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Newspaper Page Text
12 Windham County Jurors WINDHAM Louis N. Ayer Carl R. Alford Dwight E. Abel Charles L. Bom Alfred E. Card Charles E. Carpenter Edward F. Casey Alphonse Chagnon ames Cockrane )aniei P. Dunn William B. Elliott Frank L. Bord yward W. Avery Nelson B. Adams f) Clifford Barrows Joseph R. Batting Joseph M. Berard John F. Brick John C. Barstow John F. Carr Herbert T. Clark Orrin E. Colburn Charles H. Edmunds Arthur C Everest George M. Flint Henry Fryer Arthur \\ . Gates Fayette Goss James Haggerty Louis h. Hal! Jeremiah Haley Eugene B. Hanna Charie-' R. Hibberd ’illard \V. Hayden lichae: L. Hickey H. Mustard gene J. Randall )ert C. Scripture irence E. Larkin arles 1'. Risedorf i i n NAM 3 Leon L \\ ilson 4 Edwin L. \\ ood 6 |ohn A. Dady 8 Ernest M. Arnold c Walter J. Bartlett n Alouzo C. Bos worth i: Allan W. Bowen 4 Chester M. Elliott 5 John G. Johnson 6 Frank X. Lucier q Lewis H. Williams 0 Ernest E. Torrey 3 J. Richard Carpenter 6 Ernest L. Davis William R. Barber 2 Frank i W. Perry 4 Edward T. Tucker 6 Peter M. LeC lair • Albigeiu c If. Coveil 1 EiR worth L. Kelley 3 Joseph 1. opal me j John O. Fnx ■ Talph TdFft a Isaac Clumpeau 3 William H. Mansfield ; Richard t iorman fi Edward Mullan 5 George S. Bradley ) Lebbcu.' E. Smith 3 Freeman A. Libby ASHFORD Henry R. Woodward Charles McDaniels Clifton H. Wright George 11. Smith Bert H. Gardner Arthur L. James Rosco 11. Wright Edwin M. Grant Bert White-house Fred Babbington Anson G. Barber Henry C. Barlow Frank Morey E. Linec-n White John \\ . Armitage Edward A. Wilbur George Lipps James H. A. Kncwlton BROOKLYN Christopher M. Gallup Arthur J. Lathrop Clark G. 1 .awton Frank Litchfield James Lowry Fred \\. Page Joseph B. Stetson Everett Tillinghast Albert B. Webb Nathaniel G. Williams JpFin E. Allen Charles E. Ennfs Stephen H. Oatley Cephas Rainville Burt Rus ell Thomas O. Talbot George O. Thomas Arthur Tripp William C. Whitman Samuel C. Harris canterelry George H. Ames •iame» I .. Appley G^rge Barstow Barrows Eevj Baker -A Bennett A Male iR-nnett :rr- H. Bradford A ■ • - • 1. J. Clark 1,1 A Congdon ■ . Frink . Brink ■ A Herrick q v' S. Hyde L. Larkham , Y- J-nneh V. Lyon ry A El Morse - * S. Richmond “Urr Smith Ki CHAPLIN 3 Clifton J. Church 4 John M. Clark 6 George T. Crane' 13 Crank \\ . Lane i <4 William J, Lev 15 Frank C. Lummis 16 Frank \V. Martin 17 Charles B. Ru> 18 Fieider Ru>> 19 Andrew J. Smai o Frank M. White 2 Henry Eaton EASTFORD 1 Charles A. Walker 2 Andrew G. Morse 7 Charles E. Buell 8 Franklin L. George 9 Henry B. Buell io Eugene A. Keene •3 George S. Bowen 15 Arthur M. Keith 17 Pe-ley S. Easton 18 Henry Bos worth 21 Frank R. Dickey 24 \\ ard G. Holman 25 John Perry 27 Henry Trowbridge HAMPTON 1 William H. Hammond 3 Frank VV. Congdon 5 George H. Kimball 8 George M. Thompson 9 Irving W. Hammond 10 Dwight T Phillips 12 James Greig 14 Wallace N. Jewett 18 A Ivan A. Sweet 2r Chester B. Jewett 22 Daniel S. Brayman 24 Millard F. Avery KILLINGLY 1 Emery Anderson 2 William E. Atwood 4 Charles E. Ayer 5 James P. Aldrich 7 Charles S. Bill 11 Thomas Bradford 13 Frank L. Bennett 17 Marcus Bastow 19 Cassius S. Chase 20 Harry W. Clark 22 David Chase 23 William D. Cogswell 24 James Corrigan 25 Israel P. Chase 15 Irwin B. Chase 28 Simeon Danielson 30 John R. Davis 31 Arthur A. Dean 36 Walter Frissell 37 William Gillooley 38 Amos E. Hall 40 Joseph F. Harrington 42 Albert James 45 Fred D. Kenworthy 4ft Herbert C. Keech 48 Joseph N. Lavallee 50 James 11. Lyon 52 Philip S. Maynard 53 Henry A. McEwen 55 Alfred Mignault 57 Sidney Perry 59 William H. Pray 61 Harmida> J. Richards 63 Arnold P. Ri< h 64 Royal C. RawMin 68 William A. Shippee 70 Alcott D. Sayles 76 Frank Whipp'e 79 George \\ . \\ insknv 80 Louis E. Young PLAINFIELD 4 Arthur C. Tillinghast 5 William S. 1 larvey 7 Joseph Z. Jette 9 Addison M. Tracy 10 Sessions L. Adams 