OCR Interpretation

Putnam patriot. [volume] (Putnam, Conn.) 1872-1962, July 03, 1908, Image 5

Image and text provided by Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84022396/1908-07-03/ed-1/seq-5/

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,t.T BLlrtfKMK*.
, ^ (■„!;jus entertained her
• *randmother Mrs. K. K.
U*and Mrv
... K. Reynolds, teacher of
| 'll'' ~cl>-■ >i, recently taught
**' *t eker district.Killingly school,
** r Mi.-. Ardeile Burritl, being
>1. J. Jacobs re
and children
the sick h"
ux Elmer Reynold
w^nn. vidted the ranuly of J. It.
JS*-* 1' s Monday.
■*7, _ki,., Brothers lia\e just pur
/•yf.new automobile.
ry ( W Place and son visited two
us, Marshall itennett visited Sat
sjaVand Sunday at Foster Centre.
UartiiiierBurrill picked a strawberry
»tek Tuesday measuring six and
jc-naif incites, around.
Herbert Baker is on the gain.
w K»rv F. roller has been a guest
■ Mrs. Newton I. Jones of Thompson
[fcrtfcw (lavs.
(i»anl Austin was arrested Sunday
I,, jbusive treatment of his family
* under the mtluenee of liquor.
|He'w»s tried, found guilty, and let of!
L probation.
I Mrs Myron Pierce and son Ralph, of
Laughton, have t'een visiting the Chaf
tod Jordan families.
James Perry and wife of Putnam
I guests of’ Mrs. Frank Chaffee re
I TheKawson families have been en
Igrtaining tieorge Baker and wife of
Ij'j'.uam. Mrs. Kmily Walker of South
Ifrimingham, and Mrs. Kllen Tor rev.
The bud v of Mrs. Henry Penniman,
■ lied"last week in the Bugbee
|»iirhhorh(H«l. was brought to the
I tery here for burial.
vir. Ki;,ri Hv,|e is visiting friends
|t! Koekuile this week.
Prelsidnev Morse of Williston Sem
I ; ilie summer \aca
Mr. and M r>.( leorge Frink witnessed
rgradual^.. their niece,Miss Fior
s- Hal on. from tlie Killingiv High
:•(»• i iday. < >u Sunday they
| rial services
the deceased members «f Kkohk
Ijrange, lio-'i tiips being made in their
wtootobi It.
Mr.an-IMrs. F'.d Allen of Pomfret
| m. re gut'ls Ml A. I». lit mis Monday.
Mrs. George Lyon has her sister, Miss
I Mildred Bateman of NewJersev .spend
liwi the summer i with her. She is in
li health and hopes a change will ben
|f!it her.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Potter are receiv
line congratulations on the birth of a
Iso, t'harks Allison, Jr., who arrived
I hue Jsth.
Mrs. Sarah tinge entertained Mrs.
I Brackett on Monday. Mrs. itraeketl
li-'laying with Frank Corbin's family.
Mrs. Hainiiton Holt is entertaining
ktsister, Mrs. .Smith, with her chil
William Chapin and his brather-in
ii* were at \'alleyside last week, coin
ing front Providence in an automobile.
A most enjoyable social ev ent w as
tie tea party given by Mrs. Henry Saf
funl, June J
Mrs Mathew son is entertaining Mrs.
Darke, a friend from the West.
Henry Burritl from Springlield is al
William Lester's.
Miss Louise I.indeman sjient n few
in Thompson last week.
Mrs Bingham came on Saturday
Irwin springlield for the summer.
He . Benjamin A. Dean of Vershire.
t., is the father of a little son born
Jane -1st.
Harry i till], whose business is in
Montreal, has been spending a few
camping in ihe Canadian woods.
Horace Ifeatt is at the Palmer home
ad for a time.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur l). Chandler
tie at beacon l handler's.
Mss Mabel Whitaker was the guest
<d Miss Louise i.indeman earlv in the
Miss Maiiel Riteli is home for the
sjauner vacation.
Mr. Avery, a brother of Mrs. ! >uis
K 'Oilthvvorth. and a Yale student, is
st hr. Bowen's for the summer.
hdmund (hlltert is visiting his cous
w. i‘ier|K)nt Foster.
