Newspaper Page Text
A WEEKLY FAMILY PAPER ten pages. VOL. XXXVI. I£r»w*4 «t tk ra(M« * rfhem •« —**mA fl«« MlUf. PUTNAM, CONN. FRIDAY, APRIL 24 <908 Ta Sakatriker. o( tbe Patrial I AceortlitiR lo Order No. !»<T i*C the Pont om« Department aulraeri- j uni fiDR'H lx IndcUtil l« a new»pa per more than vu« yMt «ixl *lill have • Ihe paper M$t |o them at the *4a»nd elna* rate. All auhaerther* In arreara , U> the Pai KserT for one year or over are reapakated «e make payment at '««*■ — Mina Kthel Allan, of biwtuMin* t>l l«*tce la Ibe Rue*t of hecaNtreiO*. - —John G. Jnhneun baa returned from New York city, where he vlaited with hi* hlater. —Wfra. Jlarendon _ Green, Taiem »l., ta entertalnlnR her niece, Mi** Pod Re, of Providence. —Tbomaa Raw ley, of l-Ua*t tt’klMi, Me-, baa been the R«ie*t *»f kl*f«ntly on Groove atreet. j I —Mr*. Hamuel Wrktfink l^tJitlle eon I-awrenee are gue*l* of relative* In J,awrenor, Mae*. — Rev. Mr. Re letter, tlie new Methn dlal paator, baa hronRht hi* family from Kant Ware ham, Me**., to the par aonkRe on Grove atreet.’*'■ H < | jri ( — Mlaa (trace Ctiild,«a§ If {•'j, I wen apending a few <la|a^wl|lt |**tfdb'i ther, Mr*. Ahhle Ohlld/Grove alreeT — Mr. Roy ItiirReaa and aaMa-at Wae center, have lawn spending a few day* with the parent* nl Mr. Iturgaan, Grand View. — Ml** Una Borhaeur, of \Vorce*t*r, returned hoflie, Monday after u Him* ility*’ vl*lt with Ihe family of A. W Macdonald,on <*ak Hill. — G. A llaintoond, net •itiipaen-il by I- Hnmnivntl, ol Day ville, left here Thursday mommy, for a weak | • ml *l*y In Nt w t oik city Rev Joint " alkar, lit clot 'if #1 j Philip* clmrCh, who lin* been In I-lor- j hln for hi* ht-nllk the |>«*l two month*, ■ will leturn from there on the -*Mh ol j tin* month. ling owner*, take notice. Ai-eortl j *tt lo l.^lt do»* II I WorjW'M ervBM tl dot rye of f the eapluln * otllee!" -tip i'Til* twi*-tf,»4' ir4v>'*MfW* lliiiry up to I — la-nnnrd II.Healey of North VVinmI m.hi: snv-^i.. TTrp;:tn^T.T wwac in H«ult<>r<l, uM*jtot>lHltr<Wlk nMfon1, 1uI*#b|. ia»<*«<r'l"' 1 *"&• bu( ltd |rlii»n taken f> la n Iftpt' »>#*; q'WMlna ami Hit H"«*J ._»• .imh<i*'4 #»iii a c*'S»r mid lni|H>rlunllle* A committee, cun rintliiK of !■ H Healey, Ji»i. I' lluniii unit t wraon I I-anion, « a* H|i|a»lnlcd Ui arrange the |»iogiaui lor lilt* ciiato inur V » InU'r iuccIIiik* KianiceiiKt J M IW-II. alter cun dueling tl>i’ *rtvloc» hi I In- rculeciMal r lum-11 of tin- \a/.arlnc* for nearly three month*, returned to hi* lioint' in ly aupport ami kindly treatment In- re •cited not only from Ihiax- who o|>enly favored the *|>ci'IbI work of the int**ion church here, but from all with whom he hail any n*laUom<hi|i, and al«o with tlic t-»i>cllent multi ol hi* labor* heft1. Ill* nwanat) departure w a* regretted by many who had learned to low him (or hi* doc|* aplitualtly and /ealou* wrvlm - ri* N V., N H , A II. Kail road < o»»l|ian> ba* lioon -tltred to diligence m the maltor of the (rolloy lino lie iHivn tlurtlurd ami Middletown, by the action ol tlic llailford Hu*lne** Man * \**ootat ton m taking alep* to build tin- liiu- ll tin- Kailroud t tdlWnny doe* not build It according to MVjiro mt*e made It ha.* now ]wtt It *11 road t om ill l wtout-m for al of Ibo la\out and nicthi nt tef ktructlonof Hit |u>h»>mh1 ir twlvmn Hartford and M Th» HuhIihw Men* \»s.»n*p»A, 1 Hailford, Mlddieloa n and tftUrW town* behind It, t« a | mand niual to every cit place* combined. Th ran be done by organl n >1 be dune at all other — In con Hi matlon of a made lu an arllrle In anuthei column, that families -nan be induced i» lean N as rit v <l> Ukaldui i i«r ta our back loan*, we may- luritliun au incident that ha* conic loaar know ledge mate that article a a* penned. A atdua Ualy Ui baa liv'd had a iaiiu in that loan winch »hc had been trying to mil for aowe time ailhoul making a aacrthce. fn aonie a ay a RPttTVinau In New York dty learned Hie tart that the farm