OCR Interpretation

Putnam patriot. [volume] (Putnam, Conn.) 1872-1962, May 01, 1908, Image 2

Image and text provided by Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84022396/1908-05-01/ed-1/seq-2/

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«rtCL/V>i'Ai_L> ffl «l iuUAMS
w t' i*i* tt i t TO!.*
fL’TN^M WlNOM'.v to.. 'INS
Latest Ntwi Condenwd.
HrMtttor. »h'< »»* a» a
claimant •<: dtm* *in- it*ii )* -*f*
ha* rc^pfM^arKl iri Hartford with white
heard it:*r\ Hijf (|<.wn to hi** wind. He
Bpj* .'If - ’ I ‘ * »»» li J SI i *C H . X »«* U II l f 11 x
to be a pfoplMd, a divine healer, a cell*
bate, an >1. I>. and a lfre*bvM nan cler
gyman, w hw true name i* < harle*
MtJjCan. He claim* to h* e healed
7,uMM(<K«f |* and raided eight Iron
the dead. -mm v% i!i u i» *• in - n-U
Oncol the omt* of the N< w
York 1 AVI * ,n -i' •-* • m a ih adopt
trig the Tof fn \ *\ itm of legnt ration
mm) guarantee of land title*. The ex*
|X*ii*e i* * »h. after which land owner
ahifi can !*• transferred any number of
tini(o« a* cheaply mid ex|»ediiiou*ly a*
a share of corporate stock. Mh*- - whs
aetta hh*- a similar law and aivi n nulls
l« r of Western -date*
Th*' *d ongretnt! HMiali*. m»u •* that
the nuniU'r of Homan * athoitc immi
grants landed at New York in a single
twelvemonth wan in excess of the in
tin meitdierxldp »*! the * •uigiei'alio.j o
churches in the t titled .‘-lab
Jeddo, l*a., how l.s-cii an Incor |>o rated
iiorough for forty years. It hvt*n t a
saloon, a lock up, or a constable. Joint
Marine practically own** and rules it
a l*ei)evolcnt ife*|*»t. Any man whore
l.sd* again**! the regulation** is prompt
ly lanNhed from the Uirough.
It was the direct primary,‘'ays Ilf»
HpriitglUdd liepiibtleaii, that Knocked
out I- ilton of Ofi-io>tt mmim
time i rrfiml rut ner and - i ale la.
broker for tin* lilt* .1 11 pp * \f it«*l*t*11
‘•'Hie dtfeet prlm u \ j* going h> mukt ft
iliflefence in Ann rn an j*«»Iit m - w !n r»
\er it establishc-* it** If,' **ay* the He
There wen *.«i| «li%a *t«*»- I lu* |»n*l week
'Hu Ioik Ii ha , • t "1 Nut M I > im» »h
HmU’U**, Oirilrtih ■ \v ;**- hiirii'il In*! >u»»
* hi \ 11(i• t* : a ntr tri Hint«it» fit U « t
;u |m rt*h* *l i»» lilt i • i»h - I he Am*
fiean Him i 'I I*.ml, .hiring -I hea\\
•mow storm ■'"uilurdnv, j'leree»l a
ItrtiUh miNf nmhUlil. ^inkiiiK it
Willi U* uf the
A U.mtnlo * wept the Staten of Lout-*
I turn M i i (• | -1 ami Alabama. ami a
juirt of 'l i nn*hint I tIiIrv , kiiltnw
from -<o to inn pi t-s<iiih itiol tU ^t ro> tuh
utilolU millions of j*ru|Hirl\
'I Ii#* UuHsian gu\ eminent hn* on fere* I
list* wnrstli|»' erteh i * nit* to U in f tfe r
than lh** Iirmriitmitfltt, from i» • I) h
firm of *|ii|»huit<l« t* 1*0 hienl lUxse
veil «Hke*i i on^r*** to HtiproprUle mo
iipv ft»r fiuif w rtf"*hl|»' 11 ‘ "l hi** iIp
m trnl <1 >w n am- hull I !*■ otil \ m t*. i w•»
f««w*rnor Mu^he* Im- f***i*t »i Hattie
with llit* N**w \ urk I .eitUlat o n* an<l i**
IfiilOK to pom | lie i II* hn-* i’at i» 'l H h|h
pi ii l hi -Oiiii to | • a "i h III*' unit ii ii* to nit.'
inw whi« h the emit* i1eft-ale«l I>\ the
«h*leelhm of a o • irat Senator w ho now
winhe* bp loot heen |ov:h. H*> III**
cut enita'i o nulftl, mol that <»t oth* •
with him. Tht* tmsernm A -|H‘< in’
|o mount* tll«‘ f * tl > ** IlIKhleOeil
|hp !(* oo|'H« ah In.n-wn amt i>w uatoi-*
h ho \ole<t t«> ptellse llit* gnuihlem.
