used for Moiiunients. The Pic nre is secured from air or dampness by a metal screw box, which is nicply hed iu the Isck siile of the Case the whole arrangemtnt heing securel fastened to the smface of the Monument, tne Ca-e miking a very beautilnl Or namtnt. A beautiful Tombstone is rot romp'eted until it rontains the likeness of the one w .' ose name it bears. Those who have been cal'ed to comm't treasures of homehold aflections to the cold coLhres of the grave, will fee) a deep interest in this invention, lor how dear a privilege to gaze upon the lineaments of the sleeper beneath, at jour periodical visits to their grave. Not onlv would such a Likeness be of inesti mable value to the relatives of the deceased, in their viMts to l he graves of loved ones, btt ot mournful interest to friends and acquuintam-es ot tbeber aved. This Case is so const) ucted that the exact picture of a departed lriend can be so copied into it by any DagnerreaD Attist as 10 endure lor years, nnsoiled by wind or storm, and how agreeable on visiting the church yard to see a bright, life-like picture of de parted friends conspicuous ovrr their graves. Thef Cases aie securelv pocked, and warranted t reach their p ace of destination iasatety. PRICE TWO DOLLARS EACH Address the manufacturer. A. LEWIS BALDWIN, West Meriden. Ct tfyStnd for a circular daw24-3w N E W G O O I) 8 ! AT HALF THEIR USUAL PRICE! SPENCER & LYON. Are sow rertiving a new and splendid assortment of good .ipngl t with CASH, nnoer the nrewntde piessid usieef tLe njailiti,iii.b.irg tfctm to dery all competition. Good BerageB for 6 1-4 cts. per j ard. Mourning do., for 12 l-2cets. per yard. Challies, tor 12 1-2 cts. per yard. Traveling dress goods for 8 cts. per yard. Good Priats, fast colors, 8 cts. per yard. Figured English Berage, 18 cts. per jard, 20 lbs. good Brown Sugar for S1.O0. Together with a full assort n.ent oi Domestic Goods, Cottonades, Ciothii g, Hats and Caps, &o , fcc. All oi which will be so d at prices belore unheard ol in this or any other county . TFRMSCASH. ONE PRICE ONLY.'Uie 1? lft. i!w-lw Machinery, Gas Fixtures, &c. BULL'S FOUNDRY AND MA CHIEE SHOP. WHITEHALL, N Y , - MANUFACTURER OF COOK, PARLOR & BOX STOVES, Hollow Ware, Farmers' Boilers, Caldron Kettles, iron Road-Scrapers, Straw-Cutters, fcc, GKICULTUKAL IMPLEMENTS. Iron Fronts for Buildings, Column. Door-Sills, Window-Sills, Windaw-Caps, Front 1'iecs-s, Cor nices. Iron Dsors. Blinds and Shufters.Chim-nev-Tops. Iron. Fenoe Iron Stairs.Kailing, Oalconies, &c. made from new I'at terns of the latest and most Approved Steles, STEAM KNGINKS, LATHES AND PLANERS. Rolling 51 il I castings. Nail Machines, Bniier Kivet Machines. Drills. Shafting, Pulleys, Coupling. and all kinds ot heavy and light .Machinery, Casting and Job Work. Heavy and light Forcing; of all kinds. Pattern work ol all descriptions, Draltins, Dei-firnin,?. fee. Also sole manufacturer ot the N E W Vim K E K P L O W , The sale of which ill be given exclusively to one ''-sler in each town throughout the United States. H7A1I orders promptly tilled, and Wares shipped hy Lake, Caua )or Kail Kond. 3S ly E A OLE FOUNDRY & MACHINE ! SHOP. I O W M A N & M A NS FIELD 1 wr ould respectfullv inform their friends, patrons, and the public lie generally, that their nw Foundrh 'ant Machine Shop, located on Lnion Street, near the It. & 15. IClt l" reigut Depot, is now comp'e'e, and they are prepared lor making all kinds ot castings, i ar cuiar attention paid to Kailuoau Castinus.ill :id Machinery Work o! every f.e-cnption. Thev also take this occasion to express their grate iul oblipations to aii those n ho have patronized them -o liberally heretofore, and earnestly solicit a con innance of their favor- Othceover