Newspaper Page Text
ftJTNAM WV|fDIVA VnOI'KIKIOHI Al <W. Ltteit Newi Condensed. t'levrtanrl .Ohio, own* ihr •t«*t can*. Jt« Mavur. T«mi Johmuin, iwlarMni? in mnntrii*: own-hi,, Nona Uh*tan.l Iny Dii' ci!\ h«- B trout*le**m« <«' »(nk<- on h- and »fU-r a v«...rf fort Ii- -rlt l<* tin- Double, '< **“ *lv*‘n i,y i lii city l. it not aolhe striker*. Wlu-n i ;ir» wi ti .larte.l aithnui their .-.on, th- . threw dynamite U.r ,,,1,*-. unit* i I hern, eau*in# a panie tnnong tin |.bbw..k«||b a-the ear »th wr.i knl, t .l no *r'e riotmly hurt. Tammany |>ro[K.- »»*■ ‘how it* mnrlit Unlietale il.e eoun i t- »»* ' l",,t.v W1I, .a. bra .-1-1» the I rtiUnn at 1 to Dm- ill legate* It will "• " -not Tammany, bnl th* jiHjrr* who bate tin- roMar* l*re*nleni Itooaevell, »" " "I-''’1 " ' i»ntly delivered Ihua eul.tfl«*d rvere urv of Htale Knot• "I l-"ew- t'"*' t„r> wMl »ny tliat, thoimh *r have had other grealHeerelarle* of HtaU ami I „ lull you III reiiiemlier that I am*4'' cuHtomed to with hUlorical accuracy--»** ha.r l«»<l none *r,-"Urr than Kllhu Itout Kartluiuake alna k* arc KruwinK '*»or' ami mort* common, a'11! »cleiill»l» ‘i plain tin- hnmediaie i aux- hut »ut "" Hillman- result. An earthquake -f <<.„• Mdcrahlf InU-nalty »a* recorded lit the Weather lliinau la-t KtWay. whirl. I anti'll an hour TI.r»*in estimated i, , be abeul SJWtt mlhw *J "" tier some m-i'iin II Ih. earth should h|m ii wuli- rnminh to li t <kiwii h liiriri ImmIs I.l tti.b r on llu internal lii'"- It would explode thr irlois into aalii Tin to |.»,v millh ha* l«rn ■ Kn-al de nlrmiiii- |«'l l" «»«*—, t»‘t -iinll-N hav r iliwiivi rnl a pnin«.tle llu.I UcnUny* (hr moth, ."oil i- xu,t««io( |lu-X- pHIH all.-a »« n- ri icnlly Irt loose m( the ev j. ifinu nl'liiluin til Melrose Highlands, Mu in 1* fin thru lira'll.' aarliir ua (JV| V ninth" W III II till- latu-r <ll»«|r |h*hr, » lull lln-u bill tin- |»«r• '<> I'hv km ut Arminln, nJU f h loiitf brilliant m i plM'ii ill mm i iiuicl*c*i. li lt 1 lirn' mi Monday, tin'll i licai mtral fm I'iik' I Hound *'ri,IM t In* n* 11 |i"rii In ,\u*l rallii, 1) II' 11" ltn I i ill-ml mill Hlnti1 util ri H, -, mu I lire m h 11II-i | .11 uni Iml 111**'' "I Mi IIhiiiiii*1 uihI Hvdiicx . w llli nil III*’ |» "l'l*‘ m*' ... |y preparing I" Ml**’ lh*‘ rtlt’l HI* I" 1111* *1 hIhkIIc mill brilliant reception In outlie rvflj thing vet gl't’ll It Tin- It,-Mil Ion system i'f im-ii-iir»i»K criminals has 11-i'll 11«lr"'I ni il Ini" the jhiIIit department i>* IInrMmil III*' k. \ -.1,111 expresses ill III!’ lllllv IT'Hl Inil gouge «*f figures llif pli>ili'Hl |“t'uliHi Itlfiuf i iii’Ii person ouiisurcd 11*i*i 1“ unfailing li a ill’ll,I inhI\ liml luiir m 111*' | M'*'i 111 n r scars iii iiiallnriiuilii'ii-, it would numlsl nKanl* nil’ll 11 fy II \s ini t \*n hit ii mu Ireings hi,' t‘* i't a I 'n' I it fi’ I* alike, lln Itcrtlihru iitrH’*,in itii'iili mi,’ liki scar* and iimiliiriiiiiiiniii, mil* linn' an* scores insteml **l a h-w Tin' auliiiiillis uf llii’ country, Iu>»l y, hi, kilU'it -M mul lullin’,I I.' I lln ymi la’llu,’ III*’ kil l il miliilK iril -*•**, Mini III*1 Injiiinl *> I a large p* nxiil age uf increase Inf • in year. Till' Mnlimik * mil, K ina'ml Interna In,mil \ i l>i11nluin, holds a llin*’ lln)* session tills **t*k ill IniKt’ Motion