Newspaper Page Text
THE RUTLAND WEEKLY HERALD: THURSDAY, DECEMBER I, Imi cvr Slr l' to THURSDAY MORNING, DEC. 12, 18G1; A-CVttin for ftir 1iIt Herald. The loliowii'g is a lift of Agents for Hie Daily Bemld, c( wh"ni copies can be procured, and who art authcrzd lo receive subscription: S. AiLRN Iljdeville. C. r. Hill. .... airlmcen , J. N Ni'KTHRCP & Fofi, - Cs-tleton. j.owui'Y, W&t Rutland. , JO. v A M.EV, - - M. DoitR, Centre Rutland. rouHney. Midfllerotrn. North Clarendon. Clarendon. Kat Claiendon heeler Cavendi-fi. CnttioepviMe. I'mctorsville. I udloH 1'ittntord. M'ddlebary KuMierl&na KatN. ISrBDdon. Vrjrennea. Wallinetoru. South Wallinjriorri. Dai by. Dor-et. I'ort IIirv. N. V. Salem, N. Y. CV ClVMiKT. - - -B )KALf. - - - VV S Kasrvtt, j. W A R! K1.L. - N I'owms. - - W. 8. KVK, C. II. Kowk - II. Ii. I.liCKUMD, - A. S- Adam. - - - K KM) A 1.1. I A YLOR, -A . F. SHFKV A, - Wm B S haw, - -A. II. roi'm.ANP, C. A. StILK!, - - -S. 1'RATT, - - - -C T & CO. tTKVKNS. V.. J. Tower. - - - J. V. FRYAJ.T, - -E. IS. PONB, - - - L. finouT, ... D. CUHTlP, - W. Merrill, -Jamw A Kablav, To (orrenponilenM. No notice can be taken of anonymous communi cation i. We mui-t ki-ow the nanus and addcetw ol onr cojrt'j'pondf nt-i as a guarantee ol pood laith We cannot ui'd.rtak- to return rejected communi catioim, and if the writers uirii to pre wive them, they must take a copy bet-ire .-ending tbem to us. TO AltVEHTIMCIIM. I be Daily Hkkaid affords nnui-nal facilitieri to advertiHerp. It circulars la'cely rpon the linei of ail onr Fail K'oad. and i.J taken by acta- of the popultion nho t uy and fell and trafhc larifely Now id the ti.ue to advenl-e. 1 he way to revive business in to au'vtriise. Tern of the" Ilprtild. '.; Ian jave villi ntid th tt-rui f bUD "Crintion to the ilerald. -- r the only terms Dpocv. hicb t it Herald tan ijroeuri- ot ai. and no deviation in an cai-e will . maie tljerefrom. We have no irieuds to whou, .i. oial ratt wili be given , ano no ajent i authonxi rn.ikr conrtirtina contract Ko .t .n and r a-"-"! H'v Muil c!.. e-a' 1".40 A . M Hailrrad fme, ai rivw a? 2 50 1'. At ISariinirton ao-i Northern Way. c!o.-k a: 2 30 1". v. Kmlroad time.arritt t.' 11'0A M. New ork thro(h Mail cloi-er at 1 1 lo A M RailroaJ time arri.' 1 V.j I M Albair, i!':.! !! & W. Way. c'. i V M Katlro'-d tin e. nr.. t U" I M. ( liov ai.ij We -'em Vt Wa . tlf .-w at 11 IT, A. M Hi i'f'O'd t nie.Hrrit'- at 11 1ri A M I Troy anil tart?a cU e!t 2 -W I' M l f.-ti'-cjid I'tp,. . :irr? . 12 0 M Montreal an i St. .'"tin" Maii c!'-e- at '0 I". M ! Kiilr.iad time, arrive-1 at VI :V) A. M 1 Wcodtm k Wsy .Mail cio--- Iui-mJu. i I lirrniav. 'I'tid tatimlay- at I ' ' 1". M . Wool'nck Wav arrive- Monda;.-. t WkIi e-dav ael Kli-tajx at 2 '.? V- M j i Mi-re hour- ;r 7 '0 A M . tilt 'mV. M ftundav , trom ti'.i 1 i.'' V II. M. I.VUMS, r M DUOTKST KKO.M MASON AND : SI.IDKLL Ma.-nn .ini Siidfli. tin- would-be -om-; mi"iont r to luirop.' an Court.-, but a1 i present the actual inspector- ot tit- in- ' ?'n!.- v oi ,k- ot l-'ort Wari' ii. are -nn-lv grievt d ..: their capture by the San Jacin- to. y i -lioul-l liave interred a mucii without anv evid. ncc ot'apo-itive charac ter ; but -inee reading tlieir rematkable .. . . .1 1. .a innei. oian ii. no in- mii iaciiito. i lit.