Newspaper Page Text
I 'jj'jjj' ti H 'Q H H Vii Till ff 1 1'JtlCK T H li IC C KNTS4 Vol. 7....No. 10. RUTLAND. VT.. THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 14. 1801. UhcjinUaud jUnnld . . j THURSDAY MOIINIXG, NOV. 14, 18C1 Till: WONDKIIS CFTKI.F.UKAPIllXO It is a gross mistake, to suppose that tie public imlifbrence to lhe opening of Tele graphic eommunic.r ion with the Paeih- eoas t wasting 1o prc-occnpatiun of the popular miml. On the con'r-ry, we are disposed to believe that tbe public did not care, that they Iiav,' i-o iic; to the conclu sion that r?piIity of f oiiiiiiiiiii'-ation is only another form of ra pidity of r-peoch and n'teranee ; that slo riess of speech is i-sii associated wit'i de liberate 1 1 nt !.f.l ni'-s ; a"nd that rapidity is the usual r. i-thnd f d. 1 berate lying. We are personally ni ipi.iiiiit d with several telegraph ic cir h who virar tie outrides of re- ! . II . . 'CI ..i i. c ppeci.ti-ii- men. i ne euiuruurcu in ou-i- dats,the imbibe not too much of the tods th tt incbii v, they ay their deb's, an ! on It .1 . ... 1 . r J i, I 1 .. i.-ii ! ..v i.. 1 1 1 1... t n .1 1. At.d we u tnoi:.sly icinoti! trate m'pi thi m on i uiii.iii ; machine lh;i' tiekniit lies a a a'c!i tiiks out gec( nds if tun", lh-y atieti-pl to rover their integrity by a -CUs 1'; us of puba-hiii' i!l they ftirnish. ;i n i t inn d us ol the ptoeibtoat Uie rrretxeris OS b!il ;is :ln- tiiicf. 13 uf i; of the miiai 1,-8 of the telegraph that v.e pi pose to speak, at;etlie lnstnres t lieu- of Rie as i tin. bet 'e-s as the s;iiu!s of the! I . .. I. M-Itl, Irntl, (,r th once ) that it t onpieis lime and 8; ace. Only last wick it ha 1 no end of Fremont's Biigade (ieneral.- w .tiling on him an 1 im- rdorin" him to tarrv yet one ni-ht with their ' n , ,.,", i discot..olate brigades, when at the. same time not a commander ol Inigadc. was within visit- in" distance head-quarters. Siyel was r, . , ,, , ., ,- . with the advance. Page and McKinstry were far in the rear, Ilutitc: f was on the Osage, , and who the other Brigad.ers are nobody I kno.s. Still a. otf.iT luiracle on this oeca-1 . . . i tion was the note of preparations lor a tern- ! ble fi"bt next morning, which was postponed j by Hun'ei'f arrival. Hunter's reason for pos'porH metit being that the enemy was cventy miles away and marching further. , Tln m the Last Mr. T-Wapli lias Sec- retary Seward giving up the war on account oi the atiilude ol Lngland, and receiving at the fame time the most encouraging news : from that power. But it , , ; " reach a'l these wonders of tbe telegraph.; TLev multiply or. out hands day by day. Ic . , . ... ,1,.. i lrl a ureal in vein ion ami ircai- us v v n u j , j to ki l! greater inventions. '1 he f, ilowing olii -ers were elected by the Joint As C'Mbly on Tt esday : A')i. tvnl In. Ceneral P. T. AVashhurn of W'oods'o k. Qutirtt rmast, r Central Geo. V. Davis of! Jmhtr ,1,c. Di nnii'gtict. Serijctinl til peln 1 . Jtin'rniii ( SOU Ol Cl.rlse uaverai A. i- vi.irniuer lh . 1 11 c. . r .lvtis ,1. -(!. IJ. I)jdc ot Mont- ' ! liner Win. I'. l.ii,iti- Mi l.'o--ll A len has pmchastii a build ing lot ot K. A. .Vor e 011 "Nickwa. k, t " St. arni has ci mn.eiicid the eieciin .t a dwel ling hcu.-,c. Ciikap La; 11 r. Kerosene Oil is now toi in Ibdl ii'd f, r sixty five cents per gallon, vvl.ii ' use. makes it much the cheapest light in Nathan l'l.-n i l,as 1 cat ly ("pleted his ri1 w I 1 i 1; dwt Ibiig on C i.ter Si. heloivtle Pjst Ollic". A clerk u: t! ',..'Ot, VV.t cd wilb j'im-j 'I n ,t.-nt v 1, t ir'n t id at ;i 1 1 1 sted oti S;r ur.l iv, c hat 'in mat i' "I i) ' be l'i lie's. Thr i .t-bii g'ou col'ir-poiiil'-nt of the ri.iludclphi.i Ledger .