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POWDER Absolutely Pure to only baking r— Bade with Royal Grapo Cream of Tartar |« Alum, No Lime Phosphate v iLl&li'W fcASr W<W»I>sl«t<’K. \eiiie Pratt was in Webster ever the Sabbat b, a guest of Fannie phjpp , i it of town Buests for Faster ami Pa triot - dav were Misses Olah ami Jes m Wit hey ami a friend from Boston, wtto were"with their mother, Mrs. Bell Wit hey. Mr and Mrs. Sidney t'pham of Re .»reS!i<i Mr. ami Mrs. Everett t'pham «f Dedham, were with their parents, M- arid Mrs Hilbert S. I’pbain. Mr'- Turner and Miss Bernice Tur ,.»r were in Worcester Saturday. Mrs. AI ice Foster ami daughterGlariys oi Narrairansetl Pier, have tieen with ibeir.iunt. Mrs. Helen Aldrich fora re* days. They returned Tuesday. Mrs. Edward Carr of Friendship, N. 1 , is spending a few days with her s <ter. Mrs. Frank Foskelt. Mi« Mary Potter has recovered from the uunu])s'. and resumed teaching on Monday Miss Maria Chandler visited her sis ter. Miss Helen,at Wellesley Saturday. «ike returned to Brooklyn, N. Y., to commence her school Monday.. The woman’s prayer meeting met at »iie home of Mrs. Charles Bugbee Tues day afternoon, and the missionary meeting with Mrs. Charles Kitluui on Wednesday afternoon. Charles Swenson is having his house painted. j. e. Kisers ami son Charles ot Fisk idle, K. f., called on Mrs..Walter Cob leigh Saturday. Mrs. John F- Aldrieli has purchased a piano-organ for her son James. Mrs. Clifford Farrows is ill at the heme of her mother, Mrs. Alice Dodge. A son, Franklin Steere, was born April 16 lo Mr. and Mrs. tieorge A. Wetberell. Frank and Clifford Jordan left Mon «t«y for Brooklyn, N. Y., to take treat ment for rheumatism in a sanatorium. The Cornet Band gave a dance in A. '.) I W. hall Wednesday evening. Mi's Orac-e Ames is assisting Miss 1,drill Sheldon of (Juadie with her ♦Iressmaking. John Child and family were in town .o Sunday. The follow ing delegates were chosen i the Republican caucus Saturday: Alow ry K iss, Charles Perrin, ('. C. (iil •Itrsleeve, A. F.. Brunn. bouts Fitts of Narragansett Pier re cently visited his parents near tjuine ♦tainr Rev. Charles A. Ja<|iiilli, a former pastor of the Hast and North Congre gational churches lias resigned his pas t< .rie at South Windsor, where he Inis t-et-u fur the past six years, to take ef fect July 1st. In September he as ! ■ o the principalship of a college in ‘■h-ogh, Nebraska. J c. Vines received injuries Monday in his carriage shop. While attempt mu to remove a l>elt it came off sud denly and a stick which he held in i- land was thrown upward, striking ‘us lieu I and tearing his ear. The doc tor el used the wound with a few stltch s har es Cary and Harry Townsend, [ i .E lads who are staying at ('. If, Putter', started for school Monday « "tiling, out la-fore they reached the - ' t. house made up their minds to ■-trike out for Worcester and look for " V neighbor of Mr. Potter's met :‘x -u near tjuinebaug, and they told *■ :ie,v were going on an errand, link v-irn-| to run after leaving hint. On hi- urn:-.! hon e he nolitied Mr. Potter •i the eitcumstances, and the Ik>\s w- . ■leatt -tin the afternoon by tele-j phone at Oxford. j Itaniel Milliard, an old resident,died udav at his home in the eastern 4'lrl of the town. He was !>0 years of inland far more than 'M years has *> r. ’.o;.-!!y blind. He is survived t>,v one son. levando, and four grandchil *hen. Miss Gertrude Clemons, who ‘“a- eared for him for the past two ♦ears, U intield, Alexander, and Miss fessic Hibbard, ail the children of his ' >n Henry, who died last October. Henry Hibbard, his daughter in . and her father, William Mottttt, hate been inFlorida the past win ter, are expected home this week. George Norman Carr died suddenly •VjrriD 14th of apoplexy, at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Edward t’arr, of Friendship, N. Y. He was HI years of age and was a resident of this town for uest’iv :U) years. The body was taken to JeweUt'itv for burial