Newspaper Page Text
THE RUTLAND WEEKLY HERALD: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12 186. I UK S I A 'IS v:,r- tl'ilt :. ,,! -v.r. in p..: ' r N'rr t, V. i .- i em n I Wii'i ' For Ihe Herald AMI VI'lUReS IN SOUTH CAROLINA. IW-rriiitnis. Xathau Pitrce. Miscellaneous. 'lil'-n til' I'llV. ITi"-' -hw our line o: o.I.e. r. hie v i-p: r- i.. !i -yn e.l ; shore ST V El! MONT 1 E O R G A I . K i) A S 8KGIM ENT ! T li K 7T H . E w O 0 O D s Just received by il L O U It F L () IT R ! ! On. Ilmilr-1 II Idi-1 iTl-en. Winded for tin :irit 'i! -!-!':ic.' I'll 1 1 1 1-- j'. .1 i . ,mi I! i'.v Ot-e lit..- . - 7th Regiment V'. Intuntrv. 1'av commence ut data of enlistment u is:it mo.i'ii, 1. t.e-'.:e- s.iii.1 ioiiar- in i-ash when per month more Nov. 2nth EW NATHAN PIERCE DR. BAKER'S PAIN PANACEA, lll'il' -fi a- been i" (Pit, :.mi this i- tii - i h-r il 'o Vermo;it fob m Uii! he .-l-COIol to ljuiif ! ii proficiency k r p:i;tioulnr- appiv .it tin : i.o"'h of (tic Court i.e LIM I .J. 11 K)Ll'.l''; Rccruitin; . Lee. 2. i l.ecnnting. Oti pporMnttv that i N if J. DELAINES just received NATHAN PIERCE. LOT OF PRINTS just receiver I NATHAN PIERCE .1,' EI VLANNK.LS. t'.ir -ale bv I 'fiici-r. dcc4 :tf. BLUE ANI iVI'AV TW1LL- NATHAN Pl h K p ROW N AND MLKACII EI) COT 1J The Subscriber bah just received a variety ol brands of Flour direct irom tht mills, of various grades, from Ordinary up to the Choicest Article, ranging lmm S J.iO to 9M.UO per barrel, which he offer lor i-al in quantities to suit purchasers. I hie Hour is from the H K ST MICHIGAN M 1 L L .S . ami will In1 sold at Albanv and Trov pi je... JOSl Ail" U UN TOON. Town Hal! Block. Rutland Rutland, Nov 21. 1851 nov2;-l&wti ToN Kl.ANNKI.S- lor -ale bv N A 1 HAN PIERCE ,:," ! KI) IMMEDIATELY. ) KOWN AND B L E A C E )HEETIN'G AND SIUKTING for Kile bv N A 1 II AN PIERCE "T" ()U SALE. On pair of Uvihx Red 1 Oxen. Eight Years old, heavy. I will sell the above Oxn. and il" desirable, will take good body hard voo.l in payment therefor .JOS1AI! HI NTOWN KuOr.n.i Nov. 2ti. Ht,l nov2''.:J&wtf ) - T O T T C E t t ! I I i 'Alii - :!- l itt. r mil stripi if'iiRieh iimi- ra I nut! I - I ii ;i ' . riin : iii:.'li! m .J i;ui.... i iiiriKii fti N't.. )v - i On- lltiiilr'! Vll- llixlicd Jlva. i-'r tin- 1-t Kei'imc-tit Vermotit liilantrv. I'.v and -lib !t iire c mnii-nces irota the date ol eiili-tmen'u iav t ijo tirii. tor iuil term of service, and expenses paid, besides in c t-ti troin th iienenii ioverumeut when hi in nra hlv il li-cliared . A l.ool) liKUMMI i: IS WANTKI) lor the roinpany I'erJon.- under 21 years ol ae annot mlist without the written eons. nt of their l'arents. Mastt-r or Ouardiau. Kor further Particulars inquire of me at my office in this place ALLE LINEN I'm .-ale Lv NATHAN I'IKKOK A NEW LOT OF HOOPS iust re T A DIES' J J CUKSS 1'. it ceived by N A I i I A N 11 KUCK A DIES' DOUBLE SOLE CON- OOTS lor sale by NAIMAN l'lKKlh A DIES' SERGE V, O N G 11 K S S AITKKS for sale b NATHAN 1'IKKCK 1 V KKfil : K ! : N CEM ete k y . ;,.;, ,.i ;. li rill 1 1 : Tht'iinjii miir i-olmtins 1 wish to say a lew v'onls ii-'iitive to the snljei-t of an early se 1, , rii.i! ut lots in the new eemeti-ry. J)uiiiiii the. past autumn tliere have been tiKt'le a '.'ooil many si-i -tions of lots, of vari ous iira'les ate! jiriees, lull not one ot theiu has hoeii usi"l fur Imrial purposes, ex-ejt in a lew inntan. i .s of ti-ititennenl. Outing he .- iiue time, there liave been sev eral burials where lots have been seleeted in reat hate. after the decease of the person to In buried in them This hasty selection is (l!sadaii?a'jous, and rf'en attended with seri ous ineonvenieuee, both to parties making the sciertton and ro those win hae the superin tendeliee of tlie ci-nii iery . U will need mi argument or explanation To show tin' a jtl'licious and desirable i hoire ot a ii't. it', so extensive a cemetery as that ot Kverjreen. requires much tune ;tnd examina- slIlL'ie visit to the l.ieut. WM. Hraudon, Nov lijl CUONAN. Kecruitin (tlicer 2w EN'S THICK AND KIP HOOTS lor Kale cheap b NATHAN UIERCK. w T A NT V. 1 1 M M E DIATELY ! upon his or ases, parties i ii-ated vi-its. i tloii. Ao nelson will, on "fund.