- nt. x! day after they were favored with tie- lio-pitalitie- of' that 'rin- 1 nintr nioti-ter ot tlieocian. we kifnr they were -rri-ved. Whoever i- -o fortunate h- to be in po--e--ion of' the origina; " of their prote-t. undoubtedly find- it blis tered 'vith the p-ir- ot' the two virtuou-rebel- iv hot- name- are -i";ned thereto. as well as the far- of their re-pective and j re-pectuble S .-p lane-. Me r-. F.usti.- j and MeFarland. who-- name- are abo j appended to tie- document." Com. j Wilke- v,:i- favored with only a copy of said original, the latter undoubtedly being intended for rh" in-pection of Her Majes ty's Mini-ter-. whenever an opportunity -hall be prc-ented to forward the same, which at pre-ent -eeni- to Vie rather re mote Ye commi-sioner.s, in the outset of their protest," say that they " embarked at Havana on the 7th in-t. as pas.-engers onboard the Trent. Capt. Moir. bound to the island of St. Thomas." and it is un fortunate for them that thev were not allowed to pursue a journey so auspicious ly commenced. They further say they "paid their passage money for the whole route from Havana to Southampton; but whether in confederate bonds." or in gold with the American Eagle stamped thereon, commonly known as Uncle Sam's currency, they do not state. We con elude that inasmuch as this is the only allusion they make to the payment of their passage, they wish to have it understood that what they thus paid was a dead loss to them, and that the Captain of the Trent refunded no portion of the " fare " which they "paid in advance." They further say that while the Trent was " pursuing her usual course," (and while perhaps Mason and Slidell were cracking their champagne,) a shotted gun was fired by the San Jacinto " across the course of the Trent." Of course, in the language of '"Honest Abe," "nobody was hurt." But the Trent "hove to," and was boarded by a Lieutenant of the U- S. N. " with full crews armed with muskets and side arms." Mason and Slidell left their champagne, and ap peared with " most of the passengers on j the upper deck " of the Trent. Lieuten- J ant called for passenger list." Captain j of Trent refused to product; it, and "for-j inally protested against any right o visit ! his ship for (lie purpose indicated." (Captain of the Trent, knew, then, the character of Lis ' passengers.") Mason and Slidell say he was indignant afj the outrage of taking them from the Trent, and "protested" against it. Ca plain of the Trent claimed the right in the name of the British Government lo carry rebel ambassadors and dispatches. An officer in the Naval Uniform of Great Bril- in, and "known to the pESsengers as having charge of the mails," raid to tie United States Lieutenant, that as, the only person present representinj; his government, be 1 1 c e ! felt called upon, in language as strong and emphatic as he could herprr&s, to denounce the whole proceedings as a piratical tact." 15ut all without avail. Mason and Slidell were tran.-lerred "by torce " to the San Jacinto, and thus lost the money they had paid "as fare to Southampton ." Bul tlipv nmitt'd to mv tliev were fie-inrr run , . . w . ,-, C Vt I of the 11. S. Government, free of x- pense ! They clor-e their protest by declaring that their " brief narrative is believed to be fcorrect." and resfiectfully . ask Com. ! Wilkes if it is not .