Newspaper Page Text
pHlll'HIHIIk* PUTNAM WINUHAH CO..* ONN. Lditorial Seraoi. Mathew K O ISrien. of Hrfdfeporl, MM-of tb« roost persistent workers in thin State for prohibition, ha* •**« f,,r the atoond lime nominated •" canrll date for frovemor by the prohibition party That may «h<>w faithfulness •„,| eonsisteiM-y, but one effect is to make it appear that the ter..|.eran«* vote is a very small one, not one tenth votlriK for tln irow it candidate, a* there •I* other ijoeMlons afreelihtt tin- w» il »«eti.K of the -tale that the eanrlhlates of lire other parties <|e,tre to ha. e adop ted. He was live times refiiserl adriu* sir,n to the bar hv tie lawyer, of fair field county- Heerntly he paaawl mo • lamination la-fore the board of har ex •miner, in V\ ashinulon. receiving his credentials as no attorney at law in jure the supreme court an«l court of »|> peal*. Herrctarv '1 aft has resigned ***** tm Hccrelary of W af, and »>«- *«cen sue* ,*ed«d by Oen. I.uke Wright, who l.a fol lowed Tafl'a footatepa from the glpptnea Into the < abinel.i and their will ie|>iMtnl him, being thoroughly fitted for the duties of ltn- • >rt'n-* A legal meeting of th»- tuem-a-ra of tbe fJonnecllCUt Itar A**• s tation i* to tield ill New Haven, at ream, July •-. for the purpose of acting ojain prwfiosed •rnendriient" to the constitution—I he |trlndpil changes of whieli pro,id' that the torn mi tier* ahull la- •]1 |»olnl<-< 1 hy the president, rather than I* eleet «-d, and that the president "hall not la reflected more Ilian two-, -making the Ionic st possible term ale years, |*iiit' (.corge l>. Watrou*- has t*en Mom Inated a*, president of tin- V oi-iiillon At the reeent meeting of tile mem t er t of He I ir 'I t horch of 1 hfl-t, "J i cut 1st, In-t I ill ltoiton, at which l.mai mend* r- were prrnt, « me- age wit read from Mr * 'fury Imk.ri. I'ddy In » lilrli she said (hut flew t Itflatliill ♦ielencc churches, or ,** H-lelic», had iie< n established altlie rate of one Inevciy 4 f o days or *1 a year. I hi*, I* a |dit nominal growth, with which no otliei religion* body ran compare. At the International Hook and Papei Kv lilt'll ion which I‘aik place at Part* In 1W7, one of lire features of the Ann nean aecttnn w as a model tjiiainea*, ol flew. Admitting I hia was a it-tiding room, where the principal p»|»r« of all ooimtrtcs were kept on It I* X' hen the awardajol tin- international jury were piltihatied recently the fact ap|a-aied that 'rile l ul-iine had rei-tived a gold OlCdal and diploma, which ha c iaa-n transmitted to this eounl ry Tin- Hupreme tnuil of Mexico lias decided against tin- appeal of Walker tin* absconding tellci ol the New l»tl tain hank, and ordered tdm to Is* turn ed over to the i lilted ."tales lot t-vltu (lit ton Inning n violent hailstorm in Item Ireinoiit, i-tanei*, last May, hailstotn-s wen- picked 11)1 is trlng images ol the Virgin on llleit surface V dhs-t -an commission investigated the inlrnclc, and after hearing l'>7 witnesses, it at tinned the n aiily "I tin- event, A new t ,i imini novelty for tin- 4th, •'knoll tanks, have piemaltirely e\ phaled and killed font men. V line pint tiling ho tin- children Spain st nt a WMshlp to Havana, c\ prow!ve of Uer friendship, raising Hie t 'tiban flag to hei main I" «k and tiring a national aalttle to Hie * “him govern • merit. IVn year* ago there was bloody butchery going on throughout the isl anti between Spain and her then sub ject* Now