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$>he /Vow J'Tay'or Bused on 6JT. Broadhurst's Successful P/ay THE MAN OF asked Git*l«s politely. •J ,‘. h>. roared I’tie an. liis close ha r » bristle. “Can be? Can r A Idcrmnn Phelan. Pick Ilorrigan down Alderman jjauny l’h< an? Well! Nothin’ to it, m When I’m through with Dick Horigan he'll have worried himself so thiD they have to wear glass* to ,t,ave him I’ll bury him so deep this fa ; that they'll ne'er find him HII they rart diggin a subway to China.” ■You seem pretty confident,” observ ed Gibbs "Cwtfldent Why not? Why not, 1 jsfcymi? W hy wouldn’t I lie confident? is there a voter in the ward—black. »hile. ye ov or greenhorn—that I can’t ca by his first name and ask after ti: his cl-; hen by uame? Is there a 1 voter in the ward 1 haven't staked to j coal or ei.: or bail or Imoze? Is there? If - >, name binl^Jio me. Put a | Mite 11 h ii. They’re my friends [ twelve m ,tli-s of every year, not just | it ele-i •: time. Ilorrigan, indeed! ! Say. if be starts runnin’ any man in ; usy ward h** i have to sight him liy a j tree to see if lie's matin’ any progress Ilorrigan. hey?" Tome. come, alderman." interposed W»,nwright "Why don’t you and Horrigan smoke the pipe of peace? Why"— “The only pipe me an’ T>iek Ilorrigan wii; ever rome together over will lie a ytrd of tead pi|>e. an’ niv fist will be it one end of that an’ his thick head it th' other " "Bnt,'’ remonstrated Walnwright. "he x i strong man. Is it safe to fight Mm?’ "Why isn't it? tie's got to come into the Kiglith to lick me. and he’ll la ment as strong there as a barkeen's in tlaence »itti the Prohibition party. Besiiles. I like a fight. I'm the original ‘Stop. Irwk and listen’ signal at Trouble Station. I”— As a personal favor to me. aider man." Wheedled’Mr. Walnwright in his m *t persuasive manner, “won't you mute a fneml of ilorrigan?” "I’d g idly oblige you by makln’ a fine fas| unable, rollickin’ funeral of ban. hut friends friends" — "Sut it I ;isk*’d him here to meet you wouldn't you try to be cordial to him r I sure would—as cordial as a liank nipt to a rent collector. He'd be gs jiretty near as welcome as a broken leg" Tni sorry you look at It that way. • iderman liecauae I've asked him to day ” "To eome here? Quit your Jostlin'!” “But he doesn't know he'll meet you" ”A.S' he’ll never find It out. fur Pin on my way I’d sooner meet a p’rade from th' contagion bosjiitai.” ”<'f course, if you're really afraid of his "Afraid of him!” snorted Phelan, o'liirus a full stop at the door a«1 then returning to the middle of th* ■fi,- \fr;di1 ef I tick Ilorrigan' j kl’ iv ns- -he man I’m afraid t* meet j »iid T’’l ' ie,.t fviui witli pleasure ,1u-*t tS'lww you it's a He. As for’’ Tlr P- rriganT” eatae rile butter's I "id frvtnf the threshold T’ who followed the Iti.iiouuoe i ■ ■ae who earned in hi* bear- j def reason* for his «access j Tail, (in ;t sipxare of jaw . *s|Uare of ^rDw. hard of month. ite seem eg to dominate hi* very a-trroondin** and to flka'e a rough fon-efulncss that car all is fnre it. His physiognomy was essential!y that of the torn tight**- »• well as leader — the man that nei ther give* nor asks quarter. From the day* when a* a ferry ticket seller he had laid the foundations of bis later for tunes by “knocking down