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Richard the Brazen ... By OUTS TOtASEND BRADY. A«th r of "Far lb« Krve d« i« •»( * ';*■ >**, ' " i \,r Southern* r^. ' F.u EDURD WpLE, | Atlkor of “A Broken Basarv." **Th<- 5 Vinte Chap." Klc. < Copyright, 190©. by MofFit. Yard (y Company. 'I'm sorrv. ’Mr. Renwyck. but—but 1 ; nlon eyed *d»n critically j 1 ‘ f„ t■;;!f minute A moment ago ' ' peered to emlwrk $100,000 !; “,t.‘ .r iriae. and now he would u out What bad changed The financier determined ta t!i - suspicious circumstance to tue bottom 1 • Whv tiiis sudden changeV” he asked diret t > M\Veil. you see.” began Itlehard. I sritliii.a Inwardly at the falsity of his |..lsition. "I’ve Is-eu bitten iu deals be- j (,,re. and while”— Souse1 se!” Interrupted the old geu- 1 t.emau shortly. “Vou can’t lose ou this. J W hy. my dear sir. it's a dead certain- [ I, What more do you want?” -True.'' agreed Richard sadly, "and yet”— ’ -There are no yets." Interrupted Mr. Renwyck. "It Is not a question of my needing money, for I have plenty of Ulv 0«n. 1 made you the proposition simply and solely out of friendship, sud’— • And for that very reason.” Richard cut In. ' I must decline. I appreciate ihe spirit in which you have tried to be p me. but circiimstauces render my acceptance impossible.” Again the financier regarded his ex truordiuary young friend critically through half closed eyes. "Come, come!” he said bluntly at a-t. T»on't let's beHt about the bush. What is your real reason?” |>i, yi.ii menu turn: a-sen uienara, ri-;i - to his feet "l do.” Mr ftenwyi k." he said in a clear, „i„l tone which was now free from at y lie eption, a brilliant Idea coinins i the more neeeptable In that it s stri. t y true, "yon are right. There . . . reasons which we need not . ii>.s I shall mention one which is ami that is this: Von are ■ ,,, advantage 01 a father's I , , son. which has removed ■ g '(list from the field. Pardon [ . g | ■: a in i \. but it strikes me j a- lung a rather unfair business j I 1 refer to have nothing more i to d* nifb it." i, 1 v. at,ted a good slap at the | mis i, d man and rejoiced in :is cry It was Mr. Henwyck's tun. ib:-h. though the condition w as i _V. ai«iut by anger rather than -i.i<me- He was about to make a - o retort, but cheeked himself and asked coldly: • Why didn't you think of that when you offered to take Ji100,000 worth of I I don't know.” •Ah I" it ;> - iiliih-iit that I did think of it I" the money was paid, isn't it?" I; ■ i led liiehard, angry at ihis iinino s comment on Ins irresolution ami v.iciliation. •ijuito." answered Mr. Itenwyek in 1. - icist tria l manner. "Vet 1 think it ;> i and, s|,,,h1 the cireumstoiiees : • er, lend troyiaud, perhaps you J d view tlit* matter in a different i tint every man has a right to j I - own opinion. and so, if you please, we will say no more about it.” lb- rose as be spoke to intimate that the interview was at an end. "Thank you." shortly returned tlie Texan, and now, if 1 may, I will say g iiid night I regret that 1 have taken up so much of your valuable tfiae.” He crossed the library. UHloekod the door and went upstair* without a back ward glance, while the financier sat •"'kins iifler him moodily. For many moments Mr. Kenwyck did not »eve. His cigar went out and was held un heeded between his silent lips tUt at ■ "t be drop|ie<l it into a silver asli Iruj and, rising, sillied. Something surprising there. ! don't ende uuderstand. Who won si have '■■ light iie would have taken it that w;i> - ; wonder if that was his real ft -"ii I don't see that I'm to blame I didn't run over the boy. Well, I'd I" i f<m.i not to take advantage of his tattler's absence Besides, what dif c does it make: lie wa" a goner ■ • iy It's a life and death htrngg e • 'ecu US. We used to i>e Joi«l 1 • dels Is the Englishman right': I " >h that—here. here, this won't dot i u ist go to tied at once. I can't u a- out that Lord Croylaud Seeuis ft I'd met him—er— wliat could be the mutter'-" Hu millionaire pared tbe floor of hi* brary tor a quarter of an hour then *'! his burglar alarms ami B ent to bed. H i hard *ras equally tineas*. He .ioil at little pile of Croyland n tuat had accumulated. liM-liidiw.’ **’eral telegrwtps. « hi* h of course he •I Uot opened. mil decided to take it to toe hospital <tie first thing totuor r >" It was criminal for him to have *-• a i itod t and U*s friend as well. A i I in-re were other things he would <1 on the omrrow. CBAHTEtt *V. THE following day w« an event ful on* for ll»* varwus mem tier* of tti# Iteuw yc*. house hold. Mr. Benwyck wont ear 1 • r than usual to tbe city and ik spite r' a some what uneasy conscience " rked ceaselessly to the furtherance bit barltof scheme. HI* triggers were set. and he only waited now for T- e trap to spring and catch 3ill WH *®» In its fall and incidentally tb* I “ear* ami blood Will gullibility-no. -■» .! ty company Mr. Mkbaei Cor was also quite busy during the d y. though bis occupation was a ' int i.lie At least he seemed to ve intense amusement from the re “ t of a number of lengthy telegrams f: n various points. H u.iid too. had o- casion to use tbe * ' es but in a different manner. 1 in r. ‘si rely after breakfast be made hi* *' u- Te the !adk*s and took a train : r X.-» York. At the telegraph otlic* hf -art out the dispatch: Mr. William J Wi umn Mlstato Am all ris i awl unhurt Re turn to Austin at oner and it ,:ch harh r <*«“*• RICHARTJ WILLIAMS 1 *.r young itin11 made a nutnl*er of eo' i'M uf !!„. telegram and had them relit In \ a i -m-. jlim T :• >u pouts along nil (*** -ihln routes |«ett\een Texas aud New York, in (he hope that his father might Ik* intercepted on whatsoever train lie might is* a passenger .ysni re ceive one of them. And in order to make assurance doubly sure he gave orders that the telegrams were to tie repeated regardless of expense until the sendee had leen reached. Richard had a |>erfect light to say that lie was well and unhurt, and !u consideration of Mr. Renwyck's method cif doing business he persuadeil himself that he wax also right in adding Ids noncom mittal warning. R.v this tic hoped to put the cattle king on his guard, in which case lie trusted to his father's • hrewdness to circmineut the enemy Tins duly discharged. Richard called at st. I.uke's hospital and was much distressed to learn that laird Cniyland was not doing well at all. He liad de veloped a high fever, and in his pres ent condition could receive no visitors Richard therefore could only leave the earl's mail, securely doue up in a pack age addressed to Mr. Richard Wil liams. with the message that Mr. I’etcr Wilson had called and would come again within a day or two. Then, hav ing nothing else to keep him In the city, after a stop at a flower shop he returned to Irvington. In tin* meantime tin* final rehearsal of “The Man mid tin* Bin!’* was material ly interfered with by an upheaval of conflicting emotions on the part of Mis** Imogen? thittemb'ii. By the morning |»ost that yung lady received a letter, which she read thresh sev eral times, then ran to her room, flung herself upon tin* hod and expressed her emotion in tears and hysterics Miss Benwyrk. in passing through the hall, caught tl.e sound of we.