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Wiw M «!;• #♦*» t«-r fr« mi \ uni Hullim Vii* r « * I »»!’ "•<: g tSi**f flit* HiHlId nrt»»e on h vi it tlw* nett week tmillwf ni<4 dat)ttIII*-i I *» *«f ill •*!»» Ii f tiw*r for h tm v no mfe. *h**u h** for inn *11 * "Wp uj«i«f H from l»#»r " “Ye* " “If nt- «'i# will ' erf a Inly talk rl^bt up 1“ the an I make thing* lu/itr iImn ever Your Amif Salimi ih #,.4 *f! ;«l of >. >V ' V i j .m »• t a« fur ora I an jr«n <an. anil thm f let l»er * at* h ofi to a thing ” A ml y«*t •%«• **r «U da>n later, when fli#» guest hi <|ii*'wtl*»n arrived »bi* Iim<) !x*t been in the house ti iIf an hour lnr ffin> she **ei ta*r Jaw and «uUl to Mm TtfOin|>M)ii ti#*r tr I lowed *l»ter *\\..u hiffli. while VIhry i* up* fit Ira I w?int fo tMur nil ulxriit It There * vtnute *kuldnddery l**eti going on here. ««al I Hunt to gel at I lie root of It It'* n*» u*e to put on Irinoeeii! I- * ! f< i I ru a woman « «n't I** dn i*h **d 4* Then Ml*- widow liml I*, fl* if tip ||<r i hi, if Man noiv f •-*' «,> y*;.ir «ik1 h I I;h*H "keepmr *-*»u»|Mfijr With f >«•;(< *>li ItflMllIf*'. * *Of| J llli*** a lid III** i,,hrrlair** liny *»n* »* i*n*n »♦*! !>*•.» * ..«» |tron dey had tlieM favored t!.«• in t« ti The widow li »*I n tin** farm nil Hi if hi* and If die took forty t, .;f f fi.*r> .init in ' (• ' * > **fI of Id* the young folk* would linve fl g**<d ■fart In life Kite a* well «h In* « oiild liimt nili 11 11»>»f** i oP-lilnrHhle t*> nurd iMin.liitK 11,#* new hotta* mid Imrti V«.« .! .%. 11 i . u ■ d m in h uroioat ami everything "an k " * <*K mvliutnin^!y when fin* dea on look lit n HiilllilmT Im*fit«l» t III* w w h -f in Itflif t»‘ a l« ' f Ih» np r that I1* for t w o v, h. pit id half flu pi!' •* *»f iMfcird uni Iij^ in i;» i iv. h 1-1 lli* ot!o»r "i info. tiiSUut) " hh li * Pam:* *1 the ‘h'fn "II t* n.j ul* : •- ■ -r Ih * oir*t* • Innl mi'l** n tttMfly of family li* * 4. m» In* >**< *-i u*d tin i jiftor *h ! afrhlii^* Ih- In *1 Mini • HI^ ih*- hi I In* fulfill,* uiman.n 1 ir « f4>ilidtfht In* aurnMtina«l lliat the lilfilllin v «**!♦ <1 i! *1 ih***-« IKtalitM o| laird Hfoaih,1. of 1 ami while I -«»*'«! lUmn: •} In it • • a KHiml nephew tjf W illiam the < *»ii*|iier«»r lln- *hm on tun! iihvay n l»e n rnlliei ii rtlff m«U«*i| iimn fowanl tin- nom •it it in t ami thin lufoi nmtloii added to ft In plide Ih* dhl not ipin**t Pin the Htrutiyer'a Itifonnulioii, mid after a lime it la g - i n» K*-t "1 pH " o|-k He uni r» t rh h. tail he hail the blue hlo'wl In him. iiml that wan even lietter In four ui*»k** he wiih wtilklug an if he Imd a fa*) « r d«*w ti ‘ Ih lunl. and at the • lid of four mote In* paid fu Id** rtoh **Jamen. tie r»* Ih nothing flint hurt» n family tnufe tlut«* a mUalllam e What Ih the world going to nay when |! |ieai-h lit.*! a Ihotuh'.V U*ih ittarrietl H ’i lmni}»ou Are >•*«! la’!. In il !•" i f M * t> I InMtip non, iafIn t * a *al la: ■*” 1 iUlt I ant «« » in« thhu u great deni ♦ lUTeieot from what I did a f - n w ta il* ‘ Wheta- tli-iI !lu Th-'dnpHoiis Hprtug flM*-- W ho .ire they - VVa the Hi d I Inirni Koa a hint or duke of *mi\ a riw*| » i •, you know. f‘ru enuag *1 to Mary rh .mji-ai mil you t. now the the I.! > ir *.« i h * ta i - a* \o oin* < ;m nay that tin r< has Ihhui anythmu (Iguunt lIn -ii. from i l linlf-ifIn r d*»w n III). Illii’ \ i - of III** III ll 1*4 Im en In jail that I Unon of tmt I .