Newspaper Page Text
ttiJssii' s lilij vi.. ;r....No. -29. it he vtitl;ui(l ) .raid I 11 1; KSDA Y MOKNINti, JULY is. COUNTY CON VKNIIONS. J l.i- County Conventions as.-Miibli 1 hero t . u'-.i v under tin' vutious calls which were made. were well attended. and W'ththc excep tion ol n lew dis'ordatit cl'"iien!s in the. Mass C'dpvi ntioii, -n'owing out ol the incongruity i t some small portion of the imteritl of whkh it w. s compos: d, we believe passed oil to the ait!--faction of the participant:-. Our co'empentry ol' the Courier was of course there with his no-party party views lor the piirjose of supporting the Administra tion by patriotically aiding ir the distribution of county offices, and was very much incensed at the idea that his patriotism was expected to be extended a little furihci -and tie to endorse the resolutions and nominations of the Mont pelier Convention. Tiiat was no part of his programme, and he entered his solemn protest, lie only proposed to aid in a vigorous pros ecution of the war" in Rutland county, and i .1 .... I . . . 1 T V. ... . leave iiii- .iare ana nation 10 outers, roriu- natclv there were lew of his stamp i i Convention was otherwise harmonious. It will be seen by reference to the report of proe ..ecdings in another column that both Conve ntions acted in harmony and with th , xccpt.-i. ot three changes, nominated the j tirk-t ot last year, thus evincing their confi- , ic ice in their na-f oflieers. M-. Fish of Ira ! ai.inaiiimiusly withdrew his name in order to irake room lor a Democrat upon the Sen atorial ticket, and the name of John .Jackson Esc(,o!' I'.randon was placed thereon, a (it and becoming nomination. We doubt l ot Lis noble and eenerou-; act on the part of .Mi. Fish will be long remembered by the freemen of Rutland County. .Mr. Jackson is a live Democrat but a firm supporter ol the Union and en'ioi:es the nominations and res olutions of the State Convention as the most feasible way of sustaining the Union, and his nomination, wo think, will be satisfactory to all. The chauge ia the olije of Judge of Pro bate we are surf evince! no lack ot conli deuce in the present incumbent, but was made upon the principle ot ''rotation," and we are not positive but that it was in accord ance with the wishes of Judge Bctton bitii- ell. The nomination of Mr. Field as Sheriff, without disparagement to the other candi dates, we believe is acceptable to all. Mr. Field will bring into the office in addition to his other qualifications, a large amount of experience, having for some time served as Deputy under Mr. Edgerton the present pop ular incumbent. But we Lave no room to elaborate A strong union feeling seemed to pervade both Con ventions, and patriotic remarks were made by many persons present. Too much credit cannot be given to those Democrats who so nobly sunk party prefer ences and went honestly into this Convention for union for the purpose of the Union, and we trust they will have no cause to regret that they have done so generous and patriotic an act, or feel that by so doing they have compromised any portion of their political principles. I'i.oyd as A Jockky. The Louisville Journal having heard that Ex-Secretary Floj d has given a pair of noble horses to Jt 11. Davis, wonders it they are the same he :o!e lroni Sam Burke, of Kentucky, fifteen M r - ago. The Journal as-erts that Floyd wanted to take Burke's horses to Virginia, and sell them there, and Burke consented. Hut after w tiling, and writing and getting j neither money nor news iro:n the lion, jock v, in desperation he wrote, to Floyd to send hi. a live dollars ;:nd call it squsre. N'o re ply f llowed, and two years afterward the " A ncr, mentioning his loss to an intimate irii-nd of Floyd's, was answered, '-why, my lear sir, I see those horses every day ; they - ' J .... . i i 1 1 are Flovd s earriaue horses, and considered i tt ' j the finest in our county." i - - , Stkam ExrKitiMKNT AiiAN- j ioNKi. The steam toning experiment, in- stituted shortlv alter the opening of naviga- j i i .i w , . 