ail is tiampdiily i vt-n it yspatn st-ut a hnsttu tlii-t tt woold not tlisttirl* the t iitiaiis. Met htg American If rot tier is lit-1 safe defense. Ht-aisl struggled for Jltree years to g, t a reeount of flit- i-allofs vv lit" lit i-nt in Mavor, elaimittg to have ts-eu th-U i'etl by Hand The recount was tud, it-,i recently, and t« most t-oiuplel etl without finding any sign* of fraud. Tlit- .hath of tinner t e\eland catted forth laudatory praise ol such a eharac It r ttiat was a* general «' it was uuc\ |s-cttd, considering his treatment as I’rcsident for two terms, and prviveti him an exceptional aide and uptight man Hrcsiitcnt Kotwevelt Id tit a proclamation to the nation paying the dead e* President the tribute of |«rr utatal praise, as ditl tiovenmr W tsslrufl of our rstatf fhe press wlthoul e\ t ,ption, joined tu the triluites of praise, and al»o from foreign governments Ilia funeral was heltl last Sunday, at lended by an immense conoourse of proiuiiient i*x>ple. There was no scr ttton, eulogv tu song Hut tbe most ts-auiitul eulogy eve! written l»y Wil liam Wordsworth was read over the e-tlhned form of Utr vh-ati former Preai dent and applied to him ami Ids life, tie ire* burreslat Princeton. Kookv tile U full of joy amt activity Ihla ink in the celebration of tlte l rn teiinial »| llu loon of Vernon, of which 11 forma a part. A* a content' ja*rary Mty> “There l» no o\rrv*Um«l iiir the value and lia|iuiUnw of thew centennial amt Woulrimiil ertebra lioos through I he Stale They revive |>alrn>lt»ni. encourage (luWtc »|>mt amt make in many o ay * for good cttuen alii|> ami human |»io*r«s~ * I none i*l lire wo*l CNWited rlWrirt* of tondon, among the ttorklng-cU» Ktgll*h |»*|iulalt«-ii. there i» held r\e ty year a regular Fourth July oeie brslton. Ihg American Hag' are un furled, American patriotic mu>k« are aurig, ami the Urgeaahyeel* of km* Kdward. with In- approval. make *|«eehe» tn honor af the Jieclaratlon of Independence • Will in*** Place." Two or three week* ago In a short Item rntirtlinf the Improvement to be made near the tfuinelmtig Kali*. *ome one <fiigge*ted the name *,f '• VI ilkinaon Place a» a *td table one. I wonder if your reader* realize how appropriate it : would tie, or know the 'act that the trench now running to the Monohan *etl and the Hammond A Knowiton mill*, ar d along tire eastern ode of tire small tract to he pureha*ed, »a« for merly the main rrtnal to a large irriga tion «y«tern devised,built and put Into operation t,y -milh Milk In* in nearly ■Vn year* ago. The fad that our \a tlonal r i.iu rnmi Dt i* now expending million* in irrigation ay*tern* for lire ftarpnae of reclaiming the desert* allow* ila value a* an economic meas ure. While the two large intervale* along the river between the *ilk mill and tire fair ground* am far from des erts, yet their productive capacity wn* greatly Increased by the elaborate *v* lem of canal* and trenche* lhat carried the water of the Cfutiiehang to every (toriion of uifnf- larulM h! iwiwi |*rio<l*, or whenever they l«eam<f thir*ty. Thi* U only one of the many thing- that Mr \\ ilkin*on aeeo/n pli*h<d white owner of moat of the lain! now known a* the city of Putnam It i* cited a* allowing the enterprtM* and huairieaa ability of the man. Theft arc doubt Ic** many of our young awl ever changing f*o|iulation who know noth* ing of the characteri-dic* or anility of Mr \Viikm*on amt tjiw good wife, therefore I Udteve