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01 0. RUTLAND. VT.. THURSDAY MORNING. DKCKMUEU 12, IS(L I'HK'r'. 'llltKI' '"'VI S i yi;i: I HCKSDAY. DF.CF.MHEK lv TIIK UF.UEL I.KADFKS The repot tcl defeat of dovei-nor l'etru of M i-tii i- i wn- t im-takc He was re elect ed, and his i 'ig.;i :il address i .n i I i -hfl . Hi- expr'SM- the ;ii victim, tha .ilthohgh the tedetal government mnv i able ' intl'"' much suffering on 'In' iw.f'-(l''i itf -! .-. ami to make th-- war bloody ami protr.i tnl one. tht' ultimate cortpif-r of the Son h is imposihle. In 1 1 1- .t-i! t i inr the reasons which should iiid :! ;i strong am' '"tied effort to maintain tin- potion of tin .South, the Gov ernor significantly remarks : " If the sh'p is lost, the captain yoes with it i' otir cause is lost, all whoholil big plat -c- in 'he southern late.- must pet'isli first in it- ' ill." There is no doubt that nil the leader of the reho!!i n will wiit to .i.--i,-r-ie meas ures to prolong tin i-.i-;- i oi''h Southern Confederacy, ami o ' ii- it independence. Witli them it i- :i 'pie. tion oi 'lite or death. If the Sout h is completed, and the seceded State- return to their allegianc e, the halter will claim tor its i tim- main v. ho now hold bi places in the Southern State." while hundred of others will spend the remaining days of lives rendered miserable hy their treasonable wickedness in expatriation or ex ile. If the mad scheme of breaking up this great licpublic fail?, as tail it must eventu ally, the names of Jiff. Davis. Stevens, Vponihs, Slidell, Floyd, and their eonfiees in rebetNin. wiil hecome a bye word and a re proach. ven in the South, and tlnir memory will he execrated by '!' h scendants of Amer. lea in all time to corre. There is every mo tive ti.t icturc, tor; mei; to carry v tliv war lo the hitter end : tor success, if it can he achieved, will m ike them Presidents, Cab met Ministers, and . mic'sadoi s. instead of I'diiiiion felon-'. nw ale- to the penalties ot outraged law and justice. 1: is becaus' " the leaders must perish first in the tall " that Mr. I'ettus pleads for united action. Not for liberty, not for justice. not for ihe red res of intolerable injuries and wrongs. hut to save the necks of the rebel " captains" Iroiu the halter. We do not doubt that ev ery rebel leader now sees the folly of the at tempt to dissever the I'nion, that every one of them regrets the step which has been ta ken. Hut for them there is no return. With he. restoration of the Union would come their swift destruction. No wonder the Fed eral power to them wears a grim and terri ble visage. They see nothing but its thun derbolts of indignant wrath They have forleiied i'- ' !..! proti-etion, .uid h'-n.'e'o: t h it ha.-, in re-et vc In: them un! two upt ight pots and a cross bar. with the ominous rouse " daniihnir therefrom, or at best a fel joa's cell and ball and chain in short, an ig nominious end, and an execrated memory. JSo lomi as such m;n can maintain their as. 0ndenev over the Southern people. lns con test will undoubtedly be prolonged. IJut may not expect the time will oor. ollie Whl'll the eOj'ie Ot tin- S'Hltii wtio t.;ve been misled into takii.i u; aims ,n:a:!;s' the government, will rathrr choosy to tn'sni to their allegiance and aain onjoy the benign intlucr.x' of i: protection, than to per ist in a truitlt-n thoueh prolonged war to tave thetr prcM't'.t leaders? To them the re-tora-tiir. ot' p ace will briii hap;iness. at.'l tree dom ai d jno-pi i c . The m,..sses ot the de luded people of the South have every mo- tive to turn their backs upon ,Kfl. Davis and ! re top I th. ir dt Mimes with the old Union. I 1 under the old flag, piveness, an I amn Ihey not so : lessen on l.i vv!n cial l owi i -'.aii ! i OmilK i Ce. lie i f. vastati d tie-:- tc our ji; i'cs:t i c: and h.ip; :.ic.