Newspaper Page Text
: <5f)e Morning j! : After. j • • i 2 By CECU-Y Al.LEN. J • •! • < I i: • r F; »# • If fra* \ r> Irony of ?nte! Victor .\l:tr> hall j* »**! twfore the l*UT Iwini. fttariuic 4»Mjr at iu foot bj:;b It'tliTifig: Ml PH Mai ! . *o ;:Y VIOUN18 i ii MO/MHi HAl.l TiirHSi>%v k\kmvj rT:t5. * I'me-r I* - | * . r.f .• * - < *» f»f Cairri^Kti M.» I f f \S -iff !>«• I < • r. Mrs ll 4>r B a mil** it, Mri Pwtw * y% fcotirn*- Jlfit.M h Tick* f*. IS, fc: and |! ‘ . • . •! . ' . . • . i » •*’ v. i ‘ to fil« Hit* 1 (lu-n for a tab 11** b» I meant to walk in leUureiy faiiuMi to til# boiei. bill 11«nitem had pim]i!f*tilt turned urgent IIIn room ♦»u pp l, h»* turned toward ftie flower shop at the far end of the electrically lighted i »r Nothing in the whole eh op weemed worthy of the Man le he had known The orrhldi drwtped even In tht* refrigerator The *leum at the Aiiierlran Beaulieu were too uliort. The pink fo«4ift vi-ii- t m» d«a*p lii tone They would <in ft It with the delicate tint of her eheeka lie final;’, mettled on file* of the valley and California violet*. Then lie hurried over to the stain J where them ter ticket* were s<*d No. they never carried f'»r Mogmrt hall. but they would mend n meawetiger Tor one B,v 7:'V» Marshall w/m fuming ov«*r ht» toilet. Thnf la tender t!•- looked to* Jimd bf #•!#** frir- t>ur$sf. mid the white t»*ul furr..*-’ ,i i ■ ■ ' !< t'H*• would wear black Tbo( wan at way* wafe Hi* arrived Hfminute* too *oor» II ml WilK'tK <1 fH?rv«»U«i> flu* slow gat!) • ring of the well gowned audience When the afrlnged twotH Marled fIt** overture tin* tiou*e w.*ih half empty Marmhatl wondered wlint ailed the inii u jov tug publn of NVw York that If v.ould I uke ehii,, *•« on mb-1 inf tin* opening liuml*ef l*.V 11»• fit'oil!** \ l«*fIn lnt«* A ml then *dn* »mm* out t l*r«»*i*ct» flu* narrow whit** <ud u• >!*1 d«»or. fin i hi* fo'ifot III! il>ldh*li< !"l ? • • filing I Hit hr h*r elfnging w hite g»»u ii front<nl *Ith p* irl*. her *demhi white throat Hhi* tvim looking thinner than when she I- ft M< Kr fee f a a I Im I < tin I It WlMftll C\|Ui »l» Wfjrli’ Oil i ’I* M hull I km ii a frllti* i iti | *•' i Uttm Ho much mu i* h of done for tier* I.ike f 'mliut*. she I«»»«I foil ill her *ool, hut ho n« how V Idol \|ui .ill • i/glit him** if womb i nig iiimIi i the h|h*II of her play lug « lit tlu* of 11111*0' mul not of love h d awakem*! that wmit fie woke with a 'nit 'I Im* UtnllfMiee win* afipln uil’iig ii ml wilier* w. re hnr t*> Ifii? flown the nIhIe with mon*trotiH Horn: otTerin ■ Aim'll H» Ilea lit lea aitb nte.iiH three /uni f<»tir feet long, overtopped I*y golden chrymiuthe (UU ilia Vh t U Ml htll ha lied I *ff e|| grimly lit hh* < li.tlr What na* §i!' worth of lllie* ami violets In N* w The pie* e ili* re*inlam e of the eon twi won over a coiieerto In which tin* tlollnUte had out •dome tlo* |h»j. filar fit Hug hi vtet btnr*h d! re h In d f *r Ids l‘ irt of the ntufieme tvn* making for the enframe e\* Udlium* the pt r*Ot|U sit lea of I« u .'I i oie ei I goer's \ uoi l;e| K ’< j|» a smaller one. wim making If* way In tlfimtely toward the door leading to the lircHftfhg ri*otn. obvhrtwty to eoti giululate the at»r lmjnll-1 vel \ ;et<»r MamYinO started to follow the NiuMiiei group. then stop |*i d. W ith t» gi hn Hiitllo on Ida i!|m 1C very one «»f these men wore evening clothe* lie'*! look well in Ida J• iii» latjdne*^ *iiit offering eongi.i t it hit Ion** along with counters..•* and wn l«*ty lead era So In* went hnek t" the hotel hut not to sleep All night he fought It out with himself K e.dinn* he | at eta! t tie floor Some* line he m(oih! gating over t he f w - i*f t In * Uy A »*d bv ttiornlng In ha I found himself lie would drop In to ea'I Upon hla old gufH'theart, but In tin* most cor rant and c.omai w.i\ i)f »om-«* Me Kecsp.ut tu'd not dreuneM that sue had nd' iihshI so far In hei pro, » siahiu *l*hr t '• * *• •( « f edet Mrs f{ogei v '.ddhS t ' I hey were ii/imes t«t (HMIJIIti1 ’ a AtMl In* tail thought Umt Iwittim* In' hint H on 111. Ik K Ml**! I‘*»rt <i "1C In iuu! tin* «hi I mt hlw !