>;.i-tg and went in t> comfort her. Sh ■ ion- i Miss Imogen? in a truly pitiable spite, ami the better part of an hour •• aps< J before an intelligent explanation »d‘ the trouble could U* obtained Mi ' Cliitte’idou told Ik r skut in jerky, di jointed sentences, so ia-.. :-persed with sobs and gasps that to quote her in tie tail v. «"■' \ 1 ;;; im,. dud • The thread of the romance ran in this V\ iso; Several months previous to the “pea in-4 of this narrative Miss Imogen** had ln*en a pupil in a fashionable young Indies* school ill Morristown. N J lake many of her mates, she had carried on innocent flirtatious 1** neath the very noses of certain stately pray headed w aniens of' propriety harmlessly enough. In her la-t and most violent affaire dn « <*eur. howexer she so Idenly found cause bitterly t«* regret her i a-hm s. Ml* Him lei irk idtZgeoige til * last M«».Tfs!OWIl •* »*<*1 of Miss I . *g«*tie's transient a;.actions posed as a heu tenant in the I id ted Sia-es art <m a leave of ab ,-nre. spending a furlough *it the quiet i : e .Jersey town lie was of a romantic disposition and appeared u very flashing blade. tw»\\ i deringly good looking to a pent up schoolgirl in spite of a certain physica detect Tbe lieutenant was possessed of many oth er accomplishments, known and un known to Mffcs lniegeiie amoog wuicli according to the young body's own statement, “be could make k#'e j-ust beautifully in the u»o*»olig1it ot«r a garden wall that was just cotenod with broken glass and a b-*rrui wire with stickers all over it.“ Be licit as it may. this Itomon was untowardiy ilisuvervil la the uiidst of a most |sietical H|ieecb nensvs the afore said wall one spring night alout t<* o'clock, mill the touching love scene then in progress came to an abrupt not to say painful, eml This was caused by the pulling of Itmlerick Kitzgeo;ge'» ladder from under him by the villain iu the piece the night watchman — who had treacherously crept along Ihe garden wall at the instigation .if the protagonist "r H*e drama, the prim-1 pal of the school, who. splendidly serv ed i.y her Intel'igenee department. Iiad rnrtiless y Interrupted the course of true love. The little drama ended in two more acts, eke first a severe curtain lecture aud n strict .pinrnntiue until gradua tion day for the (air Juliet and the second I- brief hospital scene for the dlslurled Borneo, who had encountered the watchmen's club at the foot of ttie ladder Mi-M Imogen- Of course was furious. Therefore she wrote quite a dozen let ters to the »fflicv-«l martyr. which she aueceecfesj in JMbttgghtiK to him. ex pressing her sentiments in far warmer phrases than otherwise might have Ijeen dictated hy diaecetion or were justified hy rite facts of tile case. Site felt that Iter jragithful hwcicT—the dear Roderick-* leg. to say nothing of his head —was hrohe* Sr-tvinediaUt.'. though the human heart requires a Jonger time to heal than fractured lunt or cranium. But time cured both afttic tiou«. and it came About in this wine A few clays following his recovery Mr. Fitxgeorge left town between two trains. Many whispering* went sronnd as to the cause of tilt* precipitate de partuie. and many strange eoiucf' deuces were noted. Among them was the somewhat prominent mention of a merchant's safe discovered the morn ing after hi» departure in a condition resembling Miss Imogene's broken heart Of ait this, however. Mias Chit feudon knew nothing, and for many davs site mourned Of course dear Roderl k knew nothing about the affair and ouiy left Morristown l>ecaus« his leave of absence had expired or !*• cause Le was , cry at the res dents or —hut. whatever h;s reason. Miss lino gene was sure it was a good out However that might be. from Mr. Firzgewge's jioiiit of view it was an imperative one. With the laftcsr of time and with the advent of oth*. • objects d affection—us k«*r CorMRns Van der Afr«*. for ;a* » - fro:n Miw t'V tread *u's r .-iuott. rs 4S *’ •'''! T «b • ’ ' never heart from ttc rwr^ ui lit -’ *r \ until ?e h . 4f it rv* y ?> her »«:»** t :i * v r*« W'it rhr>» i tf ** * ' * tt document Mr Rodfhfk Fit*- i C** « e ..