fares,” up through his va ried career as policeman, coo ttartor. politician and bows, he had bright his way ever to the frout by ^tat same force, backed by a bulldog IXBefc. * genius for organization and a “-Totality wholly devoid of scruple and *»n»c*ei1,-s it e»0.d not t« said of Richard Hor that his morals were bad. He had no morals at all. By eoo b*ft with men of higlier culture than ®* n he bad lost bis early incorrect *ml v ii!garity of speech Hisdom J1""' c roughness of manner he had - ’o lose. |t was by far too val 41 je an asset "'.--«i rnortiing. Mr. Walnwright.” liorrigau. with a breezy fa !-*nt> as he strode into tlie library. ** r i.abashed at finding himseif in presence of the dreaded finance “I'm a bit aliead of time, but”— ” *’ 1*ped short with a gvur.t of **** Hi* eyes had fttilen on f'helnn. 1 "r <i moment th* 'uftci fucb Stter mei.t » la* the Br»sriiu^ ***** «* ori^et of a tii'ifttiflT. the aUlenuan st»-! bN ground. giving the glare f< r flare Aiif! so for a mi<*11 tont the ruriuit^ fact**! esu-h other H CHAPTER 111. OlMtIGAN was first to break the 'east* silence "What’S this here far?” he growled. indicating Phelan with a contemptuous jerk of the head dial addressing n<> one in particular. "Ask your friend Wainw right.” grunted Phelan, with equal roughness. "1— you see,” l>egau Wainwright con clllatitigly. "I didn't like to see two such first rate chaps at (aids with each other, so I wanted to bring you to getlier here to"— ”t *h. you did. did you?” sneered Hor rignn. "And wliat did Pbeiuu say to that little plan?” "I said." snap|>ed Plielan lefore his host could reply—“I said Pd see you in - first!'* “PHnie here, twice over!" said Hor rlgan. “Hut." interposed Wainwright coax ingly, “Is there no way"— "No." retorted Horrlgan. his deep voice rumbling far down In his throat. "There Isn't I.ook here. Phelan! I’m out for your scalp, and Pm going to get It!" "Come on, look for It!" crowed Phe lan. fairlv hopping up and down iu rage and excitement. “Cornea runnln'! An’ while you're buntin’ my scalp don’t overlook one t*t. I'm after vours!” “Mine, yon little shrimp! Why"— "Yes. yours. Horrlgan. yon cur ' You're pretty chesty an' strong stand i in' on the top of the organization. Imt ! i you're no bloomin' statue of Liberty ; You can be torn down, anil here's the man who's goin' to do the fearin' Me Alderman Jimmy rhelan of the; Eighth!" ‘ Let It go at that for now. You’ll ! ' wake up in the fall, when the elec ! i tloll" *'I.ct It go at that for keeps. I"— | "Mr. Wainwright." broke off Horri j gan. 'if this was the business you i wanted to talk aver with me here"— "It isn't." assured the thoroughly un comfortable financier. "oil' Then we can get down to real business perlmps when this fellow's gone." "That lets me out" observed Phelan cheerfully as he picked tip his hat "ft’hy. Mr. Wainwright G’bf. Mr Gibbs. Horrlgan. I'll"— “But you'll -stay to lunch, alderman, won't you?" urged Horrlgan. with an effort at cordiality that deceived no one. "No. thanks.” replied Phelan. “When Ihe curtain's ntowu and the orchestra's gone home I don't nei-d no usher to poke me in the ribs to tell me the show's out As for stayin' to break bread with Hick Horrlgan. I'd sooner lave a Jolly UnJc grub lest with Wiley's loison squad Good by. all Horrlgan, is