Newspaper Page Text
ft ?lfii lit nil i ,. (!7....Nt . 1-5. RUTLAND, VT., TIintSDAY MORNING. (HTOHKIl 2-1. 1S(!. I'I:ICK Til !Ki: OI NTS-Ssl-aO I'ljU Y) Mi. -1 ! ill'USDAY MOltNTNC. OCT. :M . FROM Till-: CAPITAL. (JOVEUXOU'S UFS.(,r.. l-rmM:rM.,-iilCorre-i.i..lent.l G-nllvmen f th,- Seuulr Mo.VI I'KI.IKi:, ()('!. 21. ISC I. ' fft)USC ,.r, i, !,, The Senate snriui-ed tsclf i'lii.-. iiiorninn It was a great disapiioiMmeii !C "tr 'II malil" Up ill ' Sf ,!' tj':i'.'. ' o more tr--. ii.i-I!''- s! !'i he :i lit horized . k j . -- '.viii !i a tio.i' 1? KH in, ; i - I.v fnulinsr a quorum present and immediate- "t.letl hv Mrkness !.,.,, en non- the I.e-isiaM,!'. Ilisim, i (iK n f.w i:cii ni BitMAin:. iy i,e-an t . i i; u.- the action of ii Tl,e I'lii-'iiii'-lnh Ihiiiv Tillies n!' the '1'ld quorum ot Satnnlav. .Mr. lowers uiovel a'tark of il!ne-s. without "', ,. ,,,;,.,. ,,f the journal he chan-rd a to Jinw that ihe . I'h sieal -tn-n-tl i to invr "III.- "Ht :i''ai)i: the pl". ,f I . .1 - ... ,.r:,l, e extrnr ! he mil, e : ; l resiileiit .1 -chirrd the Sena'- ae.iourned , , , ' .. ., !!! ') I- r' m.if,, Ml; ,;' rt.,- ., v;n:i "' , .m'U . a. i''lini'-''l!lt!V ' 1 , ' l.-i'i ill- -I ' h-- A! ". 'I' '-X- !'! t nra .- :: " I'l- ' lieill iiiTTir- l,d lull i-'Vi . 1 able a S 1 00. '."I I a ivMiisn-ul in Yr it t-1 loit: ( ien. -V p)o o-rd Ni v.- Fll-hllid .';iv;i ratlin than lead as v now :ee "on mot'Oti State, I eat:' (it la. ike th,- pile Ileal 1 1 detail, or eo.i.t. 1 me! IN o'llertton timllilV : ; - -1 : 1 1 1 t lot oil that ( leu,. i.uth-r has li e Semite a'tjO'UT., 1. It a lll'-lit per.'iaps utHlrl' eHie- ha e !ec n ! .iiizei!. , 'ie ' ie.i IT, 1' o! lift'- 1 GS.tltlt.uo j to. () of) i '.)I(f 0(' of Mr. a i ij ii ai 1 1 on: t he 1 -r ii 1 1 ihun i:'ai v auti-oi l' it- V. Ii' II I (I O'KU IMt IS M--ent ti LeL.- i!ne tt-rs ate iirovet l-CI!el' lli,.l ! I' if. j .i w n ; ii -' !! !i i1 !,eii",' 1 1 -! 1 1 1 " : ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 In- Ii!i m Him h as a,ieuni. in' th it 1 1 'he Mine ai'i iii!-!'- !' rt ii-!i a e l!,eol::- i -elii id lidiii ,;.,,., I i K rail l-of Hi aiiv l-n-i: i vi'n me! t ot !!i -;r iei!i,ie ,-. n. h' t: an-actio;,-. 1 he r. I'li nir." aut imi' . a-ou i ea-r. Tie- luoiioii then ot tin- .Senator trrm i h-iMsht tou-ther a :-! A-- . ! Wi'ml-or was nn- jmil- i-. the ;e,elie; ami . Y rmotil. 'o roiistiii tor 'tiin' most -Ms:!.!,- wav of ri-i..!n- t-,e u.w,Wr.- :"! ' th- -a...- . Iloivrvrr, ine ol ti.e s;ione-r : ,j(t. ,,t I'twi'!- .-re .Ml,' t,-n lunk i-sii- ale I l.tUiitlie 1 out Itilo t'Xteli'i'i! -rl.ertilisiy il-JK-H-e!. alio ' t ' s-u- phiiij-pie, n,:;i,,.aini..MU- ?ter.-h:.-ss of th will, r vi-i-la , . oi ph-l.!V . -a n:ai:. ,e ' ' l! ek ami he'--!, that . op!- !:a. j'f.ii lial ali"l ou;er nil a j.i nst tin- ,iiaiMi ,., ,,,( mi J I . tlert ot eaehlmi a l H Lr 1 tl-ll'Teil i p f i (. :mk1 mioliees j", :r pioo! the ;, !;,. ! it ol t'.c'i. I'i'-ree, in li il'l ! to !!!: I'm tin I iiHiiir lath.-r qti.-tio!i:ii.I.-ihoi'itv uo think. M as romo e... an ill'i-'ra'ion of act've practi : '1 hrn- voa'iie.', an i sviilat'iv I . ue.-t ltif'iriu: i'e ii' i'ii'm "' -oei.-rv, ! .as ever 1 "ei, nr. f r''i rM ,',e; . . ! in- Il-p. : ,i! 1! auk t.''iiiitm-i'ii,'r s J,lrftt,-.. Mi ,; 'h' liaiiks . t 'hi "Stat.- i', -an-h uiiiii oj !. to-r s;. tSiu;: ot' 'he H'h'-')'i- i.,T o.l'i- o " esc i': Tutiiiii-, in a !i, I j. 'heir im-'- . . to th- pv-er' ti-ie--. 1'iits i ,- .Miia k : - . i-jt r.-i e- "-,' -ir, vi. ..'i . : a iitrtti'-i '.! f-vihi ,;i ': i- a hi -I' i :t .- -Aiiiiesscl iln'in.' !'-' . I- eel-tan,, v i'Utt!'"i ! i;r.' il ti'l'i- '!h- t ol ti.. )ir.