"The tliue 1* fu-i iniiift saoll »i
liter Jame> U i •■•ii, " rfflHf) of Afrrti
vulture, tu a iveenl talk to teaoheiv
when tl»* nmitiioii people won t la*
niih* to eat meat at all \ hint loom
New I nni.ootei > to in\ huge «t n t"
<ienth mot rain* *hee|. ami K'*>w neh
l'ie*l*lent t ni rertt, of t'ualenmln
a<|mil- thill h*' ha** shot to Heath 1 ^
the rtnfiieiiih iH ot the eon**pirn«*\ got up
N^Aliot him, rtiol pn»h«n! \ more e\e
e itioim will follow. >«uiie h*»l Aitiert
i iua anv Unit m»> Kitol of |*Hipi* , even
Ik* lorttnl six rnirv «ir%- able loenriv on a
1C« |nihil*
|*;«-si<U ni I Hot, will It'in I Vs Moines,
became ih'HnIiicimI Unit itu* com
mission |»lan of numU ipM umi'imiH'itl
i.•« ul I \ adopted the • • . ’ s S * * l *e w or ked
out to a Mim’^lu! end \4ti«t«*r lhr prr*
nil administration lit i vjuvIj* U*K’C'
flue on mu met pm government In Has
lull, ami \% iiI make tmjsnianl um- of
the lMouii**. plan.
V tiuntlirr of cletgy turn in New York
)iMn « formed a new Surlily of **t 'lunch
KH-ialisU," and is Ihua e\plained h>
il- nvu’Ui) , a I'lt'sby lenan minister
•The > int*»i 'm ho h«o* * Hi Imp'd
with the mw organisation have cmiii'
lo ihr coiiriu*htit that t hrisllaitily wiii
not work under a eomrelilivr eouimcr
rial *y*te«n. ami tiiat ihr inauguration
*»( MH'lalUm is neee**ary for tht* nmU
«( civ Hired liuinan trill gs
Heorgla has l«een under Slate profit
Mlmn les* than four month*. ami al
ready Hmia a formidable movement un
«l« r wav |o amend Iht* law *o as lo ail*
mil Iht* sale of l«eer ami light wine*.
That m a- lo tr e\|nvted where Ihr o|>
l» iit iilnuf Iht* lain nit M>»lii¥i|i in tuim
t«r ami iMmrrfut in wealth ami tnflu
The hr artificial re-pi ration machine
ha* Iren attracting scientific attention
ai Washington l ale It li i* a tle\ tec
w hereby freah air or o\yirrn i» pumped
into Iht lung* of a creature in suspend*
ud am main »n ami l lie iiolaunou* gases
ami fluid* arv at the Mime linn* |nttil|irti
v»ul. iUU<th ami d**g> have hern given
morphine enough lo kill a man, ami lo
all apia^aramc** arv dead. have again
iacn brought bael lo life l»\ tin* ma
A man naineii W m t-orolli, it\ ttijc
in Manchester, t onn , t% tr inventor
of a machine which ftv claim* nol only
show* that ]«er|K*tual motion is j*w.si
hie, hut atMO place* it m us** as a nmiive
jiower. He had beiUf keep U ** ret or
like the !.«>! sure tiling jcrpctuai mo
tions, it will lose its iti o|etalc if [
imblielvjfxjoinl, anti lie will no longer
he regarded with awe and wonder.
Fid* Uloft*. fto e i*{» in to* ar
tan and zr*v, <)>r \ * 2'> p+' f < #
HilH Ud««Dl H, k 1*0 bait'll gov**
In black, ubi *, ’ - n «ref, var* .
O f * f e«% 50 t*r p«*f
L'#i<r Fa * *r»
giov* *• 'i* b'*‘ a mi
Pricrk, 5*
In mode »r fl O
E 0*m ifcfiiftb ft
eflftvrtitd make.
»b|fe, tan and **»
Shirt Waisis.
Fine nth Ilf: mu*} In W a««• « trimw'd
with a*and e nbroidary three ij ia»W
• liivt button in back
Our price k ♦ * «• h
I-'< optional Viiuea m White and light
colored mu»l ii waiata, abort and long
* op.-fi Ir eland hi'*, made altb
full lucked front* and trimm-d with la? e
and etnOf u* ry, a big variety to -i .* i
I from. Our prbc 1 ^5
l ine WAi-a L nbroidery and tuck-, d
Lingerie Wai*lat an jfl at wfM button in
a r.
O >r | r ^ 00
Lingerie an 1 tailor® I waiats in white
<aud fancy Mnpe l m ni'ii, three i|u«rl*r
iQd ji Hg litttpf, bu ton fr <fit and !>■*< *
Fr < i Lore J i » op to t.00
Children’s Coats.
AGES FROM 2 to 6 yrs,
N», t> t L n U H i t t -> in t .rdifiaj
| Hi rg* Miib bln k velvet cottar.
