Newspaper Page Text
MACDONALD At Z U.LIAMS PKOfKIMO !- * PUTNAM WINDHAM CO. .CONN. To Subscriber* of the Patriot According to Onter No, '*»7 of the Post Office IJtmartniml sutweri brm cannot I** indi'Oted to a new*|jg |>tr more than one year ami still ha\e tine paper went to them at the wrofid* Cltjs- rate. I s * order read* a* follow* A reasonable Hum will la* allowed publisher* lo secure renewal* of nub' acrlptlonf, hut uiilr«**t ^ulw riptioti* a*e ft it* »/v ti after the term for which they are paid,within the follow log perkid* I null* - w n ; in t »r« « mold h*. Weeklies, within One Year, they shall not i*c counted in the legiti mate list of -ubnerilier*. and ©ojde* tilftilnlun Hccoiiiil thereof*/*//// no/ I'* €tfor i.i'iih/Hf at I he second rla** rale of one c*lit a pound, but may tje mailed h! the transient see ondclaas frontage rate **f 1 cent for each four ounces or fraction thereof, prepaid by stamps affixed LkMif1a« Camp Metliiif Mo**t of those who came on the camp ground* wince the tree* were ttiinricd out, thought it an improvement Not ho those who own cottage*, who liked the shade, an«l rni**cd the tree* taken a* ttie lo»* of old familiar friend* Preachingaervice* I »*t rbmday were of a high order and greatly pleaded ttie hearer*. Ttie morning sermon wa* by Itev. John Hhorl, and that of the af term*mi by Itev II N Drown h»th eloquent *|>eaker*, deeply spiritual linn, who never fail to make their views cleAr to « « ry hearer *u a* t*» alrengttieii their faith ami confidence loth* Hible Only a lew- inini*l« i w«re on tin* ground the first Sunday Next Sunday will be the great day of the meetings, when a large crowd of !*• ipk* are sure l*» I** j»u **ut if ttie w*-a tiler »* fair The foil u-i *»* odbUUm W»U I* pres* nt p.ominent among the worker* are Itev. Mr Lanphear, who alafled the Pentecostal church of tlie Nu/arene in ilit** city. and hN wife Wed»*e *d »y the \ *-oehitlon hehl it' annual meeting, and re-elected it’* old dilector* Ms I III Ilk of «• Milldeuce III them. The following officer* were also re-elected Prc Idenl—d f# *»rge M Mor* Vice President lfc\. John Miort. h e e ary Itev II \ Itrown. T reasurei l<e\. I A . Ilillcry T he report of the success of the meet lug* I* deferred until next week. Burglary in I'omfrrt Httrgiftrn cnhrcd the rcMidcrtor of M M Kimbull In l*omlf«*t early Widiiea •lay morning, gaining entrance by inrun** «»f n window A <|UMlltlly of ►dlverwHtt* win taken, coni|»riwiiig odd juere* and pieee-a from M*tn. I hi* lUt id ihImiIiiic t|>U*c** I** »** follows Suuar ahell, mu-dud di*h, iray. I wo Mill <li*lie«, three forks, nine butter dUfit* with Hit* engratcd InlliaU J I I four eofTVt* dl*dic*( nan re duh, rh*» —« ••utter, and four Inide kni Tile Ihitmon |* »l|ee and Stale me at Work Oil t lie cum Editorial Simp*. A plenleom ruth throu^htnil New KiIKIHIhI, 1.Ilf pHkl U'X1 d»> », i|!H lll !u ll the lort'-t lift1, Mint ended lIn- wni'l drouth In .Maine In wins I'lilua m'iiI « -1■« •• i.1: I'liuiv to mu lioiernincnl In thunk II lot rendtllnu H |i»rl ill w liiil l» kiln" ii H' Itif < Mm ■' •'Honor" i mli- in it 11> . Until Hu- k>' ii ^..irilc- Into which the* elc'Unl i-111j>n«■ t dix idol, arc hk'ciiI In so kiiiy i ii'M-r friendly relnlinnx with the I nihil state'. • Mini Ini' declared it' Illicit tinii of 't i til 11 ifi annually xludenU in t I,- 1 nlloI State-* mini the cancelled In lemmix |» exliiuilcd Walker the New Mnl.nn hank ah k Milder, Ini' been deUxchil up by Men l>si mid i' noli mi lit' w mi here tu ex Jilllle III' Cl In h’ lie I' H limml Hx well n limiticial banktitpt I'hc National Kopubllcan t oniniUtec Will a ill-ill no cniitrltniUnnn from ihh J- III |n||'( xahl J ! In \\ II lilt 'Ii lliltiu w l' hi1' |n n-it iii nn 'll I i'C i l|n Uun oxri »li«i I'm- |> nlllcal tide Ini' not tk'K<ni In niiixe, tint what itbtica- j tioti' arc iiniuife'led allow a xlrontt, grow ink hi-Inn; for the Kepubllcan candidate tathei than lor Ms op|ioiient ( After their nollrtcallonn have been lot til Ml I % made, and their let tern of «iHa|k UihV |iut>ll'hnl. II w ill lie. mam no ticed Imm* the (Hx>|ilc are Itnlita up. The llcar't Ilntepetideillx haxe »pllt tmi from llrvan and will haxe a na tinnal Ueket of ttielr own It la a «e ruiuk deUa-Uon for the “Pwilw# W ar clouil' |h»i tendinis trouble for the Sultan of Turkey are thickening in Macedonia Terxia t» in the agxiiucx cf a blood} revolution, and ihe tcnlral American Itcpublb** are anarltnK for a bloody rupture There are too man} kinatl (fineriiiiieiilt there. The buatiiii" outlook tstnwx 'leadil} brighter, proving lhal lielore long lliere will tie wen the old ru»h of pmapertl}. Tlte Corram dx> not like lelnn «ub jeeled to Japanew mle and bloody re volt^ are conitnuouii}, t>ul hopeloaa!}, gutnf on The great IWI of A nitric an l>at! It I had a glad Ktleuuw on arrival «i Honolulu. It l» hard to lt!l which an ' the moat patriotic—the < hlnaman, the ' Japan**, the native or the American born. They are each chock full ahuoat to bunding. I tide >am * adopted children are trying to i» ju«t like him — Mr*. \V *>. Jahnwn. who i* at hci auniuief cottage at the lK>ug!»» camp around, entertained member* of the Kaplld l.adte* Aid aocietv to the number of IS Wednesday. Kclrcah menla were werved. Mr» Johnaon * fc wpllalllv w a* thoroughly cnyove.i •* It f* Cumin* Afoa*." 4 ‘rotchety folk* rimy -av that it the dirfft primary r* a good plan for #» small town tike Man-find. where the rx|i^n«f of the unde fta king will le -light, hut a doubtful pluo for a large renter of jx.pulatinn like N**w Haven or Hartford.—New ll« er* Journal* * 'mirier. To thin the Hartford 4'on rant re* pond*: **(>tir observing and reformatory | fH'iKhtion do not -eem to ha ■ e «en*ed the ait nation in Hartford. They talk of the |«rir11o \ i ■ • de-irt * for entail tovniH. Hut they *hod Id rail at tent loo to the feet that ths*city. which ; ha* Hih.OOM people or f»oi _ i« to employ I the direct primary rneth^i of norm- j Mating it- Kepubiican candidate- for ] State Senator* thi* fad Imvin our opinion, wilt prove of very large irn pirtnnce In lhe history of ttit«• new and attractive ay*tern. It throw* each vo- j ter