OCR Interpretation

Rutland weekly herald. [volume] (Rutland, Vt.) 1859-1877, November 07, 1861, Image 1

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Voi,. (37.. ..No. 45.
on A t
t n if ?k pi-xii ri
sy grvw
The popular idea seems to be that our
great naval ami military Expedition against
the coast of the Cotton Confederacy, in mag
nitude of its outfit, and in tbe number of its
ships and men, bears no comparison with
the no-called 'Invicnible Armada,' fitted out
ty Spain against England, in 1588-9, in
the reign of Queen Elizabeth. This proba
bly arises from the pompous descriptions of
that spectacle by the early historians. It
was the most magnificent naval enterprise
that bad then ever appeared upon the ocean
and infused terror into the. minds of all be
holders. The language of poetry was ex
haunted in its descriptions, and an eloquent
historian of Italy (Hentivoiilio.) states that
the oce in groined with supporting, and the
wiii'ls wete tired with impelling so enormous
aweij'it. Yet, the truth is, tint the largest
fhi s were not tqual to thirl rate vi s jels in
our navy : they were ill framed and tin
wield v, and could not be managed in s'o-iny
weather. By the side of our modern first
c!a-s naval .steamship t he v would have pre-
ncn'ed a sorry and in-iguificaut appearance.
Tile Spanish Armada consisted of Kid j
.... . ...
vessels, u wti'.cti many one nunuren were
galleons of greater size, thin had ever before
been constructed in Europe galleons beiuj
three or four decked uliips. It carried on
board nineteen thousand two hundred and
ninety-five soldiers, eight thousand lour hun
dred and fifty-six mariners, two thousand
and eighty-eight galley slaves, and two thou
sand six hundred and thirty rtreat pieces of
brass ordnance.
It will thus tie seen that when ibe superior
character of our modern naval ships, and
greatly improved ordnance, are taken into
consideration, our ereat Expedition im
mensely exceeds the Spanish Armada in ef
fective power and force ; while our fleet
carries a larger number of soldiers, equip
ments, ordnance, &e. In ouly one respeet
did the Armada more than rival our Expe
dition. That carried over two thousand gal
ley slaves, while ours has on board one
thousand 'contrabands.'
The destruction of the great Armada in a
torn., cfi the Orkney Islands, and its miser
able failure are well known. May the issue
ol our great naval and military Expedition
be more fcuecessful anil more glorious !
(ST Why hhould not those newspapers
wli'ch criticise Gen. Davis' report made to the
Legislature, urge that body to furnish prompt
Ij the articles which Gen. Liavis says the.
Veiiiruit troops really uteri, and which the
8 ale wiu.stl furnish, instead of d scnssing the
qi-siion as to whe'her the soldiers have
Lceu putlcrmg : (jruiu more or i rain lcs
thin i he General' hasty telegram to Gov.
Ilo'.brook n presented V Is it possible that
ai ( '' j et is in view, other than what arises
from a proper rcgatd for the welfare of the
b in sotoiei.s v Let the. Legislature provide
f'oi b-wits, uiidirelotiic. and ruhner ll-nkett
tcil:.o i! Uil-iy. If ihe troops fi:i vi r for these
art i h s . i (; J- il.y, it will not be Ger..
Davis' t.n.h
Fxei ohki. There ttei ins to b: no limit to
the impositions which ti'ti enemies o! Gen.
Ei i .in lit i i aciiced upon Adjutant General
'I In m i- in !iis recent ir. veotigating tour to
St. Louis ;u:il the West. Of his char-.it ihat
Kiii: mi' 1-i'es brown !one front house, in
Ft. 1, mis fnr h,-; Ik adquiU'Crs, nt a cost ol
$C00c- per e,f to ii;i government, tr.e Cill
en. i a' Omii-er cial s i v st :
'We iove : p tti illy Mated that tie braise
does tint (...! he rntnenl a cent ; that its
tue w l- t.r.'ertd fieily !.y a I elat i V,' of Jell .
P., ,'ind thai it is nohodC.-. biisinesi", under the
cireums-atici -, wl ether it was a browu-stou :
(rout or a log-cabin."
C(4r Se(! the advertisement of the "Rut
land Quadrille Baud" in our advertising col
minis. C. E. Mussey, the agent, a, MCli as
each of the others, is a "Star" Musician.
A!! of them, or a'l but one, we believe, 1 ave
h-rt to;'ori: been leaders of limilar bands.
