Newspaper Page Text
«iAt,lAJiNeU.h> a. *lLU/\Mi PHH'KItTitKf •CTSAM > on* Lstfil Nrwi Civtdenicd. The I(i |mUi • -osith of Ui are show• loir mifJi-im—< umter I tie compact re «ei11ly attrm) ujsm among themselvc#. Tlte Hpaiiisli prirtiene** to seek excite ment in ttirhnlcnev mill i>l*jo<libeil i* nianifc-d init I toe If in iwnurrections nt i home Mini plotting wurxnf one Itepui- : Ilemi against nnolhrr on triv tut ground* or none Ml Mil. 1 lie poser of Hie lircat Republic, recently marie visibly muni- j fe*t to them, isexerei-dng n wholesome , restraining Influence on tin- more lor-1 buientiy dlspu-i d ei :i They leer II - interfeme If matter* become serioo*. ' Our fleet cheered I he IK-ller classed Mod •weil the ignorant nod Ins defying iimwii A recent convention of representn ti' e« of labor Isslte* and other*, held In New York to irnjtilre Into the number of tmeiu|iloyed In this country, and the reason* for their idleness, it wan Ktaleil tlrerc were 4,7/itt.igio nt a reasonable es timate. A representative of the “in duMtrtal Workers of; the World,” said insiders are going to Is- worse It U n iS-rpienmtr problem, and niNkes men’s iieartH fear for the final outcome There is fear of grenl violence In the land Is* cause of the dcs|s-ration of those In want. According to a re|*»ft ju*»t published by thr MmiHiiehuM'tu Hw fdaryof Htale mm writ* ii poll lax I am t year, but only **■* voted ni tin* Stale election. Till* I to* ton Adveflin r Mtitne UriKf ago, published HlitSstlc* to allow, except at lb* -ndt ntinf electiona, tin? irmjarit) of the men in Ma**«chu mcUm who (‘mild regUter and vote- never t|o mj. Tile neglect of wueh an lin|»of taut duty will bring it* retribution, nl read) wn in thr corruption in almost tr\ny department of N aiiumii and Slate gQVttnmc-iit*. There we threatening w ai I rouIdea in Vaiiou* part* of the world. The K urd* id |*crxia arc a turbulent eio**, w ho in ditiire In ruhbety i.s « and la* CAUM- of I heir turnrd«»n- into Uussiitn territory, they w*-»* followed to theii own villages by |{u*Miaii troops and Munmiartl v deal! v\ 1111 Tin l*cr*tiin government i* helpk-HU dial meted India i* giving tireat Ihltain scrlou Anxiety I *!«*t *-> to murder tin* I uglish resident* on a large *e»ile have tier'lldis covered. An iOAurru tian broke out in that part ot India where mo tunny in* aurreetioUM have occurred in pa*l year*., but tin* native* were defeated Then* are aUfMXNhUNi kepi under HrliUli rule, ami learning, as the i hliirsc, and may get more enlightened a«t In their pow er when milled for one purpo*< < hinn ia getting leady veiy fast to fn« H*eM from all foreign domination Uu**la |s having n season of outwaid «jui» i, Ilk* (be great volcanoes, tint an crop lion of fearful magnitude may occur at liny hour. That the e\iU *>t t o dm ««» more Widespread than thr public is a\\ an , was emphasized by the chairman ot tie Massachusetts Slate lloarti of Health in n roeeul It t ime He loltl of a group of troy* In I Ih’Im h who held cocaiitt parties lie also told of a man win* sold a catarrh eon rontatntug cocaine, and got boy s t«* m li ii on a commission In Monte barrotuiis, he said, Ihetliug was as freely ***»!