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i • k arm rr.j r* , Oa-racn • EVAF0PATIL3 FRUIT. %j flut FV t f,..-./ *1 u» a* D.ipo*»d cf o"4 *• • Profit. Tb* 4tu»un«! f»r fnii’s Hi vnrlo n form* i* i:t<i i - risf l.:k»> Hi * 'vrMl fad. ft Btt) t»Hi *- » mim*4 flu* pro of a *Mi'f 1 h<*rf I* In ftwy ovtrfianf '» ^ fru*t that I* fo*f t**.•aww If I** k**p! for tin* mat fc<*t, but if < nrefitbv i*r«|Mirii#* 1 by «?i« of tin* ielffiHtt*' |«rt* ft " ff! for thin* nttd th**n rnwy I*4 df* of at n profit The pro* ««* uni-f I** » jroo-I nfir, however. Tin* A inert run AgrtcultUliftt tell* how to put up r rvAroiuTijro rr.iiT i munll iftiint for eviijtorntlnjf. If WCUtjr < out it in hint* «*tiui for tluuo* who «Io n it w'»h to fruit *n i'liiImral** n iiutMiur "A roil1 i>nl**nf !y nrrnngMt our kl'n !or noil plan I* vliown Ion will*,'" mv* tin? iitogir.lliu "Tin* *<pii< o W. ilii tih l into a fnrrian* room II I>y I'i In i nml it iiiiiii nloit amollur mirk »noiu. m wh! Il Iho nppbo* nre pnrwl AO nprlght Mom !»or. wbbli n!*o «'*rvoi •<t ari i lotnlor for mining tin* fruit In tim M-umnl floor, la plmml in llii* limBi ■-J f. iotiil iikiiii V* i||v|ili i| III n I III flnr wnv. Jhi* k.Hu Iota tin* minte ill iiion*!ou« m* flio I- fo on with u rnpnity of ~r, to lilt lit." io ta of un fiami fr*: *. I u.t'li filling I .It* work room on Ili!-1 floor roi ‘ out Iho **il *u •Till Ihu lll'por f .or! I*ill of tin* Itii -a -her The (tritul null to it So I ! 011 from the I un 1 111 n’ 0I1 In I It ; 11-1111 •ova 1 : Jf Il I Sticli a fiulhtlluj tint v In* r ,i i-oii •trneitil Hint it will in* UHi’fiil for in.itiv iithc 1 purpo* iliiitug IIh* min 1* of ihu war I hit u that for wliiili II I" primarily Ittieiile.l lu • iiimiruiHng tltlia till* •iii'ii* p'lit-i .ll prlui ip.i *1 HU' omuiI. whether iho •*vu|H-ir»tt»r la n ♦ mail mu* wllli olil.t 11 nlugle kiln or mi ihn or rn or •PH lit'tlt lift viiu' sat isf.n tot v kiln rni. U ill f»**t tWott ■«»••«•«-I <1. ms I h t* Ih i .*f Mu ho wi-fi P am) for f IU\# » M t! ti ft * tho owwintot: l>|H* A kMn roll mmlo of iitioo iihmsi or * «• . 1«- if • i| it! t«l * that 11*<* fruit i • H m «!< * Ira itii tni! rt-iiH.Mi * of tip •r r ur i lifts t‘ out Sill! \ Mini pin* O I o' ovn a pijK'- Tlx* illmr l.-i ii-.: i.ilj Inn i fiiitu u*tt in nvi'ivi’ fist nil'..' iin- tli>"i ”1 till, (ui v I-.H.III I'l'M.I lull slnmM in- uuiiir r-i n . ii.t int: Hie l>< 11 ii> Ktrittm of Miunll t»i***Hliu m i*i tl*** l*xs** *'f Ilii- xii1 : i iiiniiiiitili -il itttf '.llli llx* *»lt fcidi- '|| ii'si* * .i it Itt* iipxiusl ur * I * is**. I #s (Itslriil Tlx* i*.ti**« **f *i*l*l nil *'ii'i Dm** in- r*i- ill Hi* l Sin h i.'iitrol l~ ••I** * tally il*-.ti il l** In « Ixil* rt*>.iilu*r **lf tlx* »*\I*t * I it *i- U I II * U* li*lll*l if* V tlx* «*. * - f ■ ' *' * 1"" may tv»*ll I*** |.lnssl«*r**ti **t , «“'•* t 7/ 9 * *>* 4 fir it.) with p.1|H*| to i* lllllii* 1*1 w lift {• Ih I II* of Kli \ t to« l t h *l\ 41 tV »h » k iiu *i sparo hofWooit tho it*.* llOitf t it no ■••rt* ln-litW ti|f I with it it ah wo thiu*. iiu* to mPiMioit %vlH h; til |M I r ihm tf til*4 V fill* Mldll nl of unit a • fulfil* I It I k fe« thus Ih1 -1 <. i - • t h jr tho luat mill iti‘ liM**! ^ it*. *’t'i Ivtli V «‘f lllO Ufa fit Tin* In i*. ht i*t tl»* w ti!* of i li»* kiln afoovo tin lit In* iloor Ih* ttulfii iotit to (aM iiiit ah oitoirlint to work on tin* fits r «ouvonUmly mnl with < omlori "Sonio moans for the os* aju* «»f flu* • !r I liftm with moU:uro from tin* fruit t« o**nr> TbU ma> In* pro\ hl«**l fi r to moans of an o|*ouln*i In (ho roof, or rt oit|Mtlit>|lko \*oiMlat«r maj Ih* built. tho «klo« of w hit li shotiUl ton Hint *»f slato |»la* t tl so t hov uvorhip ono artoihor ns In nit ortlhmrv window bihut Tho kiln rt* or is loimtrtt* tiHl of »trl|t» osjms tailly fur l ho pur Knob rtm»rs aro go no rally matlo of pijibir <»r iwtsswntHl strips throe right h« of «u In* h rlh* k ouo lu ll w ulo on tho lop »urfa<o ami on* half Jin h wMo on *bu tiinlor *hlo In lay in if tin1 (h»»f t lu*M* strips «rv plaotHl •norchth ft* wno fourth In* h apart on tho upfior mnfm • Thu mak** th*‘ •pare M«w»a tlw*t»i w »*lor on tho tin suit* than *»n tin* upj* r as sh*»wtt. thns Nllintittf fho stim i parthios i»f fruit whh h w»*rk il**w n Uuwoon ttiotn to 4r {* ttoiwiKU 'vl?t»out i I* ^i;ing tho i6tt*n otsins; »pao**s “ Herr i* RelnT for VVncB s Hrsv, imitM1 In V< « \ "k, 1e; i .! . >' • - tm* lor n * Isis,i-.i «’>l Vusti.i tan ! lA-nt. It 1% the m»tj <*rutn tvtmUl.