for you. seme day I'll cross two dicks of dynamite under yon and you'll scatter <o wid- that the inquest over tour p'Htieal remains will have to he leld in fourteen counties.” “! am so sorry. Mr HorHgan. that Ibis should have happened in my house.” said Wdntwright as the irate alderman stalked out. leaving the Isiss staring after him in dumb fury. “1 meant It for the best and’’— "Mr Wainwright. ' interrupted Hor rlgan. venting ills i«sut up wrath'on his iismayed host, "this silt! world of ours Is white with Isvutss of failures, stf fools, of deadleats. In other words, of folks who “meant ft for tl»e lest.’ Now let's get (hewn to business.” "First let lie- Introduce Mr Gibbs Ue” "tjiad 1v meet feint, but he'll ejtcuse me wlieti I say "I never talk business | Wleoi-there's a-third party ground. No offcast . Mr. dibits Just walk tail and take a look at the view, like a g<><*l hoy. won’t y*uV Thanks.” Gibbs, at a warning look *f appeal from 'Wain wrtght, checked 'Is* angry ivtort mat sprang to his lips, turned or. his bed and walked *nt Hnrrigan. t had s liserveti the glance evfkcmg between the two in eg grudgingly Osptcd fio soften tile effect of Jps sijueuess. didn't menu to *nub vow frtend.' 1 he. "but Phelaa riled toe. and 1 i it wet vw ftte next man I K“>ke to It o| *irib wet yea to having I he tike fur. an,, ww ■■ list *s ( twiid i wauled to wfet him ■ to a-' H e will need every wrong i weetl g*l Phi* fall. We' — ou know » lot wbottt fiuauee. Ilr. nwrigbt. But jaw'®* * r““k °*1 r l« jHilifJc* or y»B'd never have ie eiK'b a I weak 1 cau* eorapro » with l*helau eves If J wanted to. i stood out against me. and I've to auiash him If he could defy me get away with It. other leaders Id think they could do It. too. and ess than no time the organixatboi Id be split up into a dozen fact!oca. Cd he down and out L'nderwUmd ? got to look out for discipline If I'm told the place I've won H ben a in the organization atarta a fight ust roe. I must down biro There » timing I»ack. Tbat'a mby Pro bosa ry man in the crowd knows be s to oliey me or tight me and that if fizbt It s a laittle to the death. Ami the roan who ihrfw the dying, not vow. you understand? So we can to business What *— :t business seemed thi* morning d to manv interruptions. The lat came in the form of Judge New w ho. bustiiug Into the room with hi< customary pompous dignity, leuly stup(>ed in his tracka aud eil at sight of the U*ss. ;ood moraine. Mr Horrlgan. said Judge ingniiiatlp-gly. wrtgg mg «n the i-«>' glower. I N* ' “ D,,t too early and that Mr. W am bit baa interceded for"— or your renominatioo?” queried rigaii speaking as though to a dis *d awrvaut- ”lf tbat'a what you re | I tokl ><«l Se Milt- Mr II* -Hi. consider how p!tv led the tcwc- v cowed judge How run | ix** ,'o :v to ';t« practice au»l coui|ip!e w; singer men? He i sides Mi-'. New ijiau <!e< tares' j "I can't belt* that." returned IlorH- ’’ gsn. quite uniiH>val. "You've hat] your l share \\ e ve got to look out for otir ! ow u active w itrkers ft*r the inert we \ can count on to tlo ttie right thing " ”Hut. Mr. Uorriguti." protested the Jlitlge. "1 nlwuvs try to tlo what Is right." "I said 'the right thing.' " correetetl the l»«s "See the tli(Terence?" "Excuse me. judge," Intervened Wainn right "If you'll leave this mat