-, be able to deciiie ful her ehulef ol 111'. Ail'l II- U1H il;.i it diliicul; tn deei ie a.'cr Tlierefore il c;in han'ly ir expecteil thar peo (.;. will - itis! thenisi h e in ;i selection made in the haste which has characterized of fleetiuii- 'iius tar. , therefore, would liiillv t l erainiiend to rdl whom it may rn. (eiid this is a pretty comprehensive --ha! i 'hat they 'ju '.' irlv and examine !icHi-i- a i epjbv. ;ind then select a lot. . t.eetiti.e remaik of a!nio-t all wlio have I tii-i-iect ill ti.iste, that tliCV Olltit ueil to the m.itter earlier. 15ut inc-t everyi hiiiL; connected with (ir deitii, the maUer is tiustpou ttnf II iiulrMl .title nliel .'1 ii . Kortheith !l"sfitnent Vi-rmoiit Iut'antrv I'ay and subsistence commences lrotn the day ot enlistment I'll I 'jO ITU tKfVTlI, for lull term of service, and expenses paid, besides lUOin ca-h from the General Government when honorably di-charwl. A GOOD DKUMMKK IS WANTED lor thf Company. Persons under 21 years olae cannot enlist without the written consent of their Parents. Master or Guardian. . For turtder prrticnlars inquire ol me at my office in this place. CHAKLKS C lilfiGLFS. Kecruitinu ( Ulicer. 23. lstil. nov27d&wtf I T S A X T E D BOYS AND YOUTHS' BOOTS 1 or sale bv NATHAN I'IKKCK. ronltiH V, Nov KCi; i i'"!: Tun C - I i. A It Aiiie-l.oiiu-ii. unm'irried mn It VI 1 . ;ood characer. EROS EN E LAMPS for by NATHAN PIKRCE K D J CROCK Kit Y k GLASS WARE. sale by UST RECEIVED A NEW KOT OK NATHAN I'IKKCK Nov. 27th. NATHAN I'IKKCK tie re: (!)! e'' the It il.l-b.T iiecn cbii to have jil'en 111 tl,i .. in lilt ! .iratinii ! Hi" wanted 'it the L'MIKH slAIKS INFANTRY. All such, between Is and II". ears ot ajre, desirous of entering the servic-. cw do -o by aj p'ying to 'iiptai.ii ( biirlen lliirl-n. .At the rendezvous. Merchants ' Kxchanoe. of this place. Tkuv. ok e li Kutlan.l. Nov. 12. lil TEAS. .SUGARS. STICKS, KAISONS. SYKUPS. MOI.ASKS,j Fl.UIO. VINEGAR & c . k c . flt c Kor sale by NA111AN TIKKCK. i l econtlict over riie;in" I'ank having terminated, and the question whether we are to uave another Bank or not bavins been settled, or.e of the ntTt I 9vvh which will naturally pre-ent itself to the con-ideratiou of those in interest of the I ustitution i will doubtless be n. Inrn iun. We would therefore f respectfully call their attention to a lot oti the cor- i lier of Merchant' iow ami i'tnttr Sten. u lot which I has been held in reserve lor this Institution during the la-t decade. This lot will be readily called to mind from the fact of its having formerly and re- i cently been the site of several yominni nnl impo sing kuilinx. but which have alt been cleared away (some of them at the expense of extra nibt xer- ! tions) to make room for tt e nw Banking In-ittnton. The above lot is lor sale. For particulars inquire of the sub-criber JOSIAH HLXlllO.v Rutland, Nov. 27, 1S01. nov27 d& wtl" J OT I 0 E N O -TM K f .'I VKARS F ( ) l i: novl2 2m" ' A K 0(( BUSHELS J yj J LT for sail 1 COARSE ROCK N A I HAN I'lUU'l. BA(; GROUND ROCK SALT for c.ile by A ('CO I 'NTS be -et: NATHAN I'IK.RCK due the subserilicr ed. fill : ha-t or The il mi ICS. -a it has lo t at all. cs :ne now pretty well vv:ou'dit ui j and i:'." f!;e aid (' m.iiis Jtmt i -, ( which call be seen at the -ub-crib- i e) j. : ; tios can LTain a pretty -ood .vii.iie oronnd. munirv oi! ;tccoun be iloiie in too liiudi t'o 1 v.r i silbit Ol haVM, lias! ground.- t iai pu-p. ' nut liiindre.i able-h'-died unmarried yonn. men for the 1 ah Ke-.'iinent U S. lutantrv A tine chance i olh red to v.iuiij; men de-iroif of obtaining distin f.'iii-hcd po-ition- and :.''.'od wiv. Kor 1 1 icu lar- call at the Kecruitin.' Kenlezvou-. uni'erthe llardwell HoiM-. Rutland. Vt . immedi i,. eh. JOSEPH RUSH. apt bjrh li.!.ii:try U S. A . i-ctl'-' iiii Recruiting Othcer dOO JA. must OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE 1 t e No line i- 11 (-,;-- on ' 'enter, bt .ow 'ours -! rt-t for i ale. Kor Part iru ars inquire ol NATHAN I'l KK K- imraediateiv. to haw co- NATHAN I'lKIK'K The oonfl'ct over the 7iie Hank bavins termina ted, and the que-tion whether we are to have anoth er Rank or not having been settled, one of the ne rt qurstmn which will naturally present itself to the consideration of those in interest of the Institution will dotmless be r ofifion,'' and this in quite likely to prove a more difficult one to settle than was that relative to the obtainment of the charter. As this is supposed to be a " frrt I. too. would respect- Inlly call attention to a lot on .M-rrianti' fioir, 'lirrrt lu opposite tm dfpot. next north ot l'oud & Moree n drus; store, and which has been held in reserve for (several ) decade especially lor this