-titles that lhe de-ti-liiition ol ilit- grcnt iiavnl c?;pciliiion was Known in N- w Orlrnns so long ;igo ;is October IS. ami that the rebel- have been bu-ily pi rp;iriiig ever since in making ar-tangrim-iits for its reception. 'I he Gov f l imn id has rrceivrtl iiiltirina'.ion of this Cut. and cannot discover the place where tl.r impoi l.-iiit inttdligriice leaked out. IIai;i Jokinc.. The rdilorof llie Ar piish.i ., "Wr have gi.-it re.-pect for the Uib't , t.ic ordiminees of religioo, an I for inini-t. is oi lhe Gospel." Wr give in. 'J he editor ot lhe Argus can get oil the pie, test juke of any man we know of. iti.i iMrpliiig lhe Courier m;tii down to Unt laial. Alkin's piety ln-id- l';i n's jati iot-L-in cut and out 1" iiiotU:r. Th merit iis ol Noveu.ber or D i-einber are peih.ips, as proper as :iuy tnu t o: t;i; vi lor iiiiuinm gram; vines. 11 ilu Vine "b'ttt ih" on Le ng t id, mik on a po'.ro, an I it w.ll stop it. li cuttaigs ate needed, select matured wood o' the 1 itcst growth. See that 'Icy are ker t iieither too wet of to moist. Theviiiiv ll. .. z-.i.f j wr.rtt j ,1... I'..r..,, !.i .-- ,l' ' i. DOiNOS AT '1I1E CAP11AL. Knra onr Fpecisl Correspondent j Montpelier, Nov. 9. The Senate is still cooned mi in committee ! of tht whole on Mr. I lri is' militia bill, 'lliev i have finished up about half of the hill and are inak ng clean wotk of it. The first sec tion which provided that all " while male persons,"' with certain exceptions, should he enrolled among the militia, was amended in the mot democratic manner, and I should suppose so as to please the morb'd ta-te of Mr. Powrs even. The word " " was btrii ken out without an objection, -o t groes ? re us li d;le to do duty as anJ . ! - . ;,r 1 as liable, to heroine Uncle Sam's sol1 lit - is any one. 15ut ycu know he is a trill- pa: '. ic ular as to whom he hires to do his nuancling. and likes to see whirr faces about his oremis- in even it' lliev- n:ve bla.-L- hearts n m le meat h. i I wot. der tint it did not piovok-i some re- j nmiL- -4,i.l ! i.iviimi,. ll...r,. w nni.oi.l en;. ! f. liveiie-s exhibited in speakinu' of" an v thing j connected in the slijditc-t inanncr wi h slav.v j I rv. 1 have heard that nersons in tl c habit I ( t 11-11;" mofane larn' nai'i s.itit!- , ol'en ' 1 ... . ' r h,., i -n. ti ikm-dv itiikinlv reverent in the nsp of Ian- I r ti(. t.raraDriron-hofih-ath. I hone ! V'l ' r n Hi" s, I .,..;n ilw. ! h- -t.a'o- in ii i.---mi. I mm some ; -j ,s ( li ,),. , ,n i -; t t: :. . ' r" .i :i ; -....i:... .'.,.. i l,-.t ' 'o s'eiw i hat : l.e i'l .ir,l (it 1 8jS r-v." aiei I if ei.i.eize llos Npi'iicnt of opinion a- a bird of H 'I ! (let,-, the ote til- Mirrts'own ar-d Ki-o- b!t was tnur. i ' 1 s!,-inn'v hn'ii-1 dps forenoon in iion-e wl.'er,' 't-.v is born. A sfrn'i- recor-led .'Itriirs' ir, and even slt'iu'd tiom the ir cc-'dd hardlv .r a..,,j I t-otici oorairi a n i.eet.V'ie tiotiri'. the mesetii'er- ard wnrkne n about State II'inr a 'am are to have two dol lars a dav if the re-o'nion prev iil- th ir lias been intn ibieed. and I doubt not i will. It ivi lift year hat their nav was rlianued j from two dollar) to ne do' tr and a hal'. It 1 ol.v eosts seven dollars fre! a Imlf a dv to 'swictithe Houe now. Mr. Willanl to-dav ; ofl( r((, ft T.)lo!llt;on n, ;n,llipy ;nf0 ,h( pro. : pric-ty of 1 aving a " finan.-ial agent." and in- ' i to the rijbt of tli. srovprnor to appoint one. : ! The --o'ution of MrH ih h 2ivi, the chir , ; , . . .- . , . A mitlil Hi'- 1vjtM' V 'l : .flli I t I ; MIIIH1 MJ Hlr ( fAinU - 3 of soldiers, and taking' the nl of ! this agent was well received and indicate "'at Lblur-disprove of ' Gov- err.oi s roiii. J lie rreeman thinks the j (.nrs 0f ,t. Hon jn di-mi-isio t the resolu tion of Mr. Dyer is (if it is anything) a move to k" n oi the fenet and detireeifps tins course, a tun anprrnriatinr i.jUo tor rue eduea'ion ot the blind in addition to that al- ; ready appropriated, was to-day -ent in from ; 'hernnmu tee. lms roike- in aii5-.'