Newspaper Page Text
I j Vol.. 07. ...N. 2. RUTLAND. VT., THURSDAY JVDRNING. DKCllBER 2G. 1801. l'KIOK THKKK CENTS 51.50 1'Kli YKAH She Jutland iernli THURSDAY. DECEMBER J6. pkospec ru- OK THE II I TT LAND IlKRALD. On the first of J-tnuarv. A. D c Hi all enter upon the public"'"" of Febim, Suti.-Eiuht f the Uiii.ANiff KLi The llKKUr ,tu established in 17:"V. unit as tht' firs' t jifl'ult'rT and i- the oldest, ever pub lished iJfi'ii-4 State. Its progress has beeu grad ual uiiiforin, and, since it passed under its jf-nt Proprietorship, it has been the aim to beep in the current of Improvement which, has to Signalized the j'iibt tew ycu-. ...We intend to inakethe lljbliti 1 a leaning Ver XQHT Nlwsi-ai kk. Every effort will be tmide to increase its Value and Usefulness a- u .'oiirnal devoted to l.oc.w. and S l a 1 1 Ar: uis; while a Comprehensive Summary ol Amuihan and tOKitiiiN Ntw will til! its column from week to week. In Politics, it will be devoted entirely to the interests ct I iti tlxiM and Kiliriu U's issit TrTios. It will d'.'teiid the Union, and support tte Consii if i ion as the Palladium of Civil and Political Freedom in America. It will give a generous and hearty, though not a merely p;;r 'tfzan support to the Administration of Pitcs; 'bist Lincoln: reserving, however, the liberty us is the duty of a public journal,; to criticise or Jii-sciit from uny proposed Measure or policy which the llESAI-I) may not deem compatible with the National Interest. Irs Kditotials will embrace llist us.-k.h- :.ud Comments upon all the diversified and in.poitam 'lopics of the and the Day: and it vvili be the a n: tne Proprietor t. have 'his lH-pariinetit e flic Hki:ai.h -iimsiii.'ed lor its HoidtleSs and Independence: vet at ;.! aims miomtv ;ent to iti- ill 1 ruth and . u -1 i e xiiioliU t he ihtrr.-ini.; tc.iture- : tne llEkVI.I., to: The vear to com-, will lie it- AUM okku- niMitvi E. He ri,i...-:.- ere maKing annnt- ucul- to increase largely tip- number of lories ondents m the Field of Military Operant as. .iiev expect to receive Communication- re-u;ar- y troll i the i li:oni' on tat Potomac, Und from the Uegiincnt- about p.inu' trom this tate to the Sol tukkn Coast. J'he Sketcuis ok mi. Mkn oi Vkumovi, imbnwiiiifitll h.-r inventors. Judges. Senators, .tr ri.i -Wk'l' wiu llft'ea even, eek in the IIf.hai.o. 'during the year They are Okioini, Shin nts. written specially lor he HEKALByjspd will add much to the available Jistorical Biennis ol our fctale. The Interest" ok Local Acuu ru i hi. and dE HANK Al. Ullll M VNt IA I I KIM tSKil I.. Will .lso reieive -pei-ia! attention; and in short. hatever relates t. the Husincbs ami Ni.aal 'repress t)l Km laud Countx and We-tcrn Ver mont will tmd a -pai-c t-r i o:i-nl. ra.: ion .n the ulumlisthe Hkkai.i- Ai l hi isi. '! he llhlltl l olb-r- i in leasee. ;;.c:at.- utl'l lerelore irreater iintuceiueiih to Advert .-ei- than ver before. It circulates anion;,' all Oa-si- "t EOFEK, and its .Si' ini tio List is enn .antly aiinienUnc. For the terms o; Subs( ription to the Ili.k Ll, and o! Advertising, see another column. 1 lii.n. a. n rn.i: ;c Uullautl Herald Oil!' . Dec. '. IS'.;. I HE WEEKLY HERALD. I bis ii'imb'T -lo-e- tbe sixty-tirst volume the Herald, and with it close- late uuii-r o! s'iiM-ri.'ioi:s to it. In consequence Tii-.- e-sure o! ;l:e tiuK's .iii'l our great cd (4 inoin-y to j'iiy ol! otir liabilities ami l-osei-ut'- oil' b:i!iii-s-. we trust our j-atrons il i-e prompt in iiuiki".:: their remittance" tiie; niiiiin; ear. i; thai there rc luany bocks who r- very J accounts es ;.tid -.iides-' adjusted encounter with gthe leading nation of the ilobe ': Thai we have a brave, nell-reliant popula tion, ready at all time to tly to arms in self Oete.nce, we do not question. Indeed we know that a Concora, a Lexington and a Hunker Hill may yet belong to the Listoiy o! Vermont. But here we are. without an organized militia! Why tel! us why should the Legislature soend i's .iine in t-ctr so rliHuent tatkirty, tn lakino (iirrraof rcltf io liurliriitnti. and receiving ' iheielot. un der th- ui.