OCR Interpretation

Ellsworth American. [volume] (Ellsworth, Me.) 1855-current, February 19, 1880, Image 2

Image and text provided by Maine State Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84022374/1880-02-19/ed-1/seq-2/

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vfiir uMIsliHHti) American.
Published everv IhursUv M'*rmop it t <*om»"
). k. F.lUuorth. Me . »X TIP h
• «*l NT^ PURU*IHV. toMI’JI.M
For terms, Ac.. see first page
«* * M PLTTENUILL A CX> * Ic8 •
r *-t.m. Park Row, New York, mid 781 t he*nut
Street Phitladeipbfai wsoor Agent
fl*r Hdverti-ciiu-nl- for the MllNICO •- th*‘ c o ,
< iUe> and Huthon-ed to owtrart for ad\t-.(.-im: t*i
our U»wc.*t rat**
holier to Snb»rribrr».
The «lale on the * ldr«*s- Ulwl «»n each *ul>-< ri -
tier’s pajM r shows the time to who h tlu? *uh« rip
tiou m i>&i i. and all subscriber* in arrears are
rt* 4 nested to pay up as soon as possible
la all ©omnium-anous relating ! • subscription*
our oorresiKWidcnt- are re^u'sw*l to stale the
Post»Hl.'e to which the j»aj»* r U. .»r n to lie sent
and to be careful to write ail propel name* plain
In directing a change of ad In**-, aiwax*. giro
the preaewt addreaa *-■> well a- the one to winch >ou
w ish ti»e paper afterward* sent
W hers \.l» ortising tuMrMU * »** Is- in«*ln
A Bank Needed.
i n tpic*!: «d a National Hank in
K!I*w»»rth .*r«m* to Ih taking a r« *t.
Tin in «a*.*it\ «d’ a Hank that will do a
"moral hankinj hti*i:n ** is one of «m*at I
iinjH.rtalio . and -hotlld IH»t Ih- allowed i
to *iuk out of *i_dit. The mercantile
and manutn* turin j interest* would 1**
jrivatlv Iwuefited hv Mich an in>tituti«»b. !
and an* Mitfh-n ;,t t«► afford a ivrtaititv of
il* surer". Add to thi* tin Uiiiiinj in- •
<i»iMr\ that ha* *jutiipj up in tin* 1 oim
tv and tin demand tor r\ehaii"e and
«ii*eount* that ar«- ivrtuin t • Ih- h« »\il\ j
increased tinriti" the cumin" Mimmer i
from ilii* *«*nr«v. and no t»m ran douht ;
t'mt hut 1* u place* iti tin poll lit rv «*thr j
• favorable an opportunit v t-*r banking
capital a- doe- KlUworth at t)•« pn— out
time. It our ow n eapitali-t- d*» ."t -ee
tit to uio\,• i: thi- matter it will not U- 1
long l»eti»re foreign capital will -H i/e «*li
I lie field and may decide on -*»me otlu-r
iu ti e < »utitv tli.r KlUworth tor it
U* urg* . n*»: only •*tali.-t-. blit
onr bu-im -s men generally. t«• take -ueh
aetioii in thi- matter a- will -eetir« t**
«*ur city thi* great le\* r in building it up
ami maintaining it- -tipnune v a- tin
bin-in*-- centre -t th* < *:iuty. While
tiie question «•! the pllbil* go,*l -iiould
ha\e weight in all great hti-iia -* onter
pri-e*. that alone, cannot U . \|*ceted t*
wholly inthleliee tile tew w lio will ha\«
to 1m the principal lfiover- : thi- *j • --
tion of a Hank. It. however. t*> thi
i- added the ivrtainty «*t a hatid-oine *
I»r«*tit on th* money inve-te l. no dclat 1
*l*ouM U allowed bv *»ur own ]m op!* in
occupying the field. Let u- hav, a
Mr. Halt’s Speech.
* >ur reader- will lind plcaMin and
profit in readiiig the -j*-. . h ot I be Ku
g* :.e Ilale. licforv tin li »u.-e of lb pr» -
- : tati\e- a: Augu-ta. win* ii v\c gi\. n
thi-- page. I lie rebuke W hicll he a«l
mim-iered i.• the turt ile.it -pirit- among
tin- tu-iou member-. who. while the\
«lo not reprc-ctit the U tter element * f
tie- party. have !»* n allowed t<* commit
it t*» -<»iue of the ne*-t outragcoii- h«*I
«*'er w itt)e»*4 <l iii a free g..v eminent,
will meet the hearty approval * t eatidiii
ill' ll in Uith parties and -li«*w - elearlv.
a- he intend**! it -leudd. where the
li.aiiie projM-rlv Udoijg-. The great won
der i- that -ti« h men -h-.tdd have U-en »
a'lowed t*i Im c,,jie leader*, and tie vv*»u
tler w ill increase it they are allowed to
r tain that j«*-iti,»n. Tlie ob-.-rv iiig im n
i 1 the party mil-: -ee til.it they are eer- ;
tain t*» lit* led into tre-h trouble* which
• an only end iu defeat and added d».-- '
i y
r.|M for eoiumuni-m nor revolution. ami
tii «• i-ooiier f u-i**ni-t.- la* * uU*ut a:.*l de
.—'rt lie revolutionary leader- the U-t
t r it w ill U 1**r them ami t«*r tin pn --
p rity ot the sun,..
A National Blaine Club.
The many expressions favoring S. a
lor Blaine a- tbe Republican candidate
for next President. fullv warrant bis
irieuds in taking step- to bring him ,
prominently la-tore the people, and in nr- .
i-ordain* with this idea a number ol
Congressmen assembled in Washington.
Saturday niglit. and lornnsl a national I
Blaine club. Congressman Brice ol j
Iowa was elected President, and .1. \\ .
Bartlett of Massachusetts, Secretary.— '
Among the v ice presidents arc Senator
Booth of California, Senator II. W.
Blair of New Hampshire. John Lvuch
ot Maine. Congressman kdelimit ol New
^ ork, M illiams -of \\ is-oumu, ex-Clov.
McCormick of Arizona. cx-C otigress
tuan Jeremiah M. \l ilsm •>! Indiana.
Hurihurt of Illinois and James K Wil
son of Iowa. Dr. C . 1». Purvis and
Rev. Dr. Rankin were -elected for the
District of Columbia. The club lias se
cured two large rooms on K Street, ami
propose vigorous efforts for their candi
date. Mr. Price .said : **Thu» i* t«* 1h- a
hutidivd day** tijjlit. and w»* an* in
in win.**
Bangor k Piscataquis Railroad. j
A proposition has Ih*vii made b\ ibe :
Presidciil and Directors of the l.-ikc Me
galith- Railroad, ol Cauada, tor the pur
chase of the Bangor i\ Piscataquis Rail
road now extending from Oldtown to ,
Blanchard. The question has Iwen con- i
side red by the city government of Ban- 1
jgor. and an offer made to sell its inter
ests in »tUe B. \ P. road for ffiitai.iNMi.
Should the negotiations succeed, the B.
& P. road will be extended to Green
ville. at the loot nf Moose head l.ake.
aud from there to some fsiint on the *
Canada line, where it will lie met by the
loike Megautie road. It is thought that
alsiitt an miles of new road will have to
Is- built, which will shorten the distance i
between Montreal and St. John about i
■*00 miles. The proposition will Imve •
to be voted on by the citizen# of Bangor ;
should the offer be accepted by the oth
ers of the Lake Megantie road.
T! - Gr*at Villainy.
I 1 }.— iiuliiv i it« r« in
formation from (in- c-ntl dipatehee
tot;. | i .»u hu*. il *»1 Mild*
« »’ MTA iU-.lt K\> !*n M».
! ■ mi-- £t nt> n ur.v Ihp
t\ ' ;im ver ti»! h h *»r - a
‘he vv. r« • -•h ! • r to the come il.
m« ‘ u I M •. ... i (in.
I» »l - . • l\ • ■ i * • lit* !» •••K
« iM-. tu 1 i • i i i I li* \ ij ,. i !*-cu (iirie
riii.v (in'. (iarceioii vaca’ed tin- r***»m. I in*
disco*,it; of ih« m return* i* exceedingly im
portai... a- the) ft.nuit:i nut only t v’.deuce of
a fraudulent count. hat mill also f.iittidi the
ha-.** for n-inoiiii^ the counted-in counts of
ficer*. l'roliahlv a lull mill U- report* I f«»i
the removal hy address of all the counted:li
count) otfi.vr**. who men* not elected.
iin si mi.vx 11- m n km n.
It i* known that on information furnished
by number* »t (iov. (uro l-m's ciuneil. c\
parte affidavit- mere got up -ecretlv .jn main
towns, to furnish a ha-.- for counting on; * -
publican representative*. senator- and «- > .n
tv officer-. Iln m- affidavit- mere abstracted

conspirator-. *o that no trace* of their fraud*
iU d;-. vered. \ detective ha-m k
» I up the rase. a-eertaitu**! who took the pa
jw r*. and compelled him to restore tlum to
•uve am -t and impri-oninent. Hu***c affida
vit* give a due to thr men mh«» aided tin
con-pirat*»r- in carrying out the -teal.
mu vn vrr«»KM\ k«»i m»- u \»«.r-Tv.