track on hi* ow n resource* He can no longer *1 ay at home from thecaacua 1 and declare that everything i» >ei up in advance. The voter* ca*t at the primary will ! determine the *e Sect Ion of Senator*. If f it turn out that *ma!l town** <'111 do ii ! without Injury, and that hi# town*, like Hartford, can do it, loo, then it look* a* if the objection* had pretty well lieen di**l paled. There may la* a *ueee**ful delay of the dirccr primary in till* conservative State, hut it* com ing 1* a* *ure a« •Minri***—-and consider able atinihine will conic with it.’* Shim* crotchety folk in thl* State ofe |N*e<l the Introduction of the Austra lian ballot w hen f'.rat pFO|**c 1 a* an Improvement on the old method of • otiug. Now t he name class of gieranri* are op|*»»ing the u*e of voting ma chine*, although their ad antHgcaover the prc-ent ballot system hn e lieen testified to wherever introduced to this 1 State. Thing-* and method* employed in electing candidate* and governing mu nicipalities a half c century ago, quit* satisfactorily, would la* utter failure* to prcv cut .v M i»g-doing and mi - govern- ’ MM-nt at tiii- duv Notwithstanding! i the \ arc n-* change* that have lieen ' I made l*» no * l c * i v failure hi securing i an hone*»l * pr* m»n of the |M*nple ’* I wi>he* in je lling n pM -.entah .es and i in s« curing th< just adminM ration of | municipal affairs, lh* -?«• 1 - an urgent j demand fit p • < nt for impunenicnl in ! Ixi, h t hcse <|i m « 1 ion*. l or the purpose of getting a safer, in *re * a pi «li(mils and elieiipu n»«-th« d of lecording and eounting voles, the voting machine hn* proved -uece**ful w he rev cr te-led At the South unit West, m order to I avoid the a t i<ir< UihI seemed t*» 1 »■ in evitable in the *dd system, the Mayor Mini* tillllll Oil < OUtICll WlTt* 11 b»*i i shed and a commission hh^ «ubstiluloJ, each iii«*nila*r Iihuhu assigned to him a *|>cel«l department to ran* for IfJiU numngemeni did not prove nilhtiictort he would I** turned out without forma' lily and another man put m In- plact Thl* hit** proved successful in eveiy city where it ha* U rn adopted, and the idea U spreading rapidly, ta eauae the \N extern |>eople are not *o consei vative It hide bound ns we are at tin Ka*l, and do not refuse to adopt a good tiling lh cause it is m w 1 lit* «111 ret primary is »<> simple and so easily ti lt' d that it commend* itself ir* a step m the direction of upward progress, to c\try thinking |H*rson ll i* coming t thr l uiiranl sav**, ■ »• Mill* a* sunrise - I I I IVihnps *oiiic t»f our readers may ne \rr have taken the trouble to Irani what the “dii rt primary mean*, and M»me of these «same people will not go to a ra tens to nominate candidates, in* • mum , they vi) , •very tiling i* rut and dried by i miii i cia*s of |t responsible prisons Ih* dnrri primary Is just the thing - .«■!» |H*f>ous ought to tieglad loser mlop d They woohl not have to waste time k' dug to a caucus, to tt)ii*tiat<\ take lie e »>e of our muuicl pai officers, as it pr sent eon-dll tiled or by r unuiiN*. !i \s « it adopted \t an appointed day . idler due notice, volets will In.