ter in my hands. I w ill try to convince Mr llorrigan of your fitness. Just leave It ail to me." "Oh. thank you so much, Charles!" cried the relieved judge. “I'm sure I pan count on you. Mrs Newman will he so grateful. Well, I won't detain you any louger. iiootlby.” "Ooodhy. judge.” answered Waln wright tolerantly "tJoodby. Mr llorrigan.” went on Judge Newman, with effusion A grunt from llorrigan, who had turned his broad twck on the visitor, was the onlv reply, and the Judge de part «>il to liear the message of hope to Sirs. Newman •'Have you any special ohjeetioos to Newman'-” asked W'aiIIw right "No." said llorrigan. "except I think perhaps there > men who can ih> lietter by us You know how much It means ueiimes to have the riglit judge han dle tour case." "1 think at a pinch we can manage Newman, and"— "Oil, if it is a favor to you. all right Hut It doesn't do those Judiciary fel lows any harm to keep tnem guessing awhile. It tames 'em and teaches 'em to mind—sort of keeps them In their Iona INe Us 1 And it s ■ of the feed a cliam-e. ] "I'm grot Mr llorrigan!" \ our nose ont e otie else f / £?•»*# Hornynn r / places, yon know And nmv won't you tell that I hi l It r of yours not to let us lie illsturlitsl?" Wnliiwright complied. and the two settle I down to their ileforretl tslk "How ;i I uni t the election tills fall?” ts'irau the liuancier "We re already growing: but. Just lie tween you slid me. It's going to tie a hot tight. The |ieo|ile at large seem to tie a little sore on the organization A few deals lately have lieen a little raw, and some of the papers are kicking. (Joist land! If it wasn't for tlie news pu|N>r* what a el tie h a Isiss would have In rtinnlng a city! It ’d lie like takiug peunie* from a butiy's bank. But'*— "Then you think there is Rome doubt nlimit the election?" "1 wouldn't go so far as that. It'll lie a tussle, hut with plenty of cash ami the r.ght man for mayor—mark me. I say 'and the right man'—we ought to win.” •'The woods are full of ‘right men.' ” replied \Vabiwright "The money Is the chief tiling to consider That Is why I asked you here today This Js the point I'm getting it: As soon as election is - fely « er the Borough Street railway will apply for a fran chise for a car line from Blank avenue to Iwsh sireet along the river front.” ' I see!” maided llorrigan. "And. as von own the t 'By Surface Hoc and as that Is the IWrough Street railway'* worst rival. y«u want the Borough’s 'franchise bill kUled when it come* lie f.,re the Imard of aldermen.” •'^You’re wrong. To para phrase your owfi words, you kt»»*' a lot about |k»II tics. I want tlie ftwiugh Street rail ware fraucliise grauvu and I want the franchise to lie pci>e*ual.” "But J don't see whet four driving at If /an intend to merge t*e Borough Ktreer rsrtsway w ith your *»»«<flit.v 8ur fg.-e iim» He charter will he**/use .void." '•I don't naenn to merge them 1 own bath roodseaaei 1 nin them arfMrulaay " “The -- 'lor* “Tlmt'a a fcttle surprise. ab? 1 haven't made any (•oraile of It. I Jwat went gaietly to work, through 01Ms. and tsmght »P ** majority of the Bor oogti stock. Now 4oii't you ace bow tbe granting of tlie franchise and the news that f eourrol tie road will work when they a I* made known?" "Bure! It'll aeud that stock sky hlgti Ton'll scoop in a million or two.” is *» n *tl wrlcht scornfully "Ne-.i rcr"~ "Hold on!" interrupted Horrisran “What's that «t.