*■ * i !in| Mn-nto Mon i\* nniiM N* k to «x»tuo fem'k am! tvlgu m of fin* tfuooi* \nuo oottngv lu* hu*l bought w ithmit o' oil " riling to lit* r, ilo tlhl not liar* to think of tin* t*,o" tWY u Htilim li ■ h ‘ l lo^i -n*'! |.*r tho *»oiith room. nor I In* rug* In* lout no loot r«! lit tin* no** mu * o\|».***tiou. nor tin* Marshall u . lmk-tu' ho tout Knight from tho rvM of tho holr* It vra* t In tin i > . »» tv|n n re fn »hoU by n lurkluh I with hihI « thbk t4*pf«itt*ak ho foil Ht to present him If at tin* ftltnho “f Mio Mamie Mown, V I inl**t»- l u»ti*i tho %»*r> eye* of n n»ry lowering ntutllo bn I hi lag mnl hi tho ditvt light of failing *la\ <*u«l *iunle*,l o!ts f i oiler* It moohioiI to nt filiate that rague arttwfb* atmosphere Mf whirl) VU !or Mm shall l»a«t reatl tnueh Maude nan g I to s«v b n m.feign *<|l>. frankly g ».! am) Marshs' nr sued that It «,i» tho proper attitude of tho groat Mini tin* #ueee»*ft*l toward v4«1 time frlrmtn l!o leaned Utok Itt tho «*irv«| Krviiiti ehalr w hvn* bo could keep the m«**e* of fra grout floral offering* In full view to tiHU|or hit U|wHH*h IV) worv a warning agaluat perton-dlMe* aiul tnuiiiii'wviHm Hut try «*» bo wonui t»» talk gilt tor* 111* genera ittleas, Maude steadily atnl per* Wieldly led tho » ottve^'ifhm K*»ek to k!r!\o port, o *| friend* ami what U«nbttll to t oam tho i*ati| r ratio for himself llo not. •! qot toll fcer of tho I» II ami I ort C on*»\ »«*• she 4 k. Uor vokxp wna a Mi * tike waa burying Li- her face to him vl«*irlt. •fta; I Jtiat mu oa to aee a a man * fig) lUlSOn-ss. bin- t<n« i'X>Ou* «t him il*r* th<> *►>;<-'* m«, (iit.I Ui* (fit that *h«* *sw «*•!> th»t t.f. it> lit’ jslu&i rU U».',*-tnU ii : !iqr bw !»• || *»<«•!, l.«r ! 1 ksi;»' ai4>! - TU<* . or FMUg *i 4 *Tm gw. a * fiitnt .t.. 1 i MI'd like « TnVy t> tiki* you out U* dimitr r'.lb in#* t'Hi’g!if at—af aoy i old Ida* <*■ yo:» tulirlif*; but. y?u *«***, t*'«* • *J '1**4 Hh.ik*# with iu*. I i didn't think t <io iitifihiMi*” — "Oh. 4m»? 4*r «*rc»ijifijf * Ifi<it*•«.** #*i riahmd Mu M<*. with a rltakjr Istffti -rn Wmr a tai bin*J unit him! idjirt wal-t " “Ira »»rfiiffjr «f you.” ti** *aid “l*o jora l oo * « n/» ran got good foot! within! too u. **fc *tjri**T" Tiff glr! lo'*,*«nl a! 1i ;*§ oMIf “I 4 m’t b - *w jifu I th ik I’vf* fit■■/«» tori vhsit go . 1 foul t . «!*** IlUf If* j«***fi t«»a n:nj ctmftm and roiU | with fin <>««ii banana for in** *o j kw»& that r<*ai hot fool aound* Ilk**— j wpli, h**a VfiiT* lie Kin *\irii».; at b#*r it* »b** «t**od til**'.** n;. : ‘ * f 1 **■ ! of t!o'v*-r “I don't tt#id#*r*l»ind ** !*»* Sh** ctokft} b**r H w* HtiMiody a* If »hitttHig ; out mibi|i|>> m«*hn*rb« 'Iji«t night • tho*f flo •<*:■< that bra fit if Ml dr*-* you j wort* ar**1 the rount*****"— “Vm, l«*f t*»k t b * hod If ail I* f »-*k j I*v**r> (luiliir ! bad **;irri-ij by tmo li mg j Mont of tho*** folk** w**r#* ofb«T liiui I cliffi* Th**> > ain*.* on |w«jm*a l!***y K|***fyt or* flow*«r* %vSiJit I r*--odi* J for ! ftuttl and rloth I b«* oofiiib* - an I th** fl-Ht Of th** |M?SO! * |f| M !!**•!»• Ol**H fiiol nothing h >n* through my warm 'u*r Ilf i'll* %. o t»ijt of it. I trot $5 I bat * wh.ii if iii»*;ni» to tfi ,#* r«fiir firl? roni «*rf in Now VorU 'l l* it * inn niml mi* •« ♦**?» iisoajiH for a girt without tan King “ l .r :i m * * Tit \ *or Martha" ^f*»ifd not flu-1 ?..* VHin- TIm*ii very gruily !*** j drew tin* girl to hi* *! i** ‘Tvi* Mvii In wrong “ fi** Mid *bmg 11v. hnt ••>ni**«tly “I tt*o«»g!it yon dd not < r*-. and •*., | pr**toodi- I not to f I« r {)*'.:<I h .s<4 on Ilia xboohl *r. h**r r** li'.. < f foi in «li.ii iiig v. tt* aooa loon •a-h g a t* <• n ut) In !nv»\ if not hi af fair - iijuho ! \ j-tor M ir-tia’I t*> <1 f»**r (jijut 1> and gi-olly ail al**»nf tin* I» It .