*! as ll«jnor The ( ongregatlnnai Itrot her IhhmI t»i America held It* Hint cHHitenttmi at I >e troll VprlI u». J II Mum, i*w widen t of l«iwn rMlififf, at ttriithdl, « ted l*r« ddent, \\ K Moody \ 1'it s t I >lt«kr|tu«k llu luilr \ letor l.oTingnt M l' b*%ehu**vt * *, N\ J \ an I* «t oil of \ vt ihoiiI, \\ \ Kiikpalu* k, of Maine. It Oxtirn l»asi* of i on« tout, ami \v II. Taft of « Huo. the jA|mu('M cruller M til*u*hlmn. v hilt* at michiM. at Makanii exploded h i mmsa/tne ami «uiik, with all on it l". i were *a\cd out v»t a total ot i\ person* |»r A M ! H»i % \ew York Health I irtieer, after a v id I to i I <i\ a tut ami oth vr t uhan |»oit«, attending a conference of Milvitai) te|»iVM'i»l»tl\r*. *aid he who ptcaacd with |lie rfti« lent work being done on the island, ami wa» surprised to act* how clean were the principal sea §•»>fi* and inland citir* t uha ha* lavn iievitml i x|»»v^io« in Ha Iran* form a Uon by the l tilled Male* from l*eiitg being uncleanly and m**«l dan geroualx diM awr aftlicled countries to one of the uio*t healthy, w ith clean elites and town* t*e*idc* giving il na l mo a I iudcj»eiidcnce h liOflo n rife tot *4one w(vks that cxTrvMdeni llrmet t lev eland w ** dangerously III. TUcae *U»tie* have I warn denied, hi* physician* *ay lie 1* f^l geUtng nr!!, hi* liouhle lanug In digestion and not earner id tile Moinach a* te|K<rn*l \f» Vuik i'll) t» tinkled tutu ft\e boroughs, jitt-Milins o\er tith t* a I’re aider) t. Three of llteitl are intolted in scandal*—one of * hum lu> been re mi.nil Ini fituduhail mUiii' of lilt au thority; a MiMtil Is under an lumli gallon for the saint- crime, a Hunt tied lo Kurn|«- rather Ilian face an inttsli gallon Mayor M«t teilan l» tlx head of l.rvatt-i \t » \ ork l ike iicrod an l I'lialt . Ik- ami Mut|thy —fixireal mlt t of tireaier Nt» \ork, through la many — were recently made friend* ai- j ter blackening each other * character j for yearn, .Such is the ualiort > metro ] |t jlU Way Ow tn( to a tiisjuiie of the ahipbuihtem of Ktigiand amt their employe*. a iuek out was declared which went into effect May 2tl All the shipyard* id lire I ni’ett Kingdom were cInstil on that itay, throwing out of wtrrli a quar ter of a million of skilled workmen. CSItve Npartfnent Pin* L •!« (i oil*, two <• *»p ic bhirlr tan and grey, Oar prirt. 2$' p*r pilf Milk I. •!«- and Milk two butt n g o?r« to bttek. wtj»t*f t»n * *f*. Oir f r i-r, f>*>r r**'?’ ptit Fin* tM* Fait m OM|*t*tafre rlbo length gioVrf in hiirl and *l»kf pr)y***. ttOr 75 *«d 1 pwr fa>r in mo4c «r»i O* y <n< f! j ■—-,--- - -—-- --- •— f' >,/.m *• ftnf* * ? k $ I »«■>. F''»'< * ** f ^l<rat«d if t-k*', f* ibl*- t-fr* fn t}ia"lr V biff tVt< **>t ¥ ***‘. Pf r | ?f»r**»r |,* The Byron I). Bugbee Corporation, W indham County's liijf I Apartment Store May Bargains In Eton Suits, - Wash Suits, Shirt Waists and Muslin Underwear. Toilet Necessities Colgate Talc Powder, 25c size Oar price l»c _ ~ — ' Colgate <ii*> iug - *P- ^,ur Pr’c£ 5c ’ I Colgate Florida water, 25 size O ir pnc> 1 '-1-'_ — C<*igate liquid dentifrice. 35c size Our price -5c___ _< gate dental cream..35c siz Our price '25c. CV lgate casliemere boq jet guest room, siz» 15c Colgate easterner® boq uet. large | size 25c. UNDERWEAR For Women and Men. Women’s low neck v< st*., sleeveless and with short sleeves, fine ,m ! w i<i<• rib Our pi ii v lot eat h Women’s Jersey Vests, low nerk lace trimmed, fine and wide rib. Our price. 1/ in and 15c each Women s Hand trimmed ves s, low neck, sleeve less in fine Jersey knit. Our price, 251 each Women’s plain and trimmed fine lisle and 'ilk vests and imported Swiss vests hand trimmed. Out pric e, 50e each Fine silk vests, low ner k and sleeveless. Our price, i.On and j.