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EnglambSays NO ALUM In Food and strictly prohibits the sale of alum baking powder— So does France So does Germany "Hie sale of alum foods has been made illegal in \\ ashington and the District of Colum bia. and aium baking powders are everywhere recognized as injurious. jQ protcct y0ursc|f against alum, when ordering baking powder, Sap plainly ROYALpowkr and be very sure you get Royal. Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. It adds to the digestibility and whole someness of the food. VICINITY TBOUPflON. Hev. Samuel Thatcher has moved to (iiieco. Hev. Newton I. Jones returned from j>„rto Hico last Tuesday. He was much pleased with the surroundings a; it college work there. He eN[>eets tu locate there next fall. t i,ar . < Ko's of New ^ ork eily. spent a day with his parents here last week. , several Iftiiies from the Congrega tional clench went to l’lilnam Tees ,j.i- aferii'Kin to hear the add re" f Mr'. Kliza'ieth J>e Forest, who has Ireen encaged in missionaty work in Japan for some years, V Ui\ of cut ttowers « »> sent the past s t" .Mrs. Truesdell, win r- ill at a hospital in Boston. Mrs. Frank Bates is ill at the .Memo rial hospital in Worcester. Judge Flint and F.verett S. Fletcher are quite ill. Mrs F. s. Wicks has been in New York the past week. ('. K nlney and family have oja-ned their summer residence, and are enjoy ing their new auto. Mrs. Kurina Shaw t'olcleugh of Prov idence is in town. The annual meeting of theCongrega tional church will lie held on Friday afternoon of this week. Mi's Mary Ross entertained the Thimble < hih last Thursday afternoon. It was » beautiful day, making the drive to her residence delightful. There were about, twenty present and many were bust with the pretty pieces of fancy work. The report of the last meeting by the secretary, Mrs. Klliott, was very interesting. The program ar ranged for the afternoon was mostly a musical one, consisting of vocal and iii'trumental music. Miss Ro>s and Mr- Knight gave several selections " ■ ii » re much enjoyed. Mrs. Bar ton r. -d a piece on < hristian Science, and Mm. Bernkiow and Mrs. Klliott ai'o i ad 'oine interesting articles, A number of good old songs were sung by a \11 elaborate lunch was served, after which the gathering broke up,ex prt"ing the pleasure of the afternoon, reaii/.ing that Miss Mary made a charming hostess. Buy base ball supplies at Shaw's. Kdlson records for May at Slurp 's. Sewing machines front to ffKt at 'haw s. it will pay you to look at them. K AST WIIUDriTOCK Miss May S. Gifford entertained I Vpre- Midi Club on Saturday after* *l<m>n. Fifteen mem lx*rs were present, it #»> voted to celebrate the lentil an ni. er^ary of the clnl) which occurs in June. A connuittee to make plans for Hie Mtine and to have cliarge of the an 11;. er~.t, \ w as appointed by the presi ■! Mis* Mary F. 1'otter, ns follows: M '.Clarence < Cleveland. Wefrster: * i i (tildersleeve. Woodstock: Mr* lrt 1>. Bates, New Boston: Mi" 1 cv It. Healey, I >ud! \'. Dainty re I neiits were served. M.Istoek Grange will observe its 1. si.i iversary on Tuesday evening, •lay ill. The entertainineut will ic in charge of the master, past masters and their wives. An interesting pro crain has been prepared, and several of uur state officers are expected to l*>e present. The meeting will l>eo|>en on ly to members and their families, and by in\nation from the committee. rhe meeting of Quinebaug Pomona *t M ilhmantic hast Saturday was one "i the most successful ever held, 1*0 temg present, and 36 taking the fifth degree. Tiie program which had beep prepared by the Worthy Geeturer, W. H Barron, was interesting and profit able, the topic being “Grange Coo per a bon. 1 Fifteen granges out of tiie eigli teen in tiie county were represented, ^-cral of the State officers were pres ent, including State Master L. H. Healey, i'asl Master O. 8. Wood, and deputies from New Ixmdon, New Ha vcn and Windham counties. The next meeting is to be held with Kkonk Grange, May 23. The delegates chosen to represent the • ongregational church at the confer ence of churches at Pomfrel Tuesday, besides the pastor, Rev. T. A. Turner, "ere J. M. Paine and W. K. Ham mond. J F. Chandler was in Worcester on r rid ay. senator If. J. Potter was in Wood sloek Monday He and Mrs. Potter spent the Sabbath in Danielson. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. I'pham sjient Tuesday in Brooklyn with William Thurber and wfe. f-'-erelt Bates has mo\ed into the tenement in Mrs. A. W right's house. Mrs. Mary Bradley was called to I *ay y iile Tuesday owing to the death '■i a grandchild, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bromley. Misses Mary and Pearl Alton recent *-v 'i>en! a few days in New Gondom. -Mrs. Mary Sanger returned from her ■“.liter's visit in Spnneficl 1 Saturday, 'be was accompanied by Mrs. Frank *amer, who remained over Sunday. I The lathes' prayer meeting was held ! Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. J. K. j Aldrich. Several from here attended the eon erenee in 1'omfret Tuesday. 1 teat on ‘ J. M- Paine and W.K. Hammond were appointed delegates. Mis. M. < rawford and daughter Lou ise spent a few days la~t week with relatives in 1'nion Huy base ball supplies at Shaw's. Kdison records for May at simw's. Sewing machines from >1 ; to s;;<t at Shifw's. It will pay you to look ;,t litem. MU 1H WOt UsnlCK. Mrs. Lucy Hibbard lias returned from a \isitto her daughter, Mrs. Lou ise Hayward of I’omfret. Miss Hemice Lem ill has Us n sjiend ing several day' with her friend. Mi~~ (■race Church of Douglas. Miss Maud Healey was among those who attended the Pomona ((range in Willimnntic last Saturday, and sbc was called upon to give the unwritten work of the lirst four degrees, which site did very correctly. Herbert Haskell lost one of his best cows Sunday night. He found it dead in the stall in the morning. The Misses Susan and Julia Smith of Willimantic hate hired Frank Bar rett 's cottage for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chaffee are vis iting friends in Tolland this week. H. J. Potter of Hartford was in town Monday. F.lizalieth Potter and brother Her bert of West Cpton spent Sun fay with relatives in town. On Sunday Walter Snow and Mrs. Matilda Morse were appointed dele gates to the convention held in Pom fret on Tuesday Walter Snow died at his home early Tuesday morning of concussion of the brain, aged S2 years. Mr. Snow ap peared to be in his usual health Sun day morning and dro\e to church. In the afternoon he visited bis sunt harles at the farm next his. lie then came home and milked, but asked bis son Oeorge to carry in tlie milk as he w as afraid lie might drop the pails as his head and shoulder troubled him. He retired early and soon became uncon scious. in which state lie remained un til Ids death. A widow and two sons, both of this \ illage, sur\ive him. POMl'KIiT At the Republican caucus held at the Town House on Thurs lay afternoon, Charles W. Grosvenor was elected as chairman, and Andrew li. Williams, clerk. The following delegates weie elected to the ,State convention, I'. L. Wrigid, T. (». Klliott, C. W.Grosven or, W. H. May. Mrs. Kerii lay returned to town last week and cpmed her house, having with her one of her grandson's. Mrs. \vi eeler is having her house painted. At a meeting of the church War dens of the episcopal church this week it was voted to hire a rector for three months. Admiral Goodrich is completely renovating the tenement house he bought from the Williams estate. Miss Riila Child of Woodstock is visiting tier aunt. Mrs. Herbert -hur[>e. The schooling of the children in dis trict No. 7 seeni' to be of an uncertain quantity these davs, owning to mumps, teachers' institutes, colds and coughs. The Windham County Conferences which was held at the Congregational church on Tuesday, was nuite well attended considering the doubtfull look of the weather in the morning. The ladies of the church served din ner to about one hundred, using the basement dinning room for the first time- Tea was served toalxiut twenty five who took a late trian home. At the time of writing we learn that Mrs. Daniel Cox is dangerously ill w ith pneumonia, but we hojie she may re cover after all. The new store was so far completed that Mr. Smith moved in his goods last week and now the fire seems a th'ng of the past. The Ladies' Whist Club meets with Miss Elinor Mathewson Wednesday evening, it being “gentlemen s night. The Mission Circle meets with Miss Selina Kergurson's this week Saturday. Miss Julia Grosveoor is visiting in Philadelphia. Buy base bail supplies at Shaw's. Edison records for May at Shaw's. ■sewing machines from $1 ■ to at Shaw's. It will pay you to look at them. T^Ure“you~make a contract for a Cov ering for your building find out ats>ut | ('arpenter-Morton RoofioK- ^ wiii not crack in cold weather, or soften up in hot weather. It gives you ail the protection that it is |s*-«ibte to gel and it !