-i j fu;v* fetuakf weakitiMw* and 11.«»-U *c!f Khhuy Bladder and Irina;. j tmubte*. At all jhu«W»i« h> »«»»>• j {<t (t» Sunri* Free. Address. The I < ... .L Uuy.S.V. Ask »ur Alien'* Foal F*»c A |s.m der (<tt swollen, Ured, l »j. fnl. ptnUUde sent free* AW# tree a iaijde < f the KwH Kisf sanitary > >rn l*a.l. it iut> lAtrulloti Add re*-. \ >u t*. u.ittiu I, lA'It'»y , N. V. - I THE U? TO CITE FARMER. Hcwv He ' • urt a Pmftng Tli#* t*r* to •«,* font:'*r know* fbo riiltsr **f N-h'* t?;# t » *!•.?«' If«* kiwwi f?|.|J t*o«r i|# M ?-.** ViitliW »I r dab- J ‘ rn.-* ii-'r-itl *;«** fH si tint” it -t ! i ‘ Pf X"*!j s|/« jff, t • J * v i.f #1'#» *fr*oti ■» h<dd un » h mv of fh** puff* t; --#^| j <'an« i. t fid * *■ > fn/v. jir** '■ 11' i :u; ■ ftlift OR<* fan>H ; mud .** ** -iviy r |**ri n)«'Tit* isk ?» fho'*p ■ I I* c*n. !!♦' r. *t !.■*•»'• o*» f , ^ *»td d* " fr;it wufT tit ft** t«»ok f ir :«*r. rMi* <!«»•* til* u flf o fo “ a to f!s • oolfrtf* P ’» fr-mra'ii. for, «!' *• !»<* ?> ; ii ***t f* P <*t f ir fti# «tn !*- j • of ntfi i oltnrr, j **t he* kiion ^ fliK i' ♦* fi m I* ■* «»"t * «»ft »• find pfM*r rnti • •tin* v fi 'ti atgrif nittirr dial! I*v re-dtim I to it riirid «'!*•»'“. will''ll nh ii It h1 iron" • I b> a «|(* of rut**.* mid In v. « a* ;in* * »*« !i x Wmi* »•** hh# -1 *#» m i*tr.v. Mid I hr Hkf 'flit* (if> to dVt* fxrmrr ha* Hm* tmjtro - “d fM‘ini ff P l‘ t find to xnvf liono-p » <*r mid to do limed “IW t-N*nf work nltmi* korp# Moon In f**r fwt on! t. f?<* d <**• ii jt ««• »* a plow vr|!| no' ai't'Mf i» *r ran flint N dull fior 0!iff* erlrwo* n Iji»*dmoot f« rv h that til rot* hon*#*** i ■ t '• orh binl to do Mm* w ork wbb h f \ o • «» 'd <• .adljr do wllli u low properly n * m -1»•<! 11“ tm l**r •flUld5- f?*“ ; ;•? |»:i t»f f/»!*< <• fo It ft h-* f irm nt:i(*hh <*r*. fli »f t’o* i'r<*at • t fimoitot nf wo, i»«n*oni|dt*»l!“d wjtli fit#* “XfHMidif?»;n of powor. WIm- i Id fnrin I*>*?#!<>* id ; nro not In tl«»* h:* « f!u* i n«»*! !> »i'^“d If It N pf ?»> d » ro a f • dollar ^ r g'Hi idimf Into wfti<!» n t n »o»l v Ih <* d . - f.'irili % i I r d I v fi m; ’ #»• i r> time* 1lu* Ii-ji!*i lx t;’ mHt lira! lx not profit r» l»lr 'I - itpfn <!,■ f* r it! r p.'i ! \* drlifx \n> tl,i» !c r » I ‘orf * nf f’o*^ • |4 ffi#-* oji* Ii • ns* to '»• - * I 11 ‘ * t.nowfi #• t !» i-rop wtd '» t!i" *H »«•' j j tnkox f u ft • ' i * i * * . r »r j‘-» frrfttlt.v rt in I f! t ittdf • J -n f- , > mfnrisrd f'» t • If (it *»i • »- ! o'-il v •» dlwtn l- ln l / rop > |m t; v.'i v i ; *fu! ymr l»y * «* r to j .m* f » Id ■ Irttid tliat ; ! t! > • I i !| * ' • ! * » It:• - “•» f i OIM it, Ilf* !.»!•••• m i , tty v j;-1% of tl <h!x. ; t i*,«* i*t.i* v.tii-*! t» ■ •*. i I ndopt v*! I , pt I?• .,* !s I ’ •* i » If.' ’ , i, flu,t ’ i . *i j* i i d fry, • 11 • I • ! i , lit' : • :! 1 ‘ i * f ' *»•; , \ or?*1 •1 * f«:ip:i I.V.'I ! J • n I- ii'O ‘*t I f» III* f h i ? . I fd • or hi) Ir d j-nhi.o.. itf *!t, worth flliont i do.thjr I to v. ill * ■ ?»! i b[t. d *iii t:»“ i fir ,'i: d ' • t \:t * >t■ * ■ r, f ir f !i • lo’»y» r ■an* ht Ii i-mfiloy *!».• li.ofi* v oltl 'l'!c HtiM Mi f*♦ h»to ;md f,,!, in ».*• Im* t a-! f » !• y fh*’»n M * will buy », m m • f.Hid ? i It** •* IN »v HI lalxi* it 11 Ith- f••€*(! I i* i an f«*i lit h!o< k Mid wilt ru t hr-ifuti* to buy iMOff* •. !h*«i iioodt'd If hi* N ' ! r ill t! tf i i .na a infill of I In* forf II! on* loan ■ -* 1 *rn and f M*d lot** nnd \\i-i* In fit . di-frlbidloii iij» • *n Id* m* »d*sw nnd i i union and wN«* til HOW|f!i: : biVlTi I ! bis f ti|’|| I * ltd uid iri.iir.' tIm tf**of t»N farm Im* will In fill a * * ''!» > **.j If if ft-1 t litiy I ai in a I ! !*• An (' >• pi' t J P1 nt. f 'V h > i i »f s\: felx I i » . n In 11 * * r\ If in f i =1 f I vi’ m the n »* * ' •* • »»f th • I 1 i ! "? »• ’ i l» **< Mil*1 |» If*-. ■r l VfopU »• t* |»0{Mlf*U'- Tilt* f*‘ t*i* I ft» i«> ! m I i-fitly un i if*. ;i t { for H.-ri’-oiiifii' in <**«?*• > 1 mI e* on ! if.i* pti to «* i I i««I i * I fi U, If! • ‘I|H III'!' ItlM' Hu*x :*se !• '**«! • i,M *i 'in I more ten l.»f I nr ji» ,H‘ • hi «• for so.-i>4 n 111ur ■ i in.! 1 I {til l HMiiilur i|l*ln*« l } «• i tilt H? 1 of - . .Iph* Till’ i»i ml vt HI ' * * s in •; I* llnorv • In ‘oil If 1 tl*-« I > Jn opu uu I »•*! !»' i • * of I ho tv • I I I- e ll 11 »e* tot ■ k. .1 n i i In- r • >*« or I'ltintp* • f ri> I ” 1 I mmlorate >, i • TIm* • • i t l»«* |*1*1 ?ftt*‘l ■i ».,■,]■• n f i ’• [■ • • i;* ti t 111 o\i- \\ lit- ii I •• 1 * foot fo il I The I , m x\ * . •’ i-! • ufn*r spring •r u ' r ■ n Pi t * * tmix ni-o 1h» I : in I In flu* * n '«• r * it u1.' t-i 1*1** on! |jii» .in t*\< otlenf p'*r i i n -o I o: i!i" ' i ! . !