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4 C !}#(• • **^r*»' «l lf» 4 Ya-wr* To lilt!** aoulh paw Hotry t" ,h‘‘ village of Wauiegan belong*. the eredit „l titling out tie fanadian* To mcmti 1 hr league leader* li'iiiic without a tingle run i« worthy of apeeial notice, and he did the trtek practically oil abrite, for, although hi* wip|»'ft wa« perfect, there waan't * man hrlnnrl \im (hat ha<! to accept anything but tri ea*y chance, a* whenever Putnam •tiii connect, ami It didn't go altogether •vale, it went direct to a llelder'a hand*. tin the other hand Magnail couldn't keep the hit* watte red, and iri the Hr«t inning four men up run nee ted aafely, tint M inu«l lie admitted tlial the lir»t three were of the we rat eh variety. Thear htl« nelled three earned run*. The la«t two run« were marie witli lhe a«d«laner of pa* ted ball*, the Ma wager not showing hliuanal form la bind the Oat, hut it looked from the tvr-neii a* though hi* couain ernaaed hirn al time«. Wauregan played an t rrorll— game, and the only error that the vl.itorw tnnde waw an eieuidhle one t'V H Magnan, who dropped a foul fly after a hard run. I or lit** home team, out aide the pjtehlng of Harry, the feature* were a niee throw to third hy • .adt»-i< *»if Daigle which eatighl Mope- nml a good eateh by llugnu off Marlon Kor the < 'anadlaua, l.l/otte got a pretty one hand atop and retired Onvru in fie fifth Marion pulled down a long lilt itir lireniian in tliH nlntti. and in I tie m ’ eft! h litre iv flnvmnnd out at the plate front e* liter. 'there *». a iargt tatherin ■ pren nt 1 t hit till- I-Illtie lelweell tile Mile lllld tile giey. I lie bleacher* were -mti Itlhd an.I tin lie).I w i- enniplelely lined with |«-ople, atltomohlh ■, and carting. I || J 1 \ I!? I III N W A 'HIII'H U " when Nevenn lilt an easy grounder • low'll iOWftrd* It»"t Morse VV is pktyhig cdnse to the bag mill the* hut I went * de Ifrngiin hit ft grounder that Da «' 1**1 g'• by thinking I »»tr«> would Held It nml hi r »*n-\ out went for n hit. Hay mood j topped on** of flu* D*xtt*» league xaiiety «». * • r 11» -1 and Neveau scored, firolboi- i-‘"l a u'*►<mI idiom driv•• l>etwceii third ami short mid two more run* eroMtMl. Hadlsd* went down on a **« «rilh*c find to third on a passed bull loit got no further Id/otle w ;in I In* only < anndinn I > *»ee first lie beat n hunt hut w i-out at him'hihI, <>ii n cl oc deidolon, Dying to steal. I.nroe*|»m '»}« !od thr • • Mid ind with * safety. tools **<-ot)d on a pa ^**d l*all third on tint ry ■» iinzh* and <• »o d «»n Neveau * sacrifice, a long My to lett P ilnam v *t twi- men » la; «*» *•« «*i»nd \Vtill one down, Mm .»• talked mid stole Daigle hH rt grounder to tiadisiD who threw fU’fiw' and caught Mome at thiid, u-« he made no attempt to slide Dumas gut ft Ingte that put Daigle on MMHind, hot it w a- all o « r when !!