‘v s(s| her Urn*; \ tint, owing i t ‘ m oral ULh .j |»y eiretliiistainvs, In* ■ ' »- f >;.wl r«> leave for the far wrst I ! i! ' ^ U'jlil'.JI Mil ; t*d W fond*. j I ‘' MM! i *e g»\: **■«.'id :t ^ j>* ev»,dd *j»atv ; | ier lover a hundred dulkrs 1 I or the u-i*ot l*i l .m v., n‘. i j; in on vet*.lent h * * •• • i »ii i»> ! •' « ' . .1 a d i .1 let w!)i *1 wo::h! not lt*>k well If 1 ‘*l * ■ »» : ' new >;•;« In vast* she j . id liatl it vottvenit at to make the 1 4*; a. v h i*. • - { **r »vn< rotas im- ; Hire, her t urn sfnnkieut did not doubt, j lie tv: s li vj to tie a |*us-e of white .vlln g ou the eft |>ost of tin* Ueii ".' * fro -r."!»e :•** ■ of as *ei T then «* ■( ! the library fv imlotv at d >»i >•. I, •»!! | ;kl;.v right. when Mr. I'itvueoige - d enter, exchange her iettei> for tbe stun itl*ove nifmtioiUHl am! bit! her nn eternal farewell. If Miss i 1 i!t« .t.i*m j*iayml him false of • which j k* i’ is 11 the thought—a friend had COpICS Of S.Mld i*V»l‘IVS|KHtdtVKV Which ! would immediately tv published, to j gether with the garbled details ot the ' lormer romnuce. a condition imdeslra- j hie for a lady so widely Unown in the i social world The letter ended with ; the hope that Miss tdhlttendon was en joying gin* I health and spirit* and that she might |**rsnade herself to meet him on Friday, as requested. To say that Miss imogene was terri tied would U* putting it mildly. Her resulting eouditiou honieivd upon complete collapse, mental and phys ical. "Oh. Harriet, Harriet!** she gobbed “Whatever shall I do?** **My dear.” returned her friend as she bathed the sufferer's temple* with cologne, “It is perfectly simple. You need give yourself no uneasiness Fa ther will quietiy put the matter tn the hands of the |toiice. We will then tie the white string on the gatepost, and when this wretch enters the library window he will find himself In tin* arms of our officers, and we will not I only have the letters, but the man” Ni!*-s Hell week's plan was based upon wisdom and sound common sense, yet to tin* frightened Miss lino gene it was tlie worst possible thing to do. She felt certain till'd if c&vght he man would put his threat into exe •ution and expose flic > *;*ies «*f he; ’otters t » ihe eager g *e of '-<*■ i♦ •:> T • :>r* out su-o a hv ■ » mimr she would pay I Tb ■ > e she decided hys,ci leal- 1 v !h;;! Harriet's plan was out of the I I'd a » th 'oi gh at , 11 b:i. U • Vv ! . he pet names { called that creature good | . Harriet—liny w< c |hwJiiveiy * \\ tat did vou call him*:’ asked Miss nrinvu |. humorously futerc.'icd hi this pha-e f the romance. ” Itoddv-poddvK ins’ was one.” eot* fessed the delta; a nte. \\i;h a vivid blush. “Then there were a whom I >' more like tm.t and worse really, dar ling, IM nu'icr uot tell them even to you. | slior J iiIf* of shame if Mr. N an Uer mv<* or Lord t royiaud or any on* knew.’* Ifenxcvok smiled, while the in disoroet Juliet wen* on tying her li.tnd K■ ■ hie; a;' • I a. d. v,Ui> •I've j t tc »f to '• « I-;i i !! irrlet. ! know I shall he jnsl « .nv * to death: hut. no matter u but you stay, [’ll not allow you to tell a *ltigle solitary fj'nd. and if I*tn found dead oft the library floor in the morning nobody will care any wax ai there ’ 'I be sufi ei t r ’s > ate untv became s r f suggest ;:•!'-ho: plan. It was against her letter judge.eiit. hut something had to l*e ijoiie at ouec. for otlierxvive Miss Itiwseiw* vrmifc] never be in a condition to net the part of the bird in tin* play that evening. ••IniofFBe." *he sskl sternly. ~stop trying this instant and 11*te?i to me. 1 Isdieve r<*n v\ ill <h» a \ery wtwmg thing in teeitif Mr. F1fzg**orge in the middle of Hje nVrht. but of *wrr*e 1 have no right to Interfere against your wishes. 1 am older than you. anil 1 fell you candidly 1 don't like It. How miieh money have you with yonT* •’Fifty d< liars, and m give biro jew elry enough to Utvke up the ltii Inure.