k, N N , tieglilliiiig mi Wednesday ami clos lug I-11,lay. tin*’ *»l tin* pilnrlpal lea. lull’s ill till* eontefcill**' Mill la till’ ills Vtiulmi ul III*- ** "I U uf l lln second 11 ay in g” inference I II*’ w in k on Hi,' I Viiii’* I * aula mail 's l ntiinaN In New N ",k .iml lln tun ndiiniitliH'llilK llii'H » nil. will rv'jllliv « si It tun u.'in III,‘I, ll'l *’"lllpli’lillll, a "I will ti pn st ill HII oullnx ul ala ill £ | i i tmn iam .l.ipail g'S-s mi lln’ I’* I’ll it’ll"! ul Its w at . **** ktug Uiaritui'p ’ll Its mission In introduce Min 11 it’ |aa,ple all the Iii*. airs 'lists'* i n %l lit . I in i countries In build up llit’tM'ini,,* s manual priisja’ rtl* ami to linptme ii|k„i tlwm: alsot" adopt all established principles to ci’. ill/c ami el*** al*' lls people, anti In ileal justly with all nations II is now at |teats with t llinn Mini Korea, autl it, sires Hie closest (llt‘iuishl|i Willi this counti *. I'll*’ bulsmlt,' plague Is said |u be rag lug m \ cm / ie,*. some lift* to nine ty arv daily dying In the city of l.a Ituayra The plague was introduced In that city by a tramp steamer from Asia Minor The physician w tin Itrst discovered amt reported the existence oi the plague, was inipiiMmed l.y Pies Idem t asiro’s nnleis lor dtslurbing the la-ace of the country. He Ins leen re leased, lull the plague, which might rastiy hate hern slam(vd out, has got a deadly grip. Thaw, the wealthy, degenerate mtir iterer,, who esca|asl hanging through the Inti item* of fne ttls anil money and was sent ft, a criminal insane in atiluUoit, is atldmg n> the great expense of Ids trial by Marking Iroesloru on ttie ground of not bung insane. “Having known WUUam Howard Tail} from t*>y hood says iUshop 1 s r rick, of the African Methadisl t.pisco* pal church, “l know that he is as lrve from Ihe slain of race prejudice as any uritn ali*e. lake Mr. HtsweteU, he judge* excry man on iwcrtt—nol on the Color of his akin." The French hold a gvrta by (*ai,|W>l and luainlain their hold uah by fight ing the warlike Aral's Two battles hue been fought tins month, one la»t Thursday in which the French lost I • kfiled and **b wounded, the light last- i ing all day. As usual tin- kiahs “lost 1 heavily | price Changes on Bate*' best seesucLer dress ginghams, 15c (quality, now 12 I-2C per yard. Dress muslins, lawns arid corded dimities, all ♦his sea sons newest designs and color- \ jngs a big v.iriei;, at i>»e and". 12 I-2C per yard. R. » .tifttl Mt M o,„ 2V The Byron I). Buqbce Corporal ton, Windham County Bargain Center Summertime Wearables At Bargain Prices WE ARE AGENTS FOR Tile Latlifs’ Rome Journal patterns Summer quarterly style books now tea i v a btautPul Style book at a littie price. Pnce including any 15c Pattern 20 cents. Monthly -trie books. Free at our Pattern Counter. SimRTIM SHIRT MISTS 1 00 White muslin and lawn shirt waists. long and short sin*\es, button hack and front, trimmed with lace arid «in broidery. __ 1.50 Shirt waists, made m fine lawn and lingerie, short and Iona sleeve*, button back *2 .Ml Shirt waists, daiutly in ade and tniuined button back, short sleeves __ kOP < (Mil. k I MUMS Luna and short kininiias, made "f fancy Japanese figured muslin and whit** lawn Prices, Hite up to ] 50 Our Kitchen Furnishing Department. Whitt* mtf-' r*-. iar r* ft • * if" sn 1 mcc ra <)*ir |#rl t H * h < ff * V» iy « t r* V m*‘e I' ■ I t r prict , !