beside ins tirst sifeamlher parents. Mr. Carr was wel! known to former residents of Jew ’-'"ll'ity, having lived near there with hi» first wife, who was Sarah Clark of Lisbon. His second wife was Harriet N Kmne of Norwich, and his third vife .Susan" Abbott of Wilton, N. H. He is survived by live daughters: Mrs. 1 ‘iward A. Carr of Friendship, N. Y., Mtn. Lyman M. Caine of Chicago,Mrs. l ather M. Child of North Grosvenor dale, Mrs. Robert I.. Fisher of Kast Walpole, Mass , and Mrs. Frank W. - oskelt of East Woodstock. He was honored and resi>ected by all who him throughout his long and t» ^ied life: a man of genial qualities.and kindly interest in all human atl'airs. a ^a'istiau gentleman in every sense of the word, retaining alt his faculties to ihe list . Nasal Catarrh, an inflammation of -he delicate membrane lining the air ?*ssage$, i> not cured by ar.y mixtures ! taken into the stomaehT l*on’t w aste bme on them. Take Ety’sCream Balm ( through the that the fevered ewoilen tissues are reaches! at once. -Never mind how long you have suffer 'd nor how often you have been disap •ssated, we know' Ely's Cream Balnt wdl cure you as it has cured others by the tho .simd. All druggists. 80 cents. Mnird by Ely Bros., 56 Warren St., f* York. <v •!>* |t»CK , K*.rl h • - come home to «|«T .r H.P present, having resigned hi- i-'v Kohert Dean «- HoAobe ha- been 'i--itmg hi- brother George Ht >uie. Mr-. L. M, Healey entertained aeve r»i rt 3mu- , .1:.iiier la-i s-j«» i «* in honor of her dam;liter Maud’s t.fri;,. Uav. Mr. ami Mr-. Calvin liaw-nn are earn it f> ir Henri lVnniman. who i >u*k with the picyrby. Mr-. I.oui- Hay ward and -on Sidney were the gue-t> of Mr- 1. „ ].tI1de man on Fue-day, remaining untilWed ne-day morniuK. "nrd ha- neen received of the death : of (.'apt. George Stuart of Wales aged <0yearn. Mr. Stuart w a- stricken w ith apopiexy while attending s caucus la-t March. At the town meeting held la- i ter, he ww elected to the oltice of-c- ; tectman, and resolutions tendering sympathy and ho|ie> for hi- -peetiv re f°very were passed at that meeting, I »h.i ne crew %u*;niuy worse until his death took p!»oe last Sunday ( apt Stuart is survived by his widow, it son in Boston, one in Springfield, aiul one in \\ ashington, the latter t>eimt in the engineering corps of the I . s. navy. Mrs. Jennie Lyon of this place, aiid Mrs. Charles Itenne of Hast ford are cousins of the deceased. Mrs. Klmer Corliss entertained Mr. anti Mrs. L. J. l^eaiitt and daughter Bernice on Monday. (Jeorge Clara anti Helen Chandler, daughter of Benjamin Chandler, were married last Thursday at the home of the groom by Re> . Asa Wilcox. The bridal trip w as taken toBrookfield and Boston. -Miss Mary Aldrich, teacher at the Center school House, is planning an entertainment to be given on the even ing ot May loth. 'The entertainment’ is to lie given to start a school library fund for the .district. Admission 15 cents. WKIT WOODSTOCK Bu-rge-ss Bradford and wife from Boston have been sending a few days with hts-father, Byron Bradford Mrs. Bundy has just returned from her winter sojourn in Florida. She lituis a decidedly different climate from the balmy winter days of the south. Jarvis Hail is giving his buildings a new coat of paint. Mr. Anderson has just . com pled painting his buildings. They look tine. A number went from this parish to South Woodstock to attend the Easter exercises aud baptizing Sunday evening. Albert Lavalle and family have just moved into the Wilkinson house judge Uage has purchased a small farm in Enfield, lie will take pos session the first ef May. . Hinry Bradford is erecting a new shed. Mrs. Wilcox has returned to her home in Cncasville. SOUTH WOODSTOCK Rev. Mr. Gurtis gave a line sermon on Sunday morning lo a large and ap preciative audience. The ltihie school gave a concert in the evening at 7 p. in., and the following program was carried out: Voluntary, Mrs. L. B. Curtis Hymn, And Wilt Thou, <> Eternal God, School Scripture lesson, Supt. Williams