'P.,n,i., tion this season, by the Western l ransporta-, . J , 1 ; u.i oiannueeip,,,, ugsm- nan ti muses oj.oi. uMiun one oi me jnc i uesuny , it is ine iinjieraiive uuty oi every cit canal below Uocknort, has been abandoned, izfn, without restriction sf party or creed, to 1,1,, i . ami the cfjinoanv s ti.-. hnats st-nt to tilv on the North River. It was lbtind, says the Troy Whig, that so far as economy in moving them was concerned, a train of four boats could be pitlitabiy towed by a tug; but that a train ti." damage occasioned hy accidents of col- idon, &e, more than o!let the eeonomv in : ol'y and impotence oi rebellion in a iree ; government lorever put at rest ; txpeiise. A lighter tow woul 1 not ' That we commend the spirit which animat v;rrant the employment of a steam tug. The j ed the proceedings of the State Convention e.iiu.uiMgaibii ty of a train of boats ap pears 1-oldeu at Montpelier on the 26tl of June . . . .1 .- t .1 i . i .1 . 1 ii. v'.. th, i. .ire In he the n s :ir i in tlie TMV Mib-.'iiUtiij'J ' f steam Im: jo -! power TI1H COUNTY KKITJBUCAN DELE GATE CONVENTION. The Republican County Convention met, pursuant to the call, af the Court House, at Uutl tnil, July lGih, and was called to order by S. II. Pti -k hurst, of lie ndon. I Ion. l. K. Ni -holson of Wallingford, was appointed President ; I. C. Wheaton of Pitts lord, and S. M. Dorr, Kstp, of Rutland, Vice Presidents, and C. E. Graves of Rutland Secretary. .J. .M. Ainsworth of Wallin :ford, Horace Allen of Rutland, and -S. Howard Kellogg of Benson, wei" ap)ointed Committee on cre dentials. Said Committee reported the fol lov iu 'j de leg it cs: Benson -M. V. King, L. Howard Kellogg, F. V. Walker. Bra. -Hon S. D. Winn, N. T. Sprague, J. W. CLeiiev. Danby Howell Dillingham, Cbas. II. Congdon, E. A. Smith. Fail haven C. P. Ili'l, Samuel Wood, Z. C. Ellis. Hubbardton C. S. Rumsev, M. G. Bar ber, C. W. Fay. Ira P. W. Wilkinson, Jeremiah Thorn ton. Carlton Gidditigs. C.ittenden Daniel We n ore, G. W. Bar naul. A. Collin-. Mendon E. Edson; W. C. Walker, J. L. Avenl!. Middletown R. Bud, Jr., Henry Ilaskins, Alpha ?. llav?e.- I la Mriimf T ilinr f. TJ Howe. O. A. Cong- don, I. B. M antiuig. Mount Holiy Samunl Hemenway, Fred- riirk Parmenter, M. L. Edwards. 1 a wb-t Sheldon hdgert on, Leonard John- Ilirnr,, W ' pittrli -Id Il.well ll..nney, Albert Vose, Ilenty O. Gib'os. Pit tsford Thomas F. Bogue, Abel Pen- field. Benj. F. Winslow. I'ouhnev C. A. ltmn, N. Ransom. L. D R,ss. Rutland Horace All en, m. cmniere, C. E, (i raves. Sherburne Br idford Bates, Rev. John S. Smith Chase, Warner Shrewsb i'V E. W. Aldrich, Allen Barney Job B. Moore. I Sudbury A. J. Ketcham, Favette Holmes, ,. ' . ... , C. C. Aldrich. " Ij'.-n.nm Aloseiey t . King, r . . n alker, Tinmouth-Lcvi Kie-. Jr.. CM. Noble, ; L" ,ioiV:r'1 K-V- . ' , , j n 1JU,JS- ! hrandou J. E. lliggir.s, E. Bi.xby, Juhn Waliinu'fonl Alfred Hull. D. E. Nichol- ! Jso son, J. W. Ainsworth. i r Cas,lf on-l . Ilyile, J. S. Benedict, O. W'pIL I s H,, 1. P ti,,: 1 : brown. Wells " ? ! Vwh-i-t I? n avti v v; V v i f V. JLlltl 1,11 - V- mLW, i ,1IJ. W Abel I. John A. Conant, John Cain, and M. II. Cooke, Espr., were introduced to the Con vention as a Committee arpointed by the Mass Convention, then in session at the Town Hall, to invite thi Convention to meet and act with said Mass Convention. It was moved by S. M. Dorr that the Con ventionadjourn,to meet with theMass Conven