«»r* e< t lij r j>r > * H * t- ■ U in ri» Our pnot), each | Pretty Dresses For House and Street Wear WASH DRESSES in muslins, jrercale, voile and gingham made shirt waist and jumper style, in all white, fane y stri(>es, checks and fi gured goods. Percale dresst" prices, 1.25 up to 3.00. (iingham Dresses Prices 2.50 up to 3.75 White Muslin Dresses 2.50 up to 5.00. Voile Dresses 5.0c. Suit Bargains Kton Suits in light mixture-and plain f ibr > re* gular 1500 up to 35.00. Sui*s • w 1 \<>o. Infants’ ami ('liildren's Wash Dresses made of white lawn an 'n >th• • r If hard and I*rench "tyle t . embroidery and lace, all sizes up • - 1 • ■ 5 ' UP to 2,00. i OUR NEW niLLIVEKY | Department! The latest Char-' ]ette Corday, made , .f tan chiffon and ^ fancy braid. Special value, 4.9S r --- J Children's white wash hats in P. K. and lawn. Our price, 25c and 50C Children’s white dress hats, trimme^ with flowers and ribbon. Prices 98c up to 2.98 Our Shoe Store the Corner Our Standards are the Highest Possible. Onr I'rice* \hsoluteI> the lowest. I lebrated Queen Quality and Cross Shoes for Women. I locator Sin if* t »r C hilflp-n. Waik-Over and Stetson Shoes for Men. The Byron D. Bugbee Corporation, Windham County's Bargain Centre, Putnam, Conn The I orcifB Mail Ha*. ' At Uf i> i inuk i thr itliiivc fitly will Is- furnished the I’simor bv tbt \ It i I M uf iitti'ir«t tn ail nut it. lit Mill IIVIMi" IN I III X V . Tiir mosl stirring iu'wil* >>it the face of thr gjols- nre Inking I> 1 MCI' in tin Orient. Till* editor of the " l.oinlon Times" Hind re-entl.v "Hie coming <1 nest ton will lie Astatic. It Ik-UmiK'. t«» the new generalIon I should advise iuv younger friends In Uml their thought* in that tlireelion It may come with the youngest total tile oldest 1 ci\ill/atlloiii the I iiileil -stales amt t lllnit—luce lo face Kten more siguiliennt I" the remark of a t lunc'c I’rniee, who siilil to one ol the folcign representatives "You emu I it hi ii thiit t Inna mov es tear slow !y the time will come when you will till she is going loo rt* | >1 it In I loth them |>ro jilieeh". seem lo Item j'roovs- ol fulll! ment. \\ hiil lias w rough! this change ’ Men liki -secretary Inn now admit tlialmn ol the strongest formative influences In the t it'll l hristtan missions. t om mere, mol diplomacy hate eon fc I ret I some bcuellt*. nut neither li«- ever tmilt a single ehtireh, scluail er hospital on \ lorelitu -.oil I he-e ale gifts ol t'hris IIan men anil women. the o\ei tut mint'' m* hltia tiwlay are ilue. tn large measure, to \meriean soliool* mol e ihi't I he Vmerlcan Itoanl- theoldest missionary organon Hon III the I lilted Slates, with head .