( ountv \ttomcv ( II. Houiul* of (alai*.
mho. it mill lie n-mnnU-ml. -« nt a commu
nication to («**v. (ianelon and council, offer
(Tin; t*» prove that surreptitious correction*
h.tii lieen made in fusion return*, i- in Au
gusta looking over tlu- return* from his
count). an*i aiding the* committee in expos
ing the rascality practiced m canvassing
them. Hi\t«**timi*nv regarding change-m
tlu return* mid U of peat vain* .
Hrohahlv Mr. Hound-mdl go ha-k t«»
AN .s-hington c*»unfv. and obtain cop.e*. of
record- ami affidavit*. t*> shorn the extent of
tamftering m ith return*.
n * Oxford return* mere luull) doctored
m order to M tun the fusion countv officer*.
Unit!.* *anic rule Uwn applied t*» (Kfonl
as to republican counties, all the fusion
(ountv officer- mould have been countod
1HI K\ 11‘I V 1: o| Till I K VUlt'1.1 A T nil M.
\il the ,ini*»rtan! ; .»}* r* Law b i n U> .mi
cXiept til* tabulation*. \| . which Hcllson
aUlrirtnl. I* i* hoped t itcsc will l*e secur
ed. although ** rne »»* the conspirator* claim
the) n*w Uni irn*'i \.ir. jh r*..n*
i, their < Until «
iircuiL l Im-m tabulation* *how. in the
hand mr.tmg •( *<'cr.d councillor* and (• \
(i.melon, tin change* that we re made from
time t*> time in order to *4*cure the rc^ui
• *
that at fir*:, the) couldn't count out enough
on an) pretext and that then the) t»ih
men hen and there t«* accommodate this **r
that counciilor. At first 1 hoina* «rep.) wa*
tabulated as ek* ted. a* .ipjcear* h\ the n
turn-. U he :i tl»e) were looking sound * »r
nu*re men. Fogg claimed In* *han . and
profx><*ed to count in llcai on what ad the
of tile councillor* thought t hi* tin* big h
steal, hut enough had job* of ..ke kind to
ensure them a major it \ of tin- council.
File- tabulation* show that the name of
I’hoina* was then parti all) erased. and Ilea.
- .bstituteni. I*he m and similar fraudulent
ope ration* w .11 In- brought t»- light. Men
who are defending the steal, will f. e 1 like
detected burglar*. when all tin fact* an
made public.
} \ n,o\. <j%K< HON I \rn If I*
I fie re l* mue ii c uri**s;t) to he ar w f.at eX
<»■>' (»arce. >n i..i* t-» hjv to certain manip
ulation* of the return*, and what expiaxna
t.1 'Tl* ill Will giw a* to the disposition of
*e'erai tho*aml dollar* drawn h\ him just
before- be- Vcllt out »*f eeffii c . o*te-n*lbl\ for
• jmh .c defence.” i'here are* no xouchcr*
oil tile *howm^ how it wa* disposed e?
1 he committee hnw sufficient cjui *tion* to
projHise to him. to oce'uj*) In* aftc-nt.on for
sexeral da)
I»Im e i\ |, g\ of IMI*o|lTa\T II IT KB.*.
la tter* haw In-ell found d:*« .<*Hng l*..i

";.t. and indicating that lie rt-a.A run the
machine. f» a (iarcelon's claim that he wa
a second Jaikvm. acting on hi* own re
sjMindhiiity. i* decidedly amusing when
ConsidtTe cl i’l c ••ntieetiou w ith the cwclc :c c
alrc-ad) cii* d. It j* evident that be wa*
u*e d by lM’.sbur) a* a cut'* paw. and hep*
in the- trace - \c .th fulsome 1 tn<!at;on* that lie
wa* a second Jackson.
I ITTIk* To |c»c.e,.
Arnoi.j the* letter* found, are -e \erai t..
Fogg. from Androscoggin count\ fu«;onist«.
wine w;ji iH ashamed tc* haw their name*
brought out m such connection, fine- e.f
them, from a fusion candidate for other,
“put* in hi* (Fogg's) hand* tia • undidatc'
inter* *t*. to conduct a* h -aw tit”—shotting
that hc.gg w.i- acting not a* a pulilu uma
*cr. but as an at tome).
I be further tiie committee- ge» tile worse
* case* len-h* for tla fu*iom%U.
Suffering Ireland.
The moxement Vt on foot hv the .V. ) .
H<rald for the relief of these who are *tarx
ing in Ireland i« meeting with a generous
support from ail portions of the Tinted
htate* Janu s (tordoii Bennett, proprietor
of the lit raid started tin* subscription with
a donation of wpxj.noo which has U*en in
creased. in tin past few dax*. l«* over £J00.
h\ gifts ranging from la cent* to jjj.
and donations are still pouring in at the
rate of about $o,ooo, perdax. An apjx*al
for those who art needy and suffering aiwaxs
meet* with a generous rc-jH>iiae from the
American people.
—Kben F. PilMiurx has gone to Boston
to li\e. The Boston Herald nays “His
seeking a new home a! his time of life is a
striking confession uf the failure of his plans
in Maine and the prohulde future conse
It i* a fearful retribution on Boston but
}x*rhap« six- deserves it.
—The Boston Journal nay*: Perhaps tin*
Ix-st thing said respecting Gov. Garcelon was
uttered by Mr. Dan. Pike of Augusta, one of
tlx* most witty men in Maine and a 1 >emo
crat. which x»as as follows “Garcelon had
been told time* enough that he was a
fool, but he nexer would believe it until he
got a certificate from the Supreme t owt "
— Hie A*. 1. Herald'll Washington cor
respond* ip writes “The report that Mr.
Blaine would. some circumstances,
take the second plan* on tfuc ticket with the
ex-president, is laughed at a* ridiculous b)
the Senator’s friends, who sax that he is un
doubtedly the most popular man for the first
place, and d«xs not want tie. second place
under an) circumstances.
—Congressman I .add and Murch have
Ix-en heard from at last. They haxe tiled a
written protest against the confirmation of
Mr. Hubbard of Bangor, as one of tlx* cen
sus Supervisors of Maine. They claim that
one of the Supervisors should lie a demo
We fail of seeing the necessity of this,
and besides it would tie difficult to find an
honest one capable of filling the position.
—In the Ix>wistou Journal we find the
follow ing copy of a letter written by John
Benson, Jr., during the late seige at Augusta:
Augusta, Jan. 1H80.
My bear and Affectionate Father: Start
ling events will occupy the next forty-eight
hours. But reinemtier that )our son will lie
at the front, and lx* among the fallen. JJe.
member that he died for his country and for
tlx? principles he has so long cherished.
John Benson.
Poor John! There is no doubt he is
/among the fallen," morally.
H ;u. Eu -one Hi’.e's Defense of the Court
an! Arrujmnent of Its Villifiers.
fu i i • Ho . fuc-Jn ’'ir. Swan »f
• Mmol. oiltieJ witii wtne remark** tin* loi
" ••»*•#. !. fh i: i piD > iof the Supreme
Judie ii ( ourt which - pnhlmhcd in the «*sth
Maim . on jiug«*.o*-7 and V*n. (*• p ibb-hed
vrith the three re* *111 opinion- wb h lime
U ii ordered p'lhli-ht-d l»y thi- llou*.
Nil. Hale i '< in opptisitiou and -aid ■
| Then* i* no oeea*t«m for any gentleman In*- (
I ill ; -••n- lilt* ami going ti u k ill! • * t ikt M i ..
He j w»rt* to *cek t«* repuhli«h what are fon-.d ;
in iuo*c volumes ui tlu* library of every li.v
8 . t
in tiie gentleman from Minot thi lawyer
a i 1 jh *ple *eektng tlu* law take rogoixanee
o. wnat i- already found in tlu* Maine K I
port*. It may not be known to li in that
the Maim* HejMirts are a record of the law
a* developed from year to year by thejudge
j of that court, ami that from year to year
the-* rejrort- arc i»- icd and take their pis e
ni our libraries. and indue me public *.-nti
tueut and the law - And the gentleman can
not prevent and mdiody rail prevent, or
•dmold attempt to prevent the next vn!u
<>{ t.i* Maim Report# lieiiig like o’her \ *i
uim- of the Maine Report*- i record of tlu
law that ha* U*en made by the judge*, tile
■ • 8 t
wtil contain enunciation of !»w of iinp»rt
ance. ujkui private right* am! upon public
light*, and there will in* nothing in the •
| time, a* then- ha* lw*en nothing in any v »;
f the M i.
more important ami far-reaching and widely -
«unbracing in it* scope, than the three opin
;on- wh.-h the Supreme Court have given I
uj*o»i the great event* «h < urrmg in thi* State
I !:«• g* n?!eman from Minot mav ar n.->*
m hi* nervousne**. ami apjiear every day
whistling b»ud to keen hi- courage up. and
. maki complaint, ami find fault with th* opin
• • v Court, 1
i matter*. *ir. that have pa**ed Iwvoud the
! domain of hi* tnimi or any mind here: ami
whatever lu mm -m a’suit their not heing
e«»n*idcrc<i law for tin future, no puny hand
< an arre-t that great judgment in ir* rSrrt*.