.ou tnat ; 1 .1... W .,... .... .1... In .. f llie .-i,i!,- jn,-, I'l -,n- riviunu. 5ii- uated in Hcston a linleotir of tlie . i'v. ; The Mouse refused a third reading to the ! St.ite Il-m-e atipropriaf i"n bill, and thp ! renre coiinvr'ee on riaims navp renrieo 1 1. . . . . 1 . . 1 .... . . I L 9iiuit the. l;4itin of 1hf h.irs rit fhir!e f. K imian of simiNr intent. 'Ibis must bo cooling to tbe emhusirn of Mon'peber sub- J sciioers. a tu-i to raise an artuierv eompi- t ny was to-day referred to committer on inili- ! . . - , . . .. trv affairs. We need a bill of this kind o as to allow Vermont a rham r to srrnt her share ot "1' rehe n. I r is -x(i r wi riass and be made aedve ese of immedi-te! v. Mr. Nove- of Hurlington, intrrxlm-ed a set of b-irle-uue re-o'udons to-night, ridiculing ! the tcor.oied bill, giving the county r'eiks j salaries and spe. ifie fees. It provid.-s for th- i maintrnanre or their families and specified bo v arge tl.ev might t)". the dilt-n-nee in i ti' ronr.'ies was a little irvriinu, hut eve the limit in anv 'oon'v wis , 1 i tT". : 1 b- three wivisard twelve el ildrcn. This 151 not extra vngant !'" sure. There -v;i a'sn a prn i-irri that thi s- who were nt h:r'' io not I a icg -a rranv children, could nuke ir up in w-vri. Ac tittcinji' was niftd-' tit- afrerro"n to rail up ill" H"j ' irr.'nen? r---' i i ! . b p it faihd on t he ol j.-ctinti o'" M r. N"ve. ai d I v vnnd vo'e. '1 he lei-l.Vii e !j,.n.irn Fi May Nov. 2 2, or will irnbd'lv l'uesdav N- v. J. Q n. ,ontpf,lilr. Mrrday, Nov. 11. j Df At: lll-lt.VIli: A few and un'ried is- Slit- 011 'he tuestiotl of adjou' Ptrrrt Imsri'tlli' 1 1 p. Tlir ern.onf Ceirr-1 Lnboad b i ;n- j V i i d the L' i'id dure to t ide over to 1 5 : 1 ling- I ton nn Wednesday next to tnki' a dir rier Co'. PI dt according to h tru i'a 'O i. Th- II.-.-s. to morrow U'Teiccti Htid ill a i eiin over il I hur-d. . btit tlte S.-ntte re- fu-", er r ttli,. the ri enib, rs of tbe Senate s:-v th -v will refuse if die pi st on co'iit-s bt! 'oie t in-ii ' . Seua'or Powei (c.r n-tvt,ce be j 1 1 1 tot iir-e and swear ai.d throw tint arm nciiii -onus h- sooii ;is he henrd ot' the a: t ii oi ol the lb, ii c. lb; tl ir-unced it as !' tr.icttng t-oin the dignity and glory fif such .-in ' iigust (is-tmblv to '-go to training" as he calls if. tlur f, f h'v s'jve I., f:l) '- lil.eM liel," be calU the wl ole prrre. ihng a ''br-visb ireak" and lets loo-ie his venom for 'he pub lic go. nl. I here is no p.-rs m in the Legi-la-t tire who so 1 1 on uglily fleets a scot n for ev rryihing that In-decides not to sanction. I tb not sty ties b.'cau-e I think it would in this case he in anv wise irrp-oper to b of his opinion or that the Legili'ur.i could not vvith p Tit ct propi iety retiise logo, but le-cau-e Ir- vcy otten loses seght ot' the inbe meid right that everybody has to tl.ii k for himself. The House besides this in the af;ernoon trietl bird j rise the record of Mr. Nov eg resolutions ot S-ituttlav :d!ertio n frrim the j xi rim I. A eol "IchI ot' si-oi-ing snd ,-ei .tit-it ii i was dime luit tt o i'v left it 'h-fic- ,,1 nore tbui in ih- tirst t 1 ic and legible. s:i I I think the clerk has hbin leted 'or if .t molion, .linen, biieir, or otherwi i s untie an .' pronounced out of ortl -r bv the Speaker (is ibis was before anv aclicn was taken.) it n no pirt of the clerk's binine-is to record it. And 1 see no re ison why i.o .s'nml I m ike an x -ptioo in c.i-e of a res ihlbo i. A rcso'ti- tion is nodiiie' more than a formal mu'.iol'. jii I tl.,. m..r.. I'., , t n f A ni. m 1 1: r VP r i T i rt n n-s. .'