- i tht ni ? ill ti cy jm i i-h, l u' w 1 ii i I , tv and protectiot,. il! .or i, -' roc g c ill. V le.irn t hi ll: ! I lie Fed I I .' C id-.! ni I 1,1 I (. i-- - V ,V : lli v per-: - Hi i, !n i ; he duo; O! peace i''U- hc;'.i ti. i: tc i. (..t , Id the i up! jir. save the si. ip ' IUciumtim; (huor in IU-ti.and. .1 n K.ti li .s i.eiioiie.r .1 (Oiimanv l.jr the M.-v mh llegiiiicnt in thi- placv', has ai ready o!t i oictthirtv meii a'uhoi g'i his of- h cis no' bieii oaeii bu' ; week. This is ratln r rele t' kable success, consideting ihe fai-t that so m my hve g me from ihis place in o ri .ia. ci,is already in the field. Mr. Ki;- burn iicjH h io b;iv ihopiKio have a full company in the se ol ten davs or so P is- understood coui the S. vt nth Ucgiment will serve under liii Gen. Plielps, and thi- fn-t aUme i induce (Cores to enlist Ihe desiinatinn -if the Ueg- imci I will p-obably be the southern . 0as'.- M. k-.ii,,,, ., ' , o; . ,,,.1 , . .i r . r. JviU'uu. soliue is one door i orth of tha Loutt Iluu-e. "I'll wot Id unites, in'io! nci-il in o He Resolutions have been I . -isiai IP e OI l e.i ei ii i, to the ol i . : ' he VV.Sc l 1 o. i r - "t v ti,'ti ia 1 1 f -ii I. I ) I , ii, s if, Ken n a feu week- ?ince I to! v. ,-ti i" i ('.,( ihe c-.- ot the Vermont hriu- J ade die I'ni'ed States service, one Iiok con- j liiii in biriiikets, ti bed ijuilts. 1 uair pil- I liuv and eaes. jiair wooh'ii ,o. ks. and ' needle and have just closed and ! t irw.tnl-"! "' boxes containing I t heet. "21 1 ... !ows, ;.i pillowcases, l."s heij ipjilts. com t'Htablcs. one blanket, is towel-, :!t napkins, i 'iishioii-. ." pans woob .i -oek-. "J i :,'r -hp-peis. tbuirei -hut-. 1 die--it ijown, 7 neejle book-. lbs dried fini". i m siaiiie-. and a ipjanti'v of band old linen aii'l cotton. aeka-'e C?" A lady nt' this villa. -e tiai l upon our table yestenl 4V m.)riiin; -everai full ijrown violets, and t ., or three -'bachelor's but tons." which -he had just plucked in ur jrar den. tn inii ''. if nth tn m Di-cmhi r. They did not appear ' have -utf-rd at all rom -old or e,,o-un-. Ait- mioii i- ilile.l to tie .clvertise- ineiit ot ihe -Uielai'd Fi-h and )-:ei mar ket" in i. (it hej . .,iu,i fi Aii kind-of fish in their eason obt;i ait.- it this well known esf:,bli-hii.ent ; also e. -'-r-. lob-fers and clam-, and at the n,o-t ica-cr;.ible price-, i LADHvS FiKLIKF SOL'IKTV-IMKH-KSTL(; COIJKKSI'OXDKNCK. ' The ladies of the Soldier- Kelief Soc'e- ' ly met December 3d. and adjourned to incctiU the Hoit-e of 3ir. Jacob Eder- j ton. Tue.-.iay, Dec. I0;h ;1t mie o'clock. ' I'heic i- plenty ot work nuv. on hand and . a tllii ;;!tend.Mie- is .-oiii-jled. We hope i now to -etui another box ot arfu hex: Ml.-. M. (.;. KVKKTS. Secy l pe accompativ letter- liavt received in nekiiowleilffciiP ni i.t'tli- oeeii box- Iiei'l ti itofe sent. ( .'amp rillin. Fairfus ( o a.. Nov. 'jt'.,',1. ( Mtiilnitt : I have to-dav received a box forwarded by the "Soldier- I ? -1 s t Socie ty" in Rutland, containinc; article- tor the telief of the -ohliers for the Vi-ntiotit voiuiiteers. al-o a package for Mr. Iline of Capt. Weston's Co. Sharp Sliooters. -I will see that the package for Mr. Dines i- sent to him bv the lir-l oritiorttinitv. It is with the erentest pleasure that I re- ' eeive iVom our t'riemls. and the friends of the noble cause in which we ar-j eipjaired, ptickayes foi- gratuitous distribiition among the soldu r-. thus -applying their want-, and assuring them that they are not for gotten by those now enjoying more ot the comforts of life at home, and that genuine, patriotism is not confined to soldiers in the field, or to the hardier -ex. Accept for the Soldiers Relief Society, thanks in be half' of the liegitnent for lavor- received. Very respectfully. Your mo.-t ob"i servant. I', r. PITKIN. i.l M. 2d Regiment Vt. Volunteer-. Mrs. Win. Y. Ripley. Cor. Secy . ii. So ciety. Rutland Center. N'o. 1' '1 bird Avenue. Cooper Cnioii. I New York. Nov. lb. lsill. Dint- Mnlnu: Ihe box from Center Rutland, containing .