--tors of t,,. So,. i'ti- o 'in- ii- o- t;,,. . x, , !!.., f ln ,,, !'ie'' ;., -,. tltio .ie.t (I i.?'i-u ! - 'to':, th K-- o- 'h.- s , ! ' : .:,.,'., i. i a -! lit li L-."-. . tH'iT"!.' i )' oil. .s.;:(, iif-M,,, o : i i ' ; : - 'J ." J oi.i ., ;, t..!,.i uu: (.' ' ' -.1 - ' - ' ' J f ' , tt .''.';,' . - , ' - ! !: . , , 1 : ii :. .: - W S.i.O.. . , !n ri-L'anl to ! hi - -hjeel loll rai.-cl hy the illie-. it is I l:o!l''!i tor Us o IvIioW that , i.roi.'ft ol i'-n. !iit'ei- has li.e h-'ar- - ::j I i'o :il :ii ii I etii!or.-i nu-nt ot the N a , n- itinel.t sili'l nf o l!. S.'ott, uil.l serin- in'o the wot-M iii t. l! li-s mui;i!v t, --ij,porl 'av-i-- , , : , i-i llie.stie - hr ii p:il t o! tli" essential pleparaUoll the r. pur ition e, I, 'ji-ia or-. Imiinl. r the of the reli.-N. For , The IIous- on the other han. hy ; p ' ' I! I. .,. .! S ! h i- i. t ' Ult"' of. W ll'l ! ;i-:r We liiiv. !!'L ,F 'lie .1 . I .- , i '111 I. i. 1 :oh :-J eiiit Ii 1 ' " I,."l -.--ii ., ;,i:!,eio hr part, we are not nisposci to !!es,i(in r of ( mi. 1 ill tier for the position t , iS to Itti'-f ', ami shuU'i he ra'e!'i at L iwiver ol '! e I i i-.c -r. i . . t .. i .. i ' .. 1,1 ;;:s iieen asii'iieii ui nun ov ien. o:i iitei the War Department, notwith :ii'im' the inten-sii-il if-', imony ol ('kii. ii ee ;i'r:iiist him, or he t;tet that u. i ilrew- ot Massachusetts prote-ts that ie rk-. t shollhl he perilltleil to hae tl cltl- u' eiuitiol of recruit iiej in Alasaehu- havr , A:r. ' ail i : ; 1 1 r tion ;u, a uiiatiniiuus eoiismn o J 11 ! I he H'hat.itan's ot t rmoii apjiears Mr. Thomas the iila'ant memher J.s pn-servct ima-h , "ti trom West Kairlee mov.-i! tha' a I! those "'ho i rhara'''"-. ari-l a. '' i .! r,- I i . ' Ol Kls! .111-1 ,1'i.j i i Ws. n 'j lie-al lll'i'lil'eloo S'-heoi iv.s -v ia .i, ie s au elni r an their wv I .ihi.iiiisfere.i. :e, rem i k ill! ''v'' ' "' '". li.l': lit't'l, I'd, o'.tl it- , , on-...' to ' l il I 1 i ' l- 1 1 'Ii-'. 1 .' J il ', ' if or- ' o ; ii'urther ,tp; !.- i- i :,. i,,r. A r i i , . ' l ii 'O l ' e HI lien i ! a: -II Ot ' i.- 'O- .,': '.i ot .:-,- - ' f' '- M," i-'! , . i;i, a' ' o a v. ,- . a i. ' ssletl i;'is or l'o . ...t f ! 1 .."f,--. ' to- it -i'l II-...-t . ' h a" tt Viol i !--, r 1 An ttlTuntf anil a llr(rttt. W'.isliin -r'ou, O l. n. A hit'le took place oa the. upper Potomac y.s!.-r(Hy ,,.tw.'.'ii Klani. Ferry and l'-e-h'ir whi-h lasted from 'J o'i lock a. ui. tiio'l ! ,t.-st -e counts which are up to 6 p. ui. Tin- '"-res , le.'ae'l were frr oj." of fieri Stone's .Jji-i'ii ami a larjje, hody ui ' rehels - u i to ' hiKii live 'o ten ihcusari l strong mi ler ' P-ri Kvai,-. ! lie :a Iv.i r-e of J"ii Stoiie'r, army ero-t.-ieii i'- !'.). in.,,- in two ii'i fies. o,,.- i; (wards V ,i .-tiel ';. others: 1 Lin i-o ,n J Ural. At mi .', o k eomiria intorol i-ion with the :. an a --kira-.!.-.!i '.va- !. pt u; tin" il w ' -K in ia" a; tern ia w.e-.-i t a - frf-:-'l- - dl I is'er aad (iirai ia i )--e)ti-:.-': a:, J !!? ts tlhaiitty i-ito a tio i. Al 5 a 'are. ,,j , , i,f i 'ke l t'c ri.'ht ":i'r"'"ii,l.,H!l'-il Ir.' Co! 15-tk.T win', -O0I1 o : .. ! v. Ir,- h-al'tij In- :u mi t , , irtr.'.-. 1! '! ' I'-';, !. ! -pi-.-h- 1 M -j Yo-lli. TO t. '.., j- .:,.j. .-,)i t-. ..'i'l (im. S'oi r Ion,--;! cam- '-I t.'.i; ,-.-t,- , i a-'IO'i w'o. a ...-,!: '-'!;. II- ;.,e I the mo ' v. ,. in -ji- -,; .! -r :i: ' i t -:'T a: "i ' : I-' t w i:. ;: .' ia -. .e-i.-r" C :, ',,,-k ..: t" a-hes. ( ),,! . l s.,, ,,. vi,.M. i i- i ! i'- r --lli.-:-!.o-.