-e assurance that the m'-mtieis would take the liJe. without eJiiierise to the jieopie. ami yet neglect tiie vital interests cf tLe blate '' We are. and luve been, in the mt1s: ft irn'. Its mirky clouds envelope us on every side. ,o d heiv is Without, at the close of a session oi her Legisla' u: . ri'hi'tt u md ttara fysiem m onirii.(itt'ir : r 'ttliunt a i ' iiieui, a fomHiny. or it sttlilttr : r,tin,u' n fur! or flJUIiinilf., Without il tlalsLi t i,- n l.nUjisark ; JU'ithtu! n uu'. ar n l.-'inh'!, - o unttc.u : in thor:. ti'ittinut (in 'A';'f Co,- in ,-.' an inrailrr .' It i- lime to Unit fault, uri' h a- we have the disposition to d- -,. 'ie i--teii: now l-:. what s! of the Queen in impugning tbe rightfulness ! of the step tak'n by Captain Wilkes: I It is, we understand, the opinion of these ! jurists that the right of the Federal Govern- i ment, acting by its ofiiceis, was confined to the visiting and the searching of the mail- ; packet : tbat if any man or things believed to be contraband of war has been found on i board of her, the proper course was to tak e from Hurlinirton Times De;. 20. Secpsh Woman Nabbed at St. Albans. EEBEL COURIER CAPTU2ED. United States Marshall, IL Dunn, of 'w York, ha recently been vatching the nvementsof a female traveler havin" a lie 'It '-(s war with Knglaml may be avoide : We sincerely hope it may be. ',u i vnat then ? Who is to decide the tiuetioi: for Vermont, and how decide it Are we to remain in a etenceless condit ior. whet war with a Eu ropean power may a' any ti-.i-e resui- from even unlocked tor events How stands Ver. nioiit '.' II'-!' E:l;;ii: Allen- are here, but vv'iicie ate the anus. 'be ra'inou. r-.n-: the lorts ' T he Executivi oi tlie Mat" is t ailed upon lor vigitii,' action. He inu-t not hi-..' bebiml jieopl" o' in- .State. i heir jKiti iotssm sus'aiti I .-itn in .inv boil! measure !; ni.iy lit. Let ;- be '! -pared ltir a'.! eluergeli- -:ioti o' :ollar.- ai.'l cents i . e. ,n. d l'ttt!0 al hou- . her duty to herself anil e.'-T:t ses-:fi!i of 'he Leg islature i-demanded and i- expedient b-t it be called, ai d It t tie' Mate be placed of. w ar footiri'j. No time is to be lost her into port and submit the. question to the j len eye ami a mammoth trunk, who Prize Court, which wnuld hear evidence anil j Ifl (in 0f late so frequently on the road aroumenton both sid;s. and would have ,k-- i,wt,tn Virginia and Quebec is to attract c.ded the case according to p.ecedent and, an( of course, suspicion. We ventured to express the opinion a few Marshall Dunn accompanied this: worn days ago that if Capt. Wilkes had proceeded on tier last visit to Montreal staying regularly in the muter specified it would a long as she. and going to Qiebec when have simplified the question presented by his ! se did, returning when she returned to act, and assuniini that the Times had faith- Albans and all the while ncticing her tully stated the position taken by the Law ; ,1)Vetnents, and making himself familiar Oflicers of the crown, wequ.te concur with a t.,iar.tctel. of thfJ ,.onpan sh(. rsew i ork extemporary m yayin ' wear- j . ' J fui tm tiitnn Kurt thtit ttnr ( wtirftttinnf trill I I untronmrat onee in tl,i- oninion. . The otih 1 Discovering the game she ws playing official utterenne we have vet had on tbe su1" j al obtaining ample proof that she was a iect leans decidedlv in that direction. Tie ' ci-rier of treasonable correspondence to tiet-retan of the Navy, v.hile c-omineiniing in j roel-; temporarily residing in Canada, he the warmest terms the spirit and patriotism j ,jtermined to put :i to to lur misehie evince'; by Capt V ..Kt;-. cotnpiains tna t re j vli! .iraeti(.,.,. Accord inglv h- arrest"! uia not take thf Iren' tierseit into a neutrii . ; . , . - " , , , , . i ,- i brat s Albans on ednesdiv evenin port, dim Olin iO-ooie ocensui- nun iui u: - i - , - omission .n view ot '!.