• M •» n.oi fanned. Dave got out o| a tight place t*i the fourth. I-each end l aro. ipH dngnd amt Harry wa- hit, titling the Ins - N'-Nt'Hii hit to Mot■•* v\tm threw I < leh tint at the plate. Ilogatt tut i little tty to D. Mag nan who turned it into a tlotihlv h\ getting !, uoe.jti * oil t In rd t he Jiivt tm of the .Moe* w o Ni%»f. I in tSit* fifth. Uadlsiis put rate met isCeond, stole and went to ttnid on a passed halt. Dovem put i hot one to Id/otle. He made the -top one hand and got the nnmei at first, but in tin mean time DatilmN tiad em-sed Putnam had the ehauee of the game in the sixth. rate opened it with a single and Pi/otte till tv* left and tie HjiH look a had Uuind turning It into a •louble \V uh a man on mtuii'I and tlime out, tm one present evpeehd les t hau a raujiU* of runs, i \ivpl pitcher flurry, that gentleman settled down to lit* task without a Dare of i*e\ousue*s, took plenty oJ time and when Da^m bit an easy one to short for tin out at tir and Mailon fanned, the lo< o footers negiin to share in their pitcher's courage Morse was up l‘w« Sutut <lay s m succession lie lias Kvu the man behind tin hat I'hD time he eame to i*.il after a warm argument with a IVauffganuite and |>ei*diHps wnsimt m cool as |*issihle, any how after a couple awing* he put an easy grounder to masviid and was an easy third out W.iuregrm got a men as tar as aeeottd in tile sixth, srsentli, and eighth but roiikin’t advance them When Tatro started theetgth with a lucky double a run looked possible t.i/nttrwa* out at find. Gngne hit a tad Hurt which Hogan captured and doubled Tatro by ten feet there w a** a last fechlv spark in the breast* of the visitors when Daigle reached second on a single and pascal bail In tiie ninth. Tiiere were two out however and Dumas ended it by rol - Ing an easy gioumter to Hrermrm. i • id bols geltiug Uh* put out »l> T»tH> 2I> 4 liloUt l> 4 <}«(»•' m 4 MrtlMMl cf 4 Matte !'» liatjtte if 4 J>um*» if 4 II M<*$tsian i* ]> Mjutsia'i i r !> t‘> j > s U 2 2 o « 0 . 4 0 0 0 1 I 0 0 O 1 0 <• O >■ 1 0 110 O 0 I 1 o oil . o 0 1 I t o ,T~ *»“»i Vo « It 1- • X N. *0 i h It* i** s IVineau of i> 1 I 1 0 o Ho*»n Sljt 4 111 > l!»*iit>t»l if 4 1 2-00 Caliiiaia lb 4 t 2 2 U I lSevemc i 0 It ' t Utruioiu »U 4 0 0 0 4 4 tf 4 0 111 O IXW* W» 4 1 3 I ' Hmtty |) 8 0 - 3 0 ■' - a is i4 a i • o 0 0 o i "j I 0 I 1 o 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 'ittrrjroutfor running into Gagne whm fielding a hsttnl hall \\ nuregan S- MMI i <MHi‘—o Two i-r.-r hlta., 1 lizotle. Harry. Hi^irn liiati Ir, Morw*. 11 h i I * >i * ■ Struck out Ijv M agnao it, Harry o. |ia«r on hall*. Harry I. Hit t>V pitched i.all. M ignnu 1. '-ail*. M. M»gnan i Govern I Htld pitch VIagnnn linuM** play*, Magnan to l.i/otte. Il<nrati .to Hreiinan. Atten dance 400. Time !. in. I 01(11 re I' a hey. ASOKJIad—JKWKTT < ITV 2 M< at of tlie fana, at le»*t (MiWite of the G ro*v * nordale*, I'rikrfl to nee the Jewett* trim Amk-iiia on tlieir own | ground* l.aroae wa* the factor that kept the tailrnder* at the I ml tom a* the lira* the vlvitor* eon Id do with him I wa* ithree «eatt< red hit*. wiiile the local* wep- touching up Mcl.aughlin for II Till error* of the Jewett* tu-re rt *|*.n*ihle for a number of the run*, and II rri'i-l I* that they hail an off" day a* they are by no menu* xecotid rater*. Vmlerna 2 0 1 11 1 2 0 0 *—b j < ll 0 0 0 i 0 0 a 0— Norw loh '|. aftvtlle |u— flayville !