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(■KlfKIMOM PUTNAM WIN OH A k CO.. CONN. Tfci Confercnie of Gaveraora, Perh*i>*. In time. *» Preddent Kno*e wlt'a Administration I* reviewed, the mow l remarkable nniuim the notable refill that ta\e dWll*uWml It* hi* lory, will le the • inference «f lit# Gov ernor* of all the Miate* to pre*e r ve th* natural re**«ureewof the country It* final camion «» held on Friday 1**1 at the White lfon«e. Jtcwiiic* th* Imt.v ernor* who responded to the l’re*lilwtt « invitation there were J hIk*-* of the Supreme ( "ourl and Henatora, noted ex|wrl* and a niiin tier of di-Urirfulahed eitlaen*. among whom were Andrew < arneglc and W. J . Itryan, who were an:-rig the *|**»k er*. The conference wn* harmonious In all H* proceeding* with unrestricted lil*er ty of opinion and < >. pre**ton of view* The i’rexldent » «t*c**ch m opening the Conference and at the closing *e**loti were worthy of the occadon, and ini parte*! the eaalteil «pirlt that Influen ced every participant. All the *|*ech e» and proceeding* are t<i te printed In The entire prc*-of the country put ftnide every expression of «li lie fences of opinion, in it* unstinted patriotic praise of the purport* and tofk of i fie? confe rence mid «l*n of the President for bringing it about. We give herewith | tbe ,lfleclaration of the (tovernorH,1 wliieh aunia tip the work demanded for the welfare of future generation**, grid what step* are necessary to I** taken by the Nationa! »*<> ermnent and all the Ml ate* conjointly to eon*uni male successfully the purport?* out lined by the conference. N’f cr^ani/atnm was for filed ia*> none hm deemed nectssufy. At«h\ linn• d**s*red the |*re* idetd, * n |»i*% own volition, can call another con ferenoc, or the hu i'fiior^ ‘ i»u *ugg* -4 to tlie President, at any time, tin ad vtafcMiUy of hsv tug another« mfco nce TMk; \ im I, \ IIA Tin.n . The dec?)i«ration, on which the l*re ttldent '* remark- wi re predicated, wn* presented 1 < t‘i* conference b) tGovernor iilanchard of Irom-iana «t the o|M*tdtig of I he -<--ion. After read* trig It Mr. Inane ha i *1 said Hint II pro reeded on hroad lift* * and purposely avoided making s|**eifU‘ indorsement* of deal red pmjreH or legislation. It follows. We, the Governor*of the states and territories of the I rilled Slates of America, in conference assent bled, do hereby declare tin* conviction that the great J prosperity «»f our country rests upun the abundant resources of the land chosen by our forefathers for their home**, and where they laid the foun dation of his great nation We l«a»k ti|«»n theae resources as a heritage to be made use of in establishing ami promot i ng t hi- .. i . i j i |'» > t > a I happiness of the Vuierican people, hut not to is* WH'lol, dclcriorgted or n« ed ic#s)y destroy»d. \S e agree (hat our country - future i* involved in t lit - that the great natural tftaoitrefN ni>|>|,)> lit* material basis U|»>n whit'll »in civtU/atlon mu-l > oh timif to dejsnid. and u|«m wltii’ii i!