* asked to \y it t- down li. e naun >, say lor May *» n the ntdn • »! pret* i cue* . the b!>’ oti tlse list In'ing the hist chops-, and tin* othei four in order • *t Choice I In will le de|Hftik*d as *»i dlnat v ballot'*, m the rare of a selected committee, and counted by them, and the name having the largest numU'i ot Notes will is* deeiated the candidate. I( tor a |H»lltieal othec. each party w i select their i artv emdidates m the ’ same yy ay \\ e mi;) give the outline of the plan, j the details to make everything work I sate, are simple enough. Preceding Mich direct primary , the el at ms of those whom any one wishes tl*- selected, may tie publicly presented or privately discussed, winch will prevent h>o wide a scattering of choice. The t'ourant says tliat in Hartford camtidates for Senator* are to t»e selec ted by the primary mettuHl Putnam should select at least one candidate this fall, for some special office. 1 he votersof Putnam, or any other town, may thus have the operation of the dire.'t primary denumatrated, to learn whether it is a feasible improvement or not It is another proposition the HuadncKs Men's Association should take in hand and carry through to comple tion, and it w ill be remembered to their credit, we teei assured Intfrntini Loculi ht«*> rv | >mi ml l<_\ mkeMnfr.v Men • M'»wt U|« i v, l.adies ms l niun Shvart'o., Areade Mlnok, I’utnam. W M Man»lWld A i n sell Kmir Ar thur Hour. StK-A* Jnl> J> mu! JSt, t’handier A Morse will haw with them a latl> who will it. immiilriu the tt-HI-O steam t ook i i'r. Meat", i -iielable», and |i*>irv will j tie cooked with the tt-HUl t ooker. You ev .kithe entire dinner over our , Inn net Mum Helen A Maleta has received | the nomination fur tuunti sujierinten* deni of S -h.s' » in l.awerenoe counts. South lias.vita. best* of ftofcuf Potter. !$i»hop Henr? Codmin INHter, «et« enth Protestant Kfrtfleofrtd Bishop, of the Ittoeeae, New Vork, died on Tu*« flay night, at hi* turn me r borne, at ( <xfj»*r«tofin, X. Y., after an illuewief several week* The Bishop wa# fin eorwinu** « i d’y. itul the end fame peaceful an<I rfiliet. HU wife, hi* two duehten ami non, were at bin bedside wlietl l*c expired. Me wa* 74 year* old. A year ago, while pastor of the <*on g relational church at Kant ford, fie-. V\ it. Linaberry had oec**«nfi, in hi* -* rmon. I't speak of Bishop Potter, and re! a ter I the fidluwirig Interesting -tate rn *»t: •nirnethlnf mer a century ago there lived about three mile* on the road west of Aahford < ‘enter, a widowed mother and her two non*. The family was \ery possessing only a few acre* of I and. one eow, ami I wo or three sheep. The mother, however, wan a g * 11 v woman, and she determined that if she eould do nothing more for l*er two little f«oy*, she would t>rirate them up to honor ami worship Hut!. Sabbath after .