Institution." "This lot will readily becalledto mind from the laotof its. having formerly and recently been th ' spot where Southwuk has stored his old barrels, boxes, crock ery cra'en, (tc. and which by extra night exer tion ' oa the occasion of the illumination in honor of the new Rank were seized as proper materia! tor boniires and benij; thus removed, the ahove men tioned It t is now ready for the occupancy ot the corporators ot the new Institution " This lot has not, until the pre-ent time, been offered lor sale bv the subscriber, and now r would not be soid tor cash' bir it it should be necessary lor the Tirv InMiiutwii " to have it will be "Old for a lair price in tit tok " ' i f litnk. Korfi.rther particular- ir.ij'iire of tie -uq-enber at ,'.u S. Merchants Row .1 M SOU 1H WICK KutiiD-l.N.-v 2'' I-.!. JJAN K OF P O U L T N E Y -li i-kliolder- oi the Rsi.k ii! Tou.i.ev ar notitied thie the Aniiuai Election ot Direct or- will i;e held the otSee of .-aid Rank on the second ! ue-day ' 1 .ii!iij i rv. i;. at 1 o'clock. P M. ;: M CI. ARK trashier. ii ik's can : round, i- to tin tm - I) V . 1 1 ! he ii 'In ; I. 11. !icc ir ; ' .1! t'-n. . ;l tie.e ti P.! t 1 i' i r s I l.hli'iNLv 'i IK MICA .'.s !-(.Kl- IV, ;' a : HI!. Til I'o whom it way roitrt rn. Mil OTICE nn- i 1 Mi. i- :i!ii I . : lit ttr: at in Ma e e i i: t; '111 !-. K AM) A I.I. ER . .i V All I V IA.:-- 1V K STL" I- 1-: t )TAS11. K. I ENN S. a ml at t o!nnn--io sta'c el Yernioi-.t A-er.ibl;. oi i.i-Coinlii:--i"i:i r- 'o acs';ii!.t- t-'r ex; api roved Noveit. i nurt llou-e :i, HI, the !'; '. 'hi pu : i o-. ot !'., , au-uui-t t-i- state : y e l v t i "ii'it.-u t y irsuatit to at ite. el.Tie.i iusr hi ii upon VerlIiOl:t U -he nt.-b r e I , . rieir ' act - t the i. An act .tarv iit'! t I I ill i: lire 2' i A irli-.i't. II' . ii: si An that ti deil is oi tht jell;,-.. , cn ne! p.'ihi'i (i the -il- flllfhe. Ma-oi. -d.-i el se I- war en llo.-tiit! ed l.e.l! a- boli.r Kyi e cap oboei' I'l-l I i .11 f. Ki ear.- i t in . It -is. Mason and Sli- ! bv the kindness Iio-ton. ti;uih., vei vt liilio. indeed, 'hat ration and plea-e the in mi; tiviiv ot e.l coii-i.ii r,ibU tirst tamilies o! i ; ion-. t'l' ' UII-,.1' I 'i. iru .hoi i - be t '.'lit io such abund.anee that on at Fo't W'arieii has to refti-e ',; iest the apoplectically in-iinetl i . , - ', ' I ! me ol otit 1 1 r a : m p 1 -x . i (i.) A . 1. r rai- el li the 1-1 hi . p '.1 1 .1 I Oil f. . CIS Kkms. l"i will -el! it io "ITlOii ,.- i 1 l.:v. e j'i-t eit hove prici who 'a ish to L..J . nv. pur.;ii.i-e it ot Kkan aim a -apply, aa.1 he ho L ET YOUR :nt oi iiiiiii la-t V! i epr to the oreet. an happy u su i:ie I! !iiain .: !l! it tin chan Uln ae LAMPS. LA. Ml 7V SAMUEL A. t" IWNKR. LIGHT SHINE ! OIL LAMPS. -a!U the .hite i . w hicii to i uiid tr.e ii ! place at'"' I pie-elite'l pirutiun o A: :. I In ..r-ier t lot ill!. il:-ir I ..U- t.-i-i-t tiil ! the pre-i.' :.!er-!.': cc- mil.' ,e Co-' . :i it. trans.. 'Uhoi it e eiiipe i itioi a,' ! i-Mieru ; ::- point eit.e certain c aan- an I - lor Mihtaiy urpu-e-. P l-o'. - will meet :;f t ne ai . in ( ''' ittedeii County . b-r. A 1 l-;i tor the .ieti llliuilli all viaillls I pri.r to N i '. e:ii ber 2'., tlii.'Jt- an 1 t'-peli-es HI .i I'tius.'ind pai i ;ug troop ot thi- stu'e, L the i n . . -ii iu aiiiii--.' : - u pre- h i : . -r tie I nr. .-'ui'.- . of the de.r i it ta - ii store. lo'A'e 1 ni j ifiot.i h- tr..m : .! ot i hi- t.o'ic i-' ai id i:a;i ;,- t-..- uihiual. -e. ar aii -ui'h t at the order tt: w inch t.i y me in. name i. h-1- HI I 1 . I'L AND (..M'ADKILLt RU I LAND VI 1 "'J. BAND. ilu-:c C li Ml : 1 una -:.eii t.r T.hI1-,-M.V , 1-t Violin K A I r 1 ; . 2d Violin Priva e- Dirccf.r and i'rotupter II Ci iLE. Cornet . l WATERMAN A't iitioi.ii! In-' Ad. I"-- A; l lica'ion- IT lo 1' WiTi attt-i.e.-'l to l.uhan-i. N mac IHejble Bi- and Prompter ent- lurui-hed when required Mt'S.-EY. r.ii-i:,e-s A).'ent hiitiand Vt. to I. . Kaui:. lirandon Vt Cii-tinc-viae. wi , be promptly IlOV'j-2lI.d M A R li L E W O R X NATHAN !1. SNOW, M Hat i u bou-h? out bis tinner partner i- ; -rejared to rill all ' rders ior M. 1 ;. ; MUS I 'MICNTS HE X I-S'foXf-JS. TABLE TOPS. -.,.. I i : t; i KEROsKNl. . .- ..o..r r-.ii-! '.' ! M i- S " . taciii! I O'tHlll-l-' i:, it Ml u rt.i. - : , H lei : piioai ' !ieir d mil :. in th . day a . -noli ' ';- So l-i! li-EXTKlJ. w i:.l "e tie- periorliiHlice o , . it i- e .riif-tly de-irt -ach claim- be ; re-e r.K l'.A '-:i:BI. 1 :l.e jutje- '.anKii. ; ectfu! V . r i : i i v v. :. t tlli-teii public l-.