*mi I oit <. *‘*i-*«*. tin* Aon** <-ot ; .iif* 1,1 \ I. . , wlo iow. tin* ruga and til** Mar n,hi mmogany V i v, :..-u In- li I hnlxhrd they wi*ut f* ir 1. to other Into Mm* ^i It t**ri it if rf;» t-i. xiii- wearing the * stllforiiia vio let* an I he n ximrb* **pray of Mies of Hi.- v »•' i !<* ii for Hi** h, mi»*i I inn* that < 1.1- *|*ir'If 11' 1*1 l* ii-<l ai**1 a!**. fuN tim** with m»i« i» gu-do a four in* I » -4 fill, k w Id* h M hi I<* Moivry. et f MiH *Tt * »: t* -f• • anil f*i *«*!*<•« th *». f« ;j*,t i't-11 rm «*r i i >iy to mbro*bt will* |j k h - to • *'• Olympus may I»•* 1 • ,i a ■. i,*• r«- I'l-i 1 *♦ ii New \ *rk Mvk* * |»oi ! 11) • i Hongkong A D*idd»nj Finin' i*r lloi.if. - in* •*!-■* lit I fol* I l«*n him to »i<. < {»t .-tent* if money fin ii < a*ual v I->it>*i -* **r Mi smig*a ■* I in* vinl'or to III# h < tii i •* who hi - atha«t*l by I in* boy # bright r*i«*•• anil w ho wlahr I lo #how hi# appro* it I by olTeritig Hobby hi# I* t ni) pennies h a Hi politely hill thinly to:<l • \ oilier L ml or present would Ik* viehomed but that lln- I to v wh* tint allowed t«* f * U * * of money Tht* pifviiU * x j • »I *•« «I Mill I lie \ wiahetl t*» keep tin inn-" ioit 1. . uuhiitlled b.v Hit* lust f"i money will* h In* would only •njiiainb i mi harmiui * wert lima I# 1! '' i • \ * i In «*i* < « lii’ii* Hohtiv bud r* nd* m d an a mil xer\ i-v hr vvtm per mitt -d to u * |»t ivimiiii'iiiuoii v\ h**u offered ih lit)* |*!ivut’4 reasoned that tin- L.t.or* i h worthy «»f I».h tide \ ii I ' i f. w ho v* i* a fri ml of tin* fitly i o id Ho till y pa dug one day us d. *; ..• him In, a Led him to run down t<» a near*) slur** for her H ■ dhy everimd In# eoititnUeiou ami i• • 111n . j promptly I he old lady wa* pi rant'd ilia) wan very id * !y done. Hobby, and 'on mv a bright la I. Hhr said fumbibm in her 1*1100 Now, hen* U .1 i penny for you Holili) drew himself u 1 * with dignity My pi if toi .lolng lb.«t kind *»f an errand.’ In* mid \eiy distinctly, is* »* < eld N«• w \ «* k I'ren# Hi# Souvenir. \ (a juo'ih n* • < liM ar* ! v til one day at n link* riMititrpint «• mu! fi till !!»*• mo U' Uf Ilf <•!!*• «m| (Ilf lltfffUlitllt *»f thi* «4111» ( liiu coi ;: • •i'Uk! hluiMir with es IN* -v| X »* I'illl1 Li» hiih |> - omitfly addicted In calt tinge itii*1 ii» i *m if«l tin* landlord to prepare fur •! 111 * 5 * * r 00 hi* arrival mi luinifiiM* iL I* .«* x egotable. which In* fiiN. Iftifioij*' t »!i*coined Nr\t «!•»' I.* - wa- fahhugf III the soujand *i iMee in ilit* m(i*w, a ! !*\ i!i I . i > (!. • w !ii»'a i'llMuarv do put . 1 HI !*\ .min w as conducted oti (hi* busia t»f * abb,;\Sv 'fur 11 w * *l<<p tlif novelist lint si.keut*d of a if l jIIHiotii vt’.l hi* ill ffUM. ii or departing Just liefotv '•furl liitf he W iiiloi on hi« || »s( to |it1*M*ll! hi* respects He !*’ :i ! him ill Hu* g »r* don (he kitchen garden "iI.hhI air," lio lh*iiiiu lo-piiuLuisly, I iu»t hope that, »fu*r having l*een the utii'f of so capable uri ent*'r ilner. I hhai. oof Pf suffered to de -lit xx it bout i v.tuxftiirof tin* n ? ?** Tin* country landlord i.wkr.l at him with surprise .mul thou, inspired with •til Mm. on Mini aloud "John ' a fur tnli a ml “bring one of >*H»r fineM t *a Idumea for this gentle man " I umluii Standard. Via Cruoia. Olio of the moat iHsuliar of eon Mnntftil celebration* of ICoster is Chut w hit'll ftir ciMiturltai has Ipracticed by thf monks of an * A* day break* on tin* mottling of IohhI Friday a long |iroff**kMl of (ho monks tiles tut through thf gateway of the nblvt. r«» Ii bearing on his hack an enormous and homy irww by way of annual (Kpn ait. f and In imitation of what they con aider tit have l*eeu on* of the **\erv*t i forma vf t'hriat a physical suffering through hand.'