•! '! p in! the i , ; ip* *>. | t*e [ ’ >1 t out MV h » !»> f Tin* 1 will jft’xiw ilii.-l.s- am! i n: i u iloii e u*veo unit Th© t *nK roe'm Agatn *| '•,» u , v !• |* i| • .» • \ tie I elm t r* * n i n; p • • « • s * *' • st*< * i* the • ;* * < t i peH I’lui I- Pol t».M r » \ e i-* • ”, : » i no xx •»» ill ; . w . \ x. i i ; Imt twUke i In* « u v o I fi'i'i*. ii < ” ii't lutve «» • I « < « • *; t*e I a *v * ' ■ •lilt t .. ? t» t»-‘ x ‘ i • *. t’»o lj'j Ml *0‘‘1V ni- » i of vIt ■ i * P'l tin* opple t*xs' 1 ♦ .! i «! * *■ • to* lo n»'enh*nl >pr;i\ iii? *‘Ut tin* live*, mu'f l*o treiiml when h v\Diiu Is wr\ pHi’u !■ the ivork K o U* «*.tx* t e Hu* hmnhttK of tlv* mink** *»f lie* five** whh verttiU'lilo* Is •ho n11*st » o« I n1 l 'i«f*»o<l of pri'xen Hon lhe i»p**t*» from tin* *»!.ite rx* o :u>,| nt the ♦ oime it nt itirrhiiHiiml »’\|*x*i iment *t • t mi liulhuife « vei x ijreiit vaiinfhm I i the miuilwr «»f ih'mis •mnn* ttiwtid mifrilmt \ er.x worlonwlx itul oilier* belli? x|tiii»* in*** (rmu th* Tlnitmlon F*rniing Not#v ItotiH'iol^r tb»* ln»i**rtamv of tin* kll« bon g anion. When iuu*tarl t* ;» ncrt-nt* po*t th«* HoIiIm arc o I wIt It a ait)uiIon that kUi* the «tvtl but »!♦*•' not harm the rnv h^khtni ^uiiomy ♦t»»e**n‘t amount to much \ on must tla* If. but thotv a thin*: a* U'itirf Uv •N'OIKMlllcftl In 11 I»t • * I the* rotate the fortllt ■ »•»■* t* iveti -j t ho v r h»h l&teh clop ha* f* par ) •«! r rottxor iVrhap* ih it’'* v\ h\ « \ ^ inn mi-n 1‘NjifnHv on la ml 0 |H*r acre Iti .f w ■ i. ' v-ho know from *? \ .‘Ch’« *•!>* . \|*v Wp jar-Vi vv . ti X*\r a Mo* s Tfci?* ? c ft ’ ^ IV* 1*n Kfwv-I t«*r *JAirh (hut r«ee«t He »unr*l Hr s iii \i v .\ o». r.'V.K a. | ut->i W.%o«rs F- -I. ) iie V**t 1 ^ \r»r. «mkI IwHtn* Hiaa j ■> *H V ■ -* • -.'« * i ita** | ■ \ *h-*- i\i t'arrf t»u! *nv si *.V M« :\ *X\ *N ,t VI i«V{X, VVbiv'<. v---’ Or* :*-**i*% i\iX&4m, O. * V <t • • . .. I> MW* S CHWN* ;>■ ■ v. ''.’■ir? tv? *il |V*aTC!*t* * 1“ tvUlJjf I'.iU fc**J OV “In Th ’•»!*■«' 1 cUvttic Oil 1* the best Wttftij !»r that often fatal «ti- :im • erout> th.tiien u«d with .whvw in (Mu !u>.-i > :.>f < ,(li| \e*r»."—Mr*. U Wbm .wrv, Mail.t >, N \ I i he Least Of These” Cy LLLL JOHNSON. *>, hy ry L Hr;); shiahl-owl ait the heavy Iron gates ctgngml Iwtinid her are! she real Util (hat she was aetnaily within the prison yard It w n« her firm visit to a I eriiietitiary. atnl t!*■ oiirti she found It coi hn f so forl.hlillriK >i< she hmi an th Ipateil, the aftiioopliere sent a ehlll through tier whole gtrslsh figure of rook piles, with rootlet* monotonously Breaking itie stone. bore were ft iwef Is.riteriil walks nn»t swarits of softest green. Hot for the high walla anti the barred whitlows she might well bare Imagined herself In a iniinletpai park or on a ntlllloti ilollar estate When she renelietl the iiltlo* Iter lias kef of delicacies was consigned with others brought t»v loyal frfetnl* for the ilelis t.ll Ion of other eonvlets. hut the keeper look's! curiously from the tat; Oil her ha bet to Ik-itf s f lee ■■So II.his} hasn't hail n visitor since he I'M Hie Itcte hie weeks Itlt'i.1 eotll melt till tin1 man slgniiicaufly. "Are yon a reliitlve’*1 •■Vo." rai l the girl sltnptr. “lie was Jn-i tome when I heeded help "JJ,. Will gl*»| to lots of folks.' grunted the V. arilett. "but aotnehow thev st ern t-i tiave forgotten It II** s In the ho-pital " *1 he > -- le t inniie a *1 g a to a trm-ty. aril with fist Is»atlng lean Betty fol In ■ e.| Ih ■ Ilian i'l till* illiei thill of the o. i*fn i i ding in one wing of wllletl was lir-iifeil tiie hospital M -vetti't -y l-iiss of the th tllsfrh't. «:! ■ j .;i|h* I uji III Isit. ami at -ight -if p, .• \ --iif he smiled radiantly I tie w'e. '.- le* lit I lain there lighting 1- ■ ■ f,,i Hie life thin he hail U'tftm P p -i- l.a.iilr worth the *s i 1" * \'-i . - .a bad lei*’* I 1 s-i a I hr mg * I1,. 1 . , , of |> ilitli al liUinlihiti ni I , two veers l«*fon* It hail re .jnlre I Hu hit ky met) to guard the I , If of I It *. hpsarter* unit beep ! 