-it the ,ti? 1 in the lutuie )t .-tj '.v, nea- - and W Nov p: F R no I N HO T ! VP, ir va janie I. iu. liiii! c, an:. nn! sooner th:-.:. ( t the Sunt I ,l!lli then it perhap- piolitaole 'u : lllei'.to- ul allection lir-'.ii.-iii'd men inc.'. tie- of Fort Warren ill'.', o! ' in snobs ot whet, ir i- over, plv the be: i'iit- SVitl) ,'illki e liotiens v i r I be pleasiiiit anil i hele! in the litrh- ine- -i.owereil upon ihe dis enjoiin th" ho-jiitali-r.r more correctiv -iieak- lif-'Otl. 4 A NT A C LAI'S IS T i s: I he larjre-t St o KATES : k At o-t at T rs :k in t)i? Stale a skat:s : V. KKNN" S coming : 77 rs: ; II the u ne pah iloi.ian. hu-nix. .1, ; :i. . 1: to to rlie on :he ivi i. in the I ,- n-Faittax A '.null iii vsov i oi: p.iriNG i..y.-.'.. Lieut. Kai I lax, whom (Japt. ilkes se?.t transfer'tli aini Slidell front the li the S in .lai.i intii, is a Virginian. h w.'i' broke out he was with his shi coa-t of Aiiic.l. After the dinner Ko ton t) I 'apt. Wilkes, and when versatile., was Maniisruous, Lieut. sa; : hi- wife wnite to him from Virginia it the beoiniiine ol tie: pr-'sent dillieulties a letter which reached him on the coast ol A . rica in which she informed, him of the Na tional trouble, and at the same time alluded to a d uue-;ie event which had preceded it reminding him that he had a wife and a Un ion habv. anil exhorting him not to desert ihe flip.: under which the baby was born. T RUSSF.S. SHOULDER Abdomi ia! supporter i'.ESH ( A ' !!: RNINfi erv week at (1A11 U J and he ii i'l.l l !. t YOUR BIl K l-KNN S K. KKNN S- BRACES, K. t KNN's V. VENN'S. iiiua'e-turei! fresh K VENN'S. LS -if i -') m"s t.hetel Wise. It i- or.ier.' i th a t':i- notice ne l.aD.i- -,i eek- succe-- :ve! .-t .1 ,jhii-hur- ' h P.rattieb-r . U- I ; inn . t he i ai-an.'t-a. lime- ; tlit burn Mountain f reema lier. the Li-un lOL'tou ".jimer ton. the ilniaietaii v Re-'i-ter pubil hun -. the M Ailihli- Me enuer. published a Alb.oi-. iiid the Vermont Mamlaid. pu!i.:-'n ood-tock. 1 1 F.i V l.llMLM's , i- K Wi toDRKI I" .Fh f C..mim--i"i;' GEO A MKRKILL. ) Dated ihis'.'. t-i day o! ' Nm ember. A D 1-n! hi iaRD AH ER 1st ) ili "he Wei k ri t'uiar Kut.'at.d 1 "t. 2- r it i : ! Ni)'.'. RV THE DAY 1. o piiha-'.'.i at piiloi-h-a at !.-hed at hut Kurhti Jtoii. . ;,ui.:-hed at M J Iibl i-he,l 11 I L Ii o A I N OT I C E I at Mi tpe- ; iii;- ' : lie- j St i at I Ihe Annua: meetin:.' ot the ftfocntnuUers ot trie Rutland (k Wtntebaii Rai.road Company for the election ot hi.- Director-, and the trau-acti'-n ot other tm -Hie--. li iii be held t the office ot the Hyde vilie ( ompanv. in Hvdeviiie. in the town ot v.'a-t:e-ton on the hr-e dav ' t Januarv next at noon . WM ' Kin HEDGE, fieri. s T A T E L O A N N:. mTICE. This is to certity that m. Kd'.vin L Sherman, i-r ol in- minor in - anil '. aitiir'.'- nor pay at.v i- iave v'ii rn- quriiiir the r-':i i will claim none o: : hi- ..'oiiti . eta. i RARNUM t.'a- tie on . fh-- n. hat bt -lie - M AN p-r K. - n a"; T i E ii it !!', linn t-iuan .s thiJ da: dis-o'i ed. List OMR & 1 1'FI.MAN. Rutland. Dec 3d. JS',1 i' . Ihe jook- i.i the lae ti r m ot Lis.'omb A Freeman are in my bands tor collection Immedi ate attention ,: rque-ted o save costs. -,i:w3w WM- II LISCoMR. STATE HV VKRMoNT, I I iKKASCUElif OFFICE. Mon'pelifr. Oct 'ii. 1j1. i '. I am now t repareil to l-.-ue State Ronds. with cou-pj- Httach-i. interest pavabie eai-annuai!jr in Hef ; rot,. The d-noimcation ot the tvnid- now ready are ! sVa'ii. pavabie in ten vears from dat-. Payment may i be made tor bonds bv d.-pa-itin ihe lund- to credit ! of state I rea-urer m anv Rank in this state, the cer i rilicate beiiia forwarded to this office, bond- will be I returned a- reqiie-ted octal .lolIN R PAGE, State I rea.-tirer T" O TICE. The Debating Club of the .... . . . . . .1.. C m.. town ot ian-iulor win ratu u1- o-uuwi N tts, Dec lltti. to uisca-s me Tactics are necessary in 1861. A iiniK I 1 1 1 . A eititens were fa'ikin': l a, a tew da s'lu-c. sit 1 1 r and some ; war, at F.'imi .ii'.lereiice hav- Hisetl to -.ati Vli. lO'l ion ill-J ai!-ell. -Olio- j0l-"!i pl'epOSeil TO -otfie 1! bv"iakn2' a lb-ink. "N..! no "' said th- 10!-itti'i-er, "that is Ha vay to talk. -hi and nil Mtber men. who can possibly leave home. should auree to enlist. This war mn T II IL AVAR. 1862. A N KSli! VI N (i K 1 T M A S AND a : 'V y ; .i n fiiuoht out and settled with '! patch. Drinkine won't settle won Id. our i.thoers woiii ia vi be 1 po-slblo dlS it. for it' it settled it lonn ARE OJP..M, OTK'F. The Annual Meetina; of the Stockholder--' The iru' :-. ud C unty Park will be he!