-o. Com. Wilkes re plies in a note, that it i- not correct, but j differs materially from the truth in time and circumstances," as appears from the log-book and the report of all the r fficers who visitel the Trent ! IVr Ma-on and Slidell ! Cheated out of their fare to ;ouuiatr)ptori. carried tjy Jon-e to the Jlarcn- f.a?on ot tlii- town, a ni'-ni'i'-r San Jacinto, incarcerated in Fort War- j ot" (-'- ,'' I'1; ,lo.I"' :M Vermont Iiei ... i-ii , inent. died in Uo-pital at Gi-oretown, on n-n, m due time to be tried ar.d executed. , .,i ii- j Monday Dec. d. I Ii-reinam- were eon- (letu- all hope) for trea-on. and branded j Ve.-d "borne by expre-. arriving ia-l a-liars bv Com. Wiik'-.. ; Fii'hty and buried S.iturdiv. lb- b-.n.-. The idea of two ,.!, criminals tuakin- a ' pioie-t " again.-t their A well UH.'ht the l:or-e thief nr murderer, j.rote-t that the sheriff armed with a war-! rant, iolates Lis making an arre-t. rnu-t In- brought to ' per-o!ia! riidit- bv Ma.-ot. ai d ii.!ell r.-iij nation ot i lie fact that they are f, !,,,t ;ul in- ba--ador-." In coiii-lii-ioti. tin- prnte-t rur;.'- tlie no-t CoTlclui- -vl-leli-e that Captain of th- Trent wy- tu!; ;.war- the el.aryeN . . .l' I I...- . . v of the-- pa 2- i -. ii.d - ii arly w ithin tf.e !. r:n- of the cian;ation ot rit-iitfaiite. which is t.roii'lit v Otleeii"- lr. declare- that any Kndi-h ---l. carrvin tnuiiition- o? war. or .'; for either . . oi-ljt'er. tit , Wl ill do -o ai it- i.wn peril. ad canti'it claim anv protection ..t h.- Driii-I, ( iov. rnment. CTThe ladie- of Middletown - -nt Nov 2'Jd to Company D. - Reiment Ver mont volunteer-, in boxes to Wa-hinton I). C. in care of F. L. Ohn-tead. tor th V. S. Sanitary Commis.-ion. various arti- c!es of the usual de-cription. to the amount , of ninety-four dollar- and -ixty-three cent-. In addition to thi-, the vounjr people of the town sent a box of article-on the '.uh ; inst., worth -ome thirty dollar- to the . young men who have gone to the armv f rom Middletown. Mr. Andrus generous ly allowing his Hall f be used b- the lad ie- in manufacturing articles for the soldiers. Well done, Middletown. Walton's Vku.mon Re;istku and Fakmlk's Almanac We have received the Vermont Register, and from careful ' examination, are able to testify to the at-- curacy of the statistical and "p-diti.-al in- I c '. ,. , . . i formation which it contain-. , The Vermont Regi-teris for sale whole- i -sale or retail, at Geo. A. Tttttle A: Co.'s j l.vr.b.v.-A i'i , ,. .i to. i . i- i Ijookstoie. 1 iiOst; who have heretofore I patronized ' Atwater's Directory" are informed that the same i. not published this year, but Walton's Register will be found a good substitute. The F'ree Press says : " Our towns man, Mr. Miner B. Catlin, succeeds Mr A. S. Dewey, as treasurer of the Savings Bank. Mr. Catlin is a careful and meth odical business man. and will worthily fill the place of his worthy predecessor. Elder J. V. Iliems. of Boston, will j commence a series of meetings at the Ad vent Chapel in this village, commencing Saturday evening, Dec. 14, and continu ing every evening till the 21st ; also, Sun day? 15th and 22d. Bdildino. Roswell Allen raised the frame-work of a substantial dwelling on Nickwackett street, ju?t opened, a day or two ago. This street offers ssveral excel lent building lots, and Mr. Allen has had the good taste