tion, and at its close to meet again at the Court House. In pursuance of said motion the Committee adjourned, and assembled again at the Court House at 5 o'clock. It was moved by C. E. Graves that the resolutions and nominations just. adopted at the Mass Convention be also adopted by the Delegate Convention. Motion carried, In accordance with a motion of Mr. Sprague of Brandon, the President appointed a Committee of three to report a County Committee. Said Committee made the fol lowing report, which was adopted : S. II. Parkhurst, Brandon, It. C. Abell, Westhaven, (J. A. Tuttle, Rutland, Chas, Child, Wal lingford, C. A. Rann, Poultney. A motion was made and carried, that the Committee be instructed to call the next County Convention prior to the 4th of July. The Convention then adjourned nine die. I). E. Nicholson', Presided. C. E. Graves, Secretary. COUNTY MASS CONVENTION. The freemen of the count v of Rutland met in Mass Convention at the Town Hall in Rut land on Tuesday, the 15th inst., at 1 o'clock P. M., and were called to order by Hon. Barnes Frisbie. The following gentlemen were appointed officers by nomination : President William Y. Riplev, Esq., Rut land. ; Vice Presidents John Jackson, Esq., of j Brandon; lion. Barnes Frisbie. of Middletown. j Secretary Henry Clark, Poultney. j On motion the two Calls for a Mass Con- vention signed by several citizens of the coun- j tv were both read. j Hon. I). E. Nicholson moved the adoption of the following preamble and resolution : Wiieukas, A gigantic rebellion exists in the southern poriion of the United States against the constitutional Government of the country, and whereas such a rebellion, with- ,i,i.. ,.o.,.. t.,.,n.!.. i;ui nu 1 1 131 li.i nit:; vauou u i inuu-iuic ijicttrAl. . . ., . , ' aims to ovei threw the system handed down t0 us from ti,e R,;vr,lutionary Fathers, and to set up in its place, over a large part of our cotuuion country, a new and hostile system ; Therefore, we, the lreemen of the county of Rutland in Convention assembled, without surrendering or abandoning oui previous po .. . . - 1 i 1 lineal principles or opinions, do resolve : Thftt ; h in the nation's j upnoiu ine pel iiicViit-iiL nuuiuuii ui me uu . . . 1 J stition against all oppossers in every i art of i the country. On motion of Mr. Cain the Convention That we earnestly protest against any stis-1 adjourned, pension of the vigorous ex Teise of the pow- j Th(J Convention was a(Wressed on the va erof the government ia restormg the com- r;ous nronosirionn nresented. bv Hon. D. K. pleteand undisputed sway of our Constitu of the I m.d until that end is reached and the I i , ciini tsin .iiiu I 'jw ..v uvii i.iiuuii, uiai . ' . . . . . . . . resolution which pledges the whole power ;,,., re-o'irei-s &' the S'ate to aid in putting ,i , ' ... j . -. KUTLANl), VT., TIITTliSDAY MORNING, JULY ing its wicked leaders to justice, and we, the lreemeu of Rutland County in Cosivention asseiiiblcd, pledge, ourselves to a cordial sup port of that policy and the nominations there made. After discussion the resolutions were laid oa the table. On motion of .John A. .Couant the Conven tion resolved itself into a Union Convention under the two c ills ior a Mass Convefioii. On motion of Hon. M. H. Cook, H.n. John A. Conant, John Cain and M. 11. Cook were appointed a committee tr. wait on the Delegate Convention assembled at the Court House and invite them to participate. Mr. Cook pres -.nted the following report whioii was adopted : The select committee to notify itie Repub lican Delegate Convention assembled at the Court House July 10, 1801, that this Conven tion had extended a cordial invitati mi for their Convention to appear on the floor ot' this Convention and to participate in its de liberation and action and request them to ac cept said invitation, 1 eg leave to report that said committee having performed the duties assigned them by notifying said Delegation of s:iid invitation and requesting its acceptance, and further report that said De'egate Con vent on accepted .