‘» c;u h Women's Union Suits summer weight. < ) 11 r prices, 5cx , i.oOand 1.25 per suit Men’s Summer W'eight Jersey and Halhriggan Shirts and I h ewers, reliable valu s. Our prices, 25 c, ,29c and 50c a-garment Men’s fine lisle shirts and drawers, 1 hit price t.oo pier garment Men's I'ni j 1 sii s 11 fine Jersey summer weight" Our price, 1.00 and 1.50 per suit 25 Eton Suits in fancy stripes, check** and p . . <;h*. most a! f ormer price 15.00 up • >0. Uur sale this week. Your choice 10c . I he above suits, are a!. ‘rood style made of desirable materials. See our disp ay in Show Win dow I ront Street Side. Wash Dresses In Muslin. Gingham and cotton voile marie jumper and Shirtwaist styles, full gored and plaited skirts, trimmed with folds. Prices 2.25 up to 5.00. Big Display oi i White Shirtwaists _ Iwceptional values, 89c, 1 1.25, 1,50, 2.00. 2.25, 2.50 and up to 6.00. Infants’ and Children’s Wash Dresses in whit< lawn and gingham, m Mother Hubbard and I*reach Style, trimmed uhh lace and em broidery, all sizes up to 6 year-, Prizes soq up to 3.00. _ 1 kitchen Furnishing Department WHITE W AKE HAKCJAINS. Large coffee cups and saucers. Our pre e, Coffee mug' with handies. Our price, i-pint bowls. Our price, i quart bowls. Our price, 2quart bowls. Our price, i pint milk pitchers. Our price, 1 quart milk pitchers. Our price, 2 quart pitchers. Our price 3 quart milk pitchers. Our price. 6 inch plates. Our price, 7 inch plates. Our price, 8 inch plates. Our price, g inch plates. Our price, 8 c 8c each 7c each qc each , toe each i oc! 15c 25c \ 38c j 5c 6c 7C gc Fly Time Most Here. Hard wood extension screens, 18 inch size, ex tends from 21 to 33 i nches. Our price, 21c each 24 inch size, extends from 21 to 33 inches. Our price, 29c eac h Our Shoe Store Corner The Walk-Over and Stetson 'hoe' for Men. ()ueen Quality and Cro" 'hoes tor \\ omen. Hducator shoes for the Children. Our prices are tire lowest possible, consistant \ut!i homst value. The Byron D. Bugbee Corporation, Br.\di<*v ThrMrr riiiHh.iv ; t , u in hi' it.-*hi.• i v }** \ i a \ ( . IC11» V tit i \\ mk :v u t i i !*’ 'I t I at t: r.;:»tlu*\ I'heatfc I f: lav May Mh mi‘I will present the p *y tii a »iai(l to in* ti»«*rclatmratc Omit t*u*r given Munv l’hoin;i'> Jet It'tv'-i h:t-» a v.»U\ established hitii'vit it lav oi U* vv ills 1 tie (heat ir k** is ol Oh* city v% tut ititvv Uk• k upon turn »> mi afltsl ot f.-ue ability .tlttl Writ VV * * \ \ » V of the name lie itcar*. Jt'lU'fvun, a name which has sIikhI for all that is t«r»t m theatrical* l»»r five generation* He is happily eiitiowetl t»v nature to HtU’t'WHl his great {UYHlitrv lie gno i\ splendidly sustained characieri/alton which jhkm'hm* certain element* of strength ami |hmo i that ttelong to the Jeftet^on itoliv lil alilv alone MKip Van Winkle i* well worthy of preservation to the itHK'' It i* a delightful rvmianoe U»hl in an entirely charming manner; it* sentiment, it* wiiiwtv atul its pathos have the ring of sincerity not with standing the |*»e lieal ami fanciful style of trr«Um‘nt amt Hu re is Ml human interesl m Us characters I tint llu- play |vnKsrx*e* xiirpaxxinK K hid ply by the hoistti of Mute II ha« hehl llie attention of the publte Kvw the iiviiui" of the Jett'envoiixeantUI not lime for no Ions a time matnt.tlneil ivopulartly for a |>lay that wan value lean in llaelf