THE I'l TLAM) WEEKLY 11 K HAL 1)1: THURSDAY OCTOHKR 21)1 J8fil THURSDAY MORNING, OCT. 31, 1861- Accident. We learn that Mr. Philip Whitney of East Clarendon was run over by the morning train east yesterday, crushing one of his legs so severely that amputation became necessary. This w as performed by Dr. Sanborn yes terday. Serioi-s Casualty. While Mr. Scott ny , l .1 I ; mugu-y ,. viHuumu,, -- ... j Ladd Hollow in that town, near the house j of Mr. Edmunds, ye.-terday afternoon, his j i . i .: i n-nn ,e tl,.. vL.,ft i horse took fright by rtason ot ttie snails r J . giving away, and ran. and becoming un- , manageable threw him from the wagon lie struck on his head and shoulders, dis locating his houlder and rendering him insensible, besides being severely bruised , bv the wagon running over him. Dr. j ! Cook of thi vilkur,. va ionn in attend- i ance, and set his shoulder, and left him in j a fair way of recovery gTThe bill jiroviuing that the Vermont )ldiers shall be entitled to the $7 per j-oldiers shall be entitled to the S per ( month bountv for the full period of their j j i . i enlKtment-three years-prov.ded they ; remain in the service so long, nas jia-sed j , i i .ii . -l . .1.. I ...,..,1.1 i lite i-CMIlie .iiiuusi iiiuiinin.'usi . il 't.i.i jilso seem to be ju.-t that the Cavalry Reg- j imrnt and all others hereafter to hi raised, as well a- the iharp Shotiters ; 1 fbould be placed upon the same footing. To refuse it to them would be nothing but ; partial, class legi-lation, and we have no ! reon to iloubt the Legislature will make j rra on to ioum in thf iirnc nrovision f.r them. 1 any ' Tie objects (,n the ground of expense', it should be rem inhered that these brave soldiers, who have left their property behind them, will have to pay the taxes as wdl as we, while they do all the fighting in addition. It would be a shame to grumble about paying our brave volunteers for maintain ing our liberties on the field of battle. Statk lioxns. The State Treasurer again advertises the State Bonds for sale, with coupons attached, payable semi-an-nuallv in Hoston. The denomination of the bonds now ready is ?.r(K. payable in ten years from date. I'ayment may be made for the lionds bv depositing the funds oris nwt miW-.$ a- wen a- -ocks. .nin- i reipn-it..- arm. el..ttimg an! .j npm-n's. tte in anv bank in the State to the credit of j '"-ugh. The ladi-- r-li-f a-..eiat ion- j flowing tm.vir SO.v, cavalrv. -o;j i. . , , ... .... mu-t divide their time b.-twe.-n knitting j antrv. .,oo artnlery total 1 2 .too. I h--e the Suae Irea-nrer, and upon die cctlh- I o!,Ma.hi(mi.(I Wl(1,.1 Itl;t. ! are ,ii n, addi-ion to th- r.'gular ,-.r.-.; tl,or,r.f rates bein- forwarded to the olfice of the j .... ,ri,,..,. . ""-n lately in s.-rvie.-. ai.o make tun I...'c ., , ... . ! 1 " 1 r-1 ' tro. ii- so tar rai-d bv Western Virgi' ia h.r I r. a-urer. the Donil- will be .-ent as re- r A til(,ll,ltfu! :t,ly writ- f. the : the of the C.ioii: quested. Stau'fanf. -tigge-ting that a -mail ' 'I'h,- rebels are v ry bu-y at Norfoik The v.. i- no oue-tiori about th" safetv I of vnrn l i.laeed in the toe ..f .-aci, con-frti.-ing ; Tor:ti-!i v. --!. after ttie - : ...-.. or desirablem-es of an investment in these . , . , . i P.i-.r..! ..nil mt. .In rinf t-..iI t.i nr'i' our ; . , ,, , . . The IbiT-lingt-.: jieople to take triem. for tliey will i." sought j j jj j (,;,. Id after, not only at home but abroad. j lt.t.n iUT,M, , ;U1,1 !,, i. ! .'!! on chaige .1 1c .blilig tji'.'i-otiable inr tT'The liand atfai-heil to the -2d Ver- ! n-potidenci; with the reb.-l-. lb- .b in. -mont Kcgimeiit. leaniiiig that it is flu- in- tin- charge. II- lives a: Ib-nnington in tention of tl.e government to di-chafge ( the .-u'nm. r at:d at Troy in tie- v. inter. on.- or more of the I'and-of the Vermont j JJ,. j, a gradual- ofW. -t I'oinr and -erv-Ilegimi-nts. have expre-.-ed a de-ire to b- j wi;h di-tinction in tin M.-xi-an war. sent honi-. Thev -av that diiiiiig the j l"(,r some tiim- be wa- eotmecti-d with winter -t-a-on 1 1 iand u i I! u-eic-s tor i all inu-ica t.itn.o-i -. while )n :ictiv er- i i vice, it is at all times a itnurf . M ToiNTMl vt b-..rge Warren, of thi town, has n ci,ii-d a commission a.- Se ei, Lieiifenarif in a -New ork lgmier.t. in- ; 7,1, !l..giinetit. Co!. Abbott, whieh i. was a member of th- Fir-t ermont Ilegi- j -uing into camp at r metit.aiid wa-in servi. e with it at Newjiort j ;,.w,. Almost a Catasi koi'Iif. A tew days since a-J we were . 