Tivoce (icMtmg music for Rills, Panic?,
dun i' the coming season will, we are coi.fi-
e'ent, fi:,d i!s i;,uui q,ial, if not superior, to
any : the Slate.
A-sicvkk's Sai.k ok a Stock okCai:-
TilW -.folio II. Osg.j,l, A lie ioa-er, soil,
on il.c 331 n't , by order of ,. As ignec. the
Jto k i ! Carpeting on(d.jul in the ware
Louse 124 Hanover Street. Tt e em ire s'oi k
was so'd ir.. one lot, ami bong ,t fifi -r.ine inul
one-half p, r cent, on the c M. The turns
were s.h. The New Enla id Carpet Co.
were the j u'el,jM.ra Sosto Journal.
The btoik referred to tbive, is advertlfcd
in our paper to-day, to wLi-jb the attention
Montpeher, Monday, Nov. 4, 18tl.
It is blue Monday in good earnest to-day,
at least everything is blue excepting the sky.
And even that is last turning to that color if
we may credit the signs of clearing off which
arc given to-night. A speck as large as a
man's hand is to be seen, and that is so much
more than we have seen for forty hours before
that we take courage.
The absence of all legislative pexcitement
and of nearly all the legislators leaves us the
denizens of a quiet country village, and gos
sip becomes the predominant habit. Apro
pos of this we've just received a little gossip
ing timber. Senator Y heeler thisforenocn
received a letter frcm an acquaintance of his
in the Second Regiment, the one which has ;
been represented as in a suffering condition j
and whence that memorable appeal has just
issued to the Honorable Assembly of Ver-
niirt. Ser.ator Wheeler assures me that his
corn spondent is a man of integrity and can- ;
dor. This last TviU appear from the extract i
I make. It is taken trrm tin- midst of a long
letter concerning private all airs and had r.o
connection with the other par'.
"We had quite a laua a lew days since. ;
upon reading a speech of a member of the i
House. He made out that we were in a sor-
rv p'ijht : that we were about barefooted and ;
laj'l, with sleeves torn off in fa,-t that our
sufleiiiiL's equalled tho.-e o! our forefathers at
Valley Eorge. 1 dont think rhaf eery ho I y
will believe these stories, at home certainly
I hop1; not. It eannut be denied ihaf we
In ive suffered somewhat. Eor a couple of
months after the Hull Run scrape we were in
great want of undereio'hing, but our wants i
have been supplied. For the first fortnight i
ot the cold weather there were but few over- !
coats and we suffered some from cold, but ,
lately a lar:e number of overcoats (beloag-
t)l to the first Regiment) have been distrib
uted. J should judge that one half of the reg
iment is now supplied with the ccats and we
expect the rest soon. To be sure, our old
gray clothes looked dirty and ragged, but
then they wore like iron, and were not so
bad as represented. Within a couple of
weeks pants have been distributed. Nearly
all the new recruits are uniformed through
out and three full campanks and about a
dczenfromtheoth.tr companies, lou will
see that at present we are pretty well sup
plied. Ry the way, great activity was dis
played in the quartermaster's department
about the time (Jen. Divis was hetet indeed,
should this activry be kept up for a week we
should be bountifully supplied. You will see
that we only suffered for underclothing after
the battle, and since the cold weather b-gan.
We certainly ought to le well clothed as it
is none too pleasant to upend these cold
nights shivering."
The "member of the House" in question I
am sure I can not determine any more than
I could find '-the man with a carpet ha' in
a crowd at the railroad station. For few are
the men who have not made some speech on
the question either inside or outside of the
State House.
(Jeneral Davis' cllieial return and this let
ter which sustains his view have both the
recommend of making definite statements.
They make positive, assertions and make, use
of tiie nine ouimon sense dial's in coiripu!-in-i
the sufferings of the soldiers H wi-Ii as
the remedies employed. Now with this in
mind I've in en examining the protest of so
solemn form which is claimed as a sterner.
I ilon'i find am thing wlm h denies this posi
tively ahhouiih a ireat deal is implied. C 1.
Whiting did not deny that the Government i
u' out to come to taeir rescue. Nor do -3 he
by positive statement make out that, fhey
have sufiei ed more than Gen. Davis admits.
I5ut the whole tone of the memorial is '-we
could tel! something awful if we c! o.-e."
Senator Meriill of Windsor County and
Representative Morgan of Liner In have one
home sak,and it is said Mr. Meriill will not
be ab'e to re'urn. This will cave Windsor
oiiW thri e Senators the rest of the time.
