Newspaper Page Text
. ... -,-y „,.UI -. '•' V -' <. y. v ■ Y>* “ r;*r> "V. ->• v x-*- i 5 Av \( rz-e; ■: T tywv*> t»"‘ -*Cw! 1 r i - -j , — Bewje Ball Talk, r. a. <('. » — ii44i.v < ito-- ii»fi There v/n- ?i stirph* j»r j* •• . the fan* iAfit Hflturdaj when tin4 .madian* v-ow from the < ollewir; - Sth* t»,* \t ' wocre. It wax a logical de luetioi that the visitor*, who !n<! the ads ant*.*,;« of j several month*’ training, wo ild « arrv 1 tiotu« ttu* game, am! th»- fact that the3 1 «ii«t not i* another Illustration of the ; uncertainties of Oh* national game. Pal tain devcio|H<| uni |h-'-; •! hat ting strength and punctured the hnj*M c»f On* iSay^tatef" in On* first two in- I fdrigik In getting a lead that not only \ eon Id their gue*t* not outcmih-, hut they did not r* a* h the dangerous line at any stage. Tivtro wa- |»ickol lor the first irtnn tip. lie landed on the f i r * t *»n 11 pitched mol it went to the score l*»urd for two *ack*. Hum's error gave Idzolle a life JtaigU got a saer I tie* without moving hi* hot from hi* shoulder on which la tro scored, and Marion * double over left brought IJ/otteover. Two passe* and h wild pitch put n lolieglan on lir*t and second, hut they got in further. (•ague started the seeond with a sin gle to center ami l>. Magnari walked al otro got a line «Irt «- to left th it brought (frtgnc over, mid he took -• e ond on the return. Li/oite walked and Daigle put a Trxai over third. Morse w as out on a d ri 4 «• to eenfe r I * eeored ld/otle am* gave the halter the first sacrihee under tin new '•corimr rule. Afte r (Limas drew a j« 1 IV. k man threw up the sponge and <*illofi went in. There were three on, hut j},* 1***1 (, : f * •« >i if*. V -1 tin . . . 1 • Ml of dul> *w inging ft* the fourth the 1 <n,r- fir .1 .n-d | HI** id put it illicit r tin ImimoI iumI readied third, whuh w 1 left rutin * niieovertil ('amdl'w -ingle by -**«-**1 **t two r ed the runner Ihitnam added their three Lot run In their hall Idxoth* wit** safe «»r 1 11 wild throw of -boil, hut w 1 nut trv ing to steal. lUiigh got on by en >r of I tie same geiitleinan. Marion and Morse hot h hoik led to renter and I nugle Crossed. lUifn i' !m«l down a aerilb which ad nnerd tlu runners, and 4 I,ign**‘s slngh- to left elerired tlu* k/urv ill the si \ th Worcester mhhuI < >r chard put one fo hot I »* ld/otle Hheld singled him to M*ennd and a pa»*ed bail put him on third The next two men fanned and it win l> Mngium fumble of » gmumler off Ihirn* that let the run In. in the H'vouth I* • k mini fii/ d to In ott- t 'fit 11 in -mgled to the > iiiic t u n lory and went tm » uul «m Ihenn »n - Otlt. Iiiott to Mni'-r I inuiie, idle 1 a long run, dr >pju d On hind - tty and 4 olm in *e. red In nit' * util I he} itii'W llmrmon l Hall fu tit9»t«’fI i Hrri»l i rMii!n!