(uarleis m Boston . has two splendid eollegos, one in I ting chow and the oih'-i in l'» sin, these are doing loi t'tmiese t" na men |>reeisely whs' X aa tnilii ! t; i l nnersity am! otheis here at hutneuie doing tor .tine- j ri, m youth tn editorial tn ' l he ; Woiid today says there ts not one American in a hundred thousand who can think of tire ( hilHsc a> other than euttosiites or lautnliymen, and adds that "the day will ramie w hen we shall ] tie thanking out lucky slaisthat mini* men ami women were farsighted enough lo seiul sehisil teachers and fo reign missionaries lo t Inna along with drill seigcants and civil engineers.' One of the be»l ways to avert a (swsihle "yellow is-rU,1' Is to strengthen such as ihr \menean lloartl is doing In the Orient. Of the t'ommereta! value of its work Hon K. S. Stratton, t'olleetor of tlie gsirl at San Kranolaco says. "The missionaries are adv auee agent' for the commercial enterprise*. It bu sinrss men only uinlerstiaHl this belter j they wou(itj»s'isl rather than discour age evangelistic work in the Kart-’ mam r u rt kkh mki.iv*. t >ne of the curios on exhibition in Pittsburg, at the tirwt international con- j veil lion ol the Voting People'* Mission ary Movement, which has just teen held there, w as a board about two feet long by one wide, bearing an inscrip tion in Ja|uuiesr This tilt of harvl { worst attracted considerable attention I*-, ause It lsue t lie original edict against r hrlstianlty no longer ago than Iwo. The translation reads thus: "Hitherto the t tirisUan religion has t«een for but den, and the order must is strietiy kept The corrupt religion is strictly fort Hidden. (kmc in the -ird month of the ith ol Kyo. March, ts*" This order w as ugliest on public build ings and elsewhere throughout theem pire, and only a few of the originals are inexistence. 1‘hese now command such a high pnee for their historic va lue mat the uuiek-wiued Japanese are manufacturing duplicate*. and bury mg Uieui tor aw hoe in Use ground at order In give lln' wood the pr»|*-r nppearane of Hiiliijtjil v The one show 11 al Pitls 1 iiir I* nu original In the |msM'sston of I»i .1 If. fir Forest, a .missionary of tin- \meru-aii Hoard now wi n furlough in tin- country, That a high price is litivi sc| oil copies of till edict prohibit ing l lirlstlmily on the inutnul (lint they me rare curios is an interesting e\ iilenee of the great oliaiiKe thill has conic m er I lie Japanese in their atilt ude tow at11 I lie religion lilt roilueeil liy A me ricniis like Mr. He Forest. •' in hi Kit'* ) \ none A. i cars aifo one of the brightest pupils in the Normal >ehool at South Fram ingham, Mass , stmlcil foi the interior ol turkey, where, ns some said, «he "Imrieil hersdf in the ancient city of < iorfii, inidw ny U l«n n the Tigris and I'.iipliiiites ri'ds. This bright pupil, Mis- ( orinmi now a mid ilic aged woman, unit it would in* ilittl cult to Unit a more active, more pro gressive, or happier person in ti e Sul tan's w hole iloniains. Ihiring the years of her “burial ' she has managed to establlah etlucalioual amt industrial plants wliieli arc an ama/emeiil to the few travelers w hoc\cr |«metratc to that remote part of tin world. Among t ther thiiiKs she ha- started four shops in the city where the Armenian orphan Isiv are laiiKht to Is- carpenters. cabinet makers, smiths, tailors ami shoemak ers. The work I-done Is-twecn -cliool hours amt during the evening, thus combining manual anil mental train ing aftci the most approveil liHstcrn methods The'rtor workmanship in the Iron-hup ha- brought the pat ronage of the ow uers of a large rug tae iory m Oorfa w liieh has taH'ii otrliged to -end to \lep|s>. live days' distant, whenever their machinery invited re pairs. i >uc farm boy has recently returned In in Mnrash, where he spent a year studying with an Amenean agrieultu ml college Now, with a pair of good work-horses, he says he is “busy turn lug up the soil that never saw the win before," and so preparing lor better llelds a year lienee. He lias two Ame ilean plows, a cultivator and a seed sower. What would Abraham have said to such Implements'.' This i* a (air sample of what foreign missions are lining in Industrial educa lion. Of eourse lies pupils in these mission schools are desperately |x*>r, and H is practical f hrMiatmy to III them for self-support. The American Hoard is the only missionary society at work in i entral Turkey, where Mtss Slialtuek has s)ienl her life uarfully and happily, "buried' in leaehing hundreds of girls aud tioys, and hi «m titiding this targe business enterprise — Beware af Oiitarax fw Catarrh that Coataia Ntran as mercury will surely viesirov the sense of smell amt completely iterauge the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never is* used except on prescriptions from reputable pliysi elans, as the damage they will dots ten fold to the good you can jssssiblv derive from them. Hall’s i atarrli l ure, manufactured by F J. i'hcney l ii, t'otc-to, i*.. contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly u|vou the i-iood amt mucous surfaces ,,f tin- sybun. In buying Hall s Catarrh iNire lie sure you get the genuine. It ' is taken internally and made in Tole do, Ohio, by F. J t'hcney A t o. Tes timonials free. Sold bx all druggists, T-V. Take Hall s Family Pills forec.nsti pa lion Stops itching instantly, t'ures piles, eercHia. sad rheum, letter, itch, hives, herja-s, scahie*— Ikum » Oinlurent. At any dt ug store. Attractions cI 0 Pastoral L fe. A l*fj hintbi»»piM ! 1 f >Ui tti<* Nftt I A vjuuis to the ■ otmin K tInh chil l. rained annum slum ^»rr«>r^ i all tin* beaut; and poetry of a pa<tura! life wa* t»n.r>sj. One day th* ,1:1 went to *«*e ibt» littk* glrl i 1 •* to i; her i 011 Ills k •*«* glam-ed w ith apj r-* ,» •» 1 j nlnMit tin plant old farm ku<* m n. nuid I •‘And do m»»| Mud the country very 1 beaut if u my dear?*’ *<»!». •• 1 ut 1 fill," the youngster . MWI c< I “And what have you <«*ei» dm, ^ ' wwk‘« - * ini her*-* ‘ “I’ve w'i ; eighty seven turkey* l i b-: and a man »> nose broken in a pum; : rtillle TH KTFRNAL CIKtM.K If tl ’► roat worUl <>f Je> and pain lb -v.' in one sure tra<-K If fi *m ** t will rise uguin And \ triue. tli'WI). com* twick, • - It* purbilrut hoi w .1 fill l’h* * . art with #*a» h s care Nr* trn'il pHil or f.i r«» skill Ic b**i- wmi lo forbear — Wordsworth. Com of the Realm. 1 Miring civil war time4! Oilman Kay. a bn nl character know n by ail is tiii. tt i ut to the general store iu KnyviUe. Mas**., kept at that time by iolone Ivvter Kay, to make his purchases I he amount was tSN cents. aud Kay ten d-red (tie clerk a dollar bill Change l « 4 s. ; .