Newspaper Page Text
-COMM. * ‘ j* J BASE BALL TAfl, KKDMR* «"MKU. fObTA broke the 1c* * Wave broke the ire ! wh* about the extent of eon vernation that eouid t** had with any ttdN, happy Dayvillc rooter after tfirgarne la*t Saturday Putnam wax the hammer with which they did the trick, and of courae it in role the t oil ’* friend* juat a tiny bit aore to lie treat #*d ao by the trailer**, but every one who Maw ilie go rnu»t acknowledge it wm one of t tie moat lntere*tmg game* played An the league thle year. Anil Dayviile deserved to win, for they again outplayed anti ou that Mai their opjionent*, ami for tin* find time thl* M'aaofi the hondo wan tillable to in* pre aent, amt now Days tile ha** hope* that hi* in njiell broken Hon in wan Kivrn hla Aral real chance thin aeaaon. He wh* complimented tor tlie showing he made. He really i • lid well under the cl rcu in* lance*. Ilia only fault wa« hi* wildm***, tint ron*l deritig he han been kept on the trench aiuce I H < nration day, tills# U not to la wondered at. Hi* delivery h rather alow and he ha* a habit of going half way to the plate to receive the return, mid thl* cofnidnatlori prolong* the game amt glv»*« hia opponent an op* jiortunity for a good real. It alxo give* a runner on llr*t an opportunity to get a big lead. Hut hi-* curve** **eetn to l*e hard to hit, amt only nine ball* were hit out of the diamond. flower* whm in good form anil had lot** of ape* d, but lie ha* to **tow down to make hi** pllchc* accurate. He al lowed but alx hit*, and but one in an inning, ami fanned It men. Putnam went out 1 J in the 11 r«*t Dm;, ill*1 reached tlnrd. Keaeli got a Minnie over -••eond and went down *»t» a pa**cd Imll. 1‘ Niiiklln walked and a wild |iilch advanced Im»tI» runners \N illt a man on mi'oimI and third, with but one out, the fan** were worried a** to how Homn woiihl alami ine Mrain, but their fear** wore groundle** a» he i* eool amt collected with men on l»a*c*. Daly died t*> Dngn* and I.ntielle fan tied. In the third Putnam cm**ed. The manager atarted with a pa**, atole »H'iuid and came in on Talm a Iona mingle lad w een center and right. Nothing more doing up to the *lxth when Days Hie look the lead Duly atarted with a single and steal Lalndl* put one Into the ehureh yard fora double, seoring Daly Ornuliee *«crl hid l ain i * t » third mid In « »red on a wild pitch. Tin I nits w« re MtUl one I add ltd when they (Mm ■ to hat in the ninth <«ngn« dun»|H*d il down m front *»f tin plate and v» a- ah on Daly * wild throw lie dole *.ocond and up to the fhir*l '•tatIon on Mnr-*( - out. Duma* hit a grounder which K rank I id >n <«■< d* d In getting #me hand on but couldn't rrcuver nml I he t King run crossed. Kohitnite hit a lly to right Ihilglt got near enough to II In puli it down with un* hand amid great applause Houin pitted the next man and ad vaueed trim with a wild pitch, lie got no ta the! it* the next two were « i»*y al tlrst. There were two gone when a ray of ho I** hunt ted on Putnam'* hori/en. Daigle hit a grounder t»» I aUdle Hei thtauno ill *|»j»* d the thrown, which wu* low M at ion w alked. Dagm* met t| Mjuare, h it il went too high and Uohttalte g t under it. There wa one gone m Day \ tile - half when t raiikhn hit t«» right for a Mtlely and *tol« Daly hit |.» It ft. Du mu* started in tor it, *n.i he wa» wrong, and started hack II had lost j id ei^ough time in til* misjudgement mi he eouldii I get under it, ami the w liming run came in \ t hIi r Tnlrn Jt< . it lilsutlc ')> 4 II ) >81(2 If 11 .1 II ht hi ion rf 4 ii tl m in' w > I Mor*,' Hi 4 ‘I I >111111** If 4 II H M H|2 min i' I I lioiiin p 4 l> ll til po H l> I I 1 1 I II |1 I I II I 1 I ll II I 3 3 il ii II ll >’ 4 I I 1 H II I I till) H 1 I .'