< Fir prb e, .< 00
hi y-i.«h little <-o=*t» m i v no k •• and j
| plain color* !i i uuo d with fancy buftoua j
«iu1 braid 1*» «• *. #„* ,5 to fb 00 j
owj i*-: fl?« e|r> i n*i
y 7 ) and l 00 per f«
-v Fri **, *'* and f
lie < p* in bla'k.
Pr*r« j 25 p r pf
Huron I), /higher Corporation*
Windham County's B < Department Store
Bargains in Soasonablf* fleirbandise
Every Day at the Big Store.
Spring Coats
Wofru ! tiloreH S iit> in t!ic newest fahr
;«nf! ■>}!.M.ni!-fitti*fl c<*.ii-• and full
;4,.; !•>. i'■ ?• >nj ij.~o to
Our Shoe Store on the Corner
l*o|*l I l If SIIOI > V ! IMUM LA It I’KU \ > FOR 'U N, WOMI-N tM> < IIILIHIKN.
\ , ,j, - Sin, hi Russia Calf Sho* * Oxf<»r<ls, in this - a« < s newest-* lasts.
See Our Show Window
ToiM \wmitiw
Colgate Tale Powder. 2*>c size
Our pri m jtt __——
Colgate •tiding Our price
. 25 «ii
1 On - ■ ■- P«
i,.... r..i dciitifr.ee. 35, -■?
Oin pi.ee 'Joe __
~7 gate *f "ital cream. 35c s z -
Oar price 25c
(. • Igate ca-.emere bo<'j net guest
room, hiz ■ 1 a**
Colgate eashemere btxjuef. large
size 25c.___
Ked Cross powder, three size-;
trial - z- 5 •. medium size 10 clarge
s.za .__
I )ress Goods
The late-t mohair dress goods in
seif color -tripes, all this -ea-on's
i . west -im le-. ■!'" inches wide. O.ir
price 50e pi r card.
Fine nous venij.gs, in the latest
shades of blue. tan. brown an l old
ro-e, 30 inches wide Our price
Stic per yard.
Self color -tripe- an 1 plaids, this
-e-son - must popular dress fabrics,
in all wool and mohair fabrics. Our
prices 75c sud 1.00 per yard.
Kxclusice dress patterns, in
. h -cks p!si Is. and silk wool novelties.
7 yard- ti *a<L pattern. Our price
1.00 j e tv ( d.
Black DressGoods
Fine voiles, molnir-. briiliantines,
nuns veihngs. cordun cloth, serges
ar d cashmeres. Pnc's 5o,- up to
1.50 per yard.
Wash Dresses
In gingham*, perea'e-, niadras
a; i gs at-mi ch>thf made llus-uin
impel an i - i. >r h ■ - Sizes
from 0 to 14 years. Prices Mte up
to 4 50.
K and 1. o..>u-1 - for boys, the
-atisf.ictoiy kind soft ai.d iaun
h i • l blouses. 1’rices otic. > 5c and
j l.i-O. _
The Byron D . Bugbee Corporation, Wiuclliam County's argam Centre, Butnam,Oonn.
A City T*-at t« Said to H*v« 0*en
Founded l»y Noth.
In Harp* < * li \\ SfvliiHou tel!* of
hi* visit to the ii11« it'll! i ffy of Ib'lvjtn
in tin* < Tim* a-us iM.n Mount \rural.
of flu* cl fit’ll *Ui'i to l*e founded by
*\oa 11
l>hiiti Ifm If gather* lift fin* |w»«if
iih ".u i*f-f• r % of fin- hml for If was
him* of thr two or three eltltfM hi (fils
neighborhood fi'Miob d by Snail, and If
U till ■ eit-br.i |r«| for hi* Mntnge
Mftny nft i media t*- centuries IniH'
boon |,» t to mi:n. but for fht* bi*t thou
mmi ye , i - If | - « • . - . - a 1111 f • u!<*i!t r.*e
■>ri| i-f tahl* nljtl c our,tor til h i
111 v .s.«»i - m t, i} ut, i - f t if Iro
a loo. I n* tin* very ..liter if Mu- A i-:i rat
highland* win* h p.-r^bno: a ml
Turk- Ij11 * 1 \itn**ni;HH itti« 1 ! ur
tats have . - -11 v oi g. .1
"Ml tbit Is bountiful hi the town is
|*f*i - u li*! hi flto :; i • I - f be! s I tin*
darkened u-yh mu I if* veins of the
hint it. ir -i n -I- u inosijue with
minaret sot with enameled brinks thiil
gleam bke nwel* I he |»hl« e Is si great
- h.wil of the Shluli form of Main uml
Is built 111 M gte if •|11a»!l I mrle With tile
sell* of t her* «|. w u the side* mid a
klml *»f • sijr.e .it enh end like
m *•}’. ii f < ' »ei m sii i j*. but g«»r
geoU*!i tie- • ?o«t with pa luting* rtfld
llUWSIlh - of e , hteelifh n ilhlt l Wol'k
"In |!i! > i e|f h !• i u*o*t **f tbest*
frontier i"ivm >i 1 n age* tin* Tnr
far- h.Mt SIMM ernfed the IVi iitl* j|s
the tVf»ie*M »t itl\i s of S Mu ami I-d im
VNdr sjmm s o «|* irtei -mis tb.u *• thi
rest of 11. i mu |».ii ife.l from It by
ail luterviit <f \ inevard* and gulden
: tiel.!s I • ,f ' v mtage g? uml Mt.