1; e v sni n- ui oui uince, Ml" ' ,l 1 1 the Expressman entered ami deposited upon j the table a package addre.-sed to us, leaving J as abruptly as he came. Not expecting the j package, and not knowing the contents of j tli'- same, and withal, being a little timid of ! late, since tie Courier gave us the intorma- 1 tlv sitting in our office. tion that five hundred 'good and true ' men in Rutland were ready to take up arms against us in case we published any further offensive communications bearing upon him, the image of all sorts of infernal machines and mischief generally flitted through ourmind HEtil we almost thought some diabolical act had been intended, and that we were about to become a martyr. Fortunately at thisjunc- ture we chanced to see stamped upon the end the name of our friends 11. Wilson Co., Albanv, and our fears were at once removed, . e Upon examination it proved to be a keg ot the finest and most delicious oysters, such as any of our friends can procure by giving their orders to Mr. Wright, their travelling agent, or by sending them directly to head- qtiarters in Albany. We aie now fully assured that no harm was intended, and K. Wilson & Co. have our hearty thanks for the same. The following notice was ibund posted on the bulletin of a Western post olfice : "Lost. A red Kaf. He had a white spot on 1 of his behind legges. He wus a nhe kaf. i will five thre dolors to evribuddi viut will bring hvm horn."' The "Irish bull" is not peculiar and patent o the corduroys. A writer in the Uutmn University Magazine speaKing of Ireland, savs '-Many thousands ot them . ..I '.7. Jin:..;, i.,r II,, onU- food thev win: ui iu v. -- ...j possc?sed." STATE NEWS ITEMS. ! Vf.rmavt Vm.TVTF.KRs at Kicii- sn.-Sergeant Woodbury, of Compa- II. Secon,? Vermont Kerriment. reached MOND. ATnntnpl W nn the 9. Id inst.. from Kieh-i mond. He lost an arm at the battle of) rate appointment in his Secretary of Civil Bull Run, ami was taken prisoner. He ! Military affairs, Samuel Williams o reports the death of John Cowan, Com- j Rutland. ; Mr. Williams is an attorney panyE, Leonard, of Company A, and y prof.-ssioij, a quiet, unassuming gen Keebles. of Company C, the first of ;, and U apt to do anything well tliat lung disease, and the latter two of their 1"' undertakes. We know he will make wounds. C. T. llice, Company C, was j an excellent officer. wounded in the left kg; A. J. X'es, j 1'. Livcrrnore, has been appoint"! Company A, in the thigh : K. Gibson, jV ;ja,t(!r !lt ,.w Haven, Vt., vice I). Company C, had hi left leg amputated. 1 y n.)V,.(i l . ,l..,,l,t..l Tin. n.l. ' .0111 lip in im:n '.'mmiiii. .... owin . I(I)orls being well : (.raves, j Streeter, Eifer and Wheeler of Company i C; OTlaherty anil Murphy of Company j A; Bolton and Breeke nice 1 of Co. I : I ' , ., , , . , It Tfivhir (, l .John M-ir in. ( o. j : i Aj0z;, l'ani, of Co. 11. and I). K. Stick- ; nev, oi Kj(. if. ; (. 1 . (uorge Streeter, of Co. II, wounded in the thigh, is m ho.-pital at rortress -Uon- : v. 'mil I? AI Phift ritrht arm amouta- i u(ljs (n way i,ome. There are oth- j ers .,t Richmond, but Mr. Woodbury can- i . i i "iii not remember th- names. He liad a lull ; list, but lost it j eSTSunreon Russell of the :-th Vermont i j Regiment, it is said ha been reiaoved ;, ' not assigned. V.v ,x- r,.t.tvTi. UV 1..arn that the i liari)j't0(.th(.r wit'h iis'contenfs of Mr. Joel ! K. Clark ot Corinth, was consumed Ti.esdav the 22d in-t. .Mr. Clark Jn fhe (,veilin, a(1 th(. by live on I whs hu-k- anter.i in come wav tell and set the nay or. nre, ami . , . i i ttie names .-urea l .so raniui t ui it i ii . . . . ... ii,.. to arrest it until the barn was burned ! Tins t0 t1(. ground I KTlhe -MUMC.11 convention at ewou.y last week was a success. 1 he -xerei 1 1 .. LM.l-.- ..i:..i.iri(r until I'lHII'ITl. ! i:iuscu "Jii i ii'."' ..1..... ...... i i Thk remains ot thubael mith. a late private in the Chelsea Company. 4th Regi- ment, who reeentlv died ot vphus fever, m hospital in our arniv. was brought to hi, m a,hington. t.. and buried yes- terday. j WSfimclKxlv havim? stated that Enos- i OI. . i- ; burg bad sent no volunteers to the war, a citizen of that town writes to the St. Al bans Messenger that some torty or fifty have enlisted and are ready to give in their names. Si; in nr.. A man by the name of Avers, partially in-ane, cut hi- throat in n, .1 1ii.l 1 .... , ... .1 ancock on the lUth m.-t.. and was tound j dead. A Glee Club is is to be organized in Hrandon this winter a 'good way to make our long Winters OOtn Jiiea-am aim protitable. iKf A letter trom one of the soldier- in the .!d Regiment, publi-h.