1... u t!:. ft t'.il of in,| ntiiiiatf caller* I will V illiei iriiatnhil help. Intlneiilla! [ vo i or |.i a,, s j 11 -1 tile ehatiee to in .mi up,ip tie- powerful political lea 1 *r V le• n | .I ... t In* h f-s of hi - dlstrlr!. tiding liih n r si of Iron lie till i otr el. 1 tlie 111.11 dilne llirongli sheer . ..I "HI power Ills enemies li Hi wltlioul ami with In tie* pirn (tail fought doggedly to I ilea b Iim «w i \ tilt the Imi** hail griltei! his teeth tin* hinder Mt each flesh Itl mb mil Is* 1 tin the UlOlvoll tents Into llul there hail mine an mil to Ills rule, as to fliaiel all one itm 11 eolitrol ) In. eg parly hoi seen nil the set vires of a revivalist. "In the Interest of good government," they hail ■ vplaltie.l but the "I le * ity knew fli-it it wits a tils*, to tit! the ills trivl of its ill. ail 'ts 11 u It meant turning the illslili t «ti*r to another ( 111)lie i s I,ml lull le « e vpel fenced III Itiunhdpa! I*'a* > WUIV 11! T_ I IT It Uteri' !!■ p Ilf fill!' III. u l.i ' I spun lit ' otliul nn TIt l,i . I, -1 mi I M'li-f li “x r.f pniyet rttmc , :i:;.in:,I l.i« -1 Its Till' lilt t, i I,U nf tin' I irtilm* In' li nt libbed ft mi Hip ill! hill, It of w It lilt tip hut ■ !•«•!! i”i t It,' ruff "f those "tin : iiiihIi'iI it ui iri* d *sj ewtteli titan t It** tit Njiii vi’f'■ from whom li»’ hail liSched it | >«• ti'itii'i'iI'l.—1|\ In reality tin' li'i' j when tin* him' tell could lime ,sainted Ilia furl uni' intit lit thousand* whi'ii Ills enemies r:m It it!' In tens ■ f tlnm Kit IttN W in'll In- li'ft tin' i It'll • ttrt riK'tn „l in,Pit | '*’ tilt I Ii"i1 111' filtltlll lllllti'l'lf lace to fit tf* ttllli i ■ r t j ' 1111 a I , Ini i _'i'< St. 'a it Hr In" liitil aciepted hi* sentence nf tl\i' j'1'tirn In tin j.i-tilt,• 1111itt> Stuli' ally iiu hint in . I'*.'.',I In- ..rtlmt In tli.—i* who 11 111 lituitnl «i|>i>11 him in |inmperlty ttu.l p> wit t child uf tin1 strict* ttllil li I slatted in it i tin till' water I"' Ui’t ii'f th" nttirt'liltiK flub. *U* li'lil Inm !■ it Will'll IiitIit II Ill'll tenant iittil tl ill, t!u> In.** without I!u‘ itlil nf fittttlii til", nr fiitn I It InflniTi't* si :tlH tin It 1 - i 11'. 'I ttm lit', I'ii.'ii nf tIlf siaff it,, hail mi incur able ilisji t■.' || probably would not Hi u nut Ms Tilton, u Vi't at S'k,iit nf Unity \ , nun's fan* 111, stnli Ism vanished ntot aftnr tin* nn! ill lit si: III. nf w. .num cameii tun (Inrun s a I nnwt pathetic Hi' , mi i|o,.:^ hurt', ulill.t '" tin naked its bo airutnsl ttm Itnttil that ulas|Hsl Ills ••Slim slims a unis! tun for a util to come wlion only makt.g bur eight H w nnk ” rtiu girl laughed. but bur volow was ehnky “Just llstnn tn thn man! Anti I'm get ting ton right tn this town I mail In tho paper a Unit nUntt tour lieing sn lonooomo" Ibo man Kmlhst grimly So thn pa|>or» w nro commenting on tho fart Hint bo was a deselked as woll a* detained lonilor of mon “Amt I u« tho ail of a law t or up boro w ho want oit a stouogmphor, ami I came an.I got tho plant'. I Ilko tt much better boro than tn town And I can com* to in' you ntns> a I'l'uW " Moroton deponed Uata, leaned ovor tinI I.Hikotl Into bur fact* •'You count- up hero to bo noar «oT‘ Tho girt nodded her head “Ami 1‘vo got the uiepat hoarding place with a widow. and you ought to w bor flower U.ts Just then a pbys tan tn white uni form cauio tnwartl tli.'iu. "You can stay onii tiro mluatoa.*' ho Mid without n a ting fur tho fortualtty *f an Introduction . cannot have toy pitilouts tttidtiiy excited. In a few wocks wo at,.all baie him in lino trim. I ; . • tint ii a dot t w ,„t our treat I that ties was hta first i;« tor "i*r LhtiUay. this », «:« of my test Met. da. M'ss Betty Vj on. g can't butt u , H i t tee! like a two-year-, :,! rlghf ovv.' Nevertheless Utc >. ; .»• tor s Bear th* door. and w her. the hie turn- I Ulus were up he led t«uj from the ward. "You can coate again. a* often as the rules perm it. bet «to not star too h»»g " The nest time he made the rounds I>r Uetlssy found Moret,wi oddly tjutet, bta fever tvi!.i.wi. hi* puis* uor mo!. “Itorter,* t>« said with * aml>. “that *trl’a eotoSii* <11 nw ti»rt> K"*xl than lift |«uf d> jk? It’* ft t" kn<»w that there* on® |»-r«on that bisu t forgot , jroo “ Aim! then the your* do* tor mm that aotuethlng more (tea an organl*- 'it*- j en-s. was aiu g for Hit- old boa* | heart. “Itaagfifrr of *o ol't friend ■ be j ■ *ki <l eaaualiy “Not mo**t»- jn*t ft kt*I I pkW up. In j * (*■’lemeut: t>«>lc Ir**r fT"*■J * sodden old thin* who »a« Iseitlng »h® life and *plrlt out of Iht I titnuxl her over to the sisters TVv dl'l the Text Unds.iy Hii:!el. blit tie nn<ler«tood It wax the rt l»t-* who had paid *h® alvter* for tlie girl'* '-nr® and put her through a h*j«lii< *« **"hool and »et her on her f***t. saving « girlhood like hi* own lioyhood from the alums and the (Pit ter. After that M .reton slowly but an rely began to mend There was no enrhrg the disease, hot there w as every rhane® to proton* Ilia ife for yearn If he want ed Jo put np the tight. And every time that Betty Vynne came to the hoxpitnl he seemed atroiiger for the light. Kor a time I>r I.lndsay watehed the case with purely professional interest, hut gradually this feeling tse-ame die tJnetljr persona He general!} met Betty In the rieeptlon room of the hos pital. lingered ronr Moreton'a Iledslde during her stay I <«rorted her to the •Dimnr** v ih*»» » •w*p:»rT«i. Anil, ulrtly enough be found rnnny •xoimumi f»ir «:?* -' with Mor*do« -find left riling more • ***»t 'the kid’s” plucky fight for ednraf<<»tj and s»*:f support. Before fin* first >**«r of his ■enteno1 had passed tin- mnd young fJtMlany’fl m*rr*?t win! on# night after Betty had paid for tistial rail the two men talked ft m » r ‘Mind you sin* ain't nnylwwfy Nel ther she nor I know where sin* apron# from So It’s >;'» ?ft yon.” said Mofeton warning!* and yet with loving anxiety In every word Yoifflir l.lfifHji’. studied tin* orm k«* In tin* door I tig f*»r a f«* v *e onds. and then he turned r»*ai»lutejy to hi?* patient •'Sin*'* true t»‘ne The e are not many like her. i.o n atter wit ? sort of l*l'«d was Udilnd her and I m going to take rhauer* If she ll b." e in**. Atnl. *vhat is. more, I am g 1 _* down to see her to morrow when I «• duty ••!- it all right I’**?t\ V” inquired the ex h **h as h** -it" I her hand temler Iv the re\t tin. v •• eame. "Is it al right, little glr The girl sun • ! ’ • his anxious eyes "oh Mr M •< m do \ mi think I'm half g»M*l enmigh for h o’.* “Mind flint, '■ )"iiv' irnjiilnsl fin* invalid, as If iddres'brig an nmiieuee. then he drew tin gir • »-e "Let me tell yon something lh*ft> He wouldn’t let me tell yon '« *re for fear you'd think you owed h \ something. lie wanted you to ove him for himself SeeV Hilt Hr I l- .v's got some of the f»oya startl'd : .| it looks like a pardon. Hetty . if . .-i t tinly does ” Sue sank on her knees tsodde the bed. ‘ < Mi. that Is to . • -I to lie true ” ••And that me l aii. Hetty I had some shares hi a g ‘ 1 m ue: thought If was a dead one. hat ay he's ls*en looking Into it. ! m. well, just tile Ids* I r;Hi faki ■ >-i and Lindsay o». a wedding trip t * Hermany I ml say say s the ■■ in t*.- f o re W ould do w <i!id«*rs for > . ' h nee.!* il .ad We!i !*..•?;> Id deed by thm titue if it hadn t las * to? your eoiltlt-g ” III- !i - U-il i * t«* Uieef (he slli « !!g ey e-. <»' I> v i • ; :y "S y I v a i i t 'here -e. net him: Ifl the » hI .. soinew dteres about the h a *»r !,:« I \> ;if11 to tiud that \. *e Ids . nil# f» tea I n It I > talniy am \ i there i> s » imieli t«*r tin* to learn and so lilfle time!” The F)d>'e'. C ood Usf of Word*. T‘m- - i xinndird pi the e< r root ii-*• of uuid? hit* U-«'ii iir^Md noon »♦*.*• l*‘i•>* I \ I*r«»flessor I.Miujwimrx of N " f its* _ In 11 :»rjM*i ‘s M > j. a* Make I. I * x ir inlltif.” suys I'luli-S'.il I • • • . - :r\ • li lt tin* Wide U a mil 1« i i In- i« | mnntniationlly a** inneli i . I lu* Imuru.i^ • »*i »*ur > • .mi U-!"i to tin* hI\I'H‘lltIt »in tan I? tl. i 'oft* naturally contain* a- \xhkh. tfiotiuh proper at that r . ict Sii n* ooul tvifh the i< o? our day When it V • •!lv!a!«*d. \X ’ll ll V :lf» :• an i \ ; native |H'.|h»uii ivfer *!eioe \\ e siiy. t Mir In tbe (tad in latntniti earn* ? to exn w hi* re flan it \ \\PI vour pratn. a t w> luiavun ' Mon* <*. , U* ill'!in* t ion . (*nt «.| stwill and x\ II iii '' e da!»H*l»ed in tin* *;*• |t f!.<t**t* ilo not alToot tin* -- d it« prot i'durc In reenn! v sfid m»‘t with «*\«*ry 1M t) C.IM’S HltV|lt it*« ItU nt question and conform xx PH It *’ I H# Went. Mr ! Iii'^orioiitf 1 had a queor ndv«*n t tin* thi* H'Miiiit.ii Ml** de Muir i with a xxx ift lilniKT nt tl)« clock»—Toil iuh.iii \t»Mer\]*v Afternoon. I presumo. K\<hi»mce Why It Succeeds Because It's for One Thing Only, and Putnam People Appreciate This. Nothing run tie good for everything IHiing one thing well bring* success. lVtau's Kidney Pills Jo one thing only. They cure sick kidney*. They e m nckache.every kidney ill. Here i. Putnam evidence to prove it. t laretuv 1! i’Uui. of 41 Wootfevtoek •venue. P i n. Conn., says : "My knowlerigv the great value of IHian'. Kidney 1' . i- based on the expen ence of v brother. He surfered from j kidney complaint for some time and j V* -.