..;,-. ..a 1 nklr3 the llsav to eiTt-e. !er ir. makes it no more the propcity of the Home than if he had not taken it o::i of Ids pucker that is, in case ihey take no action on i' To my mind, lh n, the resohili. us are, th facto, no part f the record, ai d it is a mere iror for which there is a simple rem- edy, without all the buncombe we have had j this afternoon. 1 n member once ot tiring ( wj,,in this State," thereby enactiti shut up in a she. p;.eii where they had been j gKC j jt unv )U without Iue au washing sheep, a.,, stay ,ng . s the United to t uni.'h the rougish toy who had penned r ,. . ., ;n Mf-n T .nnl.l cut ant States, tsliall hereafter enlist, recruit, or time if I had so chosen. So 1 fancy the nu ui- ! bers of the House, oflen.'ed the per?on cMiiphiy any person in this State, for mili- R -monstrances were preset ted by '.'ra who rot them into the scrape, are deteimined j tarv i-ervice without this Stat", heslnll ... t , . .- e,i ,,), ,.r to stay there just to shau e hue. tor 1 see no very hh fence. liut Mr. N.,,s d,,, st ' condescend to open the door, but say ; 'don t care whether it is voted up or down. I So much for the afternoon. Very little of interest wan done it; tie !ore- OOP 111 the Ilo'lSl'. j The Senate rtni.-hed their cor.sidrratinn of j 'he Mi itary bill in i oirmittee c f the ho'e, I lll-',r f ""' " ,tu l,r" ' proper. 1 he bill was read the ;h,ro nme in 'he afternoon, and made tt:e f r U'ednes.lay, at eleven o Older '! ' amendment! on po.-ed b II ct 'till! Mill' !U:.ipoitant iuo- Iv, I ein:' in O". till li'.S 111 ii'ijiit to be tne mi ii n t ; ti.trli'Ul t' . 1: l an able production. '1 ! li u-.- i- stiil d -t, unit ed to lia vr its ow n mibtat bd,. tt oi:jb I o a word has bi en lira id y " Jioin the ti.u. nii'tce. The enate, in, .i ii, e and s- id back a if -use I) II w i. . is ai. em.-ie-m nt t :Ji, '-six MieeUl ' ae!-. lb .itle tidn-et-'S Of ide tl J, ' ,1 -o'ef- slrd! .re t1 dollar- p bm i! if- oi vli '.,d! rm! be !' 'I bis --ts at r-- -I.- . ai-d cec'd s 'hat , m'z-T;m (if ' is S'H'C j 1 !; ; rorti 1 1 e Sin e. (j'lel.I c) u st'oti. If some otic w,-ii i wne tin- eeiitletnan ; liom Ludlow a lett r like ih tui owtm.' m'- tell to a ilo'ed i iiiioroi Jiijjlaiid M"t: t t;.i,r;.,- -At Un-.-fi ir. In, i ur- ; , 1 1 I , 1 1 i rral on " makinii alb," it mibt le a oid siioken in due se-ison. " Sir II. Stonee.tstle : j Ar you not verv dud ? ! Yours, juk Quere. ; If he was candid he would doubtless reply in the same la. onic style as the itspoiubiu to the above did. ' Sir: . I am verv dull. 1 But the Ii. lmn m (he o Ilenrv Stonerastle. mse has fo'jn 1 a way to address i orntio Jaecta. ll is turenoon. while he was so'-akin-, a r--r ectbie mfjor- j ' '.....I Pv ot tbe llou-e wardi U to eugn at in- mine time, and a- thi is a p':vihg d jefion, tl y fi; ..a -with the whisiers ot a" im mf,. ,SJ mnltitud " id! he " ou'di.'t ; eir bim- &.f think " and sat down di?eouraged. They sav tl,e irember from lJenson started tli ,COU'Th!ll - r ij' lie avers Willi cl IriLf eieii.u - . . .1 .. 4... . ... i n 1' ,..1.. ...... draw, that I ..- fell a-h ep and j,;s ,,,) flf .ubcco slid ii to h s throat and he Itfm hen stinpiv a , 1 Na'ure'j ready retn-dv. Probabtv " (1'iestion " who sMUik lidly rt'erson V" ha-, a parallel in ibis rai-. tiui e the sitMeg O' the bui ime Court ,,,. ,.row,l has b-en ia!, so tint tby .M,-,. on -h' ves lor rue ui -t pirt. 1 his m- st pirt. fllJX unreiiii'ting. and h - - i.ks tur one One nie.h', partly by coi -Mt-aii.t aid pa'tle from a desire to ,uc:iniiioila:e others, I .1. ...... mm 11.. to . en y v hcdfellow. a bov of r .ther a 1.0.11, ai turn, ; himself upon his elbow in the in rn- i :. ., a. a i,-i, i..r two hea ls in ai b ot the i fVH ( ...Is in ti e roo " . awaked me I v the un- ! ,iiM uttd reuiaik, we U-!ou, 10 t ! e 1. pper J Q 13. ten. FRANC K, KNCLAXD, AMKIIICA. Apprebrti.