and judgment to select one of them. ggpThe Soldier's Uc lid .ciety meet at tho House of Mr. Jac Kdgertou, Tuesday, Dcccmbtu- 17lh, fit 1 o'clock. Tuk Musical Festival. The mu-! fcical festival last evening, given by Prof, j Packard; was a great fucccps. The Towrfl Hall wa; and it is ; crowded to its utmost capacity. ! i , , , i enough to say that the people of , Rutland mor-t of whom were present ! . . .,,,.,,! la;t everimg,-were eo highly debghted with the entertainment that we understand I they hae asked Prof. Packard to open j anoth tr school in the v illage, and to re-i neat tile exhibition which has turned the i , i j . l v r .i i f head,(,o .mproperly) of the gut, of, Hutland towards the importance of ac- j quiring a mu.-iical education. We eannoi , say anything more highly complimentary J to I'rof. Packard than this : t bat the eiti- i r i - , , i,t I ens of lint and atil vieiiurv would )(. gl id to haf him remain and give another cour-; of ler-son.-. We hoje he may find it tor ins advantage to ao n. Skventm Kkmment. Rutland, ha- been aj K. A. Morse, j of Rutland, ha-been apiK.iuted Quarter- master of the Seventh Vermont Regimeiit . He held the same josition ia the Firt Vermont Regiment, to the entire aceept ! ance of it- officers and men,ari4 with credit to him.-elf. and we are glad that the ser- i vices of an officer o competent and worthy have been r(eurf for the Seventh. H- is engaged, we understand, in naking pre- ustraiions on tne r i rtirounu in ims mace .i !- ....... f , , Kortbe Herald t'ASTLF. ION TTKMr ! il vv" o cfnidren. .-eVe.,y .foiMr. r a ! - i bv i be oiiir,anv to pa v ror ! cotfuiL pr'-- eb.u-j--.iVc. 'b- ! tt b' ne- ) for ii;.- avmv ;ii.ut tie- mi idle f leiobei . 'Ibi-:i- t ec u,. I if. -alb that s a- ' iirre l in the ( -oiiilian V. the tit-t a f:i!.' ill. ill b the niiiiie .it T.i v lor l'..ui-'. Ti - la-lies ot Ca-'.le'.ou ia- -.'lit f.vo lai'u'c boxe- t i the -e:t ! -.var 'ili.-d v r thirty n e.. by h--o'di-r- f-r eomtort. mahitij '" :ii t- IT bove i . nior ! wi ttiein -'tit i ha1. lioia till- pi.i'-e. and vet ;t,-r.- are !o j i. i be lad c - o; ;i.c in -riary .i t :i i an aid S ,. i' v. II.-- -e i.i i ve'iMl'J :n a weK t.,;- 'jiio-l worn.. ' Mar.-u- Haw ,.:,- k '.i-.-d a h". !a-t wee, .v.iii. !i '.v '-i'!i. d L.-'; .if --'! 74!'J !!.-. Tiii- i- -:n i t.i tijt.;-- ;.-irk' r ever r.ii-e.J ia ! ovn. I. i-: W' -k w;t- lieiv witfi ii- : tenv , l.i;-ii.'--- w:i- bri-k, tie- .-! -iga b'-ii- jingled c,. boy i and :ind;-katiti. ri!. v ood-pi!-- ealar- -'i. the ; i- i j"ed ti,. ta-'-he- -I diaj ; : :t. ;i word ail thirr- t'a-ti! tner-v a- I. '-ait cotifd M-ii f:;t how j ,-ud- -ii atei 1'f al thi- eiiarc-. I'lii- week j e vt ryi bini' i- d:tli and dirtv. a:i-l we a,"- i pioiditiL' .nir liresrv wav ibrou-ii ruud j otei; lio-. So -joe- the weather. j Vouaj i, itn eoritirae-to :,!:rt trotn !.-;-'-. ; S:ni i.- recently joined t!." co;a!ianv at I oultie-v. and -o ne Lav- etdi-:-, jt. the Motitjielier Artill. rv (.'.... Col. Tii:u- a 7' Hll 111. the th. 111 iking between in : that ha - j ,i. rt, 1 rh- federal j ariijv from ( 'a-tleton. hu-ti! gatlj. !:. ' i-tlet.,,,. ; ),.,.. 11. lttl. A little incident occurred ia tie- ""v-nat" on .riibr-d;iy la-t which i- woithv ot note, j Mr Grini"-. in reviewing tin- of th'.icoui t of inquiry in tie-ea-'-ot Celoie-I j Miles, intimated that h- eould put ii'tru-t j in any public man addicted to int'-nper- nice. 1 in.