It wan over tlfty year* ajjo that Joaeph Jetterwon brains'lil out the cur rent version of Kip Van Winkle at the Ailelpht theatre, UhuImi, hut even that Uma !a|>M of tune ilan not oovei the period that the xlory vif • Kip \ an W inkle han he hi the interval of thcatrvsoerx, for Joseph Jefterxon'x lather amt half brother, t 'hat lex Burke, h<i;vttier with Ihhim ll hail playevt an ohlei v etxion lomt la1 lore l Inn I tone enault trviwot it for p tv at act Ion I n all over sixteen thousand |v?r fortnaiKVev. have lern given of the play v the menitver* o! UiAlellervi u f i in y, a nepoivt never wjualhsl by any other stage production in the history of the work I, rhoman, has lata-ii playing it now lor over eleven veatx ami mi Ions ax tie kva-|>> on play ins tljiud •"■ Iona ! will it remain the one gloat danir at i Hu American »tagv Seat* on *a‘e j W evtuexvlay , May Sth at H a. in tor a niiivl, mi av io n vvf the UvweU a *tngc vtvw of lioan s Kegulet* i» enough Treatment cutvx halutuai <*oi » patuw j. rent' a t*'\. Ask your I druggist tor them, i i Hook* Added to the Hublii I il>rar> \liiv lot Short, Vito* 'Eol', \III loot !**», \ti'lhu»n, Vti'tro-Hungarian t ntttiir\, llroittll of till- tiOll' Broken (buib, t ounoetteul Itf ol , i oi'itok', t ro'to l l>a| x < Mi , Iknninent Strain, I'tu-ore. i reneh \rt, tireek Sculpture, - vol* Hamtl»*ok >>l tiwk > l.tfo in lie \| organ At horton ttl.t'goW t .«font 1)0 o ami Batin** Meta 1 M a'on Bacon Tol'toi l onnollv Van 1 >,\ ko ft ay l Main! Brow noli M u r ra.\ uipturc.i .anlner Holm*' atui Haunt' at Brttt'h Boot', How lott !ndian Book, t'urtt* Italian Into in Tow n amt I omitr*, Vallan Hearn \\ hlle* Malory Thanel t taw ford liondun Pemberton Haggard Harten May nan) tirvut t-ariaml Andrew ' l la* son Japan. Jnfin Sors.iy th's Aunt*. 1 e Mori I>'Arthur, Ijihi s Share, 1 utile t 'l It of Hope, l,otf of l.tfe, tune, ilit Hini^tn, Margaret. Mann tUnda, Melhtxls of Miv»- Study, Murxu with a Hand tilass, Miwy Magto, IVrfeet TrlNiln. I'raptwt of Hahy Inn, ItiHiiinw of an Oiil Fashioned tienlle inan, Page KonaIInd at Kal I>ate. Nteholson Satan Sanderson, Utters ntr tlenrt M Stanley. Hrau steam Kngines. 'snow-l-eland Story of Vmertcan r»inUn|c, t uWn S|tantsh l.t(e tn Town and fountry, Hiiton Those Queer Blvtt ns, Kingsley I a h ttnar. plant, Iturttank Urn. \ Kdtson, Jones i nth t*u Hates of die Netherlands. V\ alien Turkish Idle in Town and t ountry . tiarret Tutter the • rust, l utter the Holly Houith, li t l t|| K Vdtenturestot a lK>il, >-nith Vunual It *>k, I'an Heard lUtts Iksik t*t lioctunotises. Hoaiten t hildreti's l.tfe of Abraham I.nusdn, Tat naan t .mimic tit the \\ hlte Man, Waite i tirtstnias ~s leeti sis. Sehaufflet Haighter s the t.ittle eiiay House. laggard 1'Htt' \\ arrert Windham County 's Bargain Centre, Putnam, Conn I"H>«U mill Their I'sen, • ujieuler I mi v liilf. Kverv ('hilil ' .1 Know M able llollilay Selections, Knar Moils* with Sixty I'ioset-. i tuht II ar |k‘r s Outitooi Iksik !■ ■ I fa - \ ilauis l.egeiuls Kxery Cliilil Shi ii Know, M able l.ail.v Molly hock anil II- f rieniis. Walker l.iHU* liras Mouse, Taggart Mr T ickrruian\ \ ieU-s, Hrown i hir Ilolnlavs. hur \ -m in lime of war. Mutt! \\> 1 H1! 