Newspaper Page Text
THE RUTLAND WEEKLY HERALD; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12j 1801. .v. 5 THE LATEST HEWS 23 "Y TELEGRAPH. CO ISr6 11 KSS. IKTEREST.G ROM ?mui. BEAUFORT OCCUPIED TUT. TK.kJS KM'l?-w .)iT", OKALTU CP TROOrs GOOD. FRESH FORCE SENT TO TYBEE ISLAND. Orrstt Activity on thf The Seat of Operations transferred to the Cotton States. F v o in iti c x i i" o UNITED RESISTANCE TO SPAIN ! X BLOODY WAR IN MEXICO IMMINENT ! Scroll j IViissicola lit l i r ONLY ONE MAN KILLED. BOMBARDMENT RENEWED TO 'oif r. Wns!iifu'ton. 1 )co. S 1 Mr. McKidshf. i-iu !bf i-oinmi"e on for 12 atHtirs epoJl'-da (.ihitio;s which wa adopttd. lh.-' all luctii'ji i.iis, .-esoititior and Jocuim tit which may he presented lor the recognition ot the Indejiemlence ot' Hayti ntl Liberia. !'C rterred to that committee. On motion, fifteen thousand opies of the Secretary of the Treasnty's report on thi fi nances were ordered to be printed. Mr. Bingham introduced a bill to tbrleit propettv and slaves of persons who are in armed rebellion against the United States, ilso a joint resolution dir-ctuig the provost court at Alexandi ia to retain and safely keep 'he property of those e::gtel in or aiding rebellion untd tiprlier acts of Congress upon he subject. Both were referred ti the com mittee on judiciary. On motion ol Air lloiman it vvas resolved that the commit'ee on pubbe !-trnls stiouhi re port what railway companie- cave received donations of lands on condition's of trans porting troops and munitions of war free ot hartie, ainl whether the government has the "inqualificl right ot Mich transportation. Mr. Lovcjoy olb-rol a resolution instruct ing the committee on foreign a flair to report t bill e.siablishinc diplomatic relations be tween the U S and Ilayti ami Liberia. Mr Vallandiham remarked that no negro nibassador- ther.i. . debate irisiri ' the resolution lies over. Mr Blair ollcp'd a resolution le. taring it just to recoiiiz" the eminent and patriotic services of the iate (ien Lyon and tendering -he thanks ot' Congress to the brave oilicers and soldiers under his command who sustain ed the. honor of the ll ig and achievhd a vic tory at Springfield, Mo., and in order to com memorate the event each regiment engaged on that occasion bear on its colors the word Springfield in letters of aold and that these resolutions be read at the head of the ditler nt regiments of the anny of the U S. Mr Blair believed the government had ta ken no notice at all of the d'-ath of Gen Ly on anil hence the ;ropriet v t the passage, of the resolution he Ii 1. 1 ssuhmit''d lie knew the man veil. One never iivr 1 who cared "iiorti tor his country and bss for himself. Mr Edwards moved that the last jait(f :he resolution be stricken out. The amend ment of Mr Edward wn- rejccied am! the resolution atlopted. Mr. Blair introduced a bill to punish trea son to provide more ell'eetu liy tor the collec tion of taxes to remunerate Lyal citizens lor the loss of property, and to provide home steads lor the soldiers employed in suppress .ng the present rebellion. Belt', red to the judiciary committee. Mr. Noel otlered a resolution instructing the committee on naval atlairs to uupjire in o the expediency ol establishing a navy yard and depot at Cape CJirardieu, ami re pert by t ill or otherwise. The slavery question was tak.n up and lcbated, ami alter a protracted discussion Jie subject was o.stponed The resolutions heretofore introduced look ing to a recognition ol the independence of Ilayti and Liberia, coming. Mr Cote otlered mi amendment that the rorr.miu,! on foreign atlairs iniiuire into the 'xpedieney of so doing instead of tie direct ristruetioiis to report a bill for that purpose. Mr. Co that instead of I ringin'j; up lo mut.eni v ;h )K titerous uigio, the. coun ss to give ,: tiltl j more tit sul'jects The iuliend iit'.j t.e i : !)!uco;i at'op- fry i i l'e Xpl'.'t lo tic ' '. . i- . Congt 1 1 ! cnt too hi fact that ; -elect cr nnnitte was appointed at a former Congress to oisiler the suVject of abilishin;? the frttnkirp: privilege. '1 he bill reported hy thnt commutes was the first on 'lie calcinl!' and it was Lis ( VallandiiihaniY) keire tlutr inetn'n in should examine it bts Ibre ii ivi.lrlv e.ime up tor consideration. Mr Ct'llnx rtnaikt-d that the- committee on the 1 a bill to vt Ollkf a ml Pn-t unit's hail framed . ai'oli-ii tiic fri',kit;; umilene. which -'-!l n n v. rn:i- and -as i.