-- lsh-mj ' lie! 1 c r ',,- a sie il m-.v ek .dtui- , e(p I'h,; Tiines thinks that the future reoi- nts of ', riiionl should he placed under " command and supervision "those avc iind con ; nt Hriunie. -on- o' r own -oil, 'he nallaui I'ln-lp- and iiith." There i- no certainty that fu- 0 i-ee'mients Iroin this (ate will he iis 'tted to dutv nnder tho-r coiiniiat'dris, 1 il their Wrle i .' I lollh t s ahol 1 1 if. WO si'r , .in, inn! in ihi- whereon to h:iso ;i 1 ,,;,(, ohieciioii to raisinjr the l',utler i ir , . a. 'erinont can ttin.'.-li her quota. o- a dav. I lie ihiu, M-iii'ialii liisqiia it ot' course anil :he C!-rk look :!n- liini to keeji quiet !: -.a.- sU-j I ias West Fail- lee f'squilr. .S' C ill"') hec US'' I in- .,',-ker has o". a-nju n. ic o nize hmioo! eii h the Iiaine of his :,v: t- a would sav : ll. , t r iiM o- '.'iii'i- ' y the present n- e- - i -y. ie:a it !. V. 'eion' da- now I ' t ; ntrv in ' he -,-rvic- . I' is a regimen' !' i ,J i" ii S'nu', hv au- ,e o;,-III 11 ie;:-; s.j.'ce -ii wa-- i t' ' an ! 'i 'in h- d t, :oi , i, ce The ,a .i a'.iiity ai"i whi'-h the Secrrt ,rv of the i ird h-.s . 'i.'red hi- hii o'ioii. i a i . s ar-ho'iorahl- 'o him, and worthv ,a ., ,r re(eet ,,...! ,;. '..h-'.'hn. In o: !r ar tunes I sho..M in such a rom min te riori as i!ii.,iieus io;li.. what at h-ri'h th" '.'omo'ion o: Ajri' ultare if. uimatad- . , i i . ' ii i- o,i;n I ,,'., ri'i'I ill li t s! a ' e, ti V au- of hv that ;.a.e.n and thntt which ensure t ' " , . A. " v 1 1 ii , i ; , i ,or,' ot U tr 1) pt'-iiieat : .tsiilis- ,. , eomforiahl - Icae- an'i -'.a- a, , t! :i.,l.p,-ml- . , 1 i . , hltil to I ,iO ,.1. .1 , !',,,. . ' i.t ,1,,','i.t act 1,1 ton. '.v: a ti. o ail! aor," the pres. i - !. -e prOVl-lO'.s o! 'lie .1 t paeii a' ! -ie, 1 ii I'M',' to a ia !.. pi, .portion p i '.eation Our som. v.liat stale "i: n. .. .,ndre- l..n'iv,. s, i' ! , I 1 1 -1 T . ' . il .lie. Hllli ti ,- lie- ressnv via natm- . , s i .. it,. his- I't-- "r ' -:-.'. t hi,.:, t...e -o Mama "l;lll""- - " :,! ' . .. ,,.r.... au"i" i.- 1 ; ae r n- ;u d oi het.'ic an-l mat!". ,t. ,,u; -nO'liein- si.ecial a' t of in- Ull th- iy nur jf puh r,trinij! mduc-s . Mil,.... i M-ious. I people ca.'.ton ot intjeii pny sica au"i' i -' -1 1 : i i ... ' ow ii;. ra V' n I a h 1 ie i ., , mi , , 1 1 ,ci i i' c tl -.' lie seems to he ( est a i' ' ' , m: .less,- th- I 'e ot hi- ' ' : ' ,';'' doii.'j 'hi crla-rv and ' ' o a- ' I thlencc.s ot climate. ..; ua-i:. a i I the a tied- ot o'i -ie ,i i 'e,,-r,ti. . ?iiu- ,-ph i 'lla'e th- niiaL'iua ion. -eti- - i,. sei,.-l'rii!ites. ' era: , , ' i I - .),-..-." t !.. - ami exai v. - iiimn. l i- om nii'i , imi is tht-i-motto, and t:, - i : t, K in the -lari-ol !".' tin- dav lasts. N n 'iii.'- the ma jienid. o! I lihrrtv with ilie air i,-v ' e i'h,- tl,e oc, ashii, am, :.r lo atli-r 111- e I. .- 1 le I n e : , From a statelll' it i I ,-.a-uf .'.' . HI ii i itltl t 'i'es lie with him w-i, r a c. r a car'. I Hi- i o- Xtldi.'o.- o! ,.--; , .'. . .: 1 t., - Oii " e j ', ,1' ."it tt I.t Hilt 1 root's- delUilll'l -d !'V the on-- p.-oterM v.tntnn.t. alio sp:n-e even tlnee or ' -i"'iments for -peciil) s.-rviee " ttl iition. L.-t ti- .hi all that i -t-k-d of Veruioiit -hoilld IH'i ho hl"jr 't Wilt- Dep.-irttu-n: de-if.- ( ',."i. Uatl'T r:ii-e:i NilVill I 'riad" h r -1. cia1 eoa-t v i,-r, h-! a d it' -hare ,. the uork, '1 1 1 p! ! V . i 1 1 ti 1 witliOUt ''l'll!!!hlm''. 'I In- ,i"s s:it . if tin- 1 ..".'i-ivt'i'i- authoii ; lished in the lie port i j counts, I itatii'-r the to', o.. ! stamlni:.' oi : N.ate !';:,. Sept. 1S01 : So whethe; ,..i-o.itn i i.ili i onta.unia some ; - nt ! i-s e-I ve rnti-'o a ,,.'i i! -j ,-",oa m- il I vo if I n I ... , fro,, invasion ' ' ' ' . t r, .Ol - -si,,, ' . ...I t we ii.a.i h ni -''a iiuiiiii'-niiL' with 1 hi- on I ixes vo-. ! I'.'ovv- that noji't h tt-r its -h" '--ii ! b.-for,' 1, 4 U -av-'i's .'- ,.r t,. , ,.,;, !el." ! Du,. o;1 PaX ,,; j sho. ! ' 1 , -'S..ssoj-j h.vrri...