*l«e"" Ho had Jamfol f«* bis foot with an alacrity that »3< strut- .. j |n *.■> arsr a ro.-m an.! was listening Mon:It "That rltckioicf" asked Wa ■>« right "Oh. that's on It tin* private wire In tut flrtirt “ "lYlvafp slrt? Ant otx-ranirY'' '1 If otitrt. Why T* S:|«(> ,ee he should to N listening to n< ••Who'! Th':i|>“tt? A ■'I don't know I'd rathe-" “Vanet'se It's Thi.,: * • prl vato s. ■ \. a mat « - N-. a with me nine years. I u s: h , t, "Hot I don't. I d •ti't treat anybody S. !1.1 Iii'i int i s ■ o' •>!(' r "! can't In his absence » . so I”’ MM) f and wasn't til. re on tin* tor. u ■ ■< : t > transmit It to too I in rht t m sands. Ho * a right I* « • or a man was I trust hiut implicit iy" "Oil al! right, then, to* oti « tit ton wore saying" I want the H«*r aiffh Street railway franchise made perpetual. fa: h my drift ' Situ. Hot the pnpe. * at I the prop erty bohleia wit! make a big kick." A In'iin Hi nm tt. " them. They'll "ju get hoarse and have to rest tlieir threats \s lmg as we get the votes what *lo we mre ir— "Vos. yes!" agreed the boss luipu tlentlv. “That's all right, but what I want to know. Is. How (has all this coueeni me?" Horrlgan threw himself bail. In his chair. uptiiteil cigar In one corner of his mouth, thumbs In waistcoat arm holes ami eyed Ills host i|Uiz*ically Wain wright dill not even pretend not to understand. Still. Instead of giving a direct answer be went on with seem lug irrelevance: “I am a public spirited citizen. I lie lleve civic welfare would suffer by any change In municipal administration, so to keep the present party in power I am willing to donate to it 32UO.UUO to ward election expenses.” “That sounds pretty good as far ns it pot's, but maybe you didn't hear some thing I asked you a minute ago. What I want to know Is. Ilow does all tills concern njeV" "I'm coming to that. As I suld. I am a public spirited citizen. I'm also a good friend such a goisl friend that I'm always gl«d ;•> put my friends on to anything In the market that look* particularly promising Suppose I far cy for your account at the market |ricc (that's <53 just nowi Jo.tSHI shan't ff Borough Street railway stock?" “Well?" “If that franchise is granted. Bor ongh stock w ill go up at teast 25 points within two days that would dear up for you a profit of—let's sis- about llorrigan bad pulled a pencil from hi* pocket and was figuring on the back of an envelope. “Tea.” he said at last; “that's right. $375,000. That would tie my profit, while yours would run tarto The mil Sons Thar"* not warm enough friend •hip for fw* "Rnrel.v. that is a generous" **renerous. mar b< imt I'd like some thing tuimlfb'ent say 25.000 shares a1 53. Then at the 25 point jump I'd make---I'd soak*-" consulting Ids fig jre« *»n the Hi*'■'■••• • ■ something over fc,im.(s*i That sounds Is-tter to me -ley r “But Mr II li “You*i Take 'em or e«vr lit "Oh. i. ■ y * ' ll." wrigh w 'i :.i . thing ' * !ig ■ . -.-e !‘s| Warn •• *• •• Auy I :.