Prayer, Rev. 1,. it. Curtis Recitation, Mabel K. Danielson lientrice Danielson Kmmn 1 .yon Agnes Danielson, Harriet Morgan, Recitation, Recitation, Exercises, Ethel Whitney, Olive Litchfield. Recitation, "Out of the Exercise, Harold Bassett, U indow," Elsie Young Walter Bassett, Elmer McComber Hesitation, Treetop,’ Recitation, Song, Mildred Recitation, Recitation, Recitation, Recitation, Recitation, Recitation, • LlilC' ti Recitation, Exercise, "Among the itudding Olive A. Whitney Mary E. Flynn Marie ( urtis, Wells, Gladys Sheldon Silent Peaches," Myrtrice Bishop. Recitation, "Glad Easter Hells," Pearl Taylor •The Pilgrims Decision,” Mildred Wells Gladys (’. Sheldron Willie Morgan M. Ijoi- Harrington •Do you Know how the r-.\\ '.’” Bernice A. Sanger • Resttrgam," Nellie Hurlesoa Supt. Williams and Young Men’s Glass. Recitation. •■Farewell," Edith Taylor At the close of the concert seven per sons received tire ordnance of baptsiui. Messrs E. M i- i. llan. Harold Bassett, Dan lias to and Misses Mary Flynn. Mildred Wells, Mryiiee Bishop and Gladys Sheldon. There are several others who will la* baptized lalcr. The audience tilled Hie cliurch Sunday evening. A number from oilier parts oi itue town attending- Deacon and Mrs. G. A. Lyon entertained their sou Everett ami a friend of hi', from New Haven and Mr. and Mrs. Halsey Weaver over Sunday. The Little Helpers Mission Band will hold the annual meeting on Sa turday afternoon, April —-»th, at tire home'ot their teacher. Miss Burleson, it is hoped that all those who can will attend. Miss ( arrie Randall of Putnam was at home Sunday evening to attend the concert. POMFKET lAWlHMO Many are anxious for the rebuilding of ('olton a bridge 11 i* said that two heads are better than one. How is it with two towns on a bridge? K. T. White has improved his yards bv grading. Mr. and Mrs. J F. F. Brown of Mystic recently visited A. H. Bruce at .Maple Shade Farm. Miss Sadie P. White was recently at home. No shool here on Friday I ast. The weather the 14th inant. proved favorable for a successful sale at Mrs. J. I). Johnson's auction. Hezikiah Ramsdell and wife called on Mrs. A. S. Bruce Tuesday. Mrs. Eugene Alvord receutly visited her parents P. Molly and wife. George Darling’s sister with her i daughter of Charlton made him a visit. ” Whipple’s sawmill on the : Bruce place they had recently an incipient forest tire. Mr. and Mr-. Cory of Hawkinsville vtsited their father. John Adam-. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease.A Powder Tl m ikes walking easy. (ure» Corns, ; Bunion*, Ingrowing Nails, .Swollen and Sweating feet. At mi Druggists an*i Shoe -tore*. Deitaeei pt anv substitute. Sample I Uhl.. .VI dr«~s, Allen S Olmsted, I*?Roy, >• • 14-17 A healthy man is a king in his own right; an unhealthy man i* an unhip t,v slave. Burdock Blood Bitters builds up sound health—keep* you well. wk«t tii'U cr«ri. a tnlujC. Hurrill visited In t'hepa chvt Easter Sunday ."■' ■i! Keseh of Putnam was t'>v li uest of relative* I; -e " uniat , Mr*. Elmer Reynolds of Mohegsn visited J. K. Ueyn< ,.t> KriJay. K;iy has l<een pedd.iug rt*h moa: and fruits the last low week*. Mrs Emily Babbitt from Putnam I "a* the guest of Mrs. i.ira t, repo la-t i week. J- E. Eldrige and wife from Oioces j U r visited friend' here last Tuesday. Nelson ln»w of Providence lias been ’ visiting his father. Ernest E I.i.v the past few weeks. Me returned to his work this week mondav. Mrs. J. H. Reynold, a!s-i Almira <' Itevnolds. s|>enl the day in Mohegan with their family. Elinor Rvnold* last Tuesday. Mi" Marion Revnolils of Mohegan, who has heen visiting her grandpar ents for a lew davs, returned home Eriday. THOM PSOM. The dance. held in the Town halt la>t Tuesday evening vva> well »i tended. Mr>. Fred Munynn returned from Xe» ^ ork city last Wednesday, hav ing spent a seek there.' Mrs. Myron Klliott gave a whist party last Thursday evening. Mrs Knight took tirst prize. Hon. N. B. Beam, Mr. and Mrs. Koliert Beam, N IS. Beam, Jr, and Bonis