The census gives this county onlv three in all
(V.r next w ar. E. II. Phelps wlioiwdoi in
Rutland County so tuccetistully last winter is
to dehver a tear poem here next Friday eve
niii'jf. Each House ibis afternoon performed
the soh inii fWrce of meeting to see if there
was a quorum and afij .ur nin immediately.
Most ot ihu members will arrive on the nigiit
trains. J. Q. I).
Good! Ry reference fo the news from
Mon'ptlier it will be seen that both the House
anl the Senate have adopted resolutions fix
.ng on Nov. 15, (Friday of next week) as
the day for final adjournment. The resolu
tion was adopted in the House unanimously,
und in the Senate, it appears, by a very large
,rKciAi. Mi8sio.v to Kuhopc. Thur
low Weed and Archbishop IIu.:hes arc
about to i-tart for Europe, probably by the
steamer Atika,on Wednesday, to endeavor
to counteract the operations of Mason and
S idcll, and prcveut any recognition of the
fouthern confederacy by either France or
E11 -land
Christ y'b Minstuels. Thii popular
company will five one of tLtir entertain
ments at the 'I own Hall in Rutiai.d 011 Fii
day evening next, Nt v, 8ih. Giorge Ciiiisty
Las 10 riva Lii profession See the ad-
The official letter of Lieut. Gen. Scott,
which appears in our inside columns
this morning, will not be received with
much surprise by our readers. It has tor
pome time been known that diseast; and
the infirmities of tige are pressing so heav.
ily upon the old Peru, as to incapaeilate
him i'or the management of such gigantic .
military movements as tire n ndered nee- j
essnry to put down the rebellion. Rut :
he has earned his discharge, and is eiiti- i
tied to put off' tbe harness. The frosts of i
more than eighty winters have silvered j
his head. Standing now ujion tie- brink j
of tbe grave, tbe idol of his countrymen j
whom he has so long and so faithfully j
served, he exhibits as much pati ioti-m, I
and devotion to the country, in hiving j
down tin! sword, as ho ever did in wear-
ing it upon the mai.y fields l.U valor and
pi'owe.-s have immortalized. May kind :
Ilcavt-n prolong bis life, ,-o that wh n hi- j
eyes shall finally close in death, tlicir
" last lingering glance " may re.-t uj on a ;
re-united and fraternal - q h- !
Gi-.n. McCi.i i.lan wn.i. Fumr. Tin;;
Washington correspondent .f i!,e Herald,
.'.Oih ultimo., .-ay.- tin; nntioti inny r.-st
assured that it is tic- fi d purpose ol ' " 1;.
."-.tClellan to fight tiie lebci anr.j. now in
front of Wash ingt'.n. I're.leddy we shall
hear start iii L' im- iimn th ie lutcre
long. ( in at activ i- . aid to pi (: ail in
the b'edeial camp-. 1 he Times' corrcs-p:.nik-nt
bear- the .-aine ti .-tiinuiiy. saving
be has -tifli icnt nuthorty for explicitly
denying tbe ,-taienient that the army ot
the Potomac will go into winter quarters
within the lines of the ife-eiit encaui
meiits. He .-ays no -ucb purpose is en
tertained by the government, and no -ucb
suggestion has been made by Gen. Mc
Clellan. 1 vt us hope tbut tbe-t. state
inent.s are correct.
Friknds that ahe not FiiiEMis. Tiie
our of adversity brings out the secret
wi-bes and thoughts of many minds that
never find courage to say what tbay think
of their neighbors and nominal friends,
except in .-uch hours of trial and misfor
tune. Then, tbe contemptible cravens
find it in their hearts to say "Just a- I
expected, I knew all along that something
would happen to him. To the true man
who has tbe grit to bear bis own load,
whatever it may be, and whose hapinnes
depends upon what lie knows of himself,
not upon what other people happen to
think about him, tbe hour ot ad ver-ity has
its moments, of tbrillini: exultation. He
feels the excitement which every stout
breast gathers from a storm and bids the
wretched time-serving ciew. who -would
but dare not," "willing to wound and yet
afraid to strike," take what stand they
please des iised more as secret enemies
than avowed foe-, they are joyou-ly defied
in either capacity. JNo man, wortnv ot
the name, bold.- himself subject to tin
capricious estimate f neighbors or towns
men true to himself, he is not false to
any man. Hartford Courutt.