** “That won't l»* i»e«*essary. 1*11 lend you whatever you need, and if you still insist upon seeing tin; tuan 1 xvill go down with yon." In nn iustvilit more two very shaky 111 Ur- arms were twined about Mis* lirnnyik's link and a sobliy ruin* w:is j•• •tiriiij? delirious thanks Into her | ears When the fear of ensiling down a flight of d:i:k stairs alone was ease l by Ibe though* of companionship the sentimental young Imly liegan to \ ie v llie affair In an entirely different light It would la* nn adventure which an (sealed to her Strongly There would lie no earthly danger, she argued ns eitrh could lie a piotectlou to il>e other while If Mu* worst came to the worst their streams would quickly summon aid The more Miss Imogefie thought of it the more excited she Ijecnuie. declaring finally that she would gladly pay #!<<> — which tometiody else hail earned for her. by the way—just for the fun of the thing. She felt now that she fad exaggerated the possibility of danger, as the wretched, disgraceful mail was after money only and would go away Instantly he had recel'ed It. "Von see." she explained, "he shows ftis Intentions are u it bad by Ids very letter If he had asked me to meet him outside In the dark somewhere I shouldn't hn\e dared, bat coming here Into the library, where we can call for assistance, shows that he means no barn*.” "But sun’i'w In’ MhhiM not cw* atone?" attenrsred V '-^s Harriet Hut bt w.ii," the other 'SiottniHst ••Rest,Vs. ion and I w stand tn ttx* dtwr mi the .>)>(•.x,.Ie <4 tlte roosu. ami the moment we *e two men in stead .if one wh\ the ) .tear, we JV'i Is s i t" wivani Kirei'or something like »w>l ttien we can say we hear 1 a n use amt earoe down Oi>, ii irrtet. jowion*. do to and had a |i]. e of •■ li te st. i> Miss I ha:\, rk was ■; coil, r S ■ ! ti* ( . i. k eot; _e ■ a woman t >r t. Ill she any a. ;uji fear of this titan, who was vlear‘> at ordinal |>et tv I.;: ok; mi Her who trail to make protit out >* an Itnuseiit s. no • _ r :'s foolish carrot tootle me fth# eo d lutt x • ■ ntty o;her motive f.*r bis remitts inr.s mitt It as the Mhrarv window wouM le o;h- :.'u tty an Imitate of the ami rliwtl itutl its ked attain mediately after his departure Ves. t , r > it was hhttkmall. anti If limsyene It. .1 1st let fers returned infaet |*>rha| x it was the raise t stiitltiou after ali "What sort of a lookup; person Is this Mr er Ito hty isslilyktits'*' she asked, w ith a smile Sow. please do hot rail hint that," Miss luioseue It makes me cryituj thin ninUmt <ntrf t inti'h t< ♦m " feel lila* sii'li a silly. Side fa«e he 1" v* ; \ handsome. you know, hut full faoe well, there is something tie* mat ter with one of his vy s.’4 “How do yon mennV’* •MU;, l don't know!’’ she answered doubtfully. “lie Is looking at \ on uli the time, you understand. hut his eye t » 1 »4 ■ J i o i H' ilig - . ew 'll i I* * . « * 1 think they call It a east *M>h.” said Miss Kenwyek. "I tiele Mi-h.iel told uie never to trust a per sou with with a east In his e.w !’’ “l*id he?** asked the dehutante. “I wonder why. Oh. well. I’ll never trust one never again. Now. come on piviious. and let's tie the suing on the gateiMwO!” < 'llAPTEIl XVI. UPON till* eventful Friday, which might justly h - termed "black" by tiu* various persons con ins tod w th this narrative, two more gentlemen mentioned herein had occasion to use the telegraph lines \ igorotisly. The first whs the Ilou. Mr Frank Kinwnif. member <»f the upper bouse ol Ui4‘ Texas UuPlatim* iiih) « lntinua:i of the state I mprovement <*ou*iijltiee lhere«»f < ontn.ry to Mr Kenwycks positive statement. tin* distinguished •gislator hmt not gone hack to Aus tin Instead he had tjuioUy wtop|H*d over In Washington, held <•!