- much to relieve the sufferings I,)' our troop-, wa- received by n- ie-tt rday. and we greatfally ac Kiiowlediie (he content-: if' pairs socks, lo blankets. 11 ouilts. Jo pillows. Ifi pillow caes. 21 sheets, 1 'J . shirts. I package dried fruit, magazines aim new-paper.-. These goods will be sctii where ihey are most needed, as directed by the saui- tarv commission. We have lately been supplying lb- navai .-xpeum..n.s tint are i: ..a- : i .... : l . i lining on iiiiiii in i-poi i. oi.siui - i,(i i v coii- umcnt to aslinigtoii. Very rc.-pectfullv. " K. II. St !i"t HYLKK. Mi mb;i' v. !;.,.; -v. c .,. V. . Oi Mi- 1 1 1 th IN ( 'a ait l'i Has Aii.: N i In- p , -i ilea! b iii ! he Uigniiiiil Im.U Plaet n tin- no pipit i,n , .I, - I,,, ,,,,,,! , ,, . ' i j, , , , ' - . lis i,i OP'i p, Suniiav. ihe ilece;i-cd v.a- vi-l:n A.I 1 1 . Hani-, of 'ciiioti,a member of ;,, F. lie died from congestion of ihe lungs ful- lowing measles. Hi- u-inains were cop- v yed to !lie Kuthmd cars Momiay inoni- r conveyance to his borne, eight of Ms comrades acting as pan nearer-, and accompanied by the entire regiment. At the depot a prayer was offered ami a few remarks made by Chaplain Woodward. Free Vu. As one of the incidental connection- of i - ii, , the preset war, we notice that an office has been opem-d in Washington for embalming ti.e dead. 1 heir system is that ot the. cele i. ...... i s.1... i ,i"i..:. i...., in aivo ounjuri, in i tn i- i' an ii jei thin oi ;, powerf ul antisi p ic fluid, which soon hard- I ens the tissues to a marble like substance,! ! l"'''y 't'serves U.e color and fea ; lures, and keeps the body from all ofiensive . , 1 3 i t Km am irA'rio.N' in Kkn rucivY. We understand that ihe l'i esidmit has. been p-suied that the I legislature of Ivi tucky V ib Mioti iiiain ipati all slaves U that. ;!... . i it-- iir-ii'g oy.i! "a i 1 a . is Kortli- liutltuit! iierai!' DKA Ii 11 V UI.IV'K I 1'AINK Lmu'.ii. WHO Ui"i 'j ill; Icllllitf r-ii )s eotieiiiir en the tipmMiuir air. It- lncuriilu' '.ailin- sadly teli Ot ! :ij;titi'i! tinjH- aiwl dark de-pair I lie Ainu? t !m.-!i. :imi wiutrv p;iia t rv i Tf nt I iiu' I" H' va'e an1 liill : V !., -ought in cestti their las repose Wr, liiu art iionr cold itid chili '. Woiirieiifii; I niteid. &sclii'nin Htole I lie o' if iet upon mv eat A -ailii' f- crept irto my so 1 Th1 'i" ct -ait'i arc very cit-r Was it h maiden, luir. and youn g, With liph'someffep. and mirthlul eye ' Wlise piai'e. in Ijmiuj net hall was ruutf. Whosi" tone" nf mu-ic floa'ed hy' VVs it a feeble man hoe vear Spanned for the pack ( louirat!"- Who ooMiited all M'v'- "mil's and tears. And kinged the j .v of Heave" to know Wa" it an infant tirow so fair. Wher. on lore's warm caress was laid ' Or dreaming child that knew no care. That passed weLen the flraimv shade' VVa i' a mutrou proud ami tond. Who mised no tear one 'rem oih hoard Wher- love renewed each day the bond. And choicest t.le-sinpK -re outpoured ' IVrchance a man ot w.-ltti and pri.le. With intellect and vjir.r rite. Who had no need ot -iiieht b-i-ide. Avil revelled i" tli" trco I if lite. A hri'le pchaii u-it;! rr.s crown 'd . hi.-t eTireriij.' nti the path untried: WNi-e laiMt aiel !uie. and tru-t were bound In him. r eh i.-en Iri'iid and (r'lid". It!' non- o!"the.-e." a voice replied I f:at fcrok tfie -i'ence like a -pell. Ir " ns a Wit in hi- prid Who tor hi- pountrv. ihtin? fell No Icvinp liami to -ipe 'ii- i'ew That gathered 1.11 hi- .I' a'li cold brr o loving te-ie t -o kin I i-Tct trie-, jo eek his rave in toctii'-s-i nos N'o pillow i'. r his tlirohbi'g h"ad. light ofhoini- to t i. " I i eve (lev found I'im. I ci'd und de-el Where soply -miled the pitying skv . I he last ot earth, a hi'te hour. cif re oiid'v pealed the cannon' roai W1;ei,-i 1 H!l IrHt. r'(ft: h'ei,f Tf(er pO Vf'T And .