* and villages this jia f » 1 it.h . 'S makes its way in spits >f Hu* tt* sl-llttg knee* and aching • >. s wiiifs the villagers, with bare mi 1 fH.wwl heads, do homage to the cr»** that their pen*we may lack r..thing of severity. tbew monks strike into Hit* conutry. th.xeiltg tin* #trrje*i •d roughest paths Metropolitan M«g£fin*' In Ano«»\t irU;S |udl tg*d iU XfcH m were sa|«l to ha»* kortijf". «t y In Turkey. t cord. i Hie Mtdiml It«torv1 Turkey * « uate = * |m*deetiv* of great longevity. <wr a? Ur\s\ has that rop«?a Xicat In Krut l^ightcha qtresuiusblv In Turkey» there \% said to t*e living it V v a.IvatHNsl iff of 1TI year* a sfxv. - i:ont hssxkto' tth*wr father xv as 112 y fa > o*d w ht' he died tiff f- ,} C • ixveetheart of J THE JAPANESE WAY. Rvtaa For « M»ti Pr<rta«* Ageiriet Mtjfctr Taxes. T!»€ K*i^rn»f»sc kli** fi»a Artriil'UiiJW 4 |JjrKr*5|mW 1 tf m Iih Ji >« •.illy M .**» <: ty It;** *.:tt*p ef lrit «!)t<to f*romfrt* » is* i*h-;*.- t r.iwjt-u tf huiUl tbr front «J**or *»t i - ti#.r»3--f» *4.? fit»f a iitir r ,!«) iM*f *f**t if:? j if »rtt| a !,: :« il#» ,f on W« l»in k land* <'.!■ I * 5 ,«*^«** f«» <*j**'**ifj If* an * Mi-! « fi,il »ls«T njfWftflitf a i- j* Mi- nutnly way know ' \ *1 . t ii ,* ft f»» v% holiday #*ofi «r * ill ii i|;i> v n* iharwtl In • h . j M|:t! Ml** ««, »{#,Of» |**OftU? * * j,| i. * -is ail *» - *ft»**f fo juffii* ,,9.r*i *d »J »'S *r* I**'- hi sc'orttVa 'l*»n d I'm* f . ,i* »t|i f JajMU I- HH •, »*l* 1 f»***- *f»»Tf*niu #**il I**H Ml** *at <it i» i;1: ti* tif Tokyo. ofi "tla io * )r fjj» plfitnMt a ir «»n *r**r f' i<« j ;-,«»*»{ Ing tn HIl»iya fwft. to ( rot«**f ****- alarming liirff-SAf ii j •. iinii *i—*t*n!t of fo jflv** Imi/HN for a r|Ii** {*»•** author If !«•« rvfm»rnt**rMl tf}'* lit **»• •!.v* <»f *fr***-t fight Jog fliaf fli** fffiift i > i of tfw* : of: : * i.*'i f .-ti*** in ,»fy It* Hi- fall of l.i*ir* < '.tf o* t-nidiifi all lb- uproar win el-irtiMt ■. Mia linriiugof Mia jf ifas to {* • rk h\ f» ilk a *inlrr, and v: !fl»irt !•(»•■ hour- llo* h »u ** of flia fioi*.** nih::-!*-f io-rnM* fbr afriod, wnn f, , I til l |i*‘%»i»*♦♦ w **ra lading **ttf «!>*v n hi Ml** ' load ;«vami*» fiM'llig tha f#irv, M 11!*» i uirdu of the moonfod if i Taro**** \\ if ?!»»**»• * Jr* 'IffMMfK **s Ifl rilllMV tf.** f > • I •*'!!?)* r ’ •’* p«»*tod tin* fo I lotting tintli** If i prominent plscwi *itm*11r ft i* *fv on th«* f|jy that the turf** • neefii •>' was to t#e held . • * t* f .» <?«rri#*d by who • !t**r» I t’ - p*, 4M ir.e N » fc* • 4-i, i i>r male ‘ **» nhatl t>« ear ii< l N > < *pi'- c-o a* all \h» burned. T! < IP *• shall not <1** «fr<»>*•<! f'r S' , tn j .f th< diet who supported the > ii X |n»r.-.\M‘ bH>s ni«:i I*** hmi JlP*d |J »i*{. \ i o' |»oii< *• prohibition* *t»eH f • <’J ■ if diollld I ttli'** ■ -s l!M*fMng i o.jt- i! rfj it :soUamr Ii h! their effeet i , *• \ n # riot v»*w \ ork Sun T ■ Oi ant Orrac Glo*vt-p. MThi' " ;f i- blower U passing, In* will khui Ih* :;i i hi* ui inoii **xfin* I.” «hmI a unf' l m K*h n pity I !<• wiih a *|IIH !tlf ft I*’* ■\h»Kf <»f s blowers were simple minded ofi! oh :|h who ft If i j ! \ Udieved fli*’y iMi!-.i nit their blowing t<* the fTltlsir* lb Kelt. light pilss.itfes fhe> blew ni*<I W ben Ih<* rri^cen do* thundensf furfli they worked frun thulfy Mowing with nil their might »»n*i to tin •off* 11 ii fare!Ions leporferon tin* k> > *i paper would refer f»* the eveelleut blow It;:; of the organist' < assistant, Mr |t dh»\\ *« ' Tliffi tin* I. Jo w er in his vault* would develop itiI flit* mITim »a tioiis of ii rinl**r»*vwK | or a Sousa Now in 1 blow *1 **!hot!♦*!> . ii dreamy hih :!e on his tips. Ids in luilf < lo-o<t The* mush- would l ining** to a mar* !» hihJ he’d stamp tils foot hi linn* while* up iloivtt. up down tin* «»t*t bellows In flute nJ o would la* Jerked At a ell hi; x lit-* fare won hi redden; he'd bend to liis ( a. I M'sw so fit and fu lions that tin* oigin w-uild nearly l#ur-.t " New <*rle.