**-k a-*m •Who m« tin llioinp < -■ We know who flu* |li oinn , h *ji» a ug fi-mi. and I eaiMrd eoiiM to any plidwiatl adjam * I ||| | i | kte»w v ho tin* !ii**t I hompHOli WHM I fill Jiff Hied In "i‘|'*e»ic.; Ihlw H.ah h It u id U* tn» tt^e w Hate v * toaig-u* the tmift- r with me I ittli *h* fprntittfil t<* int ■ *’i \ i* the purity of our blood nu It Is a** eollte down to oh" I line** did 11 *t * e » *• to • all tit the wUhwV hut it ih not long liefoie »1h reah^'d that he had HMtnethlng on lih intuit, ami he " • h-iil's pre' .tmd OJ <>H to state if lie la id in dire, t i*ithm to td* lather, hut lhai did not satisfy i !)• f - If. d it•.•■tiier or tie* high : pit H*m1 dm :itder SM-ahn l wHatkdi | Sm ti w tin the »d mil toll W ill'll Vent Sal a arrived She h, » d t<* 4ue story with a »■ itu h.wk mi her taee lied when It was {!n!»hed -h * siod ‘ (tlfUi y. Ul WeU* Hi*\et any g*«Kj Mt hand! .: •* Ido* t|d* and yen mud leave lioegs to l»i«* I know nil ilh*ut the rhoiupHe-n** and the ltrm»it*\VH t«*«* Mini I've h*n. *d a tl.liig «»i two al*oi)t Wlllhi U the t aunpieioi sin* v I went |.» MiehUan to Ih *• Von -t k*vp out v*f tin i iis.- a »d . t mt settle It my «»\vn wav “ “Hid you v ou t . o tv* the deueou mnl ('H11 Id ill dll old idiot'* protested tie w 1 low I . ui'l tel what I'll do l*rovtdenee *eiiera!l> If. M's a hand lu i uise* like this Mini I illMtl » B'lHl deal ■ II |*ro\ Idem Mv Mill! Ml) II word to Mill Miami It l*mvIdene* didn't «;ilt ion* U-fon tllklU* » timid l>lS‘Ctllls'r tl.lll l Otlto Instead <i# In In* nottilcil on llirlstuii* ill \ is IlM' \ 11111* C\>tl|lU' tllil Iio|mh) .for they w e i c 11- *ootl ns e*lnui*ed .lleluoeu the house .-mil Hie I mm was * *iHise pond of * ivlislderwlde ilei'lh tml thoiiKti till* tiiul Is'eu froren oi it • ollit for tn o oi tlitec week*. t» res on! ninth wind liiil *oite far lo weaken tlie hr. ami the hired man hail skirled Itie js'inl In *oltt* to and fro On the forenoon of the sery next d ti utter the story had las'll told IVae- !i |t*iMUli*r eame walking tow ard tlie widow ' house lie was (akin* a short . nt the 1 eld* and when he tea he.I tlie ts u.l tie sii'tessl 1 on tln» he It li-etiti to i rat h ti l th'i>»h tt ll heel lea. iMwIiint of ! ."d lltxtlnle.' anil thn-o*:. Km of w ■ ,m t* e i on 1 «er »S.ito!) i ■ hie .. It; lo to. ke a rush lor the head ' 1 -t hairet .!! lieu! In * llhsoe tli. -.1 ll o V.l ! ot ... Ke. k there a p* » tj ovi hj» |.h . ! fm.n ts t . eh ’ -My eOMt. he? there'* In .-»•« Wrxwn iJie the l oad”' e\» - ed the iisi'.tsi iHit of the vx ludow ••Jr * rroxah i; ait'ss'ered A • t S Ho*, -and now you keep hand* oil J lovldeisee »nd I ant train* l«* tliia Faun (let u ■ hood and shawl and (ul'tea*, for ill* I'ou'ervuuou tuny a*t e U-ue." I Fit#* i ftttt'w fn#**r «?>#* mtivwi on t!.m» Nsfi’ of Hr#» l*o . 1. ritfott Mm* d**#**) ftp ! tltd n I if *%#* *awf' J ;siii '« A* of 11 «,i frmii \f UfU IjMit a ! »jf*. •* **ti a % Hi ftf*l yo# want i to w»i' niijF If* "IV tot « ?>* ^ 1 v i * J " f iff»5r»ir by, | f9tl kl|'**v I Hu | WOftitl j «pk f<‘f any .Ian *r nif^ht j irrltfHi ** *A I I Jam- know mi w#*r«* ir * Ins? f'» Of'fe y* 'N o. I * iin'f • ;; » tll ll t»<* «1M I ***** si f**o# l«i:in| tf»*rf In tin* ttf»! *tu-d M I -k i to i■ bring ft h#*r#* and «b< *» !? <#tif *»fi ft*** h®#*?** Wli ;fT 'Vli.if " #*.*• laifiiifJ Aunt Ha fin** it* all** j?'i •*«»«! at him Hir. I ft a fit v *ii to kft**-* that I wm* a Thotnfr*oi» b#»for#» | ifHtrrtair* “T **?' "And t»ow dnr#* ,rmt. »lr bow tfarv a Brofii!#jr n*k a TbonifiMMi to <Jrn;t t»ofir<lN around? If* »i» Iiihu.I, *lr in Inaulf fo onr Mo#*!*" , "I <1 >«9ij‘t tnno It ho I didn't know I n**vf»r h#*#»rd that tIm* Thomjmoria had — had" "find nnv Mood Hf all. you afr! Another Insult* Who do you think yon »r«* air/*' You mav h*»w. of lord Bruin lay of I. i:.'MOff * ipn*rb*d flu* dmmnt. tr>lniC to look (JltrnffU^I. but making a [ failur#* of It an *i»> mail mud Inn •• I *Joim*. f»*r< hi' I hi fli** i anter of n gootw* fHltlll "Y**h *dr I I.