wa* tor *ale and aenl to Ka*t lord, and W»I pleased wttu the |>lace and all he *aw, and Urn*hi t lief arm at aaksd^ The i#d$ a v gladto *el# hef|kr|n4 a|ul tw doubl t In frill la in an djoally gralilicd null hi* tuirgain tynd^pg hjy^M-> in die v tUggc *o cheap h*|«gigti( two of lk<‘in. no doubt (or the take of parties he knew. The vil lager*, a* well a* the seller and buyer of lhe;farm. are pleased. The griuie inan can live a* a nabob ailhoul «• peu«r,gi\t: U* f ftappj. health ful hl^Srhicl^iaUj tj|ak<|.U »U U»cJ‘lea aantcr for them If they return to (tie to the city In the winter, Thousands of others would be glad to do the *aurv If Ihey anew h ■ *» V I —John .-talva ha* accepted a [XVdtioo in a barter abop at Fitchburg, Maw — Mr and Mr* Marloorne Hilodeau,' and non l/on, spent Kaaler with the parent* iA the .funner in k|'*i*up. — Fugon* Vlgu and wifi, of Wore**- i tor, were tie gUe*ta of felative* here on Faster. — Mr*. George Oilpatrlc, on l remont street, la entertaining Mm. Ainy Lund of Worce»lfr,_ lieV, ».!•'. Itenoit will preach in thP Haptlxt efeurch, Hanielaon, at four o'clock neat Hunday afternoon. —Mra. V. ft. Kelley, <irove atreet, la WHmwnimrHW rwimew, e-w1“Merri otte, an Inatruclor in Yale. ~~Z:nZy~KmTO,'of Ho* ton, waa the guest of In* i|iolltn, Mr*, liulee Hmilh, «\ar fca*Mr Monday / —fgln* Ha^lett ha* succeeded Mia* Auldg (idntumnd, who resigned her |aiaiu«n au teacher in the larael l’ut narn Hchonl. —Mm. M.V. T|urber and tnrdaugb. Ici Madelein, of Itorclmlfr, Maw., in wide lh Wfir«*!tWr, Haturday, and Mm. v M, ('|y ^if***** Monday In Bouton. — Mr.K. M. Itrnnn and wlfeof Brook lyn, N.Y -jm* the k o«»u uf M r» < 'har ll/tle C'hain(Din, llr»*jky ntfV't — Mlm Klorent* Hat Knit l» (pending Ia i vwkUtin wwk wutti her parent** on drove street. Mhe t* a teacher In Mm. Vim March'* achonl, llonlon - Ml"- IMi-n ,Ut ni, *>• Ih«« -liwl rvindny In llaiinslsoiit where *h«‘ ltarUt'ipali’4 u* lint e(it.<:iai Kunli-r mu »|r hI tin1 morliliiK and afU*rnooii Kt \ in— lailic I nun/* HMjMilial church Mr A 1. l*r»Hi'Jn?W mimI wife, who have I«■*'11 hI .Haranae l.akc, V V ., Inn r returned In Hill city l ni»ll fiieml* Mi IVrreuult i* very much unproved In heiilth. ■ M i-' IMl'" MW* he. »i *ynipaui.'d In lit-i .4\iy#Jjli" S.jKIUa»ih *rin h£ iW**fiiW aWWi, weUt dW"Wn*l«y to Windham, In make h vihII a! llif homeol lu-f duu|(hier, Ml*. I l-'.dulld Mint family f lie*, and Mm. h. I>. Har atreet. onro* ltan*lall and Mina tall, at Houth Main etreel, 0777,in full.*! \ m im'i mt’itl-Ti«v r tub'll nialTP lot n tuv iiiu; liuiiitUL r<ipi|pi'j£< ol [lint * «••VilBoii i otli<"ilS|ml [n ail uf lli# lo ntfii. Utf*v I*iu4 <>l |lhr hi«lft*4\ “1*1* optician. ( -\rr». i, k > uMi-», iil.'^nUiitH*, iiw I • >1111l_v Hoe re la ry ill ll.f W i l l -, will meet »llli Ilii’ I'lilnam W ■ < 1. I .mi Friday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, nl 11iv home of M r*. J !!■ liauiiMT Mim ili‘Ion H^ffl^MniNMl, now of II mii |*tiiji, Imik |ul^ktfv.*n "enter lain nionl given in llnJfjWF. I liuuli, Al tawmigan, on I nk«dl||l~^'oiiiiiK Sin' w n-. M'ln'lnl nynii' lt*'»«l In tin" on *"V ' 5 'osl^e, “on at Alt Mil Mto |i„ I"allimil iloitfhu, !»•» JWt allU-e mi Now Vmk kl, IMS »*»»>■ ___Jradu rwrnwr —At the »|iKlil City Mwlin# hotel taut Thuraday forenoon, to we If tin? voter* would make an a|i|>ro|irlaUon of »l,*u0 for working ami curbing Hun livable street, only -4 ivy lorn look part In the inerting, of wlioru -M voted for llio appropriation anil l against It. —r-tamuel lllnioii, w ho has a clothing store on Pnulikiuvilrwt, say* lllleve* broke Into hta harn la*l woek Wednea day and stoleffomls to the value of f3*t. lie has an out of tow n bnalne** using a team to visit customer* The gtstes stolen wore taken from lilts w agon kept In Ills tiarn. There was a sia-clal meeting of the l ummon t ounoil on Monday evening lor llio pur|s*si* of o|a‘nlng blits for sprinkling the streets. Ilenrv Alvorsl ft ns awarded the contract, hie but of Ij^iil* |a>r lineal bait la'lng the lowest. uru'/n ere three othrt UiU twelvnl— bid .