I . law i- laid down by tl • Su} r* mi < - art
ami iioImhIv here oti thi* *ule ha* lieeil anx
i > i* to taunt anv man with it. It i* onlv
«. an-* it i- brought U-fore u* now that I
*j*eak up**n ;T. H it I tell him. ami I t* 11 j
gentlemen her* that nothing * an prevent the
* minciatioti of the great print ipl«» of law in
tho*« opinion* U mg considered a* guid.ng
and determining law for generation* to o»m« .
\ . •' I..* I • . 1
«r St.ili - in t Hi - treat l nm.i. Hie* u-!! 1
rtiil**d.rd an<! jiiiMvi! on record in imdin
able line- and won!* of l,.w that re*o: .
around thi ;rr »• quest em the ha. ••!. an
th* (amm^T out .ft . M.d of th. *•« ; .
1 if There amt hint th it -.-'ti. d in Pc
s' »*. ‘Mt- M v ■ ak* :
t!- I to th* a*. cptaVoti -f candid Tin u here
' I ' • M
U . -ir. a -iur uimn those opinion- t«* f ha: k
i> ’ the Maim* Krport* and I ha*t n.»f,rn;
!■ -a* at-'*n-t uuvthmif that i* therv. \.» * k.
V .iw ntil other iaw - ui. i I « ' tie
l.-hod from time to Mm- hut ;!**•• .1 d U
-!ur upon tho-e izn'Al uiii'-n- *». * *1 .» k

ti.« nt.tanaii -«« ::i- :«• :.i I
for one am tired «! th:* ♦ *er* *ia\ n» -tl.nif • *
lu r* 'crntlenii’ii who m to ■*:* :• r t! *
it :-n»<r-*ar\ f.r tl-.em to ! up h « ■
d. ' and -narl a* !:■• Suprcm* < ar \N .
have -omethmi* tIm* to do. I’h« n if.-r, \
ha- fair!* *t*rted out, and ha- hen a ’•
candid men utMtn l**th *i«ie* wl*<» I » - :ii«
re 1 ft v
\ i hen
found brinjfiiuj up in am fanciful wav. th« -«
thn.jr- lea-T of u!! -ho dd the* r- • )* fr«*n’
th* gentleman lie wdj have i iioutrh To d**
!•»•* re this * -- »n end* u .thout mi '.d!>n"
• wit) the ifiud * i ' v
( '! \pplttU-e MY t» M him In i' h#
wili ii..» di-plav and «-tahi«*h in thi* IIoum
.tuv r. itation for ' Ura^. -uj»» rmr t • «.rdi
liar* mortal-. Ih-csum he think* lie-t to arm
and whistle tun da* to keep hi* r«ura^«
up Iht* IIoum- ha* - mrthmj; ei-e *• do
than attend !«• such matter* a* Th.. m* N
« anno! mtrodu<v an order that the*, opinion*
-hould Ik* printed, a- the* cu-!oniani\ an m
*urh ra*e*. «»r to pi into the volume*, with
. i* « uiii hhi* „*• ttmir i | ui.dertak.nj; '
it - SuprrtXM ( Kiri Noe w<
• -i • i State I
i! Ih. eountn lH':t*t u it. It ha*, la
it- ad-, dune a service to the can** uf jq*
!.•» ami human:!* and the irre i* qu« •-*; *n*of
th*- ••allot tha! ** .11 make tha! < .rt memo
rahle in all time*, and tin gentleman fr.nn
A!. * : : : )•***• r * that < • .rt .» ■*
I na^hter. i tnuvr tha! the order Ik* in
definite!) |*o*t|x»ned.
After remark* '•* Swan, iVrr* aiui !*iac>
t«* i. fu*i N|r Hah resumed a- fol
low -
11* f 're thi- matter ja*«- uwa* I w ant to
• *!je i'*. :»!:••'. of th- H • i*e * otn ti
and .- a tiling of much interest To nnwl
erate. .on-, r* ;»ti*r cent it men of the minor it*
a- to the major:!* It is to one development
that i- h in; rap dl* mad. lu re I.eT me
capitulate only *tr* hrietlv. In the event*
w this State
■ rin»ni*a:ton of the legislature. *. r* ;r*- r
p• *♦ *i»c ffthnj; wa- arou*4ui; an<! it was plain
t* * I* M en that there '* i* danger, more or
It--* imminent. <»f conflict that miight in the
Stati I
Verj tfra*e question* arose atfeetim; the
rights ufthe ju-ople to repre-.-ntati.ai in the
.... Nov
invoeatum of the judgment of the >’• ren.c
Court i arm not from u- hut fr* in the head
of the government, the ifoveninieiit uf the
''Tate, nr.der In* Constitutional authori**.
lit a-kt d the opinion of the Justice- of the
Supreme Co-art upon (lie assumption that a
solemn iH'easion had arise n. *iicn i* the law
eoiitemrilate- Oue-!ion* were suhtnittevl in
due time Those questions were answered.
The propositions laid down hy the court in
tal. Men talk
u-nr pat ion ij*’• ?.t!k of the Supreme ( nirt
arrogating to it-df j»owt*iA rgamst the
: jde. Hut ail the s iprenie Court did. "a- ;»*
ha- been well remarked hy the gentleman I
! from Vms*alboro. to go down and lay itself
along side with the- humblest citizen and *et
^ up for his right to representation by the ha!
j lot. Jt was plain enough to Ik* seen when
I that opinion twin., forth hy the prudent, sa- *
gaciou* men of either party, abet would Ik
the end; that the Supreme Court w .t* not ,
j disposed itself to go Ik hind technicality and |
| shield itself from giving an opinion; that if
I didn't propua to raise up any narrow mar- .
I gin. hut to take the whole of the questions,
i fundamentally, of what the people desired to
express at the ballot. And the answers to i
those questions submitted by the Democratic ]
! Governor of the Ktate laid the foundation ;
j for all that occ urred afterwards. Hut they '
were not assented to. for the reason that tlu* j
! \ ioleilt. irresponsible element in the party !
| which had submitted the questions, main- ;
| tained its control of the organization and 1
persisted in defiance of that opinion in or
ganizing or attempting to organize a !.«*g«*
j laturc. And speedily ujkjh that.the Hcpub
licau». reiving ujxm the fundamental law
laid down in the. xjr»t opinion, met in this
; hall and set up a I*egitfiatu«t.. ret it up by
' no usurpation, by no ai t of nolcnct Hut a.* .
1 MKin as it had organized it submitted ques- i
i rions to the Supreme Court asking that j
, court to apply the law it had laid down. In I
j time H.C gnawer* came hack, and the c-ourt
j to it» honor itciLhv^ shirkcnl or swerved.
. Did it usurp, and if no, wtiatr Jt usurped
nothing against the legal Houck* for they had |
• invoked its answer. No man can Ik* j
found iq the State of Maine whose rights
j were interfered with. There arc* *»1 men
here to-day, or on llo» putaide waiting to '
I come in. who were legally elected bv the*
people. and the court laid no violent hand
! ujxm the rights of any of these gentlemen.
Sitting as the highest tribunal to elahormlc
and to pronounce the U» for the citizens of
this State, that eourt came to the resc ue of
the men who had been elected and declared
, that they constituted the legal legislature
And then the two Ixxlies recognized by the
Court proceeded to the doing of business.
Hut that didn't settle it; and the reason was
as before, that the violent, inflammatory , ir
responsible men upon the other side held the
organization by a strong dutch, with their
hand* at iu throat, and over-rode and over
awed moderate and patriotic men. some of
whom I see here on the minorjtv aide, and
declared it would revolt and uisotwy tlgi
mandate of the Court, and persisted in set
ting up and counting two other houses. For
a time the violent men in the Fusion organ
ization hejd control, and pretended to do
business ax a legislature. Hut at last com
mon senxe, good judgment and patriotism
coming to the front they said, we are run.
niug at a fearful rate, and this way lies ruin, j
I h** ( ourt, the puhb< . tho country. .» > i ; he
worhl aiv against u>. 1 cun fancy th. * neu
seeing ?h**r old ur/miiiatiaa being lira rged
d »\n» sp -t M . to irrevocable rum by the vi
olent men vino had i ted m concert a > 1 as
sumed to h iu* control—the revolutionist*
who hi f* the time »* dominion- 1 can
fan y th*.* th. * mmi * »* tha* a time had
conn, win n a -> hi: l U* call* l. an i tjat
tradition* oi .1 ih*rnorra‘t arty
mu*t again a**ert thcm*civcn, and that tt
must exprr** itM if. a* it Itid year* ug ». a
law-ubidhig mirty with a claim up»t! the
|H.juilar confidence. Such argument in i
i w« gilt. and th^i. f last, the .t* , d
legislature invoked the judgment of to. Su
preme ( ourt. and it wa* felt that there must
l*e m i en I of ail thi* in the cause n*’ ju%
- s* i tll'iialv Old busmens of r S 4
which had liven grea'ly ilifttwrUni In the un
toward event* which preceded tiici* lUnig*.
I ; . S.ij.M me ( * art, a* ting, a* I lad**" * . ui
g* * i ta.tli. a.id upon the wi*h of the iu * h .
ate men of the other * d*. did tak** :h «*«»
question* into (on*.d. ration and return,*d.an
answer, carefully determining in thi r an
surer that no recognition wa* made of th •
legislative IkwIv that a**nmed to ask tivrn.