-.l in the j ,i, .1. .1 1... . Caledonian .-ay- tnai me ooy - wain , ,1 i " ut !" to - 'i.-ed in i i mending them. Tim-- -ay- : Iientiingtoti, l.a- ,i in v or L a v- (,,!,. Won - statb fl- rc-igti'-d ahoii t n vears -ince. (Ji7I)r. lb-iirv r.oynton. of thi- plac- lurillellv ot .New llamp-lill'e. ha- receiv ed and ;n' epicd the appointment .!' A--si-iant Siirg-oii in th- New I lamp-hire ii ill! Mr. Lovnniti Iff t W.-due-day mi. ruing tor the latter place, M'.oi.v'... Siutdnnl. IIf.atii ok Dk tii;r. I)r. firau. w bo lias bad charge . i . .i:,v . ... .. ' I ill. Oill I'll! 111 . i ,.1 i ter Cure establishment- 1:1 Lratti.-tioro for ,. ,,a,t thirte.-n year-, did oa the i,,.t.. uf , nliirgcment of the heart, j-th a ):tt(.Mt ua Leonard Marsh oi' llurlington. for im- provement in screws. At St. Albans, a voung German boy. ! who peddles on foot tor a living, hit con I -i 1 r ... . 1 ! : tributed for our sutlering soldiers, two new flannel shirts and six pairs of good wool socks, the whole worth at least five dollars. A noble act. Go ami do like wise. Firk is IJAKitr.. The new dwelling- house of Alba A. Nichols of Uarre. to-i ! ,r,.ther with three barns and two sheds attached, of tons of bay, lit K bushels of oats, '20 bu.-hels of wheat, "JdU bushel- ot j potatoes, a quantity of tipples, tools and j ".( cs ot vah..- was totally consumed bv lire, on the loth 111-t. 1 he j :y.iw,.ll!iuri.t sn)i0 in the j y-mynt Mutual. j 8r,rFCTKI MrnKn.We learn that I ;j ma( naHitd )avi, Vhxnlv Glcv.r. ' i;ls been arresti-d, charged with the imir- i dcr of Mr. Stephenson of that town la.-t Sunday. The (acts as they have been stated to us arc briefly these: " Last Sunday, the 20th inst.. a Mr. Kendrick called at the house of Mr. Fleming, and ibund him and the deceased in :i state ol partial intoxication. Fleming had an axe helve in his hand, anil t-eenied to be with it keeping Stephenson in his f-eat. Mr. Kendrick h it them, and afterwards, the same day, Stephenson was found in the a (cVV mjs fr(jm tiK. l,(JUSe -vith hi: j . j plt.tey )taten to pieces. Tl ! axe helve was found near by, .plinterec , ... , . ., , , i and bioketiaud. -tuined with blood. .tt- ! tnan. The Burlington Times pays the follow- l l . ... r TT,.I "S -rv-u compumm W'k 1r e, .cretary, Samuel Will ,arns' 'H of t,,,s v,IlaSe: Ciovernor Jlolbrook has made a lirst- K.-v. Uulu, Child, pastorot u.e onjrrt- j national Soeity in Berlin, Vt., eloped j -,,.,. lour keek., sine.- wiih Mi-- 1 '- j worth, a daughter of .Judge . r .. ., . . . . " , ,, , , ; that town ( hid h:n been na-tor in that town for .-Ural years and was a married j man; m- w im oemg uie oauinei i i .n.i- I 1l , .1 I .1 . , 1. ..I .. (.r Ilubart ilrlii. Mi B-wortii had j been a -ttieiU ot the clergyman in i,aim, :itnl an inlilnaev -uriifi" HO between the parties that has reMiIt. d in thiseIoM-mer:t, briniring ?hame upon them-elves. and -or- ... T. ! nw upon numerous triern!-- u i-.-u po - ed that Caldorn la the guilty pair have gone to I, ATE WAR NEWS T he to'al of the Ma-rachu'.etfs 1 5th at i E.lward - ' Ferry, in kilh-d, wound.-d and mi,- i M.c. is mre - canr.-i an-i n. nj-.j...;. i : ; 2"-h did ncf suiier -o severely as tne 1 , hj re-im-n'. IJeut. Hooper, when a.-ke,l to ! .but I un net nrrTiaer. a fill ' r .... .. r .. .. ..... ... - , l hot i u in in uino nw ft i in r it in iu i rnut-i . i ' . . .1 l-(ll..tltf He was in return instantly Kiiien o a rewei. Our id forces now in tlie field nutnher and tu'twf. lliOHMind iwn. i'h ... ; ... I , , Iler;tUhi,t what jLt no. , ; ;i;0Uj.,ii:,L,.,i v " I ' i ii, In explanation ot that Leeeourg blunder , ,H;it n..;.i.(.r ( .r, M. Clellan nor (rcn. Stone contemplated any t-ueh movement ,haf j,;,, ,., to thi-s (ouht! ifI,rwH by a haJ retrear(,(, frf rever-e, which, was conviction that the from the neidiboihood 0f the Potomac in this quarter. Tbey were not i. resent in much force till toward niht. , . but the continuance ot The tkirmish enabled th.-m to collect trom nearly all Loudon coun ty, i-o as at length to be pre-' nt in over whelming force, while the lo- of the two Kcnwd nn.v-t.rit. I nn. rifrirf 't mp Ti t S croi.iri'i fr. iIip .imiirt nnr frrrfirw. Pol Hak.-r. W ! roioice to hear, lo-t his lite through no fool ish bravado, but in the simple and uno;tent- i .1.,... UUU3 I'CI iOI UJtU..r U. UI9UUI.. ' - A Washington letter otates tnat tne r view ot" a number of divisions of (ie-n. M Cl.