Ad attractive program has beenar
isnged for next Wednesday afternoon
* ,(n ■’to > al Woodstock Hill. ihe
“aiwy oan l will conduct U|H>n the
e'lilrch law n a sale of cake, ice cream.
s-.J f nicy articles. Mis- FloreneeK m
'-Ivil. who j. a member of the choir of
hr.Hall s church in Springlield. w ill
nag. and a bright young Spanish girl
*ho de-ire- t.. secure a college educa
hwi will tel! Jthe story ot some of her
fsperteaees. .v silver collection will
te taken for her. w hile the Pansy hand
*ul use the returns of their saies to
sai*i*ort a girl in India.
At a special meeting of the Swed
tanteh it was unanimously voted
Mlend a call to Rev . C. K. Carlsot
rwuwell. tosucceed Rev. L. T. I.i
houn. Mr. Carlson was pastor
'oodstock -even years ago, and
*<uce served churches in Naugatn
betndia. Penn., and Cromwell. H
rried and has a familv of nine c
Mm. W H Needham of Worcester
oo friends here not long ago.
Jp** Voung People’s League of the
£*phst church gave a straw bar rv sup
'7' 0fl 'l* church grounds on Friday
» ;**t week, which was a very pleas
■»*". netUng them about §20,
Mev. A. B. Coats of Hartford, secre
, the Baptist State Convention,
preached Sunday evening.
ra<fSl A- P'n'ith held a meeting in
r*vestry Monday evening in the in
•cfests of prohibition-.
Several from here attended the Sun
scttool convention of tlie Ashford
Ptist association in Manstieid, and
• l*>rt excellent meetings.
h. K. Gilbert of Sew Haven is the
*-e>t of Harry K. Wells.
i J.^ friends of Mrs. George
'"rr regret that there is no improve
af ^er condition. Appreciation
uer uoeiul and noble life is conslant
i kiV '* " hy the gift of dowers which
clf'room, and of which she is so
St "er patient endurance of sutfer
» a wonder to ail.
•' T. I wiC meet Thursday.
J...» S*th. at . p. nt. »«!»» Mrs Kdwafd
* Thompson. Let each one l* pte
psred to entertain either * jUi reading,
recitation or song. A cordial invitltion
i> extended to ail interested.
The concert to be given in the < n
it relational church on Friday evening
of tilts week hv Wilbur F. HascVl.wiU
>-e-yri:i at s o'clock instead of s. * as an
nounced last week. Tickets are on sate
at Hresser's drug store. Putnam. 1 her -
U''!J** fr<?e transportation from there
at Ut for any who wish to attend, if
they will leave their names w
purchase ticket'.
n they
Mrs. X.l.Jones has been entertaining
guests from Iiudley.
< »ur \ iilage is w nie aw ake with lads
mid lassies, some being guests ami oth
ers .students, and picnics and various
outings are made attractive bv the fair
Mrs. Williams has Iteen \Kiting her
son Howard of Southbridge.
Mrs. Sarah Hosweli, of Hartford, is
the guest of her brother, Randolph H.
t handler.
Miss Munvan returned from West
lierlin, Vermont, on Tuesday of this
Mi's Mildred Armstrong, who has
oeen in Michigan Hie past year, has re
turned for the summer.
lte\. Samuel A. Like preached at
the Congregational church on Sunday
to a large audience.
Charles A. Knight, son of the late
Krastus , Knight of Thompson, died in
Westiield, N. V.,011 Monday.
The Thimble Club met in the South
neighborhood at tile residence of Mrs.
John *). Fox last Thursday afternoon.
It occurring so near the Fourth it was
a patriotic afl'air and w a> highly enter
taining. After the rejmrl of the secre
tary, arrangements were made for a
picnic to lie held soon. Small Hags
were distributed and the literary pro
gram begun. Miss Mary Koss ren
dered a solo, “The Fourth of July."
Miss Kdith Fox played se\eral piano
selections in excellent style. Sand
wiches, olives, cake and lemonade were
served. Mrs. Fox, assisted by her sis
ter, Miss White, and charming daugh
ters, entertained in a very hospitable
manner, and the time for di$|)ersing
came only too soon. A few remained
and were favored by an auto rule home.
Mrs. Louis Mowry of iGreenwich was
a truest Mr anil Mrs. Monroe F;
Latham the tirst of this week.
Alliert Spaulding of Worcester s|>ent
the Sabbath tvitli his family here at hi'
new resilience, making the trip in lii
John McNair of l.ynn arrived at
Highland Lien last Saturday night
villi ins new Stevens autoun bile.
Scltool meeting was held in our
school room last Saturday night, and
resulted in a change of oflicials, i am
l’. Latham I icing elected district c u
mittee, William Dow ning, clerk and
treasurer, and Fred l’eltier, collector.
Albert Bellware of Willimantic came
here last Saturday night to assist hi>
father with his haying. He will also
be assisted by William I. Lawton.