«■ |H’r |*‘t idly of Hu* nation llsi-tf rt'sl,. We agree, in Ihe light of Imi brought lor ill I blliiH ierlge and from ill formation rm oi 'l from wruriv., w liioh u v cannot I loll III, that this inuirtial basis Ik llueittt neil Wllh exhaustion Kven as eaeli simss'dlng gem inlloli front the birth of lire nation lue» pci forme I It* part in promoting llie pro gie*-. Biot ilavolopim nt of the icpuldtc, e « Jo wc ill till- g< iiemllon rcougni/t’ if H'bIiIkIi ilut.v to perform our purl, and this duty ill iBirte degree In tile a I option of nim.uu - for I he conwrva Iron of Hie natural wealth of lire Country We dorian our linn enmietioii Hint Ihle eori«ervntion of our natural re soiret-s is a aubjcrl of tr‘til'cnident (m* |e. i.mot‘, wiill'll ^luui'il engage mire Rjfttif.giy the mli nit ’u of the nation, the slates Btid the pe. | iii earnest co operation. riiese notu:al reniumi in elude the land no vvhiflh »v live. Mill which yield* our |o.hI llie living water* which fertUtn the *oil, supply jKiwrr and form great *\etiurs ot oum meree the forest* which yield tire mn lerials for our homes, prevent erosion of the soil and conserve the navigation and other uses ot out streams, and the mineral* whleli form the l>aid* of our Industrial life, and supply us with heal, light and Wf agree that the laml nhoulil In* •»» utril that erosion amt soil wash should mim, that tlrerr should la- reclamation of atlil ami »rmi-artd regions by means of Irrigation, ami of swamp amt oxer flowed Rfltin« by iiitiiik of drainage th<*1 ibe waters »(.. .Id te ■... iviiannl and used a* to ptouiulr navigation, to develop power lit the Interests of the people. that lhr forests, which regulate our river*, support our tnduatrtea ami promote the frrtllUy amt productive ness of thr soil, should tr piwrvtil and perpetuated. that Ihr minerals found •o abundantly beneath lire surface should br mi tiM'd a* to prolong thru utility that the beauty, healthfulm-** and habitability of our country should be pnvnnl ami IweitMwl; that tbr sources of national wealth exist lor the I tr nr lit of all the people, and that the ruor»o|aily tUr.rol should not tie loir rated. We com live ml th£ vvi»*- forethought of thr l*resbleul in sounding the uotr of warning as lo the waste and ex haustion of the natural n-wntrres of thr oountry, and signify our high a|s predation of hU action in calling this conference to consider the same and to seek remedte- ttirrefor through cu operation ot the nation and the slates. | We agree that thl* co-operation •tumid find expre*>don in *tiirab!e *’• lion by tbe < origre** within the limit* of and co-exteu*ive with the n»,tl mal ! jsiiwflction of the «ul>j«et, an<l eom j plem(nlar| theiel i by the >tri*iat ore* ! of the »everal ■•tale* witliin the limit* I of and eo-exten»ive with their juri*die I lion. We <lelare the conviction tiia! in the u*e of the natural mortice* *tal»*» are I interdependeijt and tioiind to/ether hy tie* of mutual tieneflta, re*po»*liilllUe»i | and dutie*. We agree In the whelom of future conference* letaien lire I’rediteot, memtier-t of r aof o ** and the Oover- | nor* of tiie *t tie- resrardiiisr the oon»er- i vatfoq lof our natural re-ouree*, with I the %ie» >*f Continued erwofieratUrii and ; action on tiie line- auirai -led. And io till* end we a tvlxe that from time to time, a* in hi* judgment may -rein *w . the Ifo»i'tent call the Oo< errtor* of the »tate», memhefx of < on NT re** am) other* into conference. I We ante that further action I* ad . i ! -aide to awertain the |ir***ent condition of our natural reaauree* and to pro mote Ihe con-crv atiorl of the *ame \nd to that we reeonirneiid the appuinl riicnt by ea<-h *tate of a commi—don on the conaervation of natural rexou r ce-, ly coui|*-rale w ith each other and wiiti any -imilar coinmi-«lon on I* lialf of the federal government. We urge the continuation arid exten *lon of fore-t politic* adapted lonecure the huxhanding and renewal