11 - r,\er\ Chilli ShuultlKuow .Hurt Ueil l eather^. Holierl Ite>l To11 Itaiieli. Smitth Sunny side lail, MigheK Six < iirls anil a lea It.sen Songs Ksery I'hilil 'll! mi Know, ltaeon I'wolnilian Hunters, W rule t rue story o[ Ikn imkiln, Hrook' true *st,o \ of l o o Washington, ,">eeie\ riianksKt •. tua - Sell a . tier I'ont, Ihek ami Harriet, Hair ant i W lull Ifni 1)11 .lit] I i, 11, \\ ililuiau Young ami Uhl Puritans of Hartfoni ilo ito < Mil Mailley Mo ilo iit eatitiv it.v ilo in King I’liitiji > War N Notable Poem I'he |HH-m by Mr- Clara \\ illinium read ol ii recent entertainment of the I,inlies’ Social Circle, when the note which had U'en assumed by the socie ty was homed, is printed by request V jiohal.le galhcing thin is 1 hear, And what it is ill altoiil I'll soon make clear. We have met lo |ierfornt a most »*>»(< worthy deetl, \s will lie de <i when my »m/«* 1 read. W hen von were all no/j lied here to re pair, \ on • - iced. no doubt,somethin# new in the air. i’lie - lica! ii ii indeed was no yoke, H i! a is, | M ist it, 'twill all end in smoke. Hat ; \ i!> alion today you will see centt s i one tiling. you know w hat t w ii; is*. I now wi reheaise if you'll patiently w ait. All we have accomplished to the pres cut dale. We started out burdened with debt. you'll recall. Hut our eader s v'irp ly reminded us all— l'was iix-ahly shocking. still said it with Unit, And bade us for trank iHi/tn at once to give (Vi ij» . We all roused to action, we rushed to tlie fray, W e raked in the dollars by night and by day , Made wreaths and sold |s>p corn, a musicale gave, besought every member her old rags to save Then sewed them together, ami sum you will see Some beautiful rugs that just rags used to l*. j Of rugs that are ragged no praises i sing. Hut rag rugs you all nob are now unite the thing. ! A ragged rug no one wants lying around, , Hut a rug that is rags now is every where found. W ith rag (rags and rag rugs, and rags cut to sew, V regular ragtime resulted, you know . And all nia«ie aOosjs a* lively they »ay A> iv i .Viis'i don a bright summer day, ■ When birds are all singing *UI* on llie trees. Melodious • ■ flinging out on the b terse Hut now i must mention, inclosing my tale. V few tacts and tig ,,es from that Kune mage 'utr Out attics and et ars we all rnmmagevl t h roog ir, Vml cart ad- of rubbish sent down that would do. Trunks, clothes |>ns'es, hat boxc'. all were cleared v*ut. And i have been livid, and its true.1’vi no doubt. That many a poor man wili hod out some d^y All hi' olil. ami 'dim* good cloth*', arc gi on aw ay . W hen lie feel' with the warm lava of returning spring \ longing to put on some easy old tiling, Vain, \ain. will his sea rah lie, oh. thi' we well know! Hi' w aril rots' Ini' gone where such thing' often go. Wathinkv even now I hear a hitter w ail: My hat! Mveoat' Hague lake that rummage sale. Ynd other \ aiees tisi melhinks I hear Some pointed ipieations will be asked, 1 fear. . W lu-re is that old blue gown I used to w I a i ? I'hal bonnet that I put away with care'.’ W leie im my old and comfortable Where is that pie plate that I always use W hete are mi riiin<'i'.' where my trail and bat .’ Where are ttie trimmings on my lad year's hat? Where is that magazine I haven’t read.’ I'm 'ire I hid it underneath the lied. W here is the baby ' rattle? where my dressing sample? Where is the tooth brii'h and the mu sic rack.’ Where, tell in*, did you put that bor rowed Iss>k Where are the scissors and the button ! hook? Where is my false hair with its wavy curl? Where is the photograph of my l>est girl? Where are those sermons that I packed a w ay W here i' my fish pole? where's the kettle pray W here are my collars? where my out ing shiil.’ And where l it like to know is my green skirt? Alas, alas, Imt echo answers where. Kor none of us I m sure to answer dare < >f evnirse there t' a moral '.<> this ta ■}: Itewarc! they 're planning for another rummage sale. I'he sum of eighty dollars «c could show For m!1 our effort* at t!>e sale,you know, That sal»> to give to whit'll von al! were hid — You ii'k who managed it Why Kilty tint. We ill' not w ish nofrorious ti> be. For aofr-orety we never shall aspire. So let us gather uji this »«w» that here we see Ami east it instantly upon the tire. — From An Anno/* talor’s .Yo'ebouk keep the Balance Ip. It has teen truthfully s*ul that any ilisturbance of the even I valance of health causes serious trouble. Nobody can t<e too eareful to keep this lialance up. When people W-gin to lose ap|w I tite, or to (jet tired easily, the least im prudence brings on sick ness, weak news, or itebiiity. The system need* a toaic, : craves it, and should not Is? denies! it: and the best tonic of which we hive any knowledge is Hood s sarsaparilla. What this medicine ha* done in keep ing healthy people healthy. :n keep inn up the even balance' of health, gives it the same distinction as a pre ventive that it enjoys as a cure. Its . early u»e has illustrated the wisdom of the old saying that a stitch in lime saves nine. Take Hoist s for appetite, strength, and endurance. Heavy, impure blood makes a mud dy, )>imply complexion, headaches, nausea, indigestion. Thin bliss! makes vouVeak. pale sickly. Burdock Blood lhtters makes the b ood rich, red, pure —restores perfect health. ,stops itching instantly. rurcs j.< e-, ec'enia, o l rheum, tetter, itch, hive-, herpes. scaHis—Doan's Ointment. A t any itrug store. Waking Up the Dead Sea. •*!f f..-.*tx*s - an<I trolley cars. \meri.iti i«it«»i' saving machines nod Free h 'nx'isie-. excite iu» comment In I lama setts says hr haul Hiller in a Him ;l:i |»n11 i win should there not lit* life "ii t tie shore* of the head s**a'! That there will be I have no doubt Formerly the experts who came to tills part of the Holy fatnd wet** men learned in the Fib and saered his ton To theta an old inscription or an ancient in;*unscrjit was a great ttis <uver> They -aid go to the Holy I.and. the e stmt* nts end dreamers i»nt another of experts tire.also there now The> are !9u:;!n< for ti.dn- ; era! depths on the * i s ui the head rea They :ir»* s.*a; h.nij fo; materia; filings The in.lit hi eis . ; that tho • v» lli tin»! enough to bring a boat .t •hang** and the I ’ ■ • . : a> possible mmm 1**00 n • vo”* nint h alive ( H^nch an a Hard Witn'ss. i. 1:1 ■' t - I’ i iv >;<•!• of %Vnsil ltijrtou. a dualer in I. Ii.:iv. lii.i-r .uni . ejtifs, iui !:i'.u!.c:’ of Hu* hn.udof '-in I'uthni ul the lustii.t ot t oiiunbiu ‘1 l.tM'e was a trial some time . a* at whi< li 1 aidain ovstei :«* i.s in expert ill I'till ,1. lll.ltlei' 1 lit* i|* |mw>Ihi; <m'i'« ! nun Marry ltn!-. v i (•rated a ":t When it . awe Ihtv s' turn tn i'"ns ux.iniiiii'. lapt.iin Oyster squared # iuini■;f ! a hard battle "You are < 'aftain Oyster?" ask“d I nit is. "Yes, sir." "Member of the Iwirtl of edumlle’i and up on eilm atiolinl matters'." "Y< s. sir." "We i, I'aptain Oyster, u bat's M»e prim* of e , _ - today “Tliirty-ti e ■ etits, ’ sum ted the i?t tain. "That s a. ' -.;.d Mavis - Tt_'hnui'» The Jew s Sabbath. The Rfi I* i tier i s !' t*isi her. rtlli :>i of til ■ 1 . le.a; Vilerh Israel of Boston. lias caused vuie illsenssi >;, In j leu l !i tj , 'as I,, x'a,- declaration thr,! j "the Sale atli day is dead' 111 keepim: uitli li s !