-, -eiitunent called down -uch a round of applnue frotn the galleries that the N'ice President had i.ronmtlv to n-buke it. j Then- were pre-ent at the" time quite :i npnib-r of our bnive volunteers, from v,'n 'iHbur-t of b elin.g p..ritane- ou-ly proceeded. AS e leain tnat there , .. e , : ,. : are a nuniner of temperance ,-ocietie- in tbe vtu iou- regiment-, while there are whole regiments that rete to touch a tlroti of ardent .-pirit.-and hence it was ,i i i i i uie leniai K was -o MgnailV It -pi'ii'ieu to. nti'tii'ii ))te.'i(jt'itccr The Secretary of the Navy has des patched one of the fa.-test and nio.-l pow erful vessels in tin- navy, and a swift gun-boat, to intercept the rebel steamer Na.-hville on her return trip. The in structions of the officers are to approach the British coast as near a- the neutrality laws will permit, and to cruise oil' the eoa-t until they capture the steamer. The j Nashville i- lightly armed, and it the U. S. steamers fall in with her she will cer tainly be taken. Bl'KN'ed. Mrs. Lovie Benjamin, wife of E. W. Benjamin of Sharon, was burned to death a few days since. It is supposed that her clothes were ignited while kind ling ;i 'fire, and before assistance came to her aid she was unconscious, and died in about two hours. Fifteen thousand letters were received from our army in South Carolina, by a late steamer arriving at New York What do the Southern slanderers who called our soldiers tui " lgnoran'., gang," think of this ? un-W7cred ! The C!li'ie:i"o Post notices the arrival in I that city of the remains of :i member of Cob Farnswortli's cavalry regiment, who had been tried and -hot tor -h eping vhil. hi -i'sty "is 'i g'.i.-ird. VERMONT NHSYS lTr.MS. Bennington County Courtcjmmcnced its December Term at Bennington Centre ' l- .1 l. . il . T r on "CM,a uon- Kj presiding, Kellojrs 1 T . t ... 1 "K national J,oan v. l . .oyes. "Q i has received intimations from the 1Wury Department that he will in a i few days be authorized to open :t i.ew j subscription for the loan in P.urlington. i On the night of the 15th ult.. the : ,,:,r" of Jessie Jones of Straffon was i ourneu wnri an us content Q . , 1 , '.I II ". V Lo-s about i Suppo-ed lo jiave Lt;t.n ,iJe worj. 0f au incendi'ary. rriI . .... I be l.avalrv (ximtianv rai-ed m l. i- wstt.r Vscin;tV by Capt. Sale- has i ,ten changed to Light Artillery, and will fm-m i corns in lien Iutl-rs lri"Hilf ioim a corps in uen. iuu rs nnm'. 1 tie company now number something more than 100. When full there will be 150. KlK'K IN PAINKSVILLK. v s tAINKsvili.k. Two hnms I and a shed, the property of Thomas Coon. fi,Uated on the stage road about half a milt north of K-sex Junction were tu- 4 tirely consumed by lire yesterday morning. , The fire originated bv the breakinz of a i fluid lantern from the kick of a colt. the lantern bavin- In-en left on the barn floor by Mr. Cofn. I-- 8C0O In-uranee ' only partial j Tuk Taxks. Wrmoiit iia- a-,urued 4 the eolii-ction of the l',. S. tax, and the amount i- provided for in the uual tax I ul TKiiTit U- I ! I lk 1f .fit.'innln a. . . r. ... 