«• f Ki n *»> jni! i li"I • *i*• l*v 1ftii<| ;m<l I: im In right nn «hit h < anull H|| thi MlllIU | hi* hull unit I\Y H M ugir.iu, w lu» i»|i^iri| Min) viMh'hrtl tl tfi», uhlk* Kniii) i inn • i\«*r Mini IhiriiH rnu l*i«! Ifilnl Hum KCort-l UU | itt l« r* Util, I :itro In Mu v( Tiifro ^l» i*Uirtlv h I >«i*t h* 11 t*| Maiimi cf MorM il» 4>hi»iu^ If < irtjutt* **„ H Mugtwm v I* Maotintii |* I Moll it n h I I lb 1 u I V a *J I •j n 0 U 0 n f n 1 II 0 1 1 0 o :* 10 l. in I It * I \ ai> llft'im:ui vi fJrchiini xh r*h» 1.1 i < *f Kt‘mu \ ji i Hum- |h l vt:i* i i tVi kiuan p ItlHun lh p, 4 1 i i n o l i n o O 11 I I u (I t u I fitting* I -J | « M i o li t . «.vi n 11 u j in l- .* 11 n n o n t t Tlutv has, hlt.^hthl Iwo h.-isi- hit-. I atm, Man,hi — t. iitu-* nts, | I’ntjtU, Mu(« I >, i! 11«- Hii',,'11 I ;ii IWkrnau I 1,1111111 i. M it-mtii HUui« out, In Maunmi >. 1'ivkinuii *,lllan II r H \taiiiian I. lit’lnn I; Htuh*ii h»«u*v thujiip, |i Muitonii. I,lima V\ tut |»||,‘h( Muil'ian, I*,■,■ k man : ImiIU, II Maanan I►••uiil*- plajs, l.aifn.', | ,|.,> |>i Mora, t nlt-man. t,, Mums. | awloi, lluriia I,, * “In.ian, Otoliaril, k,ntu\ t,, llunis I t Allomtama- * * 'll im? I at. llalli Ill’ll,*ta tt'rrv hit litvl, Marion lump, I his anklr on a slhl,' lo Hi if,I In llio slxl!t an,| rplirv I in la \oi of Hi,ill I'll,' (ana tame at, iv mu,'ll r „alUliv«l Ilian I hot ,\|*vlp,l liliaiiniii!,’ mm from Vm|pin~h* t \N llhams, IIU* was si rt'ii^l !u u,-,l (o! tin* oo*moii from outsUhr i>|,| an join- sis’ I hi' s,‘or,- r s now benrh \\ i tisU'f IIirU ,» 1' II > this I it *t»\ afl, inwii on the, ,.i Ail r, a,It ! u i*t,’ op. m t , teruu«’ teason ivovl Salunla, .)<■«, n til)' *HI la* on, Kindis, «. i I . : of North 'Mu i.Uiu’ i , the in,I v ,! ■ I’at < uss, matt* u’-si-l Satimlav lit has son oisijp t t . fk-iatp al Hit- ISunf rvl „■ tin, s «««, from home. Son it change* im,\ Ik- nvop**«,\, but nHugeihei lit,’ out took is eneou rasi us, Mtf(*b will ilr|KmJ upon how Ho ,«|In-; ton mu allow up, 11o;h* last Salurtiav s altrinlancv is not an avi-ragt* or h.tso ta!! will ha,r to K-i M(t|wn*>* wt-ne not inp|. Haul Sietnta-rg. w tm raptaimNl I'.n rum * Isiiskt l hall IcAiu wlu-n Hu- sjaui NVw 1 >!;t<'k Silk IVttironts made of jrap.rnnt< 'I taffeta. »!/ 41,42,43 while they ,a-4 ■ 11 ■ r fi FlUF 0014^ V k *Z%ar e ^ ^ r* m-rA.rx. Ilf* •;_T/V B- .' V : V-^e-' X___ ;■ •c 7 "■ r-*- _ _ v- <ry> r* §. % z ‘ i ~ - * ■ «z..' * ' • ’•■*•• *■ fc./ — i' ;.irai from t White fioiids Itargain r>DC' an-! plaids, ten different _ !~h .\lanufat. ture, and made m yarns. Per yard 19c To Stout Women! t ■■«** e*r< vt/mt woman’ * is « she ha** found a rffui‘i in u famous Nemo •*Scl f fie ducinff • it “make* over" your fig ur»v giving y<#u a Net ter khftfM* than you evvr bad, ore vrr e*. jr-rted to ban*; an<l r« ducf a ) your aUlofni'ri * **» effectually that you ran fekirU at jrrmt three or four I h rre I a a Self - IU'<itii:inif < nr t l In a ire«del for ■ ery f , p» .,f * out woman—-da i I and afoot. abort and fctoiii of ju*t * fat.” 312, f •• ’ • 'out '* orrjen ' iO 320, f h t iftl h.ntf l»a< 0 314, for short ‘ tout w omen * 318, .... - ? h I . t n. fij/ ll;» . j ld«-ry Nemo < 'or net is inadi vvth the Nemo 'triple Strip enfore** rnent*' bone t and atccla cannot cut through. ,V7 n r»» i f »r- riiriNO pcLier^TNAp i in {< o im. r v i i *ii Hu' \<r:<U(!h Wtihl Sl;rli ftinar I'onfvol him hern i v Irmli il to Dm I si h. A Prize to f!very I,of nml i.irl win i miImkiI •• i I,••(,•!, i.f I hi' N \ / \KI. I II U 1! i \ ,.f #5li ! i tin In I k. 1,1 .ill #2it fill I Ik liMt. Iic-I If v' m i Imvi-n r cut I'rinl I li i h roil '' I ' u I it mil iv il.t ilcjirn tint nt ill in *' nil I jjrt it fiiltiiu c iitiiilimg nil 1 he 1 II C- ninl n lint i.f } | /ns The lit' "’! I , 1.1 I'll III nil llll ► Hi. I f»!l K wit inn II Ve n n ni l !>*>!, I uiihs it i The Great Corset even! of file Season VISIT! our CORSET DEPARTMENT Nemo Week’Sale Beymiiing .Monday, .May fth We !ir»v*- made go-at preparation- f - this iniu -riant fa-h tion of every woman and her dr --smaker. hull lines of t. u i-;h Mi serves the att n s and -i/.C' in the famous -,c:Y s', ' '£1 F-REDUriMC "} FtUIF 5TBA’ .Are here for your inspection. The new Nemo model' are . of .absorbing interest. , , and sotno of them are entirely new inventions wn produce results heretofore thought impossible. * ne ' “'i' ■ Resting.' and the ingenious bssome ‘ VVilloiv-Shap should be studied by women of 'lender and medium w ^-,c < stout woman will rejoice in the new “Flatning-IJ.i m idels in the Self-Reducing 'tyies, whereby graceful 1 rinct-'s c > 1. be attained even by fleshy women. Se’f Reducing’ Corset*, S3 to S10 Back-Cesting Corsets, }3 50. fl ,s Swan-Shape Cors ts, yj to -3 50. Military Belt Corsets. 3.00. i\emo Kosmo Corsets, 51. >o ana »i. ' Nemo \\ i-< k is an Educational event, for it te.u h - women how to b»* !>• iltl md hygiene. It demonstrates thit tli oi, oe shapely ami styiish without transgressing the laws of ... • .• . r \ • no success was t famous “Self-Redu< injg Corset, the new Non. i rno Ids for slender figures an- supe rlatively chi and dainty as well as hygienic. I o knew a.! about Nemo (_ „rsets is a duty -• a > . -ry Woman owes to herself. BK 111.K1. I HIS \\ hl*.K 1 Visit our Corset Department r i- a* ‘ Trade With Us and Save Money” v, IF Isaac Champeau, Agent (or Standard Patterns. Lewando’s French Dyers and (Kansers iVIepiione iq-?. ITTX.AM. COXX. . U W 1 r »/ //C. ;:ir-*fBuciNC v Rtl:tt jiSAP Srtffl ly are "Cailsr Sl»tft£S ill! 8M Because Every “Cadet" Stocking i, knitted of twisted varns tha> give double strength an.: wearing power. Every “Cadet” Stocking re-nforced with the stoutU* Irish linen. Every “Cadet” Stoeki pgi, dyed by the new “Cadet" process which does not weak en the textures, is durable and fast colors. Kvery **(% det" Stocking is made righf and made for wear. Buy l adet Stocking- and stop darning. “Cadet” scientific stockings for Boys and