Newspaper Page Text
nn: Rutland weekly herald.- Thursday, si:ptemm:h CV RUTLAND, THURSDAY, SEPT. 5. COL. WHITING ONCE MORE. We have received a communication from an esteemed correspondent, S. F." expressing strong dissent to the tone and spirit of our article headed " A Muddle," published Thursday. He assumes that Col. Whiting, having lost the confidence of his under officers and men, no matter for what cause, ought not to retain the command, and should voluntarily resign, or his commission betaken from him Our correspondent may be right in his . position ; and yet we can conceive that if the charge of cowardice brought against Col. Whiting is false, as he claims it is, it would be asking too much of him to vol untarily resign, and thus virtually admit the charge to be true. His own self-respect would prompt him to repel the charge, and that may be done by institut ing the investigation provided tor in the army regulations. The object of our arti cle yesterday, was not o much to defend Col. Whiting, as to protest against news- paper clamor founded upon partial and in- complete statements. Adhering to. our , ii-i ... , I resolve to let Col. , luting s case be d,s- posed of by those charged with that duty, we most respectfully decline to open our columns to a further discussion, at least, for the present. The appointment of Surgeon of the 5th Regiment is well made. Dr. Russell is a bona fide physician and n an 1 has "killed his man !" He has, moreo ver, a comical way of looking on the dark ide ot tilings ; tie enjoy- bad weather, oad ! health, bad eating, and .'.iscomfort of ev- j ery kind so heartily that it will be a pleas- j ure to the "boys" to have him around. Thk Am km can Loan in Canada. The Canadians are investing considerably in United State- bonds so extensively as to cause the Montreal Commercial Ad- j vertiser to state that thereby the solvency j of savings bank- i- likely to be conipro-, mised. Tie banks have been obliged to realize funds for withdrawal for such in vestment at much disadvantage. Mi r T-r , uv . .'Plti-i l.'lllllTl.W II......-1. Manchester, paed an examination of the j Surgeon on Friday hist and on organiza- I tion elected C. P. Dudley and M. Y. Bronson, both of Rutland and members of the Light (iuard Captain and 1st Lieu j tenant. 1 1 A Batti.k Imminknt nf.ak Washing ton. The Washington lb-publican of muisuay e.v.piesses ne opinion inai a i battle across the Potomac cannot be avoid- ! ed many davs longer. The enemy are j . " " j evidently crowding upon our hnes, and j are pressing daily closer and closer to our j fortiiications. ! ; fiTWe ur.djrstaitd that Engineer- M. ! S. liichard-ou Cm !)avi- h dcrcd out botii Fire Companies for trial ' of their next. ngme.- on Satilnniy afternoon The Hon. Ibvu Wii.mot is hit dangeroii.-ly ill ;it his boti- 1 owatnlil, , t (Mill. The Middh-burv lit Pro fessor Boardman ha-, lvsigned the Pro- ' iessorship of Khetorie ;i:id English Liter, at ure in Middlebury College. His resig nation is accepted, and Brainard Kellogg of Chanipluin. N". Y., lias accepted the appointment temporarily. The appoint ment will doubtless be made permanent. Prof. II. M. S ley has accepted per manently the Professorship of Chemistry and Natural History The Philadelphia Press reports the ap pointment of L. L. Tildu- of Vermont, to 1)0 assist ad t Libraihei of Congress, vice Hinniiin, re.siijned. The New York Commercial says that a member of Company A, of the 2d Ver mont Iicgimenf, died in Philadelphia last week, while on his way home on the sick leave. Ilis name is not mentioned. i Four young men trotn Ludlow, j viz : Alonzo Grover. L. Whitney, James . . e, ,, f-. ! Pi rker and Martin Swett were in town L atutr auu yesterday and made trial ot their skill at j sharp shooting. The four fired 19 shots. I 14 ct' which hit the target, and two j ,T 1 -f t-i Q mill'-, ove ! shots bv Mr. Grover