- i* inil with g**>d r**n •fill. I|i* atoli* a home* from a Tlionip not I a »»l wit* t ;i f *d f »r I f ?*• Y'»u you iloij t khv!" If! III** llfil g U'OlflOII two lit Of II i* u»"»* I t tii'l'd on Ifn* palinn of ♦h. f tnimla f .r f-affto* afi’rtllnc In tin* tii ni on#* of tb**»ii wimt fo prlaon for »r «*« * II** *• »^hf to I Mir r* down fin Ofjuf ». of H Thf.« |f»*Ofl *® “* 'mi It lw fn.*-alhl**?'* “AmJ In t » fourth fifth and "Ixth i?f*r*TMfIona Hu* I hoiripHoti- got to tr* fh**r nil thuli r«*fitln**ra itfNl drnv** nil tin* fttojidi-', * * it *»f th#* r.innirv, and 1 !»«• I : .j? ! * 11 i ■ I J 1 ' 1**1 M for If h if i*'• -Ioh- that m* <*r hoard that I rd »i i :* •* > w t n I l)oifi(»M4itiy I »o#*ai!*f ’,i- • i - t« it von 11- if lh*- link*- of York v ■ :i 'I iiollifixon'* Wliv IlSim tlll'H* I ,* I to ! - ■ ?l * v. m m‘f n l I ii mi pH *h t i » Ifi* 11 d (o Im* "I I I; • . ** lao*!i I- d full I d‘ ■ «*nd**d from i ?»*• f oiMpimor," fnO**r»*d ih<* «li- n on i«» Ik* frit I lint In* h id I**»«l hU «*««•• ' I lit W l|*» W - \\ ‘ i till 111** f 'oil i <pi lot \s i " ! »*i«I• *«I in I Hi'l.imi if v im i hi- I :;<»:is | ■nil* • It*#f Unit him m to \ :i'm| | i ! ii,-. fio ; *• i**r»t until hi* >*ou!d ^f rt!• * i j*if» f »#m< on Mminlcv. !o \ ti want flint fio.ud to i4‘*t unhurt* { oi\Y' If \ t'fl pit* Of ** And I It to •.!*#* tin !dh»t or ii hoii allifi* tmiitT* ’ I ' ' I think I would Ilk** to talk V HI. f hi* ■ id .W II lltlh* W hi h* 1 ditlu'f know. >'*u know*’ V>’ r«*(li»d Aunt S**llt»« ns ah«* Witll ifftu ft!** I m i,i id ’ liUf you do How lf’a I lloti'i oil Il M I hoillpHun W ith 11 'f* If*a tin* I hoiii .M.UI fjtmllv. d** * *mdod «11 f• *« fIv fi m \ ! mi mid i;\»* Hint h.m* -i. i u ji tv 11 ? fci ind tlituuikiliK kins?** mid fin - * m - I olviillutf up thr »Nirth for lit if # I« m Ml st*,*i>i Mini *irt» 11*»t throuirh yt»f I In i. ^ tin* pl.iuk ■tud now \ ■ • ij » .• • .» in m-.I hnv** n tr»IU Kind ?*.*! ovi»r youi* f*M>tta|)nt»HH " d !.• ' I M *'I •" • U p'.f ** ' niontli • ■ , i~ ! ' 1 ' ’ • ' •'* ! hni.-kfi tin* k' unuiIofcjiK! vli. pit Id t; if i r. ! Ilia i- i.ttt! BatHoiy ,*n Elephant. If fin - !• *■ ■ t1 n w hi* h nn »*!*' 1-*^ ltd : j::*. : Jl ho *. .• ; !l f fi .-i-,.., }( h- In- I 'Hi In 1 n f i i tiupfiiiDis ; 11«■ ”-fd l«. .Ii ■ n fi* i?r, f . i; ,-- of th-* Im*m\ \ Inl 1 f i■; ii s I Im‘v I.i' «• f heir h;ltha in tin- h unt. I, - nt tin* lruir?;H w h.*n* f' ' ■! ff.h . n.. th* > h#*h.M »* nni« h ln*t h i nhoiif if *1 .hi uin • hliilri>tl l'ln*\ itt f to I In I \u H lid Ih* paih’llt whlh Hum i • w i | l»v Hu n ath'lulntlta I Im \ iiti t Ii\ .*.*i Mlniilt V.M'V |! • * * . > • -it fit if « >.i * n‘••dim*. I ’ i i •• t till.- with ?i id* . . of - .nn* I i-t. d of a Kp.Miyr timl If tin- *.» f > Mil! of hit# hi,. I tin* • dojliauf |" t. pi.’k*« It Up with fun trunk .a! h: ii !s i? I ,nk A ft i*r th«*.v ha ' »• h. ;i ■ •« ' ;’ h -d till* rl.'plinnts i ttti• •- * m a how r hath, u^inu thoir tnull. - t«.» il.uh »ln' wntor upon flit'iu-. ■■. M l fh \ . an hit inn j irt . r ?f. I v ■ h rfO I ■ inloti Mat!. C!cv*r B. d*. \ i • • • tin* fol I* • w In a I fvirod fo f , *rii«"o* of two 'id tin. In • t> a. win !i In* la*|>t il « 1 »a W -t h W hi * : in w **tv huiUlfUg a Host a ' o I > > - 11 »*o \\ ts.'fi I In d w w t ! ! ho noil, j*d that tin* ¥ I' I of ■ ! : d In* % . i: • W »** t o ynut for tin* *tn*i . Hi of tlu* HUp l rtinn luatn h T*m* ^ ddflm t»*'s als * pot o!\o.| that tin* u.