Girls knees, heels and toes rein forced with Irish linen, the strongest fabric in the world, black, white, tans, Every pair guaranteed, 2;c “Cadet' scientific Stock ings for Men and Women Heei- and ices reinforced with Irish linen, the stionges thread that can b< woven in to a stocking. Every pair guaranteed 25 cen s. t il lieu, i*. now an mnjtjt'- in t if new Outlaw I nhm I . •agiie, I* II " i"-* to I*i*»111 ret school, in I * o n i f 11 ■ * t N f;»n (|; 5 \ nfiiHiouit !1 to y. A , to ; \ n t<<i \ «*\er Kiliingly High al I ' '' ' W c- In. ti:t \ >o|in■ w hilt In ighteued 1 lit sk h s. * hie thndoer made good at t he sec •’oi N.ark in NN i i 11:iiihv11k* Saturday with Inis in i times • ij*, nml t< 1 ' ••hiiiins with win* error the in;u> igi !»u nt h.t i been endeavoring In make him a fi xt off hut as yet he ' I to | t nMine (.» m NS illtams v Hie nuilinri. ,11 Wilt iii’ w H|*|n Ml ill new util* lorn s ’ •1 111 > I; • \ NI * l.otghhn and NN t i mum- w i !« the battery In the ‘ r>l ; aim JeWitl < i|\ played belt’, Mol 'Miuhnn w as pounded I'm „!t wtih •« I■ o • . . I m '• iit h paw w 111 ha\< ■ ■ \ ■ ( ■ i i iti »»ff day N I . • i- oj muoc for the o|*eniog »’ i tie. y . M itste l r-ghteued the < .inudi an • *ets t*t f ti so they lost to t he > ileis . lo I The management : * : 1 ’ •' ' tllillU'i * I hl»i \ (Ml Nprii J7 lit u Mol y t loss Jd won ii mi 1‘utnM n with IVekman in the h *\ I tin . . In s wt ie made ot! hint i':i ' N| ill |*h( •* Oft W Ms . O It lisiks a* it Ougnc would (te\eh*|» his t tiling »|Urtltttes this season M.mi ion was limping about Proy i* (teneestm t with a eane Monday He I hm ks lu will t*e (low n umle i the (»nks t right * \ 's ituntil> I he \ndem mens tin* season in May vide and \\ a u gnu tn Norwich. Hieie w tills' a slight shake up in the t atting order this week i Si’ are aw a v from home for two yyyx ks tfu t next Saturday , May '* at Jewett t H> and In at NN auregan N new s(\m* eanl Uuixl hy K M tordter, is to U* supplied the faita ol North I • ros\enoid.ile and Putnam tree of charge It is got up in Metropolitan siikpe and yyill la' appreciated. Ilk'S u ysr; HU ! «U tt*K NNh Ua\( :sj n*ct\od from the put> Ustu r a isnnpitmeniaty jyy ot J m .1 Metii iyy’s oftteiat has<' ball guide tor 1'**'' which Is one of the most eono j 'rt mH of i’s kind ever Iwuwl, It .vu' uus e\cry ihing that is of mtere^l \ » the nth.usiasls, and a social feaUine «h a eh a\*trr on the fau• ou* spit t a\\, wo-ot* : d curse can he mastered 1 he MW In |> *> d a feature kg a curved ud 'u. ■ ■ h k •• • •■> s 11 is N • Is yrf Fox's Alhieue Library and will U sent to any address tor 10 cents y% ah t out" extra to pay postage. Vddrcss, Ixieh; d K «o\, thanklitt Sjuane, New No!kilty Bradley Theater rtiomn-. Ji-lH r*(in hi 11i•% ma-t«‘rl\ |m tlrnvii! i>1 ‘5!i|i Vim W'lnkU " will 1 Ml Hit I »* ,*i I u* \ i !u Ml K1 | fill I \ '1 »• si h t i l w i:» pit . i,! iho j»! i\ m a