i time »«t i is main uml agate b
! the ot t - v. > for the
j mill I. . t . * \ ettUtns Their i*t
[ raid bad *h . mm-j only II tn-mth bebov
I arrived, nod t was thought m if.
j for a Christian to i*» seen In theii
street* Hut probably tie v m rd.sl
I me it- ' o harmless to l*e redgbm* for
; they let me w inder iis I ph ased annuli;
their house* and to the very top of
their hill
'On \ in descending from this Tartar
quarter of I rUan did I Let my one
sight <*f M m? V ! din It had b«»eu
| hidden in snow Mini teni|***t, but Ju*t
i after sunset 1 saw a *one of purple
among the . loud- whh h was the so id
mountain For a time the tm*e ami top
remnliusl hidden, but gradually the
summit elearisl. and tin* \ ast cone
stmsl visible there alone and gray
aha. the world 1 hen for a few s.s
mats It t»*ok the fading flush of SUH
sit, and the snows glowed with r\»*i
crimson Ihirkness drew In, and sgsli*
It vanished Iti the whirling storms that
base l*eaten U|Mm It ail these rge*
that gn*at mountain which dounnateil
the history and iuiagU;atb>n of young
uiaukiuit “
A Homthkc Poatefftc*.
f 1 ulit-ii ' •eema to know how to keep
her th‘|mr(in«u( employee* hap
py and ixtutriilrtl hi a letter from
Hndapest a rerre«i*ot»dotit *«>* that
“the »i*vlal feature of the department
»» the itu|*ortatkc* giveq to social insli
tut ion* within it* own wall* In the
new premise* «'0(uuuHttoi)« lockup rab
Inet* have l*ren provided for all *er\
ant* There la also no nee*! for any
on* to leave the i'WulM*s for ftanl ot
lo w sjvijera. seeing that an elaborate
buffet la oieti day and night, where
men toai at redmtsl charges obtain ah
they ue*vi. mv a the paper* and do
their writing !u addition to this a
larjje nnnit«er of U^autifutlv ntusl Issl
neuu have beet) |*nu lUtvl for tin* use
of the night staff during their inrhal*
ot relief There la alas* a flourishing
tick aid Mcidv. at which Pmm* niss
were treated free last year by eminent
physU an' a fine choral siviety. s|*»rt*
club. casino amt an additional pension
a*so*lathm. which within *i\ months
» t:ii»U : vvl s r\ than uieillten
The bond |h -tinn^ti r furtherrnore, ri al
!jri..g It *’.v diih< Mir it \mis for tit.- |w»*»rer
emptoie«* (o «•!•!iiIn • heap hoimesi hi
the ( ifv. made arrangement* f**r them
to w uri* *u< h lemwen in mil»tir}»*-**
Crue Ov«r B'.dg* Whiat.
TlifU ftii- ''• **! iat|> went on to t»
fclffi W h '( hi u|M'- 11 ' * I » t'lilt* to he tl *W
I**- |• :iVi«t If **t» fra in* .*■!! the Will
from N» w \ h to Sun I ran* *»eo; how
the* had ' * hi tlo ir u u ’os iitid
f»ho ed w hi « they iifiv touring over
the w o| ,i
"O'lT." *he mi 1*1. "I took n party tv
mi- th«■ Viioti. m’* i up t « om ..ff Sind>
Flook. and when wo g.d hark to tin
pa r some on*. * ,iiu • I. Who ivnii'r and
the answer wa* Mi* Billy* ahead,
hut we?e i oiiion thin exetdng' I
tf**fc a par;> of friend* through the
Mi life! i aiii nTi mnl up the Vo, and
o . d T O 1 I t t 1 ’ '
p‘r. mills and Mm* Sue/ in am! the\
til u-r ouee looked i p Itiov W e! «
pa> lug hi idjre \ ud \«•«* f: I'm i"K
I'h I mean just liter i\ what 1
*a y I kuew « Uiim who was tins el
in* from New Vik to I'hiUdeiph a
and got into a game with miuh* *. . >
gelh and io l«* ail the w a> to I *. i‘
I’e.uh to finish If’"- l ptou Simian in
Anuu loan May
Women Fan*. "
K»m\ of th • i ^‘x hme had -h<
d«" t «» to follow lm*et»all i ■ x ami
fewvr still tlit* tin idihood to w»>rk up
w uni through tin* degrees of ■ ooter
am! ' ft* fm hun. In fact the re.
or»!*x mention i♦**f to** Helen f* *ivr«*>
who itrrJx ft! at t ill hoti-'i * w In n she
married that \ «** of the d • ! <!