hit the bull s ejt. . suois uj Major Slcmmer, the defender of Fort Pickens, is ordered to Western Virginia, to report to Gen. Kosencrans. WASHING TON C O RRE S PON DE NCE. Watiiisgtos Crrv, August 27, 1SG1. Editor IIkuald : Our national pros pects begin to look quite encouraging. In recent movements at 'head-quarters" we discover evidence that the " powers that be " have finally waked up to a com prehensive idea of the magnitude of the work before them. The more than Itip-Van-Winkle slum ber, which seemed to have possession of our government authorities, has at last passed away, and their waking eyes have evidently discovered the fact tliat the Union is really in danger, and that if it is to be preserved in its integrity, they . J , , . , . that shall command respect at home and abroad, and a vigor that shall insure suc cess. The response to the late call for more troops by the Secretary of War, is so far quite satisfactory ,and has given new life to every department of the army. But the government needs more men and must have them, so let them be enlisted and forwarded at once. Prompt measures are being taken to cut oil ail intercourse with the rebel Slates, and to suppress the circulation of treasonable publications. The secession papers of Baltimore, to save themselves from suppression, have been compelled to guarantee that they will publish no move' liu'"ts "v m'w ,,f ,hu al in) ll ,u wullM '." miv way be of advantage to the rebels it (h(;m Th(; , W!st(.r (;,.n. eral litis issued instructions to the Post master of New York, not to allow the News, Day Book. Freeman's .Journal, Journal of Commerce and Brooklyn Ei gle, to be circulated through the mails. While this decisive action is taking place in regard to dangerous publications, the I government detectives are busily engaged ! in obtaining evidence of the guiity com plicity w ith the rebels of traitors in our midst, both male and female. The arrest ' of Mayor Berrett of this city a tew days i since and his removal Ic-nce. nroduc -d ' i much -eiisation among his sympathisers in jt v.-;l expected by 'most of the loyal citizens. It was not merely for the rea- i son that he refused to take the oath ot i loyalty as an ex-officio member of the board of Police Commissioners recently authorized by Congress, although this fact may have hastened it. There are other reasons, other evidence, good and stitli cient to warrant his arre-t. Among the it-male traitots who have been taken in custody are Mrs. C recti how and Mrs. Phillips, both well known in fashionable circles. Thev, as well as other- ju-t ar- I rested, are accused of giving aid .and com ! tort to the rebels. The Provost Marshal's ' docket is not yet .as full ol such cases a- it ' will be. The employees of government have i . ... , .", .aiK Op im mi i .iniaiii s office " and subscribe to the following oath of allegiance, u: " I do solemnly swear that I will s.ip- j port, protect, and detenu the constitution of the l.'nited States again-t ..11 enemies. whether domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, allegiance, and loyalty to the -ame, any ordinance, resolution, or law of any State Conv entiin or Legisla ture to the contrary notwithstanding; and further, that I do tins with a bill deterini- nation, pledge, and purpose, without any mental reservation or evasion whatsoever : ;,ml il"',u,'1 that I will wcli and faithlully perform all the unties which m:;v be re- , iW S he!;, m."- (bid." i;ut few I learn, have refused to take if, although there are many yet in the de- partments here who-e disloyal sympathies ;' '- e'n-tant subject of among ! loyal men. It due.- seem to me a- though time enough had elapsed to have the department- free fio:n the polluting to icli of traitor-. That -uc'u in'ii are -til! ta- plovcd by gov i-nimcti!. and iti thi- capacity are doing u- more harm th e; a thou-au d Beauregard-, no ontr can ou-.