! H 0 (I 1 4 (I .is 8 il 7 -iff 13 *l.atwlh* oul for liiUrtiTliia mill cah'ltrr < in*' out whi'ii u imimr run noori’il M»r*r«l*n, cl Koai'ti, 'J'i Franklin, »« UtkT, t lihsl'a, SO Orautma, rf H iblualle. If HrrlblRiimr 11 i«rr*. p IVVYVII I * al> r h 3 0 0 3 0 1 3 I 3 6 I 3 4 1 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 lb 3 0 0 4 0 0 53—j—r I Ii (hi a « 0 3 0 0 4 3 0 0 3 3 3 0 3 18 1 I 8 0 ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 io 3 Dayvlllc 0- (I 0 0- 0 8 -0 - O il 1 3 l' V <' 0 0--1 - - tl 0- 0-0 0 •(••0 i linn* ma.le In I r.iiiklin, DaH, la Iwlly, liaiciit', ll \lHK'iatt Two !.«**• hll», Marion, l.ais'ik Its*,* on hall*, I Inn tit it, I towers ; Slrm-koul t>> Ik, 4Mn‘i I tower* 11 Molon ki'i’i, Ga Bin-, Dumas, 11 Matiiian. Ik-iBv-H-n, Franklin. <>rm*t*,* ion lire Ini 4»rm*l**e. Wtlil piU'ln-s 11.min S Ik,**. *i* 1 1* >***•*! ImiI I* 11 Moymntl K;iriu‘l| rim*, I >«y \ llle 3. U>ft ...» u,,,, |i*v. \illtir, l A i AI ,, |A* : Time '-'Hour*, V iiiptrv \l irlu, ll w as a great uame w in or |.>„ Wauicgao i* cvrtaiulv •*. a u-.| |* „ ! riaulwiir,i with ail -ml* set, Armatul Karlov, w hotranjrtit for tho •oomhI wain tn their i u> ii contest 1 with >*iulv»r*it*iv 14*t s*iunlay , look* | like a winner, ami throw* to (>»*,•* will* ' i ill Io t fTort. H** will *lo ilto backstop < v'- ri* for lilt Jlrit tram hereafter. The manager rmiilr a <iart»B steal ! ?»*t "41 unlay. taknijj a e bailee when l!i< pile her wa* otu oi hi* position wtih 1 ii- bail in his pn»aami,in. Hi- ma t,' it all right bnl kwt *i* Inches of *ktu 44$!' hi* rtna on Die sink-. who ma*f- ♦ with * total of 7 iti Patoim didn't get » took in off Mortin. Morin handle I the game in ■ satis factory nttnwr. The only flHUrtwi heard wa* that he endeavor* toexplain to the player* w hj lie nuke* hi* deeidon. He w»* certainly watch ing tire game wired tie *aw Morse nteh Itergsicn *1 x incite* off. on that old one of hiding the hall. And the wound time I,ala-lie tried hi* Intr reference with the catcher ther* wa* no dust in the eye* of the uril|>. I.i/otte pulled down a fowl fly that j lookeil pretty good. Mo did Italy «ff J Tatro. Mor*e iexj[eil one up in llie fourth that *aved a run. Keaeh rohhed Mor*e of a single hy j getting hi* line hit in the *ixlh. franklin at abort entered lot* of terftUrrry and gathered in a cow pie of hard one*. ItoMtallein left wa* <|ulte a factor! in the game. He pulled down Tatro'* j line tut in the tenth, that looked good for a double when It left the hat. When franklin indulged in a litUe kicking tie wa* warned hy l*op Morse that it doe*n’l pay. One hit in nine inning* off I,arose, must lie the record. The Canadian* have stolen U< base* to np|Kineiita 2‘.i Ihi* year. The league meeting last Monday, which It wa* predicted would tie a tug of war, turned out harmonioualy. The hatchet wa* buried and ail protest* were withdrawn, although aome g<*«l riatured argument wa* indulged in. Hceretary J. -It. Hcnoit of Taftvllle tendered Id* resignation of league sec retary and Kdward A Hiilllvan of han iclson w h* elected to succeed him. Treasurer Miotic of the Norwich Taftvllle team, In discussing the rule ri ‘|uiriiig a l<ui day notice to the see rotary of llie league I adore playing a lit*h man, (minted mil it* detrimental effects, and a vote taken on llie matter module- rule 4 • to rea I "live days' no lice," instead of ten. The ifuestion* ot official scorer* came up for conslderalile