<u* I hues I »emo ernt An An.ient 7 rub For Chicago V ‘ f . f i ! . hit - *• b»- i I -1‘gn i IIV t Ii r**!»lo . nliltMi* of :i t hhilg * IlilOUUlbi for tin* tr.iii*.f*‘r t*» that * it> of an an •'.lit : . ' ■ > . .• ‘ ' * - * - ! lug t<» an \sKtutti »om* ijion l»»nt «*f tin* I.oitdon « ; ? tphh rin* intul* is Hi(l|:lt«s| in r flu* | •> r.i: * * Ids ot Sji h kill i fw«*iity ndh*s fii»iu f .ilro. and Im a favorite resort of tourists win* usually make the fotmiey on lands aw» s tin* *h*s ert from ihe gmit pvrimiln »t t.t'nh t he rhl. ag.i hiitsi*uin authorities wish to retiiox i* tin1 | »;ti t > in its entlr**fy I'o arldeve this w ill nafuratlv a dlfthult pnldeiu It has Ia*en nrraug«s| that a wind** trd i shall i irr> tin* ttenh In set tlons ft »m tin* * ■ • * a r« ■ -1 point of tin* rallwav to tho » »a-i but n » arrangt* llienta l» \ \ »* v t I'een • opt|«|»*f»s| fo: moving tin* fotid* rr •! ttu>d**sert sands to the railway line I In s,*« tlons of «? toiuh w ' i i paefv. il and ed oa I'tMl'i! a st . r r t *. • t f Salil or Aloxendii* \noiher sjHelal train Wl'loolnex It f t the V ltleri< all eoaisf to I'liii/i: n, W ti.'ie tile *e.!i ns will Is* put together under dhe.tion o! ar. fute Ok u’ists T 3 Mild a .’,1 Murdeivui P«c* III 1 ‘■ llt.l!' i dr| 1 ! t l.'poi;* fol I''* f« • > ' • '! ■ ■■ s; anil .'ll I with I Mlp , Ml s mil prom in.-mo tho ".'.MI (loath* from «>' If irt ills. Ml.- •111,1 tllO I 'll V lit lent ,i> ii|,< 1 11.' r "hut rotlo.ts tin in t.l .It'll In*; .if tlf liniimn t*.*t. un.l.T til.’ ov. if. llfllt i*f our hiutl allo.-d OX hit oii.v. ilui .i 11 ,-r la ,i growsomo r«k it .In, t t*r of lh*' duo rt int of I tif run ns for tliolr own lit. * Of llio I.IMI ilt.i I lot (tv i lolou.f only ‘.’si w . ro houilol.lti ari l Til auloUto* N.-arly 4 iXkt rlttxon*. thou. wor. s-auglitorovl by atroot cars fnolory w h.-ol*. trunk*. lonomont liovisr tiros and ollior sanction.-.1* of oxlcrmliatioo a comparison of this rooord w lh that of otlior largo oltio* would auroiv put Now Y.>rk at Iho vorv bottom of iho Hat Whoro oiso ta a g-ssl alnotl vlllago ohlltoratod hr wool ilcnts ovory Iwolvomootb 1 Now York Trilvuuo. Litoratura of Japan Japan has uovor pmdlWOil a Shako up. aro or a Milton a t loot ho or a Hum, a Moutaigoo or an Ktuoraon. a j tllblaiit or a Mommson, lint doaplto this fact It haa a vory rvspoct.xblo lit oraturo In all of It* rarloua brnnohoa blatorr. pootr.v. urography. art. wlrit.'* an.l tho uovol education la .julto mil Vorv,.. this onh,-nt Iho ouiptro. and within tho past thirty or forty roars tho national ittoraturo ha* grown Uu i. oi :v Now \..rk v no .an CASTOR IA For Influx* and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought IV** thd "* ’ KEWS BALSAM FLOWER WEDDINGS. How th« ln*«ct* Af« Luffd p*rtt T*ay Play. The faff»> e« i» ^ aol the ar!'<l •mm a* deceiver ami manure* wero j tby/Qg aofjw* high y nlKfsh&g : pl#»* of Htf #• known pi *•'* ,wf pfl**d •^■4 ! fower lif** (Itwribni bv I*r»fe--»*jr Bot ‘ Wwney. M V . In a recent e»tur* at ! the t-.inl<* g^rxf* !•-. b 'f•***<>r Rot* Ifoniley. 9. ho la (of Ijofan? at Klnar'a college, HitltWiI hi* lecture "\a ! rjon* MtrtHgr ('unfon* *f ITaitt 1-lfe. IJe el plained how f‘ >* era entk*e in* ***■1* into their service io order to get married and so prof*-re their ape ries Muit flowery nr* *h*p^ndefJt for ■ V ••• #* '>'••* the plants develop in * in **? a* to * aftra . liu* ruituin of **m of the | Insect world Tbf first ihpob* of i-1 e Inserts, said f*rofe**<»r Hot tor *v was a very human oop and cot»**'‘d r*f prufldlog fre»* (Irinka K ery f! >,r h-♦** i^ rcM somewhere ntsxif it a wrgc nr srunli •tore of honey, to wbi< e* Insect. la* It | midge '>r I witter fly .