«. I'oor old flayville, with a lead of 7 run* in the flr*t Inning they couldn't ki* p Hermit'* aggregation down, hut allowed them to win In the eighth by getting four men around It haik* a* though plteher Howera put all hi» vitality into the fir*t game he | Itelierl N. Taft* 2100 i 0 h 4 ‘ — 10 Hay.Hie 7 u 0 0 lout 0—0 i.i-ikkv imv,, i.kaiiik artNlilxri. aertf ce lilt* Neveau, Govern. I >* a* 11 - Won liOal C A C. 2 667 Nor w Ich-Taft. 2 I Ha origan 2 1 Andiuii* 2 I I lay v i I If I 2 .W»7 M>7 .mi JeweU < ity 0 t’ tiglimit diet doesn't rwith u«. N" noise coming home 1 *«11 • tie brake on the toboggan next r^rtt t inlay. ,\ in vv fiat for a horn* run wa« 11*** sign on tlir M'lifc -Uiar I Nothin;' do ing. t mpirr i* ah» v, w ho ha* held the in di« dor oyer Putnam, to* given good -lid nsfiielton There houid in:* a e»H»d turnout to w» !* -nine tin' < in.idian iioin ■ < hii l ih our - nrw - room U head I i uit'ii foi I i . l id! talk I hr KHIlM'* mr played over there every evening. Inriir- culled it 7 j» m Sene one in \\ eh*ier list l.i/.oltc in the fan with a jiieee of apple pie in tin- 11 U(ll school game let w**k The third Im-i inan docent object to pie l>ut In* prefers to eat it with a fork. \V hen I ite w as oil t flint and 1.»/ on seeond humming that little jmrod.v. “Waiting at the Hase,M one of those long Id-, from long Muse were longed I or I ’id he get it ' \ nv . I he Putnam-* have trailed piteher itoniri for I’ioii Munir* will soon *»c given a tiial If \\ auregan llitd* Mag mm next Saturday his trial will come then; otherwise not until I’ceorntion day Jeirv Milttettn was at tin* trolley I -latiftn nftei the y ion* li ving to Ik* en j lerlning. It wa> i he 1 pi os p«.-dt n*n to "• i i nolle out ot a Mutuant fan an*I Jeir,V si MM| gave it lip. I ll* Ida n.uu it t! • ( T \ of Wriisjerll t > last - iturdiiv Onl\ ■ lids were made oft piteher llntiift. No one v\ ill shed a tear when the old emends at the river side are \ aeated lit* s 11 i ties t -seal \ Mel • aim, • Pop’ U » leh, ‘ \eUe i iinihert * Hill" ihtvem, John Uynn, Hymn Morse, “(41111 M orpin and the other <iead ones of tin* hase hall world, who fought their ist battle on the <•!*! gromt ts, may U lonesome hut that is a I Hutu i n had a team playing in \\ i i I' an is \ tile last s.*«iitidn\ Mink 1 wiswnsinlhe lw>\, I I said l Io n ouL made t hire hit* ot!‘the old man Hut n am was l s a ten a to I. It we put mans m ee teams in the h lit, then will ite no one hut women and *-nihli n for spectators Nor w teh Taft\ itle is ha\ mg umpire troutdes I'iv iileut lteeve***l the fe - g o ;»n tv npiaint from Manager He ii d that I 11 pi ■ -he i ■ .h wet t l it \ , w o* **dhM de i at saoheiu park la't sat mdav , is tm*at Mactory to liim and ’< ts \ e I « 1 * dtsNiil lulUvl with his woik during the game I'm sident Heevt - has taken the matter up for in \e ligation, hut seem* to feel that Iheie Im not sufhennl cause for such dlastte objection a* the manager from the soul Item end of the league ha* made. Hie Putnam huso hall team would like to arrange games with out of town teams \\ ill gi\e return game* when league i> playing in Putnam. \\ rite, * all or phone,Prank It (ordier, Putnam. Correct Hatting Iterate of C. A. C. Umtl e Tatro Marion Morse 1‘aigle % M Magnan tv Magnail VLigne Pumas \ n. 14 t; w it it ti I t II t I'KK t l . .mo srra j,d i*-' 1*4 dot IVatu hatting average -Vgv P It >. pul their old rival*, Ktl tiogiv High, to sleep on the Morse lot WulmsJiN after mam, score 4—-. — V! Wiv 'Ktul-unnual meeting of the liu- ’ all \" H-i«Ui'll ot \\ oott'll «ml W i-li 'l M.