**ahba:h mother and non a might seen making the journey together over the highway to the little I’ongre g it tonal ehureh at Aihforrl. < m** fold winter the need* of the fa mily were sogreat that the mother had the sheep sheared, that ahe might line tin* wool in the making of doth for warmereoat* for tier boys: she protect e<J the sheep from the cold by a pad fling of *t raw that w a* wound about their Inaflien. A* time pa-ned on the mother dck ene«l nr»*l died, ami her two son* went out into the larger world to nerve the t Mid 1 hat the mother ha*I lo\ed 'uni uel worked hia way through college anti for year* wan one of the most pro minent minUter* in Massachusetts. -p« ruling hi* ministry of M) year* a paalor <>f th*’ < nngregalional church at I rariklin, M»m., from March 1 . IT4'.' to May li-ith, I**-'. There he Ucaiitc the father of the young Samuel Nutt who went out with the first band of missionaries under t he A meriemi I»< »nrd from Holton to India and who afh r In* return to America li\edto an hon ored old ago ill the city <»f H.ntfnrd The oilier non of the Ashford mother iK’eame pastor ft * f a little time of the Presby terian church < berry V.\ *\. ,\. N . w hen lie wan cal left to the Pi* ifleney of I nioii < 'ol'ege d’liere I phnh t Null won lame a* one of the greatest of Niiieriean t'olicge, Pre-i dent*, and wan called the ‘ Maker of St atenuieii * At amt two month* ago the mural tablet to the memory of President N«»tt pledged tw * year* ago, w an set hi place at the left ol the pulpit of the Presby terian ehureh at < berry Valley, V V., Inuring the following inscription »;i irn \j j i Non, i> i» i. l i> — cUuum ft renrrubile Irumen — I of * I y ear* President of I nion t ollege, w a*, from 17iwi to iv»s, Minister of this church and in the Academy here l**grtn hi* w ork an I IMd Mull born J une .!»*, 1T7w, I bed .1 in ’,'7, 1 s*.n I lerleil by III-* r:«||< Is ki , llenr> 4 I'utUM. l’>i»hoj» of New York I'HM *■ s s r U < M . |>« I 04 K The 1 11-4 WtKMl^icM'k 4 **riH I Ihiml will Imhl a eunrert on tin cuiiiiiiiiii >.»lur*la\ evening. lee treatn will U I on Milt*. Mathias I’ljimi i> "jHinlini; a . month in < amnia I *r M Hitlerite lluliunt is s|sen<tlrig a \ aeatiun in tin Vthromlaeks \| i ami Mrs < hnuneev M um ha\e ret trnetl from a t\\- wet ks stay on 4 H|H» 4 *m| • —Thlevesi broke into Louis < hn|*«t« Irtlne s saloon on We«linh|a\ nliilit.aml stole a lew ln>ttlesoi whiskey, ami live hollars m change Births In West rhnmp *n,J lU .n.a »lan:h ter lo Mi ami Mis W illiam >1 Marie Marriages In North W»h Ntoek, J \ I b\ Lev I Turner. I*t >! John Attains • >( W ashinw’lon h 4 . ami Miss | i i’aiiie « : Noitli W »H»«|stueK Deaths In 1 »st Thompson, July Is. Mrs Voorge 4 ut'er, a^etl'M M ars In i’utnwm, July A*. Ko>a I hiic t aet »l l«> yoiiN J L<. K. fcSinith Furnishing f- ludrrtaker, Arcade Block Main St. • « Sturt. TuItthuDt Cuaatutlut Ul Mvr J*l Srt*rr vwtrnfcir Cense U-nr Work tvr Menu**. l**tr. Lore Brothers South Main Street Putnam HtVt • » MQt'l Of tiranite and Marble Monument*, i Tablet*. tirate*fone*. Ar. i>» hand. A .-henil tbiOMiit *' Sr * »re t»n am tinier* lot *attie Sr ‘ore \: 11.1»*. Samuel \V. Neill. . Agent Notice WhtrtM my '«'n. 1 6\*\ ha* 1 ft h * ; home without him cau*»\.I henrl.y for. ti»«i any one lru«!in# him an mi ae tvunl.