-iniis of the Si-c-lh d ."-1 1 1 : 1 1 -rrn th : .iii'Ui' b-ing rr cgii'.-'.-tl by Francr or England are ri-i tl"ie,l :m.iro' ta ble bv the icceiit iidcllig.-uce re, civ, d by tiir l'cr-ia. France vvili t.ot. and Fi.g-. land dare rot at know ! eg" tin- sou-reign- ' tv of the Si ,11 1 !. btcatl-c that Would b" a viitiial dcclartil on of vv;ir agam-t the cotin'iy. At thr same tin.-, loib lV.vcrs tin- naturally ni'.voiis to mc tbe cu;dc-t elided a rciisuiiiii'.atiott which will toon take place. Fiance and Fnglnuu trntrrially nilb r from want of rotp.n and U.burco. '1 In; ilutv upon American cotitni iinpoi'ctl into Ft aiicr brings an ;nn n d sum ot ovt r So.- li CO (J( (I into liu- f in 1 1 i i:d 'I it a-ui v. ihd in 111)1 dl lrtl tol tlct o 1- piady pi otittci r ,i i a li-cal St li.-e. Lt'tloli l uiMV-'n tt in la, "'and. bid there i- a d'.tc o' (id! c-i.t- a n i id lition A ii t-nt an t bat CO There ft. ir. upon'UAtdi ur.d-, v hu Ii ts thr Miiiiml h mr (on-ini iiiion of t. bm co in Ei "hual. lhr dutv rx:i. l. .1 by the 15rit- i-b G.v. rniii. ni, is S-o (J4U.H each prop. ny o! n ion men will or tuiy ap )car. 'Jlui-. the Gov. rnui. tds ol France pi aifit d'tdiili t-cripted for, to be paid wbcu mid Fi'gh.i.d air dn ply iidriest. d in pet- :ind bow 0' "'' ting it sutrly ot o'ion and tobaeci.. Ni v el ibt le.-s, they will iml make in uti is MtiiMi by fiaternizing with the revolted Souih. At tl r a i i,nal n t ei ti g ,t the Hi kiiolders ot ll e A t- iii 5c ( t i.'a llailu nd tiinpa I y 1 ol h at !Ni 1 1 1 fi d i n l v. 7 b, ll e to b w i T 1 1 im t - vt n- i h in .1 s D e'ors r the y i M t t M il e : o s li. P. . k . M. n'-vd- ; icr ; .Tt f it Porter, 11a 'f,,it1 ; F. Met I'e'Hi tor, 1'iosfri ; Fdwanl P ake, I'o-n r. ; Vor ibir gton C. fcmitl ,St. Albbhs- Jt.d P. rlaik, Milton. ,i fJiT At the s'k go of Selastopo' there, wne '23,042 K iitids of l iuiiioii iiriuniiioii 1 ... - .. . it ' X tan u. Jlifltt tvilf 1UU m.iarsanu Hb tgUJis of VSil lOUS M2C8 USI d ill Unit ti.,,1 ,,lrl, !.!.. ,,.,d,er onlv 41 " i ii r .i 11 reinaimd sci victable aficr the .all ot oe- bastopol. All persons; leaving New Yik and Ios- ton, for Eutopc, air liquivd to ihow . pasSllOrt.- The rule is iin-iative, ami xccntiotis :;re made on the part ol kouc STATE UF V KItMONT, ET KK&OEI'ICK IIOI.IIKOOK, OOVEUXOn. A PIIOCLtn.lTIOV. hertts. tin General Assembly of this State have this day passed :ut act entitled An act to prohibit certain enlistments employ, or attempt to eiili-t, recruit or i,. ,,v 0j an offense iiirauist tlic laws of j g ..,,.,,,, ,M. ,u, ,t to , .. a!ties t.rovided in rection secot.d of this I Sk.C. 2. Any per.-on .)!n-nding aain-t jibe provisions if sectioa "tie of this net, i shall be puni-hed by a ft t not 1 -s than (ifty dollars, nor more tii m nn h'l'tdivl doitar.s, or ov i!iipr!omit"tu in nu t.o:t-iiv biii not le i ban thir:v d.n-. nor more than one yrnr. Skc. 3. Tin- G ivrnior i , hereby di- reetr I fj! t!i . il h t-ii ;!- hi- pro -1 I !i iliuti. ,rollii)i:ill'' I.'M Id '! hill ill tils ;,. r'; till k the p'-hnll'i - il l l'-ill j )o ideil. S::c 1 Town tirand .birors .-uni State', A'iortii-V- Hi- ln-iibv dlfrrtrd to pru-r-ellie till ott -iHi's :i-'.iiii-l t:,is act in aec,ir d;i!ice with ih" "idi,i l.nv- ut tin- i it-- Now, then-ii-iv. I, i'i:KPli;:.K IIni. I'.r.'HjK, (inc rtioi lit tic- i.ii.- nt V,-r-li;i,n',bv virtue oflhe Millinri; v inVi stt d bv s-id act, and in accordance tbci cw iib, !o .eri bv i--ue lov I'lociaaiatiuti and ! hereby prohibit :nid turbid any and every 1', l.,',l.l.,, I,l,l I I I1UI I, T II.J Il 11 1- 1 . - - , i- "ate Of the Lolled Slate-, eolt-Un.', iv- cruiling or employ in.