-', at the Central iiou-e .01 Monday, the 9th. at 7 n clock 1' M . nir the foilowint! purpo.-e. to wit: To -Meet Directoi- lor the ear etisuin. Al.-o tor trinsactiiur an- ot'e r hu-ine-s thought iihen met N A IT I A N PIKRCE. ( irk KutUtnl. Nov. 23d. i-l nov2o:2u j PHE ANNUAL MEETING of the j 1 :khii!ders o! the Rank of Rntlanu tor -he : electe n ol Directors .or tha year ensuing ami in- 1 spector- of : he next election, will be held at iheir j Ranking !ou-e on 1 ik.-iav. January 14th at one 1 o'clock. P. M j .1 R. REYNOLDS. Ca-hier ! l.'utl '.n i. De. 7th. 18', 1 derf) lioii-e on ti e North toll "Wins question iaiii.e). I'hat Militar time of peace DIMPl'TAHTS Affirm- Aidis Ross and A. E. Smith V-. C. C. Pierce and Elisha Cook Miss Marv Mar-h Editre-s ot the Lldies Garlaud Miss Jennie Piatt A'sistint i he people are invited to attend. I FOR THK CURE OF PAIS THE STOMACH, BACK, MID BOWELS, Legal A'otices. Hon .'Pini-, Hruisfs, Cut anil Hw-fllinga, Colic, lliiirrhea nnl Itheuinalinm, Ileiiunrhc, Toolhuehc, I'.arache, lijnpe9fln, Weak Breust, l.iv.-r Compl:iU.t, mi neral ! Iiility, Fever anil Ague, Ciinkcr or Sore .Month I'uirid Sore flThroat, Weak I'yes, Spine unit Iviil ney Distease, Old Sore. Ci ufih-i nnd Colds. Ml-r. A. L s CH0--L AND MlSChLiiAh.uua ROOKS. Fancv Good. Rocket Guliery. an I'errumery, tor sale by ..KO A TUTTLK & CO T AY KNIVES, sa KRKNCH & H A XKS KING.sI.EY -avor ScoviLh i f,j. Gent, .ip tiio lit ln.-tf, liifitiing inqui ries in retard to 01 Db. BakkVh I'aix 1'anacka, .'.hds:.'. ; jairctui-i-Would s sale, a, that wa .."0111 voti si.rj Dozens of the Panacea u:i it has trivi-u received. In regnrd t" iave received 0: Jha,, SU'l rjfi' W khow of iio MEDICINE that is appli cable to so JCANY DIS EASES that haa GIVEN as GENERAL SATISFAC TION AS THIS, and SUS TAINED SO HIGH A REPUTATION. We have sold it, subject I'll tjhe wariantci , and parties who have, ii.-e'l p. will have it, and will not be without it in tmeir families P.oLL-ES, SMITH i Co., No. 121 Dvko St., CiiicAOo, III., Oct. , Y IT GIVES IMMEDIATE RELIEF FN BILIOUS COLIC. Tampico, D.arke Co., 0., Nov. 13, 1H.7. Mrssr.s. A. L. .Soovn.L Jk Co., Qnti.: I am indaeed by a senso of justice b) state to you that I had a case in my family of ertrcmemAknJsii. My wife viu strely at tacked With Bilious Colic. Wo hail the ntUrul awe 0 a good phwncvvn, but could get nn relief. We administered Db. I'.akke's PAIN PANA CEA, and it produced the datired efftct. Since that we have had occlusion to use it for Pati n th", breast, nn-l for Fercr mi A?ue. nd ,t ahrvts ruvd. ! consider it one of the bos'. med':eines. WILLIAM WILLIS. STATE OK VERMONT, f II H E liistrici 01 ituiiaua n. ) x. f ourt for the Iiiitric ol Rutland. To all ltr--. int-' t-t in estate of Demiug Gorham, late 01 1'ittslorU, in said district deceased. GKUEUKli: Ry the authority of the State of Vermont, ypu are hertVy notilicd to appear before taid court at the Probate otlice in Rutland, on the i-t Tue-day ol January A. D. 102, to show cau-e Si auy y0u have, a-jainst the probate and allowam e Man intrumen in writing dated l'Jth Octolier. A. D. l-ijl, and pur porting to be the hist will and testamei.t of fail de-cea-ed Dated at Rutland, thin Sd day ol De eiohe A D lsiil l''-3 A. L. 15KOWN. Judge. S I A I K OK VERMONT, I1 II E lion Probiab Iitnct of Rutland. ) X (,'ojrt tor the District ol Rut and. To all persons interested in the e-tale of han ceyS. Swain, late ol Rutland in said di-trict. de-cea-i d. GKKKTiNo : Ry tte authority-)! the Mate of Vermont, you are hereby notitied to appear before said court at the otlice of the jua'e of sail court in said Rutland, on the first 'Tuesday, beinj; the 7th day ol January, then and there to be heard il you see cause on the peti tion of Edwin I . Foster, administrator ol said es tate, requesting said court to allow him a econd year to dispose ol said estate, piy the debts o! said ' deceasec and render an account ot hi adunni-tra-tiou of eaid estate. Given at Rutland, in said district, this 2!rth day of ! November, A. I) Ihhl. , 4) ,tw HENRY HALL. Register i STATE OF VERMONT, m HE Hon. Probate District of Rutland. A Court for the District j Of Rutland. To all persons interested in the estate ot Hiram f ongor, late oi Dan by. 111 said district deceased in ! testate, Gki-kt;o: j Ry the authority ol the State ot Vermont, you are ! hereby notilied to appear before said court at the , ofhee of the Judge of said court in Rutland iu said ; district on the fourth Tuesday, being the 24th day ot i December next, then and there to be beard it you . see cause on the petition ot Nicholas Cook, Jr.. ad : inini.