Ream sjient Raster here. Mrs. Fleteher entertained Mrs. tiross and daughter of South Framitig ham over Fast day. Mrs (”has. Searles has returned from New York city. Mr. and Mr*, t'arl Peterson and family were in'Worcester on Tuesday of last week. Clinlou Mills of Boston spent Sun day at his father,’*. Frank f/. Merrick spent Sunday and Monday with his mother. Several from here mi tended the hall at Pulliam. Monday levelling. The invitation to the Windham county W. C. T. I’., to hold their con vention in Thompson, ha* been ac cepted, and it will lie held in the Town Mail June 4th. The churches here were well attended on Faster, some however attended ser vices in Putnam. Carl Peterson was in Boston on Saturday. Miss Kllen Kricaon, Miss Augusta and Usther Peterson spent Tuesday in in itoslon. Newell Cutler spent last week in Woodstock. Miss Bessie Eddy and Miss Maud Crutf sjient F.aster here and returned to their school at Willimanlicon Mon day. Miss Maliel Peterson spent Saturday in Boston. Tlie service on Fast Day was held at the Baptist church, sermon by Rev. Chas. Ramsey, his text was ‘•The An notating Love” and was very inipes sive. Rev. Mr. Rragg of Webster preached at the Congregational church last Sun dayonthe “Resurrection of Christ.” The alter was decorated with palm and linns and polled plants. Tee was a concert held at 4 o’c'ock in me afternoon by the children, after which the potted plants were distributed among the “shut in's" and sick ones. Mrs. Samuel Adams, aged 74, di d Tuesday afternoon at her home, in Wilsonville, after a four months' ill ness of stomach trouble. Mrs. Adams is the wife of the postmaster of W. * sonville. She leaves three children. Irving, at home: Mrs. 1 re. e Mile , amt Mrs. Kdward Forties of iludle; , and eight grandchildren. The funeial was held Thursday. The :Thompson W. C. T. C. will hold a meeting Thursday, April -'toth, at - o'clock p. m., w ith Mrs. Mvron II. Elliott. K tar THOMP40N The pulpit of the Thompson Hast Baptist church was tilled by Rev.C.A. Ramsey at ■> p. m. on Easter Sunday, and a large audience listened attentive ly to an excellent sermon appropriate to the day. The house w as decorated with potted plants and ferns. On the pulpit were while, red and pink gera niums, and on the table beiow were Easter lilies, (link and white gerani ums, and asparagus ferns. A large cross, seven feet high,was covered with evergreen, and decorated with wreaths i of many colored flowers. At 4 p. m. tile- regular Easter service of the Sabbath school was given. The serv ice, “Fife Forever " was rendered, containing scveial line anthems and enrols, the deseriptive scripture being read by Mrs. Alice Soper. Miss Min nie I'll ate her was organist, and the choir was insisted by Arthur Pale naude, baritone, of Soulbbridge, who also sang “The Palms" at the church serv ice. lie hit' a strong and sweet voice and is always pleasing. Miss Minnie Thatcher sang several solus verv sweetly. .Mrs. Carletou and Ma thew sun sang “The Magdalene," and Rev.Ramsey sang “I'nder HlsWings” with fine effect. The children <>f the school entered int >the spirit of the day and did their allotted parts with credit, their bright animated faces telling plainly they understood fully the true meaning of the day. THE ORMVIitMIKIIAUa. There will 1* a musical ami literary entertainment next Wednesday night in Sous of Veterans’ hall under the auspices of the Helping Hand Club. The Hates’ Mandolin Club of Webster will be present and assist. The club comes highly recommended and wher tver !' 'V "have played have given splendid satisfaction, being obliged to respond repeatedly to encores. Henry MeEwen of Danielson will be present and read. Mr. McKwen is not a pro fessional reader, but he is a very pleas ing impersonator, and is sure to keep the audience in a good humor. Others expected to be present and take part in the entertainment are Mrs. G. W’. Ladd of Putnam, soprano soloist, and Mr. Gurry of NorthGrosvenordale,l>or itone soloist. We sincerely hope that a large audience will be present. Ad mission 'J> cents. Stale of Ohio, City of Toledo, | w Lucas County, » Krai. It J Cheney makss oath that he is senior partner of the firm or V. J. Cheney 4k Co., doing business in the City of Toledo,County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the aunt of Osk HiM'KKii I>oi,i.aks for each and every ease of Catarrh that i i-auuol tie cuied by the use of Hall’* [ Catarrh Cure. Ktiask J. Chknby. 