*' I *ha!i j»»y no tuli* id hi* c\*n ir*clinic ntirr ihi* datr J llt t i v i t, V\nnl.iAi. \xmw. Putnam, luied at Putnam, July 24. lyOo .X* ©OO0 00©©©©© O0©©©0© ©©0©O©©®©©© ©©©000 © © © © © 0 © JWid-Sumroer Clearance Sale | W! nod ai e.osing „!DoqW, * snec^l saV vou can r, .ke up y..ur nun-1 that it is * -goo 1 buy " This fa-t i* gm*r*\y no ler i ,r -vie* attract a h n of haters S exstft'-m'son. No mi- -tt^a f - Tuts sale has only one purpose, the ut of our spring so 1 summer stock to piar-e our ho is* in order for U), and winter wearables. This Sale Will Continue But Thirty Days MEN’S BOVS AM) CHILDREN'S CLOTHING If ATS AM) FURNISHINGS. The following price ioducemcu s will show you how very iaocb we desire to sell : 0 0 0 0 0 Mf>, - N >1') '■<>. 13.0') -lilt. H i v Men* 14 "tr. 15 no, It; txi -nit. now ]>»-. - >i. " I'* nO. 1 i.ll) -uit. now Jtov - I t io. I'i'i i. l<; i* i - in. now (’hildmii'i 1 "ft. .'5 <H) -uit. now Children*- 35 4 '»0 -tut. now fhildren'- 5 <*n. <i O'* -nit. now 0 75 !t <# ti 75 0 9* 1 98 98 3 98 STRAW HATS Men's 3 0 i at-, now - 5<> i Men's - 50 Lat-. bow “-!,0 Men's 2 < 0 hats, now 1-50 Men's 1.50 hat-, now TOO m.;vs underwear Men's .Vie l.a'briosn. or blue ribbed sLirts and drawers. 3!>e Men's "»ii’ negligee shirts, now Site Middlesex sock-. P«r P»«* I, it won't pay to come to this sale, it won't pay to pic't up dollars. Its your opportunity. The Church Clothing Company G 0 Putnam Hartford Danielson 1 uuidm j iai uwiu ©© 0000000©0000000000©©©©030©©0© ©00 CITY TAX Notice A warrant Jiavirm Uen issueil to me for liir collection of taxes iexie*l by the iriHinl li't of the City of Putnam, for the year Phi7, » ! ieh no <lne ami pax ,t hlc on or 1-efore Antf'ist 1*7, P***, ac conlimt to the rate of -act city, nattce i« herein ttixen h the purpose >f recci' imt la\i> f will lnix-t all |»ersoiis li t*'h- hi pay taxes »| ie s ii.| city . at the ('tty t oimcil Itoom. *■ I nil Street, rut I' . I- play, - i' lax, \mju~t I ||, I.>. |:His, from !• o'clock a. m. to . o'clock |>. m. If not p.iiil for within i In- time jirexcrilieil ■ n let' ami per cent mteieot xx ill <»• cnarK*'i|. .IllsKI’H M- K M IIM K. r .dot oi rn\es t.n i t ity o: Put nam. Itatciiat Putnam, t am. July IT.Ioox. (aiidis Pugislralinii \otin* I he ItxRlstrarx of \ h r- of the Town of Pulliam will U- in -< --i m it the se lect iiii'ii s office ill I iiion IMoek. Friday, August 7 and I'riday, August 1 from t* o'clock noon until ‘i o'clock p. m., to register the legal xoters of Maid town who may apply lor the privileKe of yoliiiK in |n>lllic.-i! caucuses a- pre sentieil in thet 'onnex'Ueut Acta of liai.',. < hapter -!,'<■ t hose who have i reinl.y registered muter ttie ael.are not reijutreil to again unless ehuiiire of political preference is ilesireil I.Win T Wlhvrf.x, 'l'lliiM ys P, If y AN, Putnam. < onn . .1 uly - Registrar* I, PHIS. .1 For Sale. |*ro'*|Hirnii** bak*rv Iiifiik as.u it h i»•:*I t^latr ol aU»ut n*i*i »n land _ l-a storehouse «ith Hi, (Miiliilniim bake shop, large 11 •»11r house, u agon and car i nane house and tine stable. .