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KfP H If TCItk * «*rfTNAM VIKDM AM t'O,/ fditonal Serip*. England in couriered lb* uimt #»n ; lightened nirittian nation of the world yet vnni’ 111 It* law* are true* 'if I'a rim rousday*. One i* Imprison merit fur debt. I>ieken* "ought iu almllshmen! ] by lulling ii|> U> view, In raw of hi* | Immortal stone*, its libiei iu* prartien! working*. An unfortunate debtor i- i taken from III** ilefreiMirnt family t* , CBU*e h* 1 BUn-.l p'i\ a few 'hi r-'' , and kept there sndr IlniteH. If «li~ | chanted be "till owe* hi* ereditor. An effort I* made there, no to otslilerale | the iiifatnon. law . In»? !« ram to a few j |round* Inatead of shilling* to subject I ttw debtor to imprisonment The promise grow* lM-ller. untler the deliithtfnl weather, for Immeme rrop thi* year, In Canada a* w< la* in Mil* country. If thlr. turn* out true tin effectaofthe finaneial depression will melt like ml*l» ts-fore bright sunshine A rlair I ray la again a failure thi* year It ought to la- eelebrateil next year In thi* etty With thegladnea* of a general picnic. The I toman < ‘athnllc eliureh in New York celebrated It* centenary wtiti the moat Imposing religion* display ever witnessed In this country In the-log tng of a graml Te Ih-uiii In one rhurrh, «, **> children partlel|inte<l Wealth bring* no pleit*ure say " « ar negie I’rnf. Van Ilyke ls*lie\r* that the rich afe imhnpplet than the |*«ir, nml that every tnerciiienl of wealth tint Hilda In dlaenrilenl. Klein r Ilian an) nation known to hi*lory, Anierir'ii I* yet singularly re*tle**, dt*roiitenled, ami unhappy *nys the l’ruie»*ur. Seri* !ary I ni! run!him* mi the nnr. r Hr lefl today day h>, I'nnanin hisrith* Home dl* l u filing IJ nr ,1 Inn* Inlwo li I hi llama and I olotiibbi V\ hen In n* turn* in time wnk* Ilnur two Krptib llr** will la! happier for hi* visit A ladirwr in < 11ii-11nn ■'m ionn* milled In ii heal«*f of |h« elmteh, iiimI li-niiN hi* miii l«M’ w a* not 1m nh'*l I * \ j»fi*\or, I>uI **)ireiol lilt* <11•*• «**—** to hi* l»‘K. ** hit'll had In t** am put jtlt d, hr *uie<l the healer for :*i*.i,nno fm thv Jo**» of hi* Iok itml recovered ♦jo.nnu. The 17th NaUonnl <'n»i«rt**H of 11»«• |) A. It., al \Vii-lliltirtoii, flowed hist HiltUfih,\ It w ns our o| Um* ino-t hm erwwlul in tin* hl*tor,v of lh<* organi/a lion. hr. Morgan hl\, Iteetor of Tilnllv |iirl»h, New York, died on Weduenday aged M veitwr. llurlaia l»» < huim II I he l loth annual meeting of tin* \\ linlham < ounlv Medleal A>*»o« iall«»i» v*uw hvld at tin* l*titnmu Inn la«d wo k Thursday At I he bt*idn« s* nio tiiiK t lit* follow | y ear President John A Pain*', M h , ol Thompson Vli'r President John \\ W.itlor,, M h , WIlUiminln .'Mr v and Tieaaurei- J |. toitdner, M h . s out rat Village. I h‘ i • ■ale I* -i | w • v - i > !(un. \ li< Imam, M h . I *anie I- «n I Vim or lor three warn I I iiMMtdn, M I1 . \Y11liinantit*. t 'ouneillor lor Hurt yours —( . < «• 11 drfulwvf, \\ inKliitook IkdegaltM t » enmity Hw*«H'lntions Hartford J It Kent, M h. Putnam X«l loll livid - L. M ilnu, M l», \\ II liman* *r \i w London \N li Jnihon, M H , I imileUon Middlesex I ihuiitl I IS i i v. M H , rntnam Now Hawn I It Parker, M I» , \\ lillmantl* Tolland II It Lowe M I* . Put Ham. There were neveral interesting pajM is ton I anti thst-usM'tl, hut verv httU- »d the pmt-rotlums would Ik' ol illtcreM t«» fin* general reader, hut of gieal value t ‘ the 1 kn lurs Cungrc** l imgre*.