tiie store of Ale Rutland, Oct. 1m, 185! Barrett & Son. 42: 1 UTLAND FOUNDRY AND Ma chine SHOP CO.. Near Rutland & Burling ton Railroad Depot Furnace .Street. Rutland, V t. JOKL B HARRIS, Agent Orders solicited for Car Wheels and Railroad Cat ines of every description. Mill and other castings, ol allkiuds, Cast Iron Pipe, Water Wheels, Castings for Agricultural Implements, Iron Fence. Piazxa Railings. &c.. of the most approved patterns. Also, MACHINERY WORK t'lNLSUKU Vf PROMPTLY. A full assortment of Lear and Pulley Pattern. The usual sizes of Gear and Pullev Castings con stantly on hand. Also, the celebrated Hublbuet. Flows, and the New Kuglaud Mower. Circulars respecting the stame sent to any address desired ALL WORK AT LOW PRICKS. STEAM AND AND FIXrUKKS. II . K . liAS FITTINGS 1) Y E R . No. 2. Basement Cramtou k Niclio's' Block. Mehchantp' Row. RctlaM), Vi llas constant;-.' on hand STEAM, GAS AND WATER PIPE Cast ami Wrought Iron all sizes, Malleable fittings o! every size and 1escription Bra.'S Lilobe Valves. Walworth's latest f,a terns, ail size-. Hose aud plain Bibbs-Mops. Pit and Air Cocks, Bras, Plug-. Rushiue Reducers, fce (IAS fixtures: Of every de-cription on hand, or lurni-hed at hort notice. Also a good as-oitment of Plain. Hia n (i round aud Fancv Cut i'a-s bhaiita asd Smoke Bells. Gas Burners of the late"! improved patterns He has constantly employed experienced work men to nut up (ia?, Steam or Water Pipe in any re qnired form a! the shortest notice. Particular attentiou paid to puttiiig in Steam Pipe lor w aiming buildings of auy kind. All work warranted, and prices "Btisfactory. Rutland , Jau . K. 1-01 2tf EVERY FA JULY SlIOl'LI) HAVE 0E Of THE Of r ;i y Nc Gr;i e o DOUBLE THREAD SEWING MACHINES. They are reliable, cheap, durable, and are warrant ed equal to any, and superior to most machines in the market. They are tht rno'i stmplt ma'.nme tuiit, con sequently the least liable to get out of order They are capable ol doing any woik, from the thinnest to the thickest. The Double Lock Stitch sewn Irom the original spools without rewinding. Those who con template buying are requested to call and examine these machines before purchasing elsewhere. Tuey can be seen at O B Dickerm jti'p. (near the North Meeting House.) Mount Holly. Vt., here thoe winn ing to purchase will be tbowo samples of th work done on difl';rent machines, and w here ail unpreju diced peisons will at orce see the important advan tages of the Gray & Grace over all other machines N. B. People purchasing th s machine will not be liable to prosecution, as they are built under a li cense. Recollect tbey can be seen at O. B. DICKERMAN'S, (iVortAj Mourn Iluiiy, Vt. Agents wanted in every town and county. w20t WILCOX & GIRBS' SEWING Ma chine. What others say of it " It is in deed a wonderful production, and tor family use es pecially, no other mafhine wilibear any comf-arison with tt." Phila. Evening Journal. " A mechanical wonder." Scientific American. Forleby J R.BARNES I. 1). Cole. Clothing: clothing; We would invite the attention of the public to Our large stock of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. Adapted to Spring and Summer wear. It contains many new Styles, Goods that cannot fail to suit purchasers. FURNISHING GOODS '. We have the finest display of Gest Goods aver offered in this vicinitv. Just rececived TH E UX1 ON CHAVA T' Showing the Stars 8Dd Stripes." HATS AND CAPS : A great variety. All the new styles, Silk Hats. Silk Hat made to order. TRUNKS, VALISES, TRAVELING Spring style BAGS, io. We receive these goods direct from the manufactory, and sell them at a Mna.l advance. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT A choice selection of Broadcloths. Cafrimtre$ and Votings, with all tbe novelties ol the season. All ol which w ill be made into garments, to order, in a su perior manner. I. D. COLE, dw-mav 1. Merchants' Exchange. Rutland Vt. u1;, WITH YOUR STABS AND fit you out with suitable equippsge, we can direct you where to find HARNESSES of any styfe and qualitv suitable lor Farming, Team ing or Sporting a-also all o'ber articles coniiected with this branch of business, aud at prices that will as'onish j on ai'd j our neighbors. Feeling very thankful to our many friends and Fatrous in Caitleton and vicinity, tor past favors and iberal patronage, the unriers'gued would solicit not only a continuance, but an increase ol tbe same, as suring you satis'actton in all things; and would also direct your attention to our newly opejsed HARNESS SHOP IN WEST RUTLAND, near R. Mead's Store, where you will find Mr. Hebbt Johkbon, waiting, ready and willing to sup ply yon with anything in our line, at prices that can not tail to suit. Trimmfng of all kinds done to order, and to suit, and very low forcakh. Please caM ai d tee, and it we cannot snit yon in quality , prio terms &c., then we will give in that yon are not suitable. D, B. COLTON. dw-may 1-tf Fairhaven, Vt. I7URNIEURE received at -New Styles and Patterns, jus FRENCH & KINGSLEY'S. J. B . BALDWIN, BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, AUD DBALER IN DAILY ft WEEKLY HEWBPAFKRS, PERIODICA LB, hO BTXZL EMiKA V BGB, COl (IRED b FLA IS LITH C8BAPH8, tC ; ARTISTS' MATERIALS. FOR OIL, 6BKOIAN AUD OR VAMHKTAL PAINTINO. GILT MOULDIN'tiS FOR SALE. AND PICTURE FRAMES MADE I O ORDER. Boston end New York Dailiei delivered at any point in Rutland & Burlington and Kutland wash iiigton K. K. twtlve hours in advance of the mails. Rutland Daily Herald delivered at any station or crosstrpoB itnt'ana (t uuiunatrn ana ituuana & Wasbington F.ailroar)i. or any of the above Dailies sent by mail to an point. Clark's Block. Men hsuts' Row, j liutland Vt. S janeiilitwtf Watches, Jewelry, &c. Albany Wholesale and Retail JEWELRY AND WATUI EMP0IUU3I, STEIN & BUO.,548 BROADWAY. Offer to . tie trade and community at large at the lowest New ork prices, a large stock of fine gold and silver Watches, Jewelry, and a splendid assort ment ol Fancy Goods. Peddlers and Watch-makers will liud it an inducement to call and examine their stock. Galvanizing, Plating and line gilding on watches, done for from !?1 BO to 3. 36-Iy S1EIN Sr. BROTHERS. 6S Broadway. A CARD. The American Watch Cora Waltham, Mass., begs to call the at tention of the public to the following emphatic re-com-rendation of Wultham Watches, which has been politely given by the leading practical Watchmakers iiutl JeweMers throughout the United States. The entire list ot signatures to, it, even iu the Eastern States, is quite too long for publication in one adver tisement; but the names presented will tie recog nized by those acquainted with the Trade in this vi cinity as being in the highest degree r epectable and - influential. At their establishments may always be I found the genuine watches of the Company's man- i ufacture, in great variety and at uniform prices. Signatures from many cities and towns of New England, net fully represented in this list, will ap pear iu a lu ure advertisement. TO THE PUBLIC. j iua undersigned, practical Watchmakers and j dealers iu Watches, having bought and sold Ameri can Watches for a uum jtr of years past, and having dealt in all kinds of foreign watches for a inuhc longer period of time, beg to state that they have I never dead in vatches which, as a class or in indi vidual instances have been more satisfactory to themselves and customers, whether in respect of du rability, beauty of finish, mathematically