* if) the Store, as w us often the tse during those streuuon* times tii» . t \ pasHvsl hi iu some slips ->r pa per will, i.gores ou them to ispi.b tin amount of change due Oil looked at tin* C» : _c then at the clerk and s ou 1 > , • What's ail this ‘ “Why. 1’ it is what we are giving foi eha .i, »u When you g * 1 d - tar's worth we will rvibvm them," re p.a d the « crk. (tod till went out A day o’” two later till went to the store agam for some toliacco. The i:c:k passed out the plug aud »i par his hand ill his pocket and pulled out a handful of pumpkin seeds aud hand is! them to the clerk, saying "These are what l am using for change now When you get a dollar's worth I wld redeem them.’* Print and Parishioner. There was a priest who had among his parishioners an Irishman who. with a lot of others, was digging a ditch uo der an Italian boss. The priest thought he would get a rise out of in* parish toiler as be met him going to work. "Good tnoruiug. I'm.’* "Moruiu*. father.” “How do you like your grouy boss. Patr “Oh. all right rather. How do you like youraT* The Caceptiew. Two old negroes, gaatug at a many colored circus poster, were comparing the merits of the old time clivus with those of the up to date performance. “IVr am uo argument necessary.' sakl Rastus emphatically "It hare beeo 'know Irdged dat de John Robin sou circus am de tvet in de world” “What fo‘ you talk like dat. mauV Jackson replied. “IVr aui only one cir cus worf mentioning. and dat am de Harm; . A Hailey greatest show 01: earth Look at de picture, man Ser where it say greatest show •: earth r * Shore Ah sees dat. but you oegU* t t look 1*1 de far comer where It say •otuelMii' e so.” “What else it sayT* "It say. 'greatest show 00 earth S I* I' T I, Vept one—an' dat ooe am de JoliU K *‘ tusoo drcua/* — Lippi:, ivh't. Tried to Make Good. "\\ Imi s In i huh* oil (lilt little cliaine lemi Maudy had;” inquired Unfits "i ill, ile foul ehile done lost him,” re piled Zeke "She wuz playlu' w if liiui one day puttin' him on nil to see him turn red uml on blue to see him turn I ue an' on green to see him turn green an’ so on; den de fool gal. not satisfied m if letfi 11' well enough alone, went an' put him on a plaid, an' de poor little thing went an' bust himself try in' to tnaive good " livery body s John • Memory. A perspiring man, laden witli bull dies, bustled into a railway staliuu upset a small boy. carried away half a yard . f tiuum e from the skirt ot a hair and liuuily slopped, panting and evhnusied beside a small woman sit ting in the waiting room. "John"— "There, now, 1 know what you an goil g to mi; Ja la— t hat sa me 1 | ques ti'Ur My di tr. 1 forg. t mailing." "But. John" — “Vo 1 dij not forget to buy the fruit or the town's r the seven and three-quarter yards of eumbrie or th, s[ns>l of silk. There you are—the whole list; not a tiling missing " .His wife smiled up into the trium pliant face and said. "Yes, dear, hut In w hieti shop did you lem e vour hat':" And then the train came in A Loyal Partisan. “It was just after W O Bradley wa elected governor of Kentucky in pm; mid the KepuhlUonsu caiu'vwer !i" ling a trig ra'lli. -ui iti meeting. k d Colnne' W I’ P 1 r ,e f Keli 'Ii'kj tel: tigof oiii’of his evs'r i ii.s-s "H as himIs. .’!. .. Oils ..f C e,ts an l banner hundreds of Pi,v: i „ un,.n an, Isyvs had p.;-. vg ;h, \ ' Ml 1 aim.) 1 : 'll. ■tidali he thi it was my duty as i attorney to pros ,, Is lied my eik.u. oaten i aud turned Ikt over i counsel for cross ey.imh ‘"What night was t! Jerisl tl ess A ' Ihurs mght. you say? wi tiuit* «*f night?