-fv the pnb- would lie dt"-!Tt- Tbev propose 'o import the bill i tit'Xf week. Mr. Colfax i emit.. It u meiiib m niat he i eonmiii'ce would not s lieictotore, unite in ; the IV-i (Mil e i'ill ,-tieli new routes as iiifW- l l r mav assert ncceM-ary. but (miuire mem bets to ow es ' aid: him nt the nbsolute necessity 'or the of ' e'v routes. A ni-e.ajre was here rceeived from the Senate Hiinouriein;! the death of Senator Laker. Messrs. Sd.iet of Oregon, Phelps and fciarjeiit ot Calilbrnia, Iuiltp of Ivy., Coltax of Intl., Uu hai.ison of III., Kelly ot Penn , and Puddle of Ohio, severally deliv ered t-ulojies abounding with eh .pienee anil interesting allusions to the public ;utd private character ot the deceased. The usual resolutions of respect were then passed and the House adjourned. From I'orf lloyal. New York, Dec. 11. The transport Citv of New York from Port Royal the 6th, has arrived. The Atlantic reached there the 'Jnd. Gen. Stevens with 1000 men occupied Beauiort. Gen. Sherman had appointed Col. Noble j ot the 79th Highland regiment, anu Co.. Suydan to superintend the picking and se curing of cotton at Hilton Head and adja cent Islands. The health of the. troops was good. Gen. Viele's expedition will probably -tail about the twelfth. nr. I'aalknrr anil Mr. Ely. Boston, Dee. 1 1. Kx-Minititer Faulkner released from Fort Warren on parole, has tione to Richmond to endeavor to exchange himself for Mr. Elv. The Mtrantahii lioliemian. I'spf Race, le-. 3 1. I he stcjiuishij) Beliemiati from Portland Saturday, passed here at 10 30 Tuesday night ten miles distant, too far to be boarded. 1 ntT"tmir front the Mouth. New York. Dec. 11. The gun boar Connecticut from Port Royal 1 R-i arrived. Beauiort i- jccipied by Unitdl States troops Cotton picking is going on. A force ba-i been sent to lvlee Island. Chas. Anderson and tamily. who arrive.l on the Columbia, is a brother ol (ien. Koh't Anderson. lie escaied from the hands ot the rebels at San Antonio, and walked to Monteray. Mexico. Me was treated with Teat kindness bv the Mexicans at Monte- . ,r. l 1 - I 1 ! rev and lampico, wtien'te ne saneo on mc ! Bt'iiish steamer Clvde to Havana, lie re ! port? hat though the British subjects were BE I violently indignant -.X the seizure of Mason I and Slide!! on the Trent, tie ami fain lv were ' treated with the kindness of personal frientl--, ship. Amlei-son's fimily were sent originally ; bv the rebel; o tie- Mexican 'rontier. while, 1 he was held as of war. ' ri .. i 1 1 ... i , .t, uanish ileet ami armv wilhit, ihit tv-six hours'sail ol Vd? Cruz, with fine v.eathe'r. The Mexicans were d?ily J)eetllig life ai led l'.ee! The general feeling apieared Hi he hatred of Spain, all lends giving way to sentiments of united to the common enemy, ami the frequent remark was. ifth- Spaniards cane; along ihey would be heartily welcomed. No resis'ence however, will be made at Vera Cruz or Tair.pico. TL- guns of Castle San Juan d' I.'iloa were being carrit tl inland. If am Mexican symptoms ear. be trusted a most determined resisteriee be made to ativ Spanish invasion. I on Iuluki to se Mornieil. Py ttie -teanier City of New York, we learn that the Ifith New York regiment were 10 embark fi r Tybee with the view of storm ing Forr Puhiski" by land. 'flif t'nr Pitken .ktTair New York. Dec. 11. A private letter from on board the steamer llichmond. which took part in the fight at Fort Pickens, dated ov. g.'id. sta'es that that vessel commenced bombrading For: Mc Kae tit 10 o'clock. 2?rd. The writer states he Jnd been complimented by the Ca:tain of one ot the guns i-u tlv m '-urjicy ol his aim. when a she!) buts :'.:Mijii our hulworks tooR his head otf aod wotiinied i mor" men. This shell on e.Xiiiodti'g r;i;-eil she ship out ot the water and made her '.