< less ex|>ensive than any other high crave rooting -material. Booklet free. M\ ron Kinney A Son. - • • • - Har»h physics react, weaken the I- - w -;s,cause chronic constipation. I»»ari a K gulets o|*rale easily, tone the slum WEST ULul'CMI EK Maro Shippee. wife, ami son Hilbert, of Pulnam, \ isited at lewis Place s on Master -Sunday. *' u Haw Kins. 1. s. amt " a ter Haw kins, made an auto trip to “ro\ iik-nee Sat unlay. t iaretice Meath amt wife of Putnam " e t u*sts at \\ imam Ital-bitt ' Sun day. 'Its 11. o. Hawkins spent Wednes day of last week in Worcester. 'I’liira and I ,ev Key acids enter tained a few of their fitends Toes.I iy evening. April J. A chicken hunt was mail; t!, ini by ail. Mrs. l>. O. Haw kui' s,iured first pri/e, while I'harles ' • mi' earned otft he consolation pure. <' her games, contests, und music were a so en led. Kt reshnieuts were s*-ri - i td. anil nil departed saving they had an enjoyable evening, and hoping it might not la* the tast of its kind. Annie liottrgeois is at present work ing in Mechanics! ille. k red t'. Keytiolds of I xkridge was home over Sunday. Mrs. 1 .ewis P ace and Willie Place \!sited at Maro 'hiioev s in l'utnam _ Monday. 1 1\, v ■ s in, ;.. 1 - , . iting tiis grandfather, James li. Key , nolds. Walter Hussey and wife of Norwich spent Sunday at 1>. O. Haw kins'. Mrs. Hunt returned Sunday to her home in Providence after a two weeks' visit at Marshall Iteiineti's. Mr. and Mrs. A l>. McIntyre of Put nam were guests at 1>. i>. Hawkins' on I Sunday. *EA*TF«»tU> lollies' Aid society of the t'ongrega tional chapel held their usual social in the church \\ edi es lay evening, Ai>ril —• A drama given by members of Chaplin Orange at the same time was well attended. Kev. Win. I.. I.inaherry and family have moved to Philadelphia where he has accepted a call to the Kensington church. Kastford Grove cemetery has re ceived a bequest of s-luo from the estate of Angie M. Lyon of Hampton. Rev. Truman Childs w ho has been preaching all winter in Abington w ill • "•copy the pulpit of the Congregation al church next Sunday. WOODSTOCK Mr. and -Mrs Clarence \V. itowen were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Riehard son over Sunday. Mrs. itartholomew returned to llart foril Monday after living with her nether three weeeks. Mrs. |)r. Itowen goes to Hartford this wvek as guest of her sister, Mrs. Kmgtniry. Mi's Anna Sampson leaves Wood stock this week for her new home in l’imam, "he will U- greatly missed in town where she has been aetlvly eon lushed with the varied interests of the community. The citizens of Woodstock wen startled Tuesday night a hunt J i l< ■ k by an alarm of lire which proved to be Klmwood hall barn which was des troyed. Huy base at Shaw’s. Kdison records for May al Shaw 's. Sewing machines from ill! to C!9 at Shaw’s. It wiil pay you to look at them. PHaCN IXTILLS Tile Russ brother's have the new barn for Mrs. lie Uiva nearly com pleted; they are hollers. George Walker has moved to South chaplain, w here he will run a grocery store. Although we are all sorry to have him go, we wish him much suc cess in his new enterprises. 11. 11. Latham w as in Danielson las) ! Tuesday on business. The kitchen dance given at Mrs. Martha Greene’s house last Monday evening was a great success. William O. Smith furnished the music. We were all sorry to hear of the defeat.of our Uiys at the hands of the Woodstock Academy boys last Satur day afternoon in a game of base ball. Jennie Hell ware and mother were in Willimantic last Monday shopping. Nathaniel Lyon has been given the job of repairing the roads in the Pilishire district in the southern part of the town by the board of selectmen. Charles A. Walker of North Ashford has put the roads through our village in a remarkable slate of repair. AHINUTON Rex. Mr. Childs, who has acceptably s ipphed the pulpit of the Congrega lioiial church during the absence of Rev. Joseph Kyte, returned Wednes ilay with Mrs. Childs to Andover. The Reverend and-Mrs. Kyte, who s|iern the winter at Washington, IM , were welcomed home on Wednesday. Miss Helen Kyle who has been in tm slicn, .V Y., for several months, re turned with thorn. Mi-s Fllen 1!. Osgood went to Hus ton April Is. to attend a icception of the lJoslou Mt. Holyoke College Alum na- at the Ycndome, and to U- present at the annual reunion and banquet of the lio'ton Cushing Academy Associa