-tiou. th- I crwi-e. how came the r )cl- !tl j i--l.,--10il , ,1,,. ,t. if ;t map (d the plan oi attacai :U Lull Bun, when there were only live in t-xist-ance. and ilio-e made tit the War Depart ment. But a few day.- a-o there was a ! sud-h-n niovemeiit ou ihe p.u t of th- r, b- (1 I'll 1 1' . 1.1 ..! .1 -ls, which cieany muit-aici in:u inev nau been :iprised of the plan- of (icn. Me Clellan. Where dois this inteiligence conic from unless trom those in the confi dence ot the authorities and entrusted with their secrets? The health of the Vermont liegiments inay be judged from the following, taken from the la.-t official report of the number in hn-pital. At Ceneral Ho-pibil. on E street, Washington, 12 J regiment, 1 ; od do, 1 : iit Union Hopiial, (leorgelowu, "'d rt-iiiment. 1 : od do, lo; Seminary llos pi'td, (ieorgetown, .'hi regiment. 1 ; Cen tral Hospital, Alexandria, Va.. '2d regi meni, .", being 2'2 in till. NtoriiY 1 k. Family Quarkkl at Bichmom.- We laid the following bit of intelligence, in a late Richmond Examiner : "The Confederate Congress deliberate. with closed doors, and no well advised person could wish their session fo be the arena of oratorical gladiators and thespec- tacle ol the populace. But general state- ments of the temper and intentions of par- liamentary bodies will, despite of every caution, iind their way before the public, J ! and generally contain more or less of truth. h is"now currently believed, with much distress by judicious men, that there is a small minority of Congress disposed to organize a standing opposition to the pres- n 1 . . 1 t i.xccutive of the Confederacy. TriK Sdgak Citor. The New Orleans Delta says the sugar crop is very large, but planted don't know what to do with it. REPLY TO T IE CHABCE OF ATT EM PTE1) ROB BEIiY. Editor, of the IIkuald: There ap peared in your isiue of the 25th inst., tin irticle headed "Singular Aflair, with the signature of N Kinsgley, from New to give an account of an York, professing ittempt at highway robbery in Mendon, which is calculated! to deceive the public, and does gross in justice to an honest, hard working man. The facts in the case are simply these, as now understood : Mr.Kingsley alid party, perhaps on the principle ( judging charitably) that the higher up the more devout they could be, i na'1 n,;,'T1 ordered to flu Navy Yard, Brook went to Killingloti Peak on Saturday toj lyn, for examination as an applicant for the spend the Sabbath. In passing to Kil- 1 lington, they crass! a bridge and through fields belongim- t j l. Mebbins. Hie i plank on the hi; l'lge were taken up to i . form, a cattle 'Miaul from the field and crops on the opposite side of the stream. .Mr. Kingsley's party placed the-e nl-ink upon the bridge, j crossed, and left them then llld al-o tcJok down a pair of bars tnd h ft then, down, passinir leisurely on to the mouut iiu. Tiie con,cq.jenee wa-, the owner of the field, (an hone-t. hard- ,..,,,.!.:, !.'.. i . , , . . . working I retiehman, with a l;ir"- tauiilv .. ., , . . - '-U"UJ . ,,,, ,.,!,,! ,, urove 01 came eonsumiiig, lie prospective lread tor his tanuly, and toil. He was ol reward of hi- hard iOUl'sl indignant at the ius party who naa mus wantonly exjio-ei nis ciojis to be d'-i-troyed. And when the devout i,..rtv r..tliriti'..l l-.t.. ... i. . 1 1.1; 1 tenioon, Mr. S. and his atoti-iii-Iaw, as it appear.-, met th and demanded remu neration, for daufige done him. ju-t a- any hone-t man -hojild. '1 he man witl a gun, who appears in the redoubtable Dr.'s communication .-o fearful a backi r of the robbers was a neighbor, who v as out in search of his cows and accidentally happened there at this juncture, as facts have developed, not to rob. but to help the Dr. and his be.-eig-ed parly to e-cape unharmed. It is hoped the Dr.'- m-xt Sabbath may be le.