-.gger. Another burst six feet below the water leak, but the steam pan: tree. The firing t,;t m; resumed bv the eta . my when we moved out of hi t'e iig a bad !,e ve?SeI t a'' dav and was next morning. range. The frigate Niagara still kept at them, but bring outside the bar h,. cannot be much injured. F'ort Pickens had up to date lost but one. man killed and seven wounded. Fort Mc llae is much damaged, hut we cannot destroy it with our smooth bore g-tns, a they are no match for the enemy's rifle cannon. The bombardment was to be renewed next day, j;'.d, with a determination to whip or be whipped. ttr.iirtiii Kentatky. Ottervi'le, Mo Dec. 11. Union u.en from La county report that 700 rebel recruits left Lexington yester day morning to join (ien Price's army. A band of Missourians 16 in number from the rebel army were captured near Derrinksburg on Monday. A sun ami son in law of Col. Magoffin have also been taken They were the leaders of the foray on our teams near Georgetown on Saturday. The scouting par ty which left here ten days ago is said to have surprised a rebel oawip iu Saline, Co. captur ing ? lame number of wagons and taking about at) persons. It is rumored here that Gen Price advancina northward. Rf portrti Fiffbi. Sedalia, Dee. 11. It is reported that a right took place yester day near Wavhrly, Lafayette county be tween a bodv of rebels under the notorious Joe Shelby a detachment :t' tederal cavalry Thev were lighting again tim morning but no j'rtriiculars are given. f ieul. OV, im;ilrll. A bany. Dec. 5 1. tent . t iov . Campbe.I 1 . i.ii taken '.OOills r ' -;tei t'atniiv 'or ' d t'l town to il Cong' Gil The Federal Flotilla. Richmond, Dec. 5. Adit-patch says that the flotilla lately at Old Point Comfort, Las gone up the Potomac, iio doubt to attack Evarsport.'- From the Noutb. Savannah, Dec. .1. A party of confederates visited Tvbee Is land Wednesday and burned the light hou-e. The federals shelled the Island, but the con federates were unhurt. Sixteen to eighteen vessels, apparently old whalers were in the roads yesterday. The Electorial College of Tennessee, at Nashville, on the 4th, voted lor Davis and Stephens for Piesident and Vice President. (Jen. Edward Sparrow and .1. T. Semmes have been chosen to tho rebel Congress from Louisiana, I t'ppr Potomac. Frederick, Md., Dee. 10. There are no advices of any further hos tilities at Dam No. 5, after retrieving their guns under the cover of the night. The en emy withdrew to a safe distance ami sent a few harmless iron compliments to our lriends, after which they disappeared. The Union soldier who was shot twice has since died. The battery was commanded by Captain or Colonel Pendleton. A Quarter Master's oflice is to be opened at Il-igerstown tomor row under (he superintendence ol Captain Goflin. The object ol this is understood to j . , .i , , , i i w.l be to supply the troops at and around VVil- liamsport. as well as to prevent the swindling nneratinns of sneculators in forage in that Operations Ol speculators in iurae, tun vicinity. Mins-nlar Ntatmnt of nr. Kuaarll Washington, Dec 11. Letters from Europe say that, Mr Russell states that the administration is becoming j disposed to aecept some mediation with a view tO a compromise on the basis of separa- j tion. It is difficult to coeccive how Mr. Rus sell should have been deceived into the adop tion of such an idea. Poaition of Eebel .trrar. Prof. La Mountrin, areonaut of the army of the Potomac made an ascention yesterday afternoon from Clouds Mills landing four miles from Washington in the camp of the 2 I ll'to le Island. He. reports the force at Fairfax Court House very light and be tween Fairfax Court House and Va. there is an increase of strength one regiment of cav alry having been stationed there since his last reconnoisance, and thaf along the line very considerable additions have been made to the scouts of infantry ami cavalry. The exami nation to day in the case of Col. Kerrigan was with regard to insubordination and nrunkeness, the principal witne.-s being Mij. Savage, who was the bearer of an order from (ien. Martind for Col. Kerrigan. Irom Whrrlinsr.' Wheeling, Dej. U. In the L"gislature to-day Mr. Ciarskboro of Hampshie. introduced a resolution to pro hibit any person engaged in the rebellion from ever holding ofli in this State. Mr. Suvder ot Monghalia. itifroductl a res olution i:odify ing those parts of the code which p.