-n.J " IP el *c tion i isisr- . . i i pc'-o' s! ac count i is-**ivc— 25' ■ 1 ■ Imres at ' 12" “«ju <■ mi Tv a* I n »v“ "Ati'l now ra ,i s tlie <;ue«iiou of the pght i mu for mayor Wr“— Ago! i llo:rlg:in (kiumoI. rising to Ids feet s'esltbily. like so;.:e pouderniif cat. his head lient slightly, as though catching u faint <*r distant sound "What's the matter?" asked tVstn wrig'if. looking up “Nothing." returned MonTgau Hut be did not resume ills scat. Instead a* he talked tic liegan to |*ce the room in apparent altnlcssm-ss, yet every turn chanced to brii g h in nearer and near er to the disir of the adjoining office Are you troubled with your roof? If «o, IInd out atwut < arpenler-Morton Hoofing If you do your troubles will be at an end. This Roofing Is a tough, ruMvr-Ilke material which offers per fect protection from the weather. My ron Kinney k Hon sell it and give an absolute guarantee of satisfactory re sults. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There 19 a disease preeailittg in tin* country moat dangerous because *•«>tlecet Uvr. Manx sudden deaths Ate ca«?K>i by it—heart dm* ease, jmetmioma. heart failure or apoplexy are often the result ot kni ne v disease. If kiiiuty ir»mhle is alh>«e»1 tonxh anoe tlieknlnex {Muvm tsi K-* ■ ; aill i*t* tack the vital organs. can* ;ng catarrh of the Wa dder. or the kidney* themselves bro-xu dnwB and xxaste rt\xa\ cell bv ceil, bUdder troubles ahnuxt alwavu rrmlt from a demn);emeiit nt the kidnevs ami a cure is, obtaimsl quickest ) \ a projier treat merit of the krdiu vs If yon arc feel ing badlv you can make no im*take l»v ; 1 u K : s >a«mp-RiHit« the great kidtiev, liver am! bladder remedy . It cot u cts inabihtv to hold urine aud sc:i'.d*!•_». iw\\\ in p.-**ong it. ami out* conies that unpleaxuit necessity of being compelled to go ofteu through the dax * ami to get up many times during the night. The miiil ami the extruotdimit v t dect of Swamp Root is stsui realised. It ftaitds the highest for it* wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. J>w amp-Root v* pleasant to lake ami is sold bv all druggist'* in fift' cent ami one-dollar si/e 1x4ties Von max have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dm emery and a l**ok that tells all alxnit it, both sent tree bv marl. Atklrtw, ,)r Kil mer^ Co , Binghamton, N. V When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. IHm't make any mistake, but remeiid»er the name, Sxvamjv Root, l)r, Kiliuei sSwammKo* t. and the address, Binghamton, N. V., on every bottle. _ f ■ j <1MAI Ml SArMNOS INRflN AMSA1 ! r S3IUOXS OIHNIXNOO ON* AM03 * •«A9 S( :M*aAMM Off*M 89MOX AT aw IX NO WUM I CNV SlIMOAS XNOHO ANVM aiavia niMN sxrwN«9 (| I uwm i«"i«3 n n* m AMVM«n ATIHVJ V 3NIZVOVN /.1HXNOM sdiooNiddn Society Directory I O. O. F. Israel Putnam Lodge, No. 33 Moot-, t’vvrv I u^cIhv rveiling at 7 W «»VW*ck frotii (Vtolx t l t< Ap*il 1. ami N oYlook fro a April i to 11' lolMt l, in < M«l Fallows* IUl Ponifret Blivet VUittojr brother* alway* wel Noble (it tn«). Wallet Willr* • Viff (muiuI. i lituie# VI. Ni« hoi* Fx*« IFtatV, U«n( II. F uliei Treastnrev* Leon T. \ViU00. if A. G. Warner Post No. 54- G. A. K. Meet* in G. A. H. hull Wed evening* at N o’clock ('. M. (ttwo, I'eil i on, wander. i U«rH> Mar»e,A4j 8. K. Bi*lding,QiiarU!ri*a%la» Putnam Council. No. 44 c Roy a! Arcanum Mtoi« l*t and 3d Monday* ii rat h ihwitn, at H »YJ«ck, il j4*.l«l f,'elR*a*« Mall, Kent Hlicl l*o n tret Si ml. (•rcufre U linker, lte|r®#V. Wareon S. Amok, Secretary. Business Directory. h. Hkahu