talk, hut no m-lion wa- taken Manager Williams w i* allowed to add Itoliert Willi* ol Jewett* it.v and Morgan Moore. u for met miiti - -ml I w irler ill tli si town, to Ills playing list, and they will lie in the garni * I hi* week V vole of thanks w a* extended to the Putnam Patriot for the gift of a handsome |xniiMtit to the league lead ers ill llie end of the season. I wo games with the Andems the l-'ourlh iIo|ie the weather man will gl v e us a good deal. Mr \ I Morse had a rtihlier put In tn the pitching Im.x and there will Is iio more arguments a* to where to stand There ha* also lasui a water pi|s laid to the Held - > the diamond run Is w et (low n The greati -I p rot deni now* is I lie dead In id* and that will probably l>e solved in t he in ar I in ure 3 Putiiam has now played around, taking I mm h-wott t ity and sptttl ing even w it ti I lie re- . i nd i »v iii. aid p iiiles ol the l . V i ii mil team irpnsed our town p-op|eiu w tin I w ind contest hy defeat loa the -truin' ->muteixl lie aggreal mu at a came plttvid on t lie new grounds last Saliiiday nflenioon hy a score I to ii The game w as play .-it in one hour and ten minutes That's going some Ini the yonngsteis. Pn-i lent I!., -ha- assigned till plrc I ahty of Aorwi- i to ottlets'ii- at the league ..- one. in till' city and Noithtirosii miihili s-alHtday for lie game- Ulwn-i Wauiegan and I lay v ii le W lute, t lie ha - ket nail play er anew iiinpli in till* league, willoitl etale I mpiu’l aisse of Ihl- city goes to Jewett ' tty and Norwich for the games at that end ol the circuit. Ntvl id iv tin l \. C second Tan ; i , I, .-.I ' . I -i 1! .,-l\ g aiiTC with the Kain'der* of \ nth liiosve mu dale on the Vodeius grounds in the ! m ulling Ciurvtl ({.Millie \versyf ul L \ C. in l* I'Kit < r. Iti iti4 Pi UH 11 .;n I 2 -J7!l in jtvt 7 21J !* 204 * 21X1 :t 111 n ixxi "Any player noticing a mistake in Ins halting average will cooler a favor by notifying the scorer. Ilatgle Tatro Mailoo l.l/otle Morse 11 Maguati ■ i agin Ihinta* T> Magnan Itonhi V IT I I t II 4 1 ;.t 44 40 KI-IHIV IMVV, I KVOIK -UMUMI Won Wauregan H C A C. 6 Norwleh-Tafl. K Jewett City A Atukmt* 4 hay v llie t Iwwl PC. 2 son 4 .600 4 nuu » tt inn H 2UI Wildwood Park The Kmptre t'ltv Minstrel* are gu lint givsl value si ttie theatre this week There U a regular minstrel tlrst tnirl tnt milnelng gisul singing ami evmieitv l‘»rl nmuhu >*( Uirar giant \ miik' ilk mimkti tncUnfing, Jimmy <'«»» |>i i in original monologue. the V. > Stiigtiti: Knur, ami tisn Harrington iiimI lit" talking ltgurv>*, all pleasing ■ii 11 Vest Ui' k ■ new \ amievilte nets him !»• |iu—i i' ll l'li* Ureal l.yneli, j rt'M'liil t»v Ml" l \m*h, in a tight wire ai't K*i!e .v Itiirl elt in an Irish ivnu'ili Mini Hunter tiia'ratie " in'll • M n Krwi'i I'heaUe 'tail iiu’tU'n, a ima* importation fi,*»n ' i !'n|v, ami tie" motiig picture* i ■ lit, Ihnrsilav ami "altiiiiav ■ ,-iiimt', a No *>»tur\lsv as te i ' tut i'ourth. ami tln> I iiilav >•* 1 K n tt K. IVart tfc to I * ■ e a . .j In locale lhe ^ ' ill l‘ I ■ 'U smet Itiavseielt, j hntU lei him hi the IVary Atolieeluk, anti t* ie!i i a, rieil him ami !;►* pu'tv | ti> tite ,i ii.en the !a»i t\|a'<tiliou, nett Vlomiat w ill begin hei north* afti vwjrajjv. Kto|w ttehing instantly, t uft's piles, cerein*. *,s i t'teniu, letter, itch, hives, te ijs-N. v'iHw, lV>.su * Ointment. At drug sieranve. _____________________ I THE GRANGE C«r*d‘ir»4l fcr J. W DA.HOW ChariwM. N. T„ ;>r<* < <*rr.r • %ne Y'nr* £*•’</ PROFESSOR R. A. PEARSON. Or»n9* Membtr »t Head of Agricul tural Department of Ne*r Ycrk. Oov#*rn.