-, or attempting to I enlist, recruit or employ, ;inv per-ou in 1 this ."tale, for mritary 'i-rvtce without this .State, under the k-'i ilties provided in v;aid net. Given under may band and seal of thr s;,., ;U Montpelier. this ninth (lav d.,y of Novendier, in the year of IL. S. .our Lord one tho.i-and ri"ht bun- dred and sixty-one, and of the In dependence ot the United t'.'.c tbe eightvixtb. FhEDEUICK IIuLBUOOi . T .1 1 . ny uieuovrriior. SaUIEL Wll.LlAMs, Sc. of Civil and MiHitarv Affairs. llYDLVILLC. Two week- the patr.oiic ciiizens of IIdei!h; rOtd vi iei y , siit two boxes to Capr. Hope, (.'o. H , a I Vi-rniiinr reeim-nr, wheh have brn du'y received and grate Inllv ackttovled .'!. Tie- b outdim-d blankets, bedipjilt- arid condor trrs, kh k, several pair nt pillow. ,irllo cases, sl.'iris, line 11, t !' s, lb is j I I -1. ni s. & '. The ltdie-ol' llydevd'e hive organized a ' Soh.ieis Aii So. i-t " to assist in the noble woi k ot ' P.r ariicles most nttdidby 1 ii' Mjlcies ii service. All lade s in thi- vi i ini v ate most tonli ill Oivred to aid in this P"mI w' k- ''i "ech-d, , v.-n t(Kli at lejst bv the Vcrucjnt ''i'i.eii J in.- Ai 1 Societv wiii h i I mee'ings a d f- fcrrllt "lwel!iiii; liO'l-e-, Ci Tb'.ir-d IV I'lfil iiijs O tiicbweek. u l iint'icr im i t-. lhe aid il ei.thmi-ii is iti d, and il.eir reward siull be pron '1,111 to ' ' t- In cr.tb't! t lTi e ot bnd g.iai I to 1 he I y! i.-s ot o 1 r .! all. Tie nplt- of IL'b vJle would nikoowl-ihe-iii.iiy ami riiirr nnse of Mr. Kvcin-c , 111 ci ih 1 Oug 11. d bnxtiig stint s lor the Idu-is. IaV bis fO.,:n r-t t) s nev, r 1 vvat.r C. II. II- n a, ki o 1,-dging the receipt f the ) oxes mei.Mui.ed :oe, C-.ip'. 11 'j'e ct the k ton t ti s 1 s : " !'!. 1 v.u b of our comuarv ami 1 gi- llielit 1.- gen. 1 ;di v gnicl. lieeiiiit-i I ha- aini'ist iavati.'blv ) ir led lhe ad- v aiic , and en i 11' It s wt'f f o ureat t lo h ave I o nil ;or i'ri 'i'l-ough we know not what i-. bet, ire u, Ide j ordea'di, del. -at or v'rtocy, we st i nd ready ! at a nuiieiii's w ai i ti g ft r sty n e!giy ; to n. i t t 1 1 r tie wih lit I I , I tit d i he k , J he' ever and whenever they in iv chow them i iv. lul OBI c what may Vkiimo.nt fhab never have Ot.cjsioii to I lush loi the .' 1.'' 2T Gen IlinJri's tiosition on the con ' . , All. , (ml and tpu-i I ll 1- tln.'s Uelllir : All nr cto s ((,u:ing catnp vvnl l.e rrttitnr.l, jnul such ol sit-tn as ale pioved to be the Coinici e t k P, - s we all suppose, the Fbel Ihi.i.'d hi lltiiidort on Tuesday lasr, ti e v'liioci-uiri d on 'he anniv er-ary ot the hi lion 'I Ph sidt nt Lii co ii, and just one var tot day trim the time when the Sect s i. l, Co ki't ii nee i s appearance in the UnetsOl Chur es on. A Jlobile paper speaks of a n rihern man' Itiij.. ian tt ai d tt albeit d in Alabama for liig. 1' an atn u jit were made lo tar and haihrr;ll tleliais in lhe Sobilu-rn Coided erat y , ih. re vvt.o di.'. be t nough geefe ai d iii .."ire. s lo vie!d the necessary mateiiali. rt"'lt- n linih-r at d lb n- J- 1- CiiMiegs are . . i. -I i i. , ; , , , t, il m ivi. i,tp, ner ii is we. , .... 1. I tl t l.e lot me) VMi r c . cue to the J i n.fiiioii ol H.e m fttmei.t ue w 1 ts Villi 0"! viH lulliish Lis blleadt . 1 ls 1; ; c T.e rebels f e. in to have anticipated an at- ! tak it Peau'ort, S. C, and to Lave uiadc,fl0,ts to pn naie for it ! Um. t rcmont, accompanies u? v. IlW t-U, IS ep'.'Cletl sjuu VrruiouC Lrfll4turr. Montpelier, Nov. 12. KOREXOON CESSION. IIocse. Mr. Stuart, of Biker-fi-d 1, in- tro lured a tesolution requesting Col. lu ting, of the 21 Repiment, to rei-ign. Tabled. Mr., lor the ceninittce on Ways and Means, made a favorable report on the r. port of quartermaster Gen. Davis. Ov- der d to be. , . , . .. r Chittenden, 15,ard ol I ithtiebl, Oran-erof Y", 1-1 ci Mount Holly, Craft of Wallin2for.l, Ilod-cs of Clarendon, Milliard of Dmby, Nichols of Uudand, llilloik of Cath-tori, A t mis of Sherburne, an 1 Howe ! of M-ouiit Tabor, ajaiiut ih-j charter tif a j new li ink at liutLnd, ail I'j the eou.mittce on li inks. Sena'- bid to r i-e troop taken up. being ih - sooii! orth-r, iitul tie- ipiestion be ing on r!r ai'cji'ion cf ct-nait. proposal-o! a ii.