-aid invitation i l the man ner and form as follows : Slid D-deL'ate Convention upon rcreiv n ' ! said lnvifa'ion voted to adjourn t'.eir Con vention ii ii i 1 alter the adjournment of vour Convention and the memti.-r.s hereof indi vidually proeetd to. and act wit'i. your Convention in its aeii n and ! liberation-, and after the adjournment, of vour Conven tion said Delegate Convention to a-seiuble again and do any other business bv said C n vention thought proncr. JOHN. A. CONANT. JOHN CA!'. M. II. COOK. Rutland, July lb". 1 s 1 . On motion, the Convention resolved i's- li into Town Conven'io-is to make a committee of three from each to,vn tj nominate a ti'-ket for County O.liei'rs. 1 he followin' uentlemen composed committee : Clarendon E. F. Coiv'm Henry Hay ward. Enoch Smith. Chittenden W O. Harrison, German Se- j gar, Linas Edmunds. j DanbgM. II. Cook, Miner Hilliard, J. j N. Pniliips. 1'nirhuce.n Samuel Wood, Z. C. Elli. C. P. Hill. j Huhh'irdton C. S. Piumsev, M. G. Barber. I C. W. Fav. Ira C." Giddins, D.W. Wilkins, J. Thorn- ! ton. I Middletown Alpheus Haynes, Roswell Buell, Jr., H. Ilaskins. : M . ... T ':n.:. f v l it t .. 1 .u.-t, lumuLMi.uu.uAV-, erill. Mount Holly No delegates reported. Mount Tabor No delegates reported. I'awlet Sheldon Edgerton, J. Hulett, V. Andrus. Poultney C. A. Rann, L. D. ltoss, N. Rinsom. Pittsford Lerov White, H. F. Lathrop, It. It. Drake. ,v,iR TJ,mt. IT n riiKV- A y0e. I Rutland Wm. Clilmore, John Cain, Hor ace Allen. Shrewsbury John Webb, Z. (J. Foster, (J. C. Holden. Sudbury A. J. Ketchum, R.W.Pitts. Sim eon Young. Sherburne Bradford Chase, Warner Bates, John. S. S.nitb. Tinmouth Judah II. Round, Geo. M. No Noble, Levi Rice, Jr. Wallinrford Henry Shaw, E. Martindale, N. Round. West Haven James Fostei, N. sh, R. C. Abell. Wells 3. S. Hulett, R. S. Wells, L. P. Grover. Horace Allen, Chairman of Nominating L Committee, presented the following report, winch was auopteu : Senators. M. C. Rice, John Jackson, I). W. Taylor. Judges. Alanson Allen, Ebenkzkr FlSUL Ii, Sheriff'. Wm. M. Field. State's Attorney. John Pkoct. Hirjh Bailiff. K. W. Puts. Judge of Probate Rutland District. Ambrose L. Brown, Judge of Prolate Fairhacea District. Almon Warner. Mr. Nicholson called up the Resolutions, presented by him, and moved their adoption. beHcVen our iir. foam moved the last clause ot the reso- The resolutions were adopted. Mr. Cain nioved a reconsideration of the Resolutions. Lost. Xieholson. John Cain. Hon. John A. Cnnant. Hon. Clark. nii. J W. Y. RIPLEY", President. Henry Clark, Secretary. We don't see why the South Carolinians yeed grumble at being cut oil' from their ac customed supplies of Northern mercury. Don't the Charleston Mercury dose, enough hor the Kjtlun.t Herald. UNION s ( N ( ; . Ovinia- mountain an .! over the plain ''' l'ttle-cr -chov 1'rom fortet to ma SlacK ijianny never shall lasteu her chain On tli? sons pi tu! brave in the laud ol the free. iff tcuiF of iircei-MOii urn Ditctit;! in tin- field. 1 lie uaele-blat riu-s. .11 tlie Clear,ir Kut ht-r uh now un numbered, and t-uon the muftt Hi r Lmi-.-ts turn t j uiuitrnn;. her fiojie to dspair. 1 or tht: -Uttu ho-ts ot I ret Joni hv rnillisus come )!":?!! 1 heir v at on now flah in the bi iht southern sun ; A Ml ic r will their eves turn Again to the North, Tiii t :a-on is coii jiieieil and victory won. 1 ! ei' o.a with our i la.'