«. »• eoiu iuunieatiim wbh several mighty ©fH Hal*, then w ired frantically to his muHt trusted lieiiteiiHUt. the vice chair man of t 1m* state Improvement commit tee at .Austin, in a cipher code. These eommiinhat ions were fni|M*rafl ve or tiers concerning the passage of a cer tain deep water tiartmr bill. The Hon. Mr Kinuait while In New York had held several con Terences of a delicate nature, including that lunch eon at Sherry's ami other tocai* of a similar character elsewhere, and now de<u>ed i| e\|»edlent to la* far away from the < of Texas during the passage of tlw* said harbor tdlf; there fore lie g*ve tlw* tMAtier absent treat merit, so to speak, though his meek as msdates <m the commit tee carried out their header's Instruction* to tlw* let ter. They Had enjoyed no dltmem In New York. bnt they were conlkhnt in a ceriiiln Imp© of at least partaking of the dessert vicariously through Mr The other person Interested In teleg rnphv was the heavy hearted Mr Pill Wllllftni*. hhnaelf en route for New York. Half a day before be reached Buffalo he rm-ehed a dispatch from Iris son llichard. and for n quarter of an hour he was radiantly happy: the* he ret eived a second one coucIhh! in the same words, and If pu/.zlm] him. • H*'dally ’H ***** eartK»st warning t»» reiurii to Texas at once and watch hi< barlmr * < heme \t Buffalo he received a sheaf of yellow envelopes which re -entitled n the* fsiker ha ml. in that then* were P ur of them- all of the fcaio© kind Discrcet t/r. Asquith. Wisdom amt «It art- about evenly bnlumed In in utterum e of the cbaa .ellor of tin- i-v■iieiuier w bk-ti lately went llie roiliiilw In Knjrl md. Mr Asquith was reietiliv speakiiiK lu « WeNh tow n w hen lie was Homewliat rudely Interrupted I.} a voice iu the auilieuee which demanded to know hi* position si to woman aulfraice “That." Mr Asquith rp(ille»l blandly. •*ts a subject I i*refer to diarusa w hen laries are t.of I,ce—ht ” Consumption is less deadly then it used to be. Certain relief end usually complete recovery will result from dm following treatment: Hope, rest, fresh air, end—Scotts J Emulsion* \ ALL DRUGOISISl BOo. AND SLOO. DO YOU GET UP i >'i svienliile n i * In Pr Kilim WITH A LAME BACK? KUikt Trouble Makes You Miserable. Ahmnt cmi Nslv nlnma«tstlif nrw s pajwrs i* sure to know of the womierful ,|_ cutes made !>y Pr. '- . ' JpV ! Kilmer s Swamp --3^ jij K.-ot. the smt knl ! nev, h\er ami hlad * _ tier remedy . It is I he great med i t ical triumph of the nineteenth cent urn ; discovered after y ears r research ier, the eniiuent kmnci ami hlailtlcr specialist, anil is wonderfully successful in promptly curing tame hack, uric acitl. catarrh of the bladder ami Bright's I >1 sea sc. which is tile worst form of kitlnev trouble. 1>I K lmer « 5v*«i»P-Root is not reo oinuiriitletl for every thing Inil if tun hue knliirv. liver or hlathler trouble it will I* found Just the remedy von need. It has tern tcsietl in so many wavs, m hospital work and in private practice, amt ha* proved so successful in eveiv case that a si>ei'ial arrangement has been made by which all readers ot tin- pa; 11, w ho bate not already tried it. may have a sample hotlle sent free hv mail, also a look tc I tng more about Swamp Root, ami how lo ti ltd out if you have k id ney or hlathler tnni hle. W hen writing ineiition reading this generous offer in tins {miter ami send your address to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The regular fiftv-cent ami one doilar sue bottles are sold hv all good druggists. Don't make anv mistake, hut remember the name, Swamp Root, Pr. Kilmer s Swamp Root, ami the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Bom ot SwMae-*x4. UPPINCOTT’S! MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library Tin But hi CwTMt Litiriture 12 CoMPirre Novcia Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES ANO I PARERS ON TIMELY TOPICS S2.SO na vcaii : 2S cr». a cory • NO CONTINUED STORIES' EVERY NUMIH COMPLETE IN ITEELF Society Directory 1.0. O. E. Israel Putnam I odge, No. 3$ Meet* even 'iuemiav evennu. a 7 o', '< (1 from Oet„h.