the following artieie from the |*en of our county thl*lorian, Mina Kilen !». Larntd,tta printed in the Woman'* trillion of the l*ATl<loT.f>ub ii*he<I June ii*. lhU.», will tie of interc*t. Should itit* title of thi* artieie even* tually Income tin name of either the *mall park now t* mg worked for, or a larger tine ttial l* ledng hoj**d for hy that ohoultl reach from the l ull* well tow ard the l/ong Bridge, they will appreciate why the title I* applied. In the ilevelopiiM nt of modern man tifaetuir* ."iiiith W tlkin*on *tand* fort 1110*1- til-* mime to !*• handed dow n to future Mgi > a* the leading fiioneer of cotton iMHiiufactuiing in < oiineeileul. lint it w a* in the v i I Inge that he found and cun! ml loti %o many year* that hi* strong |h*r**t>natii y particuhirlv im iim»mmI it o-1 f ’I lie Point ret Kailtni \ llhtgc, piefeding Putnam, ho re a unhpic arid individual eh a meter, the feiituie* of the ordinary "factory vil lage <*| the day either eliminated or not allowed to de • ; »jo Ht rift, on lei, i * le hi 11 i n*' **, morality, church-going, were rigidly enforced. lull with tin* *t ridne * nf dUei|dinc there w an a pe» *oii«l Interest and oversight indine owner* and oja-rntIv»-» together a* rue one great hou*N hold The Pmitfrei p aelory Village in iv hav* i«* n gi •■rind hy a *tmiig head and will, hut h it there vvn-4 a heart udthid n Tin rc*idence of Mi \\ i'kiu*on, built muii afterthl* marriage to Mi-* Kli/aUdh Mowe, *tlll *1 itmlw on the corner above the High t all* I »u miiiiiv year* it wit* a mk imI eenler, entertaining a con I "Hill XX I I KIN^'V -Ilint m ili'> of \ InIi.hs limn nil tiif ■•ill r>untiliitit n- 11 •> \ isitiint H*l xx onlit In Iwrli 11*| it i 111 nt i - rs Hi ncai IN cxcyx fillliltx ill I 'I li I til- tliWJltlill • I' 11 Hih lli'ti ■' 11 hi it II like t*i ;i.,, Ill'll mil IHMir, s l r fill w * 'i i*i xiilugc tcsideut ,'iii't linin' fhti'iiit vxlttii’iil ii cordtHl ml oilin', inn ' 1 I nut .nit! -x nr,Mtln in x am Mi \ i‘i t*i 11 lii N|i'nk ■■ nt Mi' \\ i;K11humi n- 1"imliti* mother o( ilie X til,Iff. *111 'i.lifX In iitti'inl l'» it* liivils mill tl it** in |n.‘i'•mi. XV r Hlf llln-t tin|i|*X In ilitil 1*11111’ Ifilllllis ix'iiiin ihhii tin' I nit siirxivur uf ttiii t it i X i lx Mu Ntiiiix W i i k I nun i Mitimi •' ViliulllS til \ I it i :|i lilt tcoolli'i'tlolls lit rally ilaxi mi- main incidents » Inch I recall x ix til I y tn iiiimt in i-minccl inn null nix lather's paternal care ol Iin employes I in' Hi k uni agisI \%t‘ t e m kindly H'Uietilli'11'il, Hint ix lu'ii ilfiitli finin' tn \ mother always had tin1 itirxnnl limit* In mir house Nix fattier null 111 assume tin |Hnt ofundertaker lit ttif t n in' i it I. amt nolhiiiK xx hi onutti'il I mm t lif 1 Hit ihiI ini', * imi *■ \ f i hum bit' lIn* j*e non might tn •' An Miuinlinj Incident occurs In nif til recalling 1 hfif cxenta My lather in-nut alwiit I nun huuif onec, itt v mi cle, Augustin Jluxxf. urttfiHlfil Ht the funeral uf H i|||*tl chilli Niter the cut tin xx hi lowered Into llie graxe. tin- U' rc»xfil father »lep|«ed kirxx*nt Hint iHiit xx 1th emotion •• Ikai friends, I xxwh tu thunk xxni ■ II Hint particular!' Mr. Howe. f tlo ho|H‘ I shall soon W aiile to retaliate the laxor.' “There was a laige hrtek school house on the lull, ami before churches xxcre built relt(tinin serx ti'fi were heItl there ox'castoiiallx I ieuieint>er one occasion xx hen the liex.Mr. Bos worth jireacheil, ami he