-s eventful, fin the marvellou-. at lca-t,) and be more quietly and appropri ately .-tent with tho-.e who. having learned the beginning of vi-dm, devoutly wor ship in the sanctuary. Wm. P. Mekuiam. ATTENTION. SHARP SHOOTERS ; Orders from headquarters to hasten the enli-tment of the Vermont Sharp Shoot ers, with ail di-palch, induce me to alter my plan of enlistment somewhat, and per mit each applicant tor a-1 mis-ion to the company, to make liU trial shots in pres ence of some reliable person in hi- nwn town. Eack one using rifle-, with glob" -ight. or tele-i-ope -iht- will be rtquire! to make t-n con-'itut i ve T i t trotn a tirm re-t, at a target j "Jon yaI li, di-iant. Each one u-iilg a ''onmoti rifle, with nlaiii open .-ight-. wi" ' -- -j-t.- i .....i- ten eon shots from a tirm re-!, at a target IL'OO yards di-tant in each ca-e ! tin sum of the 3 istam -- of all the -hots trotn tiie centre ot ttie ouil - ev- no: 1 -xce;d oJ incies uieti-uring troni the centrt: ot each sljiot s.rparateiy to tie-centre oi the bull's jeye. Each per-011 attending the trial as at testing witm-s-, will be required to en close to me at V'e-t limdoltih. Vermont. each separate ntime attached target with applicant's thereto ; al.-o enclosing j letter giving .-tile of s.ght ni th- ritl" h ajipli i araiice, i used in making th" target of cant, iige, height, general and statement at to moral-, and panicu- larly tegardii.t tcMiper.ltt habits. i -triet regit-. lite- intem perance, :md noj one will ktirn1. in j-,- be 1 -t e-iag . hen admitted who i- in th" habit it foxicatetl. and it tiny are fa ind 1 1:1 x i - iled f.ctmptneni, given r 111" iiaint : m: cation, thev w ili be prouiptlv xp. tVum tiie rcgitnenr. .- lliere 1 'Hi1 be call !n r tr;al. ! b, make his t llgc! .-ii alls j tittle or place. i Advi.-e- ;i'.:i t B .ri. ;.it- - MP- l.:e lib Lll'ei-11 ,;e c. a! -et-.d- tin-maker- in I timtotan lo h Ii ! . 1 1 co i . ' oa , it-i h- 1 gr. overcoat.' I t'ol. Berdan. at lilV icipie-t. ' ! 1:' m . s ot -o ne of t name- ot .-o an I'-st ri 't the tuanti v : Allen tV Wheeler, Woree-P Morgan .bime-, l.'tii-a. New Vo - Wheeler, New; Yotk City stiys : "I am nbw te-iing a - . Ma--.. k : ( ttiioti he al-o itu p ritlc. made tor long ri ng- shooting, mid think it will prove a Vciy desirable aim for 11-. We arc now en-tag- d iti testing ilitlcr- nt tiiake- ot rules. ' in the coursi daVs we. -hall be able to dech .;n..c 1 ii ... 11 . . a V.'llie the best." Let all wishing to enter ;h, ''"jiiioP'r-, gel a title to make their narp t;.a ' t -hould with, and it tbey are accepted, ihl-v have no ri' of their own, , if thi . 1 i!A or aiiow y prcii r. of no (,ip' of a particular ma!; they need give tiiem-clvc.- no i;n. -a-nit..--about ;i ritlc, one wiii be found, every way satisfactory that they can procar The men will I le numbered and equip- tl peil at tiie expense of the State. lOach niiih lo find his own rifle, the Govern ment allowing him $('() for the use of the same. The pay will be the same as thai of any other body of volunteers going from this State, tjominencing from the. day of enrollment. I shall endeavot to see each applicant if possible, before enrolled. Each man will receive due Tiotice of time and place of meeting, iis wftll a of acceptance. Ri- lies are irefered weighing 12 or lb' pouuds. carrying 80 Lulls to the pounif, that will in good hands pick of!" a man a half ;t mile. Four buglers are wanted for the -ompauy. Any further information cau be had by addressing me at We-t Randolph. Col, Berdan writes : ''For your conn- try's sake hurry up the men companies are coming in from the other States, I hope Vermont will not be behind hand with her Green Mountain Boys." And il say ''hurry up" my brave com rades let us get out our rifles and show Col. Berdan that we are not only not lag gards when the countiy calls, but that the blood of old Ethan never slttmf"rs. Conic one ! Come all ! E. WESTON, Jr. Capt. Vt. Sharp Shooters. STATE ITEMS. Richardson, of Montpeher, who P.. .J. oflice of assistant I'4vniaster in the Navy, ' his returned. I T examination was entirely satisftc-torv. Major T. R. Clark of Chester, Drum . uaor ?' lWt lst "rnion; ?" ,H;''n appointed tt the sam; position in the ' "'tlj R-gimcnt. ! The Satireme Cr urt did no husine-s at i th.. rn.i.t t.'