John Ward and Mr*, i ha fit-* x\ S*»n
if Now V » U lu't i'M r th* t»i m n i s
art* known M‘ \\ 'sou and hr * u
BuMer, is *■* of flit* t•' *ii' .iff a 'o
kti »w u Th \\ ate a* t‘t*inpii!»:•*! !»> the
husband tml father, i‘hnrles \\ ---u at.
t r. r .-state opi'ititor, and th -
trio oi fan** has fratriol the .oiittin
over in training ami championship
tfljis tl ;ssh:g only tXVO gnilUH* *t til"
I* • o iu N lit time year* Ko r>
H* Wantad S»*t Davi Of*
lV;ir Sir ho m»t troul *» yourself 1
il!«! dare i\* make a letter to your *n
junior authority according my some
business with toil, Now Mr, l au
uoutito you that I am ah k my atckues*
H hernia lie \ seasi. k; «****> lo day
I want to find ami asking curt* and
healing t v or with the Phlstctau for I
I** healths and sound, t»ecau»e I can
not suffer tin# Illness V-w Sir I t*n
|h*iit you am! |-n\ t.» pet-nit me aNuit
ai\ iky* Iwfor* 1 do it > duty I first
like 1-elng ready and robust Henahy
I beseev ti you again to loaonk* me
your perttilaatoti tn *!* days. that I
ahe’ter ami. m»iKTing under your at
tenthe protection Therefore. 1 writ
t*t In spirit* If n»> letter will re
'fho favorable consideration Your
student Blank l.et*er of street f ar
tVmtuctor to Superintendent. Quota*'
tn Manila 1 irnes.
Tha W«tty Sotstiit.
No*.v f then :s any svicntific qti#»*
tU*ti that auv of mv f * ml* w o« d ilka
to ask t beg of them not to he*!tat*
I *h» is* on v too tiappv to answer
unx m*i * in my power saul the
scientist * oedescemltut; y at the h*c
turvs f ml
Vn od idy in s|*evtacie* that gnve
tier a severe, stern »**ok ami said
‘Why il*> «*•{ ft. .‘jo* * ki t\Ki. he*?1
■ H v.iiiM' luttikii; when a roach
across a xv*-t lea «af h,- savs.
iiei •■* herv's \ < A aud wrap*
ti} ti it. catches v** I and .lien,
s.itd the uumffkd ptuf**>or qtm * y
MifHrrd day and night the U>- :nent
utII! I uafiUkxan dHntniwit 11 cured
m * lermutmUy “—Hon John K.i«ar»
ill, .Mayor, v.ward. Ala
Scrap Book
We!! Suited
1 ‘o you think ^ • r c. 'er and )
■ If S1|itt*e| to » ask
• d flu* prosjHH 11vf h* ih .r miu
“Oh. *|*U*nihdi> H nil t y Mil a very
tine loud mm* * d i-;« t Mary dread
fully hard of hr 4 • '
M ! .
KN ! K vn*‘‘V

*r «* sa'^y.- I » ■ *
. ,, h It |.M -> . I x
* s «*• w *—e . Mxe,:
ft - ml iv star.
h ar distracted In t.irii and
■* he «« distant vv * . r< • » r he
hwi-n Meredith.
Too Much of a Good Thing.
To * -t the wry thniK you want.*'
-*.dd the >taI>U*man to a ruradat in
x* ! .f 1 horse, “a thorouir’.ic • in
road i. l’l\e year* old. sound a*
a v »*h down, and lie tfoe*
fe: « ' - stlKHIt BtoppilU
i . i» ,imt threw bias bands sky
* a; d
\ t t - mo.” he sa d. “not f >r me
I \ mi, j i f you cvtiis f.*r him 1
' out in d«* country, an I
H<s Sews* o* Justice
1 of (k>vorBo’
• : Iowa is not |*eriuttied b
_ fl its, blit N> hrII N5Mtiu.fi In
•!i«- *f a neigh mirin g relative
■ . |. I ! !: “Si U i! h «»l.M '».*
*■>. ai.il he ate it \n itii per
fret . -• s * at.
\ i have n\t’li had tint ns
t|V(- • .H-! .a* m*UM‘ of ht> oh: :gutin|fe*
u • ! i at* culprit t'uriotis mve*tl
ga ..as v\civ tin* natiini outoo;ne
* said his 11 >»i a I prayer that
night and then heeitautiy added this*
briet * ut incriminating |**titlon
\: . I plon>e t'Sv'is Aunt iVn >
hired a l pphicort »
Not \*hat Ma Cama For.
\ - » :a> nn:,> tishmc Sunday amt
»v id* ; v tutubicd into the creek
\> t .»«*! iin.ll ou the 1*0uh was he p
tug h a mil tie H»I« did you
ivitif u fail in ibe river, my little
man ■
I <! !t. t come to fall to the river I
ean.e tu fish*’- UUi«> Home JvhiiuaIL
Aw Opt miatic Vi«w.