'i'i i.i- . - ...v.v ..... .. .nnic l--e--- inem :ui inai tax. inr wiioie r aie in ! tbi-. year i, 50 pereent on the Grand il-t. Hit- Ii-t for tate tnxe- amrmnti tr ftlTfi iiOft I if.. f.f ... r t .r -i.:-i : about 8 1W.,1;0. Deducting abatement, and Ji per nt. tor eolleetion, and it i 1h lieyed that thi- tax will yield 150,000 net revenue. Dv thu a--uming the -ol-b-ction of the tjx. tie- state -aves aUjur per Ci t t.. le t. A H. Copelati'i .f Midd!ei,ur ba-i'l-t pub!i-h-d a hi-iory ;(. Ton of Shori ham I Rev Jo-iaii F Goodhue. '1 le- l i-t-r -av - of it : T i.i- w or k i- net -o Ijir-je a J udg-Swit;"- lli-tory ..' Middhbury. but appear- io lie ,; in arkabk cor.ipVt.- tLir-i;. and i- a v. oik in which rh- town can take .- it.i. t. .1 . i pri. and I treat r.,jf j. ,u,. tic author oi tho-e vviio eo-oM-r.lted VV:th lotri. O: :r-- :u S:,.r. n aoi unu .mi, do with out ;!. tciok. and we t -u rn- 1 all wl... bav- bi-'or;e- ot .:h-r iy thnT hi.- in I '.e-id-; f the (', tbem. o Place I sNTTuv I'OM.MlSMdN. WOUF.VS CK.NTI'v A F RKLIKF AS. MKMA iro.Y. V v.. I'll: Mux. TiiiKt- rvi FlsT (F sFFI'F!i:s WANT KD FOR Till. Il(sPiTAI. I bifida .--ori-d. Wiliio'l" - ive.jr - : -briink vtid tightly rollni. j I ,u, : . I inch wid". I vard !or:. .!.-:,. -J in.-h.-- wide, h vard- !,.;,... I. ' do. -I, 1 do-,. 1 iticiie- wide. :', vard- ioi;2. inehe- wid-. 1 vard- lon-j. wide. 5 yar 1- lunj. wid-. vard- lot, '. I ,1 'v. iiichi-i.-r.. 4 it, '-he. 1.;: :. ravil-d Tom pice-. ,, damn-k or iineri cloth, cut thre or tmir inche--q .ar'. laid rfaight. and packed in pa- p. r .o.--. King Pad- and 'i-h;or;-. -pi-b- j -,v j; J, h iir and t--alh' r-. I. Cotton and Cirr.nn Fiat.nel Shir;-. 1- vard- long: J breadth- ti 'inblea-ii'-d tnu-lin. 7- var-1 wi le, open inche at the bottom ; Ier.tli of -!eey(' . "i S yard : b-ngth of arm-hole. -J incli-e-: Setigtii oi collar. "' inch--; ,peii in front, to the Irfittom a piece ss inch-e- wide hipping under fa-teti"d with t.i 1. Short shirt.-, li.a.h- like !mg o!)l'. J vard long, and open it; front. t.. I.oo-e Can! in Fl int,, i an.! Wi lef, lraw.-. t 7. Div big (town- -l"U!'i' Calico. M. Kve-Si,a.,., ot gr ,ik, wilt, eias- j Socks and Slipper. ! ( Towels and Handkerchief-. 1 1. lied Sacking, of ticking. 7 feet long and 'Jt feet wide ; open at one end. with string-. 12. Pillow-Sacks, ol' ticking, lii inche- wide and inches long : Pillow Cases, of net-lin, one half yard wide. 1 yard long. 14. Li:i-ii .-tnd Mu-iin sheet -. i tr.-t w ide and t-el Jong. 14. White or dray Flamed Mo-pital Und.-r-hirts two breadths flannel, gust-el at the neck, narrow neck-band, j t"t?'Some of the shirts should have the sleeves open till the outside to the shoul- j tree down upon Inn,. He lived but a lew der. with strings. ! minutes aft r he wa- -tru-k. V . 15. Rlanket for single beds. Spite Cakkikj to it Utmo-t Ma- 10. Quilts of cheap material. 7 t.-et long j liomtv. An ingeniou- frien.l ot ours Jy ."0 inches wide. ' -ay he has Ii--oyerel the em-t ot NVs- 27. Ivn;t S"K)len Socks. ; Us Shirt. He .-ay- i: was a -hirt tcith EOlKLEs. ' ', llH huttoim fji: It was sent to Her- 1. Arrowroot, Farina, Sago, Tapi.K-a, j cules pur,wsvly tu annoy him. and the , f. Cora Starch ' 1 WH' 1 at 'Yt r.v lime n" put it on, the 2. Whiskey. "Brandy. White Wine tor ; -' put Ilercu wine whey, etc. les into such a burmng rage th; ultimate. 'i. Pure Lemon Syrup. ly u ws the death of him! 4. Tea, Coffee. Cocoa. Sugar, Oatmeal, ' Crackers. a. Spices, Condiments, iistccatei v egfe- tables. t. Tobaeco. 