«dief on the , uh i ie- t in’ lias transferred the ehia! rt* ifibius of t!i. week to Sim day Sunday re iv - >its servlets !;i Jewish houses of wn.sihip have taken l New York and t hi-ugo. tait it ' - i wavs under stood tlint these were for the lieuerit I of thos.- |ieo|i|e who i-otild not attend Oil Saturday which was looked ii|«et »» the rea! Snhlttth. . The Kiris, her ! movement i> more ravlien. Us ause it would wtjw «mt the ancient day e' rest, and iu com tin-lit im; on tlie pro posed ehanuv the Vmeriean Hebrew says “if fudaisni is to Is- nothing more than I'nitariaiilsm. w ith historic trimmings. it d.s-s n*>t seem worth while to keep up separateness and the eons, lousness of a mission To yield oti the Sahlmili ipiestlou Is to yield the centra: citadel of Ind.iisrti" EAitrlS OF HUSKS. Locust Bean* Ar* Used as Food by the Arabs and the Mocs Arp the "husks" of the para Me of tb* prodigal son still extant In tue coua tries bordering on the lledi’e-raii..,.,-. Consul General Camdal, fn)Ito Ta-irut, says that the; are an.i that they are now culled “car.>b«“ or cust Leans." Ue coutlnues; ,\r»Us arid Moors eat them, lu the w : ti ,,f Europe they are employed as food p*. horses, cattle and swine. In Cyprus licit to -My. they principal article for export. The total j- . i.l of the island of carobs or I . beaus tuot to he confounded with >. J . si in 1 Mi amounted to tK>.'*'ttoua Iri August tie carob tree is seen eir in r both tl"veers and ripe fruit l „ latter is a pod. brown nu.I icatherr four to eight indies loug. a litti# curved a: 1 containing a fleshy „l ,t last meaty pulp of an agreeably t.i-te. iu xt i.icb lie a of shin *; g brown seeds These are bitter and of no use. “On account of the abundant sugar contained in carols the latter t r:n t nutritions and fattening food for horses and cattle. England, for the feeding of cattle, imports large quan tities of carobs from Spain. Italy, Crete, Samoa and Cyprus. I aiu in formed that a considerable quantity of this cattle food is exported from Great Itritaiu to the Cnited States, i Carobs are also used in considerable quantities, especially in France, fur distillation, and the spirits obtained are deemed choice. Carobs are also employed for the production of a semi liquid substance resembling molasses, j largely used In the manufacture of ' oriental sweets. “The carob tree, which is quite dis tinct from the locust tree of America. 1 seems to prefer the mild climate of th* 1 southern seneoasts and islands of the Mediterranean. The produce is ex ceedingly abundant, some trees yield ing as much as I no pounds of psis. The wood is hard and much valued, and the bark and leaves are used f,>r tanning. Ota* variety of the oaruli is called !n Cyprus apostolike. This. h« never, is not so mimed afier tl>e apostle It means that the tree is -cut to i , .ii' I. e.. self sov. li,”—Chicago News. Passing of a D*cker.s Thoroughfar i ln t. i.d the golden Jog and imi si!.. ;it I he entrance to < bar* luttc streel, as are also some »>f ttie low i roned old shops" ami j*<: *iy the one \\ hei e lot* unhappy lad used t<> l,ii\ luces « u Saturday uighis •tad d4j oiit* occasion tlowit on a s!u<>| to have a pair of ready made b. if bc-ots titled oil." Bu|| ihe snow van. with the at pig. wild Indian or little lat!