imimit r > 11«I to U* iiiuiv elaborate Ilian » * i uiu'ii hofnro Photons Jef* •"ii H i> i .ul\ <'•la himself m I i \ ni Hi wil h ie Iherjt re goers o! t hi* * *' " *"' mm k u|mui him a- an artist,*! ra i«- ahi t it \ nml well veorlhv ol the mum* in* u hv Jefferson, a name whirl) has n|ihnI for all that is U->t in then! deals for five generation* He i* happily endowed h\ mituro to s u ee,1 ed liis throat aecstors Ho give* a tpieudidW sustained charaotori/ntion !iic*ti ihhm hvs certain elements of strength ami |M»wor U»al belong to tho Jell”, r*o i ifMil\ idualif v alone. “Hip \ an \\ ink I** it well worthy of presetv alion to the stage It it a delight! nI aniinmr told in an entirely charming iiimmtr its tontimonl, its oomedv ami lit pal hot ha\o tho ring of sincerity not withstanding tlio pm*, toil amt fa no i- i! t:\lo of trial! nor it ami Hi-to it teal limn an into tost m lit el nr • uoier s, t it if I he plt»\ |m tto^M t snrp 'ttme n «"ilt it an | v \ \ tfu icngth of timo tf tins holt I tho attention ot tho public. I.ven th«* in niut t*t theJetf'eison*could m*t ha\o to m» lone a Him- maintained p"p ant s for a piny that w at value lo-tt m ii*eli tl u at over f i * t \ M’.ars ago that Jotoph Jottoison hiought out the our rent \« i tioii ot “Hip Van Winkle at t Hu Vitoi phi | hoat re, I .omfon, hut ev o i that lone lapse of time iI<vn not oo\er the p% nod that tho at or v ol “Hip \ an Wink to hat held the interest ot theatregoer*, for Joseph Jollorson't father ami half brother, t harlot Huike, t*»gelher with himself had played an older version *ong t shore then I lotto eienutt revised it for production lit all over sixteen thousand ja»r formanoos have Uvii given of the p!av hy the mem tiers of tIteJJeMersoit fainti\ . a record never eoualled hv any oilier stag, produotion in ttie history of the world. Thomas, has bten playing U now lor over eleven years and so long a> ho ktvpt on piav ing it patt so tong will It remain the one great classic of the \nterioan stage. Steals on sale Wednesday, Mat nth at d a in. The Cotton Hill Soeth I wemv wills in stamps or otherwise sent to the Hoston Kvening Transcript Host ui, Mass , hMI secure for anyone interested the series t>f articles s, * ted Saturday. April dn that pa|H'r ui * The iVttoti Mid South” l os,- ap: Mp|s tr regularly each saiurd tv and W ethics lav in five ar* Uo1e> THev are tty the Kev I* H imhlsmith. P P . minister of the i iist church o; Mats , i first i h ireh ;• A w I • 4-v.-'"* it a ■ N :vs.dene, Tins is an except) mn op* put unit \ to get this series froni a man of high standing amt chatactor wln^se viewpoint on jdus interesting i’; uk is stngvdatU iViViK'nt. ‘ Smtercd da> find night the torment of itching pi.vs \v‘ih-; g 't*e%l me ucilll 1 osedPoan sOmimeiit tlennal me |vuuamvnUv —Hon. John U t«ar itt, H;t>i v.: . A a BLANK DEEDS How to Kin? lilt i ire Harm W In n any pi rum hui ... tu ■ ritiK tlu* lire tin