- let it float on the breeze Whch watts tie gla t i horu;; ol j i o erthe land Our watchword ( 'oLU.vjua tht Limit of lit' Fret " Our .-nut to lit e L.MOM-! tvtr yimlt i:n' ' ' R. 1 loin the HuU'a.'o Commercial Advertjuer GIRLS. ' -Miy le ori vurd i jlo June.'' 1 Ills is lilt. I i;.i ii 1 1 1 ti I 1'rnrii I.,. u. ia!i ... i,uiUi ,,j " u"." iongieiiow (tescritjes Ine transition from girlhotx to womanhood, who has stood Hut tiny one "WTher? tue 6ronk ar-1 river meet. . oiiia ih iM.l an t clu.di.cK'.i tteei," .an tell him that the position i- far pieas antcr in poetry than in rcalitv. She van sav with einphtisis, "Vht-u I w:ts :i child I its a child, and acted ns r-hihl . but no.v, bclore I have become a woman 1 must put away my childi-h things, and bee,,, He as inucii. of a young ladv in .-peccii and manner as I am in ize." A second time she iim-t learn to walk, and sle- has as little cuiilidt ii' i; in her jir-t -I'n't- as a ciiild i4:t-. in its first .-tep, and is doomed to a-i many laiiurcs. Ilen-tofore -he has fel and acted upon the fet-lin.r thai .-in; wa- a iiith- girl, and could de" pe:id tipoll tiiier- ; nutv sin: is ;ul,l that she i- large enough to act for her-elf. lit r size a iavoiiie -ubjeet (lf eotn inen: among her acquaintance-. "How vo l grow I" You'll soon ho taller than )tur mother '." "How you tio run up ! joti need topping." are expre.ioiis with whicii .-he i- eou-tantly greeH-d, until she letd- that .-he inti-t look verv like a crane or a giraffe. When -he was a lit tle girl, any awkwardne-- wa-excused ; but now, being STifposetl to have passed that critical period when -he does nut know what to do with her hand, she must put on ea-e and grace with her long dres or have their absence apologized for by Lac explanation that -he is at an awkward age is an over-grown girl. She must endure the humiliation of hear ing her ohler si-t.. rs and vmng ladv ac- quaiatances complacently remark that they wear smaller cloves and 'aiiers tlmti she. furgetlul of the. time when thev suffered a like mortiiicatioii. A tew months ;c. U., .it in a room all the evening without -peak- ing, and it was not notic-d but now she ; lnuc be able to discuss with people three times her age, the prominent topics of j the day. Ami she cannot join the- con- ver.-ation without running the risk of a j private lecture on the subject of defer- j u,lc t,J ,"'-' ine.scnce a ence to tno presence and opinion ol el uer. So, while endeavoring to avoid the Scylla of silence, she falls mto the Llia- rybdis of talking tX) much. Everything eonsiderei, thi i one of the most trvinr period in a girl life. In reference to her toilet, she i constantly nailing oetweeii two opinion ; pne is i tortured with the fear of getting on some- thing too old, or something too young. I j would commend her deplorable situation j 1.1.:.. i . . t to the manufacturer. and ladies of taste, with the suggestion that they provide a remedy. She cannot dispose of that most troublesome piece of property, her hair, by having it cut at her ears, because that would he too childish ! it is at .-uch a length that she cannot put it up or even if .she can, she han"t the courage to do it. lor fear of being suspected of apeing the lady. She i con-idered a child or young la dy, according to the convenience of oth er. Nobody think of her when making up a party for a s.leigh-riih; ; she is too old to attend children's parties, and too young to attend those of grown up people. When she does make her appearance at one of these hitter, she i .