*Ht wmtld f'tll mi > ■ r. at d«'tl • f hlrtl talk th«*> th*w* awav am! . tun** ha. k with a stout strlntf Then thf.v olia rrlt tho lH*tnl It K twig t.» a vir*u:|t««r and hinln'r I no h of thr trr** uni thus ptv*MM vod t!n*tr toHit and Ita .ont«*tUH from dt* HfTu.ul.m la'tnlon StHndHrd ■Mth In a Royal K»t«Han Seine ntartllth.’ ftiatetuiMH* at*mt “na ImjKMlal ktt« In'u" rtrv contaliuMt In in 4rUi i# in Hu* I‘aria Hovu«* l lu* writ i*r I* u of na a no Hotmui win* wa* u uit**ul»er of the tin iuuor eltvte Our of the **io rle* relates t»» the aar'* attack of Xy phoUt feier m I*.»•*«1 'Ve "ere talk inn a Unit It,*' *avs Uu* uoUkHOan, and w *twJt*c It w hen the i**tr cmitd ha*e enteu *»r tlrunk tin* fe\er i^*rui» when \ not* tew t»m .u In the parly aal*t tliat. hi%\iiii» seou ih«' Imperial kitchen, the ■.is > i\ ness v :i> in* »«n»rl!i*‘ in her l hml an opportunity.' »he naWL ‘to | iihe itiir's ‘■pH' tntiu. uni j win everyth!us hn»l Iwn wointenxl j •ij jt , 5 i Im I ml wi* * a *l i’ I** the kitvh wn VHt1'* I vuHiikawl a!ao at the , «♦; f *t,» the utter iti* v\ f.*r Uu* price of j vNtia* •. - »*" In the k -eh-n s sil ni the t rathe I ? •"‘f* **• _Jf 1*» *•*(!' t nw *?**« btjl HEROIC LIFE SAVERS. Hard Lift of thf Surfmor* WHt Patrol th< At *nt c Coact. AH H.r«e gb th** night tbe sarfmes are im&SHi’S tbr U*a b at HaocMndf, a* tbry da f «r* «/ *tdy f*e#4 to **ape la. meetlttg In the HftN* ahj»nir »n a ■< i;t* < alb d fHfway iloo*'* ; U* f •*' I o.:** another th** new# *»f the b /ur fc'id to ♦‘(i-iuifi-'r ti»*' nurai>pre*J b,as* tag* by which tli** captains maf , know fha* lire w it. » In* gn<>«* faltli fw?!> t«» ' »e ♦•!! i of lit* j*«iwf Kor fen Uiout ft* Jtt • be year CJm* v*gibniee I* not n•{. *:**.I IxirUig June u.'ifl Jutf the m tv* are rrwjrde«j f*ir fti*-lr year** labor by the j<1ft of a gen roij* vaea lion -without pa > They may fish or farm 'w ilo wbat they will for a living. Tl*i" <-aptaiu* tlw*u alt. ea‘*b one alone. In tbe life wavfc»# station*. ami If auy thip U foolish enough to get wrecked at thin time. when. according to the rule* of I'licld Hum. tliere should tie i; >r wre.-k Hi*' nearest captain pbk* U|» a scratch <*ri*w of tHheruieii and other longshore folk and th«e« the t***t tie cjn to mive Ihe*. Htorin* nn ! %vr*s k* do wrur now nn<l then in thewe |«*rio I*, hut they really alio Id 0 »' and therefore eotigre** !u It* wfsdotii refuses to keep the life er* on «Xi#?y I r on the wisdom of congress there is uo appeal. Truly tin -e must l*e all tb** fascina tion of u game Hi till* serene and skiil ful contest wifi mgmg death It can not la* flu* ait of w.ige* that attract* the * h s to tile ser\he. Tbe cap* t is r * . »* • »*» a year nod the surf men $ i r nth Imriug tbe two moiitl m « ' o!ij* 1 va .itI >ii they get $!t nph- e for ea h occasion of service. No. then* in uo money hire lo till* ifii11ii* i !»#* i e require* inrti of perfect health aud strength. When ever tbe • m : m dim overs *tirfaian »»r enptfilii t » I *ve fa’Sen la*! »w jH*rf**<-t on-i i i I* lw« oiitiiiently put out. n » I inatiy \4*arM be may have ? i life saving And there Is no jm »i ; i \i K til all. Hie superln :r .f •'»»• di-p.ii'■fluent. Iik* tried ,s .Mid ,• in to persuade eoogfess *-» : ? J - h, i = >!i* t * th****‘ m**u, hut i,i 1: wimtorii has altrnys t, t ... i *m i!;.- *vlsiioin of .oo ; • t ;!},.}• • ;. al \V. O 1 ti< 1 Hi !1 ii Lc*i r c', H fh misioi. I* : tbe i i• • i novelist, has oi . *! . i*. , i »ii t * hi* weird i!.:! i ’* s ** »ii of Kjtl'JJtinil in it ii • 11 .* It I ot ik young prln . »• ; wi.a * i» 1 far*', almost as eX j u ! > e uu■.