-ohibir writing and speaking against slaverv . - as to make tnem cou'orin ssnrit ami genius of our institutions to tno LF.TTF.R FKOM MAIIYLAND. Post Naval Academy, Antiaj-olis, Md. Dec. 8. Koii'.o; ok iur IlF..;u.i : Decemb. r is now upon tis but we have not sniffer"''! any from cold weather. There has been no snow here vet. nnd most of tin- time 5' has been very pit a-.'tnt and warm. There ' are about ten thousand troop- In re, des.- I lined for tho expedition south, under Gen. Iluniside .tt,d Commodore Porter, when : to sail not definitely known. Most of the officers prefer more comfortable quarters ' I than the tents, ami fill some of the Hott Is , i to tin- almost total ."elusion of' other. . i Verv -.rring. nr niea-tire- are ;(.Iojitel in I regard to these military gentlemen. The l'rovo-t'sbars gtuird patrol- the city at all hours of the day .and nigh; ami rc , jiiir-s th.-m t pro'itice :i pa- from heatl- i quarters when not known to tin- ntlieer of : the guard. This produce- considerable ) inconvenient- occasionally. 1 to leave a t deligbtfu in oflicer be ladv on the promenade. r be confined ! ing -otnp Ib'd to street during a ! and make hi- w;i j at th- headquarter .-thai. Still mon- ! l,-,v..r. . , ,,ft tt e;ttlll. te- Pmvi.-t Mar re nr.- tie y with the 'Nice : n le-ti t,i teeis tn ;iii drinking e-tablish- i cliiied c;in ent i mf iit and enjoy hini-ell at tin- bar with bis fellows, but the poor private, no matter , what bis social pj-itinti was before he en ! tered tlie iii'inv, is treated a- an inferior being altogether ami promptly refused , ' anything of an intoxicating natme. This j is a wise mea-'tire if it wa- gem r tl. Cer j tainlv so wide a 'list im liott sbouhl not be made in a volunteer tinny wli i- perhaps there are many in tin- rank- superior in social position and intelligence to tnany ol" the officer-. The small pox is rather on the increase. Ve have some eighteen that are now in the hospital sick with that disease, and tnanv of them, no doubt, will never see their homes again. AYe are now doing -ome heavy drilling ami it takes the tuck out of u-. We start in the forenoon loaded down with our knapsacks, haver-ack- and our other equipmo;,t and larch ,.ve miles out, t 'ien drill one hour in P.attallion drill and by that time we an- ready to go back to our ! quarters, and by the. time we get back we are ready to take of! our knarisacks and i 1 .1 " .1 1 1 1. .l...r, l- i lay inerii ti.tvv ii iiioi i.ty oi -ct v .is n i - - i s . j We are having considerable company j here now, the Legislature havin g come to j gether it brings them in from all parts ot , j the country, and they are having good i times. Yours truly, ' Amekica. ! i THE CDNI- KSSlUNS AND KXI'KKIENCR OK AN INVALID ii i:i .1 -H :! tor t he lit netit ol and ;is a warniujr and a caution to von;. men who Mtfler lront Ner ,eus (..iiilitv. CritriHtere Deeav. etc. ; -upp!;, in? ft . the same time t!i ni.-ji,: ef S.-li-Ci-ic. by one ho cine ,meil ait.-r 1" iti.- p'Jt t i-rea. expeurc .Ulfh til "ItiMl;ia Ht.U iUa:e.ei). pie ,.. ha I ei At. lb or, 1 I ' -V 1 1 r.u i M Ii. , . 15. ford. Kim's (-..tiHtv . X t ip-.ul '.ddres-.,! ..nvl .p-e '-' SPECIAL NOTICES. LIEUT. SALMON DUTTON, Ol the Cavendi-h l.t. Infantry, pome time actio? at adjutant in 1 he lt Vt. Keiment at Newport New, Va., l as r turned, and has received a comroiraion from Gov. Holbr jok to euli-t aompary of volun teer for the 7tli Kegioieut, to be raided under the recent act of I lie Legislature From the .veil earned reputatatiou of the officers ofti;el-t Kt'imtnt in all cases h-re they have recruited companies for hi rvice rliey have been em inentl successful All who iktire to enli-t under Lieut. Duttou will report as tfoou ax may be to his headquarters. Cavendish, Vt. It is bet'er to enlist with one who has seen cervioe than with a raw re cruit, nov -jj KEVFK3, FEVKi: AND Atil'K. Hiliotis AfTectlonH, Celdc. Khemratioiip, Costive ri'. Con-umptinnP. Afl ctions nfthe Spl-en. ot the Liver, of the Hear , It incur, xnri all dit-8Ke w lii h des'roy liie, ba e alwaj 8 txhit ited, upon dis feotion of the buoy, a number of hard ou concrete ooiatf either in tome ol ttie organs iiamel or i" the bmod vepsel-' sometime- even ramilvinp in the ftViih, nud ugin dep'-ited upon the ide ol a tone Now these liitle hard (iubriunos would KtVKS form if Urtuidreth s I'iUs were ufd : Uiev would be turned out ol I be fysiem, and yrare ot happy lite wuuti be the FufTerer's lot inetean of an early ;rjve. Alviati purge but NEVEtt Hi t YD ID MtklltKS. 