* attracted Hut •a an additional aftra 'em flowers de | vrlof) a beautiful **•♦*( i f mating | ipfiniraii'-r ao a* to attract the insects attention It la also interest Pi.: to note the simple flower* are n, r .* i by simple insect* mere eijrnfr*- i* the lecturer d esc fitted them, wh ' e snore elab orate flowers require highly de velofied ln***< ta. such ■ ■* tares *#r butter flies bishop* since the f *»or V er cannot go a wooing Itself Ifni r *e de;**ndeDt U|*>n the kindly eri of Inject*. it not only renders b » f attractive to tleate messengers of ov* but provides them with comfort • the form of eonvenlent resting \ *‘»n»e orchids even providing a little - upon which bees may alt and sip the honey Of conrae tlie wh<»« <• *< t <>f attract big In sect a l« to mak* heui bear the pollen powd»*r from ie p <fit to an other, the introdm•? *' *»f the pollen Din king the fertrlz.!’ • of the seeds p<>«' !•!»• AH pi Milt* ar»* *n an !• ~'-d that white the in-*** !- tfip) nil • I <re drlnki g their honey T 1st* |H>n»*r» j*■ .%v «ler i* either t*eh s - itte '*! over ' r It**-! **- to I** taken to another j*S;• -f «*r the pollen already *oaltered on if »* inott I* being Mue|i| off l> the <!f tile see I feme* It In itluo ini i is t«» notice t h ;* f those pin tit* w* i'P ■ I moth* wltii’h »ir«* night dying I • t*. ni'f near ly always whit#* and -«**nr»»<l Tilt* |m*11<*i« uf a phiM i- tto*I Jealous ly guarded That i* ' ny flower' close their petal* oi da day- tin* i«l**;i Isdlig !<> keep flu* t i f»Mia rain Thin i* particularly n* cable In cm CUKC*. Nat only ln«eet*. I •'if bin!*, mail and flu* wind, to plant world to make I >ve The p**! ♦ r ii >■( tin* pine free which art* * by tin* wind have tiny Imllmm* -it -bed t * * them The lecturer I i«l«*»| with a tic fMTlptlntt of the wild arum, which wa* de*trll>ed a* a rca ’ wicked plant committing even i •!* In it* love making The wild mi::-, secrete* a honey that Inh • iu and not cotifetit with tin" • ; i -n. II develop* berries nhi> •: f; • t Hrd* But tin* e berm- !-: ve poison on* ti> bird* ami • I d im•* i eaten of the berry «I!«•* promptly falls to the e irtb Mtit! th* > ** I be • 1 ■ i vln. flesti form* the i »* t p«'- ,d.le m amir* for flit* g< nvth >f fl. • ui» *11 M v-.l re nmluh g t «! :• u ! in the bird’* « it cas*. I *»ini i \J irror Where Di the CiJ fm'V,» G \\ ,..i f '• i • . m! .. a ; o i pi linn* Any pi ■)•*.!i»*r will ta •» v i plan > I•* . ■ von w ant a n » * ■ u* a will ;*il * » .i ub^tanti.:! credit *<a even H if of another nva.m I'rotn time • ’ • ’ dealer* .uiitmiii.v -•> - of tired p * \ll dealer* have hug* sto» •!.* of f’.ii.ii *»n hand eon fatilly t» !*• plan firm ha* on exhibition an >11 f » .ii > a*.I -■ mare piano v. ai. Ii w a u nb* it Seam half a ivntury ago T!»t. piano ! «• rs a p aenrd to tin* « fT«*ct f!i *' any « :n* v. !i * will pay the carfag.- may tune if tor the ;,>!»iug No one Ii • - » eepfed I lie . . (.■*-> • i. ' uae ru r takes that p an ofT tin* hand* or tin* dealer* who w « r to g. • s I f it What w 111 the d do with lt r oiivltiimly with r»*nis a-» hlgli as the\ are It wouldn’t pay to utoie i , • -.ii ean’t gi'e away So th .j * ■ , *n remains, Wliaf In the last • , *»f undesirability of lilt t!;e .* ! | tmtts? - Uashin-p. , I'ost I Rest Made Easy There Will Be Less Sleepless ness When Putnam People Learn This. t an t re*l at night with a had back. Alamo, a weak or an aching one Ikutn - Kntnoy Kill* arc for had track* • They cure every form of kidney ills. From common backache to diabetes They are oiulorsevl by Putnamjpeople. ! Mrs. John itebo of Mill Street, 1‘utnam, l nil., say*: “Kor flvelor sis years 1 suffered from kidney trouble. My Isvek |>atntsl me almost constantly and I often had such sharp twinges throughout my body that I could hardly move I could not sleep well at night hut leased fv»r hours from one 'ide to the other. 