7. Jellies and Preserve : Dried Fruits. 8. Condensed Milk. 0. Pickles. Mi- Collins. Mrs. G. L. ScilllI.Ki: Mrs. R. M. Rlachford. Dr. V. II. Duvrnt. Mi. Svm'i . SS'. 1 i: 1 rx; 1 1 i , (otu on Cor. :n d - A Itfil J Fort Monroe, D c. 3. A flg cf trnce tn nt t.-j Norfolk tlii n.orn- irtg carrying 32 pii oncr ditthargeit b the United Stale on parole. A teU I il ig ot tru' e met our lot ami trnVrr i then to ome ladies eouiin" fiom Kl-hn o'id. Fiom to- i)s Norfu'k )y 15 x.k. !-arn i imm'-oiat 1 v XM-tnl f,N tii a bait) I'otooiae. Hji; fu:!-r-, an- tfiiiOvi.'i th-ir tores. tr ruiiiO's were tiii irit n an i 'b- war t'cvT Vt-ry I ih. Ht!l fp.lll SaVMIJlh, It.rf. !h. tatj's that fiiTi. 15u'!et"-j xp-.nnri arnw "! in t At at Port lV.val -n ll At ila J NutLif ..LnlaUi i:" i'at-on llrowr.l .......- vi tory or if tbe Fort I'i k. r atUir krialor from Kmtatkt. Frai.kfort, D . . Hon. i, Jlivt-. fa, been I'Of.icaud lor! Senator in pla ot'th traitor ll k-r;ridje ,,v '0 ttw over uon. .j-- m iin- . i tfTiraia (iralatfcf. Loui'vi'.l". . l ii. (ieti. ZoUicolif r has not -i Jias.' ed LOth of the Cumberland Iiiver a:, r.-ported. 'en - S, lot '1 ha' " s"""rw"- -' r- ! ' -""r--n- Katira C'itv. D-i-. 1 I he- .ai,ta Fr- and Cannot. City mai" nr - j rived Ut rrbt i'h dat to tlif 2Jif . All ! "-".' in ,u fmtoi r T,;Vv,r bv Coi. (,'snv, to turn over th'-i- moi-v to j M-rtr'. Dona!'J-Of) ot Sar;t F . a- lo'-in ' ' Le joverntaent. On tie 1'U UJl . A !!.! : Navajo If. liati- ; w rtt to Cari'u-. i.t-ar AlLur-jti. . and o!- a larf ij'jar.tity '. -'o.k. A naru f;! '-i:izeri t , ifl" ! ,e ITOIettV. OUf M O? li.efl r.aVin: .. . . . . wiim ua- vanic c in iuii iki:i" .-Ii' itw were killed. TLe ret oi iL- l1-t!;Ui!"K,i"'""" tew m nu.iwr in 'wumue i,,- t;,- nirtun. i r- i:otiii.e!lt"lu r--tarn. Tlie ?atn Ireiifc , have i-Jf, i-oir.iO;"ii.- hate ;HI eprff;, larje -i nniriueul of Trw llO-".!.. D If. JI.1-V i av. ., i i - !"-e. . ('A' ... Kr- -e ,T ,jf ! ; un-U,--on - Ur'; ..'I-:'',)--. r,r,n- leJr. J'.r;. a !;- war to-riiiitu. On- ; .b-r Ca; thi- a'-r--z '.. UT - u: M i Ii- Iji.-tr A! -1- 'I.- ! the lar.ler Merart utft. (i!e;'i. Mo r. C..;.r. II, al.d h -f.'i.. L. S ! V. tor -one-' h r- 'Z' ' Ot .'i-a". '- j i-ii.""- i. - t ii.'i. rr. r. i- Mii:. t - , un.i..-r front Kv-ntutk .'.a. - v: iriia.ere,; - I rarA'or' D... l i I fie ( g: ,'or- i---.a ,'-T ! Ci-r.. -,,.'-( -I, -V, 1 1 a- !l. o airu - -: "i-i ) ;. ii: g i r - g'e r it J-: -ra'- M -.- hnviti the- - .ft C'.iO!. . 1 .',,- I. oi',-,' '.: r.o' !:. : ,t S v-- ,n'd 1 rr;. .--.-rdav. ai" W.'b-ii- tr, I eor.ti I-:. C!- lift., n. :l . ; i ot Mr t .'. -rrov eral trie ll'i it ''.I I -if k! i i agi .tiva i w! w. eounte j tie ,! :n 7 I hi- -and wl. ta'. -g t! - ptv; '. plut.I.rl g --O- k. and I ' p i. t . ti;--'. I lie - ro-s -d ! Ci;t:i , pe ,r. - ' '-- ' l!j .-0I)ie ;t;-!.'.'i' e K . r port r -.i.i- -(? !. -rian ' - t - 1 eilrr.l I r.,ip, tt ft 4 aim i I 1 !; I'a : i i thev aT T: !: I- . btl I li-ilioa of .'Uir P.o-:o! . I i - Mr. Vigiitinat. itel-t-.-d Maver of I5o-t. n jt , ..iv t v ;7.': vote- aga.- eT-'i i.-at foriF. v Tote.-, the Repu'.Jii an t,d iti- n- 1 t.'li Ian- low. ;i. ! a: llosford. ritiirn-' eardida Mav..:- to dav b- '."' maioritv rtlj. llo? 11 elected W. (ir r .1. fves. lepublli an rromllt aHiili. Louisville. Dec. :n rc.