> >-* oenls, Kred WisUl ii nnU, Hntl A. J. Siiippee • cents |wr lineal fool. M of S. Keinlk, of thla oily, lion and Ihmgias, of Harts »ale provision dealers, »u J n-tuv liorinanon Knday Th«(M involve* a quan* IU» of eggs sold lleiulk, which he-.ay* and a'V* >>*<— The sudeu<e wm *11 Jit yhltl court ad> jourud^bul dwrtswni was rowrved. At tortMNf Johnson,of this cm, represent cl Keiulk, and Attorney Haggerty, of Hartford, 1 hi Ion A HougUa. —A friend of Mr. tic*. A. Hnuunond told him that hit friends pmpanad to present this name before the Stale U*|»ubtn-an oniniUtin to elect deles ***** Vo the N*Hon*1 ^onyenlUgl.'Wa • I Vitale To till* Mr. Jlammond re plied that there is a gentleman already settled upon torthjd yttKe^Wfami he thw M no one favors, lie would have i*< okjjnrl go as an Alternate, provides) n el-e i« seeking that positron, and he has lieard of m> one s ho wants to he an Alternate. Ilcudes esteeming such an oftice, it vkvHtid le cwtvemenl for hliu la he in Chicago when the Convention luts'l', as he has a businosa office tn that glij *ml ysuiht at tfw same time •3PIU«3PJBtWBlKi d auyoo* | out of the bettor. I'ulnam Kepublicau* l should ileem It an honor to tiie tow n l<v 1 have a representative at tlierr National | i on vent ion. . . —KmtW ToortelloUr and tharte* Ry an 4Mi Monday in Homii/n. — 9. Mi Ua/./urd, of Newport, R. I., ha, been tlae *«*«** relative* *n ,h'» inf -%4 &4tm W thw ItafKW. will hold. % v*kt Ml* In me •damp »U*re.d,'VK|»jyAJ.l>*tl .t to.4 o’t-WWr. __ tw York, a m+mvir Zi. U» «fffcamrnond, Knowlton * {*#, the elly Mon .Jay. -.J.tat of lelldra rejnaniing at )he 'u^nafi l*oa» Office for the wwjk efi.J in. Ham in jj Apr! til: I.adie*—Mr*. John Nowell, (ientiemen—Frank Anpigman, W Uagne, Kd ward Mansfield, Hi Richard. * Yfefcafer la oYkIKUM# •Men'a Aaaoci Inch l of III Ymd for >aona Bui ,la now we [buNlnm men hivini agreed to join Ui( • Association. The more of such «**o 1 elation* in small cities the better: they |can act promptly on an emergenty: • they unite rlilriri* In eldne affinity and Ithey create a public spirit to promote [every measure that will add prosperity • and attractiveness to their city. They lean each lie a help those of nelghbor ' inir towriH. In fact they are a necessity if a city Is to I* cared for as a good [ home Is cared for by it* owner. » —The Hartford Business Men’s As sociation, at its recent inyeting, Ulsrjus*, [cd • In* ijnes!ion of taking action to get •a fiaiM-iiise, as an kidejieiideilt conipa >ny, to build a trolley road between [ H si I ford and Middletown, if the New •Vvr!:, New !! :s ’.V o .* Hartfotoi •»•«• • , roml company did not is-gin n|*'ratini:s [to Imilil kiicli a road, ns they had jme • miseij i<* do.* A risirfg vole w a» l tk'en Ion ftjt* jrnjgibsitibn, >md e\tlS injni [ stisal tip to ex press his approv at. N * •thing was -aid alsail outside eo-oj*ia i lion and assistance. One of the mcm | Is'rs said Dial lie and u ilnxi'ii olhercit j/ens were al the o|»'iilng of llie Staf ford rspnng* trolley and Uo leU Unit the line will tiling much business to Hart ford, l ids Is simply cause and effect, if Putnam slmuld buliil a trnlley line isaulloel r.pfitigs,sls>ul twenty miles distant. It would tiring tr> this etty a goydiijeal of trade, ly go on increasing ■Jb to lisi |«r ceil! uyear by tbr rapid m O/cgse of |srpuUdion trod industries on the line. Tliat is Imw tlie Hartford Business Vleu'a Association roasou in building I ml ley lines to Middletown : ami Stulibrd Springs. M at C Hall t There al Itanlati.