-imi?a.’l'i eiv lielit In New \ ms \' , w tli’ii -1*> |« ;>re M’liiauii'ii of th. lastr-i woolen mill noiit; .Inoiknii: t’l mi fa in lilt'onnnuy >, « , >.m> nii'e-.t that | >'|K’fili it ::s j ri' iiiuit In tin1 vtorali-tt amt | it -iOva i' it* i» sri'il rit*vt » lot out fill l HIM, I i\ - i ill rtoN»ti» fv-j llrfornMon l»a\ mi if,an - > a. a n.itftal 'Mikilj. tv U|». •Imvv, in. pure biiio 1 iiutkt’N «t muil- I >il, |HlU|>|l O i II |:r \11,l , til'll,laitli t. ha :m .v iIm'h Hun iikto.1 make-. I, , (in Ml I HuitturkItlomi llitUr* .tic - Uiv !■ . ,| ii,-ljl rvs.1. pure —{VNivie* I a ; leel iKtilii. Memorial ft** OWrvaace. Next phwwiay morning at the 1 metn’iet* of A. O. Warner P«e*. and j other patriotic are to at - | te>n<l service at the < ongregalioual i church. Thr |ia*lor, Rex. I* It Sar- i gent, will deliver an appropriate a<i- | i|re*«. In p lace <>f the etartomary an them* the vested eh*<ir will «irig aome of Hie old war songs that were *o <1 ar wlen the “hoy*” were at the front. On Memorial Iray. Saturday,May ;«U, Itev. K l» Sargent will deliver the ad dress at the Putnam Height* eernetery at 10 a rn. The exerci*e* at St. M ary ’* cemetery will begin at 10 St a. in. with an address by Itev. Kr Van den .Nixjrt. At 2.00 p. in. the decoration of gravea at the throve at reel c.-melery will take place Hev. G. A. Kerguaon, pastor of the Advent church will <lelixer tire ad dreaa. with Hev J. It. Mtuhbert and Itev Mr Helcber taking part in the exercise*. On Holiday, May 24th, at 2 -Mi p. m., the Veteran* and Son* of Veteran* of Thornpnon, wilt meet in the .Swedish Lutheran t'hurch at North Oruavenor dale. Itev l II Van Natter, pastor of the Methodist church, will deliver the address Itev. iA. I.indevall, pastor of the Swedish church, will aa j -1st in the sejvioe. A program of ap propriate music will la- given. v col l. «»F 1IIP I>PAl». I i„ .. II ‘•Hiifh, j • tin, tt Km.!It. j <m- I* ltar"*'t|iit*p I al*-var*t * ‘ f'ajrr, V It* rl < * ook, \V. VV \ M-r If It. * on* * V I iSan^lM'p, II *-iirv I iiir • ■ , i*i«. \ VV i«!k* i, V .1 VV ,. ■ * firm H. ft I V (, U miH. ■ ■ . ; i»* » r. Joint Walk* ?. I .1 Pr. •• *tt I! jui-IjiII, 21 fir; I " Vtiitff** I I i»r|«'ut*T, t Union fr * .1 •»«« { »» .hi- k "ill, William -hljwiun, i W i . Jr t,«.i VV • lut«* , Sr VV i ilium XI* ' .-it It!, I|nl)t<rl liurJh k. William < l« vt !uml, (‘ha*. I*»»/ /*-n* Pil*liu I. < Mn* *., !!• nr> |< I»« \o r, William < i»rp« *i!rr W II H...** rth All* n II . w I *«. I (laitf >rth t Jrtflrlit*. 'M»lom*»n I a #ton ihi a* Humli-tfii, Prrry I*. WH»*n Pardon l,*U|{ * 1 , lo«* |.ll Kinikiit* V| .1 !,**%• »i John H Hit -ft, l ■ i «r I,iH* v, \ M *•*-» n.our i* I * t * 11111 * a J tlti. * l*. !>•< mu, \v H H, i; ■ " 4111R -1 ;4 Kt. *' J-t U • -* h ■ > " k r.-tf r i» • it 'z I* iu%\* J .hu K. pot i *■ r \irr*«l vv .ito-Mt .i»* Gilbert K P«rkl«n » HI* *» " ■<!** • tp J H. *it-ii U . II'Milh, A . J uiImmi A I'lHrll. WiiUnm \ I* W inflow I tin* W V!l!, h* I|, I lmfoa* K 'M *'It, I^ir*'nin II. Burfc. Ilf nn • » l*h» r. I*r«.