- I h hao"k. th..' at'h. ! 'lank o:io,t jtavahle '. r. 10!. :. j.-,.;i; 1 t" to nave some -m-h sa-'rei'v as -h s hool- j LJeiance due trom li- M. i'..t .-, ! S .."..jl 71 ma-'- r (lit-, to niai ;; ile- 'ruan's tar"y. t a,-y j al! ho'e'ht. ':h' . thev .shoul I -j h.iei: . i T.'..l :-i -o. - si x i ,-.iitri"il!v r "f i e';nr!,t- then 1 i,,--. 's al-o one t'.l ' -haip-h ' ' t " il ' ie- S t'e. --f ice ; aiui tlu-ii a:,- on oi two hi' . h iri''er r-- p - u.-. civ - i '.' to pi i nji t- i -s on ia- ei --. a- to 1 1 1 a . . ''-.. a : re I'l v i i'Mi !7-i t " n-lii-rt' u:f:-r it-ji-i-t'iot, wil: i.eee.ary. s,,,t"e"s la ! ifi i'.i -a "i'- t-a'ianai army. -j-ri -"!i- :i:'ii, ,.'"', 'o t !' n .-;' tie-n-. i- . .a.;!,! reiu. en's. A- . -;x -."m-iH" in. V,-: I'.-' il ia o : !. f'i't !: 'e,:s! i'; 't: i lie li IV" tl V II' I" e a i,I!-iCi l! ! .'Ill,' i.t .'.,., t , -' IT l ' ' 'V I K ' I'' tl Ipi'V ' o )-o. .. i ,', ; Hi", I, I' a ' e III 1 - ,,.111- ' II . : .I'l'-'.' I'l" 'i"i . .1 '1 !e-:iei ' a IV ',.' " -' t 1 . ,,' ral-ttu .' Ie '-' ' v' ' a ' - - . te- i " lit S' a'i - - v ;ce 1'! e i..,' tta i i - '. S.- ' t. not she-, as !., i is- - 'i-iii t 1'ia V if' !:!ue. ol ,), liht. i -; tl i " , lad '! :!' too un a . ! j! , a- .' , le- -. . h v -;- t ee. imj inter'!' of Yet nion, and t'.fato sint of my li'.- Hut 'he peculiar -at' ie atliirs now induces u,,. nr,far ti;. a: ti e siifje.-'. The -am- r.-a-tm the otu -sion of several other topi. ot gene ral i- t'Ti'-t. The fre"in"'i ot' Vermont quite .'.nerallv a! .'tetlOI, e.Xr.resSI Vi' eietians ril. I .t in ; i . i i. i-onvic 'on t'lat rar?v pre.! tr coun- 1 as the ti."--. i" '' t- i'e;'- of our eountrv p, o'T'ete-j a sa -titiee upon the Hitar ' trV i a : We mav hail their a tio it r . 1 1 -! - ot ''itt t-raC'eal union ot' patrio'i' ,, .i,,,,'i .i.e'i: th- hival stat s. whicll will - a-.- :a- -il'i'tia'.' trit;n.:.b of our (,. '!'-- in h war. F ii .' "' i'i le.'.. -t. h.-a'-tv . en ,'' ,"'i a"':0'l. t1' yeO.'!e ,t 'h" 'rMi' '!' fl ijli'l'ilv ! i-'W '--,!l'!elir o' t-i- I----.V ,ii-,- f. III. atei t.'-o-j- 'h-'ll-elves ':''p:al . '',- Vti - :!.'! ''' --rvatioii '.' ( s'i- .ont- V- Phil olelphl S. O '. 1 Tie- W.-.-hinj'o-i of thi u j i.inir pjb-h-he- th- ' illiiwiic' a.l'lili jnai t,j- ts 'he lilhira V. I wards' Ferrv. 1 he S'.tr - it is a mas ake .-uppust; thn (i.-ii 'on.- was repulsed. II" was ,-m-i.ei:'!y - a- ' . fal. having i il'.;. ted his object, although a some los- to his ri;.t win.'. ti.-n. lianks in j.-rson on the Virginia side, an t has as-.,iL.,.d (.'aief .-ointuaini. VA ('asswell. ommaridirrj '!i- ,-w York Tammaiiy r,-,'inin.:, i- ainoie; Jthe missing. He was loruieriy dpi. in the H'Ai regular in tat try. I.e-ut Co! Ward of the M,vai.h;j--et's 15 h wa- wuJii'led in the le'. ( ien Maker's coininand consisted of portions of three regiments, iiauiel) : the JCaliforuia re.'iuietit. ila-sac!iustts SlOth and the New York Tatnmttiy. numbering in al! iVjut 1 soo men. 'ieti M- ( 'all's divi-ion rcim-m-- it. about the - tine p'j-:ioii. Ha: ma, a t.jV w aws hel.1 lor some lia-s na-' troiu wtieiie, .. uav op li'ii'i: :!( tive,y it, any dirt-ctio'.. Its pres i'iirt hitier t.p the river to ?upport an im portant movement ot (Jen- .S'one a 1 Htt.ks has hern i.e. e-sary u- the i, ?ui' proves 1 i.e tat's de-rription ot the fi'ht -is w"''' 'r.oth wn.'s w. re ii-fat.k.- i a- earn as : A. . . . k m , ii t M. alii Mi, ri.'-iijv !ttiio-i wiit'r..vT appear-!. ' ' At aiiout ' 1. M. 'he jTiel.t w.i, ;.utiJ til.s 11- r 1 -- 'or a'c) - '-o- , : ;. . V. . so tar 1,, n ii-u " "i i m ueti ac'io1 "fo ir iM'i'i'ry'' 'otl s'-it'l have t - f-i'y tor s'-p hat fr.