correct proportions, accurate compensation and adjustment, or of tii. e time-keeping results, than those manufac tured by the Waltham Company." THOS. SXKELE & CO. Hartford. Conn. HEMINo WAY & STEVENS. WM. ROGERS & SON, .). C. BLACKMAN, Bridgport, GEORGE BROWN, New Haven. E. BENJAMIN. C, J.ML'NSON, JOHN B. KIRBY, JOHN GORDON, JAMES R. AYERS, E S HUNTINGTON & CO. E A. WOODFORD. il. D HALL,1! JOHN L SMITH, JOHN BARION, CURRIER & lROTT, j. v kettell, john mcgregor, DEXTER k UASKINS. S. CHILI'S, E D HSDALE. ALBERT H ITS, eli is oil- Ford F. W. ilACLMBtR, J.J BURNS. JESSK SMITH, s. N slOUV, LKV1 JOViNSOl. T. M. LAMB. N. MOODY. W KIRK HAM, Jr W. M. ROOT, JOHN B SCOTT. BENJ N E COOK.,. CUAKLES W. FOGG. ANDRkW WARREN, New London. ' Waterbury. " Daubury, I. i SliddletowD, ' Lynn. Mass. ISOntOii. '' . L .1 Lawrence. Ntw Bedford lauuton. Fall River Glouecster. Salem, Worce.-ter Greenfield. ' Springfield. Pittsfield. . Northaicptou. Waltham, " Loneil. Providence, R. I E. Greenwich, ' Concord. N. H I AMOS SAN I'ORN. I L. D. ANTHONY i CO j PEL EG ARNOLD, j L. .'i HAN PERSON, j GEO. W. DREW & CO. N. G. CARR, ELIJAH KNIGHT, CHARLES E BACON, UENKY U. HAM. Dover, Portsmouth. Exeter, Claremont, Laconia. Nasbiu. ROBERT N. BODGK, WM. B. MORRILL, W. O C. WOODBURY, REUBEN SPENCER, RICHARD GOVK, JONATHAN UOSMER. N. W.GODDARD, CUA'S T RIDGWaY, L B GAY, SHERBURNE SHAW. S.J. MFJ.LI.SU, F. HODGMAN, C- II . HUNTINGTON. C II. HARDING. T. C. PHINNKY, A. A Mf AD, J. C. BATES, J.H. MURDOCK. C. C. CUILDS, BRINSM AID IIILDRETH C. W. WINGATE, THOMPSON k RANGER, FOSTER GROW, W. K. WALLACE. L.AM I DON, C. R. KIMBALL, FREEMAN M. UASDISON, HENRY McKENNEY, JOHN T. HOWLAND, TOMPKINS & MORRIS. C. C. WILUAMS, ti. 8. k G. L. ROGERS. TWOMBLY k SMITH MOSESM.SWAN, D. G. HALL, JAMES EMERY, SIMEON BLOOD. D. E LUCY, JOHN B. ADAMS, SanbortonBridge," Hanover, " Littleton. " St. Albans. Vt. Bradford Montpelier, " 1 . .t Northfield, Woodstock, " St. Johnsbury, Burlington, ' 11 .1 Brattleboro', Chelseo, " Newbury, ' ' Bellows Falls, Vergennes, " South Berwiek. Me Auburn. " Bath, Bangor, Gardiner, Saco, Augu.'ta, Lewiston, Bocksport. ' Rockland. " Bonlton, " Wintbrop. Cadtiob. As our watch Is now extensively ceun terleited ty lortign nratio acturers. we have to in form tl e public no w atch is of our production wh icb is nraccru 1 anted by a certificate tt genuine ness, bt Bring tbe i.un br of tbe watch. Bnd aiened by our Treasurer. R. E. Rctibins, or by our prede cessors. Appleton, Tracy A Co. For the American Watch Co. ROBBiNS, APPLETON 4 CO, Agents. 17-3mos 168 Washington St., Boston. H OWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. A Btnfvohnt Institution establish'd by special Endow ment, for thf rthef of the dirk and Itistrtssrd, ajflirled with Virultnt and Chronic Diseas'S. and e tpeciattyjor the Cure of tooifl of the htxval Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, Ly the Acting Soreeon . VALL'ABLi; RFPORTS on Spermatorrhoea, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES employed in tbe Dispensary ,sent in sealed letter enve rpes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage acceptable. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN UoL'GiiTON, Howard Association, i'hiiade ulna Pa. 16 lv ALBANY PLATE CO., 252 BROADWAY, ALBANY, N. Y., Manufacturers and dealers in fine SILVER PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, KNIVES, TEA SETTS, CASTORS, CAKE BASKETS, COFFEE URNS, SALVERS, AC. Every article pertaining to the trade constantly on band. We also replate old worn out Plated Ware, and make it equally as good ai new at less than half tbe original cost. S1? QLA1RVOYANT PHYSICIAN DR. E . XT" SMITH, Now located at Rutland, Vt., claims power to 4iag nose and