*».•! tent. I by any of the reioe lie '• 1 lie began taking IXvan'* ‘ U i.v - prvx'urod at liresM' - they did him so much ; g i t! u w wild not t>e without j ~e. I know of many j ot"i pie w ho have been cured of ( U <i y v the use of iKmvi: - > Kidney Ih . K -: ... « nil deale is I’rice »’ i cents i . Milbattt to.. Buffalo, New York. - agent fv>r the 1 uilev! SUU'N U.c3\\K'\--Wr tiiO ntinf1——amt lake tK>other. FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN successful in relieving the Buffering of women or received so many gen uine testimonials as has Lydia E. IMnkham’s Vegetable Compound. In every community you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg etable Compound. Almost every one you meet has either been bene fited by it, or has friends who have. In tne Pin kh a in Ijil>oratory at T.ynnjiass^any woman any day mav we the files containing over one mil lion one hundred thousand letters from women seeking health, and here are the letters in which they openly state over their own signa tures that they were cured by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Lydia FI Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has sav.-d many w omen from surgical ojieratinns. Lydia FI. 1’inkham's Vegetable Compound is made from root.' and herbs, without drugs, and is whole some and harmless. The reason why T.ydia F. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound is so successful is because it contains in gredients which act <liiv< tly uj>on the feminine orguilsm, restoring it to a healthy normal condition. Women who are suffering from those distressing ills peculiar to tl ir sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. I’inkham’s Vegetable Compound to restore their health. ~T~i v < .>i in ..e n;oi. \ 11- noi in \ TT J\ I f onpoon within and To- tH* IM-tri* f of Tliominon on th 1*1 day of Jon*1 A. I* UK* Present <»#org** ■* < roe by. Oil motion of <;»org* K Holbro k,.*i Putnam, ( onn , A-lo'inisirnfor on tbr ltifcftatc » '■ i'e 1 M K»n*-hury, l«tf of TUoiupnon within dUtr c» dH'ni<r«i Thit* Court doth dCfrfe that «ix month- b.- al lowed and limited for the creditors of said .*«tah to exhibit theii claim- aifain*t the* sani»- to tht Admini-trator and direct* that public notice b* ifiM D of tht** order h> advt rti-lt g iu . n.w-paper Fijviuif n circulation In -aid district, and bv p"-r ittjr a co|*t thereof .on the public *»ijrn fw»**t In *aic Town O? f‘im Ii-oti Men r« .»t thP place w ht*re tin d**e€a*Mrd Iasi «'w>lt. I r titod from Ornrd. .« i t «lft, K - t • rSH V .1 iids*' \ 1 \ < < It r 1 !-i: *r. \ ! I II*»! 1>KN ' I’ • > ' - " t (>: Putnam .11 th»* !l?h(i.-u , t June. A I* P." * K'igrtf t lark. . ) »!•• .d Putuuiu wiihln >m rtd- < *»urt doth dtH-rco that -Lx nob?b« |..rt, ,i i•,■ i | r ri. tit r* •! - . d Admin i.-tra'-rix and dlrm* ttlwt public no? T iw it «*t Puma'll nt*,u« >t lilt! pl-lC*1 wiipfs* t.if* t tn ftied f».*m Kt—or \ V4 I I» * \Kl> H U K I . I id-. To Rent Si\ room tonenun! on >pIioo! street, I’nlnnm. In.| lire al lHdl >choo! -lrt*t‘l, or of ,1 atilt*!** A Nichols, Ihuiielson, < l J4 If For Sale Fort Hill Farm THOMPSON. CONN. Consisting of-sit) Herts and buildings, formerly known as l>av, Sibley ami Itaker farms, all or jiart, alsoistanding grass, tv»>, pigs, hard wood and hay for sale at reasonable prices, t hie dwelling hmise furnished with steam heat, electric light. bath room and run ning water, for sale with two acres of land or more. Also house and Jr! acres nearThomp son station and N B. Kearn s premis ta. atu To Rent Pleasant room :M\ second floor of W agner block. rent moderate. Inquire of Jerome roiirteKoite. trustee. L^if Putnam witmn sad for thr district o! thataam ‘a the h dav of .*un» A 1>. h*e t'narH, K ward t, Wright. Jattar. i*M m&H\* of L Perrin, of Hartford, t 'on slid Jr-' r B IVrrtu of w Mrt*«ter. Vtus f of the . i* wti »ad tc^fatarnt .f John Nlehx-l* fVrni .late or Putnam woltiu suiu ll\ $0*9 «f IfcU ardr? fe} puMi*t-r •' n Br» *v*P**r fea*i&4 a circui«rWtt |j| j •no h« {^Mttejg * eo$>\ *h»mv4 »» ‘he . mKk • m»f IR «*d tO»i of kh'ltttlt Ursrr>t I.W ! a !xre the W4s*>S l**t dweit. i'entfewl ?