-e it. s'i ' I II re. possess th , m- in-l can a 'ol -ini'-s ,v -ic d m l nn'eri ti ',,- 'Ij.-ir ,1,'ft v st ern al al ll-etll e e'bt c he woa! 1 hem e -I ! ' ' Sa 1 11 ra it v r-ieii'. a ie ! -'finjiiej iio'iL' it-.' -,"- their la''---. -, i 'ra-s o' .-inn ,: t't. r.ii-iti.' o! :i ri"'it!ien! in ,his Stiii- ;, c -aa-n on-s w.-o'. - ,-!, ! : li itl-t- s I ;r .j.-1 ! '. ei'iii , in. l.r t .'sew l-.n '.tni.t M;it-' to I'i ! .t, !i eiiou'ja to eati.-h -a quie'lv into t,avn ! i'e this IllOf.itl;' !l-'V " t'l . ll'1-,;" H'l'i; ills !'--y t..,t -om-- -tr .;.. For ;.,st-tii.-,'. 'hat ; -,,.i, :,, it ,..,'. 'a- i- Hue l!.i!-k- t i i am I. a n:- t, .1 can a'd'oi'! I a 1-,.- ..; the w tr row 'ipon t .'imi re. th" p'-i"! !e o! ! 1 .'i'a"?!'i,ri- 1 ere , -. :,- I '.'. T'rehe'ld th" l! ... ii.vo'v.'d i'l ''' ar. th' tin- hr t .'-''W ,C ill li.e ii.'.'t T. ' ' ' We ,!.-i l I" -. ' Mil' ia- Mo .ia .,: s.;. ,f.. "-ia a! lJv'.:.t. -I lo - 1 .;. i. 'o .ia! I , : ran- it ti; iv . i I !:i'i,i aii' ad I, ,. Ha a -. . ni: iii. of i ia !'! ill' ' i rn t i t' i .1-:- I !- i s I ill ot ! !,, I " T-e .:ir-i' -' :-" " ii j,fo i I" ti.- to- 'or ; s.:,r, ,.f -r it,.. m. I, : 1 1 ., 1 1 ' ,ii" ih , ! i- V..lfte.l ,1'i'i '-ah- d I l ;," i - a --iuic d i th'' ::i - !. loa'e to i - -:',: t ii will I I., ,,,, tins Iii-- ! '."'' -- a to -he ta il'' !- i ti.-a, oi -. 1 ' 61if.l IjM'j oa i.' ia .-n i - cut i i r- .".'. i '!.'!.') ' ', a ' i - oa 1 in i. oia tin I I, .. i, j' oi t "j 'i . 7. ..' '.'"I ,.',.';,, a :'. 1 o i ioo Oo o , . ,,; ; S t '. . I . .a.i.oo.oo J A l ii i S'..S.2-S I, ', ,i l,e i . : .via i, - ti-e. a ''" il' ;t "i i- ty ii -a' o' -i.e ' -a ' i'i, pi-.'sen' t i ' -."' .- t i i a !., . i(i'- t -- i and ii..-iiiii:'i.' t'-. ' '. i at " oi' -laii'iii - v. i- . o i--- - . I V ! i! I ,o 1 1 v o - 'l an . '' it'a- in ' '- t-n hl .t ' thers. a'.' . i-i e to ' ttd'.- e a contest i ,r tia'i'.tl I i I i'.s it-ith,nal hhe-'y a -I ;e-t .-a ' ' ., - . .v.. ',,.- ;, ,-, ... : ,- ,.i -i.i.a'r "!. ' t 'hey it-.-ii roritroti'ei.l hy rear -ijioo it 'li" en-my t'l-e: ... !,,.(;..', Kv.ti s wi'.'i artil'e'v . to! I'.aker '.thalitit i-.vav i:1 the charj" i:. whi.-n .., was k-!.e i. ' I ii'.- ('.Ii .-r !'": in "itim.i. ! i, ordered the li.-n to tail hack t:,-ar tie- riv.-r httik. -!. re ll.ev -.);! 1 I,.- i. .!;.!,.; '.- I t v IJen hon- iHTtl- ior . '.r'-e. N. itt.d the j.or'iui, ,: ifi- ar.iM 'nt; had v. !i'.' -a th-'e-i a l i.e Hi. '1 ll f 1., x- h, , - ' '.I'd r" 4-UI"' , it ti'"- -'.'.-' ' ..! 'h i" i:i' an-. nt (J o-- niii'-nt in .-nsViti': th- "he'.r -pell' ' ti-.'. y pr.n .e '.',-':,, , - X t' i-, .- . d o. : t wounded. ( ': : e .' :. ,1!' ah -h w i i ia- ' I 1 a t ..-a i- - , .-.-1 l hro. .-..'.:: t'.- p ,-.-:oi. - :- : .. -. e f t"i i.-.-i nijii' tue h t! it" t i - -1 ; : - : : - a ' -1 k - . : t ' t , 3 ' ' 1 i ' I id -tad . i -my m .:' ;.-:i. '. I q ,o ,t ot: V t o-e - - i;. -ii t , v ; : i whet. i-j'i tit,- ' - -ei'aa .''VI III" ll-e'V". . ,,' -I ,i-rv. "'' whi 1-l-i ' i ' t! i- t . -'1' mr, '- a at- I i- a t a'U-a.l r . ii'-' f in 1 ' ' d Jilt'o. S- it ,' e i ! U : e-etit-r:-. 's : Li ;i I -' ' a ot ' ..' : i- "a la i,v ti, t - i ,,s ti, - oa-h wht.-h we Iii'i 1 ' . i , ..,. ,1m .'ti-.el .lel.'d tlV .1 fled ti.C fliillf ! Jl''e 1 I:,,:. -i i ' .' o- ,nd p-. spe-ityj to p'iz j iii I ! o: tiattl- fairly; po-t !..'e-'U s ol' i on-titu'ton tl .n a.'ta. ia: 11-. tli the aaj i- ii , i , a i : ,'l , -O ' re -t ta il it 1 r- :-a .1 o ' I i n.r ti- to k i," imp; F.i-U i ri ha! I ! ! : f - . I p ' V i'l' I t I . -i- - ;. ii' 'i.e X, 'A ,'- , r i t,, Ii in! i,-- ..ti ? D i - "! - i-!i ti- hi I !,,; v , r at the o -, - ; . , -. . a i , a i ' .' .i r. i in tie ". !i n. li.