*- of llle elite uf t>•*- fitt at this tC.ofth J|hIt, gi w • lit '* *ld ftilow- Hud,*ii M^fniav e\fuiufc. . | •'Tim l him)' of; Marlboro, Max*., luruudicd • HM con ml anil MteeMenl inuaie far dam-lug The hall wa» prettily decorated. Nearly uik liundmj (uu|ilm partiei iwtrd in lite Orand March, which »»i Itil by Mayor John J. Mmarry and Mia* Mail it) Tigne, of lianielaon. Israel Pa la— School Eattrtaliatal. ’ The daw. ul liatri, of the Israel Put nam School, are to (tie the play «»U tled “KunbonneU,” in tlie School Hall, May Mb, at 7:.'W t>. in. TU* oast of character* I* as follow*: Mr*. Ilutlertield, a practical peraon, who take* summer boarders, Kli/aU-th t’ornwell. t'liarllna, her 14-year old daughter, l.oltlc lhamond. Mil.lrt-il, her daughter, Klsie Mouse Mias Trypliena Sanford, poat-mUtrewi, 4.11 ad v* Farmer \in-s PhtW^an.a friend o( .\fr». Butte r Mis* Malvina Spinney, Florence th>\ Mr*. ( rannon, I Ur >lim»l«r » wile, fVtt\C lirimmoml Italic ldhhl. Mr*. Pendleton, i .Tally* rox Kuih U l tumor. tit'rlrude IVrry. liun t'luli, itomII; or aii informal shoot at the last Friday, wind amt the memberaf t IW I has in cfwaaad W » The lAllawaugan Oun flub held a khool on USh l'jftiKiAinS>|k-Sliiini^ [Vlo Twelie shooters tool ^artT The sewn** were the smallest made for some Urn*. A gusty wind aud otlier capdttmug in terfered much with the shooting Tiie «h>v»er* al I eiyoyed them selves m did the many kjicetator* who were |HCMBt. In several of the events good aeorea were made. Tiie regular event* called for 1UB targets. These tggjtiot entire by ala of the Tiie heal wore* lVrry, F. E. of l>aniel*un, Naauri, gan. this F. K. ftitghHl. l>r. b arren amt 4u ll»» Nason ail a|>|>eared with new guns. nS'uVml^ltip of IKoHuG'haxIi^T increased to g». Coelertece of UfptpMKl The forty-sixth Annual Meeliefc of the Windham < 'oohftnw of * ongrett* ■Uenol <2iurcti«H will tw h*M wi|h the Chotch a( l^fret, or. Tuesday,1 APril anti. Th* fdllbwinjf m tlie program 10.46 Ilevotlonal (Service - 11.00 Organization and Ku<ine^r 11.Mr The Church and the Christian Knduivur HocAe&y Rev. J. M. Ix.wdenl) I).. Providence. Erec tor of Cniled (Society of < . h. II..'16 The Church and Iw (Sunday (School. Miw Ada H. Kinmnan, Former (Slate (Supl. H. H. Teacher T Training,-)fa*u. ’ / 42.00 The Congregational Murad ion HodeUr. fcv. Kdward 8,/Tead, Boa ton. 2.00 Buxine** 2.16 The Church end Mid-nonary In «t ruction. Ml** France* f*A\ alaley (Slate Hupt. H. (S. Teacher Training, 2 ai^Th* t ^Turch and It* Boy*. Re* ik I>. (SargenMtytnaru. giliott F. TaF 3-JU hi’* (Supper. Kach church U entitled to two nw gates beside* the Pastor, but all olhea* •re cordially Invited to attend. Reaolatioa* Preamble and resolutions adopted <t the monthly meeting of the trustees of the Putnam fjaving.s Hank, held M<» day, April atth, A. !> l’fr*: Whereas: Hy the death of < larendrtn M. Green, a fellow ltu»lee. in ihe I’uJ uaiu Saving-* Bank, therefore U- it F&sdrTed: That "a- « tribute to the memory of our deceased uswsiiate, w*1 direct that hi* name !*■ entered in the ■ nil outer* Of rfur regular meeting, with regrela at Ihe removal from our nmfc-t of one who enjoy*.**I our re-ja-et and kind tv regal*l*>. ' lie sallied: Thai we spread u|mu oQr record* A OOpjr Of lb-, resolution*, a bo a copy to da* furni«heil to e.-ch of ‘itir hseai new*pa|a»rsJor |iubliealion. t cue CI«sHr»— K„ — rll Jistlge. ’ “Prof*, (.gorge l-aild. a d-liaikfjg and wcli rlresoa-d "|-v mi-*tf -> years ol*l. who w as arrested in I’ ■ - nlence on 1 Friday. eharge*l v* ith e- iHinmg nmij-v under falsa* pretences, from Mrs Mar tha K. Kvau*. o! this city v* as brought nack lie re r*Alurda> Iteftwi the efly court lie plc»*le<l not guilty, and veil' locked up lieing unabk- to give Iannis. Mrs. K\ ans met Prol. l-atklor Allicrl Matn. as *a hia rich! name, m New ii«ni|ishire, having leeu-eparled from her husband und hltle sou tor some years, ,mdwanted a reconciliation, ami l.adil screed to Jt-ring it alaiut, claim ing he batt fnrh' by which he could accomplish it From lime m time she |iaid him V ariou* sums of money until amounted fwMIM. Sin* complaint *1 of paying so much kKlhuul result*, lull lie kept