A fanner was aaiiHis that bis son
olhMtiti tvcotae a minister and tor this
.amtai .«• cud be lent him to college f»*r
'our years To hi* gn*»t diaappouit
tut. the youth t*a bed at tbe ministry
amt ^ct ttioue'f up a# a botw trailer
l tie okl farmer tokl bi* grief to a
* _ > r 'v i*o. bovtvrr. took a more
p' - . i lew
N> i | w x*u tint feci baul.'y aUmt
that ht vini A* a h-**s trader Hi
v .> lead more uien to re
-« • :,1.111 be ever would haxe as a
Observing Regulations
\ guard«maa mi
! ;tv one is ght during h> first
- t ' l abfti i friend brought
f; ;i the can tee* As tie >At
-> eating the pie the major
mi . * *-! p n undress I be sentry,
not ; - buu did t»v*t sa me. and
lb v • i>si a ml
"Wkw*i - r-«i y ou tune tbervT*
"i’it * > ! flu* m' rr\ tr-l luitureil
15 ' II**' !*’• H;. v a i i V"
“I >*» \ »»u know w li*» I sun
»;• l Hi*' • >;ry, *1111 *-ss you‘re
tb* inn «tr's «; ■ >- m.”
••'I he barber from the village?”
*‘N-» '
*‘M • U-" here tin* sentry laughed—
“ma;you’re the major himselfV'*
i a ■ right. I am the major." was
the stern reply
The - airy -■ rambled to his feet.
*< -i *rr;:* ;*•>;>!" he exc u ine-l
H l Tie* pie vs;i. you, while l present
H js and T! me.
\ ■ . . rion.J through West
\ , • up v. tli a mountaineer
A ' . • ’ll 'll . ‘ Ug the pjgS tO?”
a-sktsl the rider
' • > are to latte'; 'em a hit."
“l i t n preuy *-!ow uU to fatten
them ti gra-sV \ ■, v. iiere 1 name from
••• • pen fht-ii) up a;.<J feed them oil com
It V. . » > .! h»t of lilii*- "
' U ‘ Winds t:ii- 11 ■ a hnwgv’ Kv
ery 1 ■. dy -
Epigrams by Andrew Carnegie.
!i-" -. rather titan increases
h 11. happiness M its win
i:ltilth am rare
I.Incite tlit* pcop c Is the foitmla
tixti >'f all trill progress. They'll do
tile rest tlletnse! i e~
I mier was miserable. 1 don't see
lion I if Ue lines «
lie fee's to In* ri ;lit.
"To saie ami to serve. not to luafut
and destroy " that iv.ll t‘e the text of
the !:."■■ hy ami to
dm ot»Ix sure n ii |i loop "the sub
merged !■ nth" fr ■ i dr m n ■ _• Is : i
leaeli tin m to “ i ; ! »r -ins
(> I m.- s ... | | e ' . lit I - in "m ,
lnir ", .e i " lull in in:,kins s ml
use or u hat tills he.-a l< i ire.l
I : ere s ■ help l :-■ ,e licdig l«irn
;vsi: . . -s i 1 ie hers of tb s
nat!" i , • an- !. ua the p ' ir
I w ‘ ra-her ■ • • gramlssiu to one
who : d tea. i UH : . t.. sli »s t'lJ1
flip dcs.enJant of thirty worthless
d ike*
I ievp in tmp democracy. When
tlie |e>i> e are re a r iuteresii-d in any
thin.; their vo . e win Is* heard at the
This republic Is Immortal No matter
what trouble it poes through. it Trill
iveatiier it without havinR its founds
firms shaken
If you stand near a Rood thing,
piulure wed into it. l-'ear is oid wo
rn in ill it lies kept uutoid UJiiiiOUS
from making f rt lines.
I think I am the Ricnreat optimist
ever Itorn Were I to choose a motto
it slmu d is* "Ail is well since ail frowa
lietter “
I object to the term philanthropist
when uppl ml to ciy«e f. I have always
understood it to mean a man with
more money than brain*.
I do not lie .eve in the socialistic Idea
• >f in i.mpal ownership, but a prefer
. i*» ownership is as certain as
that I am alive.
l\>v *rtv develop* us. It makes us
work our banlest It brings out the
Istst In ns Bit lira very must ro hand
In band w ith adversity e se w* are
I never worry about whether or no l
am to Is* forgotten after death IV. put
n.y wealth to the l**st use as I see it.
and time wi tv 1 whether I have ei
erx -«'* a v. >o d ' -••'.••ii.
Had Missed It.
\V i >t are you oryiup for. my poor
litt.e *s.y \ s . 1 a man tv' a crying tci
"I'a fell d >« nstairs "
“Ik* t take on s»x my boy He'll get
better s*viu.
' That sn't it. Sisti r saw t on fa..
a*, the way . I never saw naflfea “
His Time Limit.