-foi! oaii.; !., p;-i,vid-,i i! -' .ni i : , : - ! tile- r . i tiii a : t, i'.lid ,' ' '.vi'i! ; lit -s. t i 1 - ' i ill, C. ' IT- ii . a , -i , ! ; - ' " .', ' i '.; i' t: , ' , il ' i i lie v . , ... p, .; - i ..... tii ''.a-.' i j : i : 1 1 1 a. i li ii' " in II -! (1. Ii l ot tin- V. .1 i .ft t'i-i t ' .- t :."i' :i, , i; . lO 'Mi ' ' ' ) -O ' : '-. all' : .f'oa- !::( ,t a : " i . i live a - 'a- o, .v '.v i i ' - I - ' 1 a i to !,'- ! j' c a , -, a i ittli moiii !i. Uir .-th I' i! S ! : : i ' i . e a s i ' ' 1 1 i n i .- a :- an . '. h""''ia in ,; a -a,-1 -jr.-t. j is ... i li ij 11 a - III tie ; I I - I he am ;.,- ."! I ..t'.l a, -1 'ii .i.ii aii'ii; i-. , - if it - -.V ' HI"!.' i- i r.-r 'ii'i : i,.- i" iia ' - -i rn,- -tai ' I . . ' . r- : - j r.. ' - i" li 'i - - : a a i i n a' ; i to in.- ai'-,'. ' - a-, .... a iiii-a at oi a -ion.': -ar--. j Atli -'ti!' thus la: .; a 'i: - and j ia-'-in 1 1 i i : m .. i fhii., .-lit i'. a. I- a;- I :m u-s l,,r t i; - , a vice. S571,2JS,4 ;i '- ! Fro a this ma', he '...-ilucte-i hi a ei - a ' amount rebntmis -! t - rh- S' e-i'tarv ot Ui- LMoi- il Stales ifei'sart . '.viu.-n ,:iv i'i! 1 ty'-s ! prcd' wit'orms :.i - : - . he .,,,' ti, ; an ' ' '' ti i'i t . pt oa. " o::i a 6-S,!tU 1 2a t ." 'hi e ,s-;,'t- ,f le itti'i nay :ts :r Ii vved 1 per c . i ' ' .Of oil li.i' -i.- ii, Or'..; , ill- i t -V: It'll -ll"h ti ' ' Mil V. i ,"! i -1 i . II '; i 'ie- iav ot' l'"e!ii-i:ary n.-,. e,t -h -a '- -l i""i v - tr. , o e i - , h" - e ,HV "i .. i ! c a i : i ss,i ,.-,, -,). -i'l -a- ! !.. - h ih I,' . ,e. I I I I' ,'i 'tl'" I'l'l .. "' iil- p i.'i'-'i . - i t - , ui i i on 1 ,v ii: ,1 ic- :.i ' lie year i nt i-hit.'-. 1 -a 0'ii'i ".1J- ti! c !,i ill :Kor in tIioiiii 4 It--l ci inn" U 1 1 to :' ,!., ! :'l a '.- " I ' ..I . I I Ol'. es ! i ha: ii.iii.i- i.-ii-.'t !oi' tii.i! it Ilil-a't l). 1 1" forn ix , in i ; ,e the re i ,e i-a.or i. ..a- I li'ttt rn- :. -.-;:.-! .: "!' '' I'io a lain-; j To ., ...h;,..! :!,, ... '- n ;i ;ii: a ' h'1 ; p.a' i! Scia o r tuonth tims 1 ! .". ; nays ;,-, I s-.-ak j (ar .iiteii-.- ! t'V sue Tr-.t. - i :. !'' i iel'er. j ur, r. u a .1. si m.-a-nt . - i . -.: tt Hill " ! ip" . . oae.-t . a I ( 1 im- to lie "I' iui. o- ! tiv I' i i K: . . M ' I I 1 i ,, ni. .rt. a. : -.ii.-a v- a ti , i ,:: 1 M ;j r m i' e-cUt tUIle IS 'i'l t ilif) -e.l ,1 ,; . ' 1 i i .i . i I I . ! 1 ;f, ' anoof o:' 'rusa Iv'-p an -: : - , . a-y !. - .. , . , - , a it-1 '. r ih ! u'.'iu "h" iu--r - ; .-!- a i. -' i ': I , ,-'.'). -it !-, !;,! .:! ' f the II -'i'l' -a -'s tier- j h a i ! )'' th p'a l . -s iv.- a'c to Ic -ifteil and ptl rifled : an ! w-re -.: -h vvhl.-ll We aie ,. issil,.-. to .-",.!' I hut t'ii! t.i Wis . C ' !, :i. r's -: !'s -. r- -t . : h- i ' :. to I-.-c-i --.I i. . I i I ii. - , t : : ' I ' 11 i -Hit .a ' i" r-t.-"-, -r i ' h- v.!. , i'- I'naoi.i " . a - . ; .u-e I 'll i " ' tpl IK ' : I'i'ii . o:.'i ' i.e city ; . i-' -v- l e r neiuv ,:i in up -t i -. n I i- -t .: a '!',' .! ! ::. 'he.' 12;j.ij0U.U'J ..a,!. i io)i.s o ia tin- X '.' ,Oi ; I i 1 i , - " M.IIl n' . 44J.'JUG.S1 A n- v ,--: ' the United S'atcs i,i'-ia. iie.-u i-, v-.-oi. v t ,,-e. ai i-l-s loir aaiiiv.-,.- t-ii fee ' t'C " 'C t't of O'ir State VOIlst)- m ipii-e t: I ,,' ji-l.ii ure to make a ue w ,r ,'. ,),..,-. . " oiislt url, o ne the trial: ! cral am! hi- e,l -ihout two hour-, ': it ai'.-r he h t' ate to'i.tovr of vi!i it -tali' our m inhno , i fu -t half four 'he I cl els ! ti de- ii 1 io d-s- liio-.i ;-. v oar r.-icl-rs. i r. a-r or nol. t iir .-i'linon i-. :, i,n ni Moiiniuin ioj, are i .-ady .to their country 'I'm. mi) iiiy,; Ami the. amount ii-:M'.:--,l on i (governors arrau s in a:d h (I i ol .soldier'.