- peculiar circumsta'.- (I"''""iber lHth) and hol. her in ce ot the ease. N i-her the Tresident nor "uratico vne. tie was takei ty tne anv other iiifinber of his Cabiset has expres-- j t:trhal 'o the American Hoti-e. where ed any opinion on the -ubject.'' j . remain-' in the cart f ul ciistolv of Dr. '' 1. E- Flierman, Slit riff of tin- ronntv of yi'KKCH OF MIL WOODHHIDCK hranklin. A committee of lad'r -xam- Tlit v srcui to hav- li:I a verv n'b '- i-4 thf lady's baggtiire an.! discovered so 1 peiidieular, inclined tdrward or backward inch tn-a-onable coiTt'-potid' i . and ot trying to prove thai all young persons ought if possible to tecome good readers. It has been the boa t ol New ;.ngland that hardly any person could be found of mature years that could not read and write; but it is not difficult to find a good many whose reading and w, iting is practically little better than none. I would recommend that teachers should give opportunity each week to read more extended portions than the ordinary par agraphs or "verses" of the Reading Iiook. Also encourage scholars to read interesting articles anil itims from the newspaper? It is even well to let them read Advertise ments, Shipping news, 5cc, taking pains to explain abbreviations, and technical terms. There are a great many of thee things in till new-paper- that ought to be understood bv everybody, but are not ; and some pains taken by tin; teacher to i bring them before the attention of his- schol- j ars will increase notonlv tlx-ir knowledge but their jower, tln-ir ta-te and their crit ical acumea. Be particular always about their manner of standing and holding their books. Scholar- should a- a general thing hold the book principally in the bdt hand, so as to have the right band free to turn over a leal. Two scholar- ought n t to hold the same book. A perfect adept at read ing might perhaps read with th-- book p'-r ceni to have n;i ;i very lib-.- . time in New ork. on Tu-.-dav. at the ! Reception :t!nl 1 in-akta-t given to the lltli I Connecticut Regiment. After a speech : bv fiov. Buckingham 'f Connecticut' ; i'o'i. F. K. Woodbri'lge of 'Vermont, w-- called i:p Mini r(;ke :i- fallows; I expected. Sir. that our ( love rtior j would be present us" H tl is i 1 1 ' ! or even bottom upwani-. tut onimaiy ; si important a nature tha the mar-hal juvei i'i' - need to have tin- sU. eniirely J lis transmitted it ai! to Secretary Seward j a; their si! cijium.iuL -o ilia! tli'-y can ! j Wa-hington :md ad i-ed th- .arrest of i , it tu tin- b--f :eh abi.t."-. Alway-. j titain parti'-- in N'fv York City. , -trive to have th" -cbolar- read naturally : ( if i'onr-e. the particular- ot 'hi- cor- j and with i :i-i-, een-i-'mi' j'ldg'n-nt as to i -t.ond- nee are -jot known and -iio'ild tto: j loudi,' --. f; i- a!wa- d-inib!- t" liave I ': bmbtedlv the !'. S. (ivernment i the -ch.,lar- fad !oni enough, i-it then- ' For tbe Rutland Herald. TO ENGLAND. Kt tu Brnte.'" Wilt thou too rtrUe, Hecu tte t'f trim of the Sooth, HaUi truth, ftiid fealty, tcoroed alike, And eouebtto force at cannon mouth Unholy a'rite! Ooit so our noble " L'nion hate. An thus, with hauKbty pride elate To seek iu liter Well be it thus, but e'er the blow la madly utruek , count well the cost; Kt-view the part; youraeoal shew Wktre tmct. your vaunted lslt hatk lost Both firxilt and yasfi ; lUtu, if vuu wdl. we bid you come! And try. if oi fair Freedom' home. We boat in vain; If in the path our father trod, One coward hart willtthrink with tear, An1 not dispute each bloody aod, Until the n nodea A warte thall be. Or trery foe be lrom it cast, And we nhall iioga in tbe pat. Ol Liberty: We II bathe anr tair Concord a plain. Where first the biood oi freemoo fell; And from old Hunker lieibt, acain, The victor'i shout of triumph awell O er tliarieston e ftraud : lib doubly dear that tall "pire. lo every m ot patriot fire Throughout ttie land. Ayecorut-: aud learn aifaio how dear We hold eachsacrvl biood bought right ; For when iy haurht y hotf appear. Not youth nor so;. ill fhuu the tinUt A -iiiffle hour; I'.ut like the uiii ute men ol yore, l-rora every rock their vengeauce pour lnJedl -liower And " hauah a Ka!!irh " ehail rewound With deadlier meaiiiui? in it" toue. Ai Celtic heart to battl bound, l osUke their hate lor Kutfland throne. In Kntili-h blocJ. Til' back, the haughty Lion -p-ed. To l D'Jt-r r r hi- r'llhle- deed- r o er the flood T o. :aendi-h. lec !