#r Hughes of New Vnrk state r»*'»*ntiy appointed Itnymon t j A l:*-*!’ -on of » ••f..-. \gr u'fur r * o lege N* comilliwiiotier of nj^ftcuUtfff to iucree.1 Charles A. \Vlftlli|, whose term of office bid eSfdred- This ap pointment is particularly pleasing to the memtwr* of the* grange of New York state. in which Profeaaur Prirwo la au act Is* worker If#* l# a member of Forest C’Ifjr grange of Ithaca. N Y II** baa done val uable work In the dairy divi sion of Cornell niliege for the paat five years an<l has been a chste student of agricultural life, lie was l#oru In Kv a nasHie. I ml . In I87.T lie pr* pared for college at Ithaca and entered Cornell, from which In* graduated in V¥M, securing his master of science degree in luuw After grad nation he »*ntere<| the tuilk business In I'hlladelphi i and w «• one of tin* first to control the production of a sanitary milk auj.p v for a large city If*- was In tin* milk business one year and then ei bred the government servlet* as an •ifttftlit chief of the dairy division. o > lug Nome esc# lent work under Seer** fart of Agriculture .fumes Wilson. He went !<■ Cornell in !*>.:. ulitl undef Ids supervision tin* d* j» irti.ieiil of d dry hi iluxtri h is rea* lied Ms present high {Nisi t ion To Professor IN arson almost entirely I* dm the budding up of this department Ihs rejuii a lion hi the ag r leu J turn! world ha* l»*i-n made through ban!, mm -nt w irk and his ahiMty is reeogni/ed tlirunghoijt the country lie has alway st-*»d for the fanner and lias been prominent In state grange work lie has detained numerous of fets of positions in agricultural lines in Other Stales Professor Pearson's new honor will bring with It a salary of $1,000 He will also Is* allowed expense* not to ex • e*si $o*s» .1 year As an added honor his new position will make him a mem ts*r of the fsnrd of trustee* of Cornell iinherslty. and he will thus Is* still closely connected with Cornell. He will also be a member of the hoard of con fro! of the experiment station at Hem* va arid of the state fair commission Ills term of office will be three year* ft, A I’KAMMiN. ! EXCLUDE LIQUOR SELLERS. Revised Constitution and Bylaws of New York State Grange. Till* ron-dli Utlon and bylaws of flit* New Y"i!> ‘-title*- l»;i'e t»*»*n re \ I itmt brought d«\\ n to ditto. Tb*1 chunge* it,’h'1«• if** few, hut there are I two or three of consider.!hie tmpor laiut1 < *t»»* refers tu me ttlK*r» win* havt.* heroine Uii.-Ir!iii;t -<! for.iu.v reason oxeept expubthm Tin > tuny Im* ad m1111<*«I to uieitjltorshlp in any grunge in w lo*>e jurisdietion tin y reside. on np pltcul imt ui « ojit|*;tHit'll hy proofs of pre\ Ions membership. hy a majority vote of tin* p niu;" and tin* pay tn«*ut of sui It fee. not It >-» than >1 Ju for mcti him! do rout* for women, a* may be pta*H» t ihed hy tin* grange Sir U nppli on that ami pro »t s sl»u la* referred to a committee which ‘■half rep* rt iti s *»tlhsoiptO||| moot l i! g i tb I tllo Voto Nh ill In* taken by p ij- t I allot Another put ngi aj h refers to tin* pro hi hit loti «*f tlio selling of Ihpmr hy any Patron atal U a* hdlows When any ration shall eng lire In t ho soiling of spirit mm* Ihjeois a* a heiernge. either w lioiosn}»* ot retail, sin It Patron shall ho dropped from the roll ol member j “T: P w : ;»oi,t im- .• * I ! set if’ try j shall notify the* tie worm ary. who ‘ shall notify o.t !t s« h.c.lPotfo grange III Ho* state where such offending pa.ioti iv.*dd« ” Tn® G Need of the Grange. \Y hat i* tho g.eute-t uo«‘d of the grange and e au^t* work today ami how shall It I e »oi| p!,« IV we n*k« d a prominent Patron »v.