-t:i'::ej 'lie T irl nith huinin gore ii - .eep- i i hit: e u m rirc -ii v e her- Kr-eoon. c -i'- a .ai.:h o'er tiiiti 1 1 1 pirni h 1 he -ar- ' cu a e. !'h v ic o y -hiut. ' ri-eie in Oh dod' 11- fioitth nut the lint 1 l- rein ope ta'r 1 uf -ere', e- - A" dark ly ta'l- the Is ocdmg fig!. O'er j c - no luurrow ci.n :-.urr lie-ton fhy peace, is'ion the heait V hie 'orrow a-i- fruiu ouder tuiir- Ai.d t 1 th trial ri.pirt . And I'-ac- a.--ert i.-r fljw. r; rei.-r, rl'MU. Vt I l-'parttnetit ot Ma'e Washington, Dee. ! To Aiaj. (ieii. (ieo. l. .McL -Ilati : (ieneral: I am directed by the President to call vour attention to the following -rbject : ' I'erOPi cloimeel 10 bt held to service or iabot under the law- of 'ne Suite ot V irini t ami actually einjiloyed in ho-til ser vice against the government of the United State-, tre. ip.iei.tly escape fro n the lines of the enemy'. force and are received within the lints ot the annv of the I'otoniae. This Department un deis'amis thit sued persons, afterwards eom nz into the city of Washington, are ii to be -nested by theci'y police upon -he re suu pti'jii arising from i-ohii. 'hat tiiey ,;re f'ugitives from service or labor oy the :onrt!i section of' the act ot Ccng.-e-s adptoved Aug. lith, 18tl. en'iteld a'i act to confiscate pn p ertv u.sed for insui rec' ionaty purposes. Such hostile deployment is made a sufficient answer to any further claim to service or labor. Persons' thus employed and escaping, are received into the military protection the I'mted States, and their arrest as fugi- ! ln': "(Hnl m ul ' '-rreH to. vviieteii. -o mucli tives from labor or -ervicc should be ianntdi- j weak lies? is cotife-ed. All tilings view a'elv followed by the military arrest of the i ed. theref ie, the activity we -ee di-p!ay- parpes making the seizure. Copies ot tuts j couiiiiuincatioii wnl tje -eiit to the Alayor o! ihe ci'v of' Washington, and to the marshal ot the District of Columbia, that any olli-iou between the military and civil authorities mav lie avoided. I am ( ien. Vour very obnheni serv't WM. II. Sr VVAUP. ' i;uyinc, thi: Nviiowi. Flao tv) Ni v Cki.k-vns. Prominent iip-h from the West bclcive that the imti from the Western Stao-s can. before Siring, carry the Stars and Striju-s in triumph to New Orleans. A Si NsniM Oriviox. Tin-Washing- top cone: idctit of the New Ycik Kri -p. in;' Post say that thcie hrc vai ious opip j ions at tic capital n i -ct:pg she lei-gt! nt tic i : - -i session c! Copgi's-. ,l(nlg Ccl'iitccr. of N'eiinont. who is one of th .-b:e-.vd -t pic" in Copgic.-s, ailvi-(-s i . i ,. , j cm v aoiom utiietit. tie siivs " v-t ar t of '.he ( av. hi y ' ' - . , . f I ii.ii.... I j.nce.c f in i.ii.lli I r I t - .- - !', F.xccutivc liu-it;cs- and t!.i IIIOIIM -ni ii pusses oevono tn- lineill piovi- .. . i ... ..i.i. ding for tl vs ; ids ( t the VjOV el liup pf. ami deciding the purposes of the war, to sa ZiO'tv it shall be col.duettd. the whole tiling will prove a failure.'' Jtoston Do.Jn Adc. Iiik OrtAT I stern. A letter from London say - : "Nautical men beie, ex press vety discouraging opinions in regard to t lit Crent Fastern. They think it doubtful whether she will ever make an other sea trip, and think that, after remain ing awhile at Milford Haven, she will be converted into a bath-house or a floating i -.1 UO;;l1Ul1- ; Q jj f Im,;a wh ft ener. ' i , i : cetio and practical war policy lias won i hun national reputation, siiriied in Washington on Friday. He rcpoits that ! Indiana will foon have fixty ihoil-nnd ' m.n in the held. Ihe quota of the Mate ! 5 thirty-live tl-oti-.-iml. fl tving pot this i :i armv ' ,! : ' ' ' I or the Kut auil iler.n l li-VIS AMJ COCI I-.h. , Mk. Knn ou: If you should ask my - opinion on rats." I should tell you that I think they are a jolly nice. In proof of this I will only cite one instance of their practical jokes. One of our citizens had a quantity of walnuts laid up in a back chamber, which hav; been growing beautifully less 0r some time. A chance examination of an old cupboard in an ad joining room led to an explanation of this abstraction. One of the shelves contained two pairs of boots, one pair of shoes, a sap-bucket arid various other antiquated domestic lixtures attracted thither by the retiiemeiit of the place. It appeals cer tain belligerent rats in ambush near by recognized the important advantages of the. position and appropriated it as a grand military -torehou.