-llar.'s armv is fixed ! r this w.-. k, and tht ; ,t will be an imposing attair. Jt is .aid tin' uu- numuer oi mfojis nit-it- iu -"' i j i , ti . i . . i exei ed lortv thousand. I here u to U ra fchtin... then. we-ut.tiOse. ! r. r-i - ii We-tern Virgii.ia ha- now in the field. , lir1 M 4.,,.lit,p,..i rcadv to t.,t," " III . -. . i ,,,. ,,.i.i i,jr three y.-ar-. on !:,.- r-e.-ipt ot tke ' . i i i ut th.- Mai.a-.-as. of N'.-w Orlcti,-. irit.-i. t-i to run down, and sink th- t.-d.-r.! v-- is a' K'.rtn Mniiiro.- and N--wport N--s 'I'-.- St.- Louis j,i,ican - tic r- i t:o l.t:g.-r any doubt ab...u Gee. 1 1 -,rd. r w -iiig ! tt Mi ouri fer go"b" IL- nr.- ic -in K-i tn- kv. with the men fi" vt 'md-r him. while in Mi 'iiri. is 1 n : ! v nr ti-m-d. I I ird-e Xt'-' l- i Wh-Il i:c filtered 'he to .ir.i.v a htiL'e n nut i -r of Miouria',- to l.:-.-' ti.d t: d. i,.- t.o.- i l . : i I v . 'I h- in- i--gi i,:- .Tf a'':. i.d i n han. b-st th--. sr." i. ; i i- t r o -t-i ti . d lo irgira i. and !.- i.- ' ia,-v-ry iii'i h i;i."ife'i. . h irg'ng th- !.. c p.. -p. iiattnti w it ii I. (!' " atHihtC'tn-ts." i Ti - '.''.iii'-r'.il i! Ci.!. Ilik. r t ' 1 ele Tim-- ... ar Mr a, 1 Mr-.' I W is v. rv 1 trg- 1 u-r- pr.' nt ( tn. li-' .-f t n--i t to an oi'! d-i' ir- i tr 1 'I i i.. iiv w 1,- lire- i in tn!! uri.t-tia th. s-iue ii whi. Ii he died. Sr-:a' cwiri itii- H 10 111'i Curias to 1,- ;ir. s. 1.' 11' tt - t'ii.i-ra! Ail i'S''i p' tw.. a-' r ,t .--1 :f. i. mil. U ircn i.-toii, being indi-po-'d. ,- nt i is legf.ft-. Lord hymn iml s.nt receive I !l' 1. to te (ire-ent, nut sent to le'ati a ro'e in whi.-li he p ix- a high ll.l. 1 : ' I I tllO'lte .-ea-ed. to Slit) talent and courage of tin- d. I b. dv wili be convotd to Ciiii-; iornia tor buhal Sri!tv;Fn i. Mass.. Akmorv. The work at the ibtFetent shops of the I'ni'ed States Arniorv in this i-ity says the U-pnbli-can. is now : well arranged und vq :7.' that 1 '.no gun a week are finished. Daring the month of August 1400 wee nnnfacttired and iti September the ntimlier was 4 1 00. The i rummer torthe hitter month would hnve been larger but lor the breakage of some machin ery. Cpon the. receipt ot a dispatch from tin war department on Saturday in regard to the number of guns on hand and their trans portation to the seat of war, it was found that otilv 500 or 000 were reauv to dr.'iver. t' The (iov rnor ot New Hampshire han appointed Thnrsday, November 2Hth. to be oi'sei vcd as a lav of Thanksgiving in that Siate. ti" Thnrsdav, November 21, has been ap pointed lor Thanksgiving day, by Governor Washburn of Maine. Sfvf.iu: CiT. The Tribune thinks that a Kuropean recognition of the South ern Confederacy would raise the price of Confederate lionds to fifty or Feventy-five cents per Inisltel ! Smakt Lads. Two son of Paul Ste vens, Esq., of Camden, one aged nine and the other eleven years, have sold in Cam den, since the taking of Sumter, 13,000 copies of the Bangor Whig, Boston .Jour nal and Bo.-loii Traveller. The profits realized by the boys for the sale of these Union papers amount to the handsome sum of 5t 100, Mr. Stevens lias invested the sum for them in two Treasury notes ol SoO each. '1 he interest on inch note i- one cent a day or o5,Go a year. Weil done for "Young America.' Ban gor Whig. MCSTKIl ROLL OE COMPANY F, I BEBDANS REO'T V. S. KHAKI' SUOOTEK9. ' ' Captain, EDMUND WESTON. Jr., i West Randol lib. , lst Lt., Chas. W. Seaton, Charlotte. j 2d .Lt., JVIartin V. Jironson, Kutlanl. 1st Sergt., Henry E. Kinsman, Smth. j i i7.nm w innues, inariotte. ; t ?n kmiK II Hur ler Winili I' .ll. I 4th k- Milo C IViest. Ilrattleboro. fth Lewis J. Allen. N. E rri-Lurgh. I 1st Corp'l. Daniel iVrry, W. Ward-boro. ; 2d. ' Ei ed'k E Stre. l.-r Iiellows Fall-. ; ;d. Ai Iiow!i, Wiiliami-town. Win. Kent, C'a-tleton. Harri-on T l'eck. Ira. We II Ta!t. Stark-boro. (ieo. D M' rriman. IJrattleltoro Mt f,th oih 7tl, . jst , Charle, W l'eck. Ir.i Mu - ician Calvin Mor-e. Jr. W. Fairh e, i -1 I L'l i . v narie.s rii'Tivin. rtiron Wagom r Edward Stevens, W. lioxbury. I B!VA : B;. Drigham Rnswell, Win !hor Aziln Ulani hard. James .1 Railey. .lame- J Doll..-. Will !' Dattl-. A im II Dluke, IJ. nj. F I'.illin--. L'.l..'. I !..., Rraintree. liiitland. Cbe.-ter. Saxton- Riv.-r. 15. ll.,w- Fall-. We-t Ward-boro. Rurlington. Ka-t I'.ethei. f Iran ville. F.andolpl.. Wind -nr. Wardsloro. Calai-. I rain tree. Wind-or. Draintree I rjiiwai'j ij.iit'iiij, rTn;, );,vi-. .;,!(; Ji,,,, s y u,X't " , nl' I law i- .'J inii. . . , j ii.ii i' 'i yiiii n. navni i.iarK. 