of our dimlnMdiig ttnrilier *upp!y, the pre vention of hull eriwion, the protection of headwalum, and the maintenance of the purity and rm- inability of the ktreama. We recognize Ltiat ttie prt vale ownership of land- entail* rcpmndMIitle* In the Inlcrmt* of all I In* people, and we favor the enactment ill ;■»< broking to the protect Ion ami replacement of privately owned for e*ds. W c fi «<'L'iii/e in our water* a most valuable a*-et «f the people or ( nited ■Mate*. amt we ree onmeml the eiiaet riM’tit "f law** ifMikirtu' to the eoiiservn* (ion of water fivmiiTi fur Irrigation v.v a t e i **ij»|»ly, ami mh iication, to the imiiI that 11a iii'•-%*•.-■ it*! rodrh»* ! -! m mi- m av U* (nought under mm* j |iW*tr eon t ml an * I fully utilized fori e t-j y punm***. We •»|H »,ia!tv urge on I the hit*ml i ungm~« the immediate j a* to | it tort oi a wide, active and through WiikiWih ;» •;ji . j i<ij1t„! - ■' I h prompt Improvement of their w liter ► tnoi- riMpilied loi the u-t’-t of run merec ami the protH'lioti ol tin* in li’K .tod the mir |«•<*|»!**. We recommend the enactment "j law* looking to the prevention of waste in the mining and* extraction of coal, <»il, u a* iiimI other mineral'*, with a view to their w i-»e e<niM rvai|on for the in- of tin* jietple, amt to the |» rote el ten | of human life in mine**. Ia*t >ih eon*erye the foundations «*f our prosjierit y. Ihitprnor 19 ti|hf* New I fgUUltoli < Governor tl niche** of New York Mate, pr©|M»*e** t*> slick until the people de • tile liet ween him amt the I <egi*lalurc m refCitrd t«» new measure** tie deem* are for their l**»ulti they areas fol lows: t vtension of ttie* powers of the pule lie servtn* rninmUaum met telephone am! telegraph companies I Mieet inniiinatlolls Prov idtng for a more complete hten tlilealion «tt voters at registry lime \no tiding tin* election uiw in r* :t Inn to the go-, eminent of fatidical p t ties. idlttg : ■ - * the establishment «*t' A him an of mercantile insfaetion in the .ain*i department to look tiller dep.ut* infill stores. l*ro\ tdtng for an appropriation for rebates on Ihjuor las veil Monies. \ eomtnissloti h» tmpnre into tin* tjlies!Ion of stock speculation. \ commission to asecrtalii the mini U f ami e.-iolit on of the unemployed Most of tin ilmve art* sj**rlallv ie* * pi int | in ' * i\ t y oi New \ ttik, that ot nlenlify ing . **l«*i s w hen tin y register as at t lines f mm 4u.ifc o to mi.issi f i ami ti le at yotes , iw levn east at an eleet ion by Mc°h»m is’ n it entitle I t«» vote. laist we*;',,in lartford. the this ; ness Wen - \ss,». moii of » mneetie it, adopted a • t* -o at ion l>v unanimous \**te, lav oi »,* th eslahitshui *nt of a p . O' 'i t j > i' iilssion hy the m \1 i m . u; - ii A \ This U one oi the. measures i .<< e: mu 11 unites eom jslUnl j the t * iiislature tv» adopt last \'eae. as it was «*pp‘*M*d hv tl*i icreat emp»nattons whiwa* hiisliies-s mettunts ttiey wautv'd lit) eoininhsntn to Investigate, and the sub*er y lent >enate eiuleavoctal tograu fy ihein, hut the yoteis of the >tate took tin* matter up ami the faithless St*nator«* dropped ttieir op|s*situMi If ttds measure is propyvse l a! the iw\t \sM*'uhi \, w tial senator ot Uepres**iiiaUve yvtiuld have the te* nierlly to please the cot|M»mtions, with such a jaiwer as ttie <’oiuifH*t»eut Husl nt's-v \ss*s iation e*mii»osrd of all the hH*at As*.vH*iatlons of the Slate—-to eail tilm to aeeount .’ Wttt Practitioner* of .wteopalhy won a -tg nal \ lolury In I hr Supremet ourl, la-l dwIl iii Hrooklyn, N Y., when .lu thv tHe key <lecnlo*l that they were physician* ami entitled lo legai fe-xwt nltlon a- »ucli In lenth-rlng: hli de cklon the Ju*tice *anl. ■•The practice *»l iimlirlnf dor* no! con*t*l merely in the aduuiil*trati me! drug* or the u*c of surgical luslru nmil> ll l> Clear |o my niiml that »*• leopalhs are physician* ami practition er* ol medicine except for the reatric lion* |*ut upon them l»y chapter Ut, which prohitut* them from admintslei Ini drag* ami performing mi rcery ettfc the ,*c of instrument* ami that they are entitle I to ail the rigid* and aie *ut ivt to all the |ienallle* of other phy uriaio (nil medical practitioner* t ar••enter Merlon KixiAn* can la u-ed with very satisfactory result* on «ither a Hat roof, slanting roof or jsak ed rv*>f. It I* a lion-conductor of heal ami coll, I lie upper room* ol a dwei llng arc oe*‘ er in ->.111111101 and warmer in winter than when other moling ma teria-an - I M y on lx liney .V >11 cany a iuii slock. lt-*iklel ami -am ple furnished frx*e, .. «**■"• -- l or a mild, ea-v action ol the laiwrls a -tug *«* ilo-e of I loan - HrguWU • - enough. T teat men t cure* kltiltntl con - ►tipau'in . • vent- a i*>\ l-k your druggist for them. Tbc Ciuiiu Ctek. Vt Vurk, In Sf* Vnrk Hly virion mlimuli tiro havr social organi/attona. that are a blessing In the roc-mlrers of each in many way*. White there i« a kindly remembrance of old honor-tie*, and ten der friendship*, nothing in ever >aid or done at these annual meeting* that due* not denote the heartle«l toyaltv to their adopted country. Among ttie-e organization* (he Ca nadian t'luh stands prominent for the many members of Intellectual airility anddtaUnguished character. Neil Mar-jdiatter. M I).,of New York city, hat well known here, is President of the Canadian Club, and acted a« To*atnia*lrr at the annual hari<|ue( of the club, on Thursday evening. May Ulh, at the Hotel A«tor. I here were Si iablt-s arranged for the greatest possible comenience of the t‘iol>. Hon. It. A Hammond was as signed one of these tables for himwlf ami liis friends. His guests were: C. c. Knowiton, Kretie rick W. .Shaw, At torneys Waller H. fdlpstrir and Emetrt ( Morse, Iturton Thoni[tson, of New York.l l»r. II I, Hammond, Hayvlile. i ! »nk II l*o| ler, Bitston, Irr. < liner 1.11 Kue. and W. K. Holmes, of Putnam. When cigars had ta-en lighted, the President addressed the 4IJ guests as sembled, and Ids remarks held their close attention for fifteen minutes, and with such eloquent appropriateness an to win pro longed a|i|ilause. Hr. Baltue, In referring to this ad dress. afterwards, said: ‘ Mr. Ham mond, I did not know that lir. Mae phalter was a poet and an orator.'' Hr. Maephatter originated the unique idea of calling upon some prominent |ierson to Introduce the s|«-aker, thus airording him the op|sirtunity of mak ing some timely remarks, and so doub ling tire number of ies|>oii*ea without prolonging the exercises Among the guests present were many of the most noted statesmen, scholars, orators uni other distinguished rloir m lers from (lie various Provinces of the liomililoii of Canaria and also Ame ricans High! I Ion. James tlrj << )!