« ally lie rc plied ’ 1 he greatest net'll of the grange to day Is i htomler com option by p* lender* of Just what Influence the termite everts in pubhe affairs, that tin \ may set the pare that the rank ami file '‘in nut! will follow It has l*eeti trt» \ s.nd that McKinleys sue ivss is a leader of men lay In his ha hit of keeping an ear to the grouud •O as to eateh the first tml lent loti of the writ I me nt of the |**ople am! then turning till* knowledge to use In lead ing public sentiment The example of McKinley, followed i lonely, will great ly euh tmv the Inrtueuc* of the grange in public affair* ** A Redundant Ward. The Pt i. a |\ Y * Press aays: The Press ne*er use* the worvl county In gl'Ing tin* uatne of a Pomona grange It !• the usual custom to writ* it Jef femou county Pomona grange hut the IYe*s puts It Jefferson Pomona grange. The reason is that the word county t* •ttjterfltiou* The IViuona grange has Jurisdiction over ail the aui»onMuat» grstuges where I* is located ami no oth er Us territory is idem Pal with the county line* ar t there Is than?fere no necessity for the u»c of two w>rds when one algid: ^ tli that t> ra<j^drvd.* For n mil i. easy action of the bowel* a Sitlg e tfo^e of I Van > lieguk't* l" enough I'n atment cures habitual eon* stipatioiw - ' ivnts a '-' V .Y>k your druggist for them. CiLSTOIli v. \U <* 1 ' __... - j t*<mX*trTs - ■' v CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. ftt Kind Yon Hm Always Bought Bear* the nature of Bradley Thea.ter 'I’Jif moving pirlufi* habit i* ceftain Iv (nmlni;. We don't ik* to *«y I’ st lutrii ha- gone moving |»icture era/.'. Nil certain il t* that the habit ha* taken a f»*t hold on a fame |>nrti-m < f the community. We have a ked aev era! people in town if they at etui and s invariably net thi* reply "Ye*- 1 didn't at find, nut after I went, I went again, and somehow f have g"’ in the o g rig. i-i'l n w I , o every time the pul ire* c-hange. ami *ometilne- oftener. not? It certainlv i* not « harmful nahit ratN r the reverie. Many of the picture* are j instructive. Take the "Fleet at Mar>-| Francisco," »lio*n awhile ago It hrouithl home fo every one present tile Itrandeur of that womierfui display of j the cuiin^;'* naoil jcwer, and the magniltcanee of tlie entertainment of | the fleet in port. it i* doubtful if any of u» had conceived the ma.tnit.ude of tlie event in the nation* history. Then ttiere waa the atholic • entennial Celebration." another itrami pageant, instructive an<1 entertaining- Kit her of these picture* a* a le**on in the proa re»« and history of the country were worth the admission fee. Then there i* the entertainment feature be-*bk-*, including comedies, tragedies, and picture* of principal cities. Ned Nle liolaon. bar a tone. i* a favorite with ttie audience in illustrated song*. Hia selection* are mo-dly balad.*, telling a little dory of their own, which j*clear ly brought out by the commendable distinct articulation and ttie tieautlful ly colored illustration*. Manager Kle hart I* endeavoring U* please ttie puh* lic to the minute'll detail* Il I* not hia fault havcjnot not the habit, and if you really have not g >t it. get it. The picture* ttint will tw prevented for Thursday, Friday and Saturday are ! •'Ttie Orphan, or lit*- Mountain Ro mance,” “ Magnetic Vapor," "f 'urloua Mr. (’urto,” "Family of f ata,"*‘f »rand father'* Fill*,'' "I’nlucky Artist," and tlie Travel View*. I*on’t fail to *e* the amateur* Friday night Saturday af ternoon every child attending the per formance will