William I Lawton with two local
hel|>cr.s has completed the repair job on
the old barn for Mrs. lie Kivn, making
several alterations, one of which is a
new cow stable which tics up seven
teen head of cattle instead of ten as in
the former. The barn is now ready for
this season's crop of hay, and looks like
a new one willi its new coat of paint,
whicli is being put on by Howard J.
Kuss, our local painter.
Mr. ami Mrs. Monroe F, Latham
hail as eallers last Sunday, Samuel
Delicti, daughter, and son-in-law, of
Brovldeaee, together with Miss Hill
man of Willimaulie. They came in an
automobile and returned In time for
Many farmers here have already
commenced to harvest their hay crop.
David 1 rison, who lives on the t or
bin place, is the tirst to lie eating new
Benjamin Seaton is entertaining his
Mr. and Mrs.Ward (L Holman spent
the Sabbath at Fast Hampton.
AlberlSnow was thrown oil <*f a load
of logs last week, while in the employ
of Joseph Klliutt, hurling his back,and
is confined at home for a few days. -
Mrs. \\ at son of New 'i oik city, who
ha, been stooping here a few days with
her mother, Mrs. ItcKiwi, returned to
New York Tuesday
• • •
Ut iM na t o
M rs. Charles T. Aldrich. David Hed
ges, and Florence Aldrich, were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. It. B. Vaughn of Wor
cester, Saturday.
Kvelyn Warren fell from the piazza
of her home last week and broke her
right arm.
William Raymond was ipiite ill last
I.uther Smith injured his right hand
ijuite seriously in the Intervale Mt!i,
last Wednesday.
E.4S1' WIKlIIslUt K
The band (Hand has a fresh coal of
Mrs. Hoyt of Newt London is a guest
of Mrv Hoscoe Alton.
Mrs. Turner amt Nellie Pratt were
in Worcester !• rid ay.
Mrs ii. J. Potter U in Itanielson this
week with her sister, .Mrs. Marcus
William Crawford and wife of Put
nam are with his mother.
Alice Steere ami Flossie Alton en
joyed Thursday at M eiisler Lake.
Mrs. Powers 1ms returned to tier
home in Worcester.
Mrs. Lucy Whitney of Providence]
has teen a guest of Mrs. H. M uiflord- j
Miss Mary A id rich returned Tuesday i
from Hartford.
Mr and Mrs. J. < - Antes are in l>an
elson this week serving refreshments
tl the bi-centennial and tild Home
Miss Angie Kennedy of Putnam is
in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank (.handier at
tended the celebration in Hanielsou on
Thursday and Friday.
Mrs. H. M. Gifford i* librarian for
the Public Library.
Merrick Walker of North Grosvenor
Iiale was in town last .Sabbath.
The Fourth will be celebrated here
with ringing of bells, band
fill B""S, clam bake, ami dancing in
the pavilion. __
What is a cold in the head? Noth
ing to worry a1*"11 if -vou ,reat w j*
Klv s i'ream Halm a* soon a- -'ou, ^'
gin to sneeze and muffle.
the cold may grow into catarrh, and
the air-pa-sairc- be «o inrtame.1 that
vou have to light for every breath_ lt
is true that Fly - « ream Ha m cures
catarrh, promptly ami certainly-. Hut
vou know the old -a s about the ounce
;>f, prevention. Therefore me < ream
Kahn vs hen the cold in the he a-1, bow ,
itseif. All druggist*, -s*c . or rnai.e l
by Kly Bros., Warren ''reel. . e
* * KtBptai i* as chosen ili't riel
commute*. A. s. Bruce. seeretsirv and
treasurer. and Mr-. J. K. Clapp, cot
at ,!le meeting held June
-'•t.i for the enduing school year.
< Arthur! .ingdoa tiad hi- dog killed
' 7 -iffhtnbig .t^t week. A few wars
;1~' H‘ on* in the siiik wav .chain,
cii in ncarlv the same piaee.
Heivntvisitor* ,>f M-« \. " lUucc
Her brother. |„ Ballard of Putnam.'
.Mrs Heiia Brown of Rochester, ami
t.irec aenerjt;-ns of nieces from |*ut
' Hn, Mrs. J. s. \\ j|lls \f„ r
' Brwwn: >mm,i, Mrs. f W. stler
man. Miv> li. |f. Brown: third, F.li/a
: an’* " t ' -*dieriuaii. Cuest* for
■rur.i tin., Mr-. J. K. K. Brown ami
'■not Mystic i s p,r;Jte> wife an t
"'ll. with two others from Putnam,
j made a short call, coming ami going
j safety in their auto.