locate disease correotly and accurately, WITHOUT SYMPTOMS, and to treat successfully all curable maladies. To In pne confidence and compel belief, be invites the sick and afflicted to come and be examined, OFCHABOK. . Letters lor examination must give name and age and inclote SI. , , , . Charges for medioines reasonable to all and paid on delivery. - Examinations made at the office on Centre St., and near tbe D. pot, each day. Sundays excepted, trom 8 to 12 M., and from 2 to 5 P. M. Or. Duttom, A.M., and a gradtiateoltbeNationai Medical College at Wabington, D. U., is associated ..1. r . - u . . I- 1 : . . : . r,. ,1 r . ti mROicines 20 GREAT REMEDY FOR COUGHS. COLDS AND KIDNEY DIFFICULTIES. WIUTK PI!K (0.t!lOlID, PRKPABKD BT Dli. J. W. l'OLAND & CO., Goflitown Centre, N. II. The following testimonials wiil tell something about a Medicine tht isoow becoming popular laster than any othr article sold by druggists: Rev. J. K. Chase, of Rumney, N. XL, under date ol April 4, 1860, says:'- Wlien jour favor, (two bottles ot VVhite l'ine Compound,) was received, 1 was suf fering from a most severe cold. I took the Compound and waa able to preach in two daa. 1 believe the Compound i an invaluable medicine. I do wish thousands who know nothing of its virtues, would become better acquainted with it." Rev L. C. Stephens, Pastor of the Baptist Church at GoflVtown Centre, in aletter dated Feb. I860, say: "Some of my family have tried it, (the Compound,) n ith sigdal success. I believe it to bi one oj the best Cough Hem edies err prepared. Besides its value as a Cough medicine. 1 have good reason to believe it to be all it claims to be for Kidney Diseases, and Dia betes." i Mr. Asa Goodhue, of Bow, N. 11 , was so prostrat i ed by Itiabttes, iu March 1859, that neither himself I nor any who saw him thought that he could possibly live through the month, As a last resort, he tnought I.e would try the iri Pine Compound. They pro cured a bottle lorhira; he began to take it, and to j the BUBKiise of all. immediately showed siifng of ; amendment. Eleven months afterwards. (Fed. 23. I860,) in a full statement ol his cane, he gays: " 1 be lieve Dr. Poland's White Pine Compound, under Goal, has been the means ol my recovery thus far." Hundreds of canes of K'dney complaint", cckkd entiukly Ly taking the White Pine Compound, have been reported by druggists. Here aretwo samples: An aged man in Dauvers. Mass., heard of the Com pound, as a wonderful curative lor kiduev corn Dlaints. Being a areai sufferer from that dilliculty, he sent to the Apthecary lor two bottles. They cubkd him. He said they were worth fifty dollars. lie has since sold a good many bottles himself . The second case that. waa of a business man in Sa lem, Mass. He was also cured of the same complaint. Atterwaros he went to Minnesota. The great tatigue of his journey brought on a return of his former dilli culty, and seeking iu vain in Minnesota for the com pound, he was compelled to send all the way to Sa lem to have it forward 1 by express. "July, 1W). Da. Poi and : Mr. J. Butterfield, Jr., who sells your Me licioe, has requested me to give a brief statement cf what your Hnite rme Com pound has done lor me. I had beeu alllicted with tbe Kidney Complaint lor a long time, aiid bad a bad Cough of ten J ears' standing, w hich caused me to spit blood quite frequently. No one of my acquain tances expected that 1 should ever get my health again. But itro bottle ol your White Fine Compound have cured me of both tbe Cough and Kidney Com plaint. 