-nd ti-m-.kit! bv M 1 . j ho n 1-, o! - Fiiilee, air' moved ! bit fan be s of V ol 1 -ti er- shall r ot he entitle I :o -up 10-: by the S i'e !,i ,gt-r th it) the roiitmue ',0 l'-i.:e ri this S'ate. Th &inct d I eld a er d is g r ! to. After some th.-bafe on a ir.oVou t j snke out the i I'll e giving i-.v't i pay, it w..s lost, , rt" J the bill pa set! in ov urrerce- j Skxatk. Mr. Ki'mutitl.-, lor die j.ulici iry committer, report-1 on lhe resolution relating to ! e finar a idl sgent appoint ii by Gavir r.or Fairbanks. The committee on Claitr I reported adverse ly to the claim of Thos. E. Powers. A Uii- i nori'y report was also nade. j Mr. Di.lineharr, move-1 that mhi-nthe Sen- j ate adjourn it acjourn to meet at ten o'clock j on Thursday n next. Dr. Power', of; Windsor, opposed the motion, end Mr. D.l litt. h3m. of Watdangtoit, and Edmunds, of Ci.'dteiide: , supported ir. Mr. Powers fur- I t'.er opposed the mo ioD. He diJ n t de-ire that tlose who remain here should lose their p1y. On the tptesdrn rf sdcp'ion tie yeas and navs called lor bv Mr. Powers were as toi'ow- : ! ),,, Messrs P.-attie. Pe her, D rot It, I'urtot., lbloegbam. E lmut.d-, Hall, Ham-. Il.jtcbki-s, J kso-t, Morgan, Ilichardson, Pol bins, b evens, btm rt, Taylor. Wheeler, White, Wiatti, Wvo: arJ-20. A'ti'f Messrs Pcutlv, Hubbard, J jJev ine, Ncbou, Powers, Pice, Siorr, Uphdin AFT Kit NOON t-ESSION. House. I5 Adams lor omtr.itrce on mileage and deben'ur. s, r -ported in favor of bill fiirg the nileage of members by the nearest mfcil rci.te with ar. smeralmcnt ttr.k i,,g out the section cstaLb-Lit g 'be mileage at six ends per mile repcrf ai.d bill tailed. 'lie Spikt-r Lid before the Ilou-e a re jott fan. Eon- Lm Undtrwccl, for i he -E ..iiiiit to set le wii h : he CO It lllf- i.l 'S i" O- I.Mir.tns.f lhe late S We Trcasuri r, 11. M . j IJ ite- ; ordered to lie am! be printed. I Nt.mtaus let. lions aid remonstrances . . if were pn -eni.d ni rt-.auou o nc.v i;.n k a' Uu land. 1 in relation to 'l-e tK.NATK Pv Mr. Ju-Jevine lor tec con- . .... c. mi'!, c to i aiu;i.e ne i.mui.13 v. .eai.t-ai-ani.s. Mpomu - o! II. ai liis nv.vw..., seemed geir tby cornet, but that hi-chirgcs Ul,. ft;lr,. t,ox, and by vr.w u:i fjr iciMiial ttrvins too high, and c.x j,.,-,,,.! munffiu viv, nui !.'i0" d : blow a i ,hr opi. i 'l of the committee according to ' U ,,f Scotch snuil ovr the stage jint ut S:ate Ho,Se than h.b the for wmcu . t, he charged. i i( M1 ,11 rt.U-rtiietit ol th-j audi nee The bill extending the charter of the Mt- j .j tlit. j.,,,;,, co;,l not be -topped, chants 1L.hL at liu. l.ngton, was pa-sed. , ,1(C c,u-u; Idl aauJ roar3 of laughter a::J Mr. Powers lor lhe committee on I! inks, caaluiou. repotted in favor of the bid peraiitiing Uai ks MlMTAUy Dialog UK. Offer-flo t.. m:ie than ttn nr cent of their capi-I . , vc ,UU been lc.u.tiug, CapUia id thti bill was ordered to tal to this o a i, ai j J s ;LirU leading JOINT AS6EMBY. V.,r Aihutaut w d l.silctor General - -Mr. Gardlneil ot lb niiington nominated II Hen .. . . i, r liaxter Of li Hdliffl. air 1 ingrey i Weail cr.field nrmmateu l eier i v.asu.