sT A citizen of Hulbirdtoa writes us
that Mr. G. 15 trier ot that town has raised
a Swedish turnip this season which weighs
IS 1-1 pounds, and measures 3 inches in
circumference. Also ano'her which weiirj-s
j lo ti 4 pounds. Mr. Uaib.T l-o Las two,
j two years old Spmish Merino Rucks, raised
by Liuiself, from which he clipped last Spring
4 7 poirnds and 14 out .ces cf wool, and a
yearling one that -beared 12 1-2 pounds of
washed wool.
frSTTlie Washington correspondent of
the Springfield Republican says :
Some of the prominent western pol
iticians are here just now and they do not
give Mr. Lincoln much peace. '1 bey in
sist upon it that the western people will
not endure inaction much longer that
they cannot afford to keep up such an 1 nor
mous expenditure for the bake of doing
nothing. Ren Wade is very decided in
his opinions, and the President is obliged
once in aw bite to listen lo them. Ren
sajsbe !oesn't believe the people of the
northern states care to pay forty millions
a month simply to retain .Maryland in the
Union, for that seems to be about all the
government is doing, or attempting to do.
Rut the grumblers may be mistaken. I
have seen some things within a day or
two look fs if we were roon to hear
of exciting times in tie vicinity of Manas
fas. 1 his, of course, may be a mistake,
but a prominent Senator, whose relations
n-iilt the administration are intimate, in
formed me that he was certain of a great
advance of our troops before tie end of
next week. An entire month is before
Gen. McClellan in which to do great
things if he desires and but a month.
It is said on very good authority that
Gen. Scott is opo.sod to any advance this
winter. This 1 believe is true.
OsS" John C. B reck tii ridge, in his ed
iress to the people of Kentucky, which is
q'tiic lengthy, tus: - there is no lom-cr
a Senate of the United States he United
States np longer fciiit the Union Li tils
soiled. '
Gknkkal Scott. Gen. Scott has re
signed the command of the National Ar
my, and ha- r tired to private life, laden
with the honors of along and brilliant ca
reer. This intelligence, though the step
has been fbi some days anticipated, will
affect with sudnes- all who read it for
all have long united in paying tribute to
the bravery, skill, ami patriotic devotion
of tbe veteran chief, and to part f rom him
is, like biddit.g adieu to a valued friend.
Ibe record of Gen. Scott's services is
too fresh in the memory of the people to
make necessary more than the most hasty
recapitulation: He was born on ibe loth
of June. 178 G. near Peter-burg, Virginia,
lvlucated for the law. lie remained in that
pioie-ioti lor about two years, and was
then, in lSO,Jtp;iiiinted a 'at tain of A r-
tillery in the aiiuv;
made- a l.ieut'-hant-Gcneral.
with rank
It! p
.lorn I
PJ lie was
iii'lxp; :
'ndi' I'-' Ie;i-
!;! ral. j' !'
C'o'oni 1 i-i 1 In- .-arm
era! in 11 ! : Jin
gailatiiry, i:i 1 -S 1 I ;
Gencral-in-' 'hief . .
1'reVet Lietltet.ali'.-t '
IJis Chid ktth s 1:
towti Iliht-. l'n ;
.,!-( ;
n l.sll ;
at . e.
Fntt V.
m e: :
war-. V
t b 1
p. H
. G
li.el:!- III i.i" I
Cl UZ, (,'el f .1 i'l
lilu, ( hel nbil-i i
I a
H' Y.
.1 ... ;
Ultepl'C, .l.eXK'O.
er at (uei-i.-'ow i.. ..cu - '.
at Lundy's Lutie. h'i I.i
hi- battle and that c-t Chi
ceivedirom Conie-s a L'ohl
IV V, (iil!,'Ji-(
services ii,
? ewa !." re
medal, lor
hi.- gallatitiy in Mexico no was rewarded
with the thanks o! C'otigress ; and, espe
cially for the victuiie- ncii'ten J in froht of
the City ot Miexico.be ivceivt d another
gold medal. The crowning honor won by
bin. from hi-! country wa- the brevet rank
of Lieutenant General, which was todale
from tfie da on which Vera Cruz was
In 1 S 5 2 , General Scott received the
nomination tor President at the Baltimore
Whig Convention. In his letter accept
ing this nomination he said; "1 si- aid
neither countenance nor tolerate any - di
tioti, disorder, faction, or re-i.-tanec - iU:
laws or the Union, on any pretext, in a.i
part ot the land: and I should carry
the civil administration ihi.s one prmeipie
0. military conduct obedience to the. leg
islative and judicial departments of Gov
ernment, each in it constitutional .-phere."