*■ *■ its ma**k as It uni t haw Ih*«*u Hi lire This mmiitny . which Is one of tiie la* t In the collection, ttc i-oiPuah* . in hi- -mdy "the hiih‘11 that rre**ps ri*> a winding sheet wheu a muim.iy I half tiuroiled*' ladl’s griev lire i* that hi* '»*i\aiits will u*»t move or t • i* ’i his mummies under any dr* ctiiMsmin es ••only tl.iiiU.” he si\h, -not one of my mm !lit-. wo.!l | touch this beatiti fed >«*uiig wouiuli. I hey are so mU|h»i* * (Miens , i . i (lie dead I had to earry Imt i i j * s i les m ■*-,!' Aid. would you l»v'it‘0' me i I t*ea ln*d the lauding it suddenly i' . bed thn* iva my mind that | v. i « . I in r » '• pM* I s* »M|l«‘d t*l o i! * . h: ; i f ill*- d» d br**ast pen* traie my ov. n t e • : 4 the mher embalm 1 l .* . m i* *d , m * l br pMans in !.«•;» - :dy n> that of a H .lt* ih. ’C v • IS -I V i * > ■■ d I with he sits writing hi t •mane, s and pbay* in tin* ’ll! wan. lies <*f the night, i’lil viiiiu News No “Off th Gi a;." S*co». Inti . .1 " a.| pa i ys'#---. the ' ,t: i s S*} aleHlt til** City and i; h! ii ( . • | uU as well were plen ■' if u1' y »I * Med with "Keep mtT the (i ra ss" mm* Ii »m curnsl t . I anU I'lx \ • *f.■ \ to ,i* U tlirough flics column b. * I * * t ( 1 - ** * **ul*l 1h* mad«* of gi t ; | .i t hildrcu to frolic ove» ft Nots .dy ;»ot . i the park c.miniis -!.*ti *< t <’ ei \ an^xver tin* que* tl«Ui d in Vr P? ■ • demanded that iii.- filgU' he removed itiid th# • hlidren • f ban I » veu leave t » play ell I'm g •* to t'l.d; !***;l r T s* roll tent TH »* . | jmi. w * twenty \e IS s'1’ «. a d has :* r > ’• »■!> n •’ '• **d any lark ef ‘ . -s i • *, idea Kate park *r CNeli ill »ui • • e ptiks til l-'a-e «p .*»r t‘ of fp,- • I i all then* > *•- • * , e he is la e|* a Ko O 1 ’ fT til# tim *' :;.. ay w her« In ^an rntnds o Wh . a . - a Me the j , re and the profit tint ii.? n e « mue m»t * u y to the cl.iidh * vl ..a' sail I vaiiv i - », hut t » ait feet hne to i.ns. ti the velvet of gv w mg turf threngb the com smn ve?rn* !l*l > •*! Mud *d**us r «’! W >'J a g*>. d mmi ever whose head the grass has n o\ !om: been greener Sell Ihan rlsco VigUllUt. Mcdav H ndoo Women. \\ 'shtii s short >imin .1 silent i hauge has iiiiita u■ ff a wmHKmu **i ilif native impulntiou nf I ahore ('hililrvu *»f na Iht* gvlltleilltll i III Is* seeit Ivlui! Ink cii mil tut- an a ill ng liv ayahs umra Ini: anil evening t'ertaln tmtil men have In-can t<> take out their wive* In tlie evening rm a drive In <n»-i» vetil elea A uis'k !ii;ii Me saw lfit1 tlain: htt-r nf a man of position walking with her father on the railway platform at t-a tion' She was ilresseil In m hat seem e<l like an Kng'ish gown. h»i! Kngllsh alioes on when her husbaud ensue up left her father and walked atsart with him Her fa.a' was ijttlt* tliteor ered l et those who have iHathai , In I 1111are go there and see f<w them- 1 selves the state of things. They "III • ms- wives going out shoulder to shoul der wIfli (heir hnslsuids In the evete lives, hav Ins '.aid c sslliy to odd restrks thins. V lent who wou'il I ire reitnfwwe I hi* old tnatmers on his woiuaakimt would i,.. ■■(,. v .,{ i.mrtesi ruujab Jour nal. \ id ( itmi ■an mlla; •>: ais a -'i the delicate membrane lining lhe air passages, I' not fuiril tiy ary intslures taken into the stomach. 1 vnt waste; | time on the n Taki Klv’*t tea iiBsIm ! ; throi ,U till* that tile fevered | swollen tissues are leac! id a*, to. ; \ v< !•. d ' IS > ^i) nor hov* \ 'U hitvt : tvii pointed, we I > s i n a I a n ■ wilt c irv uiu as it has cured others hy t'n sand V ’ d , : - - VI in 1 > 111\" . - VVtitrvu>t . New A . ; k "l)rTlkWI> ia'Wltie t>i! is the bead remedy lot that often fatal disease— croup. Ho leen usil »ilh sikvbb in our family for eigtn years. —\lr». 