.rm at Hv.l..r.rlr. all tho ! ,.;., deferred to the (V.-n-r il Term. ! t , , . I I e tollowin na-ne 1 pei , ns h 1 been t . i i .- .1 1 -n 1 ciio-en l,v the Lijiioj Co.iipanv as their 1 captain. anU lieutenants: (.H;if;un, U-utieti C. lienton : 1-t L:-ut-n , ant J. V. Stiles : 2 1 L eat., S. Satu.'ier.Jr. -Tie- Vermont soldier who-e d-'ath a' i-itt- 1 1 iiuaueipin-t was i.oie.'i a ows a-j j w'1 dohn M. Fi-h. ol It .ya!'o;i. of Coaipiny 1 E. 2 1 Vermont R-.'jtijenf. II. A. Pu'niin. a-si-rati! reeiuitini otiieer. with ,u; otli e at Pi linli-l I. has re- I ceive 1 a co:iii!i!ioii troai tiovernor I'-tir- j banks a- T'-i ruiting otri -er. with authority to i take char- of th" ne-ri who had enli-te l at Barre under Dr T.-mjile'on the litter gen tleman; having given up his paper. Mr. Putnam has already cnii-'ed over liitv men, atid wji doubtl -s so'j.i (ill up his eotnpany. The Freeman hi- the following unler the Lead ot unii-ual :' .Ju-t before th.- Nortl.fiel 1 Company of ihr-c month- voiuti' er- left tor the war, a pur-e of several hun In d dollars was mad.? up and eiven ''i C pt. B jyntou to be u--d as the n- e--itie- ot th" company might require. A geiiiletirm wlio iiijipeiie.l to Ii" at Nonh-fi-'. 1 a' th" t:m-. h it. w Ca;i 15. a ten dol lar the ill toward tni- fund. The ot'-er day -ame gentleman 0-ang agam at ..ji!h- field. Capt. I'm. n'oii ret-. rned to him the ten j their homes forthwith. Any meii ahs--;.ce dollars, sax ing "but r hid hot been needed. without -uilicietit cau--? wiii held to be prv and shou' i eotie- ba k to th" original owner. , -'jaipt-.on aga;ii-t them. I This is certainly an exhibition ofthestri' t ; e- in'e-t 1'y . . AiRtct'i.rritAi. FAiits.- Th- ti- ; '-lit N'aliey Fair w,:i be held a'. Whi'e liner , -J u 111 tion. Sept. i. an ! ;. J 1 h t aiedutiii Co inf v I ai iner-' Fair I will ie l.eid at L-.t. dor. C-nt"r. We-ln-sdav , ; O tober J. he flt'h At.r.-i.i'. Fair of t're C'h irnpliin ail y A.'ir-uloira! S-i'ty wiii i.e h. 1 i in j er.-ei.n. -. We ii . .-ia;, . Ihur- iav and Fri- dy. th - :h. 1 (, ,,.,1 .'.eh uj .Se(,teuil..-r. Th" F.hii.:'ti!i r 'he errnont i- -0 ,.!, win (,.. !...,'. j iti K.itlat.d o'i the - ot S.'ft.'..,! 't.e 1 i-i d'eme -. L i. 1 ll'h. l-h and lti-h I t." II .1. Andre .J.;hn - n ,ri j -enator from :. i;.-d To d.-liv. r ?!, ar.ici u .-in, ;-;,... ..... 1 ic- tail Term ,,; ( he-t r A'-ad' tii v commenced .,n Wedn'-d.i v. tic; 'J"ii in-t. N"t with-tatiding tie- hard tine-.. it,--choo! op.ei- w.-ll. and th" pro-pect j, g'-o l tor a large attend tm-e. Th" teic,- r-:. ! iiit" t-nt. :ii.l t li- t'-rms r-;i-on-ab!.-. I". II. Clark. Drum Ma jor of th" 1 -t ttnont I! g. tni. tit. op te d a recruiting '!H--e in Ch -p-r Thur-lay. Ii i- th" i,j tetiti'ii, i ih" Che-!' r I..1V-. 1 1, j;- e ,r- respondent -av-. t-. ma!." :!o- a lack j ctiifsativ ." Ii i i !;! 3 . j i ; 1 v . ' P.M RKiTI-M. I h Pi- IlcAs F.l'i- limes sav- : - 'han .-ni-;.-h i r.e at.- : - -. . . 1 V ire v. I: 1 Fift--: m--' an .in Tiow T:la j'ct, t "o I e l j e.t, lis-. -, te V 1 , ; !--; . . If t-lebo-.l Fl iJ-.l- hav" al- !) it t..- v.ry i ; 1 o.ep ir. t to t ; iv i ''i- Dvn;i th . 1 A 1 piibii-iie., i , I-i. We ;; 1 I'tcj. nt I ! ;.-I-.tcj- as ;i.. ; , i Soatii to ballh to iiirui-h th--J ;-!. We ; Woahllhei-i p. of !i,e liati'in. i: by I'n'ilrrv , a.iii;i' I'oi t v.i dd. v. lh--e-,,: . - ; " hii-i, ,..; 1 , 1" "": ' ,':: so thai :!, I - -i'!i eati -a .