-e. They filled each of the above mentioned articles with walnuts and aptly stowed a large amount besides, to the amount of' more than a bushel in the inter-fiees. They doubtless meant to have a rri'l time over them. Another unusual I'tTair has happened in this town. One of otir townsmen has made hi- vn'emind. IJut it ha-' frighten ed him -o that lie has put his properly out ot his hamis and run awav. The first record of' conjugal atlair- we have, was I I i:it of a man parting one ot' Ids j-ib to raise Cain with. Hut Michael Caffee, reversing th,- older, raised a eain and parti d two of hi- wile's rib- because -lie i!i-i-tel on correcting a young Cain, the -011 of .Michael's former wife. I under stand he linaby succeeded in e-tabli-hiug hi- authority, but a- I -aid before, tin mora! -fleet ot the atlair wa- too much 'or him. A McCl I.LOl 1.I1 Mi l'nn 1. tLAUi:iT.- IM!. 1 here i- eii--en-iori in the rebel camp in Mi-xmri. 'Ihe St. Louis Uepub iican -av - : 'I -latest from MeCullough's com niand represents that confederate genera! its high dudgeon with en. Price, and : '--oiutely disobedient to the hitter's oni : -or reqite-t-. 1 It- is n-ported to have again turned hi- ha.k ujion Missouri, and march ed off into Arkansas. There is not the same necessity for a forward movement with (jen. McCuIlougli to accommodate his men as nith t.Ien. Price. McCul'ough may at any time fail back to Arkansas lor supplies. ,V:c.. but the Atkan-as people will :iot permit the M i-sourian- to come atnorg-t them to eat them out. as it i- said they have forbidden l'rice V. Co. to ' in vade" 'heir State. Price'.- men, on the other i and. wat, t to fight in .Mis-ouri. and -onieta ng mti-t be done some movement made io keep them together. The late proclamation of the Major Genera!" -hows iii-. His army j- in a bad way. The te-ni of enlistment with a great many las expired, ami tho-e manifest a desire to quit the service, a- they want to go home.' Nothing el.-e could have -ugge-tel ti e piteous appeals contained in ed by the rebel in some quarters ot tin.- State i- tin spasmodic oil-hoot of de-pera-lion. Ii is the energy of de.-pair. We can feel tttisti-ii io VMtne-s tome nervous ness and strength in even a giant's, kick, when a-i red that it is his la-t." I (jeti McCieliati has urged upon Gen. ) Uiplcv the necessity of having additional light arlil cry of bronze, iron fi' Id pieces being too lieav y for rapid tniti-portation over the road of Virginia, which art: very inn Idy at thi- season of the year. ! t is expected the orders for their coiisirn. lion will be issued immediate! v. Com Co'dsboro has been ordered to j .in i (Jen. Ibiiii-i'h-'s expedition. The rebel- are - much i tied oi r. g.ird to i;. and n;epo-e ii i lies' I pe.i pi l'l tie- York- liner aid -.weep tit- I'ei in-'il (, m.iki'ig an ifiii-avc ' iiiOvelliei: diree'lv aga il-t llichll .Olid. ! A ll.iih i'i li'istnn ! - X 1 1 i 1 1 1 I " g H new i i-.veni'O" I v whic'i he makes loct- in fit- I i t. -en minute-," and the Po-;on Po-t dechir. s . I .! i .....i ... I i to.: le oi lie iii- I ce vvoik ,e i am. unu'ii . .1 J mie H H'Clfl he lime spec: It i-said that the r. be Is uow have 75, oOO lions at Columbus, Ky. Tim proud have no friends; not in pro-petty, for thin they know nobody; I nor in aivcrsiity, tor then nobody Knows them. Wm. M. G win, C lienham and L. Tirent were released on Holiday, from Fort La fayette -ri r Vhnm Hndaet AW t VI.. 1 IIU nil)' m "-'"- r thinks tbsit the miixon, just captun tl, an ot; usefully employed on lor ificat ions, but he is puzzi ld o know what tn do with the sly it I J hat was a patriot woe of a filame volun teer, vho beeged of her bus-band lo keip out of a bat