'IM 1 Jo-. 1 1 ( 'ulligan. Andr.-w J Cro-s. At.rahaui !I Co por, Drattb boro Win. W Cuttiii'', Rutland. Win. Cool'-y, Silas C'hadwick, David O agrutt Win. V. D.tWson. St. All an West K.mdolph. Saxtons River. I-Ie L, Motte. Jamaica. ficorge II Ellis, St' phen D Eland r-. Clan nd n. Wm. D Fl. urv I-le La Motte Sumner Ii Cardner Almond I (iriflin. L man D drover. Tho-. J i . olbrook. Cbel-ea. Waterbury. Ward-boro. Hyd- Park. Rutland. Edward H HiflfS, Nathan 1 Hammond. 15ratt!eloro. Geo. d Holbrook, Isle La Motte Henry II Huff, Charlotte. Eitz fin-en- Ilailoek. Ibirlingtoti. S meon Hunt. Craft-burv. I,.,..,:..!. ' .tnrdr.n. I-!c La Motte. Charl-- M Jordan j.-raI FCiJ(,wjto lirat'J-bop.. 'a-tieton Alburgh. l'itt-ord. Whit'- K dunction. i iai.i. -i jviii.i ii-.ii. . Kaauan Curti- Kimb.-rly L.' 1 If w"i '? man. v l.ancev I. 1. ami . 1 1 . ibir'i Wm. II Lea-!,, (b-urg- K. M-ad. Wm. Mi K . r. Iiutiit.gtoti. Uut.alci. F i t I l iven. Al'-nrgli. Mancbe-ter. I iVf g.t'e. j;ro.'it;-ii. Clar. n lot,. lirik:i'! i. ( alai-Charlitt-. Witcl-or. Geo. W .M.oich. -: r. I I'-nry ( ' i iehoi-. ! derom- i' Mile-. ; Char.-- 1 i Ode!. ' Horn.-.- II l'ag.. K.g. !,.- I', !,'. ,' I) r 11- Ii I'o'.:- r N. . ; ,,::. ,-. Ci-- ;s IV, k. : hi'ivin Ii. ib.biri-on. ; J i it 1 A K-ad. ! II : iv .1 :,.. . 1 W a-N .spr.ig'i. . ! Do; i'. II : i;t'-. : A-.dr. a .! s:.. k.s. 11. r Tar:.. II. .! h 1 V i'i.o aa-. 1 .rat :, ti" Lite. In. :-.we. ' 11' - t' T !'L it lan i- j Tinciia- A 1'ornb-i'ii. ' dalle - M 1 !.'. mi. "'!,. ; i'aui N Ti.o:i.t-i. ; Iviuar ! I Tra-k. Wm. w. ; i:.i ,-v C 'A'l.rthi: ! Afo i; Whitney. I I'.O-tia A Wi.r-iffi. ! A W....-y do't, I, A W .'i' ta I': ; Salilll. I .1 i..;:.t j Win. W Wi;--:.. N. I'-.- n-t irgii. Whit- 11 .1 HI. i t'.ot. JJl'Mnli. d. l'.ak. r-ti Id. Tui, bridge. l!rat'...bor.. Sixt.eis li;vr. '. w- !-'ai!s Ci'-: 'i;-1'. ! i. ;ii . - ; ail-. ' harl'itte. II- nrv Ti Wiidi r, Svivaiiu- L Wbitinortt. Ira. Sparlbrd A Wright. Monkton. David S Walton, JSratth-boro. David X Vale. Middlebury 1KJ Officers and Private-. Attest. P.UIoIIAM UrslIWKLI.. Company Clerk. in m -i ....i AcriPENT. HUe Hie l.iv.liry r gi- ment of Col. Piatt was being in-pecii-d at! 1 II 1 Burlington a n-phew ot the Colonel was , I thrown from bis hor broketi. and one of his le; A di-tressii)T accident occuare.l in this . I 1 vilhlge on aturdav li-'t. A elillil ot Zephier Bowman, two and one-half year- oTii'f, haviim bn lctt alone tor a lew moments, set tire to its clothing, and be - tore :. id could be rendered, its clothing w:i- almo-t tntindv consumed. Death hanpily soon terminated its agonies. Mtliir!i .'! JoiirniiK A f-cot.lidrel entered the school room of Mi-- Habey in Vergennes hist Friday week, in her ab.-ence ami Mole her watch valued at $0. The ollicial count of the vote shows tin- election of dohll Iv. dates, I"'-q.. a-Judge of l'robate for the Bennington District by a maioritv of only ticu votee over J. B. , Ieachaill. The Bennington Banner favs) that - . many members of Co. A. aid regiment are sending home for hoofs. aying that the shoes they have are not auited for marching and rainy weather. . . ii. Several distinguished Surceons of lIasachustttH, on learning ot the ead aflair at Iviwards' Ferry, went immediately to the 8-ene oi actum, to a-Mst in takinc care ot the wounded Massat husetts soldiers. f"E ' " TAT- :i Uur -so. 41 : AN ACT m:.jilitrJ-ijttrv tou e ruut!l A e- t iltiorir a tiatH'iml i'lai, . i ).r nr,rr j.-jr- 'y;.,,,, f " Cn.t:A tT.u'tiiofitd 't(fi Seer, tut y oi T r -ur J r -nr Lone I t!f Lni 'l Vfc-- ix L.r ciitntri jr ui'.m ti1 - i t trcnt "r ". 1 Ih'W-l't.lli" -r rJtitum. mlnrli ma'. i,vini rr fcrt i:' JH'' i fj : ' an M, t,J '.',' . 'A '"'' . t.-,-, W- i .i. 'V'f ; a. i i'.;r' l Z-; " rf. ..i . - . r. -ii.) 1 i r i;'-. :,-.-( ' kii v limt- irf-iurr r ' t'i ro- i tl!MiiIi - 'I !i . - ; .'i ' -i ' ' ' 1 f - ' f . i r ' 'i i fr I 1 I. I. :)". ' I i-'J't I!-'-. ! tlif :i': i.i.' h 1, i ! i-Mll'j" i. u a t It ir II I ! f U -- Mil" ".;.u i i.r I f 1 '.I v f tii i ' Itf V i.i ! i If.l l,t t u' ' It H'l i I 'h'i i- f r -I i hi t . r : aLv afr ! 'if. : :rr';fi-. i,f i, ; : f ( t ! i-i ," fl.t It ( I-! C- I ! ( si : :--. Jr.u '1 HI " T- ;j-t- I. t a ':' ''-'' -:.'J i'" n.f I - " ir t r ;- -.:.-: r i:.t : .:'.. r .ft'ir. Tlill. t ;.- ' 1 ' Ii.- irf., ;-iiri- ii rj. . .i ' . !' i.ri Hi ,' r jiur-i .... I .lf- J'f.-iJ i, t- I -rlrr'- 1 - . r 1 ,f, - r i f 'i - I .- Ii'. d tl'. t': h-CTrlri 1 1 : t-r. tt. ' .! t t) "I f.i "rl!-Vi"'nM i u- r 1 'r ... ; 1 1 " I.r . j .'i- "1 -:!. !.'