correct w tvlo j iii> it ii to I’ll/, itn.v n tin- levor ami tIn n l»'t if". After till- 11 itmu' stand lit the | im\ until ltn I’leiiieii i-‘:tne * * as to t, • them tin locution of the tiro. I’hi*> j j nil 1 n; | hii I mi I : ‘titter unit nl |iersonx | Mlniuht tie with it. Had tlso person who | I 11 io iilarnt hut Sut i uidny rU'iilne low oil these direc tion- ninnv it ir, would have i>ee11 HIM'il. rtio alarm wtii imlloil atHox -||,|Iuk : I-ee corner, shortly utter seven o'c-ock Saturday o\ oui nit. Initial of let Unit 0“ nl tllO h‘"‘k lit UIHV, it will I in i 11 'town, wliioli oa noil h brou k mil. strokes, ami iitiloait of rinvtine -ii Hi it WiWi.ll Uni o *l“iii hail the hook l*ocu n . loaioil, it in to. I uko Ii The tiro w its ill tin Ii* li' o: Joseph l.'JIlilnliiu oil Waioi 'ho i ; tin h*i ‘‘oiii imnii'i, which I tv u a wav niailo a hitch in re* ooiil time, w out .“of on i i r vv o't ioi t I'ho company . tho Upper part of t' oil v vv a- the nut to arrive, but the Ii io hii< I thou i,i !“‘l tv a i * i < io i alio lioa.i w iv llu t“n u in about i M«i. i In ' origin of tin tiro ii not known. It 1 it tried in tho ilovv n stain tenement. llu* man who hvoit there saiil that 1 there had been no tire in hii toneiuent lor several da\» Mo luthled a lamp ami it 11 tin homo, amt soon after the tiro was iliioovoreil. ; state of Ohio, t ity of Toledo. 1 ^ I.uoai County, . I rank J < heney niaku oath Mint lie i- senior partner of the firm of K. J. Cleney .v to. doing business in the t ity of l'olotto.t ountv ami State afore saiil, ami that saiil tlrnt will pay the sum of t*xt III VHKKII lkii.1 v u.~ lor each, ami every ease of Catarrh that oannot t*e cuieit by the use of Mail's Catarrh < ire Fuxk J. Ckow. sworn to Indore me ami subscribed 1 m my presence. thnklh <tay of I *ccem t» r, A l> |sv A. W Ml K v.m>. ~m a I Notary Public Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, and u*t> ilireetly on the blood ami nmovnii surface* of the system, semi for testimonials free Address I 1 i iikxky At o .Toiedo.O. Sold by i 1 druggists. TV. Take lia i f amily Pills for consti jiatlon. N na i , an inflammation of tbed* i. it. irubrane linlmt the air , | anal i i * . . i try any mixtures | taken uu»> tin* stomach. iiw't waste ttiiMi i'ii them f ake Ely st ream Halm t . * i 1 t h * ■ , so t ", it t hv* fev erivl iw. , tin i are reached at oi 1.1 N; -> . ii? ji..i have ».. ‘ • e i nor how “ ten v,**i liave been i!i>.i(r* I ism til. wi know K y s v ream Hu. " y. n i; has c ired others v th‘*t“. ;i.'C“l \: druggists. S» Will* Ms ,<t v i v i'.i,.,., .'a, Warrens; . N.'l 1 : k althy . an is a knot in his own m uii .* aithy man i» an utih«)s v I* .‘ vi Hioovl Bitter* builds id hvalth—keeps you well 8**r» :%» if ud Vi Krai f id 8*^1 j} -*f *m if, s £2 Jackson .Vnms<»!iif»nt ( . Managers Friday, May 8tli Thomas Jefferson Rip Van Winkle , *Hk\ T'h*. M. edtu s<Ja\ >t*nS un sale \ 1 ' 1 Cl K1 Oh ! tP H UK liiil I)r N A| V '• "• ' *' • '*>• 1iH?r>CT of W ood»toe*. on the lt*.rh d«\ of Apr.. A i> »*. rr^M-nl. i'ia t H. Jmitt* *»» motion of l u* y V. HUb*r.