- famiii-s. "iS.yJU.ati ant oi'ioi in-iii eniio'les, and ' I. r- to i lie s also i.ic-c'ii"; ceitfiiu ia-.:, ui nt tin n. to join tin ioii Tiitr--. for an advanecl c d Naval Unmade. We. Us ;i j 1 1,,. (J, .'1 I ! llOI .s , ,,, pi.nn-ipate in the -lory ot' :!-! ""''!-' chn .audit-. Me. ;yc, which We pill li. .. 1 !';:' i As for tli,' coiiiutaud--h" m.-iv mil he coui- rii.h s reafdiim sucli a ppori i inment. l.SO'tj.13 I conoiaifidate you, t-'elidemeu, uaoii the ( oinplrtioii of die Statue ot' Ihhan Aden, by $4 71,1)53,33 om i.iomi-au l oun arti-. M ad, and upon I lie iii- h the stat- ,t ill,' sri'vii'iMii'liii' I'n.tol MUti'v ar.. i iv- in her sralinrv m u 1,! '. It is a r.tre honor i i;xovi.i:1),;i.mi - vt. 'A e are in-i Id.;,',! to 11. L. Limb, lvq., oi th" l.tir-i . I" attcn:pli,i;.Mo mike an approximate rs- lis safe , rect.on in a titini'' p.ace. i iliii' - L J ! : v i t. , 1 il "ive , . r, s.-ioi: to a nrer tior imti IS tioui.iici- j .,, ,'j ,,),',, ,,-lies la. e .it'elintry, au' a ili"i " , i'l Otlt. ,'lciia. -'! ami rn,"'' i'i" '-fi.e.a'ey of vie v an I Maj. c li-ld itmn- i'A-eiy .: c ei tin ,nd ' y ; ,,..i t ilii ue hate h-ietotiir.' x,.' ri , at fi- lv:Mh round -d-i, -e. o: ; tie- 'eh- ! .... .1...., I.. ..,',.-,, in )ie (hill O' i id 'Ulis The el, , , ill '.r t!ie, l,"i'llli :'eT:- , our ' ,1. " . . I , r i .!.'..... a 1 ! ;,.,,,!, J,"' l.s , '! l. tl'.'I'IV ill' " llirWl" , Ot'.J 'I ,!l.'l ill IK .'. Ol-.' ''" .-. . ' It i',i:.l.i,-iJ ', j,, concord and uaitv Co- 'da'- dct'enen l" out j hy ho h our infan'ry -id i va!r- II- fore '.,,,1 imi viduai'v do our w!ii'e '1'iiv, i letting xne netu ;i:: iiih-i v. oi. iuh' ai s it "t 'coim s citiz-tis livimj under the mo-t j rt,ot ti. the h. a 1 and itl-t ut'ly kd ed. j h -l . f.cenl (h.verintient the V.ol i.l rvrs iw. ' We at-e not i.ellliitt.'d to lilt the v, il which .v.- t tthotn tr e com (, : timate of the militai v expenses ol the current pelior q uaih v ot mateiid ot which the stat-''- vear, I remar k that the roidiers ot Vei luont. ue is made, illustrates the tiehes ot Vermont our eountrv. But we will 1 1 1 i ii Providence is T!i' I-.iti of ol. j, t;"t. '."-'. n. r ne.-il order wa.i !s-ui.-d iinui-adiatrly -pwo rrjim-nts ut ititantrv. Ht'.t: t'.e reeeipi oi ni" iu"-i'V' mv, nainvlv : 2l, 3il.4th.dtii ana tit t" take t lie t.i.iee of I i . "I. M .('! ' I i ti 11 , lo.- ;; luaio.unt ci-a-t attack, we think I ,1,-a:!'. ol' Col. baKer, wuieli coul uus the j (j;!, rejlimeiits, siiriposed to . . . i .... i... i ...... ;.i . . i fohowin : t !!! tiiiiii ii i in i im I'i-ii' i- in iin tin i , . . , , f l , tv , ; ; i ' t ,ti i , ; ' u ,n,,i ' ie kind ol " oi 1-. ill (' V VI.KV KiailM INI. I'h to. i I ,111, - Mil? 'hr lle-iiHe!!'. We," ihiiivin : !' is wall lO'cit'i r - ret that t in.1 -i jvci'tior j ami Coiii-ii oid- r-iu-. iii,-i' has h-aa ued of the i dea'h of Col. liiker upon the ii.dd o! battle. lp.r. i Althou-li n-'i a cni."ii ot' I'i ii'isy lvama, he ! '. ol iic ii -elected by nrtny ! h-r sons as " ' ''' t.'icir i ommaiider, and met his death while ioini,i. ;u i '.!-, in- 'hiv.n thctr ha:-, ,,..n !,.n.,,r tli.jin into action. nt -uh-titiit-nj theii excellent and Ti Sc f t t"iif-. fabie coats, havcr .''!' wariii. -t nt under clothing at, ,,'.. linen .'i-triliutc! 'r. ti e Ue-l-N'mmv tin- horse.s have been re . T-' b i i't-'ii'l'i-'i now remain - line te.-hti- which lt-spirea ms .so. .ters to regard no State lines when our common i.uuii rv was in dan-er, induced the Com niande'i -in-chief to reco-nize him while iivini us a 1Yiiii.s lvama hch.'ier, ami impels imn now that he is dead to hear this public testi iuouv to his eailantry and worth. !v . ai, maud o! A. (i. C i KII V ceive liom this State the miib ot S7.0U per to the State to iiave furnished trom anion month, or 55l " -nnually. The amount to "' sons 'li: tiias and lah-nt that conceived i.eiiaid them the crr.oit ' v e;tr wil! hr ;thout and elaborated lliis litilstled wot k ot -ft. ' I .O. l , .l .11.... 