-lire to he mo nopolized by some old bachelor or widow er, who was invited for what he has been in the days of long ago. Now it is very trying to immature patience to he sacri ced to some man old enough to be her grandfather, because all the young ladies in the room persist in being oblivious to his presence, though he has been trying to bow to them the whole evening. Jsor is this the worst of it : he has been studying woman-nature so long that he can look into her heart, can flatter her and make her appear ridiculous, and then laugh over it at his leisure. So far as her lessons are concerned, she is treated by her teacher as though her mind was fully matured. Prodigies are expected of her in the way of compo sition, although the most unpleasant thing about it is that she can no longer write on 'Spring,' or 'Flowers,' 'Birds,' or any of the brute creation. I have no doubt that the honorable Conmittee long may they live are reading this composition with all their critical powers as much on the fjw' rire as though the writer was a mature young lady, hi-tead of one oi" the 18, 18(51. THE SOUTIIKUN 1)K LUSIOX. I A correspondent of thjj Christian In- ; tclligcncer refers to the darkness resting j upon the Soiitliern mind in regard to the ! North, which seems imptlietrahle. When i " , lll.llj il WIIOKJ gene- i we cotisiUer. lie say., thtit a whoh I '"ition has grown up there, under the icm iimjis in vainoun, una inoe like bun highly e.steeincc by themj to believe that me oinies nave a nglil to .secede ; when I -UJ " V "cc loonen out from na?y hair like lily we re.n-mber the li.s that were circula- i All raVlf' inTta beauty with the UBhiDe of hr ted pn;vions to tht; latt; election, in rela- 1 "oul-, .u ,;,,, .1 . - 11 'a : fche caught the ripple of her laugh from some wil turn to the part v eonurig into power, hv i mountain sireVm, ' W1J their leading politicians), and al-o hy j AuVeam- mMow e!M,,,ce"' trom ia her Northern newsptijiers n-ftesedly not ab- ' And 'r-" with melody were tote like bir4 Olit On, encouraging theill to rebellion as ! ADdh'kVnI. melancbo!y wind thro' Autumn i goM their only alternative, 'and p: omi.-ing Northern -yinpatliy and aiI ; and we w that the impression prevails now ahno-t 'ZtuoT! tty oueeni, univ;rsally at the houth, that the North, i 1:1 1 1 ,t , i iiKe a iaii'i u savages, wim the war-CTV i ol 'B(:intv and hootv "' an? i,., .,,!;,,', iiii tin0 j iheli! for th" purpose of desolating tlieir homes ; and when, according to ure-cnt - i ajipearances, it is impossible to undeceive them, link- the Lord should suddenly in terfere, as he did when he united the North by the attack on Stiitntcr ; we mu-t feel tha: something moiei i incded to re unite u- than bayonet- : and bullets Prayer unceasing should fit- ,M.-r-d that our flo 1 would iiiterfejc. and remove the cloinl from tin- hearts t); ,nr bretlnt-n at the South, and by His ahuighlv pov.t r. restore peace and good-v. ill, love and union through W. the hueh' Tip- writ i r inightdiae add'-u tin- ( ther nio-t iotlut-ntial Calli'iun .erine- that the policy of tie ( 'iverntnetit ha- been per-i-ti'iitl v 'mimical ti Southern inter ests, taxing th-South toenriehth" North: thai Slav-TV is right and that to pro hibit the (-xtt a-ion ot territories, i- i make shtv-j-rv into new war ti;n o:i!hcrn right-, -.nd ti;t;nple tin- No.ijn tiov inferior and coiipiered 'i"ovjiiet With the great nia-s of1 -,.,... u a- aa ioni-t-. ail these Unrigs pa-- tor certain truth : no lair -tatt-im-nt on th'.-other sde fin reach (hem. and if it could, li'.th' chance would it have among people -o dtjuded hv life long teaching. LIKE OF A JAIL HI lib. 1 am not a going tor ttJ Kill you my life like a -og or i storv l.iMfk. Hut to give it to von shoi and hardy. I'll lut I ... i i , .r whipped. an d worried, and drove Pve no more notion wh-re I was born than you have -if so inueb. ' I tirt became aware of .my-elf down in Essex, a thieving turnip for my living. Summun had run away from rne a tnau a tinker and he'd took the. fire with him, and left me werry cold. I know'd mv name to he Magwiuh, christen'd a j iu the tu Abel. Mow uiu i Know : jiueu bechallinch. sparrer, thru.