1. While acre. Buffalo. N Y. DOING EUROPE. . Th * T®ur»*t 8M*-'*d to H»v« a M»n>* For 6su»««ov. t ha/1 met Joik-» iicfore. Id fa< t. I meet ing him h ■ <1 become a sort of ! hilitt- The find time I »«* biiu be I wa* hanging I*jr bit. feet. »|»*<|<lwcti«j. | miuiriuuig taut*. "U file fa* »*ie of Biar , tier >n*tle, ki*«.us tl»e *b-'U' of e,o <|tieu<e My camera caught Utm in the j act. he -'.uttered when I told [ him that hi" U. t »a* Immortalized "la li,J fa<e lu It? I*e ><1 tue oue. will you? That [>r<> e to the foika ba. lt io Zane«vIile that I did it ” I bad run >■< r~» him again In I.od llou. where all way* meet I aa» aaun tering iroaml th* Whit. - haja-i ghetto, and through the window of an a!>y tavern I noticed two turn drinking •tout. <me «>• a "bobby" In uniroriu. Ilia eye* were bleared and bia faee purple The profile of the other lo<»ked familiar 1 wa ked In and beheld— Jonea. The policeman "fart ed by my Intrusion. brought hlro»eif together and wabbled out. Jones turned to me with a look of vaat reproach “Glad to aee you again, old man, but — why In the deu'-e < ouidn't you atjy away a little longer? I d have had It in half an hour more." “Had what?" “Why. hi* Hub I.ord, what a sou venir that would hate made:” Our way* parted again for awhile I wa* riding a wheel hot the 'rest of the Blin k forest Titlsee. pumping slowly to the n ■ of the long, white road. A pine cine strmk my handle bar. another ki. »kel my hat off. and I looked up. An aerial voiee emitted a Tyrolean halloo with much unction, nud I *ii w a * iv ; 2 |> k silhouetted uguln*t a cloud My ii,-ilnet told me it was Jones "llev. old m o!" he yelled, trumpet ing through I lei ml "take my pic ture f|ulek ? -e just In time f’un't hold on uiitcli be t'ameni's at foot of Iamt i! ha ! iv U[> " I! / cnmera - -lied «u I used my own * “W. ;.•*;>• - ting me •" I U Led will'll ' ,e *-t| doe 11 with l/arbed hand* ! fi >*d tmi - “No, not e, iv l.<>. k here big gust pilic ml,, i; ! i Iti.v, from * lu* t.ilies, t:oo on , . ■ d *h I i ■the Kehv 11 i .• * • lei hi I Worth v. hi * ' I admitted lllg the I til and deep cut . I*f falling V ! I "What? < h way 1 wont ter 1 ger cone s I ut's move i" v Outing Mug I v.e stood survey ,.f m..i duil hills o fnii of the S'lUlli! Hired. I It Is But t f I a big ' in these parts fro.I || Alburn hi Fre* L 'nch F - a Lien. Fie was s ' ■ on the street- blit I. ill Ills palmy (lays lie • •! ! ■ I Professor Plco olmnlul, Ibe I “What mule u g, t up?" lie was asked. “Well, you • , onee I was U! 1 ” ■ I . ' ■ l e l lied Fruileriul. I' 1 was . -r taluly u w ild pr -But i « i , r slow and grad I - f Pr -■ I ei'|e\ 0 ,0 | ■ do .-illlis a |, I IlHt I : ' i: ,i e-'.'e ' i ' t ■ i. Ii i : k to e t ■ b 1 tut -V v :•> th a* >1 i • A Qjon’tg - A vor t Ii very m ' V p ail,Ills young s-e vv . in - . , a rations f >r f b ill - a e , • irs ago an I at h - - l; ■'*'■ disco*, ered a cheap ' . I i . •• nils." he ■ ■1 it 1 of cli'i'"pagii ■ Ir g • • ! " 11 for those pe Ip'u vv > « ' i * i v tenstp*' I 'll 1 ■ coil 1 lei! the difference A ■ = -r 1 hu ordered a do * i oft1 vvlno \ ilay .r!"‘ f ire i1 . *it. plekuig up I. • u p • I" • ,~I that IT" v i v!m:' !i halftei-o. advert! ’em. u I- " .. cr It a a I sa « in t h! the n-'r ; i ‘-’ili, “T'-'. "-pi S'-a l* > . i d ,t,. , ' ' . I i s i l ! I ■ e i,g UUiants' II Work That Tells — Plenty of It Keen Hone I Right Here in Putnam. t last ait* curt's that tell. It. thoroughly know the virtues ol a medicine you must inv esligate llw cures ami w if they prove |>eriiiniieitl. lv>an's Kliuev Pills stand this test, a id plenty of proof exists right here ta Putnam. l*eople who testitied vea» ago to relief front backache,kidney and urinary disorders, now declare that rr lief was permanent and the cure |>crs feet. How can any Fulnaut aufterer longer doubt tl»e e\ idenc*'.’ Mrs. Albert ijttourelle. of 70 Smith street, Putnam, 1‘onn., savs: "Some five years ago my husband maiWi a statement telling what Ikvan's Kidney mils bad done for him ami he ttowt wil lingly confirms w hat he then said. He had lasm troubled for a long lime by pains, at times being hardly able to move 'around. He also had dliay s|<eiis and the passages of the kidney secretions wete too frequent. Ikians Kidney Puis, procured at Dresser's drug store, cured him, and Ite lias nev er since (ailed lo rocotninetut them to other 'Utlerers. Haring the years that have passed he has lero entirely five from kidney trvnti'ie and gives ail the c i till lor his cure' to Ikvan s Kuimy 1*1 s i'ur -ale bv all dealers. Price si (sols I-.ester-Miiburn t,v. •* t \ i\ \ i. .s.,!c agv lit tor t'.e l : . Kemensfeer the name— iswu s—and CASTOR IA -or loiiant* aud Child rats Th: K nd You Have Always Bought Bears the S gniaturw V Trollev Time Table The Consolidated Railway Cc EFFECTIVE SEPT- >7- , Time urai lor cart leaving From ami Main Street I^aee Far,am for Worce.tevaad ate .top. at :7.M a. m.. h r:y merem “ EdU» p. Ke,r leaveUorco-e- .W Halil at 4,15 a m.. ami l.oorlv un.i P- ■ Time 2 hour. ami 20 minute. ; fare ««»»• Putnam for Wet-ter and intermedia .top. a, *e, 07 a. ... *7 » a. until 10 55 p. m. Return,a*. ft" *'“3 at *6.15 a. a , 7 4.’ a. m. anJ tourjv onto 10..V, p. m. Fair » rent. E.tra for '!«*•»• teaeiile only hourly from 1-25 P- 111 aB-“ “ ** l. eave Putnam for riayvtl'e an intr atop, at *6.35 . m. ami boarlv Iherejalter untt, 1145 p.m Ketnrainir, Daveille at _ *■ m. *6.10 a. m., Dawdle I car hr,* m., ami hourly tncrrafter until 10.28 r m I.cave Putnam for 1 lanielvon at I« « » then lioorlv till 18.15 f. ft Daaidaoa at J7.10 a a. aad then boort? unti 10 10 p.m. Fare 15 cei Leave Putnam for rolral Vinatreand tater roediate atop* at aS-43 a. m. ami ho", 9 35 p. to. Retort)tnr. leave eatrai ' '*- ■ •6.15 a. tn., 7.45 . » ami boom t: " until 9.45 P. m. Fare 25 cents. All ■ ar. « BCCt at eitra) Village lor Moo-up. rare Putnam and Providence Leave Putnam tor Providence anil way pointe at 8.J5 a. m cban/me ai Eltnvi:ie on ears ol the Proeiilenc, ami Dan,-ton lUilwav .earing Etmeille at 0.45 and V45 .. ro. ami hourly thereafter to and iw ndinr « 45 t "".'tT! iog, leave Market Square, Pnr. a. . .4. >. m. and hourly the-rafter to 3.1o 1- *•. thet 5.45 p. m. Fare 75 . nts. not run Sunday JSumlay one hour Lo . xSunday*. 2 hour, later. All aou*hSr 13 t iet ■ »nnrct a age with rut■, tor Moo-up Above tab:- - ;b - ' to lanifc ral Vil Fot Puritv arid Excel,cm A Reliable Remedy FOR CATARRH Ely’s Cream Balm i* quickly absorbed. (fives Relief at Once. [t o 1 eanBooth***. ieai* hi. I protects ,he dis* ir*e<l luera »ntne re-sulting fr*»ra Catarrh and drive* iway a Cold in the Head qm- sly* B<-*t‘>re* he of T.i-te and Smell, hull -i/e ,0 cU. at Dniggiiti or by mail. _ Liquid >eam Balm f*>r n-e in atomizers 7 > eta. Eliv Brothers. 5«» Warren Street, New \«>rk. Putnam Mail Service 1908. PORT Ol H< K OP» > From6.30 a. m. to 8 j*. m. Sunday Mr >m 8 30 to O.i'J a. m. The lobhv will I •« k Box 12 i to ».3l miixm mint i; m\ !>i<»v 8dl f ) I V K If | I *4 Hi < d';i, V <: mi il Max* HIM l> OK Ci»l I f < 1 lnSS I -i • ' .it Letei .Miiulav* Kl Mill M I u. HM ION I >4 I-M O “ FRONT AMi t I M M il W. f I Hi1 \ ' ;4 t di'jLitrbft! s? 7 H> a. ni 111 t II Mil l III I IVRK1. K.mtc* No. i a; .1 2. h-.r» I’cV. maD|ii.,.tC; XI 4*1,8 (»!» \ I ,{o >| N.w York. nil 1 B..Mon. S.lO, l Vafv a. y.i;. ' I. HaitSonl, s’. U V. m.. -t 10. -T i . N » Y „■*. s, a ni , 4 h r. ),». vVtuvt St. ? "1,5*. in.. *;.0't j.. : . H * ‘.M4 *. S.1-*. a. 6. »: • ; . \Vilimu.iiitit'. V‘*‘. U s. iu.. 4.10 r. M lll,*4 C l Ost I oil Moll . j Boston,:.1<\ l '«» *. m.