\o hip in: 1 niaiu’es Hukesltof) ha* good i>riek , «*\en. If i 11 h k i F. \Vt*M t’hompson. t 'onn. 0 ;■ Sliki1 lAamiiiations Vn examination for Mate Teachers' ' < Vrtiflcntcs will »*• held at Israel I*nt nam x-Ium>1 building, Putnam, on Au* Kiist • and »< f rom !* a. m. to o p in. I-«>r information apply to Staleltoard <•[ Kducatioit, KiKim j-, ( apitol, Hart ford The examiner will Ik* glad to confer with |H iM<ns desiring to enter the Nor mai N*lun»h. a) NOTICE : 1 V i\ 1 »*?»«'*•« u: No!: • is h**rr sttm Squab Company, !. _;ar ■ 'i uui px>tmg uiult: The m.iii 'ii ('otiiKTlk'Utt and having , n, Woods! A, ug ‘ la:m» gainst such f t*mj*nny, |u Wo ! ■ Cilv of ftnUilu, > *.i* -I , Y * .! f h . > !.» , ! I . > . } - 1 .* . 1 ». '•> i; !!■ >1. i • Puerto Notice ' » I !nf ii!;■» !>"'.> ■ i Cvi nm? the \ i! ! A*t >; \ Aditoid, towu >■! Kttiioni, ri\ Wn»»iiiAai. and state of Connecticut, *V«.. »; l" «•- 1 W. lUi n:^ ati-l la N i . '<> **id Ueoiifc W Darim»: • i tint* ot i an>i contains nth! acre* iiiuir . iK»i r V'l as follow* li«*aT*u»: g at «tak< ami *! > •'* at the nwthwtst turner ot *a i I-' f*y .’»*v ruuuiug »auth«riv on ' *4id highwav *!k»uI 60 rods to a *take ami *ion«--. It bring th« southwest comer o! , *a \ ' «t. i »*’« b\ the ’.and of John Ho ojan - !•* %?ah» i '• «* about f‘0 red*. Noitb \ by an i foi tm ' m -I by 1 . M. Alien to the tn *! cameo A* .u*s* i IkhI on |’*i.T 1 A\ h ot ’he land r»s*Oi * of |«kv • ot tax notice, the !*»u of Hartford. >a»d ictr> bring f u the pay ment o! tax due. the I iwboi Rn*ftord on : ■*: ot 1 HOT, at d amounting with !rt*! mt rent to $ i 07. Th»' « to give notioe t a! on the 25th day «•* N-f'ruiier, ll*t*b a! 10 o'. jock, a m. a' the sign past in the village ot Norik Ashford 'n said •own ot f asttOfd. 1 ’‘bad *rU enough of said •eai estate to pat said tax together w tb the awful cxal and charges thereon Caro I*. IwvthaO', f ollrrlM at Taxes, town of Kasllord, !*h«em\v V. Conn., »Jul\ 20th, 19U&. at-£5 Notice W Vffsi l the subscriber having levied a r«\ warrant ttfnuj * certain tract *»i land *iua?tyg in the southern par* or *he Tow* - f Ba*?b*ra and near’ e Wrst line. North of Hal ’* KewonMnr in town of f '•atfoT'* i «>uutv of Windham and ela’e *•! « eattnitevi taxed at-4 a***« MP»d to Fran X Kin*k»vn>i. and "Upptitrtt to hr I ‘«g !o *aid FT*av \ K vkwtHsl A m« «! A!«Ses-tue»t and C**«tair * 4 ,. »* iv e %-r hr*a ueaa'nbed a» fo»* North t.% and bow or former iy €»f V% !*!»•« W i(tak*r and WiUiauj Hrata*'. ' *Vt r ^ Ua . u ^ Mnwer’v of Fl sha t«rant ! and d Hnttvil and heirs cf -j ’Sejak »*v»fkortv bv :aed now i\c formerH hr land of • •lit* i> r« amt fnesaaii K»-nee!4>o add on i The A * ,• aa,4 h-u. r«sa and land now ; or f > <« e»* d •■> \ s VVerAs and H A . fU-n- n v% p«f» fP!, r«L s | ; I'- ’Vj» ;U ’%rn o' Kadroni va*d .ro betiig tie i ^vntenr o' ’a* due ti»« ?v»*n of Kaatfor i 1 * h'» •*! jo-, , *»,} amisantind teh ega: interest j *t s, Ttu» I* *«- gtxr Busier that »*a the M:r. Sfp rater. •*« ai »oV et a in , at th" { | »»cs p* »■ '.a f- *en»a%UU’ in