tion April 2.!. Mrs. Lucinia Ayer, the oldest resi dent of this place, w as til years of age last Friday, April 24. The venerable lady is enjoying a serene and happy old age in the home of Mr. and Mrs. I’hilo Kingsbury. H ighly cards with birthday greetings and congratulations were received, also Mowers and mar y ; other tokens of remembrance. There are birthdays and birthday cakes, but the cake last Friday had the unusual distinction of (taxing ninety-one can dles. Iniring the afternoon many ac quaintances called u|ion Mrs. Ayer who expressed much pleasure in being so kindly remembered by (ter many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith of Chica go, are at Charles Smith’s for a few days. lanlk Bigiatara * find YwKwAlaig BMgtt Saturday at Store of E. MULLAN Balk Cocoanut 17c lb Seeded Raisins, 10c pke Pea Bean*, 7c q Skinned Back Htmf 12; lb ’ 23 lb* Hoc granulated sugar ft to tbe Pnrcbaaer of pound ol our 50c or SOc bulk tea. Cbeeae 15; lb , Canoed Clams 3c ‘ 30c Co Bee 23c lb 25? Coffee 18e lb 1 13 - Tomatoes 9c can Pastry Floor 69? bag Genera! Putnam Floor 75c bag , Cr<amery tab butter, 30? tb , Lemons 10c doc , 5 os G og- r Snaps 25c Tbnw 2 in pkge* K died Oita * 2.5c Fanev N-w Orteaas Hoiasaea, 45c a e*l Tall Sa non 9 ea » . c-.stiut Butter 12c to Nnv Straw Hats We are showing the new >t\ V', in Straw Hats. Special j display at $1.00 and $1.50 SIM MIR Underwear line Egyptian Hailing-1 gan underwear in Summer weights. 25c and 50c N. T\ Hurl but, 22 FRONT SHKF.T, PUTNAM. )■+*+❖++++++++*<-•*•+++*++** 5 and 10c Sale 1 OF Hamburg EdgingsS Insertion? 60 H) yards of new up to-date patterns, representing an advantageous purchase, nil of which is worth two or three times the pr ce we itsU, Vu opportunity to buy • > A a mere fraction of its value This n ml 10. 'i * -'.tie if Hn'nlim i»s is on TttlVW. It) MOUllOW an 1 \i \i Day aud uvuy tiny until the inure lot is sold, but would n.tvise you to see the line early 3 Keystone Stores 1 Vtniclson l’ufnam Moosup ►9?*See our Windows for Wednesday and Saturtlay Special Sales. linos it Worry Yon ? You h ive t-» look wet! — it** part of your it«rk* in tia»l< . We «'h 11 you I Hlter.ttjii to our Smart Clothes for Spr Rtf uml Hummer. Tocy aic tit** fore mo t irmly to-writ clothe* in Auk nett Tlirv fit with a »»tyI.* that will make you look better than you (to now. Thi* power in the irtml! ot t«iloi m*f and patient wmkmanship. •ml »certain iteniui fm «olvin^ clothe* problem* with intellijtfci'co. It you t|o not believe what we *.«v. w« i«.k no easier task thin to prove it to you. You »t*n<I to win more than we do. Ladies’ Suits, Coats, Waists and Skirts of Hu* l-atest HI> 1«**« at lt«*a^on nlile Prices. Chas. Seder Cash and One Prim Ntore, ()|>po*ite < 'onitrt-Kalioiral Church, PUTNAM.CONN PLEASURE FOR Old and Young AT Shaw’s Phonographs AMD EDISON RECORDS I will sell you exactly the *an»e oufit at exactly the same price and on exactly the name terms afforded by the largest western catalogue house or any city department store. Jeweler GEO. E. SHAW’S, Putnam, Conn. CALL AND SI-H OCR FINK LINK OF Shirt Waists '■ a value-* in lawn l.n „ •.« tnd Vi’nvo 11m ienr W a .-»t > . .< \\ i .1 fa,»l them luarknl »l lowest piicM L >ok a’i‘1 (ompu'p with otliN'H. DRESS SKIRTS in voiles. V tn im! Turn >*\ Melrose, Moli ir> ami Fancies V tine of Man tailored Goods at money t? living price?* our S/xviol Mad; I'anaimt Skirts at *2.!is Nii such ialue KUewhvre Wall Papers and Mouldings Our showing of Wall Papers was never finer, wo have them suital'le for all purposes. N< o our hit* i>f high grade paper*, including a line line of imported goods. FLAGG’S Agency for ltutteriek Pattern* ami Barrett's Overs, cleansers Shoes Made TO Measure Have You Foot Troubles ? II So, I s Mciimi e Vour Foot ? No foot t >o (iiOiouIt t fit. We will m.ikr tin- shoe to tit. \Vc guarantee to tit your toot .1 perfect tit means comfort. C'oir.4* in and let as tell you more about it. We Giva Green Trading Stamps. C. Zb£. Elliott. Central Block, Putnam CHANDLER & MORSE «©W1 00 irooa £fc»IAJVD0 Sherwin-Williams [) A # Jkf ~7“C* For all Kinds of r M//V / O Good Painting White Lead, Oil, $€. Poultry Net tiny, Ellwood Woven Wire Pence. Barbed and Plain Wire. With the United States Cream Separator. You take no risk. You have time to try it, then! ^satisfactory we will make easy terms for payment. Cali, on us lor Crockery, Kitchen Furnishings, and Lamps. Chandler & Morse HARDWARE - PLUMBING -ill":•/