He ha-, througii hi- ii'e. acted in accord
ance with this sent. iiient, and e-j ecutily in
bis views touching the present rebellion
he has been ever lon-i-tent. 'Inbune.
11 k s .'KprR!-: o:-' king coiton.
All advice, from England confirm the
inteuti.ess with which the Rriti-h public
is seekin", uv vei means that money
can c iinmand, to lender that country i n -di
pendent of the United Stales lor a sup
ply ot ! he u't'eat staple which is tiie lile
ijlood supply of her vast indu-try ; and
tbe inve-tigations that 1 ave followed have
disclosed facts not witiiin rir knowledge,
and which we ir sutn-.- were known to but
lew persons in our country.
The leading indu-tri:il organ of Eng
land, in a recent article on th - su! j",.t ol
cotton suj p!y, slated ih; remai kable fact
that not o: !y a tu!i supply "i cotton cvukl
be obtained troin I ; i i 1 a , it tr.ai.-portati .n
in thai cou.siiy were equal t" it- capacity
for tin- prodiction of the article, btii ti.at
when the sy-ti m of' railroad- r actiiug to
the interior t.i-tricts of that extetis.ve et::
pire, now in rspid constructi- n, should In
completed, Ind'a would be able to sur. p'y
an amount not only greater than what -be
ba.s heretofore p-oduced, but cqial to that
and the entire United States product to
geil er.
Rut the vast snd fertile plains of India
will not alone crmpctc lor the .-upply. tbe
monopoly of winch has hitherto enriched
tbe Southern States of our once happy
Union Other countries of equal fertility
to our own, will equal climat.; and cheap
er labor, will etter the lh ld of competi
tion, until the narkcts cf tin; European
world will be Idly supplied from new region-,
and our twn domestic maikct be
the only one lcfi lor our native produc
tion. Cotton, it is rue, may still be King
but the crown aid the sceptre w ill have
departed from cur country. Is this loss
of monopoly wticli has so greatly enrich
ed our Souibeit States to furnisn a great
lesson of retribuive punishment for the
blunder, to say nothing of tbe wickedness
of their insant attempt to destroy tbe
bonds of union md overthrow their Gov
ernment? Tin lolly of the act and its
unjustiliablenes have no parallel in his
tory. Nations before us have had civil
wars ; coutendiig dynasties and rivals
for thiones havt p.unged their countries
in the horrors o fraternal battle ; but for
a civilized peoile, intelligent and pros
perous urethral of a common ancestry
and dwelling together in unity, without
any just or raunial cause, to ne up and
attempt nations suiciie, is a phenomenon
iu the moral world, without example
in ibe history of mankind. National In
telligencer. 77. a "llurdJSectM.ts" of War.
Shot and She!!.
'Ihe battle at Edward's Ferry supplies an
other proof that sharj-shootin is the chief
characteristic of this war. Of the California
Regiment the Colonel whs killed, the Lieut.
Coiont I, Major, and Adjutant wounded, and
five Captains are dead or mis-ing and two
wouneed. Of the 15th Massa. Regiment
the Colonel and Lieut. Colonel were wound
edfive Captains killed and three wounded.
These two regiments were in the heat of the
battle, and suffered most severely. The
number of killed and wounded officers is far
out of proportion to that of the private-. Ev
ery man with a sword, and houlder-trap
who could be seen in front or by the side of
his comni md. was. withcut doubr, the com
mon target of dozens of rebel sharp shorters
concealed in woods andjuuder brush, or lif'e-
pi's, at a distance of from two to four hiin-dr-"l
van's. Col. Raker was pi.-re-d with
s;x l':n -o'f.er i-tlicers
with two o- 'hrce-
,"s. W
- ;q
unhurt w r- raz"
rr 'wee. is -ail thai one fticer was
times in various jiarts ot' his ijni.'orm
pi 1 an. -r.?- wi'hetr. personal ii jure.
at:! 1 1
w - 1
1 .... . .
r maianr..' ot all th'-s- ct.'i-er-i
it d
- rting 1 he two r-"ji-of
arriderv i;,d cav-"':e'-
nmv 1 ! inn to
Edwani's' Ferry.
!l 1 ' p -hooters ,pa n-ei I
- I. Ilie in- I;', kli'l.