. c! ''. t i urv I'' ". f'tiifj' 'If ! Ttrif-iif i . J I t!i- Mr it .' : tl i i-u 1 ,,... 1 1. . j tv ..I 'i - r.-'l" It '' tl r I th-t.r: . i r t til- i f f-T ui-i.' ip. t , i..- r... .... 1- r -: .-1 1. j-'' a. : t -i .r -4-.. ; r !'' - :- -i i.M 1 ,t !; i p. i-'-U f. Ml . 1 -r 'M ir:- BlU-. i K' 1 1 !'' ! i. 'i t(,i-;- mi 2 : -..f . - : tic ; ti inc a'c 11 1 1 i.rte 11 ', r'-nt sr jri'r. j f,' v,r ? ., s:; a..' : 1.1 i . - v,n ;-ti ..v h . I b-. r d 1- "1 Rio : .-it a t' n't ' fir-Th s-cr. Hr' I of t'. ir-t-ur f' Jj x ;, :.i jij;l'iOTj of -ael j Ht li'' t'. .ti r- Sk- .4 '',- .( tvr:- -tti t-J. Tt i'.. iii a tli I tioi ' '! . af-oiit.f ti. Tf '1 " ti : r'''i"lc-'J. tl.nm I til riiir l.v. '.rr ' ' hi; i;. I,'! i a:-, oi v m .1. I ' t't 1 t: U' n. . t.'-t,r, t,- 4 .1 ')-,r .".;: 1 . , i bp. roi iiu'.il. j t ai.y in-; ;. .! ! rr-.ici j '-...ti :-i';.'M. 1 its. .u- M i-.n-- f :u- ' iI--ioii-. or c ' I;-lTiO' T:;iV f -r ti.C'-HM IB ! tn- jiitiii,' -ij si "---v ;f . l'-h.ur. I cr: i ii ! hki,j' fn.r .i. i - i,f tl.i. sc.. ati4 i 1. i-'i l ri is'l . j "ji 'Vt "? 'l;('ti .-K'J .r, Ail . r tot. H kutlii.rim ti J tt r fcet t i i.'ncti tf:i- it tut ; I at f.e oil 'irnstW r:ttiOut i-t'-. aril no' n frdxt it. amout t -urn v.". i;.i.'ic-. .f lo;- lr-. ,r ren V in f. in. i.t . i iiukijc due. 'iff:V n"t'- ! 1 ' a -1 jro.! r -'AT- -O f fi-v 'I'.r tor ?' ' ! t!..- !'rkr;.. lor XL -ji- ''I!,.'.' a:. 1 lj-l li'.-txi-i.'i of ;-! A-..i-;i-- -k. nL'D "iX.f- V'.tr -l.rf kr 1'rfr T. , ioi.- .,) th- act -t:t tet r orjrai.ia-, . i-cao!i -al-k. 1 1 t!i- J U' il" Trtrl. Ij J liur.- t,.l f o-4i.(wi . o tur i Ii. V 'T r r-r'r: .-t t" r I r-4jr. to r aic- '1 't.r !oHI.- t i,i t .J f.. u-.i t,ttit:t'l vm ii.)'"':;.! ii tot cri- of ti- 1. 1 ;:.! -tbV. in ucri o; it il bit I f. a.urt-r i in,l ; r ja ;iiir tisf V- t- if r: i . i 1 V . ajl fuoti r i U.j-o.rii.;. r.-- tt- -ritiiir q Jrom ucb :e,.i. jr lor "t.o-c mtii !!. rja- iu t.or:rd rl j.j-itatie.. or r.r tl. .-f. tarn', of jtit.!ic eue. or Qfjinafif.. or it t . f .a-u-. ot fumn cf.. w ,ii ; it. ! mitioi. ot -If n ! autnor. to i- tit .r .!. ct. .r tte act .c t, b tbi. i- i-'i:- Ff -ntlitar . 1,.', st . ti Ir UiaL'j. a- fli&-. ixi -X r die tjt -o. or ur .irt 'ni ty tti Src-'.arT of" tti I rta-t'ir j( 7 A'.' '-:-' 3. T!.a i. s-c-- tar el !. 1 ra-ury lusy f ti t r fgotia lor ati rti-:i of 'hf I'lt:. .ro. for m act to wfuct. t'ji- I- fx:' prneittrv . b'.ii'i" P' at !t c t mor ffcau I tiit;. .ir- r--u. '-air ni.'i L'far.i.". i.e,ie j cr tun -.x rr c- t.'uin pt-r n.Mir. jiaa'tf in. -I t ra't- tmi ie. tt. au tti jiifi.t of I .ar. (or -t t ' i :-I i. : rr C'Liuai itter I ft. auf. '1f.j l i at". A;!'' '"!. A'.u-: ',. 1-.! ' 1'CBi.n - N" i AN A I -upi -iD-i;ury to ai act nfit.4 - Ar. nic.j"! ( rf-f aiiivi -'ai, i-t.a;. tit of ' tr- I. t -1 -th- ' j ;jr. .lu y :rty r fc'!.'-. I. u '::-: ai. -. v-i t h' ' I- Vi out Him r ' t.' !' t'Mi- ' . - ii. . In'.! An 'I l ' 1 i-i- .. I l a' :' i i i- a '..'.' i' '.' r t'tM-:.' el ri.f I t it '1 -'i'.- ; ;rn f: j si--i.rrcti,.l. a' 1 r'.-, Ullt. r -j;!f.i. ia'e t- f ti f .! '- a ,: o? ii'.t! ' '- a-"i,y ol .'.- , I i.;-f : it.- '-(.fit-, ti i-.i.r .-t-ra f f ! ru;ar I :-r:i.'- ."'fti c Jj -. ti n.:: ati It ; f - f '! I':, mo' ---;i : a. I t uffe ( k '- .iiii; ! ... it'i. f: .. f ?. i.w u -ti.'t U: K-A S-t r ..; C!- -f r ' T il' ' n.a-. -i t . j: L i, 1 f-KH:'. r.,uift. ocs. . . i ,-i '(, 1 1 ; r riii t lei kri- , : ' i ; - hi- - v..'., .:-:. I.fci t r i : - . r 1' I rr.j .j.t inav : :..f.r..r. . ! t Jm-m ;a- i'.r ' t: - t - . . t i.o ti i.-- 1 ,;:c."-l i;i'i,tl:. ." to 1 . ! -L-ll' ' t :-r '. I f '. :.- tiii . - 'i ' t '. !.:! ;:, .; in i- .v;- . ..... I..", nr ::-ti a: t A ' f T I -I -:rl..- .I'l-ri. a -No 4-. , r . - . -. . T -:''. -. r- " I ' At. Ait f -1 if 1 ! t I f 1 I ! .' 1 .-is ; -t- of ;. -i : ' V..r e , j ti , I I.-,.! a- l.e 1 I -. . rf r I ' r a: ; . ' . - . 1 ' a iiur-:,... ::.ft! t-.'-fi. i t a. -.c"!-ii t ...r -f tj tun: i rr i.- - j rot i mi i.-i J.;- a i- li rt t . iKsitf i. a i id.' uii-e r ";i- at" r i I n ' i ' Jji..!nntn . iii.t, -fct -ti i -.j-ft::-. a; ; acaij.f to can - an ," ni'f i. 7 I at. t! f I're-i Uetit ot U.ll to Vf .... .. l.r ( 1 1'. d (,tf i. aiiJ l ert-t y i . aiclior- uct tt.r '! tlie I'Ot-.ic am ri i t!.f L i.itf.i sia'.