- 1 1 . I 1:: . -a Ci t 1 t.;:: filil. ill. i:i' :i Nt tii iil'li. or ;i d. ., 'ar r sec -v - .,- war. a c o, .po-i d to th - w ar. and ' eru-h.u iiii tie- whole .ower it- a-ithot-s who em:a nc-d ol, and b 1 Ooll- . 1 1 1 I f II a ut am, a I M.t 1 i;i Ii- ; 1 1 1 tii ; at : ( tie t I. ol iii- :i iii. Mti- itll 1 1 ' Is a l-ov. n am! 4 to ; ii-a r i! i i-i t -. 1:!,. We would, then I po-sjbl a by t: in 1 lo 'o r.-o. laoo. a- ta ai e.a. atsd '. ..r a- -bin I il -V. ho.' elfi'e oi' U'e. In eri!l)g ti mil. - 1 j - r c -o a- ;,! tie- ea'Tl-J-1 momi-m to quell rebellion 1 fecMmliy. mid perpf-tutil t ixati-ei hi reaftrr. itu 1 e are ippo-c d P. d! paiiaiio!! and propo-itioii- ot' peace or cornpiomi-c. until rebellion j ; dh ai a d. and it- flag, .-tecped iii thet'i. trca-on. piracy, ar-tm. re bellion ;nid inur h-r. 1- torn down and b- stroved. and until the- .-tar- :ml -tripe- tloat over every Slat- c.ipiio! and i-verv form - in tie- Union, Uh. W Ii'-n th- roar of ieb-1 artillery i- silenced and the -tipreiuaev of tie- ( 'oii- stitutioii i - acknow 1igcd. we are. a- we have hen, for guardiicr with s..-dulou care every right which it guarantees to everv section ltd tin- Union, and lor .-trt-ugtbeii- ing the' tics ol brotla-i hood -un lered by a set of jgracele.--. political robbers, acting again - i th - wishes and th..- will o! the- ma.-.-cs of th.- South rn people. EVENTS IS MLSMHT.I. (i'n. I'i tm, i, I tin -i 'ins .Vurliul J.'t i.l i nn i in' t j ii ( 1 1 s U'f- ! ' nf i hi I iHiish ) r tiiriniijhoui the S'at iiiti. rrcri.oi.t isMled the in omrv nii.ei.a- , ion on Saturday morning : i Head Quarters, Y ! ' ' .St. U, -stern Department, .: t i Circumstances, in iny judjjhineiit, ol suin- , cieiit urgency, rei.di r it necessary that the j commanding getierUi of iLis department i saoum ai.-uuic un; a L I I .1 lniinistrative powers o; 'anized cuiidaioli. il e nl authority, the tot A ! the Stat. Its di-o: i helplessness el the i insecurity ot lite ;Jnd the o! property by Land, 4' luaraud who inle-t nearly every county themselves of nuhln in the State, and avail iiiisibrtuiics and ttie vi cinity ol Lost he. lorcjes to yralilv piivate ani iieigliooriioou venge knee. and wlio li id nen- emv wherever thev ind plunder, finally le- mand the severest hi arures to repress the es aiid outtae- whi h idiahit-iutj anJ luining daily increasing cri are driving o!i the the Stale. In this i ondiiion t success of our arms 10 public safety and th" require a unity ot ur- ' rose wiihout I-t or hiiidraii' e 'o tiie jMoint t ' administkarion ot nm. -01 . lu onler. then-tot.'. I U'"I,T"J' '.J'"'jri1' I ' lS' liie :,ei-:i- atid VT . Ij .en . w u-i -, maintain the jcijiie jti'y and piotectioti 'o iciiy ol loval eiti 1,-. I r.d declare e-'alni-ii' d. out .j!a,e o!' Mi .'i riny oei-L.ja':ofi of tt : rlt. dec tare;', U, evTi-t.d ' wn o! the j os' ! 111 nw, tiiioi. 1 i. 1 le: ii ii ol .:.i-e are lor llje j,t 1 lioii is kv nwortii Jtller.-ob Cry, Rj.lji and Jrotj'on to Cie j (iirardeau atid the. ; All per-o; who Mi-ri-s.pni ia!i I." taiei, wiili am.- i m their p.-se- :on wj.thin th hue., g;,a.i be I t r i-d ic. i ourl ma ; wi.l ir -hot. lie- 1 lai. and it touti i gai.u. and peironal proper ;y of ri, -;,j -had tske i;r an persons i a .d.s-- aruis agfiiiist the L I le dirj'ijtiy proven I par' wrh their enr. ated Mat--. or who siiail onave tjACli an a.'lif i , fie in the fa-Id, isd"i lar j ed eoi.fl.v ated to tl.j publi" u-". and their I rlav.s, ij ativ th v i - live, are ln-rebv o mrt d j lreemei Ail jierrims vtho haa be proven to I have de trai-d. a! r it," putii ati-ii ot this tra k-. taidi'i or tele- I ord r, aaiv railjoad graphs, ihali sutler jhe x'n id.; p.-r.a'fy of the law. .-ll person- er i:; '-or re-poiiilenee. or in to o: pro uui. g aid ttie erc-mv ; 11. loiiii nt. i,g t.irmou.-. and di-turbing puna" trai.'piiiii v ; cir-u!atiDg la.s" r prt or iiic.