I -en
a' ;i-
- i -j r . 1 k,j!v that
1,;' 1 1 - too m e 1 , c, r
't;e I.UIil-
a'.C ! n
..i.t. :
a 1 a
!' ' ''
. ..
re ( 1
1 hi-!,
) In!'.'.' !
lO'.vc r.i
it a rom-c!--
1 iao'1
A t,ad
be nude.)
m r. .urn
f'hi'cj b"ih
nor. Tif ore- co j! I
i er the ;t, ,.J i.rea-ip'a't-s worn bv the Cent
j Gu les ot Napoleon 111, would he ot no
I a- an. I i.e che-t mi'jht 4s'.'aie but pre-en!-I
ly a ball lrom some sliaresbootT if c!ia-
ordinary -kiil might come cra.-bii.g tbn.u.di
the head, killing on the in-tan:, or through
the b-"s, crippling the ollicer and sMiding
him eff the lirhi. Ni.'ht but a wavering aim
can prevent the slaughter of officers from be
in 2 horrible on both side. It the petition
of an otb .er has its honors and privileges, it
also has i's peeultir danger, and should no
be -nu-'h? by those who have not the courage
le:trls!v to meet rhern. .Inir. of Com.
A (V-mpany of lb. me Guards has been
lo'iiied in Vernon. numU-rinj about six'y.
!l. W. Rurrow h tl.-e Captain.
t'iS'-phen H in is. of Fitzwil iam. N. H.,
a -hi '." cf' Andovr, was ordained as a
(,.,..-,,. .ti,.. a! preacher at Wmdliarr. on
the .! . !
-all- d over the soa ietv
C-Tbe Washirej' County Teachers'
A--'x iatioc. :d be 1 -hi at M'e!d!es-'.x on
Frid iv and tsi'i ; . Nov. litb and 10 h
t-i ljict inten's ot con. 11 -on schools are rcqu.--.ted
to ex'er d th.- ro'ice in tfe. ir re-:,.-et ve
?owr s. Interest!!!!.' H'tdr-sses are exjiec'cl
sucli as or.e on Libera! Ivluca'ion. nv II.
Cirl'o'i -on W j- is and Mariners, !y R.-v
K. J. (Vp-nter. and an essay by Ms- S.
ll lnr'!-o'i, ad ot 15 rre.
COT l ie- Cavalry Rejiiner.T, or pin ot it
rather, between three avl f ir h .m-be I.
passed through some of our streets, on par.ide
;hls at'ii-rnooa. S.une of the eotiipa;-i-s wore
their ov. rcMt. a d .-oa e only uiiii-.it a:. ;i d
inovi','.' at a s o p-ice, t- ;r appe.iraia e wa
no" so anmn'e l -jr. d s'nwirg as o-lieri-e
won!! hi', e !)c.-n. l!u- t wis ,t fine sh'jx.
as tiiey cam- pr.;nc;n' down M ii;. .Vo-c'u ir
ahre is. I ii'-tc w..s no a"cinpt at !. i'io'.-.
I ,.r th e li a- tieeii no ui
ra tie- i :-op. r. Th'- "
in iti-ri i. r.r.-l will i rove
t iii !.';: hi the -- r. e..
I as . e: , m i awori
in- '. s! i).v- c, ,, ,
'-c!: one ol ti c m j-t
The I u ; l.on-.t-. N T
Comtut y, and l.eke mm ol 'he nto-i
Ci.inpoiv. t roi.uri.t ! p I ire .Ii ic I'c ' on
e.'.'l' !
ar.-ed St tir t.ty.-
Jlurii'tiu r t Vis.
There is no ilcubt but that the Con'edcr
are Go-veir in nt ably sciv d by Us emissa
ries abroad. 1 o-h in HrefLMbening theirei';
nioraJv. ;-.i i in chtaniii g tcr it m iteriat aid.