putting her dTagying there would I*' ail liv aus family ratpuon Ai last she l** sati'lnd she eras U ing fleeced, and by ad v ice a tray*'was set, altM li resuin-din hia arrest asJdsited. A setUeunsut was elicited h^vn-en (he parties on Monday, ia onhs^ln gel within Ihe jurhuikiioa of the court, all tiie tsiunts were withdrawn, agccpi that charging |Ladd with getUoK fen from Mrs. Kvans under (ah**' pretences, lu which he pleaded guilty, and • line and costs of tsULdU was iwposrd. w Inch he paid and was discharged After greeting lire ooerl and <dl|(h'ra very af fably, he liuru#ii away tu gated a train tor Prov nk-nce. Tuny ( amiuorati, who caters for the ganged laisirers working at White's craaatng was before the eourt Monday moping lo answer a charge of selling twrrtgi Katderkimtday. The only u li nes* h> testify against ibe accused said lie had Unigtit two bottle* of beer on Sundajiof Ute defendant, kx which he paid him ten tenia. On. <rasK-e\aini iiMmmi be admitted tifU_-fcr had pre -*-" _ —5—*—* and 'atn moral i men and ijre. The nee of a led, suf Helenl to prove sale, and dismissed the -roar - ‘ftie- indwa aaid, huaieinn. Hi ll lie wauled live foreman of the construc tion Work to earefuTlVeTtplain, to the caterer the laws governing the sale of Ntiuorin This Hta*r,-*nd «ue(l Ver as The workmen haW1t>> th#lr*bwn con sumption must not be »i>ld lolhein. He wanted to give fair warning before any artestn were made. - -s ° N a ■ cr A ad AT Mama. Quells alnuyajrta#** pea a familiar [ fde ou* ffretrt i5|l *^W|nllv less wel come is the sight of aonte oh.leet asso ciated with one* uatlve couutry. Some igupie uaaar dlav-over their patriottam hattl their- catch sight of their flag In a stmaga land Mr. Saatael Ooa found a bit s*f tha l nil ad Sin lea «a*M a ad telia about It In -Arctic Sunbeams.’ White vlaltlng fVterbof ww wore rowtd out to a fairy talaod on the take. Then the guide took ua to an oak about thirty fee* high. Un,M was a t>raas plate tcci* taring tbe*f*ef that the tree graw fro*W ad leWn -hken from an oak by Oaorge Washington-* grave and sent to the Etuperor Nteho iaa Tha ties was mail grown ami thrifty. It was eurt-ma to art hoar the name Washington was spelled In Hnsatau I do not know the Kuaaian type, but this ta Hie <*a real an-ro».b to it I can make: , ftamultnnolla. ■ asked i tV guide to apell and pro outline it. and ho said: — \ ».sli». i.n.a.inmar --— The Scrap Book ,11 ht-rr. nit I***' i ««*tl lenient work woman. *tr.” tb* Why Ha W*» Th.r., -What t,rm.Kill .' the < bitag *r a abed "I married a ti'» Drtanner gr>>atied , "Ah*, and ahe wan no domineering and cxtratagunl tb«l it dro»e .t«u '« d** perate count*. ebV -So; tbt old uouiaa turned up. THK RfcGiMKNT OK OOt> i„ry nuon In the Quarry. »«rr> >ol)<1tr on the »hore, _. gv«rr »no<br.»n In !h« foraat »'«n •»»* men at the oar «^<mI and draw in* * • * * Ur>« aiAAf.ea *cud vi®**^*** aoa. All the dun) rank* of abor In }h« feg; »» ent of OcwJ ISfcrck toward » Is 4n the la*4 hla t*4M*da luepu ft H#r..n 1011 I* bo.) *tfvl«. f»t'tduj nor* tf prala* »ri<t pr»'ir TV* *» On*. A new le-made doctor daahed into the Kwifi or bin iogn! rrfwi. **rtaHi»mg “Or«t tut'l 1 otd man! CongratUiat* tut: (Jot » patient at mt: On mj wav to aee* htoi wow Whereupon the legal Hghtto-bc a««P p*d hit fria-ud op the hack. *a)lug. •In lighted. old i hup: ' Then, after a alight pan*1*!, ho added, with a u1) gtin Su\. lot mo go with you. Perhaps be haul t made his »ill.”- Ladies Home Joijnuai. A Mark of Gerwuft* A £<-utloiii:in sio|»!K**l nn HrcluVvvt Oi» tfu* "4f<jo*l iuynooK IUv *irW^H* t Min , **AVo >«>ti UmikiUif <'f j ■•No. I stop}**(1 VO'! i • j'. rt‘ if y*!i -fAkr- *u.n mhi info v«*ir QflUfi* J,s an apprt*! it ** \\ th training i flunk to vtoniti x»inr d;t> |*i *r\-•* a nm&Urfkxiit art 111 net." • If,» |i. a «Vl'i\Ot x>Hh* l» IK tlO * “T- twifV - r Jus: Hr •l.