- l-a FOIIEH i' NEWS ITEMS. Cane Race. lb-.. ;. r-i i ' a-s i thi- point at an Livi-rpvi tin the 1 mil u the VV!; : ado ( ies t-!.: or. the Ve count r v. 'IO 1' a I: re-pond to our know that nothin taken hini home. We regit t to bscrilj'T upt;;, icb oi a r re a I . ia!:y mu' t- i. iiican- vill .'liiclH. inil' ii ; a io -ptei v. to :ret t 1 cntoT'ee tneir neee-sitv. ":: i It I V. l t: an no di-ii ' i!:l' ! v v be iii-ettei! a.j "i;i;ii)NT - e to le e.'I.Miri'Jtl-, llfcdhcr : i j ..-ontrtbute 'i.- s'i'seless hoi and alarm. lea we cannot disguise fat t, however uawt lcoine. that war with gland, i; riot imminent, is, at least, one ot probabilities of the times, thus additig, iu event t lie. it takes place, to the complica- is and diflicuities surrounding the settle nt of our internal und civil differences. -et Britain has assuui;d a belligerent atti- le. To sav nothinir of the tone o! her s --'-' is senling a large army to I'ana ati''. Kirengtheiiitig her nav:i; force in icri'.&ri waters While v.- may hope lor ISTThe followint: calm and judicious ar ticle from t ie National Intelligencer, pub lished at Washington, and thoroughly imbued with tbe patriotism which invigorates the L'nion men o! the North, is we!' worthy of ' our pondering and our consideration:" let it be considered bv loyal men. and let cur action be governed in accordance with it: THE "NEWS FROM ENGLAND. It woald be idle to speculate on the trust worthiness of the intelligence, yesterday com municated under our telegraphic head, re specting the alleged designs ot the British (lovernuient in the matter of the Trent case. In the course ot a few days the country will be placed in possession of better grounds on which to form an estimate of ' the situation ." than such as are oflered by a dispatch pur porting to give the irate intimations of a Loudon journal, the Observer, which assumes to publish an account ot the deliberations had at a, 1 mate Council ot her .Majesty, held on the last tlav of the last month, with as much minuteness and circumstantiality as if its con ductors had been invited to be present on the occasion and had assisted" in the afore said deliberations. Whatever advantages may at any time have been awarded to certain representatives five ot' the t less in this countiy for '-worm ingout" the secrets of our Government, we think it pretty sate to say that the Government of Great Britain is not in the habit oi taking sensation journalists into its confidence, and it is therefore more than prob able that the outgiving-' or the '-Observer" are very little better than the. more or less threwd guesses of its editors. Whatever demand the British Government mav deem it proper to make to the govern ment ot' tin- l;ni'ed States in the pieinises. we may be as-uict that it will be made with i mat diplomatic eouri-.