\nd tboM answer* wen* only evm ! !: .
tu»n* of tla* n eiit law laid down in tin Hr*:

convincing, and they made *uth a dear
statement of all the law in the case, that at
once the two t*>di< * which hid been h-.d.ng
*c**ion* down town, crumbled and fell t.*
piece* *■ rthw * !i. \pparently. in g> 1 : .
gentlemen i ame into this II u*e fr >
da\ ami took the scats that *!o«»d readv for
tiiem. W e did no: di*;* •**« -> «u.i in .n ie
We d
against any man *ent here by the {ample.
Thev were put upon prominent < ommittec*
\nd I am glad to b .ir testmnui; that pon
a committee of which I am a member . • " i*
of those* gentlemen who came in here in good
faith. 11• i* appreciated by u* aiul will Is*
apprvf i ited. seemed :■ arquie* •. and
for a tune it seemed as if it w.»* in good
faith. 1 know what men told me when tin'
< ame in here. I look into fare* here of tho**
who have no sympathy with those extreme,
revolutionary measure*. liny told me they
wen* glad to come in; thev w# re glatl to Is* r.d
of the thraldom under which they had sat for
wi«k* \nd tl:« busine** went n V ! ■’
l.»*t otlwr grtitlernen wh*< had liecu extreme
and rabid and revolutionary in re***taiHe t<»
tin s ipretne ( ourt Is g in to oune in And
then at omc thi* {•eai'rful scene and tin* a
quo*s< ing mode wa* ihanged and we U-:,« Id
the same men with the *.une priltcipo * Old
tin Mime defiance of law and rt *{*•« t for ‘■in
stitutional authority. ** t up their h« M« .
piping voice* here m opposition to what had
‘sell accepted a* law by til th* V.i!* . \'i
i fi i* g* me in/ d t « \ 1 l ...
t. «t th;* discu*si>»n lias come up that the {*• •
pie ntav know wnat it :* that .* the « »u*< of
the u.sturUan* *
i hold in my hand a» *j»y <*f th* |l:.iy
M./»«•/-» i In it ;t has the r• *>•.rt of,* gi« at
isotailevli mas* meeting h« .1 at ( am I- a,
tiiat pleasant and prosjwrou* ?*«wn down l*v
the *ea. which i* represented h* r* h\ the
gentleman from that town. And 1 a * •
marks m mk 1 «t u* have tin* pr«* . una
of Mum
\\ lien a« I *. • * • .*.*•. I * g • atut* 'W
«! •' • ,
a J '. ' *
Im*4 t.Niis and millions th* .»nlv ^legally
c «*n*titut« d la g.s.ature fiornthe projwr }da»»
prov tdevl for that purj***** 1 erefon .
K« salved. 1 hat w i tiii bar i
■ ak pa:tv *it (amdeli, m eouveut. -n ,4.
*• titbieil. v ii w with thi utmost rota i ruth*
dangerous ami alarming romli!«*»ii in whnh
Setial !.
j .n • d by t.he usurpati'iu of i lawless mob
uuiirr ti>* pn»U it.ot; of i sh.um !* *-. i*art.
*.m • • »urt
Ht'-MlV* • i ' Wt ».!• * * ■ £ t.f .|'1\
and ail art- <*r doing- ■ »!* -a;-! fr i . * i * - i»-: 11 and
ili. ;m. I -* gi-i *: .r<
l;« Wiiuvl. lt.vt th* Supr* i • 1 • ir* *
M ..* m gj\ mg a d« i «.. . i*-i**r.ir\ *
i.i»* und ««-a-titut • !i > >? th- S ‘ .if • for ? \
pun**** -. an- unworthy of ti.« **n!sd*- * of
«ii honorable m* a.”
That. - r. .. th*- pro*Umat'.oii - -I wha. •
in* .*;i! hy th*-« men. I’ i- -'lppiemeiit* d i»'
v. i. i! tm fr;* mi fr»*m llridgt**n r* .*.! fr *rn * ,*
Kaatern .1 « paper with l‘< . rat
traditions and m*in**ric-. <*-«*i «av* th*
mark ’ and it i- what i- aunoum* l a- *h*
purjx.-r id t: in* : 1* - King . ik- that
might hate U*n li«*rn wed h :n th* :• i h>»!
;h ri- d !;.• I'ret . K •• .* „ It.'
guage which, if carried out. th*
ir.m!«• work, *.f our government 1 - .
guage. which, when advocated ami , U
tor* the jw*»pW* incites re* dution. **.:. and
breed* discontent and di**dwdi*-u** f the
law • Shame 1* — minion.** the ( *urt -
\ part.-an tribunal * A:. . :**
to have I.** «tfrct ’ And thi- i- ' k ■ - 'id
illegal organization *
lhen fur w liat. pray,did th.- Camden man
i in* in ii* r* A .-i.im W - l.,
purj*. «-e to-daV
Air. IVn * \ .:ie*i ti. i* In w a f *
take * an- .-I to* .nie; - nt
Air. Ha.-If tin- gnitl* m* :i had v* .:f« d
!i! 1 g..r through, he would hav*- . I «.*•
asking him w h\ he apiH-ared and t- i pro
tectant II* * tidles »*« : • and the***- •tia r
gentleman.only a few of which. 1 am g;ad t>*
-a\ lieiseve or -vm pat hire w sth him. And
til* v Hot oulv protest hut the) a< ! her.
They serve upon committee*. And »h< n
the dav of dfc-s.dutiou *• •!!.i- they .’**•
found hr-t with their n*»*r- at the tr* a-ury
drawmg th* ir pay throughthi-lega.lv r
ganijn-d 1**1 v. 1 am not -{waking *.*t tin
great hulk of the dtiiuocr itu and greenback
part-., who came here Hi good fa: til and
whom it i- a ple i-ure t*> have here and w .. K
with. 1 am iking of the men v\ • -. it
lion-, that the i-- i*- are to lie made ip in
defiance of law ; that the campaign f--r tin
v. ir coming to Ik- run on the ha- - that
S 1 t in
Hof t»> iw regarded, which mean- rt \ dution
and the overturning **f l*w-. and n» nun
can tell vh.it red-ruin .Ju-rv ard-. 1 ■»{** ak
here in fh*- inti. *.-; « f n<» pui*v. hut ujhiii a
matter th.it wa* accepted t*\ nin* m*.n out of
ten in the State.
I have this warning note to give to my
friends on th*- other side who e.tine iu he.
in g*hm 1 faith, who went through that long
struggle with tin- irresponsible. de-j»erate
men who cooUwlltd their organization, and
a thousand other eijwriernr.-. 1 have this
warning to give to them which the Camden
resolutions proclaim,that these* men who a.*
patriotic and law-abiding my friend from
ltrook* i- one [ll*i—«*yj—can understand
how th* -«• men I* el
! sound this note of warning for nun. nut
he is doomed to play over again the .same
part that he ha* play ed ; the loud \ oil iug i
and the mouthing will lie done for his party
by tin* men that apjtear here to-day talking
for it, and proclaiming the Camden resolu
tion* and the article in the Lantern 4-\njn*.
and the people of Maine mav as well under
stand it. There is a determination to break
down the adjustment that the court net up.
to declare that it shall Ik* of no account, and
to endeavor to drive the Democratic and
Gre»*nlmck party, rank and tile, into the at
1 am willing to wait until fccptfciub'”. 1
have seen nothing that leads me to lose my }
confidence in the great population of file »
State of Maine. It i- a peaceful, industri
ous, law-abiding imputation. Woe to the
man. in the long run. who attempt* to array
comnumDin and revolutionism, and all of.
the had ism* that break up a government, ,
before the people of the State of Maine. ,
Not many month* wiil pass lx-fore these
men will l»e glad to call upon the rock* and i
I be mountain* to hide them. ’Hie people |
will take this matter ere long. And in the
meantime 1 would be glad if He could go on j
in a peaceful manner and do tlieir business ‘
and adjourn and go home to a tribunal that,
when it apeak*. at least will have to lie
re#pect*d by the gentleman from Lincoln
ana the gentleman trom Camden. as well a* j
the re*t of u*. [Appfau*c.3
The order wu indefinitely postponed by a J
vote of *2 to 3#.
Fees of Doe for*.
Ti»c f e of doctor* i* an item th »t very many
per-on- arc inlere-ied |o ju*‘ at present. We
fwlieve itw schedule for L $4.iM;. Which
w< uld tax a Ilian confined t«> hi- t*»d for a year, ]
wiel in peed «*f a daily v -it-, ov< r |.000 a year ‘
for medical alt ndaftce alone! And qiip staple
incite of flop Bitter* lake*. i= pip* Hpu!d save
the $*,000 and all the year’- - eko -/%*/.
—A meeting was held at Bangor Thurs
day evening and a committee appointed to
collect fund* for the relief of suffering Ire
The Legislature.