* “ ‘A out > o\ l « k ’ •••That was about the time the i w as pass.' ^ Nv*!,r b 'us** •' "Aes, s.r, the parade was j :>t pa bij; hit house' “ ‘Strvct full of p**,^ t v \ »*#. sir, the struts wi re full p<^>p'e ‘ “ Idd you crv out or scream'; “ 'No. sir. I did not “ \N ,11 you please tell this jury wl with the stns-ts thronged with pew »nd this mac hngg ug and kissing \ against y.wir will, as you C|altn v neier uttered a smg.e cry for be'p ass stance7 Y.-s sir I will tell the Jury a everybody else that you'll never kel me hoterin at no Iteput, Uan ~ •rin:— -Judge. r Knew His Fsther. l..-n«tb;< msI the teacher boy at s.-b-.n, “t? v ur fat or born from you *b«) auu si. .uld agree tv you at the r.iie ot J! ,„.r mu. h would he owe yog a{ the ¥E seit ii week> "ibie hundred J . i.;rs - ^ ( 1 tu afraid you -don't kuow arithate- ie, sanl the teach, r “Well." s.ud the u .. -1 mav k‘ « tuy aritti-:p.., , k. Not Used to Women Dcctcr*. The iibrariaa of the Luiversity | Of ,1 , .. . : i .a i a 111 it- is Hr < i rat e !I i j*• .. 1 a i: 'wit by education iiml i i| > ’nr "I philosophy she is also all .mill ■ ■ v hat I ig written. among nth er t!",i g-. a volume on "The History if Wyoming" [)r. Heliard anti Hr Van's Wergeiaud. a infill I x*r of t ht faculty of the university have a eo*y home in I.nramie. which they call Doc tors' Inn A stranger called at [toe tors' Inn to see l»r Heliard concerning the third edition of lier (took on Wyo ming Ringing the liell, he was met at the diHir hy tin* iloetor herself. "I wish to see I >r [[eliartl.” “I am she." "Hr G R [leiis rd. the author of 'The History of Wyoming?'” “The same " "I! it I e\|.eeted to find a man.” “A I why .-" the doctor asked. “Never heard of a woman, and a vof g woman. being ealle 1 a doctor and it takes my breath away*' lie .lerel :t;i"ieutly. however, to tran- i t the hnsim-ss satisfactorily. Tiie Only Wry He Cculd Help. ! 1st I f Matthew s while presiding over the supreme court at Washington, took the several justices of the court tor a i im down Chesapeake hay. A stiff wind sprang up, and Justice Gray was getting decidedly the worst of it. As lie leaned over the rail in great dis tress Chief Justice Matthews touched him on tile shoulder and said in a tone of deepest sympathy. "is there any thing 1 can do for you. Gray?" "No thank you." returned the siek justice "im ess your honor can over ril e this motion "—Ladies' Home Jour nnl Eating Nous; Language. '■ ' if ' f ;ia :'f r of New York's 1 uts ijfite ,-m hile to la* «Itli the language in j "s ' .(■ edilnes are trails j He soon learns ans lieef and ' .id!" refers to s ■ ii arilious vegeta j ■.- he cu.sps the fact that ’ is an order for coiVee j ' i:i the dark.1" meaning i .f tint "Brown the wheats!" 'v 'f,: ‘ m iud for Liuekwlieat .. tb»t -Hash iii the steamer!" is lit* • *|wn sesame to the supply of corneil U-ef hash lf,!i:,s \ on may know eggs, fried on one side, are ordered in Bowery «*.. i g houses as White wings, sunny ' U‘‘' Recently a visitor ordered fried eggs aud gasped half a minute before he could answer the darky wa ters polite query: “Yes. sir. Will yo' hah dern blind or lookin' at yo?" P«*'» Fame. Many year* ago an admirer of Edgar Aihan I'oe hoarded the stage to drive to r onlhain, theu a suburb of New York Citr, where, wrote many of b < -WLv are you Fonlliam ?" asked the “Because Toe lived thers “Boe wouldn't ha »*«_ „ of if he'd only I wasn't on that a,. . ^ y8-** was on account of thea and tales.” es Systematic Abbre.,at,0iv "There's the h,;. , .t , signed a hotel register" r— “ * hotel clerk. ' ] "lie's a drummer and h, Samuel Parker S* l.