Ie if he could, l'robahly hishttf was not insured. lie jiiber," fays Pat, " ibe tHvil a eliow :i luan Ihh who waits tilMie'f 1 before he ucts on the. defensive." Won ester, VeC 0. P Ou.erv A'd id', vcpuhl.c m, IV. IM 1 ICC - Comrreme Uashmgtoii. IJec. 10. II II- t I- ,f 1 Anorny 1 ventral 10 r-jort hi-f as to j the means of ohtaiiing a repossetsson of that I nart of Virginia formerly belonging to the j Distriet of Columbia. Mr. Potter, fiom fhe committee on public I lands, repotted a bill providing homesteads j to actual settlers, anil providing a hountv for soldiers, m lieu of grants of public r-iiid The House concurred in thi Resolution j from the Senate for a joint comrjiititee to in quirt, into the conduct of the present war. with power to send for persons and paper.-. Mr. Pendleton moved tliat the in morial of Messrs. Howard and (ialJehil and! Davis be referred back to the committee on ijudiciarv, with instructions declaring that) j Congress alone has thu power under the Constitution to suspend the privilege of the writ of hat eas corpus ; that the axcrcis" of that; power by another department ot the government is a usurpation, and dangerous to ptilfilii that the persons above named he to the marshal to the end that the liberty ; lelivejed mav be indicted, with the ngbt ot a trial, it there lie probable cause for such proceeding He spoke at ome length on this subj.-e' Mr. Uing'-am replied to .Mr. Pendleton's remarks. h, mot.on of Mr. IJin-diaiii the. whole suf,ect was tabled. 10S again-' -Jo'. I A ineage was received from the Senate 1 announcing the death of Senator Bingham j of Michigan. Eulogies were delivered bv j Mes-rs. Beaman. Trowbridge and (iratigeVi of Mich., Mr. Sedgewick of Xew York, and Mr. A-hlev of Ohio. ! The usual re-o!ution- of m--; wer" i pas-ed. after which tl,.- House acj .uriie.J. ', Skn aik,-Mes-r. Fe-enderi and Sumner I tit-e-ented netitions for the em?iic;pHtion of ' slave- under the war power. i Mr. Suiiitier pre.-ented a petit-ion from 1 I-' ran' i- A. Weadway. setting tort'i tha' h h'-.d some time ago piesenPd omp'aiti' t-i the S.ip-eme Court again.t Jell Divi-atid O'Ikts, but was tol I they wen- improper pa- pcrs Hftet he ha i pr, -elite t!f eil opla'llf s ; 'o 'he Magistrates Coutt. but with i-. efet t. ! IL.-ferrc ! to the commiit-e on ju-lieiarv. Mr. KfKit oflere 1 a resolution tha' Waldo P. Johii-oti by sympatizujg with ai;d par-t-cq.ating in the rebellion agam-T the Cuifed Stir---, had i -t n guilty of conduct meotnpa'- ' with hi- du-v a Senator of the Cn'ted s? from th in d that he therefore ex filled j or p report to vou t hat this morrcng it about v. .1... ..i . .... i it,,. '. - . , nr..,: v. lire Ulllieil .Hl'ef, WUICU I av.- 1 id over. Mr ilson in'roluct d a joint re-obfio'i to provide for the pav menf of the -immissiotiers who were appointed to itive-tigate the claim j ot t tie we-p-rn mi'itarv departuici,;. Kejerr- ! d to ii i- committee on finance. Mr. !h'!ati ih'ro-J'j'.-e.J a bill tr, nitLonz" j the P:e-idet.t to ;e-.; i re teiritory for the j 'tt'emei.t of jet-o!;s c Afiican .d-- -nt. - - j Heterred to he commif.-i on p'jb'ij- land-. Mr Wilson ganiza'un of 'jdnci- i bill for! the reor,:. depart uient ot the ai mv which wa.- ! rc.J to the commin. -ti military alliirs. Mr Hale called up the resolu'i-m otl-r-d ve.-terday that the con nut tee on i ph' iary he instructed to inquire in'o the expfdi-n v of abolishing the present judh ial sv-'em of the L" S and estalishing atiOsber in pursuance of the Cons'itution and it was agreed to. Alr. Nesmiih introduced a bi.'l to provide for the protection of overland eoiigrant to Calitoriiia and Orrgon. Il-.