\M.! *r v. Ft b. 11. In the Senate, ord> *
w; re |t:i MUif. I to ucj.j, , into cv>e..>
>f tin S ale. with a view of i\ u;iin/ n: -a*
money fur *chonbj tbit the Su e uHoril# in
trie l*nd Office \m re orth d ii he Registry
«»f lhn*ds ia counties w . rv the lamia lie*;
j that tin C ommute, m AgrintUu - inquirx
‘* to .1 change in the i«w relat * to the
Board of Agneulturv and th«* ' ’ . to
; agricultural mx ielie*. l'ctitio\* *
! rented to increase the nunVr a 1 *abir, of
the Judges of t u S ip:, in. ( J* ,
I to l»C 1 .Tlgl«.s*rd Ail a i to t Ml', i {Vr t
1 lamini.ii Silver Mi mug Com..am ui llamp
I den; act to authorise the inhabitant* of
Caribou to Inuld and mam: ..a p«. .,u I
' b muus for the protection of th* br.dgi oxc.
. \hhmUh.a Hixcr: .ui , ill ,-,.4i
i i*»- act of ,.*ptcr l-Vto e*taMi.*h a
firry icr-.s.* die lYn >|»* »t River; a.t to
regulate thi nkmgof fi*h in lb xfer |‘om|
In tli H . e. ('. Birleigh resigned the
lMMilion o: A -s smat Clerk, .md Frank 1..
ratten of V. . ■ « \ •. < ' ■.. ?i in , * pU»*e
' receiving s ; votes ♦ tor F/ra C. Rrett
\n order »f - j ■, w .(*» > h..ed that tn.
1 devoted in pi t the } lun- u of teacher-:
; inquiring a- t . die ** u\; • of law in regard
! to fee- >i I rial Jo* > .. * to prevent the
issuing of warrants woo » - fh ien? < an*.
the Kducntion.d Coni-i, *., to . cp. c a* :•»
■ the change »f law rvi eg the cert,
of tea-hers in the pubic school*, *, the
they may U non ,1 . ,i ui. S* Hiding
mittces were ord**rr i to p p »rf fiuallv on i
Joth of February . tolH- S i
An t t f.r supply ng the city of h \» •
water; tin a.t to amend section S’ i.ntc;
P-. Rev ised Statute-, relating to I
act to amend an act to meorj»or.iV il, ti*.
of Bangor, approval Feb. 1 J, Is.il.
I hr ( otninittec • >n luma gave a protract*
cd hear ng t.. i jm* tit ion for setting off \\ aril
.. Rockland, and incorporating it into t
\ i
< 1 l.itth tj. id a: id O D Ii tk* of \ -ig *• ,
appeared far the petitioners. *nd D \ M r!
I.i 1 »' 1 Judge O S || ; • R *. f,.f
the remonstrant*.
in the KJliot hndge i Me, the ( onunitti •
W f;
i.item ine\|M-d;ent.
1 he Commit! • ! \ •
report a bill a itlr.r-/;ng the ( ( . in
missiotUT* of Somerset coin tv to r» .1**4 s,
.... ...
M Court in Wat
a m ik • g the j*#*n vltv f-.r \ • *♦. ^ ;},»•
• b < ti.»n laws fall »„vin t*i< er- in!
tbe r cn-T ''imo
I'he I ‘.'minute* on lenip.-rm . gix, ,»
f?- ar *.. To R \\ Dnnn and * \\ ,
tervilieoll » bid To IwTTer » -if. I . ...
• w \n miendment x» }... p. f ,j » . ; ,
el ide • aler ani*mg tl>* m:o\ . .ut*
I f * Jud arx ( .irm'li . x .4 ; • . r, ,•*
a bili for if.- rev.ox.d ».f , ertaiii ».. ?: t\ . :t;
err* illegally elected.
I • 1 J. Ill !’|i , ( i;;: • • ,
the J- 'itmn of th. I*, opic’s 1 x». ,5?x o.
( t n' s. x mg* Ibu.\ : H r . • .* • .. v ,
the depos;;* of savings think- a- r»«.
rvjHirtexl «eav* *.» w.tiidi.xw. \««» '. .
Saint* rrjK>r* ma>. «•! j* ' ’ n : M >
D'•iiuiiioiid and \V. il M l ; ...
ter for a log driving .om: anx . *.» .am ,,n
p-f u -d II .N 1 .g, -xv. .
k D <
pmv I . ( •mm.T’i x . f 1 eg .. \tfn • - : •
i-mmic a n: ..... I g il- ^ ( . ....
I*.. : * . .. . \ . . ...
of and .wld rt lon.d to -x--. g, . t» 4pt, f »;d'.
pnb... law * of l-*v7«». r* ;a*. iig * ■ * ..f • , ....
ut to ma nd . r: ipfcr sb pnbli« .a.o
1 *V ». rei g .-.X. .• ' . . . • • .
\ x\ i ■ j:
:and. 1 be res.dxcs t . j: >x ,d* t *-*»!.
vantato>n xx »- tmaiiv pa-*o|.
inti-' li’.'M t *. u ,i- • • r • - *v i v
• .• • f >*a . M .u. ( « • .
1 » R \
f‘*r the trial of • in*, • . . m :u- the ,./* •*
of part:« - to hold p ■ ,r!i , ,
to c*u!h.*h a M ;f.s. .. t . \\ ••
'dli I’a-o i ».« U . ..trussed \ i . ( 1
utory of md additional ?. .* of . , ,
chapter *.*•>. pui.li. lav.- of Is?1' a t
amend art in. •*. • • , . ■ , . • 1;
Uiul : .u t to eh tni*e th« u.e • -it r, - ■ :
fund* for the support r 1
the IW*!.».;!* I ___ . «
' . '
m meiuh* r* -d' t:.« IF. .s, ..!*!. 1
order wa* mdet)’: *, ;» p.o'; , i !.v \ ,u
of Tj to ,;
Feb. Id. Iti the S ran
cd x'J'.Utf Charie* \\ Howard * v,
rijjht to It i ._■• !. v l.aki r»\ %v m
hill reported additional t > chapter dT. It*
' »*» d St ltute*. < oneiTiiiiu; mim r md ^ .r
diAii* ; ]w tition* were pr»-*« :»'*•«l t .r m< ;• i%
in* the number ami -alanc- of ludj.
S ( |
* ’ ■ 1
or* of litn* and lime «a*k* md their «i. u
tie* : act to amend a. t to * *ta •! -is .
1 • ICt t MM
ch.tp!< r llevi-M-d Statute*, r. li'm; to
ta\« * ; a» * im**rp- r.ic; >* - I l>
ing Company a * p: aidant t.»r i eomrui*
•ion to re\i*e the Militia law
in the Hnu*e th- n-noudran-. i O \\
!>avi* wa* prcM-nti-d t >1 tut'.iiu^ the \» .
ter of l’I. t' « li.\. : u?o * .. i\ ■ i
hill w a* rt |H.rt«*<l to protect thick*. al*o to
protect tjuad: act presented pruv idiiu; for
M \
from the Finance Committee. reported tii it
tlie committee had ear. fully examined th<
lx»ok* of the Trt usurer and hi- .i.count* and
tlm! the *ame correct ly ca*t «uul properly
touched, and the fund* on hand were »hown
to he deposited in sound ami reliable luink*
and amounted to >■■ ».!!:• IT. ru ; ud.n«r
*1 I t'.J m the 1 reasur* i s \ ilt* I\
have also destroyed hv burning; coujh.ii*
paid hv the State lrea*urer during 1 *>T'*.
amount my; to A hill wa* rejnirted
addition ! oieorporati the I'eiiobseot
Mut Fire It <
ported to HUpplv Houlton with pur* water;
an ru*t authon/ifu; the ( oiintv Commi-idoiier*
of Sotn.-i- ! County to ran** certain taxes
Pimmd to be I .nj- mum V t ’ an etM
relating to the Municipal Court for the eitv
of Lewiston. The following order received
a pa**a*;e: That the Committee on Federal
Kelation* fn- requested t< examine the Pilot
laws nf th.- several sealmard States, and it
the same laws shall 1m- found unjust and
detrimental to the shipping interests, that
in4niciioas may I* sent to our Senators
and Representatives in Congress t«> use their •
best efforts to secure the enactment of a
national pilot law bv t «>ugr«—s that shall he
just and equitable to all concerned.
Veil. 11 In the Senate an act was pre
sented to prevent the obstruction of bu*i- 1
Mt-ss on certain public corporations. This
hill is toe same as was suggested bv the
Railroad Commissioner* in their annual re
|M*rt and is intended to prevent the destruc
tion »»f railroad propertv ny reason of strikes,
the detention of trains, etc. It imposes a
heavv tine and imprisonment upon persons
engaged in such transactions and who are
parties thereto. The hill was referred to
the Railroad Committee. Inexpedient was
reported on an coder relative to the mileage
uf member*. Th© same report has been
made on all order in regard to raising more
money for school purposes. Passed to !*•
engrossed—Act to change the name of the*
Trustee* of the fund for the support of the
Episcopate of the Protestant Kpiscopal
Church in tlu* diocese of Maine; an act to
amend chap. !HI of public laws of 1H7?». re
lating to crimes formerly capital; an act to
incorporate the city of Rockland.
In the House a bill was presented to
amepd section 2 chanter HH of the private
and special law* of lHffg; legislation inex
pedient w as reported on an order abolishing '
the pension department. A bill was pre
sented for the protection of blue-hacked
trout. Passed to be engrossed—Act estab
lishing a Municipal Court in Waterv ille ; act
providing fi*r trial of causes in insolvency;
rights of parties holding public office* ; act
additional and to incorporate the Penobscot
Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
Both branches adjourned to Monday after
noon at 1 o’clock.
Feb. Iff. Both branches met at 4 this
afternoon. Several remonstrances were
presented against building another bridge
over the Kennebec River at Gardiner.
Passed to be Engrossed--An act addition- •
al to iucorporate the Penobscot Fire In- j
su ranee Company ; an act to amend an act
relating to the Municipal Court of the city
of Lewiston.
In the House: Bill presented—An art in
relation to taking; testinmnv in courts.
1 t U.ioit prexenrcVskiu; for lit" :, :-n
non of die Carg-i lull.
I’.ssed to be Uncrossed—An ur; • ....
protection of blue Inn ked trout : i > |„
repvtd ch inter -td'J of the laws of I xM
po ted IV!,. |. 1*71: a, jath-.rir.:,/ r .
1 • >■< >tnmi-s:o.,ers ,v,^0r>-. somite
I V* <'*«"•«* -e • an act r. ul lie •
t ie ! es of IusgKvtor- of I.imc and 1 nine
> i , an . : to amend an . to establish
' 1 1 }r> Ifskl.ind: an act to
* ’ '■ ' 1 * ! - Muni, pal Court: an art
ugso.idalm,;; nclcd d.strict* and providing;
tor the transport,, ,ou .,, seiiolar* from one
district to an it her.
; A l*rg>e nnmiso of petitions were p , a
i against me li.guur traffic. re,, nitli,' ,rU u
j pa lies of the cods of the tratRe. and asknu
: Ibe l.eg;tsiature for ,n -ii other and furllu r
I tenuities by law of tine, imprisonment and
; such other punishment as shall speed.It and
■ *•'. • *'r .'ii ti, > i ! * .
e>e: - ipgH |<tor ti n!i. Referred
Committee on IVm|terance.
I lie llribery luie*ftg;i«linit.
1 'o* ItriiH-M loirs ntating; t unmiKe, ti, id
* ' ■ Friday ,i\. rn ion I. I>
( irlet HI, loo.,*, i ■ W. u. \\ hit.. ch
witii a'o iif or; •* , rlnm mcmfiTs
1 I ’ "■'! 1 ttte. a;"- ed w . f I j an .'.did I'. '
fin M: M:'. i.t. . IniiT phi*:, mu .rn ,
* 111:11* no' e'entIt man a- girostmo .1 wuii
' s':i[ " an i s’:,; , onlmed to the h wise, on 1
111 ' " ’V. ! not he prudent for him to Is:
1 V . r»e a week V.
... "ere i oil, d w It,, testified to that f,u t.
1 ■ • o w... n . diegwisi!ton on rhe part of
* ' .Mi W ule and o' - •■.!
1 ■ |x.'y on .Jjounimen: was had tor on,' week.
I he l ni't'o on tl . luvt'stigratioii ■
I let fi1 a, If turn-, ete . hate nrc.i;i:reil and
are pr.s e. dm*'r.ipi Hi with lnisiness. Tim
II 1! " t !. • -. Ii t e , 1 I f .1, , ,,f |[ ij
clerk, and hale p ... of ,,i| th, returns
1 • S >«<>rs a l: . .... *, with tin
ev epti1: . : i 1. w : wo* An Iinestigratioii
will pri.i.-tsl info the rinintino out scheme,
ii- orurm and tile : uaunal transa.’oui. ,.r
I ( iovernor and C ncil I
"•I" 't * • '1. ... II,we. of ( .Iinls-r! md.
II;.- • M as . x
\ ... ..... x e; lla
i isw.T-h X.... ,• |■ irt, md. I.ord ..f
I. .. Ing - . u . ... . x..
V !h. I ! - . Hill
< ormtl:. oi. -V ; . • : ... If, ..
t|t|M»iiiliiicii|s> lay ilia- (oncriiar
TV. Ii ■o'lmrli..-ilie •* ■ in*-mua
< ies A IS lias II. \ •
IV u 1. .1 .. If,
I' ' \ - .1 . M me .
I . . ( .. •, \ | • ' I ; .1
I md V. ' C > If IV . .. f|»o,‘: '
Insurance 1 U
... 11 . i ■ : \,
,.I IV,.. i;,
In* IV . •' : if on x i), .,..j ..«• ,
e. ' r ' I' . ■ I
I !w .r I ( - *• (; | ( , ,
I' • i. If .. ' M . .1 . ’
J •• c. Holman of I .1
tin Municipal Court Jam. I. \|., ,. .
M it. In id. M ■ *• p . J . \
M (. |. x \
Pel;,*.. ; J dm X ( x .
I- . I - H - . . r
M ,
i in* \ a I ua I ton ( out min Hiatt.
I in tr-nr:, r . I h . , • ; ,
P i- !■* •! > *h . •> ii \ , \ w: •
h *H, -.1 . \ :i . \
r r .., U ,, If.. • ,
" m, •• l -a, . ;• i» . .tJi . » . V • .a.
V * j .• h s .1 .%
‘tin* I in h n <\\: . • u
y tl.h II I •• • F » : •» % .
\\ ! • . ,
I (« I. - v , \\ i *• •
' • ;-\ *H, .a f Ii . : • n.
Ami oo.'iu— A' i ; M .1 . 1 . a -
I i nil. k I . ii :,lv j; . k ; r.
■* *- a! ; \ r- I! j h
* * . . - i 4 I • * !♦
**\: . - i *, < 1 4rr:ti.• • 1 . • ■ ...
I i!«li-n*s Kam i N< « i|c«l l inn May.
* \ .. I*..- r i. *. •
1 i -» - 1 ‘:'' '1 > .: « J * •
\li.S i u. jl. : , ,••. .■! v.
fot* beati• i (
! I r
H jui «*«t
M*r i ui , ■ A • 41 •. •... M -Ji , w . >*4 '
...on,ii an | « \p- i •. * I . ■
J2ctu ^Mjcrti&nncnto.
• i»I* l| .i i L ■ I.
I .. a- III.** k u.. mi I
where hr Will k«v|» fi.n-t ilitlv .*n hau l
• •I / /./ >H m l I'H A / / /' r />// Ui.itcun .■« luim i
to .nr, /.*./' A/.r -
i K. Mill."
Kli-w rth. Fei>. ir. i". • . •
\ol ie«*.
Pcruotni u *lm»x to vi-it the t ounty Jail, ran <!>j
••• a l -• :
*w-« A K DtVKKKl \. Jailer
Stock Holders’ Meeting.
Till. -t.-k hol.ler- of the l • n ... t ... . s.
k'o. /' •>! llaii.'-k, Haneiwk * irni-.M*
are hereby oatijbl to iu«ct at the fetiub»roi 1 \
eh »•..■ . Ik.i 4<.r, .-a Vt . !ru—l.i. .a .-i. 41..r. ?i
trl. at 7 o'clock, for the purj>->-*• ofor k'aui/in^. an I
I«r the Iran-»eU«»n ol ri..v oilier bu*im-» which
may profM-rly come belorr them
KH-w "rth. Feb. 1-, 1-mi. lw"*
l i'itiIuiii Vollc'c.
Tlll< e» rtilie-that for » irilnahi.! .«u-. icr.it;.-u
I relimjuish to my sou. Herman I lioo|« r. Uio
balance ol his minority, to Iran-act Ku-n „n
nor j*av any bills of hi- <'ontractin>; alter tin- 'trite
■I t li«Hi|*Ki:
W itn*—. I rc l 1> 11. } * r
West Kll-worth, February 7, lroo. vV«*
always Cures and never Disappoints
The world*# great Pain-Reliever
i »r Mua uuJ Beust, Cheap, quick
anil reliable.
1*IT(IIKK'SCASTOItl \ isnot
Varrotlc, t tiildioit grow tat
upon, 31 oth«*r.s like*, and Physi
cians rtM'oinuiond 1'ASTORIA.
!t regulates tin* Bowels enre*
Wind < olic, allays Feverishness,
and destroys Worms.
Care, n Constitutional Antidote for
this terrible malady, by Absorption.
The most Important Discovery since
Vaccination. Other remedies map
relieve Catarrh, this enm at anp
stagediofora Consumption sets in.
lyrteo w
-f.ifo ol’ Maine.
I? %V ih K. --
r (V < ". •■/ f ... .,'y f li I'.i. It ifif it titui
e./A/i. »»«*/ /hr f'vHHty ,./•
tvfo' . /V7v
' • ' ‘ xrut, ito rmUr 2*;th. t. />. /«,;*#
ANI> n >w the < .mmb-fotu r . h. a- tnknre with
; m. •'kl, ( iiaptrr »>f tin- U«vf-is| statui. -.