-sirii»»(i h ^ar»l« ft fot^ <Tftr ttvo/" '■ *'-u ‘•uvti. \ctKf! K there fetnnrkanlo aU>ut ip" «lld t>.e urrhTfbvf 'nuia lit-ntn • Why. sir In* designed tUal gawlen for him! it c<Wt To the Bishop s Taste. | !i<‘ nf*• l*i*diop Oic^H <Mi one of Ids visitations $topf*»d with an old fri nd at Si-wain*e, Tenn. At supper the bisbop said be would bav# nothing but a dish of bonny eiale Ur. a* Utile nutmeg sprinkled over. There ain't a bit of nutmeg in tin* hiiiis* . ' ♦ \ iatimst the maid when tin1 r» • < st was repented to her “l»ear int1!" said the hostess. “do to Mrs l»ariitifftoH. n**xt door. and ask her to load me ft nutmeg." Mrs lhtrlmgtnn also was out of tint ma* " i hen go to Mrs. Harding on the other son then bring the bishop the dish <foi« ki> 'ITU* iiost«*ss kept up a rapid Hre of bri^lit talk to < over the hianis in the s**i\i«o tint]’ the maid appeared with the desired dish. "Uluii an addition i* a little spun kke of Biitiues! said the bishop “What a hue relish it given!” When tiM» good guest had retired the mistress said to tk? maid "do to the grocery store the first tiling in the morning him! get nutmegs, and return the nutmeg to Mrs. Harding uud" “Itut Mr* Harding was out of nut l|»egs too * “Then where did you get any':” **l was dat wornfe<l dat I des tnck a Witnden ton.* He to a ole sh<*e buttonei an’ grated it on “ - IJj>|dneott*s. Twerdieaufn or Tweeoiedee. Joseph ( haiuberhsiu who tit** guest i of honor itt a dinner la at) Important elty 1'he mayor presided. ami when ! iulTee was liefug arm ml the mavtx leaned over ami tuit'-hed Mr Chamber lain. «aytbg. "Shall we let the people enjoy tlieios. Ives a little longer. or had | «• U tter have jour tyx-m h uo« He Guested Right. A one mine*! umu entered a restail rant atttl vented blmseif next fn a dap per little other |ienptes business man The lattdr noticed his n*l£hbofs left *le«\e hanging loose ami kept eying ll **t a how-did u happen met o£ u way I'ltMtlly He impiMUao one vould u»ml M n* longer. He rIsanited ht* po«|td>n a Mttfat. • leased hts throat and mid. *i h*< pardon sir. hot I see y on have lost unarm" Tlte one armed man pkked up hie tleeve *itb fcia right hand and peered #B*iou*ly into it nied* my aouir be »*<i*liu*d. looking up with great sur "l *i heitavd tiwn right:"— hlxwyhody'a; r • ». ' • A -.1 — Mi • let Why. ♦Wt hlh trip »s Europe Jobneon ml HjiSM the 8ret day out. All remedies Were reported to. but without avail. AM be would mutter was -Tin so 111 I'D. a*Tnr — T~«h t you keep anything os youi a*amarhr asked a ay mpathlalDf friend “Only uty hand*: Only my hands" Johnson groaned. Varsat»ae »* MdiMakiH Tbr (.wwp kandI* shake is eaeeoted bj taking a fneode band and forking it uj> and down through an arc of gft» degrees for about a minute and a half To bate it* nature. force au.l charm tar that shake should ha performed with a fair and stead t motion. No at (amid aku d be made to g-re it grace and nrW;. as it «ta» result is dislo yal* the shonUler of the ek-tiia Or. bo nwuni sbouid it be continued aft er persptraiion <m the part of jour friend has cetumtactd The | end ilium shake is s!a; i*r it character, hut moving ,s the r.ato» ,. I in horizontal instead of • P«r ^ndbular direction. It i* ”•«**** * vo ir hand horizontally to ^/friend * and after the J«uP Z » effaced r«*l»g with it from one aide to the other , TUe lourubpiet shake* Its oa,.,,. from the instrument made use of by surgeons to stop the circulation ,f the blood in 'be limb about to *• amputated. It * performed by elaap lIlg the hand of ymir friend as far M Z can in your own and then eon tract,'he muscles of your thumb, fingers and palm till y<" bar« Indue* any degree of compression -T01‘ purpose in the hand of y«it Particular .are ought to he taken not (o make use of the tourniquet shakn , degree that II will abate the smajl boms of the «rl»t out of their placer It is seldom safe to apply It to gouty K.«PPle la m heart?. ^ nrwn sbaKe vf your friend# hand. ac" *11 b m-d-nMe |iivs»nre and .