-ea. k years ago he used to sign h « f ” " in a eery deliberate and „ ™ ' * ner. using consider e fi.Ww ® he bognn to al.bret ,»» ,, . • “ Bits: *''*"*)■ t “ 'Samuel l> fi i; ,tt_. “Then I not;.-d on Sam'l P. S. Elliott' "The follow,ng trip dhrWi,, ther slight e ision «. p g E-,. 'Totnlng In on, _-h, took the proffer* ,1 , n anJ Elliott.’ the and STss, < “On his arrival I . re last week I he had the ha I t ,c«r*b!f a'1 what he scrawled s EPot'" 81 arm <mb GATEWAYS AND FENCEi] tha Firm or u Cheaply and Pictur#.v)U»l, |, The ap|>ea ranee of a f>rni ^reat deal to the owner || wishes to sell It (;,RM1 fforTf , paint, orderly yards aad i buildings count for pmtii. k,,^ more likely to take au attwethen ins place than an ugly fair ;isjj willing to pay more for It that f which is run dowu A well ke^a f has an appearance of - «£- •t iZpy* ' FI.AS ur HfSTR OATS, which eaiiii«»l lull make II> imjs-v on Che prospective Inner Ew*i there is no <ji.cstion of a sale a#! thrift is .1 j • «i investment f#| adds to l lie consideration iu witiell owner is held in the community I'arm f em es should lie kept ii|l condition for reasons of nothing else I lie most pkture femes for farm • r garden a re of n posts. They ninv Ik- made attn enough to serve »>>r the himwaaii den. j.s may U- s.-eu hy »*x,ni)i!iiaf| illustrations. w }ii« h simpest T lii-s rule built at n s iit}it:t t i Mir. tm the surround' two eedar lit injj j><| i h leads to the house. T: tfjvt* :tn .-Uni .i- to huff Ifer 9 Hi.nlr Hu- two iiprifttati m cri>ss|iirci' i n iht* •*•!■ urt d 1 All llit* rest N »f' ctdar i*1'^ sln.'llIlT lil'lllli In'" h:;ve liw'l HI* pieces that p' I" li'l "P ’b*' -jutewin lib- this winilll 'i"1 fr‘'" fcelivi* iijiaii. •: pip* lir I would turn l;ii-aniw*fc ('ll on I \ i-lii'iip a n I ilurutili*. I.m d«*" utlriictive Iki .misi' si. purfr W miiny with ii> -im'i'Uinliiip' Soaking tlit* lowt-r t*mb "I I crude p-trolciini iml 'ben (*™ off. thus tli iv its* III- I-* 1 wood whit* fha rriiiS thf plvt*n Hit* l"*st rt*slilts inj* pitch pint* p" treated sixtei Ciiiu iti»d won i:; u«n»d «•'!..i above wen condition t\ e’lt V ye;.; > ttiis treat in*”, good posts Various met tried Posts PoStS vears a?o ! i j. m is of trenna ,,,-relr s#^ Pure Blooey IS certain if you take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. 1 his great medicine cures those eruptions, • ■ and noils that appear at all seasons; ila s-ires, salt rheum or eczema; “ ctjually well to, and also cures, dys* ; '-a and all stomach troubles; cures rheu ■-••'•' U and i ;tarrh; cures nervous troubles, debility and that tired feeling. \- ,nr ;;'r ’ who prefer mediHce Its tab 1. • . '?rS5‘Mnll» is non? put up in ehoco 1 „ w-fil as in th<‘ usual eu-ariiprosa-MfcrS*J*"S k*ve identically the ssM m < .. " r. ' ,s liquid form. besides •rea ct*: ■ urs-iy . '—bo fc>»» by *v»p ts luui. I "i H., Vr. ' I >mc<ri>ts or promptly c aood no.. Lowrli, >i*ss. Blank Deeds at the Pa