* (lit- (It * u »t l-» elo*e it* la in!* nil till .Vltll Ill'll lid III M AI !*' \ ur\ Ini'! i>een dt'imered o he t il *y the National uo\eminent ran take im* Mnsioii of thf Wliilv Mountain mill hold II a* lore*t rrn'i i alloil I Iic House judicial v Committee now dn Inn- it cun I* Wijulrol mi eon*UluUoiial ground* a* mi HisjuUtiimi lii aid iif urn Imitlini. \\ hat lininml Hint lU'Xlhllc ihlMli ImHU wniiilrrful I 'modilutlon. On Monday President l\no*c\elt sent In I unities* h speetal mcnHin ii'uik tiiK I lx* legislative a otk, mid aitmn u ig inn legislation along the line* nwiii mended ill hi* *js-e1.HI message III Jan nary dial It wa* not read in other limiw. lire iH'iiatnn hill* pul through last 1 'Idas amounted In over 1 ri» (uiKHiriM Imal investigation l» •nun to cli>«. The commutin' re-pUred both companies to jiixhIucc Itreir Umk» It *l*n re»|UCal«a| He preventative l.tlle\ to produce lit' telle! preai book coin at n i \g copies of leltct*. signed with hi* name, referring to the piwnt investi gation, all letter* to or (torn him lo any IH ianni in any * ay connected v* tth any Connecticut m h ip!i|* t, since KetnuH ry i, itaev also hia clerk*' note took Through Id* lav* ver Mr. i-IIley refused t*. comply with tin* re<pie*t Kviikiil It the ca**' will end uns*U'!aeton.y a* llueMtleme lia* yet Iwn given topi vc th« truth of the charge* inaite at am'l the submarine comparty Die |*re»»de*rt» special nu-ssage ua* read in the Senate on t\ cslnesday, and •i*o in the iiouw. Mu, J it Kent ha» •*«•.! in Port land, Me., litewliui a m«tms of the Woman * Foreign Mimhuitiy Society held there l!ll* week ■'die i* Seuioi .se cretary of tire lonuecttrut Woman ' Foreign Miasiouary society. Biofrsptnul Sketch nl tbe Ml M|ir Clark. Two week* ago we ga.e the announce frH^nl of the ?»th of Kdgar ♦ u*k at hia bomton Klw wtr «*l,TMv morn* ning at 4 o'clock* April I ■, after an ill* i»i^« of a few dityi, at U» wr of *4. Mr lvl|«r t lark wa» known by nrwwt jpcople, arid e\ pi* iw»*t of hU friend-, *3 mt upright < hfi«tian nHw*n. an *bk utid e% fierier ced engiBeer, who had iren eny»i(' d <> f#on important *dvil pn irinecmnr work, nrir hy and at niany dUt&nf j*#tfiU, and that U all, except • m . . • 4 ■ tC ■ * '1 > e; - ; * There another jdi#^ of HI* life known only to hi** family anrl a fei$ in* tiniatp friend-. That w ,»* bU *tu *!ion* ins e«t he niton * Into tin* deej*r realm* nf astronomy ami oili«r oraorhe* of «*oieftce If lie* hail w riter* nut bin view* '#n of Hip intricate of red ronomy, w btef* lit* hail ma- ered, in a jmpuiar form. In* wonht base won. no doubt, a Imrh and honorable pin**** rt* an authority. He wa* atway* pka^cd to engage in iiinlti-n of a do p tcievitihc nature that interested hU atitdiotia abilltie* hut had no thought of making a «11w|»I*iv of hi** in » digalion* requiring deep thought and careful examination. It wa* the *ielight lie took in hia uttidio* to which he applied IritPfiM* InU'iwt and mental force, from which he ikrjvwl all the gratification he eared to have. HU abilities a "killed draughts man enabled him to make whatever drawing* he required in hU mdronomi eal *tudle«, and thus through the eye hU work wan deepened and made clear er. We might go on telling of the use ful *tiidie* that has e occupied hi* apart tlliir, liiorr rspt'rialh HIIH'C In- «nvr il|i his regular professional lalmrs W *’ » ill, however relate in a few wortlslhe