16 Thomas E. Main 17 Lucius Cianska 22 Simon Sullivan 23 Marcel Jette 24 John I . I.each, 28 William Bellavance 29 lames \\ ard 31 Alfred T. Hill 32 Charles A. Sanderson 34 Andrew J. Bitgood 36 H. Beecher Brown 37 Stephen R. Babcock 30 Charles A. W ood 43 Charles h. Barber 44 Frank Miller 45 Henry B. Northup 46 Jesse Hop ton ^ 47 Franklin \\ . Sheldon 50 James Downing 51 Dudley B Williams 32 John E. illiams 53 William H. Elliott 36 Frank Edgerton 57 Samuel B. Ray 59 Albert G. Denison POMFRET 4 Charles M. Arnold 5 Newel A. Badger 7 N. Oscar Ballard 10 Frederick M. Childs 11 Jonas Danielson 12 Charles A. Danielson 13 Thomas O. Elliott 14 Joseoh Elliott 16 Andrew Furlong 18 Charles E. Griggs 21 James H. Huthins 23 Newton D. Medbury 24 William R. May 2; Michael McGorty r. r- .- 4 Samuel H. Spvi ^ George S. Carey 7 David F- Walden o Bvron E. W iEon o John D. Moffitt 2S Seymo Frank E. Allen Frederick P. Tracx William M. Burnnam 16 Caleb Anthony Lhauncy M. Smith STKKLING • Enoch A. Douglas i Char't- A. brink 5 George H. Callup 7 Horace Burdick. Sr. > Charles B. Spaulding it Nelson Bennett i- Walter W. Vaughn 14 Ernest L. Kenyon • 7 Jarad F. Hall -O Krastus F. Hill 21 Alya J. Dixon 24 Irving \. Salisbury THOMPSON 2 Ellsworth C. Bixby 7 Floyd Bowen io Henry C. Coman John Donnell 19 Myron H. Elliott 20 Dexter Elliott 23 Frank M. Knight 24 Charles L. Knight 26 Einus A. Eogee 29 Warren I.ogee 30 Charles E. Mills 33 Leonard Mills 34 Claude Munyan 35 C lark Pierce 36 Fernando C. Ross 37 Everett Rhodes 35 James H. Ryan 40 Clarence Stephens 42 Walter L. Arnold 43 Charles IE Arnold 45 Chauncy H. Austin 40 Everett \\ . Arnold 49 Joseph Bonin 51 Alfred Bonin 54 Luther M. Child 55 Frederick R. Child 59 George E. Elliott 5i Dyer S. Elliott 64 Charles J. Johnson 55 Charles A. Kelley 56 Edward |. Keegan 57 George W. l.avallee 65 Wilfred C. Mills 70 John N. Perrin j 71 loseph B. Perrin 73 Frank B. Ramsdell 75 Fred O. Stone 76 Otto Sward 78 Burton J. Tourtellotte 79 William E. Wheelock W( -ODSTOCK 3 Johas M. Johnson 4 Gardner IE Sumner 8 Irving A. Paine 10 William A. Howard 11 Edward L. Chamberlin 14 Frank E. Barrett 15 W illiam H. Lester a 1 Melancthon Riddick 22 Henry T. Child 2; William Stunner 2\ James Fisk 27 William C. Child 30 Albert N. Hammond 31 Johu S. May 32 John F. (. handler * 33 George M. Sampson 34 Charles S. Sheldon ;7 Luther Rawson 41 John M. Perrin 42 Edward T. Perrin 4 j Edgar E. Trask 45 I lenry I . W ells 46 John E. Burleson 47 Mowry Ross 4S Henry Bradford 49 Chester K. May 50 Arthur Williams 31 Charles Anderson 53 Byron W. Bates 36 Benjamin R. Ritch 57 Newton E. Clark 51 George Frink 62 Charles M. Perrin 63 Leonard H. Healey A Good Trick. The parrot's determination to speak Ills set phrases under all sorts of elr r urostanees often pn tht. es strange sit tuitions The story is told of a sleight of hand p : !' i nter who kept a parrot that he had trained to say whenever one of hi. master's trieks bad been tjnislteti; "That's h good trick What's tlie nest ol e?" one day the Juggler. being in a sea |mrt town, gave his perforata nee in a loft on one of the wharfs, which hap pened to get Just over the place where a large quantity of powder was stored In kegs. The juggler was about to perform some feat which required the lighting of a candle. He lighted It nnd threw the match away without ranking sure that the blaze Imd gone out. The ranteh. still burning, fell through a crack In the floor and drop ped Into one of the kegs of powder, which exploded with great forca. throwing the building Into the air. The parrot, win. was blown up with the rest, did not atop until It reached the pinnacle of the topmast of a great ship which lay off the wharf. There be clung desperately, and. looking down to the world below, ha called out In a shrill voice: That's a good trick! Wbat'a the next DB»r_ Hs Was a Philosopher. A busy merchant who bad not taken n holiday