-h. I might have thought it was till lie together, only as once into a mouthful ot i-.ngn.-n. in fun j and out of jail, in jail and ut of jail', in event- of childho.j.1. while all the wide jail and out of jail. Ther-, vou . got it. -pace between that and the pre.-ent hour That' mv life prettv muchj'down to such " :' dsitel and forgotten tvaste. You time si I "ot shiped off. nrt-r pip -t..od l',f- perchance, seen an old and half ob my friend, "rf e been .lone everything to, 'iterated j-ortrait. and in th" attempt to prettv well, except handed. I've been .have it cleaned and re-tored, you have lock.".! up as mucli a a silver tea-kettle. ' M ("n h !'swl aWll'' whiI 11 brighter 1 I've be. ti carted here and carted there. ' "ore perfect j-K ture painted lieneath. and put out of thi town and put out of revealed to view. T his ,ortrait. tirrt that town, and stuck in the stock, and drawn upon the canva-, s no inapt illut- the bird' name come out true, I supi ose a a portion of the troops were being mine did So fur a I could find there : tran-ferred to Athens. Among the fa warn't a oul that see voung Abel Mag- tally wounded was a young man named witch, with as little on hint as in him, but wot caught fright at him, ami either drove him off, or took him up T wn ttxik tin. took up, took up. to that extent that I ' comrades. Ill injuries were moM.y u reg'larly growed up took up. j jernal, and he could scarcely peak. at This. the wav it wis. that when I ! blood choked hi utterance A number wa a ra-ed little creetur, ;u- much .o be j of comrades gathered around him to as pitied as 7ver I .ee (not that I looked in; certain the extent of h. injuries, and to the -I.., for there warn't many insi I; of. c who he wa. e . 7 , . ,.,..L.... i..,.. ,. ,r. T Tf.t the lurniMieu nouise- ivnu.. - c- nameofbeing hardened, -lln- i a ter- .;.!.. .o, nn, ' tluiv sav to vron j- ter- vitors. picking out me. V 'May be said to ; to tbrgct me,hat I die for my couiitr live in ia 1. thi 1mv.' Then thev looke.l ! Ih.y were Ins last and dying void- a me nd I locked at them, and they His .pint hud n-en Vyond thega esot n caTu ed u. v head, .omc on Vm-thvy j da.v-.nto the bght of the better anL ,1 better a.neaPun,l mv stomach-an-l . llr comrades who so,,l arouml watch others on i gave me 'tracts what I ing h, dying struggle, burs, forth into couldn't ead. "and made, e P,K.eebeS , tear, and an f.hcer who .food among what I couldn't understand. Tney al- ! them, wept like a ehdd. It was a touch- "'' i i ,1hC ;i n scene, and the nerved hearts of our wnv went on aen me about tne tievn. wa. mm on a c.i were ini,ltctl ,() teaK to 8ee Hut what the devil was i to uo . j uju-i p , t some hing into my st unach. mustn't ' one among them so young, and o brave, i ? Ilowsotnever, I'm getting low, and I ; arr.ed premat urely away. know what's due. Dear boy and Pips; comrade, don't you be afee d of me being .Toe A or.. W.KE.-Ihe marriage o low. Tnunping, begging, thieving, work- middle age is companionship; the second . :. . i i.ivnT.1 ilioiifh that marriage of maturity, perhaps the repa- ing someiiine'? - - - warn't as often as you may perhaps think, ;n r,t the nuestion whether you would have been over ready to give me work yourselves a bit o bit of a laborer, a bit of a 1 work yourselves-a bit o a poacher, a V . . ! .. l.: b t of a laborer, a nit ot a wagouci, o,. of a haymaker, a bit of a l.awker, a bit of . . .1..,. nnt p,iv nnd h ad awker, a tut ot pav. and lead ttllk'T III I OS I II.IL t 11 11V -7, ------ to trouble, I got to be a mfnt in l i A deserting soldier in rest wot lav hid ui to the traveller's chin under a lot nft-itm learnt me to lead ; ami a travelling giant, wot signed his name at a vvhen the over i into the bus penny at a time, learnt die to write. I bund, the flatterer into the friend. . lo,.L,.,l ,,n as often now a former- ly, but I wore out my golod share of ke'v metal still.. Orf ' Krv.