-u... of W Mr. Thomas of West Fair- j Ice seiondul ti e MUiiiiaicii of Gen Baxter. Mr l.'irrl. k ct Web ott seconded the nomi nation of Col AVathlurn. Pjiakcr Hti'on reiterated the charges against Gn Pfx'cr in r. gaid to tie election in the Pry alien on pany , Cih re-iment made by hiu; in the Ilcuse recently. Mr Nil Ids cf Putlar.d stated that he had autlo.i.y fir sa irg tl.t Col Washburn would uotlc acai.dida e Gm Ibix t,.r. He ah o i pli d v'iih pr, at sj irit to the charpis nude by Spcslcr Iluntoon aSainst Gv-ii Baxter. j Mr Tii prey of vVcatbcTffcld stated that Col Wa-lil-uin vas not arour.d lhe Lepisla tuic fi t king for this office but woule tell hon ored if lecied to it and would difcbargc iti duties faithfully. 'J be hallo: resulted as foilows : Whole numb r of votes, 24? NeccM-atv to a choice, 124 Pett-r T Vasl.buro, 135 II ILnry liii'er, B4 Sttrrering, 6 W-tlibijrn's in'jority, C9 For Qmrtrrm'ixler General. MrFletches nominated G F Uivis of Cavendish. Senator Wheeler, of Grand I-le, seconded the noni iniiion ot Gen. Davis. Mr. Underwood, ct Newbury, nominated, and &r. Dawtmn, af Prighton, s'.-conled, F. D. Sawyer, of Tow sLcud. The ballot was aj follows : Whole number 216 ec;sirv ro a ' hoicu III ; -t . Ceo. F. Divi IC F. I). S.wyer SO Allr.-'. Kenb 1 Scil-, ; nig ?5 Havi-,' m.joritv 5 Fir Jmlij' Alic-cate Cer.crcl. Senates Hubbarl. t, Witid-or, noiendted J4n it. ! Mo,-, y, of It -ybon. Mr. lluaiis, of West Fail lee. seconded i he ncm'nation. Mr. MI i ni-r, ,'" M oici -. r. did not Ulieve ii liar j ing ad ii. . tii e's ito.ii one ctutdy, ar.J I I he I '.J . I.U A. IL GirJiii r, of LJcn- t ; lllli O l. i Th..- b. 1 ; -t ol j W hole n-!i:i'..-r of v'es 211 l:'l 'ol 1 ITJ . .-. i ,i i u -i- J A II do',!. S Mo-ey at ei tog i tr ite I ' ur-joiify ".r Strj-un' a: Amis. Senator Stewart ol Addison, d Eras'us S. Camp cf Mob'pelier ; S. i.a'or Hubbard cf iVir.dsor, noruinated (jiiinan li. Dodrjc of Montpelier; S. ria'o- Ju.levit.e nomiriaicJ Horatio Psrlmer ol Montp-iier, and Mr. Henry of Che-ter, seconded 1 is couiinatiou ; Mr. Rincy cf IJraultboro, secotided the nomination of E. S. Ciaip ; Mr. Jones of Berlin, nominated! Samu. 1 Campbell of Perlin. Mr. Pingre cf Weth, rslield, advocated tbe claian of Mr DjJge. I ne billet re-ulied thus : Whole number of votes, U Kec irv to a choice, l Clnnti H. l)-lge, 110 Krastns S. Camp, H Hora'io Primer, 6ri .v-atliU 1 ('-JlDhb-jH, Sciitt.ring, ii (Lbnan 15. Dodge wis elected on the teioond bapct Dlge, Palmer, Ciinp, Scattering, 133 i 36 14 Win. ? D.ckinson of CbeLea, was cbosea 1 ILvilioai Comini-stoner on the second haiioc F r.-t IiiUot. Wra. F. Dickinson, 68 C-otge A. Merrill, Si A.LBiotrn, IT Aloer: D Ilagar, 2 Alaiisuii Allen, ? Wm. F. Di kinson, 137 Al t! .-on Allen, 25 A b-rt D Hjgir, 53 S, -alter it g. 11 Cen. Pa br arrived here las', evening, and tn-.b--n b-j-y to-liy conferri.ig with tha Slate m'.l'.tary audioritie- in regard to ba rj;j,:.g of the r g m nt for his brigaie. Lvi:;i!.i'.i.t; Inuiuknt. In revs j m..;u j,.;lm:l, reccidly i:te:i u; :u wi;J ! lJu, rv TbrnUc, a f irnon- robber t t kt t:. :o. 1 bi-, he:i 1 t-Mnbited in.: i.j i i ... i 1 .i ,!... in tin-v i iitiiru oriri" i.icci on - ' ,,..nti-.- nt t be sl.ige. On the (it'.li r-i-bt of , ii,iti,,i). a wag got into lhe unrj i H ( ' Four weeks. ( 'jjii tr What success ? Crdoi'i First rate. Otfu-er How many men ? Cuitia'mOiie pnmle ami fifteen oficer. A tun of cannel coil vi.lls about 10.2CJ cubic feet of pas, the illiiiitiating q'!i'jr oj which is nearly lio ible that of gas obtaiueJ froia the common bituminous coal. Time is Monf.y. -S Franklin observ ed. It is very true an J fotne peoplo tjke plenty ot it to pay their debts. When CjI, IJikcr received Gen. Stonr onler, he rea I ihern, and said : 4T wiJ do it, but this is my death warrant." Some time during Siturdiy night last the Winsted Pink, loeite l at Vest Winsted, Con , was burglariously entered and rob'j-J of S33,00i). Kendall Taylor hai been appointed Pol mate at Pioetoraviile, in lace of I. A. Prowiif resigned. AlferJ W. Prouty, of Winhall, ra killed last week, ly a tree falling upon Lis head- 1