1. D Carpenter, fctq , ol Coverrtur, St Law rente Co , N'e York, t4 years oi age, sayii lie hn u-ed Hrandr. th's I'll a lor Si vaam: adminiUertd them Urst to hi coachman, w ho had fever ai d anue; ga?e eight the day after the chill; chills and lever lei severe; tare eight more the next day, and o every other fay uttil the chill and 'ever did not re turn, w hich w as about rig'it days irom the tint at tack, lie then gave four every other day for anoth er week, when the man was entirely retired to his uaial good health. He was hitufelt attacked; took them in the eame wey ami was cured in lesa lime Ha used no other medicine lor 4 years; found them always reliable forhime!i and family wheu ficR; ban leconjmnd- them to thousands with the best reult, aid feeU cojtident that every latnily would have a larger av. ertge of health if ttiese Tills were used in the place of calomel and other burttul remedies. a.dd by II. FeuD, Kutlaud.ll K. Mead, Wet Kut laad. and bv all reepecta je dealers in me-iicine. ClSftJ2 d&wlta HOT BATUS. We wrtlttil fittentinn In the inrlr.iia lint Luthd not usually loutd in water cures, i-ucb att the Medi- ca'ed Chemical bnth. the Hot Acid Akali, and bait I Hath, and Hot Uouche- uvd hprava, iu ue at the Uouod Hill Water-Cure, m Nert hampton . Maf I We have all read ot tne greit nupplenen of the joint, i and youtbtul grace of motiou, att.ined by the ue , of the Turkih bath. We congratulate the public on I itr lti'roJuction here under Huch tavorab e circotu- stances as the scieutilic maaeroeut of Dr. Halsted : iiiiure. The betiBt arismir fotn a j diciDus met J icil u-e ot thti-e vario'j bath- can scarcely be over ; e timated in relieviui; the ttem Irom imiritie of 1 the blood, local conpesti n. and ttie hanetul e8ect of ; rein ril me I citie-. Alternared with lbetuM'j use nfcold water and the thorough inviaor .tiou ol 1 tie v tem. which Ur. llali-ted kuou eo weil how to, vre cease t' wonder at hi-ucos 1 best bat In are ol esf.e-ial value m trea'iti tl)t-e deep eeated di-- ; -bet- ilepei-tieut on an active virus in the bio 'd. and ot eerotula in the av stem; in t'eatin liver corn i p'aiiit. rlnumatt-m tint g .ut The Wtr ure a ' nuH del witri vi-itors in tlie warm uiontlin. attract' d u t ouiv bv its superior advautafre" lor refraiiiiuu health, bu' by i b home cinlorts, pure mountain Bir. ami ttie lame ol its beautitu! t-Cenery lijef)uic est reco enes tio ever are made in the cool months Terms are reduced to 7 ami 10 ver eek KKWAKD TO WHOM It IS DC I. II ever theie w an article deifr ed to benetit the cotnmuiiitv at Lrjie more- tian anv itlier. Jamk I YLE LltriTK SALnBATCS i'tttoce. Ailwho UDitr-tand how destruche ilecommon hitratJS is to t lie teeth and dijje-to e uraus wiii read i re alize the nece.-ity tor a w h jlet me amcle . aud a:l t u at is required to san-ly any one 1 rial this vvscit i : rupp led. is a lair Send at once to your grocer lor a pj-kaire and try i' : but to i' tht t o purl mi arl cie uote up in it i paper- is put upou yo u Ttj fienuiiii I. as t.'.e name ol Jamrs 1'ylk on every package. detl2 Iw I A R U I E U . On Tee-day Dec l"'.h at the reiieoce ot the bride's father in le.itlind by Hev. I riuc Smith Mr John Ura'nl to Jennie .. llarkne. ; A jeueroue sire of the cake is at kn-jw'ed(;ed J In litatt eieirn, Nov i. by Rev j. I. 1 tier, Mr Frank I bleinh of Miache-ter. to M ! fcylvira B. Miller ( Hratik tioro i i i; it in Hu'.laud, Decern her A.. dsUiiht-' ot Andre'.? kit' Ot fjipt'ieria Laura i atijenue lla-.v.ey. a,:ed I . year- ana i djys A'-. at t t.e eaii.c j'.acc of the sane di-ea-e Dec. t). Jatnf- H . onot Andre aui Catherine Haw.ey, aeJ vear and 17 day- In I a.motill;. ou