-i. 1, -rv d. (-.mie'it -, ar wamd tha' thev are exio-inj t'tieai-eives. i All vnou who bav- bejn b-d away trota tiair ai!egiaia-f are reqmred to return to 1 !. oni":t 01 l,is i--' jaration i- to p;ac in tin- hand- of th" military a'j'hori'i-- the power to jive irifantar!o!is ettect to exi-fing law.-, an 1 to supjiiy sai h lefi..i"!n i, as 'he conditi ji.s of ar d'-man J. but it 1- n i- ;n-te;.J- : uj -u-jm-u-1 the- orditiary tribunals ot c ;r t o ititry. where law -,i be adnjin.s'e J by il ot;; . r- in the u-ual man: -r atid w:ta tfi-ir u-tomary authority, while the suae an o- t jiiv- adiiut.i-teri-i. 1" lb 1 ija.mai.ui .'ererdl will labor vigi- iv t .. ..-:!.' i1-! 1: tie. Jt, 1 bv Li- t te'v. Lepe- :j obtain no c,n; but t I.e t rj.e j- ,.,rf ot the u-l titrv John . l'rovo-i M-tr-hal ..s i-sii.-d pe:.-n,i' ,-. , -.,,1, , roa; pri-sir '. Fl:KMM 'i -n. C'-imman i.r.'j. M' Kintrr ot t. rj- 01 !.-r, forb-.d 1 te ,yr.,i !;- .mats I,' i ii permit !tf m hisotii -e. and o'L'-r ag.-nr- an t.g 'icket- 'o any one not the provost mar-hal. ed -- ially to rea' h lO'J ity !' ho-ji -j B.ilrov prohibit- i trotn 1 ho!di:.' a p.i-s fr ot - 1 1 1.1- orocr 1- ilesigri r.atti -s i.-aving :h at y tor the purpo- ot or"m!im--a!i!' into, ata-ton to th" enemv I'm '.ri Wrt-!;ili.-!: . World - . e- .!(.;,. II r t 1 1: -1 - 1 ed. 1.1 n tut Ttie t ri,.- N. V. it ' g.d in." - tit .r I -. lb I i- at. ne 11 of th oai- o .r r..v. w, - W J-. .".ill 1 . ' . J'-a a 1.1 !! stiise f cr e r. b- U m !.... ,2 - -hv Wd- hi' ! V i.e ,; t ct V. I 1 J : 1 tor- 1 . tl; i : mat i i M KNlf- 1 It .li : ' - i ,1 , r: -:!,!. , ; :.t o" . . a w-,". b -i- j 1 a : t.l. -1 . lb . it- v, vt.r v' of." Mil 1 Who i: : de-the I it. 1 a: ., i- t.. ' .ed . ',' .r lajiit - po lb Ut- i. an i-Wit t t.ii.e!.i . S .Set a.,r. e. ; (- :.' aad Pi -i h tit. II.-- t e, !. Unit- i Vi e I , al- I.. -.r-i V.u tl des: ! i to.lows e-ii arr . 1 par-v uatti V !,! lie! ' 1" Wa- fi', I.' ttlVe. 11 di-p !..: t .'1 ii-. t'.i-n in I'd'. : mim-lii-jible. in.-ti ala'e. ;..-!! di v..k." m. n a; d ; - i ' j .Hit a;,i.i - 1 a-. ., po il 1 I n !.. a 1 ' 1' - as a. lo j'. to , aims, a:: V.t .-oi - 1 ' i .iti.i i ire . r ; in 1 r.i ad ate (,:;, Ileav a. - able -d 1 -.' t t aanadc tl.e ! I i-i thi ((i; ! 1. v. :i- O.a Fl . tj. .( -tnut -tre . N Y. W la II t t n e. -i th- i s u is -! '!.. V t -V:i! isi.injto.i. p .:- w .. ' lel.t-.- ol !:.- r t' abaai V" iin-v.i.!. Ii II. liU w! - Votl th-..; bi:r bl.i 1. i. He cult tiva ill' Oij- n. 1 . t o ' i ov. 1 them. Fr. ion. t. what in- - I like t leiji wav, was iti. of h i' -. - . had th di.-li ta him i ota lu 1 i. . claiuR-d : -tit. ii. did ven Nothing 1 1 1 . 1. (i d - in-" :;o in an ediio- tl .(. .a i . iti Canada of a a wiili .L ilerson Bavis. .leti , e t mpal ille a e-.'i.'dem.m wi eru a . ; . t iiigp.a. .-eekin- ' ol '. i.-s c j.i!. 1 . y t ' No.liier-l . - ' lat -el v;ee to ihe -O-ith-ai.j writer in Wa-h-u ga the minis'! rial pres., if up -rii'e betwcei. thr tl. . a'. Britain." A I 1 M iv - papers iii. .ri tl -'I id ia i ti O'lllO'I. e tajt i a ill thu E is'.CI 11 piiiiua is nvided in it ii.y ot a.- naine of the o .-'.ic,.. -i . ( ii'ii. Lyoti. . other.- ,-igeI and ill 1. e i o I IH 1 -V boa. - til it Sit- O i, 1 - jil-eh'. Ills I IJ.- t- .- l ac TM'Ufl. .S', sllARI' slUHt'SINf;. ( i.e-t. I'. t.. li. -j', Kxilo;. Daii.i ';:i:ai.i: li ppelirvo; J!l tiie J ,c ,(iWS this Week atl ;e conn! ii a ui.ili.i . tliOOters Sit the latter place. ,u i;tr p d.iv and Wfcdne-day .' !ii- wi-ek. liiita'r and -o erroneon- 01 -ii'.'eiiK-iit tiJ(. thought has in . ,. conceived i.y -.,r. ie-ij!ideiit ami I'Ul joi on:, to iti'oi in v.ij. (a- otif Oiij ii : 1- i;ikii lei..) :;.- ij,.,J- tl Hi ?. I ' !;' !; The). U ic j.,-;id up l.''ii'--- l,i I.- U.f a trial 1.; -i,.o t si.-.o:-efs at Bellows l"'aii on Tii'"-dav. Sev eral d our iepn: d In-st -hoi. n-pain-d to Bellow- Fid I- ou that day. They aii had a a- i.dverri.-ed. tt thtit la. TV d av ea very windy ; f,nv two -ti.e. ed in making ten -ucces-ive -hot . v ithin a target of Jii! ijicj,.