-v vvnicn ifiongs to tne ! proprieti' s ot international intercourse, and j not with tha'. pete-lance which would indicate. a (Lsposaioh !o to i United Mates. We Jo not for a moment permit ourselves', to neiieve that the pe:a'c now so happily sunsisting between the two countries can Ik: disturbed by this episode, which will find an easy solution in the resorts of a pacific diplomacy; unless (which we cannot conceive to be possible) there should be on the part ct the British government a de sire to nucvkc, and on ours a willingness to court, a belligerent issue in a matter of such slight consequence to either nation as the dis position that shall be made of two unrecog nised " ambassadors " of an unrecognized government. As Great Bri'aincan make no general reclamations against the capture of Messrs. Mason and Slidell without doing des pite to her own former construction of mter iiationai law, it will be for our Government, should she abandon her own " antiquated ttaditions and adopt those which have been o'ea-!o:i. a'e! ! ! "!ile iKtie rvruc. ana i ' ! ii' in'.: erafiv e duty has The sentiment. Sir. i- Yermoiit. and being to the manor burn. I am tthvavs proud to -peak in her behalt : ami its d"ing so. sir. I a;n rt tl' t-t:ng honor upon th'- good old Stsue ol Cotmect-ictit. who-- people, a- :Lf (net .-ays : J.ove t!:i ir laud l.n r is th'ir i,M e And .-corn u, tell u' fh other rea-oti wh For to'i know. Sir. that the New Hamp- j -hire vrra'its were ttled by Connecticut j stock ; and the brave old Kthan Alh-n ! came f rom Litchti- Id, who, with his Imrdy t mountaineer-, ass-rted their rights against i the frown and (Governor Tryon. ami j taugh the then saucy Yorkers, by the ju- i dicious application of the twig of the wil-! derne-s. that the Gret-n Mountain Doy- were in earnest. But. Sir. at the proper1, moment, in the spirit of true patriotism.' Kcal difficulties were ignored : and when the first gun of the Revolution reverbt-r- atetl against the banks ol Concord River, j we find the (iret-n Mountain Boy- con-i ceiving ami maturing a plan for the caj- : ture of Ticondt-roga : and we follow the 1 old la ro. with his j.'5 mountaineer.-, in tin- i gray of the morning, through the wicket gate to the quarters of Le Place, and : hear the .-umnions to surrender in th' name of the Great .Jehovah and the Con- titieiital Congress an authoritv not then ! very well recognized in a British camp. j A little further on. sir. we find the Green Mountain Hoys rallying around tie standard of the brave Gen. Strong, an other hero from Connecticut, and rushing 1 o gl'i " t" ti t:"!0';,. l :li a if in .1 an- f-. i it.:: ::e- r'rure-. t ,-n:i- iiutte a t'liiii-. an t ltit'-re-'itig -,- io:ie in 'lie huui'ir'im, tuoiiotonoiis lite hi;-h now obtain- i ;.':.:!;. all Theeniii' t v villages in Vermont. Tin- -' ce-h v.o'nan calls h- !'' -'-f" ''H'! claim- to be he Wife .Uv- ot that nanc- it-siding ni giia in!- "ei't'tl'or;.- to teh-graph ai-re-t proved -it tma'ailing. to hi rn uh'.rlv nnf' rt una' either -el.-e tCf f-a-.n '' t-A - .a'::., h.ud t-iiough t" -plit ; ! h-a i i. t -ti'-ak. i'.e eon-t tnti da your .; again-! tiwkwanhe-- m nnum-r. ait'.m and -; f -ioa. M.d again-I ;i,l L'm.,1 b..y " habit-. A ; , l,.-:..:- ioii'nat'-d. Th- teach' r him- 5,, 1,.- tlioroiiL'bly ver d m the th-liverv with all tb- t'-cnai-t Ii.fl-ctioii-." " Oualilie-. ' MoMtii' I'-t-. " 't' --. A ''-- ati'l Ilit'li Kngli-h !- ,.,..".e hi- iii'l"ni-i'.t a- to h"tv tiiu'-h ot , T-.rob-i '!. I'fe .. - . , -,ii 11 teai-h. or whether Ir' wH ; ? H! -e!t ' e liit'l'-- Tlie steam -hip I '1 -hi- afternoon. I he 1'er-ia -ai; si... ,:., lion, TO"!.-on hoar!, ant. bound tor Paver d- Loan or Bic The new 1- miT'ortan'. Mi- Poval l'i'.i.-e A:b-;t. expire.! at too., oi' Snr.tDy th- 1 ;n-v. '.. ga-tri'-'-vr Mi-1 wi no' oo-"i -.ed dar-oa- uu ii 1 "1 1.' n' Th- Live-p-."! M 'v 1 -'a'-e it -it the EirU I lAcri had i n ' t.- il'.-d by .1... .,n.r. o,. '. f. If- ,lf I.TOVe 1 .: it-poI'lC' b. . .Tferenee . h- All-VaMTl ' i I 1 1 ' i!! 1 to -hip own s'jg.'t-. Y:'M and s ?.) in-:i u-t th- Can a- TO : j.n.jii.e any Am- ra a 1 - 1 wil .-t 1: l-or !. I'.ra' l KIrCATIONAL. No. 7. kept before th- tllllld tlltl. Reuiing i- the great mean- of acquiring u-t ii knowledge. It i- d--irablc that -ehJar- should beeomc good ft ad'-r- a. eai)' in life a- may be. This i- more ne3S-arv now than it was or 4l ye:ir ags before the -Indies of Mental Arith mtJc, Geography and (irnuimar had tound tba'r wav into the common .