1 would also tate that a lady, a neighbor of ours, was so badly afflicted with a cough thai she sat op on ly long enough to have tier bed made and we ail thought she was going in m quick consumption. She took only one bottle of yburCorapouna.aud it cured her. She in just as well now as she ever was. STEPHEN BARTLETT BKADiroao. N. H 'Dr. Poland: I wish to bi-ar mt testimony to the value ol your White Pine Compound. You wiil remember how lt-ehle I was at the time 1 called upon you in July last. My chief complaint was inflamma tion ofAhr ktdntyi in addition to other disagreeable symptom , I sullered dreadtully from severe pain. You sold me a bottle of the White Pine Compound, and before I had taken two-thirds of that one bottle my pain bad all left me. I hough I bad been alllicted with thkt complaint a long time. I have not had a return of it since, und have for many mouth.- past en- joyeu excellent neaun l ours irulv. B Goffstown. Mareh 15. lv't. F. AIKEN. GEO. C. GOODWIN & CO , 11 Marshall Street. Boston, Genera) agents. Sold everywhere bv drug- y drui i a.viv Musical InstrumeiH. SloO. SlfO. 1 HE T) I IH All fll.Mf 5150. ) lAKLUll UrjJL 11 Atf Silo. S175. I S175. riMIE.'sE PIANOS are 6 1-3 ocUves (fiom F. to A.) X overstrung scale, unualed in th durability and exceeding delicacy and promptnewoJ the action, and without a rival in BEAUTY OF FINISH, OR PURITY, VOLUME AND BRILLIANCY OF TONE. I Tbe style of the Parlor tiM ia A FULL FINISHED i CASE, ALL LAHGE ROOD CORXCRS. id M o 1 dli n ir as . CARVED LYRE! FANCY LEGS AUD jDESK, APD A ! RICHLY BKOFZED. FULL IRON FRAME. The size is about two thirds, and the weight about cue half, that of an ordinary Planol-Forte. Tbe price ot tbe PARLOR OEMjin elegant Rose wood eases, is I 73. Ib (J rained Rosewood cases, , 9134. Th Maoataeturers deem it proper to remark, that not only is the Graining a perfect and bauulul imi tation ot the real Rosewood, but that in ail other re spects the Grained and to Rosewood Pis no are PRECISELY 1 HE SAME: the cotol the Rosewood malting the difference in price. These PIANOS, together with their FULL SEVEN OCTAVE SQUARES, AND PARLOR GRAN1S Containing Mr. Marshall's Repeating Grand Action, (Patented Jane 8, lSf..) are now oflVrd at tuch extremely low prwes. that bo Instrument wiil be delivered until the money ia re ceived. TT Every Piano-Forte is warranted to give perfect satisfaction MARSHALL, JAMES & TRAVER MASONIC HALL, 27 ly Albany. K.Y. PIANOS, 8150! Rich Rosewood Case Warrantee Having again rebuilt osr factory we sre sgain lunnshinr our SUPERIOR PIANOS! ALL PRIC AND STYLES. Send for Descriptive Price Lit and circulars to BOARDMAN. ORAY A CO.. 2 Cm Majiulacturers. Albany, N Y. D I A N O S 1-I A N O S The subscriber, a practical Mechanic, and thor oughly acquainted with every part of a Piano, is tbe sole avtnt lr this vicinity, lor the sale of tbeeele brated instruments of 11AZLETON & BROTHERS! Which took tbe tirst premium of the late N, J. State Fair over Steinw ay k Sons' make, and are consid ered tbe best in the market. Prices moderate, and every iustniment fully war ranted, tor lurther particuhtrs enquire 01 Mm. A. E. Hopkins, Main St., Rutland, Vt., or ot the subscriber. A. W. POWERS. N". B. Mr. Powers will continue to tune Pianos in Rutland three times a year, about the middle ot Aprvl. August and December. Orders left with Mrs. Hopkins, will be attended to. Burlington. Vt., Jan. a. 1S61. 2tl T U ST I 111 f-CNG FOR THE T1MFS ? ". DIXIE J For the Union." Price 25 -ert 50 copies just received at 1 HEMUS1C SIORK. SHINING ON THE STREET by a -Hard up '' Comic Song. 25 cts DONT BET YOUR MONEY ON de SHANGHAI I bis is Foster's last n w sotg. 26 cents. il Draj ton 4u cents. RAND UNION IOTIOLKI. byADOLPH VJT Baumbach, 60 cents. k MERICAN QUADRILLE, 60 cents. IXfRT SUMTER QUICKSTEP, EMBELISHED 1. w ith a splendid liaenesa of the "Hero of Sum ter," 40 cents. rrHE UNION STAR, NEW NATIONAL SONG, O TAR "sPANG LED BANNER WITH VARIA O lions. 