-. Th-e two -.,tne from tiii piae-. It; the ac-'oUai "I the to day- trial are mentioned. Th.-v . were not pr-- .,. ' diie-'l.t l):Jt ivturn-d lion." on 1 uo-J ay eveidng. Th-v -o;--jrf-ed it a- final, but it m-i-iii, tha' - 'lai jtl ti.e i illi'V g'.f tOeth' t' the JJ..XI day and trie.; rf ov-r 'g'lia with a butef t'-iih to thetiiM-Ues appar.-t.tly. bu; mai. i'--'iy uiifaii hi !, jv. o who bad made tie ; uiud lit 1 oi-aih aiitage .!' ;),.- it'e ;,!,.; not pi . -. ' 1j -' to- p-.lm v.i...f, th. y ...a!-: ' U itJi -riti-faeti 11 t. r have ,!,,;,-'th'!il- i eo; -poii lent ll i u- th.- l'.liovv- lit I ,.i .1 ..i- .1- ll. e ie-,,u Ol :l; -lj'X!,t" Oil N edtn-.da v and 1 h'ir-lav . Tern. . iiAitr Sijootu:- iv Bi.t i.'v. - l'vi.i.- 1 h" trial for a lmi--i.,ri into the I'otnpany of sharp -letter- at B. Fail- or. We In - iav ami Ti,urslav ,t this vv.'-k. und'T the su riuieii'i"ti- -F. I. Stre. t.-r. resulted u. f0!;,)W-: II. C. Thra-h-r. Ath-n-. :',) t',-4 it,. . : W. S. ThH- li. ("h. .t r. 7 : .1 L. B.wh-. C!,-rei -T T.l; D Ii. .. j,,.u. Stxton- Riv.-r. ."'I ; ;. W 11. -v. Sax tons Rivtr. '.: l-l(i; A. Wightman. Bejiow- YulU.'.'rJ, 11 (i. Wightiuan. ii. -How- Fall-. 'Z't ; W. W. WiUm. Bellow- Fa'i-. 1 I-, ; -..r-e T. A.-rh-r. !. B.-!!,,w. r;t:. 1 1-1 ' : Wuu II. Puttiam. S ixtoti- 11 :5a: Wm. Tf . Biak . B.-I'mw - ValL. . S. A. Fairbanks. Bellows Fa!.-. 'J..', :.; Wiiliam B. Pr-nti-. B.-liuw I'al,'-. :;7 7-l. : L. W. Kimb.di. Sjxton- Iiiv.-r. :, l-I;Jo-'ph Stone. Bellows Fal'-. J-J 1 F. F. stre.p-r. Beilows Fall-. 1 r, .;. Bu---!l F. Ilolton. Bellow- i'a! - O-ii corn pondent lu;rher - " Lu-i Tu'-day two Ch 1 .t !-.v-. W. . T.i:' H a:d Jam-- I'.oi!-- v.-ri- : J;.-J. 1 Fall- t try 'or :-. pia'-e iu tie- com pany .f S!iarp -ho- .-rs. o);-. m , j. ., -lung if' 'li inch.--, ami Tarb'-il .'J7 , -. 1 L y - iiw-; tie hat." and wi, proiiab-v be a-e-pp-d. I ijef " an- a f-w more good, -h'-t- ' ft h-r-. and -sf:ne tbitik i(. - e-.ri b. at iu he-, but want to h-ar trom .. I....I,. t. , ifie U-.-.1 H--I"V-1 .-eve., pound-, (ban tl j Y. S. 'I'.Ju.-i; took y -t-rday trot:i m- hoi.- :, ri-r. a t-w i'd- trotn thi-village. ('r fr..,. w-igh-d tour iiitidt, and an --! t.-;' weiglied three j-oun l-. Th- larg. tr -jjt w. ig!,e.l 0 ounce-, and wa- jrtee-; incln-- Vour m-potejt-!i: to tn -ilte-riorit v t ..; trom practical t a little ahead -Xje-T..;.-hi- i.-il-ve hot-;- W t.-Ho l.. lul-MV. . V- W. er he iul .m2 .!ero- from '!,- ('::., V.,v. y N'.-vt- . If.-- V .-',!:.' e, ... jfi'x i , ;i tute will 1.,-id ,v ('ambfidg, . o ; :: ... : ' ' ti. " .,-i..-.iiii tw.i ..r Mr. H J! p.:al i; v . M, -i in F..M . two - I-. de. ; !-e ii- f t -: i. .1. m 1 1 in. N v v .v 1. Eve- p; 11 M. N . ihe U. ;- t, .;io-.i ing ii, j 1 o'l .O'l I i' iv;. whi. !..'l'- til i :'iitiii i i hi I ' - t - ' - i ! .a i a 1- -a i o . : tie -i. ty. itl ! -ii.kiai o'l ih- : war' k- t'T iti'r.i -1 l ( them Nui in - :i.'r- t t.i J O-e !e- ini' i - ( .'lldiill.l -oa ,,r -.jr'- 1 ti- to pl- pnv atre tic 1 .w ;cl t! takitc. r.v tlil'ltl r o I til' 11 J Ti.e t' ! lindii!" a -iii'li. rlor lii -m-cUc-when ; .r- -te d lv i.ur '.iiiioi o-h1-. Beyond ; al pre-1 nt we a;- i,i! permitted ' -v .ecilic 111 tail' -tap tin IU- a- to the ; ot the expedition. Wi I. iav. iaw-t -tie that lie -inking d'th" bulks i- po' ; imh ibjeci. ;tnd t'ti'i; our r-:.d- r- wiii j liable -oi.n I :iii thiii a -t-r,-- . ' '" tip- v a. i-mi- aa along lie A.i.iiiii.- i ii-o forwhi. ii t-.e pub!'.c h .- -" ani'f--!.' loom d. -.iii Ii ue liea n thi- w ' K in;oJJ ' l:i;ed. ;id c may iiitiinr slat- '!.:' tiiie brrrd lighting may !: t pcct'. and il'ti.e 'Xpcd'fir.ri -i.OtlM be efy sUCfe-- i ill. ih- infantry troops -ti.i oinwdli -l eimn with the squiidion. ten. B.ittvr will iia- an opj oi i.o.r.' f tlistingui-hing kiiii d: a'i'i ethicm.' " llllj ! .1 -a oi H.i illo, V ot Big i";l'-i