.',r*- J- " haples ami Miss Lydia
H Hikes have returned from seieral
i weeks stay in Brooklyn.
Mrs ( i ige ami s in of New Jersev
are \ Biting her mother, Mrs. \\ hapleL
Mrs. J. (i. Johnson ami liaugiiler,
and Mrs. J. B. Clapp, i. representa
tives of the ssundav school here.attend
eh the Baptist stnnhi sehoo! conven
lion at Spring Hill last week, and abiv
report a good time.
The abutments at Cotton's bridge
have been repaired and now are in
good condition for the steel bridge.
The change here from two to one
mail a day renders it inconvenient to
K Jackson of Brockton \isited at M
Congdons recently.
Much grass has ueen cut liere live last
fewr days anti well cured.
Postmaster-General Myer thinks he
ean get from tile next Congress an a|>
propriation of flo.itt) for an exjieri
mental test of parcels |H»st rural deliv
ery. Why experimental? They have
proved successful in other civilized
1 he city of Hartford owns it* w ater
works, and the water commissioners
this week turned over to the city trea
surer *2n»M>oo of this year's proilts with
which to pay off that amount of water
H hat is essentially a .Slate life and
annuity insurance system has lieen put
inlo practical o|>eration during the past
Muring Secretary Taft's visit to New
London, to witness ihe race, the new*J
pa|ier men learned one fact when they
ottered him a cigar, lie doesn't smoke.
" I'iat i- one of the habits I never ae
i|uired," he said.
Ihe eclipse Sunday was witnessed
all over ihe country hy those who pre
ferred to w it ness il than go to church —
which occurred at church time. A
large dish of pure water is better than
a smoked glass to witness the pheno
menon. We missed seeing it.
*'ouiit Zeppelin has won the greatest
triumph yet attained with airships. At
Friedrichshafen, Germany, on Tues
day, lie sailed the air for U 4 > hours at
an averagespeed of. 14 1-2 miles an hour.
For a short-time its speed w as Is 1-2
miles. The airship carried fourteen per
The delegates to the l>eniocratic Na
tional Convention at I*enver will start
from Springfield, to-nmrrow Friday
at Iasi p. in., ami are due to arrive at
their destination Monday afternoon at
The Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s for
estry department lias just finished its
annual spring tree-planting with a to
tal of ii2 i,‘Ski trees set out. This makes
some 2.42o,ooo trees planted for its own
needs in the way of lies and lumber.
The new building planned by the
New York F.i|Uilnble Life Society is to
lie nearly oiie-iifth of a mile high—ex
ceeding everything yet built with the
probable exception of the Tower of
The employment of convicts in the
canal zone, in building highways, is
proving highly successful alter a trial
of three months. It will develop the
isthmus and make Panama as garden
like as Hawaii and by tlie same means.
Harry Orchard, the confessed slayer
of Governor Steunenberg, escapes the
gallows, as he was to Ik hung on Fri
day this week—the Board of Pardons
having commuted his sentence to life
. U3 t rick.
The p irr* f‘- ■ eferminatlon In speak
ids vet phru-cs tinder nil wtrfs of < Ir
■iiM -i in. ri t ften pr dm-cs strange nil
i, .[inns The story is told of n s.eight
f lull’ll [If f' ’! 1111*1" Who kept I I Wirfi l|
rim! hi- liiil trained in nay whenever
■ in* of his master's tricks hud ts-en
fl'iisheil' "Hull * rt good trick What's
the next "I i-V"
line day I lie Juggler. being in a sea
[silt town, gave Ills fterformame in a
loft ou one of the wliarfs. wliieli bop
pem-d to get just over tin- |iln -e where
a la rye quantity of powder was stored
In key's. The juggler was about to
lierfortn some feat which required the
lighting of a candle. He lighted it
and throw the match away without
making sure Hint the blaze had gone
out. The match, still burning, fell
through a era* k in the tiisir and drop
ped Into one of tIn- kegs of powder,
which exphsled with great force,
throwing the building Into the air. The
l>atTot. who was blown up with the
rest, did not stop until It reached the
pinnacle of tlie topmast of a great
ship which lay ofT the wharf. There
he Hang desperately, and. looking
down to the world lie low. be called
oat In a shrill voice:
-That's a good trick! What's the
belt uu»r
Ms Was a Philosopher.