: ‘ Ml.I I UU !U.i • ftU« , i|| |
I >M.. 't'l t. llilH ,■!>: ., ,,J < Mi.It* l.iatl ■ |
! util- rpnrat.M lYwii-liin-mul Iran's of bmi i.,
».!io % unty, iunl lutlujj then m*on male an ,--;i
in I li; • amount 1.. put them In reimir
. !h> >:*r. ami r .nu'iii.-m for |»tibtte trawl’
.m*1 11,0.,! > follow in* •l.wrilx’.l linin'
••>>r{».rii - I T.*w <hi .. and h-.nl- «>I bo I. ii Mii
r.umlv. « \rUutv • ..f water ami bmi r-erve.1
fori.uMh us,*, for lint |mr^. • litrin* the v.«:t
V .>. I'v. • follow-. >1/. T..W n*lm» Vo. v
^•utn I>ui.-Kni Hw* »um uf f.ps.io ». follow • \ U.
N «««■■» of owner* No of Valuation. T*\
K -t,»t of -i th Tb bl«\ 3.1 f 1.V) hi # ,
» -lin !>u.*. til KJ *, ,H
» : »rk '!•»'I llrnvn *r
“■‘•■r;0 ** **«• ii
H '■ fii-iRf, or un •
*»“'*«« .. . i- mm u:
"• m in-1 M.rfln, or
unknown, jo JUU' 1'
• ■ •!»>. Ilmli* ■u, .'»r
unknown. n l«fc>
’I • F ' . o uo
, ii l»M
I .... llu|.iilii|r.. vt
•,l*- f.'i MT.-.I 2 if
'* rmm.i!- ami Will
i.-tnis, “.Vi j _-s
" m u It. »-ii *ii, 11, -- ^
F. F lima • am! I a ■>!,
'Iirii . r. IM
I alt \v 'Im.io au-l
nwa<!*m • jmo |uu •» a>
H r:u. b.*v .
" nit* ■•■so .<■»«! H i
• >* ■». » . i i . • ■
"‘•it - ’! i , . * • | jj
v••*•-■ *•» u . .. » - 11s o, 7,
" Kiii... IO-. j,
i..s*rKe l ar. .. . ,i ... j,
V F Unm! o.
I •imna» i an 1 t hiiroti. U - %
N I* Ala - -i,, * J4
‘ •; “ . :i«rt i:
I ",n Of. Ml
_ i -
» ' !■«;• i ■ ,
I « . • «t-! |l. I
oiiiU-■!. 7 - 1 \- «, .
> It II •trail. Ut*«m 77
\ |* I »*». w It l|, lv VJ {
I;oliert * ■• rr*. A* |<v*. on .,i
\ F' f,<»«trll. ) .■ .w, <,i i ,w»
»U \.ui.|« r M.irCn. o- ]
" II FVivtu’r, 7. 1 m *» »•
VtfrjHl It* ir ,
\ I Iturnham. | *■> .«> Ill
• |<*» <*»
41 INI
l *‘\ i \\ i-Mh r, jo |.. • ^1
•I ^ I < i'i'i** o ! «. I
» rlj« n ami IK i » •.
I, l IV.-.i
‘ • I I ■ . 1 ' *• ’ J. • -.
.!.»« oh-SJM •iijrr, 1 -> JIM • i 1 ;|
! .« t*h « iV ; .
H *H‘I • M I»ai ; . i - ■
\ ir . r>« . ; , •• j ' i
?<•- t •
I '**• l»-l !■•• r.-|»:ori « ••th {*..
• ' • 'o.i i-o i* i« th , : . ., I \ it ,|| i. , _
I *: » r * * - ■ S ■*. 'ill-1 * on ut ; ;»J., . ; •!
at* •' to i.'s n : a -l thee\i> luliiurv • f - '. I
■ - -
' > l •' ' -!■!:• Vo . - . oil i«v S,‘, i
* *unfv f.>r r- oai:! ' |J«- | therein . il- .
’• • »' u*e a > • , s, . f.; j - »! 1 \..
• I '
'h I.'si esti.wat •’ ..Ill .* • n the -Ui;.
' f 1. -,• . .' f>*. an I
l <• ’ I*. . o r 1 l t\
? •- Ut »•■ -«|H nt.feml the e\|* ..Ulun* of
"! . !• ut,
• • ■ t. i » |. ir ; J ,■ • , \
‘ ittiinr *111 u‘• • i - r - • ...
• • • • «“■ ' '■ Of I .» 1- . I- Li!
a* re
V* • 1> . * M
I r* r > i • i > |
U Hi o j • . ,7
' f H ., . • .• .
I • • i • * I
I ! ' k ill I 1!.-» i
II i vr » r.
I i '» \| .
mu -nn -ji .
I * * »* l ... i
* V a- . t t on > ■. .< j* ft i n *' : i
' 1 a a-h|,. * ti» ji,. . .
^ ■' i I V i ■ '
' I i i U »• •! I i I*. I
• -»* I < ■•'”!. t
4 ‘ • . \|. stun- •> - •••
*1 "• 1 * •> n-t t 1 -n n-*.S|* v • ! . ■ i ti
” - • t -• «. * a i ... a, .
!v • 11' '• i -; i •
I * . I • I . • . 1 i r ,
••• « ?•••! -V .**• ! \ .1 :• I
•■■■■. • Wit. < I V... . ■ to .. •
• \ • »*.!:««r. f «... I- • r
• • l m > . v. M j. , .
^ '■} “-v*l to >ont:*t.i " ' nr- .
I --U if ;. '.ill l» A' tr ' i tfl a t : f V ;i
IVut**. thp .#h .tw M.-tvr-.* J..*.1-1 • f -aiiI \ • . t
• ■ wort:. I!:.. thrm-f • ill*- in. * M,,., - H 11 i: •!.
vi |.. ti . i of Oi. r .a u . \ - .
«- Ii*- in -a: I • i.| .1 . 1
• • »nt i I tl-'.v. rfS - »*• i* it.:. I \.
uu*ii«t tfw *‘x jh-a iuwr»- 1 : - - • -
• »:« :‘w a. • . >.! M..» i 1 •
. ■
M - •• n4 !
-'t *:" ‘ • r--.nl vH,:,.- j.
It* 4*ttntfT-n, w ).!. : in - i. ! '.ii,.. i... ,. .
ti”* « 4 t ... . . . : . -I, . .. j || >|
II i' •• t .i. -. ai. i . i i • • f \V : . i .i j • , ; •
Jl 1 « • ■- - I’ ' ..f \ . '
V-t' 1 i -•*.!'» I • \j».-.,-tit'ir. ! . .
*• - .un lit
«» • •. . , \ - Mi'IH in
- I I .
II . I- f. ili.U V Ii
' >'•' ll-llt I’l l \,l. t
-«« t . - arrv
II.*'in M M
v , -I. \[ .
\ « a!ii|i' ■ . i;. 1 t . . ; ,
l tiitli IW . * x •
• f‘*. *;i • i.» - till i« t . -. n t.
v. , • h \i l!
I t: I r> : \\ ,,. I ,, , ljl4, rt,,.| , ,M * ; .
f \ .1 • I. «| i~• i• i*• • | \^I : i to I t:..
' V li-iliwp. i.r - li t , r.
• *'1 I vi V >, Mi M I 1 •:
« v.v. n.Um .W 1 I.- -O ... r- •}„ - ,
‘ : 111 - |M I ». r. . . . ... -I
" • tun • • ■ ! It*- i i.ii. • ,i r-.'.| lit - i •! >, ,1
' . !• - .. i \ ■ ir. t i. .,| i„ i.., .| :
nl ii.. . \|» i ii In 111. f | .....
* * II"' l|l V. Ill -.11 I I ..111 ' (
5?* *.!, a- T- tloav \ i/
k i ll* - of • wr- No of \ i ll f , v
.l.uii. * \\ UUau, ! t! i .. *
f . ip! 'f a
-inn * - .. .
I oWj.i - | **p:.
• I'ilni Miui.li i
».* • rtf. U ;!!; . j- . .,
■k « • I»U" i. . ..
.lollll J \ i . _-m ...
V-.a W tin .ii: I . ,.. » ..,
I Mill ' < • ,.t, _ , », -
•I.IIIW- I l
| !l"tvaj,,l l.opl. ,,
; -lolui W Uitaui-*. j . I* . " ,
Nul 1 • i.
| klntf -liirk~.il, I<«» I ij,,.i (mi ; j”
I t irortfv \\ ili.am-.11 . 4 hi
I i lainllu^-.Vp !wr *, \ .,,,,
•k 1
I I H:» rilltf .ill l MitiLkrii. Jli 4*»-'» 4* .<* 01 j!
Xii.tJaiiw- »■ hmn,"t *,i:.| l. aii4hi|.|H a^.ii t
•4 nt to 'ti|a iliit,.m| tl.. r\|ii-n4itur«- ■ : i
a -un lit.
1" *M‘ pii'iil-hi 4 in tin’ *»t;it** I'ttfM i ainl hi -iti'Hli
•i* '•'l. I’l I <i U \ i i « ..mil’. I on ii.!»»|..ii.
«u I '.I ITII.I.. i,„ i|„.
IiiIIX lli.l’KIXs. I (i.univ I.t lUnna-l
\n. -r II II - \l Min;- I I. rl.