■■ li'h Ainhassador to the I'niter! Males, was our- of the guests and made an ad dress. The presence of such a riistin gulshed siaicsinau would make any ga thering noted. Tl-e lte\ . I>r. i-raneis I Pillion, e. president 14 Prim 1 I ni. ersity, represented American cio ■ o n C i,it,I scholarsh p. AA'e cannot uainr even a -cor,- of |tu- dldinguished guest s w i thou I seeming to ie inv idious, so, we reuse. Neither can we by words or expression* convey the least Idea rf the brilliant and original addresses w Ideli r*o ere.l e\erytlitng that could lie of interest to such an intelligent au dience l.noiigh |o say nil piesent (ell derpjoy at a tom piet that in no view e odd Is- exceeded in grandeur. ConfrcxR. i oiiKrt-i'i liiliurrvlnn Hit- imssagr of nil urciteil liKlxInliini in outer to ml journ tllix Week Ttic currency measure which wn« w urgently |ir»xxc,| in xn many fornix smut tin* tieginning of the *exxion, tin iIit general iliscuxxlon, fnilcil to main tain interi xt, mol no hill ix likely to in* juixx»*i|. \ N a t ion it I Stank, such ax the great romnuTi'inl nation* of Knro|ic Iiiiv c t'xtahll*hi*il Hx a regulator of their currency, ix «hat ihix country mast ultimately1 aiio|»t The general ttellcicncy Appropriation i liill, carrying an appropriation in ; • |7 ;ia ,i7:'. v\ ax jtaxxiM 1 mulct xux|K*n xlon of the rules. \ bill making an appropriation of j *I, rfio,OKM» tot representation h\ the I tilled SlHlc-i at the Toklo I \|h *dliot» hi Pd'J, wn* p«**ed The pul-lie building bill, earryine **;.»,immhio for new public building*, w n* pa**ed» but may he \et*»ed t he hill providing naliotial fore*l* in the Southern A pulaehtan and White Mountains, pa**ed the Senate, and i* now in the hand** of a committee of the Mount Presideiti KtHvsevell had a to red a ineinl«er( in hi* view thi* niettMire » i> of more ini|Hirlanee than fhe I'anama i-ana iUdh iloriM-* rave agreed it* authnr i e the \N i»\ ^ >iid Mean* I ininllUe | a lit) l he I iuanev * omtniUee t*» in*UluU impllrie* lid* *ut»imer into the work- I lug of the Minglev lurid *ehedule>, to base ll rt*vl*eo next *priug It) meet the j demand^ of the (ieo|be. rhe commit lee that ha* Iwt inves tigating the eh.due* made by Uepre *enlatlve I a l ley, made a re|*»rl NX ed m *day, Haying |*v»r idlu y, tteuoune inn him a* a loot the op|H»*titt»n *ub, marine U»at e unpany, ami intimating that if he hud not l*eii sick he might have been expelled. This, t*‘eau*e he had led the onuutrv to believe that Mime of hi* colleagues could la* *o de graded a* to help a company *ecJtitig favor for *nrdtd consideration*. The atilidhjutuTkm and some other Ivilis urged by the President to be pa** ed, will likely fail, t he iteople's turn next. Secretary Tali'* nil**iun U> Panama was Iraulla lit1 '{Uieltai a rt*lmt of tllwasnsliMi. lUtih lIn' Comma election In July on* lo la- con ilurirtl in ihf *aii»fae«4<m of all i>»tile*. In »|<rakinK of tin- i«lhiinns In* am* enihn*t»*Uc when (elling of llie |m*. HIM nidle ini ItwcanaJ, w lien compar* ina the I'lCM'nl Mtualion |l»l» l" tlial which icrcclril him on the ocvaaiou of In* tlrsl i i*il lo ranania, m lva*4. The Meth>*li*t Kj*i*ooj»al uenetal ( unlfiviuv. m M'**lon al Kalliinoiv. ha* eofttiahy invtlevl lhe Mot!nah*l l*roli *lati: tmieral SjikiI, iw» m **■* *1041, al PUtabur* to join with it ami la* nnc one taaty Till* o'« Hurv lain w uniter conaiit* ration The *va*iaH*i* for the Oiint time have noilitiiawa! 1‘ei'* lo I*Iheii cainln'ate for PnMitenl. To hi* credit he v,i* e*l io e*a|w Uie honor, lie i* tatties lhau ttiiuht have beer* Ha> wood. | Tafl * ilele*ai«* now minitar above in over a rmvoiUy Hi* nomination on 1 tie iir*l billot i* (DticoW'l by all. [•](•](•] l*H«*X*J •)[«] [OWWWiL 121U [il UJ Smart Straw Hats 0 © 00000000000® Straw Ha - are ripe and we are ready with the finc-t crop thats bee . I * all straw-.. in all heights of crown and width of brim. Hats tor a;, faces. a s u $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 IID to $10.00 If you want what you want when you want it in a Straw Hat. This i3 the store where you can get it at a pleasing piic > The Church Clothing Company. Hartford Danielson Putnam OO® WlwiWWOlWKWlMl* fotflwcocotyw O O © o 0 o o o © •j {51 Congregational Church Note* Thin Thuntday evening Mr*. < I> -tharpe and the l'**U>r « ill give *<>me aceounl of 11»«* annual gathering of the Home Ml-*ionary Society, whot-e -e— -ion- hase lent held the pa-t week at Pilt-tleld, Mb—. A large and appreciate e audience li-t ened to ,\|i*- M Kden Talent in her dt i neatiojiof Margaret I'eland - "Awak ening of Helen Richie. Mi" To tem'- characterization* of the different iiersotiRge* were unti-naily true to life and no one had any dime i t s in follow ing the plot and appreciate teaching and eulndnnl: "it 1 The audience -at *peU-liotm two hour*, anil -hosseiI tin 1. tin gtited i011•• ■ -■ ■! the upptau-c tiiat greeted -tiiino— w liieh intei ■d t ig the moral if the -lory. I for nearly ■it apprecia tlor 'noth by her and the (Kirtrav I of the -lory. The Pa-tor and Mr. (‘lu-ter f ■ ! Child went to Weh-tcr 011 Satnr d 1 s foi i eonferenee w"il h M" - -■ Paek I aid and Itnthie al-eit De .-tinnner I amp for the hoy-. The Pa-tor gave the eharge to the People in the Ueengnition -erviee of lies 1 harle- It. Mel mitre, at Three River*, Mn« , la-l Friday evening. The Woman’- Miwttmiary Society met with Mr-.Chauney Mor-e I ue-day I afteriuHin, the topic lieing I iidi-trial ! Mi—ion-.'' The piogrmn vs a- a-fol loss -. Itca-uri-for Indu-t'i'il Mi-ion-, Mr-. Jo-eph MeKaohllie Indu-I rial Mi—mu- in Atrica, \l r-. K 'I Warner Indu-trial Mi—ion* in India, M i— I.■,//!(• < hild i ndm-D in! '!, -1 , I " 1 k, \ , M r-. A. M . Tow lie thauu, "tio-jwl o'or. NIi-- M in jorle liurge-s The 1 , ii-s d Courier-Journal -ay that the New y ■ 1, World and Brook lyn l aiglt . oni-e Democratic paper-, me no longer that -oil. "It is dollar- to eent-." -as- 1 'ol Waiter-on, “that l-itil of them will -upport Taft." I v#rj W*>11,-H wot He Imorfltril If you have pain- in the hark, I nnai s . Bind I,| or Kidney t roil tile, and w ant a certain, plea-ant herb cure for woman - ill-, try Mother Cray - A i-triihnii leaf 11 1-a -afe and neser lading regulator. \t l>ruggi-t- or by mail 50 el- 'ample paekage KIsKK. \ddn—, t he Mother Hrav t'o., Iwlioy, NA. i;»—ts; Births in Pulnan Mas l-.a-on to Mr. and ' Nit- \medee I ..--ter. Deaths 111 \\ .O.l-t Mis 14, Miron C aw ford, aged V, ya 11 In P o ■ May Thomas Duboi-, aged sear in I Mil- , May 15, Mary j Das i- n, me d II sear*. In \\ e-t \\ ■■■■! , •*, May 19. Min nie H \ o lie ,gi <1 »> y ear-. In 1 en i Vniege. May tl, Clement >|ia'iidine, aged 1 year-., in I' d> t.,' Slay 10, Anna K . 1 svifi of \\ 1 1 .1 Daniel-on, aged , ! s ear- * I' In Malden Ma— May I-. Irving J. ! Hoy need ■ y, t - Native of f a-t 1 riiomp-on. I ' t\. r-viuitii Faruistiiii^ luderlaker, Arcade Block Main St. Ballard & Clark, Funeral *sc Directors j Putnam, Conn. • T»t*pbon* o«!U ,n>wer*d promptly T Sttht 1—14. Day *—4. 4 1 * , vjwrst#,! ■ w Wini Wait! j till \Uv ‘.at St ow ohkrctr iVwflcrt VV«t Venoan 1 i*»T. Low Brothers South Main Stroat Putnam H*vr % l&rgv atot'ls ^4 (iranit** ami Marble Monument*, Tablets, tirtifstonw, Ar. %a\ ' mrtve *t tar iUt mUBC bciane Aft;. s.unui'1 \V. Will, • Ajrnitt CAHTOllI A.. j iw-nU. i* ™ *»* ***« *<* i UT' (Zs/tfZ&fc First National Bank PUTNAM. CONN. CAPITAL, - $150,000 SURPLUS, $60,000 ! Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent Draft* l**ued on all Foreign Countries l nited States Depositary.. < ns.-. II J. I t \ lsrK\ t'Ki: ( i. II. < II P.S I i I’r INCONCEIVABLE I MPOSSIBLE fl ncomprehensiblemi Dresser’s Drugstore FUR GIF! S'very dainty bits of Fine China and Glassware as well as Delicious Candies Dresser’s Druer Store Saturday at Store of E. MULLAN to tb* i^urcbtstrr of pound of our 30c or l&c bn it coffe* to the pureu«^cr of t pound of cor #Qc bulb te* \i rrrrm 0*73* 3uu>r> a* \% amb** *»4 for Um* [ ♦! :H** *b. d»> of A !>. .*# |*T«r«»&<. t i* <- &<•*• n * ^ J«4f r . [ On JtiBfttMB Hr »^4, .f Hurt ’ forxl, t >*• mecturnt. *>• tb* iitemM'e of t!.t\w< i*t» Wg*4*t«cfc tb «ul4 (Hart* wt 4x*i!».»t4. Tfct*Court *otb trv-»f *&»• *1* tr Hi .ii> i** «! *£«i Haute** ;«,«* *-r**i>. t. »* »■! **t4 !«u' * '’vetr clmirt* •fir tame to tb# A^aaMWwtrutor u«4 <Ur«Kf^ rh*i paMic watte* fe* «t»ra -.wSe-r ue *4 «*<*:*. 1 Ie»* it a p«fe »■ * > £ ] A \"*reT»tuU«>» in **s4 fStrict, aad be ; • 'rs.*jt i j e. pt tfeeMtorf «af tW pmbik- ai^c pact t« »*j4 wwb 1 at tl ootfettaeiE. o»mre t lh* pdafco* wtwr* 'Jm 4* i r»**eJ **•: #*>lt ter C‘< *!w« K#W4. in H< xes Bacon, Pur* Lard, Creumery tub butter, 4 W Butter Pantry I'.our 20 it* floe granulated auger 12c ib lie lb ! '-*>• lb ‘ 30; lb ! 6»e nag fi ; Lemon* 12c dot 22c d 1 ' Large Blood Orange* No. S pall Pure Lard 2 can* Flat Salmon Steak i 5 lba Uinger Soap* vgunrt Bottie ot Ammonia Tomato** t breee Seeded Kaialna, S3 bar* SulH's Pride Soap Banner data Kora k nka tJold Medal Flour 1 22 lba graootated »u«ar Sc can 15; lb 10* pke (100 25; pkga 3; ptge S5c bait 1 00 55c 25c 25c 10c t Uki \< t B an t) JrJge. “1 J Experience Proves J Whoever paints any other paint 1 than Devoe wastes money. He needn’t l\ wait to see how it wears, to find out. > He buys more gallons—no matter what price—it takes more money; the painter takes more, too. , Fewer Gallons or No Pay Paint half of your house with any other paint ; paint half with Devoe. The other-paint half will take the most gallons; if not, we will make no charge for Devoe. Wears Longer or No Pay Here’s another offer. Paint half of your house with lead-and ' oil: the other half with Devoe lead-and-zim. In three years the lead-and-oil half will need repainting, w hile the Devoe half will be about like new. If not, we will give you the paint for the whole house. J For sale at Burt s rnarmauy ALL GRADES OF Pianos and Organs Sold on easy pay nentsor for Rent. ) Ilf L |jj|AQ at $11.75 llilliuaiid upwards Edison and Columbia Phonographs and Supplies 0^-2,000 E«lJso« records constantly in stock. l.nftt) ,■ >pii>s st tulard music at IOC a copy. All tll“ [) > > 1 tl' Ml Hit' l! |9 3 P.'mi < . i > ; • i'i » i j!i ■ tii isic 1 - 2 "ft. A Fresh Stock cf Strings for all Instruments. 'I ■ v , ir It iPci Violin String'. 40c each, l’u S-lv« V 'till 1 (i Strings 50C each. F. G. LETTERS, & CO. Putnam, Conn. M • ;i„ | | SOMETHING NEW A F0LMXG r Cot j For Out Doors t "YOURS FOR HEALTH" 5 Sit Ip or Taken Down iu One d ilute ^ka“? IT —'X Ballard Headquarters & m \ ciark* Croquet Sets. Piazza Chairs Refrigerators Ice Cream Freezers. I.a«n Swim:*. Screen lioors. Etc., Etc., Etc. AT Ballard A Clark’s Vudor PORCH SHADES Largest Variet? Kest tJuaiHj Hammocks