xxas noted for his long prayer*. Some of Itie younger mem ten of our family xtere axerw to these nerxiees., but w*e hail a gooxl ileal of fun that time. As main as the long prayer mil exl. an oltl man nameil temper *tcpprd into the middle uf the towni, anil w ith a low bon to the minister, said ‘Mr. tUxsxxorlh. if your senium is going to lie as long *s your prayer, you will pleast' exilin' 'll r i»i|s't 1 shall nexer fx>r gel that scene amt xiith ail my father s stern dignity I tlunk he real x niju.xeil it “I could sjieak warmly of my par ent', amt no man exer itcserxed more rea|>ect than *’.iuth NYUktinou tie xx h> (tie most honest, truthful ami just man in business, and he had a kind heart lieneath a cold and naeixnl manner." Heavy , Impure blixid a mud dy , ptitiplx eom| i \mn, heaxlacties, nausea. indigestsoii. Thin blood makes you weak, |»ale sickly BurdockBlood Bitters make* Itie blond rich, text, pure —restores {anted fteaith. Aii Fda.ationil P*«iim«. K»yi#r>nto tk» H«|m> **t fh# W**rM There ha* tonic ?*-en a «k**frc to have g rag* { if -I |* *»{- * - M »re*r nerai interest ha* teen manifested in recent year* to bring thin about, and ew pecially i* Oil* ao a; the pr^nt hour. I At h recent mating of an Kuptran to .inckty a? I*i|tftlKiric, Ha firenirlent said there were already one million »todente i of the language: there were r^o ciette* with 70 new spaj*T*, nwatly in Kurope. .Horne of Um* hum! eminent edneatore favor the cultivation of K* j reran to. Andrew Larnegie is an en thu-ia*tir student, «" aim the IHrector of the < arnegie Technical Institute, and also chancellor Met orinitk of tlie Western I nhernity nf »»»*». The advantages of Ksperanto are thus given by an ex fieri authority: 1 It t4 not a dead hut a living lan guage, containing all the elements of life arid grow th. 2 More motives for learning it than for any other language liv it you may j eorre^jsind not merely wifri one foreign nation but with the educated in all I hinds. Already, if you can write good Ksfreranlo, is>rres|smden<*e circle* in all land« are ojren to you. luifiortant |»eriodicaS* and publication* of inter national interest are now fiainted in Ks per an to. It i* the easiest language on earth to learn. In a large convention a man h.\ years of age made his first address in Ksfieranto. The reason of its being so easily learned i« in tin* wondrous iimplicii.vol its grammaticHl construc tion. There arc no exceptions to gene ra! rules, no silent letters, and never only one sound for one letter, and the accent is always on next to the last syllable 4. It has in it many inherent pro pagating forces. h. A universal language meets a world's need. H. 11 is attractive. You can scarcely help is-ing interested if oiiee you be ;in to learn it. 7. Its marvelous success in so short j an existence. The third annual world's • congress met last August with 1,'rfKi de legates l ight bundled of the «h li gates from thirty different nations dined together daily. No oilier laii g u age was used tin ring the con \ en turn. More than .;,iWM,<mn js-oph are already interested in it and me well organized Aisiut 7-’sisis'ieties are organized to pro- | pagate the new language. Many hun d reds of circles are for 11 ltd in this court- i try In study it. and all under on in ! st t uetoi of eour-e of lessons in the ( hris- t turn I ho aki. Ilissoeitsv to learn that • no tcachc» is necessary . Witu thebvxt inH»k, reader and