r has* I*. Ki *m»u SEARLS & RUSSELL, ATT*«»*Yt> AH D (®P NHK1.LORH-AT U1 C’EJTTB&'L B4oCX?Kf rUTWAM. OlAoe Htturc Mr. s*»*r»i*#*¥en *p«*oialat tedHiottIoCornoxaUoi and M uiii<npaUa* , Mr. U l© prooat* an •the vt will*, Mt« *U© »* i'iec«lc »tim inlet rat or and trustee in the «**ttl* m*»t of ale* ___________________________ oviin/MiL. 9»wnnr. •i*m.oN h. okiwm.k* Torrty Sc Gender, ATTORNEYS AT LAW K«-w Mradlry IIuIUIIdk Ofltc. Hour*: « to li; 1 Ui 1 to » J^KIC H. JCHMOI, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law Wagner's Block formerly ©•©* of John f Car neuter. I*utwain. Conn. Uf l«*|ephone 3S 11 11 lUkK CA Kl) .Attorney and Counsellor At Law OKKJCE NO. 1 New Bradley Building. Iluur* 9—12 1 — 4 7 —fc Boom 107 Kirn Hi reel. * MC. H KKMTt aiurirti hitK or C. " ___ Mouldings and Brackets, Hll*4». !»««•, *!•<•» Iri*.., Wo*. taj-oUtf. WfW*l*'. Soon »0<1 *»»a 8**Ut flojuo, »it fr«li| l*f*. HM*St»l foilt; a*w»l e-.M. iul«t»r, H’or Holt sat * HJbSjToo HooitrM rtrert,»#*» U* bridge, Pol lom.i uon. __ — Til Pitiaa tmirj mi MmMm CimritiM. (•Mural P—n4ry »tH Mactoia# vort, nodi nufactarer* of lb*- celebrated fkmy Ht* 9 rater n K.BAKBKK Treaa kTl> pent AM I *•» •- -- ar ■ r.« si srss iitorool fro* tlointfcl of IS TitKOUK TOl" BTK LOTTE. Ttooo. ItlftlOI *r HOLT Pro*. H a. mttam torn. Dentist. Court Howe Blork. PuIbmb. 0*1* Homn,. to 1 p. *»., o»d * «o »p. • Trow »i. w * r* — 0*0 Tclepoooc M-J.llom* T«kpboo*I7«-Ii pnurt General Insurance Agency, ri Li.e* iiHOan I.r mim, ffttin All ewnu eattoM rkooH *• vMriMrt L. II roller »o4 will root!** prompt *t tool let CLAYTON W. THURBER . Teacher of Piano and£Organ Tclepboa* rr—3. ^ Pntaoat, Cooa. M. KINNEY k SON dcolon in Lumbar, Coal. Doora, Mouldinri Brick. Lima, Camant. P.B.8. Mixad Paints Load and Oil. FOR SALE TVr two »i«rT tee nx'ir. *» PwolVt a«»w uwM m a Tr ephone t'tk'r Apply Hi Th Southern Nr* K^kuid Talepfcorr i orapanx l'»f ttain. 1 ona !9l| * q I i a Mhu t .« \ ivink)^ iSOIHlS *•*»•<*»" U '*Ton‘M. A '*lf fdi «kv«*r twfMjp'Btw vtwy nhl. Hmi* w.»i i tcrr for.*r «rh*ft Uwe. hy • *prciaJ net nt the I.4'if»i*Uir» thair SendNl art * N'jTa; *rx» *!>neiit few tins tee* »n»i olhi of (ni* fu&sfe. IJret'imBiii «! IflO, •felupwarOi Owjw V'i’ ' "v «••>!.• «n 1, • tort*! K«l Wllfh 111 \< W »«fk Slip it! the new fireproof HOTEL NAVARRE. 7th Sve. and 38th St. |l|wlW'« Met'. Fh'* t4«l TMtrtM). M«| j imuni u l uxury at Mu takwut Co«t, AromaiM*, t^uiet ami Kto/ant Within Fire MiRBtM’ Wallt of Tbr»tm, Shop* »wiK'lulw. MO Feat Want of Hroatlwiv. NV» Dutch tii ill Itooni* I<ujreat tu t'ity, t'a U t'nm Vnm llotrl to All KatltoaiU. f | 50 FHK HAY without Hath. t2.00 »*RR DAY with Bath Suite* |3 50 Upward* S nil For Hook li t MKAHNH A DAHH, Pro pa Artesian-: Wells 1 F. A. CHAfVtrUN Mitiu Ht. Kant Lonj?me»d*>w Mum “ilEW>ORK CLIPPER M 1HIMIATIIT IVUTRICAL * SHOW PIPE! IN THK WORLD. SiN hi Tnr. slide Can, II St ntm WRRKLf. Sample Copy Free. FRANK QUEEN FUN. CO. (Uft JOHN O.FOa &C0 DK.AI.KHN IN LUMBER of ALL KINDS Lime, Cement Drain Pipe Paints and Oils Fertilizers Fire Prick and Cement Ladders Shingles, &c. &c. JOHNO FOX&CO Office ud Yard. .oath of Po.t Office, Putnam. ■000*000*0^ N«* Malay Opium Cur* ■•Ins OlMrlbutwl Wrmm by a N«w York loolfty. Co operating with mission* in Malay sia, the Windsor Lalx.ralorii * of Mew