I ns i emplovniftil llinl ni».iirUil Ins II it in I ami heart previous anil up l>> the UlllPof Ills Ill-Ill li. rti III WHS tin- sail illy nf the great \uieriraii Arnimlii n uni i ill tin* is in t i iii'ii t amt tin* world Hi* IImiI In sir it misiiiiplisli Hs lirsi mis<iihi Irltiiu pliant 1} I" tils y ri'iit Rrat i 11 i-ii l ti it i Ills 1111 in I ami lit* n rl writ* iiitililftl w 111It- sltll llir iulliieiire of tin ( mil friiilny put r mt it* Invnltv ilmtiina Ini tin- \mt iit*it11 |K*npl(*i!iiilpiirtlt'U' larlv tlitisf «l \i w I nylaiiil Ilf saw nil thr minus ni tlir Ki piililit* us ilul his fiirflntlifis Whatevti troneerneil n toner imi] him whatever nllei'leit ) hts I'limitr\ all rltil him III** Iti.vtilt\ l-i tin tth is *if tilt'fimiitlrrs nl lln Hr 11 . Ill II i • III ' h*l HI i'll ’ 11r ‘ *t log llr ' 11.\ I'i its mil I sr vv it limit till \ ill!\fist riittfisui, ImI g Me veil " tit'll its lull In" rti unilerl.V tug pi inn pits were slighted or mlstisf I In Hi ndi l*ei| rti Iris, hut thr KrpuhlU' to liiin remained ns purr atol yiiiuti ns wIll’ll ftiuiulrtl. lit' l|\l"t, ill I Sflisr, III II past nyr, mul tlifirfoit « I* not fully understood h> |host* hi ills m itiotlrrit Ideals mul under dlttereiH inllurnrrs Ilian hi'. It inn\ lluis l»t iiii.hiurtl lion In' re Knrttrtl tin* sailing l thr great Ihs l of V ii it rtrail u iiiships (hr most uttigni lirrnt dtspinv ol naval |«'vver ever s Ilelll, Mi i ink |. iml a mapof I'li- i-iiii tlnciil nrnii I « Inch llu' Heel w n- I«• suit III1 t ilk <| illlll I’lWoUb U**l U slat! until 11 tinpmn, anil thence mi not tvtin: ami mai king each halt until H n iiltftl tlif Stratta nl Magellan, « lii if i i,f inti's ahroatl lluntislil it imi't !<f wifi-ki l ami tfii'.omtnioush tail in eouiiileiing lls |itir|hisf Ihi'ii' ui'io a,so some \ iiu’i leans only n ti’ii so ili'HiIf)ini In patriotism, through halreil tn tin- y.liiilmslniUi'ii, that they seem f I ilf«imils tn half thi- prophecies of Ini fig ii fit's fillin' Iruo. M i. t lai k hint no inlsgn ings as If thf successful missifti nf thf gif at (lift It n ns. tn him, tn iln a groat missionary sol \ nf tn tin- nan so of penis* ami g»**l mil to all tail' of uifii. anil In lni|>rfss tin* gloat »at |H>wer« of the Ulif Worlil min tts ability to fstouli' every ne • s ssaty slotv to |inilM*l it* own anil the noaker nations iiiiilor Its care, who were trusting in Its gnantiaiiship for safety from U-ing wrongest Before the Heet real Inal It* ilestlneil hartair on the I’ai'Ulf coast, ll» hfilllanl success m na Mgaling all walors with no semhlanee of an unpleasant hitch: the terror of frieinlshl|> unmutakenly nprewnl hy all the Republic* ou it* long journey, awakenesl new conceptions in the i nmols ot rulers anil statesmen ahroaif j of the gramleur anil (siwer of the great j Republic ol the V\ est. who pr s laimeil i openly their full eonlhlence in llie #oM* j lit, oi Us iH'aeefiil mission i VII these changes of opinion ami ex ] juessious of gisal w til, simply confirm- ’ est M i t 'lai k In lit* conceptions of w hal the ileet was itewltnml to accomplish, w iitch ga\e him Inevpressmse ib.ighi ! He livnllo see alljt hts, which arthfitesl him inn It comfort at thf ni V' lar as is,not ic ilf if in fhioni, ksl ail—the events that iransptrvtl to the fleet until i anvlio eit m Antetl.m walors. t he map will he presetvefl In the la in \ as .1 on who was *o gneatly hiveil ami wo well unik’istissl. His : .in