-. an'i m iia it iLf tlirr nrffifl vf--fi. -aiitue uii'ivr rtt-r ct mar.jtif at. a r-prjsl --- of the L'mtf.1 .tale or thf COUHII urfs c! am tl.. Kb' I i l.v ut anv graMfii b" ttif CuiiK ci nitiiai .if rs of atif otlirr uitat :r r-.f i. to ful duf . .. takr. tl on the . to rml into on ; inirt o! la uiten atr- aiv vr-r! or tout bunt. , (..,.r, . tittei ut .or lieu. a iu ttif lir-t frctiou tu iia-a.: ma,tioi, Mi" i) il.'ll'il tor- i-i u.r -veri J i.i'if i.vJ. 1 1. at tlif c i fc- urt- ol rut rv. tlif -urvf v ira ..It;. ! rai t'-i ! ot i:e:n f ri . an.l ttie mr-Ii.l- t Hit afiera juil.-ijl di-n-ct- witlun tt.f I'lieta Matfs If . and atf lirffuv. a ut f nfd ana it- ;uirfj to -tiff any bi 1 all vf--f I- or lioat - t ui:t. tmrclia-. d. f.tff d out . j or i.Hd a atortai'l w'.ich may luud within , tlifir rfp'Ctit p-rt- . r tli-tricu. and to r auf the ,BiPttnie jtm.ffil.1 an,f aud di-o-cd -!' a- n.XZdr-1 w;i ' . , i t ." cr trt -!! i. fr.u-. irt-. F' ir - fi S'ri r un t .. I.' r-;f'inti-(i... i Unit? .' S at' a' O'fa tn Co m?' An- .f'ivi Ida: A t:i- i .an v e . ! inn, in.' r. ui a r i l v erkl . r nc.iiOilv trii.-. -t i,'li ri-f. i, .or t.-t.-fn in.-iJi. j I'll-, sha i t I..- rciUitf.i .ay t-f-ti ,r- ''" ' -"ru-.riu fa-.aiiytl,)-.)f n, f - u..i -r f-iifii. n- r.---ctiiii; c to UifC nar not a it!, -..!.-. . iPPr...WAw.i,t o. l-;l. ! An Act ll'llilll- c. 4 . J it i tin i 7 a j ioi itinn .: '.i-ftnent- Ihr I v. i i ri.ii I lltlll .'.1... i Jul i.i.,v r. . ni't nut H " rf l.tfivnti- , Zlll'tyit a-'-hs. i'tar' ei't'f NaTvV.f iul j hf r. ! a cii . nt-.i t . cau-eto n et.a.t. i m tt.t i 111,1 1 el lle I Mti-l -tatf-. mi thr t-Ifli in Huff fari- , oi dui it 'lie wy. piicli Mimt.ff et u'.'.r -eainf.. or- ! 'i"-' 1'o.a-i.f n.,- .y.-arv ; anil nrti-t-i t. !a'f ti"' fiinrfi.avv t tlif I Litf.t m'i-. an t an --f e that may 1 t rtate ot il..- u;t!i.j-t t-lhi'if ticv f-' acti ftrn a A Auju-t h. lv l. il'l- LIC .. An Act nmWinir turtl. r at..ri'j,r.itioti for ttir un i xt tor ! ht 1 1-ar r miin J utif I i'''t el U.e nsoai th-to. in. -ihtteti i iLii.d:rd and i-.a tv -' o. aud :ur ottier .iirj.(i-e-. j it 'nni-l- J ' y 11 .S-mir. im f eu' I ' li.f-.f-l I ,',,,(,7, ' . i 1 ' A n-rni a . I '' &f f ihittv ilmuMni do iarr !... . , , v 1: tU tIril.l;Il -, . lvJt r.a.i. ;r ti.f c.(i;e.iu i1- d ,: at dr . 'm ' ' f. t-i JfTI l-or t f ' ;tr..-ii' ) tl ti-t r8 - le a t,r'.-toi. Ma.-k"l.u-',' i.iu-- -1 4,r ; -ri-'i"- f '"- rvl t" - " . ' tj. i . -rot.'- i.ilit ei - l -'i i ,..-. 'mi-'. It ' t ' r ' ' " "' - ' rhr -rn cuu t j-urc1 --1 ' -' t.t . tlml mm. K-r tti urci' ' "").'"' i,v ttire' eu1r) .'.i;..d ..!'" Kir r,ir;tif1kf-'- .rtrf ' ." jr-1 t -r -..t-1 i-. v-o riii't ' ' J'er .!! c'll'k'. di ". 1 ' ' " -' ' " ' ' '" " iitjcT e!) erf 'i'. ' ..-riir.-of f,.. t in i'i ..-".' e ' ' ' ii' i 1 ". nil' i Aw l- ' ' " 'i '"' ' !' r ia!" rip'lt. t' ' t ' 1 J '' . ,- . . m : tn - ' An ' : l- jv: i ' I I.I'-'-'', ..t.-t -1 1 W -. ,; ; - . An- -1 ' 1 ... i,. :f, . . f.iil't- . ' - . .,, ,.!,.! . -i. : o t --.. n.- - I! ..1 . ti ! '. '. 'i r - ' , ! ) :.u at' 1 i.'ti . lit 4 ' " ' 1 n -I t f. ii;. i- jc- 1 ' ' . 1 i.T t 1 " I r ,!. ! -j-nr i'."nr-j-r ;--t I , t.Uit'1 - ' -: . ;. '. r . . 1 : '.In 1 1 r t ' - Tl It. ) -I . . i! 1 1: :. ' I 1 at ' f ' 4? . . ' ' .... . jrput V' Tri 'I, "if .rv n . . ! . j .r . . if ' ij... f ; c . -1 "r. ji. 1 u.'-ii- ; r... f- 1":"" . . . A; t r A' f.'t 1 C 1 . ' i . . ' f ' 1 - Tl' A .V ! -'. .".'' t ' .'tj- ', u '.' '';; T H'I -ii'.' V. ? -:t.'. TTi-- f. .rl-'i7' .. .y ? Aw - h'f- - f 'J ,. . - - f , '" -:ti'1 ' ' .- 'I .b f-'.Hii.'i ii-i.iii . II 1 1. S'-r'arv t r S h v t cfc r to I - ii I. - T ; i ' '. ij w i" t: If j i ; - . . c . tu i .mi;'! I.' "tri-r jr.-r tf, u nf to ua jf fl.- I Ii-"' s'rt- of J: (.!.- .:niiv'! I i'-'J i.eaf -;-"f . i.1 ! for ft li'Jf"; ' v'.' --.-il t.ut --i i;.'.. i 'jo)tat-t r fci 'i t ii .aiirf tftrlv i. s,., t-. j riii- .'. Aj; r- 3 Au'i-l .". 1" i f ri-.: : v 4N MT ,-r.aku t! I'l'is"-' i - lor .r-.:f. a- i aid f..r ;,-r : urj.o-. r 'n i''-ii i ' ' m- - ".-t-- 1 1. . .i . i f.Viif ; a.' . ' Air"i i f ir'' 1 r.a '!.t !-. at :- !-r. -? y j : r "iar i,f anv in',-.-.- intbr trau-y iiot o'fft"! j it. -am f oe t,t!t:Ori b"tind io! ar f"r cnfif rf fnrf'ti'-atot:-. I u"f a'M p jp i5 u 1,0-r direo-ioti ot t- s -rtr . f War .i". j 4-f fn.r t'd . X a' ati-' r.'tainii. iotfi ft c-r uf t t'Ji' . i.i". 'r inartri crji. f.n in- tEde-5 f ! t-:rratiifi . '!. ITiir f du fietice 't tti ieti'at.c ot tl.aira t tb f-foj. t-r aott'.rfy. arts, mrtioot ;ftf ,iiif lo f:-i or u-jV. with If mVM r.n.ain prmt f f t T J . vTUm h . Tf,...TWj . dtn :,t,lCm.M vlocll. sc 3 ii '."i.. .i' I at crzit. a a j atal.ffifr t iuff f 'm' i LfTf hIjo bM y- Ani'n: fmr: v .no fi. 1 t at 1-r rftiiOi it !" ati'l tlir ct-'' freni tt.f r".t tro 1 tl Wf if)(-oi, !r traan . u-f. au arti ij fiul. ar frilii,p raid prcoiiCto urf a prop f r draif i-f f ttfaarxf t!,f Him o! f.vf ttiou.asl dollar- Ir at o flit ftrr.f ir ! r.t .. j-riatJ. t f fajr..ffi rrcr ! dir.