vocabulary one can easily h arn It without any furtlier aid and the w hole outfit costs only sevtitty cents. No |c*s than four imp triant interna | tional rev lews arc now published m j IN|H-ranto, Isoldes many |**rio«lira!s and other publications of a more na- i tional and local character. It is taught ; hi many public schools in st-v oral couii j I firs in Hhnopt*. I iiisilly . I cannot imagine any |m*^sj I hie strong hindrance to its grow th There is no reason why Putnam may j not have a < irde for the study of i s |s ranto. it is no doubt to become the language ol |sdite society as was Latin at one time, ami later French, which is a medication of Latin, a» is Italian, | Spanish and Portuguese. It would af- | I loid pleasure of lasting effect tieeause 1 it would be a useful acquisition, and Its study wo.tld leave no feeling of was led time. A small entrance fee to the ■ t'lreie could U used as pri/C* for great i est proficiency, during tin* season, of of individuals or divisions. Hv agitat j lug tin* subject at once a < irclc of i!0or -■» migltt b formed by Uctoi**r, to eon- , tlmie through the vvinlv i months, meet ing one nig lit a week. *><u inll»Mi l»y At ii MH'lMlUt meeting recently held hi Hartford, imc >*t the -peak* i- " ;i- 21 Mi— I . k II.i Twinimrr who referred l«» I'lohluK Koi)M'\dl railing Mover 2110! Ha\w«M»d "tindesiriitde e»li/cns. ’ and "aid that -he hud a- mm h re-|*cet for Hariy Orchard 21- -he h id i«»r l*n >i dent UooM selt This remark hromcht out prolonged applau-e Mr. Ha\ wood, the “undc-iiable cUi/en,** Ma ttie leading -|K*aker He explained w tint Socialism mu-. I inter that -\ — tern there would U* neitlier -ecret ary of Mai nor navv in the cabinet,only men icprc-enting tlie |Huuvful indu-trie-. | I t would wi|** out *-t ate linea *oh-h j state government-, and would do away with the arm\ and |H>liee force “A Mildter 'U a txiit and a police force 11 pimple on the t»od\ |M*litie*, he -aid, and c\ idence- of a dl-ea-ed -ysletn. >ociah-m, he added, would "change a (mliUeal junk-hop into an indii-luui woi kshop. 1 lie* |»ft.^nr ( (tntfnlitiii Novi I 'no»itav, J uIJ tho \ illi*mi:i I Vimfl alto oou V oltl IlHl n|*'ns .it 1 K-1»\ t r In 111'I1HUNI* oamlulxtos lor l*rexitlont ninl Vu'i' I’rwiiiWiil. Iho oomtilions ..( llu- convention mo similar, in nian.v to lItMt 111 I ho t<0|«ltvlicail t mi- i j I fill lull: It has tfcn well M'Uloil for months that William Jennings llrjan j vi iiu!it I*' miminalcil. Mo ha- feuml I Iho jiii-ilnoil votes of ovot Ivm-lhinN | .i( llio iloitisalt'. amt will la’ mniiinalo<l ! oil Itio Ural tiallul, amt iho Vita" l*ro>i . ili-iil camhiiale will ru't If known un lit alt Iho olhor luoliiniiinrii'- are »l | 11i*iI t'liore wilt If no ilivtsion There j wilt If a studio |nir|»wo tn view—to olool tho cantliilales, amt everything ilotf will tf »ha|ftl to that nut, not ovt'ii Mr, Bryan's will l*1 al low til to tnlorforo with thisilelemiinatlon. Amt w lion itofoalotl—a* U will tf—tho (varlv wilt If more oonijiactly umlcil than it ha* tfon since tho lael Democratic I're itonl w a» clevlesl —twit uniter now lead ership. Tho seoomt annual lair of tho Now Knitlanii Koovl Kair amt Ho iso Fur nishing Kx|awitton, will If holt! in tho Mechanics Building, Huston, Oclotf r < to it.