York have nee tired a sti|>ply of the won derlul cm lire turn plant. » tilth hat done *o moth to revolutionize the treatment of the opium habit. A genetou. supply of the new remedy, together with full instructions for it. tiae, and United Sta'e. consular report, bearing on the »nl>jcct will be aent to any sufferer. To obtain a free .upply of thi* rrmedy and the consular rejairt., add rets Windsor Laboratories. Hranc h 90, 134 East 25th Street. New York City l *000 c oo<y<yo ^ooooocvoo<x>oo<x>ooo CASTOR IA far Ldkata sad ChUdraa. Hi KM Y* Itn Alviyt iNtlt Dm Btgnntwaof P*bui o. mth Real Estate, Life Accident and Fire Insurance. iUtbftwav Black r«tM« When You Have Rot done "Trying” unsatisfactory Heat ing Boilers. YOU C*N SAFELY BUY THE DUNNING BOILER K alwaysfsatisfactory. All styles and all sites. Jin use since iSs J. A. EUVRARD. Hnnittrt riunihrs . Stuunt »mt Hot Wih't Ktwer. IN'IMl'fl, evcIuMvi' VgeM Cot WltidhittU • ml Tulin mi County, FARM 9ieRT(il«E;iNVESTREKTS That han Stood th* Tost lot 25 ‘years Th# Httntti'Mi ll»u i' that Jw*l h*« ty* tome tU'jfrrf* tit monsryntetl i^mo, %»h*t w*s tlvmnU'liMtml in n v»>e% tfiniked tlf^ree ci«rm« I uti«t I* I owing the ot umt elv ; TtMtf I there i« lit* other |Wof»crh w»h as Win), nu<i that *«.) i*» the v»i full* *Rtl 'he •»»« ah me* theieenn hem* hnnl Hums aluml lot th# ftiftti with « \\c)| Inc tiled Hum, neither ran there I*# ini nervmittilra* lo; the tiohlei ult* v/ell j I it«t MoiltfHijt’ on sm h **»-viU . I or t»enty live rents out Ku’»t Mtuignye Fttttr. I.ostui have *toml the U**l wiitiwd the low* ot * •iBnt# dullin' to t%>'\ t«\p*toi. • ^tr input thnl mi,v ot oiii New |.t „l,»mi euslotiter* t tin rot ?■ rtti. \t i sliouj.l Im- nleimul to -eml detenpHve inemorntnU ol out Itnu* tunny one iuterentetf hi »Bs(»lulel v ante tnve*teinenl thnt will f»#t Farmers&TradersItt Wakefield. Nebraska John D. tUskell, |Nw. O. Mntheweon, V.f |{. II. MitheWMUi, » Wiier. VIIIU.VS! VIHI.VS! I Havci a rulltsilion of (Inti VbliM wbl^ Imvr tu ili*|Ni«t' «»l; Rmnng tbtm AM •rveial of my own make \ lilfN »r« unaurMAMkl for oukfitrtl work, il«o mvataI vtry ni<l Ui itnimcnt* autubU- lot | »rlor or protcMiooal pv . All lhc»o moot In? mold, Tbccmrly bird—etc., etr. JOHN A. MORSE 21ft Sunlit Mam Htrort pAtnam. r«st Commonwealth Hotel _Opp. State House, Boston The Lightlthat Never Fails. TIu* Itesi. aikM l»mnp on Iht Mttrk‘1, all tlilti^** t*onNlt|rrt*dt no tlmi gt*r, no shallow. l ull ami them lit ojierutton at II. F. X. MYOY, Agent, III lain SI reel, fill Hum, whew Itlolw'H, Tu|w mikI all Mippllew lor I,hiii|i can In1 had. AI*»o referenced run In' given to many now In inaf. Offer, rooma willi hot and cold water for fl.OO per day and up; room* with private hath for fl.50 per day and up; sutlea of two rooma and bath tor |3.0C per day and op. Weekly ralaa on room# with hot and cold water and abower htlba, |it oo to |*.<0; rooma with private be!be, f« 00 to f 13.00; soltee of, two ■ 4 Mime end beth f U 00 t« (32.99, Absolutely Hreproof. atone Sucre nothing wood but Ibu doors. Kquipped with Ita o*u Sanitary Veeum Cleaning Plant Long Distance Telepnona ,la Kvtry Hoorn. Htrlctiy a Tsmperanoa Hotel. bTORER P- CRAFTS, Manager, Head for Hook let. For Sale! 1 THE Inquire of Richard Gorman, Inaurenee anJ Reel EUtate, - Ft» Bradley Building,