-l-M'. '. T,.* l>*n 7 4‘!•» 10 ». uk, 5 ;J3f 7.4,Y j. ni! Bait* i«l. 7 to. 10.i‘» a. hk, o i.*, 7 (5 tu in> S', w York, 7 4 ». It > i. ui.. I',' m N« w H »v 7 n>. i" 10 * ■ t . *. ^ : ;R, Norwich, 7.40. I'T.t* .1. tn.. 5.35. 7.46 p. tu WilUtuHnii'-. 7i0, *0.1“ a. in,. ..»•. 7 rfl p. m. WoreeM, t, 7.1#; 10.10 a. ok, 3 35, 5 35, 7 4$ • tn. Wcat ami Southern State?. 7 10 7 4<h 10 10 ra.. 3.15, 3.JB, 5.35, 7.45 p. rn. WonvMi mO NVh l udon. North. S» tiA>UH, 7.10 in.. 3.35 p. tu. Woiventcr ami Ncn Loudon. S,,i:io% Way Sta tion*. 7.40 a. m.. 5.35 p m. Boston auvi Hertford, Eaat, Wav -santsos 7-tt a. tu. lUwtoa an,l Saurtfor-I Weal, War *atu»us* 3316 p. ra. Boston nnvoPcmtfh., Ka*t, Wap Stnftooa*. p. m. Boston audPoutfh . Weal, SCntiOiMv IB.fil a. ra. BoaU'o. Providenre and New Sbnfc, Kart. Was Statmuwv 10.10 a-ra. } Woodstorks. Weaiionl and Vrf-rl h -8*.-*-^ 10^0 a. m ’ ^ WcvodiOnck?, South. North, Saai, lajg a. 5.35 p. m. Pomtant. ftatlO a, ra., 5.35 y m.. hs NiarhJn for a.l potau 7.4.% a. m. Suudavs tor ail pomu, p. ». FRANK G. LETTERS Tlii1 htni Sprii* Waters \VorU1. A >. l*.\\ IS \|»! »£rT, Tfctep&oo# 144 — 4 | l.'*kC*rK>t: •*:*' „.. Vi i. uu, * i : ''H' ■,< ^ Sw> r , _ N .. y u. " S • . S ...•*> S- -vr .... > S- w*._..... OvO* Of tf.tu *U . V m m Id'. ■M. ■ ' J ,. _ *•«. 1 •■» ' ■ Kot' v.r Offl ! (rwa »i 1'. S. liiiim . ’ ; , „• * e"* 1'' ‘5 ! -• . »t> tv*. , *«? w»*U uaonat a) <!.««.• ir.l »*••. , *» “*i'» »1 *lc*U««t of**<nt purav.iu i f»’.« trt,0 araiKu*** roatMKMtMta. |* *, ,lfltft40E ta, *»ter i* to t\rc..r*t om for <h:.... Y«mr« tra'T, HKliBtKT K 'V1TU. Cocarv-iret s stt tr* BUY THE LIGHT RUNNllfr New Hone Sewing Mach 8 tbe> most reliable made. Prices range froin $25.00 to $38q|| We have other makes forftj. fully warranted and still *11.75. if Pi on Easy Ti Good Bargains in Second-hand Organs. Edison and Columbia Phooogr COMPLETE STOCK OF EDISON RECORDS. F. G LETTtL.ES & CO Main and Union Streets. Putnam. WANTED SUMMER BOARD Bv till' I'.n. Is l; 1 'k - II p ople. Can vou take a f u If so. list™ in tin BIT > )KLVS DAILY E VGLE ERE! I\FORMATKJ BCREkC f • v.' , • |, i--<• a i-i inttd blank is p.iiMed. The sa^ ,.f thn'lNI oUM U I< >N Bl’l’EAl' Will Cost You Nothing Tli.* Bi,. k vn E gle i' the host a Ivertising medium iu the world ] carries — t i i ■, .■*:in m! - J any New \ * k jut per. It ]'KI I!.MINES n.V it the head. ! An Al/VEBTISMKNT in the Earle costs little, but brings in resu’ts. in-, iii" the K-VtiEK I Si* ORM.V FION' iidREAl is eoasto^ ht lpnig it Write fo, listing blank uiul Advertising Rale Card, Adda infaroatioi BJ 93U- Brooklyn Dail* Eagle,IBrcokyn, N.T. Mention the paper in winch you see ibis advertisiuent. This Stove In Your Y ur Kitrhcn W it Save Tune vV ork and Money. Putnam light s Power 6 Removed Over Pray’s Market. ♦ ♦♦♦+♦* Ull 4 I >»♦♦♦♦ H'WIMtfHllinillUHHIIIHIIIIIW* STATIONERY Our line of stationery contains supplies for the business man, the professional man, the student and the lady. In buying for this department weal ways have in mind the store, the office, the school and the home. We make our specialty of the best grades and latest designs, but have in stock the cheaper grades- Blank books, pens* pencils, inks. School Supplies for a Song! has come to a close, n resume their stud'.*. •' *'■>: s and we h i > e t - a:id at prices s all comers. nd, boys They ,• every is wiB Edward G. Wriglit Central Block, Putnam ++*1 n-4+HH.+t, IIHU» iniHM HrH