-ipt of the following items : Savannah. 1 --. 1. Th- ii-w- lrotu Tyie is'u;-: ! i- tl.a' the fed- riii hive en'irelv evacuat.-l it. Fast p.-n-a- ola. D? . . The Florida and Pamlico engaged a. ted era! v-s.l ot! Horn i-lan.!. The t-i-ral Tess- 1- -Mired Louisville. Dee. '. There is ' onsi it rable t-xcitetiierir in Ten I nn,.. .ruib.'.niftnr tiT.rM .irtfin"-. I h,- Trtifin, j , be rai-ed od volunteer forn,." j Th" troops of Col. John S. Wiiliams t-n- j gaged at Found (Jap. arc -nib-ring greatly j ot. I ts . ...... . r .vi.M. iiuil't. t . liOie,"i rvpi.te-v. .r . of Willistoti a voting mart abou' sixt-eu years old was killed vesterday by the tallinr; I of a tree. He wa- engaged in f-Hing a tree, I which in its fall, brought a part of another lUal IMatr lor ait. REAL KSTATK FOI SALK SKaK KITTI.4ND Atoat 60 acr-r of land, thrrt-ffHirtli vl milt uott attbet ourt lloa-c on tli-w--t nil" vi tb lurtiway ' and a.ljoinins-the Pir tronn4 in the Sou'.U. i i offered for mlc in ;w M-pa.-tu- lot tudrinuj terras ot f.i iutrut Alo-thc fiou-- tn t t,i!dioz' . topttbr with a bout ll ret'. ct taii.i Hni .1. r a-t nide i.i; in. iv i;e it! . i.j..i4-. i- or : l-or full -:"cuiatP .p. ,v iv I. UlUlKL. . - sad Vilia.-. ..', p-r . I.v 'I,.- riiti-L! c, r : ",JCr. 1 :,ur inrtniii I a. Ii i ., : ., , .t.j )v t:!i.: u-11.1, ., ... . ,:Ul, . ,.. i.".r..t.-r J..-..I.T-. ! rr, .... : . s. . , ,. , ., , I '. A -i , i, 1., J : .t , , , . I. t ! ". 1 l.imliViH LMltiilif l!'. Ti;V HOOT AND HlOl -IDJJK. iiEncniiiii i'KGKK.SX: OI.MSTKD'S Watfr l'mt lailrr Yrtrxtr WII.LKL I' YUf: l-T.h.T !HY. Till m iii;;ei , IK'T A (JUKMICAL DISCOVERT. of V'ai.i; nn.LKdi:. I? renJer .either in.frn mu to v iVr ItLrtectH pent: -Jet'.-t ; Il rttler- u.j and bra ietl.r "'' ; jtta j Il rt'tute it " it i-.i';m'. r vt ' It 1dr to IT- : ,T "-UJ t,J nht" " t j It La- cc.Le 'A t.r 5i-ajT-tbi uiuitaw ot ru-f It i ejt.'I ocl t'.r tKo. bM and lrm I. A I) I F. S .... or . . ; -r. . .-. r". -' nc-.tiwot rearu.-; iwr MimWu.: It receu-l a Dipiett." rr'" C necrvvi ha 1 1 I K-ir and at tt- rnuinun L"'1 4raoo- ImZ 1 or Ii wfcTr' I'ro't L-U rr Vrr.-t i- t tri 'OT tic- :ti t:. tcJ loi ci'.e- r Iltiri, f ir IM'trTaiijt. rJnr3pe(.rt r ire DrparrnvTK. . Witert ury r ire D- r-nj-t t ti.'iU.b r ire DeT-jLf lei-toi lire D'-fa" rn-u? B'-Ton I ire I--jrtfnerjT ' sjrirjcLe.d Kire I-jartraej.t . e ir-1 prUj-L-t"?.icof Kire I'ej a.Oii t. 1 lo.Hetice i ire ' A '. a: :, t I'rd st.-- rnor a: i -,t.r f.3 .v o.e lo.ioti x.f llaij.ri'-tgri, im ts a . -,tl : 4 H ti-:r K Wj'on ilk: t ta-'crir t 'ci;iij coMiie HeLe'lrct I u'lllti t il y m- fvnoTti k HavC'c - i-'l)r- Co-turn. ive Vi. iitar-r ' Nn lUrmu hLi;.Jt e oxj.a.k. "', r.o;--,- cd tm.i bv .i'W i Kia,m 4 ;knts wvntkd ti oLM.sTf.DS Uaffr 1'rr.of I.tathrr lYrvn -1 IMTIAT IIOOIH 1111 IIOA. licetn r a- e i:-T-c-i cpoc a or prac m :i:u pvtkm list." Ad ! V-m v una Lc marl- ttierecc M f I'Lnlifrl lts FliOU Ti'. T-i .A. ST, it, a' T'.el J.tV1' . t .n o. -ole fciMiAaa air- t! JL'SIIHM I IVfrii a -HiICfcTTOCK " PI.CMKl'.'S patf:nt BOOTS AND SHOI: :4 TTMvKsIl STOCK OF HITBht-' Just rrc-i--. ! (,iKtl.VOW BKi tri' . ilioe iMVI'lMCTftH'tXi;!1 7 AND SH3E TOLS. t or ai or tiOoDSOW Kao j : AT KN'n FRENCH CALK D -LlA. Sewed Boom MADEiOX PI.LMr K S I'ATtST 1-- Q. K X T S . V I X K B 0 1 MADE TO UKAWE pu'mi-:k wkvt t .5 V' '