35 cents. SHIRT FRONTS constantly on hand and manu factured to order at E. X. MKRR1AM S. PIE TLANT, LETTUCE, ASPARAGUS and RADISHES, at I MUSSEY'8. jq- E W YORK KEROSENE OIL CO. At Prices to Command the Market ! KEROSENE ILLUMINATING OIL. PARAFFINE ILLUMINATING OIL. PETROLEUM ILLUMINATING OIL. MACHINERY OILS. depot, 14-3m COZZF.NS & CO.. 8f Water St., New York SEED CORN. Western Seed Com for lodder; lor sale at U-C; PERKINS- Commission Store, Meichants Row May 30.dtw-8w T?0R SALE. A Flag, 6 by 12 feet, JJ app!yto ort A. lUTILEfc CO- Clothing:. CUSTOM TAILORING TiOntQ 1 W. W. JIcCALL. CRAMTON fc MCHOLS' BLOCK itp unm. .. n "nv iu uib irienufi and t nt rmhlWi CLOTH IMPORTING AND JOBBING HOUSES . In New York i,...v... t... ... . . . . , oi Koods desn'.A v.. "l.l"!L"z," LLai5" W . . . Kcuiicuiru i wear mre Deinff received, and on hand lor inspection. i he very best of French, Engliau and Amerkan (J V E R f! fl A T t i n u which will be made up at very low price. ' - v ' sj crrry suBue, quality and Driceto JPANT AND BUSISES3 SUIT GOODS, Cflmnriiilnfr nv firiA j. j . . latest desW. amerent style of VESTIXGS VESTDf GS ! t.entlmen lesvlnir thoi .. . . ..... . ment h.e " V "aoin- garmen.s made bMbTtaS "fM-.ta.ic.ri'if .S Z a superior style, aud warranted to tit ; no o?d ?Mt goods.but every order new, direct from the Cityw the customer may select. 7 . , """v solicited, and especially from ,de.Trlt8.V.t,!in dreM' " 11 ivM tVsubieriber C7Cutting done for other to make ' Rutland, Jan. 10, 1861 2tl A X O O II ' t QUININE TONIC BIITERS ! The Best Aromatic Tonic ever offered to the Public. RECOMMENDED BY THE FACULTY lor its Superior Medicinal Qualities. rpHIS elegant compound which has secured the . c,onndenc and endorsement ol most of the lead ing Physician, of New England, ia . palatableaad ellicient form of Quinine, containing all the peculiar virtues ol Pkkdviaw bark, carefully combined witji various mcand ttomachies, and cannot fail to meet the wanu ol the debi itated. It is a mild itmic to the stomach, increasing the appetite, assisting digestion, pre-eminently good in dyspep ia. strengthening and invigorating to tbe U ge.tive and nervous a; stem after prostrated diseaeee and in fever and ague, or kindred compiainte, iu aid is invaluable. y or diarrhoea, dysentery and cholera morbua. the public may ret assured there is nor can be any better general remedy. One of the very best Physicians in Boston bas akl that it ti tle Ust preparattom of Hitters that has ener been offered to tne public.'-'' Put up iu ball pint as well as quart bottles, in or mVriu ' ay couvinc themseiveu of its superior For further particulars reference is male to th printed circulars. run PALK BV C II A S . II . A T W OO D . , , ,,W 'E"I'KAL ST.. BOSTON Aud by DrUt'Kists everywhere. !T?-ForsaIe In Rutland, by Pond k Moa-t nosion, ej t l,ly?) G K l I N K R Iiheamatic aud .fural?ia Uiiuiiound A sure cure Jor Rheumatism and euralgia in mior) form. I he undersigned hereby certify ihat they have used -Gardiner s Rheumatic and Ntuialgia Com pound ' lor tbe cure oi RheumaLh-m and Neuraliria, and have in every case lounl immediate and perma nent relief Wahavefuil confluence in its heaiins qualitws. and would recommend it te aii who are afflicted nh theae harraasing diease sls or e of the salest and be-t medicines everofTered to tbe nubiic o. HANCOCK, Jr., 29 South Market st . Boston; W.H.ALLEN. Bston; HENBi A. ULLER li South Market .. Borton : SAM'L WALES. Jr .City Uotel. Boston: uEO. H PLUMMER. 1 Maverick square. Fist Bo-tot) : PENRY D GAR DIN FR, lisi j-otioa ; AKKAM WEtKL. Web ster H . Bostci,; Cat't. CUAS. ti. Imt 1 1 vi i a.. Boston " Tf bew me-ilcin tor the duseae lever saw CUAS SMITH, No 1 Old State Uonse. Bosto" -' iutuuiurui iii itf WUrwl xa, jiHatwc ouueung, commercial st Boston. tiardiner's Rhtimftiin m r.A 7- . : . - . baa enurely relieved me i.