A - _ . *.n ti (IpvHflnd street car
carry tg -lif < f those mutts thi* size? o!
an ortl; ary bn--socU. IS!it.* bud only
out* I in’ ;ik the mulf. A young man
bitting next t ■. her took ml vantage of
the « : y t» slip his hand into
the mi » « ii[»ieii end of the muff
i he girl turned upon him severely l
could have you arreste I for such a fa
ruiliarity. said she. “hut I’m from Bos
loll. .: u«i I | . upto keep eaim Now.
ill just g v » \ oij tell minutes to let g«
of ill \ ha nd.’*
In the Game Ah Rig ’t.
W'h .e wa king a. mg the srrtet a
gel.i elimn nou eh a amup of ho.. s ap
paiviitSy pia v lug a game
“Well, 1mj\s, what aie you at t ;a\ ': '
he a> .• d
A hr:ghi youngster looked up and
“Why. don't nn know, so'.* i..
i» H e i ms; g: e oil. I "
“i»h! W h. : *i*» . o.j t .1,1 it: *
“Am . .. e s...
“Autotno. i.e! Why. boo do you p!a\
it V
“W . . \ mi s-v. s.r. I'm the diver.''
“And this here fellow.“ pointing to
bis neighbor. “In's the horn, and this
fellow is the hamper, and those two
boys over there are the passengers."
And s > i*;i he de< i>ed the duties of i
the happy youngsters
W th a kin.liv saluta ion the gentle
mil ! plied i'.i About Tell jiae. s a v a v .
sitting on the t till* he saw a little
chap with a ve,\ i'o; ioru countenance |
so he si.. .|»«*d 1 d:
"W • my 1 i’:man why don't you I
join in the g :e with those other!
‘ i’n-ase. sir, I a a in it; I'm the
SlUe! i !"
Qua:iTed F?r Prcmition.
- • - i in the !‘ il
ip! ilie*» «•! *■ d ! v the * •* •'.ei came upon
one o' • « - : a umukev
•a '«*. -n* ‘ ' <. -.! «! t*r. “this is the
most i «■!-* d h - '.key I ever saw
Wh. .*.* take a stick and go
tin- ugh the : :a;n...! ,*f ana> almost as
Wei as «•:.t- »*f the soldiers!*'
about in great lai.n “1 »• nh tell any
j l"sly s g the war dope -id
beard of it' l'!ie\hi make him a briga
dier general !** K\ ei \ I ody *s.
Rash Regers Experience.
Poiiltnev Bigelow. author ami jour
na.ist. has a cha ki n lann
1 hope v\ e 'iimvil with the farm
i bope **ur e\|H*rieUte won't t h» e i*s«
‘.v resemble that of my o'd friend. Ho
Pgtio Uogt-rs.* sal Mr Bigelow*
“ltash Rogers lived tU the suburbs
Ob the sulrtirbar train one morning he
*aid to me with a sour laugh:
“ *I've got something nobody eise has
got, Mr. Bigelow.'
, “-111.. )
to ft"
“Weft.* »d J ft'-errs. -1 N.uirtit * 5
d • ar !'; -a tor last month. M,
• worth of ec-s ia it and batcb«|
1 biueVrtt > C"-' '*
“lie lro*ii‘-d. then sighed
!••• -•• •: T > » ••
sixt* ^re blflet
wot J ’ **
. «r
A Literal Result.
A t: e - t’ was a*to,| to wt>
.. ' ” - - ■' "it
end" .. ■■•! afttr some eT. • r^j '
" ‘ '■ ' ' <t:r 1 . : , 1
• lit' ^
WCU |t
T>!« Cevica C~rt 0» U ! =
N»Sut 99 In D:
Aft“»r h.ivlKs: it*vo In r»*»
a rrn.nrr r. it^iont iupr* -
ill? {'. hnor ;
p-> 1 li> ‘-aTin* -• „ ;!r
been improved by a device tbaj *-••
been ai>;ted I f the lr.:vi state* vl
M - •• •
with the brei"i»*s buoy ...» et--»,
constructed bas teen ib-.t • ^
vrhea it left tbe shore • ic],
definitely w .ere !t was. wk,. .r !t
reached tbe wrecked si. , ro! r
w hether any oue h:ul got ii ->ss • »
mariners bad lights on the v.-et.|
John W. Dalton of ^
known to tnariuers a’l a n:u the Msl
saebusetts coast, is the ii >. ■ >r of
lev ice. The Improvement jaest; »
comprise-s. speaking iu ge;,-, •, llSt
small case mounted on . a ed rv
!>er ctisbioti ami surrounded 10 f*,
siiijll ho .of p '*s wh: ,}
the rit<her • twhic-n tmoy ai. i v0 topi,
1 S|U v> iv spreader.
In the ce-e !■ a Morns? battery tfc
o; rn t-s a set i f hi : <* *
g:e. : fit s, s- .. i vard
!» ; ' hen the cie :■••• is <
to the vessel. '1 he other :g
ow n il.ro a .
hi* breeches.
atiis Afuc if
d tile she:
the ah:
,1 rted a
'• a tritiu
he r»t&
ng q
'■v to »■
u mil q
-0 it a-.