-chool. would retp.iire scholars to read their qirstion- in Mental Arithmetic, and their leson- in Descriptive Geography. ibis is teces-arv in I leographv in order that th' M iiolars mav become familiaricd with tht Lard name-. If they cannot r nounee thai, how can th-v remember them .' 1 woltl have young scholars in written a litlnittic rea l their rule-, and all th- t x j'hoatorv not!-, and explanation- "t pro- (..jSl that i- to -av if they were not too lut.bering aini -co that they understood tht meaning "I the terms u-ed. A large prp'oi tiun "1 -ci.olar- tn.-vt.-r will I'-ad thes.; ihii"- utile bv -om- sih'h na-ans. I h-y thtrir aaithm-- 1 make hi- -eholar- r.-ad eorp i ami'!- and imitation. h.el U -'i strotig- I: , h. -j 1 1 T-r. . - . V ex- had iatend' d to otb-r ;t )-w -ugg-tion- -ei th- -ub;. ot' reading H..-lry. but mult d. : r it. '.': altogether. I will bandy .-ay that t cient in their kn and this igiiorata gioti- of Preceptors and Pre.-eptre-es. No pei m can read poetry correctly. r teach other-, who i- ignorant of the law- ot ver-itication. X1- ' !; rs are wofully tleli ige of iodic feet aches up into tin- re- .mt no thought of u-mg t. I'latt-burgh to meet and etaiquer th-j pUr.o-.- of acMiiiring i'h a-, but enemy. And. sir. when this Godless re-i ,v .rnuikiii" ,'i-ure.-. But bv r. . miring hellion was forced upon us. -ix thousand j ,J.0 t rcatl t.verv.hiug alo'id tlu-y will men cann: cown irom tier inns, aini are now in the front line of the tinny of tin Potomac. ou mav have seen ve-terdav. i tain- oi outwa' 1 hoU'i'l ti. t' w ir ... ...,!(,: Mived '"V t'-- 'ih' 'I'h- ste.-i':i shit. A i-'rda-i an. r,:.-li al-0 pa-setj Cape life this evening, -aib-d from Liv.-rptKjl on th- Isith with troops tor Cana da. The fir-t divi-ioa ot th- teih brigade garri-on artilh-ry embarked on beard th Niagara for Halifax, on th- 1 Ub. lt'was und'-r-'oo i that ten .-oinp im-s ol 1 P,.mrWr-. are f'J be -eht t'l IJritl-U AtljeriCa. London. Friday 1. M. CotisoU opem d a yesterday's pn-e, out relapsed to !" 1-4. and rca-h- I to th ojieumg Bailwav -bar hav - be- Ii "1 Hi. nut II: the I,,,.',,,..., :,.-. -d a -ti !- Ie"!-e. Washington. Bee. ."'.. the bill pa d by both V ;,. ...J,.-, Bthk -bar h dab o .-it s. '(;' me Hmt" nt , I ','.'. ,' '.'.i' s nt Am-r- That from and passa ' of this act in sir. It e e," n in, . i , t i.i' ..... ! ? cavalry regiment from New England. Ii so, sir, comments from rn- are needle--. They -poke ii,- themselves. Sir. this re bellion we can crush, but in the iiroviileia e o! tou we mav have a war our mot'.i'T, wan a common language tir-t e pIOVl'l with England l. a common religion, and I tuon ile-t'mv. !ii::v -:, a t.'o.n- i .1 i i . i i work into tne nami oi leainni- -on?ihiiig from 1 k-. It ha- been -aid bv cmebodv that a person's thought- are nlitli'ire tha:i hail thought-, till If ha . mlO'iit tl iiicm ii: wonl- t i'ia-r "fal of v.-riteu. I - it then to be wtiti.lered :it that MTdiut tvro- taii b tu-quife very clear 1 ,h a of w i- ;,'igl;t in their book-, uu-;..-l'-.v ii".v- frc'pient op-oft;ni;!!' - : .O'A 1 The tollowin Houses to-day : l;.- ii r,n'-U d ' Hi j.r .-' h'''t'f ' 'i '' ; tu ' 'oH')rrs -" ofi..r ill., da'e of tie lien ot the duties h-retotore lmposcl ny law on articles hereinafer mention, th-re shall be levied, collected and paid on the gjods. wares i l,a n,b, . herein enumerated and die. iii'-i s ..t...'..- provided for. imported from foreign countries the. following duties and rat"s of duty : that is to -av : hirst, on all tea- '-'" cents per pound. Second, on all raw -agar commonly called MuScavado er brown sugar, and on su.Vlrs not advanced above imiuW 11 duties standard bv claying, herling. 1 intine or oth'T Jifxe.