1 used many reme dies, hut cl no relief, and gradually grew weak and run down. When I leant! .1 ,s u 1>. i:t s Kidney 1Y - I procured .a c\ at l>res*er's drug store } and ivimiii days I was the pain* |< usd using them. In a few ; haling heller and finally , i my aek altogether. I | mended Ikvan's Kidney ! iriettds and know of many { - i them with the same j giant results " 1 sue y ail desk:'. l*rteo *< cents t -li-Mitbum to. H;.lta!o, New Y> k. - i agent fv>r the l niied Rse-a it* « aIM t.J >:■ *■ s a SEjf Trollev Time Table I he Consolidated Kaiiuav Cl EFFECTIVP. -Fpr. 17. 1*>7 Time given tm <w» !*-»*in* From end Main Street Putrrnm for Worrier and intermedv **e *t*p* a! *6.o7. 77.55 a. m.* b"; v ' •*"*'** trr until $.36 p. m- Return leave Woree-deri itv Hath at 6.15 a m.. and t oath cnti. *♦••■>? Time 2 boors and 20 minute*; fare 43 cent#. Putnam for Webster aud iotermediatt •top* at •6 07 a. m.. :7-V> a. m., •fi’i until 10 55 p. m. Ueturuiwg, leave H eMtd *r *$.15 a. m . 7 4' a. m. and bourlv unit 10.35 p. m. Fair 20 rent** Eitra for Mec-ha* ncfvuie only hourly lrotn 1.25 p. m. until <.2-> P m I. mtf Putnam for I>ayviHe an * -mediatr •topt mt i§45 ». ro. and hourly thereafter unti II .35 p. tii Returning, leave THyviile at *5.4 a. m. *6.10 a. ra., iJavvifle (car boose> ; t.7B% m., and hourly thereafter until 10.2$ p- m J. eave Putnam for Uanielson at l845 a. in. then Uotirlr t "; 1*.15 p. m. Returning leave I>anicl*on at :7.P‘a. m. *~d ’hen b -rly unti 10 10 p. m. Fare 15 f» ?«.* Lr*~ Pawiara fo- ,eoiraJ Village and inter* rri* ate* »p- at *6.35 a. m. and noorljr until 9.35 m Upturning, leave eotral \ iliage a’ •6.13 a. m„ 7.45 s. a ., sod bo i >. tbereaftei anti) 9.43 p. m. Fare 23 cents. All ear* nect at ertral V .lajge for Mooaap. rare, cenu. Putnam and Providence I^eave Putnam for Providence and w*t P°>f,t* at 6.33 a. ns changing at Ehnvilfe on th** Providence and Danielson Railvra' . leaving Elmville at 6.45 and S.45 a. m. and hnurl) thereafter to and including 6 45 p tn. Return^ lag, leave Market Square, Provide me, a? 5.4’ a. m. and bourlv tl»«*e»fter to 3.45 j • n;.. tbet 5.45 p. m. Fare 75 cents. • (><»e* not hju Sundaes. 7 Sunday a, one hour later, x Sunday*, 2 hours later. All > is l car* c , m**ct s’ eotral Vi? lage with ears tor Moovup Above table subject to ebaage without ootict For Puritv ami Ftcehenre. arid a ct.frihinatioi of properties lo coustitnU’ a perfect drinking watc. L Putnam Mail Service /903. POST OF PM t Ol'I.N From6,30 a. id. to 8 p. ns. Sunday*.from 8 i»* ro a. m. The lohb\ wil remain open *<• Lock Ilot holder* until 1*2 m Hniidavs irom 6 W to 12 in ..»..**) ’ > 7 i-.u* Cairier’s wimktw upeuSttndayf from 8.HO to 9.3' MOSKV OltllKK |> 1 \ I S IOM Open ftom 8 a, w. to 6 p. m.. closed on Sun dars and Leiral Holidays. Registry Division often during office bourn I9KI.IV KHIM Ilv (’itv Carriers Dadv, {Sunday* anc Holiday* excepted) at 8.20 a. m. and 4.10 p m.; and 11.Oft a. n». in the Business Section One delivers bv City Carriers on Holidays. HOI KS OF COLl.FCTIoMft From the Street Letter lk»>es, (Sundays am Holidays excepted, and Desjmulu*.! RRS1UKNTIAL SKC1 ION Collections. • iRespatcbe* 6.15 to 6 JO a. m .. mail despat bed at 7.10 i in 8.:*0 to 11 M) a. rn., *• “ “1115“ 4.30 to 0.30 p. ui., •• “ “ 7-Li p.m F B«»NT A > O r t.M STId n |St>\ 6.Ift a. nr, 10.GO a. ui . 11 1-i it. mM 3 vO <*. nr, ft 00 p. in.. mad despatched at 7 10 a. m •* 10.10 ** - 12 Ift ” “ 5 ;l** P “ 74 ft “ lit It A I I It 4 I l»l I I \ I li Y. Route* No. I and 2. Rural arrier* !< u\r daily, (Sunday* and Hu! o*\s excepte.!* at 8.10a. m , return at 3.10 p.m Mailable mi’ter, weighing 4 pound* or les* sent bj Kura! Carriers must be prepared by at amps affixed. MAII.s OPF.N FROM Boston, New ft k. Hartford and all poin* north, c»*t. *<*uth and west at 8.1ft a. ut. Boston, H.lft. |0 |ft a. in., 3.4ft, 6 Oft p. in. Danielson. .8. U «. in., 3.1ft p. m. Norwich. 