the Tth iris-t . at the residence of her u iu" ter. Mrn Harmony il u elt , widow ot the iate .lo-liua liulett. ol I'awlet. a-eu 74 years in tin- 1 own on Sunday moraiuz. the "th itift. Eliita Maiiry, daughter o' Charles au l t-arah Chip man I.iu-lev . aid 2') year-. At the re-idf nee ol hi- father, in Williston. Nov. il. Ucmer W right, ag. d 2u ear. 11 month- and S d a v - Ai l'awlet. Vt.. ct. 11th, Julia E. llrowce. aj?ed Is, eAcliau;ed earthly lor spiritual existence. New Advert iscmcnts. S: TOYS!! TOYS!!! CANCY '.eHlDS' KANCV t-OODS" C It K I S T M A S w T E R K The inbcritr have ou hand a LAKf.E STOCK of the above Good" jmrchased at Auction lat week in New York, wh:ch theycn sell at lower prices than can be fonnd elsewhere T V ol every rtyli aud variety. t low price. IN I'ASCV ISOODH oar assortment is com plete. Thow wishiDSto procure elegant present at LOW PBICES will plea examioe our stock. POND & MOKSE. ,lrcl2 Opposite the Depot- j j ! AND MISCKLuANKOUS QCHOOL O HOOKS.K: Fancy Woods, rocaei v.u..-.j,-.. I'ortii'.nerj, lor sale by ,1V A .TITTLE ft CO. VK II U 0 N T S i AlE TEMPER ANCK SOCIEl Y. The next tnnual meetine ol the Vermcot State Te operaneSciei IH be bn'rirn io Hrod"rt. on Weduetlay the 1-th of Ueceniber rext, commea j ine at 4 o'cloik, I. I ,ano couiinoeat tba pleasure of the (ocieiv. 'Jhe ntero'rit)f tne ocietv and otir friendi of Temperance at ci rrialiv 'in itd I" be p'ewm anil a d in the d arcemtut f th important work, nd all county. 1 1 w u tru other Temperance orun'n tions in tie blale are tpetiaily ibvited to te d dele gates. The lio.ipit.lity of the citizen of Brandon will bs tennered o all I hope who may be io atienuanee, and the sevtal rei ronris of 1 e State will re'ura tt'Ot-e preren 'or f .re one way upou prettntiug a certificate ol the f-ecretary. Adiiresneiiay t exfect"! ojn Wednesday ev'nin(. The evera newpaiiera of tie State are requested publish the tbote notice. I JI1N HOWE, JR.. ALI ACE WAl KH, J JvJlK- BAKHKI' T, f LkKNZ IMI EI.DON, Ex Com. VU1. A. IU;lNEfl, C. E. THOMAS. usciurrtHtox I dec'2 Td O YS'I E K SUP V E R ! The LADIES SEWI.Mli CIRCLE, connected with the Coiiereiationa1 Church at 1'oultuey, will give an 01TKlt fcUITEK at the Klfftr II All. la Rant Boaltry, on Thar-dflly evening, Ueceml)r 19. XT Ladies and Oeiclemen a -e invited to attend. 50:lw ! MKS. bAHAU MEAUS, See. EIESllTV vE.,IEf. IS, 1861, 15 A YARD T A VLOU j WILL LF.CTl'KK IX THE TOWS H A LL, It l'TL.4 ft I. Sublet -"0TJ2 PEOPLE, oijially and Politically." Lrcw to tirmminct at 74 P. Afl Ioors cptn at 7 P. M. TICKETS, TWENTY FIVE CEXTS. l or rale at llto. A Tuttld" Book'tore, l'ond t Mor d Vnxf Istore. and at the door. T) UTLAND FISH AND OYSTEU XV HOUSE. I WHOLESALE ASU RETAIL. THtiiE nmiK tow SILAS KNTGIIT, Dealer in FKW1I HSU. OYTERS. CLAMS. IMCKXED TKIl'E, &c , c . c Main Street, next door north ol Court Hou. Kctlano. Vt. I he i-ubscriber ke-ps couofu'!y on band ttie toi low itit vrletie ' I tfsll m t heir fea-ori coruein;r ot VttkMfl. Halibut. Cod. Salmon, Ualoock. lue Jish. Hiirk Ha--, r ! itiiidtr. Irou'. Connecticut hiverfchad. H r I. Ilerrmi! White Hxh. fitk-rel, O) eter and Clam-, Irom t lie R -T makk.TS tjyMy Car will run to every house in Ihf village, Tu'da'. Wedre-!. nd h ri aj" Dealers uplled at uLu'r-ae p ices kurmera nuppnei in an 'jiiantity le-irei -I LAS KNIGHT. decIO-dtf Kutland. Dec . lfjl Y LOT P. ! ' Ihe fr'nb"C!iber lis- ju-t re eivetl a vanetv ol brandtiof Klour direct Irom t tit mTN. of variout eratie. Ir-jtri iirdinaey ut, -o the Choice-t Article, rantin frm t .(IO ir barrel, which he o?er lor m'f iu quantities to -uit purcha-er- 1 l.i- I icur 1- trorn the IJ E SI MI '. II 1 c A N MILLS. and will I -old a- Albany end I'roy pee .Ifs I. Ml IICNTteON. Town Kail Llock. Hut and Kutiand, Nov. ti V--',l j t.ov'j diwtl TW)Il SALK.On pair of bright Pvd J' tixen. Eicht Years old l;eivi I wt i el in, ibnve ui;.atiit de'iraM". v. ill take jjool body hard eoi in favmen. th'refn' KlMAH HI'. MOON KtitlaD 1 Nov i . lv l K Eo2'j diwtf V (I T I C 1 ! e court ct over the havtc-r 'ertninated and the ijue.tion whether we aret'. have another hatik or nut huv i' ir been settled or.e ct the n-jt ifuifiioo. which wi'l n-iturally pre-ent rell to tie con-nlration o! tho-e in mtere-t of the lcutu ior. j will doubtle-- t i .o-i '. n We would therefore I . "tiecttiiih- call their atleution to le' on the cor- Af .