\ that attracted and ‘/educed" baa to eider with the motley assemblage* comes there no more, though the "smell of ii t m. -T' remains. i In.rit ue street. Kiackfri.ars road. So.iih vat k. which is shortly to dKip pe n- so tai a> b.s present name is **u • -erued b\ absorption ill Union street, is i t borough I are that must ulwav- l*e regarded will* interest by lovers of lii< kens In Ins hard I my hood. when be worked in llie liuugerfonl stair# tiia king warehouse, it was along C har lotte street that he went to his lodg ings m the hack attic in laint street, near the Marshalsea prison, where hi* pa tv. is were routined •\\!y use; \v:i \ liOine." said ! *’< kea# who iv- a.ling tliis period, “was iv i t if' hi idgc and down that | no i a m the I dark f l iars road whi*U • fum IP ... v! ho;'s ehatHr*l on ' no -.tie in i *»4* likciii*'^ '»t a golden d g k g.< •! i pot over a shop on the tiier " L(»ii.i*>u Stand::rd Sipb ? Cartoonist. f-Yw I :* who are :I ii11■ ♦« **d i w-; ’i ! i Vtlunraf 4 diaries l» Sigs | i ! s \ n- ircd. know tiiat he i# * ; . i .• m*:,!*• i id no mean ability hi* w< * no -1 i .\ ing appeared aic'iy* .-■> eri.-in periodicals and it \. ^ iii r<*r tin* idie admiral in an ititciw icv. it the Hotel Imperial, w here ! (u is !i\ iug smilingly admitted the j charge a annulling is merely pleasure and re* n ation to me" said he. “for I >»n* Jess n:\ ronipeiis.ttion has never been c in any instance. 1 am keenly interested in |* pillar illustration anil attorn ; g and consider the improve* uiont made along these lines in re-eiit I years remarkable The best of 'die anns pohiisjuMj .a goner ?i* a are g< m-i • \ speaking, w. a * c ■ * * w. rk in the same t. he day."- New fork tiiula?. e e Steel *1 !.;»!»« •n Place of Leather. ! S Of Irt'lts its a . for ordinary leather l**!ts drives have been introduced o> *or> of Charlotteiiburg, su» li holts may be rtHiurod b» one >ixth of the size required ! er Ik-!ts they do not stret may he made immover, an i • ases shafts may l*e smaller ordinary pulleys or pulleys sIkm ial covering to may l*e used. A belt four Inches uide and one-lifth of au iuch tbK'k trana milted 200 to 250 horsepower at a belt sjkk-iI of o.MMi feet a minute, and 1!! ollt e> * cue i!t*r increase fri ti‘,u ^ests have shown that steel belts may ruo 12.UU) feet a minute. — PbUadeipld* Record, Classics! Music. “What I* your idea of clawici sic?** “WeH.” answered Mr. Curnnu l understand it a classical piece is some thing that is very hard to play written by somebody whose name is very Lard to pronounce.”- Washington Star Your Blood Needs purifying and your whole system renovating in the spring as pimples, boils, eruptions, loss of appetite and t: it tired teeling annually prove. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the most effective medicine ever devised for the complete purification of the blood and the complete renovation of the whole svstem. It will make you feel better, look better, eat and sleep better and give you the best possible preparation for the h ; days of summer, as over 4.''.cod people have testified in the last two years. Today buy and begin to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla t' md form. BfflU, or in tablet form, called P*) Doses #1 Blanfc Deeds at the Batnot Office.