-r 1 ft An-’,I l. m .l -S k t'-.ti A|‘i:i t»t*eU>tM! 1. IU <*.| Fellows' Ha I’omlret bfitit Will ; i>rii , W'r Nohl** (iruu . U P, * \\ ,1 ,t\ ' W<* t«i itiHl. <'Imi |r« M N hols Set retaiv . Lueri* II. l-utlei Trt'ii'uri'l', I t oil T .\. (1. Warner l'os N < >. 54> 1». A. K. Mt’t’l' hi I,. V. U. hall Wet 11 evening* at # oYlooi ( . M. Green, 1‘o-d l oin iitKiulei . I Ununev Mt»rvp, Atl,' H. K. »l<lii»i;.i^‘»nt*tri if, »vte» Putnam Council. No. 34c Royal Arcanum Meet* l«t and .1*1 Mon,lav* 11 ea* It niMitii, at 8 oVi,H k, ic <>il,l Fellow* Hail, Kent Blot'll I'on Ire I St reel, fieor^e s. Bradley, Hi'jfCDl. Warren s. Ames, Kernels i'. Business Directorv. OhAlil.lts f . SKAKt » r »•• AN K I* . lit HMU SEARLS & RUSSELL, MTUKNKYb AND ( OU NKK I COHN-AT-LA W 0BNTRA1. BLOCK, PUTKAM. Utfeoe Hour - * a. iuto 4 |t. at. JMr.Sesrli* given attention to Corporation niitl Mtial' ipsllsw . Mr. Ksiiell to j.robst* iuh the drafting **f will*, act* al*o a* earculoi .uimitllitrator and trustee in the aeUlerneat of ate» _______ cfiHirj 1. roitser. mahlon m. okshi r.H Torrcy At Gcisslcr, ATTORNEYS AT LAW New Bradley Hull,ling Ofllce Hours: * to 1 i; I U> 7 to 9 pRIV H JOHNSON, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law Wagner's Block, formerly ul>«« of Johj» I <'urtM‘Dt*-r. I'otuftui. < «mj«. jy IfW/hooi' 16 r ||l IlkK U. CA Mil Attorney and Counsellor At Law OFFICE NO. i New Bradley BuildiriK Houra B —12 t — 4 7 I* Unotu 107 Kim Street. A It. M KENT. aMeneniili or c. Mouldings and Brackets, Hath, Blind.. i>oor.. Window rraanea, Woo Taratng, Straight, Heroll «nd Band *»»'»* Planing ad Matching, IraaUag Pina, MUnhlhg Post., rtewel Po.t., Balu.ter, tear Mall aai Bullde.r' Plnl.h. Shop on Powlrrt «lre»t,aear the bridge, Phi naa. Conn. TIm Pntn» KMiidrj aid Machm CaraaratiH. tienornl PoandrJ and Machine worh, and ala aiaonfactarer. ol the ,e-let,rated Pluaimr Bleu Hotter W K. BAKBKK Trea., per* AM IATIMIM KAMI* UflAnAi mit 4kIv>4 April l»t ul Q«tob« l.tlTTSrW.p.r«t>lr April **b <>•»* 10th. UepMlt mad* a»i«-rtb»*Mt4a*ol *AJ| ■oatll MMOrtcr lllrml IrOM llrlrit«| ot tfc* ..oc~dla« T(H ETEIX>TT*.r?»M OEOSUE W HOLT Pr»». II A. HUIONTU*. Dentist. Co*iri Houl- Hlor k, Puinam. Oft** Hoon I mm #». m. to, 2 to lp.M <rflLc Tf l< pftoo* M 3.Home TelrphoorUfi-IV P'OLLIBT Genera! !nsu-ance Agency rCLLEX Il'ILDIHO tr OTAIX*, Pt’TSSAH All eommoai catloor rhoald L a«Mr< im4 |„ || pa|i«r u4 mill r»o*;»r prompt :at!**tlot CLAYTON W. THURBER Teacher of Piano and^Organ Trlepbi nt *7—2. PolBAtn Coon. O Lnttat fcgOAtMO «# lla Mk*!»l FOR SALE Tfc<* two yfory tea '♦whhrDo* m Poroftw now t.wr*! •* * TrVokoiw Ofimc A;u-N to TT South*r« Nrw KrtflanJ IVirpItes*- romponf PttYMIT. t'Ottf |*fj 5° Montis vwviifM Comfwnv'i hoBtUin favorite* A »«fr coa •etwntire >3vr<tmrnt thrrt **ent\a>n« vow •M- lUrr lollai when oar. tit I »f* rial art ot the I *trv»}at ur« then So aria in m**.u a fexai moMafut t«v trviM¥n . rut uton »Urain>*tnuw* a*ni othr> manager' o» tlW futuU. IVnoavooti or et *00, Coupon hoari* with « <o' r’Mrt Fill Mated Hat/, Hard }) ood 4 foot or renMmiMt’ price* at Fort Hill Farm, Thompsor When in Ww York Stop at THE NEW FIREPROOF HOTEL NAVARRE, 7th Ava, and 38th St. tl«rim*** Men, Katntlm* atiil Tmimts, Mtt mum o l utttrv at Minimum <V»L. .Vi'T'ea* hi., y-ud aid Klegunt Within F'\r*' Minute*' \V*tk ot Theatre*, Simp aMtlTluh*. :tOO l'ect Weal ot Rroftiiwiv. Now Hutch t• iill Room* 1 fttgmt im City, t * It t'am INnh Hold to All Ratlroid*. f | 50 HAY without Hath. f 2.C 0 *' 1»A Y with H« Suite* fit 50 Up* t»r< i* rt< tt<i K*or Hook It t 1 K VHNA A HA Hit, Prop*. Ai tesi.m Well* T? F, a. CNAMPLIN Afntn St 