-om suffejings ol rverai years' standing. W. E. HODGKINs. No. 1 Old ttXfjt House. Boston. After raftering with Rheumatism for twenty yean ' ------" - " - - " j w vt iwu oo.iiefi vi oa diner c Rheumatic and Neuralgia Compound. NuR - - z-b-o. r ranann St., Bo-ton Tbe Rheamatie and Neuralgia Compound has been taken by hundreds of people for Scrofulous Humor with great benefit. It may be given to children with pertect atety I. v ' .MACY f JENKINS. fT, Liberty . a rw York. ' Prinnirl llv.t a. IIli . it - . , c M VI. , Ml B . None genuine anleaa signed bv , . . CUAS. F. GARDINER. i or sa by Pond k Morse and Francis Fenn. Rat- u J m?- rkl, ?rnd"1 : W. P. Russell and H A. Sheldon. Mit-dkbory; W. a fcf.reu Ver geunea; and Apothecariea generally 84-ly 6mis BURROWS' INFANT FRIEND. OR GRAY MIXTURE. THIS frplendid Mixture or Compound, U by far the aafet, most effective, gentle and pleasant relief for CHILD KEN, TEETHING, ever produced. A certain relief I aflaanmiMlcB at far t.armrmn mf Uaan . Kraileaa. lae fiawela, Faia aeH, Via alie, in Its sttaaaarta. I y r a I r r y aai "pnnmm pr.aa Iiarrka-a. fraaa Teclaiaa, ALL IRREGULARITIES OF THE BOWELS OF CU1LDRK.V, I'RODUCED BY TtETUlNG. Are very happily relieved by this ucecjualed nurture MOTHERS AND NURSES The beet proof of all that can be said in iu favor, is te TRY IT' TRY IT- TR Y IT' I CHALLENGE COMPARISON WITH AN V OTHER REMEDY IN THE WORLD It ba tbe approval of some of the most eminent practicing pbysicinaa in tbe United States. C7" For sale by all the principal Druggist, and Apothecaries throughout the United State and Can adaa. Also, by McMckdt. C. Frotbisoh am k Co., Blawchabd k HorTMiii. Medical Hall, comer South Fearl and Plain sts.; W. J. Ucmpbeev k Co . U. Clem evt and J U. Bcllo e. Price 25 cent per bottle. Address WM. BURRt'WS, &-lv AUni'V.N V o P E N I N G D A Y DRESS (iOODS. 2,1 ANT ILL A. . ON TUESDAY, 2Zi OF APRIL. G. V. S. yUACKENBUSH. Will open wilh a new stock of S 1 LrK MANTILLAS. BASQUES CLOTH GARMENTS'. Of the bet Spring Styles. Also. RICH SILKS, DRESS lilUlDh. LACIS. EMBRCIDERIES, Ac. Ac The entire stock will be replenished, and the spe C ial difplay continue during tbe wek. " he exhibi tion is Iree to all, and those who cali will have an opportunity to ee, and purchase from, if thev p'eae, a very lare atd attractive tock f N KW GOODS, at prices to say the lesst. retrarkab'v low. G. V.S.QUACKENBUSU. Corner Broadway and Third sts. .Troy, N Y J)RY GOODS FOR TIIE MILLION! Greatest Barpains Ever Offered in Troy ! G. V. S. QUACKENBUSH. Is selling for cue fhi'liug fcl'1 1NDID SRESS G OOSS, formerly sold at liom two to tbiiesiiUlioga For 8 cent. FBIMS rcaallyrold at one shilling. For 1. F.MBROIDrRED SETTS worth 2. Many other EMBKOlDFRirS and LACE GOODS are of fered at halt the cost of importation. DRESS SILKS and many other styles cf Goods at greatly RELLCFD PRICE?. Tbeee Goods were purchased at Auction and Bank rupt Sales. 16-tf ROBBINS! HAS just received a good supply of new and desirable stylet of Ladies' FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Embracing. Figured and Plain 1'erinos, Ca-hmeres, Paramettas. Detains, Spots, Checks, Stripes and Silks. Also, Thibet, Brocfaa. Stella and Wool Shawls. All Wool. Cotton and Wool. 811k and Wool and Canton Flannel, Ginghams, Calicos, Cottons, Can bricks, Muslins, Oinems, Ticks, Batting, Wadding, Gloves, Gaontletts, Hesery, Pine, Needles. Thrsad, Tape, Binding. Ac, a e., Ae. Kit land Sept 10. I "HSU A milREE PLY AND INGRAIN CARPETING 1 just added to he ato '5. Ii I.I May 2D, IK'S wl tent'ia patients