ial t.s-k piac ale h kttf, hl» I'a'tor, Be, f I*, "sargent, f min, lo.g ! in 'O' l i,i Ull wo from} f t f xit ♦ ‘Orr t*f *i>e *tp. er cord w »» loosed were |ht worrii u^<l by Mr < l*rk tc rniiy iifler lie felt the fin*! fharp p*in. e«u«ed by the rupture of the *rtertew which resulted in ?hi* death, a premo nition, lie realized. of the eio*e of hi* j earthly life Krofii the Tollauid and \\ In barn I onn- , tv I li*tory,w hieh contain* a Mo^raptil- j cal *kete?i of Mr. < fark and hi* family. we glean the foi lowing additional facti: Mr <'iark tw»rn March #»- I**-4, in Pulnam—then a part of Killinscty. 3 He graduated fr mi the Bac n Aeade-, my In f ole heater. After *eve'al year* In thi« inatiuition he taught aeftooi in ! t olebeMef, air! then In l.3»t Hampton arid he afterward* iwseanie a rivil enjri* 1 ne* r. At tie* ftw "I iio he went to Pm- j vidcnee and eonneeied hirji*Hf with a . firm of ghernlnt* to jieffeci himself in i that ***'!♦•!IJe remained with the , firm wet era) yearn, but the confining 1 duller wo affVefed Ilia health that he j £ t #• if up and returned to engineering. 1 II • iiccame connected witii the Boston j and Worcester Kaiiroad, with which j company he remained many year*. ) Hi* work haw not aii tween in connee tioii with railroad*, he having had eon Midcrahle e\|wrienee of the ml new of tin* country , notably in northern New Jersey and lVrin*yl\arna. The kiiiih ii*' roiling null of the < arn bria iron company, at < nmhria. Pa., | i* the product of Mr. I’lark *geniuv In New Jerwy lie wa* connected with »*onie difficult problem* in under ground surveying, but which he wolved to the -atlsfaction of thowe who em ployed him. In Jh.,7 he cum* to Putnam to live, arid ran the line under William lA*wler. a Keologiiit of note, for the Bouton, Hartford A H-hkill Railroad company. Il«- wm*m memlier of the Connecticut Society of Knirineera. He haw served the town of Putnam aw Miirveyor for a nund-cr of year a It 1* unnecessary to give in detail the variouM engineering and other profe* -ion a I work in which he had f**eii en waged. kcrnf.i \ Uing H"1" luted with tl.c |» adinv i n ! ■ *rtd* of t fie • u 11 f < s On < ictoirf-r ♦«, 1s/»l\ Mr. i arke w a* married to Mi** Mary * apner Kxlon, of < linton, N J. To thi* union w* re Ihjmi time children Thomas I stun, who died in infancy' Ml** Surah I i /id cth, and Harriet I xlon, wSm mar r»ed hr I I <*uild.of Wimlaui. Andrew frost. who wml to I lor - da for Inhealth, ise\| tried homo tins w eek Hie “forty hours’ devotions ’ will • l*o observed at St. Mary A church next i Sum I ay. H cor ire Brown, of St. Louis, sou of (•liman II Brown, is home for it short him. hr Margo rile Bullard has twilight the hr Hough j»ro|n>rt\ corner South M aln ami < • rou* st rot*l I-‘twin T Host*, a tx>\ at the t nun tv Homo, by order of Judge ItixM-il, has Ison sen I to tin* school for Ihivh in Meriden, U'caiise tic was incorrigible. The school* of tlu* city were dosed Friday to give tin* teachers an np|wutu nit \ “1 attending tile Teachers’ i onven t ion in Ne w I * union -.leiome loUftellotte andheorge S. Bradley hiivcUvii tip|>nio!cd apprais ers of the estate of the late i laremioii M (ireene. Mr. :md Mis. i Kw aid Hregdre, of Soutlihridgc, sjH'iit Sunday wilii A| i. ami Mis. Simon Lai lev, on Woodstock avenue. Mrs Kdgur t’larke. Miss s Kli/a bdh i’larke, ami Mrs. Klla iModdard, have returned from a visit a till i»r. tftilhl ami family in