- Among iho attractions will tf tho Uamlo tie I’ohota of Mexico, sant ’lv|tiave no su(frior anywhere. Tho | Mexican government will also havo an 1 ox hi Ml occupy lug a 'pace of H.'o '' «|uaro fivt CASTOR 1A Tk CM Yu Din AIiiji Butt! ; or Infanta and Children. Bear* the tf*nature V ©0® © O© 0 ©( ©00© ©©©©©©© ©00©©©0 0©0©©QQ©©©0 ©Q0©0( Ready for the Fourth ? ? (I it a Tail) Suit R-ady, a Straw Hat. So t Cool Shirts. Thin Merwa;, Coal Hosiery, etc. You'll need every one of these things to be co nfortab e. W e re are at your service with the be*t. C c c Coolest of the Cool Two or Three Piece Suits In S Cheviots, etc., at #8,00. *10.00, to *10.00 NEGLIGEE SHIRTS 50c to 12.50 thin underwear 50c to $1.00 COOL HOSIERY 25c to 50e STRAW HATS 1.00 to 8.00 a <• <s n 0 (>j vg away or staying at home, we've a store full of hourtii oi Fourth of July comfort waiting ^ jor yo i. You'll find our prices as comfortable as our Clothes. £ The Church Clothing Company g n Putnam Hartford Danielson g © ©O©@0©©0©©©©©©©©®0©©©0©000©©© ©0C Literary Notes. The complete novel in the July pineott’n in entitled Second Quality,” tint there in nothing nenuml-'iutility about the ntorv, nr almut the magazine itself. Mrs. John Van V'orst, who con tribute* tile aforettaul runrl, tian chosen for her theme the efT'<>rt-> of a middle aged American millionaire to get into “aoctety.” At Monte Carlo he meats a number of people including xeveral with lilies to their names, ami fora time tie in im|>|>\ in ei.ltlx ating their ae‘|iiiifntniiee. tie i i. squandered a great ileal ol moue\ oil these parasites before he linnlly wakes up to their real eharaeier ami then b- Minis from them in disgust. All tie ehmaetern are not of the disreputable it pc. however. a ming man ami nym.1 wemail among them being Imth losing ami Imahle, Min. S un Vor«t i' tii r uglily familiar with 1‘nris. the itivicia ami I he other scenes disclosed inti e narrati i e.and si e us a most iiiieresttfig ami rule \ hieing ptetine of them Deafness Cannot be Cured by tool! application*, a* t!n v cannot reach tin* dUe.»t««ed j ■ lion of the car. There is only one w.<\ to on re deafness, ami that is b\ constitutional remedies. I leaf ness in cau-t d h\ an inflamed eon dition of the itmciiu* lining of tin* Kus tachtan Tube. W • n this fid** iN in flamed you have a rumbling sound or iinfierfeet hearing, ami when it is en tirely closed, Iteafne** 1* tin- result.ntid unless the inflammaton ran lie taken out and lhi* tufa? restored toil* normal condition, hearing will he destroyed forever, nine cum * t of ten are earned byt atarrh, which i* nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous Mir face*. We will give < hie Hundred I K> i! rt r** for any cum* <>f Heafuess caused by ca tarrh1 that cannot in* cured by Hall’* < 'alarrh < urr **end for eircufurs free K. .1 « Mkn k\ A i Toledo,* » Sold b\ I h jl.’I'-I, 7 r. Take Mat * I amily l*il - for r .n*ti palion. The complete program of the * on neelicnt < ha ta :-ju i Assembly, to he held at the I'i utkvftlle < 'amp-ground. July Jt to indicate* that the sessions will l*e of unusual Interest this year, and that the ariou* courses of lecture* and classes wiil Ik* very successful. Ttic election for Governor in Tennes see ln*t week w a* \er\ hitter, based on the tempeinti r issue. The prohibition candi late was defeated although he had the \\ * I t’, and olhfr temper ancr organi ntions to assist him. His i'P;k»i< nt favored local option. The same thing hap|*‘ited in Georgia a few weeks ago. Births In North \Y«*Mfstoek, June 2V a >-»n, « !i irlt' \iiiMUi.Jr. to Mr. ami Mr* i \ IVt!er. In Vt »shirt» \'i.