-,;" n' I'" " "i ' l'tn:.T Si-"', a e t which j has beu hell ID te-er e ftrthi- In-trutiou lunu(r the la-t decide. irns jjt wi.i ue rmny wiiru w mini trora the ta;t of its having U nnerly and re cently been the s.e of several r-r-nntm' ami ,mpo ,nt' 'ui'i'. bni which have ai' been Cleared away (some of th. :n at ...e .-xpeu-e ot'extr ui;ht exer-tion-i to mike reora for tr e n-ir n'ii:n'to The above lot ' tor -ale 1 Kor pi-ucilBrs inquire ct 1 the -ub crib' r jhmaii n-.wv.- Kutland. Nov ... lsolj .--' "'"' 1-G!2. (iUADUILLP: HAND. UCTLAND KLTLAND, VT M sic furnished K.r 1WU-. Private l'artie-. c C B MCSSEY,lt Viol n: V J EAI'.l:. 8d Vio ,n. Direct-.r nl Tr-.m--rr O. II COLE. Corutt: I) WA IELMAN. Double Ba.- nd l'rumpter. dditior,s! In-truo-nt- t'urui bed wh.-n re.Uired ddre- t . E MC-.sE' . I'-J-ine- Acent. Addre- Hut'urii. VI Ajit'lication rnicie or to f Watkumas attended to Uut'and. Nov . '.. '. I II- Msii. r.ratidon Vt iru--.!.!- wit: wpromprc. D"o-linid -jJ A 11 !? L K 1 V W I ) 11 K . - - - NATHAN H. SNOW. Havini; oous-ht out his iorm-r partner. M. D. IJ.iott. i now prepared to till all rders lor MMUILE MOXrMKXTS HEAD STOWS, TAllLK TOPS, c Thatmiy te . t.tru-ted to him. w,.ui,i 1 hankini; the public f r pt patroua. h- would reHpectlu lv solicit their order in trie At the old Stand of Elliott ft snow, near t' 1.. a.A W uat Strict. the 2m TKKV FAMILY MI0rU II.WK .F. E Gra V- y t l a - - DOCBLE ITIKEAD; SK WI N G ,M AC II I X KS- I hev are reliable, cheap, durable, and are warrant ed Waf to any, aud oupeViorto mo.t machines i i the maet They are M most nmpe matt.ntbuut.Qon nt!y the W liable to get out of order. I hey are caJalle ol doing any work, from the thinnest to the thFt keet The Couble Lock Stitoh aewa Irom tb. diced Prsne wiii v v ,. v m.chinei. a- . "rV1 T'eop e" hK thi. machine (WiU not be Uable to prosecution, a they ar, enee. . , . .n.. '. - n be aes a at .v n ni!KI..KMAN:S,(or) Mount Hoily, Vt. . . . . J : i.T-r- tnwn and flOnntV. wCCt Aitenisj wmim s . . . . s TATE L O A N ! irTfE HK VERMONT,, T.,i.,,..rtOWI. Montpelier. Oct. 23 lsol. I am now prepared to iSi".li0ail"Z0"' lor bondrby-depositing the land to credit ?TaSr n "By Bok in this sute, the eer t.licae.g ?o7wardedyio thU office, bonda d be retUot3la, JOUN B. PAGE, Staf Treasurer. PIIOBATE COIIBT. rat HE Probate Court tor the DiMrict of End T lor theensuing vear, will be h.lden at tbe office In the Kutland Savings U.ok. ia Kutland on th. first and th & 1 uesdava ot each mouth, ekCept tbe fir Tuesday of March " sn J(U,. Kutland, Dec 3, lWt. 40 Jw POCKET ' 1 . ,.. .... TltriT.K CO ltlKiivs lormje'ii tcgal Notices. O J1 1 1 A I o x e n,s OTI s C rfi II K updr-iroed having bee a appointed hy h9 Hon. I'oibate Coart, forth Di-trict ol Katrht ven, t'ommis''inee o receive xamit.e, and af'ju-t all c'aimH anu uont u oi mt peron araiiiit Daniel Ataater, late, of Vffiti, Q fti,i Di trit deceaed, hereby give notice that we wi'l meet for the purpoe ei examining aud allowing raid claim at the latereideic of tli. deceased on the 31 luHday in February next and oQ the Zd lu-day-iu June nex', from 9 o'clock, A. 41 , until 4 o'c'ots said dayj, and that'll ruon-h from the 31 dv of Dec , A. D 18il ii the time limited bvaud i .oun lor raid creirra to prevent their aiid olaiuu to i fcrexamination and allowance. U'd at W ell-, Vt . the 6th day of December, A. D . 