Wtmlham. — A few of the new triangular regis try tans, on do^s, are to In* ween alsiut town. The time for registration, with out iwnully, expires tins, Thursday, night. The llepublit an Town < ommittec, recently elivtol, lias tweii organized with Vrehibald Maclkmaldas ehaii man ami Henry J llioyer as elerk The comm it let Is now constituted <! nine members vi ;i» burned nu r i'll Sunday m ar ll <• town fnnn. The great abundance of leaves 'liil lliltng the woods make foi i '1 tlre» a mtu"' menace under the |>i> v alenec of the‘very dry weather, and e\t i a c ue Mini w alchfu im-ss should t« OVrtilsed by those W till go into till' u.K'ik In the lire Sunday the town h-st -■' mrilx ol h»hmI Mr ami Mrs Francis Jasmin, of School *treel, celebrated their iiolitt'ii WnlilniS anniversary Iasi Saturday evening, although they have Iwn mar ried i >rus Then? were 4t guest* present. Itie \enerahle couple iwr presented with ' hi gold, an appro priate presentation address taring deliv ered In Miss Alev Ross They have 7 ehiUInut ami grandchildren. They were niarrrevl in t amnia Kefresli inenl-s were served ami an eiyoy able s,s el a I hour was passed. — Mystic may tie a place small in st/e, hut In some progressive directions it excels many iarge and pn-tenlious places For one thing it has a Hoard of Trade which has been twelve years in existence all the lime doing good work ll has public-spirited cilirens who think human life tsj inteiuUM for a no bler purpose than groveling through its short course civ lv> graltly sordid phvdeal iialure. They et\joy meeting tvvgethet and plan to do good t>» their ’home place, and indirectly wherever their inti teiioe reav'hes "The Mystic Times gives about as much space re |s>rtiug the speeches and doing' v>f a t ail', ,v, given by It' Hoard ot I ra I the 1“ vTHior vlut in rejvorltng our Httsi ness Melt s RaiOjUct, whichcsme v !! the night alter their s was given. As 1 we reavi the v|eva'lit > they * tn tone and purpose to tho-e we prime.*. The Time* al-o sixes an il lustraUvm of an immense new manu facturing l-uilditiig creeled there. The s urit of U.isittcss is ci ivieutly march ing on 0©0©0©0QQQQVVWw Clothes for Young Men r* We arc -per : -mart K y , , ws. If you appreciate extreme style j / 4 of a Suit. you’re I tie C!i<i0 Wo Wont to Soo w. kn n Suits hI 'i ,• ;. o ur_t man that knows will appre .nd handsome patterns, t oats - tlap" in coat and vest, cuffs on ... ;v»ut cuffs. Not a single style ♦ | . •J I *J l,s a bit or I rouble to show Young .Men the sort or garment we have for them. )0©0©< Marriages In Nlooxiip, April -7 by ICev ■ John Itroderlek, Albert H. (• indie of I’ntiiBlii Hint Marie Ixtulae Itoi.itaille of ('enUal VillaKt. Deaths In I *n In am, Apr i. ph < oiler re. ni(ei| '>*1 years. In North WooiNtoi k. \| il -'i, W al ter I'one Snow. mod V y tr ill I’litniiin, A|ni i I’ierre < arre, Hired .:i year-. I n I’nltinrii, \ | Mmi i.i J IV cllie. Hind z month', __ .In in I'litiiurn, A| -I Mel:e Mi-e'im, am d 7.1 years In l leal a, I a.. A j ■ I .1* n it bun ( Fieiieh.nired \ i i., ... I'iain j Held. M . lit t u i t it^ ii'Mi:t.’iiai^r, Vrawk* Him k .Main St. A • i * n < I« o i 41 * mi- i * t>| lOtif | Baiiard 6c Clark, J Funeral ■.*£ Directors i Putnam, Conn. Telephone cal in annwert-d promptly r Ntebt 3 14 Day 3 4. F i,a«!v a**nst»ut * h I#//// Wail! till May tat Ik !*>h- u iknni; < craeU rv Work for Mcnor? 