-f. tic llto '.h- com- mittee on territories. Mr Harris introduced a bid relative to the sale of spirituous liquors in the District ot Cj- lumbia. I he bill is d-signed to render more operative the II passed la-t -nininerr and firov.des lor trial hy any justice ot the pea e It was referred to ihe committee in .ludicia- I ry. Mr Chandler announced the death of Hon Kii slcy S Hiiigiiaui. late Sena'or trom Mn h igan ami g ive a brief sketch oi the life ot t'ie 1 ite bena'or. After a tribute to the mem ory o: his deceased colleague M- Chandler etb-red the custouiarv resolution that the Senate go into mourning thirty ays and to J iial. to tne el'ect ili it lie had giwn n turiui a''j'irn. Messrs King, Clark and Sumner tion to the eiieiuie- of' the government resid spoke in fitting terms of the decea-ed. The j ing in F.iirtax eouniv . N j itn -sjes ou that resolution was a-'reed to and the Senate a l- j jurned lk-rpoblicn ( iiacii-Tli! I'.i-t. N. w Ycrk. D.-c l". The Times' Washington di-pa'cb -;iv s 'he caucus of Ilepubhcaiis wasatn n h-d oy a'-otit f'ltt V litem!. er-. 'Ihaddeus S eVcCS .iia.le a I, icc si h i-i f'-nor oi oli.-'i'c: n -I'I'i'i. II-- d ic.uiiced (Jen. M C'edi'i a- try ng 'o . J tm! : he !eg:U:ic aid cxe '-O've:.- ot I he I Vict. 'I c We Id's di-pat.-h sty- thit ti.e Sma!' : Pox is .-'lit i' l'i -Ul'o!' by l;i'- ii-v!,-l:r- j ot .s'irgc. ii (f-iieral, c th s dts.-rt-e o o'hi r p i'.'cii'.s. I. ! sail It i- riimcred that a prominent m-mUT ol lin ks' Mail has d.sappea: ed i:h i nputtatit papers, Coin Wiltet' Ileporf. Washingioii, Dec. It). Com. Wilkes' report is puh!ist,cd; 11: savs ihe governments of (Ireat Uritani, France and paTn having issued pro lainatio-is thit the Con'eilerate States were viewed, consid ered and treated as hell gereiits, pii1 know in" that por's of (Jreat Uriiem, Franc-, r . it i l ! vi.l o am in the v est inuies were open to their vessels, and that they were ad mliuiil in a l the courtesies and prote Hoi 1 mitttd to a l the courtesies and prole lion i - I, of the United States received, every aid and attention b. i ig given tlicm, proved clearly that they acted upon this view and decision, and brought them wiihm the international law of search and under its 1 therefore, felt no hesia lion in boarding ami searching all vessels of whatever nation I fell in with, and have done .o. 'Ihe rpus'ion aiose in my um-d whether I had a right io capture the per.-ous ol' these coii.misMons, whiilier lln-j wen- amenable Ia rupture. There was i o doubt I h id a rigid to capinri! vt M- ls with w. mi ii i!is;ia'cl. s 'fl iv aot .;tu .is'Y Ich !!;' ! :' ha4 knowledge of tlieir b.;iri oa hirl ua: these gentlemen were not dispitches in a lit eral sense and did not seem to come under ' a in J3ini That thev were enin riis-ion- 'rs ' had ample proof from their own avow- al, and bent on mi.scbievous an 1 traituroust er- rands against our country. I then consider- d them as the. embodiment ot dispatches and n tiierHore became my duty to arrest their progress and capture them if they had no passport or papers from the federal govern- met,t as provided for under the law of na tion-. As regards the Trent the ai'ent of the vessel, the -one 0I the British Coniul at Ha vana was well awre of the character of these person.-. His fattier had visited them and in troduced them as ministers of the confeder ate States on their way to England and France. They went in the steamer with the knowledge and consent of the captain who endeavored afterwards to conceal them bv refusing to exhibit the passenger list and pa pers of the vesst I. There can be no doubt he knew they were carrying highly import ant dispatches and were 'iidowed with in structions inimical to the United States. This rendered his vessel, a neutial. a good pri.e and I determined to take xj5-ession of her and -end her to Key West for adjudica tion where I am well -atisfied the would have been condemned tor carrving tiie-e per-otis and tor resisting to be searched ttn- cargo wa-. ol-o liable as all the shipper, w.