-trator of said estate, requesting said court to ; allow him a second year in addition to the time : heretofore allowed him to dispose of said estate. 1 pay the debts of said deceased and render an ac I count of his administration of said etate I tiiven at Rutland, in -aid district, this 2'.uh day of November. A. D.I'M. 4.3w HENRY HALL. Regi-ter BY THE DOZEN, at FRENCH & KINGSLEY S. th,' lcetnien IV A II O II i V A II ., ICverett spoke in Sprinofield 011 Tu.-mI.iv evening last, on "The Causes ot the War ai'i aud.ienee of over 2"tuO persons. The Sprinelield Republican, in notieino the lec tin e, -a is Mr. E. "sjioke like Peter the ller- Al.sO: nut. eai do 'heir tin- wa; of community i 1 . 1 1 1 1 r on an ciasse utmost to aid in the prosecution o . in ( Kse of ill-success, lie said thi condition ot ; though wel the voantrv would 10 k. lo fourth-rate power. The topic. worn, was ttcatcd by Mr. Everett in a tres., and stirriu-.' vein. How niHY Lie ! The Richmond Ex aminer telN with solemn horror that Lin eoln's soldiers" at Harper's Ferry amuse tliem.-elvcs by lvin in wait and shooting the little fair-biured pil ls of the village, on their way to school. It mentions the names of two or three innocent little vic tims, and tells the vile lie with such an air ol -ineci'itv that no doubt many of its read- CI- believe it. U 1 M v : N G S To MATCH T THE OLD A'EJ) STORE. CHESTER KINGSLEY. Rutland. N( v. 20. IStil. U u" OTICE. This i-; t. caution all per- -011s a' lii.-t harboring r tru.-t iug on my ac count a boy named James H. Parker, who ha; been bound out "to me till he isot lawful age he having left me without just cau-e 1 shall pay no dents ot his coot rictin nor h old my "elf -sponsible for an of his ti.i'isac. .::!: a.ter 'hi.- dat . AiJSL'S CARPENTER. Ira. Nov. is. 1S61. d&w3w. 1 )f.K ORUKiiS I" . . .. .1 ,. fn.. T.A-,.K.r hoiiioi inso books, for Gr.O A- ' I--r- cv -Dressing and Ivory V f Oy ea lb DEcIi sale r UUNITIJLE bv )f '-ilids ful I LTTLE & CO. "VT OTIC F. Whereas, my wife, Polly .L' has lelt my btsl and board without anv ju t cause, this; Is therefore to forbid all persons lroni harboring or trusting her on my accouut. as I shall pav no debts ol her contracting after thi date. ALRERT It FREEMAN. Nov. 2'"., Ish2. lw. Books. Statioiiery, Periodicals, &c. PERIODI- L O O K A T T II I S OOKS, STATIONERY, ;als, &c. S. W. PROCTOR, (Successor to J. B. Baldwin,) ISTRAY. Broke from the. enclosure J of the subscriber, about the middle of last July, a bright bay three vears old Horse Colt, with black tail and mane, and'legs be iv the knees short joint, and bore the marks trora w- arum a . Whoever will return said Colt or give int .rn....: i- 1: whew he mav i found, shall heliberallv rewardeii ' ALLEN MULLS. Pittslord. Vt., Nov. 11, lsol. diwow Ki'ICE. -Came into the enclnsurt' ot .. . . . - . 1. . , . , . 1 i-rr llll VI. All book accounts ol thirty davs standing due the v bj-i.i.o., "' subscriher must be settled 011 or "before the 15th day ! eaier in all kinds of Books, Periodicals, fcta- of Wctooer, or -hey wnl be found in the hands ot a i tioncry, Newspapers, manK diwi tiiiueenng attorney. 11. o. 1 r.nni.s. L Rutland. Sept. IS. lsXl. call: Beptl'J-tf i A S T N lstil. three horned Ruck- with tar mark on the lctt side The ow ner is requite 1 to prove property, pay damage- mil charges anil tune tnem W !1. ls'il II. LlNfoEN An liersons indebted to us must call and settle im mediately to save co-t. POND & MORSE. Rutland, Sent. 23, lS'il. M O N T H ! Mate with Stencil Tools. CHEAPEST RES I . Send for latest samples. All free. D. L..M1LL1K EN. Rraudon. Vt , or No. TO Third St.. St. Louis. Mo. SlOU.;h AND li' Having purchased the entire stock of J- B. Bald win, and made LARGE ADDITIONS thereto, 1 am prepared to carry on the Business on a LARGER SCALE THAN EVER ! New York and Boston papers delivered to sub briber in the Village of Rutland and upon t he lines of ail the railroads, iu advance ol the mails. Orders are solicited. future, Knxi-WT iMS-i. and Framei ol all "Des and styles. Plain and Ornamental, in stantly on hand, or ordered upon the shortest notice DIARRHEA AND PAXN IN EOWELS CURED. THE i. i, HarniP.on C Bakki'., . ; it'hi.