A busy merchant wbu had not taken
a holiday for years. In which time es
• ry other member of his family bad
enjoyed many outings, concluded to
give bimaelf a rest of a week or two
and started for Scotland. When be
hail liven cent a day he received a tel
egram from bis wife to this effect:
Our hou»* was entirely de«trovrl by
fire Uat i The cTed and l ca
mped unharmad. Coma home at once.
To this, after reflecting a raoireut
be replied as follow*:
Tt'l.at is the _oe ol, comter home when
there la no home to come to* T* k* the
Cl .ldrrr. to mother a Stay there with
them ttU 1 Juts you a d don’t worm
-Rond' n 8- raps
Let the Eagle Scream
Men's Suits
Men’s flue ligtit wrt ien! blu*> *< rs>
suit*. ftO 00 «nd flVOO
Boy's Suits
Hindsoroe n«r* in •hoy* kn#r
p*nt suit* * |2 00 to ftf 00
Men's Shirts
N «r sumner styles !b men’s shirt*
•t ft 00
Men's Oxfords
New summer styles In men’s Utfords
fa oo to ft oo
I’ aderwear
Egyptian ba'.brigaa underwear In
light weight*. 50c
W »>h Suits
><w Mjlea la rktidren'* w**h*hle
•jilt 50c to fl M
Straw H «t<i
Panama hat* at
Smart *tvle* in shirt* a! ft 00 to f3.00
Women's Oxfords
New and dainty cl) it* >o women'*
Oxford*. ft Ml to f3 SO
22 Front Street, Putnam.
Remnant Department
moo vai ls of FANCY WAlSTINOS ami
MKRCKniZKO INDIA MSO.NS nil:! 12 4-7
and S yal l lengths.
10 cent i]utility of INPI \ I.INON going at 12 cent* a yard
•Jo cent quality of INDIA LINON going at 1"» cmU a yard
80 cent quality of INDIA I.INON going at 10 pent*, a ya <t
30 cent quality of Fancy Waistings going at lit cents a yard
35 cent quality of Fancy Waistings going at ’21 cents n van!
ALL PEBFKUT (it)OIIS. Come in ami examine ami
«»ee the «|iiulity of goods we are offering at these
The Keystone Stores
Moos up
Watch our windows for NOW SALKS.
Special 8 days Sale
Beginning Friday, June 26,
Until 4th of July.
VtiViiifVvrVciivViiv WWW
Diamonds have advanced fifty per cent, in the past four years
and they're likely to go still higher.
Therefore you can save money by putting into a good
diamond—it will pay better interest than a savings bank.
We own some handsome stones that we bought advan
tageously and are selling at prices very advantageous to our
customers for example.
Solitaire for Baby. 3.50.
Solitaire in Fancy Belcher, 10.00 and 15,00.
Twin Setting Diamond and sapphire 22.00.
Tiffany setting and choice selected stones, 50.00 to 200.00
Jeweler Shaw, Putna:
Shirt Waist
'W Me slotting some extra tdIiif* in In" • ’
braider v \\ rs|. You will *i• l f >
L>H'k and c'.vu.jmu' with ethers
1 ' I
in ToilrH, Panama raini««\ Metro**. Mob >us ami PatioiiHi A tin©
assort tuntl of Man 1 hiIowh! OtHHts at tuouov |»ru'« > Sro our
Special Mack Panama Skirls at
&2 *>8
\o snob value Elsewhere.
Wall Paper* and Mouldings
Our "bowing of A\»li I'ajwrs wus never finer, we lime them suital'le
for nil purpoee*. See our line of high grade p*pcre, including a tine
line of uuoorled goods.
Agency for ttutterick Pattern* ami linnet fa Dyer", rli Aimerti
^i^jyuuuuuyuyuyu yu yyVLAJl
Wp want to ini pies* them upon vour Memory
W*-'ve Sinus of oxeeptii nal merit, mm to by the
World's best Shoe Makers
We me experts iu titling feet - expel iotiee has been
our tearlier mnl we do it correctly.
We make it a feature of our business to have Shoes
of J hj tile the e inert style.
You’re sure of quality here for out Shoes are so good,
we guarantee every pail of them
t 11 1 H I HING
Out pi n • s m e alwavs ns low as the quality will n!
low '1 liiil s all
We Give Green Trading Stamps. j
mmmm w
White Lead, Oil, iff
Poultry Netting, 1
EH wood Wocen Wire Fence.
liar bed and Plain 1 JFire
With the United States Cream
You^takc no risk. You have time to try it, then if
we will make easy terms for payment, j
Call on us» kok
Kitchen Furnishir
and Lai
Chandler & Mi—

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