-.-has. io iPKICF. THR7CKCTS i l'KH YiSAU For the Herald. MADGE. Oh' beautiful was Mademv bride-in her voon ffirlith grace, v"i And her t-weet i'ce left a fiunbfam in erery darkeoux place Nor tsinKio bird nor ptirrlng leaf had melody As the corahiff to my cottaxe of her email and liirh coine leet. ller eyn were blue as violets that crow betide the brook. VVok1 wUU Lly piclum' ,ike taaton. ttory- Anl j"'1 ""k lJ '" to my Klad heart, the anligt ' And loviuirly and anxiously I !i.ten ax fif t ; Jo lir thy flow jet mu ical rtep tread or our ; tsife UMJT ' our cot- ; l't violet by the brook, my love, thine eye have rrot). Aiudtlie heautilul holy picture in tl.v Iitrsrtbavc Wrttif'l doWU ' Out of the uaviri;r golden hair Lve blowomtrd muwy 11 jw'rr, And path- on thy face, wtire long liaye walked tee rov liour' I liy Iaui?li tituM bow mo eclio of tt.t: rijijiliiiit lous ol vore. Vtt the rmliance of rtiy r-mile hn frrown more Lf- eiey limn be!or- lor the mi-How vtioi are -'repin 'not; Lift-e iol leu Autumn .bi-avi-f. And down the rti-n;u title of yearn t.wetjp mauf tv liti-red I-nve-! Ttio tin- cta-e to blos.,m. and the violets ae a ny. 1 h'.ii rt n-r-r . vt i: now to me ttmii lb X-ife t ftliM .-tpl Ills' ti . An I len Vi,'h f.e door!! kie .!oo-trd o! ttiw two iritn in cae-. rojr-tti'-r. ?o wlnt- b.r-i- vn!i roar tl.r ' tjtiilere end t -- ui( ' i'a;.; !.. J-.,i Al A it Tin: ji:i.Tfcr Sjemixaiiy. The tir--sid i- a -t-mitiary ff infinite importance. It i- important iecau.-e it is univert-al. and because the education it bc-tow- Vu ing woeu in with the woof of childhood, give ltirm and ex.or t the wiitjle texture of lite. I tit-rt an- few who can receive tht hi!i'.r-o? a n!lcL!. but ail are -radii- ate- ? th- hearth. Tin; learning : th univt-i-itv mav lade from the rt.collcctioi. ii- c!a--ie lore may moulder in the hallt of memory. Hut the -.implc lessons of home, enatnelle'l upon the heart of child hd, defy the rust of years, ami outlive the more mature, but les vivid picture t after days. So deep, -o iasting. ir th(d. tire the hnpre don of early life, . ,!.! it. If . . I .jfrr.. il. i inn Tr..-.. ,,, ig,t.n li-.n ! iranon oi youtu ; ana u.ougu n in v oe ' concealed by some after de,.gn -till the origmtii traits v,-ju snine inrougri ine ou- ward picture, giving it tone while fre.-b, and surviving it in decay. Such is the fireside the great institution furnished hv Providence for the education of man. Tell Mother ot to Forget Mt, I: That I Die for My Ountuv." ; (,ite a touching incident occurred at the -cene of the railroad accident, on the ! rietta and Cincinnati U. H.. last Ma- week ' r-unlap. from . who wa taken irom the wreck ami lam ujxm me green- sward beneath the shade ot a tree, by hie i One among them asked his name, ana 11 "e nau any worn io m im nunn . n e '''V"'-' 7,' ' 1 r mI, difficulty he uttered : fell moth, i not . t . - - , . w ration of a mistake perhaps the pallid of a buried joy ; but the mar- riage of the loving you.ig is by the direct blessing ot uod ami is the reai.z t.on 01 ;i eoninlefft ltlejil nf !i lovinn iiiitnnn life. . ... Let those who have found that pearl hold it fast and keep it safe. H lthin the doors where love dwells, no evil thing should enter and the loving bride who would be the happy wife must specially guard -huhm uci un m-pcme-icc ami ue.-pmr TI 'e?v The Southern beauties have adopted as o'vn a stvlo of hoorii h--ret !.)!':- ' 1 " I - ' '