-re knowing t" the embarkation o! these live dispatches their traitorous motives and actions to the Cnicn of the C S. I tbrebore to si'ize howev -r. in consequence of my being so reduced in officer and crew and the de- rar.gement it would cost innocent per-on. tie-re being a large number of passengers bo woul i Lave, been put to grea lo- and mr''''v-hi''t" e as we:i a di-appointru-nt from the iiiterrufitioti it wouid have eau-ed them m not being able i j jo.i. the s'-- on-r t'rotu St. Thomas for Kjrope. I thetefbre concluded to -fi'-.-c;. e tii- int. o! my otiicers and :ow in the prie ar. ! suil'ere 1 'lie -fearri'-r to proceed. fcn liliunua l.imer I'tluiujr Wa-hington. Dec. It-. The Sc ret t; v o! the Navy o d iv receiv ed tic- ;!'. wiiig let;.-: irotn U 11 Wymaii. J.iej; eommatiding the 1'ioin.i ilotiiia da'ed I. S s'-oner H trt iet !.;!-. Mi'awan Cre. k. D c Is.','. Sir. I have the? hon- ha.! pi-t tlllle OllO-ii -C' Olg tl'- .;h. UJVS pn Ki t-, their c 'np wagons. .vl .i hioante-J oili oaiiti g 'I'mti ward 'if F;ee-toae Poitit and hiifmg a' -o-iie buildup's near the beach. I dire p-.j the s'eamers Ja. ob le-H and Ana o'a ;o -hel! the buildiug- stood in with thi- ves-r-i a. fr a '' e dratt of water would a low o pro tect them in the event ot theenemv- Ining mg a full battery to Free-;oije pjinf Alter shelling tile buildings and hil! and driving back the pickets I.ient eoiinnan img M -Crae landed with a tew men and tired t:om hous- e- which have -met burin-1 loth 1 gro Jf:'J. ;.et.-. A tire -ub-id-tore- must ii'-liiv iired Thev con'aiM- 1 -uticr- -'on -. tl i , eigh'i-en loir-. lapsed before t I ,., j t that the .juautitv 'o ! have been . oc-i i.-rabie, I'j,, uu, t vW uj-kct -hots Ilichard ( ) ' Jurman .Juhii i ig.-. .J jdg.- Da!v and . ohe.-P.r IVit- ( new were .-'ireti,e cabaiet .j d v .:h ref- I erence to a general exchange of pt soners I and parti Uirrlv wi'-i r.-;. to .,! C'or- ; coian. p. i- believ.-d from all t!j it en !. ga'her- j ed tha' the rep, I lorce m n n: of our lines ' numtuT? at lea-' l'i'.'.1"1' met . .Fohr. Me j ,ji- New Vot k. na- -u . i- d in intro- j du in to t.i- government th- new .Mjrgan te'i'. .oi l o.'dcl- ! ici iirmg them ; j jhii- pe ken tin- a!.- ' Of 'WO gov el I. Ui fll'.I- tieell JiVeP A. A. .J c.i.-o:.. r luitai- ici' ci C- PO ket id -tati'H) I: ot o:i nt : l'e I, ic.c ;or s..e and 1 the oth-r lor l.siii), i K on a iai.k Hi Pitr-burgh tor sa.Von and in c i-h. An additional harg- again-t Cub Kcrn .i;ib was read io him to dav 'ic- court in ir- point h ive vet been cai ed. I lie ex imina- I tion t-j-d v wa- with ret leti e t. allege, diunkeiiess and negU-ci ol hi- icgiupmt- i I 2ui Uiu: .TI u ril r r. IS D -c !' J'lii- aftt rnoo'i a sli.'.hi''; ::i-i: b-r w -co.i.m'tted at ; . c cup e! t'.c ' I MiryUni R-gl.i.ctlt. s il ;..:,c! oil t . - - i-iu'.i. ct Tie: ci'v. Winlc ti tegl ic ii v 1- d-'i-.V'! 1 . MI ,ir, . in; ad- a i t iv i' 1 L'a t- Ivim-. i am" Hi.i! hi- :!.!. ' i i in ti,,k ,l,.,;!-i i!c a n a' !J- :' W.'-'ci. .- i atci I i SOill" i' a pn- i kdh-d him on 'uc - ''e P i'p-i" it- . j three weeks sdi. e Is ol V . i - 1 1 - 1 i,( r il-lilici ti .1 liii! p.-t-!-:e;,t t'l-Piitr- I c .- I. j . I,, r ,,i fti. ii'.na .'i i a. ii ;n. . -i .i - i. '"- pickets, filling li'iii. K 'on-. vtio was a trietnl of the decease I. h'tcrminc a to r- venit' his death by taking the hfe of Lieu'. Witsja The Lieutenant was a te-i lent of this city and was ge in rail v esteem- d in the regiment. (Jreat indignation is expressed in the regi ment at ihe murder, and a disposition was manifested lo take iiiniie'liaic v .ngeair'e ot Ko"ns. but he was immediately scat a pnsoa er to Fort Mc Henry. I).t i r.lrt f ! f n.ilor. ' Frankfort, Dee. 10 Garr.ett Davis was elected Cuifed States Senator for ihe remainder of Jjbn C IJreck eniidge's term to-dav, bv a vote of St to 12. 'run W tirrliijf Wheeling, Vra., Djc. 10. In the L"pislature lo-d iy, Mr. Sfjart of fered a resold ion reip iring all purioin ia this State who take cut heema tj tratmct any business, io fifst taketheoith t'jsiijiport the t oi. solution ai.d restored goveruni ;ut of Virginia. Mr. 15. oivii of Iv ma wah i, ifl red a r-solu- '.;.. - - .,:., f'-"