# June 21. a son to I5e\ an I Mr> Kenjamin A lH*an Marriages In Hampton, June hv kt" I 1‘ ^.»f «• ii t. n*.i>n M>\ ltev. *• M Mar xl i!!. lit tin -n lAtmoint erf >torh, jiihI Mt**> Annie ll.unin nntnrf Hampton* Deaths In \\ t■ >i fit .1 N Y . June harU > \ kmuM. v i of the late Krastus l\ niuht Th- • iipson. In I'ntmun. June UhAllaprt Parro\v>, a«eii *»; yeaiM. tlurial in \Ye*tTho«oj* *»n. JL. K. Smith Furnishing ludrrlaker, Arcade Block Main St. ItlMdMt s11h’ at atora. T«l«pboa« OaaBMiloa | Ballard & Clark, Funeral %* Directors i» Putnam. Conn. , , T«i*|>bune o*lU promptly | | M*bt »—14. Day »—«• l »,:< .t»Bt »hrr. t j ? | t Why Wait! til Mnv ‘.»t OwtUrf ^ t r Mett«ri * t**v * Lore Brothers South Main Straat Putnam a Utv* ***“*** (iranitr md Marble Monaments, Tablets, tiraveetonea, ae. Mbtci. A t»r»l «twr®*i»» wii! b* «'-**» »• 4«v , <rr»n - wi tor tba mmt. A; • . Samuel W» Neill, • Agent INCONCErVABLE I MPOSSiBLEM NCOMPREMENSIBLE!!! i Dresser's Drugstore FOR GIFTS Some very dainty bits cf Fine Chinn and Class ware as well as 9 Delicious Candies in Boxes Dresser’s Drue1 Store First National Bank PUTNAM,CONN. CAPITAL. - SI50.000 SURPLUS. $60,000. Sale Deposit Boxes for Rent Draft* Issued on all foreign Countries l mted Stales Deposiian. i nH. ItKtiws. President, J. I- Cakckvikh, Vice-President r.. II. li 1 LfATRIc, Cashier. II Pays TO Trade WITH E. Mullan ' I t Ki HaIK i l»lt of I |iMrx«». i v»* i«"*» 1.-/ c*H»ri %!»»«• »«Mk E*t»Sr of|E U K b* i %%*m. in - ' • * Tbr a.;rsr:ci>''.•.•■'r ltA> in^ * ahiMtod adnii* Kl^rkth^ >«i:h slid to !ht» cvort lor ailorticv.*’ i* IWrrttl, lliat Mat \ .'l Jay of Ju », A. P . '&*. ** ■ -kh l *h th* fi 41 rruWv ffifr e Tkooapao* a«4 Ibt *»iu« f«-r * nar .* $ >-8 *> 1 I -*1114 . ii.i-’fatM K ».* coomt, »o4 thi* court IftHti h*’ adniulHiatur -© oi t all p«rs*a* inter* *!«l th*-rrsn *0 a; i* ir *+A r»«Bt aiHi |vU<v,i»» put-its :b* tKj- or J* r ..* or lay H>»r &+%»p«p*-r a circuUUoB .e **t«i iutrt*!, 4b i m }«ystttt| a«»ji« ew tt*r pvlwr 4^ io»t IS the •*»»• of 1Ko»|MP>0» Btv* ^ tic «0»*wt4 iW at ftrAtt l* Any* brtor* a?|4 tun* as**.4«w-4 CtllfM *n'.» lUfeN, i.KoiitiE >, t K»*>B\,Ju4Ar r. & The Paint. Problem Better not buy a paint that you’ve got to buy more gallons of. Paint costs nothing; but gallons cost money; gallons cost money three times over. An extra gallon costs what you pay for it. That's once. It costs as much more, when you pay the painter for putting half of it on. That’s twice. It costs the same, when you pay him the other half. That’s three times. And it isn’t worth it. The paint that takes less gallons and wears longest is DEYOE. For sale at Burt’s Pharmacy ALL GRADES OF Pianos and Organs Sold on ea^ / payments or for Rent. Sewing Machines Edison and Columbia Phono graphs and Supplies fn.Jy»‘e.()<)Q Edison record* constantly in stock, 1.<■ >pn-> iiiiliiitl ulus • Mt IOC a copv. A:! th- popular >uu*if »t 19c I>. soil’s p,ib ion >ln- i music 1-2 "ff. A Fresh Stock cf $ trires for all Instruments. Try on- It ilian V.. St ■ ii - -. 40C * «• It. Purr S lv.-: W ■ in.l <■ >tr ! —- 50c each. F. G. LETTERS, & CO. Main a- I IT; n S:r*ot*. I’utnam, Conn. j SOMETHING NEW “YOURS K)R HEALTH” Set Ip or Taken in Aha % uule Headquarters FOR Porch Shades Croquet Sets. Piazza ( hairs Refrigerators Ire Cream Freezers. Lawn Swiuss, Screen Poors Ftc., Ftc., Fir. AT Ballard A Clarks Vudor \ PORCH SHADES Pick up V* Bed and wdt Ballard & Clark's