-toii tl tf- Miru Ijnirnl of ttf riatfff rt-n'ri. army Aj.f"o-d Aa?u t - I-'".! rcetif. No W " AN A'"T ir; r.-'a'i'.o t" thr P 'f ct -tirrfy of ft. I t:i-i s'a-f- tor Ti.f 'trjt.t.f re ii-trics -t hew v . 'k I,. .1 ma'' eaa:. -ra Hn 'i ft'f'trfio ' n . 1 ':- ' ' .4 " " r "t'" f 1 a' -t.rf 1 an t jaid to tif attorn- i'f f.f ft si.- r ti'l.frn rfi-'ric f . .fitntttli ra'f 't -sx tt "tj-an.3 4 ..' J- at t era at-1 h t"'i:t)-i a. -t tn ' t -c. ' -i"i. flf c at ' tf- ! a t. tn jr. -n' :nei.:t t- ! .,,.1 i , ti fc. .-tr'-r: "if Ti.f- r rtJ-f f."'f.r .-.j i -.- !.:. offiCf . i: c fat'- n.arif ' Sa -:--s:.t ai.-t r . J i. o.o; II m I'ntfi'ii"! I i . ... D. a; f s"r to f cfti fA-ril a.- J kU'r I-.1 ,1 -ffT f lli 'tjf .arXif TTjfcti jfr''!. ..ttif-o..'.4 Ia ! ny:rA at.4 -ft .-. i.ait ! i" act tf I-, it- -j-ration .i. acu attfrtUat da A; ; i : Au n't 1 I'M.: ! ut s-f-. c t-j " ... r. "rC a' . i - nil! u c' i ! r : ' . 4 - ' I ... ' " n. . ii Itf t S st !- -i.a.i lr i.v o: ! f i i - i - ... it:, r- ' r ' c s-1 s'a- . I- ; 1 1 -'til S-!'.. o.i c1. il a -ft f .i r I'T'd V ' " -1 i'- 1 I ;-';'l i;.ri''H. .'ll" 'f -.. !.'t' . . r-r' ' . : -1 jn f a I .1 ru -"HIih !.. a J !! i ( I ; 4't! a: I . o -n I : I 1 T -ei f ; t .il. ; - i er f .e i.; :i -.1 : I fl t A r 1 1 1 M ' , i .- " ;. ' ( I'l. Ii.-j ' 1 i II t . ff I, t a tiff 1.1' . T- hi '! ' : . I . I I 't 'uS' if it ' - -to C in... .: lit) J ' -' -a ii iu . . T e. tt a- 'if v.. etiit.oa'.ici : m ' I.t -- i. t ui ''. at.1 ! ' I'! e -l.tjett 1.1 '.- - t t . : i f .hta- :-.. c It.j.-t.i ItUilS t tl'il ti to; -i..- 1 -l f - J f J J - 1 Ml. V '. l-t I: . f V -IX lie a. t I Ii J il i ai ( art !ci' t taf . st.5-!.a! taf 1 Iji- -ara- i.t.m yf';i.l u n IIU h! !- .1 -t e Iff ..'" ; tttiic'.. m tie cu'i - l - t c- , An! ' 'a'."-' 'i--'. I i.uitm i ,-ratf. r orcarrirc atii"nif t.- v. tnw - loLfd C j r-'t.t U.r ve!ni rfii.t !in ir ui fi t' tte , r. ,,i tt S'i.t. . r-i w!ih . in fl f mm tuao. -r -rical fc' i: 'iufi." Aot muci. ol ' tlit tnth -fCtiur. utif act u ref.l Ji.! !-fity ' .t,. nbtff ti l.o:.:!. T 1 . -o! f. f- 1- HiCo't. . nt n. rf with. f . a: ii.rt-1'. . fi-i-ta. i fd ' sk 4 lio i-i: 'ii'.'i-'nif.O Iti; ' c l' , j t !, I n '-J tatf- i- f.f : f 1 au' So-if il to aj; '!t t ' t,, H.iili-i.mB! inift.r- rtt.fral ! r :!f Lina Matr. mmv . ii n -o-t'to:.- yfti.ral have tv . Ktuf raus an J recn-f t!.f -am-ja. and an.t. H. , a ti-oiid-a ty la t.r iij-ti.f -fi.frai ; ..- .-, A i u , .-. --'. I n.. ... tnu: . -! ih. n:-: o ion uf v.. a-.- a;.;-rvtl A'i-i-t , Hili-M-i l.undri-i ! i iif -t -ir. a- au'li in- ui i it .tn i: T civ .i-a.. fuj.r.i u r ! ... -jo.f ! be .ntlir I- i.rtr' Tr I M 1 . U Ju i ! r- t-2.;f .: . t r miuvrir. f i i ,L ,,fnt Ai, Aujra- ;i'i n" i ' . ..u - a:. . No 5 J i Tea-- I' AN AC! i-uf ..- ai- -r.-a-- ... t - .'!J if .,-.," ,V -.. v .. .'...'.,', f ' ' K't-'-t mi J " ,-,.. s, . ,r r, -,, .r ., ! . . f .,,r r a . i..- ;;.!...'!. ! '1.- co!j.. ; ,., et... .tI..: .... .. ... .., e..n..e. .-. -rti. , :; ' -; . ,f .,;,..,,,.., .. , ai.:rT.-, t Jf.-ut , Vi. : t..i 1..., n w - vO i- a: '1 te; o.T ll... -I .' II .,. - 1; ,' ii "i 1. iii.'.i'.fr--..i .it ailj.ii t.. ::,( ru",,. el t. ; v :.l'',ic:'l f ff r I'l.tiil.a'iV : - 10.1s. to 1 . nniiai. 'f.l t. ajt-roi -T.f Olivers e 1 -aci o.' r; - t - l-J t Ur rjtiie j,a ai.i ; a 1 ca t:;:u. . a! '1 other an t 'o tie 4l.ti. d ti ti I i-al'i- le-neiJ IH eif'V If.j.ect an the CWlil. I'Te.iTe l t tl'.f act H T t !; f . a 1. V J ' 1 .'ll ' I a V au, f ot -aj ef- ana ictia-r- a i d : i-t ,e-.. a; prv i ! - -j.!t-. '-'Ii--iirh'f. n I i. .1 -nd lort - a 1 ur --'i cou 't,v -i.i'i : It f ii j ' I" i ii- i u i --- a ud attic vi war. and -' a 1 !.. :he -an - o'jai, motion -'! I'-nij i tin-- ol tiin.if -io lift- M'chel to tl.r c"T i 1 fii.tiif--- t c i .'' 'i" '- r r. u ' (. I hut thf rr.-i-'t' ' .d l i I '.'t.d Sf.t. - i- I -te ' au'!i'.r;7fii to 1 U- ' - J two ; .l.illl.'l-.i il (in."or- j;. li-:; ol Ihf l"i 1 -. uiu.v. to I. a, it - ...ui- lai k aLd rtlei. t.'if ati,f ;ay a- are in j.-n. nd ! .a 1-r in-f-'-'r-i. t a Aj'provfl Aum-t ' 1-' I'ouiuiatidet 'ra' ii lia- ii.iorm'-d Navv lep:it:iii' n' '1-it be i- unabie . n th.- ..aigali..t. u. the I'otumac with i , ..,d- .' d r 1 i- ciii:uatid V '...ion &e -S- "