| H VVni.low, Vlamltaj I I . urt-llottf, i»<.. w ii- >n Aburr "noth, |,»ir.ait II 'I- Ihury, J >401*1 «* 1 oil , G A l'(ll*H, II \ H •<{ m«, A V MiiUr, Aloo f I tr, I ram i* <> Hlarkmar, ||.i.rvWarr.n. ’ II. HIV H « iup|>, II J P« wilt, <0-0 < i * »«• III. N ntlian Hr I*»’t• r \ and *i* , .litfiU'i < ro«ifr, Jaiiif4 Brother*, A niffll VV hf atoll, VV aii rm.tu I > * .rant, Hinltli V Hmolult < Vo.TfC* " Ik llowi, J nut'* tir**w»t**r, John ■’i Itiiwwm. VJ-mMI J I.*** HruJ I U htifruiorc. Il.nrv W llou*h. J .nil * I 1 ripp. Pl» Klv. Win li llnrk, S II Gallup Walla*' •Istttr t hartea Gr«*p»rv M ( r ».v lord II ail i ru« I'liornton, I .1 t iHflff'l‘ » > I, P<| mu *1 P !■ mg, A XJ»r»'h t I la Mil I llt» mull, t imr||»* t, ««• **r VC I-till VV r, rrt v Jam. a M V Uli • 1 r t.lH- I Pott* I Piariftv.1 Hitt 'lints J •!*»• » I' - l» < • I I ritinl I* I to mi A'h.n \ • lurk II ir iiu K. Mai ht*r at , i\ N ‘* I. la K ' 11; ** i l * f «H I RY. V.trn II i| in* Ile»,r> I! f’a krr |; . .i ' J. ■■ . IMw it -n->! h. -r VMall » 11; \V i .1 V|, turt n., Brow!!. Frank M *U» AR**oli I l*i rr\ itimi n » mii: i t i v ; Patrh k N nv In*, I* 11 irk*- v , t I*HJ !r If. .i<iar|rli liurrough vli. lit., i h • -n, .1 «mi • lit ark. It, I I Pala l Ilniuthv , -'H-fhan Palrh k o I.* ai !’ Itrrim.iii. MirUarl Vlit^.in. i harl*'4 t rtinjihrll V it lr< » '.iH-Iinan, Vlit11**i«. 'Iuiph>. John t oilin’.. |*» | N \M Ilf t* • I * I a ' l-'lt I t KV I.« .) I lliil. I Viiihloii. J 1C.' > iiolil», V « uthl. I k l ai'k 111, <»«■«> lia'tu, II.OMi. t.av I . - - *. V-i • " vv UilHtu N P ry !»v. hi l-n- v. AlhU* ».v« VV *,r. n, I V"I It IS Kt.i.tu- IC haimi , I I .• -a* I VV a. i . n V it- i mo. \ it P. I .iir |« a * k, I Haaiovr, M W arr* n, I Ir i*k. t I Him. Win v \ Jams \ . tin I’ I iithmi W tin*n \ “ •rt 1‘ lu.-k I mri- Pay non V I MIK'AV. St , I . tu.o, P.UVVVi., P H.onlili, VV >1, III" , i V| Pot. Oriijt ii l.vou, * « l»at. . port, li i* l\>.* i j *it, \ W IV'V.h. li U |i«. V H Ml. ' ' . " I Vi.|if« I’oior. I in ai >i i V' »i Urr, A it*. • r IV* o« ulnjt VV . - ! \ t uoru John l Philip . Namu. i II P!.i.'i|.a, F.iaalu* Hla^kwiar -«l*w K HIM i - lai-'-r, - I M . hfuj VV H- m f, " I P .lm. 1 II. t i» p* nt* r, J V| l v h, pr, .rail !.\ on. I If J i. »|vj, . H« urv liarr.nuton. Par t* '! I <va ton Jam*. IWackrii, I >. l abor i. V . HouU ltr, i vi lilt t*u \ J Hr unt. Win H II arr, ^ M. i - • VV m II Pain**, \ Via., Ilmrv I Pa»u«*, Pr*. A Hli». JaJ III VV itirr t *r«» A Uaicnport V.'KIU Alln-rt Hil»t*ar*t. t >.a* \ H.’.worth, VV fit 1 lialfif, John OmIk-, Milr# Han *<*n. Arthur l Fox, Hrnj Hwwii, V »rt It Hun.l*, F!uha Plapp. I atan Kro« u. I In MatiniUfj;, %!i*x Hwrk >%, • i ** r* * k . V I W rt krr. I- I. Kuttmn, -rt’imvi BU«t. * ha» S ..Mg.., I> liorffl*. Ho> ai V Paiu*, Jowph M Mora* o. CIltwtNrflkil V%. P Aldrkh WlHttVIhH K I v Ha* it, ( bt»atrr I PluiJ. K. n*« ia«’r i hlhl. AuJrrvi s Godfrey, > K i hamttrr. It* t»J HraJfv*r*l, Amitrrw Paltir, la-an.irr VV . |lugNf«, W m. i at riuftou » t MKfkKV John Wi ttnt, JvKlII Ptwip.* VV Ml I t him. Grtjur* \l h ims-tliis of Jo-.amino Clm|> lor, Order of the Ka.toru S.»r, h *l<l in Ma.nnio IVmj'lo, \\ «lnovl«v ovenlti|c, .ox.Mal oHinliilaio. worv root>i\e<t into tlio Ot.lor. The loiiiil Ortloer. of iht' Siato wore pnsvnl at thi. mooting. CASTOR IA For Infant* &ud Children. Fha Kind You Hav9 Always Bought /f Roars l'..