- !
>wn t
eck 1
I vessel
ti >gh
t he!
to b
r ! 1 ‘Was
at handti
.:••• it- s them to hold co uuti! tjj
'toy reaches them As sect asc.-n#^
ie i : periled mariner-' gets into
reel In - tbe red light sign » to th«
it ia ! haul the passenger asbee
Tlie mlder cushion pietents tbe
itp.-t 111_ hel from being in lured y
ip bb-ck sttiV’n* him whi;e (n-it
ragge i thn ■ gli the surf Nna
f iH-rsotis have been severely it)jw
hile ! d ig s ni':l from a wreck hr
ig Iron traic’er tdcck as the v
li'chcd back and forth. — Sciem
Super For Wcunds.
Powdered sugar 1 ns .. t.g fljnsi
tlllioi::! ! in* I u-:V;s empi;'.' tnl for (inss
| iug small superficial wounds, hot t
; German has emp < \eil it si
| vaut ■ r<*-.-;s \ <•:. rerWit w< lndsnwia
■ parti Hi; ■■ ,.n snrgt-al v. '.mils, ii
' tlii- [iin-Hi-o lit* nsps granulated **a
v, 1 !i L ■ i i first ste: ;!i:n»d St ’ll
< (' ,- • I tn tv hi; 'a - per cent *
ic ill lias U-eu a.M -l.
■.; . ... a.m y i. ab tills *4
• . .-:i. .:!•«' V .'\ ■ V' i
rtat.n'.atluns uf a.i r\t elirut fj
;ii' 1 . v tint lo'.g ill
W in : i: is a question uf deep orim
1 « i| ■!:- wiii I) requre ilralBts(
’.n- i; ■ ... '. si irvnti ititi'i '1.- im u*
tit" ir.'tta jn-i'ilia drains . ylmdridj
sticks sawed mil of a s :p.,r if'*
tlu".i fill'd round which have i»*
snaked for >• veral months In alsona
, alcohol snlicyl.uted at - |S'r rent.
Sugar dressing is counter indlnti
1 iu presence of foal. su|i;nu*M
1 wounds nr ilmse with a tendency <
i lu'inor; haste. It ttiust also be etupto?*
j ntiiy with precaution when there n
; ists a i‘ *i--.-tied osseous surface I*
j strong dry tun effect of the pawdetlj
| 111tr capable ill these eases "1 pr'wjut^
Present i merit'.
There see.us t , he no i!mI» M
! ts 11, the g am! t!ie >•;. •' priH
1'->rt;.g - I I;'il some sof of |,-..<ent«M
that .- ain'th.li't was gp-log I ' 1
las.."il 'll the day of ti •• uiUWC* J
day or two l.efort' when s a M
i rts' givi: a Senhor id ■ ' 11 jj
; ' . s ill. uia.testy said . : at tilt
1 itaie a premonition that i’i
| nig this dei ree 1 am “lg :;g uj W
1 Reutei'i e ltut it does uat
much "
Before the departure from ' 5
cosa. too, the crown prime nrdend
horse for his usual morn i.; r;Jr
"It is a fine day. your royal *
ness," remarked the groom
brought the steed "And you are 1
to have fine weather iu I.ishoa
"Perhaps." the ernwu prince t*P
quietly, "but I wish 1 were not P
there "
Nor were there ether bad <*
wanting ou th.t fata) ilu.' flu*
train had a breakdown, which
it an hour And as the royal
stepi>ed ashore the cathedra1
were tolling for a funeraL—
Spring Medicine
The best is Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It
is the best because it d<>es the most good.
\\ hiie it makes the blood pure, fresh
and lively, it tones the stomach to bet
ter digestion, creates an appetite, stimu
lates the kidneys and liver, gives new
brain, nerve and digestive strength.
An unequaled list of cures—40,366 tes
timonials in two years — proves its merit.
- r :- ■ * • „ prefer ~ . .«
•r ta'-.ft :• r\ h-.-t4 * *••.■» pan. » i- • » pm Up
* tai ;»f> >*rvaiai'> a* «« a*
t& th« u^u&l ii^uni form S*r**t*‘.«» hav«» wkt.t;
-auy t~* eur»m« pr»prrW* as th* liquid
ft rtu. ImuAk a*»*ur».-y of <3 .s*. trrifnija~K»
<'a*5- ***** Tr-> :.*** k*jr fvip.raiivi., Irak
'S*. 5H ' y «>r - . t *•>
C I How«i to. JLowrll. M»>>.
— .J IS J, u J
inowfl Hood's Jssi-Mipar;'
fcamcrs and as a gf*aerml *
rofui*. <*-irntt i hifcS c«
spring inr«d**:n*» U BW® Bir
live u> ssAjf tioa.**
Blanfc Deeds at the Patriot Oifi

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