1 Sworn to before me and aubwerlbed in my presence, ibis 6th day of Heeein Ijer. A. 1>- is*6. A. W. Gi.ka*>*. Notary Public Hail «Catarrh Cure is taken inter nal ij, and acts directly on t!ie blood ami mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonial# free. Address F. J. Chkxby ACo.,Toledo,O. Sold by ail druggisU, "i>c. Take Hall'* Family Pills for consti pation. Men's Oxfords \<*v .. -ivKsit! M.h'j- Oxfnnls 5ii 1 tM v >t sk-i. Ian llus-a ami Hun I Mtti . If ami mi1 vki knl. $2.50 to $4.00 Hosiery New importation in '»ucy hosin'▼. in stripes, chocks iwul silk ombronh-ied ef fects, 25c N. T. Hurlbut, PUTNAM. 22 FRONT SRKKT, 5 and 10c Sale »'ki * OF Hamburg EdgingsS Insertion? 6000 yards of now up to-date patterns, representing an advantageous purchase, all of which is worth two or three times the pr'ce we ask, An opportunity to buy Hamburg Edgings and Insertions A i a mere fi act ion of its value. This 6 and 10 cent Sale of Hamberga is on TO-DAY, TO MORROW and Next Day and every day until the entire lot is sold, but would advise you to see the line early 3 Keystone Stores Danielson Putnam Moosup •WSee our Windows for Wednesday and Saturday Special Sales. Voiir Tailor Rill Does it Worrv Yon ? You have t«» look well - il'n | Mi Hi of your Mark iu truile. We call your attci.ii>u to our Smart Clothes for 8pr iiif ami Hummer. They ate the fore ijio t rcHtlyto-wcai clothe* in America They | At w ith «-tile that will make yon look better [ than vott do now. This power ih the reault i»t ; r4ret.1l tailui iutf ami patient wmi kroanabip. ami 1 certain jfcniut foi aolvitu; rlptlict problem* with tuH*lli^cice. If you tin not believe what Ov h.iy. we a-k mo eaaier ta*k than to prove it to 1 -you. You ntaotl to win more than w« »1«». Ladies’ Suits, Coats, Waists aucl Skirts of flu* Latest Styles a I Reason able Prices. Chas. Seder fatili and One Price Store, Opposite Congregational Church, PUTNAM.CONN AND EDISON RECORDS I will sell you exactly the »ame oufit at exactly the same price and on exwctly the #ar»e terms afforded by the largest western catalogue house or any city department store. $15.10, $29.20, $35.00 I Jeweler GEO. E. SHAW’S. Putnam, Conn. CAM. AND SKI: OCR FINK LINK OF Shirt Waists 'Ve *ie si » mg slim' *xti.» values in lawn Lingerie and AUovci Km hroi let \ Waists You will tied them marked at lowest ptit'M l«H>k and tom pa <e with Others DRESS SKIRTS in voiles. Panama. Tit in it*, Melrosr. Mohi irs and Fancies A flue H'soi taaent of Man Tailored G-vO* at money saving prices See our Special /Hack Panama Skirls at #2,98 Ns' such value Klsewhete Wall Papm ami Mouldings Our showing of Wall Papers nm ne'er finer, we have them suitable for all purposes. Seeourliusof high grade papers, including a fine line of imported goods Agency for Butteriek Patterns and Barrett's Overs, cleansers Shoes Hade TO Measure Have You Foot Troubles P If So, I,ft U» Mfanurf Your Foot T No foot too difficult to fit. Wo will make the shew' to fit. We guarantee to fit your foot a perfect fit means comfort. Come in and let us tell you more about it. We Give Qreen Trading Stamp** C. 3Vt. Elliott. Central Block, Putnam CHANDLER & MORSE Sherwin-Wihiams n M # 1# T- p KOI j II hinds uf rA! fw / w Good Painting White Lead, Oil, 4*t\ Poultry Netting, PI I wood Woven Wire Fence. Barbed and Plain Wire. With the United States Cream Separator. You take no risk. You have time to try it, then! ^satisfactory we will make easy terms for payment. Cali, on us kor Crockery, Furnishings, and Lamps. Chandler & Morse HARDWARE - PLUMBING