* f j Ri*ua:u:« of WUf/’VTTw Faim of 83 Acits For Sale known a-On* SjmUHnR Farm in «*. Uh Wtukliwk, o» tnat t>> the sale \\ u. It. tHarvMi tamt. also ai*nl to!, ltv.|i»tr*' of Mf> K t Ron i.i> or M r> John Row, Putnam. -1 | THEATHE theatre BRADLEY \v. C. Kltrbart, Resident Manager. >K\V MANAGEMENT. Opening Day, Monday, May 25th. Everybody will be admitted absolutely 1 K. E Monday afternoon and levelling, A cordial invitation is extended to everyone in Putnam and vicin:ty to attend. AFTERNOON at 3 15. EVENING at 8 00 Change of Program Monday. Tuesday and Thursday Up-to-date Motion Pictures, Illustra ted Songs and Travelogues. After Mor ' i\ free performance-, the admiss-on will be 5c "after • - excepting Saturdays and Holidays) Evenings 5c m l i - WATCH FOR SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. p.m r kkt The house* ah > it Pomfrel i**trin to i**Hr their summer dre-s a* well a** the tr«i«. mid uim* is nl ' the doors Mini Window* o n \j *in and lights -tuning out at ink! Mr*, ami Mi** I mi ,r' n'' ir'l I Inline, ami M rs ami Mi**s M het * r art* lo Mwn to come. i M r*. « mn I land 11«»j• j n 1 • *‘,;it tier help on from her h an in W -hinut"!*. and ®he and h. low . Mr. UoIxTt H »* ha.mir hi* house painted. Mi"- \ddn I urdav from a vb t> air • - in N»■ v H a\en. Mr. Freemans, m, a outer resident of Pomfrel, win* ■ ‘ tffeat ' i‘* lerer from rheun all i ' many years, died <|<iite sudden y <d week at hi* home in WoretsP ' Hi* dan^hter and family who nr< «*. ipymu: H •' Hi" "a bin * house, i»w iint t“ the i health ot tier husband, ret .m*.l p Worcester to attend the funeral Quite an eveiterm . ‘ w i> caused at ‘ The'Street >al unlay noon by tlie Robinson barn getting - n fire. Fortu nately the wind kept down until the lire was under emitm! \ I the men re*iH>nde<l <juiek y !- < < and were jiiiek to «!«■ the need »*te. It it had burned, nothmc • 1 Irr e l»een saved on the street \1 *• it eventy live men, women a I • \* them, it was estimated M I. Hi >*\en *r earning a* «jun k t- • in a bin team with all In* m*-n ami a supply ot path Sometime* we hope ttill F an fret will own at a-1 a ehenneal f.-e engine if nothing el*e. W *» will "tart l be bull foiling ‘ A faNe tejMUt was started that It erl Huss h -use was burning I'ridiy morning, i» »t it proveil to U- a bonn-e iwyoml tin , ti>e somewhere. Miss Julia Urt*s\enor returned home from a visit in I'hiladeljdna ad hi day. “Sister A ieep’ known letter here a* Miss \|ite Power*, s|»ent >umln> at The I im lad week. Rev . \Va i* e stern* lia* resigned his pastorate at thet dugregationai chureh. if a may p * »eh a Sunday «u two Mis '*terns‘ mother, Mrs. 1 ay ior, i> % biting her. I* ie«l I von and family sjhuiI s mday at \\o.«dsp . k V alley Si'Wini: i! lehine* at Jeweler V aw A ior *1J. 'I* >*». '■ ui and For I Vernation l>ay flowers, pare y< ir order early with Mrs t.v ■ l* shaw . t he W oman’s Benevolent Soeiety of the < - nun eattonal church w ill h • d . straw la’rry fesiiv at on the afte tusui tttul eveume Friday, May at t1 ■ e!iu <’h pai :s. Vll aie eotdia iy m v ited nl - I'Klt r Ol III'IMI’X'N *'>. h.HllAl '« V| H > ! *» .. I - V K-twt* I*. s\ K * -h irx Hr I iu «ald ,1: (hv t i «>*!*« t Uiorgr K M k.< ( PutSiim. 1-tlMi.or < o-hrr Ui'H* !