1' «t Ti'mmmu* mhnv AT «** NEW YORK CLIPPER IS THB ORCATKBT THEATRICALI SHOW PAPEH IN THI WORLD. I4JQ Pit Yiar. siagia Copy, 10 Ob NMCKD WKEKLI. Sample Copy Free. FRANK QUEEN FUN. CO. (U% —KiT"* aa.C:LK5», ^VwOVv#:vWV# JOHMFOUCO DKMKK* IN LUMBER of 2 ALL KINDS ^ Lime, Cement ^ 0 Drain Pipe <*) V Paints and Oils x A Fertilizers Q Fire Brick and Cement <0 V L adders A X Shingles, &c. &c. 0 JOHNO FOX & CO Office tad Y tril» south of Pott Offio., Paio.m. cxy~>* ooo*ooc>» A Rtlliblt Hindi worn CATARRH Elf’s Criaa Bata to «uto*to itovM. MM) >1 One*. It cleanw**, aontbea, heala Mid i»roi>-<-t« the due-aaed mem brane resulting twin C»f(tffh Mid d/i»to away a< old in the Head quwkly. the Senaea of Taels and .'"■a. *11. full -I tM 50 eta, at UraKKiata or by mail. l-iijuid I ’ r •JQ Balm for use In aUxsizefa 75 dt. fly iiroUMR. 56 Warren KM, New York. pUH O. UATlt Real Estate, Life Accident and Fire Insurance. | Hathaway Black Patna* J. A. Euvrard •Agent for the Celebrated DUNNING Steam and II t W ater lioiler. The Hanning Boiler with it < strength, elimination of park.'! joints ami vertical circulation i* u; equalled for cither system. SjuiiUm riumht'r, Stauti tud Hot W titer Fitter. IVmlte , c%t iu«iv«* A»?vnt !•» VX'ind tut «u*l I'diiVy ( wmtTt Sanitary Plumbing Tlt\ TIKIM I FARM HORN Hit; I WISTOTS TUI tan Stood lh« Tool lor 25 years The fiu.tnea) rtun ' Oml just i«a**etl, ha* <a •nine tlejnee tleuiou»tiatcil aj|aittt what »m «h imimti atetl in a veiv taarkeil tUrjtvv vimtuu and fn| «w ini* the juit »e of 1^1, ntinrlx ; I n there i« no other property *aft mu!. MHi that «n long a** ihe iai tails anil the «< a »h»tiesi tlieie **a« hr on hattl tltm * aheatl tor the nun with a well toeatnl tauo. neithet ran tbcie »** mu neivtniHtra lot the hoMc* ul a well j*UvJ host Mortgage on oit h property. Kin : wrote* lUe year* twit 1'n-i Mortua^e Karm l.oam have atoml the lest wrilhout the loi-* ot a wtn^»e iltrUar i»» any intr-tor, a utatemeat that any out New l-’.snUml customer* ran eonHo-m. \\ e *hotthi **e j*h hm *1 to 'etui die ertpttve metnoraiiiU <»l unr loan* it* auy one lntete*t.e«! in »lM.»hitel> sale liivertetoont that will ite' Wakefield, Nebraska I..U.1 l>. II.--M, l‘ ■ • 1>. . ... *» I!. II. Mil to ««»«. « tuli rr. THE \\m LAIP The Light that Never Fails. The lk»*l tin<H 'litfnjiejft Lump on l lift Mnrkel, oil I time's tHritnirlernl, no tints gvr, no shallow. Cull Mini H4H* t llt’IU in o|Rri%lto»i ill II. F. X. MW, Asmt. (it Main Str«M*(, I’nlnnin, w lit roll loins, Tops mnl nil supplied for Lamp 4*1111 Ik* hoi. Also rpfct'rtice* can lw* givim to iiihiiv now in use* I have a rollertiun of Hut* V'iolin* wh--'it have ilrciilcii to di*|»o*i ol ; antimii theni ini ill my own make \ liu li mu* un.eui'iurMiK? for on Uu»ti»l work, *1*0 •»<*?#rai vt 1 f old us* itrsmentM suitable lor |-arier o> j.rolooaioiml j?ax poee*. All lluttn roust In* sold. The early bird—et<t.,etr. JOHN A. MORSE 216 Houtli Mam .Street Putnam. Com M. KINNEY A SON dealer* in Lumbar, Coal, Doors, Mouldings Brick, Lime, Cement, P.B.S. Mixed Paints Lead and OH Commonwealth Hotel Opp. State House. Boston Offer* r.x.aii wltb but end cold iratar tor |l.(Ml per day ana upi ro< m* wita private hatb for |1.60 per day and up. aultea of two room* and bath lor |8 81 per day and up. Weekly rate* on rooaaa with but and cold water and abotenr hatha, f« oo in f» ( 0; room a with private hatha, fK 00 to ft2 00; aullaa of two j tome and bath fit 00 tuf!l<I.OO. Abanidtely l> Ire proof. Htooa ’ floor* nothin! wood but lh« door*. h(|Olpped with Ita own Hanitary Vacant L'ltaali| Plant. Look Olatanca Talepncna (in Kvtry Hoom. Htrlotly a Temparanen Hotel. STORER F. CRAFTS, Mantfar. lelcpbuna, Hay market 111. Hand lit Booklet. For Sale ! THE Inquire of Richard Gorman, Inuurauoe aud Real Relate, Bradley Building, - Putnam