We ai'e we!i rolvised o! their activi y n Et'c
laral and Fram e in w inning 1 opul ir and
I overr.mer ta! s irq.arb v. arid i he Inlhiwin
pHra'jr?tili wl.icl, we find in a (Jreeii yk --
er ot the 10-h in'timo is j-root ot tin ir i tii
del cy in piovidii-g the weapon" of war :
Lai;;i: SmrMKN'T cf Rim i s. On
S tttiHl -y ,he s -'i-w steun r Col e ij, f'oin
Lni,doii,'iair.e into Vic'eiia harbor ai.d i.u.i.'
cd aq.ani'y of cat go, v ha h was then ship
ped n bi an: the scr.w steadier Fu.yal.
latelv to'J bv .Messrs D.ivi I Iliilehe.-O'i M
Co. to a P,r'.v Lirpcol. Anon-: the
gcuds weie a linn her cf cases containing
about 8 CUO idles. The Finsra- went out
yts'cidiv to ihe Tail of the Rank, for the
jiinpose.it is ret cited, of takiiij; on board
theie a quantity cl Mir.muniiion. Her osten
sible destination is Jamaica but rumor as
serts that her warlike cHT-eo will likely find
Li- . I. W . 1. ... . .
its wav to sori'C IMl.t Ol iue oumeui
c;i J'ojxT
The Sentinel ai d many other newspaj ers
di j'rccate a y animaiivi i sior.s cr. our tien
erals,s this ' ill t nd to d. n.oialize tbe ai
m v. Rut thev keep continually and vio
lently atiinkn'g Fiemci-.t, Lotli for luiiiond
iiuiii p tua y i ow, aid on occa-ions ti at
l,ae b. i n till) ptd up curing pa t political
campaigns. Is v i ny woiteto attack Ilutkr
cr Stone, than Fm u oi t ? If the iule be a
eotdtne, vhy mike any exception to it-
t-o long as i-'iiinoiit is in command, is it
pio n to Mi inoiabze' his army by tbeso as
saults cn hiui'iBurlaty.vn Times.
Sentiment : By a patriotic Cook. The
rebellion ? It's juat like pickling a duck ;
give me hold of it and you's soon eee lis
Djvrn Fall,
Fortress Monroe, Nor. 4th.
The steamer Rellevidue, one of the eifMj
dit ion laden with horses, returned to Old
1'oint on Monday at nooD, and reported that
she was separated from the fleet in the storm
of Friday, and a portion of her upper works
stove in and, in fact, so rourjrhly handled as
to be compelled to return; Twelve of the
horses were killed. She knew nothing as to
the balance of the fleet.
At about :t o'clock, this afternoon, the
steamer Monticello, from the blockading
lleet oil Savannah, arrived and reported that
she p i ed the whole ll.-ct moving along fine
ly on Saturday ni-ihf. within 3J miles of
Hull Ray. The storm ha 1 nearly autre J,
arid her offi'-ers hve no doubt th-y entered
Ruli liy4r !y Sunday morning, and landed
within 'Ji mile- of Chir!es'orl. This point
of thecoasi was but slightly hj.'tili'id.
Ilviruirrant Mafp
( inciniia'i. Nov. 4 .
The Commercial ha aivices from Geu
Rozi ncria ' h"a !q i.t.".'-: to S I'uni.iy eve-
M i l .
' i Fiid y la jrrW.L' o'clock the enemy
opene'l tii.. -a ii-. ! i two can- a: p .tuts onpo-ite
G i .h-i f'. 'iy .1 (,''m; I o'lit-K.i s an 1 a
! i- ;i . . f inu-k- ? . Tie-it .- j -as
e::'en' to , (j ;,.. -:;;,p!v fiin-. Th-y
-f.'. . -i e.l. ... c k. a !'! v ir a; ou Gauh-v
iiM-r a-.d ' ).- -iii-jr j i ,'. n.oj -.he
emip .t th; lltti Ohio r.iiiienr. Not v..r.
ot Om1 met. Was k.lle 1.
Mkirnii It uratr 1 idtrnKiirlh.
I.- av.-wr orb Nov. J.
A skirmish took place yesterday about t
mdes fust ot thi- place hetweeti a small force
('t' Mrs uri miiilid under Maj. Jjsep'is and
"' reb 1-. Ihe ii b-'s were -caered wi'h
a small loss. A batta.ion 'jt ti.e Kansa 'jJ
reeiment, re'-ently mustered out of service,
weie collected in 'his city and hell in readme-
to march to the relief of Maj. Josephs,
but were not required. This regiment is
b ing reorganized. I'or ions of Linn county,
Kan-as, have recently tjeen pillaged by ma
rauding parties trom Missouri.
IVdrrvl Kaicrti la kralvck
Mays ill-. Ky.. Nov. 4
A me rger in this evening reports that
(Wn. Nel-on ttjk l'r tonbur1: Saturday
morning without resistance. VVi.l-on tell
back we-t ti miles, where it 4 expected he
would make a stand.
I'ortbrr from Ora. Itutratrwa.
Maysville, Ky., Nov. 4.