\U. -l II Ii *\r.M>KK>, < li-rl
;tw s
$6 per Day and Expenses '
t \» riaa of Wiling aubaeripUon banka
i be m».i lira. Ural banka ever before the nub
f"r nicuho l. ,\ f \t,K tK.„'|
II" htrhange Mml, Portland, Maine
ft.1 S<'' W ' Vi-t-'O 1,,r nchly ilia*
-J. liu n ml ILL) tmte-i, mi . t, i %
complete authentic history "I the great four ol
It llesrnla- Rural Palmer. Rare t uriu.iljea
Wealth and Wonder* of the Imlier. i hina .tinan
ft' A luillion |ieople uant it This i- t|„. best
chance ot y our lifefo make money Beware ol
. .it' ll penny imitations mud tor circular- an.l
c\ir«t term- to A Kent.
^Ureaa NAT'otiA'. Pt BUkais.i to, Philadcl.
S777p, W: ; - ootflt
Wlffl-ne A«lilr»*sg; i\ o V|t. KMtY Amu
>lli ine. ** ’
A8TS29MSS8 : send for our Select !
New «paper*. (,eo IV Rowell A <*., 10 Spruce
™ 1 _ Iw*
satiefacuou or coat refunded v g f eriet t
Snoes* rOT AfrerpirAtrt.
i o the H<mor.t I tie J iisfbv of tin* Supreme .Imlteial
* *url next to lie hohteu at KI is worth within anil
f**»■ ***.• < oijnty of liatK.H'k, on the S*h\uj<I Tm*.
•by of t r. V. 1». mvn.
^11. \h* X II. Newman, of K im, in *,* hi«Uumlv <-t
4 H m-iK’k. I.rings this lib-1 .Lnt1 > M - tJnu'Mir
at- n»nrrie.l on the U-lavof Ik.rnilier! A I>. lSTH,
!V ‘‘'l 1 • laxmjiri! J. Thomas, a magistrate
i ihoruel | • solemnize marriages, to A-a
" of -ai l K'leu. that he thereafter lix
e.l nn.1 - - h ihli: <1 wHh *ai.| Y-a XV. in -abi fetal,
a- hi- wife until she wasoblige. I p* leavethe home
-al«l \-a XX . in - ptemU-r !VU. sinee whi« h
<h 1 Hve.1 w ith -ahi \ XX n-.r Uvn
support. •! l.y him. that she has alxvavs U.rne her
• It » . .. ii e loyal wife, t • -:i!.f \ >a xx hut
-he further alleges that iiotxviihstumling her own
g-. ! i i'lm! -:ti*l X- iXX has Uvn harsh am!
1 * !«'’r :‘"'i ha- m i le her life miserable bv
us ill temper :»u.I abuse ami ha- moitvxer been
unfaithful to tils marriage vow* in having Mbit
iM wmrv with other women.. su.l marriage
ami partl-uhirx tiial *ttl*l X-u XX N, w man. .|i.| at
K I* n. aton'sai.i «m or «Umt the 2nth .lax of No
.•laUi X Ik* commit. , aitnUry with Lena
I V-.vm.m. of Kllswortli. Wherefore xour hi
"''i'1'- this hu iagain»t s;,i.l \ ...» \\ ; N. wv.mu.
:UH; Uvausr ii is reasonable an<l proper, eomlueive
to .lomesti, harmony ami .•on-l-tmt with the peace
anil morality of Mieletv. she n-k< that a .llvcwve
max U* .h. rvHsI to her freeing her from the Um.ls
ot n. .trim my. with sab I A-a x\ Newman, an. I
f t •‘m b other oiaiers a- may U* itist an,| proper.
Xi o -ai'l l.ihi. Unt further say* that -obi X-u XX
U now absent ami that -be eann.it l.y reasonable
• lltlavnii a-, ertaln bis rosblcme or whereabouts,
ami tin- same are unknown to her.
« I XKX li. NKxi \n
II X XI I H K s, *s« i«f JX* •
l'er-oiiatlx i >|h arv*l « lar.t I! Newman an*I
•uix.ie - will ( * tb. truth of tin* above statement- l.x
her sub-. ri!v.|
Before in .
H UKNK it Al.K.
.In-lie.- of the I Van .
"TXTKoi X|\|\j
II 1\. H K. ss "Uprenu- JmU tal Court, «M«*f*er
I rm. x l» u.
I pouter tore going l.lUl, Oiipl 1,1 i» that till
> Cl- .il^ i. tie*- to the sjihl I IU he to ,r
t. r. i..< Iiiste ot our "tipretn. .ludblal i ourt.
M b>.i |. i .*t 1.ii-worth, within anil f« r tin*
Hai •• s i tin m Mi l i
Nt■ * ■ ' .** bsi. l.y publishing an ait«-(e<i .-op
j "I - It'l ii-s-l ami this or.lei UieiVeli f!uv«- wn-i.
'u‘.‘1 --M' ’! in the Kil'W' ith Xmerie.ie. n. « -
j j’-.p* ' print*-*l in K:l-u. rtb. m ourt ..unix ,,i i|:,i;
I ‘ "• '• C- la-I publi. ati.-n t.. U- thirty ilay’s .-.t |en-t
I • ,. .a April Bexi
I . Ilia' there nii'l then In our sab! t ourt np|>ear
i •*"■* 'b *" 1 •'*11 *t any he have whx the pi i\. i
f <ii l l.iu lam -houhi not In gratiU'.l
M»*- * It l*» -\im>h:- ( ;
A trite « th.- i tU l ami orlcr *>f < ouu
'tb 11 l: s X! NHKKS, t Jerk.
I • Ii;» li - i -r.i >!e the -I ;s|J. , . the Supjvme .#«:
li < -urt m-\t to u- (MiMen.it Kil-vx’.rth. with
'•= -»•' b-r t« .'tint' ..f ... on the ... n l
1 u. -lay of April X Ik he
Rf.-i'fi I !• t I i.i K.pn-ent« jour lit via nt
t . ioj-.-t i l l«M*h. «-f I n i,iont. in .in| I "Illit . .
r!,‘t i*. xx.t- :uarrte«i to i.iltn-rt I Kmh. th.’
fi • i. •-. w h-.se leveien-« u unknown. t rremoul
"■ ' * ■ .e- . lit. t.ei-tr. tli -'.ix of * *. t -Ur. \
1*1' ' hi. U ... -i»- , .a . p.....
:■ : ».»el I on),tv in;- stj,- mi.) tu r s.ii-1 mi
llv e.i p.geth'-r a-hu-baml ami wife at -ant Ii
• 1 \ l * - . . ei r in
U rummage a - af -re-ai.t. your liU etni lui- ai
. . • j
• i f.illiifu: • |i.-i marriage • liiig itioi. . Inn
i:‘ ’• the * *cl lib. . . w h.•! • r> gar-il.• . f th.
• ■ of .June, x J» a.tc
• ;
■ ‘ 1 ! with in r-bu e. •!- 'Uuurltnit'-.Hu any
• ’ - ne\n heart! fn■.
’ 1 -'All '••!•• XX I,. n-f> re ;i:.isium'h a- A <a - m; :
a - - a :• i-1 p- r i . • -i.lviet-,.- to l..,„.
1 .r: 10.1 • - .1 h i with the |H*a-'e an-1 ui n -
» 1 '*'• •* '• ' - 1 «ut pn - that th:- li e
1 1 1 ‘ "l‘*t w..i !•. r. <- a -lix- to fn iu tfu- '-u: t
• r ui tmnoiix. . iH-. ii !;. r utvl ii. i «aH tiUsUu *},
' -in h oih. r I.-,- .iu-1 orltTs ma • he
' ' \
* • • Hh h is oef kn nx u to b.-r ami •aniiot
m U‘i: x u Hit il.
*- t All. • »l MUNI
If 1 X . ... K. ss I , _ 1 , ,s...
1» H .. . ’ a■ . )■- oath to the t» nth • i ibe mr.-go
^ . '• li. !••!.- I!., .
I II* 'Xi Xs * l XHfv.
J li. V r r:. I*. , .
-1 X I I . o XI \|\i
p, n, < .»rk ' •;»!.. . > mu i .1
' ’ . \ . P.i • I . \ i*..
' ' ' - *i : - . • *1:1 ‘I KM». I > al t'■'»
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1 . >.lhl IH-tiii l ..ir . , \v. .k for thr-rr ,||ir,-.m.
, Ii-r*..;„i.|;:"rt |„ tin- mvkl;. Uai.k'or i ..
th.- .a-. pu,,ln-au.,|i L>> |M* tiiirtv <ia; > it h iM.
■Ii, ni l.- atit,-'. lh.-,l ;,ll , r.-.m,',r. „ l,„
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- . .1 >h. l.a.. , u h'. On- Vrav.T „l
- i!'l i i-tltioiirr iioiiM not In- urjint**!.
"M I’ I liKHl K.
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ALWAYS _iSK £'t.
' r '* ’ * A RE The Great Edk
. _ ll»h Ha-meal.
An unfailing
cure for Semin]
" eakneun, Sper
matorrheg, im
potency, and all
oiseaaes that fol
low as a sc
•luence of Self*
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■>! Memory, CnMrrcs r.».
'-rsal W'ltU'le, Pain in the uH ;
\ ision, Premature OKI \irt- Hn«i » a ,J* li,4i
that lead 5ttwr ‘
a Premature C*rave. ' <^on**u,«pt»on, and
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Specific Medicine ia aohi bv Mil ^
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