|, of WoUl stock t nnertiri.t idm!! >*tnitri\ with will a •'no*. \ V" *7."'*1 *V' V ‘‘' ' ***' Hibbard i»t; uf \\ — a*tivk tn % • \ ont iot .its, A-.- t Him Coart doth .n-cr.-e tn*t six months from ** m\ owed «U<t limited 'or fit* credi lor* of **»d e»ui« !o rxhiMr 'fit-tr d«iin» ncaiunt t »- -a me to tn. v.m mutnitrtx wan wm «nn* < *rd Md directs that |put.Jie ooti^ u g,vt.p of Un» rxVr Oy *dv'rti«ing iq a iiMtsna^. nub f«' ied iu Pur mini K*vtt*g a circulation in saM ,li* trut. and by .1 copy thereof on the public sun po t in feud town of Woodcock, near* t the piAC* Where thr a ta,f dwr)t C» r !’ o rum Ib-vOr i 11 ARK 1, K li 1 1111.11 J : nl^TKIl I UK TMmilS 1\- I'KiIRA I K ill KT. Apri - h, !** “A,“ K"jt. of Gr-rur Ti'l Murdoch lit.' of rh.iiuti. **m tn '.'titi district. W»**evi. 1 Tb»* huHHor iimi;( exbibti*d hi* n»«s. -tin i»,.i T,,|i , Mi It |» “ .t- r,'.!. thi- o,' Mil 1*-. », ,, ' *• '!"■ 1 '**»•«• <"* • .a Th..m*ion ' SKiO W AtllT ' ' ii. i r « f 1.1 > . • . U.t.nMKl , . \* I-*"' h'«’• V'. |'hu,1 ' s’ • '>•' >«• • *£"!■ Ta |hr F. ii’V Th”». A OiSwf h» yirra of «u,j »p,,c»tk*a atiul • . * j-11‘A ..1 ! <■•: 1,;<TO ..r « tin |i‘. I It* P.1IM . jl>! . ' ' l • '!> !h< , - .a JV»1 :b «». is;', ; C«n SrJ fn*» Rrcord. l.l>W ,UU> U. WKIt.HI fa.iet j X X X YOUR aiul tin -he,] at $12 00 Suits at #15.00 Full showing 0f Grays and Browns at 14 4s°IhIoo\-S,LI1|S f' !lt r> °°. '>-98, 6.48, 7.98, 9.4S. 11 98, ’ 16 ,K)' 17 0°’ 18 00> 19-00. 20.00, 21.00, 22.00 and 24.0o! $ 15.00 Topcoats Good Dressers Wan spnnc' g0Od st^!e brought out this the newest fal.ric- nftha StlDC,tlve an‘l full of character. All spring shaues n, , , i P°Pu‘ar grays and other wanted 12.00. 15.00. It; tit. ?8^o a“a 2omDgth8at 6 00’ 7 50' 10 00’ Men s Hats Franklin Darby at 2 00. W.nisor Derby at 200 Better Grades at 3.00. Me„;> s„f, H„t, Neckwear and Shirts - 5 1 <•, :|f - ' ‘t vs and the latest colons in,.s suitor topcoat, call in i Get r' , i V ctl"taiuly be for your in , ,,v !,i„i “ 1 s,*ve money by buying' '* □ej back sf you want it. *” ' i «k for thesu. V, e give Green Trail A. C. LUKE & CO., " LIU,Ur clothier>.vnd ffrxisheks. •dephoue 51 ring 4. Putnam. c SPRING CLOTHING ^ in lit h, with grtatest profit ami satisfaction here. 1 ol,r ,sh •«;» g »b* best in the City. Clothes that naA - a snap and stv!" to then that will satisfy any man as siinnm -V ru ” t,‘e,u ,,,! -\<>d they will stay sinast aud u f-outl hand-tailoring and the good materials positsi t-iy sisaure it. ° von; spring suit is here: I li/fat Ri» Suit Value at 510.00 I s.'. '' ' !!.:l ,en ‘b'b.-tr lull can buy anywhere. 1' "d Cheviots, in Brown. Grav. amt oth.-, popular Spring Si.ades at . . 8M.00 Suits at #12.00 1 " ' c f -mart, uew fabric, to choose from, stjlishlv ™t