A gentleman of this city from Gauley
Ridge Sa'ur Jay ewnin re;orts tht (Jen.
Floyd had cut a road around the bill where
Gen Raz-rcraais was, encamped and was
li-I!ini hU camp. Gen Rozencrans was re
t irnin' the tire and bid silenced twj baker
ies. He had seiit a lbrce up the new nude
road to attack Gen Fiod in the rear and
would have him cotnpletelv surrounded.
No federals bad been kided when he 1:11.
ar-d only about hilf a dczea woun ie l.
A mj-'i -'y of the shells thrown ly th- .-n-finy
did not explode, and their musketry
was wild ai d iirecular.
The ferry boat whVfj had ij-.'ti -onk by
the enemy's shot on Fii lay wa- !;t:-ei.
ImporUal from (iiolcT Hrlilr.
Wa-hinj'on Nov '.
An ofli 'ii! teh"oa:n receive I ' - i'e
tha ticn. Fhc.d's force is 7ooo ;,n 1 that l!-n-!,.,;,'
a- .-tiefl'-k's tTIg.vles wt re toiiowin:
i.i.n on ti-: new .-oil. l .'.e d:-p;;ch is ex-
Tt-IU'-lv hupel'il.
Ano'her teieirraci from Cieve and d'-?eu
a-t i i.lit ctt" '..a! . ne l i-.uwiia t-.-at
' ,i ! i i-i iv-. M -viiie a-, i :. i--j;'1 'htt
( ..-i . lc
1 I-' .e !!' -
! c.d '.t ;o i-l
-ed I' I
,U tier - R
.el fiatn .''.Vt e Ta ii
ear. a:
ir bc.ilv
i :e. etc i : ii.u I
.- lore- v.-o! I
Cs.pt. Charles L. Ojden A I' dla'-eijihii
!l ,s O-- II r.p(-eilltel Cjt.sul tO O. 1
The s'e.ine r Mo.nt 'er-i j:i a i- rvMr.e- J
(,,-t J'ij-i'l i ;m i !(01ti'l tie cCtl'tl'.iOU
,.i ,,1 ,:,..vti ii.- Poloiuto lite ..''.gc.i.
n4ilrm on Ibe I'fiprr I-olininr.
Dirns'own, Nov
Tie 1-: Maryland have obtain-d a t'.tr
aiuj'i until Fi't.iay In X, for the p t'po-e of
.licir f .ne '0 vote at the Sta'e iL-itian.
Most of them started hence on Friday ri-jht.
Ahoat nine o'clock on Frid ty night a furious
j ile s. t in, .-icco'.npat ied by rams in tcrr. ::ts.
hi b steadily continued until last
Th.- road- were !l3od -d, in I M ; i iy
lb-.tr.e!i. v.hicn dividt S the
r e .'jit'mc.t-
rose to an urpreccd-iitid height, n n i. r n '
it impasrlbl-s 10 bJit wagjns, sever-d or
whc.ii were carried away. So heavy in5
the storm that all unnecessary out door mili
tate o -erat.ons were suspended, and iniij
and parades were di-p?n-ed wi"i. Hirnia
the uiht tf storm atiate 1 and a picas .at
smhui-g SaLbatb now dawns upon us.
OriTrilav the body of a man, ascertained
to be that ol'lYter Dunn, a member cf Ra
kei't. Reu't. and a resident of New York,
was taken out of the river near the mouth of
Muddy Rranch. i
lle'was one of the victim of the Ralls
Rlud bat le. j
The typhoid fever prevails to a great t.v
teni in s ;iiij of the regiments and frcq jent
le.-lis aie the results.
1 he inea-les have nearly had their run
thi-liis on. Your corresj'OnJent recently
ob-erved in an unfenced and unprotect--erave
var l near tbe hrounds of ihe Con
u- ctieut 5:li, a mysti-t but elegant enclosure,
including three new made and we. I turfed
graves, p obably the last resting place of
members of that regiment erected and adorn
ed by their IiviitL' comrades.
Re.. W. II- Wil.-on, a political prisoner,
was transferred to the charge of the I'rovost
Marshal of Raltimore, and ttartcd thither
jis'etday. ---r?---'
Many ot the regiments appear to be mak
ing pri piratious lor cold weather, building
Mablt., digging cellars, erecting California
fire places, and the like, indicating a general
impression of a tay of some leuiu iu tbij
locality, or a: Ic&st a d-j-arefor touiflr; while
tl.cy do srtaj.

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