«ud .aW«>n»'«f wehiHne. | h»* PflfT jpiev»his rdUOB :f* * pcu m,m* im>U«q. • '-a»k,4e^» iuvk iumI »i* omh'UviiIow inquiry after v<mr friewda health, ‘ |be prude major »i*l prude n*h><‘r ■it imarty umnotKittaed hy bi«lt*» Tb**y liner extend keyimd (hf flutter*. »u«) file p>->i.1»' blnjdr Hltows y»» *° tliMlf «ii> down '» rt"' se<oud jtiim I'li*' |*riule minor allow* you til*' whole of ibe ttnipw.—Charles Laint*. Fir»t Aid. A plry*l«-*»w was to his foie [iliotie try a .otored woman form«>il.y in (V nonHT,.,. or Ills wife She sail tier youngest ybiid "ils il1 a -What seeiiis to' be'tft'e trouble.' sKisl the ih".or ■■[loe 'lie done sWUlletv'd a Pottle of lit:7 ’ v>. I ; i f. oyei there iu a short while I. M‘t* tier flare foil 00110 a 1 irtllillg j#r lieriV, . '• ■| ,|i.iie gif lieI tiller iiieceji o' Riot in' |,a|n 1." sail the aoiuaii doutit i,: \ ijiiinwr n.fTifv .innnrat. Footing the Lawyer. XIV Marc ii tfwiilwmirt' «M t<* a faWT.'!“ .if . dinner! ’T\x‘ofi|d like ViMir ,j. ..i ..u..u.T point 'of iaxv: An ‘‘in . i.f i,,!in> lias a peacock, and lust Call H g": into •* tn'lgabor's garden and J.u,l an ■ tin i‘ Hu* neighbor claim* t-il the eua. mi .It- claimed it as xvell .uni lit,. rn«, iia \ e been fighting and gipinhh) ng ,ixoi' tin- mutter ever since V or, sir. what is tlii* laxv on tin* piles tion r "It i* an oa'.x pttestion to settle.' said the lawyer. with a patronizing smile. Adiniltilig that the egg "a J laid on tin ueighlior's ground, tli * Heiuiilse ite\ert;leles's litis no claim to it unless !;,* ean prove that the OiYfter ,,f the ldrd took no steps to prevent it from straying In a precedent cr e” “Kvei se me. hat this case lets eo precedent '' AX . y i know more hi v than 1 do XI.a'- I distinctly a piece dent i i“e x. la . "vn. xon don't." "XVhat do x ,ei mean?'* exclaimed tit lawyer angrily "I mean Unit xml never heard before of a fun: ,,"k 'ayintf an egg." was the solemn reply Th« Indignant Juror. A judge, disgusted with a jury un able to rein h an agreement in a per fectly ex Went ease. rose and said. ‘ I discharge this jury." One senaitive talesman, indignant at what he considered a rebuke, obstinate ly faced the Jndge “You can’t discharge me!” he said In tones of one standing upou his rlghta. "And why not?” "Hecanse.' [minting lo the lawyer for the defouse, “I’m lelng hired by that man there:”—Everybody’s. The Obliging Specialist. A famous recently received the following letter: “l>ear Hir I have had a bullet In my thorax for eleven years. I am too busy to come to New York, but hope you will come tlo'vn here with your rays, as m> cape should be worth your while. If you canuot cotue seud a pio ket of rays, with instructions as to us«. et?.. and I will see If l cannot manage to work them myself.” The specialist, replied: ‘Thnir sir—l am sorry that my en , gagemcuts prevent my coming to see jou ami that I am out of rays Just \ how. If ywusanoot mow to ,\tw York yourself, scud me your thorn* by •*• ' ww*, i will do the best I can with It.” , V 1 1 Rtccnuctfr. ' S.1 long as mother is wiping that I 1*hoold.*uirri you, pap* easily be won over.” Kr pi- l,did not know the women ..foili alwjjja'rule in your family.” Char>«abl« Gtarga. "iUil doubt u 1 sliaU be happy with Georg*. i fear be i. deeepUe# tlarliu*. what do you mean'-" th* wot her Bait'd. "*‘1' m*UiUia* Jou know that collar I'tt ha gate me for Christmas? Ha Mid he pakl *as for It. but today l saw its eisct counterpart for $5,” “t* Lu‘ “** «***•” w*d tbs mother. *!tb trus charity, you rnuat remember < w ' cry re itfb'Us George la fo d^iNed!, be bought the pin at a church Susalymy Fam.liaa. Two little children <*, nklll| ^ ^r'OM ,haT ^‘'ada Z ss;,,"” *■“*■ - '•“* -ZZZ,i?rr1"*“» ,he nsaed th. ^ ■SS5*! “You uieau the tap.’ "It doesn’t natter what ir« so Ion* as it’s properly So the young tu«u found his way to of the great pert was doing the young man watched bin miration. “l)o you use any for those tricks?" “Topi, air?" sail your, pardon; I see %qu mean, the bobbin, the ordinary kind that «r« So the young agd had U.put (1 inf account and said set of the now mine. •‘Vou - mean' the wife. “Tbe man at the shop mt i replied the young mart Hereeiy. “Then the man at the shop know wlirtt he was talking said tit* wife', with colil iUst** rend a lending nmole In the per this morning in which Tt » ways inferred to a.s the cyihuftr* "Well." snlil the man. "I thfak Slid,you’re wrong However.1 Iieen playing the game ..fortnight, ami he's Uniutl just step across and ask s He ,“topped across and in tttes caipe back ilesiuimljim. "It's not called i; cj lijjilef. yttj ■ Muf. -exlM'il a buhtiiu . U>toaj(j dial>le<-;Sstit.Jy'e *iaKa e<-fitait)N| , f&e flays lie Iie4put«rto ike-4tpt S-1»||. aeut he's ..never- lw«nl Ij 4iiylhij*« else," hhvn he iti«, a>! which had come with the..Iml <| tirst of-them )*eg>n. ''i'laqe-jtavf on the. ground.” i The y<«hi? man laughed tantu and said that this let lain uui 1 ed that it wa»i at any rate. » w to It Liu that he knew the. who* pow aijd that there was uu*h'n«j it could possibly lie called Vet vyhgy he came in froai bad half hour's practice he observed, tt wife. "Well. I cun t catch tbe 4u thing anyhow."—Barry I’alu In W* minster linzette. A Hundred Year. Ago In Okie. Incredible as it seems. Cleveland^ present metropolis of tbe suite aidj of tin* great cities of the country< not incorporated as a village untilS aud had then a poiinlatiou of u»t» than dlHJ peuple. though Us wit made it prominent iu a unwii s Tlte entire coiumerce of bake Ere to 1812 w as carried on by nil « schooners. . Cincinnati. already important. u«# not yet incorporated. coutsiund m* itOO dwellings, a good oourtbsusel jail, upward of twenty store! aai* aD otd description says, "the 'it** lintnchen of mechanism are cUTltfl with spirit, industry of every tln4| ing duly encouraged hy the fit!**" in likely to become a considerable■* ufaetufing place.” Until 1811, when a steamboat < for the Brat time launched oo tliefl river, keel boats propelled with P# left UlnehuMiti for Pittsburg every * week*. On account of the lad*11** outlaw* who tnfested the 1**E* trips were dangerous, so the * were provided with bullet I,rwf.? ers and carried cannon and arms.—Ohio Magazine. A First Lesion In Dlploiwg' > The state superintendent Of W schools of Maine recently re<W%' story of his early life, "hick tl* nel>ee .lournal prints. He* UstiWW membored. he said t« •'"> NalM sehoolina'iiins. Ids rtrs’ . • school.1 It was hIso his broth*1"1 day. and they occupied sesP the,aisle from :&aeb other » It teas In the afternoon ®V?f11 * .voiiog and pretty teat her caiu#’* seat, phwed iter, hand o« u|.f * and asked, "Don't you love “>*.v i U-;.c ainmit frightened * t'-,Was. almost frightened o°t . n its, hut 1 managed t° 1,j0k ul> "Ho. ma'am," I replied. , , “Bo. nta am. I repneu. She than went to tuy hroidef;^ ly a mass tfto-al*!*- and asked some .loestlon, to which l>« ssl ’ **'Yed. nia’tfm." -,ir»v Joft thii readily Iniagin* 1"gj 11“ »» got the rainlus^ from^^^g dud ug , $hgt .'iocui» ,«d aghooL ^ ? •ot I pounded out of my hr#rdr ^ I forthwitB nuido up whenever 4Mt *tuerttoa *** again I would always reply: ■ , "Yea, ma'am. Ham* #f Tok»y , “The gr*nt**t grape hi tb* world" to the tK* 8m Joaquin county. Cat- Th yield in Fra wee to 2.7 tons " ' , The average for Callfornt* ■ an acre, wblt* that tor »** county to Tour tons an »'~rT^ the center of thl» district. WJJjj year grupe* to the value ol 9 ^ As only tyro-third* of !b* yard* are aovr tn bearlug >t that their yield will soou an acre, almost three time* ™*p other region In the world Tokay to thw great i-odi .y* temtier last year the town t*» ^, tasting three day* tow n being decorated " , gram awl the ******* .’syL tooth* where every *trp * of the grape, from making * __ a rtne to loading anJ Kl"* Illustrated hj the actual «