1S61. A I bMITii. i :o3w AMAbA U LEWIS. Com'ra. conniMioiEity notice. rpiIK undersigned bavinit been appointed by the I Hon, Probate Court, for the Dixtrict of Kairl.aveo, Ccmniigdionem to receive, examine, and adjust ail Plaim and demaod ol all pernon-. against Mvrtl Ji Ketcham, late of I'etii-on, in haid LMMrict deceas ed hereby give notice that we will me t lor Uie pur- porr ui examiniuK auu allowing saia claims ai mo dwelling houe ot Keubeo f. ivaylia, in Hennon. on Tt.ursday, the 20th day ol Kebruarv nxt. lro uint o clock, A. M. until three o'clock, 1. Uof laid day, and that six mootha Irom the lstn day ot October, A. U.. IsOl, is the time limited by ai4 Court for said creditors to present their claim to us for examination and allowance. lieucon, December 10th, 1S6I. DANIEL CHOKOOT. j Com'i 60-3w jAMti U CLtAiO.N G. V. S. Quackenbush. "IIKX YOU VISIT TKOY. TOO AIK KESPKOTFULLT IHTITKOTO CALL AT (i. V. S. QUACKENBUSIl'S DRV 00I)S AXI CARPET STORE, Cot. Broadvay anl Tintl .Strteti, And jnde lor yourisell it it ii not the place for yo to trade; .See if the a'sortmet.t is not complete and on from whi h)os can make eatu actury eelecti'na; if the price are not reasonable and lar below those usually akel We believe in progress and are making conitant improvemeuce fothofe who have traded with u. we think we can offer preavr advantaitea than ever before J r. these who have not. we would mention that we have rooun of Over 2I.0(a -qmre leel area exclu sively devoted to the d.fierent branche ot our trale. fhat we have nepara'e and well ;ockJ depar-m;nUi r r earh ot the loilowinz cl&se of ijtxM' Crpe!e, Oil Clothr M,ttlri(;s. Curtain . Shade-. anJ Cornice. Cloths Ca-imeres. and Ve-sootf- Dree- Mik" ol 1! ti e various -twe-Lice-. Embroideriee. and I 'itnujiu,:- All the new and varied st. '- .? Dres oocdt 1- ol every t le and kind. Kruirh anrl Enli-h and Ainerti an l'rin- 'i- o: every i!e cri;.'.: u liiove- Hunery. skirts i.L 1 L ij ;er l,arnient IlouseVeep.Da' lioode. sheet nr. s!iirtiD. Tabi Litien-. I owel'De Coutiterpates, .c ( UIAUN tl ' A .. All .eia'ities oour otfu manifact ire. th" y- t nd cheape-t to te tound any where A -ti, iiiiem ntKnii, Super. i nded 4 L uly of jrod t-'e. wj--j etery ti'jttiincition ' o j'ce -ati-f47t.o.i . it'i a- u a'vle aad ,uli-; t work. rill 1 '-'.EN -Kl'A ''.A I K OKS'A I'.l MK1! 1 s Ma km' -tie nt the m"t wipleir ad 'trciw t IT. ' ie ST;.- V S 'C At.'K KN KCs'-I. !rg-. N Y ! M li !!ll r-.!!. s t . M I L V 1 MIL P.I SKWfNG MAC II I N rt IN I I .S s. 'tl.te IAVi Y y i:i..M ti I UKE l-st.'ar.-! tl tir ere: 111" '- Kio r II air i t pr --i.: - r-' t'r ilur .lit. letce '': HECAC-E ! 'V hi. ha-ever b en as. 'h.-re iVe-1 nd .uihor- A I.- io o t.r te-il -ll- ,M ' . . I- : I Hit. e . . r i I I u- ai jr-d i-nt, : e. ,i sti r:er le...(- 1 it cor e i fplCC ' t ,iid . ' j i.j-, .. ti-r .i i. the -r.i.. ace" 1 IW it--T No A-o-r il'.u-e. New Y.r ded'J o& Alin Milliner). MISS PKNMKLIC tla-ju-t ret .rue-i mm market wita v lull a--irtment ot t" ILL AMJ WISTIU: MIU.iyJlHY r, o o i) . i.-r with a lare t.H-k t CI.lTflS I DC si Kits c :,tlM.i C i- 1H01 LOAR8 4-tl STAMPING : I x Ij MF.:.OIIKKV 1 in-t rivd a t.'.e a--r.meui i'HIlH.'s I'lilMICV. Sf AMI'S. And i" i tei ared to stkmp ALL KINDS ol Embroide . . -,.! t;s-w anu eleitat pattern. rv jii.i La die- et-a-e rail ua are . i a r-.:Ni-it.i.L. ItetlH 'd Ct. IT. 11 U tl LAX ITI VK AND TONIC COMBINED. A Aer,rabif to I Paint', mild in M tr omt ritiojiv :'lo not tztanuihe Mrtmf.h. nor nt.rrpl dm! avocaiiont. For twenty veara these Lozengei n et.ioed the conhdenoe of the Medical i'r.!luiun and the public generally, is pite ct all competitor!" or imiaior ley are the most ffectie remedy IDr I Aillf U AL COSTlVEMa? and iu n ulte viz : P'l", Inl'tan, ii ?4tk'' rhzzme-s, languor, Opprttnon mf tooi.,1. Bnd Tastt t IMt M,. . Torpid Lift', IP- t i.j .i.n cmuot endareetrooK Pr- ! rtlivea nod these Loxennea admirIy united o the tnany compiatnw .v".r "ri nature and preveaUag periodica! puna I by restoring I and obrtructioni .hildren. be.Bg ' r .t nleanant confectioo. They are aiso juw " , , " !f." d7en..rper box. For ealeby. thepr- I , t , s MAKKfSON CO-.J.O-1 ...... E""0',; ".1,; all lyraeri.w Dr. Urri.o cVn bTbe7oui.57free of h.rge. at hi. oU above. - U ASKLIS hotel I ll JrV A K IMMCEa! HOAKD AKTfctt 1-t NOV.. Br THE DAY, tl. Ity the Week, regular boarder, Irom 82 to 85 Rutland. Oct. 23. 1351. -N O T I C B It A1LROAD mm l he Annual meellrs of th ht.iofiio.aera or in- I ne .vui'iihi i-ir,,. s s. . - - Ru lant! i. Whit-nali KaHroad Company lor ttia ( r,r. liir,.ctorK. aud the tra'e,!ion 01 eiecnuu ... ----,.' . . , ,k. itvAi ot her business, will rte ne.u wic t ... vi k Hydvilie. iu the ton ot t-aitie- ton.ou'ue Uret C.ya U.