rei-eive a Fourth of July present free of charge. Five Yalestudent* who are willing to brave tin- rigor* of the bleak and de solate I.abrador i-oa»t that mav lie of *ome a**i*lance to I>r. Wilfred I. < ireufell, the well known missionary, Wednesday boarded the sturdy little wlnioner i'ouiiuk, tied in Boston, and with the rise of the *1111, will *el -ail | lor Battle I.abrador, *toppiug I at Halifax, cn route Rradley W C K I. lit rf |{ «* • i 1 THEATRE IF TKR500N.43.15 W. C Klthtrf, Y aiHlffr Moving Pictures Illustrated Songs and Travelogues Every Afternoon and Evening <».!»> ami vl•» Thursday, Friray and Saturday The Orphan Or the Mountain Hoimtiirt1 - Mu^ticctic 'N’lijtor. .'I * 11 i .(is Mr t itr.o. I I niiilv of l* it * ■ 11 ...(] I a l liei ‘* Filin i. I iilucky Ai list - 7 - I I ■ Vesta). I \ I! 1 i V F HI DAY Amateur Night frizes >:!.t»0 #2.00 anil #1.00 Xuiui * must lie in handed by Thursday -if i ll'll win k FM'.HY Saturday- Ch tcren s Souvenir Matinee W anted \ row r t for go tie ml hoiiM’ : k. t out I n t>n*'. Hi* n« : mot 1 Cl \| . l»i* III ill St. IVitnam iTTlf SATURDAY BARGAIN DAY al Cfcapat’s Heat lartel potfifrel Street Fancy and Staple Groceries Fretb. b'gb *r»de, rl*ht in erery w*Jr. • re w bat we eodeiTor to »ecor*. »od sup pi? to oar customers. It tatea ijrefct care aod vlgiaoee on our p ift, but we saccetd, we b< lit ?e. and *»?e our friends tbe best groceries obtaioable. Good a that phase ttex, both n Ql'ALirY AND PRICE. 18 Iba Graau’aled !4u*ar for 28 Bar* of World S^ap for 1 pkge. Corn Hta-cb, 3 lbs of Fancy Prunes, 5 Iba. of Date*, 1 ^al Mapie Hyrup, 1 Cake Maple Suijar. 2 lb ateak, Pork Rtb, 3 bo*e* of C am*. a r a cur it r o* probate held at 2\FHL I. within and l’*»r thf District of Pontlret oi. ti e let cay of Jaiv, ISfOA, Present, Cbatlcs «>. Thompsou, lud/e. Mioori Estate in L* Biiectieut of Margutite, Marion, II., KaUn-rine ami liobeton Ltwisol 1 liirtjfo, Illinois, » N Holmes of Pom fret. Conn., Guardian in said district. The t(Uaniiati itoi said having made win* tr-n application to -aid court, in ac ordai.ct* with the statute, for ah order ol sale oi the whole or part ot the real estate de- i bed therein, it i o.'tlcnd that said application he hrartl at the Probate ottiee in Point ret on the bth day ol dulv, ll.Kib, nl lOo'i n.Kk ii. the forvtoou; and that notice thetcof In* aiv*o, b\ in«<!tio* a eopv ol this mder in the Putnam Patriot, a Of wspam t having h cim illation in saui uistrut, and that return lx- made to tin* court. Attest, < HAHLKS u. 1 Itt)>JPS«*N, Jud*i Windham County Jurors The undersigned, Jury ('ommis-ion ers for Windham bounty, hereby give notice that they will fx- In session nt the office of l-idgar M. Warner, Clerk of the Sii|>erior Court at j, PutnaM, Monday, July 13lh. 19p8 1 h« Second Monday i, July nt in. ill it m., to examine the list of | Jurors nominated from each town in said < ‘otinly, and to erase from said i list half of those ->o noinimited. Any |xtsoii may a|i|x-ar Itefore ~»i*t commissioners at the time and place named ami I*.' heard with reference to | names upon said list. Kaeh of the • said commissioners ha- a li'l of the J urors nondnaled, which can lx- seen by an j |Kison interested iiefoie said time. Dated .1 lit 1! I Ik . Ml M \\ V I! X Kit, Jury i -mill!! Putnam, ihi - /W Mil .Is II. I.ltnw Cll \ K IK- si. Ilxio. $1 1)0 ft 00 8c 25c 25c ft 05 10c 25c 12c 25c iNew •Improvements < / I) Kw' :':|sic»hs\r li|>t per toted. NVc ai« ri.O'.iaut!v on the lookout !o| M*VV f,d tu• ! 111 il ton* ! U> * ->ur »‘\t- ^ oms. Have i*t-t j*idt*«I the sh;u-Ou to ort . »!