-l !il .11. '' .re elide :T:lti 1 it to cobc, ...d t: l.a.-.-ho. md . eri-nt rn .rely .eL'i. ,d..l iiave h.'id with seve 1 rv :nw". SI A IK OK VEJ:M0N"T, 1 m H E Hon Probate Di-trict of Rutland s. ) X Court lor the Di-tnc of Rutland. 1 o all persons interested in tiie e-tate of Lemuel D Sumner, late of Rlarendon, in said district, de ceased, intestate Orkbttn' Ry the authority ol the State of Vermont, you are hereby notitied to appear before sai 1 court at the ot hce of the Judge ot said court, in Rutland, in sail district, on the third I ue-iav being h 17th day ot December nest, then and "be'e to be he .1 1 if you see cause on the petition ot Iranklin Killing-, ad mo. i-t rat or ol -aid estate, to be all v.ied uuti' the V.'ta Cay of November A. D j-2. to dispo-e ot -a:'l es tate, pav the dehts ot said decea-e.d and render au account ot hi- administration oi said e-tute Given at Rutland in -aid district, ti;:- 2 'th day ol November. A. D l-'.l 17 3w HENRY HALL. Register on of Ut to .-.-coin -ed Wi-i- 1l.1t I sIAIEoi EKMi.NI. I 'p H E .on Probate 1 Di-trict of Rutland. --. JL Court io.- the di-trict ol Rutland. loali jer-oiis inter-sted in the e-tate of Phctse I n. late rt -aid di-tr.ct. deo-a-ed. . OKI- r US'. J liv tiie aut'iority ot the Mate 1 ! Vermont, you i are l.erei.i notified to ap-ar netore -.ini court at tlid otii'-e ot ihe .t iioge ol -aid court at Rut. an. 1. :n -'He di-trict. on 'he Cd I uday being the ITth day o! De . ember next, then atei lie re t'i t e h urd :: o.; -e cause i.;i ti:e examination lor ailoniince ol ti e ac count ul liinothi O i.ib-on. ai!tnii.i-trator ,j -ui'l e-tate. to the r-on- entitle.! t ere- . hiiei ut Kii-s '' 'i :ii -ai i oi-:r.i.t . -ne hiv ..1 N.o.n.h. r " - 1 T-.,w i 1 1 . N ' li11 I.. l;-j:-vr 1 h y 1 K L : ; - -liv:: 1 !.:.- n. P: I iio., . .111 :n 1--c a m- ate it "r tr.i. ii. il'. the p 1 at Dr. E lltii .ia'. O C'OCs 1 iiay-. ale! r.,t . 1 ne i-i, .1 1 ' L l.-r -ai 1 ireii,t..r tor examination Da-ed VI. t : D 1-1 -1 y. : i-:e : 1 M I iKiml . until -aid Me nd .iaicja : io. K P V. mon'h- tu ' 1 1- 'he t rn- he.: to -ent their .-, tad .1 n . V ' he 1 ",-f, : ii 1 D:s n -e; for c i.:n . -.-le ! 1 ..r -aia . No i 1 'ourt mher.A . ELIJAH 11 R. Mi R"s- !.! tj on j iomoyiu mitk ir. A SUPPOSED CANCER CURED ! VKhV i.;.H. i . : 1 o:, i. 'Ai IT' KI.'.-I".' Kb .. :i .. 11 i. ief ere 1""! Ln.-i h- T . wL.e.i. msil: 1: a. SCRATCHES CURED. Dr. Baker's Pain Panacea Valuable for Horses as it is for Man. Mi-ssj,!. A. I.. Scovt:. ;qrin-r th-: n'. winter. : ..ur vi.:initv were su! ;. ct jig had on hand 01: y bottles of 1 'r davs 1 sold ti in ! tie- !,r.-. :: ;i li.-. H-i i r tiir lo.-.-L ,:;. en. iti a ! M' 'PliE nn l. 11. n Pr- ! f otni-.i--!on- C:aim- and ct.Ia. obGa e'l l.erebv t- gn.-d hu -u g teen a; p. I'o-irt. t-r the Di-Tr.c -r- to receive, eittniiie s. iemati l- ol ah' per-ol.- a. a, 1--. ;ate i ! i' -a.-i 1 -. e r.otn.-e t we will rr..- 1 -he po-. ot rxHm-i! 0e'.'..I.g ' "..J-i ,aii'i oi. ti .a-' in . ni ing a;i 1 ai. owing o: Wait 'a1! i ii--.-'. - ot .latiiij ; n ; 1 -i . i:t iii P -i. Tnont.h- iroi n : Rutlaha. a iju-t a.l T - he e-tat net deceas- t !..r the pur-.-hum- at the -aid Rut : i A; m. :-st. tci ot -il r "Til US'. Ot Noeinber. A D l-'.l. i- the time .unit' i oiirr tor rr-0;tor f o ; re-en heir tu u- tor exaininatjoi una Hl.oiinnie .Dated at Rutland. Vt . this "th da-. . " : A t . 1- 1 .!' ir I. V. MEAD WAii ( Ha I I b KI'iN ' .-! A I E ! V KR I i-;:c- ol 1 ,,irhs tri-t ot t air .Hi en 1 o ah ; e--..r,- . Auatiis. late "I j' N I . ' p ii I. il. 1 Tor 1 : y -anl :1 ciaimj -- I ate ne 'Jls- 'i 1, soid ie-h - entire 1- 1, f hnii imi tiii.iiu to my ne bors ior mat purpose. i. - FAILED TO CURK. It is UsO Ue U.-pe h." '.I. our neifhborhw.d ns a family niedicnie. r. -the various diseases for nrhioh it :. r-c-ni nicrided : nnd I will say that I have sola u f ir TEABl-:, WARRASTI.N'5 IT, atld HlVi: SOT " O' SISGLB B0TTI.K RKTVKSKIl. It IS THK Hfc.-T MEOICIKE FOR THK NCMEKOl'S 1USI.ISKS liKCov MRSDKD, THAT I HATE FVF.K SOLD. il. ii . IlAGF.sfiViLLE, Bracken Co.,Ky.,0ct. 21, 155S. For sale bv the Proprietors, ' A. L. SCOVILL & CO., No. 12 West Eighth Street, Cincinnati. Also For sale bv Pond & Morae and E C Lewis. Rut land; K.Watkins& Co., West Rutland; U.K. Drake Pittsford; f. E. Case and E. Jackson, Bian den; J. N. Northrop & Son. CastletomJ. J. Joslin, W. Pon'tney; Dewey& Dewey. E. Poultney. 