-s. or oa sviup o cane and concentrated molis-es or . oh'-en-trat. d u.' lailo. -'1-'-' I-T pound. On sugar after being refine-L when only other w.i""vs a-hh-raffl.tntl oa sugar eandv. cts. plr toan-h On nnh--e. : cents p-r gallon, provided that all -inns of sicjar or siigr ,.;,,.. concentrated molasses or concentrate., rn- ! id". ' Kten-d under the nam- ot molasses aav r.;i:.T nam- than syrup "! sugar or of i-.-ptrate-l mo!n es or con--had be l:.i! 1- to forfeiture Pan-. The Boar i- h-dV V . r.-nt- in in a v 'if-i mr Ti-e .-n'. i im-i 1 1 of ennoi.t. Sir. i- tlii pick aquarral " wi'h the i If we have violated international law in seizing the traitors Ma -on ;::id Slid. U. we would make erey hoii'irable amend. L we tire right, we would preserve our na- eaeeiu: so'imon oi me lamotuties .nvolv.'U l,,.ri.,flfhre .,,.,,.,! bv tientral nations-, to he arrest ot Mason ami Slidell. vc are i pronounce oa th expediency ot excepting to put ot of view, the sut u 'u'poriant adhesion to the great cause oi neusrai nguib. in any eveui u suiives us that tic present casts may be so managed by our government a-t to result in a valuable acquisition te the law of nations, by clearly i-ettliug what is vague and undetermined in the limitu which, in the present state of the civilized world, separate belligerent and neu- on the othei ham war may result with England. And ild war take place with England, as the Lit of the Mason aud,Sl:deli embroglio, it to be disguised, or put out of sigh r, that Tiont, if -he is not indeed made the bat- ground of the contending hostu, will he an I "al rights. "ed frontier, threatened constantly with ! We observe that the Londen Times of the i . .1 - l. .T ... . , , i ,, i . ,. ZBin ultimo, in commeTinng on ti e suujeci, 4 ' in an 1 tlevriitation Dy hoatde troops. . ,, . ..' - , j J f nobis h In Ini'inir la KTiianre dps. :riDtivt. ot II .1TI 1 . ' -. tionai noiior ;a tii. iiazarc..-. ii war i- Hie ' dire neces-ity. let it come and when the first bugle note vibrates among her green hills twenty thousand Vcrmontcrs will rush forth, resolved to do or die for their country. For the third time. Sir, we will teach England that her lion omnipotent that hi- "aw henceforth shall never rest upon an inch of North 'Ameiican soil. At the conclusion of Mr. "Woodbi idgeV speech, General Wetmore r-.-e. ami en thusiastically called for three el ccrs for the last sentiment. The request wa- ac ceded to with the wildest deniou-tratioiis of enthusiasm, every person in the loom ; t;(-'l' -''In. ia : it. !ii i,.-sin. Twi n as ..... 1 v,' a.-:- licai ing ' aodli'in tab.e A il". t .- ' r , u r i v. liO thl'ie t-aci'ei's art; -oil)- 1 . T , iininni-ih -S and-, .'.re to p'! .'e;il'' ilgo Vlsit- Advice-trom Vienna t '' !"' -'! that daring the Kin,"ro" stay a. ena he lib-rated all politi- a! prisoners. Naples h oi the L'-th a. -taat I'.or -es the brigand chief' had i n . x- cut.-d. Ctiro. I) - :,. No ;s. plac.-s (,-n. iirant Di-fri." .'' Cairo, wita Sn.-ciai onler .no in command " ,n southern Lb ea-' of the U't:iib. a ' ties in Mi--ouri sou'. f :..n Pain- will b cah to Cairo. San Francisco. J ).-.-. I'.'th. ..;!... I -bit. l-or-t Ou.- - Valt.-trai-o. , - . I.jrti .n o! :-!itu-;tvv 'liver, and 'h- . out.- t'toe G : e i -m. red Palu- tran-terre. The steam-r Pa. iti brings Or-goa dates h- Alsi t ti-..-i:-;- wire rv in "he val- ( :; : a to t he I f'irf-it' 'b ','tae. d me t. and th- - une sh t!! be to the 1 2th. ate! n 'ona ot I sn.uOo in gold. 1 he ''' . ...t.l,- .',, ire. live to !:'!' lev! bo-lcriag : :.'' " pn i' ipai rx-rs m Or ..,'. N.-arlv nli ,;" t'-'-virmg iu::.- m 'he State :t..1 jr-at qu '-.ti it i- s of gr-in xv I'trovfi. M.'-' "f 'be frame war - 'a Citv were wa.-hcl ,'t' (Oregon toxvn lloo. two hotts Ci'v. ,ded with tour fc .s I,-,.-.- bf. b-t: b:- r tie-:i-s in .d the B:r Lvtm NEWS I ! EM i i " a -v ciing i-nia;' b acnef !:t;v trv to lecit-t J'.art ol the :i his mcr.ti.1 ;M'i'!mi-li''. three Until- attempts, the im to Lis eit io study his ."eW York, Dec. 2. Ih UJ"1 the fourteenth. ;.