^e and varied k. W. H. THOM*’>0N. 1 omt II ,n It IV I N VM. DOUGLAS CAMP MEETING JULY 17 to 27. 1908. Can;- CTr..Mrni in Douglas M»»> t* the N V N H X H Railroad the direct line from tv. \e» York Kscursion rates from K’st.>n Worcester VLilhmantic Prv\ tdetice ami all *ra> station* Healthful surrounding* fire music excellent tinging spiritual meet ing* A targe company of aide preacher* ami Christian worker* Mr Frederick Bj.ile>. known a* fttv Shang mil tell of hi* conversion from .» life <f *?n 80 41*0 W eek H-T5 da> 'V also on Huropenn plan IfOO.HS— 25c and 50c per day TKNTf-fSfor term of meeting Engage >ovir room or tent now. hrtti to H. ^i. Brown, .15 Autumn Street E\eeett. Ma*« The Eastern Dental Co. Elm Street. Bradley Block, opposite Congregational Church, Putnam. Operative Dentistry Mv»t Modern Methods ami Materials Skillfully Applied Mechanical Dentistry Grade Workmanship and Material. Crown and Bridge Work A S*,hv..':\ . Tlie Eastern Dental CO. Braille) Block Putnaui, I’oun Wearables Strain Hats We aie showing the most extensive line we h ve ever shown, in all the different straws and shapes ranging in prices 50c to $2.50 OUR LINE OF Negligee Shirts was *n< ver so complete, all the latest colorings are here represented, ranging in prices 50c to $1.50 Just Received A large shipment of Neckwear, the latest, designs out, and in all shapes. We are headquarters in the city of the celebrated Hurt Schaffner and .Marx Clothing r,et the Habit and Save Money by buying of us. ' M mev cheerfully refunded on all unsatisfactory purchases. We give Green Trading Stamps. Ask i for them. A. C. LUKE & CO., RELIABLE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. Telephone 51 ring 4, Putnam. T'i Store that his gained tile confideree of the public ik Peoples Store r AND Bfif VOiTHATr; G00DS5T0REIN For Your'Comfort in Celebralius (lie Fonrtli You M Silk Gloves Two clasp 'ilk gloves, black, white, color... double finger tips, 50 cents. Long silk glove*, black, white ami colors 1.75 now 1 50 1.50 Gloves, now 1.25 1.25 gloves, now 1.00 ?9c Long Li»!e Gloves, now 50c Misses’ 25c silk lisle gloves, tans and greys, now 10f Hosiery Thin hosiery, silk gauze, tans, per pair, 2JC Silk lisle, black, new tans. Our special Three pairs for 1.00 “Onyx" black and new tans silk lisle, the widely advertised No. 409k per pair. 50c “Cadet" scientific stockings for men, women, boys and girls, every pair guaranteed, 25c I Thin Jersey Ribbed Vests for Women and Childrefl Made for summer wear g isaantar ! thmi led garments. V-m M.gbt 'lo 1 worse than to stock up on the io> | low iug. Women's ribbed 12 l-2c j low neck sleeveless, and low Dok with wing sleeves., now lAf Women’s extra size vests, lo» neck sleeveless, now 12 Misses' fine ribbed vests, 12 l-2c value, low neck sleeveless, all each I* Women’s fine silk plaited 50c quality, blue, pink, wnjj* sleeveless, now ^ Women’s 1.00 vests, silk ad lisle, hand crochet lace, now *** ‘‘Merode” hand finished UNDERWEAR We carry all the popular one bers advertised in the Women » ■*" gazines, rests, drawers and untca suits. _ Verona viulettc taicum po» ;er Fr«l*5 ^ box A.. kk'i« 01' Brewe: A at " 4'-'rtfc* pen uBKs^ Friday per at NOTlt'K This store will be closed all day July 4tli Open Fri • sy evt uiu^. ib-o-innintf Friday July Mtli. this 'store will close Frt*.« j! 1 lu \ ^ * ^un - July an l August, to give the Clerks Li t holiday KiUUiN vio y Hir t r.i 1 in_ m the morning. Fridays. Trade With Us and Save Money’ Isaac Cbampeau, for Staahr l lVuras. Telephone 19 2 Lsy.inlj’s Freac'i Dyers and C.ei&i** PUTNAM,CONN