1 Also by one mre agents in evely town. PURE w Lb FOB Pd! a A f & Ss ini i' l ury v ssii -til . r. .I-,; 1. ' . - .'- - t .lames 1 t.:-. ;n -:i.'l i-'r i t ;ei- -t-.-d. ' 1 UKS.TIM : liv the aT .': r.t - the .-e V.rni.'i! you age h-rebv commanded to a pea' -;.- said court, at a -j.ecial -e.--io:i thereot to be hidden at the Probate ia . a-;:eton. m said .:i-tric. on the 'j'h day ot liecember next then and there to be heard i' you see cause, w to the prol ate and a.iowanee 01 a cer tain iii-truinent 111 writing, bearing Uat- the 7h day of May. A D. 1-.V-. nnd purporting to be the will and testament ot said deceased Given at Ca.-tleton. thi- l'th day : Nov A D is d. 1 .gw JOSEPH WARNER. Register. c o.n.n imio r. it . othk rirllE undersigned having beeH appointee: by the I Hon. Porbate Court, tor the District oi Vairha ven. Commissioners to receive, examine, and adjust allelaiins and demands otall persons against the estate "1 lietsey Johnson, iate ot l'.eti-"n iu said District deceased, hereby sin. notice ttiat w wiil meet lor the purpose sf examining ai d allowing said cl .im at the late dwelliuis-houre oi the deceased in said Renson.on the 27th dai o: lei.. A. D l-hi from I'l o'clock. A M . uii'U n . cct P -M.. ol said dav. and that -fx niouth- irom ith day Ol September. A D lril is the tune limited bv said Court tor said creditors to nre-ent their -aid claim-) to us for examination and allowance. Hated at lieupon. Vt.. this i'.tli day of No ember. A D lol. RH HARD Y. I.K1SXM,. 1 .., 4--3w iUISES G. BARBER I om r the estate of Luther in sail distnet do- ATE ITfE offer to the country ""SZT , a complete assonmeni m Fc'' . LIQLOKS, --1 , -VdET, " YEiBS aa nur px lie lie II le ui mv.s - - . r i variety ol tnat lVinrters is not only a sufficient guarantee ror we ff o G but that it enable, ns o offer advantages to buyers that cannot be excelled ifany houi Kston. Owing to the difficult? - ol efocSnng, in many towns, a strictly pure and reha o le article of Liiuir, ld ri for medicinal and other purposes, we bave lor many years given spe cial attention to tilling orders forPRiTATic IB. and Sn-nanmers wiil And it greatly to their advantage send tbe'r ordlr" w us direct, as we employ no trav eling or otSer agents whatever. Person, wto require Purtuquors and lv"n.. in large or small quantities. ay rest assured that all orders will receive our 1 best personal attention, and that every article sent from Sur house will be satisfactory in every respect. Com, mun wtioas by mail will recetv. prompt ten"ou. with 111 "d complate cstalogne of goods, pnoes, c STATE OK VERMONT. I rP H E District of Rutland, s.-. I 1 Court lor the District ol Rutland To all persons interested in Tarbell, late of Mount Hollv ceased, intestate. Guketino : By the authority ol the State ol Vermont, you are hereby notitied to appear bef ore said court at the of fice of the Judge of said court, in said Rutland, on the third Tuesday being the 17th day of December next, then and there to be heard if yo see cause 00 th.! eiamination lor allowance of the account ol Ethan i'riest administrator ol said estate, and as to d' creese: sai l esta.e -othe persons entitled thereto Given at Rutland . said district, this 2;th day of November, IStil. 4D-3W 11KNRY HALL, Regmter. Hon. Probate court for the district STATE OF VERMONT 1 TV 11 E District of Vairhaveu. ss. I X cc ot Kairhaven. , To all persons interested in the estate of Alfred Ward, late of Poultney, in said district deceased, 'estate Geketino: ' By tiie authority ol the State of Vermont you are hereby notitied to appear Defore said court at the Probate otlice in Caxtleton. in said district, on the 27th i'ay of December, inst., then and there to be heard il yon see cause on the examination for al lowance of the account of the eiecntors ol the last will and testament of said deceased, and also as to all dearees ! said estate to the persons entitled thOiVen at C astleton. in said district, this 4th day ot December, A- D. lwl. , . . A. WARNER, Judge. XT OTICE . Whereas, my husband, 1.1 Daniel Ballard, and myself have had differen ces, whtreby we have for some time past lived sena rate and apart, now then I wish to acknowledge and do hereby acknowledge that oursaid ditftrcnos have not been occasioned by any lault or niscon duct on the part of my said husband. n C. C- BA1LAIIL. Poultney, Vt , Dec 2, 1801 S:wlw. Cuttiugsville, Vt . Nov