■'■'**» K %»*d. EDVJUU* \i WlibHt, 2*—i> Smile! And lie w»rld »itb you, Knrtc* »nd jm «ro *lone For ib“ cbetrfol «rin Will Ht you in Wbere tbe knocker U nerer bnowt >0 ONF CAS KNOCK Cardinal Flour IT’S TOO GOOD. The consumer "Pin * happy smile ••Cardiml” sells so well. The us* r «rins ill oeer. “Cardinal” works M) well. Would you wear a Cheerfnl grin! Use “Cardinal" W. H. Mansfield & Co Pl/TNAM,<'ONN\ OUTLOOK U the LEADING NATION A L WEEKLY FAMILY NEWSPAPER, and for the eighteen years has been the LEADING N A T 1 ONA L MEDIUM for Classified Ad vertising* If you are an advertiser, let us convince you that our Classified Department is all we claim for it: the best, the past longest established, ar d the tn<*"t responsive in the maga zine field. Send for full information and a specimen copy of THE OUTLOOK, 287 Fourth ave., New York. For Sale In order lo close tire estate of Aile Iar<l l.illev. I will -i ll hI private sale | tin- Iront. place, coii*iting of a lot. h -■ inti l«,i Mims, corner <>! ;rn I M;; v -! re, ts. Impure if Ivhv ml i,. Writ I t. ' lSllf ni-±; Five Working Horses for Sale :it our I > l; !<•*• • anr Pomfret Land- i imr. Lujuirt «»t J. \\ Whipple on ibe ; |»r*miM ". i'll < !iild Lumber < orpo ration, I’utinm. i!4 A A > • *t I. I -r I I • *1. \ ’ t iH «l ,|lK \ A I Putn«iin wifi.ii. and for the dl-trict el Putnam. !i t!it : *\.u of Inn. \ |> |9Ch. Pres, nt P iv» ,rd ii. Wr ght, Judg. K-rat' . f ti< •# g. i: Ihiiby, her Putnam in Said ill!*triel tltHt j»ed. I io u> miGnttr ji.t Frederick W *-« word hav Ing made written apj.ii. Mlion to this Court for an order *.ell certain t* al • state te-longing to said • ■date and fully di'.-nbed in 'aid petUion to which reference mat be had and the widow of - <id deCea.'U-d haling c«»lirented to -.aid «ale Wllli our e-ervlng her light-* of dower (herein, it in < »rd* • ■ d that a hearing be had upon *aid spp i car ion at the Probate oin . in Putnam on the tith da\ of duly A. 1) l:«* at lboVloCk iu the fore noon and that pub ic notice be given of the Time and place of *aid btaring by publishing a copy of ihU Older tu a new-p per pu Itshed in Putnam at.d having a circulation in said and bv P0*! tng a like copy on the public rign post In Said Kwn of Putnam Certified from Reonpl. «KIIWARD t. WRIGHT. Judge 60 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Slc. Ar.rone send!1 u n siietrh and de«rr "tion may q>r .. v as<■.•rt;»-u . >!r «•; • n free whet her an . i i, ivnctly* nihie ’ it. HANOB0OK onPateiitg #e-.f tie*. oldest agency f..r securingputenf 1'.'" ■* taken t •r u-fi JIsimi A Co. retttlTC tj>- i »l n tier, w oh- ut charge, iu the Scientific American. A handsomely Ulnstrated woek'r. f freest rlr CU .t • f an? a. - •■tile ' -' '!'• ni •*. | . a year: f.»ur ni<>- t Its. (L bold bjrult rewsdeniera. WUNN&Co.3013™'^ New York Branch Ofllca. I’ Washington, I>. C. n *~*H r* iR’S HAid b .ISAM 'leans*-# and bra t'ts the fi*!r. ■ e« a 'to . growth | r Tails to lc store Gcay i to j-s Yen : : i Co' j - -a 9 li IMA heir ta I j x and | ; at Dm ijgre: ’ CASTOR IA For Lnfanti and Children. Dm UN Yn Havi Always Ought Be&rs the Signators of Home Memories 3 £Mb Countr? 5 fetorp bp €U barber Fvfn one is readme if. If vou » mx- you are behind the times. Critic, snv it *s the best store of rura. life that has been written for vears. 1’ ;« Pt bound in dark ereen arJ e j. contains 420 pages, and se.i, tor 11.50. •nnon this paper and we will ! ' 111 -it the special rate' i of #1X10. Postpaid. R. G. Badger. Publisher !<H Bo'. !ston Street, Boston Trollev Time Table The Consolidated Railwav effective sept. it. !9rr ' Time given lor cars leaving . Main Street ~ * J^emve Pctnam for \Vorce,;er and ate stop* .it *6.07, 77.55 a. m.. hoari, ter until 8.55 p. m. Return lmr»'iy Hall) at 6.15 a m., and lourlv natS lit1 Time 2 hours and 20 minutes ■ :'tie tir~,* 1 Leave Putnam for Wehatcr and stops at *6 07 a. m.. *7 55 . m., until 10.55 p. in. Hetnming, leave at *6.15 a. m , 7.41 a. m. and boa 10.55 p. rii. Fate 20 cents Eitra .csvule only hourly from 1.25 p. m. ■ Leave Putnam for Dayville an inter** stops at x6.35 a. m. and hoorlv i-heretlCr 11-35 p. m. Returning. leave Daw,lie r. a. m. *6.10 a. m.. Dawdle lear hnqse, m., and hourly thereafter until 1 n.25 p'w Leave Putnam for Danielson a! rtjg, then hourly till 18.35 p. m. P.etnrniiif Danielsoo at 77.10 a. m. and then houdr 10 10 p. m. Fare 15 cent:-.; I.eave Putnam for entraJ Village mediate stops at x6.U^ a. m. and 9.35 p. m. Returning, leave •6.15 a. m., 7-45 a. and unld 9.45 p. m. Fare 25 nect at et-tral Village for Moosup.