1 I>*v. Lore Brothers South Main Street Putnam Have a l*tyr stork <»t Ornnite and Marltle Monuments, ralilel-, tit a test line-, ,V Samuel \V. SATURDAY BARGAIN D\Y at Cliapiit’s Meat Market i s r\vn;\ i v vtl nr a no !ui;k Mfiui ;xi i .* a baaUuUti! of l f« Groceries to p'fn«i 1 c<t**touier»* I'ure foods < n'v Fragrant in ft and r**aa, Freshest But* ler and F.ggs. and Jh n* that delight (be palate Wt *rt f vcr* of the public health, happiness. and the pock t-books •very day of the rolling y*ar Gad to •dd your name to our list of pleased cus tomers. Krad Our Prire* for Sal unlay 12 Arllc t' * iii .h« Baikal Kim? for fl 2 lb OrvDu altii Suffur 03 2 Bar* of W<*k- >t»i« S.-ap, <'5 l Box of I'latoNr, 07 1 fjimp C'h mony, 05 l B tll« of I. irnoo Kx’.ract, 05 12 lb Tea. 30 1 2 lb CoBo«, IS 1 package I’oroatarch, 05 1 box Shoe Blacking, 07 1-4 lb Pepper, 10 l lb (.linear Snap* 03 |1 00 R-gular price, |1 42 DrstONS CoarkMiMTX Ac. • t * aarv *» a aw-ifk'" »«» . »«<> ■. . ur X-ttm aimfcer an • - * - .* .tfaa*. as*k-^04 wal *>o 4 uw, k ^civ * f\»r * ; *A 4 f,‘. Mb *•» 1 i sw MCWTS i **. ,**,-*. » mi «4f*nr#w n\ U« Scientific American. A **r «* — * * V ••-%?<** we**'*- I .*”v*eet ete. cv .* f * f ► HmnkAt. +* l» a l«u> * ar » »«*». IL iff Ait **#»*‘***i«r». ■UNN t Co.”’*— NewYork lb*i,c* t«.«, sr V «, U. C. First National Bank — or — PUTNAM. CONN. CAPITAL. - S 150.000 SURPLUS. S60,000. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent Draft- Issued on all Foreign Countries t nited States Depositan. t (I \ - II . linov N . I' "-(ill lit .) K. < VKfKM'Ki! Viee-l'rt -lll -lit i , M ' I f \ » I l- il l Dresser’s Dui^Store hOR GIFTS Some very dainty bits of l ine China and Glassware as well as Delicious Candies in Boxes Dresser’s Drugstore New i Improvements ID Kre e'km k».' ji!,t hern per lr. levl. We are TODilipllr on she lookout f..r ne* »cd orentm .on. !n. " *'•'*»* >° «■*>• to the uwfuioeat of otir <•'< ..tvy,. H.vr j.; »durd the shtir-Oa to our *i;d runted *toik W. H. THOefsotl. Court Hour. i>. . u. H’l I N \W 1 »>' ■ *“'■ •- • ' ' - s » ' l to i,.,. 1 * Idtr \ t r < * totxri- ut llktatrl 11. hunt, rie of treh*-irtch IB * * ‘ I iororS. *r ! ' •* ' 4 H Htbfetrtf, 411 ti*m«r4, i .. '.fen r« < .f i ’ ' V• A~' P r ■'t s* 4* text. This vvi'\k:’be |E- ,,,i aiw* «»*•»*»»if * «w*n <*• *h«' "*** f I * cv % r. -■ fe*'ian » «wt *t;v« i» us , t, Ahti ' V r-. si Will *? M nH*1»K»»4, M* AJt^l * J, .. j,.v OirttM tr*m tofwi, I* CUUtfLMK <t. VHJLd. (he price of a gallon of paint is of no account. \\ hat’s in it ? There's the rub. The most-gallons paint is three-quarters not paint at all. The least-gallons paint has nothing in it but paint. There’s but one— DEVOE. _For^ale at Burt’s Pharmacy The Eastern Dental Co, Elm Street, I’r it. cy I! i>ck, opposite Congregational Church, Putnam. Operative Dentistry Most Modern Methods and Materials Skillfully Applied, Mechanical Dentistry li Grade A orknianship and Materials. Crown and Bridge Work A Specialty, The Eastern Dental CO. Bradley Block Putnam, O' Nothing contributes toward giving a good ci& smell to your home than Pain! and llaiii WE HAVE HANDLED Derby Paint tor tri I< and never heard.anythinz be1 *°* it. All Standard Color*. fl.S® j* and every gallon warranted la oat door arork. WE HAVE I'SED Liqnid Granite Varnish for 12 and from personal acquaintance can >ay it is th* Bt >t \ arnish for Floors, Furniture anti " E EVER TRIED Ballard & Clark, 5 1 n KE and HARDWARE. UNDERTAKING, . Putnam, Conn