Newspaper Page Text
v V) VV Vv "14 Vr rf 5V SV Vol,, (i" No. l- ltUTLANI), VT.. THURSDAY MORNING. OCTORKR 17. 18(1! I'MK'K Tif kkk ;i:nts- il-50 I'KK Yl--.AH. ii lie i! nil anil JlitvaUl Mll'KSDAV MORNING, ( T. 17. Oil. M iNTPELIEU COKKKSl'OND KINCE. M iNTri 1,1 Oct. 11, 1? 1 . i A beauifu! .lav has once more dawned upon ii. it l i in.' th' second fair dav we have I had since I rum- here last Wedncsd ay. Af t. r a'm.r-r f r .lavs of continual cloud and Jri j J'-nr rain it seems a mira-le almost that tin' .-mi !ia- penetrated even down into tin.' dep 'lis ot til.' quarry where wir eapit t! furls . a re-, ing 'l.i'-f. Fog seems to be the normal ; state her.', aii'l sunshine the exception, just . as tlii- Soui h claims that slavery is the rule ami libeitv 'he exception. J wish Mime i Nm tin-i n hteie would arise in opposition to the al ove .Mont- clier dogma i nt a-- it 1 i -1 to jmt down tic absurd boast if the southron. I i(iie.i .n. which would lie the lighter task of the t w.'-. '1 he Senate have done very little to day. : 'l'iie .itiK ii.h'! slightly the House joint r"so-: lutein of .V'turday, requesting the iovernor to retain all able bodied men now in camp which were not embodied in any company i till !!. L'-i'i-Ur me could t.e further action oh tl u!'j-e. flu- Ioi'ks i;k' pts-ing it and look- loo as it' they unTi':' it a:i e;trly dav Mi n inch 'ic evils I mentioned in mv last bv remodeling the whole system of rais ing ttt'.ip--. For it' not there can be no need of keeping those men anv longer who have perem:itoriiv refused to obev the orders ot' the Governor. The state ot' feeling mani lested by all panics oil learr ing the tacts about our Rutland County cava'i v as enlist ed bctorr the special committee io which Mr. Alien's bill n lerieii. shi.Ws 'hat the Legtsta" ture is unanimous in its desire to (Jo '-very-thin;..' tor !' e conduit ot' our soldiers, and that promptly . ami that the eiit hu-iis.ii ot the special session has not lllged in regard to tilling up promi'tlv the quota of Vermont. 1 did iint t.-li voti Satnrd.iv. among other items of a iiiili'ai'v nature, that ttie Senate icceived a'i.l referred a bill granting the same pav (seven doll -. extra per to ail Verm. ml troops tint the "'six .-peeial reg iiients" had. V.-niioii' soldiers will, (if this passes bith houses, a- it doul.ticss wiii) be paid as well as any, and v.a- have rea-ou to be pi. in! o! the tact. 'i J hi- :n.ii..tij a joint i e, . i,: iii to re-clot!i" the -e ,.!.. r . 1 third I' gina passeil iinamii."'i-i . witu on ly a n quest n Senator Picvcrs 'in' it mi the table till att.-ri. ii. I Ic.s eaus" j oi'- buis' ol indignant elnipiencc Jrom ."vnitoi 1 nlliiijhain. Woodward and Whcle:. and to Use Mr. Tout is" laiitiuaje. ""ihirtv t'!n.'i-a:id doll. it- blew i.v.'iv in the ft.-i'ti i f : iii' iiu lin spc-'.'li." !'i the w.n we ! : he Senate a li.'.Ml ol tl'lurill'T.-. e- tlsMch lie. ilcd be si j i e, wi' tl I 1 1 . i '. Art- it r . ) h' ad. 1: I- it i!,!.'!itn.! 'o - la. .- 'a- - p- I s. - , : t ; e l , i . ,s h, i, , ,. ' ; -s,. hard mm s. I lice mi '.ii-i tii" 1' e'.. r 111' C' ' I .'S'j t'.e i:' 'Mil ill:! '.1 -., k ;,1 i' nli i . .i" i s ' o w .' i v -1 i i 1 1 1 ' - . ' ' ' ln '" V .w. ; is a i.' ' ' ' - k i; h- !.'! rfik'-s. ! i -1 i -. ": !. d Vhe. ler a . iii the (.;;. el ! io leC I I 1 ' I II i l.l lejld.ll ,ln Ni,... .. ), ' ' t.iv..'i." - ni'ih'ii- i iiv is- ' 1 1 - mi-i ' 1 1 :l i ,i s .,nuii Hi 'I,..- ,eii.osj ii'''i ' . r. -i i1 iC 'i in i.;i, i,;;.. ;. r j. ii--ia! Illlltlber ii! teVsM!.r. I.,: (l,,. ;,eln!.e. ,1 he,,,,. ..J- t . -'l '!'(-,. K 'ill ,!!y de cide I. a-'. i . ii i il l- : . i i ... 1 1 a a , is-X- tel t Ot ::i ta..K all ot! theniseive- !!.. 1 1 . a g tl a I C 111 i J 1 1 s , ; lid rei'tis.