^ Putnam and Providence Leave Putnam for Providence and wi» at 6.35 a. m- cbanirintf at ElmviHe on' the Providence and Danielson Railway wl' ElmviHe ,at 6.45 ant4 S.45 a. m. and thereafter to ami including 6 45 p m. Re* in", leave Market Square, Providence, ki* h. m. and hourly the*eafter to j.45 j*. .. 5.45 n. m. Fare 75 cents. •Does not run Sundays. ♦Sunday*, one hour later, xSundays, 2 hours later. All * »it V> >ni'* ip* c inacet at eatrt! Ts lage with cars for Moosup Above fable subject to ctiaaife withoutootci For Puri!v and Excellence, and h ctmtota:.* of properties to constitute a y*ertect drinking waUr, A Reliable Remedy FOR CATARRH Ely’s Cream Balm is quickly absorbed. Gives Relief at Once. It cleaiisoothe, heals ami protects the diseased mem brane resulting from Catarrh and dr** away af’old in the Head quirkly. Re*j the Senses of Taste and Smell. Full sia 50 cts. at Druggists or by snail. Liquid Cr-'iuu Balm fur u-e in atomizers 75 eta. Elv Brothers. 56 Warren Street, NewYori. Putnam Mail Service i9oa. POST OFFICE OPEN From 6.36 a. m. to 8 p. m. SundHV'.trom S >" to 9.33 m. m. TL- !oMr> *:2 remain open to Lock Bm hr - itufi! 12 U»li'hi\* Iren, r,.30 a.m. to 12 i. .30 m 7 p.a. M ON ! \ OKPFll I»I v I MON a: . !ii!.sV*•!' " M ' 0J ^ KPO By < ?r\ Carrier* Duih . Sunday* lb•!,<ia\ * e\'-«'f»ted ) at S.2o .. . au»i 4.10 s. m.; * tl 11.0*) a. m. i;< the L i-iness Se<*l©a. One deliver* hv City Carrie’- »u HolidiTS. HOI KS OF Ci*LLK( TIuM From tho street Le'tci Bom - Sunday* td Holidays excepted, and Dc-f :< hes.) Rt Min .N riAL stn ion Collections. Despatch® 6.15 to 6 46 a. it., mail despatched »? 7.10j.% S.SO IO It »■ I u. ill., *• •• •* 12.15 •• 4. i" fu 0 -ill p. in., •* “ “ 7-4’ rA. FRONT A > I> ELM STREET BOX 6.L5 a. m., 16.00 a. tn , 11 15 a. m., 3.30 a. in.. 5 0*.* p. in., despatched at 7 10 s. s. •• 10.10 •* - 1-.15 M •• i.35 o. s. •• 7.45 - Kl 1C A I. FliFF 1>F 1.1 X 4. ICY. Routes No. 1 Kura! arrier* leave daily, (>’..• »> < and H*x> du\s except«J4 at 8.10 a. m , it ; ■ u at 3.10 p- x Mailable matter, weiirhiusr 4 ■ md* or ^ sent by Kural Canki s mu-t i'« prepared "J stamps affixed. MAILS OPEN FROM Boston, Now York, Hart for all pois® north, oast, south and west at 8.15 a. m. Boston, 8.15, 10.45 a. m., 3.4’). 6 p. m. Daniebon. 8, il » m., 3.4.5 p rn. Norwich, 8, 11 a. in , 3.45, 6.0' m. Hartford, S. 11 a. m., 4.10. 6.15 * New York, 8. 11 x. m., 4.10, 6.i“. m Worcester. 8.15 a. in., 6.05 p. in. Webster, 8.15 a. ni., 6.05 p. m. Willimantic, 8.00, 11 a. ni.. 4.10 p. m. Sundays from all points 8.30 a. rn. MAILS CLOSE FOR Boston,7.10. 10.10 a. m., 12.15,3.>5,5.35J-45p* Danielson. 7.40, 10.10 a. m., 5 35, 7.45 p. an Hartford, 7 40. 10.10 a. m., 5.35 7.45 p.m. New York, 7.40, 10.10 a. m., 3.15,5 35,7.45 p-• New Haven, 7.40, 10.10 a. m., 5.35, 7.45 p. ®* Norwich, 7.40, 10.10 a. in., 5.35. 7.45 p. ■ WilhmantH‘, 7.10, 10.10 a. m-. 5.35, 7.45 p.® Worcester, 7.10,10.10 a. m., 3 35, 5.35,7.45? West and Southern States. 7-10 7 40, 10.10. ® in., 3,15, 3.35, 5.35, 7.45 p. m. „ Worcester and New London, North, ^*7 tions, 7.10 a. m., 3.35 p. m. ^ Worcester and New Loudon, South, Way saa tions. 7.40 a. tn., 5.35 p m. -,4 Boston and Hartford, East, Way Station* *• a. m. Boston and Hartford West, Way Statioa* ** P- m. Boston and Pough., East, Way State** ** Boston and Pough., West, Way Station* Boston, Providence and New York, Ead, W* Stations, 10.10 a.m. Woodstock*. WestJord and Eastford, by 10.30 a. m Woodstock*, South, North. East, 10Ji n* ■“ 5.35 p. m. , Pomiret, 8.00 a. m., 545 p. m-, by sta^i Nights for all points 7.45 p. m. Sumlavs for all points, 3.30 p. xn. ntANK G. LETTERS. ft Pitiu Sprit’ ffiw ChaHe&fe the Wor A. S. DAVIS, Msmjtr. Telephone 14 4 — 4 ,.AJ5 Cakriura Carbonate. . Magnesium (.trhomte. . \gj So*Jtete C*jUrii»te... So’littin .*“** > • •' na Su!.-b*le...* & So.; ,?a Nitrate. *le.. JH F, Ve ml Alaaunt... \ ‘ \ fotal Tor*] Solid Re»i*ioe oc Bvtpor *• • Gr«b« J'er V. S. <*a»D*•*:. These results *how that the * » r*»ry «Oi*fl iBoaat of dfiaaohred u i* of exceilot organic parin' dnim^e > "omani in a? job. Ib a ate*; is aa eicefieat one for dnwtif YountrnW, HERBERT K. 3MlTti. 4' ^aecticot ?:aie . -S» 75 i.*s .&*«**• . Ttet* >e« *•* fcc**