1.1. e can nanny iook ai me ininir mhuic i'ii out teeliu- our paMiolism kiuol. tl anew; and observin- t he s! i ikin- and expressive face, the majestic port and uplifted hand of the old heio, iina-l liatioa pictures Imn intll liiandinjr ihe prettent enemii -t ot' his country 322 000 00 to c, a;e iheir altcinpt lo overthrow its Gov ernment, an 1 bid. iiii- its l.oii-n institu'ioi'S to deseei d perpetually to p.,s:ei itii y- The li-pons of the Trustees and Sup rin tendant ol the Asylum ior the lin-ane indi cate, that this institution is in its u.sually flour ishing cond lion. During t1 e past Miintner the win-s of the asylum have all b. en raised , aitother story, by which a iar-e number ot ' cheerful an i commodious rooms have been ; supplied, for die batter cla-i!icalion an.i ae ccino la'.ion of tin; patieins. Tim unostenta tious and untiriii- ifevotioa ot the superin 'rial,'"' ' .is i to- a-v'um and 84,000,( 0 lie eo ii i't' a'-J weltarv tt its inmates, atlord 1 eoii'-e tis til" figure, noli e.tll ' dcci- de-i-ns of ;h Ahiujihty in the events ! now Iraiisiarni- m I no! doubt that Ins OV" 1 w it ) us row as with oil i in taese events is ' "From i-eetiiiiiii evil still educing diod." FUKDKKK K IIOLIIUDOK fathers of o!d, and j del. The et.t Major liavift re. eived live Luilets while leadm- a c har-e thirty yants in a Ivate of his cctiiuiand. (.'apt. i li-hma.i was killed in the same cl,ai-c. Dur ioss is irpirted to b" five killed, five mortally wounded and I went v s-IIl: itt i v woun- avera-e aootit looi) men each, at 580,00 each, the year. The rciuient oi' cavalry re ceived by Colonel Plat', un der a commission 1'ioni the War Department, if by .act of the Le-i-ilature autho rized to come under the pro visions ol the act tor raising six re-iuients for the service, pa-sed at the special -ession in April last, and thus count ed as part of the quota of troops to be iurnisbed bv V , ii our, will a d .diout 1000 men. at $SO,'Jo, irn, potato a. id, oilier ihundant. Squashes ' The Chops I'kovumons 1'i.enty and CllKAP.- The pleasant auinmn weather lias eiialihd the laimers .01 .' i"'S""" " .iili..r il...ip hoiniteoiis i-rotis without daimer from iiost. The hay, root crops are mo-t were m ver more anuniiam pui.tioc-, nc ndliiiL' for hall the price of two years since, and are free from rot. llarley and oats are abundant. Hutter has not be n io cheap fora long tiirj". We have heard of ood butter purchased for 13 cents a pound, du ring the present autumn. Meats are also cheaper ihan I hey have been lor teveral years. Btvn Traveller. ' T'- -i' ' i' ! v . ''- t'"'-"l.'f ' Ot' '' 1 lo.vislu'., ii, li ;'. i'..t ii-i.t v c-. .r l.,y i.emy'.s loss is not ascertained. but is .supposed to be coi.s!iicroble. At last jiccouiiis the n-lptls w,-re in full re treat with their ba-a-e train, ami our t roops in pursuit. A !-'((( b( ia Intotl.j.-Tli" com ilirs tituo iriuletl. C'liii. ninati. Oct. 'J'J. A courier has arrived here from Camp Dick Ilobir.son, ana reports a fi-iht yrslerday between (Jen. Z- hicoiier w iilj UOOOor 7000 men, and Col. (jirraid titli 1'JOO men at camp Wild Cat. Zollicoller made thiee diflerent attack)-, each time beitii repulsed with eons'ideiable lo.-s. The federal loss amounted to four killed and twenty wounded. The courier met reinforcements cf one regi ment and artillery on the way. T. Iforth .Tli-isouri. St. Louis, Oct.'.' J. h. !. ... ... .,a. 2