-d to ,ici c;.t t'n ir ci uat "s ,!oo.l dealt out in th:- manner. tor (,: think it no et rava gain for tin' inein'tiei's i,, ,e t'tirni-le'd with . 'he .i chi - or at least one as giving them a i mot e , oii eni, -ot record, both of their own j I':' '' hl:g- ,a:,d those uf the other house, in I 'i ir v-,,t, in tl,,- Assembly, as well a- at their ' V:' "' - 'hati they cu ill otherwise obtain.! tl.oa : s,. .,,!,. I',,,.,. ..u,,,,,!;,;, that I1 is ' ' "! ' ' ' t 1,'gly inaccurate; a slight j in- iiua'ioi,. Mr. Kdlmi, with regard to tu. j kind ol ,..,.; .,, ., aiid"c,'.-es!)11,l,.m ym l:lvi. engage! j The -'at: aing conin.itt.-es ijnaiiy ,;,.. alld if (i'A. Ilallifook W, ,e 1. J ;.ilM s,.,. tea- .1. Wa the h.siae.-s of the ses,i() ,.ou,l ten be loi atd.'d The old way ol :,;,p,,inr- i ::ig ;t sub a ouui.itte,. t report p,.; muient : 'Miiuittces wa- euiplovcd this vear. Ha- ! I.).j.s,.. loo, has given another imii.-a-'' 1 tni of tiiind hy changing '- i. uf meeting trom ten to nine. It has j " '' 'i,d ret in d a good many hills to- j ' " ' ; " iioin .Mr. of "The 1'im: Hill Cemetery Association," to "The Evergreen Cemetary Association," and the other postponing the election of Rep resentatives to Congress to March, lstiS. This last is, or may be of much consequence to the State. For if the Representatives are to be elected as usual next Fall this Legisla ture must make the Congressional Districts, thus .jiving tis only two as before. But you will remember there is a bill pending by which three new Congressmen are to be made and one of them will fall to Vermont as she had the largest traction over a' the last apportionment. If then this bill passes as i; ih)ub'!c-s will, this delay will eive the next Legislature a chance to divide the State into three patts instead of two and still irivc time enough tor the election, as the incum bent does not take his seat till the Fall of lt,:;. The Senate. I notice, refused to concur i:; the resolution of the House that the lieprc se:ifilrie Hall tie iriven up on Tuesday evc liinn tin-the address before The Vt. Historical Society. This precedent will shut OUT the Bible Society and Colonization Society, both of which have their anniversaries here this week as well as a host of' ( th-r applicants. "Tis well; for the State House should not be a stable for every driver to hitch his hoise in. I have just i ,. turned t'"'in . . reinonies ot' orda'iiin..' R'-v. Mr. Stone chaplain ot thi Sixth ! he -. ; iii.lti w as Rev. Mr. Drake of R'.yalton. Ills priri. ipal prop osition was tha' the idea of a One True (iod is native and nei essarv in 'he mind of t very person that tho.i!h 'he mind may swin-j like a pendulum each way across this nh-a from Atheism to lVvtheism yet it will at la-f take its place and barer there without agitaijn. The application ''! ' spi'itualism. He repie-eiited the'.ia is- a- wmeinj; across the arc fit a pendulum trnm i.. (iod to many (iods trom ii tideic '. '. c luniunion with spirits. But. - : ! he. h" wil not hmix re ain there, -ooiier or later- he must ji tss across (iod "f L'reat trutu and be caiiLrht by it. From this he deduced hone to- the candidate even in th" worst cir.-'cn-ti-.n. s and hi the worst cases ot supers'; ion i- was an able as well as ingenious i c ion. The charge .v -s jiven by the tat.'c-r ot the candidate, assisted bv his ui.eio who was chaplain o' 'tie Firs' Regimen', and the Ri'tit Maud of Fe;lnsiiij w s riven by an Other 'Hic'ie. 'he Rev. I. 1. .Mone of (JrifliS- boro. -ii that he inijtr even i-xe. e Paul in jm. iii j; and sty "'.- was 1 ',?,." I know, Mr. 1". i 'or. I virtual. v promised mil : l.-e ;'- to dav and taU onlv ot 'If atts t pea.-e. 1 i : ' ll() W i M II I -;V peace when there is no t" -. And i:, ',.ei isn't ne'ter to "cry !n;o ' and let loose the liuj- ot iMi" than in a coin n' ouii-: ii : wax t-sen to u ha' Kicharo ot i iloter ended - this We-'lk. ti tillia l:te o! ii.-fi' 1 'I I-. I m ; i that i- It! whit ;- tu: ii, war, wo. ,.,.! I - I -l D. A ' a: tram 1" - d--ene-- Mi'- emnaf- ; - t nt ! a , ; - there ( ) . - oil t.if ma: trota Mobile. vj:h an mcome ot eijht t u'ls!' ! 'iodat- a .'.ia'. !- ill the debtols" . . : ( ' tci, . ::' " -ait ol tiie keeper a a 'An, "lie , ,ir ) .ulli. At. .:,. ; ouiig II.,!. o; . Wi .!!. t.lllll.V .n Louisi;ma, ha-!.-:. on! :je i, nr.-r a , e'.-ik. and til, a in ' he: I. t- oi.'a ined eiiipl- men t in the ollice ":' in architect. Bui the haio'e-t case ol ill :- that !I i Mill' g man tiom one of the -'I 'e;n .t.t'-. 'vho llV the stoppage ol the -oil : 'a Itial:- 1- 1 - - J r perfect!. UestitUtc. ( !.;- Is let the Wets! of it. lb- has been tor -nine 'nne engaged to if married to a y ii:i:; i.iiv in Bo-ton, and 'he happv event wa- .-et for tic l.'dh of Sept'-mLer.' 'Ill i . r.!.i;Mrii.. Th" aih-god .arrival "' tl,-- strainer Bermuda at .avtuiiiah wi'hiatge -lu.j.bes ,,r ;!,. rebel-, -till iH'ks c'lniinn.itioti i.', ... i NIC from the Soul ii. and we .iv much doubt wheth'-r atiy -ii' ii yes-el La- - -i-.h-d in running the hloekauc. Ji'.iS-'iilt .HI null . Till: l'Ol LTXKY CKLKBRATIOX. Tin- tollowing interesting and well written letter is among those read at the recent ( 'etiteiini il Celebration at Poult nev : il VKliNKl 1,. .. Y., t Sept. 1-.', i,si;i. ; Joseph Jo-lin, K-ip, Dear Sir : I have received several cards ot' invitation, sent out to the .-. tittered s0n, and daughters of I'miltn' ), inviting them to the Centenial Celebration. I know not who sent these ini.--ies. but am grateful that nuij should feint mber me after an absence of nearly forty years. Business appointments, which 1 cannot postpone, and have no right to neglect, will prevent my personal attend ance at that interesting anniversary, but ail the sympathies of my heart will be with you. J honor the gentlemen of Poultnev who have resolved not to let the eventful birthday of the town pass by un noticed. Much does the present genera tion owe to the memory of the hardy vir-"ie- of ;he early -otiler- of Vermont. 'ivir'.g lab' piou- care, i they laid the foundations of "the new State" in "troublous times" on the true Puritan principle o!" combining tin- secu rity of the just and equal rigid- of a!!, with the reign of law and order. I re joice that Old l'oultney ha- resolved those Patriotic Benefactors ..I their town shall not " Forgotten lie, Alike unknowing and unknown." On the contrary, let their -tern deed- of endurance he commemorat-d !t sentiment of the poet ! :c-'iiii! ne a pleasant cheering truth : rtie.ieaii are like the itarg t y. Wi' tu! ra wu trom mortal e. Hu' I it --X'luc. ' ! i e v hold way In '!'" 1. 1, the sky.' How fuiviblv docs this hundredth .-.ur rcinind us of the brevity of human lit'. The tir-t generatimi cf the 'hv -:!' r- io Poultnev are H gone few remain ut ibe sfecoinl. Who now can tell tic -tor;, ol the hiird-hips of th- early pi-m r- ': Who now can -ay. "I ri tn' tni" r tic tliirht of ne.arlv. or ipiite every fain;!;. ! fore Btirgoytie's invading column titter lie-btttlh- .4 Ilubbattoii ?"' Who can p. nut to the corner of the ganh-n and -ay. "there we huned our lints- ketth- and .such "ther valuable- a- we could not car ry awav and could hide?" In that dark dav. (duly and August. 1777.) win 11 me naced by the audible tramp of the em-m and their savage allies, there were but tiro fury trail'irx hi l'on'ttn-y: now in l"M'.l 1 Will Hot ' !i'c there i- I""- -I'l'f- -ion traitor in that good old town. I presume tie r. ;1e yet a lew per-on-in I'ouhtiev who i emcuiU-r the -tatel v form ot ' dd (.'ai'i 'I'limnas A-hh-y. who cau-ed the tir-t -omul of tie- axe to b' heard in the then unbroken w ihh-nie-s. Well do I remember hi- funeral 7)1 v.-ar-atro. at which, in a long foot procession. I, iitnoiiir litany other., help.-d to carry his remains on th- old-fa-hioned bier, trom his dwelling in the west stm-t to the old burvitii.' ground in the centre. A larger number will remember the venerabh mein of old Judge Ward with his official black coat and cocked hat. who never neg lected a duty or forgot an appointment in the business ot church r State. IT.- wa one of the earliest settlers and held a com mission as Justice of the Peace under the authority of King ( ieorge. Dea. Sila- Howe wa- another of the ancient worthies of Poultnev. He -old in his own tavern, the cider of hi- own mak inu. from the tree- ol' hi- own planting. He wit- long Deacon ot' the Congregation al church and keeper ot' the village inn, without compromising the right- of the host, or the dignity of the ollice bearer. He was reoinrkabb- tor a 'h''j. k'- "'. on suitable occa-iotis. I remember several in-tane.-s ot' it. one of which I will mention. I lis Richard eomiil.-iuieil hi- tat in r. thtit the old gent a'- too liberallv for tiious ;m t ciiantaiile purpo.-o-. and argU'-i I that thi- con ..eipii-nci-- of -uch donations would in- that he ( Richard) would haw to nil'.- out a- a common laborer to g.-t h; living. " IIo. ho." -aid the Deacon. " I pity the man that hir-- you." These, and liianv other wo: thi'--of tie middle agys of Poultmy'.- hi-tory are -till I're-h in the memory of the living. But who i- now left to tell Irom experience the -lorv ol I he toils atid struggles of tie-c.uriv -i-;t ler.- .' who can recount tie- saving- of the Allen-; the vv it ici-lils of old Til'bn, the faithful labor- of good old Par. -on Mil liard, and the amusing adv on tares of ( apt. John Oram. ( I think he built 71 v.-ar- agi, tne still sUD-taiitial lioil t i -1" in the ea-t village, now on tn I II cu pi 1 1 v i me our triend. .Mr. !io--. , i; j- nign that tiie iii-t.'in.iii of Poultnev -hoiiid be gtithi-ring hi- mati-riai-. Rev. Clark K 'tidrick and Uev. Sam"! Leonaid iaboi' il with much success dur ing the 2r-t quartt r of the pre.-ent eeiiturv for the moral ;ind intellectual elevation of the town. I hope the orator of the dav will suitably remember them. The contemplated celebration will be ;t labor of love, a- well a- of duty. It will lie highly interesting and long remem bered : It will be njiiiii'I n ha ml rril ijnurn hi'itiy . Then again in the large a s einblyshail the chairman announce tlc senti'nent : ' The memory ot the Aliens, the Ash leys, the Ward-, the Ponds, the Thorn p--ons.the D.-wey s, the IMarshalls, the IIos fords, the Hookers, the Mallarys, the Kich ards, and the other pioneers of our town."' Then again shall sound the slow notes of funeral music. The congregation shall in rejoectf-i! silence and the tribute of grateful tears snail honor the dust ot tlrg virtuous dead. Accept, dear sir, for yourself and con vey to the lew others who remember me, the assurance of my respect and regard. IIauvey D. Smith. C'L01HI.i FOR TIIE Sui.DIKK.-t. The ladies of Rutland, without regard to religious denomination, are requested to meet at the Town Hall on Thursday next, 1 7th iust., at 2 o'clock P. M. to devise ways and means for the supply of our soldiers, with comfor table clothing tor the winter. A lull atten dance is earnestly desiied. Mr. George Sherman, of Waterbury, who had both legs cut oil' by being run over by a railroad car at ilontpelier Junction on bat irdav hist, iiighl. of his injur th- same VALKDICTOKY ADDRFSS OK COV. FAIRBANKS. Thl' llmi'lii'ilr fir (Intern! Assi'tnfll of fin- .Sfiii' ii f I 'rriitoiit : ii x i i.i mi:n .--The extraordinary events ol the presem year, tie- critical condition of the country, and the very respon-ible and diliiculi duties a--igu-l to the Keeu tive under !i:e pro i-ion- of the- nets of the late ex';-.; session Le-rish! ore. otrtii-ii :i -ufiiei,..,t :-,i-. whv I s,,,u,! lep.-ir; irom ti e u-u:,; cu-toui in retiring ri'orii the -.e.-!iti . M.iice. atid eo-iiinuni-c.ale b. I'd!-., jn an -dir.'-- !o ! ( ',.-, r,,! Assenddv. the 'rto'-a -teci- ot th'- Mt-t tee niontll ittg ! III' pert.-uti- '-. !'l I I IOC-tit the I d. if 'I. ' th- or tin- tni- :i -. ' " i! i - e 1 i c. Ot IC,,.,; .. ;. , "stllte-. ! nita' dei!. ' ; a!t tfi ..t i,j-, -Jiat liolattii-i.t - t -1 a i j . j ;' tnontti- tl of th- ..... . atld on t ' I ' ! ft i t . -1; ; 1 t i - h .-.j lid in, nortaiii . I Mi -' IV r' e an 'Old, d Ot o- the I ,.,-e.i -ecotic .!.-,'. ot M .al-t- f, ; I i ' i I al- ! o r: ,' '. i .,:,.... com- and '. I'. ,,-!;,-. at -..w;,o:; . v,- and w;i-hoiior- to i tiiii-ti-r.- ou: in 'ii t tie I 'nit'-d Stat.-s at Bratf i'-boi-..' on tie- Y.'rAi of Augu-t. n th.- 7th i.: May order- were is-u,.,! for recruiting fie n. and third lfegi men's ot Volunteers, under the provi-ions of tin- a,-; of April gi'.th. entitled "An w to provide jor iai-iiig -ix -p.;'ia regiment-." These were tilh-d with great dispatch, and tnii-ter.-d at Burlington and St. John--bury t-arly in June. 1 he .-ecorxi i.egimetit. under Col. Whit ing, h-it Burlington tor Washington it v June 2 4th. 1 he third R.-gimetit was ordered tor vvard by the Secretary of War. July lth, : and h-tt St. John-bury under the com mand ot (adotie) now Brigadier ( ieliet al Smith. July 24th. Jn the fith ot Augu-t commissions . . .. i-s tied t"T rai-ing tiie fourth and titth .' g i inietits of Volunteer-, which were i,M. .( I nearly or quite to the maximum uuin'.- r i of l'4 men each, and mu-tered at Bra--, th-boro" and St. Aiban-. Si-i t' tnlier ll'th ; 1 1th. '1 he fourth, under (.'ol. Stoughton. left ' Brattl'-boro" tor Washington t'itv. Sept. 2lst. and th-- tit'th. under ( ',,!. Smalh-v. i left St. Albums S-pt. 1 iie-e ev.-r:il Kegiini-nts i,ae b.-en uiiiformed. . (pupped, turni-hed with armv I wagons and hor-e.. and armed with ritle mu-ket-. at ' he expej,... of' tie- State. ();i the iith of --pte;n:ier recruiting ! oili.-er- w.'if. appointed for r:ti-:ng 'la ; -ixth Iveg 't.'-io of ihih'eer-. winch wa I tilled with great promptitude, an i inii I t.-r.-d at Montpelier. th" tir-t vv.-.-k in li'to'tier. i : i ! r th-- rornioand ot Col. ...rd ; being 'llv eqni'.Ji.-d atid. ij ; ; : , ,f ; ; e,j . ; r-.-i iv to b. ordered '.irward to tie- -. at ...t i W 111'. ; These :ive I-g ment- are cmt 1 j principally oj h- ii.echanjc- and v ouiaa t rv of' the S'ate. ami und'-i ti ' ir 'h: -ated ! tu id eXh' I a'hC-d I"; tiiiitihind' r-. wu:. :t i- iieveii :.,-(, i a Vermont Brigade 'In tie -.-v.-tith ,;' ngu-t. I d a commission 'o ( a:. L. We-,.,,,. .Ir. to rat-- ti -"iiih itiv if 1 ruo:;eo,i Miarn ho,.t- el-, to be .: ga'iif-d a; of f !,. plai! "I ( -!. M. Ihtl'd.t!). a- appl"ed ,a!id a it !:. i . d bv th- i'i' id'-nt a n! ecret.ary ot War. This company wa- o-cruti' d to th- maxi mum ntiin r and h -t: W.--; IJ iado ph fort ol. Bi r tan's t!-g;:u"i:! in the armv of the Po'omac ot. the 1 :!i of Septem ber. (Ill tile g.itli of S' pte.'llher I i 1 1 C- ( a coiiimi--io!i toCaji'. II. K. Stoughloii to rtiise a -i con. I otn .any of Sharji Shooter-. The-e eoinpanie- have been, oi-.-ire to be. armed, uniformed and equipped bvthe getierti! 1 i..v . rhi.'.i r.t. , regtieeut of mounted cavaliv h:i tieen rai-i'd by voluntary eiilitmeiit under a commi--io,'i i--ued by the Secretary of War to Col. L. B. Piatt. I have author ized Capt, L. Ii. Sayh s, of Loice.-ter. to raise a -quudron of eavalrv. to tiuni a part ot a regiment apportioned to th. several .New England States, to be organ ized, uniformed and equipped by Oov. Sprague of Biiode Island, and denomina ted the New England Regiment of Moun ted Cavalry. This order is subject to the direction of the Legislature These several corps are composed of intelligent, in lependerit citizens volun teersenlisted lor three years, or during the war: and the alacrity with which they have volunteered and entered into the service of the country, is a remarkable and gratifying expression of the devoted patriotism of our citizens, ami an unmis takable pledge of loyalty of Vermont to the government of the United States and the cause of the Union. I should do injustice to my own feel ings, as well as to the officers and men in service, should I fail to mention the uni form testirnany which has been communi cated to me of the excellent conduct of our troops. Those of them who have been in active service have been under excellent .li-c'plini . and have, when in pjsi-, ol danger and fatigue, dispi.ryeil a ci-ohies-, courage and endur: nee not ex celled by -oldii-r- in th- ri gjihtf tirmv, while their moral Hearing an 1 k-v-mplarv j deportment ha- won for the n th" eonfi- j th-nce and ttpprobatiori of 1 ii-ir -uperior ; ollicefs. I doubt not that the Uegini.-iits which j have recently joined them, as (well as the- j one -oou to tollow. will d' i them-elves ; ijital eri-dif, and prove an honor to tic- ! State and ! h" ei itmt rv. ; !t wi!! be i olh-cte.l t,at t!h" a-, of th- extra -es-ii ci, a tu horiing the rai-ing ot the-e;;lj J , j r i j . - r J t s. js isidepeudellt ' ot any t.n vioii- oigatnatio i jor -Ititut". I h- ie-iioh-ioi ".' ot ia i -1 ii g . organizing. undormiug. arming and eqi lipping theui 1- tll al'- til'' -,,ie ,!i;;y ,, t,e I -,. 'i Iii abse.,,. .it.a.-r. i-bog 'itditarv ol-e,.,'- i, :.,!:. ;..) ..! . 'io. ,1 ) ' - 'll- tv ii-i- i.e. a, ..!,!,.... iti-a-lo'i- ; ii':-. .vi-r--a ; ' ir v a--ii;a''d f-.i ,',M :,', - ..- ' i- .'-'i. . .it' at , , ca-. - . . ,a. taken ;.. e... ..!,!.. t,, i i i - i j' : i v i 1 1 1 :',! -,i and Me aiol.g of tic- act ;.!'.: ' !-aid. By 'in- ; r 'V:-io:i tiii- .el ".he ' :ui o! - rv :- !:..'! to two atid e.-fii oilic,.;. ',,' and , priva'c i- i -otr'e ! to r. .' -oiii the Mat- "! riao'it -,- , a, ,i, ,!:, i,).,.,;!,. in .a"idlii.c; to l! iin n-n-al H at oaid bv : tic- i 'nit-d Mat'-- I Th- n i jui-i'iioti ot th- J'te-id'-i.t ot' the 1'iiited st. te, tor troop- t.,r three .-,-,r-. or 'iuriiig th- war. mad- it -x;. sieir. and ; in'i'i :itv to a a form i .' contract m i ' ticcordauce thereto, whi!- a- the same time it wa- mad- to conform " th- pro ' vi-ions of tic- act at'ir--aid. a- follow- : i : "We -iili-t and agree to-erv- for the lirst : two vear.-. under and by virtu- of the j provi-iotis of th- ,tctf the Legislature of thi- State, entitled "an act to provide for i rai-ing -ix -p-cial iJegiment-, for imme diate -ei vii e. tor protecting and defend- ' ing the eoti-titutioii and the I'nion.' ap- ' proved April "Jo, 1J1. and are to receive the coiiuicii-atiou therein jirovid.-d ; and i for the third year, under the laws, rules j :n ! t .filiations relating to the army of L'nifed Stat--, and such timber cotn-p.-n-ation. if any. as th- L-gi-hiture o ' the State of Vermont may fi.-r-aft-r pro-, vid-." i j It wiii be -cell. tiierefore, that -hould I t,- tel'lll Ot -ei". iC- be extended t, t,e : ti,.' ' '-ar. '!:- -oldii-rs thu- -erv ing will 1 . . :,:,:, ; .. ' '' -.v. ti dollar- month extra p..v. with 'I' further . L-gi-iativ . j prov i-i' !!-. hV'iyc, -i.ieratioi ot equity ttii'l iu-ti I' tnah .- ; at provi-ioti -hoald b- III i'i- I.-!' pS . ' ,lie-' Vei'ai carp- ot cili'H -iihiie;- .p .:i th- -am- looting m thi- ri gard. O.ving to circum-t.atices j beyond my control, it n;i-. until tie- pre-ifnt tini". be.-n j impos-i!:'.' to Ob!.,:', iii'' Ml.lrlli t- ti. ee- -at v cu I'- .toi.ens :: ,.'.-! act- to 1 II - I U'e -i 1 1 1 1 . i tiie 1 r. i-'j.-y 1 part- t.t !"1' the 1 elUlblll -e:ii lit h't Xp-ll-e- ihourreii hy in-- All e-t nil in tl,.- a:ii"ii::f : fir-t. -ec.i,.; tit ! r vvar-h 1 1 to v 11 , -i -. i ; :).-; .,'. no- ;,, !, w 1th- IC'l.ijV ep.:!l i'-'l to!' tiie third rT'im-Mt-. a- ft.-, i-.'.I. W. :..--, earlv in la. :oi'v art. K-p. ln-p .-.or ot' Pma Sep;, in',. ;. ',;..; wiiich - pel' .'-Ii! one 1 1 ' 1 1 1 i i i -I ale! t .v. 'it; i.'.ree I'.':;.' "io;,.::- :, .- :. !' - ,..., i a. i i' i-urv. tund-t '1'il'- a.. a;.', ol ualTaio- ir.i-'-ti li.v '!. up. ,. i a : t. op M an-: hfi cl.l.g ;; J;, ... I ;,: : . .- f.v f. :. !: I aiei tw. ! I ,.'.'' i ! hi .a I'lai-ir.-d and - vt; -, ', ., ,!;,:,:- atci liny -loin c. nt- : hi aiii.eiiit na- been 'ti-ba; -.-.i up., i ..per M,.e., ...r tii - -i regiiii. th- .i'oi -iOO. under tq.pi "I'l'ia-- In ait-, to n- -u:i i:i;:d hi n a';, r. ( , tni- aaioa).;. "ic liundi-' l to". : W--II- j v -t Jjc, , u,ou-ahd dollar- li.a- b- ti l.-iiu liui-i d bv tne .- etarv "t tl.- 1 : e.a-'.irv . a- ::boe .-I.,;-!. h w b.n- l..i , xiM n- o1! th- lfh and ."ith r. gut,' i.i- an-. i t mis. Ith-d. a- a!- lb,- r.-c'i ah ' .-' rv 'n -. tiaii-i'ortat.oii. !.- ! -i-!ei,ce and ji,oni l.fai ep' li-' i r,;h Tc-ie i- ;d-o a cla-- ol claims vshich I hav :,oi b it authorized In till""', which v. ill pi opably be presented. Bv ii.- a- : "1 Cougiv-s ., July -'7th. U ,spiovi.leii a- toliows "That the St.-c-retarv ol tii"- 'Ir.-a-iiry be, and h- i- here by d'irec'.ed. out ot any money in the 'fr- a-iirv no! otherwise ;ipj.ropriate., tw pav to the (iovernor of any State or to hi-" dulv authorized agents, the co-is. char ges, .and expenses properly incurred by Mich State tor enrolling, subsisting, cloth ing, supplying, arming, equipping, paying and tran-poiiing its troops employed in aiding to .-uppre.--, the present insurrection against the I'nitcd Slates, to be .settled upon proper vouchers to be filed and passed upon by the proper accounting oili-cer- ol' the Treasury." I respectfully request the appointment by the legislature of ti coinmi.ssion to examine the accounts for di-bursements already made by me, tor the above purposes, to adjust and settle all out-standing bill.-, to arrange the voucher.-, and prepare the necessary abstracts of exiM'ti-e-. to be presented to the Score- j tary of the 1 l.-a-u'y allowance unuci j the act afoiv-aid ; Jvarlv in ' T M . P. , i ' I iv .-d :t I'-lfer from .: a i a, i i-. I ini.l -a. State, " toward defraying the expense of fitting out her sons for the service of the country.'" which amount I placed in the hand" of the State Treasurer. Under the provisions of the 'act of Nov. 27, I slid, entitled "an act for the better protection of the Treasury," I appointed John W. Stewart, E-q.. of Middlebury, " ln-pcctor of rinatice," which office he has accepted. In common with the Executives of the oth.-r loyal States, whose Legi-latures were not then in -- ion, 1 appointed roin-mi--io''-r- to 'he p.-ace convention, so call- 1 whi-h :i--ei!ibl"d in Wa-hington in I" -i'i uary i.i--. The question of provid ing for reimbursing lh- exp.-n.-.- of this eommi-sioii j. .'--pecifully -ubmitJed for the eon-: l-ratio.'i of th- L-gi-lature. Li .e '-or iatic- with g"!i'-ral order No. Jo. of th- V,' ,.' Department. I appoint--.! : Board ol M- diea! Examiner-, roii-i-ting "f Sai nii-I W Th aver. .Ir . M. P. of Burling''.-,. Kdw.'M'd K. Ph.-lp-. M. i. (Jf Windsor, and S-lim N--well. M. I), ot' M. "hn-iiury, l .r tic- - xa ai, union ol candi '! ati-s ;or lie- otli -e of Surgeon- of l!-gi- m'a'it-, who h.ave- a'.t.-Iided to ih- dutie--if tn- ;r iippo iitmeiif. and tin- - vpen-e- .,f tin- B iard an- in-duded in tho-- -f ihe Vo!'i!it---r Milititi. ! hav- appoitit.-d the Hon. .Io ph Po land of Montpelier, a -p-cial financial ag.