for years. In which time ev iry other member of bia family had enjoyed many outings, concluded to give himself a rest of a week or two and started for Scotland. When he 1 • 1 Ifteeii gone a day he received a tel egram from his wife to this effect: Our h j‘ -e was *r.tlr, destroyed by t r- ! , it night. The cr.. liren and I es caped unharmed Tom* home »* -nee. MARIA To this, after reflecting a moment, he replied as follows: CASTOR IA lor Infants and Children. Pi8 Kind Yob Have Always Bought Boars tfca gg|mature of ( »be> Kind Ton Hare Always Bought, and which has born ose tor over 30 years, has borne the signature ot and has been made tinder his per* sonal supervision since Its infhncy. Allow no one to deceive you In this. "" HMiPcene you in MIS. All Counterffrits, Imitations and M iTMt-t-angoml ** are but Exprrinfuti that trifle with and endanger the health of Infhats and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA (Astoria Is a harmless snbstitnte tor Castor Oil, Pare* gorkv. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It ii Plnmst, It contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures DUrrheee and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Pauacea—The Mother’s Friend. CKNUINK CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. WANTED SUMMER BOARD Bv thousands of Brooklvn people. Can von takp a feu ' If m*. list vour house m the BROOKLYN' DAILY KUU.F. FREE INFORMATION BUREAU, for which purpose a printed blauk is provided. Tho service of the INFORMATION lU'REAU Will Cost You Nothing The Brooklyn Eagle is the best advertising medium in the world. It carries more resort advertisments (than auv New York paper. It stands PRE-EMINENTLY at the head. An ADYERTISMKNT in the Eagle posts little, but brings large results, because the EAOLE INFORMATION BUREAU is constantly helping it. Write for listing blank and Advertising Rate Card, Address Information Bureau- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Brookyn N.Y. Mention the paper in which you see this adrertismeut. Worcester Buckeye Mowing Machines Scythes, Snaths, Hakes and Forks. Sprayers, Various Kinds. Paris Green, Bug Death and Arsenate ol Lead. TheCyphers Incubators and Brooders Sharpies Cream Separator (NONE BETTER) American Steel Wire Fencing @#“GET OUR PRICES j J t This Stove In Your Your Kit* hen Will Save Time Work andMoney. Putnam Light i Power Ca. Removed Over Prey's Market. The Indian is Chief OK Rides asea^y as An Automobile, plenty of pow r, Always ready. A'K THE VAN WHO RIDES ONE ? INDIA Nr M< >TO< ■ Y( M.KS Ait HfkitowlMlifetl t<> tw* the >1"! ■ ml of tin* wot-M hy It w fll-utoi t> «’»l motor < «w t «1 (ti« ntf i "I lo ! r««*o»i| n t mil ■< tintm t o i Is•:i r! n biiitf, (Hinsitin|tt(n|i til on tbr tt'Nrk for tho t**! -ovon t« *n • jtov» th**«i *t*ion*f ft* Out nio'li N h(»%v «»n i \!*»*»itM*ii til the Antontuhiie Show, \|* < i,.iisit It it I i it I ii y, Huntitttfton Avi , ituH ii, mi*' rtiuvittrifihf prmili that we luite in HtiilMiMrit our |>«*l tiju* HtioO Oi MlljH l KM it *. THE IIHIlEE mi CO., Springfield, Mass j h r jrt., jiiim, fBinum TWO SECOND HAND MOTOR CYCLES FOR SALE Two New 1007 Indian Motor-Cycle* (or sale cheap. STATIONERY Our line of stationery contains supplies for the business man, the professional man. the student, and the lady. In buying for this department we al ways have in mind the store, the office, 'lie school, and the home. We make our spec ialty of the best grades and latest designs, but have in stock the cheaper grades- Blank books, pens, pencils, inks. School Supplies for a Song! Vacation time has come to a close, and boys and girls will again resume their studies. They need lots of little utensils and we have nearly every sort of helps required, and at prices so low as will certainly astonish all comers. Edward G. Wright, Central Block, Putnam Call for Sample at the Patriot Office WMMIIMHIIIM