--s,ji soni - more, and -o ?he did two ta il, ret time-, when upon examination 1 loi'iil that he did not kno-v a -ingle figure in wiich his lesson was c-xiiressed ! In lgland that her lion's ro; r is not ! my tWn experience I have had pupil.-, at .nt, and settle forever the t uestion i tcmrtin" to analyze and parse extracts from Milton, Young and Shakspcare who cou! i not read f'ourlines ;.nd pronounce the words correctly. Well now, I luvc trora observation that it is not al-wav.- righteous judgment to judge other pe()j)!.c by niyseU'. ' Ii' 1 could not pro-n-'Kince nearly all my words correctly I stiouxl not probably know their meaning : and I should be no wiser for any amount cf reading thnt I might perpetrate. But some people will acquire pretty correct idea- and extensive knowledge from aw ful reading. In these days, when every body takes the papers, and reads theni aloud for every lody else to hear, it is cal culated to make one laugh in his sleeve to see how they top scotch araongst the hard woids. At the same time -ve shall dis cover that they are posted o i th rising, and the band Spangled Banner. play in; tde Star The great Burnside Expedition, al most as- large in the number of vessels and as strong in armament as the one sent to Port Iioyal, will sail from Annapolis in about tsrt we-.ks. This is inter ded to be one of th most important demenstrations Nor:-. Star, from A-pinwalt has arrived. Sh- brings eight hundr- d tkusand tlui'.! in treasure. lne Eren. h tranq-o-t ship Resource, bound to Callao. was jvrcck-vl forty mil-s south ot A 'e hail over lix hundred souls on board, onlv fve or six of whom wer- saved. (ien. San Ramon has been elected 1 resi dent ol Peru He was At Arcqueha and had been joined by three thousand additional trThe coire'J t-rop of Costa Kica is short. ti! kb-el-nlp of Buena Vista was termi- nated by the bs? of one vessel and the sur render of the other to me-quero- ii-. PhilJdelnhia. Dec 2-'L ia. n.,H-;n it thU cifv has a special dis- natch from Washington stating mai Lvons will net present his dispatches inv Urd to the Trent all air until the Admi ral of the West India squadron shad act up on his instructions to proceed to Boston har- bor- Washington, Dec 2t:. n. i I.' hron Ti-as released to dav On hlS narole till next Monday for the purpose of proceeding to Not York to visit ins wuu.. r and attend the futeral of his brother. t..,;q hii nfliebillv reDorted that tne steamer Pensacolais ready for service. Uer steam eteering appratuB is successluJ.J,i-&L w Janaha'1 1 Ot:Lrvi!!e. D- I'.ir I'one at down la Anion .1,,. nr's'ia.-r-' eifi'!:r-l by (,. Bl tc';' Ws'-r hist M..-1 1 1. pa-se.i r.i.h u:i a jpe-ial ti lie. ho-- :"nt 'litw:i are Col. MvgotHn. brother of Gov rnor lagoian tu rventuchv, Col. llobiuson who hafl coannahd of the reb el fore at Bhek Water, and who wa- in the ba'tles of Dug Springs, Wilsons Creek and Le"in"ton. Col. Alexander who says he fomdif in all the battles, Lieut. Col. Robinson Map Havnes, Mij. Harris, Dr. Smith one ol the' wealthiest men ami largest slave holders in Missouri, who has done everything in his jK)wer to aid and comfort the enemy. McKean, sheriff of Benton County, who it is said by misrepresentation gained admit tance into "one of our camps mad a diagram of it anil left that night. The rebels made an attack and killed sixteen or seventeen f our men. . - . Dr Moore of Syracuse U among the pris oners also and many others who have gamed -mtnrip.iv bv their zeal and labors in tb- -e- U V " ; , - , cession army. -a Many ol the prisoners wore a kind of un iform aud have served with Gen Price for several months. The troops are again in posticu at Lara mie. Were absent on this expedition just five days. In this time we marched about two days in a direct line from this place, and scoured the country through which we pas sed for a distance of forty or fifty miles on each eide of the route, taking abort 1500 . - - ... i a . .- '' - o'tc C'"1 pared for wh , ?,,. yr((.eific .wind tak n ar tH" T " "' , V . tN