>»•• -.n, M« |>< r a|iplU*at.M*n n lii»* mon Hpj***r)r-., It I* Order* «t ih * ‘.i .i appica'lon be In »rd and .1. I* him t >l ut I In I'rohatf Oth*« ill I }uitU|Kiv>U n -t» it |>- *. ..U T Ur- .'II In-*' V n \ I* - ■*! ' it'rlock, Iu Hit* fiirruotm, mihI that n*>uet « KiVfU .-1 Itlr pt-i i|i-m v o‘ *'•»'• I application .»d !h« Iune au*i |*l *v «• if h' j»rai*c thew*on, I*' pulnl»hin,{ li»r .*m ntH'F in ut*W'P*P*‘r hti'^n « « ir illation id *.*1*1 l>.strict, a ml by it c*>p\ th« r« t»f*»n pub h‘ojtupon t Iu the 1**11 f ibvimp • ■will -a t M*trfet. *t 1 ••.IS* 5 lilt-* b* ton Mid day I'lt' Uin* iiKnlMK 8*. PR »SBV. Jtttlit*. Notice The ('o*p«rtiimhqi heretofore ev.>tm£ be w . li *.*eoiyv V Ha.'m*iou*l ot Putnan*, 1'ono . a:ii) l hm ii-t Knowlton of Bro.'llyn, New \ toll, u hWr the firm DMf and *tTk* ot Ham to *ud Rnowhon ami Company, i* tui* tlay di* ♦olved ha mutual ooment. The of *atd co-partnership wilt here after e » • ntl »i by llat&moud Knowlton and Cotnpan\ . a corporation created and orjjaniie d under the law* ot the atate of Couu«c:iout, and Untied at Putnam, t’oun. Allnroount* ^u,* the late partnership bare been tuifihsi to ^aoi corporation, and are pay able to a. At 1 debt* • ** ■'by anl co-partnership have boon a^*. iraed and wilt be daly paid by *a.d corpo at ion. Putnaui, i -mi , Mo 16th, IdoK y A HAVIMOSt*. t HAU!J >0. K\OVVH\»N 21-22. SATURDAY BARGAIN D VY at Clia|iut’s 'Iral Markel Street i BETWEEN DAY*!.IOHT AND DANK we neod many a basketful of life-saving. Groceries to pleased customer* Pure foods on y Fragrant l/<» flees and Teas, Freshest But ter and Eggs, and Jams that delight the palate. We'rt f.'nvrvers of the public health, happiness, and t be pock t-books everyday "f th< rolling >>ar Gad to add your uam to .ur list of pleased cus tomer*. lieud Our I’rirrs for Nutuida.v 12 \rtic > “ u'M1 tte Basket Fee for *1 2 lb tironu'ated Sugar 05 2 Bars f W- icome S up, 05 1 Box of Civa riser, 0. 1 1 amp t h meny. 05 1 B tt'e of I, .nun Extract, 05 l 2 ib Tea, 30 1 2 tb ( ff-» , in 1 package C’ornstkrch, 05 1 box Shoe Blat king, 07 1 4 b Pepper, 10 1 ib Ginger .inapt*, 03 *1 00 Regular pric* ?1 42. BARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Or * 4 t ’ • '' •’a If h»Ir. \ ;• ^Fas'.s to K stoF?*^ Orayj > - Vi:vi |, • %t J»ru • : •“ 10-22 Attention ! mi-; hi > r ( ainly. loHnam ami Fruits Wholesale nil*) 1!< tail <'mifertinner) amt Ice Cream Try Our Honie M <<1e Choc 1 Ut *• I», n b i *>. Fhf best and the price lowest. Our lee i reaiu is guaranteed under the pure food law, Price 40c £;rt or t>ne Dollar per irallon. We keep in our stock a full line of fresh I Bananas of all Mie*. Try us once and I you will be sat is tied. George Paris, Tel. 42 12. Our teams deliver goods in 1’ut | nam or any of surrounding towns. Pari; Hair Empo ium Importers of Human Hair Bargain Sale of Hair Goods Swin-hes, Waves. Hangs, Wigs sold at i most reasonable prices. l.adies s,..d , sample of hair. Win deliver g. H per I tonally at your residence. Switches and Hurts made frvin tombing,. >w Hi • < >l .u>‘ up Address Mss J. E. Mcrph| & Ca Notice ! The building of tbe West Thorn p-e tract. Seale i bids to he in the "h • <»f the Committee hv M .nday. J .. Is-, ai a. nr -» ml 1 i> * examined. Plans ami specitieatioi can s seen at the >, . , Kv ItliHMps t. t us i >• - '■ MM*. The committee reserve it right to reject any or all bids. Thomas Ryan.) K. H » ■••Hiss. g«ti i .rttee. ‘Scar Many an I . YOUR SPRING CLOTHING Can be bought with greatest profit and satisfaction U, Vm.11 find our shown g the best in the city. C.othe. tjJ Lavp a snap and style to them that will satisfy any ujM , soon as be tries them on. And they will stay smart snappv. ihe good band-tailoring and the good material posiiireiy assure it VO UR SPRING SUIT IS HERE J Great Bi» Slit Value at Slt.H The verv best that a ten dollar bill can buy anywher*. Fancy Scotches. Worsteds «nd Cheviots, in Bi wn’ Gray and other popular Spring Shades at . H0.oq Suits at **12.00 Plentv of smart, new fabrics to choose from,, stylishly cut ami finished at ...... tliOO Suits at 815.00 Fall showing of Ofays and Browns at . H5gg OTHER SUITS a* at 5.00, 5.98, 0.48. 7.98. <>48, nja 14 48, If. Oft, 17.00. 18 00. 19.00, 20.00, 21.00, 22.00 and 24.00 Topcoats Good Dressers Want showing that embraces every good style brought out this spring. Goats tlmt ai e distinctive and full of character. All the newest fabrics in the popular grays and other wanted „l„ j,,,r slmjH -. short and medium lengths at 6.00, 7.50, 10.00 12 00!~ 15 (M*. It! 00. is.00 and 20.00. Men s Hats Franklin Derby at 2 00. W nijor Derby at 2,00 Better Grades at 3.00. Men's Soit Hats in all the leading shapes and shades at 50 cents to 2 50. Neckwear and Shirts Negligee Shirts in all the latest colorings. 50 cents to 1.50 ckXear in all the leading shapes and the latest colorings. Before pui chasing your spring suitor topcoat, call in and look our lines over, for it will certainly be for your in tei e>t to do so. Get the habit and save money by buying cf us. Your money back if you want it. We give Green Trad i ing Stamps, ask for them. I A. C. LUKE & CO., nr.LIABLE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. Telephone 51 ring 4. Putnam. ooujv'. - C THE^ sje ★ Peoples Store STAR. ■-ffi^HTtST ANUBCij VvNTIUrr^ ~c'nOP5 5T0BE IN Corsets 51 M Vt l si’ V.01IKI S Nmi i ii's > t H h Is Sprite. K & G I him,.,.- Wai<t. 1 t oni i i ’ • i , vt Kitting. perfect form and Corset blued. ua\e a -tjle that will St vnU feet Iv — com ptr j l'r* jvr uM&RODEn t-*7 '*3 FintsktJ) VMDERWZ+R " ! ,1'T1' r Vests, 1 ■ :• s-i s. u S 9 : 0 O -d H fl Wp o - 8 I Special value? just received in Coa* Covers, 25c. 50,-. Drawers, 25e,».» Gowns, 75e, fl.00, fl.25. ft.50. Gate nation Ccrset Cover and £>ra*«* _ Corset Cover and skirt *1.00, b®>* trimmed and extra value. Skirts $1.00, f 1.25, f 150 to $3.75. “Classic” Shirt Waists. Mora wonderful bargains in ■** ™ waists, just received, at 95c^ Every waist we offer at 95c is P***^ worth ft.25. Other extra values at f 1.25, fl-50. »2.00. f2.75. JAP SILK WAISTS The coolest wsshible White and Black, fi.75 to f8 °® DIANA RIBBON (0l* Latest Parisian Style of rI Iressing. very chic artisnc an . ■ ray of decorating the co ffer* ton, each 50c. Hairlight Pompadour combs, esc* i Hairlight Crown Paaapadoar New Elastic beits, 2Jc aad!H>c. New Sahlin perk-' '■ r® \ combined. New long ba * ‘ iraue With Us and Save Money’ Isaac Champeau, AS*‘a‘s for Stii Ur 1 .‘attsrai. Telej hone 19 2 t>9TAil>’s French D/«r* vxl PUTNAM* CON'S