8, 11 a. m , 3.4ft. 6.0ft p. rn. Haitforti, 8. 11 a. m., 4 10, 6.4ft p. m. New ft ork. 8. 11 *. m.# 4.I0, 6.4U. p. in Worcester. 8.15 a. m., 6.0ft p. m. Welter, 8.lft i m., 6.0ft j rn Wilhmautic, H.00, 11 a. m , 4.10 p. ni. Sundays from all points * 30 i m. >1 Alls CI Os l- colt Boston.7.10. 10.10 a iii.,121ft.3.3ft.ft.3ft,7 fftp.o. Danielson, 7 40. 10.10 a. m.t ft 3ft, 7,4ft p. :u. Halt fold. 7 40. 10.10 a. tu . ft 'ft 7.4ft :> m*. V A ft’ork. 7-40. Id.! - 7 f-,n \* A Have . - »n. li. 1,1 4 ■ :n. N u wich, 7.40, 10. pi a. ni.. ft (ft, 7.4ft p. ru W iilrtiiantie, 7.10. a m^ r m WoiveMcr, 7.10, 11 ft 1 • * u . i ft. ft. . y 7 fft j West and s .ii*1,,-. state*, 7 o 7 40, a 111 , 3.1ft. 3.35, ft. 4ft, 7 4ft p. n> Worcvste and \t« 1 uu-. V Wav Sta " - Sen : lion*. 7.4 > a. m., 5.35 p m. Boston and Ha:More, Last, Wav Stations, 7.1* s. m. B • n and !!...»ford West, Wav Stations, ft.3? p. m. lloatoti and Pough., Fast, Way Stations, 3.3? i and I*. . West. Way Stations, 1<U( B*»*ton, Pr..v:.l,*r..v ind New York. F**t Wat Statior*, 10.10 a.m. * * \V iwd'itH ks, Wt Ht;. d aod Hartford, bv stage 10.30 a. n, 4 Woodstock*, South. N rth. East, 10.30 a. m 5.30 p.m. Pom tret. 8.00 * r . ft 3ft p. m., bv stage.’ Night* for a:: ;*>.nN 7 1ft p. ni. Sundays for all point*. >.30 p. m. TRANK C LETTERS. Primula. Tlie \ Chaiiea>rr the World. A S. H.W1S Telephone 144 — 4 Uloium Ctrh.>t nif .O.^'l M&trneeton; t rvn »*e.U; Nk) urn 12* * jg*. Sodtum 1’hl.rHie. ^ Sodium Suij-hati'..’* ()H Sodium Nd.-*lo. .| x PotfeLSlom 8a;J f.»U .. St item.......7 If ot Iioi isd \ ututut.014 Volatile »ud 0:ii*iiH-... T~**\ 1 Total Solid He^iO' e on Enporttit>a, Iduit’s pe? l v Ga l.g9>4 • The*e ;x-«h;ss-^ •:..«» tl %: r aster contain* i mv v- >!i erv :.| o! ud matter. that i ** ,!AlV ■’ »* ’’'Y*bk* f tin tv. and ; iron d-a^ua^e xve?4'n-.n*'.on, V mv ^ikiob th, »v»5er \* *a ex , lent -i* for dmAic*: Yo*»r* ’ v, hTKPKUT r SMITH. 1 VT i Ut *ute Kd6 1 CASTOR IA for Infants and Children. The Kind You Hats Always Bought Bears tfc* y/f7 fc^i-atur* of CASTOni A. Bnntla ‘SI lj< tW HlW t»: ,s j sr 7 buy the light running Saw Home Sewing Machine the most re’iable family machine made. Prices range from $25.00 to $38.00 We have other makes for $19.5, fully warranted and still others for $11 75. All Grades cl Pianos Sold on Easy Terms j Good Bargains in Socond-hand Organs. Edison iiiid Columbia Phonographs COMPLETE STOCK OF EDISON RECORDS. F. G LETT ERS & C0„ Main and Union Streets. Putnam. WANTED SUMMER BOARD p,v thousand* of Br<> k'vn j.. !e. Can vnu take a f. w If so. list yonr R . >K I Vs' l»AI!. Y EAGLE FREE INFORMATION Bl’REM f a wiio l- p.ii-oo-■ a printfd blank is jnovided. Hie service „f the INF<>RMA 1 ION lU’REAl* Will Cost You Nothing The Bi" k'vn Eagle is tlie best advertising medium in the worl 1. It cam*- 111 ne H -oTt Ivertismeiits jhan any New York paper. It stands l'KE EMIN EN l'EV at the head. \:i ADVERTISMKXT in the Eagle costs little, but brings large results, b-. iuse the EAGLE INFORM UTON BUREAU is constantly helping it Write for listing b;ank and .Valve lising Rale Card, Address irLmatiai Bjraai Bmkl/n Oiilf Eula, Br okyn N Y. Mention the paper in which you see this advtrlisment. In Your Your K;t. hi n Will Save Time Work and Money. Putnam Light $ Power Co. Removed Over Pray's Market. STATIONERY Our line of stationery contains supplies for the business man, the professional man, the student, and the lady. In buying for this department we al ways have in mind the store, the office, the school, and the home. \\ e make our specialty of the best grades and latest designs, but have in stock the cheaper grades- Blank books, pens, pencils, inks. School Supplies for a Sonsr! ' y1 :lt'e u{en>' ' and we have nearly even' t, } tired p :ces so lew as w: