Newspaper Page Text
„„ol CUSTKR us* Annie Bourgeois. K: putn^^ \ i>ite«i anti Putnam Fxelina Do p -nam visited in Woon Friday of last week. " . L>. <>. Hawkins Mr. and "r' , *jjl1s;r.ii%uaav. Ti . n.|\ t ‘;tK school observed Ar iL* Friday afternoon. May R, by ’*«»*} • e twe; .hruOs, flower n*iU"« • ■ ; jren panted a school The exercises were highly en Chark-s H. Collins as following program was ri'tleo S: Mr;. Wkoer. The 5e*rd’ won*, p r*ytr woof. f0*S f i(x1 is OfHHl Scripture Selection ,'»«rt, Heel Uttion. geirtms son? , tv» Exercise Reading. sm. Essay, Recitation, son?, Reading Recitation, *00f>. Recitation, K**y, sung , Recitation, Reading. £oog, Recitation. Recitation i Address. sene Welcome to Arbor 1 >av Spring Springtimes Spring springtime is Coining Trees 1 11 Plant our Companions May The Tree The Preen < arjiet The I tram 1 Old Tree The Death of the I-eaf On tlie Farm The Altier by the River The Oak Tree Hardens Arltor Pay Song The Tax Oathers Seeds Distribution Arbor Pay Four Leaf Clover Wonderful Who'll Make Sunshine ? *«?.<> Happy Tree We Plant Today . Mr ami Mrs. James B. Reynolds en frttined her brother, Henry F. Har • i-iton and wife of Payville: also hl !lr. h Reynolds, wife and three eh ild ¥n li[ Mohegsm, on Sunday. Mrs.J. 1> Reynolds and daughter, Sl,„ Almira, visited with relatives in Mohegan mt week Tuesday. <Jt I > t If A I U Mr>. I! I!. Y i ighn and Miss Viola if tt'orov-i< r. 'in-lit Saturday with •juries i \ irir.i and family. William il iyniond. Sr., and family a- mo\inc ' - tile village litis week frank Hay,non 1 will live on Hie farm. Hiram'V. .Ionian has purchased a K?V¥ ill) i— • (M.*ar V Howland who has Ix-en itmiiiisr o' ' aeation al M;> ricks. .mil with < . T. Aldrich and jimly It-;! lime -atnniay for Yetinont. The Iwilv of Mrs. Mary Jordan w ho lied last i hursday morning al Slougii nn. M;i" . il tlie house of her dr,ugli er, Mrs. M \ rmi A. l’ieree w as brought u New llo'lon for burial. Services rere tield in the chapel mt tjuiuebaug lalurday. Inlermenl in Hie New on etmela ry. Master Koliert Jordan sjienl Satnr ay with Miss Mary Kills. K tST THOMPSON Thu funeral services of Irving J. Kyle, who died in Malden, Mass., on uesday, May l-‘, was held in this ilwe on Saturday afternoon at Hie ioiae of his sister, Miss Ann Hoyle. lr. Hoyle, who was one of tile promi ent men of Malden, was born in Hast 'h»!ii|)s,iu in l'4h. the son of Moses nil Caroline Hoyie. He leaves four isters. Mrs. William K. ttale,Web'ter, Ins Aim Hoyle, Mrs. Klla Hoyle and fanon llixl.y of Kii'l Thunipson: two rolhers. liurton of Saranac l.ake, N. .. ami I ii'sius N . of North t iroswenor tile. The bearers were four nephews I Hit- deceased, Ralph C. (tale and rank A. K nip. of Webster, W illiam I dale. I'alnu r, and Kltsworth l!ixl>y (Hast Thoinjisoii. The burial was in ir Hast 1 •mjison cemetery. -- • -- T m m paos. At a meeting of the Thompson I.i fary Im, rporated, lield on the 1-th ay nf May . la is, at which time the *v. hr. Jones severed his official eon teliou with that corporation, the fol ding votes were unani Soualy passed } its trustees as expressive of the feel gentertained by them for their relir g president and co-trustee. M liereus Rev. Newton I. Jones, I). a trustee, and for several years the fcsident "f this corporation, now re s from said ottiees, by reason of the ipiratiun of hi> term, and, whereas it is understood that I>r. . to remove his residence his tow n. riierefore voted that our thanks be liar- , . ny extended to l)r. Jones rthe v, ■, nuthful, efficient and able lal*urr m w liieil lie has discharged i* duties a- a member of this corpora '■ti. and . sp, eially has administered ' tt, president. "r ,ta iiis eonlemplnted depar- ! 1 ■ ' w itU the deejiesl regret, i i U,i , ,y extend to him and Ins im y. , ,,t wishes for their health. ’"-Ixriiy md happiness in all the b*JU> e.-iiie. and we especially in-; life the iiojx- that the career of Dr. ,ne'- iu tin lield of labor upou w hieli I i» about to enter, may prove in the Khrst degree congenial and success runner\oted Dial these resolutions spreaii al lentil) upon our records ; uur -tcrelarv. and that they also lx Wished in the Pl'T.tAM P.tlKIuT I jj! in I lie Windham Dounty<»bserver. further \oied that Mrs. I'harles K. arls !«e appointed a committee to fsent in jierson to Dr. Jones a copy ihese resolution* duly eerliheJ by r secretary. Mr amt Mrs. Howard Williams of uthtirntee >|icnt last Sunday with 1 mother. Mr ami Mrs. A. L. Stinson of Hyde rs. sere guests in town over Sun ilivia I Dane gave a party to her LnB friends on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. I 'harles Knight is spending a • days in Boston. “V ladies are busy preparing for the ^mg W. c. T. 1'."convention. *jrv Ur. Thayer of Dudley preached l“* toogregationat church Sunday ■ Mrs. Mary K. Kingsbury died at her l re»idenia* on Monday. She has re M in town a number of years, and • t* much iwissed. *rs- J M. Addeman has recently her cottage, “The Ark.” pardon Wicks tha> a fine saddle • Vhknt'y purchased for him in Mrs Wuey and Miss Wiley of l*s >n. N. Y-, ha*e ojiened their omer cottage here. machines from M2 up atJew [ 'bus . Pianos a> low as *■.-<. sec I hand. or Isssvration Day dowers place borders early with Mrs. Deo. K. 1,4 baskets >*c, TV. and upwards. 1 >ne of the mmt pica-ant event* heki i in the center of the town wa- on Kri j day, May lotto, when Mi- Msrv K. Aldrich and her pupils entertained over thirty people at the Centre di l triet -ehool hoti-e with the following program: . ( horns. Good Morning, School i I >eciamation, Being a Bov, I ’Theodore Co* ; I 'iaioeue. Knowing the Circumstances Kdna Surpless. Eleanor Johns, ti, ; Grace Myers, Julia Johnson. ! I'eeiamation. The Way u> do it. l.ucius Back , Quintette, lively Moon, The Invitation, L'ther Samuel-on. Kdna Surple—, <.• race Myers, Julia Johnson, Klea nora Johnson. Recitation, [>oll Rosy’s Rath, Itertha Mvers i Karce, Tiieatre Party from Mrs. V\ igg of tile Cabbage i’ateh. Carl Daniel ' 'n, Esther Samuelson, Anna i Johnson, Bertha Myers, Marie a Back. I Declamation, A Boy’s Pocket. Maxwell t \<\ Solo, Chickadees’, Anna Johnson Recitation, Lines to Kate, Kleanora Johnson Drill, Marching Thro’ Georgia. School Chorus, The (’lacker, School After the entertainment thoiue-made candy was sold by live of the young ladies of the school. Special mention should be made of the singing which has been under the direction of Mrs. N. T. White of East Woodstock, a well as the farce and drill under the direction of Miss Aldrich. Grace Myers sold the largest num ber of tickets which was fourteen. A goodly sum w as realized and will be used to start a school library. C. M. Perrin was in Hartford on Tuesday. Miss Mildred Brown kept school for him. Mrs. Ellen Paine and sister, Miss .Susan Smith have been spending’a few days in Worcester. Oscar Logan and MissiAlva Logan of New York have l>ecn in down look ing over their summer place. Mrs. Louis Hayward with her two children of Pomf'ret sjient Thursday of last week with Mrs. Lucy Hibbard. John Healey attended the Junior social given to the Seniors of Willi mantic Normal school. Mr. and Mrs. Allison Potter were the guests of Mr-. Roger Lansou of South bridge on Sunday. Miss Mary Aldrich had a very pleas ing entertainment by her pupils ln-t Eriday night. Mrs. N. T. White had charge of the. musical part of the pro gram. There were also recitation, dtu logues, a motion dri I and farce "Mrs. W iggs of the i ibbage Patch.'' I’n oecds were -HMHI to la: applied toward a school library. Mrs. Mary t bailee Jordan, died in Stoughton, May l '.t h. After funeral ! services there, the body was brought I to Quinebaug and buried from th ■ l iiioii chapel on Saturday, Rev. J'. A. Turner officiating. Interment at New llo-ton cemetery.Born in Thomp son, March lkth, ls.;o, -he was married to Parley Jordan, Jail. 1st, lstd. Her home was in Prov idenee most of the time until ls-n w hen -he came w ith her husband to North Woodstock. Left a widow in lSfi.s, she Inis since made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Myron Pierce of Lynn and later of Stoughton. Besides her daughter, she leaves two grandchildren, Ralph and Dorothy, a brother, Erancis of Woodstock and a sister, Mrs. Martha Slater of Tolland, ■she will I* greatly missed by a large circle of friends and relatives whose homes were always open to welcome tier. Quiet aud unassuming in manner, she possessed the rare quality of mak ing herself agreeable under all circum stance-. Although for a long time a sutlerer from an nr curable disease, her thoughts were always for others and she carried her troubles uncomplain ingly until the end. won US TOOK Memorial services w ill lie held in the First Church next Sunday, May n-tlh, with a memorial sermon by the pastor, Rev. Gtorge h. Water-. De coration Day will lie oh-erved Satur day with an address by Prolessor l! > fi.i, R. Richardson. <‘ommiltec w id be appointed and arrangements made next Thursday evening, to be an nounced next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. < h’ild have dur ing tlie past two weeks, Ireen taking a trip to Washington, Maryland, and returning via. Sea Warren, N. H., Brooklyn, N. Y., to visit relative-. Mrs. I>r. McClellan ha- returned from a visit to her son in N. ^ . Miss Dorothy Richardson i- at home after a winter in the Bermudas. Miss Nellie Chandler recently v i-ited her cousin, Mr-. Marcus W ood in Dan ielson and last week entertained Mrs. H.J. Potter. Mis- Mary Pericy i- vi-itingin An dover and at her early home in Maine. Mi— Gertrude Take ha- returned trom earring fora patient in Brimlield. Mi— Lottie Howard is visiting in Oxford, Mass. Mr-. Woodward has during thepa-t few week- lieen entertaining tier brother. Sanford Fisher. Mr-. William-on i- home again after her Providence vi-it. Mr. and Mi-. Herbert Kingsbury were in Hartford a few day- la-l week. C. H. Child attended the meeting of the Probate Assembly in HartL rd la-l week. He wn- accompanied by Mrs. I laid and her sister. Miss Sarah Lyon Is * trending the week with Mr- j. M. Paine. « uauneey v uuu i* »|«rnumg . with Fred Howard in Amherst, while KUia ( hild is guest of Constance Kel lou at Holyoke. The sad intelligence of the sudden death of Mr>. L. B. < Tane brings to the people ot Woodstock the dev|U*t feeling of sadness and profound sym pathy for the bereaved husband, the three little boy* and infant daughter. The entire faniilv during their sum mer* in Woodstock hate become en deared to the people of the tow n in a rare degree. The charming personality of Mr*. Crane had won for her many friend* and her strength of character wa* manifested where ever she went. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 8. Hardy hate returned from their trip abroad, and arrived this week at their summer home, Cascade Camp. Hr. Arinin K. Bruno, who was one of the representatives of this place at the last session of the general as sembly and other resilient* of this town," appeared before the board of equalization at the eapito!. Tuesday, to protest against the increase in the grand list of the tow n made last year im the ooard. The increase w a* nearly * Wu.iWd. Tax .Commissioner - H. t urbin. who is a member of the board, has recently sjent a dav in traveling through the town. Sewing machines and pianos at special price*. Good »quare piano, *•->. i ,iI 7 si-o ocU'e* r>/-ew<Jod finish at | Jeweler 8haw s. . Orders placed early will ensure your I thar^ration day flowers at iMrs. G. r-. | «*haw's. Baskets for ode up. H*I Wl«Ot>sT,.CK M arj meeting \Veilttf*J»r a.lernoon .a thct ongregationai church. Mi" Huntington of Norwich witi give an asiftr^N? <m Spain. Kdilh Briggs spent ttic Sabbath with rU>"ic A lion. Mildred Brown with Kdilh Eddy. Mi" I imam of Pulnant has been a <uc*t of Grace A tries. Main! Peckhain ha* been ha\ in* the mumps. ^tuart and Sylvia May have the w hooping cough. hthcl I pttain entertained Mis* t amt Ia'wis a few days recently. h io**ie Aiton and hvie Turner were the recipients of May baskets last week. How ard Bracken of Hopedale. Mass., was a g.iest of his mother Tuesday night. A daughter to Mr. and Mr*. Arthur Potter May 17th. A mistake last week in the list of contributions to the school. Library, Willie Richardson gave fifty cents in stead oi twenty-live cent*. As he earned the money to give, he de*er\e* commendation, a* well as full eredil for hi- gills Myron t'raw-ford died Thursday morning of heart trouble, age to years. The funeral wa* held Sunday. frank and Clifford Jordan spent last week in town, returning Monday to New York. Mrs. Haven of Quinehaug I* carring for Mrs. Bern, farrow*, who eonlinue* ill. N. V. W hite is home repairing an autoi«', Mr. Ward of Worcester. Mrs. Helen Aldrich was in Wilson ville last week with Mrs. Luther < ’hild. Paul GifTord is in New York this week, sight seeing. At missionary meeting was held in the Congregational church Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Huntington and daughter of Norwich were present. The subject of the meeting was Spain. Miss Lyle Turner w as the recipient of a May basket Saturday evening from iter young friends, a social time followed. Albert Hibbard spent Tuesday in Jioston with his brother Walter, who is foreman on an express running from Boston to New Haven. Miss Mattel hosier has been obliged to give up her studies at Woodstock Academy, owing to ill health. Mrs. Myron t rawford and Louise are s|iending the week with relatives in Cnion. The property of the late Uustason < combs lias been sold. Myron Crawford died very suddenly last Thursday morning of heart disease. He had iieen digging a deep lunch for water pijie*, and U is thought the exertion necessary has leiii., is death. Mr. l raw ford was >> native of Cnion ami Vi years of age, tie removed to this phev, where lie has been in the employ of Geo. rsampson, M. IS. Morse and others. Services were held from his late residence Sunday morning. Kev. I'. A. Turner otlerlng prayer, Mrs. K/.ra May and Mis. Tur ner sang a selection. The funeral was lield in Cnion and interment w as in the family lot in that town, lie is sur vived by his wife, one son William of Putnam and a daughter Louise. Mrs. Briggs of the Poultry yard drew a large audience la't Friday evening and ail pronounced the comedy the best presented by home talent for some years. It was very amusing and the audience was kept in a roar of laughter. Mrs. K. K. May received many com pliments for the realistic manner in which she presented the unusually lengthy and ditllcultcharacter of Mrs. Briggs, all the parts were well taken, and worthy of notice as some made their lir-t ap|>earaee before the foot lights that evening. Flossie Alton who substituted for Louise Crawford and Kulh W itter, a Miss of eleven years, performed their purls admirably. Walter Boss instructor of the band gave cornet and sa.xaphone solos be tween the acts which were well re ceived. Miss Mildred Brown was ac companiesi. I)r. C. C. tdidersleeve kitully acted as critic and prompter. The p o reeds amounted to over thirty dollars. A social hour followed the entertainment the band playing for dancing. (1 IIIC»TK8 There was a rousing forest lire here Tuesday, it started from etiareoal brands on the iiiil Allen place and burned over more then HR) acres, it was wtial is called a hot tire, tile ground having Iieen cut over two or three years since it took a large force of men all the afternoon to get it under control, Id or L’O curds of wood and a ring of coal containing over 4on bushels were burner). C. W. Buffington has bought the Kev. G. \\ . Corlti>> place. t liarles U. Sherman lias luiughl the Gluey Good speed place will move there this week. Bert Hopkins will move into the < ieinence house. J. Maud Collins has bought the Leon Ship[*ee place of K. F. Law. Alba Sweet better known as “Tim" was arrested last week on complaint of Fred S. Place for assault witlia dangerous wcujhui, being an old soldier the charged w as changed to earring a concealed weajion to which charge lie pleaded guilty and wa- lined >10 and costs which he paid, the assault w as made on Amey Place who refused to get him eider. Roy Law sjient Sunday in Provi dence. Willie H. Wood head saw three deer in tiie meadow south of his house Wednesday morning, they had pro bably come from < 'onneelicut. Have the deer_ have been exterminated in this slate* under the workings of the so called permit law ? Byron J>ewis has got his steam saw mill in working order in the “Pond Woods.” Mike MaeiUon has bought a full rig, horse, wagon and harness. W KIT WUOMTUCK Mr*. Brackett ha* gone to Clinton for a few week* with her aimer. Mr*. Pope. Mr. rtherrnan ami Mr*. Beck from Southbridge were calling on friend* in (his parish, Monday. Mr*. Brown i* with Mia* Helen Carpenter for the summer. Miss Nettie Philli|M was at home over the Sabbath. A very pleasant e\. erring was passed at the home of Mr. iF. L. Corbin last week, thee\enl being his seventieth birthday, about thirty neighbors ami friends came in and extended their good wishes. MUs Florence Wlleox is to be wilh the Hammond's at Woodstock Valley O'.er the Sabbath. •— ••• —• A Car tala Curs tmr Arlno* rest Shake into your shoe* Allen's Foot Ease, a powder. It cures Tired, Ach ing, Callous, Sweating, Swollen feet. At all Irruggi'ls ami Shoe Stores, 3oe. Sample FltEE. Address, Allen S. Oimsted. liUoy N- V. i#si2 Special Sale of Men’s Suits From non until Memorial l>ay—Sat unlay. Max Mh-wr will oiler tin heard of xalues in Meu'a''Uit»—Suita that are up nutate—Suits that are finely tailored. Smite were ixmcht las: season—amir this- but they are ali good", desirabie patterns. There's nathinit the matter with them, only we have too manv and oiler them at the follow nut prices. in order to reduce our stock If you hate not t<ou|cht your summer 1 tut tit. don't fall to take adx sntaee of this opportunity. i Mt ns Fine Fitnrj \Viir>ti il aud Cheviot Suits Wo lisv* i i hi It all sires at this price. but ot lx one or two of i kiuvl If you can find a suit it) this lot. you'll g< t a bargain, ta bular I't too #U 1 1 This Salt1 >i,95 < 11< at Values in Fancy Worsted •ini Cheviot Suits. Some gnat v*| uesj ill dark shades, regular price. 1*2.1 0 ITusSalr. #0.45 • Iuftiiis lot wo show sotuo ■wonder ful vairn—Fine, Stylish Woisted Suit:—elegantly tailored ami per foot fitting in light and daik patt erns. regular price I VtHt. This Sale. #11.05 Hand tailored Slits—models of the tailor's art -in Pat k Fancy 1' or steds and Brow n Shad* s many of these shades will be stylish next season—regular price 18.00. This Sale #13.50 In this lot you will find the pro ducts of the most noted makers—all hand-tailored- -materials the tines); perfect in every detail; regular pri co 20 (Hi. This sale, #15.05 N. T. HURLBUT. 22 FRONT STREET, PI’TNAM Now Sales Many of our out of town cuHtouirrM have Wen unable to avail ht*insOiV«‘s of the bargains offereil at our Wednesday Sales \V«‘ lift s <> tltvi.l. .1 for a few weeks 1' have sole# . NOW SALES Our windows will I>f triniued With a variety of articles at >1 ten* article* will be added nearly every lay it tel ail at t n’h * will be on sale at tie time shown. No waituiL.% eouie any time, eomc often for new specials. \\ tteii om wind w* every iluv for flie ON SALK NOW niyns, the sales will eon Mst of (,'ioikt rv. j;! i'sw ala Tn ware. Ktuimeleil, lion Ware, Dry Goods Specialties etc. It will pay you to attend tin -e NOW SALES AT J I )anielson Putnam Moosup Memorial Specials Our Success—Giving Big Values. Suit Special No. 1 BLt’E 8ERUE tHTl'H at.tQ f|W Made of A 1 Wool Serge, guarauf t/d eed, last colors, light fitting collar, con cave aboniders and shape retaining. We also have suits In a variety of other style** and fabrics in the new three and four button sack model. Included are tan, olive, Havana brown, slate and black. Regular $15 00 values. Suit Special No. 2 Of handsome Blue Serge, iwad• $ ft ffv exclusively forHEDER; also other styles and different patterns of fancier suits, in shades of brown, tan. stone, olive, gr«y aud blue, strip* s, eb* cka, plaids and mix tures. Every *uit worth fiotn flS 00 to f 20 00 Suit Special No. 3 *rom D *w until Me mortal iMv. g Ituj •, Any customer buvin an flH 00 fiO, § 22 or a $25 rtuit w ill receive a beauti ful S3 OO FANCY VEST. 'I here are reasons w hy you should trade at f*eder’H: 1st Because uur clothe* art* made by the l**at niak* r». 2d. IWcuum. vu- don't* charge m much Cor our good a an other merchant!* do. 3d. We do all in our power to please our $ customer*. 4th. If for any re anon you are not aatiwfied with your purchase* we refund your money. Your Straw Hat For 11*08 IN HKKK We have a full line of HHJfc Ktraw lint** for men and boy*; every j**pular straw and alt the latent style** are reprcunted by tin* best tfnidei* of hat** i rice*, 5<*r, 75c $1.00, $1.50, $1.1*8*, $2.50 and $3.00. Panama Half*, $4.1*8 lo $s <H* |*erb) ami S«*ft lints, latest Styles Prices from $l.5t*, $1.1*8 $2.50 lo $3.00. Cash and One Price Store, Opposite Congregational Church. Putnam, Conn* itVidiMuMitiiin ViYM DIAMONDS Diamonds have advanced fifty per cent, in the past years and they’re likely to go still higher. fou Therefore you can save money by putting into a good diamond—it will pay better interest than a savings bank. We own some handsome stones that we bought advan tageously and are selling at prices very advantageous to our customers for example. fSolitaire for Baby, 3.50. Solitaire in Fancy Belcher, 10.00 and 15.00. Twin Setting Diamond and sapphire 22.00. Tiffany setting and choice selected stones, 50.00 to 200.00 Jeweler Shaw, Putnam rmKfmmmmm CALL AND Sl.L OCR FINK LINK OF Shirt Waists vVe are >1 owing n'Hm’ alia values in lawn lingerie ami Allovet 1 in hroi lei v Waists Yon will Ami them maikid at lowo >t |m in j Look and o with otiim. DRESS SKIRTS in roihs, Panama. Tamise, Melrosr, Moh n s win! Fancies V tine assortim<ut «*( Man Tailored Gents at money raTing prices Nee our Special /Hack I'anama Skirls at &*> tin No such value l.l>c whore. Our showing of W all Papers was ut'vor tlnor, wo have them suitable for all purposes. See our hn - of high grade papers, including a tine line of imi'orted goods FLAGG’S Agency for Butteriek Patterns aid Parretta Dyers, rlraimera 1 I They wear longer and hold their shape belter then other shoo, beeause the very best i>t leather is used in them, .And are put together by the most skilled shoe makers. Once Worn Always Worn. C. lElliott. Putnam. B*v \V.: CJItltl.N TIIADIMO STAMPS. CHANDLER & MORSE sr4S*fiyTA.' 1 ^?35!iV Sherwin-Williams r) A / I/yA For all Kinds of rXi//V/0 Good Painting White Lead, Oil, Poultry Netting, Pit (rood Woven Wire Pence, lUirhed and Plain Wire. With the United States Cream Separator. You take no risk. You have time to try it, then ^satisfactory we will make easy terms for payment. w Cali, on us »ok 1 Crockery, Kitchen Furnishings, andXamps. Chandler & Morse HARDWARE - PLUMBING