-tit. to vi-it and remain with the Ver mont B-gim-nts at the seat ot war. for the purpose of' being a medium of com munication between the .soldiers and their friends and con-ignees at home, giving in formation to th-- men and receiving and transmitting -Ui-h portions of their pay as they may d--ire to send home for invest ment and -af.-kceping. or for the u-,e of th- ir farnilie- or friend-. Mr. Poland has been con-tituted by me a Tru-tee of the soldier- ator-.-aid. for the above .service, and ha- executed a l-ond with ample ure-tie- for th- faithful execution ot the tru-t. 1 he importance of this appointment, Wii to th-- officer- and men of the Regiment.-, and to the State, can hardly be over estimated ; but a- it i- not provided for by law. I commend it to th- favorable con-ideration of th-' Legi-lature. I he multiform arid onerous duties re lating to the rai-ing, organizing and furn-i-hing the -everal Regiment-, the auditing ot bills and account-, th- di-bur---mutit of fund- fee. irnjto--,! upon the Executive by the act- of' th- extra -e-sion. relid--red it impos-ib!- that I -hould attend to the appointment and coi r.--poii'k-tice of Town Agents tor th- -uj.jn.rt of' tie- f'amilie- of citizen ,o li.-r-: and at my r.-que-t the Li- ut. O'.ve ai'.r kindly con nt- d to take charge of that dfjiartinciit of the public ---vie-- By hi- report, which j. h. r--with -tibmitt-d. it will 1..- .m that the amount draw,, from the Tr--a-u:y. prior o ii.-fob.-r I -t. I- -ST .77 'I'I I submt: herewith a copv cf iti-true-tiotis. I't'i-j l,v ;i1. j-or th- ob-erance "f tii vera! town ag'-tit- : ia;' 'he -x- pe :--i,ce .., ,h- Li.-ut. ( ioo ( r:,or h;is l-i'Wli !:,! i-n.orta!i ' a !ii' !''- rf-'-'t -v-'i'-tn. and I le-p-cthiiiv cutn' i' lid tic? .'.-id-l ali"ii th'- ii!ii;al A-- tablv. i't.d. r my .!: -t on-. :"..- J i.u-;-r Ma- 1 ider. t If ' s h'ls ...hi a '' I o.'.if.' Ih't- . ' '.'".-e ::, ., g,l ' 1 1 g v. i' ho i' ii i :: t -. a'i i not ic a- ,.; ,..h - .;;.;-. th.y ti l'-i- ! !! a.-t: ill'- 'l-e'--s- To . , . : .:; : 1 1. i-e ,' . coiihiie ; i,l- .m j i.i-t. elect. :.: laicatio , ' '.'. t' - !. ..: ti. a .. -f!y ! ... it I I , ii" . - h- oic i-ahlV d lV. b.- ; :,p;.r..priat" b thel-i hT." O'llit ;. Til- I OV i .! to h sines. to call v ill. a! an "- m.ii the esj1(ii I att. ntioa to iv 1 1 -t th vour tiie.'i-uri - which, under other cir.-um-tau-i c. s. i might in important. ' ( it'll mi i, ! tin- 1 ''. ""' I'I III III ' ' ll'I'.t I '' .' ' j In r'-nring from the arduoii- duiie .f i the t'oliiica! v.-ar now i lo-ing. I de-ir I exiif.-s.. through voii. to the citizen- to of j Vermont, my high appreciation of their ! confidence and jiatriotic co-oi- ratioii. in ciiivrng liito execution the mipoiiam. measures n-quir' d by the act of the -pecial session, and to aure you that I -hall carry with me into jirivate lite, a sacr.-.l devotion to the interest- of the State and the cum"' f f our common country. You, genth-meii. are called to deliberate ujion m a-ute.s nmre important and vital to the interests of the State and the coun try, than any which have ever before oc cuiied the attention of. jhe Cioncral Assem bly; requiring your patience, careful and dispassionate deliberation. .May an all-vvi.-e Providence guide you ; and may our Heavenly Father inter.ose to deliver our beloved country from its present calamity, and from the j-eril-j which threaten it. ami restore to it again the blessings of peace, union, and jirys iiority. EKASTUS FAIRBANKS. The Union ticket has swept Ohio so clean that there is no use in quoting the figures. The majority of Tod for (iovernor will be anywhere from oO.Ooo to 70.000. In half a dozen towns in the northern part of the state be votes foot up 2r1.5 for Tod to '.'' for I -ii .i : . Hi and i? is so all .. . . . ' i ' . - tre . - ) .....