mi-: Town of r.asf *o-d. 1 »h* «eH enonfh ’d *a»«i rea- ••>T«te to • i’*‘ saKl Tvjf' . r m:h the ‘.aWfnl *>'•’> ltd • cv. - i %i‘» t*. l.sthaDi. ‘ * v ' town • f ta>. Vrd. I'boetiki* r, i one . : J v >56, -*e I'o Will W dhaiii Dresser's Dius:Store FOR GIFTS Some very dainty bits of Fine China and Glassware as well as 9 Delicious Candies in Boxes Dresser’s Druer Store \r v> : Kr of probate Holdes *» »• 1‘ ;«»•! w.thm and tor «a : »u.,t o! Pulliam Vli t£*<- Cgnd dav of Jut\ \ l> -a* Kdaardi. O" m< - r •! AUfed T |>»,.s cl fu-oam loin »d».unt-.-or «.•>! . U»i«d mil,, rfl-MH ha. Jl CuIL.r • Hhiii MM di.irtct, deceived tumam ThMnnwiau-w Ih»: .1 month, b* al 'i“:1 «»•««> f‘" or »M ,.t.te y-*:.'l>ll>,t *h»tr «•»«»!»* to Mm* to t|i* VlH.mii.r.T., »„,l dlwl> ,-mile notice v eirm.lthia older b> adirrti.iBaiaat.f.^^, ha.iUg • CUVU.atloa in MM d ■ , t'TMBl IU* a copy Jksm.1 00 the HM, ,,»n ix»t {, \*,i ESU-SHT,, 1 Saturday at Store of E. MULLAN 2! Bar# Star Soap. Sibi Prune# Gold Medal Butter Banner Oat# Sew Potatoes Blue Ribbon Raisins 22 lb# Sue Uranuisud Sugar, to the pnreuaser ot a pou «0c bulk tea Gold Medal Fioor General r’utnax Flour Pastry Floor Young America Cheese, •**okea Shouidera tVa Bean# Blue Label Catsup Libby’* 2 ,b« can O* Tongue L'bbj a 1 lb Lunch tongue 5 ib# Bulk b»4rcB Red Kidney Bean*, ft 00 25c 2Sc lb 26: pkge *0c peck 10c pkge fl 00 nd of our 65c bag 76e bag CSr bag 15c lb , 10c lb b- qt 1 1 be f»c , 24c 25c ’ »e <jt | ALL GRADES OF Pianos and Organs Sold on easy paymentsor for Rent. ijnpn at $11.75 llivJU and upwards Edison and Columbia Phonographs and Supplies 1^*2,000 Edison records constantly in stock. 1 t copies st iiulard music at IOC a copy. A th- ]> ipular music at 19c D;t'0 i s [mb ication sheet music 1-2 off. A Fresh Stock of Strings for all Instruments. Try our Italian Violin Strings. 40C each. Pure Silver Wound <» Strings, 50C each. F. G. LETTERS, & CO. Main and Union Streets. Putnam. G'onn. Shoes (Dost Go Commencing Friday, July II Must go to make room for fall goods. Plenty of time yet; to wear -ummer shoes. Every pair from regular stock. 1 hese are not out of style and simp worn but clean and up-to-date shoes. Below are a few of our many inducements. Look at these Prices : ie\w< iod black and tan blucher oxfords, 4.00, now »> *>0 JIe>Wi> ' and via blucher Oxfords, 3.50 now 2.98 2.49 2.49 W omen s Sorosis black and tan blucher *) Oft oxfords, 3.50, now **** ^ W omen s Sorosis russia calf, one eyelet tie, 4'oo, *1 now One lot Sorosis mat kid gibson tie broken sizes, 70 3.50, now —1 v Women's black and tan oxfords, 3.00, now ^"n ' h’a-'k v'a and gun metal and russia calf blucher oxfor >. 3.00. now Mens pattern colt blucher oxfords, 3.00, now Women s biack and tan oxfords,, now W omen s black and tan oxfords, 2.00 now. Women s black and tan oxfords. 1.50, now 2 49 2.10 1.69 1.39 Many other styles in Misses’, Children s lv \ ' and Youth's, marked way down not mentioned above. Come in. We are always glad to show our goods. iiWe (Jive Green Trading Stamps with this Sale. C. M. Elliott Central Block. Putnam.